Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 09, 1881, Image 2

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3be jttepuHuan.
Gioboi B. Goodlandib, Editor.
Reader, tf yoa want to h bow arbal It galaf; o.
la tbo bastaesi world, Juet read oar advertising
ot.a.e, l.e ap4Hat eoluma la paruoular
ScATTrBiNO. There were 2,361 cases
of desertion from tie Vnitod Sluten
army lant year, 31R more than lor the
year previous.
Tin Federal Ieht. The reduction
mitde on the public debt during OctO'
ber was 1 1:.321,458.87, and the cash
in tho Treasury wa nearly $115,000,
Til t Election. A we aro compelled
to go to press on the afternoon ol'eloo
tion day, in order to make up our
mails, wo will, therefore, bo nimble to
give, any returns this wool?.
K. li. Blood, of Hrookvillo, who was
announced as an Independent candi
date for l'rothonotary in Jefferson
county, published his card in last week's
Graphic-Democrat, withdrawing from
the contest.
The Ohio and Mississippi elevator
at Cincinnati, with 125,000 bushols of
grain, was completely destroyed by
fire recently. It was owned by llugh
Steward, and leased by C. M. Maguiro.
Loss, $75,000.
Last Suturduy at Napoleon, O., the
jury in tho trial of ex-Governor Scott,
of South Carolina, for the murder of
young Drury, brought in a verdict of
not guilty. The verdict appears to
give goiiornl satisfaction.
Tho lion. Lionel Sackville West, the
new British Minister, who has just ar
rived in this country, is not a hand
some person, though he lias a refined
and kindly English face, lie has good
fenluros and a full soft beard,
Tho tuhscripiions for the Garfield
monument at Cleveland already ex
ceeds (30,000. A notlier way to honor
tho memory of tho dead President will
be to vote tho Republican ticket and
save Now York to tho Republican
In TaotnLE. The District Attor
ney (Corkbill) of Washington is cer
tainly in trouble just now. Many
persons demand that bo prosecute tho
Star Route rogues, and another class
aro urging tho Guitcau case. As he
is not doing much in either caso some
are demanding bis removal. Perplex
Ing, indeed !
Pkkttv Well Sold (Jut. Seilr., the
Groouback nominee tor Governor of
Ohio, only received fi,Xi0. Two years
ago ho had over ."S,000. Foster, the
Radical candidate purchased them by
tho thousand as you would shingles or
bourds ; and yet, there are a few sen
sible people who boliove that the lead,
ers are honest men. What a decop
tion !
l.Loi'EU. The President loft tho
Federal Capitol last Thursday for bis
ow lork homo, in order to escapo
the oflluu socking rabble. Of course,
Conkling, Grant, Logan, Cameron and
that crowd of stalwarts don't know
whero Prosident Arthur is roosting,
while the half broods don't caro a d n
whore ho is, because they expect
Tiie Kevstone Ahead. When they
weighed the Governors the other day
at Atlanta, Pennsylvania carried off tho
prize. Governor lloyt weighed 248
pounds ; Governor Blackburn, of Ken
tucky, 22:lj pounds; Governor Jarvis,
of North Carolina, 20H pounds; Gov
ernor Bigleow, of Connecticut, 185
pounds, and Gov. Colquitt, of Georgia,
17G pounds.
The Indiana Messenger accuses Harry
Whito of writing anonymous lultors to
a rival paper assailing tho editor of
the Messenger. It then assures tho
ex.Congrcssman that it kind o' likes
the thing and urges him to continue
the matter, unkindly suggesting that
as he fs not busy preparing to go to
Washington he has plenty of timo for
this sort of literary effort.
Sarcasm. Tho Philadelphia Times
makes this nobby remark about the
present and past "government": "Pres
ident Arthur seems a little Inclined to
tako tho covor off tho Hayes adminis
tration, and that thing doesn't look
nice with the cover off. More: If
ex-Prosidont Hayes knows anything
about what is going on down at Wash
ington theso days ho must be pulling
his Lair out by tho roots to sco tho
corrupt Arthur removing tho pure
Tyner from the position to which
Hayos appointed him. This world is
not all sunshine."
One IIle Found. The creditors of
the broken Newark liank bave sue
coeded in finding one link in that
great robbery. A New York leather
and morocco dealer named Nugont
did bis business at this barik, and an
overhauling of the books show that
from the 1st of January to the 25th
of October last, be deposited just fl,-
000,000, and during tho same time bo
drew out $1,600,000, and upon this
overdraught of $506,000, the Casbior
was receiving one per cent, from Nu
gent lor nursing. Nugent has boon
arrosted, his establishment closed and
delivered over to the Sheriff.
Guiteav's Witnesses. Gcorgo Sco
vllle, of the counsel for Guiteau, bas
o laravallod himself of the order of
the court pel milting the summoning
of twenty witnesses at 'he Govern
ment expense as to direct the elerk of
court to Issue subpernas for the follow
ing named persons: Mrs. Augustus
Tarker, James G. Kieruan, George T.
Burroughs, Francis M. Scoville and J.
Lewis Loo, all of Chicago, III.; C. 8.
Joalyn, Oneida Community, N. Y.;
Everett O. Foes, Dovor, N. II.; John
A. Bice, Morton, Wis.; Edward O.
Sjiiuka, New York City; Harmon B.
Anerlins. WilliamsnorLPa. Tk trial
commences on tie 14th instant, unless
gain postponed.
A I.itrativi Hill. According to .Wonr: Siiootinii. Ir. John Noel
an estimate by the Indianapolis Scnli- jling, the mull who created the last
ml, the f)lncia and burial of thu lute sensation at Washington by attempt-
Prosident Involved an expenditure of
about $.'117,000. Of that sum $217,0110
were spent at Cleveland and $100,000
during the patient's struggle for life
Mr. Garfield's Private Secretary, Mr.
Brown, kept tho run nl things until
the futul termination, lie my that
the doctors' bills probably will prove
to bo $.Vt,0l'0, and that the average
uauy exponso uppruAimuum 5i,,,iv.
Tho sick bed expenses, as Mr. Drown
thinks, will be borne by Congress, and
there seems to bo a settled conclusion
tliat tho $217,000 incurred at Clove
land are to como out uf tho Ohio State
treasury and Cleveland people. The
docorations in Cleveland cost $10.1,000;
tho accommodations, $100,000; the
arches, $5,000 ; the catafalque $:i,000 ;
the music, $2,000, and so on. The
transportation of tho remains from
Elberon to Ohio was the work of the
Pennsylvania Railruad Company,
which, it is understood, will make no
charge. Accompanying the estimate
of the Bick bed and funeral expenses is
a statement that Mis. Garfield is
likely to receive a pension of at least
$.'1,000 a year, which will make her in
come about $15,000.
Those Uvpocbitem. Twoycars ago,
whou the Radicals in Congress were
hopelessly in the minority, they nomi
nated a negro ex Congressman from
South Carolina (named Rainey) for
Clerk of the Federal House of Repro
senlatives. He was, of course, not
elected. Learning that his parly
frionds will have a majority in tho
next Congress, which meets on the
first Monday of Decembor, he came
early to tho front and put in his claims
for the Clerkship, receiving a good
deal of encouragement from Ihe New
England members and those from the
Northwest. But it scums now that
the bosses have taken the colored gen
tleman by the top knot und led him
outside of the ring, and in his stead
introduce Mr. Edward Mel'hcrson, lute
of the Philadelphia Press, and several
other while chaps for that position.
