She jBtpuMuan. eCrL Gioroi B. Goodlandir, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. Wkdniwday Mohkino, KnVKMMCU :U). 1HH1 Reader, If yon. wanl t know what la going op In the buetneie world, juat read oor ailvertiilng olaune, the .Ipttiat oolutno la particular. BEcouiNa Lusty. It ii nnoum'od that Congressman Aloxundor 11. Sto Tens ia in bettor health than ho bat been for Ihreo years past llo now weighs ninety-lour pounds, while at one time he barely tipped tho beam at sovonty-three. Ligal Bibinehs. Judge Lynch had three cases last week. Ono in Texas, a second in Minnesota, and a third at Athens, Ohio. Tho latter was hung to a atringor or a bridge over the Hocking river. Evidently no trees grow around there. They Know. Tho Newark (Ohio) .Advocate gives it in this way: "Mr. Astor, ol Now York, although, to speak floriculturally, a rich, blooming aster, was not tho flower for the people. They proforrcd Mr. Flower himself, and so thoy nipped tho aster in the bud." Wonder bow natil Itook Henator Wallaea baa ia Iba Filtaburgb Oilier PKrtauwy Spirit. It that iB any of your business, why don't you go about it in tho right way J Addross a lottor to cither or both of the parties indicntcd, and you will no doubt loam something to your advan tage' NUDniNO SECRETAhY Ql'AY. Tho editor of tho WilUcs Barro Record, a boss organ, don't liko tho Quay-Grow affair. Hear him : "Colonel Quay may be bonostly in fuvor of tho nomination of Mr. Grow now, but bis experionco teaches him that many proper infill encea may change his mind before tho time of tho Convention arrives." "Timid Souls." Tno editor of the Buffalo (X. Y.) Express, a Radical or gan, in alluding to his party in this Stato, says : Tho Pennieleaota RrpublUina who fjrtnpa thiiad with Wolfo but did not role for btm. ara tr.tiojr to organiia nn independent movement to reform tbo part; from witbim. There ara eeiue good man in it, but they are timid aouli. Ho evidently knows something about his party frionds in this State. From the flrit election in Hareb to thoee of the Stb of November, thrra bai not onlj been no break In the Kepubllean eoluinn but wa have eaptnred Virginia. A 1'any Journal. The Journal is a rank Radical organ, and wo are glad to nolo its assumption, "Wo have captured Virginia." All tho decent Railicnl organs deny the job and credit the' case as that of the "Confederate Brigadier" Mahono with whom the) will not associate. The Boss Machine. Tho editor of theGrecnshurg Tribune, who Is a clerk in Socretary Quay's office at Harris burg, away after this fashion : Wolfe, although backed by all the political rabela and tort-ktudt in the State, including Me Clure, editor-in-chief of the Cilladrlpbia 7iwr,, and the l'lttibtirr Diipalck, and all greaael with tba content of Nolile'e bar'l,nt'rif, mot inijlori. ewly foiltd, to deitror the lteputtlioan party in tbii Mate. Tba trnth ia all the powera of hell and no otheri loomed to bo engaged in tba work were notable to diarupt and dratroy Ike orgnni- Wallaci Tho Clinton Democrat ol last weak gavo ex Senator Wallace an excellent send-off for Governor. Tho editor seems to think that with Wal lace at the head of tho ticket tho party would march on to victory next Kail. We, of course, second tho motion ol the gentleman from Clinton. The re ticle in question appears elsewhere in this itusue. Conomus. Ibis body moots at Washington noxt Mondy. This fact will cause tho vulgar crowd to divide, which has been flocking to tho Court House, listening to tho shtintoful details of tho Guiteau trial. Tho por nonal deportmont of tho Court, law yers, jurors and spectators, is too dis graceful to be kept in the vicinity ol Dead Wood, much less at tho Federal capitol, where ordiimry doconcy should prevail. The Eh rim State. They did some queer voting in Now York at tho re cent olection. For ten years the liadi rals have had from 20 to 50 on joint ballot in tho Legislature Lost year they had f5 majority. Now the Dem ocrats have the by two majori ty, and the HotiM by six, making a majority of eight on joint ballot. Moro: While the Radical majority on the Stato ticket was about 13,000, tho Democrats elected their nominee Marshall for State Treasurer by 22, 018 majority. Death or Dr. MacKeneie. Phila delphia has lost ono of her most emi nent authors and journalists in the person of Dr. Robert Sholton MacKen Eio, which occurred on Monday, No vember 21st, agi-d 72 years. His ill. nesa was but of a fuw days duration. The Doctor waa born in Limerick county, Ireland, and through his liter ary labors was well known to the read ers of Europe and America. As a lit erary critic he had few equals. His bead was full of names ol persons and dates, ready to give anybody an an- wer. Ho came to tho United States in 1S52. Aaocsb. Tho editor of tho "only true Republican paper in Clearfield county," last week, dilated npon the vole cast for Stato Treasuror, and sums np as follows: It It trident that If the Democrat! bad f otad olid for Mr. Nnbla, be would bora boon elected State Treasurer by a raall plurality over Oeneral Daily. At It ia, the Rapobheana oerUinly made a arrow area, reom defeat, renneeleenta la a HO' publtonn Slat wit bout denial and allthnt if aacaa- eery to hoop It eueb, ta lor tba hepublioana to b true to their rriaeipiet nnd true to their party nenlin nil blekerlnge and petty jealomtea Iroi ibeir uneila, nnd work for tho publit apod. The editor in question tells the truth in relation to the defeat ol Mr. Noble, but be gets off a "whopper" in the winding np of the above paragraph whoa be says, "And work lor the par- ty good." Had he said our private in terests he wonld have hit the nail on the bead for once. Moro: "Fennsyl. rania is a Republican Stato." That may be so, but after all it is tho prop erty of Simon Cameron t Son, who are the sole proprietors of the things that Toted for Baily. The rest of nt are all freemen I We reed no bosses. DOVRLK trovrlk. ... I Ihoso three colored cadets milled through Went 1'oint have eo't the Gov ernment more money and trouble than Guiteau will if his tiiul runs for two 1.- rri..- ..II...I r..