hc gUpuMuatt. Gioroi B. Goodlandkr, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WUDKIWOA Y MoHNlWI, (XTOllEK 10. 1HH1- Rod.r, If 70S nil to koow whl ll joins o 1b th. bailn.al world, lull rood oor tdv.rrUiBf olama,, tao SptMal ooramn in portlouUr. Democratic Stale Ticket. FOB BTATI TREABURIR, HON. ORANGE NOBLE, of Krlo. Democratic County Ticket ! FOR ASSOCIATE JflHlliS : JO nn L CI'TTl.H, of Clwd.ld Boroub. JOHN UOCKBNUKHIIY, of Cb.it Townibip. OR TREASURER : JOI1N W. WRK1LEV, of CloirH.lil Borough. tor county commissioners: JOHN T. STRAW, of F.rtaion Towmhlp. JOHN PICARD, of CoTlugton Townibip. FOR COUNTY auditors: RKUBKN PTRAW, of Jordu Towmhlp. JOHN W, HOWS, of Uwranot Towmhlp. FOR COUNTY CORONIR: Dr. JOHN 6. KANE, of DoBoll Borooh. An exchange pertinently asks, who ii now bonofitted by Edmunds' "lottory of assassination 1" Hon. Andrew (i. Curtin, our mcrn ber of Congross, is said to bo suffering from a serious allliotion of tho oyes, The Kepublican papers are all as dnmb as an oyster in regard to Mr. Wolfo's candidacy. By reading the Raftsman's Journal ovor wo would not know that thero is such a man in ox istonco as Charlos S. Wolfo, a Repub lican, who is warring against tho Cam eron Republicans. Fabnell Arrested. Chas. Farncll, leader of the Irish Land League, has boen arrostod in Ireland and put in prison in Dublin. Tbo Irish Capitol is bristling with bayonets, tho guard beintt doubled. A revolution is ex pected to break ont almost any time. The Oldest. Tho death of John A Cuthbort,at Mobilo, takosaway notonly theoldost cx-Congressman, but tho man whoso service in Congress antedates that of all other men. He represented Georgia in Congress in 1820 and 1821. His commission was issued on the lfith day of Doccmbor, 1813. At that timo Georgia was represented by soven members. Tho veteran lawyer s ago at the timo of his death was ninety four. Office socking has sot in as lively as aftor tho inauguration of Garfiold. An entire now Cabinot is mentioned among the possibilitieo of the week. As a break will soon be made by tho retire ment of Secretary Windom and Attor ney General MacVeagh, it is believed tho whole slate will be sont in with tho names of thoir successors. Who those men will be is more guess-work, which can bo indulged in by anybody. "Shinny on your own sido" used to be a standard remark when wo were a boy; but now they shinny all around. Gonoral Baily, the Camoron Republi can nominee for Stato Treasurer, how ever, it a confirmed third termer, and belongs to the Grant gang, which poll ed 30G votes in the Chicago Conven tion last year for that hero, statesman, tramp, etc. This Radical nominee for State Treasurer, having alliod himsolf with tho third-termors, has now made it obligatory on himsolf to rise and explain why this is thus. Mr. Noiile Accepts. Hon. Orango Noble, our candidate for Stato Treas urer, has written a lottor in which ho accepts tho nomination. The lettor in full, with that of the Committee, is published in another plaeo in this issue. Mr. Noblo defines his position vory nicely. His declarations are not pro lix and of empty sound, but they aro right and to tho point. Mr. Noble's chances for election to the office of Stato Treasurer on tho 8th of Novom ber are very promising. On Thursday last tho Republicans n the United States Senalo removed Sonator Bayard as President pro tern. and substituted David Davis, ol Illinois. They dread the loss of power, which was fully manifested in this act. Mr. Davis is an Independent Republican, and if they don't regret placing him in the position he now occupies, a great many ol our lellow countrymen will be very much disappointed. Mr. Davis resigned his position on tho United Btatcs Supremo Bench, to bo eloctod United States Senator from Illinois. This was done by the Re publicans to get him off the Supreme Bench, so that the Hayes fraud might be perpetralod successfully. Now they want blm to hold the balance of power in thoir own partisan issues. Will he do It T We will seo. The Assassin Arraigned. Guitcau was arraigned on Friday, and Judge Cox fixed tho trial lor Monday, No vember 7th. Guiteou was brought in to Court before Judge Cox, attended by Marshal Honry and Doputy Will iams. The prisioner appeared very weak and trembled violontly. Ho stood during tho reading of the indict tnont, which was Tory long and con sumed nearly thirty-lire minutes in tho reading. When aakod to plead be hesitated and finally pleaded not guilty. He attempted to mako a spoooh, but tho Court told him he would havo timo for that after awhile. Alongdit oussioa in regard to a continuance fol lowed between Mr. Scovillo and Dis Irioi Attorney Corkhill, and the Court ifinatty set the trial for November 7th. Thore was a large crowd in court, but no disturbance aroso, and curiosity eemed to be