ft it ' ! I if : t if i 4 I? : 1' Hit- PemiNylviiiiInllnilruHtl TYUONK CLEAKKIELU UKANCH rn and after Monday, NOV. t, Uu, ih. f Passenger Tralna will run daily (oirept Sun aiyi) between Tyrone and uiearneiii, at loiiowi CLEARFIKLD MAIL. LBAVB SOUTH, i LRAVK NORTH. CLEARFIKLD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOI'Tll. LRAVK NORTH. Oarw.niTtll Rlrerview...... Clearleld ...... LeoBerd, Bur.lt Woodlead Blgler, W.llK1.tOI,.,. Blu. B.ll, Or.h.ta Phlllpebarg.. Steiaer'a. Botqiou, Oeoeola, Paw.lton, Bumrait Vaoeooyoe Tyrone S.S0 1. I 6.J " 1.47 " M " t.bl " 0.01 " 6 0S 0.14 " 0.1! " 0.14 e.i o.si 0.37 ' 6.41 " 6 4.1 " 7.04 t.H " 7.44 V Tyrone 7.10 p. I I vanecoyoo 7.4a i BiimmU,... I Poerelton,. Oeoeola...., I Uoyntoa... Steiaer'a... S.04 ....6.17 ....616 .....:(! 6..10 I Philip. burg.. .0.(1 Mrabaon 9.47 " Blu. B.ll 0.44 " VYallaoelon,...l " Miller B.IU " n ooillnQd,., Barrett, Leonard Clearfield,... ...I7 ..11.15 ...OHO ,.10.07 Ki.erriew,...l".l5 Curwenmlle 10.20 PHILIPSBllRd A tlOSIIANNON HKANl.'l! K8 LBAYB BOUTB. P. M. A. M. A. M. LB. TB A. W. P. NORTH. .TATIAX. Mnrri.d.l., Philipiburg, Rteiner 'a Uoyntoa, OWMll, MoihannoB, Hterline;, lluutld.l., MoCautey, Kondriea'e, Kamey. M. P. U. ISO 1:4B 1:44 1:40 1:54 1:10 6:18 7:14 12: 7:00 12 11 12: 40 t:J0 7:13 7:40 10:10 7:58 10:36 8:11 10:43 6:10 15 i:0g 11 t:H 14 4:4. 0:50 12 04 4:l 41 4 3m 0.34 H: 0:30 II 44 4:lj 40 4:2, 35 Bin SO 4:0 j 16 4:0 1:13 10:48 8:14 8:30 10:43 6.36 :36 10:56 6:41 3:40 11:11 8:40 :14 II: 0:20 11: 0:16 II 0:10 11 BALD BAQI.E VALLEY BRANCH. El. P. M. 7.08 1 23 8.01 8.14 8.31 Mail. M.ll. Eip A. H. P. B. A. H. 8.10 leave Tyrone Brrlrs 6.31 6.17 6. .18 6.16 6.06 4.66 4.S1 6.S7 0.18 6.43 Bald Katie Juliaa Mlleeberf 11.11. font. Mil.aburg 0.51 8.44 10.03 008 10.10 jtowara 1 IJ.OH .rrlr.L. ll.'rn I..T. 8.64 6.26 TYRONE STATION. BAITW.BD. A. B.T WRSTWAHn. aTm. CiBDlnn.ti Eip., :5lPltt.barKb Eip'ii, 1.68 Pulflo Bipra.i, 8:57 I'.cilio Kipr..., 8:13 JobnilowB Elpr.ii, 0:071 p.m. p. n.W.y P.ai.nf.r, 1:16 Chln.BO D.r El., 11:18 IChiraito KlprMl, 3:11 Mail Tr.tB, 8:081 M.ilTraia, 7:0 Hontinfcdnn Afp'n, 6:2o! p..t Lin, 7:.'tn Olo.. oonn.otton. mad. bj all Iralai at TjruaB ana liocb aibtbd. S. g. BLAIR, aylT-tf. 8up.rlnt.ndtnt. BTAGB LINES. A it.K.l.aret Carwn.Till.dnllr for Rornolili. Till., at I o'oloek, p. m., arrlTlnicat RrTnohl.vlll. at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returalng, Ic.r.. H.Tnold.. ill. d.lly, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur wcniTillaat 12 o'clook, u. Far., ..oh way, $2. A Itar. I.arci CnrwcniTlll. dally, .t 1 o'clock, p. m., for Dalloii City, arriving at ballnia City at 6 o'oloek, p. m. K.turnlng, leave, bulloli at 7 o'clock, a. id., daily, arriving at Curw.D.ville at 12 o'clock, m. Fare, .aoh way, $1.60. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORAUK DIVISION. ON ard after Monday, May 2SJ, 1931, th. p..i.nger train, will run daily (eic.pl Bunday) between K.d Bauk and Driftwood, aa follow. : KAMTH AHDDay Mall lear.i Pitubnrg 8:45 a. m.; R.d Bank 1 1:36; bligo Junction 11:41; New Betblehem 11:45 p. m.; MayKvlll. 1:10; Troy 1:84 t Rrookvill. 1:55; Fuller'. t:20 ; Hey. Boldivlll. 2:88 ; Dullol.S:0S; Bummit Tunnel 3:21; Panfleld 8:42; Tyler'a 3:65 j Beneiett. 4:31; arrivea at Driftwood at 6:20. WF.RTVV AKI.Day Mail leavea Driftwood 12:20 p. ra.; DeDeiett. 1:06 T.vler'a 1:35 ; PenBeld 1:40 ; Bamrnit Tunnel 2:10; Dulloie 2:25; ReyBoldavlll.:40; Fuller'. 3:0; Ilrookvlll. 8:1; Troy 8:40; Mayavill. 4:13; New Betblebem 4:24 ; Bligo Junction 5:07; Red Bank 6:25; arrivea at Pittaburg at 6:25 p. m. jYtt The Dullola AreonimodBllnii leavea Da llula at 7:16, a. m ; Reynolilaville, 1:66; Brook ville, 8.46; New llethlebrin, 0:46! R.d Bank I0:5u; Pltiabureb. 1:2", p ra Leavea Pillahu'gb, at 2:15, p. m ; Hed Hank. 6:50 ; New Bethlehem, 7:04; Bookvil'e,8:04; Keynoldaville, 8:il j Da Dole, 0:18, p. m. pit" Tlte llrookvllle Arcominodallnn leavea Brookvill. at ,:00 a. m ; Kcynold.vill., 7:54: Du Boia, 6.25; Summit TunneL8:41 ; P.ti&.td, 0.04 ; Tylar'a, 0:16; Benneaelte, 0:54 ; Driftwood, 10:48 a.m. Leavea Driltwond at 6:00 p. m.; Bmna aetie, 8:50; Tfler'a. :2 i Pen6cld. 9:10: Sum. mil Tunnel, 10:00; Dulltla, 10:17; Reynnlda. vine, iv:tj; urooavllie, ii:.ivp. m. Cloa. connection! mad. witb tralna on P. A B Railroad at Driftwood, and witb tralna on tbe Allegheny Vall.y R.ilroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCAROO, Oon'l Sup't. A. A. JarRNoB, Sup't L. O. Dir. FARE FllOil C'LEAKFIELD, TO JS.II.ronta, Fa 62 MlddleuwB 65 00 Marietta. 6 66 Lancaater . 6 60 PHILADELPHIA 7 00 Altoina 1 66 Lock HavM.. William .port. lluntingdon . Iwiatown , Maryavlll Cnw.navllla Oacenla HARRISRIIRO.. Johnatowa.. S 86 1'hilipabnri. 61 Tyron. 1 12 P1TTSBIIRH 6 16 $.rii. $9n "' Bamplea worth nv 6 rrea, Addrtaa Briaaoa A Co., Portland, Maine. Imcb2,ai-ly.) TI'XTK F.' Aa t()HHT4ni,l;' FEKP Wa b.v. printed a large nnmber of th. new rbK uiul, and will od tb. reealpt of twentv. 6v. nanla. m.ll a nopT to any addraaa. mrl6 -TI1E- ClIlCAGOf.XoilTII Wk.steux RAILWAY la th. 0LDF1T. BRT CONSTRUCTED, BEST iyl ll'l'KD, and banc tb. LEADING RAILWAY OF TBI WEST AND NORTH-WEST I It la th nhortojit tad twit mule bttwm Cbloigo and ill pulot la Korihorn Illlnoli, Dhot, Wyomloir, lfti-iik, iowi, iniinreii, u raft on, Amona, tan, Col orado, Ha be, Montan. Karkii, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, DKNVP.R, aLICAIIVII.I.K. HALT LAKK, SAN KKANCISCO, dwood, Rlotti Clly. Ctrfar RapMi, ! MoIdm, (joinininn, ana n oiaia id th Territorial, and (li Wvtt. Also, fur MilwanliM, Orn ORklritfh. Abrhnvcan. Uarmttt. Fnnd tin l.af. Watrlnrn, Houthton, Narnah, W-naha, Ht Pat, H-noatpoli, Huron, Volga, Karfn, Bit Bark, Winona. I.aOroa, Owatonna, and atl tminti la Minaaiola, Dakota, Wiaeonaia and tUo ftorta . At Cnnaeil BlolTi th Tralm of tha Chloann A Korih-Womra and tb V. P. Hallwari dr,.art froH.arrlv at and aa lha joiot Uiioa Dtnot, At Cblrafo, eloaa eonnactiom ar laad with tha Lata Khora, Mirfaitfan Crntral, Haiti mora A Ohio, Pt.Waro A Panairlranta. and Chiaara A (Irand Tnrak fUilwaji, and tha Kankakca and raa tianai noaiaa. CloMonnnoetvont nnd at .fanctlna Point l. Itti tfat ONLY LINK ranDia rullman Hold Dining Cars CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS. wr-P.llmaa Sleeper, oa all Mhl Tralaa.-M Inalat Bpoa Tiakat Ayanta Mllinf yoa Ticket. Tie thie road Kiamlaa yoar Ticketa, Bad rafBaa to nay II may no Bet read .r.r tba Lbicaf. A Borlb Weatera Hallway. If yoB wiah tb. beat traveling aaeomaodatlnna yaa will buy rear ticketa bv tbia raala, tfltil) WlLLTAKt 'ONIOTIIKR. All Ticket Af.aU eell Ticaata hj Ihla Line. MARVIN llt'dlllTT, Id T. P. Bad O.neral M.aa(ee, Br M.'ll ly. Crllaa(. OurwniTlHl.I.SO, p.m. Tyro nt, Mft.a.v. Rii.r.i.a 1 .10, " Vuhiiu t it, Clearleld, 1.40, ' Bamratl, 9 11), " Leoaard,... 1.49, " Piiwellua, 11.00, " B .rr.lt. J 54, " Oaaaola... 10 12," WoollMd,......4.0l, " Bojnton 18.17," Bijl.r,.. a 04, " Steiaer' 10.11, Wallaalia,.lrl " Ptiliiibur,-l0.1S," Blu. 11.11 4 1J, Grafters 10. H, " Unbiii 4.31, Blue B.ll 10.57," Pb.Mlp.burg, ...4.84, " WallBoeUB,...lm. " Steiaer' .4.3, " Bifl.r III. SI, " Bojcton,.. .4, WiK.ai.oJ I0.MI, O.oeole, 4.6, " Remit, 11.07," Powellun, 01, " UooerJ 11.11," Sammit, ...!., " Cl..rll.lJ,....ll.l, " V.r,Mojo,....S.3S, HiT.ri l.w.....ll.I4, " TyroBe, 0.00, " Curir.Q.Tlll.,.U.40A.M WAGONS! WAGONS!! 2 CAR LOADS. 