- I , , 1 batlcoiiductamlimi'u hoifiiishuess. tbo , " 1 Bk , , . , ! second one clipped his ears anil r-Kiiinca i 11 his shiii.x, und thi n charged the white cadets with doing iir Two court mar tiuls proved that ho did it lii line If. Tho buck door of tbo Institutlun was loft open and Whittaker slipped out and has not been heard of since. The third Flipper finally was crowded through, after Hayes removed three of the best teachers at West Point who re fused to sign his certificate, knowing that bo was not qualified to receive a commission. Finally, after now teachers camo to the front, nnd Gon. Srhofleld, tho Superintendent, was traded off for that Negro Bureau and Krcedmatis' Bank robber O! Oil Howard Flip- pie graduated and was commissioned as First Lieutenant and sent to a mili tary post in Texas, whoro it seems ho has spent a good deal of Government cash that did not belong to him, and "cahooted" with too many colored ladios. Charges were proforrcd and a court-martial composed of five com missioned officers havo been silting on his case for three months. The"irreg. ularitics" (that's what a robbery is termed now under tho "grand moral idea" dispensation, when a Govern merit official or a bank Cashier is de. tcetcd robbing the Government, or the stock-holdors) in Flipper's csso to dato on cash account aro not to his credit. More : Ho has bail too much servant girl around him. Ho would be all right in Utah. Turned into Aliens. Tbo new Constitution is hard on election officers who perpntrnto frauds at tho polls. We notice that the Judge and Inspect ors of tbo eighteenth division of tho thirty-fourth ward in Philadelphia, who were arrested soon after tho last February election for having returnod but thirty votos for Mayor King, when it was proven In court that over forty persons had voted for him. After a trial of nearly two days, one of the Inspectors McKano was convicted. Tho rest of tbo board were unawaro that a fraud had been committed. J udgo Ludlow asked McKane if ho had anything to say as to tho persons whoinduccd him to commit the ofTcnce, to which McKano roplied that no ono induced him to do anything. Tho prisoner vras then sonlonccd to an im prisonment of nine months and to pay a fine of $100 and disabled for soven years from holding any position of honor, trust and profit in tbo Common wealth, and from voting at any general or special election. The scoundrel is therefore an alien to the Common wealth for seven years. Rather sovore for a freeman ! But right. Fuikie. A select squad of anti Cam- eromte Radical' mot at the Girard riouse, in Philadelphia, one day last week, for the purpose of reforming tho Radical party In this Stuto from the imide ; and in doing so they assumo that they will capture the noxt Radi cal Stuto Convention, and throw the bosses overboard. Parlies do not UBuully grow in honesty. Thoy grow dishonest. Mislortunu is the only healthy remedy for their corruptions. "Reform within tho party" is not a possibility. It is like an inflammation in tho stomach. If the inflammation spread it kills its victim; if reformatio tocds the party disappears. Tho squad indicated did not openly censure Wolfe and bis 1)0,000 followers, but they in timated tboy had gone too fur outside of the party and might, with propriety, bo called rebels, and eventually hung for treason. Wolfe has given the finds trouble anyhow, and if ho lives he will be on top oventually. Ben is Fencino. Tho Boston corres pondent of the Hartford Courant, Sen ator Joo 11 aw ley's paper, sees the finger of Ben Butler in the political movo mcnl of Massachusetts recently: "Mr. Butler is plainly getting ready for the canvass of 1882, when ho is to appear as a candidate for Governor, and his first step toward it is in tho nomina tion, of one of his men for Mayor of Boston. This was accomplished in tho Democratic Committee without a dissenting volo. Tho municipal cloo tion of this pity, which occurs on the 1.1th of December, is to awaken far moro interest than did that of the Stale last week. It promises now to bo one of tho most exciting contests wo havo ever had." Guiteau on Beecuer. The assassin got in on the tony divine in this way On Saturday in open Court: "1 notice my friond Honry Ward Bocchcr, is do ing some cranky work in this enso. 1 used to attend his church and prayer- meetings, and if your honor knew him as well as I do yon would not pay any attention to him. Tbcro aro a eood many people think he is badly orank od, socially, and have no doubt that Mrs. Tilton told the truth and be lied about it, and 1 toll him to publicly." It Win no no Lonoer. Tho Now York Post, a leading Radical organ, in alluding to tho Wolfo canvass mado in our Stato, remarks: "Mr. Wolfo bos Buccoedod not only in demonstrating that thcro aro Republican votos enough in Pennsylvania to defeat the machino in an election, but also jo convincing many Republicans not as independent and uncompromising as he is that it will no longor do to lot the Cameron machine govorn tho Republican party." SuAimr States u en. -Some mighty small potatoes aro being turned np just now as Soulhorn candidates for a seat In President Arthur's Cabinet. There are few Southern Republicans, howevor, of any olhor sort. They are gonerally repudialors, and mon who sign their name with an X.' Such are the marks ol integrity and intelli gence with which the majority, and a large majority too, of the Radical party in the South is endowed. More Screws Loose. It appears from the report of the Roceiver, that 'the ofliccrs of the Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company, at Muncy, have made away with 1176,472 03, and it will take an assessment of 22 per cent, on the premium notes to make np the defalcation. That's too blunt U'e should have named the crime as an "irregularity," in accordance with "the progress ol (he age." A RCCEEYES OPINION. Tho editor of tho Newark (Ohio). ,, . . ,.,,, i I A ll ocate enjoys a largo perwuiul at' itiaintaiit oin the northwestern portion of our Sluto, und having taken a do- iile.f Interest In tho election of Mr. Noble us Stale Treasurer, ho scorns riled nt tho result, and expresses his . . . . ..ii-.n: i views in tins manner " lam I.. Seott, of Erie, l'a., who is tho member i of the Deinocraliu National Committee from that Stato, disgraced his position nt the lutu election by oppoxing thu nominee of the purly lor Statu Treas urer. The sooner such men aro ex pelled Inim high places of trust In the Democratic party, tho bettor it will ho for tho parly, fur the country and for the people. It was well understood at tho opening of tho last Presidential campaign that General Hancock de sired Senator Wallace, of Pennsylva nia, to be placed on the National Com mittee and made its Chairman instead ofpig-hcaded llurnum. But pig-hended Scott refused to retire and tho pig heads and fossils were enabled to keep brains out of tho Commitloo, Thoro is a wide-spread