KaltvontK I'etuiHj'l rnnln Ita 1 1 rond TYRONE t CLEARFIELD BRANCH N tod after Monday, NOV. I, 180, th. Vy I 'assanaer Trains will run daily (except sua davs) between Tvroaeand Clearfield, aa follows: CLEARFIELD MAIL. ""LkAVB BOlITil. LEAVE NOKTII. Curwener tile,. ..!., r.u Tyrone VftOfrnovoe,,.,, o.05... .J". " Klv.rvlew Cleert.ld, Leonard Berrelt Weodlend Biler Walleeeton,..., Blue Uell Orel) em Pollipiburg, . Bteloer's .., " .1.4", " ,..., " .4.01, " . OS, ..4.17, .4 15, " ,..l, ' ..4.4, " ..., " ....... " Baminlt, ., Powslloo, Oeoeola, Koiototi, . . 60, " .10 00, ,10 13," .lo.ir, " Kleiner's, Philipsburg,.. (Iraneia Blue 1111 .10.21, " .10 24," I0.J8," lo.sr," 10.41." VYallectua,... Hlgler Woodland,... llarrett Leonard .10.41, " Jluvntoo....! IO..," 11.07," 11.12." Oeoeola ,.4.iJ, " Posrellon,. .. Hummltt Veneeoyoo,.. Tyrone, , ilj, " .6.15, " ..., " .6.00, CleerBeltl Rivervi.w...... Curwensvtllo, .11. l, " .11.24," ,.11.40i. CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. I LEAVE NOKTII. Carwensellfc.. 4" a. Tyrone T JO r. . Rlverviei...... l.ltl " Veniooyoo,....7.4J " Clearfield.. 4.47 " Summit, 8.04 " Leonenl.l I 43 " Powellon S.17 " Parrel 6.47 " Omeole,. 8 2S " Woodland 8 0S " Boyoton 8.34 " Miller 8.08 " Hfeiuer's 8i " WeNaoeton,... 8.14 " Phtltp.barg...S.4l Blue Ball, 8.21 " Orebom 8.47 " Oreuam 8.25 " Blue Ball 8.65 Philip. burtf.. 8.2V " Walleo.too,...v.OJ, " Hlelner'e, 8.S1 Ilifler .10 " Boynlon U7 " Woodland 17 " Oaoeila 8.41 " Barrett U.2.i " Powelton, 8 43 " Leonard V..I0 " Hummit 7.05 " CleerOeld,.... 10.07 " Venseovoe,.... 7.21 " Hi. r. lew,,. .In. 15 " Tyrone 7.45 " Cnrwunsvllle 10.211 PIIILIPSIILRU A MOSIIANNON BKANOIIKS LBAVB iOUTB. P. M. A. H. A. a. 1:30 La.rn aoava. STATIONS. A. M. P. M. P, M. Morri. ,1.1s, 7:16 12 10 1:40 1:45 1:411 1:55 1:10 1:18 7:30 7:S3 7:40 Philipsburg, 7:00 12:15 6:0g Kleiner's 12:21 4:08 Berntnn, 12:14 4:4g Oaoeola, :S0 12:04 4:4( Molbannon, 0.34 11:41 4 Jo. BterliDK, :H0 11:45 4:J5 Iloulsdele, 0:25 11:40 4:3, MoCeulev, 8:20 11:34 .:! Kendriolc's, 0:16 li.ao 4:0, Kamey. :I0 11:25 4:UU 10:20 7:58 10:35 8:11 10:43 8:19 1:23 10:48 1:30 10:63 1:35 10:58 3:40 11:13 8:35 8:35 8:41 8:40 BALD KAOLB VALLEY BRANCH. Ki. Mall. Mall. Eip. P. H . p. a. A. a T.oa 1.23 8.01 6.24 8. .11 8.20 leare Tyrone arrlre 8.31 7.44 8.17 Bald Kail. 8.17 7.42 S.19 1.43 9.41 Julian 6..18 7.05 Mileiburg 6.16 8 43 Ilellefonl. 6.06 8.33 8.46 10.03 Mileehurf 4.66 813 0.08 10.19 Howard 4.31 8.00 9 41 11.08 arrlre L. Haven leare 1.66 4.26 TYRONE BTATioN. aAerwAnn. a. n.j wnsTWA.D. Cineinnetl Eip., 9:52 ( Pittsburgh Kxp'ss, Paeifle BipreM, 8:571 TaciGe Kipreti, Johnstown Exprelf,9:07 r.a. Way Passenger, Cblenao Day Ex., 12:13 Chioneo Expron, Mall Train, 1:081 Mail Train, Huntingdon Aee'n, 8:20 1 Pant Line, 1.43 8:12 r.a. 1:16 .3:31 7:0 7:30 Cloie eonneotton. made by all tralni al Tyrone and book liaven. S. 8. IlLAIlt, myl7-tf. Superintendent. STAGE LINKS. A stage leave. Curwensvllte dally for Reynolds rille, at I o'clock, p. m., arriving at Heynold.rille at 8 o'clock, p. m. Returning, tcaree Kevnolds ville daily, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving; at Cur weniville et 12 o'clock, m. Fare, eacb way, $2. A stage leare Curwenevllle dally, at 1 o'clock, p, m., for Dubois City, arriving at DuRols City at 8 o'clock, p. m. Rsturning, leavei DuBoii al 7 o'clock, a. m., daily, arriving at Curwcniville at 12 o'clock, m. Fare, each way, $1.40. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ON and after Monday, M.y 13J, 1831, the passenger train, will run dally (except Sunday) between Rrd Bank and Driftwood, al followl i KAMTH API). Day Mall learei l'ltl.Sor, 8:45 a.m.! Red Bank 11:35 1 Hligo Junction 1 1:61; New Bethlehem 12:44 p. m.; Marirille 1:10 1 Troy 1:85) Brookrll e 1:64 : Foller'l 2:20 ; Rey. noldirille 2:38; DultoliS:03; Summit Tunnel 1:21; Ponfleld 8:42; Tjlcr'l 3:55; Beneielte 4:31; arrlrei at Driftwood at 6:20. l:.TVARI). iJ.y Mail leavei Drlrtwood 11:20 p. m. Benetette 1:05 ; Tvlfr'i 1;35 Penleld 1:48 ; Summit Tunnel 1:10 ; DuBoii 1:25; ReynoldivillelitO; Fuller'! 8:08: Urookville8:20; Troy 3:48; Mayivilli 4:13; New Hethlebrm 4:25; tilifro Junction 6:07 ; Red Bank 6:25 ) arrirei at Pittsburg at 8:26 p. m. 9 The Dufloln Arcommoitatloli leaves Da Boil el 7:26, a. m. Keynoldiville, 7:65; Brook vllle, 8 48; New Bethlehem, 9:461 Red Banb 10:60; Pittsburgh, 1:20, p nv Leave. Pittsburgh, al 2:16, p. m i Rrd Bank, 6:50 ; NtW Bcthlehrm, 7:05; B-ookvll'e, 8:04 ; Reynoldsrille,S:51 ; Da. Boil, 9:18, p. m, 41" The Ilrookvllle Arcommodatlon leaves llroukvllle at 7:00 a. m ; Keynoltlsvitle, 7:55 ; lu- Bois, 8:24; Summit Tunnel, 8:11 ; Penfiold, 9:05 ; Tyler's, 9:19; Bennei.tte, 9:55 ; Driftwood, 10:48 a. m. Leaves Driltwbnd at 8:00 p. m.i B.nne ette, 8:50 1 Tyler's, 916 t PeoOeld. :I9; Sum mit Tunnel, 10:0J; Dullois, 10:17; Reynolds, rill., 10:45) Brookvillo, 11:30 p. m. Close eonnectloas made with trains on P. A B Railroad at Driftwood, and with trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Rank. DAVID McCAROO, Oen'l Sup't. A. A. JACKsoa, Sup't L. G. Dip. FAKK FHOil CLEAKFIELD, TO Ilellsfoete, Pa II 01 M iddletowa $& Look Haven , I TO , I 80 . 1 HO . I 00 , 4 Ml Marietta 8 68 Lancaster . 8 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 90 Altoona 1 88 .Itthnatown.. S 86 WillWm.port... UuntingdoD ,H. LewistownH ., Marysvillf Cua.o.vill.,... 30 I'nlllpiuurr. 81 Oseeola 85 IIARHISnilHI)... 