glaUrondg. I?n ii h j 1 vn 11 In Itn 1 1 road TYRONE ft CLEARFIELD I5RAKCII U. mr ! uo 11 n, Jiu. B, lei), IDS I'asaenirer Trains will ran dellr (uotnt 8un J.,..) k.(.u. T jni.....ij '.i W -- J - JB u J - unit a ...... . . ;iwuiiiii v iei uviu, u IU11UWI CLKARFIKLD MAIL. I.KAVK SOUTH. LKAVK NOHTII. Carwen.Tilla,, Rtrerrlew OleerHeld Leonard,. Barrett .1.10, r.m ..a, " .1.40, ' ...', Tyrone,.- Vanaeiiro.,,,,, flammtt Poweltna OhhIih. ltO DtOfl lUlllt'l Poilip.burg,. OrrJiBtn, Hlu 11.11,....., WallaeetoB,... BlKlur Woodland Barrett Loonard,. Clearlleld, RiTerviow...,., Curwouarllle, MM- , .M, " 60, 10.00, " 10.11, ' .IIUT, " ,111.22, " .10.11," It.!, 10.17, " 10.44, 10.63, 10.60," 11.07," 11.12, " 11.10, " 11.11, .1.54, " 4.01. " Woodland, , , meier,... Walloeton,..., Blot Hall Graham .eon, .4.17, " ..4.11, " .4.SI, " Pnilipabarf, ., Btelner' 4.IJ, " ,.4.5, " ilu.nton, a..n, " uieeola, .,.. Poweltoa,. M .4.M, ..os, PurAinit,,,,. VeBeeoToe. ,..J5, " Tyrone, .HO, " .11.40. CLKAKKIIL1) KXPHhSS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. CorweB.illle. l it A. k Tyrone, Vaneeojoe,... Summit Powelton O.eeola,.. Boyntoo Bteinor'. Pblllplar. flrebera, ,,., Blut Bill Wallaoeton, .. niftier, Woodland,.... Barrett, Leonard Clearfield,.... KieerTiew,... ..7.50 p. ..1.11 " .. .8.411 " ,.167 " ,..0J ..Ml " ..0.11 " ,..I5 ' .0.24 " ,.11.11 " .0.30 ' .0.40 " .0.44 ..0.40 " 10.07 " RlTerriow...... Clear! eld.,... Loonard Serrott, Woodland,.... Bl.ler Wallaoeton,.., Blue Well, (trahara Ptillip.burg... Bteinor'e, , Bornton O.ooola, Powelton, Bumrait .! " MT lit " 1.47 01 1.09 " .It (1.21 " .25 " (I.H " .! ' 0..17 " (.41 " Ml " M4 VanaooToo,.... 7.21 ll'.l " 10.21) Tyrone, T.4J " Carwon.Tille PHILlrSHURO MOSHANNON BRANCHES LBATB IODTB. LKATI HdRTH. .TATIOIf.. a. M. P. M. P. H Morri.dale, 7:14 12:40 P. . A. 1:30 1:40 1:41 2(9 7:30 :0 7:42 Philip.bure;, 7:00 12:24 4:00 Btelner'. 12:21 4.0(1 Iioynton, 12:14 4:68 OhwIi, 0:40 12:04 4:40 Mo.hannon, 0.84 11:41 4 80 Hurling, 0:10 11:44 4:24 llout.dele, 1:16 11:40 4:2t MoCaolny, 11:211 11.35 4:10 Kendrlek'i, l is II. HO 4 05 Kemoy. 0:111 :26 4:0g 7:40 2:54 10:20 7:58 1:10 10 .15 8:1', 1:18 10:41 (Mil 1:11 10:41 1:21 1:30 10:51 1:31 1:34 10:51 8:41 .1:40 11:11 1:40 BALD KAOLE VALLEY BRANCH. El. Mall . A. M Mall. Kip. 7.4t 8.41 Uv Tjront trrlvt 7.01 1.08 7.54 8.4! Bald Kill 8.47 7.11 8.08 7.11 1.41 S.4 1.31 8.38 1.14 8 13 1.24 1.34 8.41 1.43 1.60 10.01 0.0! 10.14 Juliao Alilfllbarg IlallefooU MiLaaburg 0.28 10.37 Howard 4.01 1.00 10.0Ml.10a.rrl ML. Haran laara 4.21 1.26 TYRONE BTATION; KAITWARD. Jobaitowa Kx. A. H. 8:33 WIHTWARB. A.M. Pitlihurnh Ef p'M, 1.61 Paoifie Kxpreia, 8:17 p. If. Ft. Louli Pa; El. I2:8 Mall 1:08 Allaotlo Einrru. 7:36 War Palnangar, 1:11 Mail Train, 7:01 Fait Lint, 7:30 Phllidelpbia K. 11:08 Cloat oonntotioaa made br all trains l Tn. and Look ilaren. 8. B. BLAIR, Saperintandent. STAGE LINES. A ttatetearoi CanraniTiHailnll; for Reynolrta rllle, at 1 o'olook, p.m., arrlrinicat Rajrnoldirilla at 8 o'olook, p. n. Returning, Irarai Reynolda ville dailr, at 7 o'eloek, a. m., arriving at Cur. weoivllla at II o'olook, m. Pare, aaeb wa;, 12. A ataga learel Carwemrllle dally, at 1 o'olook, p. in., for DulJoii City, arriving at DnBoia City at 8 o'olook, p:ut. Ratnrning, learea BuBoii at 7 o'clook, a. tn., dally, arriving at Corweoaville at 1 1 o'olook, B. fare, eaoh way, 11.50. Allegheny Vnlley Bnllroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. 0! and after Mmday, May lid, IBR1, the nafienver train will ran dailr fexoept Sunday) betweeB Hod Bank and Driftwood, aj fullowa : EAHTWAHD. Par Mall laavti Pitlihnrg 1:45 a.m.; Red Bank 1 1:35 Bligo Junotloa 1 1:41 i Now Belblchem 12:44 p. m.; Mayarilla 1:10) Troy 1:35 1 Brookvllia 1:56 1 Foller'a 1:20 1 Itey. aoldivillel:3St Dulloii 3:0.1 1 Hummlt Tunnel 1:21 1 Penlold 1:42 1 Tyler'i 3:65 Baneietta 4:31; arrival at Driftwood at 1:20. W IiT W A II I). Day Mall leave! Driftwood 12:20 p. m. Boneirtu 1:04 i Tylrr'i 1:35 j PanEeld 1:18 , Summit Tunnel 1:10; DuBoii 1:25; Roynoldlvllle 1:40; t'uller'i 1:08; Rrookville 3:10; Troy 1:48; Mayivilli 4:13; New Betblebom 4:26l Sligo Junction 6:07; Red Bank 1:25; arrive! at Pitubarg at 1:25 p. m. ff The Dnltoli Acrommodation leavei Di lliiat7:74, a. m. ReynoldiTllle, 7:46; Broob vill, 1.48; New lletblebrm, 0 411 Red Bank 10:50; 1'llllbargh, 1:20, p n. Leavei Piltlburgb, at 1:15, p. m ; Had Hank, 1:51 ; Niw Brthlehera, 7:01; D'ookvil'e,8i04; Reynoldiville, 8:51 ; Du Boii, 0:18, p. m. jV4r- The Hrmikvllla Accommodation leavei Brookvllia at7:00 a. m ; Heynoldivllla, 7:54; Du Boii, 8:26; Summit Tunnel, 8:41 ; PenGeld, 0:06 ; Tyler'i, 0:10; Benoeiitte, 0:54 : Drlflwood, 10:48 a. m. Leavra Drlltwond at 8:00 p. m.; Btnna etie, 1:50; Tyler'a, 0:18; PenOold, 0:30; Sum mit Tunnel, 10:00; lluli-il., 111:17! Rovnoldi Tilla, 10:45) Brooktllla, 11:30 p. m. Cloie oonneotlom made with pralm on P. A K Railroad at Driftaood, and with train! oa the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCAROO, O.n'l Bup't A. A. Jaciboi, Bup't L. ii. Dir. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellafonta, Pa 12 16 Mlddletown 16 00 Look Haven 1 70 Marietta.. 1 11 WilllamrportM 180 Lanealter.H ISO Huntingdon.. 110 PHILADELPHIA 7 00 Lewlitown. I 00 Altoona 1 81 Maryrville 4 10 Jnhntown. 1 11 Cuwanivilla 10 Pbilipiburg II Oweola 81 Tyrone 1 1 HARRISUIIRO... 