THE REPUBLICAN. W i:i)MHAY MnRKINII, NuVKMHI.H 1HM Terms of Subscription ( paid U advanca.or wltbln tbrM montha...!! M f paid after tbrM aid before ill BBoniba .. I ftO If paid after tbeeaptrallon of ail monbte .. I til) RF.Mr.inii oti i:. MrtlirxlUt i:,.l.cupl ( hiirch hcv. (lio. I.itnr, I'aft'-tr. Hervicra ""'7 Ubhath d A. M.,and 71 V. M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. l'rayar Meeting orery WerfneadaT, at Ti I'. M Cumn union Horvloe. fira! (Sabbath of arery uuma, at i a. Irrbterlau thurrli U.t. H. S.Butlk, --SaObatb eerricea morning and evening -Bab ah Moboul at V A. M, I'rerer Meeting w unu iav evening. ht. KiaocU ChurrhCathullr Kr. P I . Shkrihaii. Dtvtne itrvice at H'4 A. M., on the Brat, third and lourtb Hundayaof each month; V paper and lionedlction of the Bleaed Sacrament at 7Volock, P. M. Sunday Hcbool tvery tiunday nftemonn at I o'clock. OKM( IAL IIIHKCTOHY. riui or aoLDiHa qtunTM miaainnt rnrRT. .-Vr-.ind Monday of January. Third Monday of Marob. Knit Monday af J una. Fourth Muii tiny of riepteiobera Tin up OoLniKQ co warm plrai. Klrat Monday of Juno. Heennd Monday of November. vi;h, w count: e t "Will you tub wheat, oata or flora far tub ripiiuo 1" Wa art ofln Inquired of ia tbli way hr letter from patron wbo reaida at a diitanoa Irna Clearfield. Wa apaln lay yai. Tba if a Tuponible merchant or mill owner Id tba t ieioitv, will answer ua Juat a well aa tba oaab. Tw illUatrate i If any of our patron will dolirer ut a bug of gram at tha tut II ol Joeepb H. Itrath, in Cheat tovuibip, Horace Patch in, in llarnaide, riinmna II. Korcey, In Or ah em, Wn. Porter or tShaw'a, tn Lawrence, or lirowa A Seylar', at Hock ton, I nlon townabip, and forward thalr roettpt Tor the amount, e will arauit in era on thilr arruunt lor the a a me. In tbia way all mar oVn -uy what they owe, If tuey will punoa tbia course. u. Hoiuitifiil weather. Three weeks from next Huudiiy in Chrwt mas. The LuthtTiu) (.hurch bus I wen coveretl with a new shingle ronf. Kx-SheritV Howe Hhiuhtt'red n hog lust week that weighed jMmnds. S'e (iuinzlnir'a new ndvertinemciit, and then and we bin Ht(M'k nf clothing. . Kx -Sheriff Vred Criwiman, if Clayville. .Teft'ernon county, wiwin town on Saturday. Hu latent w for the Ci.kakkiki.d KRprui.i ( AMrnnd you w ill then Ret Q fro"!, reliable in)M'r. Mr. .lames Mt ret ry, of Lick Kim, nhiiied two line doer East by cxprem on Tuewlay af trrniwn. Had an almost invisible kin diwaw, ttch iiiK intolerable, rurutin cured it. H. Ambil, f i 1 1 -bn rjili . Ilev. II. S. Iluthr will preach in the M. K. Church in Ooahen townshiji next Sunday afternoon, nt :i n'elock. urn The I'itvcmentw in Wct Clearfield need re construct in. They have for aome lime jinnt Iteen in a very dilaiiiilateil condition. Mr. John C. lieed, oi West Clearfield, h:Ma sjian of pood youiiK horvfi fur de. He w ill aell one r lth. Kce advertiwiuent. liev. !r. McMuimy visited his friends and acquaintances in this vicinity on Saturday and preached in the M. K. Churel;on Suntlay. Neatly all the hunters in this vicinity hied themselves a way to the mountains Inst week to pursue the fleet-footed and keen-scented dri-r. - m - The regular monthly meeltiiK of thcClrar- Ih ld IIHk nnd Ijidiler Coniuiny will be held ut 'inire Howe's ofliee next Tuesday evening. Deremlwr (ith. . i Thntngh the iiiHtruinciilality of an Lbens burg Keiitlcman, a can of Onnun carp were recently dumed Into the headwaters of Clearfield cret'k. A Clarion county man recently lMjk a drove of.ltH turkeys to the Bradford oil regions. Ten miles was the uTeraRe distance traveled in n dav. - a i The contents of l,ew. Wrinley's furniture atore, and all other personal property Ih'Ioiir ing to him, was sold on Wednesday of lant week nt Sheriff "a sale. There will be services in the Ht. Andrew's i'.piseopal church, in Clearfield, on next Sun day, Dec. 1, at 11 A. M. nnd 7 J M., liev. Mr. firimth oflieiatinfr. The Moore Ilrothers have put down n plank tTOHsinRon Market street, in front of their hat oud shoe store a private enterprise for the Hcrominoilation of the public. MaJ. Marcelles S. Fredericks, for nearly two years a citizen of lVnlleld, this county, died at the resilience of his mother in Ixx-k Haven, Pa., on the 11th inst., nurd ntsmt 40 years. Wm. Draucker, brother of A. J. Draueker, hite of Curwennville, deiiwed, haa returned to Clcaribdd mmity, Hfler on absence of twenty-five years in Iowa, We have not learned whether he will remain here permit-' ncntly or not. Communion wrvhvs will le heldinthe Clearfield Presbyterian Church next Sablmfli morning, when the ijunrterly collection for 1 the support of the pawtor nnd church will Ite1 taken up. Preparatory arrviees will Is held on Saturday morninR at II o'clock. - A party of hunters w hooccupiedHarster'a bhanty killed a flno doe on Wednesday of last we k. Mr. McKlinric of West Clearfield done the shootiiiR. A. W. Walter!, James , Mc LuiiRhlin, John Krale and Harry Jaeol each killeif a der last week. In addition to the enlargement and im provements nl ready made to the machine shop and foundry of Metasrs. Bigler, lieed A Co., we learn that in the Spring (or sooner if the weather will permit) they will erect a large building for the manufacture of boilers. We cull attention to the adjourned Execu tors' sale of valuable real estate, prcrty of i the lain Judge Shaw, deceased. The sale ' will take place on the first Monday of the January Court, being the th day, at 1 o'clock, For particulars and description of property, see advertisement. On last Friday Mr. J. C. Cullin inoTi d to Clearfield. Mr. Cullin has lecn a resident of this place nnd county for a number of years, unit mm nmona our best citizens. We are sorry to lose him from our town. We wish him prosperity nnd good health in his new homc..Viisfowa fogitterand Democrat. Mrs, Stevens, of Wilmington, Delaware, lectured in the(Vnrfield M. E Church on Mon day evening, in the interests of Foreign Mis sions, She appealed esH-cially to the ladies. A Society was organized in the lecture room of the church this (Tnesday) afternoon. Mrs. Stevens is a pleasant speaker, and her lecture was interesting. She exhibited a small idol nnd some Chinese Indira shoes which were looked UKiiby our people with great curiosity. The Supreme Court of this State, which has been iu session At Pittsburgh ince the first Monday in dinner, adjourned last week. Before adjourning thief Justice Shamrood issued an order re-ttislrictlng the State, which take Clenrfield from the Middle dis trict nnd attaches it to the Eastern district. The Western district now consists of seven counties; the Middled ialrirt of three, and the Eastern offifty-ix. Justices Gordon, Tnmkey nnd Sterrett dissented from the order. .. m m - A committee to lake into consideration the intercut of shipper from the Clearfield cool region a recently psiintcd and ia com posed ns follows: ti. M. Ilrisbin, Osceola, Chairman; Gen. John Pat ton and Col. E. A. Irvin, Curwensville; Wm. A. Walla and Wm. II. Dill, Clearfield; InuhVI Kritton, Philadelphia: II. O. Fisher, Huntingdon; C. j W. Van Duacn, Houtzdale; F. C. Hime. and i E W Underbill, W.H. Wigton d Wm. T. Duncan, Phillpaborg. 