the only impulse moving 'the crowd, lie was taken to and from ' the jail in an ordinary barouche. OVR COVSTY SO SI IS EES. The Diimorral of Clearfield county,! at thoir recent County Convention, nominated excellent men to fill tho several county office at the approach ing election. Personally, we have known all of the nominees for over twenty y oars, except Dr. John 8. Kane, of DuISois, our nominee for Coroner. ASSOCIATE JUDllES. Tho selection of John L. Cittle, Ksq., ol Clearfield borough, and John Hockenberry, of Chest township, for Associate1 Judges, was right, and no belter selection could have been made. They are both pure and undoflledDcm ocrats, competent in every way to fill the office, and are judiciously located. They are deserving and ought to re- ooive the vote of every Democrat in tho county. Mr. Cuttle is a lawyer, and during tho past few years hus been engaged considerably in land survey ing. Ho is well acquainted with tho lay of the land and is favorably known by tho people throughout the county, and will render valuable asHistanco in our Courts. Mr. Uookenuerrt is a farmer and lumberman by learning and experience, and thorotore is also practically educated for the position. Domocrats, vote for Cuttle and Hock- eniierhy on tho 8tb of November, and in the moanlimo talk an I work in their favor. treasures. John W. Wriuley, our candidate for Treasurer, is a native of Clearfield county, and a young man of excellent business qualifications. He is exten sively known throughout the county, having done yeoman scrvico in work ing fur his party. Ho has been an earnest and faithful laborer, working night and day when necessary. Ho is entitled to tho friendship and support of ovory Domoerat in tho county, which we trust ho will get. Mr. Wrio. ley's social and business qualifications are such as to endear him with all who make his acquaintance His opponent (Mr, Kllis) is a clever and accommo dating gentleman, but be is not entitled to Democratic votes on that account. Remember, and give John W. Wrio- ley your hearty support for Troasurcr on tho fith of November next. Ho will make a good and fitilhful officer. county commissioners. Our nominees for County Commis sioners are John T. Straw, of Fergu son township, and John 1'icaiuj, of Covington township. They are both irood farmers and cxcollcnt men of business. Mr. Straw belongs to a rep resentative family scattered through tho townships of Ferguson, Jordun, Knox, and tho entire middle portion of the county. He has boen a Democrat all bis life, true as tho needle is to tho polo. He is ontillod to and will re ceive tho support of every Democrat in tho county. He should havo tho Bupport of every honest man, because he is upright in all his ways and will carry his personal integrity with him into tho Commissioners' office, where tho rights of the taxpayors need the undivided attontion of vigilant guar dians. Mr. Ficarii, our other nomi neo for Commissioner, in substance, can claim a record similar to what wo have said of his companion on tho ticket. Ho is an honest, tried and truo gentleman, a good Democrat, ac commodating and "polite as a French man." Ho belongs to a representative family scattered over tho northern portion of the county, in tho townships of Covington, Girard and Karthaus. Mr. Ficard is of French descent, and belongs to a noblo class of people. Tho French and Americana havo boen very warm frionds ever since tho battle of Yorktown, Ya., in 1781, the one hun dredth anniversary of which is now being celebrated. Straw and Ficard will servo tho people in a conscientious mannor, doing what they can for tho best intorcsts of tho county and its taxpayors. They deserve to rocoivo handsomo majorities at the forthcom ing election. Don't forget to havo Straw and I'icard for County Com missioners on your ticket, and voto for them on tbo 8lh of November next. county auditors. For this important but not lucrative office we have John W, Howe, of Law rence township, and Reuben Straw, of Jordan township. Thcso gentlemen are careful business men, good with figures, and will perform their duties, if elected, in a neat, careful and satis. factory manner, Mr. Howe has serv ed as Clerk to the County Commission ers for a number of years in a very ac ceptable manner, and of his ability there can be no doubt. Mr. Straw is an old citir.cn of tho county, and will be of valuable service in figuring up tho receipts and expenditures of tho county. Go to the polls on Tuesday, Novembor 8th, and vole for John W. Howe and Reuben Straw for Audi tors. county coroner. Dr. John S. Kane, of DuBols bor ough, was tho choice of the Conven tion for tho office of County Coroner, Tho writer is not personally acquaint ed with the Doctor, but enough has been beard of Lira from responsible parties to know that he can bo