Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 23, 1881, Image 3

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Wkdnknuay MoKNiNd, Nvkiikk.M, IkhI.
Terms of Subscription,
In e.lvaiiee.or three monthi.$- (0
If p4iri alter three ead before ill months.. 00
lf(jiil after the at pi ratio of ill monhta .. I US
Hi:i,l(,l(U!! KOTK'EM.
MetliudUt i;tio)l 4 burrbRar. Mio,
f.KiHT, Vitor. 8r.cei rerj Sabbath t ltU
A. M., and 7 P. M.
Sabbath Rohool at I A. M.
Prayer Meeting every WedDeirjey, at 1 f. U.
Cotumunloo Service, firat Sabbath of vary
month, at ldf A. M.
Heat tie aid eld N. K. Churrli. Hv.
OsuRita 11. Aavm, Paitor. Prearbiog
alternate Huoday, at I o'clock, P. M. BuDrla
School at It,, p. M. All art in t, ted to attend.
Kritab) tertao liurr hHet. H. 8. Botlih.
Kabhath lei-vlcei morning and evening Hab
bath School at V A. M. 1'rajer Mealing Wednes
day evening.
HaptUt Church. Her. , Peftor.
ith tfehoolata P.M. Prayer Mealing every
Wedneiday evening.
Ht. KrancU' ChurchCithollrRtT. P
J.hRRRiDAH Divltia tervlce at 10 A. U., oa
t lie Brit, third and fourth Sunday of eeeb month:
Veipenaud Benediction of the lileiaed Hearamant
tt 7 a clock, P. M. Sunday Bobool tvary Hun day
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
CarMfMiU of pumpkin yellow mn gold,
Ouiuiis in ii Ivory atrium,
HhiniiiK rrd oppU-a and cluirtrni of grunt.
KuU and a IhmI of gorx) tl.iiijri.
Chiiltciw mid turkryu, and fut little pip
Tbm- are what Thankni;iving hriuin.
Work U fryottt-n and plny-time M'Kiiw
Fnmi ofll,, and arhoulmom. iml lmii
Fathers and molher,aiidunclea,and aunta,
Niece and nt ithewa. ami all
Hpel away home, am they hear from afar
..t- voire oi on. i iiankMrgmuft; cull.
Now ia the time to forget all yourearpit,
Cant everv truulile awnv:
Think of your hlwwinjcn, rvint ruUr your Jova,
lJon't be afraid to lie guy 1
None are too old, and nuue are too young,
loin-im i niiiiKHgiving uuy
- tm mm
Au inch of allow fell on the mountain
north of town last Monday
Tim or aoLDiaa o,c artbk Milium court.
Kefiusd Monday of January.
Third Mnudey of March.
F t rat Monday of June.
Fourth Monday of September.
Tint Monday of J one.
Hfonnd Monday of November.
"Will yon Uke Wheat, oati or corn for lub-
crijiiion t vi are often inquired of m tbia way
by letter from pet root who reiide at a diatanoa
from Clearfield. We attain aay yea. The rseeipti
of a reipinaible m err bant or mill owner in the
vicinity, win ariFwer ua Jim aa well toe een,
To illtuatrate: If any of our patron will deliver
ui a Lug of train at the mill ot Joseph H. lire lb
in Cheat tonnhip. Horace Patchin, in Uurnaide,
Thoroai 11. Forcey, in Urahaui, Wn. Porter or
tSliaw'tf, in Lawrence, or Drown A Seyler'a, at
Horkton, Loiun towuauip, and forward their
receipt for the auouiit, we will credit them on
their account for the aarne. In tbia way all may
aoon puy what they owe, If they will puraue thia
toune. tf.
HvaA H, It. CuiiHi'ld's local in this pnjRr.
Hon. James Klynn, of Hinitli'a Milln, ww
in town litRt wt-c-k.
- M
Al. Walters hiut a Ktray dx in lim MWHen
Rion, awnitiiiK an owner.
(leorge Weaver, of this plnre, lout a valimMc
tow on last Sunday night
Mdllm make the butterlly in Summer. So
do buckwheat rake in the Winter.
Christian H artel, of Kylertnwn, advertiwn
Jiree head of stray nheep in tliin issue.
NovemlKirwi far ia ftirnished more tlmn
it full ijuotn of dark, gloomy and minj' Any.
Dnniel M. Iiherty,of this jilai-e, will upend
Thank giving day with hw purentn in Maine.
tuit buying humbug medic ine. If you
are not well, take Ptruun. If emtive, .Vnnitn.
SuWrilie for the Clearfield Kkpi bli
vau, and you will then get a good, reliable
I)r. Stewart w ill bo ulwent fnim his office
from the Sflth until the :M)th of November,
The failure of the cublmge cnp this year
mitkra tt a little rough fur dealer in pure
Havana cigar.
''.Terney' Snyder i now in New York pur
chasing n new stock of jewelry and fancy goodn
for the Holiday).
If you have no J'enttui pamphlet g't one
iinmedintcly. Addrew R. B. Hartmax &
Co., Osliorn, Ohio. .
k i
W. A. Hagerty, Kw., publitheHan Auditor's
notice in thia iwue, to which the attention of
the parties interested in railed.
liev. lr. McMurray, of Shamokin, Va., will
pn-adi next Sabliath in the Clearfield M. K.
Church, morning and evening.
The annual innieetion train pasHed over
the T. A V. Ifailrond lant Friday nfteraoon,
having nlmard all the high jink-a-jink of the
The M(ueal of dying Krkern hiwbeen heard
from every direction during the past week.
The butchering nenson has commenced in
Rev. K. H. Hovey ( Rnptiat) will preach the
w Tin on at union aervieea in the Presbyterian
Church, Curweiwville, on Thanksgiving day,
nt II o'clock a. m.
llirliiigcr A liM.k bus the largent and
chcapeat slock of Oven-owta in town. Call
and ee them and be convinced. 11-9-,'tt
The dwpluy of foncy goodMin the windows
audahow cuaea of our mercantile friends in
this vicinity in Indira. ire that Clirwtmiw is
near at hand.
The bent paper in the cheapest Suliwribc
lor the Cleabkikld Kkpi'dlican, which
everybody aaya U the bent paper published in
the county. Everybody renils it.
The eilixeiM of Hillsdale School Piatrict,
in i-uwrrnce towiiHlnp, contributed un ex
cellent school bell for the building, and suf
ficient money to place tt securely in Kwition.
Theodore Shaffer, of Troutville, this county,
a fireman on the Tyrone & Clearfield Rail
road, recently slipped and Ml from his engine,
and, falling under the w heels, had one of his
legs broken in two place. He will recover.