2 Tl, ,., , . i iiv iuii rt nuts innv .-nui uicniiicid. One carl d of CONKLIN wagons, One car load of Which wo will bc-11 nt factory prices. We buy these wagons by tlio cur lonu and pay CAM1 tor thorn, tliorelorc we are able to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county. We guarantee these wagons to be first-class in every re.pect. Also, a lot of Platform Spring Wagons Buggies. One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaper than ever before sold. Give us a call before buying elsewhere. F. M. CAltDON k BIUX, Clcarfilcd, Pa. February 23, 1881-tf. JAMES L. -v.. XJJXTlCy 3ES 3R. "X" jlESiJSlEL 9 MARKET HTBKliT, t I.l:AHHl.I.lt, PT.NN'A. All kinds of Pafkota and Colllni kent on linnil. tint furnirjlictl to nnlt-r on ehort police, including tlio finest M mclureu. Uur oonrHH pnxisi-irt.'vjnrt. Is tlio bust In 110, and will be furnifhed when required. Funerals attended in any part of the county. Cull at your orders at Troulman's Furniture oct 1,'79-tf. Curwcnsvillc, Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR. FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL, AC. I buy direct from jobbers and car lond rates, hence can compete phia house. Also, ueaier in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Fartics having bark to haul and receive liberal advances. Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, Sept. M, 18S0.tr. Tb olJnt, belt, mot thorough, unci complete practical Bmineti Cnllrga In the l'oitJ Ht(e. jr-tf-Sfhonl hIwit fa iciion. Hiutnti dtnit ted at an; tim. For lrrulr ddri J. C SMITH, A. M., Irinrl.a, Rept.7,'81-"ni. PittnLurgb, I'rnn'. BUY AIIOME 1 HOUSES, LOTS AND rARMfl FOR 8ALK ! fllWKNTY IIOt'SES and LOTS In ClearSeld X for a.l. at reaaonahle prlrea and on eaay trrma. Alao, aeeeral FA KM8 In llradford and UrabalB townabine. AnnlT to WALUCK A KIIK 119, Dee. 1, . tle.rSeld, P.. Millinery I Millinery 1 1 ITAKB Ihf plkiur of informing tha puhlie that t tihktll offer pptvial nlurrmnti lo Millinery Qoodf.turh m 6ilhe, Pin. Hlbtxinp, Flowers, kc, Triatned nd L'otnmwcfl lleti nd Honnrti, Id the rrry ltft nljltjc, NotU.ni and Made-up Ctotliinp tor ehllilron. I kinilj tolicit lhare or Tour )mtroniiiie. MISS M. A. WKl.CfT, Market tit., CleiirBeld, Pa, Apr. 10, lr.ni.1y. FARM FOR SALE I The an Uni fined hat eotne to tha eonnlmlnn ta quit rartnirc and follow hn oerunaiion, a car peotar, and bow rffert fr tala hie farm, iltuate oua and ahalf ml lei north of Ckarfleltl boreujth. eontalDing EIGHTY ACHES, Mat of wbieh tl elaarail and under good cultlta tiott, and having thereon a gcod TWO-STORY 'L"HOUSE. Lare frama barn, and other aecenar? outhalld '"It, together with an orrhard of all kinda of trait, and an eneni aprintt or water. The -hole la UNUkKI.AID WITH GOUU COAL. Tbl property will haexobanged for amaller prop erty, or aold on eat tarma in paymenta. For farther particular fall on thepromiveaor addreaa, JOHN C. HKKD, Clearfield, Pa. March lflth, ISMl-tf. HARNESSI HARNESS! I . TA( Way for I'our llnrnrm I IF ob want ta atnd. Tear awn Intere.t. do not fall teeallat ANIlKKW IIAHHItlK'S HAH NKSt BllllH.or, M.ra.talreet, aeitdnor to Jnbn A. Htoek'a tnh.ees atnra, C'leerrield Peno'a. T11S rCTS A 7 THA T A II flrat-elaaa work ta dine at I1ARWH'R'8. N Taata foot oil and axl. gr..aa at HARWICH'S. Doubt, and alngta harneea of alt ktnda at IIAKH ICR'S. ) ldlB aaddlaa of all klnda at V I! A RW ICR'S af Beta and here, cov.ra of all k'na at i it a rt it, n o. IThlpa of all kioda and aa low a la eente at IT IIARtVlCK'8. Harneft of all klada raada to order at IIAK WICKS. All klBda of aollara at bottoaa vtleea at HARWIrK'S. n.tn.raber BB X-L-N-T tin. of hnrw fural.b leiioodeat HARWICK'S. rill keep and aiako all klnda of lumhar bar- aeaaat II AH WICK 8. Ieorjaad all otker kind, of rlBR. ef all.leea .1 IIAHWICK'S. (leaaba, kraebaa, and Interfering boat, aa hand at-- IIAKWIi K'S. KBea robea, a Die duatera, and aereene nf all klodial IIAHWICK'S. Job wavk and repairing premritly attaBded ta. ReraerarieT tba .hep fa Hbaw'a rew, aa Market .treat, between the Manatoa HoBee and tba Sbaw Hoaea, Claarflall. PaB'a. M.; II, lul e.. Snr flifrtlsfinfiits. ,, r f,vr l,mn,rl, in w .i.tpinw u..td . STUDEBAKER wagons, LEAVY, well as tho chcupcsl that enn be maim. my cflicc, on Second street, or lenve Store, adjoining tho I'ostofllce. j ax. I,. i.r.A v l , Clearfield, Pa. manufacturers, receive poods at with .New iork and rinladel during the Winter, can contract Also, advances made on Saw Logs. CURWENSVILLE, PA. iJPP i week In your own town. Termi and t& VJJ ontfiu free. Addreea II. IIailptt A Co Portland, Maine, (m'h2-lj.J ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. CurweniTUIe, Jut. 9,s78-tf. 1.VVHM I.AMW FOR I AI.P.bmTd HuMon ad Pine townibi, Clearflrld county. jTf Iteaxonable tlmecfrfn for part of porchane T' money. Price! lo 00 to 10.00 per atre. jfj M in era 'l reierfed. L. UlltP, Aeni, Prnfiold. Pa. orWiLLAraA Kuttm, 8ept 10, mo-tf. Cleartiald, Pa, O IIOEM AK1 Nfl. I harrhy Inrm mj pa O troni, and mankind in fieDeril, that I have remofed toy ahoeinaklng ehop to tha room in (J ran am row, over a. I. Snyder Jewelry Kore, and that I am prepared to do all kinda of wnri In my line oheapar than any other ehop In town, AH work war run ted aa food aa on ba dune aor wberaelie. Poaltirely tbia la tba rheapent nhop ID uiearueld. JUS. U, UKhKIAU, Dm. 11, 1879-tf. Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN T flERKDYftire notice to tba cltltana of Clw- 1. field and lha aurroumling ricinity that I am prepared at aH tlmea to furoiih familial and manufacturing aitabliahmeota with ft aoperlor quauty 01 Coal. Wood t Coke, Which I am prepared to drltver In a few boiiri' oo tire, i am alnay readj to baul and deliver Irooi and to tha depot, or anywhvra alia, and move furoiltti and houiehold guuili anywbnre on ehortnnMna. TIIOH. A. UUCKEtT. Clear He 1,1, Pa., Mar. II, 1880-tf. John Irvin & Bros., CI RWKNSVILLE, PA, -IKALKRS IN- All Kinds of Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, Elc. -M- MAM'PACTl REUS AND I)EALER9 IN mh'aui: Ti.nm:it, AND EVKRY DK8CRIPTI0N Or SAWED LUMBER CUT TO 0EDEE. ji The Only MannfatUnreni in ClcftrMd County of the NEW PROCESS FLOUR! ixorn, f-MOP ad?.r rvr.t pyCnR.i paid for all kinds of Oram Wheat, liye, Uatn. htc CarweaiTllle, Pa., Jnoa I, tfil tf. Ifijal tlrfrtistmruts. "God Save the Commonwealth I" ftiTiaii.?.'. Election Proclamation. "ITfHKHKAH, hy an Ad of lha Oeneral Aainn- f bly of the Common wen lift if I'enr lyhania entitled "An Art to rt-guldtc the lli-ncral K I eel ion within tha Cummonwralih," li Ik enjoined oimiq the hbenffH of the aeveral count let to give public notice tri' ucb elarliun, Ilia placca where to be bL-ld, and Ibe ufflm-ri to be clecli'd, TiiMKKKtiRR. I. JAMKS MAIIAF1KV. lliah Sherifl uf t'leiirflcld eciuniy, do berl.v give 1'ult lie Nolioa to the elector! of the rounty of Clear- flrld. that a ci'Deral eltntion will ba held on TritapA t rot.LowiKo tub Fintr MiiNiur or N vrmiikr (being lha ih day or the month), at the ppvoral election diitricti in laid county, at which time and place tho qualified volara will rote For one peria for Treaaurtr of tha Common weal l h uf raoRnrlrania. For two pirtoni lur Aifociate Judge! 