Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 30, 1881, Image 1

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Hi larircat ClrculMIoo of auy Kewauaper
Ih North leutral Penneylvauia.
Terms of Subscription.
If paid In advanct, or witbia I BODthi....9'-l OO
If paid after aud before 6 an on t ha
If afur thxpiratloB of months... 3 OO
Rates oi Advertising.
Tn.nx.ent advertleeiaenU,per aqua re of lOllneaor
Irra. S tlinea orteee $1 0
For each eubaequent ineertloa u (0
Adiulniatratora' and E&eutora'noltoea.,.,., 1 &Q
AU'ltton' notice! HH 1 60
Cautl'-na and Betray a 1 60
h.ioltitiun notleet , t
lr(.fa.inal Carde, I linoa or lett.l year..... I 00
l.'.of.t notioea, per Una SO
t ;uur IS 00 I $ eolnmn., 00
I i( !( .IS 00 I eolemn-.. TO 00
S Bj'iaroi... SO 40 1 oolana ISO 00
Xaujjtrs' Cards.
j j w. SMITH,
A T T O B N E Y -. . T - L A W ,
M:1:7S Clearfield, Pa.
'f TO ItNEY - AT - LAW,
lis llellefunte. P. y:pd
Curwt&arille, Clearfield eouotr, Pa.
oet. I, '7-tf.
Offlr-e In "Old Wc.tora building," (upalalra),
Oct. . "78 tr.
Clearfield, Pa.
4-Offlea tin Market iireet, three duora CM 1 of
Ji.teph bhaw i re.i'lenee.
Offua to Masonic building, Second street, op
poatte tbo Court Uonas. Je2,'78-U.
1 1 Clearfield County, Penn'a. TSy
' f!ire in Opra llouee.
WV A. W'ALLace
..Pavm L. Krrbs,
...Wat. E. W ALltACR.
A T T O R N K Y S - A T - L A W , SI ClearUeld, Pa.
g.UlTll V. WILSON,
jMf-O&Vs la tbo Maaonie DuilJing, Second
(trerl, nee y tho Uuart uou.e.
Uier24 Bll,j
oiti,:e over tbo County National Book.
Juno SU,J78tf.
CiRAKriRLD, Fbrr'a
Kirrt-rlnri Lif and Fiio Inaurance Companies
T-omeo In tbo Opera lluoio.
Mr. IS,'SI-ly
irob. i.mcrrat M cyans eoanox.
,7 Officio la Fio'i Opora Ilnaeo, Hoond floor.
jrrou,ier.jr.i.f w,
of KICK arer T. A. Klerk oa Co.'a Wore,
C-V1II attend to all legal bu.loe.a wltb
;riluttneae end fidelity. tebi 1, eti.(.
to4Ria a. H'aMALLT daxiil w. tt'ocanr.
uicaroeid, t.
r"-Legal baiinsia at landed to promptly wttbj
fl-llitjf. UiOflo ob HMOQd iti-Mt, above the riret
Nationai baDk. jaD:l;7f
All le)ral builnoei tutrnited to bia eart will ra
oelro pruupt attention.
T-Offlr In tbo Cnatt lloaa.
ai.(l4,l: lj.
Y o. k:.amek,
A T T O B N E Y - A T - L A W ,
Ileal K.tate and Collection Agent,
Cl.liAltFllvl.l), PA.,
Will protuplly attend to all legal buaineai aa
truatfd to bia euro.
-tl-0ttr In Pio'i Opora IToaao. Janl'7fl.
U4 Heal Rotate Ageut, ClearBnld, Ha
,?4r-Kapeetrnll offora bla aerf loot In aolllng
and buying laoda la OlearAold and adjoining
eoonlleai aad with aa eapertoaeeol oeertweoty
y.ara aa a anrToyor, datura blmaelf tbat be oan
rtBder aallaraotloa. lfob. ib:;u.
I'lHlsittaiis' Cards.
Offloo la roaldrneo oa Flral at
April J4, U71. Cloarlleld, Pa.
Will attend profeaalonal oalla promptly. anglO'70
OBie on Market Strael, Cloarlleld, Pa.
MTOHlea bourai I to II a. m., and I to I f. m
tT-OiTlo adjoining tbo realdanca af Jaaaoa
W naley, K.a., ua heoood bt., Cleerneld, Pa.
Juljai78 II.
Otiero at reeldtnce, earaor of Stela end Pina
aireeta. Jan. tib, mi tf.
JUT OBea koura From II la I P. II.
May II, 17
Surgooa af tbe 13d Reglmeat, PannayWanla
Vclanleera, daring ibe late wer, effrr bla pro.
fceeleaal aertleea la tbe eltl.eaa af Clearlsld
pm- Prof.., local ealle promptly atuadod U
Olice aa Soeead atrael, near U. I, Ckarek.
GEO. B. OO0DLANDEB, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TEEMS-$2 per annum in Advance.
foaTRan r. o.)
May I, larl.lya
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
A. v
Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
PHiLirnrmia, pa.
jfieVAII buaineaa will b atteado I to promptly.
Dec. 15, USD It.
House and Sign Painter and
Clearfield, Penti'a.
bta-WUI execute Joba in hla lino proa tly and
in a worlmanliBa meaner. apr4,07
Nor. 1 lb, 1110 tr.
dealbri IX
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Legs,
-Office ob Seeund atreot. in reef of atora
rom of Ueort. Weaver A Co, Jarj9, '78 If.
Itttalur Township,
Oaooola Mill. P. O.
All official buaineaa anlra.ted to biro will bo
promptly attended io. melrfv, '74,
Wallaretom Pa.
wMlt bat prepared bimeetr wltb all tbe
oeaeiaary blank forme uoder tbe Peueiua and
tiour,ty law i, aa well aa blab It lJeeilt, tt. Ail
legul mutton entruit4 to hi eare will receive
pruiupt ettvutioa. May lib, lBTl'-tf,
jpff-pumpa alwaya ob band and made to order
en ihort notiee. Pipea bored on reaaotiable terma
All work warranted to render eatiafaettoa, aad
dellrered If deaired. inyl:lypd
rill uoderalgnid Wigi leave to tntorm tbepob
llo that be If bow full? prepare1 to aoooaimo-
date all io the way of furniihina; Uv.mb, buftclea.
saduiea and llarneaa, on the iborteit aotloe and
n reaennftble Urioi. Heitdeooa ob Loeuat itreet,
between Third and Fourth.
'Tleart.f.ld. Feb. 4, 1874.
B. O. BBAD...
,.w. a. Biata rr
ar'Ofieoln Graham Building, Market atreat.
Clearfield, Penn'a.
Juae IS, lft'l-tr.
Alao, extoortro manufaoturer and dealer In Square
Timber aad Sawed Lumber of all kinda.
ana-Ord.ra aollclted and all bills promptly
Hied. 'Jyl4'7l
Watchon, Clocks and Jowolry,
tVaAasTe Rom, Mark! 8rnt,
Ail kinda of rapairlag la my line promptly at
ended to. Jen. lat, IB7V.
