Ei I HE ADVERTISER, Lebanon, June 24, 1857 Home viffairs.. I=IM Otrs'Citizens" reply to "Union" is 'postponed to •ext week. 4 This •No. otthe Advertiser corn; mences the 9th volume, of its publics: lion. Otr- We are now 'Waif) , engaged in making out ; the bills of! those indebted to us, preparatory te i a doitee - tion of the :same, and trust that sit Wit! so. shape their finances as toliquidate theM on or `before presentation. Our friends throughout the Ctitte iy, es well as those nut of it, will place 'us under great obligations by soliciting 'new subscribers for the'Ativertiser. Our • I proposed enlargement, and other un- I proVemetits in the establishment, should 'induce every o're tif; them to renewed `exertions, as . Alte matter is not, only a `personal one::::tbi. its, bUt has immense lic*ltworkiii . ,-the • diffusion. of :correct IptAitical principles and general intelli• 'genet?. If our fri , mils have appreciated our services to the cause thus far, now . time to , show it. 047,- The' followiog bads for Grading, dt ;of t our:!4tieets, were considered the mast favorable and accepted by- the Council, viz:— • James March for Grading. Excavation, per cubic yard, 22 ets. Embankment per cubic yard, 8 n Piking . per cubic yau}, 60 „ Solid Rock,, excavation, do., 65 „ Augugus F. Knoeki for Masonry. • To build the Culverts at $2,&2 per perch, including all materials. To fix the street crossings at 50 cams per running font, including the material. ' Relaying the old flags, at 18 cents per foot running measure. Otr Considerable envy existed the latter part of fast week, among our cotemporaries in this borough. It was occasioned by our obtaining a new "tile,"-for about a "levy," more or less. BusineSs called us frequently to the street, where it appeared to hest advan tage, and many were the inquiries, "where did you get it." Of course we bought it, but the where is the mystery. The *nen that Made It is dead, and ours wee his last make—poor soul I Any storekcepeilliniss a hat; otim,is not the hat, - mind that OLT' CORONER'S .!4,/etti,,prisised by the last 'Legislature, en acting "that from and after the passage A of :this act, the number of jurors sum !ported by Coroners and Justices of the Li. Peace in cases of in q uests upon the bodies of deceased persons, as now re. q~rired- by law, shall riot be mare than six to attend any one inquest." trr. School AUDITORS AND TEAM RERS.—An act, was also passed making itl.thi3 duty of horough• and township A.UdiOrs to settle annually, the accounts of the School Treasurers of the differ ent School districts of this Common wealth, • .I'AL—iliac, That the School 'Tax on tradea t professions, and ocou'plitions, or on single freemen, shall in no ease be !ego than ONE DOMAN. Act approved May 21,.1857» THE LEXIANON TA-JAS.—The assess. ineUt of ptoporty in elm Borough of Leb anon. Far 1857 amounts to 8818,200: This does not ' , linens - de the extension, which is not ass-n - 4A 111 the Borough Vhis year. '11.43 following are the taxes laid i State tax, -2 County tax, 2 Tonle, Borough tote s mills, 5A001451-) Tot 1 WV" . the attention of our friends htlittirSghtfint the county is directed to the qiiltdrtixernent in another column, head 'ed-dilittnos and Melodeons." We are litiftlitned, by competent judges, that qhtly are excellent and splendid articles. **Call at the Town Hall to see them. tom" The ceremony of breaking ground • on the East Pennsylvania Railroad took place on Thursday, the 11th inst., about 6 miles north of Reading. Appropriate addresses were made, after which the President, Mr. Clymer,broke the ground, and soon the road was advanced one wheelbarrow load towards completion. Mi. E. Lyons, Chief Engineer, Col. Moore, the Contractor, Hon. William Strong, and many others, then took a L. similar- part in the ceremony. The party then adjourned to an adjacent grove, where an abundance of good thipgs were demoliOed. Qt Here are a few lines to vrhich we wish to call the attention of our read ers, and which we advise them to com mit to memory, and repeat whenever they hear one man speak ill of another. In nine cases out of ten the shoe will fit. There's not a baser fiend In Nor is 'there one Who can Perform the DeviPs Work so well, a- As that degenerate mani".- Who carries venoni on. his tongue, And malice in his heart ; With bow of hatred ever sprung To speed the poison'd dart. ABOUT' Doan.--The "dog days" are approaching and soon the dry of "mad dog", will again arise. The dog popu lation of. our town has, probably, dur- jng the past year or two, increased as KikAßly, as the human species, and should ~the 'malady break act 'among them the effect ' , night be More dreadful than any thing We can apprehend from that other great evil—the Quittapahilla and its stagnaflt pools. bet the otder go forth hereas in almost every other borough arid city, "muzee your dogs." LitiloLOWs Dirras.—Judge Pear eoiay harriaburg, has decided that landlords were bound to accommodate all perions who asked for it, so long as they had room; that it made no differ: once if the applicant was a person of mistrustful appearancetaverns were regarded by the law as places for the accommodation of travelers, and their proprietors had no right to turn any a way, no matter whether they thought them able to pay for their lodging ,or not. His Honor said this was clearly die object of the law, and no license would tereaftei'-be granted where it was known That this part of the landlord's duty had not been complied with. tl We. have good authority for stat ing that the Lebanon Valley"^Railroad will.be!49 far completed between this place and Reading,, so as to enable the cars to pass over, by the Ist of July.— In probably a week after that time the cars will` commence to run regitlarly over the road. ~- Oz&'• Mr. Good has sent us, and we have tacked it up in our office, a splen- did lithographic likeness of Gen. Wtn. F. Packer, the next Governor of Penn. sylvania. The friends of Gen, Packer are rfreommended to go to Mr. Good's Book Store, where plenty of the same sort no doubt are sold, and purchase one or more, as inclination may dictate, for a small sum of motley. (*— We are pleased to learn that a daily mail between this place and Fred ericksburg, via Jonestown, has been es tablished, commencing on Wednesday last. We are now pretty well supplied with mail facilities in this county, but still there ale several wants which we trust twill be speedily granted - by the Postmaster General. First arnsing,thern, we name a tri.weelkly mail between this place and Mt. Zion, and the establish• ment of a• Post Office at Achn's, in Heidleberg township. Both are highly necessary for the convenience of the thickly settled neighborhoods they • could accommodate. Mr. William Urich, Esq., has purchas ed a house and lot of ground, in Myers ton, from Samuel Beliney . , (brick mak er.) for $1375. A fact worth knowing.