The accident occurred in the railroad yard at
For Sat, Cheap, Doors, 8ah, frume, fur
niture, spring beds, picture frames, mouldings,
picture wire cord, cane-scat chairs re-seated,
and furniture repaired. Will trade for lum
ber or grain. I. K. Caxpiklh,
Ruilniad nireet, Clearfield, Pa.
NovcinlK-r 'J:td, lKMl-'Jiu.
Up It Goei. Our coal out-put lat week
was fi7,4i:( t4ns, l2,rm more than Inst year.
It looks now n though the year 1hm would
close out with an increase of fifty jut cent
over 10. In 170 our region sent but 54'.!,
H!i tons to market This year it will reach
!!,.HHMKMt, five times the ijuiintity we shipped
in 170. '
For County CommiMsiouer in Jefferson
county, S. M. McDonald (Democrat) received
2,4(10; James B. Jordan (Republican) 2,258;
Uriah Matron (Democrat) and G. B. Carrier
(Republican) each 2,108. The question now
agitating the public mind in that section is,
whowill hcthetfiird man on the new Honrdof
Commissioners? The Court will appoint on
the 1st of January, when the vacancy occurs.
List of IcttcrsTemaining unclaimed in the
1'ontoffice at Clearfield, Pa,, fur the week end
ing NovciuIkt 21st, IhhI :
Jame Austin, J. F. Hailey, J. M Feltwell
(2), Thomas Flood, Mrs. Mollie Hall, Thomas
H. Holt, Sadie Huff, Clyde K needier, Miss
Clara Kline, Rculx-n Rohonowitz, Miss Lizzie
Selfridge, Lewis Sel fridge, Kertx Trego, Joseph
W. White.
P. A.Uau.ik, P. M.
ie a
Revivals. We learn that a protracted
meeting commenced at Wallnceton on last
Sunday and in cou tinned nightly. Quarterly
meeting will lie held nt the same place on
Saturday, NovemlxT 2Uth, and Sunday, No-
vember 27th. The Presiding Klder is exact
ed to be present. Kuccessful revival meet
ings have also been held at the Bradford and
Centre Hill M. K. Churches during the past
few weeks.
MRS. T. E. WATSON, will return from
PhiladelphiaaboutSATURDAY, NOV. 13, 'Hi
with fine line of all the NEWEST STYLES
FANCY (l(X)DH. Mm. T. E. Watmix,
Clearfield, Pa., Nov. II, lrtNl-3t
Intelligence was revived here on Satur
day, that Joaeph Rider, a. lrotbjr of
n til mm, hoi. and Hurry Rider, of this place.
was killed in a railroad wreck near Indianap
olis, Indiana, one dny last week. Ho was in
the 30t h year of h is age. H is remains arri ved at
Philipsburg, Centre couuty, on Monday .where
they were buried. At the time of going to
press we are without further particulars.
The Tyrone Herald of the 17th Inst, con
tains the following items relating to this
county ;
Tualiiort is having a new influx of coal
men, who anticipate a standard guage on
Hell's Gup road, from Bel I wood to the mouth
of Witmer run on Clearfield creek,''
"Senator Wallace and John Whitehead re
cently purchased the si i aft mine near Ramey,
and soon as all the arrangement are satisfac
torily completed, the works will lie put in
operation by Mr. Whitehead, w ho is already
running three large mines in the Clearfield
We learn from the Courier that R. 8. But
ters of Reynolilsville, formerly of this place,
will occupy the Gorton House when finished,
n new hotel nt DuBois,
John Lytic, Sr., of this place, killed a 113
pound doe last Wednesday morning, on the
mountain tilmut four miles northwest
town, near the Rock ton road.
Mr. Young, an aged citizen of Lawrence
township, relict of the late Jonathan Young,
died at the residence of Mr. Charles Fulling
ton In that township on Sunday.
A. M. Row, locul editor of the Journal at
tended the semi-annual session of the Grand
Lodge last week nt Philadelphia, in the in
terest of Clearfield Inlge, No. UK
Mr. Samuel II art re II, of Chest township
wants Ronicltody to come and take away a
red steer that hns Wn bothering him nil
Fall. See estrav notice elsewhere.
Col. Ievi L. Tate, editor and proprietor of
the Lycimina CArontVe, published at Williams
port, offers that establishment for sole. Ad
vanced age, among other reasons, is given for
wishing to sell.
The incessant rains of last Friday and
Saturday caused a good rafting flood in the
river, and on Monday several rnfls from up
the river jutsscd by this place on their way
to Iock Haven.
m i
I'nion Thanksgiving services will lie held
in the Presbyterian Church in tins place on
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. The sermon
will 1 delivered by Rev. A. J. Bcnn. Every
body Is Invited to attend.
In the alienee of Rcv.G. B.Ague.the Rev.
H. S. Butler will preach in the M. E. Church
in Goshen township, on Sunday, Decenilier
4th, nt 3 o'clock I. M., instead of next Sun
day, as has been announced.
The Supreme Court at Pittsburgh on Mon
day of last week affirmed the decision of the
Unver Court in the rase of James O. Allison,
nf lniliunn conntv. who was convicted of
murder in the first degree fr killing lu
Call nt Mitchell A Martin's store, and seea
pattern for the sole, of a shoe, taken from a
Inst over which shoes are manufactured for a
young lady, years of age, residing at San
duskv. Ohio. "Sise.No. 25; ball of the foot 111
inches, and still growing."
M r. ( icorge Straw, of Lu ndier City borough,
has taken out letters and Wn qualified to
ndministcr on the estate of Lar-Jirnn Arm
strong, lute of Ferguson township, deceased.
A notice to all Interested in the estate is pub
lished elsewhere in this uiper.
"Arlior Pay" Nov. 12th, recently recom
mended by the County Superintendent, to set
out tree and beautify the school grounds
throughout the county, waaoliserved al Lines'
school house in Brady township. Mr. David
M. Line, assisted by acveml of the pupils,
planted seven trees, and intend setting out
- . . i
Foreman Walters has received an invita
tion for the members of the Clearfield Hook
and I-addcr Company of Clearfield to attend
the "First Grand Ball and Banquet of the
Reliance Hose Company, at Philipsburg, on
Thanksgiving evening, November 24th, IHHI.
Ticket, $2 SO." The invitation being general,
all who feel inclined to go art at liberty U
do no.
Clean Up. An exchange well says that per
sons having cabbage patches in their gardens
should look to it that no decayed heads re
main, as it is considered to lie a fruitful
source of diphtheria. It would lie well to
watch the cellars carefully during the coming
Winter for nil manner of decayed vegetables.