TUB anbierlber hereby rirei notice tbat he
la bow delivering eon) of aa excellent quality
aod propoiee to operate bit wine
Bo that be will be enabled to 'apply bla eat toman
at ill timet witU good fuel. No Winter vaca
tion. Ordre by mall promptly filled.
CloarflelJ, Pa.. March J, IMI-tf.
Clearfield Nursery.
rpII8 nderaiiDed, barfi. aitabllahed a Nnr
JL aery on the 'Pike, about half way between
Cloarneld and Cnrwirnvilln, ia prepared to far
Biib all kinda of PRDIT TKKKS, (ataodard and
dwarf,) Kvrrgreene, Hhrnbbary, tlrape Vinaa,
Jooeberry. Law ton Black berry, Strawberry,
ana naapnerry vine, aim, e.titriftn Urab Tree,
Qutnee, and early eearlet Rbabarb, Ae, Or dart
promptly attanded to. Addreaa,
tep 8-y Curwentvtlle, Pa.
F. M. CAEDON & BR0.,
Ob Second St, aortb of the M ant Ion II onto,
Oar arraacemeate are rf Iba moat oomplete
eharaeter lor furnlafaiaf tba pablle with Freth
Meauor ail a lad, and or toe very beat quality.
we alao deal IB all Binda or Art .cultural l in pie
men tt, wbieb we keep ob eihlbltion ltr the ben
fit of tba pa bite. t:ll around wbeB ia
and take a look at tblnrt. or addreaa aa
Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 1 67 6-If.
Insurance Agency
ration lllotk, Cvrirtnirillt, I'a.
Companies Sepretented i
Commercial Union Ina. Co.. Areata .,.7nl I
Firemea'a Fand Ina. Co.,Aaaota I.IM.0ITW
I bIob ln.ur.nco lo. Aet
Tm.elera' Accident Ina C . Aiaela.. aV.ilt.lB4
Ncrtbern Ina Co. af New York Aa'ta I4,
Inaerance placed oa all kinda af property at
eouitaiila ratea.
laraeoev me, ra , rco. m, ihi'h.
I TAKE Ibla metbod of aotlfrlng Ibote la need
of a good Mower, Reaper, Tbrebor or Plow,
tbat 1 have tba agency af tba
Mower, Bcnper and Thresher,
HensfBCtared by Al'LTMAN A O., Caaba, 0.
1 am alea agent for tba celebrated
Smith Dcnd Chilled Plow I
aju Persona la need af altberof tbo aborabad
boiler cell ea ar addrcu aaa before
Jbbc I, I U . If. J OarwaaarlUa, Pa, I
Agricultural Implcm.nts !
Col. J. P fianford baa won for bioiMir ft rep
tit -lira la Mnneie that ten ntvtr baeffaoed. Ai
a leelarrr be tlnndi without a pear oo the Ameri
caa p'atforn. Ha talke witb tbat freedom and
ran tbat ii admired by aM tod poueeted by verj
few. He wai the beet leetJrr of trie aiie wbo
eupoarfd in ibe fiaoaar oourie Mudot (Ittd )
Umitg Timtt. y
Col. Copeland'e Ircture wai Inimitable In 111
way, a mixture of i Undid oritury, eeuiile wit,
aad bumor of re&Dtd an I bigbty aatenaining
oider. Moy wbo li.uo4 to btm dial red bin
more than a tuateb for lagenoll ad the paar of
any leeturcr io tba field. 6'Aiciao T.ib.
State Superintendent liiboo lias
been installvd KJitor-in-Cbief of tho
Pennsylvania School Journal,Dr. Witk
erehain retiring.
Principal of llio Leonard Graded
scboula, wbo baa lor icveral yoampaat
lireaeiiiea ineiutjeciol r.ngliRb U ram
mar at our Institute aunsions, will con
tinue bis practical talk upon tliia
branub, and di.-ciiHn Civil Government
in ita suverul divisiona.
uamie a. lariN,
who recently graduated at tbo National
Scbool of Eloculion and Oratory, will
read Botno ol her best seleoliona during
tbe day and evening aesitiona of tho
will be read during tho week by the
following leathern: W. A. Ambrose,
"Tho facts in tho case." G. W. Weav
er, "Why Tcachim Fail." Mins Elllo
Hutler.'A Plea for the Primary Puila."
Mr. Auniiller, "Parental Indiflorunco."
G.M. Brumbaugh, "l'optilar Against
Ellectivo Teaching.'' Sadie Morgan,
"Winning the Confidence and Ealecm
of Pupils." W. S. Luther, "Clinching
Tbo object of these meetings ia to
bring before our teachers the most mi
nute and perplexing questions that
confront us in the discharge of our du
ties. First, they will consist ol the
disciiHnioiis of tho questions borewiih
submitted, and secondly, of such other
questions as may bo offered by the com
mittee on referred quostions. At the
clone of each session persons will be
appointed to open the discussion on
such questions as may bo asrigned for
tbe following day.
1. Should left-handed pupils bo al
lowed to writo with the kit band f
2. Should innocent and dutilul pupils
be required to exposo tbo school room
vices of the unscrupulous?
3. Are we making our pupils inde
pendent reasoncrs. II not bow can
such he done ?
4. Should prizes ever be used as in
centives to ttudy ?
5. What mctbodaof punishment can
he best substituted for the use of the
6. Aro Teacheri justifiable in sign
ing away the privilego acenrdod tbem
by tbo Legislature of attending the In
stitute, in order to gratify the caprices
of a stingy School Board ?
7. How tun wo mako "Childrcn'a
Day" at tbo County Fair a success ?
8. Will tho proposed publio school
Piploma bo a proper recognition of the
i Hurts ot tho diligent pupils of tbe
county ?
9. What is to bo dono with the pa.
pils who have been advanced too rap
idly? 10. What good would result in col
lecting a suitablo Permanent Exhibi
tion ol Scholars' work in every school,
and of what should such an Exhibit
11. Are wo doing what wo can to
sustain good Literary Societies and
Local Institutes ?
12. The utility of tho "Ono Study
system ?"
On Tuesday the following questions
will bo discussed by i oacbere and In
rectors, in joint sossion ; also, addresses
will be delivered by Dr. n. r.. Higboe,
and Hon. John Palton,in tbe alternoon.
1. 1 bo dignity and influence ol our
Directorship. William Wclty, direct
or : A. M. Uuaard, teacher.
2. Are Teachers equally as respon
sible as Directors for poor school
houses, poor toachcrs. and poor schools?
lev. Li. ii. Uampbell, director; J. i.
Liddlo, teacher.
3. The"Sboddv" clement inteaching,
J. S. McCroery, diroctor ; Malt Savage,
4. What should guide School Boards
in the employment ot teachers, in
creasing of salarios, and lengthening
ol tbo school term r William 11. bito-
sido, diroctor; L. E. Weber, teacher.
D. Wbat good would result Irom
county uniformity in teachers' snlnrirs,
and how could such be secured 7 Dr.
