The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 24, 1857, Image 1
1 ' . 4.: .' - IPM4PROgpIy - ,-,.---- . . , , .. , -, . '' - ':`''''',Uo 4 ' 4 - Tig, 404.4p.A.,717,;' - -" 1 , , ,,: 4, :Y .-4P g i , ' , 4 ,'„ . ~ - - 4 _ ,r,,,--, _ :4*.e,,, - 2. ,1 / 4 _ , x ,,,,,,,.-,7.4.- - -,-,.,,,,, ,---,...,-;,. ..; 'O f * UR - .-, ,_ : „,,, , ,j4. 4 t i ,. , , ...-,_Lytti., 4 , oo ;: -.4. 5..;- r-,-- -- .. ..:..., ,- ,p, -' - y , 0 ' 6 ' e - tv 00 4.,,,./ . , . _ ... , , . , . . B . .. , ; , ..... . , r 11 L....., ANO\ ADVER iii . . , • ._ . ...._ . • , • , • —l4 . '. ' ff . . , vf4autt k i trattuo gittraturt, goirtign an . 1 glgintotir Sstai, 01. Mattiots giguuttutt, anV atittrat gittritigrart I b 0" • • 1 , _ ''" MI ' fi tcalit+ ALNIIIT Street, , natb-1T(21 , t crrner of THIRD Street, Philade lon. V ; - '. ' CORPORAT'A BY !a L',ST.ATLI 1 iI , E PN NSY LTA NIA MONEY is received .. any sum, large nr small, l i anti interest paid front the ' ky of deposit to the any of with. .drateal. I t The office in open c, ery day from 9 o'clock in the lemming till 7 o'cloer., . the evening, and eu lionduy riand Thursday even' ~ L tlll 9 o'clock. . . INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. An slams, large or salt are paid back in. gold on do. rind` - without notice, m ny amount. ' • Hon. illtl; I x L. BENNER, President. .. ItOBERT S J.FILIDC.II, Tice President, Nrx.: J. Run Seeret.rx, . ' .-, DI ,IIRECTOBS. : - .llerkry L. Benue?, . , C. Landreth 3funna, 7 etaca.rst is. Carter, ..• e` F. Carrel, 11 uwster, Robert Selfridge, 1 .''',' Soseph IL ".:-.7, tfaxouel 'lt: Ashton, .:",:' I Henry . L. CL li ingman, Vtinferf.h.' Smith, ..,...',: • 1 Francis Lee. , ThlisCampany (meld; if its businees entirely to there eelYing,of money,on ilk/treat. The investments amount- Anglo - nearly , ' ..' , One Million , .ikkea. a Vali' of Dollarsl ' aniai het pilhliiiiied.rept . t 'Asesan, are made in conform ity *ltilif the droeisic 'of the - Charter, in 'MAL ES TA'FB,•II.IOII.TG.ACtIS —OIIND ILENTS, and euch hest class securities, ea Ti always ensure perfect security to the depositors, and Ir.' cannot fail to give permanen cyL 1 and debility. tot ildititittion. ' ilirty 27, Liibi'. , Lebanon , utual in! urnlice . .' i'Mpaitsy. ", iNCORPOICAT i 'y THE LUGISLSTE7II4 OP P.t. ,:- CHA I R - PEItPETUA L. Of/i c e at En:,tottm, .1 4 ebanon County. °VAR .. 4 ..CAPITAL $55,000. r- IRIS, aa,; organised now fully organed and •-L ready to 31. o Insurance on till Itinds of property in t ‘n r country and on as favorable torluotte any.ive ' : 4'Verned and safe company, eftither pn the;ii al oijoint,stock principle. ii . ; • Pre —, E Tont/ ntarstat, Esq. Vie ?''•. ird-ent--D. M. KA UM A.'s r. Trekor! -:Lillslo. P. Mutbv. * ROT ' . W•ar---- 4 -• )?7,v36,:5,vr,... • ' ;Directors`. . 'John Pord4: : tsq.f - ' Daniel Brown, D. M. Karbw. i s -„, .s." . 'Napoleon Dead, 4:31-eo. P. Mii ' ~' - . 4obit Arndt,' W. A. Dar '' . - John MeilY, Adam Zel tt' i -,;*•'-' , L. A. 3V[tlltee, '-';„ I , hadn't 11.11'.' . r., , .:, if's, s e idid„ po- A. S: r ` . is the Agent for Lebatain. lie may nt el - 'guts be found , at his ulnae 'ia IVelnut Stre-- . 7 ,- Jonestown. 1 - SEIM Weill' Li Machine Workg. opposite tb "lumn Valley B. B. Depot, L - . •., Lebanon county, Pa. • TATM. ita , - WEIMER. Proprietors, man ifir faetdr :ham Engines from Ito 300 bor i power, of r i atist Alias and patterns, with al i the moiled .Imo:foments. Also, superior Port- 1 able Snail c (with Link Motion Vulva Gear,) mounted - el 11000, for San Milk. Si ood riming i 1 and Bois pinlittes, Particular n t ton tion I called to *Mall Upright Engines for Printers U MW" 4 &Mee wanting a small iiinount o 1 Power. 1' l i tigc an e r t o l o p in a tts vt a ry ho: „ln seh " ol 7' fl u l t t ' ur n e o. " Alt, I . ,in Engines and luachinery for An thracite other Blast Furnaces, of improver eonstru n. Forge Barrimorc, of P. L. Wumer' Patent oiling Mill, Sawing, Planing ant Flour II Fixtures , l Mining Pumps ; Bois lug M fiery fot Mines and Stone quarries Rail- I,'Oars, Troy Bridges, Shafting, hangers Palle !Phrasing Lathes, Drill Presses, Planta- , maclMar - Brass Stop Cocks, Valve, and Bras Fiat r , aligns Steam Valves, of ell sizes, an , Ma ' ;sod Castings of every description. A$ oilers of any BIM form and weight ci best material, by well-known and es pe , Ott iforkmen, Smoke St mkt, Water Taubs ti nes, Boaters, and sheet • iron work of °very d pan. (Oar Boiler sheets are all tasted by d joil 'Blom into squares of 2 inches, and ham dug wink square ; any imperfection is thus de. Asid, and , the faulty sheet rejected ; this isprao ~,led in very few ShOpfl,pl this country.) , Also, a cloak nf Wrought Iron Pipe, for steam - and water, with all the necessary fixtures, con . tly on hand, and put up at the shortest n. co and on Meet reasonable terms. Iron, Brass, And Composition metal Castings, made to order, lat the s4drteet notice. .011?" Repairing attended to with promptness and despatoh.. A gang of Boiler makers always ,t ready for Boiler repairs. Blacksinfth'Work mode to order. ~ late -Orders roapectfully solicited. All comma kloationik, hrmail or othortslse, attended to with ailtsepittek;m4d'w,ork delft'pred to railroad, or ca nal, free orohargo. wk. WillgEß,, ImbattOtr, Februar'y 4,185 i. - - , "Washington house," Ctiniberrand Street, Lebanon, Pa. vTIIIR undersigned, having taken this : old and X 'favorite stand, and having refitted it in the beacjittle, is noWarepared to accommodate the n Q y 4, and entertain strangers and travellers in 0g.:1340 modern style . The House is eornmedi- OWittd , pleheant. The TABLE ehall bewail pro laded•for, and the BAR contain none but the r o t a ? , Ligisorts. The STABLING attached