Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 02, 1881, Image 2

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    She fftcpuliliran.
Gioroi B. Goodlandib, Editor.
Wkonehday MnimKn, Novkhber 8, 18M.
Raadar, If yoti want to know what I. going on
In lba ba.lnei. world, lost road onr adeonia
IflluM, lba fyeeial oolumB la partleular.
Democratic State Ticket.
PcmocrnUc County Ticket !
roa amociat. ji Dota :
JOflX I. Cl'TTI.I. of ClearSeld Borough.
JOHN 1IOCKRNUKBKY, of Cbe.1 Towaihlp.
JOHN W. WRIULKY, of Clmrflld Borough.
JOHN I. STRAW, of Fergoaon TowBehlp.
JOHN PICAUD, of Corlngtoo Townihip.
RKt'BFN 8TRAW, of Jordan Townihip.
JOUN W. liOWB, of I.awrBBoa Towaiblp.
Dr. JOHN I. KANE, of DuBola Boroogh.
Guileau's trial hs been postponed
until November 14tb, at tlio request ol
tho dolenso.
King Kalukaua, of the Sandwich
Islands, who has been visiting in this
country, has returned home.
lion. Wm. I'inknoy Whyte, Demo
prat, was elected Mayor of Baltimore
on Wednesday last. The whole Dom-
ocralic ticket was elected.
Continued. Prosidont Arthur has
complimented Postmaster General
Jamos with a re-appointment, and the
Senate promptly confirmed the soloo
tion, William Windom, late Heoretary ol
the Treasury in Garfiold's Cabinet, has
beon elected to go back to the United
States Senate by the Michigan Legis
lature. Think of It I What tho pardon of
twelve ponitontiary birds in one day
will work for tho good ol the Com
monweallh is a moral problem yet to
bo worked out.
A Head at Last. President Ar
tbursuoceeded in finding a Secretary of
the Treasury on Thursday last, in the
person of Hon. Cbnrlcs J. Folgor, a
"Stalwart" of Now York.
Went Abroad. The Democrats of
the Dauphin and Lebanon Judicial
District have nominated Hon. Robert
K James, of Easton, as their candidate
for Assistant Law Judge.
On the ovo of the election you will
bear many roorbacks and bug a boo
atnrira. Don't let our Democratic
readers bo deceived. Believe none of
Senate Adjoi'bned. The special
session of the United States Senate
adjourned last Saturday without dato.
It is only a month until Congress as
sembles in regular session.
Just the Man. We notioe that tho
Huntingdon Radicals have resolved to
nominate Wayne MaoVeagb for Gov
ernor since Prosidont Arthur kicked
bim out of his Cabinet. Bold Hunt
ingdonitos I ,
A Start Made. President Arthur,
on Thursday last succeeded in securing
three Cabinet Ministors-rTrcaBurcr
Postmaster General and First Assist
ant Postmaster General. The ap
pointees are all Stalwart Grantitcs.
Plantino Them Thick. "The Gov
ernment" now hails ohiefly from the
city of Now York. Thoro is Prosidont
Arthur, Folger, Scorotary of tho Treas
ury, and James, Postmastor General.
It looks as though tho Prosidont was
about to adopt the Ohio plan.
Democrats, go to tho polls next
Tuesday and vote for John W. Wrio
lit. A dosperato effort is boing mado
by Ibo opposition parly to defeat him.
It cannot bo done if the full Democratic
vote is polled next Tuesday. Don't
trado on any account whatovor.
Started. Conkling's administration
is gotting under pretty good headway.
and aa soon as the November election
is over and the Senate adjourns, he
will play a tall gams on tho half breeds,
Grant is bis right bower nnd Arthur
hi left, while Logan and Cameron
will be used as aooa, and with a hand
of that kind bo will euchre any half-
breed that may engage him.
Democrats, you have a Xoblt candi
date for State Treasurer one who is
worthy the support of every tax payer
in the State. The man and the causo
should inspire every Democrat to
earnest, united effort in bringing
out our whole strength next Tuesday,
November 8th. W can't elect onr
ticket by staying at homo.
The Erie Herald it trying to make a
fight upon Orange Noble; but it never
attempts to explain why a few years
ago when Mr. Noble was a candidate
for the Legislature, Mr. Scott and bis
Herald were lavish in praise of Mr.
Noble as one of he best and foremost
men of Erie. The party might be de
ceived in Mr. Noble, but according to
the testimony of Mr. Scott and the
Herald that seems almost impossible.
Seeking Kndobsement. Radicals
are asked to elect General Baily in
order that tho attempt to throw the
vote of the Pennsylvania delegation at
Chicago for Grant may bo endorsed.
What was the chief purpose of Cameron
and Quay in putting up Goneral Baily
a the candidate for Stats Treasurer.
What have tho half breeds to say to
this stalwart measurer Swallow it
like a turkey buazard dot a grub-worm.
Well Stated. The BufTulo(N.Y )
CWi' alluding tothe lintlieulriin tbe
oleclion of a Prcnidotit pro lem. of the
United Status Sunuto, suys: "While
we do not Uiimo the Ropublicunt for
electing a Prosidunt ol the Senate, wo
cannot too strongly e.ipri'K our con
tempt for the hypocritical vxcuau that
it was dune to protect the life of Pres.
ident Arthur. If the scoundrel who
murdered l'rcnidutit Garfield did so in
order to muke Jlr. Arthur President,
the danger that another scoundrel or
lunatic may contemplate such a crime
against the present Kxccutivo bus not
been obviated by seating Mr. Daris in
tho chair of the Senate. We do not
yet regard murder as a permanent
factor in the affairs of tho Nation.
Moreover, no party in control of the
Scnato will ever consent to wuivo its
right of electing the presiding ofllcer
and tho Republicans certainly would
be tho last to do so. Tho only
effective method to protect the present
Chief Magistrate and bis successor
against murderous assaults of disap
pointed office seekers is by a genuine
and lasting reform of the civil service
Should tho party that now controls
both legislation and administration un
dertake such a reform it would receive
cordial and earnest Democratic sup
port." Tur Buckeyes. A cotomporary, in
alluding to those people on our west
ern border, says: "In a few briel
months the pooplo of Ohio will be
howling wildly for a now census.
Within thut time tho four quarters of
tho world will pour back upon thut
State a perfect flood of its precious
children who have been engaged in
the pleasant task of running the Gov
ernment machino during the past four
years. Ohio very nearly managed to
fill the whole civil sorvico and the con
sequence was a serious curtailment of
its population. Arthur is going to re
store thoso wanderers to their native
heath, and wbon they get borne Ohio
will begin to understand bow unfair is
the rocord of the census tables, which
mako no account of those Buckeyes
absent in Juno, 180."
"Dickering" Statesmen. If it shall
turn out that Judgo Folgor is a pur
chased Cabinotoer, tho price of whose
induction into the Treasury is a rever
sionary seat on tho bench of tho Su
preme Court, tho transaction sinks to
a dicker. It is neither dignified nor
ilocent. We put no faith in the cur
rent rumors about tho euhjoct. The
gossips at Washington are nothing if
not malicious. Judge Hull, now on
tho Bench from Now York, has been
an invalid for over two years, and is
likely to resign just as soon as Prosi
dont Arthur gets bis Cubiuet job fin
ished. After that, Folgor goos on the
Supremo Bench and Conkling will
either himBolf, or by deputy, run tho
Treasury Department on the unadul
terated Stalwart plan.