01' Clearfild ouuaiy. For Due perion for Treasurer of Clearfield county. For two perium for Cuinmifnionar of ClearAeld oouniy. For two perium for Auditor of Clearfield county Fuf one perion fr Coroner of ClearQeld oouniy. The eleoton of the county of Clearfield will take notice that tha aaid election will ba held at the fullowinjr iilacea, via : liurniide borough at the public trhool houna in a hi uorouctie Clearfield borough, at the C"ramliionrt-.' offir, in tha Cojrt Houoe. CurwenBTilla borough, at tbe houte of Bamuel Way, corner of State and Walnut utreeta, In aaid boruuzh. Duliuit bnroojfh, at the public anhoil hiuie In a ill boT'iuall tllen Hop borough, at the public ivhool boof ia eattl borougu. lloutidale borough, at the pudlle houe of Win. Ptrker, ia anid boruui'h. Lumber City borough, at tlio public arhnol houfte in eaiu borouun Nvnburg borough, ai tho mho.) I boue, In aaid borouzh, New Wahlfigtnn borough, at the public a-bol niuet to aaiil borough. Oceola borough, at the public house of Milo llort. in naid borounb Wailaocion borough, at the public achool houe In aaii borough. Bcocaria town-hip, at the Vnion Hole), in Uleo Hope. ltcll lowufhip, at the houfe of Hubert MahaflVy , lUoom toworliip, at the boiiar vi (be late Jamet IH'iom, Sr. ll'igg" lownfhlp, atibebouieol Kdwarl Albert, lira i ford township, at ihv houe of Jacob fierce. Hradv towmhip at the public hiueof Williuio Schwein, Jr.. In l.utheiihurg. ItumHKle towi Rhtp. at 1 uunt ii-nooi borne. Chert tnwneliiii, at the public ichocl h tuee near Simon Knrohough't. Covington township, at tba aouol boueo In Muiaonliurg. leca'nr tuwnrhlp, at Centre achool houic. Ferruaon township, at the houe of J jbn (Ireg- ory, formerly occupied by Thoi. Hoblnion,(U road way) (iirard township, at Cong res i Hill achool home. fJonben township, at tbe publio achool house at Shawsrillc. Uraham towmhip, at thehous of the late Jacob Ilubhr. Ureenwol township, at the publte housa of Samuel llulihan, lo aaid lowmhtp. uulich township, at thepuplio school house, it) Janesville. Ilulton township, at ihr house of the late Jesse Wilson- Jordan towoihlp, at tbe pub.io acho-il house, in Anxonvillc. Knox township at Turkey Hill fi lmol house. Karthnui townsliip, at Drldicn's school house. Lawrence lownnlnp. at the Arbitration room. In the Court llnue, in the borough nt Clearlield. Mirru tow nsltiii, at the home formerly occupied by Thomas Kykr. reno toansinp, at ilc note) lonneriy arpi ny Vf. W. Anilvrron. Hike township, at the tnwnsliin ichool house in the borough of Curwcnsvillc. tanily lownrbip, at tbe puhhc acuooi buusa in the town of Dulinis. I'oion tciwn'lMp, at the house of IK E. Ilruhnkor. Woodward tnwnliip, at the pub:ic school houia In the town of IliiuttviHe. Form oTTIt-kela, AN ACT rcgulaiifg thn mole or voting at all cleclione lo lle n-vrril ountin of this Com Dion wealth, apjirored tbe .i;tb dny of March, A. It. If A ii: PrrTloH I. JU t't tfiftrH bf ibii Senate and Houeof Hcpresiiiiallvas ol'thf C:noimiwia(h o I'l'iinnvl aiiit in (ieneral AnseuiMy tm-t, ti I it ii hereby enncted by authority of the a.im, Tlutt ibe qualified voUti of the uveml coU"t( uf this Commonwealth, at all general, tnwnxhip, horouifh and sprcial elections, are hrhv heresltrr nutbor ued and required to rote, by tickets, print?., or written, or purely printed and pnrlly written, sev erally cUssilted as follows : Hue ticket shill em. brace Ihe naiois of all .iudxel ot courti fotcd for, and to le labeled, outside, ' judiciar ;" one ticket shall embrace ihe i.aiiienol tbaStta officers vo if l fur, and he I air led, "Slate ;' one tlokct shall em brace the names of all county office ri Toted for, includicg oflice af senator, nitmbei and mcuibcrs of asicml.Jy, if voted rr,and memlier of Congress, if Toted fr, and bo labeled, "c'luniy ;" one ticket shall embrace tbe nauin of alt towuhip offiiMri folrd for. und be Inhaled, "township me ticket shall embrace the names of all borough ofheers voted for, and ha Inbelcd, "borough ;" and each class shall be deposited in aepitrate b tllot tolua. W lie li the Pol la are to lie? kept Open A further supplement to the act regulating elections in this Cnmmonwealih, approved January SU, and February :t, A. It. H74 : brc. o. At all elections hereafter held under tha law of bii Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened at levvn o'clook, a. m., and closed at so Ten o'clock, p. tn. Appointment of Judpea and Inspertore. Rrr. 8, In all election districts where a vacaooy eststa by reason of tba dis'a.liflrattn nf lU officetf orotharwta in an election hoard here'O' fore appointed, or where any new district ha'l b. formi'd, tba Judge or Judges of the Curt of Coin moo Fleai of the proper county shall, ten days before any general or special election, appoint competent persona to fill eld vacancies, and to conduct tha election In said new districts, an iba appointment of inspectors in any alert Ion district both shsll not be of the same political party, and ibe judge of elections shall in all cases be of the political party baring the m-ijnrity of votea in aaid district as nearly aa tbe said judge or jugta ran ascertain tha fact, and in case 01 the diaarreemrnt of tho judges a to the selection of inspectors tbe p ill ma it in trvf of tin jml ea shall select one nf aaid Inspectors, and the minor iiy jtnlge or Judgee abnll select tha other. Hsc T, Whenever there shall be a vacancy In an election board on the morning of an election, said vacancy shall be filled in conformity with existing lawa. Out Ira or I.lerlloii 0 in re re. Bur. ft. At tbe opening of tbe polls at all elee. Ilona It shall ba lha du'y of tbe judcoa of eleclinn for their respective distrlcta t.i designate one of tha Inspectors, whose duty it aball bo to have in custody the registry of voters, and to make the entries therein renin red by law, and It shall tba duty of tho oiher of tha aaid inspect ore tn receive and number the ballots presented at aaid election. Pier. 9. A 11 elections by tha cilltena ahull be by ballot ; every ballot voted shall be numbered In tbe order In which It shall ba received, and the number reoordrd by theckrki on be list of voters opposite tba name of tho elector from whom ra eetv"il. And any votrr voling Iwo or more tick ets, tba several ticketa so voted shall earh be Bam bared witb tha number corresponding with tbe number to Ihe name of tha voter. Any elec tor may writ bis name upon hi ticket or cause tha earn to bo written thrroon.aud attended by a citiien of tha district. Ia addition to the oath now prescribed hy law to ba taken and subsisrlbed by election officer, they shall eeverall ba sworn or affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall have voted, unless required to do so aa witnesses In a judical proceeding, AD Judges, lnpe tf-rs, clerks and overseers of any election hel 1 under Ihfa act aball, befm entering upon their dull, be duly aworn or affirmed In lha presence of each other. Tha judge ahull be aworn by tha minority Inspector, If there shall Wswch minority inspector, and in ca a there aha I ba no minority inspector then by a justice of lha peace or aider ni fin, ai.d the inspectors, overseers and clerk shatl be aworn by theMne Cert Ideates of each swear ing or affirming shall be duly made out and sign fd hy the nftVera so aworn, and alteMed by the off. per who administered lha nalh. If any Judge or minority Inspector refuses or fails to a wear the o 111 cere of elect! n In the manner required bj this act, or if any officer of election