Rainey 's boom is "busted." This is one
of the moral frauds practiced and
brought to light by those who vend
"grand moral ideas" and preach tho
equality of tho black and white races.
Such dumngoguism and knavery
among professed statesmen is disgust-
A HtiiiE Fraud. The failure of the
Mechanics' National Bank of .Newark,
Now Jersey, on Monday, tho 31st ult.,
proves to be one of tho hugesl robber
ies that has been perpetruted in mod
ern times The cashier (Baldwin)
squandered the capital stock of tho
liank $500,000, surplus fund $100,0110;
Nulional liank notes, fl0,000 ; and
$1,000,000 of deposits. The Govern
ment experts who are overhauling the
books of the concern put the loss dJVn
in round numbers at $2,600,000.
Render, think of it! 7'ico million six
hundred thousand dollars spont by nno
man in four ycain, and never attracted
the attention of the President, Direct
ors, or any body else I 1 be casuier
was bailed out ol prison in tho wee
sum of $25,000 less than one-tenth of
the sum he had stolen. A full account
of the transaction is published on the
tlrst page f this paper. Frederick
Frelinghuysen bos been qualified as
receiver of the Mechanics' National
Bunk of Newark, his father, ex-Scna-tor
Frelinghuyson, being his bondsman
for $30,000.
The llei't iii.ican Party's Love roa
the Soldieb. J. F. Wilson, a Union
soldier, bas been postmaster of Lynch
burgb, Va., for sovoral years, lie had
two brothers killed in the Union army,
and ho bad an eyo shot out and was
shot through the shoulder, rondoring
one arm powerless. He is, and always
has been a Republican ; butho refused
to support Mulione. For this reason
Mnhone demanded his head. Prosi
dent Arthur removed him and nomi
nated in his placo an ex rebel soldier
named Statham. Tho Senate refused
to confirm Statham. As soon as the
Senate adjourned the President ap
pointed bim. This, to assist the Re
pudiators In Virginia, too. It is the
true inwardness of the Republican
party's lovo for the soldier.
The Imperial Gdard The Wash
ington Register says : A morning co
temporary, In referring to a caso of
accidental shooting near tho Capitol
Tuesday night, statos that "Officers
King and Marks were on (h ard at
Prosident Arthur's residence," ic, ka.
This prctunce of personal danger to
President Arthur, by koeping ofllcers
'on guard" at his residence, is tho
merest bosh, and tho President will
best preservo his self respect, and
command tho confidence and respect
of tho people by dismissing his guards
and deporting himself liko otbor gen
tlemen ol character.
At Work. From the looks of things
at W aahingtnn it ja pretty evident
that Grant will put in about three
yonrs of bis third term ; although be
was ouchercd out of tho nomination by
Blaine, Garfield & Co., at Chicago last
Summor. By the 4th of March next,
if not bufore, the "300" who stood up in
the Chicago convention like a wall of
fire against tho field, will bave every
thing thoir own way politically.
President Arthur, vTill,in all probability,
act only as Grant's private fiocrolary
and be allowed to draw the 950,000
Col. C. P. Ramsdoll, United States
Marshall for the Richmond district,
was dangerously wounded by a bull
on Monday evoning, on his farm In
Chostorfiold county, whilo engaged in
getting op his cattle. But for tbe
timely interference of his daughtor,
who drove the animal off, ho would
have been killed. Ramsdoll, beforo
the war, was a member ol tho Legis
lature from Venango county. Ho
carpolbaggcd for Virginia and still
keeps bis hold. Ho is one of tho fow
still left behind.
On a DirmENT Errand. We soe
it statod that Prosident Arthur is go
ing home to toto, as every American
cititon bas a right to do. The last
time he was In New York was when
tbe Slate Convention, undor the con
trol of the batf-broeda, was passing res
olutions of indorsement of him, and
lobbying at Albany for tbe re-election
of Conkling, and "Me to" Piatt.
ing to interview President Arthur with
. a revolver in his possession, lust Mon-
j day night a wu?k, formerly practiced
medicine ut Mitninburg, Union county,
in this State. He was hound to see
the Presideui's accounts, and could
not be ncrsiiadcd to leave. He finullv
uttatked the doorkeeper who gave
,. , iii !ii i
the alarm and help came lo hand and
iuw ""i ' "w" nw,uj,unuiu
and a loaded seven shot revolver tuken
I rum him. lie shuwed conclusively
that he labored under mental halluci
nations at certain periods. He had
his lucid intervals, however, when be
remained quiet and inoffensive. He is
said to havo led a sober and industri
ous lifo and was well disposed when
free from the periodical attacks refer
red to. Dr. Noetling is a man about
foity alx years of ago, of prepossessing
appearance, dresses neatly, and is pre
maturely gray. What would have
happened bad he obtained an entrance
to the President's room, is hard to tell.
Tnx Stalwart Restoration. Tho
Philadelphia Telegraph, a Blaine "Half
breed" organ, in alluding to current
political events, remarks: "It was not
until a few days preceding the Presi
dent's death and when hope was chang
ed to despair, and it became known that
death would certainly conquer in tho
fight, that the stalwart chieftains bo
gan to omorgo from their tents and to
show themselves about tho bur looms
and porches of Long Brunch, assnin
ing something of their old swagger
and bravado. Tho counsels of a whole
nation were not heard, ol were disro
garded, and before the President was
buried his successor had taken tho
oath uf office, surrounded by his old
stulwart companions, and from that
day lorth ho has had no other com
panionship. The country can accept
with what good grace it may the fact
that not with it, but with them, has
the new President resolved to abide
and to be guided not by Its advico,
but by theirs."
Graveyard Insurance. Wo notice
that the narrisburg Conference of the
Lutheran Church, at their recent ses
sion in that city, passed a resolution
stating that sinco "tin evils resulting
from what is called 'speculative or
graveyard' life insurance bave becomo
so grave, having not only led men to
disregard tho lifo and welfare ol fellow-men,
but even violate the ties of
relationship and homes, and since the
root of tho evil lies in a spirit of avarice
and covetousness, we, as ministers of
the Gospel and niombers of tho Church
uf Christ, do hereby express our un
qualified disapprobation of this deplor
able evil and should seek to enlighten
our communities in Ibis nefarious busi
ness and should teach healthful things
on growing siu of making haste to bo
rich, even at tho cost of principle and
tho sanctities of life and honor."
Private Sturaue Warehouse. A
special Washington telegram to the
Philadelphia Times, a fow days ago,
says :
The discovery baa been toad that certain Sen
ators have been in tho babit of uainga portion of
the Senate wing of th Capitol for tbe alorage of
their private bouaehold goods. Dssks, eradles,
tables, chair, clothes-baskets, trunk and hun
dreds of other arliclo are atorad Ib these room,
which are located la tbe basereoBt. ibey are
hauled there la Senate wagon, stored free of
charge and oarrlrd back to ISeBators' residences
whea needed. While this aave paying rent it
eaueee a good deal of sarcasm at Senatorial ex
pense, la view of tb faet that the want of room
for the tranaautiuB of public bualo baa been a
atanding oomplaint.