J. II. Edwards, director; E. G. Buy,
Tuesday afternoon : Dr. E. E. Ilig
he, Stalo Superintendent ; ilon. John
Wednesday afternoon ; Col. L. F.
Copoland, Bev. Wm. 11. Dill.
Thursday afternoon : Bev. II. S.
Butler, Col. L. F. Copoland.
Monday evening, Deo 19; Address
or Welcome, J). W. McCurdy. Eq.
Lecture, "Paris In War Times," Col.
J, P. Sanford, Marshallon, Iowa.
Tuesday evening, Deo. 20 : Lecture,
lion. E. E. 11 igbee, State Snporintond
ent. Lecture, lion, John J. Ladd,
Staunton City, Virginia.
Wodnosday evening, Deo. 21 : Col.
L. F. Copoland, of South Hond, Indiana.
Lecture, "Snobs and Snobbery."
Thursday evening, Dec. 22 : Col. L.
F. Copcland. Lecture, "Mistakes ol
Misi Mamie A. Irvin will read some
of ber best selections, each evening
during tbe week.
Tickets of membership will be issued
to teachers, which will admit thorn to
all tho evening lectures, on the pay
monl of tbe Enrolling fee of BO cents.
For a cony of "Golden Carols" fan ex
oellent music book for schools,) 15 cents
additional will be chargod.
Young Dorsons who, in the future,
contemplate leaching will be admitted
to membership on the same terms as
teachers, providing they make applica
tion directly to lb County Superin
tendent and havo their name onrulled
in a book kept by him expressly lor
that purpose.
School Directors are atlmittod to all
tho privileges of the Institute free of
Can bt had at tba usual low rates.
When taken for the week, at tbe hotels
from tl to (1.25 per day ; at private
housoa, 75 oenta per day, for the full
To be continued rf ww.
There, daughter, atop acoldlng I Don't worry
Rnd iret,
And work yooraelf into aunb Ire I
Juat about all tbe comfort your father oan get,
la a amoba by tbe worm kitchen fire.
Let bim amoke In tbe corner ifl peace, If he can,
Thnoib tbe elouda of tobaooo may choke.
There ia no one can tell, but a lonely old man,
ilow much comfort there ia in a amokc.
Like a free bird that flleth from limb unto Hub,
i our routine or Joye yoa go through ;
And eomo of ibera look .1 uat aa fooliah to him
Aa auHiklng looka f-wliab to you.
We're none of na perfect ell thl yoa bellrre-
Our Urea eboul.1 with ebarliy ahine,
Like tne golden thread that tbe weavera weave
la and out af the dark deiign.
Sbtnld you lire to be old though you may nerar
Tot I'll wcfer a Dennr. nr two.
Yon will hare eoiuo etrotig babit to tears othor
Bad aa tbla that la worrying you ;
Let him aatnko la the corner In peace, If he can,
Though tbe e!"ude of tohaeo uiey ehuke i
There la ao one cea toll, but a louely old mas,
How muob comfort there ia in a aiiwke,
DoIimokeT No, not 1 1 Nor will I adrlaa
Aoy youth tho bad babit to grt ;
But when on. la old, and enn'l amp If ha trie,
la It wiedota to worry and fret T
Let blot cinoke In the corner Io peaoe, if be can,
Though tbe cloudaof tobaooo toe? chuke ;
There I. no one can lell, but a lonely old man,
liow much cwfort there ia ia a araukc.
Not long will tobacco awoke dally annoy ;
8OB the pipe on the manltc will lay,
And father will real where the worma ahall da
etroy The Lnanlle.e body af clay.
Let bim amoke in 'he corner in poeoe, if he om,
Soon he'll fall hefjre D.Blh'e aturdy atrokc
Then you'll mlia tbe clay pipe, and the feeble old
And wi.h you'd put up with the arn.ike.
Story of the Assassination,
The DlslricUUoriiey'sOiienliif,'
Washington, Kov. 17th, 1831.
The Criminal Court room, where the
It iul of Charles J. Guiteau for the mur
derof l'resident Garfield is in progress,
commenced to fill witb spectators about
half pait nine o'clock this morning
from the east door. There were muny
ladies among tho spectators today.
By 9:45 o'clock the scuts inside the
bar were well filled, and when tho
west door was opened, within a few
minutes the seats and space outside
woro a solid mass of humanity. Ala
tew minutes to 10 o'clock tho twelve
jurors marched up in procession
Irotn tbo National hotel. Hulling on
tho stops a pbologrttphor took a pic
ture of litem. They aro quartered on
tbo third floor, on tbo oast side of the
hotel, whero the rooms, for their ac
commodation, aro connected. Here,
shut out from the outsido world and
guarded by Builifls A. B Searlos, T.
F. Shryock and Geo. G. Curtis, when
not in Court, they take their meals at
a common table and spend their time
as best they can. J ust betore IU o clock
Mr. Davidgo, wilb Judgo Portor and
Judge Smith, were in their places, and
Mr. Itcoville, Mr. Kohinson and Mr. J.
W, Guiteau appeared soon altcrwatds.
Mrs. Scovillo was also present, accom
panied by bor litllo daughter, seven or
eight years old.
at ten minutes past ton, and, as usual,
llio lormalilios ol calling tbe jury roll
otcupiedsome minutes, during which
the spectators, who wore crowded in
ovory quarter of tho court house, were
composing themselves for a long ses
sion. Guitoati was then brought in
clinging tightly to a bundlo of news
papers which ho had brought with
bim from thojnil. When the jury roll
wits completed all tbe jurors not on
tlijs panel wero discharged till to mor
row morning.
Mr. Scovillo, rising, said bo wished
to say a few words in relation to an
occurrence on tho first day betwoen
himself and his associate. 11 o wanted
to cay tbat in fact thoro bad been no
disagreement butween them, and since
conlerring together, there lind been no
lack of harmony.
This statement was followed by a
scene. Guiteau aroso and staid : "II
your honor jileuse, 1 object to Mr.
Kobitison sorvingon tho cuso. I want
him out of ibo case."
"I want you to understand dintinct
ly," said Judgo Cox, "that your lubors
as counsel in this caso (as you claim to
be your own counsel) will bo confined
strictly to consultation with your coun
sel. lou will not bo beard by tbo
court, and if you persist in theso at
tempts you will bo removed Irom tbo
court by tbe olllcors
Guiteau, who had sat down, tried to
struggle Io bis led, but was held back
by the oflicors. Ho then hnwlml Irom
his chair, beating tho table with his
fist, "I would like to bo beard in do
lenco of my case."
"You will havo an opportunity to bo
beard, perhaps," suid tho court, "at tho
closo of Ibo case. Counsel has been
assigned to you."
