ShcjttepuMuatt. Giorqi B. Goodlakdib, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Fa. WKDKKHIIAY MoKNINO, NllVKMIIKR XI, IfWl, Reader, if Ton want to know what ti going od la the world, Juil read our ftdTcrtiMog ulumna, the Spatial eolumn In pnrtteular. Tho Pronidont is busy preparing liis annual moMiairo to Congreas, wliii-u aaaombloa on Hiq flint Monday of next month. JIESIARKAUI.X. It i slated uh a fact that President Fiorce'a Cabinet is the only ono that underwent no change during his terra of ofllcc. Uioiit. Congressman H. G. Fishery ol Huntingdon, gives his constituents u good talk on tho subject of iho gravo jard insurance business, ltoad hie letter in this isnuo. We think that if 1 port;'! principle are worth nvtbing they are worth atiokiog to. A'a. That's certainly good advice ; but if a follow don't practice what be preaches, what is his adviro north in a moral senso 1 An exchange says they aro about to start a watch factory at iliimy, Pa. As tho Insurance Company has busied, tho town might be rccuporatod in that way. If tho samo men get control of the watch establishment that run the lnsuranco Company, they will pcuttle it too. Directous to he I'boseoutki). De positors in tho Mechanics' Hank, of Newark, Now Jersey, havo held sev eral meetings and consulted lawyers. and aro understood to havo determined to prosecuto tho Directors ol the bank, and employ Benjamin F. Butler and ltogcr A. Pryor as counsel. Brass. Wo see it stated that Sec rotary Quay favors reform sinco tho election, and is, anaconda like, sliming Ouluslia A. Grow all over, with the intention of swallowing him for Gov ernor. Wo had supposed thnt Grow had seen enough ot Quay last Winter, during tho Senatorial contest. Bad for the Editor. Aaron A. Chase, "editor ol tho SuranUm Times, has been convicted in the special term of Court, held nt Wilkes Barre, of libel against W. W. Scranton, late manager ol tho kawnna Coal and Iron Com pany. Tho jury gave a verdict for damages in tho sum of 9.'t,.15H. A Capitol Burned. A spocial dis patch to the Now York World from Austin, Texas, fays: "Tho Stato Capi tol was entirely destroyed on the 11th inst., by an incendiary firo. Tho ma jority of tho State archives were saved, but tho battle-flags of the old republic, tho seals of foreign nations and tho library woro destroyed, together with tho monument, cominomorating tho massacre of the Alamo, which Btood in tho portico of tho building." Twentieth Judicial District. Felix Norton, of Mifllin, Sephariiis 8. Schoch, of Snyder county, and John Tate of Union, met in the Court limine, in l.ewistown, on the 15th inst., and compiled the official voto for President Judge, as follows : rot-tmui. Mifflin Knvder Vuion iucu:n. Linn. 2MS 1117 Jlst 1.117 1S13 li'.SU Totil : 6,303 4,uM Judgo Bucher's majority, 2-.V). Gar field's majority in tho camo counties last year was 1,4111. Another Bank Failure. Tho Pa cific National Bank, of Boston, closed its doors on the IS lb instant. Capital, (1,000,000; loans and discounts, K.'jO,- 000; due dopositors, (500,000; due other jianks, 13,315,388; bonds held for circulation, 83,770,000. The Cash ior did not deliberately lob the bank and apply the lunds to his own use, as in tho Nowark cacO, but ho loaned 81,000,000 to an outsider, who has "busted," and besides, he allowed the said outsider to overdraw his account largo ly. The AaoitEOATE Vote. Tho total vote polled at tho recent election for Stato Treasurer was as followB : iuut, Rniltl... :5,Js notiM, llemoerat 2&S.47I Wolfe, Independent Radical 41). M Jftokion, Ifreenbacker H.97S Wilfoa, Prohibitinniit 4,St)7 Totil voto 593.2113 llailv'a plurality over Noble 0,824 Tho vote last year for President was (or Hancock, 107,428; and for Garfield, 444,704. Total voto, 852,132. It will be noticed that 180,000 liadicals re mained at homo so as to allow the Dcmocrnts to gain a victory. But they wore too stupid and lar.y to em brace the opportunity, and about 150, 000 of our voters remained at homo too. Reader, tho result is beforo yooi 6,824 for Baily, when it should havo boon 20,000 lor Noblo. The job is "too stupid for anything," as tho say ing goes. Giiteau Shot At Again. Tho Fodcral Capital undorwent considera ble of a disturbance oil Saturday last, during tho trial cfOuilcau. Dr. Bliss whon called to tho witnoss stand pro duced that section of President Gar field's backbono lacerated by Guitcnu's bullet It produced qtiilo a sensation, and Guitoaa examined it moro minute ly than any one olse. Several other medical witnosess wero examined, after which Court adjourned until Monday. Whilo the prison van, con taining Guitoau and tho guard, was going from tho Court llotiso to tho Prison, a man riding a sorrel horso, when tho van "was near the Capitol, redo np and fired through it, the ball! takingcflect in Guitoau's left coat-slcevu slightly bruising the arm. A squad of police followed tho man on horseback, who fired the shot, but the flootness of his horse toon put him out of sight. Although tho assassin claima that the Lord is ahiolding and protecting him, ho has ordered the jailer to furnish him with a strong guard whilo passing long the street. HE UL T IX Til E ST A TE. . Tlit) following is the lull vote by! " I couuiK-s in too ouiiu oi i en !.(. ivmna i for I'resiib nt in 1.S0 ai.J Slitlo Tivn urer in lssl. Compare them unJ no ti io the decrea o in tho vote at l!m last eluclion over that of 1SS0 : ISM). rRK'llCNT, 1KS1. TKXLSt'RLR. Ailarui - -I Alloghenr.i Armstrong Bearer - - -! 3752- 31.17. 1W71- SI-IK 22 . 35.'i.'W: 9m 15679 311911 472 T 2lti: 2H-.I3 IM'.iS 47(Hi: 2M4 21M 3723; 3taf; 3370, 3163 K.'.i.V.lj ',122.') tt'.'20 4650 472H1 5WI8 24:i5i 3275 4'JSUj 8152 2'Jli'J. 43S7 81)27 1 83cS ti'.l'.ilj 6246 4678: 52IW 3327: 3517 4.'i.').'i 3'.'62 3565 3117 6.v2 647; 47'J 510 3464: 2857' 27I'J: 2152 4.V.IH 36U2 34tl' 2344 7524: 112'.l, 42'.M' 56.10 44,i3l 2i.t. 2734; 173(1 4'.i2sl 3165 2WI4 1H41 3117! 22h4 25251 rlt 45i' 22:161 2H7X 1247 5H47, 71H2 371 45ii7 5462; 4431, 4623 222 66111, 8573. 31H.ll: 571.3 41731 7tsi8: 2372: 3221 1534' 720 1242 .1.20 6471 H752 4130, 4li.'.6 0251 4U2II 3752 34.1S 325 370 255 371 4ti64 53711 41.11 4ii;i6 12.'.2i ri.'.li: 1I3H 76s 4271 2210, 2(176 15.10 :unO 37H7 2.134 2020 21l(i, 4.117, 1103 31U..I 26.151 2750' 2212: 22.13 Kl'.l'.lJ 1625 17117! 1446 717 7357: 41 16 4220 10789' 19489! 5770! 999 20471 4360 1221 2.162 8218 5042 1622 3191 8292j 6144 5756! 416H 12.'.75' 1102M 7695: 5870 C41G 4955 3629 2751 3169, 3693 2192 2477 5.129; 6079 35U 3971 1955' 2075 liW: 1469 .13.14' 962' 2338 619 11625 11026' 8949; 8407 1862' 1265 134.1 891 9653! 5961 5178 2914 5931, 4847 44IU; 2748 2894 3032 2435, 24'!0 76.130' 97220 42357; 55866 1332: 537! 863 206 1134 1773' 594 l'-0 11511 9337: 809, 4963 1579' 2120' 1278! 1367 251KJ: 4150 2053 3-V j 994 625 677; 417 3802 5031 2542! 34-JI 2815 6.I1H 1297' 2737 1 5..2 2254 1134 638 3573' 408(1 2058: 2302 2118 3207' 13601 1927 5850 6151 -1703' 5362 3421 3122 2254 1720 7974 7113 522'. 