to the„'litutOkle large and roomy, and capable of ac aMintofis*ll.: a great number of Horses. ,;f/Sfrt,To,his friends and acquaintances in Leb on.Ctiutiti, as well as to all others, be attends , die laytitation to make his Rouse their ions visiting Lebanon kA. 4 ,,i, 29, 1857. . -, ...Vir i .ine and Liquor Store. mini undersigned having opened a WINE AND 1, *luau arena, at the North-west earner of it , t . f and Water Ste., (in the room formerly (m -e 'by .T. Weidle , Esq.,) is now prepared to fur- D O e eitlikene - of the borough and county of L e l li rs' 3H ion, with -all lailds of choice tinuors, such as Mitiltira, POO ? : Lisbon, anti *Ascot m .s, 'tr y Gin, Old' Ake , :,.,Ofkiakey, , Jamalca Spirits; icie; 2 "dila the will sell at very reasonable prices for e imp i in:quanntieti not less than one gallon. areilld incite the public in general to give bign'ams.ll7 end hopes by etriet attention to busi neopud a desire to please, to receive a liberal g batipt" patronage. BMANTIEL ,REIGART. • 'AO4I 29, 1857. T.734'. 06 - ttll'iS has just Teturned front the cittot :with - *a slew s took of Boob, Shoes,gretsiAawd , *Mk bags. . WANTED, • good Flow Barrel Coopers,. at the =Genesee mills, in Lebanon, to whom constant , and good wager will bo given. None but And steady .workmen naiad apply. MYEAS 4,l!quitiß: is the groat Continental or.STEDIr. fai Siphilis and Secon dary symptoms; Oleo "gotietttutes a certain core for Scurvy..Sciefula; and ail entauteds,firuptions, removing and expelling - id its course all impurities from the:vital. stream, se,ataltogether to'cradicate thO•viihsof , cliseasei end expel, it bilnaensible,`'persidratlon through' the me dium of the pores ettllifskii, and urine. It is a never &Rink remedsi.for that class of disorders which English Mohan/i treat .with mercury, to the evitable destruction of 'the' patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilla in the world eaunet remove. Tervaratan'No 1' 4 2 and 3,. axe praxAred in the term of lozenge. devoid of taste ex 'ernell,pnd eau le earried,iu the waistcoat, pocket.. Sold in.tin• eases, and (Si/Idea - 4n separate doses as administered by Valpeat , LaTleman, 11.0u.5, Ehlord.;, &c. Price p each, orlitair4aSes in one for SO, which saves $3, and in $27 cleoVerliblehy. the leae.Ving of SO. ' Neeo.aid.tonHaine . , unless :the Engravings of the Peals of thO Patina Mce of England, the seals of'the Sleets, de Pharmachs tkfitris, and the Imperial College of 'Vienna, are affised.4on each wrapper, and around, each case:— Irnitatichs are liable : to the severest penalties of the law. Speciak4Anteihenta enable' Dr. Barrow to forward immediathlyk" on receiving a remittance, the $9 and-'tat- ger size eilPfle" of Triesemar free of carriage. to O.l,*Pl , ..typf .• he worlOsecalrely packed and prtperiy addressed; thus laurlnc genuine European preparations and Pre:Meting e public from Spurious and pernicious itnitatiatts,;; • ttendaliecoull Consultation frnrt 11 lill2 m. at I from -kill Bin the evening. 137 Prince street; a fiiw weattof itroadway, New York. ay 6,1857-IY. 6.-ly 0 , .Lo P. L. WEIMER DAVID HOFFMAN. , • - *:* NEW YORK ADVERTISF;MENT'S. FROM ALBERT G. RICHARDSON'S Advertising an d Coirespo nd en oil Office, 460 trend- _MEn= HAZELTON & BROTHERS, PIANO FORTE .11,1allufacturers No. 209 Centre Street, New nrk, wEptu may be found a superior:assort:neat of. Piano " Fortes, in Igen and Oraara4n tal Cases t from 6to 7X tietives. of the best materials, , Proziouneed by elistia gundled artists to be .unsubmirect. Will - be sold on rem inanabli.,termi and.Awarrat ed truffin-sMy Orders from theeountry:tiWt• attended to, and each Piano guarranteed to give'sattafaution. If . not so, the Piano may be nii,Twe refunding-the money and freight. : 4 1.•'.•:-;' , 1•,: • A At the Great Exhibition .at;tiiti'stal Palace, N. Y., 1853, a Prize MED.Al4 ' wits niriirded,to Ilazeltou & Bro thers, for the,soperier quality of their 'Plano Fortes, which wore tested in Yeach; . :Yrine,. Equality and Dura bility of Tune, and placed in the highest grade by the fells'-. Jog illialuguishe 4 .l4rtia •t e' . :-William Norris, Chair man on musical' inithintatitsit afillion, Max Maretzek, W. G. Fry, E. S. Willis, T. Tllcfeldt,. Z. Mcignen, Ciirae,lhright„Juix,Ori,nid*leal tostruynentst George . G. Bristow, Secretary en mukteilinstitiments. may 13, . .. •, • . . Important to Cimsninptives. m AN l valuable lives have 'been saved by.IIAGEMAN, Claim & Co's °mum Cots:Liven Ou., which, in all human probability, would have .beeitlost but - for its timely use. is . . It no quack medicine, but Pura Oil, made with the utmost etre from the Fresh Cod Fish Livers, and is recommended by the most eminent physicians hi Europe and Americaand has proved by ,TEN .yeare experience the moat va table remedy for Consumption and Scrofula ever cliscove ed, for, white it butes the disease, it Warms f. es the health mid strength of the Patient. CA UTION.--"f hero is a greatkleal of spurious oil, a dulterated ivith Seal Oil, IVhaltr - 011, 4c., which, instead of benefltilug, injures the pallient, by deranging the digestive arms, but being _chopper,. is by unprincipled persons palmed oil for genuine. - ' N'O'FICf, that ile„,..eninu. Clark - &' Co . s signature 15 over the cork, mad the Engle an.d.ltortar on the label; for, since be death of IFm. L.• Rushton, one late partner, there has, emu( an article called ,Auabton's put in the market, i tell is in ne way connected. with 11..,C. A Co., or li. C. & Co.; and thousands - who bad used tither Oil without s beeps, have been restored -to health by the Genuioe Oil of our manufacture: Sold by all.respecta bla Druggists. (may.% 1857.