Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 07, 1881, Image 3

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Vi:iimxiay Mukvixo, I :M!1KR 7, N.
Terms of Subscription,
ft paid is advance, or within throe month..,,1! 00
1 i nfter three evil before iii months .. 3 id
IT) At I ftfiitr theeiplralL-a or lil toonbti .. S I'O
ti;i,i.nn NorniH,
tirtlitMhft i:pUropRl ( Iiurt li Rv. Hi.),
t.RM r, I'actjr. HtrvirM ery b'ebhetb it ll'f
A. M-. and 7i P. M.
il.lMli Hr-buul at V A. XI.
I'raver Meet ins tvcry We.inetJay, at TJ P. M.
t'aiuu union Htrvlre, Cril Sblitb of evary
lonth, Ht l"J A. M.
li t ,lijtcrlan Church nT. II. 8. Bctlih.
-itl.batb irrriees morning nid evening Heb
b.i:h S(b(i.l at 9 A. M. Prayer Meeting Wednea
iay evening.
Itaptlet .lurch. Her. K. H llorfi Pwior.
I'rvsr-htbtt every riabha'h at 10:H0 A- M. ad 7
P. M , iternt'.nc. Kftheth School at 3 I'. M.
Prayrr M eoting every Welncdey evening.
West Clearfield M. li. ( liurrh. H, t.
titriui;a It. Auci, I'aitor. l'reecbine try
aliernele Sunday, at 8 o'clock, 1. M. tiundiiy
oliuui at f. 21. All arc invited to attend.
M. 'ra.i,rln C'burch ( alh.illr Her. P
J.Hbkxiiiar Divine aervtce at I Of) A. M., on
he first, third and Innrtb Sun day a of each month;
Vespers and UeDedletion of the blessed tiacretueat
at 7o nlork, P. M. riunday School every Sunday
Hewing machine needle, OjU, J.u, oil
rana, i nrrati-ruttrra, &c, at Hunler'a.
" .
Hi-laa-ribe fur Uir Li. ku Kepi'bm
( an, and yon will then get a good, irlinble
Two liumln d fiUiglw for sale on the lrth
iiwt., at 7th anilSmiHumMtreeU, I'liiladelphin.
Si advertmeiiieut.
St-u mlvprtiarmcnt "Wanted" in thii fiame,
mm adim-sa Mem. IWiuiiikit Brother, 1(11
UrtKidwuy, Xt-w York.
Tin? mwly elrrted comity tifl.tvn will
;wnuiiir their rraprrtivc dutic with the cmi
meruniui.t of Ihe new,
T;tMe cutlery Carving knives, llutihtr
kuivnt, Itreiid kniveM. Knife, fork and jhw.ii,
nn eartU fur rliildrrn, at Hunler'a.
Scroll nawa, kikhIm for lmieketM, Hmateur
vise, Plane, Brad awl, I'alteriw, Keyhole,
raw, ( arviuK tools, Drillw. Ac., at Harder.
The. boat clothing for the least money can
he found at GuinzhurK'aruost reliable Clut.iinj:
More, Western Hotel corner, in Clearrfield
Mm. M. WateliUT, Rpr.ngd.Ue, Ta, My
Chronic Catarrh li much better, from the use
of lVruna.
"ihe KKi-unurAN ia a rvlinWe and thor
ough-going paper. Rulweritw for It" Cur
vrnnilte Aneiilia. Thank !
M ir. or MoLDiia guaRtaa tkutovi oovar.
S,ff;cd Monday of January.
Tliird Monday of March.
Pint Monday of June.
K Ufth Monday of t-opteinler.
'irt Monday of Jane,
caond Miiu.iy of November.
"Will ynu tnk wrirut, oaU or ora for luti
rrij il'n y" We are often inquired of in thii way
by Mtr from patrone wbo reaide at a dittenoe
Irom Ckarfietd. We aRdln y yei. 1'be rereipta
of a tfFpoi.iible marchant or mill nwaer Id tbe
vicinity, will nniwur ui jut an well aa tbe eaxh.
T illluttrate : If any of our putront will delirer
m a bug of grain at lb mill of Jonejih H. Hreth,
in t.'heat townchip, Horaon Patebia. iu liarniide,
Thnmna II. I'urcey, in Urabam, Wm. Porter or
Hlmn', lu Lnwieitrc, or Drown k Hrylnr'l, at
KiK'fcton, l!nin tuwutbin, and forward their
receipt! tor the amount, we will credit thorn on
tt.cir account tor the anme. la thin way all may
aoon p-iy wht lliry owe, II tbey ml! furuethie
oouree. If.
Tull ntiHin on Mniulny evening.
The Jury Commiasionera arc about com
pleting their work of filling the jury wheel
for Imk-) ,,! drawing a jury for the January
term ol tourt.
Hi inoriind shear, in iolishetl ateel , niekel-
phited, and Japan finish. Rutton-hole, I.ace,
HH-ket, j'omts, Ih'nt Handle, lUmking, nnd
it .l kuuls or tine aheani at Hanler'a.
Shirk's tannery will
throughout with steam.
HHn 1m heated
J. I. Hurike, of this place, has ln-en under
the doctor's care fur several weeks
. - m e - -
Vou can li ml a nice line of Hats, C'ajif and
Overcoats cheap, at Hirliner& Hook's.
Several new street crossings have liecu put
down liy Street Cominissiouer Hemphill.
Wehtley Norris W ill open a meat market in
a building now Ix'ing erected on his projuTty
on Third street.
iJcv. Wm. H. Hill will preach in the West
Clearfield M. K. Church next Sahlath cven-
itt at 7 o'clock.
Mr. A. J. (ireer, late editor of the Altoona
Itnily Sun, now huldn a ioit ion on the edi
torial stafT of the Cull.
-- m m -
The Central I'tniiM'ivnnia Dental Ahwkjiu-
linn w ill hold its next semi-annual met ting
in Tyrone, January 4ih, 12.
Slier id' Mahall'ey took an iiiKiue man to the
iciuvillo Asvluiu on Friday last. We didn't
h arn his name or where he was from.
m e
C. T. Lalxtrde, of I'nion township, udver-
tiM-a a stray horse in this issue. The owner
had In tier le looking alter his property.
licv. (ieorge ,eidy returned from his visit
to tht West Inst Thursday, and on Sunday
occupied his pulpit in the M. 11 Church.
Mr. lien. Smith, a former resident of Clear
field, has been the guest of his brother Frank
K. Smilh, in this place, for the past ten days
A jwtrty of our young hunters, half-a-dozen
or more in numlM-r, started to the mountains
north of town on Monday to try their luck.
Wo understand tluit a geological survey of
the coal measures of the Clearfield region is
being made through the enterprise of private
H. 1'. li. Jllandy, druggist of Osceola, has
been appointed jHwdiuaster in place of Wm.
s. Wells, removed. The npjtoiutiucnt willgo
into eflVcl on the 1st of January.
A protracted meeting is Mug held in the
( hartield First ltaptist Church, iev. K. H.
