THE REPUBLICAN. C L E A K K IK L DIA. WKII.NKHKAV MllllNINH. UtTHIIKII !MI, 1M1. Terms of Subscription. I' pad ia adraaoa.or vttata tfcrea Boatba ..$ 10 lr after tbra. ud bafora its month .. 00 UpaldafieTlliBatpiratloBof lii nookta... t 00 Rtl.KMIIl.' KOTICUa. tlrlhinllal Iq.l.Bopal Chlirrri-.Raa.llBo. I.MI'T, I'aitur. Hervteat ararjr fiabhatb .1 101 A. M., .ad H P. M. Satitiatb fli'buol at 9 A. M. l'rajar Maatiaa. ovary IVadBaadav, at T 1'. M. 'nuo uniaa 8srviea, oral Habbalk cf arar .cuih, at lt A. M. Weal ClrairHelrl M. R. t'taBreb. Ilea. tlin.atJK It. Aora, Pastor. Praaekiag ovary sllcroata HtindaY, at a o'olonk, P. M. Sunday irii.n.1 at 1), P. U. All an Invltad to all.ud. I'risbjlerlali lliurrh Her. H. 8. Hdtmo. .HAtilialb saraices moratnf and avanint; tfab Sohi.ul at A. M PrayarMaetlnf YVadaaa- i,v avanintf. tlMilltt Church. Hav. , Parlor. H.Miatb Behoul at I P. M. Prayar Miwlinf avary Vtilnanday avanlnf . tat. I'raueta ('httrchCnthMrRar. P LSar-anAB. IHvloo aarvlea at 10) A. M., on tha firit, tbird and fourth Sunday of aaob month; V.'fpf ri and Ilanadlatlon of tbo t'.lsasad Haeramant .1 7 ..Vloek, P. H. Hnnday Bohool ovary Bnnd&y if'ant'.on at I n'elnek. ntl'UIAI. aHHI-X'TORY. tiwb or aoLDina quaRrta anaaioaa ohi:bt. Saouod Hoaday of January, llilrd Mnnday of Marok. Kuat Monday uf Juaa. Partb Monday of Haptambar. Tin b or BiiLDtaa comma nsia. t'irst M.r,dy of Jons. eVr-i.tnt Monday of Novatnbar. Vl, IIH lOIIIAE 1 Will sou thka wneat, oati or flora for lull. irTiii"n 1" Wa ara often inquired of in tbii way bv It Mar from iatrona who re.itla at a diatani'a from CltarfieU. Wa again lay yes. Tba raraliU of a re'i'.t aibla marcbant or mill owner in tba vicinity, alii answer ui Just a well ai tba oaab. to illluitrato: If any of our palruns will deliver m a bur. cf Brain at the mill ol Joseph H. liratb, in ('best lownvhln, Horace PaUhia. in Uurmido, 'ISoithl II. r'oreey, in llranem, W in. Porter or Miaa'., in l,awir.n.'ef or lirown A Scyler's, at llof-hlifii, Uulon townibip, and lorward tbair receipts lar the anousl, wa will etadit tbcru on tixir a'-count for the lauia. In tbii way all may a-.'.-u jay what they owe, if they aill purlua tbia c ,ure. If. Liuliuiina ami (lint at Fleck'!. Mi rill' Miilmll'i'.v iaalilr tt) walk mil. a ai Clt'an tlie U'uvi-s Irimi fill' tlie aiilcwiilka. I a An nililitinn in Ik-iiir built tn the Clrarlli'lil tiro lliirk Work". 1 a as Vi-unnr im-ilifU nil ojien Wittti-r, m .vou iiKiy im'paro fur ''lilizzanlti." Iknallir tlif IVwK.flicp will In- rWil on Sumltiy aftrr 111 oYlnrk A. M. -a Tin' Hvnod tf lliirrialiiirg la n diiinilit'il anil inti-lliiMit liaikiiiK lital.v hi' men. (in anil select ymtr ehnii-e of ft eoat r l'd- I1KIU I'liim Fleck ' "lock of (!iHiil. a aa Harry Killer, of thia plai-e, nin luwcil a nuiniiiL' Ihiiii at rliiliia-ltury, layt wii-k. a i - Tin- llc fur the ti lejilmlic line limn C'ur wnwrillf to ( hcrrylree are iliatriliuleil iiIiiiik the mute. . m a a - For nerviiuHiiesa anil t 'lironic Catarrh take Vi met. I tried it. I.. K., Alle gheny City, Fa. Tell it not to the Una nnil puhliih it not in the ulrecta of Clcarlielil thai nct Mnnilny nijllil ii''Jlollow Kvc." - a a I hail irreal tninhlc with my luni ainit il I tiacil '.niiii. Am well. Mux. A. Ultixut:, Fiitshurf'h, Fa. .Iiihn W. Wilaona New llumiily llumply ill niiiar in l'ie'a Opera Houw, Clcarlielil. tin Tue.tilny cvenina, Novemlicr l.'tth. a a a The Preahytcrian SlMialh Kehiail hiw (ImnKcil it time of mei liim Imck from II A. X. tn '2:110 n'rlock in the nltcrnoon. Himtzilale coul ia iN-inR tlelivercd in thin place at rilit ccntier tmahel. No impnivr mcnl on the home price anil quality. Mr. Jow ph Uluiw lia improved hi mti ilcnee on Market street hy having the exterior newly painted nnil new spouting put lip. a. t .a "lii xter," a valualilc hnntiiiK J'H '"'loni!-' in to Kdtvnrd Khet m, of thi place, ariw neci-il.-ntally tliot in the viotwla on liwl Katurtlay. a. The lmililinptol'lhene Firellriek Wnrka al Wallni'cton ore completed, nnd in few v,i ek the works will lie ready for oiierntiom.. potatoes have rei edeil to (Ml and 7(1 fenta per bushel in the town of Indiana. Here I hey sell for 1.5fl, nnil are very scarce nl thai. The nil'orcemenl of the cow nrdinanre in II, h lairnuiih has erenlfil ittite n si'iiHatiim. It looks ns tliouth lawsuits will lie the result. Tli." editor of .this paiicr, w ho has liccn con lined to the huuse w ith illness for a couple of weeks, is RriwiuK ls-ttiT nnil it is hiipcil will sisiti lie out niiiu. liilller, liecd A Co. nrc buililinu new moulding room in the rear of their Machine Shoiw, thereby enlarging their rapnrily con siilerahly in that dircclion. TheConnty Commissioners w ill Is- in session m xt Mimilay, the lllst insl., and will continue in si-ssion for a few day". Those having busi ness with them are niiiesled to cull. . a. a l!ev. II. H. Hutler has on npsiintnietit by Presbytery to preni hot Osceola next Halilmth, and tiicn forc no m rviees will lie held in the Prcshvlcrinn Church in this place on that '' ... Ucv. Dr. Courllanil Whitchenil, of Soulh llclhlchem, l'a.,li0HtaifiirliTtctl llishopof the ebureh.tollll the riu-anry fx cnslone d by the death of Ihe late lit. Ucv. John 11. Kcrfont. . - a ai II. C. Hern, one of the editors and proprie tors of the AHoona Tribunr. nnd a very pleas ant gentleman, P11"' ',r ,""n vi,il nn r rl' day Inst. While hen- he atlenilol the sessions of Synod. n a aa. A handle of papers, such as deeds, inofl gagm, etc., Iielonging fo Ir. A. M. Mills anil Wm. Ilrrs ions, has lieen mislaid or lost. Any one finding !"! reluming them tn Dr. Hills, Clearfield, will lie IIInthIIv rewarded. a The local freight frnin killed one of the ls-st inilch'eows hrlnngiliR to Widow Snyder, the milknomnn. on Thursday morning Inst. The accident occurred near M rn. S.'s farm, alsilll two miles soulh of this borough. ae a a. .Mr. 1'hil. Taylor, of Urookvillc, anil Miss l.illie W. Hastings, of Punsutnwncy, daugh ter of ( apt. John Hastings, were nnilcd in marriage on Monday, (Ktolsr lilh. The een-mony t..k phus- at the n-id. ni of Ihe bride's father. lion. II. W. Williams, of WelMsiro, Presi dio! Jndol'thc Fourth Pa. Judicial District, wm a delegate lo the Synod of llnrriaburg, n.,.1 wnslhcgucstof Judge M. Fnnlly. Judge William is candidate for re-rlertinn and is endorsed by Isith imrlies. II. II. Shaw, of this place, attended Ihe re union of thermit Hcgimcnt Pa. Volnnteera at Altooim last Thursday. A very pleasant and enjoyable time was hud among the snr living veteran. Mr. Shaw was lln-pilal Kb ward of the regiment. . aa-a aa I he daily Issue of the Altisinn Sun hassus IH ndeil publliiitinn, the Iswne of Wednesday, Onolier llilh, la ing the last. The weekly .sun will ap'iir as n.nal. We are sorry that tins enterprising and Hit daily has met with .itch a fate. Wo shall miss It very much. Waul of auflleienl patronage wan the cause. ai a aa, - We bate received copies of the new IVtuo cratic daily Issued from the olucc of the Kric Mnmrr, It. n. Ilrown edilor and proprlelor. II is a handsome jwiwr and gives evidence of lining effccllve work for our tnnilulatr for Slate Treasurer, Hon. Orange