--.2m-234sqs. Xew and Important Ills covery in the ScienVe • Medicine. PA.TENT OFFICE SEAL OF GREAT BRITAIN, DIFI.O- ME de ECOLE de rp..kaseiclE PitArtnAMnx de P.vets and Imrnarat. COLLEGE of MEDICINE, VI- alma. Sold wholesale andetail ;by Dr H. A. Barrow, member of the ImpF T College of Vienna, and Royal College of Surgeomsl-London, who may be personally consulted at his roldence, , ls7 Prince street, few blocks west of Broadway, New York, from 11 A. Id. ; till 2 P. M. and from 4 till. 8 P. A M. (Sundays excepted, 1 unless by appointment.) Triesemar 1 4 4: 1, - Tin remedy for Relaxation, Speiniatorrhcea, and all the 1 distressing consequences arisinglom early abuse, erbninele excesses, or toolong Midence in hot climates. ,It has restored bodily and. sexuabstrength and rigor to thousands who are now in the entypent of health and the functions of manhood; unetidditgier. May be the cause or disqualifications for maillegti; they are effectu ally subdued. • Triesemr 1'10.'2, Completely and entirely eradidatea all traces of (loner hien, both in its mild and aggraratedforms,.Glects, Stric tures, '1 Irritation of- the-pladder. Ven-retentioif of the i "Gripe, Pains of the LOille and those diser , g li eraud Gu e so, lommlaux,) . • Triesemar. • - - 'eat and Vtitisival Induce ,- . . - anent' 1' ,- . .ENTY-SI YE PER CENT. DISCOUNT in first-class ingravingswilllie made anti` further notice on an p arch am; of : ~- .;,.-- • , king GiasseS,- 4 •Rietuie Frames, Engrgvingi; - 4 ttis4t . ? Materials 4'c., i c t, will be :mid inileriendently of the deduction, LOWEST AdIiKET Iltfaiti, and the privilege of et; said deduction from alahnmense stock and vii rof - '... 'y , , ' NEy - EW G . RAVINGS . , k * GIVSN .To CH PURCHASER.' ' In ur LOOXI.NO-41 9 De artment - may be had every ariety of - - - . Pier Wall and Ma le M irrors, Portrait an Rip,tUre Frarn , Cornices, Bases, of our bwiresefuslyil hum* ante, froth choice and cr riginal Ocala:us, not.elserchrii to he obtained, and ofi•tin gorier finality. . ---i. .. 1 . :-. In ode F.tStil ART Desatlei t will be foundfirst-elass Impressions ()fag-the-finest:A °peen Eiigrwvings, with &generel assortment' di' all able publications. In out ARTIST 4 4 : .-firATl L Department will be t lf found (eftangerieriitiality •0 „ every reciuleite for the Artist, Amateur , pr• Pupil. The,to the 3 n e and Schools. Orders by hitter carefully filled and Vre with the utmost care. To the iiconomist, and all dm' tig of obtaining sopa- Tier giiiiiili - artiebu3, at rooder rices, the above pre gents unusual advantages. 4 . . ..._ _ WILLIAMS, STEVENS, \s liIAMS as CO, 353 Br. way, New. York. Apri.11.3,1857,-$ mist 1 -:" ,_ . fil .ime. . IT is 'Noqr . ' of'ffliklirE. . PRESIDENT J. If. EATON CZ L. D. . trui.eivXiiiver , rty, _Vitrfre. 4e o T ennessee , Says: efhtotwithstanding t. irregular use of Mrs. •S. A. Allen's Worlds H : -Ileitorer, fr..c., the faitii; a off of hair ceased, a t any grey tacks were restored to thPir origina/ do r , ..' REV. W THACHER, (60 year f Agc,) Pitcher, Chording° to. N. Y. "My heir how restored to its natural color, and ceases to I, off." Rev. 8.-P. STONE, D. D., to. .id N. H.— , My Itir•which was grey, is now r tored to its natural corer, &c. REV. D.`CLENDENIN, Chief/r e d U.= "I can . add- my testimony, and reconittion , it' :to my friends. ',; . .. . 4 , :. , REV. D. l l'. MOOD, Middletiiive ./. Y. "My own hair has greatly thickened, - ;.4ilL o at of one of my, family who. was beeomingamld. t.. We Might . , swell this iis,t,iput i not con vinced, TRY IT.' .• • •,. : ' ' MRS. S. A. ALLEN:S . ZYLOBALSY • ! CM, Or World's Itair Divisaing, is eliser:Sial to se with the Restoresi. and is the best .llttir')lYres ng •for old or young ext,aot,iticing often.:effica::ms in cases of Hair• falling, 4d, without the Re: rer. Grey haired,. Bald, or persons aillieted-wi . 'die . eases 'of the hair or, smlp, read, the Aboretand judge 'of. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S IR \ RESTORER. . ' -1; ...._._ It Vois.Viot soitor etaip. Sadly:all -the p - oipal wholesale end Iv:till raisichantain:the U. ~ Cuba '51 ,. • Canaan. :POT, 355 'IIRQO. I STREET, Nr.W YORIC I i. ' t4Li.:Sonte dealers trylo Sett articles instead this on which • they makr.moreprofii. Write- ; 11\ Depot for circular and i fonnotion.;- A.pril 1, 1857..-3sos.--4inest ,, ,•.. , Rt fl e rie y F Crig4doro'sK . 44:it. NO Within a nut-shall all tlis merits lie, Of Critdadorces never-eqbelled Dye ; Red it makes; black, to Wenn transforms a Myr And keeps the fibres al* yatt= decay. 8 matchless, re-vi Bair Dye, still holdalls position as the mot h and efficacious 'lair oin THE woRLD. I ered and sold, wbolesale tar ,. and retail, and applied in to .rieste enema, at Calera- DOR0 . 8; No. 6 Astor House, t rainlway, New York, and by all Druggists and Porto - relit thirlinited &alai." Jan- 14 , 1867.-lyte-ilaq. ' ': - . • • .. A.. • • t • ; O tt . i . Ai2 4.7ra lp. i_l .tl'i•r year, U ; C : r 2 .w.:•':'' . ;,0"11tt••s• buir g . a . tu .., , , on - - - ,AnnommAtu . 