4 7b Tyrone 1 JJ FITTKUUTIO 8 16 tln tOfl P" albom.. Petnnles worth V 86 free. Addrens 8tiiimn A Co., msb2,8l-lv.j Portland, Maine. TIIHTICKM' ek CONST A II I. EH' KEEK tl We have printed a larire DOmber of the nev. FKB BILL, and vill on the reo.lpt of tweaty Ire eante. mail a eenr to anj address. sirlS Till CmcAoolNoiiTn Western IIAILWAY II the OI.DFdT. UF'T COXSTRUCTKD, BEST KQU1PPKU, aad henoa the LEADING RAILWAY OF TBI WEST AND NORTH-WEST I It li Iht ihortoat nd kit root Wtwmn Chtotgo and ftll polBta II Hortbtra 111 I bo li, DkoU, Wjoialeit, Keb-Kikk, Iopi, Citif'TBtft, Orfrin, Ariinn, I'lth. Col ndn, I-Ubo, Moniftat, N , ni tor COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, IIKKVEH, LKAKVII.I.i:, SALT LAKE, SAX FRANCISCO, TrdwfMx,, Slnm City, Cdr Atpldi, ? MoIdcb, Cola m bat. and all poiata to tb Tarrltorltt, nd tht Wnt Alio, fur MllweauhM, Qr9 Pny, Oonirotb, oonojrit( MRrqastt. rnnd da bu, WaltrlnirB, llouhton. Necnth, Mfnftnh. 6t. Pol, Minocapnlii, Haroa. Vo1c, Frc, Dii- MHrph, W.nnna, LCr, OwmloDDa, and all pnlntt la Mlaawaia, Dakota, Wlieoniio aod tltt XVortB-wwt. Al Cnaacll Btnffi ttia Tralni of tht Cfalfagn k Hfrtk-Wtni and tha U. P. Railwava depart irmB,arrira at ana bn to tan joint udioi At Chieafft, ) mnntcllonf Ira vtada with t)i Ltka Hbor, Mirh)fxn Central, R III mora A Ohio, Ft. Warna A pDnatylvanla, and Cbioafo A tlrand Trwok Railway, aad tk Kankakat and raa llaatlta Koataa. CloMMi.BMt.ona mala at -To notion Polatf, It lath ONLY LINK tanniaf Tullman Hotel IHnlng Cars ItTWItH CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS. VPllltaal Sleepers oa all Mfhl Tralas.- Insist apna Tleket Affents selling vna Tlekets via Ibis mad Kieejlne yonr Tickets, end relnse to key if Ib.v do aet read oret the Chicane A KeHh-Wectera Hailaav. If yea wish the be.t travellnf aM"nnnletlnns aa will hoe vonr tlrket. riv this rente, tr-ANI) WILL TAK NONt OTHER. AU Ticket Afoata tell Tickets he this Line. MARVIN IIUOHITT, td V. P. aad U.aeral Maaaier, H M,'IMy. Chleano. tx (Imtisfincuts. WAGONS! WAGONS!! 2 CAR LOADS. 2 Tlio largtHt fiiiJ bent ftssortniont of wngoiis ever bmught to Clem field. One carload of CONKLIN wagons, One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons, Which wo will Boll nt factory prices. We buy these wngons by the car load and pny CAII for them, therefore we are able to uell cheaper than any other dealer in the county. Wo guarantee these wagons to be first-class in every respect. Also, a lot of Platform Spring WagonsBuggics. One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which, wo will sell cheaper .a in 11 X-1 II I n 1 ' -1 I. than ever belore sold, uivc us F. M. CA11D0N & February 23, 1881-tf. JAMES L. K 1 " 1 tSiz0l XJ 1ST ttrS? j!3&L?3itt 9 MAKKKT HTRF.ET, CI.KARI110I.I), PEN N' A, All kinds of CapkotB nnd Cofllns kept on hand, nnd furnished to order on abort notice, including Iho finest as well aa Iho clicupcit that can be manu factured. Our Is Iho best in use, and will be furnished when required. Funerals attended in any part of the county. Call at my oflico, on Second Btreet, or leave your ordora al Troutraan'i Fnrniture fctoro, adjoining the Poslofflco. JAS. L. LKAVY, oct 1,'79-tf. Cloarfiold, Pa. Curwcnsvillca Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, 'TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL. &C. I buy direct from jobbers nnd manufacturer, receive goods at car load rates, hence can compete with New York and Philadel phia houses. Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having bark to haul and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, S.pt. 10, ISBO-lf. Tha olcjeit, bait, mnat thorough, and vnmplata prartfnal Ilnilnaai Col If fa la the In (tod Hratca. School alwa.Ta io aclon. HtU'lvnta admit te'd at any tima. For (r?ulan mj-lrepi J. C. SMITH, A. M., Principal. Spt. T, '81-Sm.J Pittaburgh, Peon'a. BUY AIIOME ! norSF.8, LOTS AND FARMS FOR SALK I rpWKNTV HOl'SKS and LOTS In Cleat8eld X. for sale at rc.snnenlA prices and on easy terms. Also, several FARMS in llradford and Graham townnbips. Apply to WALLACE A KRKBS, Clrarneld, Pa Dee. 1, '80-tf.J Millinery I Millinery 1 1 ITAKB tha ptriMira of Informing tha public that I all all otior aprrial lnduemuta Id Milllnarj Oooli.iuoh ai Si Hi a, Pttini, Kibbon, Flowarf, Ae.t Trim me J aad totrimau'd Mala and llooDtia, in Ilia vary lataft atylaa, Nntlona and Maia-up Octtiina; lor ebUdrn. I kindly lulioit a bar a of your patmnaa; MISS M. A. WKLCH, Market Ht., Clrarflfld, Pa. Apr. SO, 188I-ly. FARM FOR SALE I Tha nndcrainad baa soma to tha eon ol niton U quit farm Id K aod follow bia oupatton, a aar paotar, and row rffera f"r vala hia farm, altuata ooa and ahalf mllai north f Clearnald borough, eoDtalaing EIGHTY AGUES, Moct of which la rtaaritd and nndar good oultlra tion. aod baring Iberana a good TWO-STORY ''LMHOUSE, Larita frama barn, and other Bacaaaary ootbuild Inn, togulhar with aa orrhard of all kinda of rruit, and an fiirnt aprtnc r water. Tha wh'ila la UNDKKLAII) WITH OOO D COAL. Tbia proparty will haaiehanged for amalirr prop erty, or aold on aaay term a ia paytnanta. For further parlleuUr (tall an th pamlaaa or addraaa. JOHN C. HF.KD, ClaarBeld, Pa. Marrh lth,UH.tf. HARNESS I HARNESS 1 1 Thit HVty for Vonr tlarnrtat IF yoa watit la atn-lv your own Infarct, do not fail to rail at ANIH.KW HARWlrK'S II A K S KHS 8 HOP, on IMaikatatraM.Bfttdnnr taJoha A. Htoak't tobaooo atort, Clwirflaia paaa'a. TIIS FA CTSARK THA A U flrit-tlaaa