ahsll act without being first duly aworn, or If any officer of election shall aign tho form of oath without being duly sworn, or if any judge or minority Inspector ahull j certify that any uffi ier waa aworn when ha was not. ahall bo deemed a misdemeanor, and Upon con'vic.ton th oir.er or offlcra o oflending .hall be Bnd not exceeding on thousand dollars or imprisonment not exceeding on year or both at th discretion of lb Court, Koii-ltriatered Voter. Bra. It). On th day of election any person whoso nam ahall lot appear on th iff istrv of voters, and wba claima th ribl to vote at said lection, ahall produce at least one quaMed voter of th district as a witness to lha res i dene of lb claimant in tha district in which bo claims In be a voter for tba period of at least two mo lbs Immediately preceding aaid alec lion, which wlt nesa aball bo sworn or affirmed, and auheerib a written, or partly written and partly printed effi doll to tb facia staled by bira, which affidavit ahall d-(l oe clearly where tho rtsidene ia of th person to alalmitif to b a voter, and tho person ao claiming the right to vote ahall alao take and subacribj a written, or partlv written and partly primed affidavit, elating tj th beat f hi knowl edge and belief when and where ha wa born; that ba ba boon aeitiaen of ih United States for on tnontb, and of th Commonwealth nf Penneylvaoia; that b baa resided in Iba Cnta. monwcaltb one year, or If formerly a qualified lector or native born eitiieo thereof, and baa removed therefrom and returned, that b bat ra sided therein ail toon the next preceding aaid elec tion i that too baa resided in ibe district in which h claima to bo a voter for tho period of at Iraat two mop tha nmed(atly prvrmdinf aaid election ; lhat he baa not moved Into Ih district for th purposo of voting the ret : that he haa, If twenty mo yeara of eg ar ipwards, paid a Plato or county tax within two yeara, which wia assessed at least iwo anon the and paid at leaat on month before th lcllon. Th aaid affidavit ahall also stat when and where th tat el aimed to b paid by tba affiant was assessed, aod when ani where aad to whom paid, and th tai rateipt therefor ahall b produced for otaminalloi nnlaaf the affiant aiall atate la hie affidavit that It ha bee low or destroyed, or that b nevr roeolved any, and, If a natorallavd ltlten, aball alao atat wbea, (iMl ilvfrtisfinfiiti. wbera and by what eoart ha waa aataralisod and shall also produce bis eertifioataof naturalisation j lor evauiliiatton; but If tbe nrs'a a claiming ' tha ripbt tn vote shall lake and sttbsjrib) aq a 111- dki.lt that ha fa a native born i-itiiea of the I'nited Stairs, or If burn elsewhere sHe'l state I iba set in Ms adi lavit, and sb ill pr-Jj.a en- ' dnre tb it he bis be n tt ura'ls'd, or is entitled I to rl Uansli-p ly re a n o his lath- r e na'U'a'iis i tu n. and sba I further state in his ath lav.t iht j bv is at iba lima uf niukmg Ilia affi lit f tan as I firtu'y tt.ue to b a-a " ling to ttia pr i ire .,f twenty. nDl. 4)J,i Ul) jf r lw"tv two jevrs ; th rf the Coas'it jf -m an I Ci i Ibtj of ibi that ba baa been a nitiiea of tho United Stales ' Commonwealth, entitled to a vole at sahele ition, i-tit mouth: that ba has resided in tba btala on I without re('Atrlng su.iti ei lne or th rlfhl to ear ; or, il a Halite, born cilisen ot the Mate, and 1 vote as Is directed bf law. nor will I veiatiously tfiii ivt-d Iberelrum and raturneJ, that be baa rt- i daUy or refuse ! seoatva anv 'u fentn any per sidid tbtrein alt months nail preceding and ; soa who I shll believe to ha entitled to a vote election, and in tba election district two montha : as aforeaaid. and that I will net dial ao how any Immediately preceding su-'b ale-lion, he aball ba i a'eolur saall have voted, unless required to d so entitled to vote, although ba shsll not hare pud ! s a witnast ia a judicial proaaediog, but that 1 tea as. Tha sail aOiilavit of all persona making will ia all tbiuga truly and imptrtully and faith . uth claima and tha Merits of ibe witnesse lo fully perform my dit therein, lo the best cf my tli-ir reside tee a'tall ba presem-d by tbe election Judgment and ability, and that I am n it di bnard. and at ihe eloe ot tbe election thy ahall ' ractly or Indirectly, interested In aoy bat or be enclosed with tbe list ol voters, tally lltt, and waKtr on the result of ihla election.' other papira required by law to be l ei bf lha The following ab-ill hi Ibe oath or affiraition return ju lge with ih proibonotary. and ahall re -1 of each ju le, viat "I A. B do - that I will main on U.e therewith in iba prolhoootary'a offioa. i aa judge duly attend lha au suing elect ion dinug aultjeot to eiaminatiou as otbar eleonun uauara are. If ine eleolion oflloera ahall find thai lha applloant possrsase atl tbe tegtl qualitl latioa a of a voter he ahull be permitted to Vote, and bia name aball be added lo tha list of t ambles by ihe election officers, tba word "Tax" being added where ilia claimant claims to vote on tax, and tha word "Age" whtre ha claims to Vole ge, tha aame words being added by lha olaraa io aaoh rasa reipectivsly u iba lit'l of persona voting at auch el"Ctiuo. 1 hallii(fe uf Ittglatered Voter Pre. II. It .hall ba lawful for any qualified citiien of tha district, notwithstinding ths name ol the proposed voter ia contained on the list ol resident taxablea, to challenge the vote of eu"h person', whereupon the same proof of tbe right of suffrage as now reqnire I by law sbill be pub licly made, and acted on by iba elect ion b ard, and tbe vote admitted or rejected according to ttia evidence. Kvarv person chiming to bo a naturalised citiien ahall ba required to produce hia natoraliatlion eurti float at the election be fore voting, except where bo baa been for five yeara consecutively a voter ia too district In wbiub he ofWs bia vote, and on the vote of auch person being received it ahall be tha doty of the eleotion ollicers to wi' or etanip on auuh eertifi eute tbe wrd ''rotd " with ihe day, ninth ant year, and if anv election officer or o&eere shall reeclvt a second vote on tba same day by virtue ol the seme oertitJjaie, etccpt where aons are en titled to vote because of tba nituralitslion of their fathers, tliry and the person whu shall olTer auch second vole shell ba guilty of a misdemean or, end on cunvtlion tbrauf fined or impris oned, or both, at tba dicretion nf tha court, but tut no anatt not avceej ova numr .loiiara in each case, nor the impriaonmoat one year. Tn. of the officers of election who ahull neglect or re fueo lo tuako or causa to b made tlio en lorne ment require! aa aforesaid on sail nat-traiitv ion ccrtillcale. Neglect of Duty of i:ttrUou Oil! r era. Smc 12. Ifany alec'ion officer ahall refute or neglect to requiro sU'ib proof of tba rliit of sutlraRe aa ia described by tbia law, or lha law to which this la a supplement, from any prsn offering to vme wbise ntme ia not on tha list of atses'e i voters, or whose right to vote li ohil lenged by any qualilied voer present, and shill admit auch person to vote without requiring su"h proof, every pars m so oflending sbill, up m oqv viclion. be gui ly of a misdemeanor, and shalt ba aentence l for every auuh offun -a m pay a die not aieeediag five hundred dollars, or to undargi an impriaonuiont not mora than one year, or boih, at the discretion of ibe Court. i'aiivnai of the Votea by the Court! Pre Aa soon aa the polls shall close tha uf- j fleers of tba election shell proceed t.j eunt all iba votea cist lor ea-h candidate voted for, and make out a full return ot tha same in triplicate, with a return sheet in addition, in all of wh'cn tha votea received by etch oandi Ute s'uli be glv. an allor hia or hrrnama, first m words and airain In figures, and shall bo signed by all ol sat i nf. ficcrs, and csrliflcd by overseers II any, or if not so certified the ovrreers and any altcer rsf uitig j to aijjrn or certify, or aiihtr ol ibem, sbill write. I upon each of tbe returns ha or thir n a tons 'or not signing or ceriifvin the n. Th tn ns so7H i os aiHMtrtt sAdll a 'so be patt'iVy ni itrtnrtti mm thw twimttnm to (Ae firiws pVenr, trf n one sfnfeMf m( iA.nsiif lie rtr rrrtieti hf irh c'lnntiii'ite thuH he m-in ni ijtH rSy tkr flection fA'cees ns ton n Ih mtt is eonaef, ihe tmr th'ttt ae immnimttltf fK.s'rnf np on iht rf..