Noble, during the present ounign. We wish It long life anil prrswieriljr. Term. W ernta a monOi. Klutk nuikra a ararrialtjr of ludle.' nails this arcuton. A lot of loo ablnchilla lalla lined orereoali Just reeelvsd at aalniburj'i. MIm Annie lllunchnrd, of (intnd Itapids, wli h .and hrothir are visiting in Cleurfli ld. Mian IduTaj lor.of lteyuolilsvllle, has Wn sis nding a few daja among her friends und relatlvea in Hi in place. She is accompanied by her brother Will. aa a aw . . Philip Mullen died at his home near Mt. Zion, in Idwrcni township, on Wednesday evening hist. The disease which caused his deuth was consumption. - a e At the recent re-uuton of the 81th Ifcgl- mcnl, hem at Albania, Ifuhard II. Shaw, of l.'leartlclil, wus placed on the Kxectitive Com mittee for Ihe ensuing year a a The Slate Sunday School Convention held al Jiihutown last week was an interesting and successful ullair. lii ncrnl John I'alton. oft urwelisville wus elcclcd Fresidcnt. All the isipiilnr shadi in caslimeres, ini el's huirgoode,liciia,twillannd dress goods, from 10 cent a yard up to i-J.OO at II. A. Kkat.kii'k, two disirs west of FiwtiifUce. g MOW - Aaron tl. anil Samuel Kramer ure hutiug a large frame il welling house en idctl in Went Cleurflel.l. It will lie oisupicd by their father nnil family when completed. Blacktmith Wanltd! good blacksmith is wanted at Wallacctiin. The lis-ntion is a gissl one, anil a gissl mcehauic can make money. For information apply or write to I'llANK (liisH, Wullaeeton, Pil e- a m Mr. (iuiii7burg started to the eastern cities hist week to piirehaHi' a new stis-k of clolhing and gents' furnishing goods, lie will return in a few days with a large and cari-fuHy selected stfs-k of new gisnls. Call anil see them. How it wa Done. "How do you manage," said a lady to her friend, "to apis-ar so happy and giaul nntured all the time?" "1 always have Parker's tlinger Tonic handy," was the reply, "and thus easily keep myself and fam ily in giaid health. When I am well 1 always fed gisiil naliireil." Id-nil alsnit it in another column. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the PoHtnluce at Cleartleld, Pa., for the week end ing Octnlarr ailh, ls : Josi-ih Conawiiy, Flials-th Dorau, Cath. Fhelnian, 11. D. Frank. H.tioldslein, Thus. II. Holt, i'JI, Mr. J. C. Jackson, Mrs. A. F. John ston, Dennis O'Connel, Miss Sophia liich, Clarn J. IJ.ikeslraw, Harry C. Kusscl, Mrs. Katie Slnyner, Joseph Sell, Mrs. Sihlard. Cyrus Yiiunghlissl. F. A.Uah.ix, F. M. a - Dr. yHurtinnn, the well known Oculist, Aurisf and Orthos'die Surgeon, will visit Clearfield, Pa., nnd stop at the Leonard House for three days. I'roni N'ovctnls-r 1st lo evening of NovenilsT :ld. He will have w ith him a complete outllt of surgical npplianccs ami ajiaratus, Ac., anil will Is- fully preiared to Ircal all cases of Paralysis, Deformities of the licad.lsiily and liniln, iliscies il joints, elubls-il feet, diseiLSed eyes, cataract, piles, fistula. stammering, chronic diseiwcs, ,vc. .No will Is- undertaken without u fair hoM' of relief. Ill ism.sisjucnce of Ihe great cxansc it such n trip be will not make another; therefore, all who wish toauiil themselves nf his great skill and exM-iieniT without visiting his Pittsburgh oftli-c, must do so at this lime. For illustrated Journal call al your poslnhice.' a Coal Afei'i Appeal. The coal business is "Issiming" in our region, os well us in the anthnicitc and it would slill Is- niore prm- IMTOiis ifc.irseoulills'coiiiiiiimilcil. We leant from Ihe Philadelphia AViW that the pm-tiui-crsofcoal in the Clcarlielil region have sent a petition to President KoIk-Hs, asking that they be supplied with better litcilitica tor the shipment of coal. Many of the collieries in Ihe region have susieuded, owing to the scarcity of cars, und the production there has decreased nne-tliiril from this can'. The Pennsylvania Kailroiid Coiniany has ordered that new coal ears Is built to meet the de mand. The Philadelphia and Heading Com pany, which finds that the extraordinary demand tisin Its rolling stis-k cannot lie com plied w ith, is also building new cars nnil engines. Tlit Late Mr. Rttiold: The Tyrone llrrald publishes the follow ing in connection with the iKirticulurs of Mr. (I. W. lieynold'a death, which occurred near this place on Sunday evening, the 1 fit It inst.jin ileisiunt of which we published last week. The llmM says : ' .Mr. 1,'eynolds was well-known in Tyrone, having removed to this place from Shippcnabiirg in 170. Alter remaining herealsuit the years, he went with his family to Clearfield, which was in 1'T'i. As a soldier, he particlpnlrd in the Mexican war when iiiilc a young man. anil frequently related thrilling Incidents of j the campaigns in Mexico. During the n l l linn.he served ns Hilspital Steward through out the war. The remains were brought to Tyrone, mid the funeral was attended yes terday (Wednesday) morning from the n-si-dem-e of Dr. J. M. Smith, Mr. Key Hold's son-in-law ." m A Trip to ClearfiM" Mr. II. C. Hem, one of the editors anil proprietors of the Al tisinn Trihvnr, visited Clcarlielil last week and publishes his views as follows: "At Clearfield we stops d nt the Mansion House, kept bv Mr. How, brother of the lute Dr. liow, of this citv. Here we met our old friend, D. W. Miaire, Ksq and his twosons, formerly of this city. We were sorry to find our esteemed friend, (ienrge II. lioodbindcr, edi tor of the Clearfield llKl'i lil.H AS which, bv the witv. is one of the most slalwnrl Dclno- eratie journals in the Stall on the sick list having lai n confined to hi bi d for some weeks by n mmpliintiun of diseases. Our earnest hois- is that he may s.sin lien-stored lo his usual gisiil health. Wending our way to the bennlil'iil ninniiiiicnt " the Presby terian church erected princiimlly by the lamcnlcil F.x-tiovenior William l'.iglcr, we found Ihe Synod of llnrrisburg in session in this elegant house of worship, nnd alter hav ing turn greeted with the familiar salutation, "How are you, brother Cole!'" took a survey of the siluutiiin. A glance over me House would cnnviniT anvone that this Issly ol Christian workers was ciinilsiBcd of men of broad iuti -lligencr and high moral worth After a brief stay we began our hoiaewaril journey, highly pleased with I -learnt m am its exi-ellent ssiple. Fatal Accidmt. On Wcdni'siliiy nflcrnisin lasl, while Mr. Henry l.ixlt hit, of Pcnficld, with his two sons were nut in the wissls gel ling out logs, an accident liefell him whit h resulted in his death in a little less than forty-eight hours afterwords. While engaged nt rolling a log, he received a stroke in the laiwels, caused by the lug fulling back on the handspike, which prostrated him. HeafliT wnrds rallied and with great ilifllcnlly reached his home, where he suffered much agony nnlil death relieved him nt II o'clock on Friday morning. The diwascd wan Imrn al Siegen, Prussia, March H 1st, 1H1II. emigrated to this country in l4"; was married to Dorothea Hchanta. of Wurleniburg, tiermany, in Ihe year The fruits of this marriage were aeten chil drenthree diitighlcrs and four anna. Two ofthcehililrcn the oldest la sonliuid young est la doughtcrlof the family prvciilcd their father tolhetonib. A widow anil tlte grown up children are left to liioum the death of n devoted hiudaind "'l nfl'cclionale father. An unmarried bnilher, some seven years older than the deceased, who emigrated lo this country at Ihe wine lime nnd always made his home with his brother Henry, sun sur vives, llo was In the (Ud year of his age, and wits an obi and highly esteemed eiliren nf Fenflelil. On Sunday afternoon at 'Jo clock r. M. the remaina were taken to the Preshy il.nehnreh at Fenflelil, where services wen' conducted by Key. John Sander, pastor of the l ..iherim church. Ifiilgwny. (that denomina tion being Mr. I,.'aehoi.