THE HFJUBLICAN. i;,.XlUAV MuUMN'll, OtTOIIKU 111, h. Terms of Subscription, V .! In avanM,or wIibIb three month $0 hr-iid after three and baforetti month l 10 J, ,.i,l ..nertbeJplret.oa of til eaoohU... I It) HIll.K.IOtJfl ndtui;. M-tlu.Ulsv I:iUouikI t hurrli--Rev. (Jno. I uti-r, Pastor. Htrvtesi sry Habbata it 10 A. M.,nJ I " Siit.Utti Hnhool at t A. M. ,'raytr M tin ft tYtry Wednotdey, it T P. M. (mu union barrio, flrit tiabbeth af artry (,th, at I0J A. M. tt CleirOcId M. E. Cliurrh.-ReT. iIk mhir B. Auub, Paitor. Prtaching every Mf rnt Hunday, at I o'olonk, P. M. SuBday S h.1 it 21, P. M. All are Invited to attend. i'r.'i.)trrlm Church Rev. H. 8. Botlir. - Sjibbnth itrrieet morning sad tveaing Beb ,,'h School at V A. M. Prayer Meeting Wtdnes. v .renin. Hii)tlt Churrh. Rer. , Pastor. V,l,lh Snhool at P. M. Prayer Meeting every Ucitntsday trtnlng. M. .Krantis CburchCathollr ltv. t j. SiiicsirAB. Dlvina sertiee at 0J A. M., on 'bp first, third tod fourth Bundeysof eaob month; Ven'ier and Henadlfltion of the Planed Haoramtnt tt ; iolook, P. M. Sunday Behoel sry Sunday frernoon At o oloek. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY TIUB or tOI.DlBO UUABTBB BBItlOBf OOVBf. S.--nnd Monday of January. Third Monday of Msroh. Firtt Monday of Juno, Fourth Monday of Soptember. timb or BOLDiia comuob plbas. First Monday of J una, Second Mondiy of November, YIOH, OF COI7HHB I "Witl yon uke wheat, oat or ora fir sub scription r ni era often inquired of Id this way lir Utter from patrons who reiido at a distance fr.'in Clrarfleld. W again ny yea. Thereoelpta w!' a mponiihla merchant or mill owner la the Ylrtimy, win iniwer ni jun at well a tbe ossn. To illlustrate : If any of our patroot will deliver ui a haft of grain at the mill ol Joaejib II. Hrelh, ji, (belt townihlu, lloraee Pntbin, In Ha maid a, 'thomal II. Forcey, in U re ham, Wn. Porter or lutw'a, io Lawrence, or Uruwa A Soyler'i, at Kixklon, Union towtuhip, and forward Chair nvipt for the anount, we will orodlt them oa t tu ir arctuot fur the aamt, In thia way all nay i(.m puy what they owe, If tbey will purine tbti No vnu don't. Hixy. I 'lit avtuy that straw hut. liitltiuuiH and i-oat nt l-'lfck'n. 1'iiinpkin pita are now in order. Thanksgiving day will soon be here. Ir. J. K. Wrigley is visiting frirmls in VilliainsHirt. I hiii M. Doherty now rutw four clinira in In IturlHT Hhop. m - Tin1 war and yrllow leave of Autumn are Mivwiiigthe. ground. Miw .lennk' W. liiglor in nttemling M'ilwm College at ChnnitHTHhtirg. a aw i - I'.ill.v W artel wmtciniilateflKtarting n nmrhle v.inl wion in Cnrwenavillc. - m - i It is inure profitable t look up onr defrctw tli.ui to iKiitst of our attnitimentrt. Hit and wlect your choice of a Ooat or dol null from Fleck's Block of goodit. I'liilipshnrg's new wattT works are in oper ntion. Altout 'iO.tNK) feet of pipe havo Ijeen . m Fur catarrh mill nlilhniB, I toiik lVruiia. Vmi ntH il no oIIict. Mm M. Itt wiEl.l, 'ilt- ImrL'li. Va. IVriinn l Hip greiiltnl nnil Mwt renieil.v I i vir nnil. Am wt'll. JxMra FlTZIIEBALO, l'ilt.iliurli, l'a. . Kx-Shoriir Millrr and family moved to SuniiTwt county liwt wk, whfrf Mr. Miller will I'liKiige In himlierinii ouerationn. Anutlirr roinet, the nixlh one for tlii year, ;m diwovrn-il (Mober 4th. Comets re be riiininK too ronimon anil monotonoufi. m Mmty ol' our young men him-iiiI tlieir even ing in riotoim livinR. Ktop, younf( men, he lore you are mmielleo! to live on hunk. A upei-ml train will tie run from Tyrone to tliin ilwe on Tliurwlay afternoon for the ae iiimmoilntion (4 parties romiiifl to attenil SVII.H1. Mr. nnil Mm. Al F. lloynton nturted last wn k on a tour in the Southern and Western Stat, intending to lie n"ent a couple of iniintliH. ( iKhran llrotliera, of Driftwood, have In ijHTtion ten lumlier eum)ia in Comcron, Elk anil Clearfield counties. Ill all they employ nenrlv Mx hundn'd men. We have been n queHted to state that the pulpits of the timn and neighliorhood will In- mipplii'ri, if reijui'sU'd, by memliers of the Synml, on Huhliath, OetolsT 'Ul. 'Hie pulpits of all the different churches in tmvnn ill he filled next Huhlmth morning and c cuing hy the visiting ministers attending t!i si'ssion of Harrishurg Synisl. - . We mil the attention of our readers to two orphans' Court sale in this week's paier, hotli ml vert iiiinsr valuable real estate. For particulars read the advertisement. Ux-Sheriir l.lngle will remove his family from IMiiliimbnrg to lirllefonte this week where they will reside in the future, having ilinosed of their l'hilipxbiirg pnijierty. Hubert II. Ijirriiner, of the pnnorml ofliii' Hi lli fnlite, gave ns a brief rail one day last week. Bob mine to Clearfield to attend the Fair. Mm. lairriiuer wiiuiipiuiicd him, There are two reasons why some people don't mind their own business. One is that they haven't any business, and the second Is, they havo no mind to bring to it ll they hud. I'hililMburg, hnviug completed its Water Works, lias organised a hose eoniiany, called "The Helianee Hose Company." A new and very handsome hose carriage nrri veil last week s-.- l'hilip Waehtel, of J'nlaski, Michigan, a former resident of Clearfield, paid a short visit to his friends and relatives in this place last week. He took his depnrtiiro on Blondny tnst. Kd. JI. Iliin htleld wasacridcnlly struck In the eye with a whip last Friday, and came near losing the nse of It. He has suffered a great deal of pain, but It Is hoped that time will fully restore it. m . Mrs. Mary Hhaw, widow of the late A. H. sihnw, Is snuVring from Injuries occasioned by fall on the evening of September 80th, in the then unfinished portion of her residence in this plai-c. Ifev. Heorge Henscr, of Nebraska, aeeom panied hy his wife, Is visiting friends In this section at present. Hev. Mr. Henser was formerly a resident of this county, and his iimny acquaintance no doulit will he glad to meet him again. - . . -.lames I'. Ktaver, haniess.maker, has pur uliM d the lot and building on Market street, mm occupied by Hurry Knyder's Iwrber shop, "In. h he will fix np in a suitable manner for In buaincss. He will extend the building 'ni' k itiite a distance. . . - Miisllrai ( ardon, of this Iwnmgli, and Mr. Fred Smith, of Iktnphln county, were married at the rcsltlcnouof the bride's brother, W C. Csrdon, last Wednesdsy, KeT. tleorge I ridv oflh iatlng. They tisik their departure i'ir n tour east in the nftcTWHin train, Jmiah W. Thompson will have a vendue lit his farm in Ijiwreneo township, near Cnr "mnille, on Thnrsdoy (to-morrow a work) 1 lolier 'i7th, when lie will nffct for sale horses, '.'it I le.shri -p. hogs, farming utensils, hay, straw, mid other nrtivlis too aumrroua to nrntioa. -- m . m . rl Cn, of the Ann of A. R Cross and W F. Morgan, dealers in general merchan 'ti"c. nt Sylinn tlrovo, Kansas, as will I area ri lmnce Io the marriage nutieei in au "tlu r iiluiun, formed partnership roomily nh one of the fair hdiea of the fur West. N'c rttend them our eongrntulatlon rwi wttKwutpeeUHy- of Udie.1 owtti. this Udi.'ti at FIkW in oil ilvlcand prim, (io and ire them. Our lamhmm-o are g.m.g into amp, pr. .K .... miipuier intern' rntiipniKn. J K. A J. I. ,(,r, of Uibtrtborg. pasttd ikrouch hrr m nursing, oo war mm, u pnrcbtM ibtlr Pall and Wlr gtneral atrobindltt. tork of All the iHpulnr almdi in mnhuierm, cam- lunrKfHMW.BipueaM, twlllnd drnw k.mm1ii, nun in milH a yard up to flM at U. A. KHArFk'B, two doom went of IWflUw. Blackimitk Wanted A kk1 blaeknmith m wnnted ot WnllM-cton. The lorat ion in a goml one, Mid a good mechanic ran make money. For lnfonimtinn apply or write to r Rank Uiaw,Wttllwvton, I' A Big JMt. Mm. John Hhirey, of Ilrod- ioru lownHhtn, wlnlt walking along the road near Milton Khirey'a residence, on Similar. 8( ptmlM-r 2.Mh, anw a black -anake lying along mo nwtiNiiie. hue gatliered up courage and Hub and killed the reptile, "It meaaured Ave fret acven Inchea in length and fonr and one-half inchea in cin u inference. The fire Inddie, nome forty-five in number, headed hy Foreman Walter, paraded the ntreeta In the rain and mud ankle-deep, draw ing the truck. The boys looked well in their red ahirta, and Hpjwureil to enjoy the ittirude m much as theme w ho Mood on the pavement and 1 ooked at them. They did not go to the Fair ground, bh wbh at flret intended. AlKiut forty bora, drtwd in a groteHque munner and wearing niiwltH, panuled our ntnetnon home-liack lantThuimtay afternoon. Some BiHcUitora on the Ktreete rematked oh they pawed by that they were the bent look ing lot of boy he had ever Been in Clearfield ; that thcmoHka which they wore wcrequite an improvement on the natural phyHlognomy of Nome of them. Mrs. Dr. 0. F. Hoop, of 1'liilipslmrg, Blurted lost Wednesday morning for Idaho Springs, Colorado, to join her husband, they intending we hrlicre to make that, their lioine in the future. Mrs. Hoop isasistcr of Lever Flcgal, of Luwrcmr townshipi and she was accom panied hy her nelce, Miss Alii-p Flcgal, who is going on a visit, and Dr. (1. F. Mcflirk.who is going on a prosioctive tour. . Jalnes McDonald, Jr., while enwsing over the Market street bridge last Wrdniwli night, fell through an njs-niiig where some plunk had been removed, to the river be neath, a distance of IS or 80 feet. He wai slightly ahis'krd, hut otherwise cscacd in jury. The bridge was hndly out of repair, and the night Is-ing very durk, au accident of thia kind could very easily hapieii, as all acquainted with the bridge in question ore nware. "Jimnile" has lsn rather unfortu- nnte of lute. I,ist of letters remaining unclaimed ill the Fostomi-o at Clearfield, Pa., fur the week end ing Ootohrr 17th, Ihhi : Miss Nannie Blisnn, Jowph itri-ssoii, F. E. Drown, Mrs. Mary E. Cameron, David Curry Jnmcs Campliell, Duprex & ilrnetlict Min trels, Chailes Knstmiin, Frank Finn, C. W. Haynil, Ale Herr, William Hastings, Miss Kate Irwin, W. (I.Kelly, James l,ee, Hannah E. Miller, M. A. Miller, Sclsa Mitchel, T. Mnycs, Kililll liitter, SIutwikhI, Turuian Scott. P. A.UAfl.tx, I. M - - 9 m Caution.W'e wish to notify the public generally that II. A. Kratzeris ourauthorized agent fur Cleartled county for the sale of our Hewing Mnehine. And we will not guaran tee those sold by others pretending to lie our agents, as we consider them irresponsible parties. The Domestic Mm-liincs they ofl'er for sale are obtained by fraud and are second. hnnded, and have not our latest improve ments. DnMKMTir Skwinu Machine Company, Sixth St., Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept 24, 'HI 10-Mt J. M. MiiFCAT. The l.ytle Brothers, of this place, have purchased the, mercantile establishment of Dr. Pirn- in Philipshiirg, which they will convert into a grocery and provision store. They will also continue their business in Clearfield, dividing their time lsit ween the two places. This Arm has lieen doing an ex tensive business in Clearfield, lioth retail and wholesale. They enjoy a largo patronage, and we are glad to see them prospering. They dcul in fresh groceries and provisions of ull kinds, and also deal extensively tobaccos and cigars. We would Invite the readers of the liKlM lil.U AN in the vicinity of Philipshiirg to give them a call. i Duprti A Btntdicit Mini . This famous troupe appeared in Pic's OfKira House last Wednesday evening to a large audience, the hall being packed with refined and cultured citizens of our town. The entertainment, which kept up for three hours without Inter ruption, was greatly enjoyed hy all present The burlesque prima donna were good. The local hit and original jokea were well re ceived and appreciated, as was manifested by the enthusiastic applause. We have not the sjHice In this issue to particularize, hut can say that if ever this company returns to Clear field, they will meet with a hearty welcome and Inrge patronage. im . Rt-umon cf 53d Rig I Pa. fol. Thesecond re-union of the old CM licgiment Pa. Vol. will he held at Milton, Northumberland county, Pa., on Tuesday December Flth, 11. It la exported that a large proportion of the surviving memliers of the regiment will lie present. George C. Anderson of Ijitnilie. Westmoreland county, is President of the AKWK'iation. P. II. Srhrcver of Milton, Vice President, John M. Caldwell or Milton, Treas urer, and A. H. Mann, of Coodersport, Secre tary. The Executive Committee consists of (ico. I). I'ifer, fiU Market street, Philadel phia, Kll Chiimls rs, Ijitrohe, John Mclaugh lin, Huntingdon, P. H. Schreyor. Milton, and A. II. Mann, Cotidersport. rn kpprtaching Tlachtrt' Inititutt. Al ready arrangements arc being made for the Teachers' Institute, which convene in thia place December IMth. Col. Snnford has been secured for Monday evening, December 10th, at which time lie will deliver one of his famous lectures. Col. Hanford will lie followed on Tuesday evening hy Dr. Higbee, of this State, and Hon. John J. 1-ailil, of Virginia. These gcnUi mcn will be followed on Wednes day and Thursday evenings by thooelchratod Id-torer Col. J. F. CojM-land, of Sonth Rend, Indiana. Col. Copcland is an id to lie Sunford's oqunl, if not his superior, and our people con hold themselvea inremlinesaforacourseof the finest lecture over delivered in l lenrtield. m . Dr. Hart mint, the w ell known Oculist, Aurist and Orthopedic Surgeon, will visit Clearfield, Pa., and stop at the Ionard House for throe days, from Novemlier 1st Io evening of Novemlier 