-r of the i tUrti,tm Anna ir iHiutmniion nf the nuUi Tma ' triphca a returns bsll be euchsed in en re opes service, under a requiiinn from tha Preid'nt of' ani be aeabil In tho prein of the uHl.'era, and , ,h lotted States, or bv the authority of this! one envelope with t"i utiseiled return aheei : Cuninnowealih, au-'h !ctora my exercise tba g ven to tba jude, wht-h shsll c m'.ain oie liarirbtof suHruie In tt electlois by the ciliiens. uf vutera. tally piper, an 1 narha of ntirers, and ' under amh rciUtiois, as if thy wjr prsnt at ; an"ih-r of said envelopca rb ill ba given to itm their usual piaora of election. minoritv Inr-p-ct.ir, All juig-a living within j nar. 7. AH liw rerulaMog the holding ol alee l welt milel ol tha 'ro:bon itarjf a o-R ir w.thin by th ciln-nt. or ttt tia rntr ,1101 nf twenty I ar mile', if tbsir rea.deaca ho In a tor, vectors, sb ill bs unif irm thruuhHit tSe !Uta, viliag i or city on th I ne of rai roat leidng to ! 'ul n elector hU bad -prualol thi privilege Hi county sett, sb ill bi-fora two oolick, put- j "I voting by ros.m of bis name not being regis meri lnn, of th day after th elerti in, and all 'ered. other ju t ea shall bi-f.iro twelve u'c'ock mandian rKP- Any perion who ahitl give or prmiat, of ihe second dit atier tbe elect! ia. delivti aidi'"' sT1VB' lct l"t'r, any m.incv, re nt .rn, tociher wih retu n sheet, n the I'ro- lh"notiry of CiC'jrlof Common Pleas nf (lie county, which ( return shi it ah ill b till d, and Ibe 'Uy and hutir ol lilrig marked thereon, and shall be preserve I by the i'rotb'inuury fur puolto tnapectim. At It o'ciook on lha stid ao'nod lav lollovvlng any election, the Protbonsiary f tii- Court ui C'ltntn n f Iras a ia;l present tna s.ii I raturos to tholl court; in oo-iotics whr I here is no r.'si lcnl Pieident Juda, tb Ataoc ate Judgi'a h til perform ihe dotioi impissd upon the Court of C iQiiuon Pea, which shall convene for raid purpose ; ihe returns prcseniel by the Pro ihonolary shall he opened by aaid court, and com puted by such of la fliceri, and such aworn aa aistants ns the court ahall Appoint, In lb presence ut the judge or judges of said court, and lb" rturnacnificd and cerliftnatca of eltloa issued under ihe seal uf the court, as ia now rtquired to be dne hy th return judg-s, aod th vote aa ao eoibpuled and certined shall beopso to the public, or n case of com pi not of a qi ihtied elector nodar oath charging palpibla fro I or mijtake, aod particulntiy specilying the alleged mistake or Iraad, or where fraud or mistake ia apparent on lha return, lha court aball examine tbe return, a d If In tb judgment of the court it ahall be ne-ceeaary to a just niurn aaid court shall issue suoitnary process against the elrctton officers and overseera if any, ol th election district com plained nf, lo bring them forthwith Into e mrt, with all election papera in their possession, and tf palpable nilstaae or frau t ahall be disc ivarvd , it a.iall, upon iuii hea'iog at may be deemed nco ti-ary to enlighten tba o uri, and bo corrected by tho court, and ao certiftt-d j but allegi'l n of pelpaMc Iran i or mistake ahall he decided by the sai l court wi'hirt lure days after tha day the return are brought Into ourt for computation, and the laid 1'iquiry ahull ba directel only to palpable fraud or mistake, ant shill not b deemed a judicial jurisdiction to conclu 1 any ontent Dow or bernaffer to be provided bv law. and ihe other of said triplicate returns shall ba placet, in the box and sealed up with Ilia balloia Si thing in this act ahall riuir the return oi election of borough or township officers to be made in tha courts aa directed in thi section, but all Ihe returns of tha election of towoatiip and borough officer to be n close I In a sealed oovr, direct.' I to ihe I'ruthnnotary of lb Court of Com moo l'lese of tb proper Bounty, ani ahall b snm on f them be delivered into hia offi.' within three day after everf auoh election aod tiled therein. In counties where thore are three or more judge of aaid court, learned in th law, at leat two Judge shall sit to compute and eer tlfy returns, unle unavoidably pmventeJ. It any of tha said judges aball b imsalf be a oandi data for any offlj at any aloctloo ha shll not ait witb th court or act in cnuoting the return of auch eieo'lon, anJ tn auch case th other Judges, if any, ahall act, and if in anv count v there shall be no judge qualifb-d lo hold tha aaid curt under the provision of f hia act present and able tt act, then in everv auch case, the register of wil a, the shfr.lfaid county commissioner, of the proper county ahall be and constitute a Hoard, wh , or a minority of whom shatl htv an I cxercias all tbe powers, and perform all tha dotina vested in or required to be performed by tha ;nurt of Common Pleas of such ciunir, by and under the provis ions of this aeeiion ; but none of tb said officers ball act a a member of suih lizard when him self a etndidVa for any office at lb election, the raturni of which th aaid llotr.l la required to count under ihe provision of th a lection. har 3. In all elections hereafter ibe certificate of naturaiia ition, if gouine, shell beconclusire evldenc of th facts mentioned therein, and where th person ffTerlrg to vol olaims tb right on th ptvoeit ot tut tha rveln if ua tux, If signed by tho proper ofll ter, shall be tba evid-nc thereof ; If such perem doa not produce eueb re eeipt, then tho p4f mnnt of the tiii miy b p-oven by ti oath oT such person, or other evidence staling when, where and lo whoa auch tax wna paid- Pemon I'rolilbltrd Irom 4rvlii(f on fcter. tlon llimrila. Not'cela further herehv given, that a'l persna except Justices of (he I'eac, who thill h-dd an ofR or app inimnit of truit on lor the U ivern- ment of tha 1'nlted Stitei, or nf this Htate, or of any incorporate J lnlricl, whether a com missioned otflner or otherwise, a aubordinale offinar or agent, who If or shall b tinploved under th Legisla tive, Kx ecu tire nr JudioUl departmnntl nf thie lti or ni th rnltet Mates, or any oily or in- d"irM and al.o lb it every member ot Hon res s, nr of th Hist Legislature, or of th onramoo nr select council o any euy or eomtnia sioner of anr tnnorpuratod district, are by law Incapable nf holding or v.rcing, at the sam time, tb office or aipnintmnnt nf Judxa, Inspec tor or clerk of any eleoiion of thiaCom monwcaltb. Of Klarllon Ofllrrra. In ess the person who shall have received the