-eland Ucv. J. Vernon IVnfleld. Mr. ..nfchll wingamcm hcr of Clearfield Isslge, So. IIW. 1 " F that unlet attendisl hi funeral in a lnd) and buried him In acenrdanea with Ihe ceremony of Odd Fellowship. The funeral waa one of the largeat er held In I'enflchl. SYNOD OF HABRISBTJRG Praceeillngi of tha Twelfth Annual Seaalon. Tllia SviuhI isilmirisea four Preabvlerita. Carlisle, with 47 churches and niiniaters; iiuniiugifon, wilh (17 eliun-hesand M niinia ters; Niirthumls'rland, with dHeliun'lliaialid :W miniatera; Wellslsiro, Willi l:i churches anil LI miuistcrs; in all 17.) chiirt hes and 1 III ministers. The Synod of r5arrisb.irg met according to nihourumeiu in li e Preslivterian ( 'hutch of ( li-arlleld on Thursday. Oitolsir Kith, IhhI, nl7::ill o'rlts k r. H. aiilw s o.s licil wilh sermon by Hev. J. Agnew ( r.iwlonl. D. D., of Chitliils rsliiirg. 1' .e of Carlisle, at the request of the Mislerator, from 11 Samuel; diopter 111, verse 4,1: "We have ten parts in the King, and we have also more right in Datid than ye." A tier the sermon, the sessions of the Synod were constituted with prayer by the Mislera tor. ucv. it. rs. imticr. The roll wits lulled, w hen II I ministers nnd :I7 Klilcrs unswered to their 1111111. The Itev. Joseph .Nesbitt of Ijs k Haven, Presbttery of NiinhiilulM.rlatiil, was elected Moderator, and the Ker Solomon II. Mismof llsctsila, I'n'slivtcrvol Wellslsiro, Temporary Clerk. Tl Ilicers of the Synod an' us follows: Mmli-mtor Ucv. Jos. Ncshilt, lxs-k Haven. M11M I '(, Hev. T. II. Kohinson, I). D.. Ilarrisbnrg. I'rrmnnnl t'htl: Iter. Knls rl F. Wilson, Port Itiival. ?i iiruiy Clrrt Ki t. Soliilmin II. Moon. Ilstssila. TretHttrrr H.MiirravOniyilon. Harrisbnrg, 1 ne t ominittisf on devotional exen-isee re IMirtetl ns to the hours of meeting und rets-Ms, with uih,iitirnint-nt and oilier maltcm. The I'ollowiiig ministers were Intilrd to sit as eorresHiiiding meiuls-rs: llev. .lollies II. right, Syninl of Clevelantl. Kcv. (.tsirge It. Stsdt.Synotl of Pittsburgh. Kev. Augustus Cone, Synod of Toledo, liev. Jtihn lliitler, Syntsl of China. Uev.Tiniolhy Hills, 11 I )., Hynml nl Mismiu ri. liev. Alexander P. Kelso. Synod of India. Symsl adjourned mil il I) o'clis-k on Frl ilav iiiorning. cloeeil with pniver hv Kev. . o. Mi-Clean. 1 1. D., of Lewistown. Ihe iloxotgy and Is-ni-ilictiun. KltlllAY MiiltMMl. Synml tlli-t ut II o'ctis k A. M. anil one Hour wilssm-iiI in ili-Milional scrviis-s. alter w hich the minutes of Thursday's session were rend and approved. 1 lie roll was called w hen nihlitiiuiiil nietu- Is rs rtsirtetl thciiisclves present ami their names were enrolled. 'flic Moderator announced the nicnil'rs eolnse.iug Hie standing isinituittci-s, t iz : Hill vi 11 re ff itttrt (teori;o .Niircnvs. John itui-niws, Win. II. Logitn, W. li. Heed. Craw ford Irvin. .Itittiaal Wtliarl Mitchell. Joseph 'ance. Isaac drier. II. M. (iniydon. FiiitiHci Kiiwlanil Austin, Alfred Huvs. JoM-ph Dvsart. .ffirc 0 Mwnrt Wm. I.;uirie. S. F. Thomp son, .lolin 1 . 1'l-ci-n. ItKrtiiitis in-- PiiKsnvmiii-s fnrMr .bus -ph II. Mathers, .1. II. Kear- iloli, S. T. Wilson. iliintingittm Joseph Stevens, (icorge Nur- cross, 1 . 1'. ( ucliruu. UnrthumkrrtiimlW. A. M.-Caircll, D. H. llarrou, .1. F. Weaver. IIWW.oiii-.liw iih C. Kellv, Koln-rl F. Me dian, Charles Kyle. Ihe PresliUt-nal rt'inril were eallcil lor, 'cited and placed in the hands uf the re- sj-flie tsiiuinitlisst. At the niiiiest ol Kev. II. S. Hutler. Chair man of the Ciimniiltee on Hills and Over lures, lie was cxcuscil finni scrt ing. Is-eatise of other duties, anil Kcv. (Ienrge Norcross D. D.. was apMiinteil in his plats-. A eouiinillec, tsiiisisling of one minister anil elder from each Pn-sbyterv. was apKiinted lo take lintlcr tsinsiilerat ion the emisoliilal ion of Ihe Sviioil of llarrisluirg into the Stntsl I'l-niisthiinia, isiiisiiminateil ilui-ing the ses.sit,us of the liist (icncral Asseiulily, and resirl to the Symsl at ils pn-sent sesNions what act 11111, 11 any, it may Is-necessary lor (his Synod to take. The ciiiiiniittee consists of the following, v iz : JMiyfcraiif (fcrh'sfr Kcv. Tllos. II. Hohi- suti, II. II., Cider Win. Illuir. l'rrtlitttrji tf HuHlimjttnH Kev, Knli'l Hatn inill. i:iib-r J. K. Siniiasin. I'flnttfihrit of StlrthHmttfllmtil Kev. J. D. Kruni. Killer II. H. Hiitnes. Vesfiv'" "f ll'WMw Kev. S. H. Moon. Kldet II. Vi'. Wifliams. The consolidation is lo the effect that ill Ihs-i, the Synoils of Kric, llarrisluirg, Phila delphia ami Pittsburgh will together tsinsti tllte the Svnotl of Pennsvlvaniil, ttigether with the ministers and churches within the IniiuiiIs of the State nf West Virginia and t hose under the care of the Foreign M issioiuirt Presbytery of Western Africa. This will Is n representation yet to ls ileeiileil. liev. 1 limit li v Hill. D. II., Synmlical Jlis- aionarv in theS.vnislof Kansas, iidtln-ssctl the Syntsl on the subject of Hume Missions in the State of Knnsas. Symsl ttsik a reis-ai until i o clock 1'. M. VK1IIAV AKTKRNIHIN. Svnotl met nt 'I o'clock and resinned busi ness. Kev.'sS. A. Ducnsirtanil J.W. Iliml, with Filler W. D. Means, were apisiintcd 11 eom- mitti'C to nqsirt a minute on the death of President (inrlielil liev. John (iillespie, D. I)., of the Synod of Pittsburgh, and Kev.'s (ieorge l.eiily, W. K. Whitney, and (I. II. Ague, of Penn sylvania Conference of the M. K. Cluin-h, w ere invited to sit as isirresisimling mciuls'rs. The records of the Preshylery of Carlisle were iipproti'd. The Permanent Committee on Hume Mis sions, through the Chairman, liev. Win. Ster ling, reimrtcd. The nqsirt. w liich waa a very lengthy and interest ing one. was aets'pti'd and lulotitcd. The second annual rejsirl of the Woman's Synoilical Committee on Home Missions, pre isirctl by the Secretary. Fannie A. Dyer, wiis n nd by Hie Stated Clerk. The resirt wits aeis'pteil and ortleretl to Is- printi-d wilh the minutes in tmmphlet fnrm. 'flic rejiort is tery inti-n-sting, but lis length will precluile its apssir.ini-e in our isiliimns. 