Hi niirv Office seekers. The ex
tra session of tho United States Senate
has drawn to tho Federal Capital flocks
of political buzzards of the "moral
idea" persuasion with the hope of ob
taining an office Tho Washington
Star, of Wednesday last, says : "The
hotel lobbies are beginning to fill np
with hungry patriots who want place.
Tho majority of the applicants, slrango
as it may seem, are from Ohio, with
Kentucky a good second. These gon
tlomon might as well go home, as the
President has quito evidently dolor
mined that be will not make any ap
pointments until Congress meets, ex
cept to till absoluto vacancies." The
most of Arthur's appointments will be
from Now York.
Not Much TnAT Way. An ex
change remarks : "Tho Stalwarts woro
novor noted for sentiment, and it is not
surprising that they are already grum
bling at President Arthur's studied
efforts to completo such work as Mr.
Garfield lull half done. It is sentiment,
however, that the President has so far
beep very prudent in observing. He
is wise in not deliberately undoing
things that Mr. Garfield had begun.
There will be time enough for him to
sot tho sails of tho ship of state tor a
different course wbon he is fairly out
of the wators In which Mr. Garfield
left tho vessel. Sontimcnt should not
bo defied too flagrantly.''
Ratukr Contradictory. Tho St.
Louie TVmcisays: "David Davis evi
dently thinks himself big enough to
cover a multitude of sins. Hypocrisy,
deceit and treachery aro only part of
the long list ho has got to account tor,
The country does not and cannot for
get that liltlo explanatory speech of
Sonator David Davis on the 12th of
last March, in which he solemnly slat
ed, "1 can oxcept no honor at the bands
of either sido." Yot, now bo accepts
Presidont pro tern of tho Senate from
the Radicals.
Sold Out and Resigned. A Now
York telegram says that Rev. Henry
Ward Bcechor has sold his interest in
and resigned the editorship of the Chrit
tian Union. Lyman Abbott will sue
coed bim. We presunio that Ward
will now devoto his time to finishing
his "Life of Christ," which was knock
ed "as high as a kite" during the Tilton
trial. How awfully this man has fullen
out of lino I
Liberal. The Board of Pardons,
which was in session at UarrUburg
for sevoral days last week, granted
twelve pardons in one day. That will
relieve theponitontiaries to some extent
anyhow. What the moral feature of
such work amounts to is pretty difficult
to define.
Resioned. Gen. Francis A. Walker,
Superintendent of the Census Bureau,
has resigned, and the Prosidont ap
pointed his Chief Clerk (Charles W.
Scaton, of New York,) to fill the va
cancy. The Senate confirmed tho ap-
pointmont tbo same day.
Frank Ilalton, of the Burlington
Hawheye, who has boon appointed to
suceoed Mr. Tynor as First Assistant
Postmastor Goneral, was ons of ths
famous 306 at Chicago. HoisanOhio
man too, having been born at Cadiz,
Ohio, in 1 15. ,
An Improvement on Ttneb. Frank
Hatlon, ons of ths editors of ths Bur
lington (Iowa) Haickeyr, has been
appointed and confirmed as First
Assistant Postmaster General, in the
room of Tyner, ths Star Routs jobber,
who rssignsd by request. .
To thk Point. The St Louis Re
publican states the fuels in a nut-shell,
in this wny : "The disclosures that
bow I'uluey lo bo a mere scape-goat
in the Treasury investigation are quite
in keeping with tho inside history ol
every ring inquiry ever prosecuted by
the Republican party. The big unculs
are all let off, while somo petty subor
dinate is ot up to receive tho maledic
tion of the country. Pitney is only
going through the same txpbrience
that Avery passed through, and it has
becu the same with a long aeries of
investigations into which the Republi
can party bus been forced by sires ol
oircumstunces which it could not resist.
They aro always fruitless so far as the
great rascals are concerned. Witness
the oulcomo in the investigations of
Black Friday, Credit Mobilior, District,
whisky, star route and treasury rings,
Tbreo times tho disclosures carried the
inquiry to tho Whito House, and tho
wholo machinery ol tho party was em
ployed to stop the dungorous inquest
Is it reasonable, with this damning
record of impotence, to oxpeot that tho
Republican party will over bo able to
do anything in tho way of reform?"
"The Father of Waters" Raciinu.
The Mississippi river at Burlington,
Iowa, on Tuesday of last weok, at
which time it was still rising, was two
inches above tho high water mark of
Juno, 1880. Tho Illinois bottom op
posits Burlington was inundated for a
distance of five or six miles. Little
dumago has been done in Burlington,
but portions of Jackson and Huron
townships, in tho northern part ot tho
county, have suffered greatly.
A dispatch from (juincy, Illinois,
dated October 30th, says : "Tho river
at this point to-night is nineteen feel
above low water mark, having risen
slowly all day. All railroad tralllo
south and west flora bore remains sus
pended except on the Hannibal and
St. Joe which is still running. All tho
inhabitants of the Sny valley have
moved out to high grounds, many of
them taking reluge in this city. The
water is steadily spreading over the
thousands of acres of fertile farms pro
tected by tbo embankment and the
loss to farmers will be very heavy."
The Treasury. This important
Department of tho Federal Govern
ment for the past three weeks has
boon run without a head and in a kind
of "freo and easy" manner. As soon
as President Outfield was dead the
Secretary, Mr. Windom, struck for tho
woods of Minnesota to have himself
elected United Slates Senator and suc
ceeded. In tho meunlime President
Arthur appointed Hon. U. D. Morgan,
of New York, to fill tho vacancy. Tho
Senate confirmed tho appointment at
once. Then, after all this ceremony,
Mr. Morgan has declined the appoint
ment. Judgo Folgor, of Now York,
was tendered the plnco, and has ao
ceptcd it.
It LooksSo. An exchange remarks:
Indications increase that Mr. Arthur is
going to try and make the next Presi
dent. We can't toll yet who his can
didate will bo although tbo signs so
far observable seem to point to Grunt
bul we are beginning to fiud out
what camlidato this administration will
be ugainst. Blaine is one, as a mutter
of course, and the rumor that Kdmunds
is talked of for the Supremo bench
shows that Arthur botb opposes and
fears him. If John Logan is really
nursing aprivuto boom of his own (ami
ho has choek enough for anything) he
will go into the black list too, for all
bis slalwartism.
Anpeuson Badly Beaten. A dis
patch from F.urcka, Nov., says that
James E. Andersen, who mado a
national reputation In Louisiana during
the political troubles of 1876, and who
bad lately been editing tlio Leader
there, was assaulted Sunday night by
W. T. F. Penrose and beaten ovor the
head with a revolver. The wounds
may prove fatal. Hayes should give
Anderson somo a'.tenlion, becauso no
man in Now Orleans did more to count
bim in as Presidont than Jim Ander
son. Ho Bhould pay his doctor bill,
Paymaster General. The Pros
dent sent lo the Scnato last week tho
namo of Pay Director James II. Wat-
mougb, of Pennsylvania, to be Chief of
the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing
in the Department of the Navy, with
rolativo rank of Commodore. Mr.
Watmough also becomes Paymastor
General of the Navy. He is a Phila
delphian by birth, his father, ths late
Hon. J. G. Watmough, having boon a
member of Congress and Colloctor of
the Port
A Bid Tiiino. It is slated that
Peoria, 111., bas for several years bold
the first placo on the list as a spirit
producing district Last year sbo paid
over 11,000,000 more taxes than Chi,
cago, and about 1:1,000,000 moro than
Cincinnati, and this year the codec
tions will show a greater proportion
On Wednesday last intornal revonuo
stamps to tho value of (2,014,200 were
sent thither in one package.