It would scorn from this that grave
Senators aro a good deal liko some
other people got along as cheaply as
Settinii it it Already. Tbe an
nouncement is made, on tho alleged
authority of Governor Fostor, that
Blaino is to be tbe next candidate of ;
the Republican parly for President.
It is supplomontarily assorted, on the
authority of ex-Secretary Sherman
that Governor Foster is booked for tho
second placo on the ticket. The kind
ness of tbe gentlemen in arranging this
litllo matter will be appreciated hy
bewildorcd public ; and tho fact that
an Ohio man is to bo dragged to tho
front will soothe the feelings of those
who dislike to seo tho politicians of a
greut Stato neglected by their country.
Hold Robbery. Tho County Treas
ury of Beaver county was robbed of
$13,000 in cash on tbo morning of tho
'.'Sth ult. It appears that tho Treas
urer, Mr. Dawson, is in the habit of
opening tbesnfo about 7 o'clock in the
morning. On tho morning in question,
just as bo opened tho sale, he board a
noise behind him, and turning around,
two men wcro close by, ono of whom
dealt bim a blow on the head and
knocked bim sonsclcss. In tbo mean
time tbe robbers secured the monoy and
cleared out. A roward of 9500 is of
fered for tbo apprehension of the rob
bors. A C'abd Wanted. The Baltimore
American, tho "stalwart" organ of tho
Maryland Radicals, puts in a growl in
this way in rolation to the Star Route
trials. The editor says : "It is sad to
know that tbo prevailing sentiment is
that Mr. District Attorney Corkkill is
rnthor lukewarm in bis proseoution of
tbe Star Routo gang. Mr. Corkbill
should write a card. Tho caso de
mands It." A number of Washington
correspondents also file objections to
tbe conduct of the District Attorney
in tbe Guiteau case. . Sovoral call upon
him to resign.
Proposed Admission or a New
State. Republican Senators and
Members are preparing a bill for tho
admission of Dakota into the Union as
State. They feel euro ol two moro
Republican Sonatore II the Territory
is admittod as a Stato, and with thorn
hope to secure a permanent majority
in tbe Senate. They eirpoct opposition
from the Democrats, but depend on
Mahon and David Davit to carry it
Ohio Election. The official vote
of the Buckeye State has at length
boon promulgated as follows :
Poller, Radical SIl.TIo
Raokwaltar, Democrat H eMa,20
Ludlow, Tauparaao . S lut
Bells, Urteabaek
Govornor Foster nearly consumed
tbe Greenbackers. They made a slim
show on this occasion.
Double Bereavement. Kx-Con-grcssman
Nohctniah Perry ,of Nowark,
N. J., and wifo, both died on the tame
day of pneumonia. Mr. Perry was a
very prominent citiien of that Stato,
and aged about 05 years.
Republican papers have Hourly j An article of the Washington Star
choked llieii.seket wiilt exultation ! t'iviu an alleged pufng between
over Ihe election of ll.tvid Davis Ik the j l'rcsi'k iil Arthur and Attorney Gen
Presidency of the I'mud StuleaSennte, oral MacVcugli in the piosecution of
by their party. Tho Press is u illiug Ciuitoau and the Star Route parties
to help them to fuel good, and so i!ivc j has been irivun a wide circulation,
the following choicu bits from Presi The object of this publication alibis
dont Iluris's nrent published round : , time as well as the spirit that nui
Hilling the In-1 I'l. Mil, Mini cam- males it is plain enough. Mr. -Mai
, iiuiuri be voted fur tieneml Hancock
"K"'""1 ''tneiul (, f.jr va -
j nous reasons alleged In his letter of
Au(?ll)t 4lh ,(( MrJum,, K ttrvy.
1 have no hesitation iu suppoi ling
General Hancock,' bo wrote, "liecause
bis election will put an end to sectional
strile and lo sectional parties, and will
revivo a patriotic sentiment all over
tlie lunu wliicu political leaaers ana
factions fur sinister ends have sought
lo prevent, senator i.ogan, wno pro-
posed Mr. I avis tor President pro ;.,
und his Grant brethren will remember!
that in that letter Mr. llavis said:
"General Hancock's Order No. 40
stands out in striking contrast witb
the actions of bis superior, who soon
alter rebuked and drove him from that
command lor uttering sentiments
worthy of all honor." And tho faith
ful who annually point with pride to
the record of the great Republican
party and approvo its successivo ad
ministrations will bo pleased to put
this in their pipoof peace and smoke it :
"Alter taialr reera of domlBRllua hj the Re
publican, ehrooie abuxea bar beoome raatened
upoti tbe publio aarvlo lib berDB-!e upoa tbe
bottom of a atrasded elop. Thant I ao bop of I
relorm ljr leader wuo have croated a aratein of
tnaladnlnlktralioB and who art tblereited lo por
petualing iteerll. Kujhiiif hoii of tba stern
est remedy giroa any pruuns of etfrotivo reform,
and Ihe Aral atep towards It ia ohenge of rulers.
New blood must b ipfnsed into tbe management
of publio affairs before relief eaa be axpeoled.
Tbe peuple demand a fhanxe,aod, belug In earn
est, tliey are likely to be gratiaud."
Thus our Republican friends, by
way of attesting their reverence and
respect for Ibo memory ol President
Garfield, have arranged that his suc
cessor, should anything happen to Mr.
Arthur, shall bo n man who had not
sufficient tailh in Mr. Garfield's patri
otism and integrity lo vote for him,
and wbo believed that it would be
impossible to obtain good Government
without first destroying Ihe Republi
can party! In his letter to Mr. O. II
Browning, May Htb, 1 MHO, Judge
Davis laid down his views on tho car
dinal points of tho Republican policy
as follows:
"The demand made by e.lberenla of on of the
great partiea for a atrong Uovemment maana
ajbstanlially a oeatrallsed Oorernment, deatrunt
ive of home rale la the Hialaa and the Tory re
verse of what Mr. Lincoln well desorlbed as a
Oorarnment of tbe propl a, by the people and fur
the poopie. Carried to its logical conclusion
such a cbsog would finally overthrow the re
Hurrah fur Davis, Republicanism
and Slate Rights I Let us go on :
"The existing tariff 1 regarded as a confused
inaas of incongruitlea and monopoliea, eraatad by
special legislation and open to eonstsnt fraud on
the revenue. It taxes the consumer heavily on
those articles especially that are most needed hy
the toiling masses. It tuxes every newspeper,
every school-book, every liihl a-td Ihe aslt of
the workltiglnan nitb groxs injustice, lieeauss the
poor proteose of rs.enue does not exist to
the wrong. A revision, therefore, which ahull
best once searching and fair, Is d.msaded, and
should be promptly and efficiently made." Add
to tbis Mr. Davis'a deolerelinu in tb Senate,
March Inth, that "ihe lime had com when Ihe
mass of incongruities and huge monopolies coin -mnoly
called tariff should be reviewed and adapt
ed to the apirlt of a progressive ege."
Hurrah fur Davis, Republicanism
and Free Trade ! Let us go on :
"Elections ought to bo exempt fn.m any mrn
aocing force, and to be Iree from the "ontemioHt
ing of corrupt Heturning Uoards. No party de
serves confidence that sreks ahscenilency by
striking down houest sutlrage either by tbe use
of troops, by trend or by Inliinidaliou."
