jJicjgtpklifan. GlOROB B. GOOPLANDIR, Editor. CLHARFIELD, Pa. WkHSKSDAV MoBSINO, pKrKMIIKlt 7, Reader, If j oo want to know what la going on la tbe butlneaa world, Juat read our advert. isg loUmni, tha Spueial oolumn Id particular. The assassin, Guitenu, mill enter tuininj; the Washington rablilc. Failed. The American Hook Ex change at New York, which flooded the country with inch cheap books the past two ycara, has collapsed. Vice l'roaidont pro tern David Duvis was on tho witness stand on Saturday in the assassination trial nt Washing ton. Mam. Tho Democratic caucus of the Konlucky Legislature, on Thurs day, unanimously nominated lion. Jas. P. Bock for re-election to the United States Senate. Ft'DUE. It is announeod fromWaah ington that the grand jury of the Dis trict has found six more true bills against Star routers. The parties in dicated will march into Court, enter Straw bail, and their cases will never be called. Where', Wolfe? Haven't heerd ft yawp or bowl from hiia for ft week. Thil utter aileore la too utterly too, too, for eBetblnjr. Wo find this equib flitting around umong our Itudical boss exchanges. That Wolfe, wo suspect, will disturb the sleep of tho bosses and their fol lowers next Fall as he did last. Won't poor old Aaiy Curtio feel lonely ftod out of piece anionic the Confederetft Brigadier! in Congreee ' Thiulr of 11 1 PrnneelraDia'agreat wer Uoveroor elaeeed with tbe Brigadiere, end uppartiog end Toting for their meaeurea. Rati leni ff-reeaaye. Now, please, won't you tako a little Confederate medicine too 1 How about Ackerraan, Moshy, Longstreot, Uidille berger, Mahone and Repudiation? Scoheld ron Lipk. Our old Con grossman, Glenni V. Suofiold,' has been plonted for life by the Camcrons. He has just stepped out of the Treas ury Department and mounted the Court of Claim's Dench. For twenty fivo years tho Camcrons havo suckled this man Scofield as paternally as a mother would her babe. A Slim KNnon-HEMF.ieT But tlve of tho seventeen liadical members of Con grejis from this State supported Mr. McPheriion for Clerk in tho caucus. They had nominated William Hunn, of Philadelphia, Sergeant at Arms, but afterwards withdrew him, to avoid planting both candidates in Pennsyl vania. A Clinciieii. Tho oath required of tho members of tho South Carolina Legislature by tho Anti-Duelling Act was administered last week for the first limn tn ft new membor, who, in addition to tho obligation usually taken, was required to swear that ho had pot bcon engaged in a duel, either as principal or second, sinco January 5, 1881, nor would hereafter bocomo so engaged. Meeting: or Conuiiess. Congress convened in Washington at noon on Monday, and after organization, appointed committees to await upon the President and inform him that thoy wore ready to receivo his messago or attend to any business demanding their attention. Mr. Keifer, of Ohio, was elected Speakor of tho House, and Mr. McPhcrson Clerk, with tho offi cer mentioned elsewhere in this issuo, The Dead. Hon. lsaao Horeter, State Senator from tho Adams and Cumberland district, died of pneumo. nia at his homo near Gettysburg, on the 2d instant, aged 61 years. Ho was a farmer, and represented Adorns county in tbe Lowor Houso in 1870 1, Uo was a Democrat of tho old school, Hon. W. P, Withington, a prominent lawyer and Representative from Nor thumberland county died at his homo in Sbamokin, on tho 3d Instant, aged o,i years. A New Deal. Tbe Stalwarts have put one of their number in tho Speak er's chair. Another "Ohio man," J. Warren Keifer, will preside over the House at the present session and in the future. This is tho starting point for a Stalwart delegation from the "Buckoyo" Stato in 13S4. That Stato furnished Dlaino delegations in 1870 and in 1880. Thore will be nothing of the kind noxt time. Government News We clip the loiiowing Jiom tho Washington Star, the Court organ: "As it has beon found to be imponiblo to completo tho room the rresident lit solcctcd as his sleeping apartment as soon as was ex pected, since tho paper for the walls will not arrive before Friday, 1 will, if he moves in this week, occupy one which bos not yet been disturbed. It is near the contro of tho bouse, and is the same which President Hayes' niece. Miss Piatt, occupied before her mar- riago, and which during his term was called by her name." Wat-LAra The Cielos Deaieeewf of leit week eaee ei-Seaetor Wellftoo en eieellent eead-olT for Ooeeraer. Tbe editor eeeml to tbiak thet wlib Wftllftee ftt the heed af the tleael the part? weald ajftrea oa ta eletere Best Fell. We, al anaree. eeaoad the Mottoa al the faatleenan froai Clinton, We understand that ex Senator Wal lace take exceptions to tbe foregoing editorial in last week's Republican, by which we seconded tho motion of the Clinton Democrat to mako him a candidalo lor Governor. Tbe ex-Sen ator aski to be porrnltted to give bis time and attontion sotcly to his prac tice and his personal business, which so much needs his timci II is not a candidate for tbe Gubernatorial nomi nation, or for any other political office. We hope tbe Senator will revise his present intention! on tbia subject by the time ol holding our Stato Conven THE CA VCUS XOMIXEES. Friday sn1 Suturday lu"t wero thii eua tluys nt Wunliington fur KinMakor of the JIoum) and minor ofllcerH. Tho Greuiibnckom pruMmlcd hold Iront und wrro tho first in tho field with thoir iioniiiicvH I. ml J, of Maine fur Speukor.uiid li-I.a Mutvr, of Indiuna, lor Citric. Tho Kmlirul tiuni (uii.i' w-xf. It luok eixUin ImllotH to nominate. Finally, Arthur, (iniiit, Coukling, Cameron and Ln'tan niiliicd teams and nominated a ntulwnrt Ohio man for Speaker Warron Keifer wlio ho lonn tu thu Chicago 300: Canuihatki. 1Uii,i.i let. elli. l-ib. Keifer., Ilieceok M Keeeon Ilurrowi Henna).... Heed.. Orlh. ... 41 ... 15 ... 10 ... ... IS ... a Tolftl 1 141 Mi Mr. Keifer, having received a ma jority of all tho vot in the caucus, was declared tho nominee. Uiscoek, Kosson and Rood wore all Blaine men "half-breeds" end the rest were "stalwarts." McPborson, of Gettysburg, and for merly of tho Philadelphia Press, was nominated for Clerk on tho first bal lot, receiving 92 votes to 12 for Ruincy, the negro, and 7 scattering. For Scrgeant-at-Arme, George W. Hooker, of Vermont, was nominated. Walter P. llrownlow, of Tenncsseo, a nephew of Parson llrownlow, the noted agitator, was elected Doorkeeper. Mr. Harry Sherwood, of Michigan, was nominated for Postmuster, and Rev. Fred D. Power for Chaplain." Of course nil these parties were elected, though there was some ' kick ing" in the Pennsylvania delegation over McPhcrson's nomination. A ma jority of the members were against him. Do II. Ke:m and Iloolon, of Pennsylvania, were named, and Gen. Bingham, of Philadelphia, voted for tho negro, Ruincy. General Hurry should removo to South Carolina, to enjoy that national ward's company. Tho Democrats had no trouble in their caucus. All tho old officers wcro nominated, as follows : Speaker, Sam uelj. Randall, of Pennsylvania ; Clerk, Georgo M. Adams, of Kentucky ; Scr- gcant itt-Arms, John G. Thompson, of Ohio; Doorkeeper, Charles W. Field, of Georgia; Postmaster, A. W. C. Nowlin, of