A little Htmitarv regulation about the house
id vicinity will repay our readers in the en
joyment of better health and reduced doc
tor hills.
The Second Week. Judge Orvis is presiding
this week (the second) of our November Term.
Court wo called on Monday afternoon, when
Harry Hemphill and George Owens were np-
(toiuted tipstaves. The list of causes was
'ailed over, and all set down for trial were
settled by the parties interested, exvpt two
or three cases. Court adjourned lietwecn 3
mid 4 o'clock, for want of business, nntil
Tuesday morning. The case of William
Barnes versus Berwiud, White & Company is
now on trial, for damage done plaintiff's
property in H out id ale.
Buffalo and wolfrolie can be found at
Hnrwick's harness shop and saddlery, on
Market street, Clearfield, in great abund
ante. Mr. Harwick is very much gratified
with the large sale of rolsw and harness he
has made already this season, and thanking
bis friends for their generous patronage, he
solicits a continuance of the same. If you
want lap-robes, buffalo or wolf rolx-a, horse-
blankets, collars, bridle, whijM, brushes,
strniis, etc., etc., call at Andrew Hnrwick's
establishment in Shaw's row, on Second street
See his acrostic in another column.
The Curwcnsville Timr$ alludes to the
telephone line up the river as follows: "Iast
Mouday afternoon at 3 o'clock the wire of the
Curwcnsville Telephone Com iMUty was stretch
ed to. the village of Cherry tree, 33 miles
south-west of this place, ami the event was
appropriately acknowledged by a general
throwing ojien of the boxes, along the entire
route, to the public for that evening, and
which the public were not slow to take ad
vantage of. The present executive officers of
the Company are, W. p. Irvin, President ; P.
K. Sprcnkel, Vice-President ; A. E. Patton,
Secretary and Treasurer."
John A. Stock, of this place, received
telegram last Friday forenoon, that his father-in-law,
Mr. William Rhillenn, died suddenly
at his home in Gettysburg, Pa., at 7 o'clock
A. M. that morning. He was in the 04th year
of his age, and the cause of his death is sup
posed to have been heart disease. Two of his
sons are employed in Mr. Stock's eigur factory
here. The two boys left Friday afternoon to
attend the funeral, but Mrs. Stock wo pre
vented from going on account of ill health.
About three weeks ago, Mr. Stock received
intelligence of an accident that befell
young brother of Mrs. a, who fell from a
hickory-nut tree and broke both his arms and
n finger. Misfortune never come singly.
Wilton' e Humpty Dumptf Entertainment
The entertainment given by Wilson's New
Humpty Pumpty troiie iu Pic'sOiiera House
on Tuesday evenig of lust week was consid
ered satisfactory b those who attended. The
performance of the Wilson family, contusting
of Mr. and Mrs. W ihton and their two chil
dren, Maud and Harry, would be difficult to
excel, and the negro character of Mr. Ed
wards indicate that "lie is the right man in
the right place." The writer never witnessed
a mora amusing farce than "A Statue to be
Sold," played by this troupe. Everybody who
attended were well pleased with the perform
ance from lieginniug to end. The audience
was quite large, the receipt of the evening
amounting to $75, which, with the low price of j
adniission,chnrgcd was gratifying to the mana
ger. This was the firat perfurmuuee given by
this troue preparatory to taking a tour
through the State, ami we leicak for them
good houses wherever they go.
Lycoming Insurance Company. The report
of J. A. Reeher, E-q., Receiver of the Lycom
ing Fire Insurance Company of Muncy, wo
Hied in the Court of Common Plena of Ly
coming county the other week. It showed
the gross liabilities of the Company to be
(1302,042.81 ; the assets llK5,56U7fl. The
premium note amount to $H75.011r,7rt ; cash
in hands of Treasurer at time of appointment
of Receiver, $12,32.89; cash since received by
Receiver, $1,043.22. The deficit iH$176,472.i5,
making an assessment of from 21 to 22 per
cent necessary. The Court directed the Re
ceiver to file a liond of $50,000 to the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania; also, to report
to the Court as soon as sufficient should be
realized to jiny 10 per centum of the liabili
ties, and to print his report as Receiver,
already filed, together with the order of the
Court nnd the fact of the filing and approval
of the Imnd, for the information of all concerned.
An Important Law. By a recent act of As
sembly, which will lie found on page 54 of
the Pamphlet Iaws for lHHfnll borough and
township n well ns State and county Uxxos,
are made a first lien on real estate upon which
they are levied. The law provides for a lien
docket to 1e kept in the Commissioners'
office, and a new set of books will lie required
for that purpose. In case a judicial side take
place, the lien docket is to lie satisfied In; fore
any money is paid to the creditor. Collectors
of taxes should inform themselves as to the
requirements of the law, so a to guard against
the penalties prcMcrilicd In the third section.
The Only County in the State Without a Bail
roarf. Fulton county, hemmed in as It is on
all sides by mountains, is the only county in
Pennsylvaniawithnutaruilmad. But it looks
now as If this lioun was altout to be given its
lieopln. The McConnellsburg Vwoerfl notices
the advent of Cols. Stewart and Roberts with
n corps of engineers into that borough, fisr the
purpose of making a survey for a railroad
through the county, U connect with the Bal
timore A Cumlierland Valley road at Chara
liersburg and a new road under construction
by W. H. Vandcrbilt from Pittsburgh east
ward. It is thought that within the next
three years FulUm county will lie relieved of
the reproach so often cost upon it m the only
co u n I v in the State without a railroad.
M Horrible flefltt. On Saturday evening
almut five o'clock the lock-up at Everett was
burned to the ground, and Jacob lean, a col
ored man confined in it, Inst his life in the
flame. Dean had leen drinking during the
do' and became very quarrelsome and abusive,
and borough authorities were called upon to
lock him up. Constable Richey performed
thia duty, and shortly afterward the lock-up,
a small wooden structure, was discovered to
be In flames. Several men hastened to the
building, and succeeded in making an open
ing in the door with an ai, but the fire had
gained such headway that they could not
rescne the unfortunate man. When ths
flames were quenched, his charred lody was
found doubled up in a corner. Pean was
frequently an inmate of the lock tip, arrd had
said that the next time he was put In be
would burn it and himself to ashes, and he
carried out his threat He leaves two wives,
one of them ft whit woman. isis?rfa
Olebe. -; - 1
A Death in Prion.Th Lock Haven Ih-mo-
cral, of lost week relates the following : "Fri
day last, nt alwut 11 o'clock, 'Officer Waits ar
rested an old man, named Lenndcr D. Wil
liams, for drunkenness. The officer found
him at the depot seated on a baggage truck
when he made the arrest and conveyed the
old man to jail. Arriving at the jail he
placed him in a sitting posture in a cell and
left him. On the evening of the same day
Mr. Paul, the turnkey, visited him and at
tempted to arouse him from his stupor, but
without success. Believing that by the next
morning be would be sober enough to give an
account of himself and that he wn not in a
dangerous condition, Mr. Paul did not again
visit him until the succeeding morning when
he found him dead. The deceased was for
some years a resident of Miffiinburg, Union
county, where his wife and two children
reside. He was in the habit of paying periodi
cal visits to this city, and at the time nf his
death was on his way to Ht. Mary's to visit a
brother, He had upon his person at the time
of his arrest a watch and several dollars in
money. The Coroner's Inquest rendered a
verdict to the effect that the man came to his
death from paralysis of the heart A son
came from Montgomery Station and removed
the hotly."