"But without my consent," said tho
prisoner. ' I'll bavo this thing go out
10 tho country and make a noise about
it. The country is bigger than this
court. '
He sat in silenco for a moment, and
then raising bis voico again said: "1
want to say there is not ono word of
truth in that roiri special Irom Chi
cago. It is an absolute lie fro n begin
ning to end." Then he again muttered
something about going before tho coun
try and making a noiso. Then ho
spoke aloud and vory emphatically as
follows: ''I wouldn't trust my csso to
tho best lawyer In tbe country. Ono
or two blunderbusses might compro
mine my whole aeience.
Mr. Scoville here expostulated quiet
ly with tbe assassin, but to no avail.
He broke out immoilially, "ll Mr
Robinson had proper rospect for him
self he would get on" the caso. Thai's
my opinion about him."
Ho remained silent then for several
minutes, thon suddenly exclaimed:
"If your honor pleaso, 1 am here in
the capacity of an agent ol tbe Deity,
and 1 am going to assort my rights in
that capacity. 1 don't propose to come
here on my bands and knees. That's
the view 1 take of Ihis matter, and the
view 1 supposed your honor bad."
While these rambling romarks wero
being made by Guiteau with long
pauses, space was being elenred for
District Attorney Coikbill before tho
jury. Sucre I a ry (llaine had arrived,
accomranted by his two sons Walker
and Boltertand Mr. Sovellon A. Brown.
Tbey took seats at the District Attor
ney's table, behind Judge Porter and
.. Htl .. . I
r -BV,
Mr. Smith, Ncitrthcm sat Mrs. Cork
bill and a ludy Iriend.
District Attorney Corlthill began
bis opening address to the jury at bull
past 10 o'clock. Ho stood in a small
opon space tho only open spaco in tho
court room at ono side of tho witness
box. lie delivered his retntiiks with
considorublo energy and occasionally
roso to eloquence. His address wits
as follows:
May it Flense the Court and Gentlemen
of the Jury:
Tbo prisoner at tho bar slands bo
foro you charged with tho murder of
James A. Guilield. Under ordinary
circumstances lliuro rests a grave and
responsible obligation upon every man
who ia called upon in the disci, urge, of
his duty under tho law to render a de
cision upon Which depends tho llio ol
a fellow creuluro. And while it is truo
that tho offence charged in tbo present
caso is no greater in legal giu.'ity and
consequences to tho prisoner than if
ny his act he had taken llio lilo el Ibe
biimblust and most obscure citinon of
Ibo Bepuhlic, still it is idle to overlook
the lucl that tbo eminent clmtacter of
thn man whose life wus taken, his high
olliciul position and the startling c Heels
of llio commission of llio crime, render
tbo caso ono of unusual and unparal
leled impoitiinco. It is tho second
timo n our history that tho citizen
chosen by tho people of tho United
Slutcs to discharge the bich and re
sponsible duties of President has fallen
a victim Io a lawless assassin during
tho poriod of his incumbency ol the
But iu the former cuso wo were just
emerging from tbo shadows of a long
and bloody war. Tho country bud
not been racked bv commotions, and
stirred' by civil feuds. Throughout
tho length and breadth ot tho land
nearly every household mourned tbo
loss ol men slain on tho hotly contest-
ed battlefields of tho Benublic. It
was n danger that thoughtful men had
anticipated. It was u calamity Unit
patriots bail feared. And when ilcunio,
with all us dread consequences, it was,
nevertheless, accepted as one of the
results of llio then disordered and dis
cordant condition of public all'uirs.
out wo Dim passed Irom tho arena
of tbo war ibo sword hud been beaten
into a plowshare, and the spear into
a pruning hook; tbo country was uni
ted, peuco reigned ut lionfe and abroad.
Thero woro no local dissensions ; thero
wero no inteslino Btrilcs. Seed timo
and harvest had come and gone; Ibo
buttlu-fields, redeemed from tho scars
and buvoo of their bloody contests,
wero blossoming with the fruits of
peaceful labor. Suddenly llio sturtling
fact was proclaimed throughout tho
land and around tho entire world, that
tho President of tbo United Stales had
lullen a victim to tho as-assin's bullet,
in tho Capital ol tho Nution I
Murder, under all circumstances,
and upon all occasions, is shocking.
Tho lilo of which wo know so little,
and which wo hold by so fragile a ten
ure, is deur to us all, and when it is
brought to a close, not in tho usual
order and course of nature, but prema
turely by violenco, no matter what
may bo tho condition of tho person,
tho human mind is appalled with ter
ror. When a mun holding a position
of eminence and power falls a cause
less victim to tho murderer's stroke,
wo rculir.o still more fully tho awful
ncss of tho deed which produces this
This trial is a rcmurkublo illustra
tion of the genius and spirit of our
Government. Although our chid ruler
win murdered, although Iho effects of
that death wero felt in every stulion of
life, in every avenuo cf business, ill
every department of society, yet tbo
prisoner, bis murderer, slands beforo
you to day entitled to tho same rights,
to tho sumo privileges, panoplied by
Iho samo guarantees of the Constitu
tion as if bo had killed tho lowliest
member of this community. Hud Ibis
crime been committed in any olhcr
country, or under any other form of
government, long ere this tho priso
ner would huvo paid tho penally of Its
commission by a punishment as swift
and as rapid as it would havo been
1 doubt whether, in the world's his
tory, thoro can bo Idund another in
statico liko tho present. In no ago,
under no government, has thero been
seen such a situation as we havo hero
beforo us. Defended by eminent coun
sel, demanding of right tho full benefit
of ovcry guarantee of the Constitution,
with thu power, exercised carefully, to
sco that tho jury selected aro unbiased
and free from prejudice; every right
is extended to tho prisoner that would
bo granted to a criminal charged with
tbo most insignificant ollencu.
It has been a subject of Iho deepest
anxiety and gravest consideration on
Iho part of the admirers of our form ot
lioverfimont whether tho lunilumcmal
principles which underho it, did not
contain elements Intul to its pormanon
cy and success. Willi tho individual
citizen aro its absolute destinies, lor
weal or woe. Ihe choico ol liropei
rulore, tha enactment of law anil tboir
prompt execution, depend upon bis
churuetcr ; and no mulior how import
ant Iho trust or how grave tbo respon
sibility, upon the individual citizen
rests it finul decision.
Tho simplicity of tho forms under
which our tiovernmenl la administered,
constitute lor ns ono of its greatest ft
truclions, but tho easy accessibility to
till, ol thoso charged with its adminis
tration, exposes them to many dnn
i;ers from Ibo evilly-disposed. Tho
President of the United Suites, with
out pomp and parade, hut alter the
manner of tho humblest citizens, and
with no other safeguard than those
common to all citizens, leaves the
scene of bis olliciul labors lor a brief
In a publio depot, tho prisoner at
tho bar; without wariiiu.r, tires al bim
with a pistol, inflicting wounds which
result in his death.
And so, to da)', tho greatest case
over presented to a coun of justice is
trusted entirely to yon, who huvo beon
selected from tbo body ol tbo commu
nity to weigh the evuleneo and the law,
and then to say, upon your oaths,
whether tho mun charged wilh the
enmo is guilty. Wbilo this trial will
attract unusual attention, while every
slogo of its progress will bo watched
with Inlet, so interest throughout the
entire world, yet lis ttnul decision rests
with Ton, i on are to determine, after
you shall have beard tho evidence and
tho law, whether or not the prisoner
at tho bar ia guilty ot tho murder ol
James A. Garfield.