1 The country nmU are tn Imd condition Ar trnv'Mnj(. Had ImrWa itch tor jfiira, terribly. I. UiraiiiilMl. lVruuacHrtdmr. C. licck.Alle- Rlinty, IViina. Wholttalt. Home forty odd jiliyalfinn were arrcntetl In Ijiiuiwtvr cuunty licit wwk fr fidliiiK to rt-Kist. r, bm mpiirrU lay the re cpiiI Act of Aaw'iuldv. The lNWt mmt In the rliwiit Nubamhe for the Ci.KARr-iKt.n Kkpi vi.M'a, which eu-riKHl,v tuayu ia the Iwnt piiiier fauMitihfd in the county. KvervlxMly reiula it. The M. K. mid HaptiMt i lnm lun Kave their new hratcraa trlid on Rutiday hut. They were mmle liy ItihT, Kw d A Co., of Clear field, mid givr jterfeit Hiitwljictiim. I'hilijM- burg Jounuil. Let kH ft$fu$9 tThcn in a rciiMoimhle rhunec now thttt nil mutilated coin will be driven out of circulation, ua it ahould 1. Tlie railroad euinpauifa decline to ttiko it, and it will not lie long before everybody will be eompi'lled to refuiw it. Thla ia now done in the fitlea. HolM-rt M. McKnally willapendthe Winter in rhilmUlihia,twpeeialnKentof theMutual Benefit Life liiaiirnnce CnmpAny of Newnrk, N. J. Hi!) hend(uartera will he at ft2t Wal nut blreet. MtftHni. Aurun 0. Kramer and Matt. 8iivki' will look after the bninetai of theComiumy in thia Miction during thealn nce of Mr. McKnally. Oont Wnt KH 1 1 loom, Esq., In company with William F. Morpan, of Sylvan Grove, Kansas, who has been visititiR in this vicinity for several weeks jmihI, left on Friday fast for Kansas. Mr. Bloom will visit a sister in the west, who is ill and quite aged, and will top for aw hile in the State of lownon hia return. He w ill. perhaps, lie alment for a month. Within two weeks the family of II. A. MePikc, the able editor of the Ombria Free man, hi w htt'ii sorely atllicted. Diphtheria invaded the home and first carried off their eldest daughter, an attractive eliild, and a day or two since the baby has leen called hence. The blow lias lieen a severe one to Mr. and Mrs. McPike, and they have the sympathy of a larpe circle of friends in their bereavement. That Coal Oil Lamp, At Puttsville, Pa., on the evening of the iHth iiwt., Mrs. Thomas Danhert, aged twenty-eight years, the mother of three children, w ua humcd to death in the cellar of her houw. While going up stairs and carrying n coal oil lamp rdii fell and the tamp 1 1 rake. mr ciouhiir took lire in an inslant, she ran into the cellar nnd fell to the floor, where she was found by neighliors at tracted bv her seminin. Notict to Assetsori and Col he tort. The Board of County Commiiouers adjourned on Saturday Inst and w ill not lie in sension until Monday, December Pith. On nnd nfter that time Assessors are requested to make their return as soon as possible. Those Col lectors for 11 who have not had their ex onerations granted w ill pleiwe attend to that matter Is-lbre the WUi of DecemlK-r. Jacob. A. Faist, Clerk. Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 21Hh, lHWJ-2t. W Set It How. The following item will explain what took our preacher, liev. George Leidy, "out Went" last week. The St. Louis Rrpuhlivw of Friday, Nov. y.itli, tells it all: "The rcaidenee of Mr. nnd Mrs. (I. II. Me Connell. Morgan street, was the scone of a very pleasant wedding yesterday afternoon at t! o'clock, the bride being Miss Mary Maude, tlieireldest daughter, and the groom Mr. J. A. Harris, the highly esteemed cashier of Messrs. Wntcnuan, ilro. & Co. The house wan hand somely decorated in flowers and evergreens, the chandeliers gracefully festooned in rich green mos, nnd upon various stand and brackets were tlonil borone-shoes, Uisketa of rone-huda nnd trailing vines of variegated myrtle intenninelod with rich tinted grasses, while suspended between the folding-doors was a lovely hanging-lxtsket filled with En glish ivy. Handsome ferns nnd alms desig nated the him w here the bride and groom should stand. At 2 o'clock the bridal party entered, and Kev, Mr. leidyof Clearfield, Pa., a favorite brother of Mrs. McConnell, who performed the ceremony at their silver wed ding three years since, now stood ready to read the improsHive ceremony of the Metho dist Episcopal church, and unite the destinies of the youthful couple. The bride was taste fully attired in bronze green satin brocade over lower skirt of satin handsomely trimmed in points, pleat ings nnd brocaded ornaments; cxquisitcly-tittingcorsagc.with graceful finish at throat, nnd sleeves of elegant duchesse lace, anil a cluster of natural rose-buds. The coiffure was simply nnd becomingly arranged, the only ornament wing a handsome, jxarl comb," The liKPt BI.K'AN generally furnishes the "official organ of the Imrongh" with consider able information, nnd we state for its especial benefit this week that Mr. Merrell is still in business, nnd if the troubled and anxious editor will tall nt his store in West Clearfield, at the West end of the Second street bridge. he will have an opportunity to buy up all the sewing machines in his possession and have the advertisement discontinued, which troubles said editor, who nttends to nobody's business but his own (?). A person who nttends to their own business don't generally have much time to meddle with the a flairs of other peopl Hew Conductor. -The Osceola Ken ille says "The friends of J. E. Berg, Est)., who has for some time pant held the position of Extra Conductor, on the branch roads, will be pleased to learn that he has Wa assigned to the charge of the train lately conducted by W. H. Pluinmer. liy this change Mr. Jacob Plum- r, w ho haa acted as baggage master and ox pre messenger, on the Jloutzuule hrnncli train ever since it commenced to run a regular passenger train, six years ago. is now advanced to the pmition vacated by the promotion of. Mr. lirrg, with headquarters at Tyrone ; nnd Mr. John O'Connor, hmkeman on the Montr dide train, is placed in charge of the baggage ear, in Mr. Hummer stead, vnicn win Hate his removal to Phitiimhitrg, un fortunately for ttsecoln. Thanksgiving Da. Thanksgiving day wm cold and blustery, anil was generally observed in this place. The hank and public schools wern closed, but our mercantile establish ments transacted business as usual and heeded not the recommendations of the powers that be. t'nion services were held