Hurrah for Davis, Republicanism
and no troops at tho p ills nor any
deputy marshals I Ami filially let us
contribute to this new era uf good
leeling tho following extract Irnm Mr.
Davis's speech in Ihe Semite, Mutch
11th, 1HH1 :
"An hoBoralile ro'-ognillon of the trust gener
ously confided to aiy keepiug by Democratic
votes In Ib77 re'ulre me to sustain Ibeasisling
organisation of tbe 8enate. M batever mar be
the result, I cab accept no boaor at th hand of
either side."
"When I said 1 would tlie a bachelor
1 did not think I should live till 1 were
married." lova Mate Press.
Flections. Flections aro being hold
to dity (Tuesday) in eleven States, vie:
Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,
Colorado, Mississippi, Nebraska, Wis
consin, Maryland, Now Jersey, New
York and Minnesota. Five of tbeso
elections will be bold tor tho purpuo of
choosing a full board of Stato ofllcers,
and Legislatures will be chosen in four
Commonwealths. New York will elect
four Congressmen ; various other olli
(tors will be chosen in different Slules,
and constitutional amendments will be
voted upon in Nebraska, Wisconsin
Maryland and Minnesota.
Nor Settled Yet. An exchange
says: According to tbe local Republican
organ GoorgeWilliamCurtis ond White
law Held caused the shooting ol (ten.
Garfield. According to Geo. William
Curtis and Whitolaw Reid, Conkling
is the guilty man. Well, it's all in tho
Republican family any way. "Von
pays your monoy and yon tukes your
Lookinii Tiiinos Up. Captain Win,
Arthur, of the British navy, wbo is
now in Philadelphia, visits this country
for tho purpose ol inspecting all the
harbor fortifications on tho Pacific
coast as well as along tho Atlantic sea-
board. Upon tbo completion of bis
work in tho United Stales ho will go
to South America for a similar purpose
It is estimated that the Michigan
firo swept over a surface of 1,800 square
miles, and that tho destruction of prop
erty amounts to $12,310,000, of which
$021,000 was covered by insuranco,
leaving a lost to tho property-holders
amounting to $1,722,000, wh'c.h means
in hundreds of cases that everything
except the land was absolutely lost.
RxiiELt Preferred. Scarcely bad
the Sonate adjourned until the Prosi
dent commissioned Statham, Ma-
bono's Lynchburg postmaster. Hois
now serving ii interim, whilo tho sol
dier Wilson it forced out to make room
for a cheap Confederate, although tho
Scnato rejected bim.
The Wa to do It. A Washington
tolcgram of the 1st says: Mahonelcft
tor Virginia to day witb $10,000. It is
to pay the poll tax for poor colored
voters, and was collected by Internal
Revenue Commissioner Raum from or
through bis subordinates throughout
the country.
Singular. Two young ladies of
Baltimore, long last friends, died at
tbe same hour on Sunday a week, of
malarial fovor, Thoir names were
Annie Hello Brown and Annie Hello
Wilson. Koch knew of tho othcr't
illness. They woro buried in the snme
In a Bad Fix. Tho New York
World says : "When Mr. Conkling
took snuff the Republican parly in
Now York used to tnoore ; now that
be hat malaria, It it sympathetically
A cargo of eight thousand cabbages
arrived at Baltimore from Oldenburg,
fiormany, on the 22d ultimo,
a n rii rn a xp ma o vea an.
j eagh ha persistently refused tore
. muin in the t'ubiuet for the mere con
' of President Arthur until ho
!,. 0)l,,orluli.y , tk,(.lim.
ladvii-urs that are personally and liuliti
cully more uongeniiil to him, It was
j plain enough to Mr. MucVeagh from
i the political relations and personal sur-
i roundings of President Arthur tbut as
j little tuna as possible would bo lost in
i tho selection ol a now Attorney lien
era!, in lint before the breulb was
oul of the body of President Garfield,
but when death was rcirnrdod as in
evitable the significant hint was con
veyed to the public that whatever dis
position might be mndo of the rest of
the Cabinet Mr. Maceaghs sell re
sped required him to anticipate the
kindly intontiuns in his lieliull, and ho
determined logo at unco. There were,
however, some important considera
tions that made it extremely desirable
to President Arthur to keep Mr. Mac
Veagb in official relations with his
administration for a little while longer.
Thu new administration found iisell
confronted with tho Star Route cases
and Mr. Arthur's advisers in consider
ing the embarrassing position came to
the conclusion ihul it would tie an ad
mirable stroke of policy to hold Mr.
MucVeagh in tho ollieo of Attorney
Gonorul so that the failure ol those
prosecutions, with which Arthur had
no sympathy, might be charged upon
tho administration of tie deud Presi
dent. If Mr. MacVeagli persisted in
bis refusal lo take charge of the pros
ecutions tho responsibility might tlien
he thrown upon him.
At first blandishments were tried
upon tho Attorney General in the hope
ol inducing him In become a calspaw.
Ho was told that his eminent abilities
and superior knowledgo of the Slur
Route cases rendered it extremely ad
visable that he should lake i-burge of
thcis. Hut Mr. MucVeagh hud no
such exalted notions of his superior
merits as to make him accensiblo to
this mode of assault. All tho fuels
connected with these cases und all the
knowledge that relates to them weie
within as easy reach of Mr. Bliss and
Mr Brewster as of himself and ho con
sidered theso eminent lawyers from
their long practice in tho criminal
Courts as fully qualified as himself to
prosccuto them. Mr. Bliss ard Mr
Brewster would bo insulted by tho
direct suggestion that tho assistance
of Mr. MucVeagh would be essential
to either of thorn in a criminal prose
cution. So the ulleged necessity that
Mr. MucVeagh should remain in the
Cabinet in tho interest of Ibo Govern
ment until (no Btur Kouto cases are
' dj.H1HU, ,,( j ft mi,ro pri.t,.Ils.
', , . . ,' ,.
r ''"Jed was to make bun a SI
,., I
i he I
fa I lo
gout in cue the prosecutions should
lull tlirnugli want ot tho bincere en
couragement und support til tbo ad
ministration. Tbo purpose id' tbo eliiborutu rcpnrt
of the pusHitge in tho Cabinet csinn
is to creato a prcjudico in the public
mind against tho inflexible Atturney
Gciicjiil of (iailicld in tbo hope that
what ho mav lose in popular estima
tion Arthur will gain, lie is held up
n,nt only an ignorant of bis responsible
duties, but tcs disposed to flee from the
dist'hni'i'O of them. It is pretty cor
tuin thut Arthur was "coached" by his
kitchen Cabinet advisers for this inter
view Willi the Attorney (ienoritl. Tho
President professes great anxiety about
Iho tiuiteuil citso, und wants to know
what preparations Mr. MacVeagh has
made for its prosecution. Mr. Muc
Veagh does not consider it his duty to
cumiiiet criminal proHucttliofis and bo
(unities bis view with the cxpcricnco
of.lndgo Blai-k. There are no such
tlilllcullies in the (iuileau case that tho
first law orliter of tbo tiovornmcnl
inuy not Icitvo it witb tho legul au
thorities of tho district in which tbo
crime was committed. Tbo President
can see no diH'crenco between such a
case and tbo llurr trial fur ti canon, in
which an extensively ramified conspi
racy to suniler tbo country wits sus
pected. In Ibis (iuileau caso, on the
other hand, it is known thul ihucrimo
was the unuided m l of a wrelch futul
ly bent on murder. District Attorney
Corkhill and those whom bo might
select to assist bim could be depended
upon to master all llio legal dilllcullios
in such a euro without the personal
intervention of the first law officer of
tho (ioverniuent. But with this, as
with tho Slur Route cases, llio object
is lo destroy the Attorney (ienoritl
when it is found thai ho catinol bo
used to sorve tho intriguing spirit of
Arthur and his kitchen Cabinet.
llarrirfniiii Patriot.