4398 198.1; 1787 1796 1559 11581, 7870 7068 43071 Bed lord Hoiki- - Blair - Bradford Bucks Butler - --I Cambria -; Csmsron Carbon I Centre - - -i Chektes - -Clarion - ! Clearfield - Clinton - Columbia -j Crawford ., Cumlterl'd Dauphin - Delaware Hlk j Krie I Fiiyelte - Forest - - -Franklin Fulton - -Greene -, -.leU'eraon -! Juniata -- Laekaiva'a-: Lancaster -: Lawrence -j Lebanon --! Lehigh Luzerne - - -Mercer - - -Mitllin - --j Monroe - Moiitgoiny! Montour -j Nortliam'ni Northum'd, Perry riiiladel'a.! I'iko ; Potter - - -Schuylkill.' Snyder-- -Somerset -; Sullivan - ', Sukqueba'a, Tioga I'nion Venango -j Wnrren - -Waaliingtli! Wnyne -I Weitroor'tl, Wyoming York 1 Total - j 407 IC Majority 441704! 25847 1!205--'(15 37276 6821 Churlr. U. Wolfe, In.l. Ktmblicjn, I9.US1. Heno W. Jc-kfoo, dri.rr,l,iker, II.U7S. Jouici W. WiIiod, l'robibitiouitt, 4,0.17. An Klection Freak. Last Fall tho Kadicals elected one Levi P. Morton to Congress from the Kleventh dis trict in New York, by 2,510 majority. Morton is very wealthy ten millions and a groat Ciorfielder. (ionornl Noyes, of Ohio, was our .Milliliter to France, and being much moro of a Hayes man than otherwise, President (iarficld last Hummer conceived the i.leu Hint ho would punish Noyes by appointing Morton in bis place, nflirm ing that Morion's sent in Congress coul.I bo filled this Full. Olf Morton went for Noyes and Paris, and tho liudicnls nominated onu of tho rich Aston! to fill the vacancy. On cloc tion day, President Arthur and Con. Unint trumped with linked arms ovor half the district, soliciting votes for Astor. When tho ballots were count ed, Flower, tho Democratic nominco, had a majority of 1,.'120. It is reported in Kadical journals that Astor spent $75,000 to securo his election. Wo suspect that when Minister Lovi P. learned the fuels ho was startled. More: With Morton in his seat, the Kadicals had 117 Members of Congress a clear majority of ONK over all parlies. Hut the loss ol Astor gives tho Democrats and tho (iieenbackcrs a majority in that body. This cut in political science will canto a rattling among the dry bones of the Kadical millionaires. How Grant Looks When Mad. A New York correspondent of tho Cincinnati Ga:ctle took Grant in the other day in this way!- "A Kepubli can who wsb with Grant when ho first saw the Tribune article, and who called bis attention lo it, said to a re porter: '1 asked Grant whether ho had read tho Washington letter la tho Tribune reflecting upon him. Ho said ho bad not. 1 handed him the paper and called his altontion to tho closing paragraph. Ho sut down, put on his spoctaclcs, lit a fresh cigar and thon began to read leisurely evory word. I bad always found him a man whom nothing could disturb, but now lor tho first timo I saw him upset. As be went on with bis reading his faco grew pale, liis teeth clenebud anil Lis hando quivered with rage. 1 novcr saw a madder man in my life. Three or four times ho brought bis great hand down heavily upon the desk and declared with hoarse emphasis that 'it was a lie, every word of it.' " A Mooern Improved Operator Cincinnati has brought to light a tele graph oporntor of uncommon businoss sagacity and professional enterprise. Ho was dotoctcd in selling tho content ol tho other's privato dispatches to each of two rivals in a railway stock operation in that city, and in addition to this stroke of sharp practice was doing a littlo occasionally in tho stock business on his own acconift based on tho information ho thus obtained, Tho propor field for this young man's gonius is all streot, New iork. Tho hank account of a millionaire awaits him thcro. Pisturhed. The graveyard insur Slice men aro receiving an awful shak ing up just now. Attorney Gcnoral Palmer has taken tho bull by the horns, ruling half a do'.cn of the com panies into the Dauphin county Court for vioalating their chartors, and per polraling fraud generally. If he estab lishes half his charges before the Court, forfeiture of chartors will snroly follow. KlsriN no. Secretary illsine has just rosigncd his position as Chairman ol tho Maine Kadical State Committee. IIo proposes to scltlo down in his $50,. 000 Washington house and work up tho approaching Presidential canvass to suit himself. . I Foot, as I'h'I.omat. A to- ... , . i mcut seundal is not carried on at ash riilat is not earned on hi ash ii)Lloo, alludes to a pieco i.ow being played in South America, ns I'.Xows: "Something in (lie naturo of u diplo nni.ic scandal Iu.a broken out betwixt thu eini.-saries of this Government, lluilbut, tho Minister to l'eiu, and Kilpatriclr, the Minirler to Chili. Hul l, but has taken it upon hitnsell sinco bis arrival in I'oru to re'constiuct tho (iov eminent of that demoralised Ilcpuhlic. In this laudable undertaking bo hits acted as r. pro consul of a great met ropolitan Stato ratber than the accred ited envoy of an equal and friendly ftepublic. In pursuance of this extra, ordinary whim ho has taken it upon himself to affront the Chillian (lovern ment nud laid his own liable to have war declared any day. When these amazing proceedings of his aoalous colleuijiio roached Kilpatriek'u cars, that rough being, something more ex perienced in diplomacy that llurlbut, writes a vigorous letter to the Chiltians disavowing tlio former's meddling and reminding them that this country is not in tho habit of meddling in the domestic affairs ( f its neighbors, even when the uffairs of tbono neighbors have been invaded by powers which threatened our own stability. A very good placo for llurlbut would bo in Illinois. During all his career llurl but shone best in his home in Illinois." Guii EAi's Ji'itv. The jury cmpan ueled in l.itiilian'scase is constituted as l.illows: John P. Haiiilen, rcstuuranl keeper; Fred W. Biaudehburg, cigar dealer; Henry J. Bright, retired mer cliunt ; Charles J. Slew ait, merchant ; Thomas II. Longly, grocer; Michael I Shoehan, grocer ; Samuel F. llobbs. plasterer ; Georgo W. Gates, machinist, Kalph Wormly, colored, laborer ; W.II, Browner, couiuiissisn merchant ; Tin is. Uienlin, iron worker, and Joseph Prat her, commission merchant. The twelfth juror was obtained about one o'clock P. M.on Wednesday afternoon, when the jury was sworn as a whole, and the Court adjourned until the next day, so us to allow jurors to repair to their homes and arrange their business for a long siege. On Thursday the proso cution wascoiiimencod,und the first wit ness called to the stand was Secretary Blaine. The defense, from preser.t ap pearances, will rest solely upon the ground of insanity. That failing, the question of jurisdiction or mulpractice may intervene as a last report. The trial, no doubt, will be a long one, arid many points of great interest lo tho legul fraternity will bo likely todevelop. F.asii.v Answered Wo find the following inquiry floating around in tho columns of our Kadical exchanges llio past week : Tbc Prcaulonl OD Monjnj, oepipted tbe rciljr oalion of Attorney Ucneral MioVeiigh, who roo mmy from tbt Star moto Wbnt it tl.c uyrtory l.out Mr. Attorney dent-rot Meo Ycojtft, oibiw ? Lait Summer, if Weibint'iD rr por to oouM br oreiiite,), he oral thought to be oversowing with ogalnit tht Klor route peo ple. It wet difficult to buld bim bick. Rut tu.l denlj Lit tpeert lo hurt cuoleil off, nnd not ool; do the Httr routt pro.ecmio.ii In bin charge Ug, but Mr. MocYeagh lit Sed to fenn rlrenia. and Ihowi most valuable determina tion to bava n-itliing to do with the very dutiet ol proiecution to which be wai a few muiitbi ago absolutely devoted. The fuct is that llio Attorney Gen oral