Hovey ollieiatintr. Services will lie held every
evening of this week except Saturday
A class of young men in the Clear field
Presbyterian Sabbath School prescuted their
teacher, Prof. II. C Youngman (who is al.o
Superintendent i, with a handsome silver eall
bcll for the use of the school.
Five papers of roanted colVee for one dollar
at Hoft'er's store. Many of Ihe packiiges con
tain prizes. One lady recently purchased
live papers, and in four of them she found
prizes a f-eent nickel In each.
A little child of ( lark It. Norris, of Law
rence township, fell head foremost into n
barrel of swill one day last week, and came
very near being drowned. Considerable dif
ficulty was experienced in resuscitating it.
Mr. Isaac Keek, a well-known hotel man in
former days at I'unxsutaM ney, died alter a
very brief illncKH at his home in that place on
Friday, November Both, in the ti'MX year of
his age. He wa stricken down with paralysis'
Our patrons KhnnUl War in mind that to
insure insertion and pntper cliifwilicalion they
must hand in advertisements and notices
prior to Tuenday noon of cadi veek.
The place to trade is where you can fiml
the largest stock of Overcount, Winter suits
and I ntlerwear, and get the most goods for
your money, at Hultngcr A Rook. 12-7-:tt
ho oo. Ihe citizens of the Wouidi of;
Indiana have had a very exciting time over
the water question ever since the dog-days.
l-ist week they took a vote on the miration
which stistd lHl for and aiming.
Agent$ Wanted. The Cnion Publishing
ConiKiny, of I'hiladelphia, are preparing the
life, timcHand trial of the assassin Ouitcnu.
This great statetrial will lc worth preserving.
Mr. II. H. McCanghtry, musind instructor
; leader of tbe KxcelsiorCornet Hand, of Dullois,
paid our town a short visit one day last week.
'"Mac" is a first-class musician and a good
- .- .
A Strange Case.-We learn irom thi tMeeolai
Ktri illf that a miner's wile was buried Thurs
day from CamplKdl'sccdliery .near 1'hilipOmrg,
who died of rirowy. The disease had ho
enlarged her Udy that it weighed over four
hundred pounds. The door frame had to Ih?
cut out to give cgresa to the collin and
wagon had to 1 substituted for the hearse.
4 Blind Dcer.X correspondent of the Jersey
Shore Urmhl relates the following: "It is said
that Kcv. Ncshit, of Lock Haven, went out
hunting recently and shot down a large deer.
On examination, it proved to be a very old
buck, stone-blind. Had not the reverend
gentleman hit the deer, a serious disaste
would, probably, have occurred, as the auimal
was mhing with tremendous velocity right
along his pathway."
A Foolish Mistake.--Don t make the mistake
of confounding a remedy of acknowledged
merit with the numerous miack medicine
that are now so common. Wo sn-ak from
exMricnco when we say that Parker's Oiuge
Tonic is a sterling health restorativp.and will
do all that is claimed for it. We have use
it ourselves with the happiest results for
Rheumatism and when worn out bv over
work. See advertisement. Timrn. l'J-7-lt
The liest pnr U the cheapen HuUcrile
for the Ci.eaukiki.ii liKi'i m.RAN, which
everyiMMly says ii the beat paper published In
tne county. hverytsKly reads it.
Want th Belt The Huntingdon Vhbr
says : "John Cloodman, of Mill Creek, claims
the Wit. He hits killed one hundred and
eighty-eight uiirels this year."
Pocket Knint, Lighty-two styles and
kinds of Fine Pocket Knlve in Pearl, Ivory,
stag, Hone, Horn, liosewood, and shell. The
lariEest stock and greatest variety in this part
of the State at Harrier's. U-fi-'Hltf.
A dihgraeeful and brutal tluht occurred
between several intoxicated young men at
the lower end of town on Monday evening.
The by -Ma ml era looked on this act of
wickedness without attempting to arrest it
progress. Shame!
Cant-hook Stock for Sar The under
signed has a lot of hard-maple turned stocks
for cant-hooka which am be had at n bargain.
Inquire at the planiug mill, or of
Geoiuik Tn my,
U-7-'Hl-tf. Clearfield, Pa.
It is said that two-thirds of the bees will
die the. coming Winter, on account of the
unusually dry aeason. 1 tee -keepers in this
section will do well to look after their colonies,
and by doing it in time prevent total anni
hilation of their industrious and sweet little'
pet a. I
for Sale. Ch$ap.lXtonf sash, frames, fur-
niture,sprtng Is ds, picture frame, mouldings,
picture wire cord, cane-seot chairs re-aented,
and furniture repaired. Will trario for lum
ber or grain. It. I. Canfiki.ii,
Kail road street, Clearfield, Pa.
NovemlKT l:id, l"Hl-2mpd.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the
Postofilee at Clearfield, Pa., for the week end
inn December "th, 1HH1 :
William F. Airer, Andv Banin. Jas.C'itssidav.
Mrs. Jane Colwelt, Ahram Haywmid, tieo. V.
U-iriy (v!i, J. laiH,t;eo.P. Minus, J. M.Ogden,
Mrs. Mary Pliilipps, Amanda Kaneo, Mrs.
Kate kosensteel, lalmund X. Kussell. Kev. I).
I.. Williams.
P. A f'-AI LiX, P. M.
or 13 years I had Chronic Catarrh. The
Catarrh is well. Pcrnna. Mrs. J. Miuika,
Pittsburgh, Pa,
Hotic to Autttor and Collector. The
Board of County Commiiuiioncfn adjourned
on Saturday last and will not be in session
until Monday, December 13th. Ouond after
that time Asaesaors aro requested to make
their return as soon ua possible. Those Col
lectors for 11 w ho have not hud their ex
onerations granted will please attend to that
matter Wfore the 31st of Deeemlicr.
JAnm A. Faj st, (Vcrfc.
Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 2f)th, lMHl-at.
A Long Line.W'c notice that telephone
communication between AVilliamsport and
Pittslon ia established. One of the wires of
the American Cniofl Telegraph Company was
used. A very satisfactory talk was carried
on, notwithstanding the distance is 110 miles.
The speaking conld be beard with great dis-
tinclness, very little trouble leing met Irom
induction. This is certainly an achievement
worthy of sjtecial attention from the public.
Sold Again." The Dultois Owner relates
tbe following: "One day last week John
Plutt, who tends the City Hotel bur, was
requested to advance f'2 on an overcoat and
keep it over night. After taking the coat in
charge John discovered it to lie his ow n. He
hurried down to his room at the Nicholson
House to sec that his entire baggage had Wn
gone through. Warrants were issued and
Milton Vanghn now languishes in conse
quence in the rock-pile nt Clearfield.
A party of hunters w ere arrested Inst week
in Centre county for dogging deer. We un
derhand that this unlawful practice is in
dulged in to a gnat extent by hunters in
Clearfield county. The iume AwwHiation
should look alter them.
We learn from the Curwcnsvillc Amillia
that our old friend, Thos. A. McOhee, of ilcll
township, ex-Counly Commissioner, killed a
large buck on Hear run, on the'J.Mh ult. Mr.