3d. He will have with him a complete outfit of surgical appliance and aparatns, Ac, and will lie fully prepared to treat all cases of Paralysis, Deformities of the head, body and limln, diseased joints, rlnbhed feel, diseased eyes, cataract, pile, fistula. stammering, chronic diseasiw, Ac. So ease will lie undertaken without a fair hope of relief. In consequence of the great expense of such a trip he will not make another; therefore, all who wish to avail themselves of his groat skill and exporiewe without visiting his Pittsburgh office, must do so at this time. For Illustrated Journal call at yonr postoflli. i Murdtrtr Wanttd. John Hector threw and hit a man named Jacob Swnnk on the bead with piece of rinder at a furnace at Carrlok, Franklin county, on Monday night, IV tidier 3d, from the eflcrta of which Swank died on the Friday following. The murderer escaped and has not been arrested. A reward of .VI la offered for his arrest, hy the Com Missionrra. It ought to be liKift The fol lowing is an accurate description of the mur derer: John Heeler, aged nineteen, ve foot ... i i . 1 1 III hnunrll six inehe tan, weigm pm .-! heavy set with abort neck, no henrd, red lawd with thick lips, nose with depressed bridge, flat nostrils and turned up: earslar firward, heavy under Jaw, hair sandy and curly, low forehead, a nr on upper part of ose, down cast look and ropulaife countenance. J illy dollars reward. Kiehanges pies ropy and aid jtistir?. MEETING OF TH E HAR RTSBUPG SYNOD. The, Presbyterian Synod of Harrishurg holds its twelfth annual session io the Preshy torian church of this place, commencing on Thursday next, October 8mh, at T.M r. Tile present oflicrrs arc llc. Henry H. Ilutler, Hudrrator. liev. T. II. K.iiiisou. I). 1)., Slated Clerk Itev. lioliert F. Wilson, Permanent Clerk. Hev. Alexander Henry, Temporary Clerk 11. Murray I, radon, hjiq., Treasurer. The Hynwl remains in session over the Sabbath, usually adjourning on Mondur. The exercises areoM'n to the public. Those which promise io no oi general interest are the following: Opening aeniion, Thursday evening, by the Hev. J. Agnew Crawford, D. D., of Chamber burg. The Synodical Prayer Meeting, Friday, at 3 p. Si Kuhlialli School meeting, Friday evening, to be ail .In-sued by the Itev. Julius A. Worden, tleneral Secretary of Hahhuth School Work. On the Sabliath, the local pulpits will gen crally lie supplied in the morning and even ing by the members of the Synod, and in the af ternoon at 8:311 o'clock the Synodical Commun ion Service will be held, to which the minis ters and members of the neigh boring evaugeli col churchca are invited to partake with the Synod of the Lord's Supper. A list of those intendinir to be present delegate is apiended, wit the names of our citizens who expect to entertain them : JKI.EGA Tti. oil.. Mimultn. Whm from. Hrl.W, Blgltr...Joieph trtnf...J.rity Short. " H. O. FiDtiey.,.. PounirroT.. J. J. Frsnoii Birmingham. " 8. H. Vooa OkkIs. IT. Brlsg. J.R.Ilfnd.rKn...Poll.r'i Mills. B, M. Kn.llj,.Joi. V,n K...llr.yiill.. J. 0. K.IIt a B ..(Ir.Yirill.. Dr. A. M. F1III..O. Noreroii.D.D.r.rliil.. Joisph 8bsw..HvDr.Crtwford.Ch.mbribarg. " W. A. MfGsrr.ll Shippeqibarg. jsnrs siiieDeii.r.. r. Mfli;isB...usuptiia. " J. V. Bell P.iid.U. Mn. N. FulforJ.,N. H. Mill.r B.0nenls Mllll. A. 11. McKtnitry.J. J. llsaiiltoa...Konbiirg. K. Arthur F.y.ruvill.. Wm. A. WsUsei..Ur. hobiotoa....Hsrriibarg. ' D. Bsrron liollidsyiliurg. " Ilr. Mitchel, t B.BIoomiburg. " John Burrows.. ..Willismiport. David L. Mn. 8. Miloh.ll.W. A. Il.rriibur,. " 8. A. Ds.nport..lion.T Urov., John F. Wssrr..J. B. tiordoo E.Fsnri.tUibarg. " 0.0. MeCI.Uo... l..i.wwn. " W.J Giblon.O. llj itsniTills " W. I, .on. Hell.faoU. Wm. A. Bsrr W. 8. Vs. CI. s.U.ttyiborf. R. rrltlMt.l.n n.ll.lnHl. N b; Reed'riibiirr. " A. II. P.rk.r Hwd.rill " J. D. R.srdoB.,.LiK!k " J. H. Mslher....B.IIwood. Mrs. II. Moors.. .Philsndsr btstioo. T. II. Furc.y...... m. H. Logsn...Mill.ntoD. K.r. Q. I.eiJy.. 8. Aletsid.r K.DrT Run. U. A. BigLr Joiepb MtboD,...Hbipplniburg. " Al.x. Honrj Newonrry. " R. F. Wilton Port Royal. R. II. 8b. w J. C. Brr Al.xsndrls. " R. P-PorMD naE. Kylertown. W. W. B.lli M. N. Oornelloi..Altoons. " J.Kram.D.D AE.bowliihnrg. " J. Bills. ri.,D. D Pilttbin. W. 0. Fo!y ...... 6. W. Doffi.ld....Altooos. Jsmu Ksrr J.Q A.Full.rton.Curw.nirllls. " A. N. Ilollinld..itnotinfdon. J. Mcnsughj..H. 8. YV.IIen H'.lk.r. Wm. Porter 0. Ch.pp.ll Lswiitown. J. L. Cottl W. Pri.lsm Ilontingd.n. J. 0, IIartiw!ck.J. W. Whit. Milroy. Wm. 8l.rlln Willi.mrporL John Laird Psl.rn. Frank B. R.ed...D. H. Campbell Aniontill.. " It. H.mlll, 1). D..l..tnont- Mn. ll.g.rty....W.M. llurohnuld UuUuli. Mn. Lldd.ll Wm. (lemmlll.... Ham.y. " 8. W. Pom.rov...Mt. Union. Jamai Irvin RavDr.Wood.nd.Philipiburg. uaorg. ueaaua.niiiiiotown. Rar.Il S.Butl.r. J. J. Coala Arch Xprleg. " J. A. Word.o Priootoo. N. J. Jaa. Wrigley 8.M. Moor., D.D.Tyrona. J. I. P.U.rion...N. (1. Whit. Williamlburf . J. 8. 8ho.n....L. Uaughawoat..Mill Hall. W. M. Hhaw J.Rt.10 drier Miffliobarir. T. 11. Murray.,.. Joieph Naib'lt...Laek Haven, 8. E. Webiter-...WilliamDort. B.C. YounffmfcD .J. B. Oris. Daoill. T.J.M'Cullougb.S, T. Thompaoo..St. Mary a. ur. Bohtarer.....,J. n. Boal -A lien wood. Kon M'Phenoa. David Kennedy-WatjoatowB. J. R. Orhm...,J. P. Iludaon Willnmiport, A urn t a Con.Couderiuort. Qeo. Weaver.M.,.J. . Krardoa...L'ck liar en. L. Denning W. 0. Wrht..MiieiburS. b. W. McCurdT.Oeo. D. Meiri...Manil.e)d. Oeorn Wearer.. J. II. Stewart. ....Oreeooaf tie. Leonard lloaa..N, t. llrowoe ... Newton Ham'n. Horn, Elden, HA.r. from. Jnney Shore. Mn.W.Difler...II. B. Hum 6. 0. Siwarl.,.H,I)irninf hm. II. B rid Re J. Q. Caraon Potters Jdilll. Dr, A.M. HllliWm. Blair Carlisle. Dr. A. M. Hllli. R. Auitin Palavla. Joiepb Shaw Dr. Piatt Chamber. burg. Joaeph fihaw J no. A. Cr ' ...6hippeniburj. Jamea Mitobell..Dr. W. Grardon-Uaupbin. Janea Mitchell. Dr. J. H. Kline.. Penfield. Mn. N. Kuirord-J. T. Ureen hickin.oo. W, A. Wallace.. .0. M. MeCanlay.Harriaburg. David L. Kreba..II. M. Qraydon...Harriibarg. John r. WemTer..V..U. Colbonh.Middletown. J oh a F. Wflavar.D. W. Wood. UwiitotrB. John V Wear f.J.L.Sommemlle BHIefonte. tt. u. nn j. a. ratieraoa..nererat)iirg. Mrl. II. Moor...7. D. ldeaoi...Middle BrtDg. T. H. KoreeyM...WU)iaQi Kipp....Millerttowa. B. A. Blcler Ju.M Laagblin.Port Kojal. R. H Hhaw J. II. D-i.rl... Alexandria. W. W. Betu B. F. Cuiter A I to on a. W. C. Foley Joiepb Dyaart...AltooDB. Jatoai Kerr...... Jordan Read .,.Carweoivllle. J, R. BimpioQ,.HintiBsdoD. J. MeQaugby.nJoba Diveni Walker. wm, 1'orter J. U. Aleiander.Lewtiwwn. J. ti. llsrtawiok.Dr. 8. Matlay.... Milroy. Dr. a. J noaiuioB bcraoe Creek. P. B. Reed Prof.J. Hamilton. Lemont. Jamea Irvin U. B. Hotohkin..Mrriadal M. Jea. Wriglny 0. J. Keagla.H. Tyrone. 