TUB J -I'LEAIIFIELU RErEDLICAV ftIMHRRD iVIlliT WIDRMDAT, AT CLEARFIKLJj. PA. i T A II L I II H fi 1) IN I 89 T I Inintnl Circulation of any Nuwapapet In Nm-tli Central Peiiuaylvanla. Tarina of Subscription, If paid Id adva&oa, or within S month.., tf paid atiar 3 and heforo 0 month , U j aid after tbe eiplratlon ol 6 month,, . tm SO 3 (Ml Bates ot Advertising, Ti-HiiiUnt adrertiaementf, per aquaraof 10 line or f kh, 'A Hue or lea $1 60 t or enoh lubaef linnt inertlon to Administrator' and Biev)utr.rt'ni.tieei, t t0 Auditor' notice 1 50 dvutUni and Rut ray a 1 60 Pintolutlon nntirei t 00 l':ff)ilunal Card. 6 ltna or year...- 00 T.nral notice, per Una. to YEARLY ADVKKTISKMKNT8. I uare f$ 00 eolumn ,.,f 00 00 3 nuar!i 16 00 oiihiinn.. 71 00 1'iuirti.. 20 00 1 column 1 2t) U0 G. B. QOODLANDKH, Publisher. gau'jjrrs' Cnrfls. j:r w. SMITH, " A T T 0 It N E Y - A T -1, A W , i 1:1:79 ClearNrlrl, Pa. J J. LIN CLE, ATTORNEY -AT - LA W, lit) Hilld'onle. Pa. j-.fi OLAND J). SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, illo, ClearO.M oonnty. Pi. vot. 8, ' 0 SCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLKARPIKLD, PA. Oftln. In "Id We.torn baildlog,"(tip ll.ir.J. on. . 'ts.tr J.SRAEL TEST, ATTOIINEY AT LAW, Clearllcltt, Pa. l-d-OITio. nn M.rkot I'reet, lhrc doori eai t of .T'j.fr.b Slow' re.idcnoe. Jyll,'7l Til. M. MrCULLOUGII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLKARPIKLD, PA. tfl .'ft hi Mnronte building, Second street, op poolo Ihe Court Hume. je2ft78-lf. Iff ('. ARNOLD, LAW A COLLECTION OFFICK, Cl'HWENSVILI.F, T. KIlOCKnANK, ATTOIISHY AT LAW, 7ij s. CLEARFIELD, TA. up 2577 ly id Oj ttm Umf9. Wk. A. Wam.acc lithY 1'. Wali.ik, ..lUvifi L Khkbn,', . .Vh. K. Wai.lad:, 7 A I. LACK & K I! KBS, A TT O UN E Y S -A T -L A W linl l t'learUIJ, Pa. O.MITII V. WILSON, .Illoiiify-iil-l.mr, t:l,KAHKIh'LD, - PKNN'A r-d-O.'hro In Ibi M...,ni3 Rulllin, Sleond .trior, i T 0'poiilc llio Court lluuli'. uii.4 3H J. I'. h-NYHEli, ATTORN KY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. on,,,p nl.,.r ihj CouQty Niittoail Bank. June J, '76tf. jUAXK (t. IIAKKl.S, ATToaXKV AT LAW, Clbardkld, Pfnx'a, I'irit-ffliii Lifo and Fire Iniuranea Compaoiri rj rointfrl. ;.-()ffl.! In t!ii 0 sra IIui.- Mar. HI. " I -J tu i.t. . ui rat crari 0'ianoR. J U Kit AY i GORDOX, X a T TOKXEYS AT LA W, CLEARFIKLD, PA. irt"t)Cloe in l'ic'i Opera lloaie, leeond floor. mJOTl w ILL1ASI A. UAOEUTY, .j TTOiurt: i r- ii ', liratK over T. A. fleck A Co.'a store CLEARFIULD, PENN'A --,T-Wilt ittti.l to all l.csl liii.lno.i with pruuil'tneii noil tiilalitj. ftbl 1,'dO.tf. UHttPH 1. H IttlLLT... DAHIIL W. K CDtDT, M IcENALLY McCUKDY ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, 4 itarurid. Pa. 4TLeiril bualneai attended to promptly withj ,1delity. Office on tiotond itrtet. above the Firit , nitmiml Uank. Jan: 1;, ft McKEN RICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PI. All llftl liuiioail etitruitoil to hll osra will ra iire prompt atteotioa. rfirOlnea in the Coart Houle. i.gH.l7t)-l j-- A G. K.IAMER, A '!' TOESliY- A T - L A W , Ileal Kitato and Colltlm Agent, ( I.KAKKIi:i.lt FA., Will promptly attend to all Ugal builneta ca t.-uelitrt to tin oar. yTrOfflno in Pie'i Opera How. janl'Tfl. 01JX L. CUTTLK. ATTOUNEY AT LAW. uiri Hcnl .Beta to Agent, Clearfield, la. r-r Cenpeetfully offera hti aervloei In olllog and buying laode In Ulearaeld and adjoining oiintiot i and with aa etperieoooot overt wenif y are ai a enrvtyor, tlattari hlmielf that be can rrnidor tatlilaot.oB. I aa;rj;, Piistcinug' Cnrtla. E. M. SCIIEUREIt, D HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Ofllo. in reiirlraee oa Firit it. April 34, 171. Clearflel.l, Pa. jyi W. A. MEANS, iMI Y S I C I A N A SURGEON, Dl llOlS CITY, PA. Will attend rofeiilonel ealli proroptle. auj(l070 jyt. T. J. liOTEK, I'HYSICIAN ANH SUUOKON, Office on Market Street, ClenrAeli, Pa. rrOffio. houri: 8 to 12 a. m., and 1 to 8 p. JJU. J. KAY WRIGLEY, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, r-Offl.-e B'ljnlnlna; the reilden. f Jalne. VVritrr., E.q., oa tioeon.1 St., Clearfield, Pa. julJI,';illf. C. JENKINS, M. P., VJ. PHYSICIAN AND S U RG EON Cl'RWF.NSVILLK, PA., Often at reildeae., e.ruer of Stat, and Pin. Iirrelt. Jan. ttb, IHS.ir. 1)U R. II. B. VAN VALZAD, (I.IIAHKIli.l.l) PENN'A. OFFICE IN ltESIDENOK, CORNER OF FIRST AND PINE STREET!). V Ollr. konrt From II t. t P. M. Ma 18, 1878. I) R. J. 1 11URC11 FIELD, CLKARFIKLD, Pk'NN'A, Sire.OB of tfa. 8Sd RlRlneBt, Pebnl'lvanla Velanltara, darlna: lb. let. war. offer hll pro f.ail.Bal larrle.i t. tba .lUtanl Cleark.la enqnty. Km- Profenloml ealli ,rafaptl.T attended U Ottlca .a Seaead llreel, Beat M. V. Ckartk. pri. UJ GEO. B. Q00DLANDER, Editor VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. Cards. Toil H OH K -Allkin.il of I'.b work executed la tbi bcit manner at Dili offle. HENRY RRET1I, (uKTun r. o.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ron IELL TOWNIIMP. May 8, IS78.ly JAMES MITCHELL, MALI, it. S(uuru Timber & Timlu-r LrihIh, Jin:t CLKAHPIKLU, PA. A-1'0"" Land Survevor and Civil Engineer, puiLiPsDuna, pa. ,c7-AII builnei. will be nttenitel to rromiitly . Deo. is, issoiy. REUBEN HACK MAN, House and Sijn Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Pcun'a. 8i.will eiorute fobi In hie lino ttrun tir nnil I iq a wonmaDliaa Dianacr. irr4,n7 T.KANK El ELD I N; X ANU WILLIAM 1). r.KiLEK, CLKARFIKLI), PA. Ko. Itth, ISS0 tr. WEAVER &. BETTS, DKALERS IN Real Esta'.e, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LUMUKIt OF ALL KINI3. fT"("(iioe oa Beound ftresl, In rear of itort r"m of (.surgfl Weitrer A Co. ( JaiiM, '78-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, Jl iiTICE OF TliK PEACE roa Itccaltir Tounslilp, Oiwola Mill! P. (). .II oRiciil liunirieei eulrsited to hiui will be pniniptlj attended to. mcii2u, '7n. JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OF THE t'KACK, U aUaretmi, Fa. ft-fr-U b-t prcj-arf i biuneir with all the in'Cf ary llniili l rinti under the lD(Un and t)iuuty ihwo, ui wcil aa hlsbk Infill, etc. Ail leg, ludtiara entrusted to' bia eate will m'oive prompt atloiittun. May Jtli, lH71'-tl. G. H. HALL, PKACTICAL rUiIP MAKER, NUAR CLBA11FIKLD, I'ENN'A. Jpf-Vumpi alwayi on band and made tu orJcr n iibort notice. Pipe bored on reasonable tertna All work warranted to render itifaction, and delivered if devlred. my26:lypd 'IH K underiiigned begi leave to Imortu the pub. JL he that be la now tuliy prepare lo aroonimo dute all in the way of iumiuhinn 11. Mr, Ituiigiei, Baddlei and liarneii, on tbe ibortext notice and n reasonable ternn. Reaidcnce on Loco it mreet, brtween Third and Fourth. OKO. W. OF AH HA BT. Ilearfiald. Fab. 4. IH74. . O. RaAD ... ...a. A. II AO at It TT JKAD& llAflERTY, FIHK, LIFE AND ACOIDKNT INSUKAXCB AUENCY. O0fflfelo Graham Building, Market itraet . Clearfield. Fenn'a. June 15, 18 hi-If. - THOMAS H. FORCEE, DKALRR II GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRAHAMTON, Fa. Alio, eiteniv manufacturer and dealer In Squara Timber ajid Sawed Lumber of all kinda. BTOrdera aolieitcd and all bill promptly Oiled. jyl72 I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AMD DIALER IU WaluhoB, CiockB nnd Jewelry, Qraliam'i Rom, Marttt Strut, (LEARPIKI.n, PA. All klndi of repairing In my Una promptly at endod to. Jan. It, 1671. coal : COAL ALL THE YEAR ! I rf1IK auhttcriber hereby girei notiro that he X ' now delivering conluf an excellent quality aud propone tu operate bi mint . ,, . irtrr: n9 So that he wilt be enrthlrd to supply hi eu tuiner at ll limi with gr.od fuil. .No Winter mca- ir,n. Of.leri by mall prouiptly Alhd. It. t.M. 8IIAW. OUarfieM, la , M.nh I, t!