Tho timo utid the scenes of (hat oc
casion woro generally disseminated by
the press and aro still Ireah in tho
minds of every citizen of tho Ilepnblic,
and they will remain with all their sad
and gloomy results until tho present
generation ahall past Irom among mon.
After we are dead they will live In
tradition, in history, song and story,
till tho latest hour of timo. There
an enormity about tho immediate oc
currences as they will bo detailed to
you by tho witnesses for tbo Govern
ment that make tbem horriblo to con
template. No words can faithfully
depict tho scenes of that fatal July
morning. It wos bright and bountiful,
and as the morning sunlight gilded tho
dome of ibo Ctipilol, its rays fell upon
a city adorned wilh all the luxuriant
loveliness of Summer leaf and flower.
Tbo President, wearied with ofllcial
cares, was especially joyous at his ap
proaching vacation. His olliciul life
had been ono of anxiety and labor, but
on this occasion bo was bright wilh
hope for llio luturo. Ho wus on his
wuy to join a convalescent wifo at
Long Brunch, und then to visit tho
collego from which ho hud graduated,
und to join wilh comrades of his Btn
dent lilo in a reunion In the hulls ol his
nmri mnfer. It was to him an ap
proaching season of great pleasure,
and bo sturtcd from llio Kxcctttivo
Mansion, in company with Iho Secro-
tury of State, for iho depot, buoyant
una gintl.
Early on tho morning of July 2J
lust, tho prisoner ut tho br mude
preparation for tho murder. Break
fasting ut tho Biggs II on ho bo took
thoteurlul wcuiion thut ho bad pre
viously obtained, and going to tho loot
of 17th Street, awuy Irom residences
und beyond observation, ho planted
a slick in tho soft mud on tho river
bunk w hero tho tido had gone out and
deliberately pruclised his aim and test
ed his weapon. Ho intended Ihero
should bo no luiluro in tho accomplish
ment of tho crime for which he had
been preparing. Bclurnitig, bo took
wilb him a small bundle ot papers and
went to Iho Bultnnoro and Potomao
ruilroad depot ut half-past eight o'clock
P. M., un hour beforo tho arrivul of
tho President. Alter reaching tho
depot be went to the news stand and
kit certain papers, wilh a letter ad
dressed to Byron Andrews, a corre
spondent of tho Chicago Jnter Ocenn,
and a pu ikago addressed to Mr. Pres
ton, ol llio .Now York Herald, and
then went into tho closet, carefully
examined his weapon, placed it in Ins
pocket, returned, and went oulsido to
iho pavement, bud his boots blacked,
und then, in order to avoid tho swit'i
vengeanco of an outraged community,
which ho bus properly feared, engaged
a back to take him, us ho said, to llio
Congressional burying ground, this
point being near tbo Jul I, then entered
tho waiting-room to watch for his
All unconscious ol this preparation
for his murder, President dnrtield, in
company with Secretary Blaino, ar
rived at the depot, and for a lew mo-
metits remained in tho carrmgo in
conversation. Wbilo thus occupied
the assassin stood gazing at them
waiting and wutching lor a favorable
opportunity lor the perpetration of tho
Tho President and tbo Secretary of
Stalo alighlcd from the carringo ; with
bia usual courtesy Prosident Garfield
besituted a moment on tho atop to
acknowledge tho salutation of tho
policeman ui Ibo door, and then entered
the depot. Ho had gone but a few
steps when thoassassin, lurking in tho
rear, stepped up behind bun, and
pointing bis pistol with deliberate aim,
fired at bis back ; tho first shot no
doubt doing its lutul work. The
President shuddered, staggered and
attempted to turn, when another shot
was hied and ho tell, bleeding, to the
floor, unconscious. Tho horror thut
seized every ono may bo imagined, but
no words can describo it. Tbo bull
Irom tho assassin's pistol bad'ontered
Iho middle of tho back of tbe Presi
dent, about threo inches to tho right
of tho back bono, inflicting a fcai'lul
wound, which resulted in his death
alter nearly threo months of pain and
sunorin g.
And horo tho story of this crimo
might legally end. Tho unlaw Iul
killing of any reasonable crenturo bi-
person of sound memory and discre
tion, with malice aforethought cither
expressed or implied, is murder. Tho
motives and intentions of an individual
who commits a crimo aro ot necessity
known to him 'alone human
power can penetrate tho recesses ol tho
lieart. No oyo but tho cyo ot God
can discern iho motives lor human
action. Tho law wisely soya that a
mun's motives shall bo judged from his
acts, so that it ono kill another slid
donly without any provocation tho law
implies malice. If a man uses a dendly
weapon it is presumed ho intended to
commit murder, and in general tbo low
presumes a man to intend tho natural
consequences of bis act. Woro thoro
nothing more against tho accused than
the occurrences of Iho morning ol July
21, Iho evidence of his crimo would bo
completo and yon would he authorized
to conclude that he feloniously, wil
fully, and with malieo aforethought
did kill and murder James A. Gurliold.
But crimo is never natural. Tho mun
who attempts to violate tbo luws of
liod and society goes contrary to tne
ordinary course of human action. Ho
is a world to himself. Bo ia against
society, against organization and of
ncooasity bib action enn never bo
measured by Iho rules governing men
in tho everyday transactions of life.
No criminal over violated tbolnws.who
did not leave tho traces of bis crimo
distinct and clear when onco discov
ered. So in this caso wo can only add
to tho enormity of this offense by
showing you ils origin, its conception
and llio plans adopted lor its execution.
Ono year ago tho 11th day of the
present month, ho addressed to ilon
Win. M. Evnrts, then Secretary of
Slate, tho following letter:
Nbw Your, Novrmber 11, ln"0.
N. H'm. it. KrH.
Pkab Sir : 1 wieh to a.k ya a qoralion. If
Piealdrnt Garfield appolnta Mr. A. io a lorelgn
ml.alnn doea that lur-ertrdo Pre.tdrnt llaye.'
roinejirainB for Ihe eame eppninlfnenl I Do not
all foreign Diolrlera, appointed by Prc.ident
llarea, retire on March 4th neat 1 Piece en
awer ue at ihe Filth Areniie Hotel at your earli.
e.l oonvrui I r-e. 1 em eolid lor General UarBrld
and may gat an important appointment froa htm
nrat Spring. CtiABLBe UelTBAe.