discovered during his investiga tions, that tho Star routo ring had President Arthur on their Bide, nnd if bo did succeed in convicting tbc scoun drels, Hie President would patdon them. Hence his hasty resignation. No gen tleman would remain in the Cabinet un der such circumstances. It was to be the llarrisburg bribery job over again convict then pardon. It is our be lief that Ihoso rogues will never bo tried. President Arthurassumes that their removal from ofhVc wits punish ment enough. Wuat Will he Done 1 Tho editor ol'tho New York Herald, views current facts in our State, in a truo light, whon alluding to the result of the recent election. He slates tho caso ns follows: "Tho fact that so largo a vote should havo been cast for Mr. Wolfo shows tho existence of a sentiment in Penn sylvania which Kcpublicnn managers must recognize or give up their con trol over the Stulo. They havo done things in public ways and us polilicnl methods which bring sliauio upon our institutions. Tho pardon of Keniblo, the conduct of the Legislature in pub lic measures, the Philadelphia ring, the street-car monopolies and hundreds of other matters mark the record of a rulo which must como lo an end. Un less tho wholo Ki publican system iB changed in Pennsylvania the good pooplo of that great and patient Stale will inflict upon the rtepubliran party an irrotriovablo defeat." Cllipi'iNM In. "Mr. MacVeagh does not explain," is tho remark of the Now York Herald in refereneo to tho lutost so-called "explanation" by tho ex-Attorney General. Tho Herald again asks Mr. MueVeagh to answer in di rect terms what ho means by saying that bis usefulness "as representing tho Qovornmont in tho &tur limlo cases camo to an end when Mr. Arthur bo. camo President Tho Attorney Gon orul was well aware that tho Slar Routers had "fixed the Court," and it was folly for him to fool his time away beforo that tribunal. Mr. MncVcagh acted manly in taking no hand in this prcpurod fraud. A (Jj.od Index. Orange Noblo, our candidate for State Treasurer resides in I'.rio county. Last year Garfiuld carried tho county by a majority of 2,2M, and the Kudical county ticket at tho late election received majorities ranging from l,4:i2lol,CS0,whilol!aily, the Iladical-Scotl candidate, was put off with only 520 majority. Did Scott lie when ho announced that Orange Noble was unlit for tho position, or aro the rest of tho pcoplo in Krie coun ty fools 1 Wi DouiiT It. It is stated that the banks of Kngland and Franco have raised the rate of intorost to five per cent, in the vain hope of stopping the drain of gold to tho United Statos. Notwithstanding this unusually high ralo, no less than 12,490,500 in gold arrived at Now York last week. At tho samo time money could be bad in Now York at throe por cent Concisi. Tbo Lancaster Xcm lira, a Wolfe organ, in alluding to the do feat of Cessna, soys: "In tho defect of lion. John Cessna in tho lied lord and Somerset district for the President Judgeship thoro is cause for congratu lation. The Stale boasts ol no more unscrupulous demagogue." A TORMKXTEU LOCALITY. The eiiy of Philudi-Ipliia I. as been vcrruii Willi ballot box Bluffers and repi-alets lor ye ,:- in the great an noyance nl (ill W. II pelenns. Another c'a.- ol tvrii, do. r.-. s-.-i in lo have opened up lor l.iinin-.-, w hich are likely to piovo stni a noise mh-iuI ver min (bun liio-e tir-l imiicu'.id 1 hey ar.: Id.o n u "Jury Fixer!.." Wo notice lhat llio 7'oii.J is about lo "take tbo bull by the horns," will. thu intention (it breukii g up tbo trade of tbo "Jury Fixer." The editor in qticolion, hi his issue ol ihu 17th, says : In order lo coiniioiiKile men for la boring in the cause ol integrity ill the administration of justice, the billowing nronosiiions aro made : 1. The 'J imes will pay SI, 000 for the first detection and conviction of a ' Jury Fixer" in Philadelphia, and any one oonvKlcil or corrupting, or lit templing lo coinipt, a juror or jurors in any caso, will Do regarded as a "J tiry fixer. i. The Times will pay $500 for the second conviction ot a "Jurv rixer, ;i. The Times will pay $250 for tho llnrd conviction ol a ' Jury rixer. 4. The Times will pay $100 each lor the conviction ol luo next ten "Ju ry Fixers." Tho propositions before named will no open until llio 1st day ot January 1KKI, and all such convictions, within tho irimber staled, attained in the Philadult'biu Courts before that dale, will be promptly paid lor by The Timet to tbo person or persons who liirnish t lio ovitleneo to llio Commonwealth nnd in ease of any conflicting eluitua lor the rewards, tho certificate of the District Attorney lis to the parties who lurnn-lied the evidence will be accepted as final Hoi.ii IH roi.arv. On Sunday morn ing, l.'llh inst. the residence of William Wciiienhuiner in Turbut township, two miles lrom Milton, was burglarized and money and property to llio amount of nearly two hundred dollars carried oil. 1 hu entrance was made hy ruis log a window and shoving buck a bolt to llio bade kitchen door, und every room in tlio houso ransacked. Mr Woideithumer bad something over SlfiO in his pants pocket lying on a chair next his bed,wbich was taken, together with five overcoats belonging lo film self and four pons. Tho clothes wero "gono through" ami left in tho yard As tho membcis ot the family wero all moro or less sick when they arose later than usual it is lliout'lit cliloro form was freely used hy the intruders Hesides tbo money lost by thu heu.l ot tbo family, each ot the boys, whose rooms wero visited while llicy slept, hwt sums varying from o:.o to twelve dollars. I pon gelling up in the nioru ing and discovering llntt be hud been robbed, .Mr. W. immediately went to his stul.M to look alter hi hordes, all of which were in the stable but one which was found Man. ling behind the barn partly bnruesse.l, which shows plainly thai it was the intention of the thieves It) make way with horso and buggy, and wero only prevented l.o cause Iho enliro st of burners could not bo found. Jhllotiian. .Skcuktahy Foi.ueii. President Ar thur's now Tieiuury clerk bus finally reached the Federal Capital and is now engaged in bundling tho Government cash. The Washington Vast, in allud ing lo him, fays : "The new Secretary has mode u very favorable i in predion upon ull who have seen him. In per- sonal uppeuinnce he is quite sinking and is what might be called a hand some man. He is tall, wi ll formed. with btocd shoulders, upon which is set firmly a large und shapely besd. His face is nllritclivo and is fringed by heavy hide, wbiskeis of iron gray. Ho bus a plcu-aul, gi un-l iiiuni.i r hiii! is a good talker." Tiiat's Sol Mr. Arthur, savs tbc Philadelphia Chronicle (Democrat), "ii going to bo a party President of tho strictest kind. In all his nets and in all his conversation, be looks at every thing I loin the standpoint of a Kepub liean politician who is determined to givo his parly Iho full benefit of llio Presidential oflico. It will be well for tho leaders of tho Democratic party to recognize tho fact that they will be obliged, during tho next three years, to deal with ono of tbo keenest and shrewdest organisers and disciplinn. riacs in national politics." Where theGi.i.d Cots. Director of the Mint Irorchurd, in his umiuul report, shows