4 76 PITTHBIIR8 Ill K t COn pndiy at home. Bamplea worth AddreH Brtaaoa k Co., Portland, Maine. JimTICEM' 4k CONTABI,l: FKK Wa hara printed a large anmbtr of the new FEB BILL, and will o tbe raoeipt ef twenty ve eanta, mall a eotty to any addraii. mylt -TUB- Cuwaqo$Worth Westers HAH.WAY II the OLDEST, BEST CONSTRUCTED. BEST KUt'IPPBD, aad aa,,, ,h, ' LEADING RAILWAY r Tin " WEST AND NORTH-WEST I It li th ihortMt Htl btet roqts between Ckloigo Korthfra T.lino(t, Dtkott, Wyom.Bf. Kb-ike, low, Ct1.fnrtiift.Orffrn, Ariion. Utfth, Col orxln, ItJabo, M on tan, Neriik, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, DENVER, LEAUVIIXE, SALT LAKK, SAX FKACISCO, TtMdwoot), Slftoi City, Cedtr Rftlfli, Tm Molnei, Colnmbtii, bdi, til point! to the Territories, tad the Went. Aleo. for Milwaukee. Green lie. 0hknnht flbehn-iten. Meaelte, Fond da Lee, n n-rwwB, iioafoion, ieenen. HenMtift, HU Peal, Mtneeepolki, Hnroa, Vo1(t, Fergo, Bii kftrek, Winona, LfeCroen. Owtonne. nd kII kolou In Mlnneeetft, Dekot. Wtiaomia nod tbe Aorta -woe.. At Cneneil Bluffi the of the Ch.eeve A Hnrtb-Wtatera and tbe U. P. Railway, dopart inw,iimi ai ni at ice uni joioi UBloa Depot. At Cbl-(o, eloie connection! are made vltb the Lake Hbore, Mirbifita Central, Balitatora 4k Ohio, Pi, Wtyne A Pennsylvania, and Cbietfto A Orand Trunk Kallwayi, and tbe Kenktkea and Pan Handle ft oat. Cloee eoaieeMoai mad at Janetloa Potni, It U the ONLY LtNKranning Pullman Hotel Dining Cars litvm . CHICA00 and COUNCIL BLUFFS. r-Pallaal Blaeperi aa aU Nlgbt Traini.- Iaallt apea Tlekat Aganti eelllng yoa Tlrbrta via thil road Kianlae yoar Tiebeta, end refaaa to hay If they do net read orer tbe Chicago at Horth-Weitera Railway. If yoa wiib the beet traveling aaeomnodallom yea will hoy year tirkete hv thii reala, 29AHD WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. AU Tlekat Agoata le Tlebeti hy thli Mna, MARVIN HUGH ITT, Id V. P. aal Oaaeral Manager, arttO.'M-l. Chlaaga. 3FJk"X""X03Nr Curwcnsvillo. Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS. FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, JTLOUR. FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL, &C. I buy direct from jobWs nnd enr loud rates, lience can compete with New York nnU riiilndel phia liousei. Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having bark to haul and receive liberal advances. Also, advances modo on baw Logs. Give mo a call. N. E. ARNOLD, Sept. It, 1180 If. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Curwemvllle, Jan. 9, '71-tf. COAL LAMSWAXTED. (MM aeree of bttnmlooui eual land liluite in Clearfield eoantr. A rid ret the aodertixned itatlnfF luce t inn, numbr of acre', numter and ill cif rtim, aad diitanoe from railroai r rlrnr. Alio price. J. K. 8NYDKK, Attornej-at'I.ew. , Ci.aiariiLP, Pi., Sept. tth, IBS I tf. Millinery! Millinery 11 I TAKE tbe pi re u re of infonaloK tbe public tuat I eball otler epreial lnduoemnt In Millinery Oood-.iuch ai Silke, Retina, Hibbonc, Flowtri, aie.. Trimmed and L atrimned Half end Hoaneti. in the verjr latent tjlfv, Notion and Nede-up Clothing for children. I klodl eolieit a i hare of jot patronage. 11 1.-3 M. A. WKLCn, Market Bi.t ClearSeld, Fa. Apr. 20, isai-ly. HARNESS I HARNESSII Thin Way for Your Harness I IV yoa want to rtady your own Intercut, do not Ml tn eill at ANDltKW UAHWRK'S 11 A R NKS8 81101 on Matketatreet, nfxt door lo John A. (jtoek'i tobacoo it ore, Clearfield Penn'a. FACTS ARE THA 7 All flrit-elete work ii dine at HABWICK'S. Neati foot oil and ixlc greare at IIAUWICK'S. Double and .ingle harneM ol all kio-li at HAKWICK'S. Iding I'ddlei. of all klndi at V IIARWlCK'a. er eeli end bone eoeri of ell knif at HARWICK'8. Wblri of all kind, and hi lw li eote at HARWICK'8. Harorri of all kind turtle to ordrr at HAKWICK'S. All kind of folUri at br-Hom prirei nt HAKWICK'S. Remember an A-L-A-i inmot hi.rnc furn.b ing goode at HAKWICK'S. Will keep and make all kind, of Intnher bar nrn at HAKWICK'S. Ivory and all otber kind ofriogi of all at HAKWICK'S. (inmbi, bruinei, and Interlenog boot, en hand J at-- HAKWICK'S. T rne robee, knee dusteri, and iorni of ell JV klodi at HAKWICK'S. Job work and renal rinr nroutitlv attended ta. Remember tbe tbiip in tibaw'e row, on Market treat, between tbe Mantlon Home and tbe Sbaw Houie, ClearflfllJ, Penn'a. Ha; 18, ISM ft in. John Irvin & Bros., CUBWENSVILLE, PA., DEALERS IN AH Kinds of Merchandise, -SliCH AS Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. Jot MAXVf ACTURKRS AND DEALERS IN KH Alti: TI31RER, AND EVERT DESCRIPTION Of SAWED LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. Jot Tlio Only Manufacturer" In Clunrflvld County of tlio NEW PROCESS FLOUR I Jot 3'i.oi n, t nor .. rr.r.n .lur.irs o.r ha. iii CF'Casli paid for all kinds of tirain Wheat, liye, Oats, Etc. Curwtni.llle. Pa., Jana , list. If. FRED SACKETT, MANlTACTI Rr.R Of Tin, Copper Sheet-iron M are, -ALSO DKAl.tR llf- Hardware, Cook Stoves, x Healing Stoves, s Ranges and Stove Repairs. Wood and Iron Tumps, AMMUNITION AND nSHINU TACKLE OF ALL KINDS. Roofingt Spouting CONS OR SHORT NOTICE. Plumbing and Gas Fitting A SPECIALTY. ALL KINDS OF GAS FIXTURES Kept eoeitentlj aa aaea. FRED SACKETT, CLEARFIELD, PINN'A. Cl.erl.U, Pa Seat. f. Scut .flt'frllsrmtttts. I manufacturer!, reccivo Roods nt during the Winter, can contract CURWEJJSVILLE, PA. SIlOLKMAklNr;.