opinion among tho Western Democracy that had Senator Wallace been at the head of the Na tional Committee tho rosult would have been different and General Hancock would have boon elected. It would be some satisfaction to have stupidity nnd treachery properly rebuked, and tho first thing in order is to kick Scott out of tho National Coinmitteo and substi tute a livo Donincrutin hisplaco." ANOTHER SHIP CANAL. The Pittsburgh Board of Trade is fuirly on end over the fact, that an actual survey of tho Allegheny river from that city to Olean, N. Y., demon strates tho fact that tbo river can bo so improved that a minimum stage of six feet of water can bo kept up all tho year to Olean, and from that placo a ship canal is to be opened to Lake Erlo. This project looks ontirely fcas iblo at this distance and wo hope it will not bo treated slightly. A public meeting was held by a largo number of business firms in Pittsburgh and Allegheny city, and convened at tho Board of Trado rooms, in the former city, on Tuesday, Nov. 29lh, 1881, for tbo purposo of taking steps to put the movement into prac tical shape. Tho reclamation of this magnificent river would bo a great blessing to Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, and the rest of tho Union generally. We hope that those who havo charge of tho scheme will not let it drop. A CARD FROM Mil. MEAD. DtBois, Pa., Nov. 21, 1881. To Whom it may Concern : Having heard rumors in regard to tho position taken by Mr. John M. Troxel at iho lato election held for Stale and County ofliccrs, I deem it my duly as Chairman of tho Duliois Vigilance Committee, knowing these accusations to be utterly false, to rcliito them, ll has been said that Mr. Troxel was not a true Democrat at the last election, und the fact of him having been in the field lor the nomi nation of County Treasurer would givo some color to tho assertion. But from the day of the Convention which mailo the nominations, until the last hour on election day, ho did all in his power for tho straight Democratic ticket, which ho voted himself and urged all his friends to do tho sumo. lucso aro facts which 1 know person ally, and I challenge contradiction from any person or persons, regard less of poli lies ; and I will plcdgo one hundred dollars, or moro, against a liko sum deposited by any person or persons who will provo my ussorlions untrue. Yours for Justice, S. J. Mead, Chairman Committco. Slcu a Mixture. About tho sick liest "compromise" ticket yet proposed for tho Republicans next year is: Gov- crnor, Gcnoral James A. Beaver, of Centre ; Lieutenant Governor, Hon. W. T. Davies, of Bradford ; Judgo of tho Supremo Court, Hon. Georgo Lear, of Bucks: Secretary of Internal Af fairs, Hon. John Mr. Greer, of Butler. A West Chester papor prints it "simply as a matter of news." "This," it is sniil, "would bo a fair mingling of both elements of tho party Beaver and Greer being Stalwarts, and Davies and Lear Independents." Quay is evi dently not tho juiugest joker of his party. Givo tho cap and bells to tbo man who would run Lear and Davies as Independents. The City Disturbed. Philadel adolphia has a double sensation on hand. U bus just loaked out that dur ing tho yoars of 18"3-4-5-C and '77, the City Treasury was dcftauiled out of about a million of dollars annually by the Clorks in tho Tax Receiver's oflice. The case is undergoing inves tigation. Tho noxt is an elevated rail road tho whole longth of Market street and along tho Delaware river up to Kensington and down to the Old Navy Yard, making about 12 miles of road. Of course all tho street-car railroad mon are fighting this movement. But the road will be built nevertheless. I. O. or O. F. Tho report of tho Secretary of tho Grand Lodgo of Odd Follows of the Stato of Pennsylvania shows a gain of 1(1,1.')!) members in tho yoar 18H0, a greater number than wns lost in throo years preceding. Tho reports of the Sovereign Grand Lodgo show that nearly halt a million of mon are to-day active and earnest workers in tbooauseof Odd Fellowship. Within fifty years nearly eighty-three million of dollars hnvo been paid into the treas uries of subordinate lodges and encamp ments, which bus mostly been distrib uted to relieve dying and distressed Immunity. Krary Republican newinapar In Ilia country edmlte that tba Treatury wan plundered by tba Star Root gang. Keary Republican aewapaper in the country elalmad It aa one of lha virtual of the Republican party that It woult bring tho acala to luetioe. Why la It, than, that not ona of tbaan haa yet been puntibed, and all are going ta get of foot freer" Jttwnrk (Oato) Aiffocnrc. Well, now, that's "a poser" for some sublime Radical to answer I Of course they will shinny out on MacVeagh now, since they pushed iim out ol the Cabinet for moddhng in the case. Will He Bi Tried. Captain Uow gato, who has plundered the Govern ment the past three years out of I.M, 000 by theft and forgerios, is being or namontod by indictments anyhow. The Washington grand jury has found soven true bills against biin. Will be be tried 1 That's tho question. A True Bill. Tho Washington Grand Jury bus founds true bill against one Jones for attempting to shoot the assassin, Guiteau, one day last week;. MA .V I In IS7I, when the whirkcy ring revelations litnkt' out in Chicago and St. Loui', G i mil hitMened 1t telegraph tho District AttornctM at those places, saying "Let no t;iitlty muit escape." They ull got uwuy. Tho editors of the St. Loins A' ptit.'i'a.t, in the above cuptiuii, cMilcntly iii'iHiiot,-d "lite Government," while uliiitiing to mote recent ovents. Hettr him : It is impossible to misinterpret the tlist nignul dist'tiintUuru which thu prosecution id iho Slur route Iraudsat uushiiigtnn husciicottntcrcd Jt moans that the prosecution is a tuiluiu, anil that it has boon intended ull ulong thut it should be a failure. Tho voluminous excuses, explana tions, pulhutioiis und promises thai follow the first doleat of the Govern ment aro nothing moro than pari of tho play. Tho publio is disappointed and disheartened, and souiolhing la needed lo delude it. Hence the prom iso of bettor things next time; tho pretonded assurances ubout retrieving by indictment whut has been lost by information ; about prosecuting the offenders whoso offences are not barred by tho statute ol limitations, nnd ubout bringing the wholo matter before the grand jury "on tho first opportunity." This is all humbug. Brady is free and will remain froo. Ho received the congratulations of bis friends