1. fatteraoB...J. K. Dayton wilhamFport. 8. Hhoera.,..Cbarla Kyle Mill Hall. . W. M. Shaw Junta LawioB...MifBinbnrg. T. H. Murray.... 0. 8. M'Cormlab.l.ook UaveB. " Jamea Gamble... Willlmiport. R. M. Sohaortr.M. 0. Piatt. A Urn wood. Jas. B. Orabam..O. 8. Jonei Gonderiport, U. W. MoUardy.K. fl. Mnfraley... id. Leonard Hou,.B,8. Parker Mifilintown. Sudden Death of Geo. W. Boynolds. The lifelciw Innly of Mr. (ieo. W. Kvynoldn, agent of the I'enn'a liaitrtstd at this place, was fmnd in West C'lenrfleld.hy two men, A. Aloore and If. K. Hhnw, who were iiaHsing along the road in the vicinity of Inquire Shaw's grist mill on Momlny forenoon. When discovered the Iwdy was lying on the wide, with a handkerchief in the left hand, placed over the nose, and a cane in the right hand. James A. Moore, County Coroner, held an in(iiest, euiiunnclling the following gentlemen as juror, viz; C. Hone, J. L. feravy, John I. i'attMnon, Phillip Iotts, O. B. Merrcll, J. B. Slniw, who, after getting all the information they touhi, eauie to the coucluMion tluit death wascitiirtcd hy ajoplexy. It apjienrs that the deceased hud started out on Hnndiiv evening to take a walk in the lirectinn of the Fair grounds, and was seen along the way hy different artii that even ing with whom he conversed. Mrs. Reynolds and a daughter left home on the train Hiittir day evening to visit a daughter in Curwens- ville, and the two daughters remaining at home did not feel uneasy alnrnt his atnencr during Pundny night, thinking he would re turn safe in due time. The demised was in the (Mth year of his age, and leaves a widow and nine children three sons and six d .tigh ten to mourn his death. The children are nearly all grown up, four of them heing married. The remains will be taken to Tyrone on Wednesday morning for interment, the de ceased having formerly resided there. REPORT OF niRONKR'a INQt'KHT. COMMOS WF.A LTtt OF VESS A, . Clrarjlrld wuny. i An inuuisition indents! and taken in Iaw- n-mf township on the 17th day of Octolier. t. . IMrtl, Iwlore nir, J. A. Moore, loroner f the conntvafitmuiid : I'pon thrvlewoi the oihIv ol it. W. Kevnolda then and there lying dcad,nMn the oath of C. Howe, John J. I'nt temm, (. B. Merrell, Jsmeii li. Ix'nvy, J. B, Slmw and l'hilip Ihitts, timn the aolemn all! rniat ion ofi irooil and lawful men of the eounty aforfa:d, to inquire nnon the part of he Commonwealth when, where, now ann after what manner the said O. W. lieynolds came tohis death, do iwy upon theiroatha and inirniations. that one (i. W. Keynolds, of the imroiufh of Cleartield, ticket agent, wn find that the said t.eo. W. Keynolds, on the 17th lar ol htoler. A. I. lHw,nnd in the enunty atiinwaid, to wit, In a certain pla called "Hhaw's hcad-gutr," was found dciul; that he had nojnarku of violence appearing aliout hialKHly. and died hy the vimtation of (iod a natural way and not otherwise. Jamks A. Mimikk, 1'oronrr. Hiihi, Foreman, J. I. I'ATTKkaoi, O K. Mfkkki.i., Jamks U Lkayy, J. B. NllAW, In li. ir lHirra. Thomas A. Fleck's new Block of goods has arrived, and is now being opened out for pub lie inspection. Call and aee the new sty leu in colors and shap in millinery gmsU, and ladies' drrws gnods. Did yon are those emta and dolmans for pes and ladiesr "Where T "At Flecks." Yes; Aru't they lovely V OUR FAIR. Ijiat week waathe time flxed for the annual exhibition of the Clearfield County Agrirul turn and Prlring Pork Ajaociation. It seenm to have originated in an unlucky moon, for Tuesday, the first duyt was clear and cool Wednesday and Thursday were wet and dia ogTeeahJeas could be, and we were stirpriwd at the large nuniWr of atraugera in town on that day. Friday was a favorable day, and in view of the inclement weather in thefore- imrt of the week, the Association exteuded the time to Saturday afternoon. The manage ment of the Amociution, of oourse, were not rcHjNmsihle for the unfavorhle wuutlierwhuh prevailed at that time, and had we been favored with good weather a larger crowd of people would have been w itnessed in Clear field than was here on 1 Proration Iav, or for many a day previous. The exhibition of live stock, agricultural products, fanning implements, Ac, Ac, was fair, while many of our merchants and me chanics had their brag warm displayed in a tasteful and attractive munner. About thirty homes were here from lMiila- delphia, Wllliamsjort, Brook ville, and other plooea, entered for the nioea, but no trotting occurtd until Friday and Saturday when that kind of sport was rendered quite excit ing. Appended is the score : THOTTlNO ON KHU'AY Citizens' Fnrse, 100 fV) to 1st, stj to Ud and II.) to 3d. HcatH - 1 2 3 3 1 1 b. m 1 1. 4 4 4 3 h 3 fi 5 5 3 2 Thorndale Priuc Nt-llie White, b. White Rtockingf Billy N., b. g.... TROTTINU ON HATt'RUAV. Purse, f-HK) $12.1 to 1st. tfQ to 2d and f : tottd. HetttA. 1 9 1 1 3 2 3 3 4 4 n a ti ft Champion (iirl, h. m Charlie T.,a.g ijuly lxar, g. m Verge, r. a. 4 N A John King, h. g fl A It Maud B., b. m PAIR ITKMrt. The OrphetiB band furnished the music when the weather permitted. The Fair grounds are fixed up in a much more couvement manner than last year. Other improvements will be made next year. The Association's receipts were ahout ftHM), which will help them out considerably. Arrangements have lieen made fora special premium of fifty bushels of wheat to lie pre sented to the fanner exhibiting the largest variety of grain at the Fair next Fall. Frank (tons' mammoth bull, three and one- half years old, and weighing 2,4!K pounds, sold on the Fair grounds Friday nfter- noon at public sale for (If.. Sheriff Mnhafley as the successful bidder. The large hull was safely escorted to town from the Fair (J rounds and stabled ou Mon day morning by Deputy Sheriff Thompson, assisted by other parties. A neat rosette on tho Iiijm'1 of the coat would lie an improvement for those connected with the Fair in on official capacity to wear, instead of a faded riblwn -at reamer pinned around nn old slouch hat. No reference to nllusious. The main building will lie enlarged as soon as IuhiImt can lie procured to do it. The mills in this vicinity could not fill the order on account of low water. Miss Mary McGaughey was awarded the premium at the Fair last week for baking the best bread. There were a dozen or more competitors. She also received the special premium of T. A. Fleck a handsome sewing machine. We will publhih tho list of premiums awarded in full next week. TWO ACCIDENTS AT THE FAIR GROUNDS. On Friday last, the pyramid ol'stejis ulxutt eight feet high and fifty feet In length, loca ted immediately cast