CY CD's r. How Uncle James got along with his Neighbors. Not many years since a person from 'the land of steady habits strayed into the region of Princes Bay, and parches ed a fine residence near the water; be was characteristically austere, penurious and unneighborly ; his lands were so sit uated that the oystermen had to pass across them to reach their boats, for 'which he exacted toll of each man ; he had control over the waters of the creek, where it was necessary they should plant them to fat and freshen ; for this privi lege each man was made to pay so much 'per bushel, or forego the privilege.— This exacting spirit of the man soon excited the hatred of the oystermen— they turned the tables on him, and an noyed him in every way their ingenuity could invent. On returning at night from town, he would often find the draw of the bridge swung aside, or something the matter with the gate so that he could not get in. In a word, Mr. Tito Barnacle was finally compelled to sell out and leave to get rid of his uncom fortable neighbors, whom his own pet tishness and liberality had incited to re taliation. This place was purchased by a kindly old gentleman whom we shall call, as everybody else did, Uncle James; he had been long familiar with a sea faring life, and knew the charac ter of the men with whom he had to deal. He was not long settled in the place before a delegation of oystermen waited upon him; he received them as one neighbor should another, in a friend ly manner. They had called to say that they wished to lay their oysters in his creek, and wished to know how much he would charge them for the privilege. "I wish to be neighborly, and to have good neighbors around me," said Uncle. James, "and 1 shall, not disagree with you; plant your oysters there and wel come, and give me what you think it is worth." "But," say they, "we would like to pass across your land, from our houses to the shore, it is nearer, what shall we pay you ?" "Put the bars up as you go along, and when you see the cattle in, drive 'ern out," said Uncle James, "that is all 1 ask." They took a drink of apple-jack and parted. From time to time a bushel of the finest oys ters would be set down at Uncle Tames' door, and he would hardly know who had committed the depredation. The year passed away, and there was no complaint to make of any unneighborly conduct on either side. They met for a settlement at Uncle James' house, the applejack was brought out, and all took a smile ; after which the question was again put by the oystermen : "How much shall we pay you, Uncle James, for the use of the creek 7" "If it has been of any benefit to you," replied the old man, - you can each give me what you can afford." One put down ten dollars, another twenty; some more, some less, until nearly five hundred dol• lars were voluntarily paid : which was more than double the sum which Tite Barnacle extorted by menace and mean ness from the same men. The person who related these facts to us, closes the story by saying: "If you wish to get along with the Prince's Bay oyster men, you must say—Poor pussey,' but never say Scat y' bitch If you do, their fire will be up at once." Bonnets and Flats A SPLENDID stock of the most fash ionable Bonnets for ladies and girls, also Flats, and Hat Trimmings, lOr chil dren, just received and for sale cheap at May 13. . HENRY & STINE'S. More New Books! T IPPINCOTT'S PRONOUNCING. GAZET TEER OF TILE WORLD, and GREAT TRUTHS BY GREAT Ammons, received and for sale at Good's Book Store, Market square. Lebanon, .Pa., Juno 10, 1857.-It. BARBER SHOP. DALY & WILLIAMS would respectfully in form the citizens of Lebanon that they, have opened a. first class SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, in Market street, opposite the Lebanon Bank. They would solieit a share of the public patronage. Lebanon, May 20, ISs7.—tf. Philip F. NUCanny, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker iv Cumberland street, One door East of the V Black Horse Hotel. The subscriber desires to in form thepublic that hehas open- ed as above, where he is prepar- • ed to execute orders for Boots and Shoes of the 'finest finish and style, and equal, if not superior, to any heretofore offered to the public. • [may 27, 1857. LOOKING GLASSES. G. .Fr. iictvces, 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Manufacturer of " Ornamental and Plain Guilt Looking Glass es, Portrait and Picture Frames of every style; a large stock of the above always on hand, which I will sell from 10 to 15 per cent. less than any other establishment in the city. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, &C. Old work reguilted, dm. A liberal discount to the trade..G. W. DEWEES. No. 154 North 2d street, below Race, west. side April 29, 18.57.-6 m. Philada., Old No. 102. Wanted Wanted 5000 pounds of Butter, 3000 doz. Eggs, 2000 pounds Lard, 1000 pounds Tallow, 800 pounds Hard Soap, 2000 Hams, 1500 Shoulders, 1000 pounds Bacon. Also, Dried Peaches and Apples, Potatoes, &c., &c.., for which the high est market prices will always be given in exchange for Goods at the cheap Dry Goods store of HENRY & STINE, South-west corner of Market and Cum berland streets, Lebanon, Pa. May 13, 1857. DAGIJERREOTYPES LITHO takes thebestLlKENESSESinLebnmen? 1111 Why. J. 11. REIM, in the EAGLE BUILDINGS. He has the best room, best light, best fixtures, and has made it his entire business for the last five years. He always gets the latest improve ments; he has always the latest style of oases on hand ; he takes pictures in every style of the art ; his STEREOSCOPE PICTURES are wonderful to behold. All his pictures are sharp, correct, and of the highest finish. Give him a call and you will not regret it. His terms are very mod erate. ts. His rooms are open every day (except Sunday,) from d'o'elock, A. M., till 6 P. M. Lebanon, Jana 3, 1867., piALL and'ice the etock , of thins di McAdam ••• [April 1, 1857. RARER & BROS. NEW FIRM. CSOQUENG: at the well-known and Fashionable Clothing Store, of RABER • A A B TH EE DOORS WEST OF THE B E COURT HOUSE. E RABER TProprietors of this establishment respect fully announce to the public, that they have now ready the largest, cheapest and best assort ment of Spring and Summer Ready-made CLorn- ING ever before offered in Lebanon. Their stock embraces the latest style of garments adapted to the season, viz:—DnEss Coax's; Fine Black Cloth Frock and Dress Coats. BUSINESS COATS; Black, Brown, Green, Gray, Olive and Fancy Cloth Sin gle-Breast, Frock and Sack Coats. SUMMER Coats, of all kinds and prices. PANTALOONS; fate Black Cloth and Dm Skin, Fancy Cassimore, Satinet, Jean and Corduroy Pants.Ts; Bl'k satin fancy silk, Marseilles, of all colors, Cash mere, Valencia, Satinet, Worsted and Cloth Vests. ALso, on hand an :assortment of Woolen and Cotton Undershirts and Drawers, White and Fig ured Shirt!, C6llars, Cravats, Pocket Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Fancy Stocks, Gloves, Hosie ry, Coat Links, &e. Returning thanks for past favors, they respect fully Loh a continuance of public patronage. 