who crowded the court room, and, no doubt, embraced not a few distinguished per sonages. Tho Government, having fulled in its case ugaiust iho ringleader, will fail in its case against tho smaller offenders, oven if it ttoeps tip tho pa tiencu of a prosecution, and for decen cy's sake ought to stop the mock piny, and abelain from further attempts to delude the people. Tho purest acting in tbo whole play was furnished by Mi. Cook, Assisianl Atlornoy-Gcnoral, in his "explanation" of tho failure of Iho Government to make out un indictment within the proper time. hut thorough mouth ing and gushing over tho nKFassiiiution ol iho late President, as nn excuse for his nogligoiico ! Whal a blubbering picture is that ho drew of a whole cabinet of seasoned politicians so "overcomo with grief and paralysed with sorrow" as to bo incapable ol doing their duty lor weeks und months! What pnlhos ho throw into the sketch of tho "weeping, fearing, hoping and praying" in the departments; of em ployes so gorged with grief that "they could do hltlo effective work." It was while this protracted exhibition of weeping and praying was going on in iho departments, anil ofliccrs and employes wero benumbed Willi grief, that iho timo for indicting the ringsurs had slipped away, and when the blubbering otHcials nt last came to their senses, it was to find that it was too luto to proceed by indictment! "Tho delay had been primarily and chit-fly caused by the assassin's bullet." Surely Mr. Cook docs not expect thu public to swallow this rubbish. Il is bald acting and nothing elso. Tho miserable wretch Guiteau has enough to answer for without attempting to muko hiin responsible for tho release of the Star route ring. .Mr. Conk and tho other Government otHcials whoso duty it was to prosecuto are to blumei for this. They never intended thai Brudy should bo convicted. The Ni:miieii of Congressjieji. A Washington telegram announces that General Francis A. Walker, ox Super intcndenl of tho Census llurcau, has submitted a statement lo the Secretary of the Interim conluiniiigt-oinc Interest ing fuels concerning the representa tion in tho next lloneo of Roprenentii tires, Tho totul population of the Slates I!,!!71,;il0 with tho number v( Representatives at the present fig ure -tl would give ono Jlepreseu tativo to overy 10!i,080 of population. Upon this basis the following changes in representation would cnsiio in the Forty-eighth Congress : Arkansas, California, Michiiran, Mississippi, South Carolina and West Virginia would gain ono each; Minnesota and Ne braska gain two each ; Alubuma, Illi nois, Maine, Maryland, New Hump shire, Ohio, Tennessee and Vermont would loso ono ouch, Pennsylvania two and Now York three. Tbo other States would show no change A Horriiile Discovery. Tho Kl miru Advertiser soys : "For a number of wooks past thoro has been a largo sized box in store at tho Northern Central depot, marked 'J. W. Curler, Klmiru.' Whoro it came from could not last night bo ascertained. Yostor day evening a number of employes out of curioaity decided to open tho box. 1 hey did so, und were horrified to nnd that it contained a human skeleton. Tho flesh wits all olf from tho bones, but by the long hair it was evident that it wus the remains of a woman. Tbo sight wus a sit kening one, and the lid was quickly placed huck on the box. A riuid and thorough exam ination will bo made as to bow the body camo to tho depot, who wero the senders and consignee. At present there is nothing known except tho finding of tho remains, which wore in a largo, square box, packed in hay." His Home Run- The Eric Observer says that tho ostimato in which Mr. Noblo is hold by his fcllow-ciUZons of Erio city and county may bo judged by a comparison of his volo wilh that of Hancock in ISrfO. Tho pluralities of that year and this aro shown below inin cirr. Ilancock'i plurality 123 Noble'l plurality 470 Noble'l gafn Rts rot'HTr. derflold'l pineal Ity Bally'a plurality . Ji.1 KM Kobla'l gain Kit This, too, in tho face of tho vilest and most inexcusable opposition that a man vr had -encounter In tho political history of Eriocounty. Noble's Knin In tho county over Bailey wjts 2.00S. The Postokhoe Medlev. Tho an nual report of tho Postmaster General among othor statistics, contains tho following: In tho dend letter oftloo during Iho last year wero 3,i23,021 letlors. Of tho letters and packages opened 18,817 contained money amounting to IO,r)S7.80; 22,012 con tained drntts, money orders, chocks and notes, tho nffuroirute valuo of which was t l,8!)!),0(i2 ; 37,978 contain ed receipts, paid nolos and rancollod obligations of all sorts; 311,731 con tained photographs; 01,5511 nontainod small remittances of postago stamps, and in 75,2111 wore found vuhialilo ar tides in ondlcss variety. The amount of money in doad loiters for which no claimant could betonnd was fti.osl.-ll) which was deposited in the Treasury A New Deal With ton Rcadjnstcr blacks in tho Virginia Jlouso of Dnlo gates and three in tho Senate, the wholo Legislature will have a read justed appearance. Such aro the men the Fedoral administration is boosting into power. Tho maority of thorn nevor paid any taxos, and yet thoy favor the repudiation of publio and private debt. What a "grand moral idea." Tho young man who has "adopted European ways" and "doesn't like this country," is becoming unpleasantly nu merous. But the fates aro kind to him. He does not know what a ridic ulous crcalnre be Is. Prooriss. lie fails to see himself as others see hira. "LET F. YE 11 Y (il'ir. TY ESCA 'A'." I1M J LA CE FOR GOX ERXOR. Tho editor of Iho PitUbiirih Critic. like thu WnllV men, takes Iho Hold early. They want our townsman, ex Seuator Wallace, mado Chairman of the next Slato Committee, or nominated for Governor, and submit the following reasons : The first in tho field lor tho cam puin of 12 aro tho Independent Re publicans, who refuse to wear the col iur of the Cuiuerolis. Thoy propose lo open tho ball at once, and with vigor. Certainly Ihe surprising vole thut Mr. Wolfe received throughout the Stale, tint withuuL organization, without means und without those a'lcessorioa ol stumping, etc., thut are recognised as prime levers in polities is oucoiirug ing. Hut whut of the Democratic paily? Certainly it is not deud, tor though Noblo was not elected in Penn sylvania iho Democratic gains through out the country show thai the parly is steadily progressing. Heretofore il has boon the custom lo awuit the ac tion of tho Republican Conventions, be