4 ,i;; . ,•••,!, `Costae& Rat Etterminatoir: An irifallibledestibyer of RATS, MICE, ANTS, t a Du 't • There was no a au who Ord not :ICE, MOLES, &c. &e. &o. • (Not 1 ble at the sight Knickerbocker: dangerous to the HUMAN, Family.) Rats do , not, die in their boles, but. come out and die. ;• He who has be ;al` otterdate will Put up in 20e., 35e., 65e., $l, $2,53 and ss . boxce: '. I) r a hoes if tw fori - ' Costar's" 04 Bug Extekrainate : I re m"' e •, • ' ''''''''' • ' • •.t-s' which , -Ne x er knoyar togail--arkti need'. elrer," da,y.;ll'Y ''d -* the.sant• hi 'lliit' Aliilelt '- sten sin j in t e thousands in Newt orkand elSetrKere. ,- ! basin of the canal that Alin ~between Put, up in 25c., 50c., 75c., $l, $1.50, $240, i that city .and the' Hague, LeYllen and and $4.50 33ottles. ' "COSTAR'S" ELECT-RIC POWDER. iI say he will rerrit' in other ;places. ber For the, destruction of Mom, MOBQUITOES,I it, for it must- have bee" Peinted etNto FLEAS, PLANT iNiECTS, VBillifiN ON F 4 -1,3 ANTI i him' as having been once, inhabited by, ANIMALS,' it - C. &O. ' ' i i the most- ingenious artist that Holliird Pat up, in 25e. and 50c. Boxes: , Sold Wholesale and Retail at "COSTAR'S" 'ever produced, to say nothing of his PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 308 BROADWAY„ NEW daughter, the prettiest maiden, ever YORK, and by, the principal DRUGGISTS and born within hearing of the croaking of DEALERSthroughoutthe United Suttee, the Can aclete, Wes 4 figlits, California and South inierien. 1 a frog. It is not with the fair Blniche, •tu,..t... ostlers must always be accompanied by unfortunately, that we have at present the cask. - anything to, do ; it is with the old-gen ...No goods sent on COMMiSSIOII. : - 1 fatherHis t Amen, tier . profession was ~. small swap e. Packages pat,,up at the. lowest, wholesale prices for, first orders An .new that of surgical-instruMent 'maker, 'but places, with Cards, Show Bills, Posters, &e. &c. his faiiie principally rested on the ad- Packages expressly- put up fo'i Ships, Steamboats, Betels, Public Institutions,ff&c. mirable skill With vitrieh hee-constructed It's.. Full partiou ars to wholesale Dealers-- / wooden and cork • legs. So great was scales of prices, &e ,, , &n., will be protnpty mailed , his reputation in this, department of hu es application; Address f • t wh om . "COSTAR" i man science, t hat the n ature or No. 888 Boadway,N. Y. 1 accident had curtailed, Ciirricatured, anti Sold by Guilford & Lembergor. ; - 1 disappointethin so very necessary an April i, 1057.-3 mos. .I (4 sqs. i appewdage to the body ; - came limping to him, in crowds,: and, however, , desperate 1 their case might be, ;were very soon,(as I the saying is) set taper) their legs again. .Many a• cripple, who had looked upon his deformity as incurable, and- whose only consolation consisted in an Tneea- I skied sly hit at Providence,,for having intrusted his making a journeyman, found himself so admirably - fitted,--so 1 elegantly propped tip'hy Mynheer Turn- - 1 ingvort,—that he alest began to.dpubt whether a timber o: cork supporter was riot, on the whole„ uperior to' a more i t -commonplace andiroilblesome one of flesh. and blood. • nd,',in't-lood truth, if, you had semi ho very handsome and delicate were the' understandings lash ; idned by ,t he skit lartificer, you would i 1 hive been - puzzle to settle the question t yourself, the mei especially. if, in your !real toes ; you vs4e ever tormented with • gout or-corns. ..: ~,, -.....- ' .. t One morriiii justits'Master Terning -1 yort was.givin ,i,IF 4ELUI smoothness arid, "palish to - a 'e'• II hill"trent - messenger; 4 eotered'hrs stri,, io,luspeakt classically, I andirequested im Lb t he would imme- I diately.accons ny h , Ili tol the mansion ,i I.of Myribeer in WO enblock. It was the mansion ' theii hest Merchant in Rotterdam, s the riitiit put on his hest wig, and set : rth with his three-corner ed'hat in on hand, and his - silver-head ted stick in ti e other: • It so happened i that Myrihe' r Vor4' Wridenblock had I I been very I dably smployed a few days i before, in ti ruing a:poor relation out of 1 doors,.but i endeOering to hasten the ( odious wre'cles progress donvn stairs by a alight int else .a posteriore '(for My n- I.heer seldom stood upon cerentony with Ipoor- reli' ons,) be..11 - had unfortunately lost:his I) mace, and;: tumbling headlong I from - ths op to the bottom, found ., on • recovering, his senses, that he had brolt en.hia riglttleg,,and lost three teeth:— He had .al -first some-theughts of having this poor relation tried for murder ; but, 1 -being nitturally of a morel ful disposition; , he.orrly:sent him to „jail on account of 1 some uppaid debt, leaving-him - there to i enjoy the comfortable reflection, that 1 t his wife And ebildreh were starving at home., $ A dentist'soon supplied the in- I' valid with three teeth which - he had pulled;out of an indigent poet's head, at I .: the rate of ten : a-piece. but fer which he prudently, charged` I the rich 'fiaeriiliant, one hundred. dollars. The; . doe-Mr, upon examining, his leg ' and 1 reclilleet'ing - tliat thatmomentl rattier in want of a subject, Cut. it care filP.effs and twit it away with him in his Carriage; to lecitiie upon it to his pupils.. So My Omer , Wodenbl net, con sidering that he : had been hithertotie 90torned to walk.: and not to hop, ~and being, perhaps, somewhat. prejudicedia .favor of - the former Mode of locomotion, ?sent for out ',friend •a tbecapalbein 7 _, in order thatle' - '6iifitiive - him nee ftions • about :'the. reptl O entativc, with which .he wished to be - supplied for his los(triember. The artificer entered - The wealtl7 , 1 burgher's apartment. 1. - kivas reclining on a - couch, with his left lobkingAS respectable as ever,l tit with his unhappy right stumplAn* up in bandages, as if ' eons-ions and'ashamed- of its own Little.. fleas: — "Turningvort, You have heard of my misfortune ; it has thrown me into a fever, and all Rotterdam in tonoofusion; butlet that pals. you must Mae me a leg ; audit Must be the best lek,.sir; you -ever made in your life. ,-Turning vort bowed. "I` do not . care' What it , , costs ;" Turningvort , bowed yet 'lower ; tcprovided it out-does every, thing - you have yet made of a, similar sort: lam for none of your wooden:spindel-shanXs: Make it of cork -; let-•it `be light "and elastic.; and- cram it as-full of springs as a watch. I know nothing-of -the hii airiesg, and cannot-- be more specidein my directions ; but thisl amdeterMin ed-npon, that•l shall have A leg as as the ‘ one I have lost. . I know.:sudh a thing•ii to, be bad and if It-getilt, from you, your reward is a thousand guineas: The. Dutch Prometheus declared. -that), to please My oheer.s Von Wod,snVocilt,•` lie would, do more thantllgirianingenui ty had „evey,43l.olOure, intl.