that over glO.OIlO.OUO of gold Is used In llio United Stales in the industrial urts during the year. There havo never been any statistics collected on Ibis subject beforo. The report also shows that tho production of gold dur ing the year 1WS0 was :lfi,0(IO,000, and of silver :i2,200,000. Since July 1st, gold bars amounting lo ?20,000,000 havo been transported from the New York Assay oflico to Philadelphia for coinage. Well Said. Wo find tho following n the Clarion Jachsoman of a recent lute, and as it meets our approbation entirely, and is applicable lo more pluces than Clarion, wo giro it a placo in our columns : "Wo don't know of anything on God's footstool that is more contemptiblo than the man who r.nnotinces himself as a candidate, sub jeet to tho decision of bis parly, and him by n largo majority, bolts the tiok ot and Lttcmpts to defeat his success ful rival." Federal Leoislation. Congress moots tho first Monday of December, tho 5th. This is what is termed tho long session. Tho iiouso will stand Democrats, LI7 ; Kadicals, 140 ; Green backers, 9; Independents,. It takes 1 17 to clod a Speaker and othor ofll cors. Tho Kadicals must securo a Ma hone, or some othor commercially-inclined fellow beforo tboy can elect ofll cors. Tho Sennto having held an ex tra session last Spring, will moot lully organized for business. Some Difference. Wo notico that the Kadical nominees for Stale Trais urer, Commissioners, oto., in Snyder county, received majorities from 500 lo 700, whilo Bucher (Dem.), for Presi dent Judgo, rocoivod H07. The volo for State Treasurer stood for Daily, 1,3T i Noblo, 1,278 ; Wolfo, S(10. Wo should say that somebody has hern diBturbod in tho vicinity of Selinsgrovo and McKoo'a Half Falls from thocleo tion roturns. Soiled Doves. A Washington tele gram says: "The troubles and scandals of tho Hayes administration constantly increase, and now tho wavo of corrup tion rolls up to the hem of Sehurs's robe. The prosecutors of a cluira for supplies lost by Indian depredations nllcgo that they bad to pay tho chief clerk of the Indian llureau 15,000 to got the Congressional appropriation." JKA Til Oh' A PlSTlXd V1SI1KI) ODD VlilLOW. H. II It'll OF THE LATE JAMES L. HIIhiII.V, (MIAMI SECRETARY OF THE OIlllrH OF ODII FELLOW'S. James Lot Kiclgcly, Grand Secretary ot llio Sovereign Grand Lodge, Inde pendent Order of Odd fellows, si, an old and dMinguilicd cilixeu, died in l'altimore, Maiyluml, edi.usduy nioriiihn, November 10, 1HK1, til lnB ri-Hdoni-o, 207 West l.anvalu street. He sullered a siroko of jiuralynis in December, 1M 79, from which hu never fully recovered olid which was finully tlio cutisu id his death. Tlio deceased was a nulivo of this city anil 711 years of ago. His father was a well known merchant of lliillimore, und his ancua. tors for generations back wero natives of Maryland. Ills tin. le, Nicholas II. Kidgely, a man of great wealth, was President of tho United Slates Hank of Discount, of Illinois, and alterwurd President of the State liut.kot Illinois. The deceased was educated utSt. Mary's College, Finnutsburg, and curly in life commenced tho study of law with David Ilollinan, Professor of Law in llio University of Maryland. He was admitted to tho liar in Ibis city in 1S2H, and then commenced his ueeful and brilliant career. He was a mem ber of tho Baltimore City Council In 184 and lH.'ia, a member of thu House of Delegates in 1S.'!S, and a member of llio Constitutional Conventions ol IK ID and 1MU4. He was initialed ink. the Order of Odd Fellows in 1829, and the following year bcenino a member of the Grand Lodge of Maryland. From the time ho entered the order bin en IhtiHiuHlie interest in itn w-t-Uure and earnest work fur llio promotion ot its interests and tbo- inereasu oiis mem bership in this Slate madu him very popular, and a few years alter hu be cuiuo a member bo entered the (irund Lodge of thcUiiiled State, now known aj tlio Sovereign Grand Lodge. Ho was elected Grand Siro ol llio latter in lA'ISuhd again a lew years later, but declined both election-. Since 1x10 until the 1 1 mo of his death hu was Grand Secretary of the older in the United SlittcB. In 1SI2 be went to Utiropo us a delegate from the Grund Lodge. He spent about six months abroutl, traveling extensively in V ranee, Kngltitid, Ireland ami Scotland. F.arly in hto ho was a inviuhor of tbo Whig purty, look an active part in politics, but lor years past bo had been u firm member ol thu Democratic purty. From 1MR2 ho tilled the ollieo of regis ter of wills foi Dullimore county for a period ol twelvd years. Under the administration of President Lincoln he became United Slates Collector of In ternul Kevcnuo, which position ho held iinlil the election of Gen. Grant. IIo was several years President of the Ballimoro county Hoard of Education,1 and sinco lsflfl until his tleulli was President of the Muttiul Firo Insur unco Company in llaltimoie county, lie wrote and published some time silicon history of American Odd Fel lowship , which is a very clahoiuto und valuable work Ho died a member of the Methodist Kpiscopal Church, in 1S28 bo married Anna June, ilani'lit-r ol Major Jamison, ol lliillimore. Sho died in Kl7t. Ho ultorward married the second daughter of Mi.jor Jamison, who survives loin, together with threo children two sons und a.tluughter. Hultiinore (la:ette. Five Hurolahs Kacii Ma k ha I 'or TI NE AT ONE 11 A UL. J esso ISoldwin's residence, 5 miles south of YoungslO'.vn, Ohio, wns burglarised at II o'clock on Tuesday morning of last week, and between :IO,000 und $10,0110 in gold coin tuken. A lewaid of fl.OOO is ottered for thu arrest of the robbers. If aid win is thu crank who recently crealed a sensation by appearing ut the Treasury Unpart ment nt Washing too, I). C , and demanding gold lor ?17,0ii(l worth of Government bonds. He kept bis money in an old fashioned stile- under the stairs in the hallway of Ins residence. 1 he parly of burglars wero five in number. I'.-ur of ihem gained uilniiltiince. Thu llaldwin family slept upstairs, and the first inti mation they had of the burglary was tho furious noiso ma le by blowing the sale open with powder. Georgo Lewis, iluldwin's s in in law, fired threo shots ut the burglars as they left tbo houso with the bags of gold in their arms. Tho burglars returned a volley. No one on either sido was injured. The robbers had previously tuken two ot Mr. Iluldwin's horses and best carriage, und hod them standing near the resi dence. They jumped into tl.o bugg and escaped, going south. The buggy, it bus been learned, broke down about lour miles south of Haldwin's home. It is believed that Baldwin was robbed by tho gung of professionals that is woi king in the section composed of Western Pennsylvania and F.astern Ohio, and from soino point in which a sale blowing operulion Is reported ah most every day. A siuiilur robbery was perpetrated ut Krio a night or two ago, and there, as ut Haldwin's, tho thieves drove olf the horses and car riage of tho man they plundered. Tho rewurd is ample to induce tbo deteet ivos to start upon tho trail of the burg lars. THE IXSAKE ASYLUM AT COLUMBUS, OHIO, HUllXEl). CoM'tinTS, Ohio, November 18. Tbo Stalo asylum for Iho inntno was destroyed by firo today. It was completed in July, 1S77, at a cost ol $1,520,980 