'I'he .liiilicial Coinuiillee resirleil on n pa ist in their hands ns follows: "The Judicial Committee n-jsirt thai hav ing received anil exnniinetl a paper .ipM'iiriiig lols'nisiuiplainlol J. It. Allison, ol Ailenv , Pa , against the Presbytery of Huntingdon, for not acting iihiii a complaint of bis against one of his ministers, we liml no evident that the provisions of the Hook have lieen cuni tilicd with: and. therefore, report that the foimitaiiil is not in order, and reeoiuinenil that the complainant have leave to withdraw his inper." The reisirt was accepted and adopted. The Woman's Svnislieal Committee on Hiiuie Missions was tsintinueil. Mrs. O. M. Iiwell. of TiiiL'O. Wellslsiro Presbytery, was adtletl lo the Committee. The Committee on Hills and Overture re ported on the Overdire in their hands its fol uws: "The Committee on Hills und Overture. to whim) waa referred Ihe Overture presented bv liev. Samuel V . Dullli'lil. unuiiilnously agree thai situs' Ihe rights of no rty ure af- it-t teil bv I he alMtract tiuesllons im'sentcu, and no gissl tsiuld ri-sult from a discussion of the sul'iis-t, or an answer in fstsi. then lore, the Ciuiilllittee nssilulnenil that no action Is1 taken. JullN lit Hltiiws, Chairman.'' The reisirt was niseiitetl ami ntloptetl. The Commillcc n-sirtcil the liillowing minute tin tho (.rath of I'lTHitlrnt (Jarliclfl "Whkhkam, it h;w 1 Aliiiijchly 'm1. in llit jwrmit tliprrm-l iiml wick ed ilciiih of Hh- Uiii f MnyiHlriito of the aNa- liim, Jiiiinn Aliram linrllrhl, iliintiK thr piwt yt-iir, thin lnnly would pot on nronl Ihe follnwnifr niiunt!': ".Wmi. Tliiit tlm liiirli ( liriitiiin ilmrrn lor nf .hum A. tilirtirlil. lllH Vnlnf ill tlll lieltl mill in thr fnnun im n It wlt-r of mm. nnil Inn hi niH ,M'li n niKiuitni iliinng m mill-TiiiK, iiiintituiMl tho ijm,lMi1ion of nil: while tin (If tcMlaliH'niomiN umit lor init nrmo 1 1 for our finilfinnntioii, iw not only crunr in itrvlf, but nlw a l i Ki rrim' aipiiint the liiwful K"vrrnn.pnt of tlie lnn1 anil fl frmit vinliitinn of tli- law of iml iw to ron- ilurt towant mlrn, in n'ri n ncr to wmrni n h romnian-lcd ttmt wr nhouiii noi rin 'sppiilt pviI atraint thrmli-r of the pp(lt," Tin- rrvor(, wliii h waa mriicfl hy the mpni lxm of tlin ( onimittpr, wm ari-trf. nnd ad'iptcd. I hr lMir lor uif iHvnoncni pnirr onf iiiiK nut. olwcrvi-d, liiriiin whi h tlie hUiI iniintl re intrtu fnnn thr rrr1iylrri of Cnrli!'. llmit iiiirdon nnd Norlliumlierlnnd wrrr rrad. Thr NiHTativeonth- Htnt of HcltKinn in thr I'rpultvtrri-" of nrlil Himtinndon nnd Nnrlhuiiii-rrlnnr. wcrr n-nd.and also tin- Nar ratit? on thr rtlatr of l.rliKinn in thr HynoH hiw pn-wiited bv thr I omnntnT and mm o Uev. rt. W. r.inrnir. nt't whi.h, ymyvr. tirnio anil ndiln illled un Hip hour. Unv .0 t. MK' ran. I. !.. It imiier. Thnn, H. Kohinwm. I. !., .Iom-ili NinJiitl and 8. M. Moon wpn npw.intrd a 1'oininittw to pn vrpa pttrdoriil Itttrr to tliP rhtin liPtt un der thp ran of H nod and rpixirt Hip wihip to lheHvno4l. A 'vipr from thpPynod of Pitt-thnrnl. on thp n pnfM'ntnti.'n in tho iipw Hvnod ot Ivnn KTlvania wan rrml and rt-frm-d to thp mpial ('oinniittrp apointed by thi 8ynMl on mut ter coiiuppti it with that mihyvt. li.v'a A T. Ki'lfto ami John Ituthr fcl .in .l lint KvimmI on Korpimi Miwiona, wilh niMHial nfpn ntf to India tuu i'hina, their ti. l.U of labor n tiwly. tr. Jiutlrr haa been in China for thp pwt M or 1T ypnra. At thf com In-inn of tin- wldn-aaea. Hvnml took a TMvm untfl iM. o'clm k P. M. IHIHAT KVKKINU. Mvnod met aftpr m" at 7 M v. m. li.. fisrirfioniil Bprvippn, the JVrmnnpnt fommittw on Hablmlh Rrhool rrpnrt-d thm' .1.. i tuairniitn. liev. W. A. Mi rTrll. Thr lor. .lampa A. Worden. (hptbI 8iirrin nf Hnhlmth Hehool work In thr I'rra hvtrrian fhnrrh. drlivrrM. an intrrpwtinn and in-rtnirtirf addrraato the rtvnmi in inr mirr- 1 l Uraa.Vwat 1. lhMlla wa.. Cilli.i.i- h. P.. of Kit! Pitta- bnrjihi fullownl mth an adilrrwa on behalf of thf Frprdmrn, by dirrctioa of the Com mitt of thr Hrmbytrrian rlmn-h for thr I'milmen. Thr Hymtd rt'tiirnnt a hrartT vote of thanka to lirv. Jnnira A. Wordrn and Ker. Johu Uilhwple, I). !., for their excellent addrewa. Alter tnaktiiK wimennounoeDirnta, Hvnod adjourned unfit U o'elork uu rtattirday u.urnii.g. CliKud with iiruyer Ity I(pv. John liurruwa. of Will iiuiiKMrt, and the U-nedietion, HATI UDAY UoKNINU. HvuihI met at 9 o'clock A. H. and aprnt nn hour in devotional aervicea, after which the m mu ten of Friday 'a aetuiomi w ere rend and approved 1 lien-port ol the Mnntlinu Couiiuutut! on Sahliuth whiHda wm adopted. 1 he report of the I omiuittee on tlie nnn uteti of thr General AHaemblr wm accepted. The I'enunnent Comniitteeon Koreijrn Mia- hioun reported throuuh the I hairman, Itev. H. . Moon. The rcjxirt waa comjuirativt ly a iaoritiiie one and uave irrcat eintnmitrt incnt on a. -count of the nilla prcm-ntt-d and the in- tereNi innnilCHtcti in the work. The reimrt of the Special Committee on the auojeet ol I lie hymn. wait wrcpted and udopttil. A uiiiuirity report waa uIho made, which mom wivptcd and laid uiiou the table for the prewiit. It won afterward taken fnmi the table mid ending ita considi rution n mvm wan taken until o'cliM-k r. m. HATt'UHAY AH K..NIMIN-. H vnod met after recetw at o'clock h. si. The minority report of t he Committee on the Mibjeot of Hynodawaa laid on thetnlde to consider a aiilmtitute that waa otVcred. The Conimittmon the JtccordH of the I'roN- Intcriett of Jlunlintcibinaiid Nurlhumhcrlund reH)rted, reoMiimendiuK their nppnu.d. Im port w aa adoptcil. KeiHirt ol the Committee on Uueol A .- Hence waa received and adopted, which the memlNTM ol the hvnod tendered a rininR vote of thank to the nan tor and neonle of the church in which the nefMiotm were held ; to the ehoir lor awtistnuce of nraitte, and to othera in the community for their very "ordial welcome of the Hvnod, and their very izener- oiih hoHpitalily of the Hiime. .lso, to the l'cnntivanm and t umU-rlattd alley Kail nads for favorti nceivcd. 'i'he I'enuiinent Committee on rtiiKlenta- tion prcKented (heir rcjmrt thmunh the Stated Clerk. The rciiort iw adopted. A resolution of thankH in favor of llvv. Timothy Hill. I). I)., waa tendered him for tin able ami line oildrcw which he dcliercd In-lore the Svnod. A minute war ordered to Im made of the faithful Hervii-eHof theStatcd und I'eriuiuteut Ch-rkn during tlie existence of the rtynod of llurri.thurtc. a iM-nod ol eleven vcarx. Hum action waa taken in view of the fart of thin .K'inK the in ml meeting, Ihe rcconln ot the rrewbvlerv of WcIIh- wcix- not prem-nted, and no rejM.rtH were d on Education, I ublication. Minister ial b'elief. ut Kelicvnlelii-e. The n-iMirt of the Committee of Finance wit adopted. I he invitation extended to the Mnod bv Mrs. Kx-(.ovcrnor Hiuler nnd S'nator Wallace, to rrt"iid Saturday evening in a wH-ial man tier at their rcHiM-etivr homea wan accepted with cordial thanks und pleasure. Arraimcmcnta were made to hold a memor ial service at the clone of the Hynodie.d com munion w-rvice on Sahliath afternoon. The customary eallinc of the roll at the toMeiiftbe HcKsious wiu ilisiH tiscd w itb on I hi occiiMinn. fhe Moderator wan dineted tfi declare the Synod adjourned nt the clone of the ttervice on SaUhaih evening. A reccK.. wan ileelared at b ochM-k P. until Sabbath afternoon nt li o'clock lor the oltHcrauce of the aacramciit of the 1nd'n Supper. Cloned with irayer. I lie ItilbiwiiiuapiroiiitmciiiM were made lor Sahliath airicc in the t hurt lit-nof Clear lichl ami vicinity : rnlitiriin Cliutrh A. M., IIi. Joseph N'esl.iti, Modendor, of l.o.