Goiru to Church. A Washington
telegram says President Arthur bas
rentod the pew formerly occupied by
Prosidont Madison in St John's Epis
copal Church, Washington. The church
was built in 1315. It is a very good
place lor bim to go, if what Hayes and
John Sherman said about him, while
bo was managing the New York Cub
torn House, is true.
Confiscatinii It. Government sta
tistics show thatdurlng the fiscal year
ending Juno :10th, 1881, ths value of
gold consumed by manufacturers ag
gregate about $10,000,000. Moro than
1:1,000,000 of this amount was in Uni
ted Slates coin. The reported consump
tion ol silver during the same period
was equivalent to :t,00ll,000.
Bin and Littli. Davisand Mahone
seem lo have been seloctcd by the Re
publicans lo illustrate how a delicate
sense of honor in politics is not a mat
ter of physical stature. If it is, we
should say that Mahone is too little
and Davis too big to have much idea
of it
Ifthe present administration musters
up enough courage to go for ths big
"Tycoons" of ths Treasury, the country
will bless the day that Arthur was
kicked out ot tho New York Cus
tom House. Ws aro banking a good
deal on the President's memory. 1
Mil. Editor: No true Democrat, by
any rieht lirocens nf n asuiiiug, t an con
vince himself thai lo' should vole lor
Charles S. Woli'o I'.rSulu Treasurer.
A DeniH-riu n.av tt.liniie ibo manly
independence, but iciuurage and grand
spirit of i lui'iiriVo shown by this
bold champion "I lb" piple against
the "1'Hm," and msv wwli bim com
plete sucics in hi" atl-mpl to defeat
Baily i but voting l r Mr. Wolfe is not
tlio way lor Democrats lo help Jiim.
This is evident when we consider that
in the first place Mr. Wolfe does not
expect nor desiro lo be elected Treas
urer. He simply wishes to secure the
defeat of Baily, and desires the aid of
his friends to this end. In the second
place, tho Republican majority in Iho
Sluts is not so lurgo, nor the Inde
pendent voto ho small, bul that tho
voto cast for Wolfo will destroy the
Republican majority, and Noblo will
be elected if ail the Democrats vole
for him. Forty thousand Republican
voles cunt for Wolfo will elect Noble.
Bul il sixty thousand votes, one-third
of tliein being from Democrats, are
given to Wolfe, Baily will bo elected,
aud the purpose ot Wolfe and Iho de
sire of Democrats will bo disappointed
by the result. Then let every Demo
crat, In spite of what tho Krie Herald
or any other Judus Iscutiot may say,
go to tho polls on oleclion day and
voto for Orango Noblo for Slate Treas
urer. A. II. Rosen krans.
Penlleld, IV, October HI. 18S1.
Reshined. Tho "Slar Unite Boss,"
First Assistant Postmaster General
Tyner, has been compelled to rosign
after two weeks hesitation. Postmaster
General Jamos notified him to hand in
his card dating as far back as October
1 1th, but ho held on until the 20th,
no doubt to put things in order and
cover up his tracks. The sequel lo
the resignation is the following corre
spondence :
WaaBianroB, October IS, Thomm
Jamit, 'o.letuerrr Vtntral : Sib I enoloee
herewith, la roaponaa lo your lellar of tho 141b
inil., my reiigoatioB of office ai First Ai.lilaot
I'oatlnester fleneral, to be delivered lo too Weet
dent oo oonditioo toot tho riqueit for It li not
bated upon ebergee againit my official honor or
integrity, eipeoially lo ooonootinn wiib Iho ol
leged Star Houle fraudi, either by diroot Bt or
ncgleotof dutj. If aui-h obargol here boon made,
or implied, Hit proper thot the; ihould bo eloarly
toted, and tbot 1 eboold have tbo opportunity
to reply to them. I believe be aud jju will op
prove of tblo ougxeetion.
Very respectfully,
Your otedientierreot,
lit. N. Tvsbb.
The Postmaster General replied as
follows :
WmKoro, Outobor 36, leSI. Sik : I hive
the honor lo aakaovrledKo tho reeetpt of yuur
retiftnotion of tho olttoe of Frit Aiautent Poft
neiter Koaerol, wbloh X beve jmt headed to the
Preaideot. la reply to your inquiry I bavo to
aay that tbe requeat for your roiigiiatioa wee not
baaed upon any reneatioa npoa year pomail or
official integrity. Very reapeollully.
Tiiomab L. Jahbi,
Fualuiaater Uenerel.
Tyncr's letter is enough lo convince
anybody that ho is a guilty man. If
not, why such selfuccusution ? The
Postmaster Genertl hud not accused
bun of any crime in his request to ro
sign. Why then beg tho question like
a boy, il ho is all right ?
Loyal Music. Tho Lancaster AVm
Era, one of tho Radical organs of that
excessively Radical county, in allud
ing to what is judt now transpiring at
Washington, plays Ibis kind ol a tuno:
"Wo would be the lust to do President
Arthur injustice. The Xne Era was
among tho first to a-tk for liiin a gen
erous judgment and a fuir trial. But
if, as now secmi painfully apparent,
his policy is to be shaped by Ibo de
ceptive counsels of Conkling, Plat I,
Cameron and others, who conspired to
embarrass tlio Garfield administration,
tho sooner the poople know it tho bet
tcr for the future of the Republican
parly and the welfare, of tho nation.
Prosidunt Arthur bas it in his power,
by promptly foreshadowing tbo char
aolcr of his Cabinet and tho policy of
theadininistration, to resolve all doubts
as to tho result of tlio election in Penn
sylvania ; but if, following the sugges
tion of Simon Cameron, the people are
lulled into a false security, for the pur
pose of winning a Stalwart victory In
Pennsylvania, tho Presidont will dis
cover that he bas boon misled by de
signing friends to sow tlio wind only to
reap a whirlwind."
A Radical's Lament. The editor
of the Philadelphia Telegraph is about
aa Radical as man can bo, yet he seems
to bo despondent over the future. In a
rocont Issno of his journal he gnvo a
long article on current political events.
We clip tho following paragraph :
"It wee bat tho other day thel Jamet A. Oar
Bold died, and joat aa Iho friende of freedom dr
apaired of the aueoeaa of JobnHrovro'a principle! of
freedom in I S&v.eo nov do tbe f'rlenda ol thoeeprin
einlei of freo foTornmoDl which llerfleld eepouaed
deipair of their oucoeeea. lleoauee he la dead, Mod
beeeuae bll aueeereor proved by the Bomtnetlon
of Morgan, of Now York, to Iho Cehinet. If by
other thioga bo bad not proved it before, that he
nail determtoei lo aetiy toe pnoolplea or UarQeld,
It ! imagined lba' thoao priariplea are dead alio,
aod that all bo eonlended for ead all that he
achieved la dead with bimf that be fooght and
Buffered and died in vain, and that tbe wont
olemente of onr polllioal lyrtem bare gained a
new and atroeger tenure ol life Iron hta dealb.
Well, If Preaident Arthur aod that Jobbing Stal
wart boat by whom be la aurrouoded and with
wbom It li bia will to bo aurrouodod. were Fate.
It might bo ao, but they are not, and Iho aon! of
oarDeld loit aa aurely aa Bid the eool of JohB
llrownl will gn marching on UBlilthe fight be
began agalnit all tboia furm of political crrup
Ilea which are ombodied In Htelwertlata hare
been fougbt out to a rallpoal and fit eoiioluiloo."