At this timo over a year ago it will
bo seen ho had in his mind an applica
tion for, and expoctod ol, receiving an
otllt'o tinder ihe approaching adminis
nation. In pcrsuunco of that hopo
tho prisoner camo to this cily on the
afternoon of tho of last .March, no
doubt believing that ho would receive
at the hands of an administration ho
supposed ho had assisted in placing in
power, such recognition as, according
to bis own opinion ol bis merits, he
deserved. Ho was outspoken and
earnest in his demands, and in his va
rious conversations seemed to leol
confident ol snccoss. From bis own
letters it is evident that during Octo
ber and January he had written Pres
ident Garfield, calling attention to his
services in tho campaign and soliciting
an appointment. On the Hib ot March
he addressed a loiter to Ihe Prosident,
calling his attention to the fact of his
desire to bo appointed to the Paris
Consulate. On the'llth of March ho
wrolo Secretary Bluino tho following
Marten II, ll-M.
Srmalor Plaint :
In October end Jenuary latt I wrte General
Gerfleld touching the Aualrlen rotation, end I
think be baa Bled my application and ia favora
bly iBclincd. biace tbea I bare enocluded to ap
ply for tbe Cooaul Uenerel at I'erie, inrtead of
Ibo Aualrian unaaioo, a. 1 prrfrr Parla to Vienna.
I apoke to the General about II, end be .aid your
rndoraemont would help II, ai it waa la your Da
parluaot. 1 ibiok I hare a juat claim lo your
help on ibe atrcngib of tbia .peach (e .perch waa
eecloaed), which waa aeot to oar leadine. aditora
aod uretora la Auauat. It waa about Ibe Dnal
ahol on Ihe rebel wer claim Idea, and waa tba Idea
that elrcted Uenerel Gailield. Mr. Walker, tbe
& relent Conaul at Per)., waa appninted through
Ir. Erartc, and I pre.ume be hea no cancelation
of being retained. 1 will talk with you about
tbia a. aoon aa 1 can gat a ebecoe. lucre la
nothing Bgalnat me. I claim to be a gentleman
and a cbmtian. Youra, aery reapecttully,
Ho followed up bis communication
by persistent personal uppeals, and by
writing notes aud tellers, urging in
various ways his claims lor this posi
tion. Not only did bo besiege the
Secretary of Kioto and tho officers of
iho Stalo Department, but tbo Presi
dent and tbo oflicors of tho Executive
Mansion. Generally tna'.ed witb
courtesy and kindly dismissed, as bis
wunls und necessities becumo more
urgent ho became moro persistent and
determined. On tbe Hill of March he
commenced wriling to tho President,
staling his reasons why tho position
should bo given him, and urging in
various ways his claims for tho pluco.
Vt hen his application leached tho
President, ho wus politely referred, us
were all other applicants for similar
appointments, to tbo Department of
Suite, tho recommendation ol which
wus uetlul for positions ol tho grado ho
sought. Ho lrcqueiilly saw tho Secre
tary of State, and had various conver
sations with Mr. Hilt, tho Assistant
Secretary, in which ho urged his claims
upon their attention, n caned by bis
importunity, the Secretary of Stule, on
Suluiduy, tho Mill ot May, nccording
to tho prisoner's statement in writing,
said lo bim: "Never spoke to sio
aguin on Ibo Putis Consulship as long
us you live." On the following Monday
ho wrote lo tho President informing
bim of Mr. Bluino's statement, umi
suying ho was satisfied Mr, Blaine wus
endeu'voring to run tbo Stulo Depart
ment in the interests ot his own cutuli-
ducy for tho Presidency in 1SS4, and
appeuling to tho President direct for
au immediate order for bis appoint
ment. During this timo bo continued
10 visit tho Lsxecutivo Mansion, and
urged und insisted upon un opportunity
to sco tbo President, finally, it be
came necessary in order to avoid his
presumptive intrusion, to prohibit bis
entrance into tbo WbitoHouso. Soured
and indignant at this ttcatment, disap
pointed and enraged, on Ibe 2IIJ of Muy
ho wrote President Gurfield u Idler, in
which, In tho light of the fearful trag
edy that followed, it needs no discern
ing eye to dolect tho threat of murder;
this is the first premonition ot llio con
ception of this crime. That loiter was
the first indication thut disappointment
hud turned his heart to malieo, and
that ho bad dotermined in rovenge to
commit the crime with which ho stands
chargod. Ho was still smarting under
tho indignity cast upon him by tho
Secretary of Slate ; bo was still suffer
ing from the rebuild ho hud received
at tho hands of tho employees ot tho
Exoeulivo Mansion ; ot inordinato van
ity, nnd of nparnlleled sell'cstcem, ho
bus keenly fill tbo personal outrages
ho supposed had boon committed upon
him, and bo dotermined to avengo tbem.
That letter is a rcmarknblo ono ro
markablo as indicating tho niotivo that
prompted this terrible crime remark
able as giving an insight into tho rea
sons thul impelled this man to ncrvo
himself up lo a condition to commit
ill's deed. It was as follows :
ffrirrrof OertrM : Prlrate
1 have brea tryiog to beyoar friend. 1 do not
know whether you appreciate it or not, but 1 am
moved lo call your atientton lo the remarkable
latter from Mr., which I havo )uat noticed.
According to Mr. Farwell, of Chicago, Illaioc ia
a vindictive politician and an evil teniae, end
yon will bare no peace till you get rid ot him.
Thie letter ahowa Mr. Illatne la a wicked man,
and yoa ought lo demand hie immediate re.icna
tion, otherwiaa you and the Iti-puhlicao party
will come to grief. I will aoe you In tbo morn
ing if 1 can and talk with you.
Vary re.pectlully, Cnaa. OciTRAn,
Y'ou seo in these sentences his bitter
ness of spirit, inspired by tbe trontmcnt
he claims to havo received at the bands
of tbe Secretary of Stalo, and tho do
niund for his removal, and tho threat
11 it was not dono what would result.
Yet wo will find that on tho 21st of
March ho wrolo to Secretary Blaine :
I am vary glad peraonally that the Preaident
.elected yuu lor hit premier, e a a yuu
tbe mau above all olbora lor the plaoe.
That is ono chapter in tho history oi
this crime. Tbo letter standing alone
and independent of other circumstances
would not of itself attract attenlion to
its peculiar and signdicunt expressions.
But it will bo shown that among tho
papers left by this mun for publication
is found one dated Juno Hi, 1881, in
which ho uses this significant language:
"I conceived tho idea ol removing tho
President tour weeks ago." So that al
iho timo ho wrolo tbat letter be in
effect said, "I want my oflico; Mr.
Bluino stands in my way ; I demand
bis removal ; if it is not done, ruin for
you and tho parly will bo tho result."
It will bo lor you to cousidur whether
ibis was not as near a threat ol his
determination to do this crimo as ho
dared then to mako with bis knowl
edge ot llio law and tho danger of ex
posure. Whon ho bad conceived tho idea ho
had been rebuffed and, as ho thought,
insulted by tho Secretary of Slato. He
had been driven from the Wbito House,
ho was disappointed In bis grand ex
pectations, ho was without money, and
an almost destiltito wanderer upon tho
streets, and he soon dotermined to do
tho cruel deed ; but here is tbe first
conception, the original inspiration
hero tho ground work of his settled
determination. Onco the idea con
ceived that ho was a wronged and out
raged man, it took but litllo time lor
bun to decide lo represent his actions
as being tho result of his desire to
vindieaio somo great principle. Ho
knew, and well know, that he must
bang somo screen in lront of tho real
motive for his crimo. His heart was
wicked enough to conceivo from it
own malignity the crimo itself, bin bis
shrewdness and vanity demanded that
the publio should not g"'-" upon his
real motives.