-8l-tf. Clearfield Nursery KNCOUItAGK IIOMK INDUSTliY Tllli andrr'lrnsd, having etuMiibed a Nur' X aery on the 'I'ilto, atmitt bail' way lttwe'D Clearfield and Curwrnvllln, ia prepared to lur ni.b all kinda of FRIIIT litKKS, (Mandard and dwarf,) evcrgrerna, bhruhbery, Urapa Vine, lionet lerry, Lawton Dlarkhcrry, btrnwherry, and Ra)iherry Vine. Alio, Kiberian Crab Tree, Qulnaa, and early icarlel Rhubarb, Ac. Order promptly attended to. Addre, j. u. wruiht, epjft A.j Cur wen tile, Fa. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON & EEC, Ob fecortd St., north of Ihe ,Manion Huu, CLKARFIKLD, PA. Oar arrangemaal are rf the Tiont eomiletc character tor furniihiag the public with Krenb Meat! or ail kind, and or the very bout quality. rt e also deal IB all kind or Ajrneultural imple ment, which we keep on axhibilion for the ben efit of the publie. Call around when in town, and take a look at thing, or addre tit V. M. CAItOO.N BKO. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, lM75-tf. CABROt L L. ilUDt B. Clearfield Insurance A gene)'. HUH It Ar IIIIHH.t:, dgtnU, Rrpreeent th. followtnf and other arit-elei, Co't Compeniee. A. .eta Liverpool London A Hl.be tl. 8. I)r..t4..1nl.s I.Teomlna on mutual A oiih nlim...M o.Oiin.onii Pliianii. of ilerr'ord, Conn I.7i CM iDitirene. Co. of North Aruerii. 8,4:1. 1174 North Hrltl.h 1 Mereanllle I'.S. Dr.. I.7H.M.1 Seoul. h C.min.relal U. B. Branch... 878,141 Hatartoirn 784.818 Tra.el.re (Life AiylJ.nl I (,IM 081t on Markat St., .pp. Court Hoom, Clear .t,l. Pa. Jan. 4.'7 lf. Insurance Agency or WILLIAM 0. HELMBOLD, ration tllotl;, C hi Iff mi !, Pit. Companiei Eeprcfented I Coraraerelal Union Ini. C... A .leu M,TM 88 Fireoen'l Fand Ini. Co , A. mi I I na.nl 7 ad 1nloa ln.ar.aee Co.. ArU - I 818,817 88 Trateleri' Aoeid.nl Ini. Uo.. Am.!.. 8.818,184 84 Norther. Ini Co. of N.w York Ai't. 84,8 Imaraaaa alae.4 oa all kind, af prprt. at eqallabla raut. CarwMilTlUa, Pa, Fib. It, 1881-tf. s. C1 A dei tut n & Proprietor. 2,749.. THE "THANKFUL" DAY. Tlmnkcivlug dn hti put iJ Iho eurtnim of i be dnrku(io DiKbt, And All tht werltl KWukM to hull the left down nf mnrnintt Hc'it. glad My little two u.on my kno Tliui avrii'UiiIv cj ifitii.ni mt: "Minimi, li It the Thankful L'7 beeiine Ibn hir.f ht nme a,;1n r Bwiupe (j(i lent lh dark, block night lo blJc hwh.t nnntihtr rain, Whirh tncj me 'l vt jpte rdiy, Ho I ctuid not go out to (i In j t" 1 IH! ihe prftly ftiflioDfr, and while my f.ml riDrlaj hr light. Of ill nur hfitrtn are grateful fir, lor oomfurtl t.l fJod'a hlfitinic hriirhf "T food to el, ind olothei lo wear, And 1i;iTi .iotvciioo everwhere. fiutfl.U the wincV.M Itrffcntljr, little h.irofoot IT(r h;art of every flhild: ciniilT aa her band. h hops at ftarvml and No fniila upon the wo, v Urt, VVbtro ininy a grief hat left itg trace. (Hi! (u'ebcr than .(he i!rWit thmight B(.ringi "$tt ttf, niaimn! Thti liltla girl ain't got nrr unn k mi uny quite vrt. I g"t inrne comlorti I can iinre To that poor little girl out there !" Wa cull the llt'ls itrnnsur iu, my lo;in2.liar.rJ child and I. And dimplea (tit her with the amil-i na iunthir. clean trtn rlnudv iky, Ho g.iily dot' a my little Mav With her nw gtiett nhnreThnnkriil Day. If there arii tenri within uiy eyfii, It ia bccauie my heart in find .With the toting heurt no longor grievod, with the ountr fyi nu Ihih(.t and ; jnd for t hit eeinij of "th ra'n," W hen h'lpe nnd Jay ahine forth nenir.. Mary D. mi.. TIUXKSGIVLVG DAY. IMKTuR r OF TIIF. DAY IN OLD PROCLA MATIONS IM'RIT A N, DCTril. I'ATRIOTIO. Tliuiilfiiiviri(r ilnys aro xiqiioiilH of tiurtt Wfllitro. 1 titty hrcotno rt'tro Kpotiivo periutln fltirinj. which tlio tii- vino IjcstownlR of irivnlo und pnl-lirt hlrssintrn nrutoltillv rcrnffuiist-d. Tlit'ir history in tltif pnrt r-f Aniorirti hcr;in hn enrly as (lift year 1021. The. poctiliiir cirt'iiniHltinccri whirh led tu Iho Ht'lltn nf u period nf lhar ktirivinrr Ity Iho I'tltrriniH aro (lot-ci'iltcd hy J-t I . ward Window in n Ifttor duicd l'lvm onlli, Drccnihvr 11, 1021. Ol llto'in" rniicriints who had Innttnl on Otolith (nltl tlylo) of Di-conilifP, lh20, on llio Itloiik roast of Capo Cot! hay. almost a half ot that number had sicltneps nod died, nnd nearly all ol tlio rcataintler had physically suffered from desiruo lion atid tho rigors of the first Winter in tho now coutiliy. Tito prudenro nnd intlnstry ol tho few persons thai woro not rlinhled wcro so really lilesscd as lo cull forth tho thankful ncssof the lavorcd people, "in u special manner." "Yon shall understand that in this lilt lo timo that a few ot us havo heon hero wo havo Imilt seven dwelliiio; houses und four for tho nso of tho plantation, nod havo mado prepara tions for divers olliers. Wo set tho Inst Rpritirr somo twenty acres of liar ley and pens; and according to tho manner of tho Indians, wo manured our trronnd with herrings, or ralltor shads, which we have in (,'reat ahnnd aneo nnd tnko with pri nt t aso i.t our doors. Our corn did prnvo well ; and, God ho praised, wo had a good increaso of fttdinn corn, nnd our barley indiffer ent pond, Hti t our peas not worth the Blithering, for wo feared I hey were ton lafo sown. They canto up very well and blossomed, but tho sun parched thorn in tho blossom. "Our harvest bein gotten in, our Govornor sont lour men on a Inwlinp; expedition, that wo nuht, aftor a special manner, rejoice together after wo bad tho fruit of our labor. They, four, in ono day killed as much fowl as, wilh a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At that time, nmonjr olhcr recreations, wo exorcised our arms, mnny of tho Indinns coming among n, and among tho rest, their great King, Massascit, wilh somo ninety men, whom for threo days wo entertained and feasted, and they wont out and killed fivo deer, which they brought lothc plantation and bestowed on our Governor and upon the enptnin nnd olliers. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this timo wilh us, yet, by tho goodness of God, wo aro so tar from want that we often wit-hyoii pnrttkerso) otirplcnty." Tho great abundance of wild ttnkeys abounding in tho neighboring forests no doubt supplied the 1 uritans with tho fowl sufficient for their hospitality. Tho turkey which now is so highly prized by llio peoplo ot the United States for Thanksgiving dinners may have in Ibis way obtained Us peculiar prominence among tho viandH of Ihe tublo. Tho people of Now Nelherlnnd at a very early (Into observed clays ol thanksgiving. Among tho Dutch rec ords nt tho office of tho Secretary ot Stato nro preserved proclamations ot Thanksgiving days in 1C45 anil li.!7 of Iho council of New Nelherlnnd. William Kieft was Governor in 1015 ofthocolony, and tho Director General of thooonncil. On tho thirty-first ol August, ltilS, tho council, sitting at Enrt Amslc.idam ( New York), Jltsolvrd in council to procluim a general Thanksgiving, which Thanks giving shall tako place on the sixth of Sctilemlior next in all tho Dutch and Enirlieh churches wilhin the limits of New Nelherlnnd. Tho proclamation reads: " Wn.RCAS,lt hiith pleased Almighty God, in His unbounded clemency and mercy, in nddiiion to many previous blessings, to suffer us to reach a long wished lor pcaeo wilh tho Indians; "Therefore is it deemed necessary lo proclaim tho fact lo all those ol Now Nelhcrlsntl, lo tho end ihnt in all places wilhin tho aforesaid country where Dutch and English churches are established God Almighty niny be specially thanked, praised und blessed next N ednesUuy loretioon, ttemg the sixth of September, tho text to be appropnalo and the sermon lo lie ap plicable thereto. "Your reverenco will plcaso an nounce Ibis matter to llio congregation next Sunday, so that they may havo notice on w hich wo rely." I his proclamation, as set lorth in the text, was issued on tSo ratification of a Irealy of peace between the Dutch and tho Indians. Tho forenoon nf the day was set apart lor Iho religious services, and it is likely llio ailcrnoon was mven to locinl pleasures. The proclamation ol I'etrus Stuvvc sant, or rather ol tho council of Now Nolherland, in 1CS7, is longer than the ono nflfilA, and is moro particular in expressing what shall be the manner ol Iho observance ol tlio tiny anil in lorbidding certain secnlur and worldly activities and phasurcs. On ihe possession of New Nether land by the English, Edmund A nil r. is being Governor, tho council lilting on June 7. I(i73. ordered : "That Wednesday, ye 2.)d of this Instsnl month, bo appointed through out jo Government a day of Thanks giving and i'rayori to Almighty God lor all ilia 1'ast Deliverances and bloss- CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, ISS1. ings and Present Mercies to us, and to pray ye continuance and Enciease thereof." Tho Burionder of General liurgoyno to General Gates at Saratoga, in tho Fall of 1777, induced tho members of tho Continental Congress to tako tho following action on Friday, October .ii, in: "Unsolved, That a eommitloo ol threo bo appointed lo prepare a recommend ation to tho several Slates lo set apart a day for thanksgiving for tho signal success lately obtained over tho eno mies of tho United Slates." Tho members chosen as that com milteo were Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Loo and Daniel Kohurdeati. On Saturday, November 1, 1777, the conimiueo reported, and Thursday, tho ISth dny ol December, was sot upart as a day of "solemn Thanksgiving and praiso. Jn compliance wilh tho order of Congress tlio army at Valloy Forgo duly observed tho day. In General Washington 'a orderly bouk ol Decem ber 17, 177, is this entry : "To-morrow being tho day set apart by the llonoralile Congress lor public thanksgiving und praise, aud duly calling us devoutly to express our grateful acknowledgements to God lor llio manifold blessings Mo has granted us, llio General directs that tho Army remain in us present quarters, and that tho Chaplains perform divine ser vice wilh Iheir corps and brigades, and earnestly exhorts all oflieers und soldiers whoso abscenco is not indis pensably necessary lo altentl wilh reverenco tho solemnities of the dav." "I.ONII 1,1 VU THE KINO OF FRANCE." General Washington, on tho recep tion of the intelligence of tho trcnty with I ranee, in February, 1 . i K, or dered a special day of tlnitiki-iMvitiir fur tho army on Jlav 7, 177S. In bis orderly book tho General wrote on Mt.v (I : It having pleased tho Almighty Ruler of tho I'niverso lo defend the nise of the United American Stales, and li huh V lo raise un a powerful friend among the Princes of the earth, to establish our liberty und independ ency upon a la-ding f'ouii'lution, it be comes us to sot apart a dav lor gtaltt- hilly acknowledging tho Divine good ness und celebrating event which wo owe the impoi Hint lo His divine interposition. The several brigudeii1" tlie devolution. '1 he Southern and mo to bo nsseniblod for ibis purposo at Northern soldiers fought side by side 9 o'clock to-morrow moiitinif. whin their Chaplains will communicate tho intelligence contained in the pnslcripl of Iho J'tnnsylvania Gazette of the 2 I innt., ami ofler up thanksgiving and deliver a discourse sinlublo lo the occa. ston. "Upon u signul given tho whole urn.y will huzza, 'Long live tlio King of Franco !' Tho artillery then begins again and flies thirteen rounds. This will bo siicccoded by a second general dtsehnrgo of musketry in a tunning tiro and huzza, Long five the friendly Europeun powers!' Tho lusldischnrgo of Ihiitcen pieces ol arlillery will bo given, followed by a general running lire anil huzza, 'Tiio American Staler!' " As described by un ollicer of tho army tho day was observed ut Valley Forge in an enthusinstio muuiier: "Last Wednesday wns set apart as a day of general rejoicing, when wo had a feu de joie, conducted with tlio great est Older nnd regularity. The army mado a most brilliant appearance, niter which His Excellency dined in public with all tho oflieers of tho army, at tended by a band of music. 1 never was present whero thero was such un feigned nnd perlect joy as was discov ered in overy countenance Tho cn- terlainiuunt was concluded with a number ol patriotio toasts attended nits. When tho General took with buzi: his leavo thero was a universal clap, with loud huzzas, which continued till he had proceeded a quarter of a mile, during which time there woro a thou sand bats tossed in tho air. His Ex cellency turned round with his rctinuo and huzzaed several times." General Washington, ns President of iho Unilcd States, issued bis first pre clairation for tho observance of a day of Thanksgiving at tho citv of Now York on t Uo !ld of October, 178!), soiling apart Thursday, Iho 2Sth day of November of that year, "to bo de voted by tho people of theso Slutos to tho service of that great and glorious Being who is tho beneficent author of all the good that was, that is or that will be," etc. His second proclamation, dated at tho city of Philadelphia, January 1, 179."), designated Thtirsday,;Noveinber 2G, us a (lay lo bo observed for a gen eral Thanksgiving by tbepooplonl tho United Slutes. iWtc Yorl Herald. MOSIiTS K AH HOW ESCAPE. Mosby would run riks aud tnko chances which ho would not order his men to take. Ho was In Washington tli ico different limes during Iho war ; in llulliinoro