-k llincn. .cu- ini!. addreM-s hv Icv..Iobn Ituiler.of NintKi, China, and Ucv. Alex. . Kelso, of l,odiana. India. M.thilit Chunk A.M., Itev. Alex. Henry, of NewlM-rrv. F.veninvc. liev. Joseph Vance. of Carlisle. I.uthnan Chun A A. M., Kev. .1. J. Francis. of Itirtninham. iit'plirit CknrrhA. M., IIc. Isaac tincr. IV !.. of MiniinbunT' Wtt Chfirtithi M. E. Chmvh 1'. M., Kev, J. I) Keardnn. of IM k Haven. J'antiliiM- V. M., Kev. Kiehard Arttiur, of Fayetteville. Cnrrrnrilh' I'mJiytnittn VhnrvhX. M., Thomas C. Ferguson, of Silver Sprinj;. Kvcn- in. Kev. H.C. .Mendcnball, of Menrrsburji. Kev. .lohu Hutler. ot Chma.and Kev. Alex- under KlN for many years u Missionary in hulia, lectured on Hie hahits ot worsinp ami the jtceuliar view held by the (eople in those countries. The leetun-a were Isith in teresting ami listened to with attention hy the urent audience that was pnscnt. The In rue church was Illled. At tlie close of the iM-rviee. tlie Moderator declared the twelltli annual nnd final meet injr of the Kynod of Harrisbnrg adjourned. The next meetiiiir ol rtynod will lie iieiu in Harrisburg. in DcIoIkt, 1mi-J, but it w ill he the Svnotl of Pennsylvania, aa the Synod of Itarnsbiirir w ill cease to exist on the yu oi January next. a.-B -a 1 DEATH OF A MINISTER. Manv of the readers of the Watchman will regret to learn of the death of Kev. Samuel Keiister. 1). 1)., which occurred at his resi dence in Maryland, (Molier 17th. Mr. Kegister wiis known as one of the most devout chris tians nnd one of the ablest nmlnuMt respected ministers of the M. K. Chunh. Veara ago while travelinu the old Warrior Mark circuit he married MissFannieUniy.eldent daughter of Jacob (.ray, Kw of Half Mimiii vallev-, this county, sunt; wlm h lime he has mourn resided ill Virginia and Maryland. At the time of the division ol the church Mr. Kcgis- ter cast his lot with the church South, and was recognized as one of its leading minis ters uluaya being delected to till its most prominent stations and olliciul Ksitinns. The lamented deceased was constantly nlsmt ' his Master'a bu-unesa." deeming that the most iiunortaiit of all. and never neglect ing an opportunity tn advance the cause of Christ's Kingdom. He would eheerhilly go wherever sent by the church authorities, ami was a most t nicicnt his tor not only in but out of the pulpit. Kind, tender, loving, he would comfort the aick.give hilc to the dvimr. nnd counsel nnd advise the living. Vi licrcvcr there waa work to lie done, that was the idace he wnntcd to lie, and many there are who ran testify to the g'sid his presence did them. A Her long years ot pious usefulness he has nt last gone to Ins reward. and it has lieeii unto him, "Well done, gmxl and faithful servant, niter thou into the joy of thv laonl." Kcv. Kegister waa M years of aye. The funeral took place yesterday. HcUcfnntr Watchman. The old Beltkr who still reside in Clear Held county will no doubt recollect Mr RrqitUr, he having traveled the Clearfield Circuit as far hack us HCl, when the circuit extended from Karthaus to Iturnside (i; miles from North to South) and from Cur-1 wensville to I'hilipsburg, a dislune of Hi miles. Mr. Itccra was the preacher in charge nnd Mr. Kcgisler was the young preacher and nssistaut. The latter wiw one of the most popular circuit riders that rut traveled along the lianksol'the Susquehanna. His jeopularity in noticeable throughout the county to this day. Wo know of nt leant half n wore of Isty named "Kegister," two of whom Fullerton and Ciearhart reside in this borough. F.ut he is now at rest, - mm 9 H BASK BALL. rimnavTasa. Oot..t.r Hit, Mil. Mr. hli tor .-Allow me a small space in your columns to correct a few rrrorsin regard to the game o? iwisa nan piayru m iininn-, (ctolsT nth. between the I'nelr Jiwk'sStal- warts. of Iturnside, nnd the I nele .(cshcs. Cherrytree, aa pnblishi-d in your columns of last week hv the liiirnsiue eoiressiiiueoi. Five inniiiiP were plaved when the I tnpire, called the game on aemunt of rain, for one half hour. At the expiration of that time, the aim shone, but before we got ti the Held it waa mining and the I nclr Jesses did not f...1 inclined to ntiiv when thr grass was wet. Th inmiP mas uodoiihtedlv won bv thr Fucle .ltHne FL The score stisid 1 1 to i in i" i the 1 m le Jesse's. Any person Whowisliea 10 m9 the rules on that poini, can, oy n u riing to ai-ction 4 page ! in Spalding a liase Kan (iuide fitr thr year 11 Thr I nclr Ji-sses are prepared toplay the nibganie at any time. your Hurnsiiip corresponiicni nm .u. not to gire the -nre of theirdeN-ftl. ami won in reourst him to tell the tnunami soainr me devil in the future, .Au .hi. IWeaivT notb that each Bide having had more base ball will he allowed to Ik played in these columns. The game had better lie decided some place else and in some other w ay. F.l. Kkf.1 A CAHU. Tlie unilrraiirneil having rliaawl hi ImOVr almu in tin. (da. to ito into hiiaineaa at (areola, Inkea thla melhml of returning hi thanka to tlie people of Clearlii-lil and virinity for their irenenma MitronAreand favor, in the OT,t IIAIIBV HXYI1KR. ciearfli'lil, (li tolier Sltli, l-l. Silk velvets (all ahadea) Silk aelvetalPolka IMI FrinKea, triinminira, omamenta, Ae. II. A. Kkatzfr, Market alreet, t'oatoffli-e. 1 .VI !l ("I near the The lieat elothing for the leant money ran In found at Oulnihur('aniot relialde Clothing Store, W estern Hotel comer, In C'lrarrflcld. 10-Stf PREMIUMS AWARDED. ! Th fallowing ti a Hit of Uiprtmimi awarded by tba Clmfitld Agricultural Pirk Aiioelitlon, on thf 14th of Otobr, 1M1, tli: CLASS NO. 1. To U. 8. 0. Banker, beat bull (10 60 To John 0. gcbryvtr, Mit mi 10 10 To W. C. Tat, for eow- pip. CLA8B NO, S. To W. 8. RrrJ, tntleb oow $10 00 To Will ism Tattle, boit I vur old hlfr- 6 00 To John U. Bchry ver, eaf 7 noniki old... Dip. CLASS NO. ft. To J. M. Herd, mart oelt H I0 00 To W. P. N'orrli, lorrrl tallion 10 00 To 0. A. Birr, dark bay mil ion pip. CLAHti NO, fl. To Mtlhw IUed, bell family horio- $ 1 00 To Joba Htntivy, tftm of rrn borxa 6 Ofl To J. Irvin MoUrUe, boat S scar old colt.. 4 00 To Darid W ay, bait 3 yar old colt .- 6 CO To Jubo McLauglllo, 8 jear old colt Dip. To K. b wart i wo rib, pulling on atona boat. vv CLASS NU. II, To I. It. VulltrtoD, bait bak $ 6 00 To 1. H FuIIoHor, boat twa 4 00 To K. W. Urowo, bait lamb Of CLASS NO. 11. Tu P. M. Carduo A Bro., tnt boar f 00 To V. H. U. banker, beat bog Btidar Bino'i. 1 ft To 0. ft. l-'u liar ton, beat tow ft 00 CLASS WO. U. To Mra. II. V. Lewi, Plymouth Rock fbikf-m f f no To Mra. II. V. Lewi, beotdiaplay eblokcna I 00 To W. S. lteed.trio of turheji t 00 To Mra. II. V. Lewia.trioof ducki Dip. CLASS NO. 14. To T. W. King, baat grain drill Dip. To T. W. King, bait mowing mac bine Dip. To T. W. King, beat reaper Dip. To T. W. Kin, beat road Mrapr Din. To A. Oatea A Soo, beat plougb Dip. To W. P. Manea, harpoon nay fork Dip. To J. II. Kirk, Aetna pnlveriiing barrow... Dip. CLASS NO. 10. To S. C. A I. P. Watt a, Wit beehirr J 00 CLASS K0. 