- undertook 19, • 4)ll,l4olklV.l4Witfith six , days, ;:a,4eg. Whiellhgetileraugh to scorn the mere common leg( 'possessed by ',Amitiintion men; , : -: - . r ... --: .. -:" - • '-• • ~'" ''' Lebanon female Seminary. aHE object of this INSTITUTION' is to im part to YOUNG LADIES thorough Educa tion, and thus prepare them for the faithful dis charge of the various duties to *Well they maybe called in life. Experienced Teachers have been employed, who will give iustrietioM in all the branches of agood BAWL rsir Educalien, LA311 , 1, anEEZ, Extexcrt, Music, Pa - tbrrrxo And: DRAw !No. Arrangements hive been =defer Boarding all from the Country, or frOnt a distance,whomay desire to avail theanselves of the; advantages offered. Ott- For any further information,hildresieither Rev. AUGUSTUS C. WEDEKI'itTi, Guardian and Visitor, or LEGIT. R. BAUGHSR, Principal. We also refer to the Faculty of.Pennsylrania College, Gettysburg, Pa..;;Boy: H. S. Miller, rairVi Kline, Jacob B. Weidman, Charles Greena walt, Henry A-, Stine, and others haring daugh ters in the School. Lehamon,:September 10,1866. REMOVAL. ;_L e . int oit Ar b Ile Yar d. TEH subscriber respectfully Informs the public in general that he is i i a p at r th p h a l a r d : te s:rbl d e: t.3 'i l l a l o r tic ki d, 6 7i : %%c . ]: r i i. : l " oglentruy : 7:De .vor, ar ia t svearr i at.: : ork t, the Court House and Lobs u"ii"et' ha" way between. r iv- Leb th ar r on cong. t ylt l Pas s illt ervatl glgSk " inLY city to the business, he pledges himself-tha t apprenticeship ; tura ebettpw and give i better finish he cell manufac roan gusitio a in the emeeb t or finish than any -other us ness. ;,Ilia stook consAsts of ' Monumente, Grave Stones;'lautel ~ C emetery Poks; Furniture Slabs, C. , Also, SAND T0N.E .. .0r the best quality for all uses, plain and ornamental.A large assortment, of LlME .sTsath for.. all kinds Or housewdrk, .of any size and quantity. 4Eir Please call and examine prices and, the stack.hefore you purchase elsewhere. - JOHN FARRELL. .Lebanou, Decanter 19,1855. - • N. , 13.--LETTERING done in. G4rituni and English, by the best , praetiee workmen. BOOKS 1 BOOKS 1. 1. - . J the Public, ,aLgt: they; respectfully .receive, from from the _Eastern CitieS, copies;of all the most important and attractive New Books, as Edon as-published, which they Offer for sale cheaper ,than : they can bo purchased elsewhere. Among those lately regeripd aro-- e Dc:`,Ktine's 'Expedition, in Prescott's history of, Chaclea.V., ht 3 Vols. Recollections of a Life :Time, in 2 Vols., by 8.-'ll. Goodrich, AntlitiC of Peter Parley's -Tales. • Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, and other iscollaneous Works. ,parpenter's Attestant andGtnral Architect. - • - American 'Architect hy :f. W. Ritch. Dow,ning's.,Cottnge Residifnces and Cottage Grounds. The Economic Cottage Bander. 'hey.liave always on - hand aparge assortment of School • ',--: Books ; DiaMk...lSooks and < S. - T -A T f 4 NERY. • Also, Sunday School Books. and MusiOtooks, amotig4hich is ' "The .111aranonia BYE. Also, Piano Forte, Melode4n and Violin Instructors. PAP E 1-1 AN GIN G - S, of Foreign andMornestic Manufacture, Windotr' Shades. The Melia Chi y 1 (I - al Ma NEWSPAPERS daily 4- Weekly -- , Can he had by eal lino at the store, on Cumberland streqf, in the borough of Lehanon, at the sign of the "Bigliook." IMOrtiers left with.them for any kind of goods in their -line, line, wilLbe promptly atteildmi to. • Lebanon, April 8, 184.^ - - = THE CENTRAL BOOT & SHOE STORE. Dattfel.'arae AxTlTErntarty thanks to my patrons for their TV liberal patronage thus far bestowed, and the determination tn. merit a continuation of the same; . am now „ready, and Gentlemen, (having dispoSed dray winter stock,) to offer you a well selected Spring and summer stock. Come and.see.and judgefor:yourselveS.• wilftell You the place, and you ne'er will forget, • When you once behold Gineff's beautiful It Of Gaiters, Bootee c,r Rushlike Utich greet, With II graceful appearance 011 the Littiee feet. . . . My place may ha found owCumbertand street, Where each of fily,friands icelcp*lYlT.ea 'Tis here may be found all patternirwell uledo, Got up In tall etyle Tor' the - opening Sprlrig trade. Come gentleman, you. that, yenta good beet, l' .I hese got a Suring litsbleu that surely will suit,' If a Calf or a•Kip of good mechanical skill, s. Just give me si . call I'll, fit you at will., , Ladies and .Gentienlext ::. I also would - call year, attention to my welt Ei E. r. lected stock of , Summer Shoes, eoMprising 5 : .6 different kindaiiihielt I will dispose ol q sa bleitre- bk . , prices, under a good insurance of exec font make. - J. N. B.—Tray.olers now is your time, if goal:Wish to see a large assortment of Trunks, Valisea,;:lind different kindi of Bags. 'Genie one, come all. . much 25,1857. • : , - 1 . ,` . . . FOR SALE.` { `. FLOUR „, C It , OATS, MIDDLJNGS BR-AN - ' SALT'BY TRE BAG, at the Goat= mills or • MYERS /6 SESTUR, .Tan. 18b7. Lebation; Pa. FOR RENT. lIE Store-room 3 , 10. 1, apd' cellar ))eneatli, in the Eagle Buildings, on,Cumberland street, at door to Ilitak's tarern,lnoli thiVocotipation ons lILRICH. Poseession given April 1,185'7". JACOB B. WETPMAN, GEO. LINE'AWEAVER: s, f. Tanuary 21, 1851.