—Housekeep: ers should know, wow that the season c 4- pies— a ral-Fruddla g x-7...1%''' a p prom:1311 . 1g; arid sugar inordinately dear, that the acid in rimbarb,- . currants and gooseber• ries, may he neutralized by putting a third of a .tea spoonful of soda .in the fruir,, and without affecting the .flavor. A less quantity 'of .sugar wiU diem an. swer to sweeten pies. The best disposition which can ire made of fruit preserved after the above recipe, is to put,it in glass jirs, carry it carefully out doors, and th'enti it in ,the swill barrel.. [Corrospondenee of the Atlyertiser.] VINCENNES ; Indiana, Jon 1.5; LW' Mu: Ferran :---Being, now permanently settled, and wishing to' be posted in regard to news, ke., in Lehanen county, I remit herewith one dollar and ilfty•eenta for the Advertiser for one year.— I expect the Railroad is about completed to Leba non, which will mark a now era in the history of the Lebanon - No doubt some of the old settlers along Annyille and Palmyra, who nehr - tray - riled out of the county, will be considerably excited by, the time-the iron horse, as by magic, whirls through the finest of villages. Vincennes is ,the oldest town in, the State, and one of the oldest west of the Alleghenies. It was settled about the time of Philadelphia, , and receiv ed the name of the "old Post," since the time of the Indian treaties. The old house is still stand ing-wherc General Harrison -kept his Head Quar tars when thiewas a Territory. Vincennes:is the seat of a Catholic bishopric, has two Catlialic t one Episcopal, oue-Presbyterian, one-Methodist, one Lutheran, and one Campbelfite, churches ; a High; Sekund and College for the Orphans under the Su perintendency of the Catholic church. The pop ulation is about 5000. The Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad passes through this place, the opening of which was celebrated on, the fourth of this month. Among the guests here,were General CMS, the French Minister, and about twenty-five cars chuck full of other notables. This place con tains 2 banks, daily and weekly newspapers, and is in general a pretty smart place. Yours..te., $1,53060 1,220 0 4,252 40 6,732 00 $13,490 40 0::'.7" A presidential election recently took ghee in Mexico, and resulted in favor of Gen. Comonfort, the present in cmbent. Oz ."' Bad breaks occurred last week in the Erie and Genesee Valley C ana l, Nuw York, in consequence of fresh ets caused by the heavy rains. Miles of embankment were swept away, and the delay in the forwarding of mer chandize is very serious. Otr It is said by , reliable authority that one-half of the emigrants from the Slave•bolding states in Kansas, are in favor of making it a free state. Special Notices. GRATITUDE.—If gratitude was ever evidenced among any class, it certainly has been with those who have used and !bated the extraordinary vir tues containatin Dr. J. Hostetter's celebrated Stomach Bitters. Scarcely a day passes, we are informed, that the Doctor does not receive from some recent heart-stricken and solicitous parent, brother, sister, or friend, some,, eestimonials of deep and earnest gratitude, for his agency in re storing to health and wonted vigor, some kindred. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Constipa tion, lack of Appetite, and all tenden cies, are speedily corrected by the use of these Bitters as perdireetion on bottle. Sold by drug gists everywhere.[June EVANUBL REIGAUT, agent, North Westeorner of Market and Water streets, Lebanon, Pa. Juno 3,1357.—1 m. . tzia: This is to'certify that %Ilitve made but ono applibation of the Maoto OIL on my fingers, which, have been drawn from contraction of the cords, brought on by rheumatism. It was of sev enteen months standing, and I am now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend it to all afflicted likewise." J. M. FItFROCK, • Harrisburg, 'l2 Locuit street. SODA. WATER. Guilford 41, .Lemberger have now got in full op eration their new and splendid . Soda Wator Foun tain, where the public d adds-water of the very.bestltUdity--iqual obtainddtin the oities or elsewhere. • - • - Thoy would-inform the publio that as their so- OEM punr. AND SPARSLING da water is made with au entirely new and in proved apparatus, there can be no danger of con tamination with foreign matter. Their Foun tains being lined with Porcelain, all danger, so common with the copper fountains in general use, is avoided. You will always find a choice selec tion of SYRUPS of the finest flavors ; and for tho convenience of Physicians and Families at a dis tance from town, we will bottle the soda water in its pure state or flavored with any of our delicious syrups. "ft.. Bear specially in mind that our soda wa ter is drawn from PORCELAIN-LINED FOUNTAINS, not Copper, and is the coldest, purest and most sparkling in the Borough. "Woodland Cream"--A PosraDE .F.4l3E.cuTr- PYING TOE Mut—highly perfumed, superior to any k'rench article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladles' Hair, it has coequal, giving it a bright, glossy appearance. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to ourt in the most natural Manner. It removes dandruff, ar , ways giving the hair the appearance of being fresh shampooed. Prins only fifty cents. None genuine unless sitnied VE1:1; EDGE &CO., Proprietors of the "gnu os FLOWEIin." New York. 'Pot ler Guilford Letuberger, and all Druggists. Yett. tki•, • IfOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS.-TDO rap id cures effected by the Ointment, in cases of indo lent sores, discharging ulcers, white swellings, stiff' joints, enlargements of the glands, and all varieties f scrofula, may be classed among the most wenderfill phenomena of the healing art.