The editor is a lovor of John Brown
and Garfield, and despises Slalwartism.
It is well rnough Ljiat his head is level
As Usual. Somebody who was ut
the Yorktown Centonial says that Han
cock and Bayard wore iho favorite
with tho great assemblage at York
town on Wodnosday. Tho lormcr
passing from the pavilion to the canopy
of the Presidont-in the open space sur
rounding the cornerstone was in
stantly recognized, and for ton minutes
there was a mingling of the stentorian
lungs of the North and the "rebel yell"
of tho South. Tho (lenerul, leading
his Utile grandson, blushed like a girl,
took off his bat and passed on with
bowed head.
John R, YanhoWi, Route Agent on
the Pennsylvania Railroad, running
between Pittsburgh and Ilarrisburg,
was arrestod at the latter place last
Wednesday by Detective Camp, for
robbing letters of their con touts. Van-
horn acknowledges taking one letter
containing (5.80. Ho was taken to
Pittsburgh for trial, where he bas a
wife and eight children. Ho is over
40 year of ago. A decoy letter was
found on his person.
Tux it All. A Washington tele
gram says O. L. Pitney, late Custodian
of the Treasury Department, proposes
making publio a statement in reply to
tbe charges made against bim by the
Moline committee of investigation. He
ill, it is end, make revelations dam
aging to officials now in office, and will
avert that all he did was under orders
The Emperor and Empress of iirati!
will arrive in Europe shortly. Pedro
will soon become as much of a tramp
as Grant
The Garfield Cabinet will soon be
lung to history. The sharp crack of
litiiieau lalul pistol enileU the mishioii
ol i ho tmiileld aduiuiieilration ami 111
work of its constitutional advisors.
Other men with other aims and other
methods will speedily take their places,
a nd the distinctive Garfield policy will
ho disced from Iho (lovernmeiit.
M r. Blaine will retire before the oh we
ot the year becnuse ha could not stuy
if ho would anil would Id stay ll lie
could. Ho could not become the
active or even passive executioner
his devoted friends, and bo will return
to bis homo in Maine to await the cull
of bis party as its candidate for Pieai
dentin 1884.
Mr. Windom has just been choncii
lo tho Senate to (ill the seat ho vacated
to accept the Treasury portfolio under
G-iineM, und will return to Ins hena
toriul duties ripened m political expe
rience and more zealously devoted to
a better Republican rule. He w
sustain the now ndminintrulion
lar as it shall bo right, and no lartliur.
Mr. aiucveaL'ti was Iho one man ol
tho Garfield Cabinet who exhibited no
all'eclalion about his retirement when
tbo grave closed over bis beloved t hiol
Ho resigned und asked lo be allowed
to retire ut onco, bcciiuro bo knew thai
with tbo now Administration would
come a brood of si rangers lo ull that
Gui-ficId taught. Ho is now tbo ten
trul figure of tho ,-,reat Republican
reform element of the htnte and nation
and ho will bo keenly felt in future
political struggles. 11 is election lo tbo
Gubernatorial chair of Pennsylvania is
not improbable.
jir. James win r-luo on or iielore
the first of January. Although not in
open antagonism to Hie Stalwurl ele
meni oi loin oeiore his a' ces.-mii
to the Garfield Cabinet, ho made him
self offensive by his a''irressive prose
cution of tho Slar Routu plundeiers,
and his retirement is a necessity. Alike
os Postmaster of Now York, und as
rostmastor General, no was more de
voted to sound bushess piinciples
than to machine politics, and he will
retire to quit politics and give his
whole lime rnd labors to the directi in
of an important business enteipii-e
Mr. Kilkwool retires becauso t'.ie
Grangers make indifferent Stalwarts.
Hayseed and Stalwart Indian contra' Is
and Railroad Com illusions mix much
as do oil and waler, and Ilia veteran
old champion agriculturalist will re
turn to his broad acres on the green
prairies out toward tho suttiio' sun.
The placo ho resigned in tlio Sonulo is
practically nileJ, but it is (mite nossi
Lie that the nnmo of lurk wood will
reappear in the future Republican
battles of Iowa.
Mr. Hum will retire not so much
becauso his convictions require it, us
because he would be neiiher orna
mentul nor useful to tho udmiuistra
lion. His only claim to u Cabinet
portfolio was his assumed residence in
the South, and ho will bo pensioned
away to fill his place with some one
who can be more useful lo tbo new
dynast y.
Mr. Lincoln will remain in the Stal
wart Cabinet, lie is an unliable, n n-
aggrcsfive, upright and moderately
able man, who has a princeless iuher-
llance in being tho son ot his lather.
Ho is tbo political follower of Logan,
is devoted lo Grant and will have no
now lessons lo learn to become tho
Stalwart Secretary of War.
It may take a month or two for tho
Labincl to stragglo out of the Stalwart
administiiilion, hut It is reasonably
certain that those who make New Year
calls on the Cabinot, will visit only Mr
Lincoln as tbo official survivor of the
constitutional advisers of Garfield.
Philadelphia Time.
I'm Mrs. (l.tiirixLii Fund. The
total amount of subscriplions lo Ibo
airs. (larnelil lunu which was closed
on Saturday received and paid to tho
L nitod States '1 rust Company, of New
lorn:, is J.SbO.d 10.74. Tho amount
paid by that company for the purchase
oi e.t.uoo.uuo umicu states per cent.
registered bonds wus $.'U8,9ti8.!l5. Tbo
balance ol cash with tho company is
lll,.'170.09. The list of subscriptions
to me i u nil snows mat tliere are thirty-
one 15,000 subscriptions, throe of 12,-
OW, six of IL'.IKIO, and eighty seven ol
1 1,000 each. Tbo smallest subscription
is tlvo cents, from a ' poor colored pcr
son,"nnd tho lurgestsinglocnntributinn
iB $10,000, a Philadelnhian, Kdwin
N. Benson. There aro in all about 1,200
Iiood advice. il you keep your
stomach, liver und kidneys in perfect
working order, you will prevent and
euro by lar tbe greater part of tbo ills
mat atllict mankind in this or any Bee
ti"n. There is no medicine known
thut will do this as quickly of surely
as Parker's (linger Tonio, which will
secure a perfectly natural action of
lliese important organs without inter
fering in the least Willi your daily tin
ties. See advertisement. 9 28 4t.
Timothy O. Howe is said to have
declined tho office of Attorney General
of tho Lnitcd States at present be
causo of tho Star Routo complications.
Mr. Howe is said lo llnnk that Mr.
MacVeagh ihould remain in office un
til those trials have been concluded.
No Go. It appears that Goneral
(irant could not keep Judgo Tynor in
tho Posloflico Department. Thoro is
evidently a bigger man around now
than Grant. ,
Frank Dukes, of (Quitman county,
Ga., a lad of l.'l, while out gunning had
the top of hia bend blown ofT by tho
accidental dischargo is his weapon.
Jlcw Advertisements.
AlnU wnf xl IW U .! und Work ot
r ii,
l.HwilUCi Miid tsrruiMti i Ih i
t, win ..I'll ': ( '. -I !,
i - i I ?u Jssiin sr. Hlltsnlh. 1,1 n.
w- itiile-M ; ;i imirnjif ii'in th mtrtH.r of the) kio
fl... v .1 !.- fi.i ut en Ilia ni I. I.e. T.ili i
til I rv It ntT. Th hiIt w-rrli worltiv Ihs ll.
r-t.i! r4f. In Miami rnr 4rMt' Ow.lU.