and bud accommodations lor 900 persons, A lady attendant wai ovcrcorjo by excitement and for a timo was entirely bereft ol reason hut by care sho was soon restored. The 011 pupils and all employes were safely moved from tho building and tho only accident occurred lo a tno iM n ii who spruinctl bis leg. Dr. Doran is firmly convinced that tho firo was tliu WorK of Ull tlieeinlltkry. a9iin-ii.i. Urndcnt Itultor has furnished tempora ry assistance to about two hundred sulferers. The ofliccrs, teachers and employes lost everything except the clothing they were wearing. Dr. Doran slates to-niifht that the loss will amount lo100,0U0 or I l.r0,000. There was no-insurance on tho property, as tho Stale does not insuro Us buildings. Some StRFACE I niiications. The truo inwardness of llio lute Nowark bank failure is fust coining to light. it is now learned from Wall street brokers lhat cashier Baldwin was fre quently nnd lurgely engaged in stock speculations operating mostly in the namo or on nccouiit of his wife and brother. It appears that ono concern nlono was at ono timo carrying slocks for him which represented more than 11,000,000. At tho samo timo ho was interested in other vontures equally hazardous, if not so largo. This sort of thing Is as certain lor bank officers as the famous western remedy was for (lis. It knocks them every time. Aoalher comet baa bona diaeovared. Coaaata are netting to ba nlmoat ae sunfaroui si ofiVe boldeni ait bava been diieovared vinos tbt finning of tba yaar. .Vkitttdttpkim Ttmtt. Yes, and evory comet discovorod gives Dr. Warnor's Rochester drug storo a 1,000 worlb of advertising for nothing. Retirnino. According lo tbo re ports furnished by tho Custom Houso olllcers to the Secretary of the Treas ury, no less than 6,34ft Americans 10 turnsd from Kurope during tbo month of October, and (9,029 Foreigners land ed at thi same ports, mostly emigrants, How tux Masses are Koiiiied. Hulow wo publish u I ii Liu show ing what etiotnious taxes pcoplu pHV for the bemtil til u lew iiiuiiiil'm turers ut the expense uf the iiutiiv eolis.iuiers : An!..!. Tux, Fur cent, Calii.ip ii In (111 H I Tlire.d.. , lo 7S ttle.i Ware ii . to llol lion 60 to VII om ju ii, ias Paii.l , All o H iii Sail t n& Silk , io Hu dlari-h , It, 1 1 it sugar a. d MoU.ioa 60 to 111 Itlanksli 7S to IHO Flalibel oil to UU If robbing Peler lo puy Paul Is pro teetion to Peter, lion robbing thu many consumers to pay the few manu facturers is also protection to tho con sinners, lint who bus a belter right lo bu protected than tho consumers, lor ure they not to a targu extent the poor? If the lurge profits of manufact urers added lo tbo revenues ol the Government or the wages of their la borers, there would bu soino oxctiso for a protective turifl'; but they to noitber, untl mostly go direct into the pockotsol the protected manufact urer who sooner or later dies and leaves millions lo Ins heirs or bestows them upon some institutions us a monument lo bis liberality, generosity untl benev olence I Srtinsyrove Times. Two Confident Candidates. A gentleman who recently ha l a conver sation with Mr. Hiscock.ol'NiHV York, says he feels quite sanguine of his election us Sprtiker of tho Hctise. M r. Hiscock does not think the west can combine on any one cuiitlidale, and that llio race will bu between hiu.bcll' and the Held. Moreover, ho suid, if there was a combination upon a single western eundidute votes could not bo truitsterred, lor the reason that he bad tho promise ol votes from tho Iriends of ull the cantlidutes alter local favor ites were out of the way. Mr. fiuTcr, who is at tho Kbhilt House, is equully confident that bis tbancesof election aro good. Ho couiils on sixty votes or more to begin Willi, it would bo a good joko on both these patriots if tlio Democrats would elect tho Speaker, An Induinant Soi tiierneii. As it appears lo the editor of tho Greenville (South Cnrolina)Air. llio world is up. side down. Spoilsmen hold tbo reins at Washington, thieves toss up their hats in the shadow of the Capitol, und llio edilo'-'s native Slule, Virginia, fulls into the butiils of robbers. Therefore he puts bis puper in mourning and wears crapo on his editorial headlines. If Hayes and John Sherman told the truth about one Chester A. Arthur, three years ago, the Xews inan is moiu than hull' light when alluding to "spi iUinen." VX.XSYL YAXIA cue s von lHSl. II Aitltlslllltil, November 1 f The tul.iilur roturns of 450 oflieiul reports of the Pennsylvania Hoard of Agnctil tine for the nine months ending No von. her 15 lead to tbo following esti mate ol Pennsylvania crops of lHSl : Corn :iJ,7u.H0 liu-hell Wheel IU,4TU.Oi.O lu.licU. Oat Ht.'-'il.,!..". tiufl.ell. llockwtr,i I.rs7,.'.' huiheli. Potecea S.n.ll 2;,"l t,uhcli. Totaeco I.',u2i,l0tl poutuli. OfCoi;rse. The Philadelphia Times says : "There are Iwo sides to tho as sassination after ull. Tho trial of the dastard temporarily diverts public at tention from thu Chrisliuncy scundal and perjury of witnesses goes on tin noticed." Hero wo havo it. Social scandals, assassination, perjury und robberies all at tlio Federal Capitol. What a mixture of "grand moral ideas" (?i! Wo wonder what Sunday school those vagabonds attended while they were young. A Foolish Mistake. Don't mako tho mistake of confounding a remedy uf acknowledged merit with tho nu merous quack medicines that are now so common. Wa. speak from experi ence when wo suy that Parker's Gin ger Tnniu is u sterling health restora tive and will do all that is claimed for it. Wo have used it ourselves with tho happiest results for Rheumatism and when worn out by ovorwork. Sec advertisement. Times. 11-9 4 1. It is now thought that Mason, the soldier who attempted to shoot Gui toau, is insane, and tho order to try him by Court Martiul has been rescind ed, ll it turns out thtit ho is not in sane, his trial will proceed. Tho totul mackerel calch for llio six months endintr October 111. no. shown by receipts at different Now Kngland ports, was m i.i.iu naircis, against zw, 901 barrels lust year. For three years my son was sor.i all over. Periina cured him. J. Notion sell wander, S. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hud very soro eyes, almost blind. Periina cured mo. A Bender, S. S., Pittsburgh, Pu. Qtvs ai'rrtisfmfiit3. TSTRAV NIIEI'.P.Cme Ireipaminr; on X j the of lha euhaeriber, In Monla town. hip, in. I ne. ir July. IS-1 .T II H p: R Tjr, .,v. SHKLF. The ownerti hereby rrquea- "TwJ ted lo eome forward, prove property. lI-pT pay charge, and take then away or they wtli be dipoied ot al tba law ilirrela. CHRISTIAN II A It T l: I.. Kylertowo, Pa, Nov. J.I, 1881-31. TaiTnAV BTHIill, Came treipauln no 1 j the prrmlael of lha anilenlnned, reitidinr in Chert townrbip, on or ehout the Ut of Meplem her leal, a Iwa.yeur old It Kll .S TLKK, with white bind li- and a while ipot on the forehead. The owner, or ownari, ii reiueitrd to come forward, prove properly, pay proper ehergel and lake b.m away, or ba will be ditpmsd of ai the law di-eeta. BAMI Kl. IIARTZKLL. New Weikiniton, Nov. J.I, lss.:n V 1)111 NIHTRATOH'M NOTU'K. Nellea la hereby given that latter! of Adtnlnlitration on the eatateof LAZIRIS A HMSTHUNU, late of Perirneon lownabip, CleerAeld oounly, I'a.. dee'd, having been duly granted tn the undereigned , all ptnonl indebted to aaid aetata will pleaaa make immediate payment, and thoae ltw.iw elaimv or detnaoda agalnal the aeaa, will prevent thelu prop. atly authenticated for leltlemant without delay. OKORIIK STRAW, Admmiitralor. Lumber Cily, Nov. 2.1, IKSI-ltt." VfNiTiitnw in net mSnllrllnn. f-irl'iil.