of the Grand Stand, won ladened with several hundred people of alt ages and sexes, watching the races, when, for want of sufficient bracing, the structure gave way, going endways, injuring men, women and children. None were fatally injured, but a dozen or more were badly bruised and frightened, ldcliard Kennard, of this bor ough, had his spine injured, but is again able to walk aliout. Two of his children were also hurt. Joaeph H. Dearing, also of thin place, had several rilw fractured. Mrs. Hunch barger. of Ijiwrence township, and Mixs Sim mers, of Hillsdale, were severely injured, both having theirnnklcs badly sprained. A gentleman from Glen Hope had a good set of natural teeth badly demoralized. He hasn't at many now as he had. Quite a number of others were more or less injured, but we did not learn their names. This unfortunate oc currence produced considerable excitement for a time. On Saturday morning, as Sheriff MahiilTcy was attempting to remove the Goss hull, whit h he had purchased tho day previous, the ani mal attacked and injured him quite seriously. He had the Sheriff down and had one knee on him and was about to crush him, when Mr. William Brown, who happened fortu nately tolie near, prodded the vicious brute In the head withthetinesof apibb'irk and thus drew his attention in another direction and the Sheriff was rcIcaNcd from Im peril ous and helplcMH mtualion. When Mr. Ma- haffey's injuries were investigated, it was dis covered that sevend rilts were fractured and he was injured internally. At this writing he Is getting along well and comfortably and will ere long le about again. The bull was ondemned and sentenced to death, nnd will lie becfrd in the ncur future. Thtrt t$ a Balm in Gihad. The success which has marked the introduction of Cream Balm, a Catarrh remedy, preared by Fly Bro's, Owego, N. V., is indeed marvelous. Many pemms in Pittston and vicinity are using it with most satisfactory results. A lady down town is rwovering the sense of smell, which she had not enjoyed for fifteen years, through the use of the Balm. She had given up her case as incurable. Mr. Barber, the Druggist, has used it in his family and commends it very highly. In anothereoluinn, young Tnnkhannock lawyer, known to mnny of our readers, testifies that he was cured of partial deafnetts. It is certainly an efficacious remedy. Pitttttm, Pa., Gtttrttr, Aug. lit, lTl. My son, aged nins yearn, was alliicted with Catarrh ; the use of Kly's Creain Balm effected complete cure. W. K. I.AMMAN, Druggist, Easton, Pa. Price 50 cents. 10-l(l-2t. BUY THE BEST 1 MIEN'S HAND BKWKD CALFSKIN BOOTS, MEN'S STANDARD SCREWED CALFSKIN BOOTS. MSN'S VKAL KIP BOOTS, MEN'S ENGLISH KIP BOOTS. MKN'S SLAUGHTER KIP BOOTS. MEN'S FRENCH KIP DRIVING BOOT. BOY'S CALFSKIN BOOTS. BOY'S KIP BOOTS. YOUTH'S HEAVY CALFSKIN BOOTS. YOUTH'S KIP BOOTS, II. A. KRATZBR, Asrbt ma J. Ricbarpbob A Co., El Ira New York, 10-4. 4t Ntw Daily Stag Lin: James h. Ixavy has succeeded in having a daily mail estab lished lierwwn dcnrficld and Penfleld.and will hereafter mn a daily stage between the two points. His contrmi began with April 1st, and the stage will leave Clearfield ever)' morning (except Sunday) at 8 o'clock, mak ing connection with all trains on the Low Grade liailroad at IVnnfield, returning after the lart train the same evening. Passengers and freight will lie carried at low rates. Orders left at any of the hotels will W attended io. 4-1'ltf. Horn it wa$ Don.'Hnw do yon manage," said a lady to her friend, "to appear so happy and good natnred all the timer" "I always bar Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, "and thus easily keep myself and flvm tly in good health. When I am well I always feel good n hired." Head si t It In another column. I j. lies are politely invited to call and see the nice mats and dolmans for ladies at Fleck's store. m i m e Indies' and Misses' dolmsns and coats at Fleck 'i In great variety. COURT PROCEEDINGS SECOND WEEK. Patltloa for a pnblle roa4 leading fro a a pub. He road Bear Wulnley'i t a bridge oa pa bite road T. Wain and William Fljnn, ia Pena towaibip. Read, aad Thames W. Moore, James McDonald and Petriok Daley appointed vlvwera. D. W. Moors, A. B Kbaw, John I. Patterson, S. V. Wilaea, J. 8. Norrla and J. A. L. Flegel were appointed appraiser t aaaaaa tbe damagee oooarring to K. A. .Stewart by reaeon of a pui.ilo road opened through bis land la Glrard townahip. Petition presented for a road beginning at er near tbe bouaa of William Ogden near Atlantle Colliery to a point at or near the bouee of James Flan I ran, 1b Wuodward towniblp. Samuel Hag rty, Tboiuu Henderson and Jamea Muort ap pointed vieweri. Petition for a public road la Sandy township, to lead from road at the farm of Thomas Wjne to tbe road from DuBoif U Keynoldavilla. 1i. 0. Kirk, Michael ebaflor and Jobo Lylle wire appointed vie wen. Petition for tbe vacation and supply of a pub lic road ia Bu rati ie towaibip, leading from Harmony church to KUehln'l mill, Lewie Bo Ice, Dared Fulton and John K. Young ware appointed vieweri. Petition for a road 1b Brady towniblp, to lead from Herbert Luther's to a point on Erie turnpike near John Campbell's. George 0. Kirk, John Smith and Lewie Sohoob appointed viewer. Conjirmid ni ti, Report of rev it were vaaatlng and Uyiug out a publie road to Brady towmhip, leading from tbe liell and Brady townahip Hue, near John Keiter'i, to publie road leading from Rubal 4 Sohuoker's grill mill to Buequobanna river at a point near said mill in Brady townahip. Report of viewer aliening damage on road leading from Mark Wilton ' to Archibald Shaw's, , in Bradford township. Report of reviewer vacating a road laid out from the Kris turnpike, near Wilier A Bender's tram road to a point near Beaver Run briJge, oa tbe road leading from Jacob Moek'a to Oweola. Report of viewer laying Out a publie road leading from Weatovar through Cheat and Beeoaria townabin to Coalpo L Report of vie win laying oat a publie road ia Morrli township, commencing at a point on the old Belltlonte turnpike, near where the Deer oreek road eonaeoti with it, to a point near rater Stepheneon'a. Report or viewers laying out a private roaa in Deeatur township from township road leading to useeoia to u. uearnart lanoi. Report of viewers laying out a publie road la Pike townahip from Jonathan Hartshorn's saw mill to intersect public roaa near .Frederick Uloom'a Une. Report of viewers refuting to vacate a portion of public road leading from Church of God to bevi uarnoK a in Lawrence townsoip.ana reoom mending that the asms be raited at tbs points is en Honed. Report of viewer vacating and supplying a public road in Sandy townibip, running