Virginia; Chaplain, W. P. Harrison of tho District. The Mahone-ABrni'R Game. Tho Radical organs in tho Stato don't liko tho result in Virginia. They now seem to view it as an elephant tinablo to handle it. The Philadelphia Inquirer, a staunch Radical organ, in alluding to tho result says: Mnbone'a eietorr In Virginia Met a iweeping ooe a feet to be doctored la view of the oibt-r fact that it war. brought about be tbe eeaiatanee gireo it b; tbe ltc-pul.llr.eo party, or,'at leaet, tbe fttlwert faction of it. The KfpublittBD party, by aui'porilrrg Al.bor.e and lending Litn material aid iu hie battle of repudiation, bee rouituitted ileal f to flat flnanri.l end diebi norable hereae, 'be eequonce of what it hai done mey be found in the luggrltioD r-f a Mahone organ of Virginia, that the balance of the national dvtit ahall he peid upoa tbe llea'ljuateri' plan edopted at the lete eleetioa iu that Htate. Again tho snmo organ ro trunks: Eieept in the Virginia elect! .n the Republican party bee never eppeared ee the ruppnrter of re pudiation or diihoneety of any aorl, aad it baa loet confidence both at home end abroad by aid ing Mahone to win tbe repudiation victory. What a nico parly it bus been, ac cording to this organ, until now. Tho Ifvnh American, tlio oldest of all the organs, deplores the victory in this way : Let tbe Virginia LeKlalelure throw the Riddle berger bill Into tbe waate baeket and call another conference of tbe Htate'a ereditora. The btata la auiply able to make an hooeat eettlement oow, and when It la made capital will be throated and immigration will pour lulu the State at aucb a rate that aha will he rich enough in a few yeara to begin to redeem the principal. Iloneaty la the beat policy, end tbe Republican party demanda that an honeat eelllement vf thi Virginia debt queetioa be made. That's good und true advice, but why was it not given out a week be fore the election. Inataad of a aolemn and impreaeive eplaode In the hlalory of onr eountry, aa aaa eipealed, the trial of tluileau la a roaring farce. Tne leritf of the arowd that daily n lla tbe eourt room, the ia enleot, Impudent and blaapheinoua impertinence of the Tile aeeaaaio, era a heme and a dhgraoe to ua aa a people. aHlieydoa OloU. This is what may bo called a caudls lecture on tho part of tho editor to his parly friends. Ho tells tho nuked truth about tho conduct of his political family. Tho Court and assassin aro stalwarts, tho lawyers and tho jurors aro half breeds and stalwarts mixed, tho marshals and police, as well as nine tenths of tho spectators, belong to tho sumo family and all vote the Radi cal ticket. The Democrats had no hand in bringing on and continuing thd "shamo and disgrace" indicated. A gang of Radical editors should go down to Washington and put an end to that "roaring farce." Tho leaders of "a party controlled by grand moral ideas" have a good opening for a mis sionary or two at tho Federal Capitol. Kxactlv. The love that the Radi cals bear toward the Negro has been fully settled by tho election of Clerk McPhcrson. In 1877 and JS79, tho Democrats had a majority in Congress, and the liadical members nominated a Negro ex-Congressman from South Carolina, named Raincy, for Clorlt on both occasions. The darkey really ran off from tho whilo candidates tor Clerk. In 1881 tho lUrllc.la b... majority in uongrcss, uulnoy was a candidate again, but ho received only 42 votes out ol 147. A whito fellow from Gettysburg carried off tho prize. How aro you hypocrites? What queer love-streaks tho Radical bosses havo for tho gentleman from Africa. Tramps and Cranks. Tbe "parly controlled by grand moral ideas" is re sponsible for cultivating this social trash. Btifore tho advont of the Radi cal party this vermin was unknown. Now they aie friientorsofthe White Houso and entertained by Cabinet Ministers. It is no wonder they are multiplying in numbers ana carry pis tols. Hero is the last rase: "W. S. Hubbard, ol Now York, a crank claim, ing to be Guitcau, tho saviour of the Republican party, tho nation and the world, rcgisterod at two Washinton hotels Sunday evening. Uo was lock ed up." Stalwartisii. Wo notice bv oar Radical exchanges in this section of the Stato, that tbe editors are trying to get up a boom for General James A. Beaver of Bcllofonto, for Governor, lie was a Blaine man when he started for Chicago in 1880, but he came back a Grant man, having registered among tbe 300 stalwarts. Tbe most unmanageable elephant tbe Republican party now has on hand is its Repudiation victory In Virginia. A SEX A TOH'S VO WXI'ALL. A Washington correspondent iciulis tho following : "Hut u few yuiis ago he was ul the huiitl of the Supreme Court ol Michigan, ami was transfer red from that place to a six-yeurs seat in the I'nltod Stales Semite, deleating tho 'blood letting' .ack Chandler. Be ing transfi-rri d from bis rural sphere to Wasiiinloii society, it tt us loo much for him. Ho married a young wife (a Department cleik) who wanted to trovel. Hit soon alter traded his Sen ntorial feat to Chandler for a Foreign Mission. After spending some time at the Court of Peru, bin wife eloped with a French Count. Ho is now ut the Federal Capital with a divorco suit on band, and (.'handler is dead. Thu bent and dejoctel figure of an nged and broken old man is sometimes seen on the streets, pacing along absorbed in thought, und pursuing thosume absent minded and mechanical tramp up und down that used to mark out Senulor Christiancy, when ho walked tho floor of the Semite- Chamber. Tho two years in Peru havo told on him terri bly, and tho ex Senator's appearunco is a shock to many people. Sin, or sorrow, is making a perfect wreck ol him, and ho is anything but a cheer ful or pleasant object to contemplate, with his thin, gray locks and bowed figure. The jewels from his room just after his return to this country have not been recovered yet, and tho guard ian of that unlucky box of trinkets has now offered a reward for their return equal to the full valtio of the ntlicles." Such is life. now PJIOTECTIOX PliO TECTS. The New Voile Tunis recently elabo rated upon our infamous tnt ill' system. Hot o is what bo suys about two staple unities. Tho percentago that the cousuiiier pays to tho iron and copper men is enormous. Tlio editor in ques tion says : "Iron when imported pays a duly in its various forms t.f from 3.r per cent, to UO per cent., the avcrago being over II percent. Yet iron is absolutely and exclusively used in manufactures of some sort or oilier. Not a pound of it is or can bo imported except tor manufacture, and it enters into every possiblu trade that ministers to the wants of man. Its universal use, either in its original form or as steel in tools, makes it an element ot import ance in tho cost of food, shelter and clothing, and its cost cannot bo made amliciully higher by limiting the com petition for its supply without impos ing a burden on all industry, and, in deed, on all means of living. Copper also is a metal very generally used. It ought to be very cheap in the I'mted States, for we havo mines which yield an excellent quality of oro at a very low cost. As a matter of fact it is