aecond hit beat number of vote for Inspector shall not attend on tb day nf election, then the person who ahall have reoeivad tba second hi hen num ber of votes for judg at the next preceding ale. Hun, ahall aot aa inspect nr in bia placet and in ease the person who aball bava received the high est number of totet fflr Inspector ahall not attend, tb person elected Judg shall appoln t an laspoo tor to hi placet oil in ease th person el-clod Judge ahall not attend, then ibe inspector who re ceived tb highest aumherof voles, shall appoint a Judge In hi plan ; or If any vacancy ahall e n tlnuo in th Iliart for the spac ol on hour after lb tim fixed by taw for lha opening ol th ele tlon. tb qua! i dud vol a-a of th township, ward or district lor which taih officer ahall bava been elected, present at th place of elect loa, shall -lent on out of Ibrir number to ft I aoch vacancy. Also, that where a Judge, by slcknsia or unavoid able aecldent, ia unable ta attend aucb matting ofjudcea, then tb eortifloetej or return aiil b taken eb trge of by on of lb Inapactora or clerks of the election of th dtatrlji, who ahall di and perform thedullel rquird of aaid Judg unable to altind. I-.lertlon Hoard Oath. Th In'paitors, judge and trk required by taw to bold lwnahlpnd ganoral elect tons ahall lake and sub tor lbs ths several oaths and affirm linn required by th Ittih. Itfth and Kiel aeeiion a of tb aet of td day nf July, IS. 19, An set relet lag to the elect lens of tbia CoMmonwealth, which oatba or affirmation a aball b prepared or admit ietaroal la tb manner prvaaribod In lb tfttb and I2d eootions of aaid aot, aad la addition to tba, power ooaferred by lb lBtb swatlat of aaid act tba jugaar tlthar or Ue lnpoatn shall have power in administer tba oaths prr.bel by aaid act to any oierk ol a general, epeulU or townhip election. Tha following hll ba tha Tir-a of iba oalh or aTinua'iiin 1 1 b taken bv eicb iu-pt'-r. via : l A. n io mu i wwi -i.nv a i- i i i t ni etismcg elect! ii during ibe c Tii iiia th-rl as an iupMt', and ttjat 1 will not reoeira any i il'-krt or vta Irom any persoi uthr lbi au-h tb aontinuanea tberaa'. and fanhUUv aii t the instrcckwrs in earrvmgon tha aaiaa, lb at 1 will not giva my consent that any vol or ticket aball ba roooUad from any psrsoa or than auch aa firmly behave to be, eoour ling t tho provia ions of tha Constitution and ths lawa of this Commonwealth, entitled to vote at auch election, without roqitritg auoii eriJ'Oe of the right lo vote aa if airaoUd by law, aod that will use inv bist endeavors to prsvant anr fraud, deceit ot nhuae ia carrying ou tba same by eitiseiia quali lied to vote or others, and I wilt make a true and perfect return of lha aaid election, an I that I will not dieulose bow any elector aball hve voted unlesa required to do so as a witness in a Ju lieial proceeding, and will In alt thiog truly, Imptr lially and laltbfullf perforin m? duly rcspeotlng the same, to Ibe best of my judgment and ability, and thai 1 am not directly ar iuJtreully mteresied in any bat or wager on the result of thiialsoiiuo." Tha Mlowmg shall ba tba loru of oaih or amrmaiion lo be taken by each clerk, via: " I, A. U , do that 1 will Imperially and truly write down tho name of aatch alect'ir who sh.il veto at the ensuing election which ahall bo given ui In charge, and also tba ne'oe of tbe township, wrJ or district wherein such elector resides, and will reeurl tbe number of bia billot on the list of rotera tip p i tlte to bia name, and careful! v and truly writs d wn lha number of hi billot on the ltt of voters opp isite to bit ntme, and cun-fuli? anJ trulr write down the number ot votes ttiat ahall be givn I ir ej.i-b candidate at tbe elec'i -n, as often aa hia nauie stiall be read to ma by ibe topectors tbrrjo', and in all tlilnga truly ani faitbtully pnriurm my daty respaiting tho Srime, to tbe best ot my Juaineut and abi Iiy ; that I am not directly or indirectly interested io I bft, W4ar yn thi, ,i.M10i i ,hat I will nij Miif . ,()tf nj tljolur .i, h4Ve rotl,.i( un less required to do so at a witoe-a ia a juJicial procec t'og C'oiiatttutloiial ProvlftUma. iSncial attention Is borehy direct 1 ti tbe Kiithth Article of the New Constitution : Hkition I. Kvery malecitisen twenty one yeirs nf ngn, possessing the fallowing qtia'itljatioui, shatl be entitled to vole at all elections : fini-lli shall have bien a c titan of tba t'ai ted States at least one moth Strimd He shall bava reside I la the State one yeir (or, if h iving previously been a qntliQ-d elector or natlva-bori cittasti of the Htste, be shai hive removed therefrom and relurne I, than til mnnlhs.) immediately preceding ttnelenioa. Third ahall bare res! lei in the election district whore ba sh ill offxr to vote at leat tw inrntha immediately preceding the election Fourth It twon'y-iwo years of age or upwards ho abnll have paid within twi yera a Htate or County tax, which snail nava been aisenet at ltt too months an I ptid on m oth baforo the election. Sac 4. All elections by the chiteli shttl be hy ballul. Kvery ballot vote 1 shall be numbered it the ordnr io which it shall be received, an) the number recorded by Ibe eleoti m offi lers on the list of voters, opposite the name of tho elector who presents tha baliot. Any elector m write bis name upon bia ticket, or eaue tbe aame to be written thereon, and attested by a ciliaen of the district. The election uffi lers shall be aworn or alBriae 1 n-)t tn disclose how any ele 't'ir ahalf have voted, nnlea require! to do so at a witness in a ju I'C'al proiec1lu. Kleclors sha'l la all os;i. ei?ept Ire '. f' lony. and nreacb or surely of the piece, ba privileged loin arrest during Ih Ir attendance on elect i ns and in going to aod returning therefrom. 1 vVhenever any of the qua! (Id eUotnrs of this Comin nwtUb shall be in ftCtU il milittrr pd or olbe.- viluab'e conslderA'i-.n for hit vote ai anyaleotioo, or for withhiidiog thi sa ne, or wb shill glv or promia to give j -h cmiijcra lion to anr perron nr party 1 ir such elector who iha I re-utve or ag.'M to rsnln far bimaif or for aaother, any niouey, reward or othar valuable ooosid rti on tor hia vote at an also tin, or fur withholding the aame, shsll thereby forfeit the riabt to viit at au'th election, and any test or wboae right to vote ahall be chaleag-td f r each oau beloro the election offi '-era, shall be required to swear or afiiria that the matter of the challenge la oni rue before hia vote aball ha received. HKo. U. Any perion who shall, white a candi date for offioa, be guilty of bribery, fraud or will ful violation of euy election law, ahall ba furaver disqualified, from holding any office of trust nr prulitln Ibis Commonwealth, and any parson convicted of willful violation of the election laws shall, in addtll n lo any penalties provided by Uw, be deprived of the right of suffrage ahfolutaly for to term of fur years, Sar. 14. Kor lb purpose of voting, ao person shall ba deemed to bar gained a residence by reason of his absence, wbit cnploted In tie aervico, of either civil or militry, of ibia Stato or tb Unitod Htate i, nor whi engaged in the navigation ot the watan of th fitaia or the I'nitel Htatei, or on high ao, nor while a stuJent of any Institution of learning, nr while kept to any Poor lloua. or oiher Atriums, at publia expens, nor while emflnel in public prii m. Hkc, 14. District