-ntrt, CnrpnK Triili- Mt.i.s. r"i'vrlirtiin. cUv. fur tU I'mti-d watr t liktilft. ( uKv r.'ilt iHid, KrkDi't. (.i-mirthy .'If. It a li. r hud I ill rl) -live ) rant' r prrlriirr, I'ntfiilit.liiniiHil thnniKli iin ant m illicit in iheprt rvTitic AMMtu aV Tlile Inrifti anl hiniii1h1 llhm-tf-HTifl ww'k!vMiiMT.$S,aOiiy.'ir,'ilim'(iilM'l,iibi;n' iI S- ictH'ii, ta tv ttii.'i.'Hiiiitf.iuid liiui mi i-iiitiiitii rlrruimu.ii. Addrv. MI NN A CO., raicnt 8ill'l tin, fill), tit k. itTinc AMFiiicAN. Jt; rar.t ItsjW, Kt'W YTk. llaiiflu-ikatxHii ruiMiuIicc. One of the Rfaiumble Plriurfi of MTr, proparly nohd naal, alTorrii Hula or bo praa en l anjrtynirtat, and nurh tuhtaqofot tortura to a mil flr toad d.npaptlo. Hot whan ohmnia IndifMt. tloa ta nmbattad wtla lloataitar'l Htamaah Itit tari, ih food U aalaa tlb raliah, and anal In. ptirlaat of all, la atattaflaiad b and aoariihaa tha xrta. ll tail fraud toata aad aorrtatlta It ta rraiady aaatapaUaa, bilkaaaatii rbuaj Utm, far aad arua. tot tub bj all Drilitf aad Daalart. i ' frmr$ flm mtlstmcnts. j AMHTOII'S NOTU'li-Tlieuadirrla-nad Auilln.r ai'"liil-. lo d.lrituta the tiro ci.'.ie mmi'iik ffoirt i!:e rilicnH'r aa's of the pr. p er'y of l.ih II. II ire,-'. u'l'Ur Van. I. Kt. No S7 June T'lui, Ihh, t amciirf Ilia irtiea lcir..ilv ai.lli.ed thereto, heroliy Kir' n .tit'a thai hu olll ,lt to a' n nd In ih. lu : ol hla a.ii;til. I' ill at hi. ofllt-e. to I'h-.r . I I mi Fit I ll IV, Ilia Hill DAY ..f PK. KMllKH. . b. at I I'. M. W'. A. IIA.IKItTY, Anlilor. Clin.B.l.l, Fa., NW. 13.1, ISSI-Sl. 1XHi:Tnl. ull !:.-s...,i, hr.c J hy n'ven thai L.tisri Tralami-ntarv on Iho e.ieOi .,r IIKS'RY IIA.NTZ, late of Uradv lap , OoarOlil ci'Unlv, I'eni.rrl' line , leeeeaej, having- btee duly jtranlsd lo Ilia uutoriij,'iie.l, all iera' na indebted lo aitl'l e.tale will i!oaie uialto lUiUieiliala payment, and tuuae having claiuia or demand! a-ainat the aama will preaent tbeln proporiy aulhenticlted fur etllniieiit. JAMES RADAKKR, Kieruior. Lutherihurf, I'a., Oet. IS, !S'i l',t. 11IIITOHH NOTICI. In ra eilnta of I In the (Iridium" Cumt A. H. Jllokinion. J of Clearlleld enunty. , Tim unilerrigmd Auditor appointed by the Court lo take ladiuiony and hear el'-epti'inv to ai-cuunt .if adiulnivtration and report Ihem to the Court will attend to hia dil.loi a aui-h at hla nf S..eln Clearlield, on 'I'll I RSDAY. DhCKMltKR, al I ci t ik. A. St., when and a-here all pnrtira inton-Hed may attend. S. V. Wll.SoV, Clearlluiil, I'll., 11 2 81 :il. Auditor. i IHIIVmrit ATtlll'S NOTICK Noll. ii hrrel.y given lhat l.ettera of A dnilnlalra liun on the e.talo of SAM ULL SIlnPK, late of lleeeana lownililp, Clrarllrld Co., I'a , dec'.l, having hern duly grantr I to the undereixnej, all periorii Indebted to aai I o.tate will picaaa make iintjediata payment, and I lioaa having elaiiu or demand! a-ainat the eaiue will praam! thrm prop erly au.beiilirati-d for letilemrnt. aiibout delay, JANKS1I0KF. W. II. WIMTKSIllK.-i, Adtoibiitratora. Kem-y, I'a., Nov. Id, IMl.f.i. a JAM KB K Klin. CADBitLL L. llr-DLf. mnmmm IMHt HrtlHW tt UUbJ V s W ' hci!ffnt the foil ln,x flnt-cUaa Corjj.tiii. l.ivtriiool & I.inton 4 i!,H?il,!fi6 1'litoiiii, (,f Hartford, Codii .T.07 2, 1 ft lniunn.t?a Co. f North A a or lea. 1'bil 7 ,3n tW :i n fananylTODia liuurantMi I'u., 1'aila... l,IHl,(i:tl Queen Iuiimnoa Co., KnjjUmi 6,lifJ,l0U It.noa h!rf Instirs.nva Co., HnRlmt )... North Iiritlnh A MurraQHIa, Jinj ,2a,lM5 Wnlern Aniraro Co., T.Tonto . IJIl.O.Su Oflioa on Markrt (St., t.p. Cuvt llouia, Clrar (Id. June 4,71-tl'. VALUABLE LMDS FOR SALE ! r',ll K unilnrfigiivd ollen fur lata twu rulual-lt) X friui fituated in Lawranoa township, f A -Imra : On hundrnl and twtoty f 120) acrai cUrr.l and t uoil ttitta of culiiraliiin, and tinving tin reon art oltM. a lrjo and tine frame d welling bouif, too Urge frame imi and other ntcrmry ou'.niil.i ing, t.-)(i'fbfr wilb a large urthard, gwi water, Ao , An. ertilr acron lare tr.d aadcr v'tilt'i-atl'-o, but pith r hutliii(rf. Tho laid Untl atu dtuata within 2 inilca of Clrarficlii and the I'trinxjlvaala lUiiroad and are ua rUid with .Htua,i.i.)u. ri.jl taint fire c)y. Itrat'itt lur Htlhrir. Heel in ing henl'b 'if uwrr?r Pcr lurllicr parli uiar, inqM.roof the ioberii ar, J. r'KANK, Au'y f..r ULtr. Cl.i.r,, H, , June ll if. Sheriff's Sale. HY virtue of wrila af V V an r-n. . , frud out ol thoCuurt of I'luti of C Iwarfleld, and to uie directrd, 1 mil fx ptia to put'lio alt, at Via Court Jlouta lb tbr bt ruuffh of t'lurtii,l.i, on Friday, Nvf lubef ', ln-t. At I o' V. M . tha fcllowinj drecriUd rial fstat, t wit : All l hut certrtio piaoo or lot t.f fsroonJ nitunte on Xht ri'irlbwftt coriitr nt' Stutts and Wainut airict in Ifce brupb ol Car wen ivi lip, I'n , bnutid ed af follow, rii : Uo lb inuli bv (Sia'c ilttet. on lhaeHtt ly V alnut iifpr t. uo t hi1 ooi th by an allry, and on tbt west hy proprrt of Voraoe Clara, being i'J feet on Mate meet b 1M fi-at OD Wai nut itrret. aid baiiiT thereon are"trd a larit-eone End a balf f l ry buildmf, blackiuiith tticp and oilier outboildinRi heiied, taken to execuiioo, lio tj rf lolj a; tha pn.pnty ol ."-oiuuel U'ay ao i ti. L. Way. AlaSO, AH that cprlaiii tract of land fltuulo Id Bell ttiwnbi., (Jlertiel.i ci-nnty, l'u., h'uxid on the pt bv tbf river, aouta by I .ud of lloraoa JVchin. wet hy land of K. 1). liatrd, oorlfa by lani o" John 1'atton, iii. tmin 1! 11 aret, more or leu, with a.i.ut 81) at-rre eKtroI, and having tberooo erected a log ho one two toriea high, and a log barn. tviit-.I, t,-kco In exri'jtion, and to be iclJ ai the pn-iit-rtr of 11. S. liufl and N uoy Smitb,tiow Naury 1, (1 ALSO, Ad thai certain tract of Und iltua'e in Iltijrgi towmhip, Ciearljcld O'mnty, I., bcginalnir "t a rookuak corner ; theni-o i uih 87 diyreoi eait 2.t peruhe- toatonea ; theoraby land of t). and U. Merrett north H ileroei eaat K4 4 10 p-irthea to poat ; tbenca by Und formrrly ut Sainuci Ardery uonb K( dojrroe" wet 10 perebfi lu h pout ; thenca dill by aaid Ardrry'i land north 2J de groei eait 21 parchea to pott; thenee by other laodf of laid SiiooD 'fbouipion north U7 df(reen wext K8 prrrhra lo a poit ; thrcca by kndloru. rlytifjuol Hawlatoa lonth I degree wait 170 parch, mora or leaa, to tbo placo ot beginning, oontaining 3U aorei, M fl-Io pervbet and allow anon, more or In , being part nf fame laiid coo reyed lo aaid SitLon and Win D. Mnitb trora Wm. Irtin and wife. 4id Und oontiiui a good pt lit mill with w iter-piwer ani appurtonatioai, alm.a dwelling houfa and ether out butldmiri and iui- proveiuenti, and about one acre, tnote r leoa. eieared. Alio, a largo ijuaatity or good and val uable whitepina, belli I np a and other timber. Veiled, taken in axocutiuo, and U be itt! 1 a tba property ofSimnn Thoinpinn. Tumi or 8lb. Tha i)rlre or luu at which the pmpertTaball he at ruck oil a-jt be paid at the nine ui te, or auon outer arranaeuieiiti made aa will be approved, olhtirwinc the property will be immediately put up and fold