— The sufferer is never in doubt for an hour as to the result. The pain is almost instantaneously soothed by the preparation, and from day to day the cure visibly progresies under the eyes. of the patient,- Until at last the inflammation, swelling, or suppuration entirely disappears. 'The Pills, in thomeantime, improve the general health, and h dyspepsia, liver complaint, and: affections of the bowels, are absolute specifics.. "Is PEACE PREPARE POIL WArt."—ln the illays of our youth, ithohoeves us to make some prepare, tion for the approach of age. How many persons have become prematurely bald by neglecting to ftP- ply appropriate remedies to prevent the hair from falling off ! The use of Prof. Weed's celebrated "Hair Restorative" will prevent the hair from fall ing off, impart to it a healthy growth, and even re store the hair of the bald. Thousands have testi nod to its efficacy. To be had of Druggists every- Where. • Religious Notices. German preaching next Sunday morning in the Mortician Church. German preaching next Sabbath evening at 6 o'clock, in the Emanuel's Church of the Evangel ical Association. . English Preaching next Sabbath morning, in tho Reformed Church. English Preaching next Sabbath morning and German in the evening, at 5_4 o'clock, in Zion's (Lutheran) Church. German preaching next Sunday morning, and English in the evening,in Salenfs,(Lutli'n) 'church. English preaching next Sunday morning and Evening in the Methodist Church. MAfRIEI), On the I Ith inst., by the Rev. John tiring, Mr. DANIEL. BORDNER (merchant) of Union township, to Miss SARAH, daughter of Jacob WEBER, Esq., of Fredericksburg. On the 18th inst., by the Rev.. H. S. Miller, ANDREW lIKINTZELMAN to Lt/CETTA KINTZEL, both of this borough. - On the 21st inst., by the Rev. F. W, Kremer, Mr. JONAS GEIB to Miss CAROLINE EBY, both of South Lebanon township. DEED, ka„ At a special meeting of the Perseverance Engine and Hose Company, held on Monday eve ning, June 15,1357, the demise of Enw. T. SMUT LEO, it member, having been annoulieed, the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were unanimous ly adopted :— WHEREAS, It having plensed an Overruling Providence to remove from our number, Mr. En- Scuoz.uri, who was endeared to us by the fraternities of friendship and brotherly affection, and whose decease at an age so young, so full of promise, hits stricken with profound grief so tunny hearts, and carried sorrow to'so many firesides, we deem it proper to give a due expression of our re gret for his loss; therefore be it .144Rorved, That though we would not intrude up oil' the hallowed precincts of domestic grief, and while wo bow with reverence and submission to the great Ruler of the Universe, "Who can heel all af flictions," yet we cannot forbear the heartfelt ex pression of our sincere and deep sympathy with the afflicted widow, mother' nd friends of our de parted brother; and our grief mingles with theirs in the dispensation which on the 15th inst., prived them of their pride and hope, and us,,f a valued and cherished friend; and who in all the bright hopes of twenty-iive,had just placed his foot upon the threshold of life to - cn ter upon and adorn society. Yet as the bells toll and the weeping friends consign him into the channels of the ceme tery, we derive consolation by looking beyond the tomb, end remembering the Divine declaration— 'Blessed are the righteous, for theirs is the King dom of Heaven." Resolved, That we,attend the funeral in a body— that the Hall and apparatus •be draped with the habiliments of mourning, and tho members wear the customary insignia for the space of 30 days. Resolved, That a copy of this preamble and res olution be transmitted to the bereaved widow, and published in the various papers of this borough. Certified from the minutes. A.,11. EMBICH; Secretary. The Lebanon ItLarket. CAREFULLY CORRECTED ITEEKLy. WEDNESDAY, June 24, 1857. EL:Family Flour, per bar. - - $0 50 Extra'Flour, per barrel - - 9 00 Extra Superfine Flour, per bbl. - -8 00 Superfine B. Flour, = - . 7 00 Superfine Flour, • - 625 Prime White Wheat, per bus. - 1 90 Prime Red Wheat, per bus. - : 1 80 Prime Rye, per bushel 1 00 Corn, per bushel - . - 80 Oats, per bu - shel - - 50 Potatoes, " - . 75 Tallow, per 'pound - 7 . 11 Ham, - - - - . 14 :Lard, - 7 12 Shoulder, - • - - . 12 Sides, -•-- •• - - - 11 Butter, - ..... . . 16 Eggs, per dozen, .. - 14 PHILADELPHIA 'MARKET 510EIDAY, June 2t—r. Jl The Flour market continues inactive, but prices remain unchanged. There is very little inquiry for shipment, and only 5a600 barrels have been disposed at $7 50 per barrel for standard brandi; $7 75aS for extra and $8 25a8 50 for extra family. The sales to the trade are limited within the range of the same figures. Rye Flour is dull-a; small side was made at $4 75 5 which is a decline of 25 c. per barrel: Corn Meal is scarce and firm at $4. Grain.—There has been rather more doing in Wheat—the stocks in the hands of the millers be ing about exhausted, but we continue our former quotations:. Sales of 1550 bushels good and printe Pennsylvania red at $1 85a1 87 per bushel,and 1500 bushels white at $1 90a192, chiefly at 1 90, including a lot of very choice quality.' Rye ,is steady at $1 10. Corn is very dull, and some lots aro going into Store—sales of 1500 bushels yellow, afloat, at 81_ cents, some in store at the same price, and 900 bushels inferior at 84 cents. Oats are la 2 .cents per bushel loWer, and 4000 bushels Penn'a sold at 60- cents, afloat. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Pianos and. Melodeons. • OR SALE at the TOWN, 11ALL, in LEBA NON, for Cash or good notes.' 12'PlANOS, direct from the celebrated makers Relict, Davis d; Co., Boston, and AU. Gale Co., New York, em bracing as many different styles, and varying in price from $3OO to $6OO, all of which will be sold at the lowest factory prices, and warranted to give entire satisfaction, or the full amount of purchase money shall be refunded, at the shortest notice. O. C. B. CARTER, AGENT. Lebanon, June 24, 1857. Teachers Wanted. Riff HE School Directors of the Lebanon Borough loy School District, will meet in the Academy, On MONDAY, JULY 6, 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose ; of electing teachers for the Public Schools or said district for the ensuing term of terivnths. The County Su perintendent will be present at the same time and place, to examine applicants By order of the Board. .1011N - DILLER., Pres't. Eau A . 