in the Presby terian Church nt loj o'clock A. M., Iter. A.J. Bean, of the Lutheran Church, preaching the sermon. He took the 30th verse of the 117th Psalm for hi text : "lie hath not dealt so w ith any Nation ; and as for his judgments, they have not known them. I'ralae ye the Ixrd." liev. H. H. Butler nssisted In the services. The congregation was large one, the greater portion of which remnined to w itness the wedding of Miss Maggie Irvin and Dr. H. F. Beam, which occurred in the church Imme diately after the Thanksgiving service were concluded, m Hymtnial Immediately after the Thanks giving services in the Prtsbyterian Church, In thia plaifc, last Thursday, at noon, the mar riage ceremony of Dr. H. F. Beam, of Pueblo, Colorado, and Miss Maggie Irvin, of Clear field, took place. While a "Wedding March" was Wing performed on the organ by Dr. J. K. Wrigley, the bridal party entered the church and approached the altar in the fol lowing order: The ushers, Messrs, Goorge C. Moore, Maurice J. Hoffer, Alf. K. lieed, Harry C. Nice; the groom, accompanied by the bride' mother; the bride, leaning on the arm of her uncle, Ell Bloom, Esq., and the at tendants, Miss Cornelia Kobinson, of Angelica, N. Y.t and Mr. Walter H. llowen, of Pitts burgh, Pit? The ceremony was performed by Key. II. 8. Butler. The bride dress was pink satin, and Miss liobinson's, her attendant, was cream -colored silk, trimmed with large scarlet rosea. lioth appeared quite handsome. A reception was held at the residence of the bride' mother, Mm. Eliwtlicth Irvin, on Market street, intheaflernwn from one o'clock to three. The bride received many hand some and useful present from her friend. The newly.wedded couple departed In the afternoon train for few day' visit in Phila delphia, after which they will return tot lemr fleld, and make arrangement to go to their future home In the far West May unseen Joy and blessings, like' the gentle sunshine of heaven, deacend upon them Iong tneir jowrney through life. Mr. Irvin, haviiif di- P1 h residenc her, wlU dughtf nd make bet home m Cotorado. Fop Salt, CAp. Doora, aoah, frauiea, fur nit ore, spring beds, picture frame, mouldings picture wire cord, cane-teat chair re-aeated, and funiiture resiired. Will trade for lum 1st or grain. . It. Cankikmi, Railroad street, Clearfield, Pa. November 'XW, lHHl.2mpd. List of li tters remaining unclaimed in the Poatoniee at Clearfield, Pa., for the week end ing November 3Hth, 1HH1 : Clara K. Carson, J. D. Huff, Mr. I- C. J. Murray, O. Morgan, Lluie N. Mullen, W. II. Pfahler A Co.,C. H. Palmer, Mias Bell Williams. P. A. Gal-us, P. M. Baktrjf Mr. John F. Kinklwincr wUheato imnounee to the people of Clear field nnd vicinity that he hits opened a new bakery on Locust street, where he will keep on hand at all times fresh w hite bread, rusks, rolls, pica, (jnthain bread, Ac., &c. He solic its a fair share of public patronage, knowing that he is nble to please. Pleiwe give him a call. lii-:it A Bu$ff 4W. Several wwksagotbe editor of the ( Vue n gave as a lecture for not dcHirt ing outwelf properly during the campaign. Last week he shouldered the management of the Tyrone A Clenrfield Jtailroud, and the Hu peri n tendency of our schools. This week somebody else will get a walloping. It is well enough we have some one in our midst who can manage his own business and other peo ple's too at the same time. Now, try a tannery or Fire Brick Works. Don't 1 partial in giving gushing instructions. A Bip Shtaf Harve$ frf. The Curwerwvllle Timr$ puhtmhea the following particulars in regard to the death of Jacob Hoover, an old resident of Lawrence township, and hcrhaiw theoldeat man in the county : "Jacob Hoover, one of the old citifcna of Iawrenee township, died at his residence, near Centre, last Wednes day night. Mr. Hoover was born March 10th, 171)3, and was in the DOth year of his age at the time of his death, lie came to this county in Inihj, when eight years of age, settling on the farm where he died. He was the father of eight children, five of whom sur vive him, his faithful wife and helpmeet piuwing away on the 25th of Iecember, 1KT5. A large circle of relatives nnd friends are left to mourn his demise. " Cltarfwld Coal Tradt. Statement of coal and other freight sent over the Tyrone & Clearfield division, Pennsylvania liuilrond, for the week ending Novemlier 10, 11, nnd the same time lust year: COAL. tor tba week toss. 4MM 43,Ufil 3atnttiiue last year Inoroe'e Prat ivualy during year 2075,744 9atn tinia laal year Mtfl,H61 laoraait 1113,383 Total 1n sl 212VWS Sara time last yar 150j,4 In resie M8,73 otbk raaiaura. buiuhsr... 78 eara. , 22S " Miirellitneoua frelghta . Htrdie Htard From. This Williamsport hnmanitariiui who some people sup posed was dead turn up in a new field ac cording to the Council Bluffs (Iowa) Nonpa reil. Among the Council proceedings of that city we notice the following : To tiik Mayor amCommon Cm'xcii. of: thk City op CorNrti, Buffs (lenta: I have lieen looking over your contract with the proiMwctl waterworks company, and I call ; it a decidedly fat thing for the company. 1 will furnish you with as good a system of i waterworks as they proHise, and furnish the city tire hydrants the same as they, at $)kV instead of KN), and furnish individuals at j from l.'i to 25 per cent, less than their charges. I have had experience in the business, and ! am eonlidciit that your city w ill regret tlte fultillment of the present contract. If you desire to save your city $.H,(HKI a year to start with, write me nt Philadelphia and I will save your taxiavem thousands of dollars. ' Very rwpect fully, P. Hkiiihi'. The Council Bluffer will act very foolishly if they seudW,000perannuin unneccHHarily, esH?cially after Peter calls their attention to it This i Just the way he allowed Williams- j porters to "skin him." While he was working for the public grnxl, sharpers bankrupted him.! Death of Mrt. Cooptr. The old residents of Curwensville and Pike township will regret to lcnrn of the death of Mr. Cooper. We! clip the following from the Hoopaton (111.) j Chroniele of the 21th instant : "Mrs. A. V. Cooier died Saturday evening, i aged fifty-eight years, five months and eight! day. She leave n husband and four chi I-1 dren two sous and two daughters to mourn ! her death. For a number of year she has been in delicate health, although not con-j lined to her lied. It was plainly npjnrent to her friends that she was dying a slow death ; for several months past. Saturday afternoon she realized that final dissolution was an-i proacbing. Being a firm believer in the; Christian religion, she requested the presence j of minister, nnd Kev. A. L. Knox called, j and pmyed with the dying mother, alter which all present joined in a song. She was perfectly rational up to the last moment,; passing away as peacefully as a child. She was born in Clearfield county, Pennsylvania,! and was married in 15. Funeral serviciw at the house. Burial in Floral Hill cemetery." Mr. Cooler's maiden name wa Jane Stage, sister to John, residing in Pike town ship. Mr. Cooper was a carpenter, and re moved from Curwensville to Illinois, with his family, about twenty-five years ago. "Detr Slaytrt." This ia a good name, and the editor of the Reveille tells all in this way : ''George Kyser and his friend Winter have proven themselves the deer slayers of the season in these parts, having killed four of the fleet-footed monarch of the w aste np to the present time. These old hunter kill with the rifle altogether, ami are greatly in censed nt the Jay-hawker who hunt w ith the smooth-lsire or musket, and fire buck-shot. 