four or five luncn, and in moro than a dozen instances ho pene trated tho Federal lines lor inlorma tion. Near Middlotowu ho wus cut olf by Federal cavalry who held tho pike in both directions. W hen onlered to surrender he drove his horse over the sione wall and got away through the fields. J hreo ljullels pierced ins cloin ing, bis horse was struck twice, and an overcoat strapped lo his saddle. Olio day whilo be wus eating dinner' in tlio Lurny Valley six Union cavulrymen walked in on him. They did not know him as Moshy, but rightly conjectured that ho wus u guerrilla. As they at tacked him lie shot two and dashed through a window and mode olf with one ol their horsos. lie was once captured in Washington whilo on a spying expedition, but leigned drunk enness and mado a (lush lor liberty w hile on tho wuy lo the ptovost mar shal's ollleo. At that timo ho hud plenty ol proofs on Ins person to have convicted him as a spy. Near War- ronton ho one night rode with twenty four men full upon a Federal reserve picket ol at least a hundred men. Uolh sides stood staring al each other lor a moment and then Mifsby called out: "Did any of them mules eomo this way ?" "Haven't seen any," was tho gruvo reply. "Cuss tho critters they stampeded on us!" growled the guerrilla, as ho turned Ins men and rode away. Somo ol bis men had blue overcoats on, somo woro citizens' clothes, and no one could sny that they did not belong to tbo rtderal train wagons. Why Is paper money moro valuublo limn coin ? Ilccauso you double it when you put it in your pocket, and when you take it out you find it incroases. When you are seated between a lawyer and a doctor you aro In a very dangerous position, fur it's either your money or your life, PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. SUCTION A US.V AND PARTY ISM. III this great country, and under our free and bencflciont institutions, why cannot wo have harmonious and happy people, accustomed to speak in terms ol respec t and confidence of each other in till sections of tho coun try? Why should such sectional and partisan bitterness and malignity exist as that manifested in our political dis cussions and newspaper publications? i ny should representative men bo tolerated in faying that anything how fvir mmmnrnl or criminal would bo juttifiablr, if necessary to keen political opponents out ol olliee? After tho war and tho abolition ol slavery, nnd that, too, ut tho expense ol tlio Southern people, every dictate of nroprielv. policy nnd wisdom required that ob livion snoutti iio- inr-ww umi liiu un happy events of ibo war. Tho Inpso of timo has been sufficient to abato tho passions and animosities of tho war. yet tho Radical clamor anil abuse of tho Soutbern people, the argument of tho "bloody shirt," is as rilo nnd as vociletvusly proclaimed now ns It was the first year after tho war. II wo cannot linvo a bin monious Union if tho Southern States cannot bo trusted as cniiulH with tho other Slates in tho Union according to the Constitution, then the wnr was a fail ure, a terrific failure, in which tho loss of lilo ond treasure, tho desolation and desirnelion, Iho mourning, sorroiv nnd suffering caused by it were nil in vain. lYIiliciuns nnd newspapers in the Northern States havo undertaken to show that thero was not, and could not be, homogeneity between tho people oi mo jNortiiern and Southern Mates; that the peoplo of tlicso several sec tions were so tlifTerent in civilization and hul ils that (to uso tho expression of one of their Radical organs) "they were ns wide apart ns heaven is Irotn hell." Hence, according to tho Radical doctrine, n harmonious Union of thu Northern and Southern Stairs would bo impracticable. Tho land ot Wash ington, and of Jefferson, nnd of Jack- son, and otCiay not homogeneous wilh the people of tho Noilhern Stairs! Whence find how tamo this? Tho people of thu Northern and Southern I S-tatei fought tho battles of liberty and ' independence side by side in Iho war for the rights and honor of tho United States in every war until discoid wns produced by tlio radical Republicans. Want of-homogeneity, indeed! Tho Northern and Southern peoplo speak the sumo language, aro educated in the same literutiire, and uro of tlio same religious belief, nnd havo been ex treniists, who carry out, or seek lo carry out their (kigmas to their ulti mate consequences, without deviation or modification, regardless ol their ultimate consequences, without devia tion or modification, regardless of tho wrongs and litimun sntlcrings consu quent upon their dtro result. In both relieion and polities all abstract doe- trmes havo to ho modified in their practical operations for adaptation to man s Iran condition. Jn religion they are qualified und tempered by charily and a benevolent regard lor tho weak ness and frailly of human nature. In politics all civil government in its best forms is but a compromise, in which man surrenders a pari of his righls lor the protection ol the balance, and in its wisest administration conservative measures and conservative views uro essential to accomplish the highest aims ol truo statesmanship, which has al ways in view tho happiness and wol lure of the governed, lint radicalism ! regardless ol tho existing condition ol things, and all chaiitable nnd humane considerations, tramples down with atrocity and violence existing insula tions, und nltompts lo attnin its ends oven through bloodshed and sufferings. In tho name of religion, radicalism has stretched man upon tbo rack of tor ture, and drenched hamuli blood. Jn the name of liberty, radicalism has, al different periods ot tho world, torn down tho essential saleguards of hu man happiness and mado countless millions mourn in struggles to establish impracticable dogmas; and now, hero in theso United Stutes, radicalism, rather than bo displaced from power, would pervott the truth, decoivo and mislead tho pubho mind, detent tbo popular voice by chicanery and fraud, und subvert populur government, and establish nn imperial monarchy upon its ruins. A distinguished author on national ethics said : "The greatest dangers aro not always the most apparent ; but lew observers can doubt that the gravest dungertiow threatening us, as a Nation, Is the supplanting ol our cherished theory of overniuent of, by, und lor tho people, by a new system, numely, government of, by, an I lor a party. In tact, purly has ulrendy usurped tho throne, und thu dictates of a spurious party morality aro loudly pre .laimed as the doctrines ot national ethics. This is strictly applieublo to tho Ro puhlicnn party under the mlo of its oligarchy ol Radicals. They have been in power so lorty; ihnt tliejr hniin to think lhat (ho Government belongs lo litem as a matter of exclusive right. The theory that the Goverment origin ated from tho people, was made by llicm, and forihem.bas been perverted, and according to the el hies of this parly the Government is from nnd by and for this political parly. When