higher here thnn abroad, and ns it, like iron, is wholly employed in manu factures, tho higher price is a direct I tax on American industry, Iho pro ducers of copper, on tho other bund, cent, annually on their capital, und this in the name of protecting Amcri can labor. It is really an outrageous taxation of American labor for the benefit of capitalists who do not need and certainly do not deserve any spe cial favor." Some Romance An exchange suys: When Franklin l'rolliitr, of Hancock, Maryland, went to tho wars iu 1 8 G 1 , ho left homo with the understanding that upon his return ho should marry Miss Mary Roller, thu applu of his eye. After tho second Manassas tho liuili mnro papers gave Brolliaf's mime in the long list of the dead. Miss Roller's nnguish was greater in depth thnn in length, for before tho war closed sho murricd lirolliar's rival, bocoming Mrs. fteedcr. At tho end of the war Broil iar camo out of a Georgia prison and mailo post haste for his Maryland homo. Walking into town at dusk, ho seemed a stranger lo persons whom he had known a few years before. His first question was as to Miss Keller and thu answer so duzi'd him that ho walked away without making himself known. He reached Missouri before any desire to stop camo lo him. Ho soltled at Carrollton, in that Slate, bought lar d and became known ns "tho bachelor farmer." Several years ago Mrs. Reed or's husband died. Ono day tho wid ow, in reading of tho survivors of An dereor.ville, leurncd that Brolliar still lived. Sho at onco begun to search for him and rocenlly found him. Lost week tho "bachelor farmer" w as mar ried to his love of twenty years ogo Pension Rascality. Colonel W.W. Dudloy has been forsomo weeks inves tigating a ring in tho pension office. Tho fact that there wero fraudulent pensioners on tho rolls bus boon known. and tho claim agents under previous commissioners ooro mo uronn ol the blame for these frauds. Col. Dudley early became convinced that many of them were tho work of those inside tho oflico and started quietly, bat vig orotisly; to ferret out tho unfaithful clerks. Ha is almost ready to mako arrests. When tho blow falls his pros ecutions will vio with thoso ot tho Postmaster General. It is not yet known how mnny are implicated, but tho number under investigation now is about thirty. The amount ol money involved will reach into tho millions, when the amount paitl and to bo paid aro considered. Of course tho prose cution will extend to thoso who havo fraudulently received ponsions. Tho Secret Service hero has under surveil lance more than 200 persons in various States, whoso arrest will follow closely upon that of tho clerks. AuilANTUyPOCRISV. Thn Gnler. .!.. (Texas) Actr-i says : "The Tariff Convention at Chicago la noticea ble aa hae ing been opened with apeechea in wbieh waa urged not only tbe drmond for 'regaining our loat place ia the carrying trade tbe 'reete ration of tha national Sag on the ocean,' ate, j bat even the puerile pretence that one ef lie ob Jeeta wna 'the purifleatinn of tha public aerrlce I ' anything apparently, that wae deemed agreea ble In eound and tbua likely lo eatch the populer eer. no 11 ever la who eeioenneae, lalae pretence nod fraud, aeaking to gull the honeat and pre eumably Ignorant working people who baea to .beer all the bnrdena af an artificial and unnatu ral eyalem." Those blatant asses who gave, utter ancc lo tho "flagging of tho ocoun," or words to that effect, aro tho very fob lows who forced our flag and ships off the seas. Whilo they were lobbying at Washington for subsidies and yell ing "tariff I lari(T!l" "protection," ole iho bone and muselo of other nations built ships, elevated flags, and now cover every sea in soarch of trado, and they have found it, and give employ ment to hundreds of ships and thou sands of seamen. For a young, vigor ous nation, to bellow about "reclaim ing" is too stultifying for any one over twenty years of ago to otter. Bid Relations. A contemporary states that Secretary Blaine's mothor and Mrs. General Sherman's mother were sisters, and these two cousins have always been the truest friends to each other. Their Washington resi.' dences almost adjoin, and they are liv ing to see the snmo affection existing between their children, as each year knits more firmly the ties of their childhood. A CAM) FROM 1HU101S 11KMO ' I'll ATS. DuUoIs, I'll, Nov. 28, lKSl, l-'.itm tit l! I' fin tr A - li.vtr Sir Wn would like lo hato s lo ein your paper lor tlio pin pose ol t oin etiia-, ris luf us " i" eiiieni ot juogo iiiurinan iroin 1 possible, a iriisluiie w.Ui n-K.ird to eer-, public life, roeulls attention til tho fact ; lain poisons in this IiitoukIi nt the lut ; Il,"t '''" belongs thu credit id hav i election. As many el' in me dimwit ; '"K iniliutert und can it'll through the as lit inoeials in lion i nuuty, und all id'- legislation whieh for thu first time j ns urn known u -noli heiv in iho hc-r i falling thu Pueitic i'or.oiulionH lo uc 1 oiiub, we think it l,m jun u Mi'ml I ' our,!, uinl compelled them lo mi.lte a ! ilo tins, ana more i'sp.-i-mll when it . j one of tho slitiitM-bi st of o-ir !cmo I eiRls w hieh is iismtili'il li is it well i known fact tlntt Mr. l-jli tlui llcoiili ! Iicun nominee for ( 'oinilv Trousi'rcr. is u resilient ol this piuee, ai.il u man I w lio, us thu vole Ictil'krt, m popular ut home a great Homy favors lo the class td our voters tlio iniiit-r boring classes. Hut it must hu under. stood that not the Mime of a man ul Inched to this hut voted the straight Denioi rtttiu ltcket, many of whom w as urged to do so by Mr. John Al. Troxel, who is the parly at whom thu reuiuiks and insinuations uro directed, und all of us have heard him time and again urgo the Democrats to vote the straight Democratic ticket from lop to bottom, going so fur as lo ask it as a pursonul luvor to him. But tlio trouble or dilli cully with tho Democrats ut this place wus lliut a majority of tlio voters would liuvo (had they camo to the polls) voted for Mr. KIIih.bo these men wus not urged lo cotuu nut on that uc count which uccounlH lor Iho small volo polled hero, and now wo want to say this for John M. Troxel, and it is just whut we will vouch for personally, that hu worked for tha whole Demo emtio ticket ut ull timcB from the day of tho nomination until tho lust hour on election day. We do riot do this at tho solicitution of any person or with expectation ol future liivor, but us a muttur of justice to Mr. John M. Troxel and ourselves, and thu blumo may rest where it belongs Dr. J. S. Kane, W.M. IlooN, John T. Mmti'iiv, B. O'llAOAN, W. T. Ross, W. S. Shaw, T. A. Mullen, T. II. Farlkv, .1. Mt'llRAV, T. J. Hover, Frank Peters. Jake Tni nv, Wm. A. Means, J. P. Taylor, C. II. H.WlhETT, W. I,. Johnston, Dr. STrtoitrtiiiOE, Ja.mks Holmes, A. T. Meah, S. J. Meao, J. G. Harris, WALL STREET CLERQYMEX. It is pretty generally conceded that nearly ull tho grcnt commercial sins uro committed in und ultrlbutcd to Wall street, New York city, where gambling is reduced to a fine art, lint, who, out hero in the backwoods, would ever have dteuuied that, that den of iniquity wus frequently and liberally patronized by thu