17. To J. M. Itatd, beat arraolover aeed 8 00 To M. V. Mapei. beat Lnihel wheal 4 00 To Al. V. Mftpct, beat bubel rye S 00 To W. Moll ride, beat btiihol potatoei X 00 To Thouiaa Saulih, boat buliel corn Dip. To R. K. Shaw, beat buihel llungarian graaa aacd Dip. To M. V. Mori', i buahel tiuotby lead... 1 Uu To Abraham Uallay, 2 acres rye. 10 00 CLASSES NO. '8 IV A 11). T Liixie Work, brat loaf wheat bread $ 1 00 To Mr. Hicbard Kvana, beat eake....Dip A 1 Oil To Mra. Tbomai timlib, diaplay of jelhea 1 00 To Mn. W. S. Heed, beat roll of butter.... 4 00 To Mra. Eliuba Davie, beil oboeie, 2 00 To Mra. W. D. Hutler, jar preaerret...M.Dip A To Mra. Tbotnaa Sutilh, baat firkin butler, ft 00 CLASS NO. 20. To Dutti ItroV, beat wheat flour. $ t 00 CLASS NO. 21. To Mra. J. M. Reed, beat jar peachea $ 1 00 To Dr. A. M. Hills, beat hot ut huney.... I 00 To Mra. Jano Fenton, bottle vinegar.... Dip. To Mrs. John MrUaughfj, jar tutuatooa... Dip. To Mra. I hos. emitb, bait jar aiiletatur. 1 uu To Mn. Tba. Smitb, beat jar peaobbutttr Dip. To Mrs. Tboa. fcinilh, belt can grapes Dip. CLASS NO. 22. To Mrs. W. 6. Reed, bait pound stocking yarn l uu To Mra. VV. B. Reed, beit pair mittens.... Dip. To Miaibua Uwcna, mottoes in p. To Miss Jennie Urown, patobworb Dip. To Mra. A.L.FullinRton, (ringed miltem.Dip A bit To .Mra. J area l. Mclf rue, qui it, i uu To Mra. A. L. Fullington, pair aoo'.a Dip. To Mrs. A. L. Fulling'oo, ladles wool bo tie Dip. To bit lie Duller, lumberman's stockings,. 1 00 To l.lnie Mftballey, afhan Dip A 2 Ofl To Mrs. Jared I. Mclinde, pair Llanketa.. 2 00 To Mias Nunc? Ogen, 1 tidy ftd To Mra. J. 8. King, hood Dip. To Mrs. J. S. King, lambrequin... Dip. To Mrs. J. B. King, embroidered pillow pbaina Dip. To Mrs. W. D. bigler, aofa afjian Dip. CLASS NO. 23. To Mini Ida Lewis, beat pin cushion $ 1 00 lo James Lurry, specimen oair furl.-... l'ip. To Mias blanche Fioga), child's dress tm- brohlered. uip 0" To Misa Alice F legal, pin ousbiun Dtp A 60 To Dora Sineal. 2 beaded pin cushions. Dip A 60 To Mrs. John Me'auithey, toilet set. ...Dip A i0 To Domestic Sewing Machine, boat speci men of sewing on machine Dip. CLASS NO. 21. To T. A. Flenk. beat diaplay of millinery work and fancy good Dip A 2 00 CLASS NO. 27. To Richard Kennard,apecimen iron fence. $ 2 01 To Richard Kennard, origin al inreatlon... t 00 To Amos Kennard, specimen hlaekamlthiog 1 00 To Amos Kennard, wheel for wheulbarrow Dip. To Amos Kennard, Jack for wagons Dip. To Amos Kenoard.ipecimen blacksmith. ig Dip. CLASS NO. 2S. To Samuel Pottorf, platform spring wagoo $ 2 00 To Samuel Pottorf, 4 buggy wheels Dip. To Samuel Pottorf, 1 buggjr 00 CLASSES NO.'B 20 A SO. To Frank Thorn, marble top table I S 00 To A. J . JacksoD.displa cabinet-ware. Dip A ft 0ft To Fred Secket, pump S 00 CLASS NO. 31. To Thomas Smitb, beat bushel beets 1 00 To Thomas Smith, one half buihel carrots 1 00 To Thomas Smith, best pumpkin I 00 To Mra. Thomas Smitb, best lima t- ni. 60 To Mrs. Thomas Smith, beet tomatoes AU To Mrs. Thomas Smith, bait peppers H Dip. To Mrs. Thomas Smith, best basket onions. Dip. CLASSES NO.'S 32 A S3. To O. C. A T. W. Moore, beil boots A shoos. 2 00 To (J. A T. Moore, best ladies' boots A shoes. 2 00 To U. A T.Moore, belt display bootsA shoes. 2 00 To Jus. P. Utaver, ont farmer's saddle 1 00 To Jas. P. Siaver, lady'e aide saddle a. 2 Oil To Jas. P. Htavt-r, carriage harness.. H 8 00 To Jas. P. Htavor, single hernias 3 00 To Jas. P. StAver,diplav of saddlery, Dip. A 4 00 To Miss II V. Lewis, pacta and vest by lady I 60 To Miss 11. V. Lawn, eoat made by lady... S 00 CH.-iS NO. S9. To W. S. Rsrd, beil display grafted apples $ ft 00 To W. H. Heed. ba sueciman apples 1 00 CLASH NO. 44. To Ida Lewis, specimen of penmanship.... Dip. To Minnie K, Watson, spooimen penui p... Dip. CLASS NO. 45. Baby Eiposillun. To Mrs. Martha Oulioh, largest baby, ..Necklace. To Mrs. Austin Trump, prt-ttioit baby...Knile, Fork nnd Suoon. To Mrs. Kate Shew, U rgeit baby over 12 months, .Necklace, T. A. FLECK'S SPECIAL PRKMU'M. There were twenty-four competitors, each pre senting a superior article of bread, so much so that it was difficult for the Judges to decide. They did, however, award Mis Mary Metlaughey the machine. U. K liAKKF.TT, President, KOllElt T WRIULKY, Secretary. rf 0 Balm in Gileatl. Tlie siinfen whiili has marked the inlrmliictiou of Cniim Ilnlin, a t'atnrrli remedy, prewired liy Ely Ilro's, Owi'ipi, X. Y., is inileeil inarvcliiua. Many ihwuw In rhtafno anil vicinity nn' lining It ultll moat satlafliclnry results. A liulv down tmvn is ninverinn tlie sense of smi-ll, ailiicll slie liud nut enjoyed fur flllcrl! years, flirmi(;li the use nl'tlie llalm. She hull uiven up her ense as incurnlile. Mr. IlarlsT, the Dmioiist, cd " f"mil' ""d iiniiiiiriid.sit very highly. In aimllieriiilnmn, yiiiini! TiinkhanniKk lnwyiJ, kiimin tn many of our rendcra, tintifli'S that lie was iircil of iiartial deafness. It Is certainly nn ellicnciims manly. 'ilWml. ., (.n(e. Aim. l.-i, K'.l. Mv sen, ni!cd nine years, as alllieted illi ( utarrli : the use of I'.l v's ('renin Italra eflei tcd nrnmiilele cure. YV. 11 Hammav, Krnimist, Kastiin. Pa. Price M irnts. 10-1IWI. Clearfield Coal Trade. Htairuu-nt f I'mil anil nlliiT fn-iulila m ilt over the Tyrone ft I'li.arfirhl Ilivisiirti, IViinaylvania Kiiilniail, fur the week Milling Orlolier I4.and tlio aame time lnat yeur: COAL. Tnas. rorlh.naell 4 1,. '.2" Hams lima last sar l,820 Inor.s.s ,7 Cravttiusl. ilurtnir t.sT.. 9aina liaia last vasr Innraasa Tolal In 18l Bans lima lait .far 110. R8 1277,41(1 442,472 UM.4M 1.11 2,2:iS lai-raasa 44D.1W aTBRl raaisiirs. l,oml..r I" Ml.r.ll.n.oul fr.llhtl 221 " GRANGE MEETING. The next reiiuhr meelinic of Ihe ( li-ni th lil Countv I'oiiiium t.ninire, No. .u, will nni't in the lliill of the Ami ririin Mei-liimii, l'ir'a () ra lloiiae. li iirtli lil. on Thursday. No- veinta-r ;iil. 11. at 'l oi lia-a r. si. is-i rwn workniK t.ratme in Ihe iimnly lie well n pre-aenteil- Iti'snlea I he n'gll lar order of liuaini'm, an Bil lreai. of areleonir will ! drlivend liy .1 II. Ilenil : replr liv K V. imvla. Also, an- drri hv L. Iieniiing: Sulijert, "Liirin- va. Smiill i anna." Addreaa liy (.riinil li puty P. Ileud ; l.aanv. Misa Mary M. IJeiiil; urntiun. Klla It. Kiius: a p.i r liy K. M. Wall and Misa Sophia White, and proiliirtiona Ity the voiuiarr nn-nilH-ra. Colne and make this meeting the la-at eier held in the eounly. K. M. )AM. .Wnstir. M. J. () txx, Hcrnlaif. Thoniaa A. Kin k's new Btork of ph1 lliia arrived, and ia now lieing oiened out for pub lic lnpii1ion. ( all and see the new atylea in color, and ahnpea in millinery good, and ladies' dresa gixala. Ciaita and dnlmaiia lor Iwliea manu factured from the fineat material and trimmed in the most fnehioniihle style at Flei-ka. ljiiliea are politely invited to call and are the nice coiito and dolman fur ladle at Fleck ' More. BUY THE BEST 1 UKN'S IIAND-BEWKO CALFSKIN BOOTS, MKN'B STANDARD 8CRBWID CALFSKIN B0TS. MEN'S VEAL KIP BOOTS, MKN'S HSU LI till KIP BOOTS. MEN'S BLAl'tiUTKR KIP BOOTS. MKN'S FRENCH KIP DIUVINQ BOOT. BUY 8 CALFSKIN HOOTS. DOV'S KIP HOOTS. YOUTH'S HEAVY CALFSKIN BOOTS. YOUTH'S KIP BOOTS. II. A. KUAT7.KK, Aoiht roa J. Rn Dainnao A Co., EtDira New York, 10-5 41 Mew Daily Stag Lint. .laiuea 1 Ltiny luw Hiu (I'cilt-tl in liavin n luily mail ital- liNhetl iN'twccn Oarlli'lil ami IVnlicld, and will hcrvuftrr nin a daily Mtaire Ix'tuft n the twoMiintM. Ilia i-ntnut h. with April iKt, nnd tlie atHe will lmve t'lciirlleld every morning (exivpt Snndiiylat M nVlcM-Ii. miik itif; itmnet'tioiM w ith h!1 truiiw nn tltc Iiw (rude Knilroad nt iVnntleld, n-tuniiii(i afler the last tniiu the same evening, ruwriijreni nnd frcitilit will be earned at low mtea. Order lei nt any ol' the lmtela will Ik attended to. 4-llltf. "Jid ytu M etliine t-otita and doliuaiw Air mis.'M'a and Indie?" ''Where? "At Heeka. "Yea; Arn't they Lively?" Uidit-H' and misw-a' ddlnuinM and eimtH at rieek'a in ((feat variety. Flwk luw thr largest atrn-k f IndiiV did nitiiiM and eoata in Cleni lU-ld. LudNV eonta nt Klerks in all atyhi prices. (Jo nnd are them. LihUch' eonta nnd dolmnna at Fleck. nnd McDONALD-MctKiVERV. At Pennvinr .on Wednesdar. OctnSer lUtb, 1 ft f . 