Medhco is one of our oldest nnd most suc
cessful hunters. He rvcr nets hwL
The brass band of the Hyers Nih'erV Com
binatiou that paraded ourstreet last Wednes
day afternoon, forthenuinlierof instruments,
in one of the liest lianrisin existence. Itcon
sistsof four horns, two drums and cymbal..
They rendered a couple of very fine pieces of
musiron the Conrt House comer.
The peoplo of Pennville, we understand,
have perfected arrangements to have Col.
Copeland deliver his famons Temperance
I.oetnro. entitled "Mistakes of Itnb,'' in the
public hall at that place on Werincsday even
ing, DeeemlK-r 14th. The people of that
vicinity should fill the Hall to overflowing
Col. L. F- Copelnnd will lecture nt Cur
wcnsvillc on Thursday evening. lercmber
I."th. Subject : "Some Notorious Liars." Pro
ceed lor the benefit of the public school
library. He will also lecture at Philipsbnrg.
under the auspices of theOrand Am of the
Ki public, on Friday evening, IHcemiK r imn.
- m e - -
The entertainment of Ieavitt's Hyers Sis
ters' Combination, given in Pie's Opera House
last Wednesday evrning, was pronounced
gnd by those who attended. The troupe is
enui posed ol colored jieople, nnd they exhibited
education and refined culture. They played
"Out of Bondage," nnd had a good-paying
lunise, netting in the nriithborhood of
An application wfllWmade at the meeHng
of the Hoard of Pardons on the third Tnes
riay of December, for recommendation to the
Oovcrnor for the wirdnn of John A.
NiMling, or commutation f " antencr
of death to imprisonment in the penitentiary.
If no meeting is held on Ihe third Tuesday,
then at Ihe next stated meeting of the Hoard.
Mr. Llisha M. Davis, of Penn township,
who had brought a load of produce to towij
in a light spring wagon hist Friday, ex
perienced a rnn-olT, which did not result in
anything very serious, however. The team
started in the vicinity of Halford'a black
smith shop and was stopped near the resi
due fx-8cnator Wallace, after spilling
ml aennt bosket, boxes, wtc.
Immensely Popular. Vol. CojH'Iand, who
w ill lecture in this place for two evenings
week after next, during the County Institute,
attended the Cuineron County Institute at
IriltwK)d last week, and half the people
who went to hear him could not gi t into
the Church. His power of eloquence, was
such that one moment he would have the
audience on their feet w ith enthusiasm and
the next moment would find tears in many
of their eves. He has lectured In Cameron
county seven times within the past year five
times nt Driftwood anil twice nt Kmporium.
m ouoaen Ueath. Our community was
somewhat startled at the announcement of
the death of James K. Watson, w hich occurred
at his residence in this place a few minutes
liefore 10 o'clock last Saturday evening. His
illness was of brief duration, and we do not
wish to detail hisHufierings. The deceased w an
in the 50th year of his age, and leaven a wife
and three children two daughters and n son
iM-sides a nunilM-rof other relatives, to lament
his untimely death. The funeral took place
from his late resideneeon Tuesday at 1 o'clock.
f"rn rxt foil ttf iiu.
A Postoffice Robbed. The jstslofiicc at Sun
bury, NorthumlMTland county, was entered
by robbers last Monday night, and the safe
blown open. The concussion broke every
pane of glass in the building. The roblcrs
took alsiut $:UH in money and stain m, and
four registered letters in transit The rob
Ikts were m en in the building at 1 o'clock in
the morning. Several pistol shots were fired
through the windows at them but they
made good their escajw) by the Iwu-k dmr,
The rxploaioii took place while a heavy
freight train was ponsing near so as to conceal
the sound.
Moncf In It. All PXcltniiKe nltri that f'pt
J. II. Williams, of Washington county, Intends
to plant ten thousand wn hints. He w ill sow
them in rows ; after two years will thin out,
leaving only the thrifty trees ; in Ave years will
cut young walnuts for table legs; in eight
years will rut again nlternate trees for newal
posts; In ten years will liegin to harvest
nuts by the thousand bushels, and in fifteen
years will have walnut logs tost 11. This is
a new enterprise for this locality, but it has
lxcn practiced In New York State with
great success, and why could it not lie prac
ticed in Clearfield county.
m e
Telephone Station. We learn from the
Curwensville Timr that stations have been
established alonir the Curwensville and
Chcrrvtree line as follows: Bridgeport, in N
K. Arnold's store; Pennville, in McDonald A
Spencer s atore ; Lumber City, in D. L.. rergu
son's store; Lewisville, in Hoover A Camp
bell's store ; Mahaffey's, in residence of Kohcrt
MahafTey ; M(ihees, In residence of Thomas
A. MeOhee; New Washington, In oflieeof J
I Cook ; Newburg, in store of Isaac Markle ;
Burnsidc. in store of Jackson Patchin;Patchin-
ville, in office of A. W. Patchin ; Cherrytree,
store of PortT Kinport.
How Heckle! The Williamsport httnnrr
says: "On Thanksgiving Day, John Doyle, of
Newlterry, a young tusn aliout seventeen
years of age, with a friend, started out to
have a pleasant time, and took with them a
gun. which was loaded. In passing through
the orchard of Mr. Iamel I pdegraff, young
Doyle attempted to knock some apples from a
tree with the butt of the (ton, when it was
discharged, the contents entering ths right
leg above the knee, the shot tearing through
Ihe flesh and lodging In the foot It is a very
serions wound, and may necessitate the ampu
tation of the foot Dt. Young was called upon j
to drs the wound."
John M. Furey. John M. Furey, connected
with the Centre Dnnorrat nt Ilellefonte, mid a
brother of Joe W. Furey, associate editor of
the Ilellefonte Watrftmnn died on Monday of
last week, aged :H years. The death of this
gentleman removes from our newsiiaper circle
one of the best local editors in the central
portion of the State. He was a native of
Ilellefonte where he died. He leaves a wife
antl a three year old daughter. We believe
he w as a graduate of the Watchman. He had
been engaged at diflereut times as compositor,
local etHtor and reporter for papers at Phila
delphia, Pottsrille.Williamsport, Lock Haven
Altoona, etc. May he rest in peace!
- m m aw
Another Extensive Purchase of Timber Land.
The Curwensville Anrillia nays : "Kumor
says that H. H. McfJhee, of Chest, has pur
chased the timber on the Cathcart tract, five
miles south of Curwensville for f 17,5m, a
thousand acres in Ferguson township fur
$.yHH, and other tracts up the river. He has
also purchased fl.GOO worth of timlicr of
'Squire Caldwell, and the limlter of a small
tract of James Head's. At present he is en
gaged in buildiugn couple of splash damson
Little Clearfield creek, one aliove Milljttrt,
the other in Iiwrence township, lielow
Mitchell's, both of which will lie needed to
flout logs from the Watt and Cut heart tract
to the river."
m -
A Change. -The editor and proprietor of
the Korth Amrriran Rrvinr announces that the
Itrvirw will lie hereafter published at No. !M)
Lafayette place, New York, and will apitear
under its own imprint He states that he
has found it impossible to conduct the pub
lication iu the spirit of the motto adopted by
its founders, making it a for n in of id open dent
thought, nnd extending, at his discretion, the
hoepitnlity of its pages to thinkers and
scholars of all creeds and forms of be lief,
and nt the same time to maintain relations
with a publishing house having extensive
school-lKxik and other Interests of its own to
promote. The change of imprint will involve
no alteration whatever in the organization or
service of the Jlrrieic.