tony, No. 1 clergymen, who hung their pulpits every Sunday, whiln declniminguguinst tho sins ot others. Rut, it seems to ho the fact if un old broker has told tho correspondent of the Philadelphia -tVcc ord the truth, loud what he says: "On Sunday lu -t a largo number of: our popular preachers tool; tho Newark Hank defalcation as Ibeir theme and launched their thnndeis at the Hull street speculators. A prominent Broad street broker remurlteil lo me tho next I A minor to see all the laws enforce:! i universal conienimeni in uio compe day: ''.Suppose wo should tulle the! upon the corporations. j lition ol all hor great interests lor nlallorm and tell what wo know nbout : These companies wero thus nub- lirosiierilj'. To accomplish Ibis, wo the preachers in Wall street" Howjicted to sclera scrutiny, and while would that do? I have been hero fori over twenty years and have had clcr-; gyiiieu ot tilt iletiotiiiiiations among my customers. Some, havo burnt d their fingers budl', and, us a rule, they havo lost money because th-'V would not take good udvicc. When 1 first came here the two most sua isslul clericul operalots iu the street e.'ero Bishop Whitebouso (I he rector of old St. Thomas' Church) and Dr. Taylor, of Grace Church. Bishop Seymour, Dr. Weston and Dr. Hitching havo mado money on the street ; toil I date not glvo you tho names of any of the losers it would bn too great u sur prisc.pnrty lor many of tho churches, Dr. Chccvers, a Baptist minister, und a great crony of Commodore Vnrider bill united to him by a common luvti for a good horso also made money on tbe street. Ilia congregation bought half a block up town muny years ago and built a small church. T hey got into debt, and tho Dominie got pos- session ol tho vacant lot next lo the church nnd owned by it, and built some hnndaomo b-own stone houses on it. They completely overshadowed nnd darkened thu little church, nnd it soon went out of existence j hut tho pastor can be seen any day on the street, jaunty, smiling, und thoroughly posted on all slock operations. Ho is really ono of tho best fellows going, nnd 1 am sure bo would not lush ns for going Into a luuincss to which the church furnishes ruthcr more thnn its proportionate quota of members." VOW TO 1)0 IT. Tho method of carrying elections Hi tlio fur West is fully stated in the fob lowing article w hich wo clip from For ney's Progress : Tho Denver (Colorado) lnter Orean gives the particulars of an extraordina ry election incident in that city. The contest was for Muj'or. There wero two candidates, a Republican, and an Independent with Greenback proclivi ties. Tho colored volo was not to ho relied upon. There wero indications that not a small part of it would bo given to tho Independent. Two mer chants bet fivo hundred dollars on the result, end tho Republican announced through tho press that if he won he! would givo tho money to tho colored! cnurciiesoi Denver, iiiis proposition, and it was supposed that In an intoxi declares tho Inter Orean (a Republican jtated condition ho bad luid down bo poper), "was as much of a briho as if ; lore the fire, that tho flames had reach he had offered to pay to each pastor jed his clothes, and before ho could call tho sum of one hundred dollars in con sideratton of his vote being cast for the Republican ticket, and tho exertion of his influence upon members of bis church." Tlio Republican won. J lu met tho different preachers nt tho State llonso and gave each of them. a eueen tor one niftuirctl and sixty six dollars and sixty six cents. Ono ot the Hoveronds, arising to thank tho gen tleman for his munificent gift, pledged for his nssocialos and tho colored breth ren "un unswerving adheronco to the Republican parly in tho future as in tho past." Then tho wholo party called upon tho Governor. No more lorcihle comment could ho made upon this proceeding than the closing re marks of tho Inter Ocean : "Neat come tha paalora of a ChrlatUn church to the H'ete Capitol of Colorado and in the Hu pretne Court room, tbe dieiai.in of epolla the re ward of enrrupiion the payment of the price lakea plaoe la tbe name of 'Chrielleniiy end tha Republican party.' In the name of Chriatianlty ana of the Rrpul-llcan party I protect againet aucb an Indecent prooeediag. 1 eall iha atten tion of tha grand Jury to the nakara of tha hat, and the attention of Ihe Biahopa ta tba Churohea to which theee clergymen belong to their dia graceful eooduet. ' A Stalwart Residence:. Wo iiotico that Mr. llowcll W. Bicklcy,eon in law of the lalo Thomas A. Scott, has pur chased Dr. Hewson's handsome rosl denco at Twenty first and Walnut streets for 180.000, and will mnko somo alterations. This is ono of tho hand aomest residences In the city, and was bnilt hy John Rico, who used marblo from the old Capitol building at Wash, ington In the erection of tho Walnut street front." Philadelphia Record. 'Ant Port in a Storm." Ono of the queer things ot the present politi cal situation is seon in olio Republican administration trying to make political capital by exposing the thiovintr of an other. This the last choice of onr po litirnl Hobsons, and on the theory ot "any port In a storm," they think it hotter than none. What the people will havo to say abont it, through the ballot-box, remains to be seen. SCOTT A.I WALLACE. Till'. Itr AsoN WIIV WILLIAM l eHOTT IS AN K.N KM V To l it SENATOR WALLACE I 1 urll Sun, in relerriug to - "viucim-i i, ut me pruicoiion oi urn ..., iH.ue,. ny.,,,, treasury lor the: l i ,,. V1 1 """'"', , "? ably an. en. el ively supported byjudge i I'Mmiinds nml Judge. Havis on the Ju I : ;.. i ' . i . . " ,: , ,. " 1 ho pussugo ol the Ihlinnair tiel, n none I ..oioiiaii, niton it, v. a, lurgeat'Ol the most renitil ktihlo triumphs in und la- loiigress lor many years. 1 he ongi - j modified and revived in a way to at tract support in und out of Congress. i hero was no coiieettlnieiit of an inten tion lo press its passago in tho session of 1877-78. "On no former occasion was so pow cif'iil a combination of interests center ed at Washington as during iho Win ter, Ihreo years ago, when this greul measure wus before t hu Semite. It i surpassed tho vast usscmblugo of I nil- roul kings who gathered ut Washing ton In tho short eussion of 1872 -V3 to bulldo.e the House of Ift'prtnenlutives und to save tho Credit Mobilier job hers from expttUion und disgrace. ' 'Gould, IJ untington, and an unrtvul led lobby conducted the campaign Rguinal tho Thitrman bill in person. They eusily established headquarters at Washington, and provided every melius by which Senators nii;;ht be cuptivuted or captured. Money, beau ty, intrigue, political machinery, fami ly ties, malice, and ull tho arts by which inllrniitics may bo ulilir.ed, v?ore employed openly und secrelly to ohtiiin Voles. "The corporation chiefs Hero confi dent ol victory, und boldly claimed a clear majority up to the boiirf the tinul test, when they sat in the galler ies wilh prepared lists in ibeir hands to follow the roll call. Mr. Thuritisti's lust speech curried terror into the ranks of the purchased Senators when he to lerred lo these lists and threatened in vestigation. The corrupt creatures blanched