leetlnn boird ahall onslat of a jul(ta and two inspectors, who ahall be chosen annually by tb witiaena Ktcb elector shall have lb right to vet fur the judge and on Inspector and ea eh Inspector shall appoint on elerk. The first elr-clou bard f r any new district shall be selected, aod vacaooiei in election bmds tilled as provided by law. Election o (liners aball be privilege! from arrest upon dare of election, wbi eugnged In tusking op and traistnittinx returns, except opon warrant of a court of record or juifx thereof, lor ao election fund, for felonr, or fr want n breach of the peace. Io cities, tl,v may olslm exemption Irom jury duty during their larma ol aervt-j. btc. li. No peraon eh el I b qualified to aerve aa an iciin oincer ono shall Doiii.uranii wuu in two months hare held any office, or appoint' inonL or cmnlnvaienl In ue unlar lha liovarn meot of the L'nited States, or of this State, or of any oily or oouoty, or ot any municipal hoarJ, commission, or trut In any city, save only Jm- tloea of tha peaca and aldermeo, notaries pohlid, and persona in the militia service or lb Slate nor shall any election o fiber ba alligibl to any civil office to ba filled at ao lection ai which be ahall serv, aave only lo inch auiMirdinat, muniel pal, or local nflhers, bslow the grade of tii ity or eoaniy otlloeri, a shall be dvsigaated by gen aral lawa. UIVFN under my hand and seat, at ClearAeld, I'enu'a, this Htb dr of October, In Ihe year L.fi of our Lord one thousand eifht hundred aod eighty -one, and of tbe Independence ol the 1 ii i (a1 dial us tbe ons hun I re I a-i I en h. JAMKS MAIIAFPUV. fiherilT. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Uurwenavlll, Jan. 9, 73-tf. a ton OR tiiTm ..I'Aol r. wtAVm "STOXT OAT Save moneY IN DUVINQ YOUR GOODS FROM co. $ lnul F. Wcnvcr, SBCONDSTHERr. CLEARFIELD, PA., DRALIRS IN Dry Goods, Nolions, Bonis ifSliocs, Ilalsf Caps, GROCERIES, Carpels, Oil Cloths, 4c, &c. ALSO, ri.ci'R, risii, BACON, II AM, SALT, OATS, CORN, CHOP, ETC Thanafal far p. at f.Tera wa iBTlta tba pablie le end and eea our larne Bflit Baa atoek af ffoerle, Bhieb a will diepoee af at eeaeoeabla rataa for eaS, or aiehaoia tor aoaalrj produoa. Polite and alleatlva tlerka ta wait Bpoi yoa, and prlae. d.wa law. OKOROI A PAtTL t. WBAVIR. Ol.wl.U, PaHapt, II, IHI tf Hotels. LOYD UOUSK, Mala tllrael, eillLlFnUUku, fKNM'A. Table elwejre aupplled aaitb tba beat tba aaarka atf.ir la. The traraling pablie la tBvtt.d tu eall. jaa HOUKK t LUi U. fASUINGTON UOUSK, NKW WAcilllNtlTON, I'A run new and well furni.ihed bouse baa been t aken by tba undersigned. Ho feels confident ol bung able to render eatlsfaotloa to thoao who may favur him witb a eall. May , 1871. O. W. DAVltJ, Frop'r. T "'K.MPKUANCK UOUSK, NKW WASIUN'OTOS, PA. II. I). llUiK, . . PaoiBiaraa. raTha )a.t of BeflonrajJatloD. fur Baa aad b.e.t. A fberal .bar. of Imbll. patron.. la oliell.i'l. .ai2ll,BJ0. WASHINGTON HOUSE, QLK HOCK, PRN.V'A. rfllIK aul'irjlgut) I, having leased tbia outa X ai'litua llotel, la tb v ill. go of Ulan Hops, ta now prepared ta aciommndato all who iniy til. Hy Ubl and bar ahall ba supplied with tbe but tb mirket atTurda 11 KJH1K W. DOTTJ, Jr. Olen Hop, fa , March , iT9 lt. gU.S(iUKU.aNA UOUSB, OaaWENSVILLE, PENN'A. pirlbli oil ani aMtl-eitsWi.!,-1 (I'.l btf bsun laaioi ba tba du I irsl iv 1, ai I be feels coo It dent ol rendailug atttfaotioa to tb -ta wb i may pairjmta him. tl I subm j attached. LKWI i 0. BL-JOJl, Proprietor. April 31,'fll tl. ALLKGIIKN Y UOUSK, Cl.tvAKKIKLD, PBNN'A. WILLIAM II. OK AX, 'roiW. rtilt h use la pistit itl r I to itrt I ot Kisi M iraot street, an 1 mif-nlMt ta tin C urt II iiv ami ail btiin'i pi i -et f in r i, U bi ri oently bsa i r ltilail refaanlnl (ft a -Jjllir to a '.ue. B ir suiis t with ah ilatst i i n . rbl 1 iraitbel with thj b set the m r i t I ii . ti Jd stable a'ttoirt Ui'es miliras April 1.1, 1841 tf. gaaSis DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Ho ii IU Third Hired, Plilla Inlplila And Jaalers ia Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt attet tlon, a-ii all Information cheerfully fjrnieber Orders toliuted. April ll-tf. r. . arxolh. . W, AR90LD. I. . AatoLt F. K. ARNOLD & CO., CnukerH unci ISroker. Keyiiolilsvllle. JelTeranu Co., Pa, M may received on depoilt. Discounts at m i derate rates. Kaitorn and Foreign Kacbengaal wave on band and collections promptly made Haynoldavlll. Doo. In, 18M..y County National Bank, OF CI.EAItPIKLD, PA. ROOM in O.-aha-n'i Urick llull ling, t w J . l nt ')f r A. f Iuk's rit ire. Paaiago Ticketa to and from Liverpool, Queani town, it lasgow, London, Paria and Copenhagen Also, Drafts for aale on tb Royal Dank of Ireland and T to dial Dank of London. JAMK3 T. LKONARD, Praa't. VT. M. SHAW, Cashier. Jsnlnl Jlcntistry. J L. It. nKICIIIIOM), II II (i K I) v n r t i t, Ira.luata of Ibe Pena.rtraal. r.)Ue?e ol Dent.l iirirery. Ofllr-e in reiilenee of Dr. Hill.,oi,e.it. tbe 8hiw lloii.e. mihlS, ';H-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OOoa In Bank Balldlnf,) Cartvenarlllc. ClrarUelil Co., Pa. ish 11 7a.tr. M. Iltl.LS, oPEit tTirji ,rrsr, CLKAKPIKI.D, rKNN'A. -Oili ta in raallenea, opnoalta Shaw llouaa. jyll,l7lt J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIRLD, PA (Offlna la Weatero Hotel huil.tinaj aeeond floor.) Nitroua Oiide Oaa admialaterad ror lha paiB aaa eitranioa uf teeth. Clearfield, Pa., Mar I, 1177. It. 5UlsrlUiifau4. 1 mi PKiwnwn or kvkrt dkbcrip el ttoa neallv eiM.nteo et tbia nltlea. $7.1 A WKKK. tllada;aboinoea.ijrmada. V1 I U Co.tlr aotot free. AdJreaa Tnra A Co., AQaiia, atalae. nehl.lT.( E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER HU HSIUH, PUSH A. nnilB lubscribar now offt-ra to th eitiiens of JL iturnsftt and vieinitv, an onpr ivldad siifutalir. Usrpattcr a'l kind of Caskets aod Co 0,. s will b krpt on band, and orders flllcd at onoa. Funrratn illrndrd 1nyirhrre. t will furnish Ih flnast aa wll lha hapti ariifUs dediratad to funsrals All ordr-r lft at th slor of John C. Con aaa will rooaiw prompt attention. For fnrther parllrulars, :il on or Uro. I ft, H79 tf. JOHN TROUTMAN, FURNITURE, AND v Improved Spring Beds, MAHKKT STRKBT, NEAR P. O. Tb undarslenej bKs 1av to tofnna th ltl mbs of Cloarflald, and th public wrnerallv. that ho ba en hand a loa assortment of Kurnltnra. sunh aa Walnut, Chaslnut and fainted C bam bar Suit, Parlor Huliet, Ksrlinlnjt and Ki tension Chairs, Ladies' and UDts' Kasy Chair a, ih par foratad Omtngand Parlor Chairs, Oaa Heat aad Windsor Chairs, Cloth liar, titvp and Kitan Ion Ladder, Hat Raoks, Herubbtng Brush, Af MUULDINQ AND PICTURB FKAMKK, ooklnK Ulassas, Chroma, A.f wblah would svitabla fr Holiday prants. 