Tint Ccstir Monument. Tho wink
of erecting on tho Custer battle field
the monument which was sent lusi
year to Fort Custer by order of the
Secretary of Wur, has been completed.
It is in lorm of a low obelisk, in two
blocks resting upon a step, all of
granite, and is in three pieces, weigh
ing respectively 10,1100, 1:2,000 and
14,000 pounds. They were during tho
Wintor placed on a wooden drag, ono
at a time, and hauled to the battle-field,
crossing tho Litllo Big Horn three
times on the ico. Twelve mules wcro
harnessed to each runner of tho drag,
making twenty-four mules four
abreast. Tho monument is six feet
sipiaro at tho base, and eleven feel
uigh, ami being raised on a mound, Un
top stands fun neon feet abovo tho top
ot tho lull.. Its centro is wittiin six
feel of tho Bpot upon which were found
(icneral ''lister's remains. It bears
tho following Inscription, to which aro
added tbo names ot all wbo tell in
Cusler's fight : ' In memory ol ollloors
and soldiers who fell near this place,
fighting with tho Koronth. linited
Statos Cavalry against Sioux Indiana,
on tho 25th and L'lith of Juno, A. 1.
BsTiii.Kiiii.M, October 31. Rov. Dr.
Cortland Whitehead, present rcctorot
the P. I'). Church of tho Nativity,
Fountain Hill, South Bulhlohom, yes
terday morning announced to his con
gregation his decision to accept the
liisiinpnc ot I'ltl-tiiirih lo winch ho
has been elected. The Doctor said ho
goes most unwillingly, hut because he
can And no adequate reason tor declin
ing, which acorns lo satisfy others
whoso wisdom and experience are
worthy of confidence. Tho consccra
tion will not, however, tako placo tin-
til St. Paul's I av, Januury I'Y The
diocosonl 'Pittsburgh comprises all thai
part of 1 ennsylvama west ol llio Alle
gheny Mountains. It includes 25
counties, fX parishes and 11 other mis
sion parishos, about .'10 clergy antl
about 0,01 10 communicants.
TmXtw I'i.Kii'oTr.NTiAiiv. Simon
Woll, of this city, is lbs first Jewish
liplomalio rcnrcaenlutivo to I'-irvnt
since tho days of Pbaraos. He was re
ceived with distinifiiished honors by tho
Khedive and wasuresonted with asabro
and a thoroughbred Arabian etocd.
Ho accepted tho formor, probably
thinking it might bo useful at some
future time, and declined tbe tutor,
most likoly on the ground that he was
horso enough already. Washington
President (iarfleld, when he for the
last timo entered Iho Washington rail
way ttation, carriod a small band
trunk which he bad packed himself.
Hit widow proaervet ii at be left it
and will not allow it to be unpacked.
DisTURlir.ii at L.tar A contempo
rary rut s : The upai tim ots of llie lute
C.:ir in the Winter 1'ul.n e. Si, l'elers
bitrjv. have never been de-Imbed until
now, when a commission bus In en np
pointed lo uttend to hi- i.tljii. His
iauidv papers will be ilsir ied, lii
sti te papers sent lo tho archives and
made public only afier lenty ycuts.
Ills Word roho will l,o disli ibuled among
the charitable institution of wlio-h he
was a patron. It is uieli rstooil that
bis v. riovv is malting biiire iuvcMinciiIs
in Ameiiea.
A Foui.isii Mistake. Don't muko
tbe mistake of confounding a leinedy
af acknowledged mciil with Ihu tin
merous quack medicines tbut ale now
so common, lie speak liom experi
ence when wo suy thul Parker's (lin
ger Ionic is a slerliii-' health reslora-
liro and will do all thai is claimed lor
it. Wo bave used it ourselves with
the happiest results fur Rheutnulism
and when worn out by overwork. See
advertisement. Tunes. 110 -It.
It is estimated that Iho recent over
flow of tho Mississippi caused damages
between Kookult, la , and Louisiana,
Mo., amounting to $2ll.'!,O0O. Tho
stream is falling, but business in the
river towns cannot be fully resumed
for somo days.
Considerate, Anyhow. The Phila
delphia 77iim snys the reason that
Baldwin, Ibo Newark, (N. J.,) Cashier,
did not steal thu Bunking IIouso, was
because tho President and Directors of
of the Rank might havo missed tbe
building and made a fuss about it.
l)i.-hop Jcsso T. Peck and wile, of
Syracuse, N. Y.,colcbratcd theirgolden
wedding un Thursday, tho 27lh ultimo.
Tho Bishop Is 7 1 years of uge, and has
been connected with tho M K. Church
for half a century.
'jintj gtiii-fi'tisfiufnts.
i- 1 application will be niale at the November
'lerm of Court. A. D. 1 8H I for a chsrtrr of incur
t'orslloa for '-The Uurnside Coruet Hand," of
lloroRiile, Clearfield ooutitr, I'a., pursuant to the
provl ionsof Ihe Act of npproi-cd tho
JKlh day of April, A. II. I-71. S. V. WILSON,
Clearfield, 1 1 J SI St. Atl'jr fur i'rlilionrrs.
rj'HK umlcrsinnrd aill ponlinne the ttitclif ring
X business al Ion old stand. Meat market in
iho planing mill onice, on 1'ine street. rtfh
mrat every Mondsr, Wednesday, Friday aad
Sa'urdav mornings. Your p:itrniu,t is respect
fully solicited. K. W. IlKUWN,
I'er M. Is. IJaoa n.
OrsrfioM, I'a., 11 1 Sl-tr.
I IIITdK NOTll'l;.
In re estate of I In tl,e Orphans' Court
A- H. Diokilison. of Cloarllsld county.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
voun 10 isee lesumony ami liear exceptions to
account ot administration and renin Ihrm i it,
Court will attend to bia dune as sifh at his
,eio ClearaeM, t Till KSlsAV, HhCKMllKIl
1ST, al 1 o'clock, A. M., when and wlirro all
parlies inlerested mar attend. H. V. WII.M1N',
Clearhcld, fa., 1I2SI ;jt. Auditor.
VDMIMSTK Vllllt'S MsTII K N,liee
is hrrehr ni,rn that Lrttera of Administra
tis on the esteie of PHILIP J. M I' I.I.KN. lute
of Lsrwenre tap., Clearfield eounly, Pa., dee'd,
hosinit been dnl.r (rrsnted to the undersigned, all
rsrsons Indehted to said estate will please nuke
immediate payment, and those having elsims or
demands against the same will preiem ilietn prnp
erlr authi-ntixeted for aettlein"nt. wi!hot drier,
HI OH MI l.'l.KN.
llearteld, I'a , Nor. 11, lSSI-ti.
It KM O V.VId!