win nt the epn ami rtfk ol ln pvrfon towbuin it ru ptruck oiT, and who, In oaae of denoienov at auob ra iale, bull make good the in mo, und iu no it.itancc will tlia Utrd he, prcffti'rd in Court fur fl.mfirma- lion unleia lha tuorey U artitally paid to the nwrin- JAvih? AM 1 1 A r r r. V , SHKRifr-'e Officii, I JSbentl Claailinld, I'a., Nov. 2, SherifTs Sale. 1)Y virtue or writi ol Lpri '.iett itued 1 ) out of tha Court of Common 1'lf aa cf Clear Hold aounty. and to me diroeted. there will ha oipnaed to HWU.IC BA1.K, at tha Court llouia. ut iitj ooruugn oi nearneti, on Friday. Novnnltt-r 940., 11, At 1 o'clock P. M., tie following doribcd rati) eitale, lo wit : All that or Main tract or pitee of UnJ iliunta in in 1 1 rmipti ot l 'urwtMViiir, Clenrnt-ld enunty, a., bounded and deft(lN-d ai fullnwi: Hr,rin. ni&g at a plum tree on the line ot tbi and Wm. Mi.l.ten't land ; thenn liy land old tn tSamuol Arnold lonth 8;iJ degrera wi-it 6S 4-10 petehe to poit, thenca mulh 4tl degree tail 7 ixrrbe to tba rirer ; tfaenoa up ths nrar non'h 7 c J decreea wtft 2ft pvr--hoi to poit, thence north ) d grera weit 68 perchea tn black oak atuuip, Ihi nee a .Dib CI degreea eait 104 perohut to plrtoe ot begin ning, Containing U aorei and 113 perrbea neat meamri, being aama premifei deioribel tn aime deed.Jamei 1. Leonard lo Catharine llarlihorn of 21 May, ISM, racorled in lted lirak "Y" page llt Ao., renarting e,od anceptmg there I rota aaid IS acrop and 1 U perohea. Xoreo acrea aold to Thoniai Itawliton. Halted, taken In exeoulloa, and to ha lotd at tha proporlj of Catharine 11 arUboro. Taaai or Bai.b. The prlee or aum at which tha property abail ba atruek off uiitt ba paid at tha time of aala, orauch other arrangemenU made aa will ba approved, other! the property will ba Immediately put up and told again at tba eipeni and riik of tha pereon to whom it waa airuck off, and who, la eaie of deflctaooy at uch r-ala, ahall make good tha fata a, nd in do initance will lha Dead ba preiantad la Court for conBrmatioa nnlois the money li actually paid lo tha KharitT. JA3. MAllAKFKY, Suaatrr'a Urrica, Bberiff Clearfield, I'a., Nov. 2, l8. Sheriff's Sale. 1)Y vlrtna of a writ of Vem Fntint luiued ont or tha Court of Common Pleai of Clear avid oounty.l'enn'a, and to ma diroeted, there will be aipoaed to I'l H1.IC BALK, at tha Court Home, la tbt borough or CI ear fit Id, Pa., on l-'rlday, November V.ltli, IHH1, At 1 o'clock P. M , tht following dcicrlbrd real titata, to wit i All that carta In tract or land litnate In OacffnU borough, Clearfield county, pa., bounded on tha nuth by fiarab atreat, on the north by Pine alley, on the eaat hy lot No. !4, Mofhanmm L md and liUinber Company, on tht went by Kllinhfth itreet, lot known la laid plan ol town aa lot No. S42 and having thereon erected a frame home Ii24 feat, with k tic lien attached lOilS feat. Belied, taken In aiecuttoa, and lo be told at the property of Ueorga Turley. ALSO, All of defendant! intareM la ibateertaln pleca or lot of ground altuata In lha borough of llurn Ide, Clearfleld county, Pa., bounded and deacrib ed a fnllowi , via t On tbt north by lanili nf A. U. MnCardr-ll 18(1 feet lo aa alley, Iheaoa along aid alley flf fa at lo Fourth ttraet, tbenne along aid Pnnrlb atreat IflO feet to landi of V. Ton htm, I bene along laid Tonklna land AO feet to plaet of beginning, containing 9ftl0 equere feat, Bora or Icm, having tbereoa treetd a new frama bout Sl)i3 feat, fraraa Habit and vtbtr out ballding!. Belied, takaa In execution, and ta ba tuld ai the properly of L. II. llaanaigh. Taima or Pa lb, Tht price or aum at which tha property ahall bt ilruck off mm I ba paid at the lima of aala, or aaeb other arrange menu Bade ai will ba approved, otherwise the proper ly will ba Immediately cut up and eold agata at thttipenta and riik of tht partoo to whom It waa itrack off, and who, la aait of delcleacy at acb ra aala, ahall aike good tba aama, and la ao laataaee will Ut Deed ha presented la Court far tunlrmaUoa aalaat tba monry la ataally paid ta the Sheriff. JAtf. UstiKYhMX, Saaairr'a Urrica, I Ibtrlf. Clauatltt, PaH Not. 1, lilt. J I at' lU'frtiSfmrnts. XTO'l aU'l''.--Thf. ii dcrsigiiid. iidmg la ti e Villitji;o of UorlnVhr, it t'!il m 'ii,.. te.t tn iJ Ll.n lifts iv arraiig tn'i.t til pru l,isii lo an KATINll llnt nK f..r tt:o uc ctntiujoilii'i'.n ol Ilia pubht' (tutentil), and 1 bire hy aoln'ii a Utoral itiar ol the pub if p i?ni;4g-. JOHN J. a-sN . IH.K. Ws.hirr, Pa., Feb. II, BRICK FOR SALE. Thri' r- lOf.iMi'j g ml U irk for al at tht. Mamball II l--h Yard In Hi U per ef-d if Hu. b -r..u,;h i-l i:it.(ld. Unck wiii ulwayt !- Ii-ui. 1 up hauJ tt ae.'ouiinodaiit any cmtinoor Wlitt tuy cnII. J. M ,MAIl-IIAl,L, AP;i-t. Cle.rfi ! I, I'a , A..g. Jl, Ul .'ta. DiMM.i.rrioN ttv iMitrF.Hiiip. Tbn v irtnirtl.ip heretuture t iltt ing between A. K. Sboli and 1'tni-t. Pieiiau hi (b.i day (Saturday, Nov. i, liHI ) tea dtvudved by mutual ouiiceot, and the l.uf.W ! Ibv Lrui letutiln to tba p' liejiiOD of A. K. bhi.ff. A K. HWtVY, UK X 'I O.N iu.i:man. Madera, Pa,, Nov. A, I - -H. Town Lots for Sale IN COALrORT. Clearfield Co,, Ta. 1 l.AHUK number f town li'ti eon bo bad at i a r nt.oat.te pi ice bf appl irg lu J-bn L. L-K'UtrnT, Jr., Atfunt. pid tuwn it lim.tdt in the ouAi tuna mi l lcurtiild creek, nt tbi leriul o. of tbt lltdl'i (Jap railroad. liOTri A Ull AW, Clearlleld. I'a. Nov. Hi, 1J-81 Itu. Alte-uU iin:itf! it tl:i''I.Jt'e adiI V.'ur tf 1 "iDi T'TTTr'K ft:uitllt fjul (-rii"-:m 1 I. . l . ; . . 1 . t i.L. . r j 1 ."1 li :. ,Ui.iJ I '. . I. I. . it.:' 1,.. In! '( rid lul I 'i I'r .loh:. ICIdiMtih, .!... CAUTlOiV. !';.:V':i:i::';,'1 . - m1.! , mi c.'tii 1. 1 ,.,1 thx m-'.ii.i T f b .( 't, - ..I ( i.u- - (It (,1,1. in-. - " ' 1 rMtli cl.T tt-w. T'l.'ii.h w 1 r n .rthv i '.. i, . lctl .Hie. lit KtllHl ! liirA.rilt'1 Oulf'J. 15 H 51 V A Jj I rtlKK ' cilni. and nejr-.'lei of the lute fr,n I ol It ( A IHil.NT A I'll ! 1. I HS, having been ptjrrb med by the under lithul, tbey ltte movi-d the i.itue t'i V 1 4 t.'hc(!mil Kteet, wbere ibey will i-.f pleated t;i ti'e Uieir o d pntron. 'ery r"pectfuHy. i;k(iaijiii:nt a co., (Stii cetfvri to l riiadbent A 1'hillipa ) I'biladelpbia, Fcnn'a. rriTrNc.ttiTei nf the uM egbt ur ten te it rn d ly tbi m. 'Mirei;ilicr i. .tl.Jy. Agricultural IniplBments ! ITAKI. Ilii tnetl.'.d of Dnlirring :ur in need of a giod Uiiwer.-lUflper, Tbro-ber or .low, lhat I have the aouy ol tbt ku(!ki;yi: Mower, Reaper nnd Thresher, Manufactured by AI LTMAN A C )., Canton, 0. I am alio agent fur tbc cc't-lirnted Soutli licml Chillod Plow ! 'Vfl'er.yii in End of either nf the nbu.r bud Uctlfrcjll on wr ad.lrtK uj9 hrfum els-nb"1' if . ZACHAKIAU MrNAI'L, June S, IMm -tf Carweiirville. I't J'i r l-3la la t! a llmLs. t;omath. f. I hrrst, r: lo or r.j. -nl.l'-r lihtl.-i, t'Vi i'r-l For civ.n.ii nf U.Ji. Tnr'i. c. i,r. tl --V 1 mtra, orvuiui.IiifT, i-iio 1 -VA. ' ' ifcurivii J and iw.DUiiiattil c Uaii-l'lii;;, a. " bt&iv ,1 cfl uiiHucJii.lL.0 ki, i:r-zt Invl :i rat-r ft hn V-v nnrIJ ' I III' I HI I III MIMWIafjillll ll I "If till Mn't .,. t..Hu f.,,, . a It w-.k c-r d rr,i iMr, ni't r-t. tat. 1 'firiOM-nUojMid r.rlhn lei-t hnnurltv or mtiiLrul UutniA bulouod lu 1'titL hi, ' UCaJ t nr A W b. li. 11 AK1 .U AN L C ., u jym, Ohio. U Tf yrm art) 1r, fty,! hvtfr, tr In any way l " w'i'in tak A tu bow- h. 1 MORRIS IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. VS'l K-..sjr j.MiJl.ti(i;; ji li n mm. t'-w' Tho only 8-Flunge Safo in tho World, AND COXTAIMNO More Improvements than any Safe made, such as The IMTKXT Miiro Booiiio frnm lltiriv tnrs llisn on' Firo Proof Safo, mnl no expenjo in reiairinre Bult or Lock. Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners. Tlioso Safe, fir now being oltl in tli in Slnto in LAIvGIO NUMBERS, And givo Iho Greatest Satisfaction, Boingtho Most nijjlily Finiliod, Best IMidc, ml Clioapcat rirst- viass BAif a ever rroiusoa. Tlioso Culubnilotl Sulci ltnd llio Champion Record IN TUB Great Boston Fire, Ant unca Hint timo (iuicat nnd lNnm taut nirRovr.Mr.KTii havo boon m.lo. yuur uruor 10 any olhor concorn, lond for prieoa and dofcripliro Cutaloguo. MORRIS&UIELAND BOSTON, MASS. Dm. , IMM7. nside Work it fir arttfvtlsfinfatj. ARNOLD PAYS CASK or TRADE. Cur'l.. tile. I'a., J.U. II, '7 If. BKI.M I'llll II,,, ( ll:i.ti ll.ra alilill I mil nil ... i e.iU, i.r eaeliftliR-u wheat, fjr lurin.r in. I ..rn-nii hi call vii ar a.Mre I l.e itu ler.i .... 1 J. t ; N,.v i. ';n tr. ciiam. n. p.. VDMIMNI'HATOK'M MITICK -x.tiCC ii U-rlvii'iii Hal l.rtt.-r.i.r AJ,ii.i ! Hiii an Hie eital. ( I'll 1 1,11- J. V,l l.l.h;. . I of l,ariiii-e li., Tlrarln-IJ ecuiil;, I'a.Jti'.J, bavin hi.'Q ilulr jrrinlrtl to tliv ui .I. rtirfL. I, ill ieraoiii itiiU'l-ttil to ria.J vrtala will f 1. .1. Luke iiuuinhale .e)tu-lit, afi.l tlii-ie tavli.f nlaini. or eBumit the lame will prereiit iIimo .r . arlv autLvuiioalaJ l,r irttlern.-nl. with .ut Ji-:.v I III till Mi l. hi S'. JAMl:S Y. Ml I.LKV. ' Ailioitli.tiaturi i (lo.rfiilj, I'a , Nov. ll. I HS 1 -61. EXECUTOR'S SALE 0K VALIAULB HEAL ESTATE ! f IHKHK will be eipma I to public ilc, ot t l.e I t cexla Hoi)., in I l.e b .rough ot Otcenia, uu Saliinlay, NovrmlW L'Otli, 181, Tba fullowing dci?ri I. ilxrnur, of Une pirce tr porcel iliip tf llei'utur, c IVnt: ylr ia , boun bed pr'p-fly, owrud by Wm, I'rcatiir iwi)bip. d.ce.if I : if iatid utiiaie in tbc town uity vt ( learfleM, tS'at- of led on Ibv umlh by Ai, irtw, on Mm m l by Curtis It emu, t.o flio . Keplttrl, and on (be "iHli Ut, e-t.''g nbojt lliirly 7ita Und i uuu-rljid mtb c al, and ttti a lrso ra nnfth hr ;,pbun 1). en-t by 'J boumi IdJi i acie.", iihh ii or i. i I .I.-. I orc 'el ilifron IK it MS - n--ih unit- bit d r viin y a. itcu'cd bv b nd ui' .1 A M K iid on i lib' ib at i n tif ilv, r, and 'je third in tu ) tar , 'I trii:rt-T iio dii (hi) iiri-iiiKi'i. K. liAHNKK, K.icunr. ' 'afM'la, I' it., Njv, 3. iMJi-ait. EIGHT FARMS 2To2? Sale or Rent! The rubfcrihur prnponci to fell or rent a Dum ber ol Inrtni lcn.ed a (ollowi ; The tint ntuale in lturniide tot) tirb ip, Ceutre onuti'y. i't,ntaiiiing 150 acne, having thcrtn ner'ed a tmiii dwell inn. frfiit! barti, a -jki . i.: to a mtrih, and km, wo ! aa ilit JHinfj .Vu.'t.ti.iii-l fjria. I A I. ", Bnuibrr fnr.u ritg.ii in tirnham tuwn- ihip, C'Uartield i r.:tny . c -n !n . I i i acre, wih the nece'-ary iujirov ir..nt '1 tm faria it under 1 laid ,ln a UOnl) VKIN UT CuAL. ( A LS, nix older f.nuM in tbo virmit j nf Fr'ncli j villi', cuti'JiiiiiBg renpsflt fully 1 12, I yti, ui, it) ; and :'n acief. Tinse fa run all Iiavi h'utci and ! brni 'lronn. tn .i wcr, l,-a:ng nr.-.-.ordu on ' aauif. a wiii m inn- g d wj1 Ijp I- For lurtli ' pjrti-ula rf cttii In p .r"in, or addre tie uiidrrigntd i.y lc:t r. L. M. lHUtr. Jnu. lyih, H-Hf. Kirnelmlle, I'a. Chronio DiBe.ucs a Specialty 1 tiV Uyron Claxk. M. I). jt T--: ivy - (Itu N'l'llV Sl-K with OFFK-K at I I lll.lIM rtlrlV. l'.i:n a. 1)11 I. '. I N I .- I, i. e tam.r i i.r 1'. a ri:it Mir iui; lil l.-r 'ii.-1 1-'. 'i;.. -i-. in li.raii.n- ai. ! tn aii,j(. "11 ''''':' '' '' -e Iri-iu n I'll 111 INK' A I. ami .Ml- II ,.-.? .; ir.l, A!NA1IH.V i-l tba IIIINI: I... .i,.l lor lii. ein ul.iri iiicr ;n:niitt,. I.. umI Mini eieim i I .r i;;i:'i. . I ., .a w -l, ,-, ., I'll Hf.l'N' I'i.lllK. N" 1 'I I... Wailiinf... I', OLDEST and BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Th- Ni ' V k rinTfiv rn h't n tl.e ! r. . oiriu oi n i',t:t, It it IM.I TIIMI 1 l) ll I ML: TAI5I X N. I V WC.t.I tt 11, and N fiov , I . It wi: : tiur SIXTIETH YEAR with t-'m.''. Kur lnr.i'i the lire of ir Srt i- tni. full cl 1 i r.i;'ii In iiitsi ir Ntwt ; HiihMf.r ou iv.i't.ri,!.. ii uiuMtTK of Fcl'gi'iuit a'.d n,--ular ti:tcrft ; with ci-rdullv vdiit J Ipp irt;nii, ti for rhildrta, ralibath H-hoo) TiaeheiP. Kaniacra and liuii:f Mm ; niih tight active K i,;..!.-, tn unnralli d ftntl o rmt-iga lptii'. u I paid Wrileii and Coniiibutori in every mr1 n the Cuutilry. NEW BOOK OF "ITXXJSTJS" LEXISES tVllli Hti-tl Porlralt of I lie Aulliur. il fiven to eovone lenlinif tie a lone ft It Ni:w Si aeraia.-R and w3.IA fur tae aiming year. S)nrltnrn eopirs fret. .ti!ilrc: NI'.W Mlllk (iiki;ii l . New York. Nov. is :t. FlorestonTrf".J!, On In OI-IO X'v.tMinlitrelFa... WUIUgnc, loaakle. a,maw.i. IVr,i nn.l -w.j. fciaMlWI vl Jlu. 4 ti .V. V... iKolhm, fjraien, Mtchaaica, Buliaua Men tj inoaiaa, IllChm. ft aUwhoaietireHeutrTOMil J Art; Vot, ti'ilrniiif lrm 1 ivmrnui Nmtaii-u. i. pmh It-twel, Knllirvor Ijitrl'ninfibinlvyuu ta: i:; cirej by mini' 1' ark ah a (iiNutit lohic. f 1 f you nre wactinir awy witli Cotwitnpiion. Ve fmala Wtjlmrw, Khrumatnin. or nv n, kntM : i yi'ii hive a bad ctueh or coM, you mil hud luif r;..i7. in j-arkex a .in;kr ionic. r K wtare Mifrrble.1 by dweane. are. or rhMpati i,-tHl yoiM tTMem nenJa invtgoiatiiie. or jmhii blowl' (..fe,..v,r-. ,.".. 'vHrTV.fv, ' "'.TT! . 'Jlii i.i :.le Innnl .inerv, Ku.liu, MeiurMC, .-iouii i:i.. . ..lo lieri ttlie inef known ; uuilie lle.i. . i :e..!ili Mini .Strenclh Keilurerever Uxl lar aut ' I iior lo Hitler I iem-ea of lonerr and other 'l oni..! I -1 i: T.-rrintni i.e.. ami Cum Ilninkem.i. . ;; It Ilea Saieil hnnqrea-a ar laveat 11 May 1 I have loura. I'.'y a .Te, twti Lw.t.le of your drncr.iit, anJ be. - r- our .iitnttireuonihaontHile wrapiwr. Hi ' ".. .NY l.;r.,.:,-, Parker's tL - .Mr ba lsam hwnli l!..l.lrrvv am! Motl IVoNivHiirBl Hair hrfialaf fc 1 1 .. ' 'ri niRMNitriiU lhat a:e Itnajt-ulti :. it .11 i . !p. I'AHkt-.M's lUtR lUl kAM :vtr r:l I to Rcitort Cray t Tii4 Kalr ; fj.fuli-Mir, anH i warrant 1 lott' n - .,: :g .: lU hi.-. &tlilj rttfim mi 30.. . 'it., A,lll fAh, HS ly. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Slre BKI Km HI 11 l.i:, (IPIillA IIOI'SK, Clearfield, Pa., W1HH.ESA1.S 1 Itl'TAIL IlBU.ltR IN DKY GOODS, Cdiaprlflnu Hrret llool nTthe very latet l.,lrS wnninlinn lo part of Canhmrref, '.ua.h"tr Faariff, Alii', and all nianurr nf Fancy Dres? Goods, Hinphani. Prem F.uili if lha .trr latnt 'jiff, and fhop a the can ba ibl la tbia in .irk 0 1. NOTIONS, Conflating f Ul.ti A.f tlanli. LaHira arjf Miitea. line of aM aka-lo. Silk rrinfrr., Frpv lreaa Uutlona. I.vlici" . Tiri tit all ib a. leu ant tvle, Cufli un l IV lar., hiklmni of all kmHe ar.J qualllitl. Merino l odertrear, Trimoi iai, e!f. BOOTS AND SHOES n fi'jtzin -j w Queensware, Hardware, Tinware, (iritpK OllCiollis, WALL. PAPER,' LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Wbioh win ta Ml4 wbolnale tr retail. Will ! Country Produce la Uirhaur for Unit at llarkal Prlrtaj WM. 1. 11urF.11. t'laart'lel. Pa., vtepl. 11, KeHl-tt.