7701" The TAILORING BUSINESS in all its branch es, is continued as heretofore. April 22, 1856 WILLIAM MORRIS, VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, - MO. 52i NORTH EIGHTH street, (Above Arch, ...L' Wrest side,) Philadelphia. An assortment or PLAIN & FANCY BLINDS, always on hand, at the lowest prices. Old blinds, repainted and trimmed equal to new, and JOB BLNG promptly attended to. A handsome assortment of Window Shades, of the latest and most Fashionable Patterns, and Reed Blinds constantly on hand, to which Noe ret spectrally call the attention of the public. Also, Store Shades made and lettered to order. April 15, 1557.-3 mos. Union Hotel, North Lebanon Borough. THE subscriber announces to the citizens of North Lebanon borough, and the public in general, that be has taken the old and well known Hotel lately kept by John H. Miller, on the north side of the Union Canal, fronting Canal and Mar ket Streets. He will spare no pains to make it a house in every way answering the wants of the traveling public. Every attention will be given to secure the comfort of his guests. His Table will be supplied with the best the market can af ford, and his Bnr with the choicest Liquors.— The Stabling. attached to this Hotel is in excel lent order, and careful hostlers will always be in attendance. He hOpes to receive a share of the public patronage. _ _ JONATHAN GEESAMAN may 13, 1957.-3 t IVII L I SA W. 411 I% L 3 62 ACRES' OF LAND PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber, being desirous of selling .his merchant and GRIST MILL, together with his SAW MILL and sixty-two acres of land, takes the present opportunity of informing the public that he has one of the best Mill Properties in the coun ty of Lebanon, situate one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown, on the Swatara Creek, and one-half mile from the Union Canal, at Tones town. This mill has been newly ' , remodeled with the best of bevel gearing, and everything in the best of order, for either country,or merchant, work. The land is in a high state of cultivation, it being lately limed with one hundred bushels to the acre, and is all under new fences. Any per son ,wishing to view said property, can call at the mill for information, or on the subscriber, two miles from Jonestown. An indisputable title will be given, and by paying a small advance on the property at the time possession is given, the bal ance will be, sot out in paymentS to suit the pur chaser. MARTIN WENGERT. Swatara tp., December 31, 1856.—tf. CLOCKS, CLOCIKS, JUST RECEIVED AT J. W.ACKEIt 7 S 1 From $1,25 to $lO, 8 day and 30 hour. Oct. 22. '56. D. S. R A.B E Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Corner of Cumberland Bt., and Doe alley, few doors west from Greenawalt's Hardware Store. Lebanon, Penna. DRUGS, PERFUMERY, MEDIC INES, PAINTS, Glf E MICA LS, - DYE-STUFFS. rpIIE undersigned having just received a large and well-selected stock of unadulterated Eng lish, Trench, and American Drugs,. 'Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Perfumery, Dye-stuffs, Varnish, Turpentine, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Glassware, Brushes., llajr Oils, Toi let Soaps, Sugars, Tohacce and a variety of Fancy artieles too numerous to mention. Due-Stuffs. Bengal Indigo, Logwood, Madder, Tumeric, Annnto, Ext. Logwood, Cochineal, Copperas,. 44,c. Sime's genuine Cod-LiYor Oil. Ext. of Dande lion, Medicinal Wines, Brandy, Abe., sold only for -Medicinal purposes at D. S. Baler% Drug Store, Lebanon, Pa. For Family Use. Cox's Patent Refined Gelatine, French Gelatine, I' ice Flour, Heekor's Farina, Corn Starch, Flavor- I•tg Extracts, Lemon, Vanilla, Rose, Orange, Ran t na, Celery, &c., also all kinds of Spices, Am., s old cheep at Ember's Drug Store. Trusses! Trusses! 7 J)! titK® ti?!, A large assortment of the most improved styles of American and French Trusses, varying in p, ices from 50 cents to $5. Also hood's Abdora h al Supporters, Vanhorn's Uteri Abdominal Sup p,rters, Vanborn's Shoulder Braces, ac., sold eTteap at D. S. Raber's Drug Store. For Horses and Cattle. Duet. Pbreaner's Yellow Water powder, Con dition powder, Heave powder, Heinitch's German Vegetable Horse powder, Doct. J. Worley's Horse tad Cattle powder, Leader & Co.'s Horse and ' attic powder, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Horse man's Hope, Hembold's Liniment, &e., &c. Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye. Warranted to make Soap without Limo and with little or no trouble. Ono box of Saponifier costing only 181 cents• will make 9 pounds of Hard Soap, or 15 gallons of Soft Soap. Sold at D. S. Raher's Drug Store. Worms, Worms, J. Gerhard's Infallible Worm Destroying Syr up, Pahnestock's, Gallagher's, and Dr. Jayne's Vermifuge, Inc., also Holloway's Vegetable 'Ver flange Confections, a safe and effectual remedy for worms. This is a delighful preparation of sugar, that any child will eat withpleasure. Ask for Rolloway's—as none other are genuine. Sold at D. S. Rabor's Drug Store. All the popular Patent medicines, sold at D. S. RABER'S Chenp Drug Store, Cumberland at., a few doors from Greenawalt's Hardware Store. July 23,1856. Venetian Blinds and Shades. A. Britton & Co., Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, No. 32 North Second street, above Market, Philadelphia. The largest, cheapest and hest assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES of any establishment in'the United States. First premiumtiriyarded, by the Vr;tinklin Institute, in 1862 and 1850, over all competition. May 13, 1857.-3 m. BANVEL P.EINOELIL. :: ADOLPHUS Emma.. CHAS. H. MILT A HOME FOR ALL! 3 3 3 3 3 Aalrita - . The Largest, Best and Cheapest AssonTmErrr OF LUMBER AND COAL over offered heretofore to the public, AT THE OLD YARD IN 'North Lebanon Borough, (FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY MARK hREINORIIL,) Situated on Bast 4. West side of Mar ket street, at Union Canal. MIRE uneersigned take this method of inform ing the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding Counties, that they have now on hand a large stock of WELL SEASONED LUMBER, and are constantly receiving additions theroto. Their as sortment consists in part of 'White and Yellow PINE and nEmLocx BOARDS. 11 inch and 2 inch PANNEL and COMMON PLANKS. White PINE and HEMLOCK SCANTLING and Jots Ts. 1 inch and inch CHERRY BOARDS, PLANKS and TABLE LEGS. Alco, I inch and .1 inch POPLAR BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTLING. HARD WOOD, Such as ASH and VhTITE OAK BOARDS, PLANKS and SCANTING. SHINGLES, SHINGLES, SHINGLES ! A great assortment of good PINE and ilatmoow SIILNGLES. Also, ROOFING and PLASTERING LATHS. Also, RAIDS, POSTS, and ready topped PALINGS for fencing. Flooring Boards, Doors and Window Saeh. Of which they positively hare the largest and best assortment ever offered in this section of coun try. COAL! COAL ! ! COAL!!! They keep constantly on hand the best quality of Broken, Stone and Lilac/owl/ere COAL. Also, the best quality of Hollitiollaburg Smith Coal, which are sold at reduced prices. 