Til It WineM Rn'l BW4t,vr8 of tho Utn flrtu
ol UkOADUKNT t. I'll I L -ll'ti.htvtuffbtrB
(jUTpbrnted tijr tho otitlf n-ifeheil, the; bvo tuovnej
the mo In VU CboKDut treot, wtiett they will
b plticfd to Ptm thrir o i psiruai.
Xttj re'pcctr.illr,
(fc'ofciHorn to Urrikadbont Jt l'bfllii.)
PhilftuMpfai.,, IVnn'k.
fl'NeKatirei of tlie pM oigbt or tin yenri r
trrrd by tbrin.
aNiiTcmbor H, IttSl-Iy.
Agra!! Wtuitrd Itur (hi' .Llie to nil Wart f
L..r r.f t,
...!.. I
1 irsuiil
Knirllvh and (Jrrnwn i t-.-.uhi.iily iNn-imb-i :
ls.111 Ijui It li"Hlnl. I . .-I sal'lltB fim ittibei
li.i.s.1. n John f. Hllil.i, I.L. I.
CAUTION, taut 1 'd rim i.i it'll I s's-'kt w il i
wtiirb Mi rfiiiiilrf ) RmxtixJ, lliry iin ultsily
itthWoj; an nuliaf upon the mriii"tj nf the" (! n
itt avi. avid ha ft .nil 011 ttia fmtilic Tim IkwiIc ii
fit 1 1 rr 1 7 NrT. Tlf wilt wnrta wnrtby t 'ia I hf ..
prnti &. Iu HtnniM lr A vent's OatlU.
..III? I'll
Jt'M.l JlJaUIUaW J. .(... I'U.tll-
II 2 81 4t
Xetr f alto to mre tinf ktlnfT dlaftw rrtm-
Horvttr; rIao, dlsMwi nf tlin lilrvliler. ZESHSZi
r n ii it pwiuvo cure,
lurrrnrtnf luuUi, 1'im n.
Fur bri'--iii-t r nth. riV
runt-s'k lll 1. -( Mitl . il..
tMunry. firo mid !(; r "f yrmth In twin sri"
V'ir iiTTdtii k' 11T
ttotialurnlor unnatural K0
rriir nlu rur mro. JE2
ff(l Will j)
'i mm y "ii 1 in ornnt v
iiir urlnitr) r t"Ui V ii'' t
ronlo wnn'i '.fntu of all fc1n1t, 1'mli k lw
fit. 11 willTi" ),tM r-rni.v . ..- Vt 'n "Tv 'V
avi irnu.rt) ur At h'M (frutly Ujuuflt.
fcctiil for a p.iiniililr-t.
B. D. II AltTU AN A CO., Oiboni, Ohio,
Krvri Ti-nr bow. remilur witb
S. S. M.UiVIN & CO'S.
Pan Cake Flour.
I'miMlcr Flour lJiil wl,M tlx timnn lrn..-a- fluir
f-r I 'nil 4hci. Tin ill ti-lioi,. Ut ur nr wl ii col.)
wiilrr itr wii1 milk, innkoa iMtlfrmut bikvae fni-o
un hot RniMle. lit I. Mui.irt JM niuoli cIujmt
t sin Hue k oliuai flour.
tf AM VOIR G HOTK I If 1 XK IT . -
Ol It
New York Water Crack ers,
x"x x oysti:i. ciui kkiw,
Kr inferior In nit r.tbir Whrn ymi hiijr frrkt?ri
plf for UMItVINf. and ili-ni kr hj uiUi, fir
lhy are Iho twu. UAi- and Work
I M, t.litiiil B7 I.lbrrtj Mirrrt,
tetall IiMrlniint,
- - in 11 f. h Avenue,
riTTHiti juar, r.4.
Nortmlmr fl, 1881 tm.
I Y vlrln nf in order of the Orlini Court of
I 9 Mfirlltld eounir, I'm, tbr will b txpogad
to paMIc it iht COI KT IlUl SK, In C'liar
Bold, 1'enn'a. en
Saturday, November 10t!i, 1S8I,
Thf ffallowltiK i'-flribed ptt of rl itkU of
HU'llAHlt SUA W, HK.t Ufa nf Uwrt.o t..wa
fbtp, Clrfild eountT. Fnn (Immwi), fti :
All thit eorttio pieos of I nod liluato In Lftarrntt
towmhip, CUifAold ooonty, boitndid fullowi :
H'Klnn.nR at pntt on 'AwMd creek, at fntd
Inn nil tnwaabip road j tbeno nnrtb l4 d ((
Mt3l7 perch 01 to pt at bridge ortr 8irim
run on Huool land of Jnwph lloon ) tbanMinntb
tJ dfjtroet tut by Uvad of Joreph (lonn n8 pr
ehtt to nnit by tld of Naney Oftdrit'a lot
thonoo by nar Und nntb 4it drra 64 per
ohofl to poat by two whit pines thenM umib 44
degreta weat hy Naney Ojtde' tot II preha to
a pnat on dt of turnpike nnth 4)i oait
It peroboa to wblto pioo toih 31 de;ro at
llf ptrcbaai to brld; tbotiot dowa rt-k ibo aer
oral ooaratnand diiianco to plan of beginning
onntftlftlng TO aerti, nnra or Ut, and hating
IberooB oroeted a fratua boua antl bars, and, alau
ft bt iriag orchard,
TVtt.ltS OF &.1LVt
Oat-thlrd anh, ort-thtrd In ona yoar, ana-third
! ma yaara wlib iaiarttt, tecured by boad and
wortgagt. A. B HIMW,
Kittatan .
Clrwlali, Pa., Oat. U, lttl 4U 1
rhese arc the Ov
wc live by
every day,
any one can see
Oak Hall is
the Largest Clothing House;
in America.
Hoping to serve
Yours truly,
Wanamaker & Brown,
ilftr adrrrtUrmrnts.
AllMIMHi R ATtllt'K KOTIf 'K. Netiee
la bereliy ulren that Irltrra t A.lailnistratioD
ia the .state ol MA KV AI1MKV, late of Morris
lonnsbi, Clearilelil nnunly, la ., Att't, hariaa: I
tieen tluly grnu.d lo Iheundrraianed , all persons j
indebted t,i sanl estate will please make iioaiedi
I'M"''"', tr'' "''!!" r I
tuaoda aeainat tho iama. will ur , I thm nrrirt.
tily authenticated for leftiemont wllti-iot delay,
O. P. KKKhK, Adminitlratur.
Kytertown, Oct. A, lf!l.nt.
For Sale or Rent!
Tt iul's?ritr pm pim.- to fell or rent i n um
ber of I arum local rd ai followa : The firit wittiate '
in Daraiida townnhip, Centre Anuntr, eon tai Ding i
160 ftfirea, buvirj-r ilifroon errott a frama dwaJI- i
in ft. Ira me hnrn, aiMaeent to a Hmri'b, and knowo
ai the Jamea Mulhcllantl farm. j
ALSO, aimthnr farm lituato in Urabam tiiwo- 1
atiip, Clratfiald county, mntininjr 117 aerei, with
the nectr; tfnirovtmot. Thu (arm in uminr- 1
laid niin ft (lOOl) VKIN OF COAL.