llio ques tion of anv public measure arises with tho highest officials of this parly, the inquiry made is not, is it n quired by the welfare and safely of the country and authorized by iho -Constitution, but tho chief inquiiy mado is, will it udvunca thu interests ol the Jepulli (nu Party or tend to secure its success? If it will do this, then it is all rii;lit. Washington, in bis farewell address, warning the country in the most solemn manner nguiusl tho dangers ol sectional patties, nnd tho baleful e Herts ol parly spirit, sultl : 1 ho nlternnlo domination ol ono faction over another, sharpened by llio spirit ol revongo natural to party ois st-nsions, which, in different ages and countries has perpetrated tho most horrid enormities, is Used a Irighllul despotism. Hut this leads at length to a moro formal nnd permanent despot ism. Tho disorders and miseries which result, gradually incline llio minds ol men los.cik sccutily and npos" in tho absolute power ol an individual ; and sooner or later the chief of somo prevailing faction, more able or more lortunato than his competitors, turns this disposition to tho purposes ot his own elevation tho ruins of public liberty. The peoplo of this country have tho highest earthly motivo to profit by warnings ot tho "Father of his Coun tiy," and preserve the Institutions un der which the country has grown and prospered and advanced, not only in greatness and power, but in tho arts and improvements, and all that ele vates, refines and ennobles civiliied REPUB man. In this vast country, Irom tho Atlantio to the Pacific ocean, and from the lakes of tho North to' tho Gulf of Mexico, is tho grand seat and abode for tho freedom and civilization of a homogeneous population, progressing in their ownwurd conrso of develop tnent nnd improvement under tho free institutions of our Federal L'nion of republican Statos. Hut if Ibis pro gressive development is to bo staved and defeated by tho bickerings and wranglings ol sectional parlies and fuctions lor the offices, honors and emoluments of tho Government, this vast scope of country will become tho dissevered and discordant Slates, ol jarring, rivul and hostiledynaslics and factions, a vast theater of constantly recurring strife and contention und warfurc, disheartening to tho putrtot and philanthropist, and ultitnaloly uvet throwing tho last great experi ment of man for freo goveriiment. American llegishr. UlllELlGWX. A careful und observant writer in the Jievue des Deux Modes, who is con tributing to that magazine a series ol articles on destitution in Paris, remarks upon tho steady growth ol religion among tlio woikingmun of that gay capital. Ilo says that in tho era of the French revolution tho spread of infidelity was greatest among tho wealthy und enlightened classes and less among the poor und ignorant, but that now iho reverse is the case. As a proof of this ho says that in tho rich ond ttristociatic districts c( tho city Ittneriils without religious ceremonies aro very rare, while in tho poor and populous districts as many us ono llnrd uf the interments tnko place without any religious rito. The hostile attitude ol llio French Government lo ull re ligious communities, but particularly to those of which tho education of youth was tho principal object, will nutiiiully tend to weaken tbo tic bo tween tho chinch and tho people, be cause tho children will now bo ilepriv cd of lh.it religions training which those communities imparted and which, especially in thocuso ol poor girls, had good influence on their after-lives. At least such is the opinion nt thu writer in question, M. OtheiiiiidTlaussonville. J ho same lulling oft in tho religious at tachments ot thu poor has ulso been observed ill tbo English city ol Liver pool. A census td church and chapel attendance taken on a recent Sutiduy showed an aggregato uttendunce ol fill, 57(1 out ol a popululion ol over 5511.000, while a like census taken in 185:!, when tho population was only 41)0,000, showed an aggregato church and chapel attenduueo of 101,982. The pioportions uro about 1 to 4 in IHiiound 1 to 8 in 1KS1. It would be very interesting to hnvo liliu statistics taken for tbo groat American cities in order to seo whether tho same decay of tho religious sentiment which bus been observed ubroad is also at work hero. The national decennial census will not supply tho intnrmalion, but it is ot sufficient interest lo attract tho attention of specialists, Washington liepublic. O ITI CI A L SEN TIM EN T. 0,0V. LONO, OF MASSACHUSETTS MAKES A tlNICjUF. ADDITION TO PROCLA MATION LITERATURE. herens, it is a good and ancient custom to set apart ufter lho harvest a day for public thanksgiving nnd praiso to Almighty uod : Now. therefore, I, John I). Long, Governor, by and with tho advice of the council, appoint therefor 1 bnrsday, lho 24th day of Novombor next. t'nlo Thee, O (lod, do we giro thenki. Thou Ti.ileth tha eerrh and witereit It. Tbort bleneth th. rp'tnirinit thereof. Thou erowneit lb. year with Thy ,oodne.i. The paiturci aro eoverod with ttuekl i Ihe ealleyi al.o are covered over wilh corn; Ihey rhout lor joy; they alio ini. Itlr.ied l! he who floniclrnth lb. poor. Come unto Me alt y that labor and ar. heavy laden, and I will give you r.tt. O Painter of tha fruit! and Qowerl, We own Thy wi.e de.lgn, Whereby there humble hin-ti of ouri May ihara the work of Thine I Apart from The. we plant in vala Tbo root and low the teed Tby early and Thy letter rein, 'lhy eun and dew we need. Our toil li tweet with thankfulnoi., Our burden il our boon : The our.e of eartb'l grey luorninir. Il The blenlng of ill nona. And Hilt wilh rovorenl bio 1. we null Tliy gifte each year renewed The K'tod I" alwayi beiutilul The beautllul il good. Given at the Council Chamber, in Ros ton, this twenty ninth day ol Octo her, ill tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and eighty one, and of tho independence of tho United States of America tlio one hundred nnd sixth. Joust D. Lono, Iiy His Excellency, the Governor, with tho advice of Council. Henry 11. Pierce, Secretary. God save tho Commonwealth of Massachusetts. roTATocv j'Rnu litKT.ANn Tbo cry of a potato futuino in this country Iiob occasioned lho importa tion ot tons of lho giiiuino Irish potato to this port, nnd muny barrels of them were recently displayed at lho stores of Heard k Co., in Dey street, near lho North liver. A 77u reporter wus thero informed that in 1K7G, nnd again two yenrs ago, polntoes ol Irish birth, as it woro, traveled across lho ocean and wero freely distribtiled throughout the United Stales. The English dealers, it is suid, heard the cry of a potato luniino rnised hero this year and lost no timo In making ship ments of tho vegetable to this country. It is not claimed, al this timo by deal ers hero, that thero is a scarcity of nalivo potatoes, but it is said that there aro moro of them is this cily than any whero else. Whilo tho Ameri can potatoes aro sold at from ?2 50 to lil.OO a barrel, tho product of Ireland can be shipped to this country and nn agreeable profit realized by tbo dealers who sell them at from t2 25 lo $2 50 a barrel. Tho Irish potato bears a closo resemblance to the kind raised in A morica. 