between summit tunnel to a point near David nrea farm. Towsaaie Lisa, Report ef Com min loners establishing line be tween liurnaideand Ubest townibip. riled. Jamea Mitchell, oamual 1. Uurce and J a. L. Stewart were appointed viewer to e limine Into and report a to tbe propriety of erecting a public on ate scroti me Asoauaunon ereea at 'linger a old mill property. Alioaorota said creek nt tbe Pmncer mill," The disemwion of "The Christian Kcligion, by Col. IngcrtKill and Judge Black, which wi commenced in the August nuinln'r of the Xorth Amcriran Heriete, is continued in the Novemlier issue of that publication. Col Ingcmill now replies to the strictures of his opponent, and present much more fully than he has ever )h lore done (he logical grounds for his opposition to Christianity. The arti cle will be received with interest by tho who have read the first part of the debate, as well as by all those who believe that the cause of truth Is lntd advanced by free dis cusHioii. Au curly nunilicr of the Hctirw will contain nn exhaustive reply. In a Symposium Presidential Inability, four of our most eminent jurist, Judge Thomas M. Cooley, the Hon. Lyman Trumbull, Prof. Theodore W. Dwight, and Gen. B. F. Butler, discuss the several weighty problems arising out of Arti- 'le 2 of the Constitution. "Knglund's Heredi tary Republic" in the title of a significant paper contributed hy the Marquis of Bland ford, and Senator George F. Hoar writes a itatcsmanlike article on "The Appointing Power" of the President of the Tnitcd Stales. LETTER FROM HUSTON. Tbs past Summer was one of unusual business activity in Huston, but tlnet bark peeling ceased, business bai grown totnewhat dull. Tbe aearoity of water stopped the Woodward aw mill near tbi place, and tbe Bowman in ingle mill on iaurel Ran for a long time, but they are both running now. Oa aoovuat of tbe kw water, tbe Railroad Company were compelled to nut ia a steam pump near lien net' Branob, at Tyler's, ia order to get water for their tank. Bark I shipped when ears oaa bt obtained, which la not aa often aa seeded. A protracted meeting bald ia the M. K. eh arch for a month cloaed last week. Quits a number prnfeiaed eonveraioa. There have been throe severe eases of diphtheria in Peolleld recently, two ending fatally. A live Temperance Hooiety it at worK IB tbit place. At lb last monthly meeting torn good addreases were mads by Profasaor Weaver and Luther, and seventeen persona signed the pledge. Work on the 1'resbylerian parsonage stesdliy progreasea. ine cellar wall I nearly completed, and it ta tbs intention to build the parsonage a soon a poniblo. Politically, the township la quiet. There It a rumor that tevorat penena will rate for Mr, Wolfe, but It i only rumor. There is no di sat isfaction ia regard to the tounty nominations. A. 1. U. tt. PssniLD, Pa., OoL 17, 1181. Charfitfd Coal Trade. Statement of Coal and other freights sent over Uie Tyrone Ac Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Railroad, for the week ending Octolier S, 1HH1, and the same time lost year : COAL. TOSS. Portheweek - 42." Same tins last year 4S,8ill Decrease m . lm.HB . 12M,fll5 Previously during year.. Same time latt year Innraast 543,401 Total In I SHI Same lime last year - . 1277,410 Increase OTRBB rSBISHT. 43.472 Lumber Miscellaneous freighti US ear , 118 ' BASE BALL. Bt rxhiuk, Otnlier 12, 1HH1. A mutch name ol I tall was played at Cherry Tree on Saturday, Septemlier 21th, Ix twcen he following nines: i ncie jewtcs wen, oi Cherry Tree, and Lncle Jack's hUilwarts, oi BurnNide, which resnlteil in a score ol H to lf7, in favor of the Bumside boys. An attempt wiw made to piny a return game Octolier Hth, at Huniside. Kain interlered when five innings were played, and the game was sus pended for half an hour. At the expiration of that time, the sun slume and the game was ailed bv the I moire, but I nele J rase a Best drew down Iheir colors and refused to play. You who know not the rules ol the game, auk vour neiglilsir bane ballist how anch games are decided. l AA. Silk velvois fall ulindes) 1 fill Silk vclvetsl Polka Dot) 2 00 Fringes, trimmings, ornaments, Ac. H. A. Kuatzi r, Market stne(,near the Postofflce. The lK-st do tiling or the least money can be found at Gninstiurg'sniost reliable Clothing Store, Western Hotel corner, in Clearrfield. 10-fitf Couta anil dolmans for ladies manu factured from the finest material and trimmed in the most fashionable stvles at Flecks. Fleck has the largest stock of ladies' dob mans and coats in Clearfield. Ladica' coats and dolmans at Fleck. Starrlfl M1TII CaKDOIf. Oa, OsloUr llih, 1 OKI. hy H.r. Il.orri Lmdr, Mr. faasa A. Ssira, of Str.lioD, Pa., and Mn, Usaca Casdo, of Cl.ara.ld, fa. BOI'LT BNKDDKN. Oa W.dD.daj. Oolo- br 12, isai, bj R.r. Maori. Laid,, Mr. A.HLar Hoclt aod Mill M aar fixanoBS, all of Woodland, Clcaifi.ld eonntj. BI.OOM BIIRKnOI.DKR. Oo miJaT, Out. Id. ln.-l. br B. Illld.braod, Kiq Mr. I. U. Bi.osm and Mlu Uaaraa ItuaKuoLbaa, all of Cl.arflald soaat. ORAIIAM Jl'BT. On Tbondajr, Oolobw .1th. I SHI, by Owirs. W. mwir, Kiq., Mr. BnssnrL. Uaasaa sod Mil, loaa I. Jrar, botb of Ulrara towaibip. lll'MPnBir-HMITH. On Ta.idir, Ool. lib. I'll, b? Bar. Uwn lidr, Mr. Willi. T. llvarnssr, of I'lodnnat, Wait Virginia, and MIm Lola M. B.its, a( ria. losnabi,. NEf' DNYDIR Al tb. mld.nM of J. t frj, Biq.t B ToMdajr, Ootobw 41b, 181, bj H.. MUM, Mr. Iiaiar Nrr aad Mill HuaassA Hsrpia, bolb of Cboit townibip. ORr.RN RBX Al Iba M. I. parasaan la Ql.a Hop., oa, Odolior Ulb, lasl, b, Bar. If. Ad.sii, Mr. Assam K. UaiM and Mill Has A J. Has, both of Ulan Uop. boraaib. PENT! BUTTS Al tb. Lalh.rin paraii. aff, Latbanhurs, on Tbnndar, Oot. ISlb, IS, I, b. Bat, J. T. Uladblll, Mr. faaassiii t. Pasra and Mlu In. U. Uarra, bolb ol Brad; Iowa il,,,. EHHOSriON tOWDER. At lb. nildiniM of Mr. T. flbnir, o. T.Md.j, ITth, b Bit. F. Adsmi, Mr. W. S. (naosnau and Mlia Lrcr t . IrtWDKl, DolA .1 i,i07aaTina, Cambria aoalilr. CROSS-IKIRHR At the rwaldanee of the brldt't parents, in Wilms. October Id. IB HI. be Rev. J. W. K.lii, Mr. Ansa B. Cross, of Sylvan wrove, liineom oousty, kaniat, and Hni IP L. dbirbb, of witaoa, haasii. PHftFF HILL. At the M. E. par .on age In uien nope, oa inur(jy, Hsptemner lis, isil, by Rev. F. Adasaa, Mr. Olitrb Baorr.of Houit dale borough, and Miss Mtar A. Hill, of assuera. woodward towaibip. MaCRACKEN BARRETT. At the residents of Mr. Wio. D. O'Hirra, oa Thunday, Aag . Utb, IHHI, by O lucre Htraw. Kid.. Mr. Eli.ib L. Mct'hAcsKB, of Ferguioa townibip, and Mil a lb DtnniTT, oi juries townaoip. ill R I'll V-8 MIT II -At Pins Grove Mills, on Thurtday, Uotobrr ISth, MM, by Kit. W. C. Kuhn, Mr. Adah T. Mi near, of Grampian 11 ilia