'laving now on hand much the largest and completest assortment of Lumber ever offered '.to the public in Lebanon ' they feel Confident of being able satisfactorily to accommodate all pur chasers, and would, therefore, invite an examina tion of their stock before purchasing elsewhere. REINCKIILS' Sz, MEILY. North Lebanon Borough, Sept.l7, Removal To No. 4, Eagle . Buildings. A. RISE'S Fashionable Hat and Cap Store, Market Square, Lebanon, Pa THE undersigned hereby' informs his friends and the public 'in general, that he is now, and will be always, fully prepared to supply his cus tomers with goods in his line Wholesale and re tail, at the shortest notice, and upon the most ac commodating terms. His stock consists of Bea rer Nutria, Russia, Cassimeru, Moleskin, Silk, Soft Hats, &c., which he will dispose of at the lowest prices. All his Hats are manufactured un der his own immediate superintendance and he feels warranted in saying, that for durability and finish they cannot ho surpassed. Country mer chants, visiting Lebanon, dealing in hats and caps, can ho supplied at wholesale prices, from one to a dozen, such sizes as they may want. *tm,. N. B.—Fox, Mink, Muskrat, and Rabbit, Skins wanted, for which, the highest market prices Will be paid. [Lob:, Feb. 6, 1856. GUILFORD & LEMBERGER'S New Drug& ChemicAl Store, Market Street, Lebanon, Pa. GIIILFORD do LEMBERGER base opened their elegant new Drug Store, with a full as sortment of pure and well-selected Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Dye- Stujis, 4-c., 4-c. For Family Uses, all kinds of Spices, Farina, Corn Starch, Arrow-root, Cooper's Isinglass and French Gleyktine,Flavoring Extracts for puddings, pies, custards, /sc., of their own manufacture, which need but a single trial to prove theirsupe rior flavor. Rennet wine for making slip junket., ric.;much more economical and convenient than the old method, and various other articles which will recommend themselves to Housekeepers. Perfumery and Toilet Articles of every description, Extracts for the handker chief of the choicest odors, a full variety of Hair Oils and Pornatums, a superior assortment of soaps, including the celebrated Nymph soap for beautifying the complexion. The Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Mean Fun a Chinese prepara tion for the skin, and a full assortment of other Toilet Powders. Hair,,Tooth and Shavingbrush es, and a variety of.EUtfalo, India, rubber, Horn and Ivory combs. - Dye Stu s, Indigo, madder, logwood, For Houerekeepers—Burning Fluid , Carophone or Pine-oil, lamp oil, irashingsoda, Saponifier, pure spices, Herbs, and such other articles as are required in families. Trusses, of every size, and all the popular Patent Medi cines, Medicinal Winos and Brandies, and achoiee variety of Sugars end Tobacco. Guilford St Lemherger will use every effort to serve the citizens of Lebanon and others, with all articles in their line of a purity, freshness andper feetion unsurpassed, which they fit - niter themselves their facilities and knowledge of the Drug busi ness will fully enable them to. Physician's Prescriptions accurately compound ed, and personal attendance given at all hours. tvt„. The Store will be open on Sundays, for dispensing medicines only, from 8 to 9 in the morning and from 1 to 2 in, the afternoon., Lebanon, Dec. 24, 1856. C LOCKS. Thirty say, Eigitt JD ay, Thirty Hour, CLOCKS , Just Received at J. J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon, Pa. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. THIS HAIR DYE needs only a trial to satisfy all of its perfection as a Dye, and the follow ing testimonial from that eminent Analytic Chemist, Professor Booth, of the U. S. Mint, will only confirm what thousands have previously borne testimony to. "Laboratory for Practical Cheraistry, ST. SUMMIT'S PLACE, j Philadelphia, "February 17th, 1557. "Being well acquainted with the substances composing Hover's Liquid Hair Dye, I am satis fied that by following the simple directions given for its use, it will not injure the Hair or Skin, but will give a natural and durable color to the hair, JAMES C. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist." HOVER'S WRITING INKS, including Hover's Fluid, and Horer'e Indelible hike, are too well known and introduced to require any additional. testimony of .their character. The, sales have been increasing since their first introduction, giv ing evidence that the articles truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at first for them by the Manufacturer. Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RAW street above .FOURTH, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by JOSEPH E. HOVER, April 15, 185.7.—1y.] Manufacturer. SPRING MILLINERY. MISS C. WOZELSDORF, opposite Dr. C. D. Gloninger, begs leave to inform the Ladies that she is now opening a splendid assortment of SPRING MILLINgRY, of the latest styles, comprising Fancy Crape and Silk Bonnets, Plain and fancy Neapolitans, English and American Straws,lnfant Caps,Miss. es Bonnets, French Flowers, Rib. bone and Laces. • t4a.. Also, Trimming, Bleaching, and Press ing done at the shoilest notice. April 1, 18f#7.-2m. Leather, Leather, Leather! IiffENRY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French 1.1. Calf Skint3, and general Leather Dealer, No. 6, South 3d street, Philadelphia. - A general assortment of - all kinds of Leather, Moroecos ' Red OalrEole Leather. Feb. 25, 1857.—1 y. LEBANON ADVE 25 Witnesses; 0 or, THE = Forger Convicted. CD JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR, t'Who has had. 10 years' experience as a Bank er and Publisher, and Author of . C) A series of Lectures at the Broad way Tabernacle, 0..... e p when, for 10 successive nights, ever ot Oztr 50,000 People t Greeted him with rounds of Applaus,o, while p ho exhibited the, manner in which coun terfeiters execute their Frauds, and the surest and shortest means of Detecting them CD The Band Note Engravers all say 15; that he is the greatest judge of pa n per money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF Ile Present Century for eloN Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. o• • "'Describing every Genuine Bill . in existence, and exhibiting at a glance every Coun terfeit, in Circulation!! 