Ji.i..t Hit"! Hi 1..- 1 ' tir.ii.i.. i, lit, 11, !,.),.(
II J St 41.
Tbl bJt ftntj ful.rt.tlt of mmmmm sj ,0V sm
"The Prince und the Pauper."
Rlataollj kneed; oellb MO too llloalratlooe
Tbil lll U Ibe I, -ad. I,, Book of tbo Heaino.
AUKNTS WANTKIt la erer. To. boo'l
nil! It, hot lend for llroolari at ooee ead Moure
ehnloe of territorr. AddroM,
F. 0. BLISS 4 CO. .Newark. N.J.
Ill Slot.
Win ha pfitfl tr an impnrttlee ar
MiMiju,rearr fimriil in ruin a ni
caaa tt will not ruraor help
It is not (vin?ll4 V aii
i lna rttiniiinl, 'I I It
but It is true. T,
i im hah rr'if avretalile t.niiinmi.0.
I not ttinHrftl ? aiir or ailolt r n,i.
TliMll.y hon.-it '''1 -tans Uut. any oilier
lialf dozon rcmiitl-a known to tJie
ranrx a ait lively enrne mnsurnptlrm and
all other lotitfand iMtartillnw-. '
-aiii--A la IH' na limrw l nrvt
For InteriTillifTit firm rh.n. ,,.i .......
iumbacua, UiuhUalUbla raoHKlrl-1'KniTi.A.
ho niaiwr whu uar lmm It, whew. K-
Atr-d, Iw yin y. uiig t olil, indoor fi'iiaM,
go at ouca (or rain, x a. masssBBOSS
Tell ytwiT nelKhhnra and your fiiarxla that
PuiVa Is tha onlv rinirfy, ami wlil sun
rw anil Uicm. bii1 fur apMnriiet.
ft. O. llAItT-lAN .. OatMew.Ohle)
flni' advertisements.
er-llieiliio will lm ino'le at Hie
Jthi ot Ui'uit. A. I. ISM ftir n t!i.tri.-r r lni r
t iriirn tnf ' Th UqrnnU 1'kihsji I mihI," kI !
linn iJk, Cleat Hold ntiuntr, tV. (I'lt'tisint t tin j
in tut im oi Ail .i Amuii-iy pi t'H.i'f.i i in
.it'M.y -f Airll. A. P
M7. 8 V H M St'N,
t-'tr.Hi.l t; II 1 l-l Ct
Au'jf IM'i. mr
rllHK undrriliitJ nil) tor.t.uuu itt ln t.rrifiK
1 I UMBfM t th- old tbl y.i Ulrfhtlt IB
ill) Ubli( mill unVe, no 1'ifN frti, i'
uifsoi v.vrjr Mnud sV, U u.inruit, lariUy aiti
NeVutiUv niriititf. Jour"niif" l rsa(.npt
lull) mliritaj K. W . UltOWN,
le M U. Dm w.i.
nrtl.'.d, IV, 1! 2 ft I if.
In n of I la lv OriilmnB' C.-itrt
A 6. btakinauB. J jf ('loaruiltl tuunty.
Tb ubtlrriiKofd A it'll tor puintcj hv the
Cuyrt lo ink Uflttnonr and hear ioptifLi in
auouunt of dinlniitri.too tud rpurl tbo id to i)m
i ouri will sett en ii lo hia num. turli at hitol
In CiartUld, t,o TIM KHUAY, DKCKMliKK
I.ST, at I ooliNJi, A. 11., when and whero oil
pat-lit lotartfttd may attoini. 8. V- WILSON,
CUarncId, P,, II 3tU Jit. Audilur.
rpiiKKB will W xpMd to publls ., kt tin
j .iirooia .limit, in ititt norougn oi uieoula, on
Silt unlay, November 2Gth, 1881,
Tbt follow. tit dMcrtlieJ iirunertr, ownod b? W
h liaroor, Ula of litftaiur townalilp, donil i
On iii cce or ptrol of land lituata In the town-
hip of I)nalur, Bounty of CI for field, HlaU ol
I'eomjrlraoia, bonndrd on tea loutb by Andrew
Uardbor, no tho wot by Cuitin Kaania, ob I ha
not l h ly Isttphon U. Heiiliart, and on iho auuth
eait by thouiaa ltuitW, O'lUtalnlnc about thirty
aoiei, a, or a or leca. Thia land it under laid with
iliret fund viina of ooal. and baa a larga bars
tr acini inert on
TKHMS eD-tblrd iD rorifirluatlnD of Kale,
ona third In ono yaar, and una-thlrd In two yean,
Mcincd by bnd and inort.iD i.n the pramim,
JAMKS K. li AKNLK, EKjutor.
Orixola, I'i., Nov. J. 1"M1-St.
Chrouio Diseases a Specialty I
Hvron Clnrk. M.I).
" ,1 1
J LAHORATORY, Waibirgtun, .'ann'a.
IK. CLAHK haa beeouia fauioui aa
by hi i rm irk able- auneaia in local inr ntvl treaDo
all (oriu uf Hiua.e 1mm a (I h IN IUA L and
l IUNR. InvaKdi ihould tend for hia circular!
Hiring inn rurtioni bow to prepara and irnd
rpooiiueoa fnr diajrnoi. Addraii with atamp,
Lit. li, RON CLAHK,
I I ly. Washington-, I'a,
Sheriff's Sale.
?frtua of write af Ft Fn. and IW Er..
Ifnued out of (ho Court of Common Pllai ol
llttaraaid enntr, and to too direct"), I will
imia to jlU! lis lalt, at tbt Court llouia Id tbe
borough of CiaartUM, on
Friday, November Ihhi.
At I o'oloob 1. M., lba following daar)ft real
atlate, lo wit I
All dial cirUin pioaa or lot of ground eituate
on the northtrMt eornar nf 8 tit t a and Walnut
aircet in tbo burn ugh of Car wen at ille, fa , bound
ed ai follow!, : On lba eouth. by Slnto it reel,
on lba aait by Walnut it met, on tho north by an
alloy, and on the wait ly property of Voeace
Clark, being 53 feat on 6'ata atretrt by ISO feat
ob Walnut atrett, and having thrreoq rted a
Urgaona and a half atory building, blactuiuitb
shop and other outbuildings.
fc tiled, tut an in aiaoutii.n, and ti hn tul-J ai
tbt property or Famuel Way and y. L. Way.
All that enrtain tract of land illuite In Dell
townabip, Cicdrfiald county, I a., bo undi d on the
at by th river, eouth by hud of Uoraoa 1'atehin,
wait by land of K. li. Italrd, aorih by land of
John faMon, containing 2-11 aerei, moro or leu,
wiib about all acroi eltared, and baring t barton
ariHiUd a log bouia two Muriel high, aod a log
barn ,
harUrJ, taken In xeuton, and to be void aa
lba praiierty of It. 8. 1'utTand Nancy Smith, now
Nancy lulf.
All that oertaln tract of land iltua'o in fioi
towmbip, Clearfield oounty, I'a., beginning at a
ruDftUB ourueri intnot aoutn nit drgraee aait
230 perchoi loatonea j t hena t by Und uf (J. and B.
Mtrrelt north S degreee aait 1 :4 4 ID paroha to
pot; ihfnre by laud formerly of Samuel Ardary
north 8M drgraea weat pircbei 1 a pott ;
thtnot wtill by laid Ardery'e land aorth 2j da
graei aait 2i pernbaa to foil; tbonoe by olher
landi of laid riiuon Thoupinn north 87 dngraea
wat IHb parr haa toa poit ; tbenoe by land form
rlyof Joel Uawlaton aouih S dagraai wait U0
per when, mora or I mi, to the plaoa ol brgmntng,
oontaining 211 aorei, 63 6-lu perchei and allow -anea,
more or leaa, being part of aame land coo
veyad to aaid Simon and Wm D. Hraith f rom Win.