-1 hereby infortn ruy pa troni, and mankind ia feneral, that I hare removed my eboeuaking ehop to the room la Qrahatn'i row, orer H. I. Hnyder'a jewelry More, and that I am prepared to do all kinda of work in my line cheaper than any other hop In town. All work warranted ae good aa ean be done any where ttt. Poeilirelj ihia la tbeeheapett ibop in Clearurld. JOS. II. DEE KIN (J. Dee. 11, 1ST Mf. The otdcat, bet, moat thorough, and enmplete practical liuiineaa College in the t'oitcd feietea. fjr-gcbool alwaya lo eciilon. Btudentt admit ted at any time. For eirnulare addreae J. 0. fMITH, A.M., Priori, a), Sept. J, '8l-,"a,. 1'ittiburgb, P a'a. BUY A HOME ! llOTSES, LOTS AND FARMS FOH BALK rpwZSIir HOirSES and OT3 a ClearCeld X to for eate at reaennaLla price and on eaay l and on eaay Hradlord aad Urate. Alao, eeveral rAKHI ia Urnh; towoahipt. Apply to WALLACE at KRPIH3, Cleerneld, Pa. Dee. 1, Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN Ill KHKHY give to tbe rlMtcaa of Clar. field and the ummmiitu tloinity thai I a to prrpared at all ttme to furntab familiee aad manulaetanog eelab I its taenia With a eaperior qaamj ol Coal. Wood g Coke, Which I aia prepared to deliver la a fw honre' notice. I an alwara reed- in baal and deliver Irotu and to the depot, or auywbere' '. and lore fa rat lite and huhold C"nda anvtrrtxre od abort nntioo. TIMS. A. iM CKKt'f. i.'learfleld, Pa,. Mar. 1, lSHO-lf. plozt Fragrtat Eefrwiurg of Fsrfumec ucetdlnily Dellcati and Lasting. Prl. 23 fia T.a" Bntt.a. VS eta. Dnp FTiawrj. tipatan ( Ilk- PARKER'S GINGER TOHiC Th Medicine for Every Family. NEVER INTOXICATES. M adfrom Cincw, Duchii, Mandrake, Siillinrn, 'and other of the bet vrctuUe renxtis known: I'ARKia'a CiKCBa Tomc h.u rrntaiknb'r vaiitri 'cwatirerawer., ft itthe irrtilest Stomach l.'omci f&f , ltitwd runlier and Liver KecuUtot ever taadc V The Best Medicine You can Use; forEeBtoringHoalth & Strength 1 1 coTameTtcet to art tmai th fint do, aearchev- tnut the weak mgan., an'l ia warraninl to rare or, tvlp all c. of the Itoweli, Momach, I.iod 1 kidneTi, Liver, U nnarjr rni, al I Co.njnmt ct, Women, NervouinM, Slccplnaneta, I. be am a tlM and Draakeaneu. I TrvabcfttletcMiay; itmaytaveyourlife. $oet nnd $i aiiesatalldrugeitu, livery equine hotilv haaouraicnatureoB outtula Tppcr, Hikoz ft' Co., N. V. iarx aavwK In buying $i tue. ; Jal W hat Is Wuiitcd. trerrbodv whoae hair It zry or faded baa felti the need of a Hair Restorer and dreatin( that ii inlv, a,jreatHy perfumed and haimkae. rat 'a Hair Balsam laiuiiea the moM tatudioua u ihr mperta. Rold by droFpio, at wc. and $i Apilt Ctb, ltlMj. HflSTETTE 1 1 CCLEBrjITFO V -v-iV. Lr v ' v -.y r i - wti On of the Kraauuablc Pteaiurea of Lift, a properly eooked meat, a fiord i ll'tle or ao pree ent enjniipeat, and mafh eulneqafnt torture to a ooBfirmaiTdvtpnptio. lint whan ebrnnio Indfiteii tion ie eombatted wttb Hoitetter'a Btomah llit tere, the food la eaten with reliih, and molt im port ant of all, la animilated hy aad nmiriabe. tbe yittm. lue tbie (trend tnoio aad corrective alen to remedy eouitlpation, biliouioeil, rheuma tltm, fever and ajrue. For tale hj all bruggiiti and Dealer. (Not. S3. 18M.It gionoe wiatrr.,.. ...rAVL T. VKATKR TOU OJkXf Save moneY I!t BUVINQ TOIIH OOODS PKOM Cloo. Paul F. Weaver, SECOND STREFT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Booisf Shoes, Hatsf Caps, GROCERIES, Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c, &c. ALSO, fLOl'R, Tien, BACON, IIAaf, SALT, OATS, CORN, CHOP, ETC. Thaaalul for peet fever,, v. InrUe the pablle to eell and are ear large aad aaw tok ef goodi, which we will diepoee ef al reaaeoelile rate, for raa, er efbaaaa far eonatry arodaea. Polite aod atl.atira eleral to wall apea yoa, aad prleea dowa low. 0K0ROI J PAI L F. WEAVER. Olearleld, pa Dept. II, Hil t. Pfcx STOMACH ITTEBS THE REPUBLICAN. I'IjKAHKI KMj" i'A ' WKIi.lll.V JIllllMMll, i bUIIKKT. 1"1. THANKSCIVINC.. nv art.i'.e n. oiesK. Aet tber yettr of lilt bai pt J, And g"tte forerf rmor Iiiln Hie placid veetia mil, fhel Uroa Titnrj'i oiirru rbure. Our lend b lutTtrnd oiuili of loia. Vet ehoutd we not ouuipUio i For every erown there ie a eroea, Kr efry Jy a puin. Though we have lost ear trotted Cblef. Yal ihould we praite the Lord. Thnt In the darken of our grief, We elkll baliere II Word. We bave enough of karveet yield, Though druuth and flood eotnbioed In blighting many a lertile (11 J, blrcuiireiftd hrart and mind. Vet e'en In thla we see tbe Hand. That worka a futune good, And (bun prepare the weary land, To grow tbe future food. With all mankind we aie at peace, We're pro per out and lret Our Father, may Ihene joy it area ie Our graillude tv Tbee. And may our heart, aicend aUuve, In earnet trueit praieei To Tbee, who In the lore, Guide all oar earthly waye. TUB LAST OF THE CENTEX- MAL. The lurgunt building in the world ia in procuHS uf duniilitii)ii. Workmen have at lust cominunccd the dmnmnt ling of thuMuinCentonniul Uuildini;, un nbstinl ileKixiintion, niiarenllj' lirnt nmdo through a clinnco m mornndum or similar Occident, and curio iely never improved upon, and in a few weeks nothing will be left of what was the most impressive fenturo of tho grcut Kxhibition. It in not improper lo epcak of thut chitngo ah involving the lust of tho Ceutenniul Bpeeiultieg, for whiloMomormlund Horlieulturul Halls will rcinuin, they are fixtures of a pedal kind, intended for jiennanonco and o measurably removed from Cen tennial tradition9, an well as devoted to ues which do not of necessity re call memories af tho Kxposition. The Main Building is the last to go ot tho structure" which wero erected only for tho occasion, and while it