1 1 is perhaps, of more solidi ty, and it is said to be a raro and en ticing dish. On Monday, November 7th, 800 hags of llicm reached thin port on the Whilo Stnr steamer, Celtic, for Heard Co. Thirty tons woro ship ped to tho snmo firm on the Wiscon sin, which was duo here on the same duy. About 50 tons aro on their way on lho llrilannic, and more aro ex pected on the Adriatic. The greater quantity ol these potatoes comes from lho North of Ireland, llitneno ino potato has moro frequently traveled Irom American perls to Ireland, and one dealer, whilo in a humorous mood, said : "Even tho poloca in Ireland can not live under llritish rule, and must fly lo a land of liberty," Ncic York 7Ymf. JjI NEW worr y, j-or iroftA', kills. Col. Gcorgo Chosnoy, in tho 7'or( nightly Review, says over-work, is I'm possible so long as tho effort made is natural. When energy, of any kind, takes a morbid form of action, eomo force outside itself must bo reucling upon it injuriously ; and tho seat of the injury, so fur as tho sinister influence on enorgy is concorncd, will bo found in close proximity to tho sensation which under normal conditions guards tho reserve The uso of stimulants in aid ol work is, perhaps, ono of tbo commonest forms of collateral influcnco suspend ing the warning sense ol exhaustion. V hen the luborious worker, ovcrcomo with futiguo, "rouses" himself with alcohol, coffee, tea, or any othor agent which may rhanco to suit him ho doCS not add a Unit of forcV) tO b ia stock of energy; ho simply narcotizes the sonso ol weariness, und, tho guard being drugged, ho appropriates tho ro servo. In liko manner, when the dreamer and night-watcher, worn out by sleepiness, omploys opium, chloral, or somo other poison, to produco tho semblance of repose, he stupefies tbe consciousness ot unrest, but, uxcopt in cases w here it is only a haUt ol sleep lessness which has been contracted, and, being interrupted, may bo broken by temporary recourse to a porilous artifice, tho condition is unrelieved. Not unf rcqnently the warning sense is stifled by tho very intensity of tho motive power or impulse Ambition, zeal, lovo, pomotiines fear, will carry a man boyond tho bounds set by nature. No matter what suspends the functions ol tho guard set nt tbo threshold of tlio reserve, if tho residual stock is touched, two consequences ensue waste and depreciation. It is import ant to recognizo liolhof theso evils. Tho formor is generally perceived, tbo latter is commonly overlooked. Tho reserve, ns wo liuvo seen, pluys a doublo part in tho economy ; it is a stock in abcyanco, nnd it is tho base ol ovory present act. Without a ro servo of mental energy tho mind can no more continuo thu houltlitiil excr- ciso of its functions, than a dubby mils do without tenacity can respond to the! stimulus of strong volialion and lift a heavy weight or strike a heavy blow. The cause, or condition, which most I commonly exposes the ' reserve of': mental energy to loss and injury 's worry. 1 lie tono and strength of mind aro Beriously impaired by its wearing influcnco, und, if il continuo long enough, they will bodestroyod. It sols tho organism of thought and feeling vibrating with emotions which are not consonant with lho natural liberation nf enorgy in work. Tho whole ma chinery is thrown out of gear, und cx crciso, which would otherwise bo pleas urable and innocuous, becomes painful and even destructive II is easy to see how this must bo. Tho longest noto in music, tho most steady and persistont ray of light to uso an old fashioned expression tho tonic muscular contraction, are all, wo know, i produced by a rapid succession of mi- unto motive Impulses or acts, liko the oxplosion nnd discharge of electricity from alternately connected and sepa rated points in a circuit ; in fact, a series of vibrations. Montul energy doubtless takes the same form of de velopment. If a disturbing clement is introduced by the obtrusion of somo independent source of anxiety, or il, out of the business in hand, tho mind makes a discord, confusion onsucs, und for tho timo being harmonious action ceases. Working under theso condi tions in obedience to tho will, tho mon tul organism sustains injury which must bo great, and be lasting.' The function of tho wnrning senso is sua pended ; lho reservo is no longer a stock in abeyance, and itcoases to give stability to tho mind ; tho rhythm ol the montul lurccs is interrupted ; a crash is always impending, and, too often, sudden collapse occurs. N. Y Oli.vrvrr. THE LONGEVITY OF THE ANCIENTS. Can man roach and pass the ago of a hundred years is a question con cerning which phy siologists have differ onl opinions. Butfon was tho first ono in Franco to raise tho question of tho cxlrotno limit of human life. In his opinion, man, becoming adult at six teen, ought to live losix timo sthat ngo, or ninety-six yours. Having been called upon to account for tho pho- nominal ages attributed by tbo llibloto tbo patriarchs, ho risked lho following as an explanation : "Ileforo lho flood lho carlh wus less solid, loss compact than it is now. Tho law of gruvita tion had acted for only a little time; lho productions of tho globo bad less consistency, and tho body ol man, no ing moro supple, was moro susccplihlo ot extension, lleing ablo lo grow lor a longer timo, it should, in consequenco, live lor a longer timo than now." The Gorman llensler has suggested on tho namo point that the ancients did not divide timo as wo do. Provious lOthoaa;oof Ahnhim Ihe jiir,emonri somo people ol tbo Last, was onlv three months, or a season ; so thai Ihey hadaycarol Spring, ono of Sum mer, ono of F'ull, and ono of Winter. This year was extended so as to con sist of eight months after Abraham, und ol twelvo months alter Joseph. Voltairo rejeclcd tho longevity assign ed to the patriarchs of lho lliblo, but accepted without question the stories of tho great ages attained by somo men in India, where, he says, "it is not raro to boo old men of one hundred and twenty years. Tho eminent French physiulogis, Flourenos, fixing the com plete developomcnt of mun al twonty years, teaches that ho should live fivo times as long as it takes him lo becomo an adult. According In this author lho moment of a completed de velopment may bo recognized by tho fuel of tho junction of tlio bones wilh their apophyses. This junction takes placo in horses at five years, and tho horse doca not live beyond twonty fivo years; with the ox, alfour years, and it docs not live over twenty years ; with lho cat at oightccn mouths, and that animal rarely lives or ten years. With man It is effected at twenty years, and ho only exceptionally lives beyond one hundred years. The same physiologist admits, howovor, lhat hu man lilo may bo exceptionally