1n"0-7l JOHN THOI'TMAN, The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Ponn towaabip, Clearfield Ca., Pa. it ii n a b n uuti Ot BOf B U R N ED U PI TbamniatlHars bava, at graat axpansa.raballta atgbborhood oaaaitj.ti tbaaratloi of a flrst alass Wools Manalaetory, vlth all tha nodar Itnprovaraanti at tai had, and ara prvparad U naha aM kinds of Cloths, Casslmaraa, 8attotta, Blaa kaU, Flan nail, A a. Plant? af foods o hand ta nppljr all our old and tfaonsaad Boweaatoaitr ffsnn wa mmn to mmm inn aiamina r aiosji, Thi bistnoaa of CARDIWO AMULL150 srltl rooatrt aor rlal attantlon. Propar arran(manis wtM b ada ta raatrt and dclivaf Wool, to suit ons tom ara. All work varrantad and dona npon tha ahoruat lot lot, and by striat atton uon u Dustnaaa wa nopa to roallta a llboral saara of pnblta patronafo. lO.tNM) POUNDS WOOL WANTBDI Wa will nT tb hlrbast mnrkat oHea tot Woo nnd Mil oar mnnnfutnrad fssdiulow as tlmllw foods u bo bo ag hi tn tbaoonaty, aad wbanovnr w tau to nnaar maonabi tattsraatton wa u alwaya bo fonnd tt hovt randj U maba ropor aipluation, nltbor In parson or by Uttor. JAM 13 JOIlrtrJOW A BOHI, pHltf Bor P. O Onr Ou'tt gidrtrtKfmfnt. THE REPUBLICAN, PrauaBBn Ktaar Wanaaanar ar George B. Goodlander, CLEAHFIKLD, TKN.N'A, llaa tha l.arfeal I ttralatlorj al aii) paper lu MorlUwcatarli Pauueylvaula. npUE Urira unJ conattititly inortm. i iDeiroulatlouurthe ItafUBLleaM, render, a ..la.bl. to bmin.ai laea aa a menuu tarouga whieb to reaib tbe p.ulie. Torms of Subscription: If paid iu udvuiico, . . . 12 00 If noiJ ufiur tliroo montba, . 2 50 If paid alter nix months, . . 3 00 When paurii uro nont outside of tbe ooumy p iymeiil must bo io advance. ADVERTI3ING. Ten linen, ur lunn, 3 times, , Euch (ubioquotit inaerliun, Administrator' Noticos, . Executors' Noticos, . . . Auditors' Notice!, . . . , 11 50 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 1 50 2 SO Cautions and Eatraya, . . Dissolution Notices, , . Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special noticos, pot lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS! One square, 10 linos, . . . 13 00 Two squares, 15 00 Tbreo sqnares, 20 00 One-fourth column, . . , . 50 00 One-half column, . ... 70 00 One oolumn, 120 00 We hiva always on hanl s stockTof Blanks of all Descriptions. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, SUMMONS, SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4o., Ac, 4o. We are prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing, SL'CiI AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, LETTER BEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL 11 K ADS, CARDS, STATKMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIUCULAEIS, IX THR BKST STYLK, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. C1eo. II. liSootllaiitler Clcnrflold, ClearneM Count j9 Pa. 5Wl3fflIantou3. Gray'8 Spocifio Hodicino. TRAOI MARK TRAOf MARK (troat Kngllsb Himctlr. An uo ftUifig Cttra fat Faulbal Wrak ss. Hj-t-roia- IrrifT. a r.d all IllsMnsaa lhat " rt.A . b.' ItfOrTfTAKtHB.iol'o- aa a aa AfTER TAKING. ?hDiH nss il - Aims aa loss ot Mruiorv, I iht mi .ltid, t'a.n to tha Hack, bisuarts l i-i. r frtiuatura old A pa, nud B.tbj otlit-r iina,M tbnt load to Inaatiiij or Cor.umpli d and a 1'is malum tiiaa. JrKulI partkulara In our pamb'at, aUh ws idfslro to sand Irsa by mail to attty uls. lit ifto We-lieina Is sold by ail druuiu a 1 i, r ajka, or sii paekagea t-r ti, or will t. (t,t frea by tnail m rrcriit of tha fponry, by ad ltr-t-i&g 1 UK UltAV MKDlCl.Sh Co., Hvjfllo, .. V. ho 1. 1 lo Claaiflald by C. D. Malsuo. 1 37. 'M I,. READING FOR ALL!! HOOKS & STATION EH Y Mai bet Ht., Cleirflcld, (at the loat Offirr.; TUB aodarslgbsd bega Icaro to i.ni.uti(.e t.i tba aititens of Cleartiald and ticiliij, ibkt ba haa fitted up a room and baa jut rturLed from tbe any with n Urni au.t,uul ot rcsdiuj attar, ooDsistitig tn part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blaiik, Account aod Paaa Books af a very 4c script ion ; Paprr and EDTelojius, frenrb j roml and plain Pens aud Pctnllai blank Lrcsl Papers, I'eeds, Mort(aKi Judfiuant, Lieu.f) tlon aod PniDisarT nolca ; W bita and Fsrcb maot brief, Lrfcal Cap, Kccord Cap, and Hill Csj, ebat Musio, Jor citber Piano, l ime or Vi. iiu oonitantly on band. Any bu-bs or statiuuiry detrrd that I ioat not have oo band, will be order, d by Brat oxpresl, and aold at nboleiale or rrtml to ruit eustumert. I will alio karp periodical literature, such as IVagatltis, Newtj rr'rs. Ac. P. A. UAlLIN ClearAald. May 7, IS68-tf New Departure IN LUTIIE.RSBURG t Hrreaftfr, fed nil! bo sold (ur I'AMI . n!t, it In Mcbarffe for produce. No Ix.'As will le arj l in the f-.ura. All old arronnts ti:ut l,r settled. Tboso who rai not eith up. will p:eor band 'Vr their notes atd CLOSE THE RECORD. I am drlerinitifd to eel) ay prrx.d" at ruth prtrvs, and at a direount Ut delow that r offered tn this Tirtnity. Tbe disruunt 1 allow my -itiitotEfrs, will Q'skr i he in rih in twrtii j ytnrr If ihey follow my advice and buy tbe!r goods (r m e. I will pay essb for wheat, osts and r..vtr oed. DANIKL (IOODI.AM1KII. LutVercr.urr. Jannary 17. 1 K77. FACTS WQftTH KNOWII.Ci. J 01arerDfh. aodraka.HtlMleclar.' many other of Ihe but mclu.tnci knuw .1 jrc killtullvrombmed in Park r.n's (liMif '1 hm is 10 niaka it the create! Olood Ponder 1.1 J 1 lha Beak Health and Rtrnagtb Lcstorerl foperfetltti''rompoiitiJriof Puskss'sHin-J la 1 ON It ths t iodiea(-can lnti en-I v hM J it is utrd. If vouhsve Dvsmbsu. hparisehc J fthasimstiam, Navralgia, Uowel. Kidney crj r appetitcr, ih To ic it tint ti e r or you, u it ia hi;hlf curative aod laviuL.tin. :ut nver innmn. jurtg. If you ara slowly wa in away wi'li Con . lumotiofl or inv nrt .1 nU ),jve a Piinfu Cough r a bad Cold, I'as- uu'.(,t: 1 im win auirir nnp ju. n cive nrw iiie aii' , vi(ror to ihe f re hie and aire and 1 a (rn-i..( ure for Rhaumstism and CI -lers lnf:nlum. It L a bared llandrrda of Utcii U U). Kasa lvara. If yott are feel ma mieraLle i-n'l w.ilt unti J vru ar tlotvn M(.k,lut use tha l iM' ImIi ! No matter what your diteavor Sj ipiuiLa iuj; it will pive tirompl relief. ' Kememler I V.RKr' Oiwr-F' Tvir "t nv 1 mm dnuk but ihe Bait and Fur.; Fsmdy Medicino rrtr marie, e nr pounded by 4 t - 'Ncm, ana entirely omereni iror. j;,t :inRcr prrnarat mnt and all other Tmi 1 Iviiile. Ynr dnti''i PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Tho Itoataad Boat EronoHleal Hair Drculaff asquiMlely periumed and perfectly h smile.,. H ill Always ltestoreGray or Tadrd JUr to lis original yotittid l coW and ipw.nitrc. ! is warranted 10 stop its UlLauj, tvit iu fcrv. .; 1 and prevent baldneta. A lew appliritinntof tie Tl ai.M wt't fften t e bair.elfana all itjnriniT and rnr ii'hirjand I. ,. wovrs oi Uis scalp. bUdt-yUllrugiuat.. jo., April 6th, HSI-lr. HARTSWICK & IRV;iN, FKCOND STRKBT, CLEAltFIELD, PA., DEALEHS IN PURE DHUf.H! CHEMICALS! PAINTS. OILS, DYK Si I FF VAKKISIiKK, BRUGHKri, r ANCY noon, J'ERVIMEKV, TOILKT AK1ICLKS, OF ALL KIKHS, PVRK YIXES AKD ,tffOAS for medicinal pirposn. Trusses, Supporters, Rohool Buoki snl.iatiB- found in a I)ruj 8icra. PHYSICIANS' PRRSCRIPTIONS CAPB. Pl'LLY CUMPOt'NDKIr. Ilavinr a Urce sk parleno In the business tby oan gtve entire lit Ufartt'o. J 11. DAPTSWKK, JOHN P IKW TN riarM. rBvamW tt, ia?4 OPEN FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH. Come to Frenchville I I HAVE jiisi received tlio liirijont Block of fjoodri ever brouijlit tn tlii aeeiion ol (he county, which I will toll for cnah or produce bb clienp llicy enn bo bought eUowlinro. My lock consists of Dky TtOOdS, Groceries, Boots Slioes, Hardware, wNailsaSpocialty. linn. A full Block of FISH. Suit in liirgo or 1011111 Buck, or by llio bsrrcl. CROCKERY WARE, lone or clnv. (JCEKXRWARK, all stylia and quality. In ahnrt, 1 have OTerything needed by the furnier, the mtctlntr, the Inhnrcr, or nnybody olrio, which I will tell uln chenpaa Ihe goodn can bo purchaacd anyrhero cle. rien.o call and examine my gnoda and pricea before) Inventing elaewhcro. L.M. COTJDR1ET. rrenolirllle, P.,MV.2, '81-tf. a.