has stood longer than there was any idea in tho beginning would be tho case, it is not possible lo escape a regret that its re moval should be unavoidable). It so porfeclly fulSllcd tho purpose of its orection, it had such a pluco in the most memorable period in tho lives of: such multitudes of people, thut the dis mantling of its twenty acres is not only un unprecedented circumstance, but a searching reminder uf cxhilura ling days and sights such as few who now live can cxpoctever to enjoy again. Tl.o Permanent Kxhibition idea was long ago seen to ho impracticable, and the wonder is that tho Main Building has stood this long. As far as the iron work is concerned, it has had a fairly long ''life," but lor tho rest of it, and not being intended for permanence, thousands of dollars yearly would be required for repairs. II it had sufficient basements, if its wood work wat of more substantial kind, and if it stood in a place more accessible to the body of tho city population, especial sacri fices for its rulcntion might be justified. Hut under all tbe conditions nothing more could bo dono, distasteful as the idea is of losing so unique a building, one so fitting for various public demon strations, and whoso proporlions.or the half of them, it is useless tocxpect to seo duplicated. It is realized now, that it was a mistuko to order tho demolition of Machinery II all. The location of that fine building was such that it did not encumber tho Park, its siz.o was not too great, and it was substantially built. With modorato outlays for re pairs it could havo stood for a genera tion nnd havo been of immenso public service But the error waj made, and ho causo it was un error tho retention of the Main Building is not mado any moro practicable Tho removal of this last groat rolio will, for a time at least, niako a grout differonco In tho popular movomcnt towards that portion of tho Park. How far tho city railway service to that point may bo affected by the change is yet to bo determined, and Memorial Hall and its fine museum will aocm furthor nwav than ever. On tho other hand, tho Pennsylvania Hail road, with tho oporalion of tho Filbert street extension, will have a station on tho ground, which will serve to onlivcn th e locality, oven If tho horno cars do not longer find profit in making regu lar trips to l.liu avenue Philadelphia Tcligrnth. OUR NEW TESTAMENT. Tho Washington Rrpublie, in allud ing to tho now vor.iion, says : As lo tho roviscd version of tho Now Testament tho weight of sentiment as expressed in Hub Church Congress was decidedly adverse to it. The llev. and Hon. (for bo is a mombcroloct ot tho next Congress) J. Cotton Smith, of Now York, described it as a work which was neither Knglish nor Greek and in which tho incomparablo stylo of tho English Hiblo had boonsacriH"! A layman denounced tho omissions of tho doxology from tho Lord's prayer as an extraordinary proceeding, op posod to tho uniform usages of all tho Protestant christrian churches of the world. A Now Haven clergyman Mr. Hurwood whilo deploring the omissions of the doxology, admitted that the revisers as honest men had no choice in the matter, because it could not bo found in tho text. A Vermont- or Mr. Rutland denied that tho ob joctio'i to the revision was a sentimental ono that would pass away with tbe passing genoration. Professor Good win, of Philadelphia, rocognir.od in it somo merits, but moro demorits and many new mistakes, and gavo an in ventory of what he considorod purely gratuitous and, as it wore, doliborate blunders. Mr. Henry, Connecticut, leaned toward tbe rovision as an im provement on the King James Torsion, which be characterises as "a faulty transaction of a corrupt original. And so it want on, up and down tho gamut of praiso or blame, tho predominant sentiment, bowover, being against the adoption of the rerisod edition. Tho Indiana Supreme Court has decided that a fellow who pays for a game of billiards ho has lost is a gam bler, and the house wberoin such an ovent occurs is a gambling house. Would the Court have the proprietors keep the place just for the (un of thu thing? 1 THE VEPARTlSa DEPOT. Until thoso who trnvtl and thoso who stay al homo will hail with do light the pleasant announcement that tho use id' the word depot is lo become a thing of the past. The bother with Iho word "depot" is that there is no general agreement among those who use it us to how it sboiild be anglicix cd. Our people are constitutionally clumsy, in their effort to pronounce French words. Kven long usage does not lend toward perfection in this ro sped, but on tbe contrary makes the pronunciation worse and worse. The word is mangled into varying forms of wretchedness, 'j'he correct style, is gonorally accepted among business men who nro in a hurry, is "deepo." Tho man who is moro formal and in less baste speaks of tho "deepoh." His wife, if she is a lady of stylo, is likely to apeak of the "deppo." Sho who would put on a liltlo more style fulls It tho "do powe. Tho exceed ingly stylish and somewhat affected young miss who wears six button kids is content with nothing less magnilo quent than "d'pou. This she pro Bounces with un air of graoel'ulness which no types can express. Wo are to have the more sensible and comprehensible word tttiifan in stead of this much misproiioiinccd nui sance. When the Pennsylvania Hail road Company decrees this tho decree comes with a force which promises ro- spcctlul obedience