iu their sens at tlio Icnr of exposure. Tlicy rememln red IheCredit Mobilier, ami trembled at thu prospect of a similar inquiry. Curried ttwuy by that secret dreud they voted against Ibeir owners, lo Iho MnH.emeiit ol Gould and Huntington, who hud the chattel deeds ill their pockets. "That result utterly demoralized the corporation managers, und they ubun doned the field alter losing their strong hold in tlio Senate. Mr. Thtirmun took advantage of this retreat to sup plement his first hill wilh that creating thu Auditor of Itailtoud Accounts. This uct requires a prescribed system j of reports lo he rendered to that olli-: cut, ol' nil tho ruilroud companies toi which tho I'nitcd States grunted any 1 loans ; tli reels an examination of their hooksoneo u vcar ut least, and at other 1 timts il dceiin d necessai v : autliorir.es ; transcripts liotn Ihem ; und orders iho the office was honestly administered, lubricated figures, false reports, and council statements coiilu not imposo '.!i t.ongress or tho country. Tho nhnve reminds us that in con versation wi:h his friends cx Senutor Wallace of this Slale has always claim ed that Ids vote for tho Tliurmun bill is iho cause of Hie malignant hostility shown lowttro linn tor several years by Win. I,. Scott of this city. The Senator says that when the bill was under consideration in the Senate ho wus approR"hrd by Mr. Scott, with whom ho whs then upon good terms, and solicited by him to vote against the measure. This ho refused to do, -Ity ing that ho believed it to bo a proper bill, un I that ho could not con-Bi-imitioualy vtesgsinst it. Aflcrsev cral Iruillcss efforts to induce tho Sen ator to change his mind, Mr. Srott left him in great anger, decluring that ho wtuilit pay Inm up in time tor refits ing lo obey Ids behest. Wallace votod tor thu lull, ns lie was bound in honor and honesty lo do, and tho peoplo of r.ne Know Willi wlint relentless miilice ho lias ever since been pursued by Scott. The Pacific roads owo the Gov eminent ninny millions of dollars, which in decency and justice they should bo obliged to pay ; and Scott, ns ono of their heavy stockholders, was perhaps naturally averse to paying over Ins sliuro i t Ins money, ns the Tburmnn bill proposed to miike him antl his associates do. If Senator Wal lace's statement is correct and wo givo thrvstory only upon his authority, without Knowing nnylhing personally of tho matter tho uct which caused him tho ill-will of Mr. Scott entitles him to tho pruiso und gratitude of the people. I'.nc Observer. TOLD OX A DEATH RED. One of tho most startling disclosures which ever Iho mortal anguish of a dying criminal brought to light bus just boon mado known in Taneytown, hy tho conlcssion, on his death bed, of Putrlck 'fully, u well known horso dealer in that section. About five years ago, ut tho Stone hold in Taneytown, a man was found lying before tho fire place frightfully burned, but with a little lilo still left. Uo wae recognized is Ucnrv Homer. for help ho was fatally injured. 1 lie sud affair occasioned considerable talk lor a fow weeks and then passed away, and the event was well nigh forgotten. On Wodnesday night, November 16, Patrick Tully, also living in Taney- Inwn waa r - L. - J-i condition; und when be learned from the physicians that there was no hope of bis surviving, ho sent for Rev. Mr. hong, a German Reformed minister, nnd told him the whole wretched story of Reiner's murder. It was lo the effect llint on tho night of tho Tully nnd David l.ieknat heard that Reiner had bocomo possessed of a largo sum of money and they determined to rob him. Alter lying in wait for him for somo timo in vain, they went to the tavern, found everything closed, and saw lleiner sleeping before tlio fire. In searching him for the money they supposed ho had, but which they did not find, ho awoke, whereupon thoy murdered him, and tried to avoid the discovery of their crimo by giving tho man the nppcaraneo ot having been burned to death; they saturated his clothes wilh kerosene und applied tho Hume, lullydied soon niter making the confession, lla was widely, but not favorably known, and was irener. ally regarded as a radically wicked man. I he othor parly to the murder. uuviu i.icunat, clied some lime ago a terrible death. Quito a ripple of ex citementhns been occasioned inTaiicy town by tho confession of Tully. llamvcr Jlirald. An exchange remarks: "It would probably bo an Inlringemont of Gui- lean's constitutional right to try him without Ins presenco in Court, but thore is nothing In the Constitution to prevent muzzling him." Lot the Conn proceed. Mrs. Mary I.ovo and hor daughter, Mrs. Snrah K. McDowell, botb of Fair Sold, Westmoreland county, bavs been sentenced to jail tor forging ptnsion papers. S VU PL FS Jl E I 'EX UK. We obervo thu statement, mid have no reason lo doubt lbs iniihof it, that there is accumulated in tho Nlllioi.ul Treasury u largo amount ol collected revenue, over and ahuvu the ciirri'iit wants of the Government In tho debt, interest nml expense account, us put vidid for ut present. This, under any circumstances, suit tit all lime, has been a troublesome mutter tndnul wilh, and bus led to wild exIiiiiaiM.i u in tl, 1,1,, ul ,,, ,! I . Al ,, ,,,,.,,. ,,.,.' lilL,. , the st erios , h..,eier, and mac - , ., ,.,. ,.. , , (, ... .,, initiisiiation ol our affairs. If this uc- I firetion is not heia wilh an cvu lo the j ...iiurge ,,f as much ot thu public , ,l)fBibu lho , tlix. j ,mVl,r ,, ,,, ,,,,. ,.ru(.t vlmVlzsl. Ujon ,. ,,o burdens ol Government it will indeed boat! unloituiiulo result. Tho meeting of Congress is in or ut hand, and such a largo treusuro unup propriated will invito all uiannor ol ingenious al tempts to get possession of it other than belong to the legitimate und economical udininiatralioti of thu business of thu people. It will espe cially stimulate extravagant and new schetiHS of pliindur on tho part of mo nopolists and ultra prohibitionists, lo strengthen tha raiding hands trout all directions on tho Treusury, tho object of which will he to purpetuuto the na tional debt and thu litUu reasons lor continuing tho present exactions and ruinous discriminations in the revenue system. " Watch dogs" aro really nec essary in this crisis, and every section and li ttered industry should bo aroused to uiuku them as vigilant und fierce us possible. It will require thu bent ubil ity, tho most unflinching courage und the best truined ta'-t in parliamentary woik to guard Hi is iruuMtru from rob bety und misdirection, mid awakened public interest und opinion should he voiced iu such determined unlets that good and true men will lie encouraged to stand firm and invincible in every strtitcgcin und as-null. Besides tho ordinary powers at Work i n tho floor of Congress, through representatives of speciul interests, in opposition to Iho general welfare, which welfare would bo consulted, as wo have indt euled before, by relieving the people ut largo ot a measure, of luxation and such a revision ol the revenuo system ns would unfetter their suhntantiul pursuits, n well organized lobby will lio in iiiteiidnncc. Such a hand, held together by no purer cohesion