fore the Democratic aro tilled. This is suicidal as well as absurd suicidal, because il gives the opposition the ad vantage of iho field and the canvas ; absurd because the Democrats in sell defense aro obliged lo fight from a platform of negations, whereas, by be ing first in tho field, they can make the campaign ono of persistent aggres sion. To this end no time should bo lost in preparing for holding tho Con venlion next year its soon us Congress shall havoadjoumed. There is nodouhl that the trial of tho Star route thieves and tho investigations of tho Treasury Department will havo tho effect of im paling tho Republican parly on the spear point of publio opinion, while a wise and honest policy pursued by tho Democrats in Congress will carry the party to that point where success ia uiMirtd wilh anything liko vigorous effort This can only bj achieved tin dor nn Indomitable like Wm. A. Wallaco, whose trenchant blade has oftca brought victory to tho Demo cratic hosts ; whoso magnetic influence in tho Senate gavo him a power ri.. 1 cd by lew, and whoso hand at the" hum ol tho last Prcsi'.feiilial campaign, il is now generally admitted, would have piloted tho old Democrutio ship in safety to the haven of triumph. Ho has Lis enemies of course, us whul great mind has not. With him as Chuir man of iho Democratic Suite Commit too there would bo no such word as fail. There is not tho shadow of a doubt thut Iho Republican party will bo helples-ly rent by intestine feuds next year ; lhat the Cameron and anti Camoron factions will battle each other to tho death. Wisely and boldly led, tho Democratic parly cun win ; with out such a leader as Wulluco. who is in no sense a boss, the contest will be) luiilu. So much will bo involved in the contest next year tho Executive, tho Legislature, Congressmen lhat it is folly to cnlcr a campaign uuorgan ir.ed, and thcro is no Democrat in tho Stato whoso genius as a political gen eral is so great as that which distin gnishes William A.. Wallace. If he bo would accopl tho Gubernatorial nomination ho would bo iho man ; if will not tho party noods him as mm a;,'t r of the campaign of 1882. THE CI R EES BACK VOTE. There is a certain lapse of timo after an election before wo cun learn the vote of tho Greenback parly. Our Green back friends yoncra I ly charge this to tho jealously of tho old pnrtios or the Associated Press managers. Hut the truth is, it is of no account in getting at tho general result and il is considerable- expense lo those getting returns by telegraph to gel tho neces sary vole, and the Greenback, Prohi bition, A nli Masonic and olhor minor voles aro left fur the clower but cheap er and more B' curute official reports which puts tho Greenback voto this your al M 978. For tho benefit ol our Greenback friends who still wish to amuse themselves in thoir usual way, we givo ihe Vote of llicir party sinto 18?8: For Meton for lloeernor, IS7S SI.T.'.S For Suttun for Trenorer, 17 J,M7 For Wearer tor Freiiileot, IrO .n.tiss tor Jacln. n for Trraiurar, 1S9I II UTS A little figuring will easily fix the vote lor uexl yoar on tho present slid ing sculo. Alter the polls close thoy need not worry about returns, but just put down tho voto at about K,0UU and go lo bed satisfied that their estimate is not for wrong. Exchange. I'nuku the Axe. The Philadelphia Telegraph remarks: "Thn Garfield Republican placemen of Ohio are loeling their heads overy morning to make sin e something has not happened, and Senator Sherman has apparently, kindly undertaken to act a protector, in-chief for his imperiled friends. Un easy lies tho head of ony outspoken Garfield man under this Administra tion, and il will bo interesting to watch tho flah of the axe tip and down the Ohio wilderness And who will dure say lhat Mr. Shorman will not bo ono ol tho first men to applaud tho coining work of destruction ? Ho is now only kicking up Iho dust to hide bis retreat." A Nice Reduction. Postmaster Huidekooper, of Philadelphia, in his annual report to tho Federal authori ties shows that while in the first eight months of 1880 the gas bills wore $!,.r95, during Iho sumo period this year they wero but (2,702 &0, tho reduction in this particular having been accomplish ed through tho introduction of the electric light at an estimated annual cost ol P5, 000. 1 1 is bulievod that the saving to thu department in a year will reach ft), "01). An establishment lhat can save (500 per month on light is worth looking alter, especially when tho light is bettor than gas or oil. The Value or Letteiis or Accept ance When President. Arthur declar ed in his lottor of aeocptanco that it was not sale to place tho Democrats in power, as il would tond lo repudia tion at tho Sou th, he wns applutuled. Now that he aids Mahone and Kiddlo borgcr, whose undopinning is repudia tion ; now lhat ho nppoinls ofllceri to plonso and strengthen them ; and is reatly to placo Mahono in his Cabinet, some ol tho Republicans labor hard to smooth over his action, while a good many others look on silently and sourly. Jlirtford Timet. The Hist Yet. It is stated that Sidney Dillon, ono of Jay Gould's part ners, is about to build the costliest and most ornate private residence on this continent. Il is to be erected at the cornor of Filth avenue and Seven''. sixth street, Now York, and the house with tho grounds surrounding it will cover thirteen full city lots, four of which will be on Fifth avenue. As Sidnoy has millions to spend, lot him plant a good houso and thereby givo employment to soveral scores of roo chuuics who aro on tho lookout for something of tho kind. Strange thing that when I get all thcBO old matters disposed of this neu ralgia comes on to koop mo awako nights, Ritmarck. The result of the recent olection in Germany has given the Prince moro trouble than what be open I v complains of, Tho Empire and tho King were never so badly defeated before. L'ko a King of lbs old time, ho sees tho hand writing on the wall, but he lacks the interpreter, An Opening. Ron. Edgar M. Mar bio, Commissinnor of Patenls, has ten dered his resignation, to take effect Urcombcr 1st, in order to accept more lucrative employment as Land Com miHoner for the Northern Faclfla Railroad Company, THE FVTVRE OE S TA TE POLI TICS. 1T oiler thin caption a tow weeks ago, the editor of the Ctiut'in Ihmocral, nf-l ler alluding lo thu fuel llo.l iho Pitts- burgli Critic bad culled out ox Senator! Wallace fur Governor, tho edilor in' question continues ns follows: j "Without knowing