wherever railways and their stopping places are known. "Stution" is more handy to uso and less liable to bo misused. It conveys tho idea of what is meant lar belter than dopot ever coold. The learned or the affected may do Ihiir utmost to put on Btylo in the pronunciation ol "stution," but it will bo all in vain. It will probable not be long before tho word depot will be shelved among the obsoletes. Let us beseech for it a free pass to the uttermost ends of the earth, with no return coupon. Philtnlrlphia Tim en. OUR COMMERCIAL DEC A Y. A contemporary relates this notori ous fact : And yet every year since tho out break of tho Rebellion has seen a pro gressive decay of our ocean commerco without any attempt on tho purl of Congress to provent its ultcr dissolu tion. Tho London Timet made, tho other day, the moderate estimate of $80,000,000 a year as tho loss to tho United States from having to pay other nations lor tho carrying of Amer-1 ican exports and imports. People in this country oficn waste their syinpa thy on tho "down troddon masses of Europe" who bavo lo maintain great standing armies, yet not ono of the great Kuropean powers expends on its army anything like tbe sum which wo thus sacrifice to the incapacity of our law makers, w ho make no cfTort what ever to Mop that waste. Such a dis graceful stale of things, it .may be safely asserted, could not continue to exi:-t under any system of government in which responsibility was fixed and recognised. The difficulty under which we labor, however, is that while tho Executive brunch of tho Government has no real power tho Legislative branch has no real responsibility. In England, on tho contrary, the Queen's advisers uro responsible to tho country not only for the measures which they bring before Parliament, but for their failure or neglect lo recommend meas ures that are important to the peace and wellaro of tho Empire, Stab. Kocrx iBiifoiLARiTtEs. Wash inoio.m, November 23 Mr. A. M.Gib son, tho special attorney for the United Slates in tbe mutter of tho Slar Scrvico investigation, has submitted a report to tho Acting Attorney General which is to day made public. Tho report is very voluminous, and gives figures showing the extent to which routes were expedited by General Brady, charging also that he deliberately ad vertised for Star Service on such sebed ulcs as to leavo room for premeditated incrcaso of pay by means of allowances for expedition, etc. Tho report pro ceeds to summarize tho testimony in regard to the result of most of the orders for expedition, and asserts that in somo cases tbe so-called "expedition" actually delayed tbo mails, and that in tho majority of cases no expedition was accomplished. Altered Casks. Tho editor of tho Washington Republic notos the follow. ing : "There are Borne strango things in politics. Mr. Arthur, in the opinion of President Unyos, was not good enough for tli office of Collector of tho Port of New York, yet he is to-day President of tho United (States. Mr. Cornell, by tho samo person, was re garded as unfit for Naval officer of the Port ol Now York, yet ho Is to-day tho Governor of tho greatost Slnlo in the Union. Mr. liiddlebcrger was not ac cepted hy tho Scnato as its Sergean.-at-Arms, yet tho result of tho lato elec tion in Virginia will undoubtedly mako him an honored Senator from that SUI ., -" cases. Smart. An exchango soys : "Con siderable of tho coin which is now in circulation is not what it appears to bo. Sharpers are buying up silver dollars, halves and quarters that have boles in thorn, procuring tbo dollars at seventy cents, and tho others at about one half their original valuo. They fill up tbo holes with prepared wiro so ingenious ly that no one but an expert can dis cover it, and then pass them at full vnluo." State OrrioxR At tho election noxt year thoro will be a Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Secrotary of Internal Affairs to bo elected, besides the members of Assembly, Senators in the even numbered districts, and mem ber ol Congress. Tbe Senators choson will partieipato in tho election of a United States Senator, but the time of the members of tbo House will expiro belore tho election cornea around. Ill Careiti. Observe how easily a man is turned into a brute by a little careless punctuation. The following typographical error shows the vast importance of a comma At a ban quet this toast was givon : "Woman without bcr, man ia a brute." Tbe Government agents are bunting up postmasters who sell postago stamps to persons In otber localities than their own. AGRICULTURAL. Coolhbatiun. lo thil d.partinaot .hoelil be ad dre'eed lo J. liLAia Ukaii, Oardeld, Ta. Coooanut rnlturs is beenning un im portant industry in Florid. Heliotrope for Winter flowering should be grown in pots Sum mer, in a well exposed nanny position ; the shoots should be lied up, for if allowed to fall over, it sends out from the sides of the shoots a great number of weak iiiies which uiu immature at tho limo of taking i ilu the house, and upon tho slightest check to its gtuwlb the leaves drop olT nnd the shoots die back. lr. Atwatcr, with regard to. a con troverted point, says : "The prevailing opinion among agricultural chemists for somo limo, and one which I have shared, has been that plants get nearly all thoir nitrogen from the soil and oxtremoly little from (he nir. But thoro are many facts which are very hard to explain on this theory, and I am, with many others, coming strong ly to suspect that plant, do get con siderable nitrogen from tho air." Tho Pennsylvania State Grunge will meet m ninth annual session in Will iamspoit on Tuesday, December Kith Secretary Thomas is negotiating with and expects lo 'obtain excursion rates from tho following railroads: Penn sylvania and branches in tho Suite. Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, Philadelphia and Reading, Le high Valley, Delaware Lackawanna and Western, Allegheny Valley and Low Grade Division. Boarding at first-class hotels will be 81 50 per day food fur nioraiir. rust Is farming curried lo thai high degree of porlection Ihut it should be? Second Do fanners beautify theii homes as they should ? Third Do farmers spend as much lime in the social circlo as they should ? Fourth Do thu formers of America .pond enough of thoir limo in into! kc' pursuits, or, in other words are they educated as thoy should bo ? A FA S VKEKl). I believe in the permanent fertility of tbe soil, as shown by tho pationoe of old Mother Earth in renairin? the blunders and rewarding the labors ol man. I believe in farming as among the honorable callings of earth, and the ono bost calculated to build np sturdy manhood. I believe in high farming thnt socks for bushels rather than acres, and in ibo saving and applying of fertilixors. Also in groen manures, and clover as tho best of all. i Dcnovo in improved stock; In a large, well kept garden ; in an orchard and small fruit plantation ; in indus try, patience, contentment and virtue ; in tho blessings which such a lifo brings and in banding down tho form and calling from father to son for genera tions to come, and that Iho farm should bo nnimpovorished, and tho calling mado more honorable profits of l'F.A vn. r M.txrnixa a.ArtioJL. a wruor in tne .-w iork ritiune says tho plats which his futhcr ma nurea so ncavuy tinny yours ago yielded far heavier wheat this year than the other portions of tbe field. From tho yield of ono load tuliied and threshed by itself, ho cstimatis tho produco as over 20 bushels per acre, ' Our clay," ho suys, does not soon for get a heavy manuring." This fact is not unknown to many observing culti vators of tho soil. Tho profits derived from a heavy application of muiure are not to be calculated merely from the additional produco of one crop. The improvement of tho soil from the good cultivation, and moro still, from tho heavy manuring in ono season makes itself known in tho increased profits reaped by tho farmor in suc ceeding years. This is an invariable rulo in animal and inanimate nature THE FARMER. Wholhcr to borrow tbo thought from Kmorson, that tho farm owns tbo farmer or tho farmer owns tbo farm makes all tho difference between farm. ing as a uruugcry and lurmiug as a Icarnod prnlession. Tbe eccentric Lo- reuKO Dow described in oneot his char acteristic sermons the life of the farmer who is owned by his farm, and the paragraph, resurrected, is again going Iho rounds of the press. It is gooi enough to desorvo a now lifo in every ten years: "Tho average Weslorn farmer toils bard curly and Into, olton depriving himself of needed rest and sleep for what ? To raise corn. For what? Tofcedhogs. For what? To get money with which to buy more land. For what 1 To raieo more corn. For what? To fcod moro hogs. For what? To buy more land. And what docs he want with moro land ? Why, bo w ishes to raise, moro corn, lo feed moro bogs, to bny more land, to raiso moro corn, to feed mo- more land, and in this circle be move until the Almighty slops bis proceed ings." Tho farm exists for tho furmor, not tho furmor for tho farm. That is a very simplo, but It is also a very radical statement, and its application would not only revolutionize lifo on many a farm, but would bring to an abrupt end man an agricultural jour nal and "department" which i wholly devoled to bogs and hominy, and has littlo or nolh'ng to say of nian, bis wife, and his children. This state ment is equally truo of all Industries. The young man who, when he was asked what profession ho meant to follow, replied, "The profession of man hood," bit a very profound truth. One ought to bave a largo capital of gon oral manliness before bo embarks in any spocinl profession or calling. To be simply a specialist, lawyor, doctor, merchant, farmer, or even preacher, is to develop a finger at the cost of a hand. The man who Is only a trades man, no mailer what bis trade may be, has already assigned the best part of his stock in trade, and is bank rupt, whether ho knows it or not. To bs a farmor on tho noble scale is to be first and continually a man on a largo acalo, alive to all human interests out side bis own special work, keeping himself abreast of the great march of tho limes by keeping himself informed of all its movements and In sympathy with thorn; making In short, the roost of himself and his opportunities. hotels. LOYD HOUSK, Maio IIM, PIIILIPNHIlllii, PENN'A. Talle itwai .applied wltli lb. bent th. Bserke eFV-ra.. Tb iravcliof public I. iu.ue't tuel!. Ju.l,'7. IIOIIIIKT LOVU. WA-SUINUTON JIOKSli, T NEW WAslIINU'fON, I'A Thl, b.w e6 wull f' boa.e he. been Ukoa br the eaderf He feel. oonDdent ol seine; able to reoUer.atiffaelloa to those who oiay faror ana wile a eall. atajs, 1071. Q. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. rp:.iri:u.vNCK nousu, NEW WASIIINUTOW, PA. II. D. KOSK, , . Paoi-aiaroa. rTbe liet of aeiiutuiod.tion. fur meo and been. A Ubtral .bar. of publlo palroo.),. I. ollell.'l. lepll, '- WASHINGTON HOUSE, oi.en Horn, PEN.VA. IMIH aiidtnliin-l. bailor leaaad thla eon X moJiuui II. ,1-1, ia tlie of Ulen llupe, i. oow prrper.a ie Booonvnoilste all who ton eall. Mr and bar .hall be 0iUixl witb th. beat the market afford.. GKOIKiR W. DOTT.S, Jr. rtl.u Hope, IV, Maroh IS, IS7 tr. gUSQUUUANNA HOUSE, CUSWEN3VILLE, PEUN'A. O-Tbn old ftnd weM-iU'ol.h'i bf oorD ihmiI by the onJ-'-f .(fried, and ho feU ouq tJ.Jfct ui atlifftotioD to tlvitt wito mty ptUruDiu hi in. Oomi aubhog ftitaaliett. I.kVVI C. BLJUM, i'roinlrtor. April SI, 'M tf. 4 LLRGURNV HOUSE, X.V CLKAUFIKLD, PENN'A. , WILLIAM If. DBAS, PraprUinr, BTM houM it plaiiMfiiljr looktsil n Eir UrKrt utrftt, rjrj oou?!oioit to fti Cuurt llotm Q. ill IniainoM plKCM of ttiar to!,, tl t4 M osjotlr b,ii rQttsd anj roUrimbH fr.q, dalur to title. Uar aupf.lM with ehoitriti liqi.r.. Tbt fiirniobaj with the bat the mtfltetatt jrm. Hm.ii ctabtt Ntttohtvl. tUt ta)JrU April U. IMI-tr. San&s. DREXEL & CO., No. 31 SuutU TUlrd Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Governmont Securities. Applioatloa br mail will reoeire prompt atteo tloa, at.d all information cheerfully furnlfhol Order, .ill-ted. Aoril U-tf. r: a. arsold. a. w. absold. y. b. ailolo F. K. ARNOLD &, CO., Ranker nnd Broker., RtynolflavillB, JeiTemon Co., Pa, Monty roocirei on depot! t. Diieounti it mo itirivte rt. K.itern a,iii Fo.'e.trn GihaLfo l- ,Ti o hn4 aad vol. ration promptly oikdo. KoyaoM.rlllt, Dm. 15, ISM.-ty County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM la UrnliB-B'i Bri?k B jlijlaj, t . i . ,n nt of T A. Kle'a St'irs. HiiTioktitfrjd from Lirerpool.Ouoani town, Olanjow, London, Pttrii and Conenliacej, Alio, Dre,n. for on tbe Royal Bank of Irolanil 1 lui nnal Hank of London. J AM KB T. LKONARD, Prw't. W. M. SHAW, Oaahicr. Jinl.'SI J L. R. nKICIIIIOM). V II BO If DENTIST, ? roduata of lh Pannylvni Co.l of DsnUl Snritery. ffl in rosi.tonio ot Or. Hills, oppoiita tbe Shiw HVjio, mohl3. '7 tf. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, - Ml lt,5s (Ollre la Bank Bu.ldin,,) CsrwttUTllta, ClearfleM Co Pa, B.h :i if. A.. ji. hills, opsn tTivE nr..msT, CLRAP.KIKI.D, PENN'A. aMrOUlne tn ruli.nee, oppoaite Shaw llooao. JS,IS7IMf J. M., STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIRI.D, PA (Ofllra lo Weaterh Hotel buildioir eeeond floor ) Nitron, Oilde Oa. admioi.tered for the pain- eaa attraction of teeth. Clearl.ld, Pa., Ma; I, 1377. It. tlisrflhneoua. Ion pkimtisk; or kvrry dkscrip tlnn naellf at.eot.. at tbl. nffine 79 A WEEK, til a Jay a home eailltma la V w vo.iij ooiDt tree. Addre.a TnrR A Co., Aagu.ta, Maine. mrbl IT J E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER BURNSIDE, PENN'A. TUB aobtcribtr bo etTtrt U tha eitiient of finrnaitlo and vlotnity, an unprovided apootally. 11 area tier all kiudl of Cm. eta and Com a a will be kept on hand, ol ordtr illed it OOP. runcra! Ufn&ed Anywhere. I wit) furnUh tha fioeit ft wall as tha choc pott artiolst dodloatad to funeral a- All order loft at the flora of Jonn 0. Com wan will ivociTe prompt attention. For fnrtber par, leal an. nail nn or ftddrcas .8. IIKNDHKSON. be. io, i art tf. JOHN TROUTMAN, FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds. MARKET STREET, RAR P.O. Tbe underiffnod beri Imto to Inform tha dtl. lona of Clearfield, and the jiubue generally, that he na on htnd Ana aMorttnent of Furnltora. neb a Walnut, Chaatnat and Painted Ob am her )ui tea, parlor ruttea, Kecltntng and KiUmaioti Chair, Ladies' and dents' Kiay Chairs, tha Per forated Dining and Pftrlor Chain, Can fleataaud Windsor Chairs, Clothaa Cars. Step and Kt ten sion Ladders, Uat Raeks, 8o rubbing Brnahaa, Ae MOULDINO AND riCTURl FRAMES ohlng OUises, ChronoR, AeH which would (.liable for Holiday praaents. iwMinTa Jiuiif TKnUTMAn, The Bell's Run Woolen Factor j Pens townahlp. Clear It eld Co., Pa. lltlKNEU O (J Tl e IVT HOT BURNED UPI Theinbserlben bar, at graat ipensa.rebailtt nclrhbnrhnod oeeeasltv. la tbe ereotion of a flraU l us Woolen Mann factory, with nil the modern IraproTomints attached, and are prepared to make nil ktmts or L'lotbs, uhi meres, sattnetts, 1)1 an. keta. Flannels, Ae, Plant tf goods on hand to snpplj nil onr eld nnd n thonaand now ent to mart, whom wo ask to nbi nnd oianln ear stook. Tbo bnslnoss or CARDIKO AND FULLING will roeelvn enr especial ntteatlon. Proper nrrnngemeats will bo made to reoeire and deliver Wool, to salt customers. All work warranted and done npon tbo shortest notion, nnd hy striet atten tion m easiness wo nope to r eall to n aberai share of pnblia patronage. IO,(MM POUNDS WOOL WANTED, Wo will pa th his: beat nsnrhat nrloo for Woo nnd sell our anafeetared goods as low as similar tHtdi ean bo bonght In the eoantr, nnd whenever wo foil to render reasonable oatlibotion wo eaa tJwiTi bo fonnd nt homo f4y to mako proper japiavaauent eiiaer in perana er ey teller. tfUUnHUA e) BOMS. nprlttltf lowtr p. 0 THK REPUBLICAN, Ptaiiinnn Ktikt Wnt'iratUT v George B. Goodlander, CLKAHF1KLD, PENN'A, II m (he l.nraTttnt Clrrulntlon of nnjr pnpr In Nortbvrfftru PennoylTauU iTirn Tllfi Ittrjjo ami fonnliintly lliercns Ing olrAolatloo eftbe Kai'l'BLlrAlt, render, it ntltiible t ba.ine.i men a. a taeuiun Ihrboab whirb to r.anb the puolie. Tonna of Sutscripticn: It paid in adr&nco, . . . $2 00 If puid after throe raonlUs, . 2 50 If paid after six months, . . 