4 Woman Burned to Death. A most heart
rending and fatal accident, caused by the up
setting of a lighted lamp, occurred in Burr
township on Friday night, Nov. 11th. It
seems that Mrs. Dumm, wife of our friend
and patron, Mr. Henry Dumm, a highly re
spectable and well-known farmer and carpen
ter of that vicinity, placed one of her little
children on the floor for the purpose of ex
tracting a splinter from his foot, nnd while in
the act of doing so the lamp, which was
standing near the lad's feet at the time, was
upset, either by a sudden movement of his
foot or from some other cause, and Mrs. D.'s
clothing was set on fire. Naturally frightened
hy the spelling fate which threatened her,
the poor woman ran from the house scream
ing for her huslHiiid, who was at work in his
shop a short distance away. This movement
only Intensified the danger, and ns may well
be imagined the flames were fanned Into fury
hy her rapid flight and the unfortunate wo
man was burned in a shocking manner so
terribly, indeed, that after suffering the most
intense pain for more than two days she died
on Monday morning. The deceased lady was
a must excellent wife, mother and neighlKir
and was held in high esteem by all who
knew her. In their sudden and shocking
bereavement Mr. Dumm and his mother!
children have the sincere sympathy of every
feeling heart That God may giant rest to
the departed and consolation to the sadly
bereaved ones Is our heartfelt prayer. fwnr
ftria fireman.
The Xorth American Rcrieir for Iccember is
in all respects ft good number. The wrihra
without exception are mm eminently compe
tent for the task assigned to them, while of
the subjects discussed, there is not one which
does not posses ft living Interest Indeed,
were one called npon to enumerate the con
tentions that are to-day exercising men's
minds, those treated of in this numltcr of the
Review would certainly occur to him among
the first. The most important and most op
portune of all the articles is one? by the Hon.
John A. Kasson, entitled MThe Monroe Doc
trine in lHnl", la this statesmanlike paper,
or pronunciamento, as to not inaptly be called
and is certain to be regarded by foreign pub
licists, the obligation of the United State
government to effectually assert its supremacy
throughout the Western Hemisphere is de
monstrated both by the arguments of author
ity and precedent, and upon the grounds of ,
reason. Then follows a discussion ot the
Pesth Penalty, conducted by the Rev. Pr.
Cheever, Judge Samuel Hsnd and Wendell
Phillips. The policy of Gladstone's Govern
ment toward Ireland Is strenuously defended
by Mr. II. 0. Arnold-Forater, son of the Chief
Secretary for Ireland. This paper ii con
fessedly an appeal to the Judgment and sym
pathy of Americans In the at niggle now going
across the Atlantic, and is a graceful, practi
cal admission that British Statesmen are not
indifferent to the enlightened pnblio opinion
of the United State. Fonr physicians and
surgeons of the first rank, nsmely, Pre, W.
A, Hammond, John Ash hurst, Jr., J. Marion
Sims and JohwT. Hodgen, review the history
of President Gnrflfld case. Finally the Hob.
Daytd A. Wells treats of Re form la Federal
From the Oaoeola Rtvellle, Nor. lllb, 181
The shipment of coal from this region,
from the 1st of January, 1SH1, up to last
Saturday, according to the Railroad Com
pany's scale at Tyrone, amounted to two mill
ions eighteen thousand three hundred and
thirty-one tons, with eight weeks of the year
yet to work on. Since the cars are being sent
in more abundantly, it is reasonable to esti
mate that one-half a milliou more will go out
by the lost of 18H1. This is over three-quarters
of a million more than has ever gone be
fore, for the same length of time; and more
than double some years, since this was con
sidered a coal region. The wonder now is
what it might have been if our shippers could
have gotten the cars, they having the orders,
the coal, the machinery and the laW to have
almost doubled it, if not altogether. This
amount is only what went over the Tyrone
scales, and does not include what coal has
been used this side of Tyrone, on locomotives,
at brick kilns, and mill, and for family use,
nor t lie coal which has been shipped from
other parts of the county Bell's Gap mid
DuBois region, which there is no doubt would
reach another million at the very minimum.
This would amount to throe million five hun
dred thousand tons, or ninety-eight million
bushels, rating it at twenty-eight bushels to
the ton, oa they do at Pittsburgh. If there
is another county in the State or in nny of
the Stall in the Union, putting out more
ooul than Clearfield (for there is very little of
tins out-put mentioned above, that docs not
go from Clearfield), we would like to know
where it is. The extent of territory from
which the 2,0lH,331 tons have lcen taken in
the last ten mouths is about four miles by
fourteen in extent. The distance from Mor-
nscmic Mines xo jonn hitelieada upper
mine, on the Houtzdale Branch, two miles
above Houtzdale, from the east to west, is
fourteen miles, and from Mapleton to Powcl
ton, north to south, four miles. This is the
extreme distant, either way the average
would not be more than two by fourteen
miles, if that ; hut our calculation will be
based upon two by fourteen. This would le
twenty-eight square miles, and allowing (M0
ucrcs to the square mile would make it 17,
iW acre, and dividing 17,920 acres into the
,01Ht331 tons gone ont, mnkes un average of
ahout413 tons to the acre of the entire twenty-eight
miles. At fifteen cents royalty 2,-
01H,:i31 tons amount to $;t02,74.5. At fifty
cents per ton for mining, it amounts to $1,
KW),lt5.50. At the rate of $1 per ton. loaded
on the cars, it is worth $2,01H,:i31. At $2 per
ton, the rate which we estimate the freight
to be, to Philadelphia, amounts to$4,03(i,fi22;
and so we might go on making interesting
figures of this kind for some length, but will
let this suffice for the present.
