THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAUKIELlV, PA WHINEMlAY MiiKNIMI, NilVKMllKR Irt, ril. Terms of Subscription. ff paid lu aflvanoo.or wltbia three aaoBthe...$. 40 If paid ftller tbrM eetl before tit moathi ; oil If paid aftr ttioeapiretloa of tlx looobtl .. I BO Ml:l.l(ill)lH NOTH'KH. MrthodUt l-'.plecopal Cburrh--Rer. llao. Limr, Parlor. tier. tee. erary Sabbath .1 10ft A. M., nd T) P. H. Nabbatb Hohool ItVA.M. Prayor Meetiae; ..or. Wrdeaaday, it TJ t. M. Ctiinu udIoo B.rrlre, fint bebbath el eVery oiooth, at l, a. M. ! If rBtld M. K. hurrh. K.T. Obo.ub II. Atiii, Pallor. Prtai;Linf every Hnuday, et ) u'clonk, P. M. Sunday fiobool 1 J, P. M. All .r. iarllea to attend. Hrrabjterlau I liurrli--R,T. H. S.IIutlbb. Habbalh aervtr..r mornine; and evening Bab- hath School at II A. M Pr.yer Meeting Wednee- def evening. liaptlat lliurrh.. Ke?. , Paitor. iabath Sohool el X P. M. Prayer Meeting every e'laeeaaj eveolng. Ht. Kreiirl." Hurrh Cetliollr I1t. p J.HnenibAe IMrlne lervlte at 10e A. M.. the flret, tbird end fourth Sundoyiof eaob nonlb; V.euera and Ilenedietlon of the IMcsied Seofament at 7 cloek, r. M. hunday School every Sunday afternoon et a o eloek. limi'UL lllltKCTOR Y. tihi or iLlime qtraBraa eaaioee nottar. Srenad Mondey of January. Third Munday of March. Plret Monday of June. Fourth Monday of September. Tiktn op BOLbina commob riBea. firet Mondey of June. Prennd Monday of Novamber. Ylvt, 111' COMtHF. I Will you take wfteat, oatl or .era for tub rrrip'inn 1" W. are often inquired of in tbil way lir letter frrnn palron. who reaide et e diltanc. from Clearfield. We ee-ain eey yea. The reretila of e re.ri'irailile merchant or mill owner In the vicinity, will an.wer ne jn.t at well ea the eeah. Tu lllluatrete t If eny of our patrooa will deliver uf a bag of grain et the mill ol Joaepb 11. Ureth, in Cheat townahi(, Huraoa Petohin. in, fbonjaa 11. F'orcoy, in Urabam, Wm. Porter or shaw'i, in Lawrence, or Urown A Heyler'a, et r.oi-kton, 1'bioa townehip, end forward their rrreipta for the etuouut, we will eredit tbein on lliclr acrouot lor the eonie. In tbia way all may aoon pay what they owe, if they will puraue tbie it'jurle. tf. Hon. (ifore A. .Inika, of rtrookville, ut nt- trhililtK Court tliis week. The MarkH alrcet bridge wiis thrown oM-n i'.t tnivtd hwt ww k. Toll is tukrn. Kd. A. Ixnvy and bride returned from their u-ddinjr tour l:wt Wednestlay evening. e Mi.ea Alice Pntebin, of llurmide, ie a Bttt leitt at Wilaon College, Clmnibersburjf. The hillside and iiiendnw!i an' (ireener now lh:tn they were in Allrnt and Hejitemlier. Menu' nnd linys' Winter rut and nnder- wenr of nil ktndn cheap, ut HirliiiKcr A H'tok'a. e m Wilkin is promised n bin hotuteut his enter tainment in Pie'eOitfTaUdtwethis lTtleduy) i-W'llillff. Sixteen perwtna were reeeived into full mlierKliip in the ( learflelil l. K. Chnn h last Saliliath. .. Wilson's New lliiinply lliiinitty troupe uillnp)eur ill Arnold's. Hall this (WedneH ilay) rvetiiitK. e en .liitlne Foley and liev. W. II. Dill wi n siiintnoned iw Inlestnen on the jury in the Ilulioii I'Jise. Waller Nouthnrd assists Jiitnes I. Adams, Anent of the I'eniiHvlvnnia Kailrtwd, nt this plure. in liandllllK t lie freight. Mr. O. IX Gootllellow has removed hiefnmilj to the residence lately occupied by Mrs. IJevnnltls on East Fine street. m 9 ' Misses F'rancos and F.mmu Ftdey arc this week visiting their sister, Mrs. James H. Mo Cnnl, at New Cnmlierhind, Cumberland Co. Caiilicld & I.umotit s Htuiipty Duiiipty to terlninment hwt Thursday eveninn win not lariiely attended. The show, -it is said, was a pond one, (leorite Weaver was prostrated with a moke of panilysis last Friday forenoon. He is now improving, nml ive hope he will soon fiillv recover. The partnership herctolbroexisting lielween A. K. tShofl'and lienton lleeman, doinn hnsl nes nt Madera, has been dissolved. Notice of dissolution apienra elsewhere in this paper. a A little chilli of Mrs. Harah Campbell, re siding nt New Millport, necideully fell into a spring nnd before discovered was drowned. 'lhe child was luted hImuI IP months. wcntii-illc Tima. -Cur- F.lnni Hrown slstmlitereil three hogs last Wednesday, the aggregate weight of which was l,ll."n imtimls. line of them weighed 4'if, and two 300 each. There is some lord nlsint .nt-h jiorkers as these. m e 1 1 - .luncMioirnnd W. II. Whiteside hue Ikiii ihosen Administrators of the estate of Samuel short", Into of lleecnrin township, deceased, and they give notice to that efl'ect in another t-nlttmn of this Miper. Wm. F. Morgan, of My I von tlrovc, Kansas, i visiting ClcarOeld, his former place of resi dence. Mr. Morgan was summoned here on account of the serious illness of his mnlhcr, who is still quite poorly. tin account of the affliction in the family of liev. II. 8. Butler, there were no services in Ilic Clenrfleld rrcsbvteriun Church last Sabbath. His youngmt child, a sun. tiled on Sunday forentsin of diptlicrio. Mr. Alexander Wheeler, business manager of tlio lriilgeMirt (Conn.) itoiVjf Mnnrftiri, uhoisan affable and courteous gentleman, visited his friend, liev. II. H. Duller, in this place, for several days last w eek. -e a Kdward McSwcemy (Democrat), young and risino- lnwver of Smcthiwrt, was elected District Attorney In the Hepubliaiil eounly of McKenn. Mr. M. Is married to Miss Alice, daughter of Clark Wilson, formerly of this place. (irountl was broken on Matnrilay for a two- story addition to tlio brick residence of W. W. lletls, corner of Hcoolld and JyOcnst street. The lower rorlion of It will lie used by Mr. lie Its ns an ollioc and the ripper story is to lie ut tat hid to the dwelling. aa e ea The Pittsburgh .Scn..'jr CVifi'r has recently lieen enlarged and changed in form from four to eight pages pasted and cut. We trust the enterprise manifested by lhe publishers will be fruitful of good results and a lurge lulronnge. NnWriplion, $' a year. W. Scott Flnminer, late a conductor on the T. A C. Hailrond, w learn from the Osceola, Kmillr, has pim hased lhe St. Cloud Hotel nt llotitfdalc, fnim ficorge Wootlin. Mr. Flnm iner will take charge, of the hold himself anil Mr. Wootlin will devote his entire atten tion to the livery business. Messrs. Dotla and Win advertise a inini b'T of dcsirublo lots for sale, located In lhe now fast -growing town of Coaljsirt, in llecca rin township. Tins' is a fine cltnnce for those who want to secure a home, or to Siecuhite in real estate. Call on or address John 8. I.iglitner.t Conlport (lieilly F. O.) or County Treasurer Dolls and A. B. Sliuw Clearfleld. aw turtle are out fin- the marriage of