pro longed under certain conditions of comfort, sobriety, freedom from care, regularity of habits, and observance ol the rules ol hygiene, and bo terminates his interesting study of the last point ("Do la Loncvile Ilumaino") with tho aphorism, "Mnn kills himself rather than dies.".!. Ltc Snlavdlt, Popular Science Jlcnthly. What State is round on both sides and high in tho middle? Ohio, A bell in tha machine shop 18 worth two on the mouth. CAN TEBMS-$2 per annum in Advance. SEMES - V0L 22, NO. 16. EXERCISE IN GRAMMAR. Every itudent of nonni, pronoom, and v.rln know! the neoeiillv of tnn.poilnf lanffiu'e for Ihe like of aieerlalnlorl Iti raroraalieil eon- (motion. Tlia ioIIvwIdk ihnwi lwent-iti differ ent reading! nf one of Uni'i well knows poeti oil llooi, jit the leni. la not alTeoted : Tha wearj plowman plod. hi. bomewird wij, Th. plowman, wrarr, plodi hll bomtward war, Hie bom.ward w.y th. weirr plowm.o plodi. III! hom.wird lit the nliiwinan weirr nlode. Theweerj plowmen homewitd plndi hll war. The plowman, weary, bornewerd plod! bll w.iy. I'll wkt tin wearv nlowinin. houiuwird dIihIr. Hi! wey.th. plowmen, weiry, homranrd plodi , piuninen, anuewarti, pinui nil weary way, Itli way the plowman, bomewird, wciry plod., Ilii homeward, we.ry wiy th. plowman plodi. Weary, the plowmen boinewerd plod! hll way. Weary, the plowmen plod, oil homeward way. Homeward, btl wey tho weary plowmen plodi. Homeward, hi! way Ih. plowmen weiry plod.. Homeward, bll weiry way, tha plowman' plodi. The plowmen, bomewird, weary plodi bll wiy. . wr.ry wnj, me piowinin ooinewird ploite. llii weary way, the hoinenird plowmen plodi. Homeward the plowmen plodi nil weery way. 1 he plowman, weirr, bll way houewerd plodi'. nomcweru me woary plowmen plodi nil way The l.lowmin nloil. hti homeward wear. The plowmen plodi bll weary bomewird wuy. Weery the plowman llii wiy bomewird plodi. Weiry bll bomewird way tbe plowman plodi. .V.VV MILES OF TUNNEL. A (IHEAT ENdlNKKRINU FEAT. TLo first complete railway train, carrying ono hundred passengers, pass ed through the Si. Gothurd tunnel on iuesday. Jov. 1st, in fitly minutes. In 187!) llaly, Germany and Swiu orland signed a convention guarantee ing $17,000,0110 to tho company thut would construct tho St. Gothurd rail road nnd tunnel, Italy giving 89,000, 000, Germany 1 1.000,090 and Switzer land ? 1,000 .000. Tho original ostimales of il7,4O0,000 proved under the mark, and it was lound that 151 bOO.OOO would bo required instead. Germany added 1?2,000.000 nnd Switzerland 81,(100,000. The work was begun in tho Autumn ol 1872, nnd wns completed on the morning of February 29, 1880. The average daily progress was 18 feet.' Tbo number of holes bored amounted to :120 (100,000, and 5,000 tons ofdvna mito were used in blasting; 1.G50.0O0 dulls woro consumed, and 1,400,000 cart loads of dirt were taken out from tho bowels ol tho moiiitluin. Dntina "TTKWssol th work flOlahorersin h lm'" "l"1 4? d"'"bl(-'V In '"'P0"'"" ol namber of i nlnin on,,, oyed tho killed for 1 Pel' f"1"'"! 1 'u '"J"I'L'1' - VeT-"t; ! r . m n - t . tunnel also suiiercd from a mysterious disease which was traced by un Italian physician tu para silical worms that wero engendered by tho underground atmosphere and lodir ed in tho intestines of men working in it. A Swiss physician supplemented mis uiseovery ny devising a method ol expelling the parasilns. The rock through which tho tunnel wns pierced varied from hard granitic gneiss on tho Swiss dido, to gravel, sund and pobhles on tho Italian. The St. Gotbard tunnel proper Lo gins al Goosehonon, aud ends at Airolo. Its length is nine and a'.hird miles, or 48,9:;6 feet, to bo exact ; it is nineteen und a halt loot high and twenty-six in maximum width. Rut tho tunnel is only ono section of a railroad running Irom Loko Lucerno in Switzerland to Lako Maggioro iu Ituly. Resides tho big tunnel tboro aro twolvo olhor tho shortest of which, Warron, is 1,1011 yards long, whilo tho longest, Olborg, reacnes z.ti-f yards. 'J lien tboro aro fivo lunnols between 220 and 550, nnd twenty-hvo between 110 and 220 yards, making in all about lifty-two subsidiary tunnels ol an aggregato lengtu oi Bixiocn miles. JJctweon lm munsco and Goescbenen tboro are thirty threo tunnels; between Airolo and Glubiasco seventeen, lho line is is carried over sixty-lour bridges and viuducts, tho longest of which, that of Cadenazzo, in Tessin, consists of fivo arches each having a Bpan ol fifty-fivo yards. The length oi the St. Gotbard lino is 151 miles, sovontcen por cent, bridges and viaducts. Starting from Rotk rouz, eluven miles from Lucerno, lho St. Golhard lino runs along tho western shoro of Lako Zug, round tho tiazo ol tbo Jlighi and by Luke Lo wcrz, striking tho Lake of llrunncn. At Waxen il attains a height of 3,008 leut, auovo llio sea level How to liitEAK Off Rad IIahits. Understand tho reason, and all tho reusons, why tho habit is injurious. Study tho subject until tboro is no ling ering doubt in your mind. Avoid tlio places, tho persons, thnl lend to tho temptation. Frequent tho places, ns- sociato with tlio persons, indulio in tho thonghts that lead away from the temptation. Keep busy ; idleness is llio strength ol bad habits. Do not givo up tho strugglo when you havo iiroucii your resolution once, twice, a tli on nind limes. That only shows how much need thero is for you to strive When you havo broken your resolu tion, just think tho mailer over, and endeavor to understand why it was you failed so lhat you may be on your guard against nn occurrence ol the sumo circumstances. Do not think it nn easy thing that you havo under taken. It is lolly to expect to break oil a habit in a duy which may have oeun garnering sircngui lor years. Little Deeps of Kindness. Each of a thousand acta of lovo cost very little of itself and yot whon viewed to gether, who can estimate their valuo? 1 ho child whoso good offices aro al ways ready when wanted to run up siuira snu tiown, to gel chips, or rock tho cradle, to run on an errand and right back, all with a cheerful look and a pleasant temper, has a reward along with such good duties. If a little girl cannot tako her grandfather on her lap as ho tukei her on his, she can gut the slippers, or put away his hook, or gently comb his thin locks ; and whoth or she thinks of it or noi, those litllo kindnesses that come from a loving heart aro tho sunbeams thut lighten up a dark and welul world. Ho wss a country fellow, a littlo awkward and bashful, but of sterling worth ol character. She was a Cin cinnati belle, and had sense enough to appreciate la is worm despite his awk wardness and bashlulness, and was his tinancee. On a gloomy Sunday evening last Winter they wero stand ing in front ol the window in tho lino parlor of her homo on East Walnut II ills, watching the snow-flakes rapidly falling oulsido. Ho was not up in tho society small talk, and being at a loss lor something to say, remarked as ho saw lho snow tailing: "This will bo hard on Ihe old man sheep." "Never mind, dear," said she, slipping her arm around him, "1 will take care of ono of them." A girl who bar a Icllon on her finger and a fellow on her arm, has as much as she can attend to. Josh Billings says: "Next to a clear consilience lor solid comfort cuius an old shu." EDUCATIONAL BY Af. lTmoQUOWN. IDLCATWXAL SXIUMTIOX. It is hoped that teachori having collections ol scholars work, inoluding mineral cabinets, drawings, paintings, specimens ol penmanship, or anything executed by scholars, will bring thetn along and have thorn on exhibition during tho work, at the approaching County Institute. PREMIUMS. A $10 Prize The Institute, at tha Instanco of the County Stiporlnlondont, will pay fit) to tho school presenting tho iicsf educational display. To so euro tho promium, howover, the fol lowing articles must appear in tbo display : 1. Tho copy hooks o( tho entiro school. 