ALSO, ail othr fartna in (he rkinit of French - i
illr, eon'jiinina: rf.fttfullr IIS, Id'i.Ui, o.;, U0
and Iff acrM. Tbra far mi all bars bouiei and I
batroi thereon, good water, Nitrioit ofp' ards no '
am, well a aotna good wud land. Fur j
further pariionlart ah 1 1 in per mm, or aMrM tbe i
undrnincd by letter. L. M. CorbKlKT. '
Jan. lUtb. lRl-tf. FrcnhrillB,Pa.
Estate of Isaac Bloom, Jr.
NOTlCi: TO lU.IK-!
1 N the natter of the cilate )
In (be Orphan'
X or lae uloi'in, Jr.,
late V Court of Cle-rHeld
of Pike townchip, dee'd. J county, Penn'a,
To Henrietta B Klder and Robert KMer, her hus
band, refilling at or near Conoord, lUnmick
county, Iowa; .Jennie H. Junea and Warren
Jonet, bcr hunbanJ, retittinn at or near Alden,
Harden eountv, Iowa j iUr.nth K, Letmm and
John Lemon, her builiaud. reaidiuic near Ma
hitToy, tletirfleld oouuti, I'a ; Flonne Prit. h
ard and J . 8. Priicliard, her liiinlmnd, reniiluijr
at er near llelinond, Wright cutioty, Iiwa ;
MiBiiia Hoover arid N L h n er, her h'iband,
rridinf at Dullui. Clearl'u-M eoiinty, P. nn'a, ;
Utile Hunter and V,' 8. Hooter, tur hu.,nd,
reiidiriif al or nrr -North i.awrcrce, ;
W alter 11. UIooid, rrnifimu at or near liemi'Mid,
Witnlit county, Iowa. T Jeff. Hlootu, rrriding
Boar (.'urwonii illti, C'lc.-irRrd 0'iuniy, l'nun'ii. ;
Annie Forest ami .f 0. Fornt, her hubnil,
raaiding at or near l'lerfii0. Ht idi(e, Clearfield
ciiunty, 1'enn'a K. J. Walker Itlooin, reindmijt
at or near lierner, llHticock county, Iowa, beiri
and legal repreientnleea of Line Dloom, air,
late of J'ike townnhtp, ClearBrld vounlr. des'd,
ana eUo heiri of F. Cortri Hlooin, drceaaed.
and lifo beiri of HUnebe V, lllnom, dee'd, wbo
were beiri ol Iaao bloom, 'r., decereJ,
TAtR Notii I, That at an Orphaca Court for
the county of Clearfield, be d at Ihe borough of
Clearfield, Pm.m,. Hani, on the lth day ot Sep
tember, A. J). 1 MH1 . The return and report u(
ihe inquel appointed ait nelrrlnl to mike parti
tion ol Ihe rial estate Ute uf luaao I. loom, Jr ,
deceaaed Wei produced in open oourt and em
flrieed, and a rule g rat ltd you and earb of you
at heira and legal rejirnantattreaot decedent,
lo aijiear In laid eourt on the 14th day of
Aoveuiner, a. u. ai z o olooK, f. M and
accept or n-fafe laid real ertate at tha valuation
thereof, or how eauae why the lame rhuiiid not 1
beiold. Yoit are therelore hereby noli lie it and
comtnaoilrd lo be preiant at tbe time end plaoe
above mentioned, and arcept or relme laid real
ettate it the valuation thereof or ibow caue why
the tame abould not be mid.
PnaRirr'i Orrirr, ) JAS. 5U1IAFKKY,
Olearlleld, Oct. Itf, Ibpl. J , tSbcriff.
Orphans9 Court Sale
Valuable Itoal llato!
IN pnrananoe of an erder ef tha Orpbirj' Court
of Clearfield count r, Pi., there will be et
poned to public iale at the hotel of Otorffe X,
Darla, Id the borough of New Washington, on
Wcdncsdny, Nov. 1G, 1881,
At 1 o'clock P.M., all the following described,
real eMata of Joho Rorabaub, late of Ujrniide
townhlp, laid eounty, deceaiel, vii t
"VTO. 1. All that certain tract of land ituati )
Xl kid tewnvhip, bounded wet by lamia late
of Janea Uallaber, noith by land latt of Craw
ford tJallaber. earn by land late of Daid Mitchell,
and ion th br land late of Benjamin (J alia her,
containing 1 00 aeree, more or 1m. The improve
ment! eonalit nf a two-atory plank dwelling
bouie. lhiilt feet, with an addition ISI feet,
bank barn, .SKiAl feet, weapon ahed and other out
building! t alio, a good orrhard. Prparly nearly
all aleared and under fiod oultivitioo.
"VO. t. In earn twp., Sounded aoutb by land of
ll Ruoelt Horabauih, went by lanl of Jamea
Hlephenann, north bv land late of the John Hur
gundy beira, and eaat by pub I in road and ether
land of tatd Rueeell Rorabaukth, and containing
HI aerea, 0fl perehea and allowance, more or leti.
ItnnrnvemenU c-miit of a two-atorv Tram
dwelling hiuae, lHaltOfeet. with two atory kitchen
Iff feet aif ntre, bank barn At) feet aq uare, and other
otoQuildingi, Oood apple orchard en Ihe prem
taea. Property nearly all cleared end nnder cult),
TO t. In rant towofhin, bounded eat b
land of Jamaa Navaire. north bt John M
Cum Bin ra, weal by (and late of Jainei Oallahar,
and tout b by landa of John M Riddle and Lea
nt) Br era, eonlaioing Id aerei aet. Improve
ment cooiIm of a twe atory logdwelliog houe.
ahout Ki3H feet, and a log it Me. About 10
aofei cleared and nnder cultivation.
On lot No. 1, one. third of the purobaie nonev.
and enough af the rendue thereof ti eotereoita
and (eee f partition and aae, and on Iota Not.
and 1, one-1 bird of the nu rebate manev nifkhu
owh on oonflrmilinn of iale, the balance ef the
purcnaea money in two payment! In each eaae,
with Interett from date ul aale, one-half la ana
year from the dale of iale, and the remainder
Ihe death of Marr J. Korabauth. mUm
of laid deceaeed. The latter two pajmenta with
lei tr it, parable aanuall, to be eaoered by b-ij
aad mon gage en the nreotnea
. . AdmlnlMrntr,
OttoVtr II, 1S3I.JI.
Wnnainahrr'ji tflothdm SStlvrrtlsnntnt.
This One Foot Rule
may chance to he of service in many homes! It will
also serve us if it recalls the
which arc:
-Wc never ofler for
believe will give
who wear it.
Wc stoutly
have the
Fall and.
WW j.i.
and Market Sts., Philadelphia.
31nr Sfli'frtisfmfnta.
TIIKHK will le epse.l lo i.gll- a.le, at tl.a
I ... .'. . . ... ' 7
Osrrola lloase, in II. e borough of Uieeola, 00
Saturday, November 20th, 1881,
The fwllowii-n deaeribeil property, owned by Win.
Ii ilarnar, lata of Decatur towuibip, deoeasod :
One pier or parrel of land litnate in tbe lown
ahip of Decatur, eoMTitj uf Clearfield, State of
I'etinnjlrania , bounded on the aoutb by Andrew
Gardner, !) the weal by CurtiB Heainf, ol tbt
north by Stephen D. Kephart, and on tbe aou th
en t by Tboiuai HdiIIt, flotitiiioinf about thirty
acrei, more or . Tbii land it underlaid with
three fro-.d Ttitu of con I, and ku alarftelisro
erecte.l thpreon
TKHMS Onr-tbird oa tji-tiflrmatl 'B of aale,
one-third in one year, end oue-third in two ye are,
secured by bond and tDortgnjre nn the pretuiaei.