Irvia and ifa. ISaid land oontttna a good grill
mill with wter-piwer and appartonaoaee, also, a
dwelling noma and olher out bultdinge and iin-
provaniauii, ana about one acra, mora er leu,
elaarad. Alio, a large quantity of good and val
uable whitepina, heiuloek and olher limber.
heiaad, taken in exroution, and to la eold aa
ma property oi eimnn inotnpioa.
Tirhs or 8ai.. The price or mm at which
the property ehall be at ruck off tttiatbe paid at the
lime ot aale, or eucb other arrangement made ai
will be approved, otherwise the property will be
immediately put np and eold aguiu at the expend
and rik of tbt pereon to whom it wai etruok off,
and who, in oaae of deficiency at euoh re-eale,
trail make good the aaiue, and tn no Imtanoe
will tbt Deed be preiented in Court for eontirma
tion unleea the uotoy t actually paid to the
Sheriff. JA K MAHAKt'l.Y,
tHralrr'a Orrica, hhoriff.
Claarflcld, I'a., Nov. 3. UM I
ShcrifTs Sale.
"IY Tlrtae of wrlti of Liwari F.,cia Uued
t out of tbt Court of Common Pleas cf Clear
field county, and to mo directed, there will he
tipoaed to Pi: lil,IO 8AI.R, at the Court Home,
in the boroogh of Clearfield, on
Friday, November Mh, lrt-l.
At 1 o'clock P. M-, the following deierihed real
eitate, to wit
All that oi-rtitin traet or pieet of land aituala
In tbe borough of Curwenaville, Clearfield county,
I'a, bounded and de tori bed aa followir ltegia
nibg at a plum tree on the Hoe ot tbii and Wm.
MoMen'l land t thetoe by Ian I iold lo 8a muni
Arnold eoxth S3 degrees weat AS 4 d percbai to
poit, thence eouth 40 degree! eait T perchei l'i
the riritr; thuuoe up the river eou'h Ti doireoe
wiat 2(1 perchoi to poet, theneenor'h li degrees
wcit iM perobee to black rnk Hump, ibmiea-juth
ti dee reel eat 104 perches to pt-uie uf begin
ning, containing 1.1 aeree end 113 peichee neat
meatore, bi-lng same preiniiei described In lame
deed, Jit int i T. I.rnnard to Catherine Hartshorn
r 21 May, 1(1H, reoorded lo leed Hnok "Y"
page IW8 Ae reaerttng and eiceptlng three feet
Iron said IS acre and I U neiohta. Three
sold to Thomas Hawletoq.
roiiad, taken In eKititli.n, a:id tu be rd as
yivyuttj oi vdinanne ii trttnorn.
Tanas or Bil.t.-Tha nrla. nt ., .1.1,1,
the nroneite shall ba atrunk nff un.i h. nM
tbe time or eale, or euuh oi her arrangements
made ae will be approved, otherwise the property
will bt Immediately pal up and eold again at
the axpense and risk of the ponon to whom It
was struck off, and who. In ease of denoiena at
-uvti -, anan maae gooa tne eane, and tn
no insianot will tbt Deed be presented In Court
for confirmation unless tht money te actually
paid to the KbtrilT. JAS. MAlUFr KY.
BHiairr'i Orncat, 1 t her iff
Clearfield, Pa., Not. 2, IS81. I
SherifT's Sale.
TIT title, of B writ of fir Mi Waned
J oat of th. Court of Common Pleao of ri...
Held eonntt.l'enn'a. and to me dlreeierf. ik. .in
bo oipoaed to 1' I 111,10 N A I.K, at th. Court
uouao, in me oorougB ol tloarBeld, Ta., ob
I'rlday, Murnuibor HVlll, IMtHI,
AI 1 o'clock P. 11, Ibe f,.llowln deaerlhed reel
.Hate, I, wit i
All that .Tt.ia Iraet of land altnaia In
boroogb, Clearneld ocooly, Pa, bouoiied on lha
onlh by Sarah treet.on tbetorlh be Pino alley.
on the aarl by lot No. 2l. Ilti.hanotia Land and
Lambar Company, on the weat by Kliaabetb
afreet, lot known in aaid plan of town aa lot No.
141 and beting thereon areeted B frame houi,
lll feel, with kllohan atlanhed lllila feet
betted, tahea In eaeenlinB, and to bo anld ai
Ih, properly of floor,. Tnrley,
All In Ibal eerie in plaoa
or lot ol gtotind illoalt In the borough of Barn
aide, t'leetlvld oonnty, Pa., bnonded and deirrib.
d ai fnllowi, tla t Un lb, north by landi of A
fl. MeCardell 1U feet to an allot, tbenoe along
.aid alley do feet lo fourth (Ireet, tbenne along
aaid fourth .treat Hill feet lo leada of V. Ton
kin,., ang laid Tnnklni land ll feel to
ploea of beglaniog, eoatalnlng vtiotl aqua re feet,
ore or le.a, noting Ih.reoa ereoted a Bew from,
beoeeltlall (M, lnm, ,M, ui ,
Heiaed. taken In eieeulloa, end to bo aolj ,a
lb. property of t. H. Ileaaeigb.
T.a. or el.B.-Th. prie. or i.r. at which
lba properly (ball b. itruok of mail bo paid at
the tl. of ula, or .u-b other arrangemenu
mad. a. will bo approtod, otborwlto lb. proper
ty will bo immediately But ap and (old again al
tie ,pen.a and rlik of Ih, p.reoa te whom It
wa .trunk of, and who. In ,aa, of defleleaet oi
a.h,, .ball mak, good lba eame, and la
bs will , Ueed be preeeuled la Court
for BoBlrmatloB bbIsb. lba money I, actually
paid W Uie bhenf. JAS. II AUAFl Bl',
(aaturr'i Otrtca, I . tbarlf
Cleorleld, Pa., Mot. I, Ull.
mi j
wc live by every day,
any one can see.
Oak Hall is
NA 2d.
Fhesc are the Q
the Largest Clothing House
in America.
Hoping to serve
Wanamaker & Brown,
Jim' 2tU'frthrmfiit.s. ;
BTHAV II I.ll'-f II ttr.VBi from thai
profoiie. of tho BbtiertfBe.l, rtiioing iB i
l.ntherpburf, on or el"iut Anffuit let, Ihnl, a , lu.urance Oompaoe of New York, oo Brat Burt
1.1(1 II T HKltH'N IIEIKKH, tlireo eiaraull oot ; tuce, lo in. Inun tl.OliO up. tor further in-
nrirlr.ff, Itnrm about eight loahea hmf, will prob- '
ahl- weigh Hit ponnrln, ami -as In a;oud etiDiit-
will he liberal I j rrwarJed 1 aJ'lrtPin.r '
Lutheriburj, I'a. 1
. .
mm - -. - t
ll OT? fe cllC OH JLfcCXlt I
The subscriber proposes to sell or rent a num- (
ber of larros local rd follows : The first eituate j
In BarnsiJe town. hip, CaHre connty. containing
160 aree, having thraoa erected a frame dwell- I
in, frame hern, adj. cant to a church, end known
as the Jainee Mulholland farm. j
ALSO, another farm situate la flrnham town- j
hip, Clrarfleld county, eontainiiiK 117 acres, with ;
the neeersary latirovements. This farm is under- j
laid wita a UOoU VKIN OF COAL. .