2 Arranged so admirably, that Reference is Easy and Detection Instantaneous. eq- No index to examine ! •••• No pages to hunt up ! <2. But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business man can See all at a Glance. • . English, French and German. CD Thus each may read the same in his 0 11 own Native Tongue. RkMost Perfect Bank Note List ti:›PUBLISHED. Also a list of .PAll the Private Bankers in America. DA Complete summary of the Finance of En (=rope and America will be published in each =edition, together with all the important News of the Day., A Series of Tales, C) From an old manuscript found in the East. IV It furnishes the most complete History of or • Oriental life 2 Describing the most perplexing positions ‘" in which the ladies and gentlemen of that country have been so often found. These stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the moat entertaining CD ever offered to the public. re, "ft,.,Furnislted. Weekly to subscribers on !..illy, at. 1 a' year. All letters Must, be ad dressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker. v .IL. .... Publisher and Proprietor,•7o Wall street., April 22, 1857. • New York. SUFFERERS with diseases of the Bladder, Kid neys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, be., read the advertisement, ,in another column, headed "Jlehulaild . s Genuine Preparation." Dr. Ross' - Drug Store Opposite the Contt House, Lebanon, Pa. DR. ROSS offers to buyers the best bargains in drugs, in Lebanon ; a long and varied expe rienee-,_ of over twenty years, in the drug and_ medical science, enables him to do up things in the first style. Purchasers will please make a note or these facts. ADAM RISE u• the Pernmnent Cure of Neu lgia, St. Vitus' Dance, and all Mr Nervous diseases, cold by Ross. Upham's. Electuary, :ertiin cure for the Piles. ..14.1arshisi's Uterine Cathol in, For the cure of all fern. dis. H. H. Higbee's Remedy, the cure of Coughs, Colds A - rofess. Wood's Hair Restorative, For promoting the growth of hair, always to be bad at the principal drug depot of Dr. Ross. Henry's ,Invigorating, Cordial, The best tonic in use for strengthening the hu man system sold oply by Dr. Ross. Dr. Hasting's Syrup of Naphtha, Is fast superseding all other medicines for the cure of Consumption,andßronchitis. Dr. Ross, sole agent. • Allen's Razor Powder, For Razor Straps. Pure Ohio Catawbaßrandy—a- pure and safe article fer Medical use, to be had at Dr. Ross'. Allen's Liniment, for Rheumatism. -Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative Is an unfailing restorer of the Flair, it is taking the lead of all ether remedies for the hair. No toilet is perfect without mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative. Call at Dr. Ross' Drug Store for mrs. Allen's Flair Restorative. See adv. in another col. Dr. Ross' Worm Lozenges Are as sweet as sugar and a certain cure for Worms. Dr. Ross' Infant Drops, For the relief of restlessness, colic pains, &c., of children. Sold only at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Cough, Cured for Twenty-five Cents. _ _ _ Dr. Piisiek's Cough Syrup is the cheapest and best remedy for Coughs,Colds,ctc. Call at Dr:ltess'. - Dr. Ross' Horse Powder Is the best }terse Powder ht use Dr. Ross' Cattle Powder Is fast taking the place of all other Cattle Powders For the cure of Old Strains, Swellings, Bruises, &c. Sold only by Dr. Ross. For the cure of sore, weak or in fl amed eyes. In dividuals who have been afflicted with diseases of the eyes, for months end years, have been entire ly cured by the use of Dr. Ross' Eye Salve. Fresh Garden Seeds In groat variety nt, Dr: Ross' Drug Store. Dr. Ross' Tester Ointment. Persons afflicted with totter, ringworm, and vs, rioes other skin diseases, will find various efficient Medicines for their curd at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Dr. Ross' Tooth Wash Is a very superior preparation for the Teeth and Gums. It whitens, clenns•aud preserve the teeth; and hardens the gums. It prevents and cures Scurvy. Try it, by all means, if : you value a swete breath and white teeth. Ask for Dr. Rosa' Tooth Weill. : . „. Heyi's Embrocatvon for . Horses Has no suporior for the cure of swellings, bruises, galls produced by the collar or saddle, scratches., old or fresh wounds. AskforHeyl's Embrocation. Trusses. Dr. Ross has a variety of Trusses—for infants, children or grown people. Unless a Truss fits, it is worse than useless—it will do harm. He has had an experience of over 18 years in this branch of surgery, and adjusts every Truss bought of him. 15 Gallons of Soap for 19 dents. One box of Saponifier, costing 19 cents, will make 9 pounds of hard soap, or 15 gallons of soft soap, without any trouble. Full directons given. Sold•at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. [April 8, 1857. BOOT Bh - . SHCE:STORE. . Jacob Rea d le, • RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he r still continues his extensive establishment in his now building, in Cumberland street, where he hopes to render the same satisfaction as hereto fore to all who may fairer him with their custom. Ho invites Merchants and dealers in Boots and Shoes, and every one who wishes to purchase fashiona ble and durable articles in his line, to call and ex amine for themselves, his large and varied stock. He is determined to surpass all competition in the manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for any market in the Union. A due care is taken in regard to materials and workman ship; none but the best quality of Leather and other materials are used, and none but the best workmen are employed. P. S.--31e returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the . very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. Ho hopes by strict attention to business and endeavoring to please his custo mers, to merit a share of public patronage. Lebanon, Oct. 17, 1858. Preserve your Teeth. aIIILFORD LEMBERGER prepare an arti- U. ale, Pearl Deatrifice, the finest Tooth powder, that can be used, having a most delightful odor and pleasant taste, polishes and preserves the tooth, to which it gives a -pearl-like whiteness, imparting a most delightful fragrance to the breath, restores the gums and •preteriek them in full health and vigor. Prepared and sold only, at . GUILFORD st. LRBIBERGRE'S New DrUg Mom Market st, January 7, 1857, Magnetic Sugar, Dr. Ross' Horse 'Liniment, Dr. Ross' Eye Salve, TISER. The Greatest Discovery ever Made. Grey Hair Restored to its limner Color without . Dyeing!!! TVEROMR'S HAIR COLOR RESTORER is acknowledg ed to be, and is, the most EFFECTUAL article for Restoring GREY HAIR to its former COLOR and BEAUTY, and causing it to grow when it has fallen oil and become thin. /101 , By the use of ONLY ONE BOTTLE—andin from ten to twelve days—the Greyest Hair will assume its orig inal, life-like;color, and the harshest hair will look soft, smooth and glossy. &ay' This valuable preparation Is only 51:1 cents a bot tle. Prepared by T. 11. JEROME, 176 Fulton street, Brooklyn, General Agent. Sold also by D. S. Rasa, at his cheap Drag and. Medicinal store, Lebanon, Pa. Sept. 24, 1816. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr..WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Br. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE (WIDE by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE.—YOUNG'S GREAT PHYSIO LOGICAL WORK, The Pocket Esculapius, or Every One Ills Own Doctor, by Wm. YOUNG, M. D. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of One Hundred Engravings. All young married people, or tbose contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with. Still, It is a book that must be kept locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty five cents. Addres Dr. WM. YOUNG, 159 SPRUCE street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. [January 7,1851.—1 y. SUFFER NOT When a Permanent Cure krjS guaranteed in all stages QI SECRET DISEASES, Self Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Gleets, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Ankles and Bones, Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Fyes, Ulcers upon the body, Female Irregularities, and all improper discharges, no matter of bow long stand ing, or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and in a - shorter time than a permanent cure could be effected by any other treatment, even after the skill of the most eminent physicians had failed, and the disease resisted all other means of cure. The remedies are free from odor, causing neither sickness nor inconvenience, and without mercury or balsam. During twenty years' practice, I have restored to health over seventeen thou sand patients, who were suffering under the worst forms of all of the above mentioned diseases, which guarantees me in promising a perfect and most speedy cure. Se cret diseases are the greatest enemies to health and hap piness, as they are the first cause of consumption, scrof ula, &e. and should be a terror to all nations on the earth; /or the disease is becoming so common. and treat. nient so little understood, that a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, as a majority of the cases fall in to the hands of incompetent persons, who not only fail Co cure the malady, hut ruin the constitution with cor rosive sublimate—a dangerous poison, a preparation of mercury—which, with the remains of disease in the sys tem, produces many of the above named affections, which finally terminate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one-; but should it not cause death speedily, and the victim to disease marries, th', disease is then convey ed from the permit to the children, causing them to come into the world with scrofula, affections of the skin, eyes, throat, and again terminates in consumption, and consigns its victim to an untimely grave, between the ages of six mouths and thirty.five years. Sell:abuse is another formidable enemy to health; it destroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting away the energies of lire, causing mental derangement, preventing a proper development of the system, and disqualifying its victim for marriage, society, business, and all earthly happi ness. Female Irregularities, and all other diseases of females, treated in the most skillful and scientific man nor. Medicines, with directions, sent to any part of the: United States and Ganadas, by patients communicating their symptoms, by letter, to J. SUMMERVILLE, 51. D., Box 53, Postbaiee; FILBERT Street, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. [March 18, 1857.-dy. CONSUMPTION ,ct, ND all Diseases of the Lungs and . Throat are pool -411.41 Lively curable by inhalation, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air passages, -and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy expeetoratiou, Leah; the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nor- Tons system, giving that tone and energy so indispensa ble for the restoration of health. To be able to suite confidently that Consumption is curable by Inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under the control . of - medical - treatment-as any—. formidable:disease ; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured inthe brst stages, and fifty per cent: in the' second; but in the third stage it is-.impossible to save more than five per cent., for the lungs are so cut up by the disease as to defy. medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, whWh an nually destroys ninety-tire thousand persons in the .U -nited States alone ; and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions arc destined to fill the Consumpthe's grave. Truly, the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal ns Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but swoops off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, middle gift ed. By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift. I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Con sumption. The first cause of tubercles is from Impure Blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their depo sition in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then, surely, it is more ra tional to expect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs, than from those administered through _the stomach ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing- easy, after inhaling come- I dies. True, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless, it acts constitutionally, and with more power and cer tainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct Influence of this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will destroy sensibil ity in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous sys- I tem, FO that a limb maybe amputated without the slight est pain; Inhaling thcordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently- dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin, a few moments af ter being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional ef fects of inhalation, is the fast that sickness is always pro duced by breathing foul air. Is not this positive evi dence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judi ciously administered through the lungs, should produce the most happy results ? During eighteen years' prac tice, many thousands, suffering from diseases of the Lungs and throat, have,been under my care; and I hare effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the lest stages, which fully sat isfies me that Consumption is no longer a fatal disease.— My treatment of Consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough' investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &e., enables me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption. and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case.— This familiarity, in connection with certain pathological end microscopic discoveries, enables ,me to relieve the lungs front the effects of contracted cheats t to en-, large the chest, purify the blood, import to, it reneived vi tality, giving energy and tone totheentire system. Dos 03, Post Office, G. W. GRAHAM, M. D. Officelo9 BERT Street, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. March 18, CANCER -IN.STITUTE _can the treatment of Cancers, Tamers, Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases, generally, can be cured- (if curable) without surgical operation or poison. For particulars, write, state diseas es plainly,and enclose twenty-iivocents for advice. All letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to .prepay answer. Medicine can be sent any distance. Address C. L. KELLING, M. D., Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa. .trir Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from narrisburg, on the C. V. IL and aceessiblefrom all parts of the Union. Old and young,poorandrich,come willdo,you good. To those afflicted, who cannot visit me personally, I will send, per mail, on receipt of $5.00 only, a Recipe to prepare medicine, with full directions for use, &c. State all particulars. Address as above. B" your Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Spices, Combs and Brushes, Spices, Dye Stuffs, Var nishes, genuine Cigars, Pure Southern Tobacco, Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm Candles, &c., at GUILFORD AI LEISIBERGER'S New Drug Store, opposite the Market house. January 7, 1557. CARPENTERS WANTED. 