Dr. II. F. lienm, formerly of f'urwensville, to Miss Maggie Irvin, of this place, the ceremony to lake plnte in the Clearfield Presbyterian t hureh nt l'J o'clocK, M., on Thanksgiving day, Thursday, Novemlier'Jtth. A nis-plion will lie held nt the residence of the bride's mother, Mm. Flisnlieth Irvin, from 1 o'clock, until X Iter. George Leuly, accoinmnied by hin dnughter Maggie, atarted on Monday after noon for Rt Ioui, Miiwnuri. where bin porenta reside, and whither he goea to perform a tnarringe rerrmony. JIo willbonbnent several wkN and during hia almetiee hit pulpit will filled by minintern from ttbroad. NeitSab bnih morniDg.Rev. W. It. Whitney f Wallaee l't, will preach ; no aervicra in the evening. On Siibbath, Kov 87lh, Kev. Dr. McMurrny, of Hbanokin, wiU preach morning And eTtning. IliilinKr & lfook liai tlio litrirntt and rlit-Hiwkt ekx-lc of Ovrmratn In town. Cull nml at tliriu ami he ranvlnrwL 11-9-llt Bull for Sah. The untlrniKnitl uflVre fur enlf Itill-lihudrd Jrni'jr Hull, 2J ywim old. For further irtiiulnr, mil tin or adtlnni tlif utiWrilrr at Ifrxktnn, I'll. YVm. Wki.ty. Il-D-St. Bithop t Metting. At the annual meeting of the blshopeof the Methodist Episcoiuil chnn h recently held in New York it was resolved that the Hpring conference lie held in Lock Haven, March l.Mh, nt which cnnferenif Bishop Hurst will preside. Death from a Toy PitM. Freddy I-owle.a WilliainsK)it youth, aged H years, dietl in gn at agony nt his home in that city last Saturday morning from lockjaw, caused by a wound from a toy pisiol, which he had been Bring a few days ago. This is another warn ing to parents. As the toy pistols inemiae in number the deaths of boys will also inen-uee. - KIM bra Falling Tnt. tieorgc Nortliunier, residing on Tyrone pike adjoining town, en gagfd iu chopping logs for Irwin & I.indsey, in the wootls above the breast of Cold Stream dam, was struck by a falling tree early this (rnanjr) morning and instantly killed. He was aged slsuit fifty yearn and leans a wife and several children to mourn his sad and sudden death. l'hiliymburp Journal "ltev. Father .1. D. Coady, of Tituaville. was presented with a magnificent unn-chnir uiiu s purse nt nity dollars on Friday evening, the tiny-third anniversary of his birth". Lr, Those of our ieople w ho resided here as long ago as lHtir, will all recollect Futhcr Coady. As a clergyman nnd n gentleman he rnuks with the lat. He was n friend to everylsidy while in Clearfield, especially to the young folks. Ixing life to Father Coatlv I Whotrtr Heard of the like t Kx-Shcriff Head, of Lawrence township, distributed a half bushel of Hamls) apples among our citi zens on election day, which he nfi'trmed w:is the second crop. They were good size nnd fully matured, the seeds Is-ing ouite black. The first crop was taken oil' the tree on the 1st day of last August, nnd it budded, bloomed and bore fruit the second time. Moving Forward. We notice by our ex changes that the track has liecn laid on an extension of the lwisburg mid Tvrone branch I'miii l'ennsvlvunia Furnace eust bv north to Kairbrooli, live nnd one-half milt s, and on n branch from Fairhronk, tlvc and one-half mile, to Scotia Mine. Tin new extension in eleven mile in nil, nnd niakeH the branch twinty-cinht milcc. lone from Tyrone to Scotia Mine. aal e m A New Harnea Shop at HoutzJale.$lvHv. Staver & McCullouh hav ojH'iicd u new banw'ss shop nt Jlout.dale, and will ninnu fuctiirc line and heny hurnm of every de scription, and will alwa.VH keep in gtock nud dl(K,eollarti,blHnketn,lnpnlen, whip, brushes, harness oil, and all kind of horse-fumishinff ffixids. lNjtnirinK promptly nt tended to. They n'fpvctfully solicit a slinn of public pa tronage, (iive them n call. Shop two doors from the pstofnYe, Houtzdale, I'a. m Prolific -Tim Cherrytrefl Itnonl of last week given the follow ing: ''We werethown on Thursday hint, by Mr, A. E. Jlrickley of this place, twelve Late Ktwe imtatocM uliich weighed Hi teen Munds. They were rais'd by Mr. David Touih, of Huttington township, Indiaim county. Mr. HricUby inforniN nn that out of 4i busliela of e'd iilanted, Mr. Tomb niied busbeld, beside what were u-d for family use during the Summer. And yet it wiw a very dry Summer! Who can beat that ?" Chang in Mail Schedule. A jroslal car is now run on the Johnstown exprem, leaving Alt(H)na nt 8 o'clock A. M.; arriving nt Phila delphia nt 5:15 p.m. The following point, on the Middle Division are now nerved from this train : Bell wood, Tipton, Tyrone, Tyrone branch roads, Morrell, Spruce Crwk, Hunt ingdon, Huntingdon and Itrond Top Kail road, McVeytown, Lewistown, ThouipHontown, Millerstown, Newixirt, Duncannon, Maryn ville, llarriaburg. Mail for points east of Ilarrutbtirg in also forwnrded by thin train. Juniata . C. 4. At nmeetingofthe Juniata Valley Cnmpineeting Association iu Hunting don on the .Id instant, the following ofticcro were elected : l'rcoident, K. M. King; Trens urer, 1). E. Holieson j Secretary, J. K. Rhode ; Diret'tors, .lam en Lowthcr, J. W. WcWmt, K. M. Bell, J, F. Steiner, Jonathan Roynton, II. A. Lewi, K. M. King, C. W. Ashcm.e, F. I). Steven, Dnvid Heister, S. W. Norton, 8. A. McCoy and J. A. McKee; Board of Control, H. H. lie win, F. D. Stevens, S. W. Norton, J. A. McKee nnd K. M. King. A dividend of ,1 per cent, wan declnrcd, leaving fcVH) to le applied to tho jiaynient of the funded in debted nea..- Trfft Planting. The Lock Haven Jhmocrttl given publicity to the following: ''It will be a matter of more than eommou interest to the farmer renders of the Jkmocmt to learn that there in in existence and in full force a ntat utenfthe Commonwealth of retinsylvanin by a knowledge of which many a dollar may W wved to them. It In to the effect that any iersfn who nhall transplant to the aide of the public highway on hi own premie nny fruit, shade or forest tree of nuitnble tn'ze, shall I allowed by the nupervisor, when the roadn run through or ndjoin cultivnted fields, an abatement on hit rond tax of one dollar for every four treea net out. The trees must, however, 1 net out the year previous Wore the allowance m ill be granted nnd they must be alive nnd well protected. This law wan enacted Mav'M, lH7!t,and drscrveM the w idest publicity." Failuri of tht Buckwheat Crop.Tw buck wheat crop of IVnnsylvania,it is generally eon ceded by this time, is a failure, and the price of the Hour in this vicinity wilf lnar un out iu fliis statement. Very little (lour can be had iu this market. Five dollars per hun dred ha loen paid. The extreme heal com ing at a time when the grain was nown and should have Iteen taking root, destroyed