-t Ivpummer Hats for Men awDßoys. kinds of Summer Hai' -for . IVlen, d Boys just.ressipagd (9rsile leap aJ.. gitt.iSit.MlNfrti. • AL , sinis• . - .. • '~;~' .~ LEBANON, PA, S WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 5 1851. Asa Eno TITS hIARVELI,r S HISTORY OF Mynheer N't),r Wodenblock. AMMONIFfillea , bias a44l3Rfidt as, an Qfft , • Taraingitor,totaa a , man :of 4411 0140:jitiOlaisk and there wal'a favorite discovery which he had long been endeavoring to Make, and in accomplishing which, he imsgin _ed he had , at • last.. succeeded that very morning. Like all other manufacturers of terrestrial legs, he had ever found the chief difficulty in his progress to _ , [ wards perfectiorlyto consist in its being 1 apparently impossible to introduce into them any . thyA ip , , the shape Of joints, ,Capti . l,,,,ef,, issutpKu law jai , thlyist,, 'll - il i yi t . ...oiilksirritagitiiiieltriporeaTit (line . Lions achieved under the present system, by means of the admirable mechanism 1 of the knee and ankle. ;.:;Our philoso. I pher had spent fears. in .endeavoring to obviate this grand inconvenience, and r , though he had Undoubtedly-Made great. ai:-- ---- •11 anybody elie; it was not ti' believed himself corn if the great secret. His carry it into execution leg he was *about to [er Von Wodenblock: i evening of the sixth 1 .o which I have-already _ alluded, that wi\h, this magic leg, :care fully packed up, thr l / 4 -„actite artisan again made his appearaneeNbefore the expect ing and impatient Weak block, ll'here was a proud twinkle - in'furningvort's grey eye, which seeme6 o indicate, 4‘.1.4 .that: he valued, , even the thN an d . gu i. neas,_ which, he intended for sil an .dh e r s marriage portions le, Pa Oa° the Irtlebri - ty, the glory, the immortality, oft t i c h he was at length to' share: He urii•Ni his..precious bundle; and spent sena hours in. displaying. and explaiti)ng to , [ the delighted burgher the number of ad- 1 ditions he 'had made , to the internal ma - 'chibery, and the :Purpose which _each was intended to - serve. The evening wore,awarin these discussions concern,- log Wheels , "within.wheels, and springs acting upon, springs.-.When•it was time to retire to rest, .both were equally sat isfied of the perfeetion of the work; and at his employer's earnest request, i Ithe,artist consented to remain where be I was fe?the,night, in order that early ' next morning .he might fit on. the HMI), and see how it performed its duty. - , . . . Early next morning all the neediStiry I arrangements were completed and Myn- beer. Von Wodenblock.'walked fortliqo the street in ecatacy, blessing , the In- 1 yen tive,poyirers ofpmer 0 ~,,,bo.oaa.ablekto, 1 Male 'so excellent haud'''of his leg. 1 It seemed - indeed to act to `admiration~ i in the 'merchant' `triode of - walking; i-there . [ was[, no stiffness, do effort, no I COn. I straint. All the joints Perforined theiit I ';office without the aid-of either bone-or musele. Nobody, not even aconnois-_.. seer in lameness, would have suspected I that there was anything Uncommon, any' . great collection of - licedrately adjusted - 1 clock-work under:the full well-slashed I I pantaloons of- the substantial-looking 1 [ Dutchman. Had it not been fora slight 1 tremulous motion occasioned by the 1 1 rapid whirling of .altaut twenty small wheels in the interior, and a constant, clicking, like, that of a watch, though somewhat louder, he would even him- self have iforgotten that he was not, in, ) , all respects, as he used to be, befere he { lifted his right foot to bestoiv a `parting . benediction on hie poor relatinn; I , He walked along -in the. renovated 1 1 buoyancy ,of his -spirits till he came in 1 [ the sight of the Stark House ; ands just l at the foot of the .flight of steps that led Up tirthe principal door, he saw 1 his old friend, , :•IVlynheer Vanoutern, 'waiting to receive him. He quickened i his pace, and both mutually bold out I th e i r hands to each other by way of ,con . , gratulation, before:jbey were near e. riotigh to lie'bleaped - in a friendly em-; j r . brace. 'At last the merchant reached ! I the spot where Vanoutern stood; , but I what was that worthy , man's astonish. I went tosee him, "(hough' he . Still- held ! out - his hand, pass quickly by, - viithout i stopping,::even , for a moment,- to say, 1 "How d'ye do?" . .: But this seeming want of politeness arose from no fault of our hero's: His own astonishment was a thbusand , times greater, when ie found that he had no-power whatever to deter -1 mine; eitherwhen,. where or how his leg 6was.A.o..txpxe,„S. h ia ownwi_ es, happened to coincide with- the riitte ner in , which the machinery. seemed-des ; tined to operate, all•had gone on smooth -Ily ;. and ihe had mistaken . his own,-tecit 1 compliance with, ,its independent and self-acting Owen; far a' command over it which he`now found,,,he did net pos , sess. It.had :s heen his, most anxious de- sireto step to speak with Mynifeer Vanoutern, but his:leg moved on, - and he'found himself under the necessity of following it. , . Many an"attempt ` did he make to7slacken his pace, hut every 'at tempt was vain. He caught hold of the , rails, walls and houses, but his, leg tqg, ged so violently, he was afraid- of dislocating his arms, that and was obliged to go on. He> began to get seriously . On easy as to the consequences -of this*roost unexpected turn .which matters, had &Lek:- en 3 and his;only h - ope.yrai l that ,the..,a mazing and unknown powers, which-the "complicated; eonstruction'of • lila' _leg seemed fo''possess, would speedily ex- ; Most .themselves.:.. Of this * , howevArt, 1 he could as yet,diecover,no aymptising.