work la dooa at A IlARWICK'ft. faata foot all tnd ail gwaia at i IIARWTCK'fl. r Aiabla Bud itBgia baniaia ai an fcio.ia at ) HARWICR'3. Idlog tddlti of til klodi at V IIARWICK'fl ar aaU toil horn cor art of all kio'ta at I I IIAHWICK'B. I fblpi of all kind aad a low aa li ami a at y JIAKWICKfl. Haratai of all kltidi aada to order at IIARWICK'fl. Allkiadi of oollari at botloai pMci at IIAKWlrK'fl. I a amamHrr an X L N T Una of how fnmiib JV Ing goodiat HAKWiCK'fl. If III keai. aad Bako alt kinda of InmKar bar- aat- 1IARWICKS. I Tory aod all other kind ofrloga of allalioaat IIARWICK'fl. (loaiha, bruihai, aad latarfariag hoot, aa hand ) at-- HARWICH'S. T.rata rohaa, kato da'toM. aad aerna of all IV kladaat- IIARWICK'fl. Job work aod rtpairlac promptly attended U. Ramambar Iho a a op la tibaw'a row, on Market atraoi, betweea Iba Maaaloa Hoaoa aad tbo flbaw llonao. ClaardeH, Pana'a. May II, ItSl lai. JUw 2ltlrrrtlsrmfnt$. a can Dciore ouying eisewiu-n;. BR0., ClcarHled, Pa. LEAVY, during tho Winter, can contract CURWEKSVILLE, PA. OOP a week In your own town. Term a and $5 CUU oatfira free, Addreal II. IIailitt A Co, fortlaod, Maine. ImrhJ-ly.J ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Ctirwenarillo, Jua. 9, 7l tf. T.1AH1H I,ANI)VOR HA I. K la Hoatoa A and Pino townabipa, ClaarBeld oounty. heaaonable timojrWeo for part of pnrcbaae Money. PHoea $ 00 to $J.00 per aoro.T Mineral! re art en. u. ifiKH, Ajtem, Penfield, Pa. or Wallacb A Kaaaa, Pept. 10, 1S79.tr. Clearfield, Pa, CIIOP.MAKINO I hereby Id form my pa O trona, aod mankind la general, that I hare removed my aboemak-ng abop to tho room la (Iraham'a row. over 8. I. Snyder'a Jewelry at ore, and that I am pieparod to do all kinda of work Ib any line cheaper tkaa any other abup la towa. Al) work warranted aa good aa oaa bo done any. here ela. Pta ill rely tbia fa tbooheapeat abop to uiearuciti. jus. ll, UHE-Kinu Deo. II, IHTfl-tf. Thomas A. Duckett, DKALER IN 3Ft'0"3SIX-jia. T HEREBY giro notice to tha Htlaeni of CIrar- A Beid aod the anrronndtDg rtcinlty that 1 bib prepared at all'tluea to furoiab famtliea and manufaetoring astabllafamenta with a aoperior quality of Coal, Wood Coke, Which I io prepared to deliver la a frw hoiira ootico. I am alwaye read- to haul and deliver trom and to tbo depot, or anywbero elae, and move familial and hoaaehnld good a any whera oa Phort noitoe. Tlinrt. a. uutHhl'l, Clearfield, Pa., Mar. II, lR80-tf. CUnWENSVlLLE, PA., DEALERS IN All Kinds of Merchandise, -Bl'CII AS- Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. UANVffACTL'RERS AUD DIALERS IK SttlTAUK TIM m: It, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION or S AWED LUMBER CUT TO ORDER, Tbe Only Manufacturer" in Clearfield County or tho NEW PROCESS FLOUR! M ti.nm, chop .i.rn rr.r.o fsCo'li paid for all kinds of . Mn kin & Rrns Grftin Wheat, ltye, Oats, htc, C.rwststlll., Pa., Jen. 1, 1lat.lt, THE REPUBLICAN. I t'l.liAKKIKlii), I'A. Wfiisiwiiay Mhhnim.. Nnvi.siiti-ii 0, 11. THE MA IX S LA Y IX MA 1XE. JlilillK la Ihu hon:u of tiiMitTnl Nl'ul Ilor nnd nf Toliil)ilniii. Prohibition In other Statot ia borrowed ami aecond- band an imported exotic In Maine j ilia found in ila original 'mrily. ll bad Iiu origin on Muino aoil, and rowa thuro nim)taneoualy. Tln're ia' no liquor Hold iu Maine. There ia no liquor bought in Maine. Tliero ia no liquor inanufuetuiTd in or brought into the Htato of Maine. It la againat the Maine law to do any of these thinga; therefore, it logically and Inevitably lollowa that there ia no liquor dr. nk in Maine. This ia un inferential de cision, but it in tho necisnary product of irrcfragablo logic and theieloro be yond tho reach of question. But there are divorce suits in Maine a good many of them, . Tbia ia strange. But there ia a rlranger thing still : In many oT iIicbo suits brought by wives againat their busbancla tbo ground of complaint ia drunnkeness "habitual drunkenness." In tho proper court in Portland there wero thirty six now applications for divorce, filed in one week twenty auven of them by wives, and in ten of these babitunl drunkenness on the part of husbands ia tho ground on which Reparation is asked. Ol course tho malignant opponents of statutory tcctntulism will leap tcro ciously to the conclusion that prohibi tion is a striking failure in the very spot of ita origin ; that it is aa easy to got inebriating agents in that Stato aa any other; that an unusually lurge percentage of Maine husbands not only drink the aforesaid inebriating agents, but drink them in a stamcfully untco total manner; for, how else, they will spitefully ask, cnu there be so much habitual drunkenness? Tbe sufficient answer to this atrocious question which seeks to impugn a conspicuous reform ia that prohibition ia not a failure in Maino and cannot bo. General How baa asserted tbia a dor.cn times and he will reiterate it a dozen times more if necessary. Tho Maino law forbids liquor to be manufactured in, brought to, sold or given away in tho Stato, and that aoitlea the question. If peo ple get drunk in Maino it must bo on something else. SI. Louis litpulUcan. TAXED TO DEATH. Tbo editor ol tho New York Ilernhl, in alluding to our shipping interests, says : "It Is undeniablo that under our present unwise and injudicious legisla tion wo are taking tho American flag from tho ocean. Selfishness and ignor ance combine to bring about this na tional humiliation. At the same limo it cannot bo