the plant in nil hut highly favored localities. Buckwheat cakes are luxuries, nnd nre hard to find on the bills of fare nt our hotels nnd iMHtrding-houscs. In this conncrtion Wash- ton City exchange thus litis up its voice nnd weeps: "The last news from IVnnsylvunin Utkes the Mike. The buckwheat crop is reported to lie a complete failure. With the tobacco, corn, apple nnd buckwheat crops gone hock on us, making whisky, cider and breakfast enkes beyond the reach of any but the wenlthv, we seem to have a h:ud Winter before us.' 4 Frightful Accident W'e learn the follow ing part iculars from the Altoona Irihunr in regnrd to a frightful and serious accident that occurred at Kamey, this county, on IMh hist: "Alsnit 6 o'clock on Thursday evening ns D. K. Kamey A Co.' truck was coming in w ith its last car lond of logs an necident occurred of the most painful character. Nine of the workmen were seated on top of the logs on the renr truck, when suddenly one of the logs rolled off, throwing four of the nirn bnckwnrds off of the truck at n imint where the road lied is sixteen feet alsive the strenia, known as East Brunch. Two of the remain ing logs rolled off with the men. Koliert Hen derson, Joseph SKice and Frnnk Edmonds fell into the stream. Mr. James Met mssin fell on the hank, one of the large logs fnlling within a few feet of him. The logs which rolled after the other men rested on the bank, otherwise they would have Ix-en rnished to death. Mr. Mt-Crossin's left arm wnshroken, nnd he received several painful bruises on other parts of his person. Mr. Henderson was hndly, It mny tie fntnlly injured. Hcveral riln were broken and his head, brenst and shoulders were badly bruised. His fellow workmen took him for dead and hsuled him home on t of the truck. He was still living when our Informant left the place.and it Is hoped that he will recover. Mr. Hender son was foreman of the woodmen w ho cut the lnmi and is a first -class man. He has a wife and three children one of which was lmrn on Friday morning. Mr. Edmunds was lwdly bruised but will soon recover. All the in jured men have families. Taken all in all It aeems little short of miraculous that any of them rpcl ivUui death " I hud Chronic Dysentery for one year. t-rruna cured me. Jamex Buexxax, Pittsburgh, V I was given up to die, from a disease of my inula. 1 took Vimin and It cured me. J. lltwtx, Hoie, I1 Mrs. Lillie W. Wile returned home lust Saturday evening after a prolonged visit in the Lost. The lest clothing for the least money can be found nt (iiiiiizburg'siniwt reliable Clothing Store, Western Hotel comer, In Clenrrlleld. lit-SIf The lime is here for Ovcn-oata and Winter suits. You can find them cheap at Hirlinger A Itook a, aa they will not lie undersold. Call and sect. ll-o-:it A fellow named John Sutton, driver of the Mansion 'bus, was arrested and lodged in jail on Monday evening, for the larceny of a horse-blanket from Powell's hardware store. The ease will go to Court. isa e -4a MRS. T. E. WATSON, will return from I'liilmlfliiliiunlnml SATt'KDAY, NOV. HI wllli a fine line of all the NKWKHT HTYI-E.S of FASHIONABLE MIIXINOY AND FANCY (i(M)I)S. Mich. T. E. VATx. ricnrtlclil, I'a., Nov. I), lNHKit Mix KiiHitnnn HuMcr.uf Omlmm township, rclii-t of Jiuxib llublcr, (Ittfiwcd, was Htrickrn with nioiU xy liwt Friduy uml died on 8un- dny pvininK, Nov. J3th, in the 81nt year of Jif r at;p. She woh onp of the oldest remdent of the township. Her funeral took phu-c on I iieHday. Aceording to a late Art of Awwmhly every tnuiihhtp and iHinmh iu thin county will elect two OvrrMeen of the Poor at the neit Spring eU' lion. The candidate receiving the h client nunilMT of voten to he elected for two yi'itm, and the next hlgheM for one year, and one Overseer" shall be elected every Spring thereiifter fur a term of twoyonrs. m List of lellera remaining unclaimed iu the I'ontrifllee nt Oarfield, l'u., for the week end- inn NovenilHT 14th, l. : Mrx. Mie ltlooni, Miw Nan HI.hhu, Itob't Coi'hnin, Ira Cochran, Alfred ('ochran, Lettie over, Mr. C. Lillie, John A. Miller, H. II. Mtiee, .Iiihn It. Martin, Lewis Nufer, Elliot 'l,tce, Augustus lianey, Miss F.lcn fiR-llmao, Alex Southarland. V., V. M. kern Bakery f Mr. John F. Finkbeiner wishes to announce to the Kople of Clenr fleld nnd vicinity that he has opened a new bakery on Ijvust street, where he will keep on hand nt nil times fresh white bread, rusks, rolls, pies, Orahnm bread, Ac., Ae. He solic its a fair share of public patronage, knowing that he is nble to please. Please give him a call. New Bait Stage Line. Juiues L. Lea.y has succeeded in having n daily mail estab lished Is-tween Clearfield and Penfield,nnd will hereafter run a daily stage between the two ixiiuts. Hin contract began with April 1st, nnd the stage will lenve Clearfield every morning (except Sunday) nt 8 o'clock, mak ing connections with nil trains on the Iiow tirade Hailrond at Pennlield, returning after the last train the name evening. Passengers and freight will l-e carried at low rates. Orders left at any of the hotels will he attended to. 4-Mtf. ea tm Worth Remembering. Now that good times are again upon us. Is-fore indulging in extravagant show, it is worth remcm tiering that no one can enjoy the pleasantest sur roundings if in liad health. There are hun dreds of miserable people going about to-day w ith disordered stomach, liver or kidneys, or a dry, hacking cough, and one foot in the giave, when a .r0 cent Isittle of Parker's Gin ger Tonic would do them more good than nil the expensive doctors nud quack medicine they have ever tried. It always makes the blood pure nnd rich and will build yon up and give yon good health nt little cost Rend of it in another column. 