-' He happened to he going in•tho di- ' rettion of the 'Leyden canal; undyLken he arrived in sight of Mitihter Turtling ?. voreir house, he called loudly' Oen' the, riatv ' come to`hio,ssistance.- -The : - lidificer looked out from his-wirid.iiii with a face of wonder:.'"Villian!'? cried Wo4onblock s , ‘.‘cotne,gut,tp.tnci ikia l lin; itafiti . You` have made ale a log,Witifit Vonieaanelrit won't stand still for a, montenl. , I-havebeen walking straight lorWard:ever.sincp I left tay otirif,htitute;- andtiniess; you:step Erie,itiUt.SeifV-1100en, ---oilly. Inp:ria 41o**11:04-41trtior ',l,pay : walk,' Dint!C,Ortti;lii:elneWitsfer'ityt_ 11121 . co' e out and relieve me, or I shall be ou of sight, and you will not be able to? overtake rie." The 'mechanician grew very pale :• he ,Was evidently nut prepared for this new difficulty. He lost net,a moment, however, in follow ingthe merOhant,to do what he could towards extric,ating him from so awk. ward a preficanienti, The merchant, or rather-14r 190T,litt "*"--leg w avas walking APAN4944O ,-.., 2 !.. is 14, 40.00!.414,e,Lipg _am.' elderly man, 'burr+ it•ntt easy matter to make up to him. He did so at last, nevertheless, and catching him in his arms, lifted him' entirely from the grouird. But the stratagem (if so it may• T • be called) did, not succeed,for the innate propelling motion of theleg bur. rieO'him on along with hi's buiden at the same rate as before. He set hint therefore down again, and" stopping, pressed violently on one of the. Springs that protruded a little behind. --;,ln an instant the unhappy Myneer Von Wo denblock was off like air arrow, calline out din the most piteous accents---I am Best I lam lost ! I inn possessed by, a devil in the shape of a cork leg)/ Step the I For Heaveh's sake stop pre! lam breathless I—l am fainting I Will noliody shatter my leg to piecesl-- Turningvort ! Turniegvoit I you_litlie murdered me ! • The artist, perplex. r. ed;, and confounded, was hardly in a situation more to, be envied. Scarcely knowing what he did, .he tell upon his kneCs, clasped his hands, and with strained and staring`' eye -balls, looked l‘fter the richest merchant in •Rotterdam, ' rtNing with the apeed of an enraged baN, away along, the -canal, towards. Leydeand bellowing for help as loud as his eihaustion would' permit.. ' ' LeydeiN s moretban twenty miles 1 from Rotter to , huvrthe sun had not yet set, whenc e ` misses Backsrceider, who were sitting , a-t.heir parlor window, immediately ewe - N li. ibe “Golden Li , on," drinking tea, a ~1'. 0 .-o d dio g t o th e ir ' . 1 friends as they pa.sse4s a w someone I corning-.1-at furious sp'elik, along the \s street.- Ills face •wae Pale aeries., and he, gasped fearfully for bre-aNutosith. l ' out turning either to the ,righ Ar J ett, Lie hurried by at the,,sadie rali''''d*‘ tate, and was- out of sight.. almost before' .`, \ • Y had time to exclaim, "Good 'gracid avas - ,not Altai,ny•neer -- V179-IW"ti.ableek. the rich mere,hantiof• Rotterdam V' • Next day was,,nriday. The inhabit. lilts of Harlem W re all going to church, ! iili itair best atti •; to say their prayers, I " t white, blue, gold, I. I i a n n g d r h u e s a h r e d t h a e i ot great h - e or m o u n r k , o w t, h p e i ri a c e a i i h k e e . 1: speec 1 ess,„ * ' llll arli lT ate4 is his lips Livid , 'this teeth • s t, and his lia:n!ds clenched. I , 4 Every one leared - away from it in s i. I I lent herrn"; and'il 'ere was-not a - person I lin Ilarle , who did mkt believe it a dead ) i body . en wed, with the , power of mO-1 ./ 1 tion. ,„ ' - - • , On it vent , through village and town, 1 `G ti • Weeks,months, past I toward: the great wilds and foreta of I, ierma ). - years, on, bt at-intervals the •-horrible shape 1 !'was seen, and still continues to be , seen,,! in various parte of the north of Euyppe.. I The/clothes, however, which he Who i was once Mynbeet Von Wodenhiee.k i used to wear,lave all mouldered away";.! 1 thC flesh, too, has fallen from his bones, 1 ' and he is now a akeleton—a skeleton in ' all but the cork leg, which still, in its original rotundity and , size, continues attached to the spectral torm, aperpetu- , um mobile, dragging the weary bones l i ' for ever over the earth! 1 The Supreme Court of the United States- The other colonial law to, hich we refer was .passed ' -by,' Massachusetts in 1705, (chap. 6.) It is entitled "An act for the better : preventing of a spurious and 'roiled issue," &c.; and it provides that 'Ail any negpt.,4itr mulatto shall pre sume to smite or strike any person of the English or--other,-",gbristian nation, such negro or mulatto shall be severely whipped, a(the_diseretion of the ju'stices before the offender shall be c6n - And•' , that none of her Majesty's Eng , littroi,Scottish subjects, nor of any other . Christian nation, within this province; dull contract matrimony with any negre. or anthitto not shall any 'person, duly millet-laid-to solemnize marriage, pre join any such in marriage, on pain.of foyfeiting theitum of fifty pounds puesrtejekt there9f to her Majesty, for intrionitildi the su pport of the govern. n4itt - viritgif this proiince, and the other Muietfto him or them that shall inform . amtsue: for the same, in any of her Ma : , jeetes . epurts . Of record within the prov „a incend the other moiety to him or that shall,infOtor and sue for , the' r. same any of her:liztjeaty, l it .. enuria‘ of `recetd within them -province; by bill, lalain,Wor..jiafor [intim • We sive both ,of : tbeso laws in the words pied , by the respective legislative bodies, bebause the language in which they are framed, ..tia•well as the provis ions contained in thernAhow,too plainly :thisunderstonil, the degraded ‘ Rph . ditiorief this unhappy race., .Tittf.