17nrza, Stre'y. • [June 24.—txt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DORRIT LITTLE DORRIT! LITTLE DORRIT! LITTLE DORRIT! Received and for sale at GOOD'S Book Store, J alto 24, '57-It. Market Square, Lebanon. NOTICE. Tai; undersigned having disposed of his Soot and Shoo Establishmont to his son, P.. F. MeCaully, and retired from the business, is anx ious to make - settlement with the public. There fore, all persons knowing themselves indebted to, or having elaiins upon, him, are respectfully re quested to call at his resiVeneo, between this time and the first day of .ffrigust next, to make settle ment. SOLOMON .TV.IcCAULLi. , Lebanon, June 24, 185'1.—td. Valuable Borough Properly FOR SALE! -LS offered at private sale, that valuable balf-lot or piece of Ground ; situate at. the north-east eel.- ner . of Walnut and Water streets, Lebanon, front ing 93 feet on Walnut street and 80 feet on Water street, at present occupied by John Farrel's Marble Yard, on which are a FRAME. MOUSE; &c. It is located within a square of the- Lebanon Volley Railroad Depot, between- the Depot an& the cen tre of town. For further particulars apply to John Farrel, on the premises. [June 24; 1857. Lumber ;and Coat. 5000 MEN . WOTED I to come and buy their LUMBER .and COAL at the as tonishingly low prices which I tun now determin ed to sell ut. New is the time, if you wish to save your money, to Caine to the New Lumber had Coal yard, located between the Old Lutheran Church and Myers &- Shams` Steam Mill, and one square north of the Court Bouse, in Walnut ,street, in the borough of Lebanon, where is a well selected stock of allkinds of Building Materiels; consisting of 000,000, ft. Boards, 300,000 Shingles, 200,000 ft. Joist Scsatling, 60,000 ft. hemlock Boards, 00,000 ft. do fenek Also, Planks, Plastering and Roofing Lath, all of which will be sold, wholesale or retail, at Mid dletown prices, except a small advance for freight. Also, all kinds of the best COAL the market can produce, such as , Broken, I.gg, Stove, Chestnut, Limehurdere and Uollidaysbnrg Blacksmith's Coal, which will be sold almost at cost. " JOHN H. WITMEYER, Lebanon, Jime 24, 1857. BULL'S RECTO IRISTURA, FOR,PIL,ES,'PETTER, RINGWORM c f*r awry Eruption' or Excoriation or the Skin, gr m la whether on the bead, face, arms ur otlide . parts of the body. Old ulcers or sores; and pimples on'the face, may be speedily cured by the use of the Recto hilstura. To those especially' that are suffering from the Piles, we offer It sure remedy. From Bee. Mr. Enterline, Pastor German Church, Cor. Conway and. Sharp streets: Fur the Benefit of the alliided, I feel it u duty to state what a blessing a medicine hnown by the mime of "Bull's Alecto Mistura," bad been to me. I have- been aftlieted with the Piles for eight ythrs, during which time I tried my own. renictliesas a practitioner, and many ,others, but without success. heardof Mr. .BuiVe Pile Remedy, I tried it ; and though. I used but one half-bot tle, I ran say that I tint perfectly cured. I also- used It hi a violent ease of 'fetter, which extended over the whole body, and in-less than two weeks it disappeared, and the skin became clean and smooth. I strictly adhered to the - directions. , SAMUEL ENTERLLNE. 'Sold, 'Wholes:llo'mA Detail. by D. S. Saber, Druggist, Lebanon, Pa., solo agent for Lebanon county. June 1857.—1 y.. NOTICE. WE, the undersigned, Merchants, of the Boroughs of Lebanon and North Lebanon, agree to close our Stores, Shops, ac., on the 4th of July, next Henry & Stine,.Ralter & Bros., j - no. B. Rauch, Daniel Grtelj, Bruce .35 Co., Atkins & MCAdams, L. Zimmerman, Shirk a, Tice, J. J. Blair, Guil ford te Lemberger,j. - 14. Good, Swartz & Brother, E. Ashmend, Theo. P. Frantz, Adam Rise, Waltz Reeficl, Jacob Rcedel„Reizenstein & Bre., Geo. Ross, D. M. Rarmany,. Miss Womelsdorf, D. S. George & Shollenberger, J. M. Ptleger Bro., Geo. B. Lindomuth, J. & G. Gasser, S. C. Reisnor, Philip F.-MCmilly, Miss Shellenberger, Mrs. Bach, J. W. Acker t John Diller, Mrs. P. M. Negly, Diutaore Jolin Geo. M. Faber, Geo. Roincelal,totin Was. Mort% Funk Ss Rso., Henry Boltz, rk &Miller, J. H. ZeaL ring,.S. P. Kendall, Geo:Fisher: • Lebanon, June 17, bete Bilis Of the Domningstoion,Ephrata and Har risburg (usually called the Horse- Shoe) Turnpike Company at PUBLIC SALE; .1111 ILL be offered a Public Sale',..by Out-ery. ,or Venda; at - the Public House of Adam Bruin, in the Borough of Lebanon, oa Saturday, the 27th day of . June, next ensuing this date, at one o'clock, P. fitl.,,the following described Due Bills, of the above-named company : One for $2924, dated 9th June; .1.52.1,- with in terest from that date. One for $446.96, dated Ist April, HU, with in- tereat from that date. Any person desiring to purchase can obtain ac curate information of their present value by in quiring of Gen. Weidman at his Office, corner' of Cumberland street and Doe Alley, Lebanon. ROGER BOYLES, Administrator of Thomas Waters,' dee'd. .=June-17, 1807.-2 t. [Courier copy. Something New. Rail's Young America Fire-Cracker • • = PISTOL 1 FIS is admitted to be the most amusing toy ever offered to Young America, suitable for all times a year. It makes n report equal to the common pistol, and carries a ball with the same precision for ten paCes, though not with force enough to kill, making it the only cheap and harmless pistol for target practice in existence.- 100,000 sold in _four weeks'.. Rethil price, 25 cents and upward,, according to the market.— Trade price, 14 dollarsper 100 pistols, cash on de livery. Bent by Express to any part of the coun try. . ' A. W. HALL, 335 Broadway, N. Y., Inventor and Sole Manufacturer. A full description, with Engravings, sent to any address, on receipt of a postage stamp.' FIRE CRACKERS constantly on hind.— •-1000 Agents Wanted. A beautiful specimen pistol sent by Express or Mail, pre-paid, on re ceipt of $l. . - [June 1?, 1.357.-3 t. Watches, Jewelry, - IT is a fact worthy of note that thit Jewelry Store at 332 •--.North Seetind 81., Philadelphia, sells goods 20 per cent. less than any other place in the United States. Look at the kites.. Gold Lever Watches ISe, full jeweled $22.00 Silver Levers, full jeweled, 10.00 " Hunters, ' 12:to 18.00 Gold Hunters, . 