Many retired merchants of thecitvand the
heirs and legal representative of many of the
business men who have slept for years in
laurel Hill were agreeably mirprised yester
day at the receipt of bank checks as payment
of the remainder nf the indehtnes of the
wholesale dry goods firm of Hood, Bonhright
flt I o., caused by the lailurc ot Hoori A Co. in
101. For twenty years a debt fund haslieeu
growing on the Issiks of the firm unknown to
any one but the jKirtners themselves, and for
twenty years has the business world forgotten
that eight y-fievcn thousand dollars bud re
mained unpaid since the compromise of the
failure for over a third of a million. Men re
tired from business and others died lielieviug
that when they received seventy-five jter
cent, of their claims against Hood, Bonbright
A Co. in lM(t they had made a compromise
for all time. Of the large list of the firm's
creditors in 1ho' a very tew remain in active
business to-day. Wednesday and yesterday
the remaining indebtedness was paid in full,
witn uie accumulated interest ol twent v vears.
The amount thus paid was over one hundred
thousand dollars.
Samuel Hood established a small cloth store
on Market street, near Fourth, in 1H23, and
transacted an easy-going hutstcadily-increas-ing
business until K7, when the firm he-
came Hood A Co. A more extended trade
was then gained, nnd e'ery thing moved alone
smoothly until lnol, when the firm failed for
$Xo,ooo. The failure caused but little com
ment in business circles for the reason that
business was generally in a state of stagnation
and failures alurmingly frequent owing to the
outbreak of hostilities between the North nnd
the Sou tli. Out of the ruins of the house the
new firm of Hood, Bonbright A Co. grew into
existence. I'Mlarfrlphia 7'imm.
A large portion of our business men, espe
cially the merchant of Clearfield county, have
long been acquainted with this firm, nnd they
will be pleased to learn that the mem Iters
have fully recovered from their misfortune.
The practical example of this firm is worth
Colonel Sanford and Copeland. Our people
must not forget that these two eminent plat
form orators will be here during the coming
Teacher's Institute. They have filled more
engagaments in Pennsylvania this Fall than
nny other lecturers in the field, and the press
of the State bestows praise upon them. The
acquaintance our people already have with
Col. Hun ford insures him s full house. Of
Mr. Copeland, we have Iwfore us more than ,
one hundred flattering testimonials. The fol
ing, we lsdieve, will give our people un idea
of the ability of the man :
"Col. L. F. Copelnnd, of Indiana, delivered
one of the grandest and most eloquent lec
tures last evening lie fore the Teachers' Insti
tute on "HnoU and Snobbery," ever listened
to in this place. His command of language
is great and from the first he held the uudi
enee captive hy the charm of his simple, yet
masterly eloquence, and his vast knowledge
of men and things. At one time hisntidiem-e
would burst forth in peals of laughter at some
witty saying, and the. next he held it spell
Iwtind with a tender touch of pure heartfelt
pathos, and when the seaker closed with a
burst of eloquence the huge and cultured au
dience poun d forth a torrent of applause and
slowly retired with the inward consciousness
that they were enabled to enrry home with
them pleasant truths that will linger as long
us memory lasts. Imitation iPa.) Daily JVrira.
Col. L F. Copeland lectured lat evening,
in reply to IngersoU's "Mistakes of Moses," to
a delighted and editied audience. The lecture
was an arraignment of Ingersollism and was
set down in the bills as "Home Mistakes ot
Bob," ora "Reply to IngcmoH from a Heathen
StandiKiiut." For pith and int, humor and
logic, satire and ridicule, pathos, eloquence,
sentiment and good sense, the lecture would
rank with IngersoU's lMst effort, which is
high praise and well deserved. It was law
yer versus lawyer, and a rich treat for the
people who listened to it. Iji tighter nnd ap
plause were liberally bestowed bv the audi
viice.wllllea few tear showed that thepatluM
of the lecture was by no means wo ted.
Chicago Evening Journal.
An Aged Printer. On Saturday, Noveinlsr
19th, lttHl.our venerable and esteemed neigh
bor and friend, Christopher Krotzcr, reached
his four score years (RO), and is enjoying just
as good health as ever, and looking as though
he would make another half score lie fore he
surrendered. On the INth of Novembcr,lH27
fifty-four years ago he arrived in Clear
field on horseback, looking around for a situ
ation. The ground was frozen very hard, and
covered with altout eight inches of snow,
which furnished good sleighing. Mr. Kratzer,
in connection with George R. Irvin, setout in,
the newspaper business, and founded the
Penntylrania Banner, the predecessor of the
CLEARFIKLD RKrTBLK-AN. The building in
which the first nnmlwr of the Zinsser was
issued stood on corner of Market sad Cherry
streets,'where James L. Leavy'a residence now
stan ils. The first number of their journal was
Issued about the middle of December, 127.
We have before tisa copy of Volume 1, No. 8,
dated February 7th, 1H2H. Mr. Kratser has
been engaged in the lumlwr and mercantile
bnsiness for many years, and is rcseclcd by
11. Practically he may not be the oldest
printer; hut ft was the foundation for his
future pnisperity.
Bull for Sale.'-The undersigned oilers fur
ale a full-blooded Jersey Bull, 2 years old.
For further particulars, call on or address the
Huharribff at Rocktnn, Pa. Wm. Wklty.
11 -9-St.
The time is here for Overcoats and Winter
suits. Yon can find them cheap at llirlinger
A Rook's, as they will not le undersold.
Call and see. 11-9 3t
The best clothing for the least money can
be found at Oulniburg siuost reliable Clothing
Store, Western Hotel corner, In Clearrfleld.
NliV K M 11 Kit T KR M, 1 ImT WEEK.
Court convened on Monday, Noveinls-r Mill,
at 3 o'clock p. u., with Hon. C. A. Mayer,
President Judge, and Hons, A brum Ogden
and V. B. Holt, Associate Judge, on the
Adam Kreps and Samuel B. Jordan were
appointed tiuHtavcs.
This term was specially for the trial of
civil case. The trial list was taken up und
di.xfMised of as follows:
A. C. Tate and V. P. Tate vs. William T.
SiHu-kmun et al. No. 1 March T., 1HIU. Eject
ment. Continued on account of the death of
A. C. Tate.
James M. McKee and J. I. McKce, Execu
tors of Isaac McKee, duceased, vs. James V.
Dow d rick. No. 115 January T., 1H73. Eject
ment. Verdict for I'uiiitifT.
Geq. B. (ioisllandi-r vs. Kramer and Bill.
No. 33 June T., 173. TretqtaHs. Continued
on account of sickness of Plaintiff.
Oeo. B. (tiMidlander vs. Kramer and Bell.
No. 441 March T., 1H74. Trespass. Continued.
Bigler, Young A Co. vs. John DuBois. No.