anything of the view, intentions, i.r ainbitioiiH of Mr. j Wullucj we do not husitute lo sny thill his Icu lcrship is absolutely i-equireil ll Deiuoeraiic nuceess in ihe Stuto is to! bo hoped for. Since bo loll the Stuto J Coininiltiit the party has bud no lead- orsbip thai was eviin rcspeclublo. Whether that leadership boasChair- man of its Slato 'ormniitou or nit he candidatu of Iho Democratic parly for Govomor, is prohulily unimportant, and tho "eternal Illness of things" would scorn to point to hiin as the can ilinulu. Uul in cither position be could and would do most effectual service, and his leadership would portend sue cess. Ho is an able, vigorous, oner golic, brave, aggressive fighter, and with him to load thoro is no placo for laggards or the indifferent, hut all must become Involved in tho hall to. "it is a matter of common obsurvu lion lo the older and cooler politicians, men of reflection, close observation and experience, thut since Mr. Buchanan left tho political slago, Mr. Wallace is Iho only ono that husappourod upon it who showed equal qualifications for tho leadership of a largo party, or, in fuct, any positive or vssoulial quaiifi cations in that direction, if no has shown weakness a, all it has been an apparent retreat from a pinition that scorned to invito every mousing owl in tho Commonwealth to hawk at him. But that will be tho fate of any bravo, bold man who is equal to the occasion and accepts leadership. Unpleasant as abuse and misrepresentation is, It is an inevitable ailouilunt of eminence, ol excellence and of superiority. No pub lie man can escape it and perhaps ought not to, for il is un almoner that guards hiin not only from curelossnoss, but that also strengthens him againsi temptation and stiffens hid courage and patriotism. Notwithstanding the apparent retreat referred to, we know that Mr. Wallace is a man ol loomiich "ourngo and patriotism to shrink from duty if his party makes ihe decided fall its interests and hopes of success demand. "For one, then, we say let that cull be made Whut is tho use of fooling timo away with torn tit leadership when wo have Mien of giant power who may bo ttlilisod in that way ? Tho ncxi clcol ion will boa most, important one politically, and upon tho result ol il will depend tho fuluroof tho Democracy in this State, and probably of the na tion. Then let us provo equal to tho grout occasion and put forward our ablest loaders. Il is ihe part of com mon sense and of a inunhood that is worthy of respect." The italics aro ours. Tho Erie Herald, Punxsulawnoy Spirit, and all other "mousing owl" and "loin-til" organs please copy. Editor Rep A PRETTY GOOD SIGN. The coalition formed betwocn the Federal Administration and tho Ma hono-Riddleborgorrepudiutionisls alias re-atljustors and tho lively demand for Confederate bonds at tho same lime, is a pretty good indication lhat tho Grant-Arthur gang havo promised the Virginia Freebooters something hand some. Tho Carlisle Volunteer says throe things ore in contemplation by tho Arthur Administration, to wit: 1. The re adjustment of the debt ol Virginia. 2. Tho payment of the Confederate bonds. 3. Tho re ndiusttnent of tho United Slates. Tbo first ol theso objects bits boon practically accomplished bv tho victory of tho Ro adjusters in Virginia, which was secured by the aid of tho Federal Administration. The second is bcini prepared forbv the purchase of Confederate bonds. When the groat bulk of tho whole soveral hundred millions issued shall have been gathered into iho hands of Ihe personal and political friends ol Arthur, Grant and Conkling, Congress will provido for their payment at tho ralo of fifty cents on tho dollar. ' Tho third will follow. Virginia's ro adjustment and tho payment ol iho Confederate bonds at half their fitco valuo will be quoted us precedents. All theso things will ho done, and all objections to them by Northern Republicans will bo quieted by assur ances lhat this is tho way lo breuk the South off from tho Democracy und at tach it lo tho Republicans. Tho Republican party, through its President and representative politi cians, has bribed Virginia by re adjust ing her debt and swindling her credit ors. The sumo party, through thu same persons, propose to bubo iho whole South, first by paying the Confederate bonds, which wdj put ft largo amount of money in tho Lands of such Southerners as hold on to their bonds, beaides ministering to iho pride of tho people of that section; nnd secondly by scaling the debt of iho United States down ono half, whit- will relievo tho Southern people of so mticu ol their sliuro ol it. Lot persons who may doubt that theso Hung are in contemplation ex plain, if thoy cun, how it comes that, coincident with Iho f ederal Adminis tration's espousal ol tbo Ro ndiustoi ca'iso in Virginia, a biisk demand has arisen In Now York (Arthur's homo) lor l oiiteiieroto bonds. Half the debt of Virginia sliced off ; half tho Contedeioto tlebl paid; ball tno ootii t.i i lie Lulled Mates repudi ated : This is tho nroerammo of the Republican lenders and Ibis is the brico the Northern pooplo aro required to pay for prospective Republican ascend ancy in a IV Unutliuill tsiulro. Uf courso this will bo denied, but the Republican loaders bate done a great many things that thoy havo do niod bitterly when charged wilh in tending to do thorn. '1 hey had to conceal their purposes and bring their party up to certain measures by slow degrees, amj this s tho way thoy will manage aguup A Little Inconsistent. Tho Phil adelphia North American remarks : "When Mr. AlacVeagh banded in his resignation certain gentlemen arose and wauled lo know if he was about to shirk out of tho prosecution of the Slur route cases, llo was told that V was bis dtty to rcmal.i In tbo Cabinet, if tho Prc.idont desired it, until the caees should be disposed of. As time passed and Mr. MaoVeagh remained in his oflice, the ramo gentleman nroso and asked why bo did not go. Exactly. The Pittsburgh Post says : "Suppose Hancock had been eloctod last yoar, How the present queer little boom In Confederate papor would have alarmed all tho Republican or gans!'' Yes, then it would havo boon "the Conlodcrate Brigadiors." But now it turns out lo be the Confederate Roadjustcrs led by Mahone and Ar thur, who bave brought about tbo noom. A Good Sl'ontivnoN. The Collector of tho Port ot Chnrluaton, S, t, Ihinkn it would belp tho "InuopunJoni move merit in that State 11 he woro ro-in pointed by IVonulotit Arthur. All tho out hern ofllro