A 1.60, sit other fsrioo in the ricinitv of Krcnch- !
Yllle, conulninjt reipMlfully 112, 100, Vi, flj, 60 1
and Srt aoree Thaie farue all have houses and i
barns tbareon, good water, baaring erelmrds nt, j
same, aa well aa sou a jrond wool land, lor
farther particulars eall to person, or a1Jrei the
afidvrsigned by letter. L. M. COLUHIET,
Jan. iwtti, libl-tr. Frrnebvllle, Pa.
Estate of Isaac Bloom, Jr.
1N Ibe matter of the estate In the Orihns
or Uaae Bloom, Jr., late Courtof Cle.rfield
of Pike towni-hip, dco'd. ) county, l'enn'a.
To Henrietta B Elder and Hubert L er, her hn
baml, residing at or near Coneoru, Hanoock
en only, Iowa; Jennie 8. Jones aod Warren
Jones, her husband, residing at or near Ald-n,
Harden euuoty, Iowa ; liai.n h It. Iiidud and
John Lemon, her bnvtmnd. resiling neer Ma-httT-ty,
Clearliald county, I'a i Fiorina Pritch
ard and J.S. IMtohird, her ItimbHtxl, renjing
at or near Jlelmond, Wrtpht eounty, l-wa j
Majreia Hoover and N L H ver, h"r hunhund,
rrsulint at Uulici. Clearfiald o.uniy, I'cnti'a, ;
Uella lluulennd W. tt. Hum-r, her h ii.ij.hi j,
residing at or nrar Nnr'b l.nwretue, Kanm ;
Walter K. Illoom, rrei'iitD ai or in-ar Uetinmid,
Wright rnunly, Iowa t I Ji ff. Lltoeui, rest iirg
near CurwebSi ilia, CUarfild eoanly. ftiu&'a i
Annie forett and J C. Korcut, har kniusnd,
renlding at or nenr Cloarlltli IlriHe, Clearrntld
county, l'enn'a t H.J. V atker Illoom, residing
at or neer Uarncr, Ilaneoek county, Iowa, kelra
aod legal rrpreesateltvcs of Isaa Ulooea, Jr ,
late of l'ike township, Cleardeld ounulr. doj'd,
and sle heirs or , Vot'.rt Itloom, defeased,
and slio heirs of Blanche V, liiuum, dee'd, who
were beirs of Isaac Uioi.m, 'r., decaase l.
Taa NoTtrR. That nt an Ori-hari' Coart for
the ounty of t'learflell, he'd at lha borough of
Ulearlielu, I'enicTlvanta, oo tbe Jnih day of iip
trmber, A. 1. 1 t I . The rduro and retiort vl
the inuait appointed and selected to make parti
tion ol tbe rt-al em ate late of Isaac Illoom, Jr.,
ueeearra ws produced to open court and cm
Or toed, and a rule granted ynu ai;d eca of yoa
as buirs and l:gl reprt-senlalivee of s.U decajcut.
10 af pear tn eaid court no the 14th day of
N.rauiber, A. I. IH8I, at 1 o'clock, 1'. M.. and
accept or teluse said ral estato at the valuation
theraof, or show Oauie why tbe sin,, shauld out
ha sold. You are lli-tef'ira hertt.y outified end
eommanded to he free sot at the time and place
above mentioned, and accept or refuse said real
estate at the valuation thereof or tbotr came wh;
the aauie should not be old.
Siiaairr'i OrriCB, ) JAS. MAIlAFFKY,
Clearfield, Oct. IV, ibe I. J ' hherifT.
Orphans' Court Sale
Vnliinll Kenl llxtntclf
IN pursuance nf an or lar of the 0 pbtnt' Court
or Clear". aid county, I'a., thrre will ba ei
i mad to publie eale at the hotel of Uaorge W.
Uavis, in the boroujjh of New Wanhingtoo, os
Wednesday, Nov. 1Q, ISS1,
At i o'olouk P. M, all Ibo foil. .wing de.erlbed
raal aetata of John Rorabaugh, let. of tiurmi.l,
towoablp, aaid oounty, deo.aeel, tfi :
IbTO. 1. All thai certain tract of land illuata ia
1 .eld townahip, bnuBilei wn.t by land, late
of .latere flallaher, not tb by laa.lo lata of Craw
ford llallaher. Beat by land late o( David Iwltnhell,
and Booth by land late of Beojeuio (lallaher,
containing 100 aeree, more or leaa. The Improve
ment, oon.iat or a two-atory plank dwelling
bonis. 1MH4 foot, with aa ad Halo feel,
bank barn, .Hail reel, wogoo abed and other out
builjinge t alao, a good orchard. Property nearly
all Bleared and UBder food eullir.tioa.
""0. 1. In aatn, twp., Sounded mutb l.y land of
X 1 eio.ien noranaugn, we.t ot land or Jeinea
tltophoneon, Bortb bt laod let, of tbe JohB llur
guudy heir., nnd oaet by puhlio road aod other
laod of .aid Kitaiell Htraheiigh, and .ontalniof
I ocrea, la perohea end allowance, mora or le.a.
Improtementj of a two.afory frame
dwelling bauae, reel, with two itory kitchaa
III feet equate, book barn i0 feet looare. end oil...
olubuilrlinga. Uood apple orchtrd on tbe pretn
iiee. Properly nearly ail clearod and Bailor eultl.
NO. I. tn lame lown.bip, Boun.led ea.l by
lead or Jemel Savage, Qorth by John M
I'umminfa, wait hv lead lele of Jamaa llallaher,
and, loulh bjr landi or Join M. Riddle aud Lem
uel U)era, containing Id acre. Bet. Iraprors
menl. comiil or a two itory log dwelling home,
about Mill feet, and a log liable. Aboat III
oerea eltared and andar onluvattoa.
Ob lot Hu. , oue-thlrd of tbe purehaio money
aad enough of the reildue Ih.reof li ootereoin
aad frm efparlltioa and lele, and oo lola Noa. I
aad I, oBe.'hirdof tho parcheee money payable
eo.b on oonllrmatloB of .ale, tbo balance af tb,
parrhaaa money la two peymentl In each, oaae
wllh Int. real from dale or la la. one-hair la one
year from tbe dale oi nil, and the aymalnder
al tbe death of Mary J. korabaagb, widow
or aaid daoeaaod. Ibe later two paymenle with
latere.!, parable eoeoellr, to be eeeured by bead
aad mortgage aa the f remlee.
Octobsr H, ISII..II,
Vaunmaufr'a tflothiurj advertisement.
One Foot Rule
chance to be of service in
nerve us if it recalls the
J We never offer for
beliuvc will give
who wear il.
you thi
'all nnd
on. wc do
11 'WWW
v -ta
Yours Lriilv,
and Market Sts., Philadelphia
ihvc ailttfrtlSfinrntJ.
HM'.V TO I.OAH. Oa Hr.l eloai lm-
proved farm property, by the Motual Li'e
loruiallou npilj to too on'lmignec!.
ClfeiBfll I'a., May 7th, le7 tf.
Farm for Sale.