HI7 January T., 1h70. Debt Verdict, for
Plaintiff for $3.HH, as per patsr filed.
M. M. DuRrcc, Executor, vs. Albert Broth
"rs, With notice to Woodland Fire Brick Co.
No. 478 January T, 177. Ejectment. Ver
dict for the Plain tiff for the land descrils'd in
the writ, to be released on the payment, by
Defendant, of tlie sum of $721, in three
months from this date, subject to the opinion
of the Court on tho question of law reserved,
whether the actum ol ejectment undcrallthc
evidencT is maintained.
Bridget Baker et al. vs. Allegheny Valley
Ruilroad Comimuv. No. 27 Septemlier T.,
177. Trespass. 1'ontinued.
J no, R. McFarhine A Co., to use. vs. Win.
Westover. No. 545 Scptciultcr T., 1H7. As-
sumpMt. Continued.
John Clark vs. Andrew Pentz. No. 31(7
January T., 1K7H. Trespass. Continued.
Roltert Brown vs. Adam Mover nnd Henry
Merrell. No. 101 March T., 11. Tn-sjiass.
Verdict for Plaintiff.
John Snyder et al. vs. Thos. A. McGhee et
al. No. 100 June T., 1H7. Ejectment. Con
tinued. Thos. Watson and wila vs. Frank Coiitriet
and L. M.Coutriet No. IS June Term, 1"78.
Replevin. Continued.
The following case on the lint for the 2d
week were dioaed of, to wit :
Bigler, Young and Reed vs. John DuBois.
No. 254 January T., 1H79. Assum)wit. Ver
dict for Defendant, and neither party to tile a
bill of costs for witnesses.
Bigler, Young and Reed vs. John DuBois.
No. 255 January T., 17!. Same verdict a
John McDeniiey vs. John B. Hewitt. No.
475 January T., 1K7H. AsMiimiwit. Continued.
John McDeniiey vs. John B. Hewitt. No.
IhI January T., 179. Sci. F. Sur. Mortgage.
Michael Mover vs. Adam M oyer, Sr. No.
17 March T., 179. Ejectment." Continued.
John Irvin estate. Rule to show cause
why Exeeutorsliould not be removed. Argued,
ami Rule dismissed with a q mil i lied order.
Chas. W. Iiconard estate. Petition tor re
view of partial m-couut of Lydia Leonard,
Administratrix. Argmd, ami review granted
as to certain items.
Isacc Bloom estate. Rule to accept or re
fuse real estate nt appraisement or show cause
why same should not lie sold. Older of sale
granted to W. M. Shaw, as Trustee.
W. A. Hugerly, F.q., filed his account dis
tributing money in hands of Osrar Mitchell,
Administrator of Charles Westfall, deceased.
Sarah J. Ogden vs. Geo. W. Ogden. W. A.
Hagerty, Esq., apiiomtcd Commissioner to
take and resirl testimony to Court.
David Forccy vs. I. (!. llarger. Vend. Ex.
No. 07 June f ., 11. W. A. Hagerty, Esq.,
appointed Amlitor to distribute proceed ol
Friduv, Novemlier 1 Nth, Court adjourned
till Monday, 21st iimt., at 2 o'clock i. si.
m aw
An Open Letter on Life Insurance from
Hon. H. G. Fisher.
Dm. It'. 7'Ai'mjjmm, H. 7'. Hheaffrr, A. U. J'-
( (irrney, A. it. bheayrr, and ottitrn ;
Cmtlemen I have this morning received u
circular fit the Cimmt Juniata Mutual Aid
Society, ineorjKirated for the purpose of insur
ing human lile, in which circular you appear
as general ollicers, and to which is attached a
list oi name as references. In Ibis list inv
name appears, placed there without any no
tice to me or obtaining my consent.
Your list of oIlUMTs ami directors embrace
some of my warm personal friends, but even
this consideration could not induce me to rest
umler tho imputation in the minds of our
people that I have given my nnproval to this
or similar schemes ol speculating in human
lite, lou say "Agent are instructed to exer
cise siiecial care in the selection of risks, and
to take only healthy risks," and vet in this
circular you show vour willingness to insure
aged people from SO to SHI vears old. Speak
ing of the advantages offered by your Com
jiany, yon say "At this late day, when every
body knows the ad van Uiges of insurance, it is
needless to urge upon any thinking person
the imiMirtance of providing for his family iu
case of sudden death." But do you not know
that the practical working of insurance of
aged people is not such as Is'netits the insured,
or tlmse in a measure dependent upon them V
liut tnat toe policies are taken out una held
for the lHMietit and profit of those who coolly
alculftte upon an early death bringing to
them a profitable return upon their invest
ment. Such methods of lile insurance stimu
late and rcmUr active the worst passions of
the. human heart, nor can we justly estimate
itsternrlly degrading influences, and will Is?
better for public morals that nil respectable
and worthy men who have countenanced such
scheme shall awaken to their injurious und
degrading tendencies, and withdraw from
them all countenance and favor.
Very truly yours. II. O. FlxiIKK,
Huntingdon, Pa!. Nov. 1 1th, 11.
An Invaluable Article, The readers of the
Argun have no doubt seen the advertisement
of Ely's Cream Balm in another column. An
article like "Cream Balm" has long I men
desired, and now that it is within the reach of
sufferers from Catarrh, Hay Fever, etc., there is
every reason to believe they will make the
most of it Pr. W. E. Buckmnn, W. E. Hani
man, Druggist, and other Kant on ia its have
given it a trial, und all recommend it in the
highest terms. J'nton (Pa.) Daily Argm, tfct.
Vht 179.
Best os Rkcohd. I lK-lievc. Ely's Cream
Balm the liest preparation for Catarrh now on
record. My iutrons all acnk well of it. I
have sold one hundred nnd forty-four Isdtlcs
in less than five months. I ordered aonther
gross a week ago, and have sold twenty-one
liottles from the second gross. It sells Uon
upon its merits. John 11. Phei.I'h, Druggist,
Sernnton, Pa. Jan. 2, 11. Price 50 cents.
MIllKR DAI.K. At the reildenos of the
Drue wot bar, In farad lie, Clearfield oouotr, oa
Thursday, Nor, 17lb. 111. bv Her. Jena hark-
atreiaer, Mr. Jamks A. Mil La a sod Mm Hsi.ix
V. vaim, both of Ulearfleld county.
MKVLINQ MURQAT.-Oa Tburiday, Nov,
lllb, I(t81, at the reiidenoe of the offialetiug eler
Ityuan, Her. Thmuee Van Sooyoo, Mr. tt.At.iuuo
Nsvliso. anil Alita Lronircr Moruat, both of
JBumtine, uicaruem county, ra.