Prom Abroad. The "local" of the Hunting
don Monitor pays the following compliment
to one of our good girls :
Miss Mamie Trvin, of Hurnside, Clearfield
count v, was one of the attractions of the
'eachera' Institute. Although very young in
years for a public reader Miss Irvin evidences
talent lor tier chosen prolensinn wnicti it
developed insures her eiiig ranked as a star.
tier training we hear lias been in the school
of experience. Her pronunciation, inse and
facial expression bear testimony ol weeks nnd
months ol patient effort Her rendering of
difficult- selections compares very favorable
with that ol more noted elocutionists. 1 tie
enthusiasm of her encore was n high compli
Miss Irvin will be present nt our
County Institute which convenes in Clear
field on Monday, December HHh, nnd officiate
The Coming Teachers' Institute. Yew of
our renders probably are awnro of tbe great
cxiense nttiuhed to the holding of the
Teachers' Institute. We have made some
inquiry and find that the aggregate expense!
of the approaching session will lie $(MK),orf 1.141
day. It will require 100 to defray the
expense incurred in conducting the day ses
sions, llus is the frrt part of the Institute,
antl the most exiiensive part. Prof. J.
I .arid and Col. Cope land will receive (150
for their day lectures before the Institute.
Every jwrson school children and school
patrons have the privilege of listening to
these distinguished men every day if they
desire, free of charge. As three-fourths of;
the entire exiense must lie met from the pro
ceeds of the three pay evenings our people
should not hesitate in giving it their undi
vided patronage. Tbe nnnual Institute helps
our town, and we should in return sustain it
Worth Remembering. Now that good times
are again upon us. In-fore indulging hi
extravagant show, it is worth remcnilH'ring
that no one can vnjoy the plcasantcst sur
roundings if in kid health. There arc hun
dreds of miserable people going about to-day
with disordered stomach, liver or kidneys, or
a dry, burking cough, and one foot in the
giave, when a 50 cent tattle of Parker's (lin
ger Tonic would do them more good than all
the expensive doctors and quack medicines
they have ever tried. It always makes the
blood pure and rich and will build you up
and give you good health at little cost Head
of it in another column. 11-lMt
m m
Belief for Employee. We notice that a
Committee of the Hoard of Directors of the
Pennsylvania Kailroad Company have under
consideration a plan for the relief of their
mployeca, such as conductors, engineers.
brakemen and car inspectors, w ho may lie
overtaken by sickness or accident, and aid for
their families in caso of death. The plan
proposed is to organize a fund, made tip by a
small contribution from the salary of each
employe monthly, and the sum thus secured
will lie doubled each year by the Company.
The plan has not been fully matured as yet,
hut it is the intention to have it in working
order, if possible, the first of the year.
The following letter will lie understood by
the teachers :
PnxvKVi.VANiA If aii noAi, Tvitoxi:
Division, Tvkonk, Pa., Dec. 3, VI.
M. L. Mt Qumrn, :V., Count; Siiprrintvnilint,
Ctrarflitd, Vnma ;
Dkak Sin : 1 am in receipt of your favor
of Ihe yd inst., also one of the previous date.
I will nrrunge to run the train from Curwens
ville to Clearliclri, December lJHh, as you
request. I hope, however, you will try and
make it a success in order to pay me for the
extra service. Yours truly,
H. H. Bl.AlR, Sufit.
i . S. nam will leave Curwensville at
L:m P. M. S. S. H.
Clearfield Coal Trade. Statement of coal
and other freights sent over the Tyrone A
Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania liailroad,
for the week ending NovemWr 'JO, lwl, and
the same time last year :
For thaweek 411,883
Samettuia lait year ;t7,.Ai
Just lloceivfcl.
Just RooaItcJ hy ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Scotia Plaster!
Car Load puro Corn, Hyo and Oats
utiop i
Car Load Deukon Salt 1
Car Load of Choice Family Flour I
Car Load Dry Goods, Groeoriea, An.!
toThhinglos, JturK. K. U. Ties and
Liruin will be tukon In exchange.
Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1H7K,
WO0DMXa-JUHY.-In Orahara townibip,
on Sunday, Noreniber 27tb, IMSI, by C. W. Kylcr,
E.q., Mr. johs woonLiau ana ri. Aim J car,
all of Urabam towoabip.
ItOYRH-WIRTS On Thuriday, Notemboi
24tbt 131, hT A. P. BlootD, Kfi , Mr. Joaars
Kotks and Mli At Kukabktu Wihts, both ol
UJiMitningtoD, Uiea'AelJ eouuty.
JORDAN CLnt'SER, At William Prhwua',
hotel, Lutheraburg.oo Turrdar, Nov. 2Utb. IHKI,
by J. Hamilton, Ka , Mr. Jauih Joiipah, of
icnoeiu, ana mua.ALicj vioi aau, or Hock ton.
Deeetubrr lt, IKS, by Itflf. K. II, Hovey.Mr.
Jtain W, Tltoaeaos, of Lawrrnoe townibip, and
Mr. Ki'iANNA Cicri an,o( Kartbaure tonnblp.
of Mr. Win. Ilendarion, on Thuriday. Novruibrr,
24th 18B1, by Her. Win. (leumlll. Mr. Kn.
Lkhdrs and Mira Lrtitia Hesdiishos, both of
Woodward townibip.
AtHEHT KKI'HART. At tU m!,!,... ftr
ine brido lather. Adam Kpuha't. Ki . In He.
eatur townihip, on We'lnaidar, Nor. JiOtta, Ik&t ,
nj jiot, n n. miliar, Mr. w. Ji. Ai.birt an J
Mill (iKRTRcna KlPBART.
PASKM0RR NOLAN. At tbe M-.hl, ftf
Daniel ll. ionly, la wuite towniMn, Cambria
oounty, on hontfay, Nntember I.fth, 1811, by
Joel A. tiatea, Kq., Mr, Joakph A. Piiiioni.
f Lumber Citr berouirh. and Miia Hkm. C.
Noi,A.f, of Marron, both of riearflrU county,
Previously dnrlnit year
Same time lait year ,
Total In 1S8I
Same time lait year
I d create
Lumber s
Miacellaneoui freighta
(13 rnn
An Able Man Gone. The Beaver (Pa) Star
announces the death of Itev. Marcus Onnond
which occurred at Oxford, Ohio, on Saturday
week. He lectured in our county several
times within the post few years, nnd is there
fore personally known to some of our people
who will regret his demise. The rttnr con
tinues i "Ilia life story was a very sad one,
and will lie recalled hy the readers of this.