1 . by Cbnrlui Hel per, Efq., Mr. William A. McDohald. of Prnn townHhip.and Miss Ukhtiu McOovrrh, of 01 rard township. CAMl'BiaL-IILAOK At the home of the bride's parents In Indiana Co., Tueidir OC. II, 1F81, hy Kev. W. F. ihaon, Mr. Q. W. Camp aui.t , of Clearfield county, and Mil Jrsxia K B...UK, of Indiana county. HKNSAL ALEXANDER Tn Anannville, al tha Presbyterian Paronnie. nn ThurstUT. Oflto- her 13, 1SSI, by Fct. D. 11. Campbell, Mr. Jrn N. II Rita a l. nnd Mirs lit: deli a Ai.kA5ikr, bnlti of Madera, Clearfield oounty. PAflE-DUNHP. On Mondnr. Oct .Ur IT, 1881, at Ihe M. K. parsonage in Woodland, Pa., hy Rer. K. E. Wilaon. Mr. Ki uaai I'. Paok. of Karthaus and MissJaiiria K. De'tbAP, of Ori hamton, all of Clearfield county, Pa. MYNKEL BYRUS. At the residence of Jno. M. Kiddle, neir Now Washioir'on, on Wednes day. Ofl. 10, 1, by Ker. O. Ilitka, Mr. J"w H. McNkf.l and M ins On Bvrrs, all of New Washington, CIcarAeld county, Pennaylvania. CRAWFORD-NORRIS Ob Wednesday. Oa loWroth, lHl, at Ibe residence of the bride's parents, by Rer. James Corns, Mr. Hiram 8. Crawpord. f Dona) ly'a Mills, Perry oounty, Pa , and Mips Lronora Norrir, of Ferguson town bip, Cleartleld county, Pa. Mr. Crawford has got a good wife, which, wilh the weekly viilti of the RirriLiCAif, will be Ihe means of him baring a pleasant atd trnppy borne. So mote It be. 3U1 CtMlltY. In Frcftrla townnh'p, oo Sonilar, September 2", UHI, Mrs. Nabcv Ci rrt, sgn 77 jean and 1 1 days. MXFKLDT In P-ii6eld,4.n Friday morning, Oetnher 21, KI, llhT l.ivrnLDT, aged C2 years, t) months and 3il days. LOWELL. In Per.field, on FrldAT, October 7th, IHSl.of diphtheria, Amor, son of Horace and Annie Lowell, aged 7 years and 21 days. MeCRACKEV At Lumber City, on Friday, Octuber Hth, Kt-nn McCbai ars.of 11 loo in township, agid 27 yenrs, 0 months and 7 days. MKAS. la Decatur townibip, Clearfield coun tt, an Tuesday, October II, 1SHI, of diphtheria. Mart Janr, aged 4 years, II months and 3 dayi. On Haturday, October b, IBM, Edith It i. a Nrn. aged 7 years, II months and 18 dars On Sunday, October 14, 181, Ariiii r Hioa. agt d 2 years, 10 months and 2k dajs, all children of Miles and Lunette Meai. Dc.ircat children, thou has left ui, Here oar loit h i deeply feel : Hut 'tis 'iod that hath bereft ns. II o can all our sorrows heal. Out llranaaD PiR Cbxt. Disooixt or Old Pair is .Sewing Machines can now be purchased at Mcrrell's tin and variety store, from t-ib up wards. All kinds of sewing maohines repaired m the shurtest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877. - - - e .Bust ICi'ccivcil. Jiiht Deceived hy ARN0LI, at CUHWESSVILIF.: Car Load Nova Scotia Plaster 1 Car Load puro Corn, Ityo and Oats Chop ! Cur I.ond Deaken Sail ! Car Load of Choice Family Flour! Car Load Pry floods, firoeeries, Ac.! IsaTShinirlcs, Baric, li. 1!. Tics and Grain will bo taken in exchange. Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1H7S. CLiRFIELD MARKETS, Clrariirld, Pa., Oct Flour, per owt. Bueliwheat Flour, per cwt Corn Meal, per cwt Oiiop, rye, parewt Chop, mixed, per owt . II ran, per cwt Wbual, per bu-hel lire, per bucln-1 I'SI. 13 7.-. I St I CO I I 40 I mi I 1(1 8(1 SO 40 f.O n on 1 !4 I .0 10 t 110 14 11 ID .'0 Ji I2j 1 On II 14 7 121 1 (0 Ottti, per biiibf-1 Corn, ears, per buahol ltu.-kwbcat, per bahol Clover secj Timothy ieed pDtalix-s, per buritiel Apples, per bushel Ouious Ilatns, per pound Hhoullcr, per pound Drlrd Heel, per pound (v'h.rkrni, per pair Butler, per pound Kirn, par doien Hall, per sack, largo Coal Oil, per gallon Lard, per pound Dried Apples, per pound Dried Panchea, per pound Hearts, per bunhel (Oil sjHarkrt. Oil Quotations ! CENTRAL FENN'A OIL DEPOT. UNDERBILL & CO., Lubricating. MUlintd .Tlfiirm' OILS, I'liiMrsnriui, tk.nn'a. Vie cur brands nf Petroleum and oilier oils (.aAi.fl In atara.1 rlintg.i) frea br our Sieclal III! t.'ar, whaa tha Btalioa at a. h irh li.sin d.ll.rry. R.naad nil, 1 1 a dag. Fir Tit..ior (al ( ll.Hnr.IOil, l:i " " Prima While, ISO ' . " " WatarWhlle, 1411 - " " Torch dil, 171 " " " - " " MIdsii' lamp oil " " " " " Benain., 72 llravity " " Naplba, 74 " " " llas.'llna, 8 " " " Pra.srad Hasldum " " Pil Csr (ill - " " Truck All Oil.. " " No, M Car Oil " " No. 0 Car Oil " " No. 1 tar Oil " " No ! Csr Oil " " No. 8 l ar Oil " " Franklia Natural l.ubrie.tiDe. " ' WarlVa. Nat. I.ubrir.linir ' " Franklin 2 n.f . (tra.ily " . " Katra (Wlnlarl ' " Medina W later Zero Te.t " ' Writ Va. Kilra Winter " " Medlnm " ' lllark Dismiind " 1 drees Hnjlne " Ooldea " ' Anther " " 1 i XXX " 1 Eura Heavy Hpladla Oil " ' (Minder Oil. Hs'ra llrnht " ' Malfhlesa Cylinder Oil " " No.l " ' " " H Ultra Slrnal Oil " 1 Woal Oil, No. 1 " LirdOil (axtralW'iniar " " No. I " Sllnrrl' Vallow, I grades " K.tra No. 1,1 (rades.. " White 1 grade. " Liaianl, No. I,lba.l Aea.rleanl " Turpentine (Kuhv) T.nnari' Oil ll pp.r) " " (Sola) " I Ko (looda at Hetall. Prlrea liuariulred T.eone At J. fiarl.T A B'-ne' Coal Yard. lluutida!. At VanUaiaa A Co. 'I SloBe Ware. hn.,. Curweniville Fraln n armoura Bear ll.ilroaj Sisiina. Li.Biurg Hallroad lalica. Addriss all aiders to LOCK VOX It, Phlllpahurg. Caalra eoQBlj. Vx. list 4, 'fl-lj. An Inatltntlrtn fhr ImpnrtlriiT a Practical ncrnl men mint for tho a-tuil ilutlea of t iv ual Itiatrncllon, iJiriitt aim inieiy innrH or hlmiy. lteffUiir nnn ttp.n.iiriiMu VrNiniiiit. ) or Clrruliira uildresa I lHitr October Itth, lHS1-4t. JfOXXXT 353. XX3ll.X33a3Fl. H.isrr.KcicnEit ot'Axn uealek ix lircci h and Muzzle luniliiig Jiillea und Slint KUiia, liuvulvcm, FIkIiui Tui klu, and till kinds ol .Sporting (jnodn. A rnmiiuto lino of 1'orkot Knivpa, Ita ton, Shourn, Sciaxora and Hunting Kmvca. I'apcr nnd llruxa Shells, lii'londing ltnplomcntH. (inmo Iloc, Shot i'ouchc, I'owdur Flanks, Bullet I'ouchos, Hun Covers and Cleuninje Itods. AMMUNITION, CARTRIDGES, CAPS AND SHOT. 1'iinicrs, Load, Wilds and Bulleted llrcci-k Cups. Turret Ridis and Turrets, l.o' liules and Tiinbur Hooks. All kinds of Mewing Machino Nccdlta, Oils and Attachments, tiuns niado to order and warranted to iiivo satisfaction. Shot cuns hured to Bhoot close. Key fittinje and llepairinj,'. Kverytliiii); warranted or money relunded at J. E. HARDER'S GUN STORE, Clearfield, Pa. Clesrt.M, Pa , Ocloher 5. 