8 00 When papers uro sont outsido of the ooudtjr paymur.t must bo ia advance. ADVERTISING. Ton lino", or loon, 8 times, Eaob iih"eqtient insortion, Administrator' Notices, , Executory' Notices, . . , Auditors' Noticos, . . . , tl 00 50 2 50 2 60 2 50 1 50 ! 50 Cautions and Enlrays, . . DiKSolutiun Notices, , . Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, fi 00 Special notices, per lino, ... 2" YEA.ELY ADVERTISEMENrs,1 One siinaro, 10 lines, . . , tH 00 Two squ.iros, 15 00 lhree squares 20 00 Ono fourth column, . , , . 50 00 One half column 70 00 One column 120 00 We hive always on hind a stock of Blanks of all Descriptions. AKTICLES OF AGREEMENT, SUMMONS. SUBPCKNAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &?., Ac, to. Wo nro "prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing. SUCH AS POSTKKS, PROGRAMMES, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, O CARDS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, to., to., IN TnE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. Geo. B. ftoodlamler, Clcnrfleld, Clearfield Conntjr, Pa. , . $.l3rrHnnc0U5. Gray'. Specific Ucikiao. TRAOI MARK TRADE MARK Orr.t Forll.h liimeoT. ah uu. e-y tailing eurr f..r 1 Keuioal H-iak- ncia, Hpanwa- 7 . torrhra, 1 m jfW ti-off, and all-.4M'WU' iMaau.ea that 1 lEfQaETA.I.Qfoiio. a. . - AVTtR TAIISQ. ? Ai.u. ; a. k-.a ol Mi-iuorj, L'nlTnri.1 .a. unite, In Ibe llark, liinne. ot VIl..o, Prematura olil Ar. aeJ BieOT other lllir.p.. thnt Ion1 to In.aniir or Cnti.uwpliun anil a I're aielure tlrevo. l-cfFull parllrul.r. In our pamphlet, nhich wo Oeelr-i to .rod frre be neil lo eterT one. TLe tperille Meilielne la lolil I'T ell drogune al II ptr pa.ik.ite, or ll paekifce. Ir j. or will b. n-.t Tree bj mall on reeeltit ol the mnnt-r, by ail.lre.i ln, 1 II K II II A V HKtiil I.VK CO., Uoll.le, N. Y. Sold tn Clenrbelil bj C. 0. U atrcr. aprJ7, 'Sl-lj. READING FOR ALL I BOOKS d STATIONERY Mnrket Mt., Clrai field, (nt the Pot omicf.) 1yJ& undfnfjtDiid braTf Iravo to arruurr lu tbo ektitiDs of CitarAvM nnd Ttcimij, ihut be has tlUi-U up a room ntid bai juat relnrnrii irva tlie eitj tvilb a lrfc'e atut.uit ol reniiag tbaitor, vooaiilitif in part of Bibles and MificellnDeons Ecch, Clank, Account and l'ass Uooks of every d ornptiott Vuprr aad KoTtluj ci, Krneh rreed aod juainj i'r ai d Fm. lli; lllank Lcpal Patrr, bt&$, liHtpfei Jurfioept, Kxeuip. tioo aod rrtniarY notes j Vi bite aad l'arcti oieot HrieC, LpjvbI t'ii, ltrrt rd tap, and Mil Cnj., t-hMt Wuiic, tor either Piauo, lule or Violin, eonstsFtiy on hand. Aoy bocks or stationary dreirtil iliat I a.y not bavo on band, wit! lie order d by first tiytttt, and sold at wbolceale or reicil to mit euRUiDifcrs. I will alro ketp periodical Hterntare, mcb us aUffii ic, Newipai'?rii, ,. P. A. (JAl'LlN. Clearfiold, 1U 7, lf,l-tf New Departure IN : LUTIIERSBURG! Hereafter, aoodr will bo 10M for CASH on!, or In nthaoiie fur ptodaco. Nj bo.ks will lie kept iu tbe future. All old acconoti mutt be settled. Tboe who racnot cash np, wt'l picaie okeo oror iiieir Qntet at?j CLOSE THE RECORD. I tn deteriuiord to sell My roods at enph prlcftp, and at a dincooTt fnr be lew thnt ever offered in th ie Tloinity. The di-pount I allow my oi)tr meri. wiil makeibeto rich in twenty yeaiatf they (Vllcw tny advioe aod buy their rood fri'ta me. I will pay eafh for whet!, oats an) ctuTtr K'd. IMNIKL 1IOOILAM.KK. Latbembarc January 17, 1077. S. S. MARVIN & GO'S. fJXJPEMOB OKACKERB AND Pan Cake Flour. l-MivVf UJitM what tin nnrne ImpllM: a,.,ir t - I'i:.!.,,,.,. Tln-'tl ftl'iii r..rne art- wi h rvld ni.-r .r miilt. unite a tnir and hat out on- "i ti it s!.'ll!i-. I itia aoifHtii itt much cliejMr t mi l1ti''.;rtlnmt it nr. ASK VOUR GROCLl FOIt 1T." OIR -Vovr York Water Crackers, IM i;;KI A LCI (AM PAONECIR ACKERS X X X OYSTKU CK ACKERS, i:xru cn.vcKKiaS, WINE CRACKERS Are a,iirr..r tc till oth-r. Ulun yon btiy encken nk li.r ,M;VIN.-, i,i,(t rlont tckf any olLoi lor Hi. j are Hit U n i i(r1( Bl1li Woiki Ol, 0.1, Ol nail 07 I.lbrrlj Ntreot, 1UII LfnArtment, Ii nnh A Ton np, iMTTMtrirciir, pa. FOP. SALE BY All GRQCEXS. Nuvftulier 9, lSrtl-2flj. HARTSWICK & IRWiK, BECOKD STRKKT, CLEAKFIELD, PA., DEALEItB IK PURE DllUCiS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OILS, IJYK STI FF VAHN181JKB, Bnl'SHES, FANCY aOOtC, TOILET AKTICI.KS, " Or ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for medloloal purposes. Trnises, Bupporterc, School Books ard Station ory, nnd all other articles oiually t found In n Drug Store. PHTSICTANS PRKSCKTPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUND.. 11 inn "fte oa porieneo In tho business tboy een entire sat Isfaetlon. J. O. HARTPWTCK, JOHN F. IHH1N. CleaHletil. nwmKr Ifl, 1NT4. OPEH FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH, Come to Frenchville 1 IIIAVK nt received the atock of Rood" ovor broiiplit to tliia aprtlon of tha rnnnlv m l.i,.l I will soil for cnah or produce aa cheap aa they can be bought ilnowhere. Jly atock conil uf J0S E)RY GOODS, Groceries, Boots I Shoes, Hardware, s-Nail a Specialty .tm Ready Made Clolliing. A full atock of FISH. Palt In larKa or amnll tucka, or by the barrel. CROCKERY WARE, tone or clav. QUKKNSWARK, all atylnand quality. In abort, 1 havo ovorylbinff needed by the farmer, the mechanic tlio Inbnrer, or anybody clao, which I will aell juat an cheap al tho gooda can bepnrchaaod anywhere olae. Tleaae cull and examine my gooda and prloca before Inveating lae where. L. M. COO l MET. FrenchTlllc, Pi., Mar. 2, '81-lf.