holder, Boeing how Muhone and hii itoad junior in Vir ginia ai bundling "tbo Government" lu their own pertonal Intoroatu ire juet now indexing tn that way. PL VCK Y (1 J! EEN RA CKERfi. A Washington newspaper utun his been interviewing some ol the Green backers lately, und ainoiigkthein II. Murlin Williams, a .Mis-omi Green back edilorund politician, who remains in Wu'hingtoii in um! up tho Speak ership. He says : "There aro tunc Greenback Con greesmen elect llur.C'ltine, Um-o, Fold and Burrows, of Missouri; Jones, ol Texas; Hruinuit-nd Musrovo, of Penn sylvania, and Munh and i.add, ol Maine not one t.f whom will assist the Republicans in organizing the iluuso. They were all nominated by tbo Greenbui-ltet-s, mudo tho rueo us such and will hold their caucus and nominate candidates of Ihcirown party lor ofliccrs of the House and stick lo ihotn lo tho la .t. So fur us tho Green backers from my Slato are concerned it would bo worse than political death for them to do otherwise. They havo no desire to and will not do otherwise. They aro honest, iruo, bravo men, who will prove Iruo to their conviction und the parly which nominated Ilium. If the Republicans must have outside help to organize the House thoy will have to gel it from soino oilier sourc es than iho Greotihnokcrs." "In f-nso tho bine Grcctihaek mem. bers hold Iho hulunce of power, could not a combination be effected between them und tho Democrat-! to organize tho House?" wus askud. "That would bo like a union between tho armies of sin and righteousness," curtly replied tho Stalwart Missouri Greenharkur. "Wo don't want any thing to do wilh the Democrats any more than wilh the Republicans. Why, during tho last four weeks A. Howill declared ho would rullier see the lio publicans organize tho llouso than have the GrcenbaekerB organize in whole or in part. Ono thing cun be roliod on. If the Greenback members hold the balance ol power they will lorco an organization of the llouso in the interests of the pooplo against thu money power and the monopolies, it u requires two years to do it Wo are fighting for bread and will nt be sat isfied with a stono." flow He I'ut It. The Washington Republican (Gorbam's organ) bits sev eral cases in this way i "Ttio l'liila delplnu Times, MnoVeugh's organ, says "the impression bus got abroad ttiul tho present administration will throw barriers in tho way" of tho Star route prosecutions, and intimates lhat tho quashing of tho "information" was in somo way owing to tho interference of Arthur. For dastardly lying and ma licious domination commend us to boss reformers like McCluro and MacVeagh, nee JlcVey." A Koouhu Mistakb Don'l make the mistake of confounding a remedy af acknowledged merit wilh tho nu merous nuuck medicines thut aro now so common. Wo speak from cxpcri-l onco when wo say that Parker's Gin-j ger Tonic is a skirling hc.tlih rostoru-i lir-.t u-;tl .1,. ll tl...i . In: I j.I ..... ...... .., uu ,,,, ,IUi ,n i;iuuit.-U ll, r it. Wo bave used it ourselves with tho bappicat results for Illieutnalisni and when worn out by overwork. See advertisement. Times. 11 ft -It. How Is It? Considerable odds is mado over tho tux on whiskey, beer and tobacco. Would tbo repeal i f Iho lax on these cornniooitics cheapen them 1 And if they were cheapened, would tho country or tho people he benefitted thereby f We a-k lor in formation. Vt o favor tho taxutum ol luxuries and allow tho necessaries to go free. If wo must have lax, put it on Iho right thing. A LoNIl likldN. (Oll.n Vieloroi completed on October "."iih a ronn ol forty-four years and iS days, which is just, tno lengtu ol timo tioen liliza bclb at on tbo throne. Victoria has now reigned longer than any other English sovereign except George III., uenry in. ana I'.clwurd 111. Tho Pennsylvania Kail road has ar ranged to send a sleeping car to llar risburg every morning. The coach lies there during tho duy and is attach ed to tho midnight train for Philadel phia. Passengers cm sccuro berths during the day and go to bod in the car whenever they liko. Don'tiie Cri'el. Tho Huston Herald, in alluding to a gang of Government robbers, says : "ft is the thought in Iho West that tho Star routo men will let tho Government down easy and not sue for damages." A Nicrt Monthly Dili.. Secretary Kirkwood, on tho 2Nt inst , signed requisitions or. tho Treasury for 87, 000,000, the total footing of tho pen sion rolls for llecetnber. My son had a torriblo skin disease of bead and fiteo. I'eruna cured him Mrs. K. Veilcr, I'ill-burgh. Perui.a should be taken for nil skin diseases. 'Jlcic dwttsfmnus. AMMTOirH KOTI:K.-Ia Ua m.Hcr ef the itl of tlic properly of Cbarlai A. Ilnln, by the Sheriff of Clt-aifloM count?, Cftinai trania. On motion of Muiray A (ion. on, with Ihe ooo wnt of J. K. MrKrnriek, att-Tuey for ttanhin)t fiftdit r, T J. MeCuHuufh waa aripomtt-d Audi tor to dtntribute the proneed. II y virtue of the (aid appointment, I will altMid lo Ihit rintv on SATURDAY, the 2-tT II IY f DKCKMHKH, IK81, at ur '0i In Oleardeld, at Mo'clook A M. ofaaid dv, when and here all partial lotaraftid oun attend if they toe proper. TIIOS J. MrCrLLfHTQII, Auditor. CloarlalJ, Pa., Nov. HO, l8M-3t. DIVOm r.NOTICH -In Ihe Court ofCnm. mon Fleaa if dent Held county, Fenna. Harah J. Ogden. fcy her 1 nest friend, 8ibpwaa In Mvoref. W. S. Ocdeo. The untUrulf rted Commiutopu appoiattd by tha aatd Court In take trinunny in the enure fane, and report the tana to the laid Court, will a l lend to the tlutiei of hia appointment at hla office In Clearfield on FRIDAY, DKCKMHKK lfl, 1881. at f o'clock P. M ., at which time and place all partita In inlet ett nay attend. w. A. HAdhRTY, Ctearfletd, tm- Nov. H, II 41. OmMlxploner POSITIVELY CURED ar Benson's Capcins Porous Piaster: lUaiona Why ttoy n rrvfcrreA to Alt ttthrrPorou rim ten or V-xtrtut IVtnriUfM tlt-M), IWa.-M they poae'M the mat It of tha ftreiitfilintilirK purrm pla-:cr, aint routnln In ad dition tlien to Hie newly l:(rtrrf(l )iwi-rfri1 ert i live bin i-oniliiiint nm vlili ki a' ta ilh in cif"d ri'.fri(Mit, nininiatinic, evrtaiwe and tuii'.n r Iri'-nnt i'UvU, rcceiitr1 V it'v ( Vy sMapennne iiSarrntrriitleal prfp. i-n...i4, h'i'l fi tatai -nr-iJ h tlto prataitiijn, V.t 1 .sin" t'.n j itrj .iu ou'y .aHm tliat rt;lum t ourth 1". -f jrro IVy w!II;ry rtitv rt.aMSMM Wlikh I'ii ' lemedic m..t not 1 mi ili-iu, t IVllt. auf i orerrrpiiv,( bnind f1rnpr!tViv 1 -ifiiuiarlly tf Mitlrd H al li-rr am fill-:-iur tu otlaor titutere or limit. id. (orciur.,, u-v, Mxth. Pefane the Biannffinrrre nav re-elvedtfca only meutli ever gi.u fur uoroua I'l-mtia, Brail's Cape Porous Pks'mr! SEABURY 4 JOHNSON, etinirfnrtflnn, rtienlrti, New t,.V. SNt'FIk rii! Wf V AT 1. a.