28.00 Eight-day Watches : (Hunters,) 60.00 Also, all other kinds of Watches, Gold Chains, Jewelry, &c.; 'sold less than anywhere else. Call in and examine. taw.. Country merchants supplied. wholesale .or retail. N. D. GODFREY, No. 332 North 2d st.; bet; e — en Callowhill and Wood sts., Philadelphia. ' ,Tune 17, 1857.-6 ms. ditAlbanon Valley Bank. Located in. Market strces; nearly oppo site the United Hall, one Dopf North of the Post Office. 'U ILL pay the following RATES of INTER IV V EST on DEPOSITS, on,,and. after, the let day of March, 1857, viz : For 1 year, and longer, 6 per cent, per annum. " For 6 months, and longer, '5 per cent. per annum. For a months, and longer, 4 per cent. per annum. Requiring a short notice of withdrawal, and af iiirds a liberal line of accommodations to those who may favor it with deposits,payable on demand. Will' pay a premium on SPANISH and Mexte_tx Dor,- LARS, and also on OLD AMERICAN DOLLARS AND HALF . DOLLARS. Will make eolleetieni On. and remit to' ll parts of the United States, the Cana- desand Euro& `; Negotiate Loans, Sic., tte., and do a general EXCEANGE and BANKING BUSI NESS. G. DAWSON COLEMAN, President. Guo. GLEIM, Cashier. • THE, undersigned, Managers, are individually liable to the extent of their Estates for all deposits and other obligations of the copartner ship filed in the Prothonotary's Office of Lebanon County; trading under the name and style, of, the "LEBAxO/1 VAaaEY BANK." ;, SIMON CAMERON, G. DAWSON COLEMAN, GEORGE SMULLER, LEVI 'KLINE, *TAMES YOUNG, At GUSTUS BOYD, • Lob, je 17,'57.]' • Gm:man GLzrm. • ROCERIES, Fish, Salt andAtieens- Ware.are offered very low at,ltaber & Bros. Conti 01143, come all, enough foreach, enough for all. ..Come and buy where you can get the cheap •est and best goode. : •22,1857. JEREMIAH BOAS GEO. GASSER. JOSIAH GETTLE LEBANON COUNTY STEAM PLANING- MILL: BOAS, GASSER GETTLE wish to inform the citizens of Lebanon County and neigh boring counties, that they are now in full opera tion, and are prepared to do all kinds of CARPENTER WORK svMACHINERY such as Flooring Boards, Weather Boarding, Sash,Daors,Windqw 4. Door Frames, Shutters; Blinds, Planing• scrolls, SAWING, and any other kind of Sawing which may be wanted' to suit builders. Ile - subscribers beg leave to inform the public thst they have the latest and best improved muehinery in the coun ty, such as Woodworth's 'Planes, ,Le., and that they are able to produce as good. work as the coun ty.cau produce. Nonebut the best and weli-soasoned LUMBER will be used. • Carpenters and Builders are- invi ted to call and' examine their ready-mndie stock, which they will always keep on band, and-fudge for themselves. • 'vp2,„ Their Shop• is' on Pinegrove loud; near Phreaner's Old Powndry. Lebanon, June 14, Notice to Trespassers. "NUE unden.igned hereby give notice, F that "agy they will prosecute to the , law's extent, all persons who. wilt shoot any bind of game, kindle fire, burn or. Warp' trees, throw wood apart, or do any other kind of damageon their lands, in East Hanover towitship; Lebanon county. . HENRY C. BLAUCIi, PETER GINGRICH June 17, 1857. NO'fICE. Manheim and Le6anon Plank 4 Turn pike Road Company.. Win Stockholders of said Company are to meet Ai at their Office, in Cornwall township, near the Borouglr ef Lebanon . , on Tuesday, thelth day of Jun- next, between. the hours of 2 and 4 o'- clock, p. m.,-and adopt the Supplement to their Charter, passed by the late Legislature, approved by the Governor, May Itst, 1857. By order of the Board of Managers. JOHN MARQUART, Secretary. Lebanon, June 17,'57. HEAD QOARTERS, 2d Brigade, sth Division Penn's. Volunteers. j LEBANON, Juno 14th, 1857.4 ORDER NO. 5. A Brigade Parade is ordered to take place at Lebanon, on Thursday, the 10th day of Sep tember next, being the anniversary of Parry's Victory. Mr. Caspar Slunik is hereby appointed Brigade Major of this Brigade, with the rank of Captain, and will be respected accordingly. The commanding officers of Companies, within the Brigade, will have this order read to their Men, at the . next parade after its reception. The Brigade Quartermaster, Captain Win. W. Murray, is charged with the transmission of these orders to the commanding officers of the compa nies forming the Brigade. 'The Brigade Major, Captain Shunk, will furnish him with the requi site number of copies of it. The Brigade Inspector, Major _Frederick Em WA, is charged with the duty ofinviting compa nies from the neighboring Brigades. The Bri gade Major, Captain Shunk, will furnish him with a, copy of this order. Further orders will be issued in due time, in forming company officers of the. field evolutions contemplated to oe performed by dm Brigade, when it assembles. It gives the General pleasure to stater that Ma jor General Wm. H. Keim has intimated his wil lingness to order a Division Parade at Lebanon, should the idea be favorably received throughout the Division, or by the major portion of it, some time in the month. of October. Drigadier-Gcncr als Williams and Hunter have cordially approved of the movement, and promised to attend, with their staffs, should it be carried auk. By order of JOHN WEIDMAN, Brigadier General 2d Brigade, sth Division, Ponn'a Volunteers. - CASPAR. SuusK, Brigade Major. Lebanon June 17, Courier, Wahre Democrat and Lebanon Democrat copy. AIJOITOR'S REPORT. IXTE the undersigned Auditors to examine and Ylf adjust the account of the NORTHERN MUTUAL-INSURANCE CO.MPANY of Lancas ter County, eta by the act of intorporation- is pro vided-, do _Report, That we &tic examined the aecolutts . of. the year preceding the first day of May, 1857,'and find the same as follows, to wit: , Policies iestuid as per last Report, May 1,1856, 2,058,345.00 Increase from May 1, 1856, to May 1,1857, 152,496.00 Amount of Policies issued, May 1, 1557, $2,210,814.00 Premium notes filed as per last, report, May 1,1356, 91,332.86 Increase from May 1,1856, to May 1, 1857, 5,352.42 ' Amount of Notes filed May 1, 1857, $96,685.28 Cr. Ponds of die Company. Balance in hands ofTreasurer May 1;1.858 $280.88 Percentage received on Premium Notes - $269.1.7 Fire tax on December . assessment, 1859, .