'A law should be enacted,' said one of them to us, the other day, 'to prevent thi mode of hunting, which ha now become so common. 'These fellows,' aid he, referring to the buck shot hunters, 'seldom kill a deer ; but wound a jmwerAil number among them ; and we find numbers of dead one through the woods that hare been wounded by these fellows' buck shots, but got away only to die a lingering death, of no good to anyone. Then, if they do kill a deer in thia way, tt ia so torn up that the one-half of it has to lie thrown away. I tell yon it 1 cruelty to dumb animals, and those guilty of the practice should lie arrested under that law, if there is no other, to protect these poor innocent victim. We seldom kill a deer now that we don't find either buck shot In It, or that it haa hmn wounded t one time by thrm. It is much worse practice than hunting with dogs, and yet there is a law against that. We thought there was sound logic in what he said." Thrtt Bndgtt The Commissioner have contracted for the building of threo new bridge. One across the river near thia bor ough, in the place of the Good fellow bridge, which was blown down last rail; second one across Clearfield creek near the mouth of Potts' run, on the line between Knox and Woodward townships, which will be an ojen wooden structure, 142 feet long, and will cost $1 ,700. The obn t ments and ot her stone work are being put npby local sulicriptions,exifpt prolsibty fMX), which the county will be called upon to pay, making the total cost to the county bout W.OO0. The third one will be thrown across Clearfield crock at Coalport (Keilly postoffice), in Ileeearia township, and II be 100 feet in length, to lie of wood, almilar to the Potts' run structure, and will cost the county about tLW. The citiien in the vicinity of thi bridge have agreed to pnt up the abutment. The Good fellow bridge will be replaced with an open iron one WW feet long, of two spans, and putupalitlle be low the old Boggs Fording, to avoid the tworailrJ crossings nnd that miserable hill between the old and new location encountered heretofore by all the p-river and western travel. The Pittsburgh Bridge Company have the contract for putting up this latter struct u re stone work and all for $3T1 The two wooden bridges ore to he built by C. R Palmer A Son, of Hlroudslmrg, P.t who put np that poition of the Market street bridge tor the Shaw estate, which was blown down last Fall. We learn that th enn- t motors will goto work Just a non as the weather will permit These bridge are as absolutely necemary aa bain is on good farm. No toll to pay or snow to shovel into them when you go through With a Med led. COURT PPOCEEDINGS. XUVKMRKR TKKM.lSMl 2U WEEK. Court was called on Monday, November 21st, at 9 o'clock p. M. Hon. John II. On is. Assistant Lw Judge, nnd Ahrani Ogden and V. II. Holt, Associate Judge, on the Bench. Harry Hemphill and George Oweu were apiwinted tipstaves. t'O Mil UN 1'l.KAK. The unsettled casus on the trial list were taken up and disposed of. as follows: B. D. Schoonover v. Thomas Kyler, w ith notice to terra-tenant. No. 25 June T., lS. Scire Facias. Continued. B. A Z. Hartshorn vs. K. It. Neeper. No. 211 June T 1K7N. Assumpsit. Settled as Ier terms filed. John llijia A David W. Hile vs. Horace Patchin. No. tfno September T.,17h. As sunipsit. Settled. Thomas .ell et al. vs. Itenf. F. Shunk et al. No. 42(1 Scptcmltcr T., 1H7H. Ejectment Continued. Win. Bnnies vs. lterwind. White A Co. No. HI2 Heptemlicr T., lK7rt. Trespass (juare Clnusum Frigit. Form of action amended. Jurorwithdrawn and cause continued. James T. Leonard vs. Charles H. Coryell. No. 470 September T., 17. Assumpsit. Verdict for Plaintiff for $t!Mf.H). John Heise et nx. vs. Andrew Pent. No. 52ti Septemlicr Term, 1H7H. Apical from Justice. George H. Zeigler vs. U. B. Wigton. No. 45 January T.( 1H7U. lfcbt. Settled. J. C. Mitchell vs. Horace Patchin. No. 272 January T., 1M70. Covenant. Settled. J. 8. BerkstrcMser vs. Osceola Building nnd Loan Association. No. 412 January T.. 1h?U. AHuniiit. lel'eiidant confeNnen judgment in liivor of Plaintiff fur f5.ll.5H, with coal. John Mclteuny vs. John H. Hewitt. No. 475 January T., 171). Assumpsit. Continued. John McDenny vs. John H. Hewitt. No. Ml January T 17!. Sci. Fa. to foreclose mortgage. Jl'KY W1IKEI- And now 2.'id NovemWr. is ordered that the name of tWK solwr, intelligent and judicious persons he selected from the whole fjunlilled electors of the said county of Clear field to serve as Jurors in the several Courts of said county during the year 1, kkxt tki:m. November 23d, 1HHL it i ordered that the next term of Court Im held commencing the second Monday of January next and be con tinued for two weeks consecutively, nnd that writs of venire facias be issued iu due form of law to summons twenty-four persons to serve as Grand Jurors for the several Court of Oyui tuid Terminer and Ouartcr Sessions of said several Courts of said county for the nrsi week tliereol, and tlie names ol lortv- eight persona to serve as Traverse Jurors of oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions lor tlie first week thercol, and that thirty-six pet sons In? summoned to serve as Traverse Jurors lor the second week thereof. AfWTOII OK ACOOI NT OF COI'NIY OFFICEIW. W. A. Hagerly, Esq., was appointed Audi tor to audit ai-eountaof 1 eg inter and Recorder, Prot honotary, Ac, as provided by law. BOA II MATTER CONFIRMED AIMOl.lTEl.V. liejMirt of Viewers laving out a public road from the mouth of meal's linn at the public road in Boggs townii;iip to intersect the Blue Ball road near John S. Gear heart'. iicjtort of Viewers laying out a road begin ning at a road nt or near Patterson's saw-mill to intersect public road near James P. Curry's on road running