12 GOOD JOURNEYMAN CARPENTERS wanted immediately at the Steam Planing Mills of the nndersigned, in this borough. None but the best of hands required, to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to BOAS, GASSER, & GETTLE. Lebanon, Feb. 18, 1857.4 f. TKINS & MoADAM have just received a grek flew stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Travelling ; begs. ' riIINDORE OVES are selling the cheapest .1.• Staffed Cane Seat and Common Chairs. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL MI WS shown by the Records of the Custom nonce to be the only London Cordial Gin IMPORTED and= sold in bottles, all others are noxious mixtures made here in imitation of IL It is it delicious tonic beverage, and by its peculiar Raver (so different from other gins) is universally esteem; ed by all who use it. It is adopted with great success in cases of %ISL. Dyspepsia, Gout, Rheumatism, Dropsh Gravel, Colic, Cholera, Fever and Ague, Stricture, Dis eases of the Urinary Organs, Epilepsy, he. Dr. VALENTINE MOTT of New York, in a hitter to the proprietor says: Charles' London Cordial Gin is the purest, best, and most reliable Extract of Junipir I have seen. OLIARLES . ' LONDON 'CORDIAL GIN Is Sold by all Druggists and Grocers in the United States, and so also are numerous poiso ns °et, no...‘London.Gordlid Gin"—to avoid them, buy only "CHARLES',' Reject, any, other Offered.te Yon as you vane yourhealth. Prior one del, lar,ibi,quirts, fifty cenntfor Oats. EDMUND C. CHARLES,' Deb limierter, 40Dreadway N. April • A MEDICAL REVOLUTION ! The World Unanimous! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. The Great Counter Irritant I The virus of disease often makes its way to the inter nal organs through the pores of the skin. This pene trating Ointment, melting under the hand as it is rub bed in, is absorbed through the same , channels, and, reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly and inva riably subdues it, whether located in the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, or any other important organ. It pen etrates the surface to the interior, through the count less tubes that communicate with the skin as summer rain passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its cold and regenerating influence. Skin Diseases and Glandular Swellings. Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced by the inti-inflammatory action of this Ointment. An gry .ER01'110:4,8 such as SALT Mixon, To - Eta, nmovroun SCALD Haan, NETTLE, Scams (or IMO to., die out, to return no more, under its application. Hospital ex perience in all parts of the world, proves its infallibility in diseases of the skin, the muscles, joints and the glands. Ulcers, - SOreS, and Tumors. The effect of this unrivaled external remedy upon Scrofula, and.otheevirideut - ulcers and sores, is almost miraculous. It . first discharges the Poison which pro duces suppuration and proud dash, and. thus the cures which its hetling proPesties afterward complete are safe as well as permanent. Wounds, Bruises, Burns and Scalds. Trt cases of-the fracture of the lionea, injuries caused by steam explosions, BRUISES, BURNS, SCALDS, BRELINA 6 • SITFFNESS OF THE JOINTS and contraction Of the sinews, it is employed and warmly recommended by the faeulty- This marvelous remedy has .been Introduced by its inventor in person into ail the leading Hospitals of Europe, and no private household should be with out it. Undeniable Testimont. - The blislical Staff of the French and _English Armies in the Crimea have officially signed' their approval of Holloway's Ointment, as the.most reliable dressing for sabre cuts, stabs, and gun-shot wounds. It is also used by the Surgeons of the Allied Navies. • Both the Ointment and the Pills should be used in the, following eases: Bunions Burns Chapped Hands Chilblains Fistulas Gout Lumbago klceurial hiruir files Rheumatism 'tions" - Salt Rheum Skin Diseases- Sore Legs Sore Breasts Sore Ileada Sore Throats Sores of all kinds Sprains Scalds Swelled Glands Stiff Joints Wounds ofall Ulcers Venereal Sores kinds Bold at the Establishment of Lrofessur HOLLOWAY, Izo Maiden Lane, Now York, and 244 Strand, Loudon, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers ofrnedicine thro - out the United States, and the civilised world, in Pots and Boxes, at 26 ets., 62?,5 ets., and $1 OP each. ' VIM. There is a considerable saving by taking the larg er sizes. N. B.—Direetions for the guidance of partients in every difqwiler are affixed to each Lax. . AYER'S Cathartic Pills, (SUGAR COATED,) ABE 1U TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND CUBE mx-sics. Invalids, Fathers, Mothers, Physicians, Philanthropists, read their Effects, and kedge of their Virtues. FOR THE CITRE OF Headache, Sick Ileadache,Foul Stomach. PIrTSBURG, Pa., May 1, 1555. Da..T.C. ATER. Sir have been repeatedly cured .of the worst headache any body cau have by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. If they will cure others as they de me, the fact is worth knowing. Yours with great respect, ED. W..PREELE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. - Wail:rue Disorders and Liver Complaints. DEP-MTN - ENT OF SHE ISTEXTOI., Wssintecreer, D. C., 7 Feb., 1856. £tm: I have used your Pills in my general and hospital .mctice ever sinceyou made themomd caunot hesitate to .arrney are tin Wing action on the Meer is quid: and decided, consequent ly'they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. - Indeed, I bare seldom found a case of bilious efts , ease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yonns, ALONZO BALL, M. D., Physician of the Afarine Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. Posr OFFICE, BLAICILAS3), iffr. CO., MICEL, Nov. 16, 1815. Tot. Arm: Tour Pills are the perfection of medicine. They have done my wife more good than I can tell you. She had been sick and pining away for months. Went off to bedoctored at great expense, butgot no better. She then comnionced taking your Pills, which soon cured her, by expelling large quantities of worms (dead) from her body: ' They: afterwards cured her and our two children ofhloodYtentery. Ono of our neighbors had it bad,and my wife/ ed lam with two doses of your Pills, while others around us paid from five to twenty dollars doctors' bills, and lost -mnth time, without being cured' entirely even then. Such a medicine as years, which is actually good and honest, will he prized here. • GEO. J. GRIFFIN, Ash:Raster. Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood. Bum Rer..7". T. _Mmes., Pastor of Adz-ent Ciurcle., Boston. Da. Airy.: I harp used your Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among those I tun called to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion andnurify the blood they sin the very beet remedy I have ever known, and I cad, confidently recommend them to my Mends. Yours, J. T. DIMES. . VrAnA, , Wrommu Co„ N. Y., Oct. 23,1555. DEAR SIR: I anaißsing your Cathartic Pills in my prac tice, and 'find thennan excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the fountains of the blood. Erysipelas, S rocud .i ft e 7 ukv i 0 n ....14 , 1 5 EA E C 5.41 11.4:1 T , M.D. er., Tam s, and Salt Rheum. 1 From a' ronoard: g Merchant of St Louis, FM. 4,1856. Da. Amt.: You Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores u tiller hands and that that had proved incurable for years tier mother has been long grievous ly afflicted with Michas and pimples on her skin and in her hair. After on child was mired. she also tried your Pills, and they hark. cured her. ASA MORGREDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. and Gout. From the Bee. Dr.itiitutkes. ql 11. e Jlethoelist ,Epis. Clarreh. Prismlorss. SAVANNAH. 11A.. Jan. 6,1556. 11Orroszn Sm: I meld 'lw engin teful for the relief your skill has brought „if I did not report my case to you. n i A cold settled in try limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, Which ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until. by the advice of your excel lent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effects Were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them I sin now entirely well. SENATE CHAKIYEE, BATON Bonus, LA., 5 Dec., 1.855. Da ATER: I have been entirely cured by your Pills of Rheumatic Gout—,a. painful disease that had afflicted me for years. TINO:ENT SLIDELL. . ) Eck Drops y , } Plethora , or kindred Com- - plaints.. requinag an active purge . , tiler are an excel lent remedy. - c.. ' • For Costiveness or Constipation, and as a Dinner Pill; they are Agreeable and effectual: Fits, SuppreSsion, Paralysis, Inflainma= Lion, and even Deafness, and Partial Blind 'nests 'have been cured by the alterative action of there Pills. Most of the pills In market contain Mercury, 'which, al though a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous In a public pill, from the dreadful consequences that fre quently followts incautious use., These contain no met , cnry or mineral substance whatever. AYER' CHERRY PECTORAL FOR THE RAPID CURE OF . COVGIitS,COL S, HOARSE:NES IiII4%ILT. EN.ZII4 BRONC.IIIITTS,,wIIOorTNG. COXIGH, CROUP, ASTIfiIIIA, IN— • CIPIEENT CONSUMPTION, and for the ,trelief of consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. We need not speak to the public of its virtues; Throughout every town, and almost every hamlet of the American States, its:tvonderful mums-of pulmonary corn-- plaints have made tt already - known.' Nay, few are the families in any civilized country on this continent srithont some personal experience of its effects; and fewer yet the communities ally where which have not among them some living trophy of its victory over the subtle and deu terons diseases of the throat and lungs. While it is the most powerful antidote yet knows to man for the fond dada and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs; it is also tire plensantest and safest remedy that can be em- Ployed for infanta and young persons. Parents should have it in store against the insidious, enemy that steals upon thorn unprepared. We have abundant grounds' to, believe the Corner PECTORAL same more lives by the con sumptions it prevents than those it, cures. Keep it by you, and cure your colds while they are curable, nor neg lect them until no human skill can mister the inexorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, eats your life away. - All know the dreadful fatality of lung disordere and. as they know too the virtues of this remedy, we need not tic more than to assure them it is still made the best it out be. We spare no cost, no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect possible, and than afford 'those who rely on it the beet agent which our skill can furnish for their cure. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass .A.ND SOLD BP. Dr. Ross, at his Drug store. opposite the Corirthouse Lebanon; also by John Capp, Jonestown M. At Early & Co., Palmyra; J. Shertzer, Annville; and by dealers in medicine everywhere. July 9, 1.856.--ly. Don't forget to Call at AL TKINS & McADAM'S, and examine their stock of Boote, Shoes, Trunks, Traveling Bags. rIALL and examine the new stock of Atkins NJ McAdam. Come soon and purchase your Boots;Shges, &0., at Atkins At McAdam's. ARABOLS, any quantity, all the dif ferent styles, eheaper.than ever at RAUB "46 'BROIL Indemnity Against os Franklin Fire Insu OF PHI LADELP OFFICE 163 i CHESTNUT STRI STREET. STATEMENT OF'AssETS, $1 ill JANUARY Is; M rabliliihed Agreeably to an dr = BRING First Mortgages. amply securrd, El Reed Estate (present Temporary tonne, on ample CoHater rides, Stocks, (present value, $83,881 12, cow Cash, &c., PERPETUAL Olt LIMITED INSID every description of property, in . TOW N , x AND COUI Rates as LOW a's are consistent • ' Since their incorporation, a peril years, they have paid over THREE 311 LOSSES BY FIRE, thereby affording vantages of Insurance, as watt is the sition to meet, with prbmptness, all iii LOSSES BY EIRE. Losses paid during theVear 1858, DIttECTORS. CRAB. N. BA:ACKER, Mosurcat D. Ertits. TOBIAS WAGNER, DATID S. ilsouv, Ss.stom. GRANT, LEA, JACOIt EDWARD C. DALE, Oro. W. RICHARDS, I GEORGE FALES, .CIi4III.ES N. litgesm, Prestgett, CLIABLEIS Cl. BACKER, SeireigOi Feb. 25.-1 y 1 - b,I4.I..LADra,PItIA MJ DICAL iIvOSE.--Estsl44, twenty two years agd by Dr. EINEELIN, mts r of Third and Union streets, Philadelphia, Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most practitioner in the cure of all diseases:Wu prirntc manhoed's debility. as an Impediment to xuarti,,; sous and sexual infirmities, diseases of the Ain t; those arising from abuse of mercury_ TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in l r 1,., ; in solitude, often growing up with them to and which, if not reformed Its due time. not 'mi.; 1,,„ . ; serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, Liu rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and affections. g Few of those who give way to this perniciorwl.l,_l,4, are aware of the consequences, until they dot coos system shattered, feel strange and urtar,,,,, tt : l e s ensations, and vogue fears in the mind. [Seepap,,,,-. 9. 