Clearfield county, aud Miai Marts 4 P. Ssira, ol fiat Uro vi Mills, Centra eouuty, Pa. KKVN0LD9. Near Claard.ld koronib, on sundar ariDIni, Uolobar Itlb, 11, Uborui w HfirxuLlia, ag.d oSj.ata, 6 nionlbi and 17 dajri. llRESfil.ER In Union towaibip, on Sunday, Ootob.r I6tb, 1S8I, Lorria P.. daa.hLtr of U. R. aad Margarat K. Driular, ag.d a uiontb, and 14 Oay,. Cl'RRY. In Lutnlwr City borouab, on Rator- day, Onlobar Uib, I SSI, of trpbold f.rar, Mastsa ass, oaucniar oi jams, b. ana naonal uorry, agad la yun, i montba and 11 dayi. THIII1R. At, N. Y., on Sunday, Oolobar 9th, 18HI,af diphtheria, Kabl A., yuuogeit ,un Byron S. and Annia U. Truda, agbd i year,, 8 nontni ond 1 1 day,. When we Me a pracloul blnMou Tbat w. Undad with mob oar,, Rudely taken from oar boeom, lluw our aebing bearll deipair. Arsund 111 Utile grave w. linger T 111 tb Mttiog aun la low, Feeling all onr hope, bay. prlibel With the flower we .horlibod aa. SpccUtlt. Osa Hiisiibbb Pna Cbbt. Diiooubt ob Old Pbics,. Hawing Maeblnee ean now be purchased at Merrell's tin and variety ,ton, from 1.8 up wardi. All kiodi of Mwing naaehinea repaired on in. nouoe. Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877. W'antbii. Delivered at tbe Rail Road. 100,01)0 28-lnoh ihavad ihinjlee. 100,0113 4.noh lawed abinglea. 100,0110 feet of pine boardi. 6011,000 14-feet ibaved hoop,. 6. ouo railroad tioa. &0,0li0 feet of good bemlook boardi. For which I will pay the bigheit market price, delivered at Clearfluld, or at any point oa the Tyrone a Clearfield Railroad. . F. Kbabbb Clearfield, Pa., Oot. 16, IHTS tf. lust Iteccived. JiiBt Roonivod by ARNOLD, at UUKWK.VSVILIiK: Car Load Nova Scoliu riaxtort Car Load pure Corn, Rye and Oats unop I tar JiOad JJeakon bait I Car Load of Choice Family Flour! Car Load Dry Goods, Grocorios, 4o.l Ierrhhmi;le8, Bark. (. R. 'lies and Gruio will be taken in oxohange. Curwensvillo, May 1, 1878. CLEARFIELD MARKETS. CLKABriBLD, Pi- Oot. 19, IM1. Flour, p'-r ewu $3 Ti Buobwbvat Flour, perowt ... Corn Meal, per ewt - 1 10 Chop, rye, perowt. 1 M Ubup, miied, per ewt . I 40 Bran, per ewt 1 00 Wheat, per bushel 1 10 Rye, per busbel 80 Oat, per bushel 60 uorn, ears, per bushel to Buckwheat, per busbel 60 Clorer teed 00 Timothy eed 8 76 Potatoes, per burhel I 40 Apples, per nutnei oo Onions '.. 1 00 Ham, per pound 14 Shoulder, par pound nmH 11 Dried Beef, per pound , 11 Chickens, per pair 60 U utter, per pouna b'ffir, per doten H. Hi Suit, per sack, large 1 00 Goal Oil, per gallon 13 Lard, per poUDd it Dried Ai.tes, per pound M. 7 Dried Peaches, per pound 121 Beans, per bushel I 00 il WntM. Oil Quotations ! CENTRAL PENN'A OIL DEPOT. UNDERHILL & CO., Lubricating it (fined if Mi iter $ OILS. PlULirSBl'RG, PENN'A. W quote our brand of Petroleum and otbtr oil ytmnjtct to marKit raayraj unmrBU iiwm OB hoard oar st any ttation on lb Tyrone A Clearfield Kailroad. Refined Oil. 116 Tet...per gal. ) At low it Prims White, 160 " 11 M I market rate WatsrWbite.loO .... withoutrerer- Klaine, 160 " " J soca to cost. Bentlne, fttlravity Prgal N up tbs, 74 " " " , Gasoline, 88 " " in en Lamp, .100 test " " , Oar Ails Oil, (W. V.) Kura. , " (W.a.)Medm. " " , " " (W.Vs.)bomm'r " " Natural Lubricating - " ' , Franklin Bummir H " " " hummer. " "i Black Diamond " " Green Kngtot " " , Ooldnn " - " " Amber " " " XXX " No. I Spindle " Mstflblesa Cylinder Oil " " No. 3 ' " " " Wool Oil, No. 1 LardOilfextrsjWinterstrsin'd" " ' No. 1 " " No. 3 ' " Eel I pie Engine, No. 1 " " PiO. 2 . " " " No. 8... Miners' Yellow, per gallon..., w White " .... Linreed, No. I " At lowest bet rate out ref. to Amerirtn " Turpentine, best " Ife (.r.lB.WTI.i; prittt and meet all competition. May 4, el-ly. tta jadi'trtisfttuttts. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwanivllle, Pa., Jan. 9, '78-tf. STRAY ITI'.EH,-Came trespassing en tbe premise of the undersigned, In Graham town. sbiD. Clearfield eotifitT. nn or about tbe 16th dav of July last, b filtlNDLE STHKlt. Tbe owner of said titer it hereby noli lied to torn forward, prove property, pay ebarget, and take him away, or bt will be disposed of acenrding to law. AUKAHAM Ul'ftlMbij. Urahsmtoa, Pa,, Oat 6, mi-Al. AIMINIHTRATfH'H N ITICE.-N.t. let It herehv tit en that Irfttert of Adminittrs- tion oa the estate nf BLIAHKTH MoYKK.Iate of Graham township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., dto'd, havinc been dulv tr anted to tbe undersigned, all person indebted Io laid estate will please make immediate payment, and loose naring eiaim er demands against the same will present them prop erly sat huntl tilted for settlement, without delay. JAMK8 Min hit. Administrator. Wallaetlon, Pa , Stpt, 31, 16M fit. 1 DMIMSTRATdll'S NOTICE. Netloe I. I hereby given that letters nf Adalnittratioe on the tstate of MAKY AKDKRY, late of Morris township, Clearfield enunly, Pa., dee d, having been duly granted to tbe undersigned , sll persons Indebted to taid ert ate will pleata ataks immedi ate payment, and thoat having claims or de mands etaiBSt the same, will p reseat tbem prop erly SQ'.he&tieattd for st'littneat without delay. u. r. ithr.MB, AflmtBitiraier. Kjlertown, Oct. 6, ISHI-st. T ANTCI).-HF.I.Vf:n for Steam A ale if Hammers, To buy Helve tut from sound Pit Nut llicknrv te be ttiuared tn tb following dlmeaslnne i lBiio inrnss ny iji leet, siso urn inrbet 2l feet, one half of earn siie -all to be Butt Cuts and mond. No second eutt will he re otived and nothing but Pig Nut Hickory wanted. Anr Part bavin timber ol lot SeiwripMna re quired may find s purchaser st good priest by appivin at this ornoe, etmer ta ptrena or oy ict ter, I'liTSUtlHOlI FOKGH AND IHON CO., llih street, near pena avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ootober , l"Bi tf. A I DITOH' NOTU K. In the estate ol J. Ubb 1 la theOrpbant'Conrt floorer, deetased. j of Cltsrlleld eounty Tbs BBdcrslgntd Auditor oppfllnttd by tbt Court to dt'piM of tbt tieeptlens to the aeoount of J. Ros bloom, Administrator, hereby give not tee tbat he will attend to the tune ef hit sp Dflliitment at hi ofBot In Clearfield, oa TIIIJHM l)AY, NOVKMHKB tOTII, m, st II B'elook A. M , wbtB sod where all parties Interested y attend. "RAN K U. llAKHIf. ( Auditor. Cleat fisld, P , Oct. U, 11-tl. HAXi rACTVRBR Breech and Murrlo loading Uiflos and and all kinds ol hporting Goods. A comilte line ol t'ot ket Knives, Ua zors, Shears, Scissors and liunling Knives. 