-,. I.-. Alt UlAWi MedkaM tOB.HPd (i V,(;ll HAjUR. Nor. M, IIH, ! Ache ftv (lmllscmcn.s. C(JU ,,,,'IM Irsjr. A I IretM II. IU. Ltri A Cn , nOll UK I'OH MI.K-l (..f.J .an of I tiun.lf hi wt'ilit atoli. Will Mi om nr tiolb. Call tm or 'Hrt John (, Jt KKO, SwH Ulir;i-M, !'. Soy. ti, 181 -at. I Elys' Cream Balm I Urihati ini, oh ui . nig tifkllhy tri-rotiuo, iiiflainitiili'iD, firuierii (h me lotirant irtui eVitliilnml oMf, tH1i)lletljr lioaU tl. dotci and fon'urei Ilia Mints of tii-it fcnd riucll. Htm-tieU. ra mi! ira r("tllif( by ft 1 'iw ftiinlii-aUona. A lei'iniiiKti t r n tm at 7 . V, UleuraL.t.rrS. lie,, I f-I-rtt I neqaaleri for col.ii Id the brad Agreeable to Die. Apple br tie little flnfer Into tba aoitiil. Oo rciljt of ftie. will ixell a paett- KI.V3' OKKAM BALM CO., (,.., N. V. Nor. 0, l.." I. .iit.iot n.ri.n EXECUTORS' SALE OF Valuable Real Estate ! TYt Yirliia of to order of the Orphans' Ci-urt of X i aBM.p.a e iiDtr, ra. firrrr win txi xp(atd tj puhlia Mid at tha COURT il'-L'HrS, in C.Br itaid, Fcnaijlvaoin, on Munduy, January 9th, 1882, AT ! O'CLOCK V. M , Thu fcVowlnr dfvrfnid pe of foal ratal of H1CKAUD MUW, HR.. lBtt of Lww town Mp, CltartMil miDl. Pa. leerau-l. vii i All tUl otriaiD (..wa of land tiiuit In I.iwranoa t'lwnrhip. Cl.-arOflrJ count?. hmintWil r .Hn. Hnionm at a pott nn Clearfield re. li, t lord ing in road; tbnrBnb 83 ilejrreai went 217 treliei to jjoit Mt bri-igt ocr h(.MDr ma on litie land of Juaepli (ioi,o : t henft son. b 27 Argtve eait hy land of J.jph U..-n ft par chra to ft piW ,r aiJe of Nanny OfflMi' tot ; ib-Tiea ly .iff land louth 4 dptfreet nil M per ebea to yut I y white .ine ; aotub M drjcreej m-.t lr Nanaj Qgdvn't lot 12 prcbei to a putt on eiltfeof tnn.pika aonth 42 tit-jr.! t 11 pcTcbei to whitt pine aoutb 22 d((r.i.f aail .111 parebrra to hri ie9 ; thenc down ert'-flt tba mt. eral itnamM and .iit-ri7fB to pluea of be no in , coDtamii, 70 AOHKS, id re or Mi, nnd having tharon erte'ed a fromo bouse aQ.i barn, nnd, alio Itearing orvhrJ. 'IfcllMS OF ALE : Ore-thfrJ fiib, one-third In otieyear.aad ona third in two yr. with infmr, re ured by bond and mortgage, a H. 8 HAW. JOSKPII hN A W. KjttK-ulort, Clearfield, H , Nov. SO. I-M 4t. C I 2 5s O brauteaw ..iJ-iftM'i.ilrl 0 rH 0 m 2 ac o H w r c c Q O O m 00 CATARRH C'VXnl-""l DSt',1,1 p ... 1 j W Kj W . c 3 U 1 e C o5 O S 2- e-2 Hew IlWlmtlgrmciits. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwutiatilla, l' , Jain, il, '74 if. A DMT DM1MMH lull's MITIt l: -s.iu t noes thai l.ttten of A.Ik. i, O-ii tB tl.e eUi il I'llIMI1 J. All l.t.KV Lt .it i...rmi e leu., f kernel.! e'.it.le, fa , .1, ,. h .Kjt li " ''ulv tv I i,e uimIvik.l. I, a ),ru!ir mil, u lie I rlnte will il,a-i n..k liiiiM iliAto n)iamt, aad !be having e!ui l.itnanlr Dffallilt the laiue will (.relent dim, f.r.ij eiljr MUilii-tKleatcd f r lellleioeni. wnli'iut III (III Mt l.l.KN. JA.MKS F. MI'LLKN, .tilnouirlraior... ( 'learleM, l'a , Nor. , 1SSI I1I. Chronic Diseases a Specialty I BY Hyron Clark. M. I). 1 I ..'f.'.-T"' 1 CIOUSTRV KKSIDKNCR with OFFin: anj LAltOKA TOMV, IVaahintrnn, i'enna. I1 It. CLAItK ha btootne lauioui aa TIIR WATER DOCTOR I'T i rf LuarkuMe $uaeen in I oca in tr an 1 tieatli, all form uf .li'-me frm a CHHONlCAl. and SIlrKoSOlU'lCAb XAMINA1 IO.V t-f the I KINK. Invalid ahould rnd for hi eirculnra Hiving inrtruffioii bow to f.ref.are and cml ieeinjel. (or dtaitnniiie. A ldreoa wilh ("a tup UR RVROX VUAHK, Nov. 5, 1-sl ly. Waltiojr.tje, l'a It K JI P V A Is I rtMH 1 n'iii.M ..n l native of the I nP firm 1 o! U hOA I)B.; T A I'IMI, (fl,l,atii)Kl,r,n )urchaed by ihe urdrrihf d, they bve move the tniue to ItH Chear.ut Href, etiere tHt-T will be Ued to il.eir o d frttruni. Vr?rj rcrrifrtfijMt. UM(iAHKST A Ci) , li,-ri- rt to J ri aitUM i Pbili. ) l'blad- i)bia, t'l-iiu'a. rNrC-jtire of the puM itht or two .Tei- re fervid by tb-in. h'ovemher It, ISSl-ly. EIGHT FARMS Pes? Sale or Rent I The lubicriber r tnju.ntn to ri-ll r.r rfr.t a nuiu br of larmi localrd as follnwn : Thv trft r.:tu:ite in Rurrjui.le ti.wrjrhir-, Cnlre onuntr. runtaiiiir ltl arr, Imvtnf thrreon erected a'lt:i;ni dweli ie.T, finme burn, ailjncunt to a church, and known aa ihr Jtitnea Mulholland farm. AI'l, anoihrr fjfoi aiiuiitp in Urham town hip. Cltaf field eoiittiy, r.ntaiiiin 117 acrie. wi.b the Ufrremnrv iiRin'vtinent Ttiia frin iw uadi-r-laid who a UOtD Vfc.I. OK CtiA,. ALSO, nx other rnriuf in tt.e vicinitr of Frrueh vilie, eunuinioir r-f peoirully 1 12, Itttl, wi, 6;, .'( and V aerep. 'ib-- farma all hire boiiM-i an t brni thereon, yo.;-! water. Oaring orcoarda .o ame, as wWI urne g,d w-io I Und. K-.r lurther parti'-nlnr r!l ia pr r-oo, or ad tre'it tht undtrfii,rd T l.-Her. I. M. C'.l lKll. Jan. I I'M,, y..f. i-reof.hl, la. OLDEST and BEST FAKILY NEWSPAPER. The?-:w V.,i,k (U4i:r.vnH hi n .v thr L.rtvH rirculalion or llr clai. It t IM.Iirau n nisH llVl-( Hi;l,l, I A AM. II 11 Al. lid Ml 111141.. Il, will cnler iti SIXTIETd YEAR villi k .!.,.- r ut in.-,,., i!., ,1,. j Vt ,.,. j. lull I r. a u I t tii?!- i.i : i r. ou. i:. ;),, i.i. v ,.n irjtl.r-, (.( ,,;,'.,. ,..,( ul-ir i-'-ar.-t : ti 'ill-, i i, , ; ,, lor el,i Ir.u. MMiu ;.eVi. l Tea. her-, r'.r i.en and l'-i" :.: . Klitor., . untn-ll.d n.n i: I.' r-, .,,.,1, 1 .1.,, . I ItaiJ Urirn, ; .. i '. oa tl .i:-.r, . . ., .'.. , tue C,-. KEW LOOK OF Willi Hlrcl I'or-.rait uf the Author. il ffiv.11 to amir. ..,lii,T ... A. A u v. (51 H.rniBi.n at,J $ J.I5 tw ihe coming Veer .Sfirrfiiii-11 eoplts frtc.. Adilrtan WEW YOKK .New Vnri. Not. 10 -,r. MORRISS IRELAHD'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. The only 8-Flango Safo in the World,. AND COXTAIXiXd More Improvements than any Safe made, such as Tho 1MTI3XT Moro Bpmirn from Hurlam than ntiy Firo Ti'iiof Kuf'e, tiiul no expense in rojiairiiif liolu nr f.otka. Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners. Thoso .Safo.i nr now lioinj; ioU 11. thin Rlnto In LARGE NUMBERS. Anil (jivo lh Qreatcct Satisfaction, Iloinjr tha Mol Ilighly l'iniliril, Sast Halo, and Cioipoat First Class SAFE ever Troiucol. Theio ColchmtoJ Sains had fhir Champion Record tn TiiR irrtil T5rtc.lrtvi TT C - And mnee Dint tiino qrkat nnd iiipnw TANT IMPROVKMKNTI llV bovn in a J 0 . P. ,.: olhor concern, nvnil for prioc nnl uoicrijiuro i niumguo. MORRIS&UIEUNL f .-v- ....... i 4 Work BOSTON, MASS, Dm. tl, IMH7.