than a common purpose ot spallation and at tracted by golden temptations of cash in hand, will indeed prove a Litnu on legislation. It will no iu position lo tn lie n hand in the legislation commit ted lo representative men by confiding constituencies. "We beor-n lion In lbs loliliy r inr! Say, Mr. Speaker, ahall wa aliul the dour, AliI keep blia out or ahall we let hiiu in, And aee if we can get biui out agnin f " We uro for shultin: tho door und keeping out all such dangerous visitors "d using that surplus revenuo for the payment of tho debt and lessening thereby tho public burdens to aid in mo reduction oi imposts ati'i excises aiul tho removal ol oppressive and un equal rules and to use tbein at once, , tins way, that tho country may "l'ri,l forward wilh high courage and ; nope, irom tho press, the primary meeting and legislative hulls u populur sentiment, based on leuson, Inula and sound policy, will bo irresistible ill tlio National Congress. RaltimoreOazette. OCR AREA. Mr. Henry Gannett, the geographer of tho tcnlh census, has perlormed a valuable and interesting work in de termining the actual area of the United Stales and each of the several Stales. The total land area of tho I'mted Suites, Alaska being excepted, is 2, 970.0110 square miles. The total wuter Btirhico, including rivers nnd small streams, hikes and ponds, is 65 .000 square miles. Tho coast waters, bays, gulfs, soundB and the liko, cover 17,lioo square miles. The gross area is, there fore, 3, 02."), 000 square miles. How vast ihiB sweep of territory is, wo shall see by iho following table, in which our area and that of each of the chief Kuropeau States aro pin ed to. gcthor for comparison : tVeuure .li'tce .... SJS.ailB .... 201, llllll 2S2,i'WI 121,2.10 I12.B7T 8,40,;S7 ISJ.76S 17II.VSII S,0I l.OOU Anitria-llungary franca tlermany Ureal Ilriiain and Ireland Italy iluiaian Kmpire. Spain Sweden. I nlied Eiatee , Of cotirso tho area of all the Russian fmssessions is much greater than ours, ml about three. fourths of it is in Asia. Such comparisons, however, nro of eourso only uninteresting. Iho mero extent of a country's territory is by no means tho measuro of its importance; other things besides population nnd arcti determine thut. How tho largest of tho old Stales compare ns to size with somo of them more recently admitted to tho Union is shown below. Tho figures nro of square miles : sew iTATia, Tcyaa Celilornia... Nerada. Colorado.... Jll&.rstl'Orciron l.'.V,.'l0 Mienreote.. 110, 71111, Kenaa lOiulVNebraika... , IPS.BSS . B.l.'IOj , S3. is0 , 7(1, HSJ 0Lr.SK ayiTKa. Oeorela 5P.47S Miarierippi ... eft S10 tlllnoia SS.SMli Pennejliania 45.214 North Carolina. &2.XoliOhio 4I,I'AH New 'ork 4V,l7l'j Kentucky. 4tl.4Ut That is, tho eight new Slates have an area of 978,0Hj square miles, while tho territory of tho eight older Slates is only 3!)1,0I10 square miles. There nro yet to bo admitted into tho Union as Stales, Territories whoso area in square miles is: Pakola 119,1011 l'lah S4 S:fl Montana IIS. IHO Hah SI, son New Mexice.... 122.a0 Washington BIMBO Ariaooa. 1 IS, 1 20, Indian. 01,6110 Wyoming 117,8110, Besides this amount of territory out of which to mako new Suites, we u. -li l. .i.a us tcio.unu snunre nines, more or less, mo Hay when Alaska will bo applying for admission i n to the Union as a Stale is. however, lur distant, wo suppose; and purloins t will always bo left out in the cold,. Iho other territories must all belli unless we except tho Indian Territory, anil perhaps titan, at an early tiny At Iho rate at which population is lunding thitherward they will soon havo enough inhabitants AT. 1'. Sun Improved CAn Service. Wo notice hy the Philadelphia dailies that somo tune next hpring, probable upon April 1st, tne rennsyivania Kailroad Com pany will take a new departure by putting npon the streets a large num ber of roaches Somo of these will bo of the Hansom pattern, which aro so populur in London nnd other parts of (rent Biitain, whilo tho bulonco will bo four-wheelers of hnndsono design and appointments. Tho coaches will have their headquarters at the new Broad Street Station, and tho scrvieo, whilo primarily for the accommoda tion of passungers on arriving trains, will be available for tho needs of the grnoral public. All the general details of the scheme are as yet in embryo; but it is probablo that tho rates will bo fixed on a basis of 25 conts per mile for a single passenger, with a reduc tion for longer distances. "Tho aim will be," says an official of the road, "to givo a cheaper and moro expedi tious cab service that exists in this city at the present time." Cite Tho Lancaster A'rn.in allud ing to the family fuss now going on In tha loyal ranks, says : "The Repub lican who voted for Wolf aro not Stalwarts they are Chairman Cooper's contrabands." A MEMORIAL CHURCH. A lUII.IIOAU MAIINATE'S MEMollV TO HE I'Eiii'kti'atki' li v a allium. Wo notice that with a view of per pcltiiilini; tho memory of the Into I'res ideiit of the Pennsylvania railroad and erecting a lasting iiioiitiuienl to his works and virtues a number of friends have decided loete' t n church to he culled iho "Thomas A. Seolt Memorial church," the peu ol w hich shall ho fiee. Thoso w ho have 1 ho oroieel in hand deem it proper unit desirable that i H' !'""! lor 'bis purp""' d be ,m,ibiitcd bv thus., who were asst.- ''iulcd with Colonel Srott iu the limn- ugeinetit ol or si rvico ot the rorporu- tioit to tho interests of which lie tie- voie.l tho best years of his hie, ami j also Unit Iho church should he mainly I lor the use and benefit of thoenipioyes tlio l'enns Ivanin rnilioad and their families. It bus heou HUgci sled that ,'10 orgaiiiaatioii ol Grace Kvongelicul ' I'Utherun church, Rev. John II. Men "c, pastor, corner of Twenty filth und Spring Garden streets, could he utilized lor this purpose. This society, which owns u lo'. very doeirubly loculed, isul present largely composed of employes oi inu l ennsj Ivhiiiu railroad, H is proposed to raise fitly thousand dollars to build this nieinoiiul church, and us tho plan suggested would not require any outlay lor tho purchase of a lot, a bniidsoine, substantial and siiituble building could ho erected with that amount of money. Contributions are solicited front all connected with the J't-iiiinj Katiiu railroad who favor tho project, aim irutn luionei fjcolls per sonal friends. Subscriptions in any union nt should be scut to It. K. Jamison, Treasurer. Staiitinii In Tho West Chester lleenril, a boss organ, says : "Secr.-tury tuay, tho dreadful 'boss' Mr. Woile tulks about so much, utiuounces that the program mo lor next y car istialiishu A. tiroiv lor Governor and Joseph f,. Caven for Lieutenant Goviruor. It was lo havo Jjccii Imped thai men of ability mid character would bo tho liepul.li.