This will account tor many of tho
extraordinary eirenmstancosconnootod
wilh tho crimo. Tbia will explain
many of his lofty and egotistical utter
ances. It is true there was a period during
this timo w lien there existed dissensions
in tho party in power. It is a well
known lacl tbat, as between tho Execu
tive and certain prominent and emi
nent men, thero was a dillerenco of
opinion as to the courso to ho pursued
and the policy to be inaugurated by ibe
administration then just in its com
mencement. It is truo there were
grave differences of opinion and earnest
expressions of sentiment on questions
of great gravity and importance to tho
peace and wollaro ol the country, ana
I as attendant upon those there were
licquont utterances ol bitterness by
partisans on o'ther side. To this man's
wicked and revengeful mind it immo
diately occurred, "here is tho oppor
tunity to commit this crimo, to avenge
myself and shelter my action under
the claim that it was tho out
growth of tbo present strife ;" and be
systematically and cunningly prepared
au apology and defence, of his crimo in
accordance with this.
You will learn by tbi testimony that
will bo presented to you, that from the
timo of his arrival in this city, and un
til bo had lost the expectation of favors
io do received, and made up riiB mind
to kill iho President, a period of nearly
three months, ho was an earnest so
called Gurfield man. lie announced to
the President, as will bo shown by his
own letter, his dovotion and lealty to
him in tbo contest then going on. Ho
desired constantly to impress upon tho
President thut he was for bim as against
ovory ono clso. You will find him, on
May 7th, announcing to tho i'resi
dent that in tbo contest going on ho
stood by bim. But when ho had lost
all hopo of tho appointment desired
under tho administration of President
Garfield and all expectation of olliciul
recognition from ibis source, bo re.
solved to seize upon tbe pretext afforded
by tho situation to gratify bis rovongo,
to kill tho President and shield bis real
motives from tho public. After tbiB
hud been fully settled in his mind, with
his knowledge of tbo world, wilb bis
experience of human afluirs, wilh his
observations of society lor bo is a man
ol no ordinary ability in theso direc
tions bo cnrcfully determined to make
the situation ol advuntngo to him, and
when ho hud fully conceived this Idea,
when it bud fastened itself on his mind,
bo went to work to accomplish his pur
pose with a spirit of vindiclivoness
with a cool determination that has
scarcely a parallel in tho annals ot
How many efforts he made to do this
deed, or when and whero ho decided
upon tbo exact method ot its commis
sion, no human mind can tell. On the
8th day ot Juno ho borrowed from an
neqiiaiutonco in this city fl5, repre
senting thut ho was out of money and
desired tho amount to pay his board
bill. After procuring this loan he at
onco visited the store of Mr. O'Meara,
on tho corner of lotb and F streets, lor
tho purposo of purchasing a weapon,
in tins, as in all other acts connected
with tho commission of this crime, he
displayed the malignity of his deter
mination end tho wickedness of bis
motives. Ho asked for a pistol of tho
largest culibro and ono that would do
tho most effective work, and was shown
and purchased tho pistol which ho
finally used, a wenpon terrible to bo
bold, carrying a bullet of tho largest
sizo, a weapon that was setl'cocking,
in order that thero might bo no delay
in its uso when an emorgency occurred.
How for twonty-fonr days he carried
that deadly weapon, and bow ollen he
dogged tbe footatops of the unsuspect
ing President, bow ho watched his
carriage, how ho made bis arrange
ments at tbo church, how he followed
bim from tbo rosidonco of Mr. Blaine,
watching and waiting for Ibo latal
hour, be alone can tell.
But on tbe morning of tho 18th of
Juno bo ascertained, from publications
in tho nowspapors, that the President
would go to Long Brnnch, and hfl de
termined to kill him at tbe depot.
How he went thero fully prepared for
that purposo end was deterred from its
accomplishments bia own words best
lell. Boturning to bis room he wrote :
W AaniROToR, Jone 18th, 1SSI.
I Intendei to remore tbe 1'reaideot tbia morn
ing at the depot aa ha topk the oera for Long
Branch, but Mra. Oarfleld looked ao tbia, aad
olung ao truierly to .the Pretident'a arm my heart
failed ma to part them, aod I decided to lake him
alone. It will be oo worse for Mra. Garfield to
part with ber buahand tbla way than by natural
death, lie la liable to go at any time anyway.
0. U.
And after this came another poriod
of watching and wailing. It might be
a Btory ot thrilling interest to kuow
how ollen tbo fatal danger threatened
the lamented dend, and how olton,
while buoyant with life, the shadow of
deal h haunted him. But again, we
aro in tho field ot conjocturo until wo
como to tho morning of tho murder,
tho occurrences of which I have
already described.
And this completes the story of this
orime :
This ends the recital of tbo circum
stances attendant upon Ihis national
boroa-emont. .For it cannot bo lor
gottcn '.hat the effects of tbat fatal shot
wero felt throughout Ihe land; that
not only ono lumily mourned, but
around every hearlhstono and about
every fireside thoro hung a shadow,
and it is not rsurpising that many for
a time forgot law and doubled i'rovi
dence, lor it soemcd so torrihlo that
this man in the lull tide of his career
of eminence and usefulness should fall
murdered without warning or notice
No verdict of yours can recall him.
Ho "sleeps tho sleep that knows no
waking on tho peaceini banks 01
bcatitilul Lake Erie, whoso limpid
waters wash the boundaries of bis
nativo Suite, overlooking the cily ho
loved so well, and beneath the sod of
that Stale whose people had crowned
his lilo with tho highest honors. It is
too lato to call that husband back to
to tho bereaved wifo and fatherless
children. For that wailing litllo mother
whoso faco will never tado Irom tho
nation's memory, thero can bo no ro
lict in this world, The latal deed in
dono and Its horrors and griefs must
You bavo boen each asked whether
you wero governed by religious con
viclions, and upon your oaths you hnvo
answored affirmatively.
Eighteen hundred years ago it eras
written by Ihe pen ol inspiration as the
law of that merciful God vfiom you
revero: "Woe unto tho trorld bocatiso
of offences, lor it rnue. ncods bo that
offences como. But woo unto that man
by whom the offnco eomoth I
' It were bettor lor him
that a mil'stone wero hangod about his
neck and that be were drowned in tbo
dearths of the sea."
And tbo honest, patriotlo, law-abiding
people of this country aro
waiting lor your verdict, to see If
iho man by whom this great offence
came shall suffer tbo just and moritod
punishment of the law.