$§26.08 Do. on former assess: moist, 7.59 $863 67 Secretary fees, 2per cent for receiving tax 17.21 -846,40 twooyo Dr. Exlrwin and Losses paid, to wit : Auditorefees, May 1856, $ 2.00 Murray & Sleek; inventory Book, 13.00 • M. M. Rohrer, Advertising, (Lan.) 3.00 0 Jos. Hartman &Son, " ^ (Lob.) 8.75 Young At Seltzer, " (Leh.) 6.75 C. Darlington, a (Lan.) 5.25 Theo. Penn, ,(Lan.) 4.25 Geo. Sanderson, " (Lan.) 3.00 Jae; Bear &Sens,. a (Lan.) 6.25 John M. Bninninger, " (Mart.) 2.25 T.- T. Worth, " (Leh.) 3.75 Wm. 'M. Breslin, " (Leb.) 3.75 John Bear Zs Sons, Printing and Binding del of 1n.G0.& By Laws 39.00 " Policies and premium notes 12.50 B-Wiley, blank fire notices 4.00 Committee fees for investigating fire losses 7.00 W. IL Paul, Pres't Signing Poll cies for 2 years. 2.00 Henry Heilman, extra services for 3 gears7.so Directors' fees 35.00 Secretary's fees for making fire as sessmont and notices to mem bers, &c. 39.84 Postage 3.89 Jacob Hagenborger, of Warwick twp., Lan. co., damage by light ning on his dwelling house 8.78 Daniel Ileisey, of West Cocalico twp. ' Lan. eo., leas of his barn., sheds and contents .790.50 1,008.01 Balunce in liands of Treasurer,3lny $38.8,44 Amount of fire tax aseesmd De cember, 1856 • . $949.25 Ezonerations 15.92 Amount or Tax. $038.33 Amount of said taxpaid as above 856.08 Agents' and Directors' fees for col lecting tax 64.51 Tux paid Outstanding &re tax Outstanding percentage money in the hands of agents, May 1,1857 52.16 Witness our hands, May. 15,1857, A. P. HIBSHMAN,. ' IVM., 11..STOBER. , Public Sale of Stock IN. TR E Berks and Danphia, Turnpike; Road'. yik - T ILL be sold at Publio Sale, at the public YY house of Adam Hoak, in the. borougb of Lebanon, on SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1657, at 1 o'clock, P: M.; 66 SE ARRB of Stock in the Barks and Dauphin 'Turnpike -Road. To be sold by Oen. JORN WnitiltAx for the Executors of J. M. Haldeman, dec'd., by whom tenni . /4c., will bo made known. JOHN HALDEM.(N, JACOB S. HALDEMAN, • R. J. HALDEMAN, ROB. 'J. ROSS, June 10, 1857.—te. - Executors: - .F.,0.R:..., : g..4:1:L.73e 4 :." : A T Private .Sale, Twit Building Idle; ':on , :the 11 corner .of „Ohoetnut, and Blienbeth . - itreets, Bust Lebanon: 4 For; fnitlaer partioidare, apply to .J. 31::" KELM., iDaguerreotypist, Leliarton, June 3,1.80.—0 t itowmark, Hauer & Capp,s LUMBER YARD. This Way, if you Want Cheap Lumber. WOHE' undersigned have lately formed a part nership for the purpose of engaging in• the Lumber Business, on a new plan, would respect fully inform the public at large, that their place of business is David Bowman's old• Lumber Yard, in East Lebanon, fronting on Chestnut street, 1 square from the.Evangelieal church. They have enlarged the yard, and filled it with a new and ex cellent assortment of all kinds of Lumber, such as BOARDS, PLANKS, JOISTS, LATHS, SIIINDLES, AND SCANTLING, of all lengths and thicknesses. In short, they keep constantly on hand, a full and well-season• ed assortment of all kinds of BUILDING MATE RIALS. Perions in want of anything in their line are invited' to-call; examine their stock, and earn their prices. Thankful for past favors, they hope, that by attention to luminous and moder ate prices, to merit a continuance of public pat ronage: - BOWMAN, HAUER & CAPP. Lebanon, April 8, 1851.-Iy. Wood Wood' 1111 E undersigned, residing in North Lebanon lor, Borough, offers for sale cheap, GOO or 700 Cords (estimated) good Wood. It may be seen• a6' Fin_ dam," en the Union , Cana, wear Jonea. town: [mity 27,'57. DAVID BOYER. Lev ;I?ieily,. AT. LAW, - txTILL attend promptly to all business entrust ed to him. Office in Cumberland street sec ond door East from Market, street, and apposite the Eagle Buildings. [Lob., may 13, 1857. Woodland for Salle tr ,4 V: -2, - TUE undersigned of- , „ea fors at Priyate Salo, ~:, u a 63 AC ly b RES '''' Icr IF - —, (more or less) of , excel lent WOODLAND, the half of which is good tim ber, situate iu Union township, Lehannn county, near the Big . Dam, adjoining ihntrof Jacob Ulm sicker, Emanuel. Pei and others. Erected on the premises is a good two-story log: DWEILLINOIIaIISR, as good as new, good' Stabling, and a well of nev er-failing water. It will' be sold cheap. Good ti tle and possession given on the Ist of April, 18- 58. Par further information apply to N. L. Bor'o, may27/57. DAVID ROYER. Ground Piaster! 50 TONS GROUND PLASTER, nN hand and for sale at Jacob Bender's mill, in 1 ../ North Annrille township. 11ENRY MEYER. N. Annville,tp, April 29, 1957.-2 tn. • -- PRATT & BUTCHER'S -- MAGIC OIL, 1,000. DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for any medichto that will extoll this for the following diseases, viz Rheumatism', Neuralgi%. Spinal Affections, Contracted Joints, Cholla Pains, Pains in the, Side or Back, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, and all dis eases of the Skin, Muscles, and the Glands. N - one genuine without the signature of Pratt & Dutcher attached to each label. For•sale Wholesale and Retail, at Guilford & Lemberzer'sDrugstore, Lebanon. [Juno 3,'57.1y. Itankeios Hill Sand. A very superior SAND for Building and other purposes, in offoredfor sale by the undersign. ed, in 9Watara township, at ffnulter r s Dill. It is sell at reasonable prices end deliVered by the un dersigned personally. Sand hauled and delivered by othir persons is not the genuine article. April 22:,,1857.—tf. J. E. CODPRIL Auditors Robert W. Coleman in the Court of Common vs. ) }Pleas of Lebanon county, John Weidman.Venditioni Exponas of A pril Term, 1857. No. 14. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County to mako distribution- -of the - money in said Court, and raised on the sale of the Real Estate of John Weidman, Esq., under the above writ of Vendi tioni Exponas, will attend to. the of his ap pointment on SATURDAY, the 27th of JUNE, 1857, at I eeleek NI., at the Com taistioner's Office in the Borough of Labaren,wben and where all persons-interested in, and having claims on-, said money, may attend, if they think proper. CONRAD MARK, Auditor. Lebanon, ..ettne 3; 1857. --It. ~ ~ t !' 