-uii Muuilurd hearers next year." The Fusion Pre.'s nis i ( lay s in this way: "It looks ns though Gulu sha A. Grow ou'bl to he just thu man to hi ul up ull thu disseusioiis umong Pennsylvania Republicans 11 u und Cuven tit tho heud ol tho Slate ticket next year would eliminate the Usuo of Cameron and Biiti-Cumeroti." Worth RKMhMnF.niNti. Now thai good limes aro again upon us, before indulging in extravagiint show, it is worth remembering that no one can enjoy tho plcusiiulcst surroundings if in bud health. Ihcro aro hundreds of miserable people going nhoiit, today with disordered stomach, liver or kill neys, or a dry, hacking cough, und one foot in the grave, when a 00 ct. bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them more good than ull the expensive doctors and quack medicines they have ever tried. It always makes tho blood pure nnd rich and will build yon up and give you good health at little cost. Read of it in another column. Postmaster General James has irought us in nijht ol z cent nostiu'e. Under tho operation of his practical economics the deficiencies in the next fiscal year will bo under S1.0UO.O00. i Bod management an 1 wholesale i hulls under tho llayes rcgitno brought the ! annual deficiency up to f l,0(iO,U(li). It is a thousand pities that Mr. .lames cannot bo kept at tho head of his de. parlmcnt. The American Rubber Company's works, ut Fast Cambridge, Mussachu sells, with valuable machinery and a large qiiunlity of stock and manufac tured garments, wui burned Moiiduy night. I.o-i', half a million. Insur ance, Sl.MIOOO. Six hundred persons were employed. The Old Result. Tho city always whips tho country. Mr. Noble carried Pennsylvania outridu of Philadelphia by about 6,000 majority. Hut the Ring and political traders in that city gave Baily somo 13,000 majority, and secured tho success of the Pardon Board candidate. The Pennsylvania liuilroad Com pany had greut difficulty during Iho past Summer on account of the drouth in obtaining water for their locomo tives. They aro now making arrange ments to sink a number of' Artesian wells ut different points along tho line of tho road, I was reduced to the vergo i f the grave with leucorrhoea, uterine, ca tarrh and nmcnorhtt'a. Pkruna cured Mrs. A. W. Jackson, Pittsburgh, Pa. I had chronic caltirrh for years. Peruna cured it. I. Strashurgcr, Pitts burgh, Pa. ?tnv lU'ft'tisrmfiits. AN Af'TIt RCATimi.lc oian of aleady hehita to travel in aeelien In which he reaidea. Permanent employment end good oompeoaathn to an energetic man Kcferenica. UliNZlNoKK llHOl IIKRS. ell Ilroadway, .Sew Vork. D-ocmhtr t, 1M1-4I. Vim it ia hereby gi, en titer Letlera or Administra tion on tha eiiate of PHILIP J. MI'I.I.KN. I. It of l.erwcn- e twp,, Clrarlleld county, I'a , deo'd. having been duly granted lo the nnderainned, all peraona indebted to laid eatate will pleeae make imuieaiato payment, and ttioae having eleima or uemanua againal Ihe aaine will preaent them prop erly authenticated or actlleiu"at, wilh-mt deiey, III Oil Ml 1,1. I N. JA.M1.S K. ll I.I.KN, Adtniniitratore. t Irerleld, Pa., Nor. 0. 1S8I-6I. 200 SLEIGHS AT AUCTION, ON THURSDAY MORNING, December 15, 1881, At 11 o'clock, nl HERKNESS BAZAAR, Ninth andSansom Sts., PHILADELPHIA. (Dto. Tib, lftM-H QOirHT PltOCI.AM ITION. wmitm, Hon. 0. A. MAYKR, Preildent Jorlfr or lh Court of Common tli.i of th Twoty-6fth Judicial Uiitriol, f nnpnaed of in onunuei oi uienrpeia, I'cntrt tnd Cllotas n4 lion. An nam (tn null Md Mud. Vircknt I). IIoit, AifoeUt. Jvilrei at Clenrfl.lrl Al.ni. hT tmued tbvtr precept, to too Mreeid, for tb holding of Court of Common 1'lcta, Orpbani' Court. Court of Quarter tieeilone, Court of Ojfr and Terminer, and Court nf UeneralJall DalW. ry, it tbe Court Home at Clearfield, Id ami for tbe county el i lenrneid, eouitnr or-trig on the ("oti(t Mint day of January, lOth davi A. II.. iwn'J mid tu roiitlitue lur two wt-cba. NOTICB 18, therefore, berebv u ih. Coroner, Jaetioee of the Peace, and Con Uh lei, I" "r mmo oounij oi iieariif id, to appear tn their proper peraoaa, with their Itnoorria. nnu. InquUiiioaa, Ktamloatloni, and other Kemen branoee, to do thoee thing! which to their ofiJoea, and In their behalf, pertain to bo done. My an Aot nf Aenemblr, paMd the Nth dny of Mm, A. l. 1HM, It li made tbe dutr nf the J. tiooi or ttie I'caoo or tb ereral count lee of tbia Common wealth, to return to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Beiilone of the reaped! o'lvniiH, an in TvoofrniuneN entered into before them by any peraoD or pereona charged with tbe ootnmiaalon of any erlme, oif.pt auoh taaea aa may be ended be fur a Juitlr of the Pfaro, un der lUttni lawa, at leaet tu day! beforo Ihe eoiumnoweot of the teuton of tho Court to wbleh ihej aro mado ratarnatlereportlely,and In all eaioe wher any rcmxntiaucei aro anunrl Into lii tbaa ton dayi before theoonmeneement of tho teuton to which they aro mado returna ble, Iho eatd Joatleoi aro to return tho ratne In the tan neoner aa If taid not had not been tflVIN onder my band at Clearfteld, thd tih day of Uembr, la tb yonr of onr Lord, ana Ihootaod olghi handrail nnd oltbiy.en. Dot. ?, lo. JAM 14 MAUAf ., innrlC flar (Irerliscmfnts. a.r It In tout aintn Inwn. Ttrin and i )t) ..Illicit frf. Ailtih'Rt ). II A f I.FTT 4 Co., I'ortlac I, .Mails ItnidMy. nllllHl:M I'llll SVI.K t gd apan of youog ho-ea, a'crafing about l.loU j l-ouod in wnxbt eaoh. Will aril one or both, i Call on or a l.lri-aa doIN 0. IlKh'D. I Wert Oar:,-! !, Pa. Nov. an, lcsl :::. I Catarrh E,ys Crcrim BaI,n ' Htti-duMl. - I.'m.i,r, I III' Mike. I .tf.tfi.t , f t'elerthi) Irui, oaut ii'K lirttllti) MUfvliimo, ; !!. Iiillatnuiatlon, 1 pnitrrtt the inrtuuran , 'r .u. addiitMil cult; ' ocuipletoly hrnla the and rrforet lb ene rf tte and j rtni.l. Ut li- fl.'ial to- ; lulti aro ri'ttiimd by n i 'ew a)1n'.iti'at)R. A ' ili-in.u l r- a t m om 1 ..II .l'..t.w.U 1 urn DS",, HAY"FEVE5? Ac. iq'unkd: for ewlde in the h.ad. I lawruaaMa. in a... innl. t,. St.. Illll. Inl ' tin noitrll. Un rtcflpt of iOo. will urn 11 a pack EI.VS' VRKXM BALM CO., ( w g., K. Y. Not. 0, lMf. EXECUTORS' SALE OP Valimlile Heal Estate ! 1 Y tirtue of an order of lh Orphnnj' C-urt of 1) ('leaf litld cuotv, I'a.. thorf will , etpnied ti. pubifn i ilrt at the COURT JIOU.SB, In Clear field, PenonjlvaDia, (in Monday, January 9tbt 1882, AT I O'CLOCK V. M., Tim ri'Voninn dn'OriUd pltro of unl itato of IJK'HAI'.U MIAW, hR.. into of I.awr-nra town Mp. OiiTfldJ county, P , deifainl. vii i All that nrtain plwe of Urn) lituar in l.awreno tiwnbi;i, ClrKili!d ciunty, honmlfd aa filloiri : Hr-iLD.ng at a pM on ClenrKeld i-reok, at ford if.j; -n t"ufchi mad; Ihrbre n rth t.t (legrcea Wfil217 pf-rfl.it tn pott nt bridge oirr nrinfr run on lino of lnr,-l of Jorrph Uo'-n : tcn'-e i.iuih 27 di'grM ra.r l-y Und of J .ph (I nn l!S prr chu to a f. t hy nJo nt Nancy UjU-n't M : rhf-nc t'.v I.-- lan.l eouf h II. di-urr.-n n,t r.4 p.r eh to ( ua, I-tIwi Kbit pine- ; tlm-.r-e anu'b -14 d.KfrPH vret by Nnn.-y ().fB' lot 12 p.-jr-hft to a po.t on f.trfi.f turnpike tomh 41 -l. -nep rt 12 pm-liri to white pine a',uil, 22 rlan-t-i eat 'in pi-rei.ct lo l-ri'Uo ; thence down tr-.k the nvr eral eour.e end itnett to pai uf li-inninK. enoUiDinft 7'- ACKLS, more or ttm having thereon i-.-. r-kil a fmuif h'Mi.e and Uro, a.td, ! a hi'triug jrihrd. I KK MS OF SALK : nnt-tl.ird ca'h. ont-thlrdin nnc ysar, and ono Ihlfd In two yeavt. with inttn-ft, x-niicil by loiid nl, I OH-rti,':-.:'!). I). Sl KW, JOSKIMI HUWX, K..tciitort. Clearfield, Pa., Nov. :ifl, sjsi C r L M ae a. wHa - c O w ri o t i o Q N W a o 0 rt tn H m 2! rt r1 o M I"" A fi 3 m e-.j-'" '.