denied that wo aro am being crowded out by economic forces which it is difficult to meet or over oome A ship plying between Liver pool and Ncvj York can, if owned in Liverpool, Lc operated more cheaply than if owned here. A crew shipped at Ilavro or Bristol is much cheaper than one shipped on this side. Then, our laws are all against the shipping interest. We are, in fact taxing that industry out ol existence In our leg islativo insanity wo havo by Nulional, State and local laws placed on our for eign shipping burdens under which it is Btaggcring to death. In a national point of view this Im part nnd parcel of a system which borders on the idiotic No nation ever attempted Io do what wo are striving to accomplish nay one of the greatest of national debts in a single generation. Under our pros- ont tariff and revenue system wo are Imposing burdena on tho present gen oration which sound considerations of publio policy demand should bo ex tended into the futuro. It is for wise nnd enlightened statesmanship to din cover where and how tho burden should bo lightened." A Bad Blow for Simon. A Corry (I'a.) correspondent of tho Cleveland Herald relates the following: Tbe following little incident, which 1 am quite sure baa never been print, will bo read with interest as showing how some of ex Senator Cam oron's boyhood's nature lingered Into old age : Some timo alter President liayea bad forgotten to send Pennsylvania's caudiuato to tho Uourt ot St. James, a select party, mostly young people, woro gathered in tho Cameron man sion. Tbe party were discussing table ctiquetlo, nnd tbo theme suggested a recollection to tho venorablo Senntor, "Mary," ho said suddenly addressing one of hia favoiitos, "I know why II ayes didn't appoint mo to tbe English mission." "Why was it, Senator Cameron?' was Mary's quick rejoinder, while the young people ceased conversation nnd gathered round to listen. "Why, ahortly uftcr he was inaugu rated I was invited to dine with a parly of friends nt tho Wbilo IIouso, and went. At the table I found 1 bad left my handkerchief at home, nnd so blew my golderned noso on ono of his napkins. That was why I am On this sido of the ocean to-dny." PosTorricE ARRF.ars. We soo It stated that four hundred and sixty-one persons woro arrested during tho fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, for dnpreda tions upon tho United States mails. Ol theso 421 were prosocutod in United Slatea Courts and 37 in Courts ol tho several States whore tho arrosts were mado. In the United Slates Courts 133 wero convictod, 23 were acquitted, 3oscaped, 5 lorfeited bad, proceedings against 24. were dismissed, 1 was killed while rosisting arrest, and 177 await trial. A Pluckt Daughter. Miss Bello lUrdin was eloping at Virginia, Her father ovorlook tbo conplo, and the swain was about lo give up his sweetheart without a straggle, when she coolly drew a rovolvor and told bor father she would shoot bim if he interfered. The elopement proceeded. a i For somo time past the Pennsylva nia Railroad has been robbed of numer ous pieces of bnggage chocked to go ovor tho road. In Jersey City, a few days ago, a dotectivo arrested John Aiguyer, a baggageman employed by tbt company, whom he caught io the act of taking away a small trunk. a sTAuvAjn radical. The conviction ia slowly effecting a lodgment in the minds of tho Garfield Republicans that tbe new President ia "nut on their side," and thai, when hia new Cabinet is limned, it will bo a stulwurl Cabinet what liuiluau calls "a stalwart of stulwarts." And this, although tho new President has not spoken a word, nor even opened his mouth on the subject. lie ia extremo ly reticent. Ho, keeps his own coun sel nt lean from tbo Garfield Repub licans, though theio aro good reasons lor believing that be is sufllciently communicative with tho slalwarta. But notwithstanding his rigidity to ward tho Garfield liepublicans, they have little difficulty in learning a good deal more than is agreeable to them. Tho Chicago Tribune's Washington correspondent says: "Thegenoral un dertuiiding is that the stalwart ele ment is to prevail in tho counsels of President Arthur, and nono of tbe anti stalwart or Garfield element will have recognition in tho Cabinet" and then bo adds : "Tliero are those who predict stirring tunes in tho im mediate political futuro of tho Repub lican parly." What tho Garfield Republicans aro just now beginning lo find out, Mr. Blaine could havo told them two weeks agd. Ho took in the wholo meaning of tho change tho moment the new President came into nfllce, and this is why he severed bis relations with the Cabinet absolutely, and refused lo bo mentioned in connection with tho new administration. A President whncalls Mr. Colliding to Washington and con sults with him for two dnjs is not a man for Mr. Blaine. It is now said that the ex Seeietury of Stato is a vir tual candidate lor the Presidency in 18R4. This mny not be altogether true, but there is a good deul of mean ing in it. The scheming for tho sun cession baa begun and there are just two schemes on foot ono with tho administration behind it, tho other th Mr. Blaine at the head of it. SI. Lmiit Republican. A Bad Captain. A Washington telegram of the 21st ult. says that the grand jury that day found an indict ment against Captain II. W. Howgulu, charging him with embezzling over $!0,000 from the Government. Capt. Uowgatc not appearing when called for, his bond ol ?40,000 was forfeited. His bondsmen are V. I!. Moses, W. W. McCullougb and, Notley Anderson. Subsequently detain Howgate'scoun sel culled tho attention ol the Court to the (act that Ilowgatu's bond was given to abide the judgment of the Court, not the notion of the grund jury. Jus tice Cox examined tho bond and, as certaining this to be tho fact, directed the execution of a warrant for How gate's arrest lo be suspended and or- lered tho forfeiture of the bond lo bo set aside. This leaves Copt. Ilowgato al liberty on tho original bond given by him, toil where is tho Government cnh ? Wiiv III UrsiONicD. It appears, according lo a Washington special, lhat General Fremont's resignation of the Governorship of Arizona was mado upon the notification of President Arthur that such resignation would be acceptable. Continued complaints wore coming from Arizona that General Fremont had not taken any intoreal in the affairs of tho Territory, that ho had since bis appointment as Governor merely put in an appearance, as it were, and that he seemed to rogr.rd tho climate and society of Xew York as more agreeable and attractive than lhat of tho Territory of Arizona, Gen. Fremont immediately rosponded to the President's invitation to resign. The General being unused to frontier and Rocky Mountain life, it is no wonder be prclers Now York society. Ghant BoiiniNO Around. Tho Phil, ndelphia Telegraph, in alluding to tho third-termers, says: "If General Grant ia sincere in his declination of a third term candidacy he ought lo givo John Andrew Jackson Cresswell the grand shake. At tho Maryland Republican State Convention the other day 'my old Postmaster General' rode rough shod to tho front as a full fledged third term 'boss;' immediately after which ho becomes a candidate for hia old place at the head ol the Postal De partment, visits Washington, and is a Irequent arm inarm companion of Gen end (irnnt, whom he relics upon as tho ono altogether powerful friend. It begins to look as though General Gram's great ambition is to presido at tho table ot the kitchen Cabinet." IU Gives it I P. It is said In nn oracular sort of way that Gen. Grant has given up his third-term aspirations, What a pity that he was not two years earlier in reaching this conclusion I There would then havo been none of tho ' 300" business at Chicago, and "Stalwart" and "Half Brood" would have been unknown political torms. Smart Jomm. John Sherman ex hibited hia usuul FBgacity in opposing tbo publication of tho testimony given in tho investigation of tho abuses of tho custodian's offlco in tho Treasury Department when ho was at tho bend of that Department. lie knew that tho testimony was. anything but crcd itahlu to him. "The More tiik Mirriih." Tho cry is, "still they enmo I" Since Janu ary last 308,051 immigrants havo nr rived at New York against 270,356 for the same period of last year, an in crease of 97,099. Ol tho number ar rived this year 130,802 camo from Germany, and 82,809 from England and Ireland. Miss Fnnule Uulchings, daughter ol the Government's guardian of ll Yosemileand tbo first white child born in the great valley, diod there rccontly. She was seventeen years of age, and was known to hundreds ol visitor from all parts of tho world. A Good Test. The missionaries re fuse to admit Chinese convert! to church momborship, unless they give up opium smoking. That is right. Unless the barbarian can givo up opium and take to whisky, be Isn't half civil ized. Grant has been called tho man on horseback, but just now he is qnito evidently the man behind the throne, fur Arthur only movct when Grant pulls the strings. AGRICULTURAL. Contribuiltms to Itils tleiiartuivnt .huulil be ail dresel la J. Hlaim Ukai,, Cli-erAelil, I'a. Apples which fall to iho ground should be fed to Ihe stock, s i that next year there will not he so many cud dliug mollis and wormy upp'o. Ono of the latest estimates of the yield of wheat in the United Slates for tbo present year place's it between :i,')ll,0il,OUO and 400,OM,0.4 bushels, between 75,000,000 and 125,000,000 less lhan last year. Gentlemen prominently known and interested III tho development of the amber cane augar production aro talk ing of issuing a cull lor a Nulional Cm volition of canogrowers, anl sugar manufacturers, at Chicago, soon allei the working season is over. Concerning the apple crop of Maine the Secretary of the Hoard of Agrfcul luro of that Stuto says: "In those counties not especially adapted to fruit growing there is no more than un uveruge crop, and in some localities ii falls below ; but in tho fruit-bull of the Stato Wcateiu York county, Cum norland, Oxfur J, Androscoggin, Frank lin and Kennebec Iho crop is nbun dant. Throughout this belt the Raid- win is tho leading variety grown." . jiCKAi. moanrss. What a boautiltil change hat come over the rural districts within the Ian few years. In traveling through the country, either by private oonveyunoe or on tbo great thoroughfare, wo ace the beautiful, well cultivated farms, large fi uil orchards, commodious barns, elegant houses with shrubbery and flowers adorning the front yards and piazzas. Tho .beuuliful is not now confined to tho cities. Homes with modern improvements nnd convenien ces meet us every whore. If wo should go into tho-io homes wo would find them nicely and many limes elegantly furnished. Baoks, papers, and maga zinea in great profusion and variety, musical instruments from which swoel tones