'Grain Wattled. Wheat,. Rye, Oat.", Corn, dke., AT the Centro Warehouse, on the Union Canal, in Moyerstown, for which the highest market cash prices will be paid. They also keep con stantly on hand and for sale, Sulphur Coal, Stove Coal, arid Coal for limehurnera,'Whieli they sell at the lowest prices.. UItIOI7, TICE 3. CO. Myeistown, June 10, 1857.4rn* . - j.ast A LL'persons indebted on - the books of Philip II Arnold, deo'd, and Da rid L. Miller, butchers hi North Lebanon boronkh, are earnestly request_ 'ed to call upon the undersigned between this date and the Ist of July, 1357, and wake payment.— After the Ist of July, the books will be placed in the hands of a dlistice of the Peace for collection. DAVID L. MILLER. . . North Lebanon, Juno 10, 1857.-td. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD EXCURSION. A S the time is drawin& near when, the trip-will 11. take place, on the laiiroad, to that Wonder of Wonders, .N.(4OARA FALLS; we would - remind the citizens of T,cbanort county, before.this trip takes place, that it will be neces sary to supply themselves with all kinds of fash ionable Dry Goods, so as to appear in suit desira ble for the occasion, and therefore would advise all'such as wish to rig themselves off and appear its Young America, to call at the wonderful 1;115.57 BEE-HIVE! Now is' the time Air every person to call arid ex amine-that wonderful Bee hive, under the Mam moth Portico. The peculiar construction - and the enormous stock of ,Tioney will he to every persen's interest to observe. HONEY is universally ailmittod. to be agrees,- ble to the taste of every person, and the proper place to get it is known to be the bee hive ; con sequently-every person dosiripg their taste suited, need but remember that the Bee Rive is the place to cull. The superiority of this Great Hive, aside from the enormous stocivconstfintly in Store, is also ev ident from the fact that those Bees assume quite a different disposition,-with, regrard te their gath erings, to what other Bees do: instead` of driving. yisitoros away by flying at thoin .in a haughty manner, and humming sonic unintelligible lan guage in. their ears, and send them away lament ing and crying with disappointment , and pain, for having to leave without getting a bit of good Honey, and being badly stung in the bargain,— they are kindly disposedte solicit the friendship, and cherish the visits, of neighbors and strangers, and endeavor, iu every way, to treat them with inducements - that will make them call soonagain. They cheerfully dispose of any quantity of their sweet stock, at trifling prices, and never fail in sending away customers laughing and rejoicing, with the Great Bargains, and frequently exclaim ing, with overwhelming joy, "Behold this is the piece for Honey !" It will also be found that the bees of this great Hive have not been tying idle during the winter, and particularly since the first appearance of Summer, when a portion of them immediately flew off lathe flowery East, where their gather ings never failed-to he the most choice of the seas on. Ha.vingjust returned from their third toes this Spring, from the city, they arc prepared to. show their numerous friends the handsome se lections ever brought to this Borough, embracing I in variety a collection of every, article in their line that necessity, fancy and fashion can conceive.— In,short, their store is oompiete, and an, invite.: 1 1 Lien is extended to all who believe in the truth of honey being sweet, or value the satisfaction of having their. taste suited. Step into the Bee Hive Store. The large swarms that.ase.continu ally moving to and fro, in - and out, around and about, is another evidence thatthein hikers have not been in vain, or remain unappreciated "43t patronizing public. The merits of this great Hive have not only become apparent at home, but its fame is also fast spreading itself through . out the land. . 929.59 - `GEORGE & SHELLENBERGER Lebanon, June 10, 1857. 6 arpeta. arpsts ASPLI3NDD , .stock of All-wool - and all wool Oiling, Cotton, Hemp and Rag Caili r its,fOr, Floor, Entry and Stairs: assortineat ,of Oil Cloths tor. Table4nd :Stai rs, *received, and for sale. ifeiry 'chßsii, at May 18. - ' 4 4IENRY & -STINE'S. Store Room and Dwelling House 11C121 In& _lllW.r J rillP erne" THE subscriber offers his new and commodious store-room and dwelling house, at No. lock,. on the Union Canal, for rent, for one or more years. This business stand is located in a thick ly settled neighborhood, on the canal and'a pub lie road, and is calculated for doing the best bu , airless along the 16 locks, both with ••••' country people and boatmen. The gs building is 27 by 54 feet and divided - = _ into .apartments of storeroom, store house, dwelling-house, and large basement under neath—all under the same roof. For further particulars, apply to the owner, re siding near the premises. February 4, Issr. JOILNHEILMAN, H. S. . The Union Cenral will be opened early in he season with premise' alining a large business. MILLINERY & MANTUA. MAKING. R ell 0 P. mrts. LIICETTA DUCE. respectfully informs IY-L the citizens of Lebanon Borough and vicini ty. that she has just returned from Philadelphia, with the latest SPRING A.N.D SUMMER FASHIONS, end a large assortment of Bonnets of all kinds, such as Neapolitan, English, Duasta blo, Swiss, Straw, split-straw, Florence Braid, Pedals, Gipsy Flats; Diamond Straws, Ribbons, &,e. A beautiful assortment of French and Amer ican Flowers, Bonnet sil 4 ks and crape. Her friends are invited , to SO examinatiou of her beautiful goods. Asmovar..—Mri. Bucles,residence.has been re moved to "Pearson's Building," opposite Brua's Hotel, a few doors east of bor former location in Cumberland street, [May 20, 1857. .10111 N GASSER. GEORGE GASSER. Boots, Shoes, Ella's, Caps, Trunks., ckc ., 4.c, TIM subscribers respectfully invite the atten Com of the citizen's of Lebanon and vicinity to an. examination of their now st•oelt of goods just re ceived from Philadelphia. They have a general assortment of the latest; styles of all kinds of Sone-Made and City Work, and also make to order, at short notice, any ar ticle in their line that may he wanted. fa"' Don't forget thut the store Las Leen re moved from the old location, to "Phreaner's Old Building," next door to the Washington House, Cumberland street, south side. They tender their thanks to their oh! custom ers, and solicit a continuance of their favors, and trust that a great many new ones will cheer them .with their patronage. They intend not to be beet is selling cheap articles in their line. Lab., npr. 22, 1817.] J. ct G. GASSER, D. welling-House and Store Stand For Rent. , j HE subscriber offers for rent for one or more years, the building for along time occupied by him as a residence and Shoe-store, on the corner of the alley between Brutes Hotel and Pinegrovo street,. Cmu•@erfand street, Lebanon. The build inT is large, welt provided with cellar, stabling, 4; e . The corner !WWI is well ealculuted for a store stand, and. ir rented for any such purpose . will be well furnished with shelfing, e. For fur ther information apply to SOLOMON M'CAGLLY. The property is also offered for sale as private sale, -April 22. 