to Ansonville, Jordan town shin. lieport of lie-viewer refusing to vacate that part of public road which had U'cn laid out and 0H?ned leading from Clay pike, near Woodland Fire Brick Works (lower yard) to James Park's in Bradford township. The confirmation of the original view of road was refused. lieport of Viewers laying out a public road from Wcstover, Chest township, Clearfield county to Grant, in Indiana county. Court adjourned on Wednesday, Nov. 23d. THE WILLIAMSPORT BOOM. A Heavy Season' Operati ons Nearly L-omplelua. OiM-mtions at the Williamsport Ismm arc still progressing actively, although there are prosiwcts that the Immuii will Is? cleared inside ol two weeks, unless there qhoulu lien rise in the river sutbcicnt to bring down the logs that are nt Lock Haven and between that point nnd Williamsport. Excepting during the intervals when tlie water was so low that there was not sutlicient current to float logs, rafting has been actively continued all season. some unusually heavy work h;is Won done. Hone of the boom com jinny's bills show that as high a ir,uXMi,NHj feet per week have been ratted in a single day. 1 he aggregate amount raited from the tliucrent Ismms up to Nov 11 th, the date of the last bill, was: TOTAL AMOf'NT RAFTED. .km, t'rrt. Main and Linden booms. 1,337.(1 II 23fl,(IHI,7 lit Boom iu nam 72,019 11.310,251 Lower boom 43,7(17 ,423,((4t Total 1,4o:,430 'Ji;(l,r0,010 About 2tl,(MHl,iKM) feet still remnin in the lsioms here, and from HI,IHHMKHI to pj.fNMMNNr feet are stilt hack in the river, a good part of this amount 1mm ng in tlie nam at 1x'k Haven. The total amount oi stock in the river this year from all point is considered to have ticcn close to 4k,ih,hsi. mis includes tne 1N'k Haven stiN'k, the logs that escaped and alt others put in for the season. In addition to the loirs yet in the tsxun, the nontls at many mills are full, and the majority of mills huve all the stock they can cut hy the usual freezing time. IMM)M 13IP11UVEMENTH. During the season the boom company hac Is-en working viimniusly repairing the dam ages caused at the different Isioms by the ice last Spring, 'the improvements are not yet completed, and a good part of the coming Winter may Ihj reuiiirert to nuisii tncm. A numlier of new piers wore put in at the Lin den Iswim in place of those token away by the tee. 1 he oooiii nt the Linden raiiroait nrntge has b'en renewetl nnd the main boom has Is-en thoroughly overhauled, the empty piers being tilled up with stone, ami other work done to put it in first-class condition. Careful attention is being given to the lioom in the dam, which is Wing put in n much better condition than it has ever wen heretoiore. It is lieing prcjuired for safely holding the lous that may iro into it he mi Her. HIi tne various repairs completed, the I Minis will be in admirable condition. CXPENHE INCfKBKli. The company have spared no expense in doing this work, the determination having been to have everything so tlmt it could lie depended upon fully. The completed repairs nnd improvements will cost not less than f7i,(MKI. Thus far over twenty tons of spikes have Iteen used in the work, tt is iH iieveu that the preparations of the company for the protection ol tlie logs are on a scale in keep ing with the vast interest committed to their care. Hutlrtin. LETTER FROM HUSTON. Mr. Editor : If no one else w ill tell you how affairs arc going in Huston, I will. The (leer-hunting season ia leing well im proved. Deer seem to lie very plentiful, as a score or more have lieen killed in the town ship. Hi mm Woodward and James Sooheld have been especially lucky in their hunting. The reputation of the township for social gatherings is well sustained. At Pen field a church sociable on Tuesday evening, prayer meetings Wednesday nnd Thursday evenings, I ilfmri-Sfvietv Fridiiv pvc'iillff "'t of'1nirlt Kiwtiirnl Saturday evening, nearly tills the bill. A union Thanksgiving service was held in the M. K Church by Kcvs. J. V. I Ml and A. 1). MtC'loskv, Mr. lie II preached n most excellent sermon. Kev. MoClosky hasjut closed a successful protracted meeting al Mill Hun. Business is good. At Winterbnrn, lilumh- ard's mill are running ; but Craig' nicn arc in the woods. At Tylers, U. II. t orycli is operating the large coal mine. At I'enhehl, the woodward saw-mill is working inn nme. Cochran Brother have large force of men working on the Dultois tract of pine above Winterburn. The logs will 1 put into the South Fork nt Winterbnrn. The people of I'm field are much elated over the almost certain pronjeot of a tannery which will soon lie built by Boston capitalists. The A. V. H. It. have their gravel train engaged in filling under the wooden trestles of the railroad. X. L C it. i at ... Worth Remtmbtring Now that good times are again upo" " hefnre indulging in extravagant show, it i worth remonilKTing tlit no one can enjoy the pleasnntcst sur rounding if in Imd health. There are hun dred of miserable people going ltout to-day with disordered stomach, liver or kidneys, or a dry, hacking cough, and one foot in the (pav. when GO cent Isittle of Parker's lin ger Tonic would do them more good than all the expensive doctor and qnack medicines they have ever tried. It always makes the blood pure and rich and w ill build you up and give yon good health at little cost. Itead of it in another column. 11-fMt Jtahuty. Blxler, who plays the "official organ of the borough,' claim glory for fight ing the graveyard insurance business from the start. Hut he don't say anytbingabout him self wanting to negotiate with an agent of the deathlicd Insnmnce scheme, to bike a policy on n old man's life, Jf the bargain was not completed, it w not Bixler' fitult Like eaponsing the oanseof the Oreenbaukera, h thought then it wa going to be popular, and now (like he did with theGreenhAckern) he goc back on It. "Jcnlowy !" INFORMATION WANTED. Ci.KARFiti.n, Nov. 27th, lsw. Mk. Editor Deae Hir. Please allow me to make use of your pajier to ask a few ijues t ions of the honorable School Board of this borough. I would like to know it the lani ard Gnu led School is counted among the free schools of the Suite ol PeniisvlvHiiia, ami if it is subject to the Common School laws of mud State? If so, why should a citizen, living within the school district, lie obliged to pay u fixed tuition Y "Where there in no law there ia no prevarication." Therefore, I do not look ujMJii my set I as obliged to olwrve a law that I think docs not exist. 