Ho was an unusually brilliant minister and
was widely known. Through over exertion
in ministerial lalmr and lecturing he liccnme
very ill some three years ago, and when he
recovered health it was found that his mem
ory was entirely gone. From being one of:
the most erudite of men he had become less
than a child inknowledge, not even knowing
how to read. He had in a measure recovered
from his mental affliction at the time of his
death. His case excited marked interest in
the medical profession, lie leaves a wife and
family, living at Btirgettstowu."
A Big Beginning. We notice by our ex
changes that Governor lloyt has issued
Charter to the Itochester and Pittsburgh t oal
and Iron Company, with a capital stock of
ft, (MS), 000. The main business office of the
Company will lie located at Brookville, Jeffer
son oounty, in which county the Comnny
will carry on its operations. Following is n
list of the principle sutneribers, with the
number of shares held hy each : Herliert B.
Brown, New York, 3fl,iMM ; Jamea Cnllery,
Pittsburgh, 5 W. C. Mobley, Pittsburgh, C ;
Oeorge A. Jenks, Brookville, A ; F. A. Brown.
New York, 3.7HO: Walston II. Brown, New
York, 100 ( Thomas F. Wentworth, New York.
Augustus Konnts, New York, 100. There
as been paid In of the capital stock to the
treasurer of the Company. Frederick A. Brown,
$400,000. The rest of the capital stock ts
composed of fl,0O0,000 worth of lands in
Jeflcrson county. The Company shall have
the privilege of man n fact u ring Iron and steel,
and to mine and prepare for market and for
their own consumption coal, iron ore
and other minerals. The directors for the
first year are to be James Callery, Walston H.
Brown, Thomas F. Wentworth! i rodenck A. .
Brown and Angustruj Konntf.
Only Two Bottles. Messrs. Johnson, Hallo
way & Co., wholesale druggists of Philadel
phia, Pa., rejKirt that some time ago a gentle
man handed them a dollar, with a request to
send a good catarrh cure to two army officers
in Arizona. Recently the same gentleman
told them that Isith the officers nnd the wife
of Oen. John C. Fremont, Gov. of Arizona,
had lieen cured of catarrh bv the two Imttlcs
of Ely's Cream Halm.
Messrs. Ely Bros., Druggists, Owego, N. Y.
Y. A few days ago I saw a lady who had
used your Cream Balm for Catarrh, and had
found more relief in one bottle than from all
other remedies she had tried. 1 enclose $1
for two liottles. Yours respectfully, James
Hitchrn. M. D., Providence, li. I. Price tti
cents. I'-'-TaI
A Hunter's Job. We learn from the Bedford
Gazette that on the 2titb, two men named Wil-
hclin and Keefer were hunting in the moun
tains near (Salisbury, Romerset county. Both
wore calling turkeys and neither knew
that the other was iu the woods. Wilhelm
gave tho nsual notes on his "caller" nnd
Keefer, thinking it was a turkey, replied.
Wilhelm, deceived by the reply, answered it.
nnd so the men unconsciously drew together.
As Wilhelm advanced he suddenly caught
sight of a moving object partially concealed
by a tree. He took delilx-rute aim with his
rifle nnd fired, but what was his horror to see
Keefer stacger from behind the tree and fall
to the ground dead. The unfortunate man was
shot directly through the heart. Iet this
servo ns a warning to those nun w ho are
overly "anxious for a shot." There are some
men who will blaze away Uton the slightest
suspicion, without any investigation ns to
what the object at which they direct their
fire may lie, and when men of this kind are
in the woods there is no safety for nnyloriy
else w ithin a half-dozen miles.
Death of "Jere" McKibben.Tin excellent
gentleman, who was well known to many of
tho citizens of Clearfield county, died sud
denly at St. Joseph, Missouri, on Tuesday,
Nnvemlier 21)lh, aged alsnit M years. He
was literally raised iu a hotel and no man
that ever waited on a guest could do it belter
than "Jere." His father, Cbamlicrs McKih
ben, old and venerable, now residing nt
Chnmlicrsburg, commenced the hotel business
many years ago in the St. Charles, at Pitts
burgh, and afterwards removed info the
Merchants Hotel, on Fourth street, Philadel
phia, where father and sons resided for a long
time. The father retiring, "Jere" purchased
the interest of Mr. Kanaga in the Girard
House, on Chestnut street Some two years
ago he sold his interest in the Girnrri and
opened a hotel nt Hot Springs, Arkansas. He
did not remain there long until he removed
to St. Joseph, where he had just taken
charge of a new hotel fitted up to suit his
taste, and while walking through the corridor
with some friends, admiring the building he
complained of Wing unwell, and in trying
to lie seated on a chair he felt to the floor.
He was conveyed to a Wd, but died soon
after. Apoplexy w as te cause of his death
Teacher' Institute. -Tho legislature lair
Winter passed nn Ad (see i -nuititre tmr,
18H1, page fto) mini ring the School Directors
of this Commonwealth, to nllow the teachers
their time and wages while attending the
annual County Institute, prescribing the
duties of the County Superintendent respect
ing the same. The Act is ns follows :
SKf. 1. lie it rnartnf, cCc, That from and
after the passage of this Act, it shall lie the
duty of the school tltrcctors ol the several
school districts of this Commonwealth,
and they are hereby required, to allow
the school teachers, employed in the said
school districts, who are actually endued in
teaching school therein, the time, mid wages
whilst attending and lutrticipatitig in the ex
ercises of the improvement of teachers.
Hkc. 2. I hut, at the close of the annual
sew ions of the sairi institute, it shall be the
duty ot thesevernl County, City and Borough
Sucrihtcnrients to make a rcjiort to each
board ol school directors in their respective
jurisdictions, sett inn forth Ihe number of
rinys that each tern -her shnll have attended
anil participated in the exercises of the said
annual Teachers' Institute, which said report
shall he the basis for allowing tbe teachers
Ihelr time and wanes: VonnVrf, 1 list the
provisions of this Act shall not extend to the
first school district rf J ennsylvania, nor to
the counties wherein siiecisl laws rcgulnting
or relating to County Institutes are in force.
Approved the 7th dav ot June, A. J i. 11.
IlKXttV M. Hovt.
WATSON. In ClmrlleN borough, on Saturday
evening, Uaecmbrr 3d. 161, Jal-bi K. Watbos,
aged 4V years, II monthi and 21 di.
nOOVER 'At his home In Lawrme town
ftbip, ca Wednraday, Nut, 2 Id, IfcM, Jacob
IIuovkr, a (ted yearr-, 8 mental and 7 dayi.
WOLKSLAflLE. In Morrii township, oa Mod
day, November 2ih,lHSI, Mrs. Mart l.
lao le, wile of John Woleiiagle, aged 61 years,
S ui until and 21 days.