1851. Always Something iNew. RV, 'ID - OH) AND YOUNG. IS, he doubt, the tuost wonderful discovery of this age of progress, for it will restore, permanentiv.grav heir to its original color, cover the head of the bald with a most luxuriant growth. remove, at once, all dandruff and itch ing. cure all scrofula. and other cutaneous eruptions,. snail as scald head, etc. It will sure. as if by magic, nervous nr periodiCal headache; make the hair soft, glossy and wavy. and preserve the color perfectly, end. the hair from falling. to extreme old age. The following is from a distinguished member of the medical profession. Pitorion 0. J. Ninon— St. Paul, Jun. 1, 1855. Dear Sir :—Unsolicited,l send youthis certificate. Af ter being nearly bald for along time, and having tried air the hair restoratives extant. and having no faith in. any, I was induced', on heating of yours, to give it a tri al. I placed myself In the hands of a barber, and had my head rubbed with a good stiff brush, and the IM storative then applied and well rubbed hi, till the scalp was aglow. This 1 repeated every morning. and in three weeks the young hair appeared and grew rapidly front August last till the present time, end is new thick, black and strong—soft and pleasant to the touch ; whereas, 'before, it washa .r,h. and wiry. what little there was of it, and that little was disappearing very rapidly. I still use your restorativwabout twice a week, and shall soon have a good and perfect eroplibeis.. N0w,.1. had read of these things—and who bus not ? but have net seen. hitherto, any ease where any person's hair was really banettled by any of the hair tonic, etc., of the clay; and it really ghat me pleasure to record the result of toy experience. have recommended your preparation to others, and it al ready has a large and general sale throughout the Terri. tory. The people here know its effects, and have confl 'dentv init. The supply you sent UP, ZIS wholesale agents for the Territory, is nearly ',shun:led, and daily inqui ries are made for it. You deserve oredit for your dLscov cry, , and I, fax one, return.±oll my Wanks for the bene- fit it liasdone me, for I certainly had. despaired long aga -of ever effecting any such resat. Yours. hastily, J. NY. ISOND. Firm of Bond & Kelley, Druggists, St. Paul:. [From the Editor of the Real Estate Advertiser.] 13ostoa. 27 School street, 3lnrch 20,1855. Dear Sir:—Having become prematurely quite gray, f was induced, some six weeks since, to make a trial of your Iteatorative. / have used less than twobottles, but the gray hairs havenll disappeared; and although my hair has not attained its original color, yet the processot 'change in gradually going ea, and I am in great hopes that in tt. short titue my heir will beim dark as formerly. I have also been much gratified at the healthy moisture aril vigor of the hair, which Wore was! , hasslA and dry and it bas tensed to come out as formerly. Respectfully yours, D. C. 31. RUPP. Professor Wood. - Carlyle. Illinois, June 19, 18,15. I have used Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and have admired its wonderful effect. My hair was becom ing, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of his "..Restorative," it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently so. SIDNEY bn.kaiakl,-E5-tionutur United States. O. J. WOOD& CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway, N. Y.. and 114 Market street, St. Louis, 'Missouri. Fos solo, la Lebanon, et Consosnt LENIDEIIGER'S Drug store. .Also. by cull responsible Druggists. tb.25,'67.-flm. FIRE FIRE , FIRE ! 'TAKE NOTICE! HAT the Locomotive will soon pass through T Lebanon ' and as Barns and Houses will be in danger from Fire thereof, James N. Rogers Begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Lebanon. ODE] vicinity, that he will Cover Barns and Houses with Tin, at the shortest notice. Also, thankful for the patronage he has receiv ed, he embraces this opportunity of informing the public generally, that he has ou hand, TIN WARE: from a tea spoon to a boiler of any size; all kinds w COAL STOVES of the most improved patterns. jar" Also, JOB BING; SPOUTING, iirc.,,done at the shortestrio ties and on reasonable terms. His place of busi ness is in Market street, two doors south of the Lebanon Bank. JAMES N. ROGERS. N. B.—The highest market prices paid for OLD COPPER, LEAD RricUPRIVTER or taken in ex change for work or ware. [Leh ' , may 13,'57. Opening. ASTIMEAD intends bating an opening In of. Spring and Summer - Millinery, on Fri day and Saturday, April 24th and lath, when she respectfully invites the ladies of Lebanon and vi cinity to . give her w call. liaving just returned from the city with every variety of btyiese, and ma terial, she Settees herself that for beauty and ele gene°, her assortment cannot be surpassed. She also offers an extensive variety of straw and fancy goods, ribbons, flowers; Ao., which she has no doubt will give entire satisfaction. April 22,'57. North Lebanon MILLING COMPANY. rpaß Worth Lebanon has been remodeled, . and is riots , completed ant 3.4 9, operation, and prepared to furnish customers reg ularly n'itti very illpetj9r . attiele of FLOUR, 'aa cheap air it can be obtained from any other source. - They mac Imp constantly 'OIL hand arra flat-sale, Chop, Bras, Slat ta,,itc,; They: are also prepared to do all kinds -Ott:Fea .tcdner's work, and respeetrolls *mate" 41. tlitltae,- mer mistomers of the mill, as we - A is new on to give -them a call. • They, will pay the regulv 1444 et, prices - • - - kinds of Graikiitteti..as, Rye, 4112 Vird , afford all looilltiai aut. anoostanodations to_, - - '-001(1111D U - TalltONElt. Pailaident Nottlt Lebanon Borough * may 116-IA,