1 could not find any principle within the Common School lawn of j I'eniiHylvniua that would justily them in asking me, a citizen residing within the school district, to pay tuition. Can a School Board enact a law contrary to th established State law ami oblige citizens to olwy Ht If so, by what Authority V As a citizen, I wih to comply with the laws of justice and equity with man and man. A ClTIKFN. A Harrow scapt.On Sat unlay evening Inst almost a fatal shooting accident occurred ut Salt Lick in Clearfield county. A man named Moore, who drives the stage between that place and Siiiiiemahoning, was handling a revolver when the instrument waa dis charged, its contents entering the liody of. his wife. It was nt first feared the lady would die, hut the bnlk-t has since liccn re moved, nnd it is liclicvi'd that in its course through the left hide to tbp Kv-k no vital jmrt was injured. lifllrfautr Rfpttblintnow 13th. The best clothing for the least money can lie found at Guinzbnrg's iwwt reliable Clothing Store, Western Hotel corner, in CIcarrficld. yiarritd. IlBAM-IliriN. At the Preibytrriao obureh, CUarUld, on Tburaday, Nicmker 24th, Itev. II. H. Pu'ler, lr. II. F. Bkam, of Pueblo, Colorado, and Mint MaoaiB Ihvi, of Clearfield, PfonrykKoia. m MeCLOSKBV I1L00M. At tha Praabylcilan puriuaajif, L'urwenivill , on butiduv, uf. lif'tb, IHSl, by Kev. J. (J. A. Fullerton, Mr. 1Iow&hi MrC'LiiiKRr and Mian Jkji.iib, daughter of J. Hon bloom, of Pike towufbtp, CAKSON-MiClbLOmil.-At tba City Hot.l, Tyrone, 1'a , on Tbirdy, .Nor. !(4ib, 1SI, by He, ti. M. Moore, 1. It., Mr John F. C'aHhoh, Kfq., of Cheat tuwnthtp, and Mm Jans MiUi l Loi ua, of l'uieyville, Clear htid couuiy, J'a. YOMNll. In I.awrcnca townxbip, no tSundiiy, November 2uth, 181, Mn. Kkj:uu Vol sn, agt d 7u yeara, 1 1 month and VO daj i. PHILIPS. In Defintur towrxhip, on Monday, November 21t, 18rt, It k hard 1'immi-s, apeJ ttj yeara, 1 niontb and 2v H00VKK At bla home in I.arcn?a town abip, ta Wetlneatlay, Nov. 2. Id, Jacks Hoover, Id the VUtb year of hia tgti. KBITZKL. At Turki-y City, Clarlun county, Pa , on WetlnetJay, Koittubrr 1Mb, V.rrtu Max. daughter of Kubtn P. and Annette Iteiiisl, of brady tcaarbip, C'lrat&eid county, aued i yeara auJ IS daji. Mrr. Kcittel, ccompKiilei by hnr )ittl dauh ter, waa ialtiu(( her p recti in Clarion county, wliea the latter look ill and died, tbua turning tha mothtr'a pleaaura and juy Into andneas. spiciats. 0.1 lit sdksd Pbb Cknt. D I ICO I ST o Oi.n Prickb. Hewinit Mm binea own now bo pore bated at Merrell'a tin and variety atoro, from $:ib up warda. All kinda of aewlng niaohinea ropaired on the ahortest nolice. Clearfield, Pa., July 13, 1877. I last ltkcckivkI. Just Kecoivod hy AKXOLD, nt CU IIWKNSVILLr-:: Cur Loud Nova fSeolia I'Ustorl (.'ur Load pure Corn, Hyo nnd Onts Chop ! Cur Loud Denlfon Suit ! Cur Load of Choico Family Klourt Car Loud Dry doods, droccrictt, &c.l ftajrohintrjpfi, Huik. IE. II. 'lies and Gruiti will bo tukon in exchnngo. Curwennvillo, May 1, 1H7A CLEARFIELD MARKETS. Ci.sAsrm.D, Pi,, NuTRBibcr T Flour, per ewt Buckwheat flour, perewt ... Corn Meal, per ewt Chop, rye, perewt Chop, mixed, per cwt Bran, per ewt Wheat, per buahel Rye, per buhel Oata, per buahel Corn, eara, per buahal Buckwheat, per buabel Clover aeed Timothy leed Potntoea, per huhel Applea, per buabel Onioni llama, per pound Khoalder, per pound Dried Beef, per poand Cblckrna, per pair Butter, per pound Rgga, per doiea.... Salt, per aaok, large Coal Oil, per gallon Lard, por pound Dried Applea, per pound , . Dried Peaubea, per pound m Beam, per bushel , 1KB) U to j 00 2 00 1 (to 1 40 1 00 1 25 80 60 no 1 on 6 oo S 75 1 40 75 3 00 14 11 In bo .to 16 3 CO 15 15 7 12 S IU PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. PaiLADKLrati, November 28. There waa but Utile movtiuent in breaddurTa, and fl'iur ia decid edly wrnk. 8tf i ot MOD harreJa, inoluding aoper ftne at $4.?.rf(,4.AI per barrel; eilraa at 4.75 (aM7i; Minnernta, clear, at 47(7 124 ; Minne sota atraight al 2.'6i 7 00 ; Pmnaj Ivanta eitra fiinllv at $1 87A(" 6 Mi i "bin and Indiana do do, 7r,7 '2S; end pa'eiita at 7.J f-r H.I.j. i;e flour eeha at 4 2i(iL4.76 Naw Yon. Novcinhsr 2$. l'bmr a lillle more active, wllh prtcei itill in htiytri' favor ; elint; beavy. Kvo tl'tur more active and tleady at $;t 65 (d,4. Cornmial iloll. Wheat ooend (aio Mgher ; afterward luat (he advance ainl decliel J6vlr, clofng wenk ; ungrnded Hiring. $ 'it; d., (1 2(w 2H ; ui'grN'Ird red, 2H I 41 ; No. 3 do., t :ivuni.iVi Inr new; tl.4oj fuil.-lli for -ld No. I red, $141; ungraded white, $I.Syf't,l M; No. 3 do., 1 17 ; No. I do., $1,3" jfrt, I 2V ; eloied ; No. 3 red, November, (lli; Drecmher, l.Ui ; January. $l.4:ij; Pebruary, l i. !) dull at VW.fn.f-10 Barley aleadv. Barley malt dull and nominal. Corn opened Jftio bibber; auburquenlly loat lha advance and tit. lined a trifle, closing weak i ununited, 0t(,tlH)r- ; No. 6Si("'"-" i N". 2, fW'i,0lli); No. 3 white, 711 : clom-.l j No 3 Nor , i;j.i ; iiioember, 87 n ; January, 6ujc ( Pebmary, 7 lie (Uta initio higher, and lea active cloing weak ; No. 3, itOytt-lni do. while, bH,b io ; do. wbue, 52K(i).'4t! : No. 1,611c; do whi-a. 64o; miied W'eatern 4UK''5"4o; wlit'e, di., 52fn,i5o ; mixed atato, Moj wbiie do , bM)(aAo. (Oil UvM. Oil Quotations ! CENTRAL PENN'A OIL DEPOT. UNDERBILL & CO., l.nbrUntlnr, IK third K .Vlnrrs' OILS. l'lin.II'Sltl KG, J'K.NM'A. W. qonl, our britlil, M I'ftrolrn m and other nt la vered free by paaaing the .Limn wuii'u uuj.r. ueaire Oil, 115 dfx rir,T.t..p.r K.HnnlOil. MO " ' " Whit. l',0" ' M W'.l.lWbil.. 141)" " " " Torrli Oil, 17S " " " " Mir.r.' I.irn nil. Xdft ' B.niln., 73 ilrariljr " .niba, 74 " " llM.ihD., M " " 1'r.p.r.d Itvildnaiil ' Pit C.r Oil " Trurk A II. Oil. " No, III) C.r Oil " No. 0 C.r Oil " No. 1 l .r Oil " No I C.r Oil " No. 3 f,r Oil " FrtDlrllo N.lar.l l,uhrl,linf. " H'.,tV., Nat. I.uhric.tlttK FrankllD 2S d. llr.llr " Mir. Inlwl " M.di, n Wlal.r " " 7,ro T..t " Wr.t V.. Klr Winter- " " M.illuin. " Rl.rk Ti.notid " llwi tnjtlnr H " UoloVo " ...m n " Ambfr " XXX " Kim !'; Hpinrll. OH " t'lmil.r Oil, Kllr. hr,tatu... " M.trblrH ( j l.nd.r Oil " N I Kiln Hn,l Oil g)l Oil, N. 1 " " l...rfllil r.tir.iWini.r ' I a Kb. 1 ' Mfneri' Yellow, 3 grade " f ttra Ni l,SgradeH W hit f arailea " t.init n I ( twit Amoflrtril " Turpentine (Hahr) " leDflTi uiivparj " - (!Oltj " No Ciooda at Retail Prlrra (uarantcrd. amira r4RRsai-ara. Tyrone At J. Hurlev A Bi-ni' Coal Yard, llontttlait At YanDaiea k Co. 'a Stone Ware- boo aa. CorweniTille Fratna n artboaie near Railroad Stalin. then Aerg Railroad Station. Addrtai all oreVra io LUCK flUX b9. Pbllipabnrg, May 4,'M-ly. Ct atrt toaaty, Pa. tv giflrrrtlsrmtnts. Finttt Dry Qoodt, Beit Boot and Shott, At H. A. Kratitr t. . 