HKPP. At Troutvilfe, Pa., November 2fllh,
lSSI, nf dipbtberin, Joieiei!, youncent ion of
Hum ii til and bophia Ipji)i, aged (1 yean, moot hi
and 0 dayr.
My fnttfpi now Irnd up to (Jnd j
1 hear his wondroui name ;
A NxM la fhiuir.3 "f 'I'0 r'"J
'i 0 nt leads me (0 the Lamb.
Parents, sutirt, brother dear,
Do not ifctd ttiy tears lur to,
for I've fruined the beavenly apbsre.
Where I'll dwell eternally.
II. I. J.
3cw . Skive rttermr nt.
Finest Dry Goods,
Beat Boot and Shoe,
At H. A. Xratier s.
1 1. It hereby given (bat lelten of Administrates
on tbseatateof LAZAHl'S ARMSTRONG, lata of
Far mi son townibip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., dee'd,
bavins; been duly granted to tbenndersifrned.all
persona indebted to said estate will please make
itumrdiate payment, sod the bavins 0 lei at or
arm an ft against the same, will present them prop,
rly authenticated for settlement without delay.
ur.unuB. ? 1 haw, AamiDtitrator.
Lumber City, Nor. 2-'i, IBSI-At.
A I'DITOH'H NOTICE.-Theunderslgr.ed
4. a. Aumtor appointed to distribute tbe pro
euia arising from tbe (Sheriff's sale of tbe iron
erty of Daiftb 0. barker, under Vend. Ex. No.
07 June Term, Itisl, to and among tbe parlies
legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notloe that
oe win sit to attend to tbe dunes of bis appoint
ment at bit offee. In PbMrflrld. on PHI DAV. tl
VIII l"AT or DKrfcMHKll, . I). 181, at 5
o'clock p. M. V. A. HAtlKRTV. Auditor.
Cleaiflcld, Pa., Nov. 2:td, 1861 flt.
Town Lots for Sale
IN COALPORT. Clearfield Co,, Pa,
4 LAKOR number of town lets oan be had at
iL s roaiooable price hy applying to John L.
Liabtner, Jr., Agent, (said town la aituste I in
the coal hana on Cleartleld creak, at iba term I
none of the Hell's (lap railroad.
D011S ft KIIAW,
Clearfield, Pa.
Kov. lo, USI Im.
2Jtw dt'frilsnufnts.
J. 0. LYTLE.
A iriHTdll'H NOTICI--Ia tbe matter of
2Y. the sale of tbe property of Charlea A. Holes,
by the bbtriff of Clrar field oounty, Pennsylvania.
On motiiD of Mm ray 4 Oordon, wltb the eon-
sent of J. F. filrKi-nnca, atlorner for attaehinir
oreau r, 1 rf - mouuiiuuo was i. pointed Audi-ti-r
to diittibuta the proeeeds. Ity virtue of tbe
I npiKiintoient, I will ultnd t tbit dutv on
IH3I, at my efliae in OleartielJ, at Itlo'olofk A M.
of snid div, when and where all parties Interested
una attend if tbey see proper.
i lios. j . Mel-1 LMtl tin, Auditor.
ClfarnelJ, Pa., Nov. :)0, ISl-3t.
Crr-Ai-fiKLP, Pa., Lccimbir 9, IfPl.
Flror, i- r Mt n f,o
Unekwhent Flour, purewt i Oil
Corn Meal, per owt. 2 00
Chup, rn, porewt 1 80
Chop, itiixnd, per cwt . 1 4(1
Ilran, per ewt 1 00
Wheat, per bu!icl 1 24
Rye, per bushel , so
Oatr-, per buahel 60
Corn, ears, per bjr-hel SO
Ifueltwfaeat, per baihel 1 DO
Clover seed A 00
Timothy set-d 8 75
Potatoes, per butthel 1 Ji)
Apple, i.or bushel 75
Oniom 2 00
llama, per pound U
hbouMer, per pound mM I
Dried Ilecf, per pound IS
Chlekt-ns, per pair Ii0
li utter, per pound flit
Kfrgs, iwr doien 15
H.iit, per sack, large 3 00
Coal Oil, per glh.n
hard, par pound 15
Dried Apples, per pound . 7
Dried Pi-ache, per pound 12J
lliana, per bnnhel S IU
(Oil yiaittt.
Oil Quotations !
M.uhrtrallng, llrllnrit K .Vim is'
l'lIILIl'SUl JU;, I'KNN'A.
We qunte our brands of Petroleum and other oils
tuhjtft lo market eins) delivered free by
our Npeclal ('11 Car, when pa Ming the
station at whieb t-ujers Ueiiro
Refined Oil, 115 di-?. KireTtt..ror gl
neunei ni, i.iu ....
Prime White, 150" M ....
Water Wbife, I0' " " w '
Torch Oil, i;.t " " . " ....
Miners' lamp oil, 100 " '
Hensine, 72 Oravity "
Naptha, 74 " "
Ilasolinr, fs " ....
Prepared Rciiduutn "
Pit Car Oil " ....
Trurk Axle Oil " . ..,
No, (10 Car Oil "
No. 0 Car Oil ' "...
No. I Car Oil " " ....
No. 1 Car Oil- " "
No. 3 Car Oil "
Franlilin Natural l.ubrioaliog. "
WeitVa. Nat. Lubriciting
Fratiklin 2n deg. (Iravjty "
" Fxlra (Winter) "
" Medium Winter " "
" V.rro Tect " "
Wnt Vs. Katrs Winter " '
" ' Mo-liuui. " " "
Illack Diamond " ....
Oreen Kngine " " ....
Onlden " ....
Amber " " ' ....
XX 1 "
Extra Heavy Spindle (lil " '
Cjlmder Oil, Extra Ungbt " "
siaictilesa cylinder Uil "
No, 3 " " ....
Kxtra fignal Oil " "
Wool Oil, No. I " ....
LirdOil (extra)Winter ' " ....
" " No. 1 " " ....
Miners' Yellow, 3 grades 11 '
" hitra No. 1,8 grades.. M ".,.
" White 8 graded "
LtBeci, No. 1,fhett American) " "
Turiient loo (Itubv) " "
Tanners' Oil ( Upper) " "
l't)llCI-:N'tTI('i;. In the Court of Com-
Pleas of Clflaifijld counly, Penn'a.
tiara h J. dpden, by btr I
noxt mend, (
va. f Subpi.'n In DiTorre.
W. 8. Ogdeo. )
The undoriiffnrd Com mbsloner nriointed bv
tbe paid Court to take testimony in the above oaae,
and rep'trt the same to ihe laid Court, will attend
to tbe duties of hi appointment at his otLce In
Clearfirld on FRIDAY, DECK.MUKK 11. 1SHI,
At 2 o'clock P. M ., at ablcb time aod place all
paiiici in in ie reel may tuteii l.