Ilt'IlLKK. to Gr.h.m townihip, oa fluol.;,
NuT.Dib.r 13th. lmii, Mr,. Mi'i.nma Hiilkk.
rllot of J.rub jlublvr, .geil ftl je.ri, t niuolli.
M.rMAUTIN -At ilo.T.r'i mllli, li U.oitar
townibip, uu Tui.dir. Nuv.inb.r Ibth. ItM.
YlKmi, ia.t (t.uKbl.rof Al.xtaii.r and Ktti.
MacM.rtlo, axwd a yairi, It oioDtb. ,nd IV d,..
"mi ITrmiiiitD Pkr Oiit. DiavuPMT . Old
Prick.. ri.wiiig Machinal o.n Dun b, purcb.i.d
at M.rr.ll'i tin and variHj itur., from up.
wardi. All kloii. of wing maohln.i repaired
un in. Dune.
ClaarSuld, !'., Jul; IS, 1877.
Just Itecelvefl.
Jimt Koc.iivod by ARNOLD, at
Car i.ond Nova Scotia I'lnBtcr!
Car Load puro Corn. Jtv and Oats
unop I
Cur I, od Dcnkcn gall I
Car Load of Clioico Family flour !
Car Load Dry Goodu, Groceries, &o.!
KSrnniniiloe, IJurk. It. It. Tie, and
(iruin will be taken in exchange.
CurwoDBvillo, May 1, 1S78.
Clkarfibld, Pa., Nuvetuber 22, Iftfll,
Flour, tcr ewt
Hunk wheal Flour, perowt., Meal, per cwt
Ottoi, ryo, per cwt
Chop, mi if J, per cwt
Hrsn, per ewt
Wheat, per buihel
Kye, per buahel ,
Oeti, per buahel
Com, ean, per buihel
Buckwheat, per buihel
Clover aeej
Timothy teed ,
PoUtoee, per buiihel
Applaa, per buibel ...
Oniom ,
II ami, per pound ,
Shoulder, per pound
Dried Beef, per pound ,
Chiuktni, per pair ,
Uutlcr, per pound ,
Kftica, per doien
tihilt, per lack, large
Cual Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
lried Applet, per pound...
Dried 1'rachea, per pound,,
lleana. er buahel
14 00
6 00
1 00
1 60
1 4U
1 0(1
1 26
1 0(1
0 00
S lb
1 40
1 00
2 00
1 OH
Sfohn Wauamahtr'i (fiotliiug Sdwltomrnt.
UU' SiU'MiSrmfiifa.
m jr. LWTLE CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Grocers,
ic , Ac,
. Agents for Lorillard's Celebrated Tobaccos.
Phillpiburjc, Pa., Noeaibr 9, 1 RSl-tf-
(Oil IHnrkrt.
Oil Quotations !
iAibitattlttff, ite fined tf .Tffurrt'
We quote ouj brandi of Petroleum and other oils
(tuhjeri to market ehantjtt) delivered free by
our Hpeelal Oil Car, when petite g the
nation at which buyer deiire
Clearfield Coal Trade, Htatement of Ciml
and other freights sent over tho Tyrone A
Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Kitilrond,
for the week ending Novemlier 12, 11, nnd
the same time Inst yeur :
For the week A7.4II
Sane time laat year JU41
Inereaia 21 ,i('I
Previously during year
Saint time laat year
Total in 1881
Sane time laat year
Increaie ....
Lumber ,
Mineellaneoui freight
, 1426,460
. Ml 1, 881
. 3073,744
, I4iit,:utl
95 ran.
, 2ftJ
Worth Bttmembering Now that good times
are again upon us, Ik-fore indulging in
extmvngiint show, it is worth remenilcring
thnt no one can enjoy the pleasant est sur
roundings if in bud health. There ore hun
dreds of niiseniMe people going almut to-dny
with disordered stomach, liver or kidneys, or
ft dry, hacking eongh, nnd one foot in the
giaM, when a 50 cent bottle of Parker's (lin
ger Tonic would do them more good than all
the expensive doctors and quack medicines
they have ever tried. It always makes the
blood pure aud rich and will build you up
and give you good health at little cost. Head
of it in another column. 11-lMt
Mlt. KniTnK : A very surcesnfnl revival
meeting has jimt been held at "Central Hill,"
near YYullncetnti. Thirty souls professed sav
imr fhtlh in Christ, twciitv-lwo of these
joined the M. K. Church, nnd the balance
await an nm-ort unity to join tne cnurcn or
their preference, or else want more time to
determine I heir choice. Eijiht ot ten, through
unbelief, still mourn the alwenee of the
divine "Comforter."
A meeting of cmisidernhle interest hasjust
closed at llradfnrd M. K Church. Ncveral
conversions her. Her. W. K. Whitney is
(lastor at both these places.
Wallace. on. Novemlier lfilh, 1H1.
Hew Bakery fMr. John V. rinkbeimr
wishes to announce) to the people of Clear
field and vicinity that he has opened a new
hnkcry on Locust street, where lie will keep
on hand at all times fresh white bread, rusks,
rolls, pies, (India tn bread, Ac, Ac, Jle solic
its a fair share of public iMtrounge, knowing
that he ll Able to please. Please give liiin
a call.
Refined Oil, 1 1 5 df Klre TeiL.per gal..
neiioeii un, i ju ,.,
Crime White, ISO" ' .. " ',
WaterWhite, 160" " " .. ,
Torob Oil, 175 " " " " ..
Miner' lamp oil, 800 " " " " ..,
lieu tine, 72 iJrerity " M ,
Naptba, "4 " " "
(leiuline, f8 " "
Prepared Keiiduum... '
Pit Car Oil " ,.
Truck Axle Oil " . .
No. 0 Car Oil
No. 0 Car Oil "
No. I Car Oil " .,
No. 2 Car Oil " " m.
No. 3 Car (HI "
Franklin Natural Lubricating. " 11 ...
WeitVa. Nat. Lubricating " .
Franklin 2fi deg. Oraflty " "...
" Kstra (Winter)
" Medium Wioter " " ...
M Zero Teat .
West Vs. Katra Winter " " ...
' " Medium. " " ...
Black Diamond " " ,.
(ireen Engine " .
Uoldon " " ...
Amler ' " " ,.
XXX ' " ..,
Kalra Heavy Spindle Oil " ...
Cylinder Oil, Kitra I) right ' " ...
Metcblei Cylinder Oil " " ..,
No. 3 " " ..,
Kstra Signsl Oil ...
Wool Oil, No. 1 " ..