10 Ifl-ly. "jyoTICK. The nndenhyned. reiidlng la tha village of Wettoeer, in Cheat townabip, bus made tba Deoeaiary arranjr,KRifnti end pro poaaa to opA an EATING llOl'SK for tba aa. oouiiiiodaiion or the publio (teBerally, and I bare by au licit liberal ahara of the public patronage, JOHN J. tiNYDUl. Weetover, Pa., Feb. 9, )8HI-tf. TAlHS.OI.IiriON OP PAHTNKHHIIIP, X The pnrtnor'liip beretolureaxliting between . K. rho and Dtnfn Freeuan baa Ibis day (Saturday, Nur. 5, HHI) bren diaaidved by mutual oimoetil, and the booka of the tlria remain in the p'H'Msion of A. K. him IT. A. K. BIIOPF, HKNTU.N IlKKMAN. Madera, Pa., Nov. A, lshl-it. ISTKAV treapaaaina; on j the premiaaa of tba auberiber, in Munta tcwn-hip.ln Junaor July,IHS,TllltKK Tf H II K i: P. Tha owner ia hereby re.uoi- Yj Ud to oo me forward, prove properly, mmi pay chargea and take thorn away or they will bo diiporod of aa the law directa. CIIHISTIAN HA RTKb. Kylertown, Pa , Nov. IS, I tut I -St. HTM AY NTrJLrnme treifaafln on I j the premtaea of the unicriigneil, raalding In C'bent towniliip, on or about the lit of Keptem htr inn, a two ) ear old UKUTKKK, with white hind legd and a white apot on lha fur heed. Tha owner, or owoera, ia re(uated to enme forward, prove property, pay pruper charget and take him away, or ho will be difpoand of aa the law dl 'ant a, HAMI'KI, IIAKTZKLL. New Wahlngton( Nov. 2,1, ADM1NWTH ATdlt'S NtTI( Netioe ia hereby given tbi tetlera ot Adminiat ration on tbeealateof LAZ4KV8 A K MS THONU, late of Ferguson tornftbip, Clearfield flnuntj, Pa., dae'd, having btcn duly granted to tbeundcraigned.all peraona Indebted lo aaid eitatewfil pleaae mska immediate payment, and thoae having olaimi or demanda agiioet the aaiua, will preient them prnp eily auibct.tii'nied for teitlamont without dolay. (IKOltUK SI HAW, Admin iit rator. Lumber fliiy, Nov. 2:t, lttKl-fit.11 A I DITOIt'M NOTK l--Th undsrt igned Auditor appoinlfd to duiributo ibe pro oL'da ariaig from the HherilT'e aala of the prop erty of Iaiah ii. ltarger, under Vend. Ki. No. A7 June Term, Ihnl, tu and among the partiea legally entitled thereto, hereby givei nutico that he wtll ait to attend to the dutiea of bla appoint ment at hia ofliee, in Cleirfleld, on PHI DAV, the Will DAY of 1K"KMHKK, A. I). S1, at 2 o'c!ck P. M, W. A. HAfiKHTV, Auditor. CltaifleM, Pa., Nor. 2:id, ISSl-St. TXKt'lITiMl'f NOTIC'I-m Notte ia here- A J by given that Letlera Teatamentary on thai eute ot HKNHV IIAW J7,, late ot llmdr twp., C'learf.elil eonnly, Peoncylvania , deceaaed, hav ing bten duly granted to the underaigned, all peraona indebted to aaid eitate will plcaie make immeiliata payment, and thoae having claim or demandi agninat tha aame will preient them properly authenticated fur lattlcuaot. JAM US KAUAKKK, Eiecutor, Lutherabarjf, Pa., Oct. 10, IM.t. Town Lots for Sale IN COALPORT, Clearfield Co., Pa. V LA RUE number of town Iota can ba had at a remonablo price hy applying to John L. Ligbtntr, Jr., Agent, baid town la aiiuated ia the caul bavin on Clturtirkl creek, at tba termi ooua of the Uell'a (lp railroad. JiUfTS A SHAW, CiearfloM, Pa. Nov. lfi, tf81-lui. Wemnttmintonrt asflnllrttora f(.rlnfrnl!, Caveat, Tntilt- HurkH. t 'pyriuhtJ. He., t-r the rnlunl htatri ( aiioita. rnlia. F.ii(rlniid, Frnnrt'. (..Titiflnv, etc. Wu huve tiud tlilrl-tlvi yara' ex iHTlrni-a, "au tiUiitituiiifd UiP'tiL'lt m are tH'llrit In Ihi'PH tvrinc Awt:i.i('w. Thiiiiinro and dpi fi id lit llius trai'1 vvc'U!y iMiiH'r.ftil.aOuyfiir.bJKiWBlln1 PnvrvM nt H it'tiif, Is iiiu-n'sttiig.aiKl hiu an vnormoiia rlrruidtnti. Addn MI'.NN A (H., I'atrnt Mill I'm, t'uli . of S4'i.Tiric ammik-an. !fi I'ark Uow, Ni'W York. Hand txK.k about 1'iiU'iiUitn. jAitra trull. CARROLL L. BIDDLI IUirerentthe following firit-claaa Compaoitl. Liverpool h London A Olobl Eng.. .f.1S,!l?fl, 1 05 Phonix, of Hartford, Conn 3,073,1(1:1 Inauranc Co. of North America, I'bil r,:i0(i,V-1n 1'ui.oiylvania Inr-urana Co., Phlla... J.tSl.O.Sfl Queen Iniuranoe Co., Kngland 5,000,000 l.BBca'hire lonuranoe Co., England... 6,oflS,0I5 North Uritifh A Mercantile, Log V,3fll,lM; Western Aamranee Co., Toronto 1,4I1,0S6 Office on Market tit., opp. Court llouae, Clear field, Pa. June,'7tf-tf. VALUABLE LAMS FOR SALE I rpiIB ondenigned offera fur aala two valuable X farma altualed in Lawrence towniblp, aa fjl lowa : One hundred and twenty (120) acrei cleared and a good aula of culiivalion, and having (hereon erected a largo and fine frame dwelling houae, two large frame harna and oilier neneanary ontliuild iogi, together with a large orchard, good water, io., lo. tevrnty acres cleared and nnJr cultivation, but with no huildinga. 'The aaid land are aituata within 24 milea of Clearfield and the Panniy Ivauia KaHrond. ami are umlerlaid with bituuiinoui coal and fire ctay. Itraaon for Pelling. Oei'linifi)? henlih of owner' For further particular, Iririuirc of ibe rolxcrit'er, J. PHANK NVliKH. Au'y for Ow per. Clt-arfivld, Pa , June 15lh, lSl tf. i a in w r'itnnv. oiiuliiallv r'-m nniuulc"! unit IntnwIiK ed to the int-ili ul pruf.--lii aixl Dm puUilt Ht Inrge t.y b. t, Jt iri man, M. !., or 7 Perm Ave., pitrlinrg. IM , who prcm iHm-iI It to over ,iui a lli-ntv rno't Iti i-t-ci-v ..jyf li w.. B, .t ii ltritfsiinc.. HMMMHMHBnMI Itucirci-t iin ih. j ;, .ii 1, , i.iiir.j ui.i... tti it of any othnr rciocily, ini'l la tlie out) willed ti. h'-lr l.flliK th 'Y M M Milium lint i n I ll-.-MtM of tll V Man u.i Miimli n i nMiiatiiiii mii rinn an i HhfHcr, n with II. Pit in n IWtl uf l imrrcllciiu. sell mie, nm rilliiij t" i'i" il i lir tl irinnn n-n theartlVH in lin iili'a Imtit thfw loirnilli'titt mill tti o mil lining l hem into otie -tit)l cum i-mi'l. h nt cTir.K.ilit. ul. a wltli (he Vi' Mkiui at hi K S ah it in t-vrry i1lunu en.: ifm Fnrkuf ri-vfi.r.ill- -n roiu in, tired with tin tltat il n". Tln rt-lMit mi in (mii lint II wl ni'l ti-' h nnr nillx-nMi It will mil mm F . iwrili ulr M 'ir for a intmptili'i fJMBjajfajja HOFFER'S Cheap Qasi Store KIM IM NO, Til II I'll, Ot'l It IIOIItlE, Clcartteld, Pa., WIIOLKSAI.I! nEIAII. DKALKR IN DRY GOODS, Ccmpriaing Dren (looda of the very latert allet, confining In part of Car li merer, .Mnehtcr Fancira, A I paean, and all manner of Fancy Dres? Goods, Pneh aa Cretnna, Mohair Luitera, Platda, Ireri tlinghawf, Dreaa Fanclea n( the very Intel I at y lea, and aa cheap aa they can ba aold ia tbit market. NOTIONS, C'niiting of Glove fr Oenta, Latiet and Mma. H-ae of all abadea, fit Ik Fringe, l,ae, Fnnry Dreaa Huttona. Ladlea' 1 leant all ahadea and Itylei, CufJa and Co'lnra, Kibiiona of all kind and qnalitiee. Merino Inderwear, Trimminga, etc. BOOTS AND SHOES Qucensware, Hardware, Tinware, Cnrprls OlKioflis YJAImIm PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Which will b. Kid wholiul. tr null. Will ukt Country Produce la Eirlitiite fur (loaili al M.rk.t Vrlrei. WM. J. HomtR. l'lrflt.