JAMKi K. 11 AKNKlt, Kxroutor.
0oeulB, I'a., Nov. 1. lhljl-St.
Fire-Proof Safes.
.rN.. it
The only 8-Flange Safe in the World,
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as
More Bccuro from Burplrin tlion nny
Fire l'roof Sufu, iinilno oxpcnuo
in ri'imiring Bulls or Locka.
Palenl Hinged Cap,
Four-Wheel Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
Solid Angle Corners.
Those Safes aro now being Hold in
(li'm gluts in
And (jlvo tho
Greatest Satisfaction,
Dcinn (ho Mot ITi(hly Pi nixhcil,
Best Hido, and Choapost First-1
Class SAFE ivor Troduccd. I
TUoso Colobrftteil Hnirn hftj tl.o
Champion Record
is tub
Great Boston Fire,
And mnca that tim ORiAT.nd impor
botin mde.
Beforo giving your order to ny
other ooncrirn, .ond for prioen and
doicriptiva Catalogue,
Dk. il, IIIMj. -
il' J H r' r" 1 H IP CI B ' iF'BWII II
rules of' OAK HALL,
sale any Clothing Imt wliut vc
tlioroutjh satisiuctioii to those
maintain our custom to always
largest stock of men's and boys'
to show our customers.
do not allow our salesmen to
mislead customers as to fit or
quality or kind of j.'oods.
We stick to oik; price
ttlikc to overyboil),
rich and poor.
We give the guar
antee with each
sale we make.
-We return
. the money to
anybody who
wish it, if they
choose to
bring back
the goods un
injured. (U'(rllS(iacut3
I'tlll X AI.I'.. Thl.l-ee tires ol
irt liree aliiel, I will e.11 ehe.p for
oefti. or ei-turice for atirat. For fortti.-r ia
forto itl"i, estl on or a 1 Ires the tirnlerricoe.I.
J. K I, HAM I I:.
Nov 5. "7 tf. Cloar-l.l. I'a.
' "aT OTIC i:... l l.e oMertigned, realdie ia the
' u. .,,.'.1'
si.iaire o sve.lorer, IB L'l.est t',wihi;
tzi9 ii!,".iji,t arrnrniTirnt and prw-
poe t open an KAl lNtJ I.Ol'sK fur the ac
ocuaniodiiiioii uf the put)ir (foerM. and 1 here
by lolit'it a lil.irnl nhrtre l the rolili-(ml r-r mre,
.I01IN J. fNVDKIt.
Wi-l-rer, Pa , Feb. ., irlSl-if.
XIi( IIH)H'!( NOTIC'B. Nntiaaii here.
by siren ihal Lel(er J erlametstary nn tba
Late uf IIKNIt tlANTZ, b! ur liradr twp.,
(Jleartit-ld county, IVnnry Ivaiia , der-eurd, bar
leg Inen du'y ;ri,ted to tbe ucderinad, all
peraooN Indeliled t Kuid eatata will pleat make
imtoeliiie payment, and thoae hrin eUim or
deuiandr asatnil the lame will preieot tbeta
prnpcrlr authenticated for nettlement.
.Utheraburf, I'a., Oct. ID, ISS(.ftt.
1 I II Altl lilt. Nolisa Is herobj ,1.,.
that ariplicaiion will be made atider the prntistoai
of the Act of the General Asseiulil.r of Peansrl.
vanla, aproed April U. IS74. aud tba
ment thereto for Ihe ereatlnn (if a eorpuratino to
be snuwa as Ihe Wailaeeton Fire llrlek Companj',
to be loeated at Wallaeeioo, Id Clearoold eoitulr,
tha purpoae aad olijeet of which shall be tn
inaDUfaoture Are britk ami other artiol.s.
WAI.I.Al'K Klti:04,
ClrarSeld, 10 1 81-Jt. Attnroers.
Farm Property I
IN furuane of in order of tli Orphan' Cnrt
if I'learfield rountr, I'a.. the will be et
lioaed to pul-lifl nale at the COURT IIOf.SB, in
tbt horougb of CI.KAKFIKtb. on
Monday, Nov. 14th, 1881,
At 1 aV'nck P. .M.. all the f.illnwitir real
of John llaneoek, late ul P.he townnbip, eai I
eonni, d'-rraafl, t.i wit: All that certain Irirt
or P-.r-BiinBi or lnnd rltuate In PiVe,
ClenrfiilJ counl.T, Pa , bOHinIeJ and ileaot i&. ai
fulhiw : llfKliining at a maple nu line nf Un I of
Alexir Irr Cl Iwrll : tliMie north tme and one.
half degreea wett 32 prrrhei t.i a while oak :
thence rat ttlii croha to a t,iot ; tbenee -oulh
17 prr-hi to a white jitoe atnmp i enot l
prche to a white nak buch t thrnre anttth CO D IO
pereboa lo a poet; thenee eait Tf) perchra to ft
ma; le and place of beginning, eontaininjr; eWut
Mnrenr lea, and aJioininj landa of Alexao Ur
CaMwell, Patrick Mullen, (Wre Welb, Jr.'a
eatate, and nthere. The improvementi it of
a two atory plank Uau, ISi IU feet, with klifhon
attached, ami a log barn, fidio (Vet. Prupert;
nearly all r lea red and nnder eulil ration.
Tfrmt of Sttie,
One third nf tbepiirrbaoeinonj' anil eWo enough
of tbe re i.lua (hereof to ourer the ooata and feoa
(ncident to naid partition and aale, ewnh on con
(Irinatioo cl nale : one-third lo one yrar I'-om date
of nale. and ihe remaining third thereof at the
death ot Mary Hancock, widi'W of tM deeaaad.
Ttie latter two payment with lhir tiiterae, par
able armntlly, to he aemirnd br bond and nart
gaf(i on the prenlaef,
W. W. UKTT3, Trwtea.
ClaarfielJ, Pa., Oct. IV, 1HSI-U,
Cheap Cash Store
Clearfield, Pa.,
Comptlslns: Presa Oooda or the er? latest sules,
enslslint la pan or Casbmeres. Ms.Fheitrr
Faneies, Alparaa, and all aaaauar or
Fancy Dress Goods,
Sinh aa Cretoaa, Mb1r Lnitera, Plaida, Dreaa
Oinjrhamn, Dreae Fanrlei of tha very lateM
ft) !, and aa obap at they oan he aold
In tbia market.
C(imiting of UI'ivm fr Uetit, Ladlea I
Miatea. )l ae or all abadea, Kjlk Frinre.
Laeea, Fancy reee Ladlea'
Tiea of all abadea and etylea, Cnffa
and CoMara, hibbona of all kind) and
qualities. Merino I'nderwear, Triramlagi, etc.
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
CurpcU, Oil C lothN,
Whisk am be aold wholesale er retell. Will take
Country Produce
In Kich.ttf for (Janata .1 Hartal Frlree,
Cltu-IUIst, Pa., Hpt. 14, in! tf,