LardOil (ealrajWinter "
" " No. 1 ..,
Mlnera Yellow. 2 grade " "...
" Kitra Nu. 1,1 gradea.. "
' W hite i grade. ' " ...
Linieed, No. I, (bet American; " " ...
Turpentine (Kuby) " ' .
Tannere' Oil (Upper) " " ...
" " (.Sole) .
No Ciooda at Hetall. Prices tJuaranteed.
Tyrone At J. Hurley A Son' Coal Yard,
lloutidale At Van bu ten A Co.'a btooa Ware
bcuie. Curwtmrille Frame Warehouie sear Railroad
Khenaburg Railroad Station.
Addrati all ordfri to
LOCK liUX 59, Philipiburg,
Centre county, I'a.
May 4, 'f 1-ly.
JUu di'filisrmnits.
T OH U OltK All kind of Job work executed
ej in the I
i beit manner at tbia office.
Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.
CnrwenaTllle, Jan. 9, 78 -tf.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
CurweniTille Pa , Jan. 9, 1878-tf
rilHK nndrrilgned will conttooa tba bulohering
I buainMi at tbe old aland. Meat market in
the planing mill oftice. on fine a! reel. Freb
mint every sionuay, luneiJiiy, rruay rsu
Haturdar morninjf. Your patronage I reipeet
lully .olKiUd. K. W. 1IR0WN,
l'ir M U. IIrowr.
Clearfield, Pa., 11 2 81 -tf.
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
ats and CapJ
Usui's F'.;;;::;: E:::;
That Ever Came into the
.l:0. t. TOM W.MIMIKB.
Claatl.U, Pa, Btt 11, lt'O.lf.
1881. FALL. 1881.
The Largest and Best Stock of
Suits Made to order at Short Notice.
Opera House Block, oppoaite postoffice, CLEARFIELD, PA.
J 1J-1SB1 If.
Fall .Ind Winter Stock
L j. VJwi 1 .iM) F, 1A 'C Y G O ODS, I VE IN VITE
Yours Respectfully,
3E3C. 3L. DS IX XtGC jA. IV cib O O-,
N. 15. In our Millinery Department wo employ none but firHt-
cliiss Milliners, nnd gunrnntcc nil work to give entiHfuction.
F.pteiDbitr SI, lSKI.lf.
Fall and Winter Clothing
Gents, Youths and Children.
Underwear, Neckwear,
Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas.
CLEARFIELD, I'ENN'A., 1'., Odt. II, 1881 la.
$rw g.(lmtis(mrn(j.
Fipttt Dry Goedt,
Btit Boot$ and Aotf.
At M. A. Kralltr I.
MONEY TO LOAN. Oa trit elaaf In fam propatU, a. tb. Malual Lila
iD.uranea CMaitiaa uf New York, on trri nort.
gaff., ia idbi 'ib ll.uuO ap. Fur fartbar In-
luriuatiwa ti t tb. under.igoatl.
CI.ar6.IJ Pa., II. ; Tib, 1I tf.
The tut and fuoaieat ( mm m a .m
",;::;,:,b:c""' NEW BOOK.
'Thc rrlnce nnd (ho l'aupor."
El.far.tl7 bounj; uh J, 10 , Mlnilralloa.,
II,,. .Ill b. lb. Liaditif Rook tt tba S.aaoa.
AUKNIrt WANTKU la; Towa. Uo.'l
ml, it, bat for aircalara at oa.. aad laaaro
obolM of t.rritorf . Addraar
F. 0. BLISS Si CO.-Newark. N. J.
Farm for Sae '
rpmi atrd.riienrd cIT.r. for .al. ONlf H1N.
X 1IHKU ACHK9 of bl. laa fam iltaatad
io Laar.oo. loa-oablp. Cl.arfi.ld oooaty, Fa., aa
tba asaio road laadiog from Claarfl.ld boroafb u
Aaion.llla. Tbera I. aboot acral alaarod and
and.r food aollivatioD, with two good arebardi
of obolno fralt, a goad ipring of para waur, aad
a D.w Iran,, bona.. foat, and albar !
buildiaga, aad al.otbvrooB Umbaraad board, for
a barn. Tba farm li nad.rlaid witb THREE
VKI.NS Ot CUAL. Tba aador nia U ao.
op.n. For furtb.r parltealara eall oa J. F.
MoK.aricb, E.q., ia Cl.arft.ld, ar oa Iba prapj.
iaaa wbara tba UDd.rilDad aow
Curw.aavllla, Pa., Oot. I, 1
Sola Agent ot 1'hilnlelpbin or the
W. H. B. and Engaged, also our Ideal Cigars,
W. II. BALLEXGER, Xo. 228 Market Street. Philadelphia.
Srtttnbtr Tib, Itll-ljr
cloaoK a.irra Plt.t waina
Save moneY
Uco. $ Paul F. Weaver,
Dry Goods, Notions,
BootsSliocs, HatslCaps,
Carpels, Oil Cloths, &c, &c.
Ibaahfal for fa.ora. wa invito tba peblio
to call aod lea our larg. and now Hook of fuodl,
bieb wa will diipoaa of at raaaoaabla rata, for
rab, ar atobaaga lar eoontry produaa.
Pollta aod att.alira el.rki to wait apaa yoa,
and prieai down low.
Claarl.ld, Pa., 21, llll-lf.
Tin, Copper Sheet-Iron Ware,
Cook Stoves,
Heating Stoves,
Ranges and
Stove Repairs.
Wood and Iron Pumps,
RoofingtS Spouting
Plumbing and Gas Fitting
Kit eoniUntl on heatl.
01.ar6.IJ. Pa., S.pL T, UM If.
New Stove Tinware Store !
AT VKHRKLL S OLD STAXn, Court lloaio, Varkat nra.l,)
Daalar, la and Ifanafaatarara of
Tin, Copper Sheet-Iron Ware,
a Laa niALiae m
Stoves .-iro ft.i.xcss
of any tire ar defer! ptioa.
Parlor, Boom and Cooking Stoves
Wirt ! kp. eon ten it hand. r proa art 4
ob abort Botiof.
And Uamfaclor.d aat .f tba bait Malarial aad
ia a Workaaalika Maaaar.
1'roBpllf ejt(etlei U.
Aruad.d to, aad OAS FIXTl'RKR af all Kladl
kapt Oonataatlj an band.
All kiadi af Rrpalrtag will ba Fraaipll tad
Naallr doaa.
AIM a faa.ral Aaaartrant af
A II af wkleb will ba aald at Raaaoaabla RatH.
Slra ai a aall. A abaro af Pablit -K
Pattoaaga b aallailad.
Claarl.ld, Fa., !, 1111. Ira,