29, of Dr. L's book on "Self-Preservation." " The unfortunate thus.affected becomes feeble. b era ble to labor with accustomed vigor. or to kph. mind to study; his step is tartly and weak irresolute, and engages even in his sports with Is. sitr gy than usual. If he emancipate himself before the practice Li , + 1, 1,11 its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage is min:U tah and his sense tells him that this is caused 1.1. , early follies. These are considerations which Ftretid awaken the attention of all who are similarly situah.l REMEMBER, Ile who places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S treat ment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle man. and rely upon the assurance, that the secrets t- Dr. 11.'s patients will never be disclosed, Young man—let no false modesty deter you from ml ng your case known to one. who. from education set respectability. eau certainly befriend you. Oa' Dr. iiiNKELIN'S residence has been for the 124 TIVENTT rents at the N. W. Corner of THIRD IND UNION streets, Philadelphia. Pa., PATIENTS AT 'A VISTANCE Can have (hy stating their ease explicitly, togethr with all their symptoms, per letter. enclosing a remit tance) Dr. IL's medicine. appropriatedaccordingly. Forwarded to any part of the United Staten, anti rail ed secure from DAMAGE or GUItIOSITY,by era. press. _ MAD 1 YOUTH AND MANTIOD ! A. VIGOROUS LIRE on A PRESIATURE DE;TR, KIM:ELLS SULP4 P RESERVATION—ONLY 25 CAMS. 'Letters containing that Value in stamps, will ensures copy, per return of mail. ..GRA,TIS! GRATIS!! GRATIS I: A Free GIFT To AIL MISERY RELIEVED! *Nature's Guide," a new and popular Work. fall valuable advice and impressive wannun, alike mimic ed to prevent years of misery, and save raersons r lives, is distributed without charge, and forwarded Iq mail, prepaid to any i'ost Office in the United receiving an order etteladmr, two postage stamp. June 25, 1556.—1 y. i lit imbo!d's Grnitine Prepareion or I Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Buchu. For diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Iffics Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret diseases. Fe- I male Complaints, and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, 1 Arising from Excesses and Imprudenties in life. end . t moving all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, ad 1 Heys. or Sexual Organs, whetter existing do Male or Female, ) From whatever cause they may have originated. i And no Matter of Row' Long Standing, 1 Giving . Health and Vigor to the Frame, and I Bloom to the Pallid °Leek. Joy to the Afflicted ::: t It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and mama among which will be found I all the sy Tuptoms*, Indisposition to Exertion, Loss Of • Power, Loss of Memory f . ' Difficulty of Breathing, Ren t I oral Weakness, Horror of Dis , ease, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Dread. -fel Horror or Death, mghtsnmt,,, c o ld rat, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision Languor, favor [ sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often Ettormo -kola:ale; with Dyspeptic symptoms. Hot Haag, Finshness of the Body, Dryness of the skin,. `Pallid Countenatua and Eruptions nn the Face, Pain in the Back. Hex -• viness of the Eyelids, Fro- quent ly Mack spots flying before the Eyes, with Temporary suffnsion and LOSE of sight t Was: Attention, Great Mobility, Restlessness, with Ilona of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Pa tients than solitude, and Nothing they morn Dread for Fear of Themselves no Re pose of manner, no earnestness, no Speculation, but a hurried transition from one question to othe an- These symptoms if allowed to go on—which this ta Mint invariably removes—soon follows Loss of Power. Fatuity, and EPILEPTIC Fl .1 . 5.---in one of which the 1 4 tient may expire_ Who can lay that these excesses an not frequently followed by those direful diseases--IN SANITY AND CONSUMPTION ? The records of the la sane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consum. tion, bear ample witness to Untruth of these assertion. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition a, pears. • The Countenance is actually sodden and gm: destitute—neither, Mirth or Grief ever visits it; shoal a sound of the, voice occur, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan despair . Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled!' DebilitY is most' terrible I and has brought thousands upon thousand to untimely graves. thusbboting the ma bition of many noble youths. It can be cured by them of this IMFALLITILE IlliaMlY! If you are suffering with ..ny of the above distressing ailments, the FLUID EXTRACT BICODU will cure you. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. Beware- of Quack Nostrums and Quack Doctors. who falsely boast of abilities and refetenees. Citizens know and avoid them, and save long &Series Money, and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and speciB c Remedy. It allays all pain- and innanunation, IS perfectly plex-- ant M its taste and odor, but immediate in its action. lielmboli:'B Extract Buchu Is prepared diiectly according to the Rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. See Professor Dewees' Valuable Works on the practice of Physic, and most ofrthe late standard works of medicine. One htur Ct ?dredollarsw iL ill be paid to Physician vbt can prove that the medicine ever injured a patient; s the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one week to thir teen years standing have been effected. The mass or 'Voluntary Testimony in possemion of the Proprietor. vouching its virtues, and curative powers, is immens , embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FASII.' 100,000 Bottles Have Been Sold and not a single instance-of a failure has been reportei: Personally appeared before ms, an Alderman of tie City of Philadelphia, It. T. lIELMEOLD, Chemist oh , being duly sworn does say, that his preparation coritairl no Narcotic, Mercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. 11. T. HE LMBOLD, sole manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this23d day of Novels ber, 1854. WM. P. rirRBARD, Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or ,sir far 5, De. :livered to any Address, Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificatu 5 eil Professors of Steaks! Colleges, Clergymen and others.. Prepared and sold by T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist No. 52 South Tenth St. below Chestnut, Assembly Buildings Phila. Va. To be had of Dr. George Ross, D. S. Reber: sear` au Druggists andtDealors throughout the United State , Canadas and 'British Provinces. BEWARE -OF COUNTERFEITS ! Ask for Helmbold's—take no other. Cures - Guaranteed. Nov. 19, 1856.-ly. WA TED, A T the Genesee Alin., in the Borough of Lobs -see. non, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, In any, '4tiantity, for will& the highest Market ptioes yvillibe paid in Cash, by : January 7, 1857- !ETERS h SIIOIIB- INS .htp.ADAM have "a 'splendid assort ment otßoots, ether) Trunks and Travel. ingk.