11-0-41 Our NovcnilsT Term of Court ojiened on Monday w ith Judge Mayer on the bench, assisted by Associate Judges Ogdennnd Holt. Samuel B. Jordan and Adam Kreps were ap pointed tipstaves. The case of Bigler, Young A Itced vs. John DuBois is on trial ns we go to press. Wallace A Krclm, nnd McEnally & MeCurdy are for Plaintiff, nnd George A. Jcnks, and Murray & Gordon for Defendant. This lieing a Common Plens Court for the trial of civil causes, the attendance of strangers is not ns largo ns it is at the (Quarter Siwions, when all the Constables and ninny of the Justices of lhe Pence in the county put in an appearance, together with from fifteen to thirty w itnesses to earh petty case, n e will publish proceedinirs of this week's work in Court in our next. An Invaluable Article. -The renders of the A nju have no doubt seen the advertisement of Ely's Cream Balm in another column. An article like "Cream Balm" has long bwn desired, nnd now that it is within the reneh of sufferers from Catarrh, Hny Fever, etc, there is every reason to believe they will make the most of it. Dr. W. E. Buck man, W. E. Ham- man, Druggist, and other Kastonians have given it a trial, and all recommend it in the highest terms. EnMtoitJ Tn.) Daily Ari)ti, (hi. 1th, 171.. Bkht os liiccoim. I believe Ely's Cream Balm the best preparation for Cntnrrh now on record. My patrons nil spenk well of it. I have sold one hundred nnd forty-four bottles in less than five months. I ordered another gross a week ago, and have mild twenty-one lrottles from the second gross. It sells upon uKn its merits. Jons H. Pmki.I'h, Druggist, Scrnnton, Pa. Jnn. 2H, n. Price 50 cents. ea ew Two Afore Made Nappy. The bride having many friends nnd ncqunintanres in this vicin ity, we pnblidi the following item from a Tyrone corrcsHndent to the Altoona 7Vi', nnd we are sure they will all join in wishing the happy twain well throughout their journey along life's pathway: ''Tuesdny morning, November Hth. Dr. Evans ami Miss Melissa Hurley were united in the bonds of holv niatnmonv nt the resi dence of the bride's parents by liev. Dill, of Clearfield. The happy couple toon passage on day expressthe same day for eastern cities. Mr. Evans during the short period which he has been in Tyrone has made many warm friends, w ho together with the host of friends which the bride had, unite in wishing them nfutnreof unalloyed happiness and prosjierity, and that their high standard of government no successfully carried out in the school room may lie strikingly exemplified in the training up into habits of respect, morality and use fulness of the school of little Evanses that may from time to time lie assigned perma nent quarters in their happy home." e m The Telephone. give us plonsnw to an nounce the completion of the line to the Cherrytrce, which was finished totly.t place on Monday evening last. Clenrfleld and Cnr- wensville are, therefore, in close communica tion with all our up-river neighliors. The line is now in communication with Lumber City, I'tnnville (Grampian Hills P. 0.1, Iw isville (Bower P. 0.), Mahaffcy's, McGhee's Idlest P. O.), New Washington, Bumsidc, nnd the Cberrytree (Grant V. O.). This is another link in lhe line of true progrcsa and will mnke rafting move a little faster in time of a flood. Just imagine: Aaron ratcnin starts twenly-five rafts lietwccn the Cherry- tree and Burnside three dnys before he learea home for Clearfield. He arrives here, but no rafts yet. He makea for the telephone and enlls Mr. Hartcr, at the Cherrytrce, forty ilea off: "Jesse, where in thunder are those rafts vou started a week agoT Hartcr "Tbeymnst tie at Lumber City ; call Jim Hile." Jim Hile "Hafts leftherrthis morn ing, and must he about Curwensville; tap Aleck ration." Aleck ratton "Just going through the schute, and will 1 to Clearfield alsmt 4 o'clock." Now ratchin feel all right and the rafts come into "The Lick" In good order. He again repairs to the telephone nnd strikes John C. Conner at Burnside: "How's the water V J"hn answers "Good flood and rails passing down.1 Next he counteri on Robert MnhnfTry: "Boh, how is Chest creek ?' Mnhaffry "Rather low and tailing. A ftw light rafts came down this morning " After all the telephone it ft very convenient affair to hare. DEATH OF A REMARKABLE MAN HIS WILL IX KI LL. On Friday evening, Kuvemlier 4th, Paul Darling, Vice President of the Jefferson County National Batik, died at the residence of hia brother-in-law Mr. W. II. Gray, on Valley street, iu Rrookvllle, in the fifty-ninth year of his age, after a prolonged illness. From the BmokvilU Vmoenif we get the following; The deceased wna Iwrn iu Siuethport, Mc Kenn county, un the uth of Octoler, lN'i.l, and moved to BrookviBe with his father,Dr. George Darling, in 1KU. A young man.without any means, he inpjiortcd himself by teaching school in a neighliorii.g country school-house. He afterward earned a livelihood by clerking, serving Mr. Thomas K. LUch for a nnmlier of years aa clerk in his store, anil Anally became general manager for his extensive lumber bus iness. In w hatever business Mr. Purling was placed he was the name trusty, faithful, cor rect man. Hin sincerity and firm adherence to truth iu all his business transactions. whether involving little or much, was marked thnrncU-risticof the man. His word in the community in which he lived wan always considered as good as the strongest instrument in writing. Professedly he was not a Chris tian. His name dot not appear upon the dm nil records; but in spirit he was believed to have been a Christian. He loved the true and benutifu, and detested the false nnd unlovely. . He never married, and amassed n large fortune, the distribution of which is an example others will do well to follow A. Louis Gordon, Esq. nnd Joseph II. Henderson, of Brookville, are nnmed as Ex ecu tors of his estate. A peculiarity of the will Is that he he- qncnthed to every creditor the full amount owing by them, w here the claim remained in his hands. This seems to have been the result of the strong impression made on his mind and henrt by this portion of the lord's prayer And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." He Keen. a to have understood nnd pructhrd it literally. We wonder how many who have profited by his understanding of this w onderful prayer, will do .is he has done. The bemcsts in his w ill are ns follows: To W. H. Ornvnnd Man his wife, his stock in the Jefferson County National Hank.nlmut f tll.(HHI. x To his namesake, Paul Itarling Robinson. aul Darling Wright, Paul Darling Hamlin and Paul Darling Scofield, c'JOO each. To Eilwnrd Kcotleld, ..tiMK). The awve is Captain Edward S-ofh-ld, of , Wisconsin, a brother of James L. Scotield, of i Penfleld, this county En. Rkt. To li. G. Wright, Henry Hamlin. Hvnm D. Hamlin, Thomas K. Litch, Dr. W. Y. McCoy, Mrs. Charlotte MeCov, Delano V. Hamlin, Genie, wife of lelanoC Hamlin, nnd Mollic, wife of John Forest, each $UK To Dr. Henry L. McCoy (M), nnd to his w tie Hi hi. To Kilen, daughter of Charlotte Mi-Coy. Edward McCoy and Frank his wife, Mrs. Lottie Hamlin and each of her children Willie Orlo, Aline, and Marv Kmina Hamlin and Mrs. Ienn Rosp.cnch $100. 'o Ham C. Lit eh $100, and Blanche his wife To Edward A. Litch f Km. and Altiehis wile f '-'."t. To Mm. Thomas K. Litch and Annie Hen derson, her daughter, Charles B. Clark, Ame lia Clark, Matcgie ( lark, Mattie Gcphnrt, .Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Darmh, nnd Mary A. Corliet. each cKNI. To Dr. J. E. Hall and C. R. Hall, each fm To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 11 en demon, each c''-V. To Joseph B. Henderson nnd to each of his chiiilrcu $. To Charles Corbet, Esq., fc'iO. To Thomas M. Carroll and Thomas E. Espy, each fMN). To W. I). J. Marlin, Est., To Dr. Henry L. .McCoy, in trust for Geneva Bard, cVXMi. To-Joseph B. Henderson, in trust for Mrs. Martha Hall, the judgment 1 hold against Enoch Hall. L'o John Govt her nml I). A. Henderson, two-thirds of a I unit f'.'.iWMl, To N. G. Edelblute $:i..H. To IL F. Burns, one-third of amount due on agreement. Jo Iiolert and Mary Stewart, life estate in property they live on. I o H. M. 1 nit hod, judgment he ow es me. To Benewell Kmh, judgment he owes me. To lunar J. Yenny, judgment he owes me. To Thomas Stewart, judgment he owes me. To George M. nnd Thco. Irvin. judgment they owe me. 1o Samuel If. Croylennd illinm Kennedy, udgment they owe me. ToT. B. Melanin nnd Coleman, judgment they owe me. To Con. Fink, judgment he owes me. To A. J. Davis, judgment he owes me. To M. R. Keyuolds and K. McClellnnd. judgment they owe me. lo .Joseph Parr, judgment he owes me. To Dennis, Silas W.and Elvira Bevier, half: of judgment they owe me. I o.samuei l omit, judgment he owes me. To A. J. Brady, interest on judgment he owes me, and note of fl'JO. ToSilas Miller, what he owes me. ToSheridan MeCullough.w hat he owes me. To J anu-s Chamliers and his sister Martha, farm in Rose township. J o Samuel Chambers and his sister Iucinda, farm in Redliunk township, Clarion county. Jo r. rord nnd wile, each 1MI. To George A. Jcnks the sum ot $-", birnusc I am proud of him as a Jefferson county pro duction, and like him as a man. To Hon. I. G. G on Ion f'J.", on account of long friendship. lo lion. V. P. Jcnks whom 1 have known so long when we were not worth tJno but we have both since dug along 1nGeo.ettler,Jr., the judgment he owes me. For a Soldiers' monument, $2,000. For my own monument, if'J.tusi. To the School District of HmethiKirt, Mc Kenn county, Pa., to erect a school house, if done within two years, Ho.ikhj. To John N. Garrison, John J. ihounison and Joseph Darr, each $.VMNi. To James A. Gathers, to )m him out,.,0Ki. To Jnmes A. Canning, $2,000, To Espy A Carroll. rJ.NMl. To E A B. Reita, $-.0)KI. ToS H. Jackson, $'J,'hi. To Iavid Eason, e'-,'"0. To II. Brady Craig, $l.(KtO. For tieaiitifving the public school grounds of Brookville, $:MH) a year for twelve years. Toward the erection ol a Methodist church, when wnnted, c.'tt0H. For the poor in Brookville and Rose town ship, t'J.lMHt a year for nine years. If nny residue remains: To Kd.Scofleld fct.OliOn year for nine years To Harry C. Litch, Ed. A. Litch, J. B. Henderson and W. H. Gray, each ( 1,000 for ten yearn. To A. J. Hnuty me judgment ne owes me. To K. H. anil W. R. Dnrrah nnd Moore Ikivs, the judgment they owe me. To W.J. McK night and i. i.. jempieion, udmcnt of f'J.000. and note of t,oiK). To T. P. MCrc.notc of$m. To Brookville Cemetery Company, f 1,0H) to apply interest annually and perpetually in keeping my lot in order. To Mm. Kimtue. To Mm.Skillen,$l.:UK). To Mm. John T. Reid, $1,000. To K. Clark Hall. $.'(. To Kmnk X. Kreltler, To A. L. (iordon, Esq., $'J."i. To William Dickey, $i"i. To Uriah Matson, Koliert Mntson, and H. Matson, each $10, To John C. Hamlin. $...000. To Willie Orlo Hamlin, $.r.000. To the Presbyterian Church of Brookville, $2 ,)KK l, and to the U. P., Methodist, Baptist and Lutheran Churches, each $l,(SKl. And I make the Preshvterinn and Metho dist Churches of Brookville residuary legatees, two-thirds to the Presbyterian, and one-third I to the Methodist If. under the provisions of the eleventh section of the Act of Assembly of Pennsyl vania, approved Apriiamh, lHo,-, entitled "An Act relating to corporations ami to esinics held for corporate, religious and chnntahle uses," or any other similar provisions of law. nny of the bequests in my said Will made, shall become void, then I give and bequeath to mv friend. Owinre A. Jenks, the sum of each and all of my bequests thus rendered void, but I do not restrict him from giving all of said sums in the manner I had otherwise intended to bestow them, as expressed in my said Will, if he chooses to do no. Clearfield Coal Trade. Htatrmcnt of Conl and other frcinlita aont over tlie Tyrone & Cliarfild Diviaion, PcnnayWania llailroad, furtliewN'k fntling Kovcmlcr 5, 11, and Oit name time laat year For tha week H - M," game tin lait ytar l&,bZ0 Inertaat M ... I6..V9 .. 19AA,442 , Uvti.tua ,. mm s.ti ,f 142M& .. Vf,fSl . IIS fin . 41 " Prarloatlff darlfifl year Saao ttma laat year t.. IncraaH Total la Iftftl .... flaaia tiaat laat ;aar Iat?raae La m bar Miaeallanaoua fraighia Backtmith Wanted! A (tood blivkamith it wanted at WalUcetoti. Th location ia a (tnod onr, and ft good mechanic can make money. For information apply Of ' Frank Com, Wallaceton, fa. KVAN8-HVRI.EY.-At ths ruhUnos of lbs briits'a psrsntt, oo Tusidtr moraing, Not, lib, IBM, by lUv. W. H. Dill. Dr. It. J. Ktasi aod Mils WsLiniA Uoilit, all of Tyroot, Pa. R0BI80N DUNCAN. At tha M. K. P.rion ft la OkwaIi, by Hsv. W. 8. Wtl.n, on Hpt. 37th, mi, Mr William 0 Hnsiaos nnd MIm J. 0. Dvrcan, both of Pbllipibarj, CtBtrs eouoty, t'enaiylvsnia. McKKNNON WKTZKL. At tb miMcqcs 1 ihs briitt's nstbtr.ncar Uuulidsli, on Oat. 14lh, l"M, by Hov. W.N WiUon, Mr. A. V, McKsssos, of llouii(ll, snd Mn. K L. Witiil, formtrly of WorriidsU, Olsirfleld oaaaty, P. IlENDRICKS-CLOirSKR.-At tbo rMlJono of (J. lturkst, Luihenborg, Ps., on Thandsy. Oetobtr J7ib, , by J. IUiutltuo, K$i , Mr, Dasisl HssntitKi sad MiiiCusi 0. CLvcssa, bulb of Uooktuu, Ciesrfltld oounty, Pa. noCKENBKRRY MOON. At tho rriidi-not of Uuxh Ketly, Id Ilrstiy townibip, un Tutfdy, Nor. Bib, 1081, by J. li.milloD, tiq., Mr. Jons Hues KSHBRit r, of Hrndy tuwoxbip, CUsrQld noun t j, and Wi Mai T Ellis Mourl, of Fcnn Hun, Indians county. sua. IiAILEV. At bli midenoo in Piko tawoiblp, on Mondsy inorninjr, Out, 3lt, lUSl, Mobks Bailsy, sgod &1 ytar and 0 dty. LaPORTK. At bar boma la Cut "oilla borough, on Monday niffbt. Nor. 7tb, I Ssl, altar a lung illaeii, Psnhia A., wifa of L. M. La Porta, aged ufl yean snd V mootba. BUTI.ER. In Clearfield bonmfb, on Bundsy foranoon, Nov. lotb, IBS), of diphtheria, tlKSsr MuTLts, Jr., ion ' liar. U 6. and Maria T. But ler, aged 1 joar, S mootba and 23 Uayr. l.ANPnKltRV In Bradford townibip, Clear Of Id eounly, Pa,, on Sunday, Nor. (Vb, l8t, vary pnddentr. nt Infl-tnallon of the bowala, 8amah , wtla of Win, Laopberrr, and aldeit dau)-htar of tba lata Sunuel U. Hbaflner, aged 88 jaara, U uioDlhn and U dayi. binoaiter couDly paporipltaia euj. 6U0FP. At hia reild-nea In Ueo-arla tnwo- hip, soar tba rOUga of Madera, oa WcdnxUv, Uoi. Stitb, l.iSI, Mr. Bamckl &iurr, lo tba iiih year of bia age. Tba deoaaiad lacked but tnaoty-two diia of eompletiog bla 7itb year, Tba grater part af hia long UTa wm ire nt la the eomrauolty w It era ba died, ani ha waa niacb roipeeted by all. The family and frienda hava the haart felt fym- pathy of tba eomtounity in their berea r eaten t . W. U. special. Oaa Ui'MiiRKD Paa Cbnt. Diioocnt oa Old PRicia.8eilnir Marhinaa oaa oow be parebaied Bt Merrell'l lio and rarietT alure, from $Ao up- warda. All kind of aewlnf neeblnaa repaired oa the aborlaitt Dotioa. . . CloartMJ, I'a , Jul; 19, 197. - W a NTRti. Delivered al tba Rail lload. 