The an-lrtiroe off ire for rale his farm, silu-
i atr-J In Lawrence townhlji, on the east b.att of
I the Sii-fiifh-nna river, where tbe Railroad bridge
onisrea the nrtr. xiia lan-i ti river bnttota end
lft ""d " of eultirallon, havinir betn (hor-
oupihty Itrtiliftd. A food and wall farnisLed
home with nioa rontna all plaMervd, aioted and
rftrrt'K house, mi Ik honee and oth-r
outhuiidiots aMaohad. A good bank barn, and
yK orohar.l of 15 trees of ehotee fruits stt
out ntu 'l- H he sold aA a Mr prioe and on
euoable terms. FossessiUD RiTen at any time.
a. H. DAKUKl r.
n.arfldl, Pa , Augolt SI, 1kS1.II.
tlUni f !
Fire-Proof Safes.
.-H I a i T1
CS54." v
The only 8-FIange Safe in the World,
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as
Moro fiocure fiiim llupplau Hi nil any
Firo Proof Sul'n, nncTno oxptno
In rcptiirinir Bolls or T.otki.
Patent Hinged Cap,
Four-Wheel Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
Solid Angle Corners.
Thosa Stifi-ri nre now bcin' koU in
this Plato in
And givo lha
Greatest Satisfaction,
Doing tho Most Ilijjlily Finished,
Bost Halt, Choapoat First
Class SAFE evor Produced,
it v, i IS I
H 1 t" i, 1 1
Thono CjUbrulod Kultui kJ the
Champion Ilocord
lit Til II
Great Boston Fire,
And tines tlmt time (irat anil inpor
beon mtitJo.
Rcfnrti Riving your oracr la uny
oilier coiictrn, ond for iiriocn anj
tlucriilivw Calalogao.
cK0'1 MASSi .
many, homes! It will
rules of OAK HALL,
sale any Clothing but what we
thorough satisfaction to those
We stoutly maintain our custom to always
have the largest stok of men's and boys'
clothing to show our customers.
not allow our salesmen to
mislead customers as
juality or kind of goods
We stick to one price
alike to everybody,
rich and poor.
We give the guar
antee with each
sale we make.
6th.We return
the money to
anybody who
wish it, if they
choose to
bring back
the goods un
injured. 5? m: 3;!wiisranit3.
full KAI.I:...ihi.i,.,o bite, of II'.R wbt.hlwill p, II f..e -r rv.' f.,r wl..a. I'uf f-irtljer in.
forui.ln r. cell on or 4).lna. Ibe un lerpit'il.
J K. K HA M Kit.
X... .: If. Cloar6ol.l. I'a.
I IT I CI-',. I hr uej. re.ijine in ll.o
if Wr'lorrr. ia Cheat tiwi.hin.
.ii,,. :n i.y errarjr'in.nt "O 1 pro
,.. ! . r,n at. KAI'IM) H'll'SK fur lha ao
eoruiouiia .f I be public gi neral:, aoil 1 here
by it a lilmral .l.ere ot the pitbli,. tiatntraKe.
JllllV J. SXl DKR.
W.t i"er, ! , tVb. II, l8.if.
IXB. Il itlll'H NOI'l(' ,.
i bv eiro that Letter, i'eata m.-btary on th
BM' "1 HK VUV KAKTZ, late of Ure.le t.p ,
Cl.articli ei'Uitly, I'eori.ylranla , tlcreaar.l, bar
ing b'Ou iluty KrMited to Ibe uBderaiifneJ all
perat oa ir.l.liU l to .a:. I e.lale will pl.,
inme.liete p.yiuont, aod Ihoaa btvintr elaiuii or
detnatitla ibo aame will preient Ibeto
preperly auibenticated feraellleiDenl.
... . Kxeeutof.
l.ntttr.liorg. IV, Oct. H, ISS t.
1 ( HAIiri'.n.-Noliee ia b.rebt tlt.n
IbatappltoatioB will be maj. onder Ihe pr'otiiioo.
of Ike Ael of tho General Aieembly of Penoirl
tania, approtod April It, Un, aod lba aupple-
U LkD0WB " ,he W-"-" Hr Brick Company.
to be located at Wallweios, iu C.earlleld county!
meoi .uereto lor toe creatiuB of a eomoralioB Ui
Ibe purpoie aad ohjeot ol wliiob Bha.ll bo In
maoutaolur. Or, brick and olber artlelre.
Cl.arBeld, 10 19 SI-SI. Altirneye.
Farm Property I
IN r urtiianoo of en order of Ibe Orphaoa' Court
of I'leaiArld counlr, I'a.. thee will be ex
poied to public rale el Ibe COURT llOfjg in
the borongb of CLKARriBLD, on '
Monday, Nov. 14 th, 1881,
Al I o cVk P. M., all the following real eatet.
of John llano , ck, late ol I'.ke to.n.bip. id
county., to wit: All that certain Ira, I
or nie-.tiaee or land me. I. in I't.e town. h i. 1.1 coitntt, I'a . txiumlrj and .le.rrit,.. ..'
Mluwi i Hrgtnnlng at a nirpla on line or lani of
Alo.oJer Caldwell; tbouce Borlb one and one
hoir degree, we.t Si perohea I. a while orA
tlieoc writ t.H petebe. lo a po.t , Iheuce eouth'
II pcr h.a lo Bwh'teplaeitump. Ibetice oa.t I.,)
perchei lo a white oak thence loulb no S- II
perchr. tu a poit fhence eait.;! perthee to a
Bin le tad plaoa of beginning, containing a', -nt
?n'"!,'"i:,,"l',i3i.l" of Al.een.le,
(laid wall, Patrick Mullen, Ueorga V.lob, Jr 'a
eatalc, and other.. Ibo Improtcui.Ble con.l.t of
a two itory plenk bnuee, 1:I0 reel, with k,c,.
allarhed, aa I log bara, ttlj.U f,. ,,.,
atarly all cleared aud andar cultivation.
7Vi in of S.ile.
One llirJoribepurchan.onet e..l,l,oen,iugb
or ll.e tr..,loe th.rcof to co,. r th, m ,,, ,,.
luei.leut to aaid partition aad aale, ca.b on con.
Srmatiin i-r aale; ooe-lbird 10 one year frum del,
or .ale, ard lb, remaining third 'thereof al tbe
d.ath ol Mary Hancock, wt.low of laUd.oe.aod.
The letter two payraeole .lib lh. Inlare.t. p.,.
able ananally, Ui he icourrd by bind and mod.
gag, on tbe premi.ea.
. W W "KT", Tru.l...
Ckarlolil, I'a., Oil. Id, s..4t.
Cheap Cash Store
RMM Xla, llllll'.B, IIP! HA lllll'SK,
Clearneld, Pa.,
Oompileieg l.reea i., of t,o tery Inleit .ivlee,
oonat.ling In perl or Ce.hmeror, Maaobr.lor
Fanotei, Alp.raa, and all meaner ot
Fancy Dros? Goods,
Suck ai Crelon Mubalr l.u.ler., Pl.1,1,, i
Uinghama, Urea. I'anclea ol the tery leleat
ilylea, and aa cheap aa they can bo ld
ia thi. market.
1.,'n.l.tlng o a,,w f, u UJ,
M ilia. II la of all ahadia, K,k Iringee,
l.ecee, r,nPy )n Bultnna. Ullei'
lici ol all iha.lea and at, lee, t'ufli
end Collar., KibLon, . all kiwla and
qaalitlea. Jlerie, ltd,,.,,,, Trimmiaga, etc.
' W Hi 7 7.
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
CarpoNeOll C'IoIIih,
Wltlcb will be Bold wbol.aal. ar rolatl. Will tela
Country Produce
I EirhanfB fbr Clnodi at Marktl Prlroa,
wm. i. noriui.
ClrtrflrU, f,.. Kepi, M tfml tf.