2. Specimens of plain ornamontul penmanship. .'). Autograph book containing speci men autographs from all pupils except tho primary grades. 4. Cards, 0x8 inches, containing the "Lord's Prayor," printed by pupils ol tho 1st, 2d and 'M Reader grades, 5. Specimens of social, business and descriptive letters from tho 4th and 5th Reader grade. 6. lliisiness forms, notes, receipts, chocks, accounts, etc., from tho ad vanced pnpila in the school. 7. Manuscripts nf monthly or term examinations, outlines of study, and school room mottoes oontrivod and ex ecuted by tho pupils. H. Essays written by the advanced pupils upon tlio "I)ignity of Labor." 9. Specimens'ot drawing (sketches from nature) executed by the pupils of the school. 10. Tho teacher's report book of the school and programme. To theso ten requirements may bo added such other articles as will make tho display attractive, and exhibit more fully the work of tho pupils. To ull articles must bo attached the namo of tbo scholar executing them. A 5 Prize Rev. William II. Dill will pny tke ahovo for tho best mop ot v iciinieiu county executed ny any scholar in tho county. (!) to be paid for tbo best mop drawn by any pupil over 1 1 years of ngo, and ?2 for tho best map drawn by any pupil under that ago. An elegant prizo from Gen. J. A. M. Passmore, Pennsylvania agont for D. Appleton A Co., will bo given lo the toachor who can present the best cer tified statement nf his or her work last yenr, 18S0 81. Tho same to ho con spicuously printed upon card board, containing tho billowing items: 1. Number of pupils ill attendance. 2. Percentage of altcndunce lor each month and term. .'1. Number and ages of all pupils who studied all .tho common school branches. 4. Number and names of all pupils who attended overy day ot tho school t,.m 5. Nllmber BnJ Ilumt.a of , w, received no tardy marks, Jfumlmpot times the rod wns used in lho ,chool. 7. Tho number who received 100 in j deportment fitr tho term, 8. The miscellaneous exercises of the school. 9. Number of visitors and their names: 1st, Directors ; 2d, touchers ; lid, ministers, and 4th, parents. 10. A brief explanation (printed at bottom of card), giving tho methods adopted for bringing about tho results. Prof. A. R. Road will give a hand some set of Lippineott'a now Roadors to tho toachor exhibiting the most at tractive specimens of drawing and plain and ornamental penmanship. Tho County Superintendent will givo a now Reading Chart to tho teach er ol any primary school who presents tbo best written thesis upon "Primnry Teaching," the same to be published at tho close of tho Instituto. Cost of cbnrt, $3.00. Schools and teachers dosiring to compoto for any of tho abovo prizes should notify us by letter as early as Docomber 10, stating which prize they expoct to apply for. All exhibits must bo placed in the bauds of Mr. W. T. Spuckman, Superintendent of that de partment, not later than Monday altornoon. CLEARFIELD (W.V7T TEACHERS' IXSTITUTE. THE WORK OF THE WEEK, Tho Instituto will organize on Mon day at 1) o'clock, P. M. and adjourn al 11 o'clock A. M. tho Friday lollop ing. Inorder to get tbo experience of thoso longest in sorvico, tho day ses sions will be devoted principally to the consideration of tho branches taught in our Common Schools, and mothods of teaching lho same, by the gentlemen employed as instructors. School man agement in all its details will form a purt of each day's programme . A lim ited number ol tho teachers ol our county will read papers boloro the In stitute upon tho subjects assignod else where. We deem this expedient in order to keop before our teachers those things which appertain to our individ ual interests, and the school interests of our county in general. A Teachor's meeting will bo hold each morning ono hour previous to tho opening of the Institute proper. The object of this daily conlercnco will be to counsel to gether upon tbnso local difficulties that confront each of us in tho discbarge of our duties. 1 bavo submitted a num ber of topics lor consideration at those meetings, and trust all our teachers will come prepared to give us tho ro suits ol their experience and observa tion. If those who havo met with dif ficulties upon Vhich they dosire the opinions of others, will commit such to paper, in tho lorm of a quoslion, thoy will bo submitted lor discussion at theso conference meetings. Tuesday, December 20lh, has been act opni t as "Directors' Day.'1 This Is dono in order that our State Superin tendent, who will he present on lhat dny, may have lho pleasuroof meeting and addressing tho Directors as well as the teachers. 1 hare referred a few questions for jolnt-discnssion on that day, upon whico, it is hoped, the Di rectors and teat hers will unite in ex pressing t'tcir opinions. The evening session' will bo taken up with popular lectures and readings. (iV.seha l raouRA mme. PROF. JOHN I. LADD will discuss tho following subjects dur ing the week : J'rimary Reading, Lan guage, Composition, Play Ground, Tar- lincss Communication, Corporal Pun ishment, School Ktiquctto, How lo Conduct a Recitation, Qualifications. Pedagogics, otc. col. t. r. COPELAND lias, in addition to his evening lectures, consented to address the Institute upon lho following subjects: 1. Relation ol tho Teacher to tho Slate, Family and School. 2. Ivstholio Culture in Com mon Schools. 3. Rad Roys and Girls. 4. How to Read. DR. It. I. IIIHHEE, who is making a tour of the Stats dur ing the Institute season, will bo wilh us ono day and evening. Ilo desires to mako the acquaintance of tbe teach ers and Bf boo officers of this, as woll oilier counties, lie will address the Traebors and Directors on Tues day afternoon and lecture that evening. eioi m. n. BriirwcK. who is now serving his third term as Superintendent of lbs Schools of Cam oron county, Pa., has consented to spend part of the week with ns. lie Is one of tho progressive school men of the State, and his live lams, wnico nave re ceived the most favorable mention wbcrevor he has been, will prove most favorable to us. To be continued next tr.