100,11110 2n-ltirh ahaTed ehinsjlea. 1110,0110 14-Inch aaeed ablnglel. 1011,000 feet of pine buarda. 900,000 U-feet anaved h'K.U. railroad Ilea. &0,0u0 feet of rood bemloek hoard. For whioh 1 will par the bigbeat aiarket tirice. delivered at Ulearbeld, or at Bay puiut on Ibe lrooe UoarDeld llailroad. J. f. KR.HKR. ClaarSeld, Pa., 0.1. le, 1878. tf. I list Itecetred. Just Itec-iivcd by ARNOLD, at CUinVENSVILLE: Car Load Nova coliit riostor! Car Loud puro Corn, Ryo nnd Oals Chop ! Lur l.ood Drakcn bviili : Car Loud of Choice Family Flour I Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, &.! er Shinulea. Rurk. R. R. Tics und Grain wilt bo tukon in exchnngo. urwonavilto, May I, loin. CLEARFIELD MARKETS. Ci,AnriCLD, Pa- Norembor li, I8dl. Flour, per owl. . I 00 & 00 2 00 I AO 1 40 1 UU 1 2tt eo 60 AO 1 1)11 8 00 3 76 1 40 75 3 no 14 11 16 60 .10 IA 2 00 li 16 7 Buckwheat Flour, nerewt.... Corn Meal, per ewt Cbop, rva, perowt Cbop, mixed, par owt IJran, per ewt Wheat, per bunliol Rye, per buiihel Oati, per buabel Corn, ear, per bunhel Buckwheat, per buuel Clorer leed Timothy leed Potato!, per bnxhel Applea, par buaocl Ooiona llama, per pound Hhouller, par pound Dried Uaef, par pound Chickeni, par pair Butter, par pound Eg ire, per doaen Bait, tier taok, lar)(e Coal Oil, par gallon .... Lara, per pouod It r led Applei, per pound pried Peachea, per pouod.... 12i I 10 tftfaoa, per omuei , PEODUCE MARKET REPORT. Pnu.AiFi.paiA. Not 14. There la Tery little doing in t-rraditulti, but wheat I higher. Cotton ta ateadr; aalea at lWe for middling uplacda. a.,,la Flat i Ann at l M). Clover inovea ilowly at V(auVh- Flour and Meal Flour le ioaolire and ralbar weak, bale or l.nuu carran, ineiuj- Injr Minaeiota exUai, at IT. lei for ear, and at 17 jU fnrtlralgbti Penmiliania eitra Tamily at III dUlA :& : wetern d. do. at $7.2if70. and patent at $7 n(,t,1!. Kya flour movaa slowly at f 0.76 per banel, Naw Vona-. Nor. 14. Flour opened rather firmer hot rloied ouiet. without flbanta. Kya flour la eeler and quirt. Corn meal iteedy. What opened i('Ho higher. No. 3 apring, $1.P(ilI 40. data openrd a ahada bit her and modarately aetlre ; mmteratrir attire ; Si. I 44 (a7c; do- white, 4V0t, ji'ej No. 2, ibii9 0) do. wmia, 6lKi.AHe. Chicaoo. N. H. Wbealr $1 S2 ; ern, AOio i oat, 44io; pork, el&.OS ; larda, til. 17. (Oil hxltt. Oil Quotations ! CENTEAL PENN'A OIL DEPOT. UNDERBILL & CO., Ltttnicaliitr, iltftnetl V SI intra OILS, rillLIPSBURCJ, TENN'A. We quote our bmndi of Petroleum and other oil tnt'jtrt to mmrrn rnanpta) aeiiTeren irre 07 our Special (HI l-'ar, whan pacing the laliun at which buyers desire delivery. Refined Oil, 1 15 dg. FireTet.. KefinedOil, 130 Prime White, 150" n " - WaterWhite. 160 - Torch Oil, 176 " Minora' lamp oil, f'0 " - Beniine,7.t.rarily Naplha. 74 " Uaaiiline, 11 Prepared Heiiduum Pit Car Oil... Truck AHa Oil No. 00 Car Oil H No. 0 Car Oil No. 1 Car Oil No. t Car Oil No. 8 Car Oil . Franklin Neural Lubr ietlog. WeftVa. Nat. I.ubr(eliag Franklin 2S dg Gravity " Kltra (Winter)., " Medium Wjotar ,ro Text Weft Va, Kxtra Winler.n.... " Medium. " Black Diamond lireen Kngtnt - per gal.. .. Uoi dm " a. - Amlirr ' .a XXX Kura lleaiy 8pindie OH (hnder Oil, Kxlra Pnght Matcblria Cylinder Oil No. J ' " Kitra signal Uil " " I Wool Oil, Ho. I - " " I t LardUil (eitra)Wioter No. I Mlnen' Yellow, S gralef Kstra No 1,X iradea.. White I grai t.ineed, No I, (bent American) Turpentine (Kubj) Tannera' Oil (Tppcr) " No Gooda at Hctall. Trlrci Guaranteed. RHAm a wakkhoi r.a. Tvrona-At J. Hurley a' Coal Yard. Jloutidai Al VanlJuici A Co.'t l-wua Ware bonta. Corwanirillt Frame Warehouse sear Railroad 8 1 at ion. fcbt-niburg llailroad Stalioa. Address all orders to LOCK BOX h9, Phllipiburg, Centra cnumy. Pa. May 4l-ly.- ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. CnrwanfTllIe, Pa , Jaa. , lS7-tf FRESHMEAT I . rpiIR ndfrlgned will eontiooe tke butchering bwtinaaa at Ibe a4d Hand. Ueat market ta tba planing mill office, oa Piaa I'reet. fre'b nrat ererr Wonda, WdnndaT, Friday and ftetvrdar mernitigs. Tear patronage ta rerpeet fall iolicit4. K. W. ItROWN. Pes M. ti. Uaowa. Clearfield, Pa, II ! II -If. Finett Or Ooode, Beet Boote and Shoet, AtH.M. trailer t. 10 ii-Xj. rpitlAI. 1.IHT The Mloielni la a llrt of X eaeaei eet 1owb for trial for KuremUer Teria, leal, euaiuieneiai Noeembr, J tab) I : HRC01ID VRRK TIIIRB MONAT. B. t). flohoonorer, B Z L Itaitibom, Hippsa Hile, Thus. Veil et. al., Wm. tiarne, J T. Leonard, I. The Keler et. al., . it. H. H. h'arpar, ... lliiraee PalehiB, ei. 8. t. Hbank et. al , ri, llerwind, Wbit. a Co VI C. II. Curtail, Catbarine A J no II lie, rs. Andrew Peals, Oeorgc II. Zriglar, tb. K. U. Wfgtun, Ittylcr, Young A Heed, rs. John liigler, Young A Heed, ti. Juhn Dullois, J. C. Mitchell, rs. lioraee Patcblo, J. H. IWkstreMes, ri. O.c.oU U. A. L Aa'a, .lono Aiciirnnay, vs. J. II. Ilewill, .lhn MrHonny, vs. J. I). Hewitt. Michael Moyer, rs Adam Moyer, Sr., JAMES KKIIR, Prthonotary. October 16, '! -ta. Sheriff's Sale. 1)Y riftua of writ af V. and Y. 1 Iseued out of the Court of Common Plena of lilearnelj oountr, and to mo directed, I will tx posa to publia sale, at th Court House ia tba iw. rough 01 Clearfield, oa Friday, November 25th, 1KHI, At 1 o'clock P. M , the following deiarlbed real aitate, to wit i All that certain piaoa or lot sf ground situate on tba oorner of State and Walnut atrevt in ibeborouah of Curwenirille. Pa . bound ed ai follows, rit : On tba south by State street, on tba east by Walnut street, oo ibe aortb by an alley, and on tbe wast by properly of Voraee Clark, being 60 feet on State street by ISO feet on Walnut street, and haring thereon erected a large one and a half story building, blacksmith shop and other outbuildings. belted, taken in oiecution, and to be lolj as tbe property of Samuel Way and U. L. Way. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate in Bell townibip, Clearfield oountr. Pa., bouaded on tbe ratt lir the rlrer, south by Undof Horace Pat chin. west br land of E. U. liaird. aorlh br lend of John Paiton, containing 241 acred, more or lest. with about 80 acres claraJ, and having thereon crectid a lfg bouie .two stories bigb, and a log barn, Helted, taken in execution, and to be sold a the proprrly of H. H. Iuff and Nancy Pmitb, no i Nudot ALSO, All Ibat certain tract of land situa'e in Boggs township, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a r'oaiax eorner ; inenoe soutn n7 degree, eait 2:ii perches toitonei ; thence by laod of U.and U. Merrett north 8 degree, east U4 4 10 parcbes to post ; thence by land formerly of Samuel Ardery north B(i degrees west 70 percbe. to a post tbeooa still by said Ardery's land aortb U de grees east 34 perohea to post; tbenoo by other landi of said Simon Thonipnon north 87 degrees wen i . pervnei to a post ; thinca by land form -erlyofJool Rawliton south 1 dngreei wast 170 perches, mora or less, to tbe place ol beginning, oontaining 114 aores, 63 6-IU perches and allow ance, more or lens, being part of same land coq reyrd to said Simon and Win. l. Smith from Wm. Irrin and wife. Seid Und oonttins a good grist iumi wnu wiier-puwer ana appurienanoes, also, a dwelling home and other out buildings and iiu prorements, and abuut one acre, more er less, cleared. Also, a largs quantity of good aud ral uable whitcpjne, hemlock and other timber. Sell), taken In execution, and to ba sold as the property of Blmon TUouipioa. Tbhms or 8ai,s. The price or sum at which the property sliali be struck off mint be paid at the time ol sale, or snob other arrangements made as will be approred, otherwise the property will be immediately put up aad sold again at tbe expense and rlik of the person to whom it was struck off, and who, In ease of dstioiem-T at such re-sale. shall make good the fame, and In no instance will tbe Deed be presented In Court for Continua tion on leu the money li actually paid to tba Sheriff. JAMtfS tlAHAtt'KY, tiHKRirr'e Orrica, 1 Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa.. Nov. J, 1M1 1 Sheriff's Sale. BY rirtue of writs of Levari t'ntiat tuned out of tbe Court of Common Pleas of Clear- 11. id oountr, and to ma directed, there will ba exposed to PUU1.IC BALK, at the Court House, tn the borough of Clearfield, on Friday, November UStlt, ImhI, At 1 o'olock P. M., tho following described real enaie, o wn All that cerlaln tract or piece of land situate In Ibe lorough ol Curwenirille, ClearOeld county, ra., oounoeu ana aererioeii aa lollowsi ilea l a- tii tig at a plum tree on the line ol this and Wtn llolden s land: thence by land sold to Setr-u.l Arnold south 8SJ degrees west 69 4-10 perobes to post, thence south 40 degrees eait T perebes to tbe rirer ; tbenoe up the rirer south 781 degrcaa w.ii an percnoa to poat, tbenoe north ltf decree west 68 perches to black oak atumn. th nee south cs aegrees east iui perob.a to place or becin Ding, oontaiamg IS aores and 111 perches neat meanure, being same preunus described to same deed, Jaate. '1'. Leonard to Catharine Hartshorn of 21 May, ISnfl, recorded ia lsed Book "Y page IVs Ac, referring and excepting three feet i rum aaia is acres and 1 1 A parches. I bree acres sold to Thomas llawlitoa. Seised, taken tn execution, and to ba sold aa the proporty of C.abarioe HarUborn, Trrms op Sali. The price or sum at which the property shall ba struck off ba paid at the tlue of sale, or such other arrangements made as will ba approved, otherwise tba property will ba Immediately put up and sold again at tbe axpenae and risk of tba person to whom it was struck off, and who, ia ease of deficiency at suoo re-saie, snail mane good uesane,nd la no Instance will the Deed be presented la Court tor eonBrmatloa unless tba money is actually paid to tbe Sheriff. JAS. MAliAFFKY, bmnirr'a Orrn a, I .sheriff. Clearlield. Pa., Nor. 2, 1HS1. Sheriff's Sale. BY rlrtua of a writ of Vera Fndn limed out of tb Court of Common Plena of Clear- beid oountr, Penn'a, and to mo directed, thef will be exposed to PlifLIC BALK, at tb Court llouse, ia tb borongh of Clearfleld, Fa., on Friday, Nuvcmbfr HAtb, 1Hm, At 1 o'clock P. M., ths following described real estate, to wtt : All that certain tract of land situate In Osceola borough, Clearfitld ecunty, Pa., bounded oa tb south hy harah street, on tb aortb by Pin alley, on the cast by lot No. 24, Moebannoa Land and Lumber Company, on tb west by Elisabeth Mreet, lot known in said plan of town as lot No. '242 and having thereon erected a frame house 1ki24 feet, with kitchen attached 10x18 feet. beised, las en In execution, and to b sold aa the propsrty of (leorge Turley. ALSO, All ofdefendant's Interest In Ibat certain piece or lot or ground iituate in the oorougn of Uurn slde, Clearfield eounly, Pa., bounded aud describ ed ai follows , rli : On tbe north by lands of A. li. McCardell If 0 feet to an alley, thence along raid alley AO feet lo Fourth street, thence almg said Fourth at r eet 1A(I fet to lands of V, Ton kins, thence along said Tonkins land AO feet to place of beginning, containing OrlOO square feet, mora or iers, narmg inerson erected a new iratne bouse 30x30 feet, frame stable and other out building!. Seised, taken in execotioa, and to be sold as tb property of L. 11 Heoueigb. Tirhs or Hami, The prio or sum at which tb property shall be struck off must be paid at tb tim of sals, or such other arrangements made as will be approred, otherwise the proper ty will be Immediately put up and sold a train al theeipense and risk of tb persoa to whom it waa struck on, and who, ta ease or deficiency at sueb re-sal, shall make good the earn, and tn no Instance will tb Deed be presented lo Court for eonbrmation unless the money ti actually paid to the Sheriff. JAS. MaIIAFFKY, Knamrr Orrica, I K hen IT. Clearfield. Pa.. N'r. 1, 1MI. I The News From MOORE'S? THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, flats and CapjJ AND That Ever Came Into the County, AT THEIR STORE, ROOM AO. 1 OPERA HOUSE, f.KO. C. ATOM W. MIXING. CI.erI.IJ, Pa., Kept it, UU If. YOU HER 3rw g.flwtlatmr4t5. J. Q. LYTLK. IP. jr. LJTLE CO., Wholesale and Re tail Grocers, pnii.irsuuno penn'a. MOLASSRS, SUGAR COFFKES, TKAS, ic, SPICKS, 8110ULDKH, II AM, SIDE, LARGEST STOCK AT THE LOWEST PHICES. Agents for Lorillard's Celebrated Tobaccos. PhWInihurr. P... Noeeiaher . If 81-tT. 1881. FALL. 1881. A. THANHAUSER, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, PA. The Largest and Best