During the delivery of the above
address quiet reigned in every cornor
of the court room. Guiteau himself
was tbe only man who seomed to nay
no attention to it. In his exalted placo
as "an agent of Iho Deity" bs appar
ently considers himsoll above subll
mary eloquence. Ho spent tho time
looking over newspapers and occasion
ally conversing wilh his brother.
Messrs. Scovillo and Bobinson, during
the delivery of the speech, paid careful
attention to it, and occasionally mado
notes. Mr, Scovillo smiled in Ins quiot
way whon some ol Guiloau's eccentric
letters were rend, for there is no man
who has a livelier appreciation of tbe
grotesque phases of the case than Mr.
When the reference waa mado to
Guiteau's assertion that Secretary
Blaine was running bis department io
tbo interest of bis own Presidential as
pirations In 1881, the Secretary broke
out into a good humored smilo. Later
whon a loiter was read charging Ihe
Secretary with being a vindictive man,
and advising the President to get rid
ol him, thero was a general laugh, in
which the Secretary joined.
in tho delivery cf the sddro. In tl
passage whero the District Attorney
showed that he bad threalonod ruin to
the President tho prisoner, who waa
apparently a careless listener, dropped
his paper, broke out and said, with
considerable nonchulutice : "Political
ruin, your honor not personal ruin
thut 'a what I meant."
Hero Judgo Portor aroso and said,
wilh great gravity : "Tbo administra
tion of justice, your honor, and espe
cially ol criminal justice, should never
bo obstructed by clamor or disor
der, or contumacy of tho prisoner."
"1 think," remarked Judgo Cox,
"tbat it is in tho power ol tho court to
havo tho prisoner removed, and pro
ceed wilh tho trial without bim"
"I will nut offend again, your honor,"
interrupted the prisoner. "I led a
deep interest in this case."
"I should think, under the circum
stances, you would," reraarkod the
court dryly.
Guiteau then subsided.
of Mr. Corkkili'a address, Mrs. Scoville
bowed ber bead and wept. Several
oilier ladies In tbo court room wore ia
tears, and somo reports affirmed that
the jury was affected. Mr. Corkbill
finished at ten minutes past 11 o'clock,
and his address was roundly applauded
by the spectators.
Mr. Bobitison announced that tho
defence would reserve their opening.
Socretury Blaino may tuke tho
stund," suid Col. Corkbill. Tho Secre
tary then stepped into Iho box and
was sworn.
"What is your naino and business?"
asked Iho Distnct Attorney, who con
ducted tho examination.
"My name is James G. Bluino, and 1
am at present Secretary of Stuto."
"Wero yon acquainted with James
A. Garfield f"
"1 was acquainted witb him liom
18(13 to tho hour of his death."
' "Will you pleaso state wholher you
ever saw tho prisonor before ?"
"I saw bim vory frequently in the
months of March, April and May last."
"Woro you with President Garfiold
at the timo bo was shot?."
"I was by his side."
Tbo District Atlorncy hero asked
tho witness to state whut then occur
red. "In narrutivo form ?" inquired tbe
"Yes, sir."
"1 wish to tuke tho directions of the
counsel for tbo Government," said the
Socretury, hesitating, "as to what point
ot tho naralivo 1 should begin."
The District Attorney suggested
thut ho should begin wilb the lucls im
mediately preceding tho shooting.
the secretary's oraphic story or THE
"On tbo night of July 1st," began
the Secretary, "I was engaged until
near midnight wilh the President on
public business. Oo parting ho said
that 1 bad better come aguin in the
morning, aB hooxpected toleave thocity
that morning. On tbe morning of tho
2d I went to tho Wbito House accord
ing to bis request ; 1 was detuined
somo little time in consultation with
bim io tho Cabinet room, and then we
started for the depot. Ho rode in the
carriage in which 1 came to tho White
House ; it was the Slate department
carriage ; it was followed by President
Garfield's carriugo witb tho children ;
we rode down the avenue with no par
ticular Incident. When we arrived at
the Baltimore and Potomac depot at
tho B street side wc sat a moment to
continue the conversation we bad beon
engaged in at tho Wbito House. Tbon
ho turned to say 'good bye' to mo, and
I said 'no,' I would escort him to tbo
car, for 1 did not think it proper tbat
tho President should go unattended,and
besides, 1 wanted lo see and talk wilh
the members ol the Cabinet wbo wero
about to go. Stepping from the car
riage he took my arm, as he ascended
the steps of tho depot. He was on my
left. Ho stopped lo speak to some one
1 think a police officer, tho same who
had just beforo that had told us that
we had ten or twolvo minutes beforo
tho train would leavo. As be turned
to speak our arms became disengaged.
As wo entered the waiting room we
woro not arm in arm, but side by side.
Wo had got half way across tbe room
when suddenly there was a very loud
discharge of a pistol, followed instantly
by a second report. At first I thought
it was somo ono wbo bad become en
gaged in an affray, and did not think
any deed of violence had been at
tempted against tbe President. I
touched him to hurry him on away
from dsngor. Aa I did that tho Pres
ident threw his arms up and said, "My
God I what's this ?" According to my
impression this exclamation was made
between tbo shots. There was thon a
rush by mo of a man. 1 think it was
on my right that he passed. 1 followed
alter him instinctively and followed, I
think, a distance ol eight foot, when
a shout came up : "We have caught
him ; wo have caught him." I turned
then, and tho President had sunk quite
down. When I got there be was vom
iting profusely. Thore was, of courso,
immediately a very large crowd around
him. Mallrossca wore brought and
he was taken to an upper room. Med
ical aid was immediately at hand, and
bo was then taken to the White
House. This was fifty minutes or an
hour after he was shot, I think. 1 re
turned to my own homo and wrote a
dispatch for tho public tbe European
publio especially, though I gave it out
to Ihe public bero in which 1 stated
"At this hour, 10 SO." I arrived at my
bouse about the time the President
was taken to tho White House"
"Thoso aro in brief," said tbe Score
tary. "the circumstances connected
with my observation. When tho Pres
ident was lying in tbe upper room at
the depot thoro was a gathering around
of the Cabinot officers. Thore had yet
been no report mado as to wbo had
fired iho shot, but 1 gave my informa
tion that tho man I saw warf Charles
Guiteau, whom 1 had socwj several
times. I gave that Information, 1
think, before it was known to the po
lice who the man was. Cf coarse as
Ibe shot waa fired behind my back X
did not see the shot fired, and did not
soe tbe pistol, as he did not have it ex
posed. 1 recognized the man as be
Horo a largo diagram showing the
ground plan of the dopo' was brought
in, and the Secretary pointing out the
different parts of the depot, explained
to the jury more minutely tba various
"Ilow oBon have you socn the pris
oner to the best ol yotirrooolloction 7"
"Well, very often. Numerical state,
menu ir apt to be exaggerated when
recalling such circumstances. Accord
ing to my recollection bo visited meat
the Stato Dcpartmont tarenty or twen-ty-five
times. It might havo been but
eight or ton, butviaiis of that kind are
apt lo give the impression of twenty or
"Waa ho an applicant lor office T"
included on fourth page.