Cit'rIie!J, Pa. Nov, 30, hl-4t. L'
rilllK liiiiirm end neglivei of the Uie firm
1 ot I) KOA DRKNT A I'll 11, . PS, having been
pu rc in ca iy iiie umlertibed, they bive moved
the same to VU Choitnut btreet, where tbey will
be pleattd to roe their o d patrons.
ery repeet)ullv,
(Sccceirors to L'nadbent A Pbillipi.)
l'hilad('libia, Penn'a.
ffo-Nr'itivca of thti pint eight or tn years re
ferved by thnn.
November , IPSl-Iy.
For Sale or Rent!
The luhseriber proposes to sell or rent a nam
ber of larmi located as follows ; The Grst lituiite
in Uurniiiie towmibip, Centre county, eonlaining
150 acres, having thereon erected a frame dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent to a church, and knowo
as tno James Muiholiand farm.
ALSO, another farm sitoate in Orahara town
ship, Clearfield county, containing 1 17 acres, with
tbe neceMxrv ttnprovementa. This farm ii under
laid witn a UOOD VEIN OF COAL.
ALSO, iii other farms in ihe virnity of Freneh
ville, ountaining respectfully 1 13, I O'l, V5, fjj, 50
ana iu ncrei. 1 dene terms nil have bouiei and
baroi thereon, good water, bearing orchards on
same, as well as soma good wood land. F
further pariifluUrs call in pcrcon, or aldres the
IP. J. 1, 1TL,J y CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Grocers,
Agents for Lorillard's Celebrated Tobaccos.
lru giflvtrtlsnurutj.
PblMp.Wn, P.., N.iTtmlifr II,
1881. FALL. 1881.
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
The Largest and Best Stock of
underiigncd by letter.
Jc. U'tb, lgyi-tf.
Freoehville, Pa,
No Ciooils al Hctall.
frires (iuarantecil.
Tyrone At J. Hurley k Sons' Coal Yard.
HouU ialo At Vanl'oien A Co.'s tone Ware
Curwemrille Frame Warehouse uear Kailroad
Kbcniburg Inllroad Station.
Addreia all orders to
LOCK 110X f9, Pblllpihurg,
May 4, '(l-l?. Cenlre county, Pa.
JUtt" iU'frtisrm(nts.
Curwenirtlle, Pa., Jan. 9, 7"-tf.
!- - ,wih H.K.rTh rtren
t iiaiian neea wnit-n 1 win 1
Italian Heea whit h i will nil cheap tor
omb, or exchange for wheat. For further in
formation call od or addreoi the nnderimd.
J.J-'. hltAMKlt,
Nov 5, '79 tf. Clearfield, Pa.
Ucld I:,:::::,::k;,:;"
Reprercnttbe following fint-claai Companies.
Liverpool A London A Otobt Eog...t3S,.l?0ttn5
rnopou, or llarllord, Uonn 3,072,101
Insurance Co. of North America, Phil 7,30(i,K;:il
Penniylvania Insurance Co., Pin I a... 3,l.ll,0.i9
tjueen Insuran:a Co., England 6,0(10,000
Lancarbtre Insurance Co., Englaud... fi.Oft-t ,025
North British A Mercantile, Hog l)t2M.ltr-
Western Amurance Co., Toronto 1,411.06
Oftreon Market St., opp. Court House, Clear
Bld, Pa. Jun-V7-tf.
a UAnaAiN.
rpiIB undenlgned onVe f,r sale two valuable
X farms situated in Lawrence township, as M
lnws'i One hundred and twenty 120) arres cleared and
s good Hate of cultivation, and having thereon
erected a largo and line frnrae dwelling bouse, (wo
large frame lirtrni and other neesnary outbuild
ing!, titgethrr wiih a large orvbitrd, good water,
Ac , ir.
hevtity acres clo-irej and under cultivation,
but with ni hmMinjri.
The said land are sltunte within 21 miles of
Clearfield nnd tho i'nnpy Ivania Haiimad and are
UD'lerluid with bituminous noa) end (ire-clay.
Ilea 1 on for Selling. Declining heahh ol owner'
For luriher particulars, inquire of t he iulicrilier,
J. Fit AN K SNYIH.'u, Att'y for Owner.
Clearfleld, Pa , June 14th, lMHt-tf.
Clironic Diseases a Specialty I
Uyron Clark. M. I).
That Ever Came into the
il:. (.'. ATOM W . HIKIRR,
Clc.rlolJ, Pa., S,,l. 2),
Cheap CashStore
Clearfield, Pa.,
Comprising Dress Goods of tbe very latest My lei,
confining in part ot t'asbmeres, MeooheHer
Fancies, Alpacai, and all tnaoner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
Sui'h as Cretont, Mobair Listers, Plaids, Dreu
uiofchams, Ureu ranclea of the very latest
si j let, and as cheap aa tbey etin be told
in this market.
Consisting f Ulovei for Gents, Ladies and
Misses. Hots of all ahadei, Silk Fringes,
Lace, Fancy Dreu Buttons. Ladies'
Tiea of all shades and styles, Cuffs
and Collars, Ribbons of all kinds and
qualities. Merino Underwear, Trimmings, ete.
Suits Made to order at Short Notice.
Opera House Block, opposite postoice, CLEARFIELD, PA.
.... '..''". ... " "
OTI('IC.T)ie anderiiftned. residinff In the
Oss Urentts Pis Cist. DisootisT or Old
Psirsa, 8ewlnf MahlDe eas sow be purchased
at Merrell'a tis and variety store, front $.ta up
wards. All klada of aawtng nacfaia! rapaired
on Ihe shortsst notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1177.
Wastis. Delivered at tbe Rail Road.
inn.OHO SS.lDfh shaved shineles.
1 00,0ll 14-lneh sawed abinglea.
l0,00t feet of pint boards.
JO", (me 14-feet shaved hoopl.
5,000 railroad ilea.
ftU,0vfeetof (rood setaloek board.
For which 1 will pmr the bicbest market price,
delivered at Clearflld, or at any soknl aa tbe
Tyrone A Clearfield liailroad.
4. w. auiiii
Clearfleld, Pa 0t. 14, IBTI-tf.
hat made Ihe neccMary arraneementa and pro
uosea to otien an EATINtl llMl'SK for the ao-
oommodation of the public sTierally, aod I here
by solicit s liberal share ol ibe public palrnrage,
Westover, I'a , Feb. 9,
Ditnurrif)if fF IVA!lTM HHir.
The partnerhlp heretofnre eiltni between
U K. Hhofi and Denton Freeman has thii day
Halurdiy, Nov. ft, I.HH1) heen - dismlved by
mutual ennsent, and tbe boohs of tbe firm remain
Id the possession of A. K. MrnfT.
A K. FHnfP,
Madera, Pa., Nov. I, -it.
IWTHAV HIIF.rP.-Cmi Irespasslna; on
J l0 preroiies of tbe snbacrlher, In Morris
ownhip,lD Juoeor July.lHKl.TllltEE
MIEEP. The owner Is hereby rennet
ted to come forwent, prove prnperlv.
pay obarges and lake then away or tbey wilt be
dupoeed ol as the law uri-cU.
Kylartown, Pa., Nov. J.I, lSl 3t.