(, P., rt. It, IHHI tf. PATENTS Jim (Ivrrtlsrmrutd. W.J. LYTLE. If. jr. LITTLE y CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, PHILIPS1JUKO PENN'A. M0LASSKS, SUAII3, COFFEES, TEAS, &o., SPICKS, SJIOL'LDKR, HAM, SI UK, Sit:, LARGEST STOCK AT THE LOWEST PHICES. Agents for Lorillard's Celebrated Tobaccos. Pbilipaburt;, Pa., Novembar 9, Isftl-tf. 1881. FALL. 1881. A. THANHAUSER, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, PA. The Largest and Best Stock of AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, .FOR THE LEAST MONEY. Suits Made to order at Short Notice. ALBERT THANHAUSEK, Opera House Block, opposite postoffioe, CLEARFIELD, PA. 5- J.1-U8I If. NOTICE. ' HAVING JUST RECEIVED OUR Full .Mud Ifiifti- Slock OF DR Y GOOD, DRESH GOODS, MOTIONS, MIL LIXER YAM) FJXCY GOODS, WE INVITE the run li a to call and examine OUR STOCK and prices before 1'URCDASING elsewhere. Yours Respectfully, 3BE. 3s 3 xiac IT te o o.. ROOM NO. 2, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, CL,KAltFIEI.1, PF.NX'A. N. 15. In our Millinery Dqmrtuunt we employ none but fi rs t clns.s Milliners, nnd gunrnntce nil work to give satisfaction. II. LEHMAN & Co. SHit.mlii-r lSKI-lf. W. II. BALLENGER, WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST, AND DEALER IN SMOKER'S ARTICLES. THK LA KGKST ANDC11 EAPKST VA ftlETY OF CIGARS IN Til E CITY, Solo Agent ot I'liiladclphia of the W. H. B. and Engaged, also our Ideal Cigars, A LARGE VARIETY OF RpUGH AND READY ALWAYSOX HAND. A SPECIALTY MADE OF HENRY COUNTY ROUGH AND READY. HaTSTORES FITTED VP AT T1IK LOWEST CAHU PRICES, W. ll.BALLEXGER, Xo. 223 Blarkrt Street. Philadelphia. September 7th, IftSI-Iy r Oil i ()K - All kindi of job work eiecuted I la tha beat manner at tbia offiea. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Onrwtnarllla, Jan. I, T-tf. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Cnrwenarille, Pa., Jan. 9 , 1K7K-tf FRESH MEAT I rtlJIK nderlgned will fontlno the bnteherlng X buaineaa at the old etaJ. Meat market in ibe p tailing mill office, "D Piaa air tel. Frenb mtat every JMondyf WttJneidny, Friday and Ha'urday mornlnga. Tonr palrnagn la retpeet folly aoltcllrd. K. W. liKOWN, Per M. U. Hrowh. Clearfield, Pa., 11 I 8Mf. parm for Sac ' TUB onderaigfl'd rffrri for aala ONI Ht'N DRKb AC'hl 8 of bla Ana farm litaited in taw ranee townahip, Clearfield nnunty, Pa, an the main road leading from Clearfield hnroagb lo Anion? ille. There ia abol M aorta vtared and andar good aoluratioa, with two gnnd arebarde of choice fralt, a good aprlng nf para water, and anew freae hoeae, IftilH fet, aod at bar aat boildlnga, and alaaiheroon timber anil bnarda for a barn. The farm ia nnderlaid with 1HHKH VKINS OF CtlAh, Tbe andaf vein ia open. For further tierttealera tall en J. f. MeKanriek, Ut , In Clearfield, ar on tba prem laea where tba andaratgned ma rldea. J. W. THOMPSON, Carwinirllle, fa., Oct. 19, lfil-Sm J. G. LYXhK 11UTTKH, C1IKKSU, SALT, i-AIil), 4o, WILLOWWARE, 'iUEKNSW AHE, POTATOES, SOAi'H, Au. M OK ICY Tl I.OAN.-On flrat-elau lm prored farm property, by tba Mutual Lif Inauranre Company of New York, on Ant m"t a;lta, in eume from $1,000 op. For farther formation apply to the nnieriijroed. UI'R.XTIIAL W.fMITH. Olcarfleld Pa., May 7tb, 1870-tf. BRICK FOR SALE. There are lOO.ltM fd Rrlek for tale at tba Marahall Brick rd, tn tha npper end of the bomoRh of Cttt4. Briek will alwaya ba foand on hand (accommodate eny enatntner who may onll, i. M. MAI(MHALL,Atant. CtarBald, Pa., Ana;. 24, 188.8a. ADMINISTRATOR' NOTH'K Notlee la heretiy f Iran that Let ten of Admlnialra tioo on tbe aalata or BAMUKL RlloPP, lata of Iteecarla townahip, Clearfield Ca Pa., dee'd, harlni been duly inn ted to tha anderaiffnad, all peraona Indebted to aat 1 ettate will pleaae make immediate pay men t, and tbnaa h aria ft elalma ar demanda aftainat tha lame will preient them prop erly aethoLticated for aettlemrnt. ulthont delay. JANR HIIOFP, v Admiaiitratora. Ramay, Pa., Nor. M, t'RI-At. AGENTS! AOKNTS MARK TWAIN'S The beat and funnieat at mmm aa. A mm "xr'-' NEW BOOK. "The Trlncc nnd the rnupcr." Elf(tantly bound) with too fln ItluDtratloaa. Ttiii will ba lha Leading Book of tha Heaaok. AUENTS WANTKU In ererr Town. Dont rniii It, bat eand for airetlan at eaee and aeeare ebntra of terrllnrr. Ad dreaa, F. 0. BLISS & CO., Newark, N, J. li t ii-at. Jlfw 2Sdirrti5rwrut. HAVE The News I'ran MOORE'S? THE? HAVE JDST BECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, flats and CapJ AN l Gent's F:;::::::,: E:::; That Ever Came Into the County, AT THEIR STORE, ROOM Ml OPERA HOUSE, Gl O. ;. A TOM W.MOOHIi. Cl.arB.M, P... Jiopt. 2, fiom mirt, hacl r. ttivn YOU OAM Save moneY IN UCYINd YOUR (100DS FROM CJeo. i Paul F. Wenver, SKC0NB STRKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., KAIKUS IS Dry Goods, Notions, Boots? Shoes, HalsfCaps, GROCERIES, Carpels, Oil Cloths, &c, &c. ALSO, t'LOIIR, FISH, BACON, IIAM, SALT, 0AI8, CORN, CHOP, ETC. Thankful for f.vora, w. l&vlt. tha publla to eall and la. our larg. aod B.w Block of good., which wa will di.poaa of at raaaonabla rataa for rah, or oxchango l.r eonntrjr prodooa. Polita and atteollra darka to wait opeD ou, and prieaa down low. GEORQK A PAI L F. WKAVKR. Olaartald, Pa.,8apt. II. lSSl-tf. FRED SACKETT, MANITACTI-RHR OF Tin, Copper Slicrt-lron W'nrc, -AISO HEALER IN Hardware, Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves, Ranges and Stove Repairs. M ood and Iron Pumps, AMMUNITION AND FISHING TACKLE OF ALL KINDS. RoofingtS Spouting DONE OK SHORT K0TICI. Plumbing and Gas Fitting A SPECIALTY. ALL KINDS OF GAS FIXTURES Krpt eotutantly on hand. J-MIED SACKETT, CLEARriKLD, PKNN'A. Cl.arl.ld. Pa., Ktpt. T, HM-tf. Hew Stave Tinwaro Store ! FRED JOHNSON & BROS., .1 r iERRKLL'S OiD STAND, Oppoaita Caart IIo.'O, Markat alraat, CLEAItrELD, PENN'A, Deal ! ud Manufaetirara of Tin, Copper , She el-Iron Ware, AL1I0 BRlLini m Stoves ajvo ot any lite or dKrlptloi. A LARCiK ASSORTMENT OF Parlor. Boom and Cooking Stores Will ba krpt aomtantly oi hand, ar proenrad on abort aotioa. A QRNERAL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE FOH THE LEAST MOSEY And Manufaotared ant af tht boat Material aid ia a Workmanlike Manner. SPOUTING AND ROOFING Proaiptl, almdnl lo. GAS FITTING Attended lo, and OAS PIXTT RKfl tf all Kiada kept Uotitaatly ea hand. HEPAIllINO. All kiadl or Rapalrlaf wlllk. Proaptl al. Kaatlt doaa. LAMM, LAHTMIIS, roCKKT AND TABL1 CI ILKKV, TC, tTO. Ala. t Oaaaral Aaiortaaaat al BUILDERS' HARDWARE Allaf whirh wlllbaioldat R.aaoaabla Rata,. ... a. . Mil. A afcara of Pakllt Patroaaga la Boliatt... fRID JOUlilOIl k 1IRA I. Claartrld, P. , A.f. U, Itll-ln.