emanate, render those homes cheerful. Sons and daughters with more and intellectual powers culliva tod, husband and wife cultured, refined and informed on tho leading topics ol tho day, and ol tho highest typo ol hospitality and sociability, and a com pany of Putrons meeting together, seem liko brothers und sisten of one family, and though atrangois at first sight Boon become liko obi time friends. It is past our comprehension how much tho Grange has dono lor the fanner's family. It has opened up on iivcnuo to weultli, honor and self respect, and a demand for respect from others, a demand for rights and privi leges which havo not been ours lo en joy iu the past, both because wo did not claim our right to them, and thus were oppropi iulcd by others. Farmers havo a power in tho community in which they live, and they are wield ing it lor tho good of humanity. This power ii being felt to day, and will bo moro forcibly realized in years to come. Ihero is truo morul worth in very many of tho homes in tho rural districts, and it is destined lo shine forth. Our sons and daughters aro given grand opportunities to become useful men and womon in society These aro glorious days in which to live days of improvement, progros sion, intellectual advancement and true sociability. Lot us improve thorn. Grange Vimtor. SOME rAl.l'ABLF EXPEMMES'TS IS I'M FKEDISU. One of our Agricultural Colleges made somo valuable experiments last Fall in Iho matter of feoding pigs, lhat farmora having hogs to fatten this year will do well to consider. Tho object ot" tho experiment was to detcrmino tho influence of, protection from, or cxposuro to tbe weather in tho cost Of meat production, and the respective value of corn and bran as a lood for fattening tho bogs. The experiment began November 1st, 1881, and continued eleven weeks, Ten Berkshire pigs wero taken, and each put in a pen by himself. The previous cure and feed having been the same. Five of tho pens wero placed in tho basement of a warm slono barn, and fivo on tho south sido of a fivo foot board fenco with plenty of straw but no other protection. Tho result was as follows : In the pens in tho burn whcio the pigs fed corn alone, 100 pounds in- crcuso of livo weight required 61 pounds of corn. In tho pons in tho yard, fed corn alono, 100 pounds increase live weight required 613 pounds of corn. In tho protected pens whore corn and bian wero fed togcthor, 100 pounds incrojso in livo weight required 431) pounds of corn, nnd 70 pounds ol bran. In tho unprotected pens whoro porn nnd bran woro fad, 100 pounds of in crease of livo weight required 6771 pounds of corn, and 83 pounds ol bra,i. A noticablo loaturo in tho cxperi mont was, tho pigs outsido consumed mucn less loou man tnoso Insnlo as well as gava less increaso lor what they did consume. As the hog is val uablo In proportion to his ability in converting grain into pork, this was, of course, an additional incidental loss connected Willi feoding in exposed pons. Two lessons nro very clear as the result of experiments. Bran is not a profitable Iced to use in fattening hogs, and it don't pay to havo pigs exposed to the weathor. Taking the experiment in which the pigs outside did the best, and compar ing it with the pigs insido, and tho farmer who produced 10,000 pounds ol pork would lose 61 bushels of corn in tho operation. It was found that 81 pounds of corn woro about equal to 75 pounds of bran. Of course no one set of experiments can aottlo a matter of this kind, but this experiment points Tory clearly in one direction, and this year, when corn and pork are both high, and it ia desirable to produce as many pounds of pork as possiblo from a bushel of corn, farmers will do well to note these facts, and consider if it will not pay well to give the fattening pigathc warmest and most protected quartern possible. R. H. T., i'a Xt't fatron. hotels. LOYD IIOUS1C, M.ln Strut, PIIIUII'SULKU, I'KNN'A. Tabls alasvs suliblleil ailb tbe best tbe marks fttfur.ls. Tae lrtoJtlif publir Is lorited to tell. jau I, ifl. nonunr ioiu. WASHINGTON UOUHK, KUW WASHINGTON, PA Ibis ttew end well furiil.bed buuse bae been taken bj the undersigned. He foels oonD-lonl ul being able to render satlsfaetlan lu Ibos. who may favor boa wltb a eall. M.T I, 1871. O. W. DAVIS, Prop's. 'JMOMPKRANCU IIOUS1C, NEW WAMIIIXaTOS, PA. II. II. HOSE, . . Paoranros eaThe be.t of eeeomiandattons fr man end h.a.i. A 'ib.ral snare of publio ,etr-ia.ire Is solieltr.l. .opZVetl. WASHINGTON HOUSE, Uai'B, PKN.VA. I. ). "Ui li'iUl, Ii tht rilUff of HUn Ho;, it aow prfpevr.J to tvmitniDoddH all who iuhj o II. My utsitt ml hr b mppliftl wilt, till b"( Ibt murk et (T mil OUiMtuK w. DOTIM, Jr. OID Hup. t , M-rt'lj 3, IH7V-U. g USt U K 11 A N N X UOU.SE. CURWENSVILLE, PENN'A. $ttrTht old aad WKll-aitstilitbcI lluitl bti btu loftttjj by l tie unJ-trilgntiJ, U'i b tla ooa ttiJcDl u rnlMUK ilUltaioo to th'i win tny yairunu blui. tl'M'l lUbliag ttft''htjj. LKWKS C. ULUDM, I'rviirlttor. April 11,'8'J U. ALLEGIIKNY MOUSE, CI.KAUKII.L1), I'KN.VA. WILLIAM It. DKAX, reoprittnr. .JtThU hi'jif tf pIs-.ifinl.jF lunst I ad F.tif Uirtot itrt, fco4 a'Jiivmilent to tli Uniirt Ujuu id I tl Ijija-loeii pUoci of ttiu fM, It h if re) jsjutlT b!ift retsttS'l ni rtUiruistii (cm rjlur fi a'lta. Utr uj1il wilb oil )ioeit liqjir. fkl t iraUttnJ witb tha but Itm in irt -l ir-u. timid Mj1 attiehul. iu iirta Atill I f. IHM-U. DREXEL & C0.