-e'-.''" L-.-jLl faliiiA r jiil jaiyiall"' 1 j lint adrfrtlsrutfuw. I-'KTil.tV Illlllll-Ceiua lrcipaa-.e( on J the ptitiiOea of Ilia, unler-iirti t iii I n., a lo n b i, c u.l iuie during ike nio:.i n t o. issl, dalk liny li-fre, lelue in le'l Ir 1,1 t Tbeowter la rt .U-.f i-1 lo ci mo 1,-rwar I, yj ,e properly, pay i-rergee and tasu lieu a.i or l,n will lie ,li-j,o--. ol eci ir-li.i lo law. O II. LAI iiilln: It., hi- n, I'a , llcl J. I s.1l, .'If. OUSUTHEIl'3 nui'iKjva run aoci 4 ron tut o: aa or CONSUMPTION Spitting of Blood. II- t . rhltit. Otuuhe, ( , i(l ' Caterrb of i lit, A t. Itieoaeo of ibe fuiaio .; f , flnmlia ' .TffADEARK. l'rti', BO rrta s, ,( f , 1.1. w ... . ILL! T"i-'R UfCfati.rr T, dt . fltf.bui'1.. H A rtltt MH'l('i;-N i.e.. hi n t it . fi trill i.-A 'tr of A lii i in . , . . tion on Iha eiiataof JAMM I- NSliK It li V, t,e el llri'Kord towmbip, I luarlie) 1 ooini'y, I'n , .1-. pi' l, haviftir t'in lu l xruntel in tti u -, i ... tiffited, aU pTM.ii.. iinlfiiir.i lo tmid !. -w, pliie iDuhr imiDrilime pTiniil, tod th" ; , ,lT lug cUiint or di intcdn ut"'t (he Itm wll eritthfin properly tu'hni i-ati-d f r n-". wlibnut d;lav. LI. UNMIHiV, I. t. LANMiKItV, A d m 1 1 i : r i. : . , i ., Dee. ititr 7, SI tl. The Great Slate Trial! A coioplele ain! authentio record of lli evi'ln; .,., tpreotift, otldicfttt ai.d itndieJ iiiti, i in". , wwwmmw 1h rrlnm .lt C'tu tiiil P Cnnat'ijii. n-'rs pialwiirtiftta a i pl-innl on tha U ifu'. iii- lit Hon, .Jaiora O. Ill i lor (Jrabi Ktri'injf (mth" in CourtAttrnipl up.n the A-i sin'i litc Kki-trhet of the Prmettiil CharfMir en Kuf il in lla worid fmuotia Ctiuiinal Trnl ul', (Hill, lidit people HWAit in anxii iv Uif t-vi'Uo. e In iIik tl o iiiil lieujarkiiblc Tri tl in A in en mm AGENTS inL WAN I ED Qtforuuirtt,sndK'currler lory rt ot.i)-. A'Mrc " I MnN I I I.LI' H'Nti C'lUPAM, l liil.nlcipl.i, l''-iiii''i. I-ccemWr 7, If.-I-4L iT-r niNvl u to o.i.uuu ttaili-iirt, all r-r i in-nt.'r il or tilt luiiffi I in t:u.cd. E1 Tminir, the ni'ldt) i" ''I. ln 'l '. l'nitr s niwa'. ii.n i -I w .. ii i. ,'..(. It clit- tlie h, cU-iii of nil J!3 liniuritl. Q tofn-t I'm F'-iinnch, i' yi'.h;.-j lltu licjrt, ur.-1 I -litl;.,nv 'rt'iin;i..r tho llvrr, tm- m-M.-Vi'-p 1 .r.!P4. l tier v '..it'll Im ir"rnl-'i tlio tmln t'j.nc.s t ti t.io pi-cai-'-t nnfe-'litr. ,(khi, u:n i m:m v. cat i p. iti y I rro n-f i r.-.M n g i . -p . mnmM JJi-1 'WM mum I-LIU N A Sfl'UUil '-i .1 I ) tai l, . - I m.i- r.ir il oi- li. nut il Tieu, I" lircw iiv rn n"-;: v, i, n si- It. t.inm- f I lO w.ll !' r-.' itr iifa; ,nt w III n-1 currjor li' lp, I-LIU. S K if lt.liloii'ilOl kil -11 in t " ; r;r li un :i rn-nt r UiT .'rt. le f'f foKl'. It . .iltll Will riiiiblr) Vnj !.!. vi H. It. II A l:TM A S Jt ) S AWARDED 1 C"i 6 Porous -MEDALS.- DnckRche or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lama Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Neuralcia or Kidney DlneaBQ. Lumhodo, Sevoro Achos or Patn Fomolo Weak no ss. Arc Superior tonll ether Plotters. Aro Super tor t Tada. Aro Hitrtor to I.lnlmrata. Aro Superior to Oinlinonto or Kalre, Are tnperlor to Electricity or entrain Lam Tlipy Act Immrdlntely Thry Htre ncthen. Tbeyfiooiho. They Itcllere Pain nt Once. Thev roeltlvelv Cure. CAUTION. Bemwin 'a Cn tvin TomM Pint- trre linvebern iraitttrd. a not allow Tnnr drucp't tn pntm off tome otht-r pl.iiler liavinjt a aimilar mu nil Inr name. He that tbo word ia tptued C-A r-C-I N B Tr re w cte. SEABURY A JOHNSON. Mm.li turiog Otn-iiunn. Ni-w r.fc. AHITIIK ItKMKIIY A T I . A hT, Prir'.V. H LAO'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PUSUFU N . IM I. ISS'i. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. IMeUSTKATEI"). "Alwavi tarinl, alwayi noal. aitT.iTi impror io(r." Ciiabi at 1'itANria Aoaud, Jr. " Hutf.tr' t Miiyitint, the mou popu'ar il'urlra ted pi-ribdioal in the wurld, Iff'ti mi oixlr-t, urtU Toluine w.ih tlio l)pfiiibrr nurol.fr. It npre entt whal in l est in American literature and art ; and ilt nttike I rum-Ce-tin Knglninl w.1.tp i: l.aa alrrvW a eir-'Ulatinn lutfr''r lUrin tl st if any Kngli'h u.i.!. i no of (he nxtue cluri hu - I rrukl Into In ifric thu ico.f tiLfiKDl wrifrr. ami art luta of Omit Uritain. The forilii-ooi iiic vnlt.u,fi for lhJ will in every repcct tiifpitfi l.i- ir pri-.l-0."itir. HARPER'S PEBIODICAIS. I'cr nart 1IAHIM U'.-i MMIAZ1NE.... II Ah PI. It 'A II A Z A It Any TU tl iil..,v n mlM HAUPKU'iS (.I'N-. I lHU'Lt: IlAHfKH'S MAOAZIMI HaUI'I k'S VtHiM I'huI'l.K i" Off 4 ii" I Ml b Oil UAKI'KHS M.KLI MJl Atlli I.I- HhAhV, (in War i3 Numbi-; 10 uo Vutnyt t'tt Ih nit ubtcrtltrn , ,he t i(ft Stmt vr (.'LiMtiii'i. Tho Tolumn of the Jhi'h bc.'inii wuh itie Nutuhvr lur Jut.e an l l-ecrmlier ul pact, jr. W hrB nu time ta fpc it.til, ti ,11 U ur.rfir,i" ! the.i the tu. ci it er Hi-he tu lu io ita th cut rent Nuitbcr. A Ooin( let R.' of llAni-rn't M,niiir, com priaint ToiutuK. la tieat oloih btn.fiij, will l nt tj exprrn, Irour t at euene of purctmcr, OB Itf. Ipl of t2 .ft pi-r . tlume. Stngi r-tumri, tijr mati, pot'ftniH .i t'tt. .'loth canst, t r b ul log, bV CtJO'i, I'Y tn ill ptpu 1, lndrx ti Huinihi MiviiKf, AlpbaiGtt''I, AntlJ'tical, atid OlttfiHttd, t ir . 'umet i to 6i' inoIu"ive, irooi June, I All), to Ju , I Si(, one vol., fr -I, pluth, $t ltd. Itetnitioricm aloutd to nitin hy puM-Oft- Moiir Urdur or I'nilt, to at-io-i chaut'cp of i.t. AVir;'i;ifrt lire toil lo eft.y f Ai mlrtrl,tmrtt Vi'AuMiiAe tjf,w ordtt IUri rn A Katnuti . A'Uicie, UAUI'JCH A UI.U I II KltS, New Yi.rk. HARPER'S BAZAR. U.I.USTUATKL). Tbia p ultr jnumal Is a rire cnml. ita i n p( li-ertlure, art an I lahnn. lu torir, m, end efKi are by the lit ariier nl Mifie t.d Air erica t ita ttijfratgi pn.Rc-a thp bi:tnit r liitio rxcrlUnon ; and in ail uttilera periii.u: lo tathlnn It ii unitertallr atkm wlcdpit t' lf lh lend ii g ai.thouty in ttm laiid. Tno i,it u-Uml will vuulam many brilliant H'lVnti, HARPER'S PERIODICALS, I'tr Year I lUIlPKH'fi HA7.K H A H I'Klt'rt MAtJA.lMi An? TW'J ahtive iniup.I . , IIAHI'KK'H YnilN.i 1'KOI'i.i... ...tl . -I O'1 ... 7 0.) ... 1 ... a I1 IIAHrhlt'S MAlMZIVIi I 11 A h PilU Va.l - v.i uimiii v HAHI'Kll'ri 1'K AM K L I N Ngt'AItlj LI- lIUAhY.One .tar (Jt Nuiubert) 1 0" nfflfe Vce In alt mhitrihtrt i tr feiffrf arfe or Cn tHa. The Vulunie of the utir heln will) the tint Number rr January of eanh year. When no lnn( It iiietttlnned, it will be umlrritooj thh tho cuU ictlher wUhra to ootDmenoe wnb the Nttm-ifr neit I i r i i'uni-1 ffau.-,,-.- !, iu I I a-i-il-hlV jiivum A PI JL at iff the receipt of ord-f. '1 he laat 1'Wflloe Annual Volume f H tnrtf 't )n teat ftlotb blndlo(, will be l by meil, patte paid, or by espi, free of eipfnue (provided ihe frt-l)ht duet nat eioeed i.ae dollar t-r voliiinc), for $ 08 eacb. CI nth t'aiet fr ea-b ?liune. iullaM far Mod Inr. "HI be teat by In til, nun paid, on rtcelpl t 1.40 each. Keiotitauoet thould bo made by P-itnifiee M oaay Uider or Ural t, tu ovoid chance ef ! it'tmp fru art f mnpf (Ait ore--(te-wet Haet ite ep'tei erder o li a fen Hauiatrt AdurtM, OAHI fcU A ItKOKI fBr1, hum Vurk. PoMaVir T, lis Ml