1'apor and lirasa Sholls. Itolimding Implements. Game Hags, Shot l'ouches, Powder Flasks, Bullet Pouches, Gun Covora and Cleaning Rods. AMMUNITION, CARTRIDGES, CAPS AND SHOT, Primers, Lead, Wails and IJulletcd Breech Caps. Target Rifles and Target. Log Rules and Timber Hooks. All kinds of Sowing Machino Noodles, Oils and Attachments. Guns mado to order and warranted to give satisfaction. Shot-guns bored to shoot close. Key-fitting and Repairing. Kvcrytuing warranted or money refunded at J. E. HARDER'S GUN STORE, Clearfield, Pa. Cl.er8.ld, Pa., Oelotwr b, 1881-lm. 1881 FALL. 1881. A. THANHAUSER, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, PA. The Largest and Best Stock of CLOTHI'lVG, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FOR THE LEAST MONEY. Suits Made to order at Short Notice. ALBERT THANIIAUSER, Opera House Block, opposite postofEoe, CLEARFIELD, FA. 8-M-1881 If. NOTICE. HAVING JUST RECEIVED . OUR rait .Md Winter StoeL OF DRY GOODS. DRESS LINER YJND FANCY GOODS. WE INvlTE THE PUBLIC TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Yours Respectfully, X3C. 3L DEI XX XkX ROOM NO. 2, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, CLEAKFIELI), PENN'A. N. B. In our Millinery Department we employ none but first- class Milliners, nnd guarantee all Peptember 21, IKSl-tr. W. II. BALLENGER, WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST, AND DEALER IS SMOKEll'S ARTICLES. THE LARGEST AND CJ1EAPF.ST Sole Agent ol Philadelphia of tho W. H. B. and Engaged, also our Ideal Cigars, A LA KG E VARIETY OF ROUGH AND READY ALWAYSON HAND. A SPECIALTY MADE OF HENRY COUNTY ROUGH AND READY. torSTORES FITTED VP AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. W. II. BALLEXGER, Xo. 228 Market Street, rhlladelphla. Srplember TIB, 1881. ly jMotm Wiuiamahr's fflothiiifl iH'frtlscratnt. The Best FOH Iet loiey. AAANA MAKER & RROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. Corner Sixth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. The Largest Clothing House in America. iRrut dffrtisfrafnts. ITAKI Iht m si hod of aotlfylng those 1b seed of a good slower, Reaper, Thrtthsr or Plaw, tbat 1 have the sgentj of tbs II UCKEYK Mower, Bcnpcr nnd Thresher, by AI'LTMAN a CO., Canton, 0. 1 aai ala. afant fur lb. clebrale. South Bend Cbillcd flow ! m,!....., .M4 f .Itbwol tb, abavahad betwr .all .a .r adiirae, mt befor. parebaelnf liewbara. CACUARIAR MrNAUI,, June 8, 1881 tf. Cnrwaaivllla, Pa Agricultural Implements! tw kdrrrtlsrmrattf. OF AND UKALES IX Hliot guns, Revolvers, FisliinK Tackle, GOODS, NOTIONS, MIL JXf db CO., work to give satisfaction. 11. LKll.MAM & to. VARIETY OF CIGAUS IN THE CITY, Clothing THE- gtw giarrrtlSftnfnts. COR HALF.. Thirteen blve, nf J) Itellaa II.U vbieh I will eell aheap for e.ib, or aaehanaj. for, ror rnrtber la formation eall .n or aoMreei the onrlerelBneil. I V. KKAMKH. Novl.lltf. ClMrleld, 1'a. lbTOTI'R.Th. anrlerilineil, reelillnff I. Iba ,1. Tillaffe or n.etovar, ta cneet townibip. baa tb. naseieary arranRementa ann Bro po,., to opM an KATINll Hul'hU for lb. ee aoannodallon of tbe pnhlie generally, aad I here by aolttrll a liberal ebert of th. pahlie JOHN J. SNlllKH. WmIovw, Pa., Feb. f, lnai-tf. BRICK FOR SALE. There ara 100,0 Ml rwd Brink for aala al tbe Merihall Brink Yard, In tb. nppar end of tbe bnrnoyh of Cl.arB.ld. Brloh will alwayi be fonnd oa hand U BOMamodar, any enitomer who may nail. J. ftf. MARSHALL, Afeat. Clearnald, Pa., Aaf. 14, IISI Im. tw avfrtlsfrarnts. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. CarwanavUla, Jaa. , TS-tf. Th.,, raoet thoroush, and oamplott prai.leal Buiineei foil.,. In the I'nitod SiatM. Stdrd,ihoul Ib iciiiun. Hradenta adaiil. tid al any time. For eireulari eddrvae J. C. SMITH, A. M., Prlnelpel, t.'ll.Jra. Pitliburfb, Pena'a, buYaiiomei llOl SKr", LOTS AND FAHUS FOR 6ALX I TWKNTT 1101)6118 and LOTS In CUart.ld far Bal. at raeannklil. nrioe, and on Miy Urmi. Alio, leveral FAHMS ia Bradford and Urabam townihipa. Apily to WALLACE A KIIEIIS, Pea, I. '80 tf. ClearS.ld, Pa. Millinery I Millinery!! ITAKR tbtpleasnrs of Informing tbt publlo that I ahall offtr tpecisl Indooementt la Millinery Good, eneb st tiilkt, Batlns, Hibhont, Flowers, Ae., Trimmed and Untrimsotd Hats and Honnttt. is the very lateet sty Its, Notions and Made-up Clothing for e hi I dr. a. I kindly solicit s thars of your patronage. MIH3 M. A. WKLCIT, Market St., CIcerAtli, Ps. Apr. SO, 1881-ly. IXK.('(ITOHH NOTICE Notics la ksfe j by givtn that Letters Testamentary oa tbs estate of SAMUKL MATTHKW, l.u of Btoosria township, Clearfield eounty, Pean'a, deceased, having netn duly granted to tbs undortigaed, all fitrsont indebted to taid estate will pleats make mmedlatt payment, and tboss having elaiaia or demands arainst tbt tame will preaent tbem prop erly authenticated for settlement, without delay, Bl MUN MCFAK UA n n, ABHAU MATTHEW, Eieeutort. Utabvllle, Pa., Btpt. Hth, IssMt 0BOBOB WI1VIS ..PACL r. WBATBB, YOTJ CJkJN Save moneY IN BUYING YOUR GOODS FROM Geo. Iaul F. "Weaver, KKCOND BTIIRF.T, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots! Shoes, Hats! Caps, GROCERIES, Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c, &c. ALSO, FLOUR, FISH, BACON, HAM, SALT, OATS, CORN, CHOP, ETC. Thankful for rjaet fevore. we Invlt. th. noblla to eall and are our larK. and new etor-k of loodl, wbieb w. will diepoaa of at reaeonabl. ral.1 for aa.h, or axohanire for eountry prodneo. Polil. and auentir. olerkl to wait apoa yea, and prieaa down low. OKOROE PAUL F. WEAVER. ClaarBell, Pa., Sept. II, FRED SACKETT, -UANl'FACTURER OF Tin, Copper Sheet-Iron Ware, ALSO DEALtH 1X Hardware, Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves, Ranges and Stove Repairs. Wood and Iron rumps, . AMMUNITION AND FISHING TACKLE OF ALL KINDS. Roofingt Spouting DONE ON SHORT KOTIC8. Plumbing and Gas Fitting A SPECIALTY. AI.LKINDS OF GAS FIXTURES Kept eoaitantly oa hand. FRED SACKETT, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Cl.irO.U, Pa., Sept. T, 1891. If. New Stove TinwarG Store ! FRED JOHNSON & BROS., A T aYKRRF.LV 8 OLD STAND, Opposite Court Hoois, Market ttrtet, CLKAItFIELD, I'ENN'A, Dealers la and Manufacturer! of Tin, Copper I Sheet-Iron Ware, ALSO PBALBBI IB Sror&s axa ftxxcES of any tii or deteriptlofl. A LARHK ASSORTMENT OF Parlor, Boom and Cooking Stoves Will be ktpt eon stan tty oa hand, or proeurtd oa thort aotiea. A (1RNKRAL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE l'OR THE LEAS T AtOXEY Aad Manufactured Jut af th. le.t Malarial aad la a Workmanlike Maaaer. SPOUTING AND ROOFING Prompt! attended U. GAS FITTING AlUnJed to, and HAS FIXTt RKfl tf all Kladt kept Cosatastly oa hand. REPAIRING. All kiadl of Repalrinf will b. Prwptly aad Mtly doaa. LAMPS, LANTRP.Nfl, POCKET AND TABLE CI TLKHY, ETC., ETC. Alaa a Oenaral Aa,.rtmaat af BUILDERS' HARDWARE, A II of whlek will nw Mid at ReaKinuMa RatM. A etiere ef Pablle PatronafO la Bollelied. FRED JOHNSON BRO Sv. ClearJ.ld, Pa', Aoraal 14, tlM lra.