1K.m. 188lT FALL. " 1881 A. THANHAUSER, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, CLlLVItllELD, PA. The Largest and Best Stock of AND GENTS' FUllNISHING GOODS, VOM THE LEAST MONEY. Suits Made to order at Short Notice. ALBERT TIIANIIAUSEK, Opera House Block, opposite postoffioo, CLEARFIELD, PA. 1-91-1881 If. NOTICE. HAVING JUST RECEIVED OUR rati 9lnd Winter Stoch OF DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MOTIONS, MIL LIXERY.i.YD FJXCY GOODS, WE I XV IT E THE PUBLIC TO CALL .1X1) EXdJIXE OCR STOCK' JXD PRICES BEFORE PCRC1IASIXG ELSE WHERE. Yours Respectfully, DSC. xjnyixmijisr jb co ROOM XO. 2, PTE'S OPERA HOUSE, CI.l'.AIM IEl.l), I'KNVA. N. 1!. In mil' Millini'iy Dcpiirtinont wo employ none but first- class Milliners, nnd gunrnntec all Pai.l.mliar 21, IfiSl-lf. WE HAVE OPENED . SUPERB COLLECTI0X OF Fall nnd Winter Clothing -FOTi- Gents, Youths and Children. ALSO A LA II (IK STOCK OF Underwear. Wccliwear, Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas. HATS OF THE VERY LATEST BLOCK ! CAM. ANP UK t'oNVIXCKl) AT CUINZBURG'S RELIABLE CLOTHING STORE, AVESTEliN IIOTKIj COINJiK, Clrarllel.l, !'., O.-t. 12, 2in. mvmmnnwnomiMi W. H. BALL15NGEK, WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST, AN li li KA I.Kit IN SMOKEll'S AltTlCLES. Til K I, A KST A N I CI I K A P KST Snio AfTcut oi riiiiinioi'iii (.r iiio W. H. B. and Engaged, also our Ideal Cigars, A 1.AKOH YAHIKTYOK ROUGH AND READY AI.WAY.SON HASH. A SPECIALTY MAIIEOF HENRY COUNTY ROUGH AND READY. tetf-STORKS I'lTTKD t'l AT THE LOW KST CASH PRICKS. W. II. BALLKtER, o. 228 Market Slreet. PJilladelphla. Fepleraber Jlh, Isll-lr COAL LAM)S VATE1. (MHI wru of kiln mil. out coat Utid litmti- Iear.ld .aolr. AJ I...I tha aa larl(nrd ulloloefttlnn, numhir of ipi nuuir tact mt ManhtU Htlrk Vird, in th vfpr tnd of lb ( Tti.M, addUterr(inirttirat'lnr rivr. Alio j boron (th t ClMrAald. Ilriek will nlwnyi bn fonttd ytf. J. V. hNYl'KU, ta oovmnodit mj oaitnmr who mty Altotnty l-l,w. CLBtliriiLi., r.(!t4. Tth, 18I If. gnu flitrtimfnti Bii'tneaa Eliiratinn Yminar and mKMlo life HHi.h'nta can enij-r ai any iimo. m iurmiii - u inuin "ir ".V i-lim't. TlKiroiiuli Tearliliiif-l rurllriu A H-.iiei, I'lttnlitirgh, I'a. i, work to give sutimction. II. LEHMAN & Co. THaTlj 1 CLKARFIELI), PENN'A. V A III ET Y VV C1GA I!S IN Til E CITY, BRICK FOR SALE. In i , Taera sr. 10(1, fids f,l R,ok fur sals at Iks eftii. 4. m. w a Rfii Abb, Aftnl, ClrwIIJ, f , Aug. 2, IMI-ln. ftrw 3.drtl(mfD. Jllll WOIIK.-AII klBils afjah werk utou4 la tba tsast asaaaar al Ufa oftoa, ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curw.Di.IUe, p , Jan. 9, UTI-tf u Is hereby witen thai tetleN of Adralnistra lion m the male uf fcl.l.AHKTH MUVKH.IaU of (J rah am township, Clearfield eounly, P., dee'd, baring been duly granted lo the andersigned, nil parsons Indebted to said eilate will pita make itnuedlale payment, and tbse having elalns tr demands against the setae Will present tbesj prop eily authintieated f .r seltleintot, without delay. JAMKS MW:k, AdniHstraior. WalUoalon, I 'a , Hept. II, IIHl-flt. ADMIMHTH AT1lfll ltOTI K.-Nlo Is hereby gU rn that Inters nl AdminlitratloR on Ihe t of MAin AttDKRY, late of Morris lo-infhip, ClaarAaM 0'niy, Fa , dee'd, bating bun duly grantid tu the undersigned, all persona in irbted tu miti estste will pleas But Its iuasedl ale pjmtnt, and those hating claims or da inandti aiBal the same, will present (beta prep ely au'hililii'ated for seitlement without delay. O. P. KKKHK, AdinlRtilralor. Kylrrlown, Oct. b, Htbl ftt. WATfcl.-IIF.I..M fir ieasa AtU Hammers. To buy Ilslrei eut from sound Pig Nut lli-'kory to bo ruared to the followtng dluteaiioni ; IHx 16 Inrhes by s3t feet, also 17x14 inches i21 feet, one hair of eaeh alia -all to be Uutl Cuts and eoutid. Nn reeoorf eutswill be re ralred and nothing but Pig Nul lliokery wanted. Any parly hating timber of the description re uvlrsd may find a purchaser at good prlees by applying at this ottioa. either In person or by let ter, I'll rhlJl.lUiil irullllK AND 1HUN CO.. Uih street, near Peno nvenue, Pittsburgh. Pa. Uctober 6, Pal-tf. In the eitate ol J. Linn 1 In tha Orphans' Court Ilooeer, deecaiad. j of CIcarAeld eountjr. The andersigned Auditor oppolnted by tho Court to dirpose of the eteeptlens to the teoounl nfj, Koss Dlouni, Administrator, hereby gives notice thai be will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at his offiee in Clearfield, or THURS DAY, N oY KM li i: It 10TII, IMI. at 19 o'olook A. M ., when nnd where all parties Interested may tllend. i KAiSK ti. I1ARKIB. Auditor. Cleaifield, Pa., Oot. 13, lstH-it COAL. : COAL ALL THE YEAR!! THE subscriber hereby gives notice that he Is now delirerlog ooelo! an excellent quality aud propores to operate his mine go that he will be enabled to supply bia ens turners at all times with god fuel. No .Summer vaca tion. Orders by mall promptly filled. R. KM. 8 II AW. CkarflelJ, Pa., March I, IHSI-tf. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON & BR0., On Sect nd Bt, north of the Maasloa Iloise, CLEARFIELD. PA. Oar arrangements are cf tha moat eomnlete character tor furnishing the publie with fresh Meats of all kind, and of the very beat quality. We alio deal ia all kinds of Agricultural Imple ments, whiob we keep on exhibition for tha ben efit of tho publie. Call around whoa la Iowa, and take a look at things, or address aa F. M. CARDON tl BRO, Clearfield, Pa., July 14, lS74-tf. Agricultural Implcincnis ! ITAKK this method of notifying those ia need of a good Mower, Reaper, Tbrtxher or Plow, that 1 have the agency of the KIT K EYE Mower, Reaper nnd Thresher, Manuraotured b; AI'LTMAN a CO., C.nloo, 0. I an also fur Iba cal.britait Soutli Bend ChilU-d Plow ! 'V-Psriuiii ia af aiUiarof tba aboaahad b(t.r call oa nr adJraii caa befora parebaiiag alscahare. tACUARIAH M. NAI L, Jans 8, ISSI lf. CarosBitllla, Fa FRED SACKETT, MANTPACTCRKR Of Tin, Copper t Sliectlron Mare , -AL8U MALSR IN Hardware, Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves, Ranges and Stove Repairs. Wood and Iron Tumps, AMMUNITION AND FISHINQ TACKLE OF ALL KINDS. RoofingtS Spouting l)0NK ON P110RT SOTICR. Plumbing and Gas Fitting A SPECIALTY. AI.Ij kinds of GAS FIXTURES Kppt ABtt,il oa htxni. FKEll SACKETT, CLEARPIRLD, PENN'A. Clearfield, Pa., fapt. T, 1111-11. FRED JOHNSON 4 BROS., AT MKRHKll S OLD STAX1), Opposita Court Hoait, Markat itrMt, CEEAIUTELO. l'ENX'A, Dl In and Mnuflorri uf Tin, Copjirr Shoo Mron Ware, 1140 DK.VI.Iftl II Stoves fitf.Ycss of any ! or dttrrtpliot. A LAR'.K ASSORTMKXT Of Parlor, Boom and Cooking Stovea Will bo bfpt WoitaBitjr oi hud. or proartd o tbort aolioo, A OKNRKAL A8-0KTMKNT OP TINWARE I'Ofl Til K LEAST MOSSY And MiDuftHorfd oat of tbo btit Mtrll and in a Workatoliha Manner. SPOUTING AND ROOFING Promptly alt faded to. GAS FITTING AtWod.d to, d (IAS F1XTI RK8 of all Klcdi ktpt Coaitattly on band. HEP AI1UNO. All kiada af Rapalrlaf will k. Praatptls aa4 Maftl; aoaa. LAMP", I.ANTltltm. PUCKKT AMD TABLE ClILKHV, kI0., KTC. Ala a 0.aaral Auortaiaal af BUILDERS' HARDWARE, All af wklek ill b said at RaasonaMa RatM. 0ns as a rail. A ik.ra af PaklU Palraaa. la Dallailaal. f RID JOUIIIONtDROS. ClaarH.M, Pa., Aafart 4, KSI.lsm.