( Ko. 31 ftoulti TUIni tftroet, Ptilla lr Iphl. And Dealors in Government Securities, Application bj mail Vi II reo-ir prompt attn tlbti, ani all information obaerfuiijr furniibad Onltn olir)ted. April lt-U. r. K. ARNOLD. . V. A HI! OLD. f . I. AUHOLI F.K. ARNOLD & CO., Hankers and ISroker. Reyuoldvllle JelTeraon Co. Pa, Htny raseirej on dapoilt. biienunti at m- lent rtf. li ii tern and Poroigo Kiobunaj 1 war on hni aad aoll-otiooi promptly mad. Utynoliiivi.U. Dm. 14, M74.-ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. I p 00 M In ttraban'i Drift Bull liaj, t 1 iowl 1 t f T A. t'lHit'i SUra. Pamfta Tiokfita to and from Lirarpool, Quatni town, Ulanft'iw, London, I'arii and Copenhagen Alio, Drattarur laieon tnt Royal iiank ol Ireland and rtnnarlal Bunk of London. J A MI". 3 X. littUri AKU, I'W't, W. M. 8HAW', Ctshier. Jinl,M j l. n. nKiciiitoi.D, I U It K BO X IIUNIHT, 'Irertiiete of (He PenvvlrinU Coll.. of D.nt.l nrir.ry. Offlootnre.iJonpeof Dr. Hill., ;piit. the Hh.w IIiiiho. tnihU, '7S tf. DR. E. M.THOMPSON, (OBc-e Ib Dank Biilgiaf.) Curweinvllle, Clearfield Co., Pa. mob ii '79 If. M. II ILLS, 'itPF.UATIt'E E.TSr, Sf Cl.SARPIKLD, PKNS'A. afOfSne In r..lsnne, opposite Sb.w lloaio. j; s.iaiii-ir J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEHI1PIEI.D, PA (Oflloa In Wsslern Ilotel bulMlngsenonil inot ) Nitrons Osirle Oas a-lministerei for the p tin ess eltrailioa of toetb. Clearteia, Pa.. Mar , ISIT-tr- piafcUjufoits. 1 OH PRINTING OP KVKHT DKSCFtlP .1 tlnn neetle !M.t(f et this oSlwi. ?TO A WEEK. (Iladtva' bora. ea-Hv m.le V I u Oo.tly autat free. A-l-lrsss Tnra A Co., Aafusta, Maine. mcnl-ly. E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER TUB nlmtribr now tTir to tha eltUtni of Btirnll anJ Tirioitf, an anprortdad ii)feialtT. HertatW all ktnda of Catketi and C(&3i will ba kept on band, and rdra flli4 at on?e, fiiurrnj 4tltiultd Anywhere, X will farniih the flnfiit at well ai tha ehfapetf arttcUa deditttd to funerala- All ordtra la ft at tba itnra of Jofjn 0. Coup will rarciva prompt attention, ror rnrtber parttimlun, cnu on or ari.lrru E. 8. HRNDKRSON. Ua. in, Iffrit-tf. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITUIIE, AND Improved' Spring Beds, MARKRT BTHIIKT, NEAR P.O. Tba underlined brra leare to Inform tba all.- ooa of Claarfletd, and tba publia gnnorally, that ha baa on hand a Una annrtmant of r urn Itnra, aaeh ai Walnut, Cbaitnut and I'atnted Cbambrr Stiitei, Parlor finite. KoollntnK and Eitaniion Chain, Ladlea' and Oenta' Kaiy Chafra, tba Par foratad Dintanand Parlor Chain. Cana Batt and Wind Kir Chain, t'lotbea llan, niep and Ki ten flon Laddara, Hat Raoka. Bflrobbloj Hraabea, At MOULDING AND PICTl'RB FKAMES. eoklnK Glanaa, Chroma, Ac., which would aiitahl fnr Holiday praaanta. MtA'TI JOHN TROTtTMAN. The Dcirs Run Woolen Factor j Pans tow d in I p, ClaarEald Co., Pa. HURNCD ( 1 T I Of ROT BURNED UPI ThaiubaarlbarihaTa.at great axpenit.rabitHa oalhrMtrbood naoatiity, In tba araatioa of Int elaaa Wnolaa Manqfaotory. with all tha wiodertt tmproTatnanti attached, and are prepared ta aikt all kinda of Cloth i, Caaetnaraat NatinatU, Blaa kaU. Vlanntla, Ao. Plenty af good! oi hand t npply all oar old and a thoaaand new tmttomeri, w&nra wa an io ooma ana axamma ear auxi, Tba baainaaa of CARDINQ AND JUL LINO will rooaha onr aipaoial at tent lot. Propaf arraneaaeata will ba aiade to raaalra and delirar Wool, to anl t anitonera. AH work warranted aad dona upon tha ahorteit nottaa, and by atrial ettatv tion to hailnaaa wa hope io real Ita a liberal akart af pobito patronafa. IO.MM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED) Wa will pay tba higheit nark at prlea for Woo aad aaii oar manniaatnraa (ooda aa low aa aimiiar food aaa ho boaght la thoooanty, and whanavor wa fail to reader reasonable aatiafaalla wa aaa aiwaya ba faaad at borne raady ta tuki pro pa axpiaaauon, annar in peraon ar ay latter. 4mmn sjuunoun m hums, aprllMtf lewar P. O (DurOu'otlrrrtUfmrnt. TIIK REPUBLICAN, Fi'ULiiaRD Knur Wai)tti.ir ar George B. Goodlander, Cl.lJAimiail, PENN'A, Has tht l.araTeet Irrnlatltm of any paptr In Northwaatern Peuusylvaula. J Y TIIK largo nod constuntly menus Infc olreuletlon of tbe Rapt-. urea, readers it valuable l bu.ioesi rasa as a mediae. Ibrougb abiob lu reaoa tbe publie. Torms of Subscription: If paid in advance, . , . 12 00 If paid uftor tliroo months, . 2 50 If pjid aftor six months, . . 3 00 Whon pupors aro sent outsido of the oounty puy mont must bo in advance. ADVERTISING. Ton linos, or loss, 3 timos, . 1160 Each subsequent insertion, SO Administrator' Notions, . .2 50 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, '. . . 2 60 Professional Cards, & lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS! One sqtiaro, 10 linos, . . . 18 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three sqnares 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 50 00 One-balf column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 We bava always oa hand a stock of Blanks of all Descriptions. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, SUMMONS, SUBP02NAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS. LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, ia., ho. Wo are prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing, Sl'CII AS POSTICUS, PROGRAMMES, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL IIEADS, CARDS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, cVo., Ao., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. fJoo. R. CJootllnnder. Clearfield, Clr nrfleld Cotnty, Fa. pisrfUnufous. Gray's Spocifio Zvlcdicins. TRAOK MARK TRADt MARK ---v ureal Ei,(ll.ri Jal.lliof .ur. ht i nrii, Bptriaa- i j tonne a, imio VfVV (entry, aod all DlMHfM that lEfORETAIHWiow a. a aa- AFTIR TAIINB. o us-mm aril Ai'Uia) aa loa of Mtmory, l'niiiral La-aituda, Pain in tba Uak, Intact ol Vtub, Prematura old A(. and nany other tifefi that laed to Inanity r ConmnipiiLB and a Via inaiara Urara. ri"'ull parlieulara In anr pampli'at, wbjrh we Urir to fend fra by nail to etery one. 1 be hparific alfdiaiaa la aold by all druggm at ll pa)ki.e, or all paekaa;aa lr $J, or will i. tr( free by mail on rtueu-t ol the Uionry, by adirrri iog llitiUHAV ilKUICiNtCu, Daftalo, X. V. EM In CkarCeld by C. D. Mnon. a.iS7, 'M l;. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STATlQXKhY Market Ht., Clearfitld, (at the Poat oHi ty, TUB andariiKncd baft -cr to ai.nouL t to tha eituini of Clearfield and Tt"itim , thit b bae fitted up a room and hai Jut tturtied from lha rity with Imrw aiiiai.t of rontihg mattar, eonilitlng in part of EiLlcs and MiBcellaceous Eooko, Blank, Account and Paaa Hooka of every d- toiiftion i Papfir and Knvrlopei, French prtrrcd ma (iiiin ( rcnM aba rcLcnaj uiena Lrti Pai'er, ileedi, Morlf-ajtea i Jinifnjent, Exeap. tion aad Proioitarv Dutea; M bite and Prcb tnent Brief, Ltfral Cap, heford Cap, and Hill Cip, tibeft iliuic. ftr either Piano, lluta or Violin, eonilanlly on hand. Any book a ar atatiioar desired that 1 may not bate on bend, will be ordartd by flrrt e i (', and aold at whoUaala or remit to tail aoatouera. I will alio keep periodical literature, tuck aa Aiagaaibai, Nawipapera, 4c r. A. OA l L.1A. ClaarAeld. May 7, lHHS-tf New Departure IX LUTHERSBURGl Hereafter, toodf will ba laid for CASH oelt, or In nrbantta for produce. No booki will kept In tna futnre. All old acroontl moM br ettled. Thone who cannot ttth ap, w:li p'ni band rrar their no tae and CLOSE THE RECORD. I am delarmined to aell tny gooda at ctik prieer, and at a duoount far below that arer offered in ihii vicinity. The diacount I allow my uat(itnr, will make then rich in twenty yri if tney follow niy advloo and buy tbe.r Hood fr 'm aaa. I will pay oarh for wheat, oata and rlortr- cM. DAMKL uOOULAM-Kfl. I.atharrbarff. January 17, JA77. ; FACTS WORTH KNQWIHC. ; ' Ola(rar,ltarha, andrak,RtlUleflaiin 1 -nany uihcr of l he bed moJitine know a arc .killlully combined in pAtktt'tGiMr.c 'I qui. , ii io make ii the gmatcU Blood Punflor and ' The Uflit Ueallh and .irnojth UtuUitr krar taad. - 8oprfeetaaiharoinpoutionof Pa Gri- , 1 unic lhat nn ditaCaive can long when it it uicd. If iu have Djrtpepeia, Headache Rhauntatiem, Naaralnia, Bowel, Kidney ar1 Liver Disorder, on( yuunecjJ uil(iMimnlant. r appetucr, the fo.-iic M jutt tne mtdiunr, ivyou.at it i hiihlscuiaxivtandujriwatiiij jut never intoxicating. U you aro alowl wattlnf away with Cnn , tumpttoa or any ickne.,il you hve Paictfuc Cough or a bad Cold, PAKitaa't (.ir,i J ; will aorelv help you. It aivea new lite an.:, vigor io ine feeble end actl, and i a t-ma-Ai uie for Rhaumatiem and Cholera In fin turn. It Uaa bafad Haadrrna of Llraa It Ma)! Kaa loan. !f yon are ffdu'i mikcul le dnn't wait utiii'J via are down akk, Ditt um the 1 ovtc lo-dj) , , o matter what your diteate r ayatoiUa. au) ae, it will riv prompt rtUtt, ' Remember I I'Aeiiaa'i Giwr.e T-Htr !. w:( rum dru.lt but tha Beat and fwrit Family Medieino ever anade, cimpuunded by a nr 1'ioceta, and antirely dilierent from iiuurvj injer ptTparai irtna and all other I nnica. Irji ! i -jc. btrtile. Vonr drurri't ran aimnlv T"U i PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Tha Haatand Boat Ecoaoaiical ffalr Draitlaj aaqiiiuiely perfumed and pcriedly harmlet. Hill ilwaya lUatore Gray or Faded Hair to it cricinal youthtul color and a PT1 a ranee, nl ii warranied lo tnp iu lii.ni, aut i:t (ruwt!i and prevent baldnett. A Itwappltcatirminf tnHAtwit aoften tVe hnir,rlrn a! I danrtni'l anrlrnr itching and aaovnof ihaacalp, IWUby aJlUug6iuai. April fith, lrtnl-ly. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IM PURE DltUUS! SXt EBODUCEE1 S3I2I5S3 , CHEMICAL SI PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFF VARNI511K8, BKUSIIES, FANCY OOODS, PElirt'MERV, TOILKT ART1CLFS, PURE WIXES AND LIQUORS for madlolnal parpmaa. Trniaaa, Sop port era, School Rccki and Station ary, and all other article oiuelly. found In a trog hiora. PHYBICIANH' PRKSCRIPTrONrl CAKB PITLLT COMPOUNDED, lie id a larrr ak perlenoe la tha buiineii tbey aaa give antir tat tafartlon. J. O. HARTSTCK, JOHN . IRWIN. RUeHUM. In'wtnkr M. 1R74. OPEH FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH. Come to Frenchville I I HAVE nt received the lnrrit Mock of goods ercr broiifht to this seel Ion of tin connlv, which I will soil forerun or produce s chenp s they can bs bought ilscwbore. My stock consists of Dry goodS, Groceries, Boots'S Shoes, Hardware, HrNails a Specialty."" He A full stock of FtSII. Salt in lare' or small sncks, or by lh bsrrcl. CROCKERY WARE, sion or clay. OUKKNSWA RE, l( styles knd quality. In abort, I hav eerytliing needed by tho farmer, th( mechanic, the loboror, or anybody el, which I will sell just as cheap al lha gooda can ba purchased any wberj olsa. Tleaso call and tiainina my inotla and orioea betora invcstiol iMWbara. LE COtJDRlET. FraochTllla, Pi., Mar. I, '81-tC v f5Sr 53