Stock of -AND- GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FOR THE LEAST MONEY. Suits Made to order at Short Notice. ALBERT THANHAUSER, Opora Housa Block, opposite postofBce, CLE3LEFIELD, PA. 8 JJ-I8S1 If. - NOTICE. HAVING JUST RECEIVED OUR Fall .lad Winter Stock OF DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, MIL LINER YAND FANCY GOODS, WE INVITE THE PUBLIC TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES BEFORE P UR CHASING ELS E WHERE. You j-s Respectfully, X3c. 3L. ds xta ROOM NO. 2, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, CIAUFIEIMJ, PKNX'A. N. B. -In our Millinery Department we employ none but first class Milliners, and guarantee nil work to give satisfaction. II. LEHMAN & Co. September St, WE Iff ATE OPEN ED A SUPERB COLLECTION OF Fall and "Winter Clothing FOR Gents, Youths and Children. ALSO A LA ROE STOCK OF Underwear. Neckwear, Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas. HATS OF THE VERY LATEST SLOCK ! CALL AND BK COXVINCKI) AT GUINZBURG'S RELIABLE CLOTHING STORE, WESTERN HOTEL CORNER, W. II. BALLENGER, WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST, AKl) DKALKR IX- SMOKER'S ARTICLES. THE LA HO EST ANDCI1EAPKST VAItlETV OK CIGARS IN THE CITY, Solo Agent ol riiilailclpliia of the W. H. B. and Engaged, also our Ideal Cigars, A LARGE VARIETY 01" ROUGH AND READY AI.WAYSOX HAND. A SPKCIALTY MADl'l OF HENRY COUNTY ROUGH AND READY. WrSTORES FITTED fP AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. W. 11.BAILEXCEI., So. 228 Market Street, riiilmlelphla. Tib, I8II.I7 Jlfiu drtrtiscmtiits. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curw.narlll., Pa , Jan. "TS-tf. COAL LADS WAMED. IHHI aerta of fcitBrnlBtmi ol Und ftlot In nieftrfltld ooo Dtr. Ad'lrcm tb onitricned Uttn( loeatknn, Bambr of twm, nunbtrknd lit of vilis, Rt.ddtst.va0t (rum railroad r tvt, Alto prtca. J. Y. KNVKKU, Attorney ..t lv. CLimrrtL. Pa , Sjt. ttb, k I if. ITAKB tbli mat hod at aotifrlnf thna In bm4 of fOf4 Mowtr, hrapnr. Xaroibtr or I'lo, that I baTt tho ftganoj of tba 1IVCKEYE Mower, Reaper and Thresher, Manereelered t. Al'LTMAN A CO., Caoloa.O. 1 bob bin Bet for the Ml.breud South Bend Chilled How ! e)Per.oa. f itk.rof th. aborabad battar aell ea er etldrea. aae perekaaiaf elMWber. tACHAHIAH MrNAI'L, Jeae I, llll ir.J Cerwuirlll to, Agricultural Implements ! W. J. LYTLE. Bl'TTER, CHEESE, SALT, LAIiD, &o.. WILLOW-WARE, yUEKNSWAliK, l'OTATOKS, SOAl'S, Ac. a ir cfc u o.9 CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. BRICK FOR SALE. There art 100,000 jood lit kit M al at tba ManhaJl Hrtck Yard, in tha -Prp of ,b ftoroupb nf :iarRld. Brick t" aiwayi m iovdh on hand ta accommodate foitimr who Ma pfill. J, H MAKiMAI.L. AhmU. Clearfleld, Pa., Awf. 24. lft.Ia. Chronio PBeascs a Specialty I -IlV- Uyvon Clark. M.I). r-., r-'s COUNTRY BRSIDFNCi with 0FPICK aad LAHUHATORY, HaiblnitoB, Paea B. i)K. CLAItK hea bmobi. laaoea a. THK WATRR DOCTOR b. hi. reBarkabla .neeeaa ie loealinr ar4 treellBf all fnrna af dlaeaM froei a CHHIINICAI. asd MICROSCOPICAL KXAMINATION of tha I'itlNM. In.elid. ihoeld taed for hi. elrcalere livleR ie.lrertloe. how u prepare aad and apeeiaiaBi for dieroo.l. Aedraai with atene, 1K. BYRON CLARK, II My- Waabitoa, Pa, gltw (lvrrtlfifmmt. TOH WORK. ..II kiRd, efjebwerk .Beeatei ej ia 1 i te. K..I Baaaaer al IrIi ettea. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curw.n.rUle, Jaa. , 'Tl tt MONEY TO l.O4N-0. ir.t-.lBN la. arored farni pntearlj, by tbe Mutaal Lire ranee Ounit.D, uf New York, ea Brat ajort ,a,a, la iurii rroia 91,0(11 un. tot fertber la furmetlwa Bp)), te tba enderaljrned. UCRXTHAL W. BMITU. Olearlald Pa., Ma. Ttb, Wil li. AUKNTB ! AUKNT8! MARK TWAIN'S Tbe best aad funniest ( a a .wm '"W" NEW BOOK. "The Prince and the Pauper." KlelBRIIjr bound llh III, te. Tbla elll I tb. I.eadln. Bonk of tb. lieana. AUKNTH WANTKB la arer, Town. Doa'l mlaa It, bat aeud for eireBlar. al enae eed ftNBre obolo. of territory. Addr..., F. 0, 11834 00.. N, J. II ttutu JTarm for Sae ' TUB HDderilKtied offers for sal ONE IM'N. DUKU ACKKH of bis ftn fares illuaUd in Lawrsno township, Clearfleld eounly, Pa,, oo tba aaia road leading from Clearfield boron gb U Ansonrilla. Tb.r la abont M aeres al eared and under Rood eultieation, wilb two good rebarda of choice fruit, a good spring of par water, and anew frame bouaa, 16i! feet, and etber aat bulldings and also thereon timber and boards for a barn. Tba farm is underlaid with Til HUE VKINS OF COAL. The ond.r vela if aw open. For further narltenlara all oa J. t, MeKenrlck, Esq., In Clearfield, or on tb prn ises where lh undsrsigned bow resides. J. W. THOMPSON. CurwpnsrUle, Pa., Oct. IW, 1881-6m OROROI VIAYfta.. ..M.PAttLW-. wiivia Save moneY IN BUY1.NQ V0VR UOOIlB FROM ' o. 1'iiul F. Weartr, SECOND 6TRKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IX Dry Goods, Notions, Bootsf Sliocs, IlatsCaps, GROCERIES, Carpels, Oil Cloths, &c Ac. ALSO, rLoi'R, nsn, BACON, HAM, SALT, OATS, C0R.V, CHOP, ETC. Tbankfal for fareri. w. ie.iu the p.bli. to e.ll end ar. our large and Ba .took ot (ooda, wbicb w. will diipoaa or Bt rate, for reh, or .irbaBfa far eouotry prodooe. Polite aod attcsliv. .lerki to wait epos 70B, Bed prion d.wa low. OE0ROK A PAUL t. WIAVIR. 0l.erl.ld, Pa.,8pL 11. leal-tf. FRED SAGKETT, MANl'PACTUBER OP Tin, Copper Sheet-Iron Ware, ALSO LSALERIS-. Hardware, Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves, Ranges and Stove Repairs. Wood and Iron rumps, AMMUNITION AND FISHING TACKLE OF ALL KINDS. Roofingdc Spouting DONE OR SHORT NOTICE. Plumbing and Gas Fitting A SPECIALTY. ALL KINDS OF CxAS FIXTURES Kept twoiUntl; ea hud. FRED 8ACKETT, CLEARFIELD, PINN A. Cleart.ld, P.., Sept. T, FRED JOHNSON & BROS., A T MKRRELL'S OLD STAND, (Oppoilla Coort Hoaae, MarM .Inat, CLEAUl'IELP, PENN'A, IimIwi ia aad Jf.aafeet.reri of Tin, Copprr Sheet-Iron Ware, AL9 BBALBM IN Stoves xxv Hxxges of any aiit or daferiptloa. A LARGF; ASSORTMEN T Or Parlor, Room and Cooking Stovei Will ho fcrft eOBfttall oa band, or prw-Jtal oo abort nntkoo. AaOENERAL A8S0RTMKKT Ot TINWARE FOR TUF. LEAST MOKSY Aad Manufartarrd ot of tbe beet MatnlaJ aa4 la a Weraaaollke Maaa.r. SPOUTING AND ROOFING Prow pt 17 atteadad le. GAS FITTING AiUadad to, aod (I AS FIXTl UBS of til Klada bapt Couttttlj to baad. KEPAIIIINO. All hladi ef Ripalrlaf will h. Pieaiptl; aad haetl doae. LAMPS, UNTRRNS, f OCKRT AND TAR LI CtlLKRV, KTC, ETC. Aire a a.aaral Auorlaaeat ef BUILDERS' HARDWARE, All ofwllri wlllbe eeld et Retea. Oire a. e eall. A .bar. f Paella f elroBBf e la Bellelied. f RID JOBNKON A IR0 1. Clearlfld, P..,A.pM II, Hil ls.