INTRAY wTril'.n.-Cina trespas-lns; on
j. the premises of the nndersitned, residing
In Chet piwnbip, os or a'-oot Ihe 1st of Kep'era
ber last, s two year old RED HTKKR, with white
hind less and a while spot en the forehead. Tbe
owner, er owners, Is requested te eoene forward,
prove property, pay proper rharfet and talie bm
away, or st will be diipnied of as the law dict s.
B4MI HI. IMrtl.fcLJ.
New Washington, Nor. 2.1, l"M-.ll
IXKt TTOU'w NOTK'l--Noliseis sere
a bv fven thai Lett ere Testamentary on tbe
e.tate f 11KNHV RANT, late of Brady twp.,
Clearfield tnanty, Pennsylvania , daeeaeed, bav
lt bees dnly JiranUd to tbe nndervif ned, all
perxns In debt i te eatd estate will pleare make
immediate pavmant, and those havinc tlaims or
darda aanast the aaaia will present iben
properly saibentiosted for aattlement.
AM tka HAUSKr.rl,
Lstbtrabsrf, Ve.t Oct. 19, ISSMt.
J LATItiH ATttRY, Waihinston, Prnn's.
DK. CLARK haa become tatnuui ns
by his remarkable success in lifeline an 1 treating
nn tonus r,i nirenre irom a I'MKOMUAL and
Mli'lt'tSCOPlCAL KXAMINA'llo.V ef tbe
THINK. lovaHdi should send for his elrculars
Itirinft Inrtrucitona bow to prepare and send
specimens nr Umgnoim. Ailnrea with staanp
Vll. Jit UU.l l li n It h,
Nov. 3, 1?8l-y, Waihinfrtoa, Pa.
(jKoitos wsAvra ,.irt r. wravkn
Save moneY
eo. f IjuiI 1 Wenver,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Boots $ Shoes, Ilalsf Caps
Carpels, Oil Cloths, &c.,&c.
FLOl'R, r W If,
Thtnfcf.l for p.l f.ror. . inttt tb. pahll.
tn r.ll tnj trt tint l.r,. ..d n.w llo.ll of good.,
hteb o will di.po. of i roMon.lil. run for
r.S, or .ah.Br lor eounlr, prodne.
I'nlit. ond u.ntlr. el.rk. to will ap, fim,
nd priec. daw. low.
OR0ROB A PAt'L t. WEAVER. fk.B.Pt. il, IISI-ll.
Fall .lud Winten Slock
Yours Respectfully,
3E3C. X-353 3E3C HOC jA. ritb CO.,
N. B. In our Millinery Department wo employ none but first
class Milliners, nnd guarantee nil work to give satisfaction.
SapLmbor II, 1SS1 -tr.
WHOLESALE tobacconist,
Kolo Agont of I'liilndulphia of tho
W. H. B. and Engaged, also our Ideal Cigars,
. W. Il.ll.lUEXCER, Xo. m Mnrkrl Street. I'lilladelphla.
September 7th, IRSl-ly
T OH W OH K. All kinds of job work executed
ej In the best manner at this ofliee,
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
Corw.n.rlll., J.n. I, '7! If.
5,000 Rail Road Ties. P.., Jan. 9, in;. if
MIK BndertlTted will enotlnat the butr'rinjr.
nKY TO l.OAN.-O. Int-olii. In-
prnr.d ftrio prnpott., br lb. Mutu.l Lift uomn.ny i ft.w kork.o. Br,t pjort
ffn.., in .urn. from 1 1.008 D. For fartbor in-
frmkti,n p,)7 to Ih. anrf.r.irnd.
Clr.rdtld !'., M.J 7lb,
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
Carpets OHCIoUim,
Which will U Hid wboUula or rI.U. Will Uk.
Country Produce
In F.trbaiiKt for (iooil. it Market Price.,
( I..i i-ld. Pa.. pl. M. IHHI-tr.
Fire-Proof Safes.
fell; jy mm m
Tho only 8-Flango Safe in the World,
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as
tbe planing mill office, oa l'ine reet. Freh
eat every Manday, Wedne. i-nuay aaa
Ka'urd? mnrnlodi. Ton pn'mner repeet
fally solifited. W. HHOWN,
Ter N. U. Uon.
Clearfleld, Pa,, 11 1 81-If.
Farm for Sae '
TIIR vnderslfned offer f.r sale ONE llt'N At HKH nf bis Rne farm situated
in Law ranee township, Clearfleld enunty, I'a., oa
tbe anal a road ("adieu frora Clnarfleli borooh te
Ansonville. There la ahnet ft! aerea el eared and
ander ffond eultieatioo, with two gn4 oreberds
of eholee fro it, a (food spring of pure water, and
anew frees hnnse, lt'a2f feet, and ather aut-
baildlngs, and alsolbereea limherand board fr
a barn. The farm il underlaid wltb THRKK
VX1NH Of COAL. Tbe enter veia 11 aew
ipen. Pr farther parilealara eUl en 4. f.
MeKenriek, Keq , In Clearfleld, er on tbe pre-
ilea wbare tbe anderiigned now reida-
4, w i iiumrsu.
CtrwtDiTllle, Pk, Oct. 19, 1B6I-0M
There are MO, ft no gn) H'lck fr sale at the
Marshall Rrirk Yard, ,h arrBf et tbe
b .rnujh ol Clearfield aiwaye oe loand
on band I aeeoipModata anr euatnrner who may
call. J. n mnnMALb, Agent,
ClearflelA a., Aug. 24, If81-3m.
f is hereby airen that Letters of Administra
ted oa tbe estate of 8AMUKL SHOFF. late
ai iteeearta twnsblp. ufearnem te., fa., dee d,
baring heen duly granted to the nndereigned, all
persona indebted to said estate will please an eke
immediate payment, and those hating elataoe er
uemanili agaicst the same will pre sent taem prop
rly aatbeatioated for settlement, attboat delay.
W, 0. Wll ITK8IDKS,
Raney, Pa., Not. 10, IMI-ftt
"The Trlnt e and the Tauppr."
Elegantly boand ; with to In II last ration!.
This will be the Leading Brrak of the Beeaoa.
AORNTH WANTK1 la every Towa. Deat
nlit it, bat sand for alrcalari at eaee and seeur
cbnlee of lerritnrr. Addreee,
F. 0. BLISS4C0.,Newark, N. J.
ii t n-et
Muro Becuro from Burglan than ny
Fire Proof Sale, ana no cxponns
in ropniring ISolH or Lock..
Patent Hinged Cap,
Four-Wheel Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
SolW Angle Corners.
The" rWca nrt now being Hold in
ttiia Stnts In
And give tho
Greatest Satisfaction,
Being the Must Ilihly Finished,
Beat Uado, and Cheapest First
Class SATS t7U Produced.
Thiuo CololTotoJ Snlee bad the
Champion Record
Great Boston Fire,
And since that time oreat and ihpor
been made.
Ilefore trlrinir your order to any
other concern, lend for prieoa and
doacrintire Catalogue.
Dm. It, 1M.1,.