-' 4,44 . ; :8,9 _fo ice ; when the roinrilugist qiegaipttid area faithful index to theiktite 51t tosiards the chats of ,peigoiiii of wifein they speak, and.of - the posit don dill occupied througfairt r tbe Jim..- . fait colonies, in thr,•ao:d Z"gigias. of the men w he - fra tieribe.Deil'arat ton of Independence and> established the State constitutions rorkgaverntnents:i.:^:l They show that a - :-Rtfrpettral. and * Ramble barrier wae4nr,nriesi to hi MI The Deed Scott Case. THE , OFFICAL ttErbitT Continued from luot week's iesue IMMiI • a. i b. ME "Rit Sff. 417. TERMS-$ 1 ,50 A YEAR erected between the white race and the one which they had reduced to.alavery, and governed as subjects with absolute and despotic power, and which they then looked upon as so far below them in the scale of created _beings, that marriages between white persons and negroes or mulattoes were regarded as unnaturi9 and immoral, and punished as crimes, not only in tilt :parties. % but in . Itte,.p.pAßYiliojarkgd nage ; and no diiiitfction in this Veipeet was made between the free - negro or mulatto and the slave, but this stigma, of the deepest degradation, was fixed upon the whole raee. We refer to these historicalfacts -for the purpose of showing the- ied opin ions concerning that race, upon which the statesmen of that day spoke : and act- - ed. It is necessary to do this,in order to determine whether the general terms used in the constitution of the United States, as to the rights of man and the rights,Pthe people, was intended to lac clgde them, or to give to them or their ,p6sterity the benefit of any of its provi sions. The language of the Declaration el Independanee is equally conclusive: ' It begins by declaring that "when in' 'the course of human events it becomes nescesary for one people to dissolve the Political bands which have connected them with another, ancl to assume among the i powers of the earth the separate and equal station to', which the , aws of Na ture and - Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect for the-opinions of maw% kind requires that they,ehould declare the reasons which impel them to the see. aralion." It then proceeds to say; "We -hold these truths to be self-evident : that all men are created equal; that they are en. dewed bytheir, Creator with certain inalienable rights; that, among. them 1.,- life, fiberty and; the pursuit of hapfe‘ nesSe that to s ecure 'these rights gpy sr rt - - derivingl . meats are ins ti t uted, powers. , from the consent of theigovera* ed." - my just ~ The general „ words /l eave quoted would' seem to embragaithe whole he• man family ,and if ,t -y were used in a similar instrument-at this day would be so unclerstoad„, - ';Dut it is too cler for • Oapttte .04,04.--", enslaved Africen, race; . Nre not intended to be included, and . f tul editePart of the people who framed .. atioNd op s t o this declaration; for if the 1 langti ete , as understood in that -day, ..., would )-- -brace thetn, the conduct of the diatieguig e .d m en who framed the De claration ohedependenee would have' been utterly n‘ s t _flagrantly inconsistent with, the prineipi) e t•hapasserted; and 11)- s t:h e a l which they so e o of" fth es Yun et reetl y pet l of a tli ; ui t t l i e n d d , t ' h e t y 9 would have deservedeed received un iversal rebuke and repreNtion. Yet the men who frarriethis decla. ration were great men—highin literary aequ icemen te; high in their sensaof hon or, and incapable of asserting prineiples inconsistent with those which they were .. acting. They-perfectly understood the meaning .of Abe language they used, and how it would , be tiederstood by others; - and they knew that it would, not in any pert of the civilized world be supposed . to embrace the -negro race r which by • common :consent, had been excluded from eivlliZed government and the fain . ily of nations, and doomed to slavery., They,spoke and acted according to the then established doctrines and princie pies, and in the ordinary language of the day, and no one misunderstood them. The unhappy black race wereseparated -.. from the white by indelible marks, and -. and laws long before established, and ' were never thought of or spoken of ex. cept as property, and when the claims of , the owner or profit of the trader were supposedto need-protection. This state of Public opinion had un. - dergone no change when the constitu lion was adopted, as is equally evident , from. its provisiOns and language. The, brief, preamble sets faith by . whom itwas formed, for what purposes, and for whose benefit and protection.-- It.declares that it is..fermed by the pea. —., pie of the United States; that is to say, by those who were members of the dif ferent political communities in the sev- .._-:: era! States and - kts great object is de. ;-- Oared to he to secure the ble.ssings.;of. ',, - , 4 liberty -to themselvet4nd their poster;-' jy. It Speaks in general - terms of the- -.,•:.! - people of the United States and of qt.i. is > of the several States, when It-is ~.._ providing for the exercise. ofw the po- -.. era--gra ted or theorivi lege severed to. the citizen. It d'aes not define what -, description . of persons are intendekto be included undettboaeterms, or ilia -, shalt be segarded as:-it;citieen and one of the people. It mins them as terms --.... ~ s o well understood that ;no ,further ~.. , se r tption or definition was necessary'. . But there are two glauses in the:con ,stittaign which point ctirectly and spee'...,E . 1. ificalli to-;the negro race as a separate q - - class of pmatoeseand show clearly-that. -‘..; they were not regarded as a portion -Of -,) the people:or cpizene of the govern { 4 meet then flamed. 0, a peat 131 IN If abi we EM:I eac cr o WI ~; ~ _, Ei 111 DI IR!!!