heartily endorsed by every Democrat, and Re. publican too, in Clearfield county. The office of Coroner Is a vory respon sible position ; for in case of the death of the nigh ShorifT, the Coroner would be entitled to fill the unexpired term. It, therefore, bohoovos us to pnt good men on the ticket for that office. Dr. Kane will fill the bill. Go to the polls and give him your vote on the 8th of November next Thus have we briefly sketched our county standard bearers that our read- j era may give them thoir thoughtful and iMindid consideration. They are nil men who cun bo approved of and heartily endorsed by every voter in t.'kaitleld county. They have receiv- d tho nomination fairly, und now let us give them our undivideil support, from Mr. Noble down to Dr. Kane. I'on't scratch or trade one solitary name, and then you will havo nothing to regret. The campaign will not bean enthusiastic one this Kali, but effective work must be dono by us, because our opponent are availing themselves of every intrigue and opportunity to steal into power. Let nothing prevent you from going to the polls on-eloction day, and see that your Democratic noieliliors irot thero too. Then wo will carry victory on our bannors and our hoarts will bo inado glad. EDM USDS' STA TESMASS111P. Senator Edmunds (Republican), of Vermont, arrayod himself in opposition to tho election of a President pro tern. on Monday, tho 10th inst., until after three new Republican Senators were sworn in. In tho courso of his re marks bo stated that "the Domocrats aro attempting to grusp a prize made possible to them by an assassination." That is a wound that had better not be torn open, now that it is scared over. Senator Vest (Democrat), of Missouri, replied to these mean insinu ations slid promptly criticised the Ian guage used by Mr. Edmunds. Mr. Yost said : "Tho foul lips of tho assas sin who had struck down tbo 1'resi dent had had upon them no invocation for Domocrntio success, but tho invo cation bad been for a faction of tho Republican party. If thoro was re sponsibility for crime directly or In directly, it rested upon his politic ll op poncnts aud not with the Democratic party. He chargod no one, but the insinuation that tho Democrats of the country had anything but tears for tho dead President, sorrow for his family and execration for tho miserable assas sin, ho declared wasabsolutely false. He contended, in tho courso of further re marks, it was tho duty of tho Demo cratic Senators to elect a President pro tan. and recalled the phase so ofton quoted at tho lust session of the Sen ate that the 'voice of the constitutional majority is the voice of God.' Tho constitutional majority to day happen. cd to be on tho Democratic sido, and of courso, in tbo opinion of his Repub lican friend, its voice was scarcely di vine utterance." The Elections. Tho oloctions held in tho States of Ohio and Iowa on Tuesday of lust week resulted in tho election of tho Republican tickot, but by greatly reduced majorities. The Legislatures in both States aro Repub lican. Gov. Fostor was re elected in Oftio by about 18,000. Tho Republi cans carried the Stato by about 19,000 lust October and by 31,000 lust No vember. The vote in the Stato falls over 100,000 short of that of last year, when 730,000 votes were cast. There are this year 15,000 Prohibition and 500 Greenback votes, both greatly in excess of lust year. Fostor this year ran bobind the balance of tho State ticket. In Iowa, Sherman, the Republican candidate for Governor, wu9 elected by 38,000 over tho Democratic candidate Ohio and Iowa aro joined to their idols and eventually tho pcoplo will suffer by oppression, tyranny and theft. The Philadelphia Timet echoos our views oxactly when it says : "Tho Republicans saved Ohio becauso tho Stato tickot represented tho honest Garfield Republican cloment of tho party, and tho sacrod memory of a martyr President gavo the Republi cans victory. In Pennsylvania tho Stalwart machine bosses defy the poo plo and tho Garfield Republicans aro in rebellion. Tbo samo causes which elected Foster in Ohio, will defeat Daily in Pennsylvania." Guiteau'i AutoihooraI'HY. Gui lean, the assassin, has written a full account of his murder of President Garfiold, describing with much partic ularity how be dogged tho lato Presi dent. It will bo found in full on tho first pago of tho Republican to day. This "autobiography," as it Js called, seems to havo boon gotten up to aid Guiteau in his defense of insani ty, leaving pooplo to conclude that no sane man would confess and thus pub lish bis crimo before his trial. Ho af fects that ho killed the President from political and patriotic motives. It is a cold-blooded narration. Goo. Scovillo, his counsel, is tuking this courso in his detonso. It remains to bo soen what ef fect it will have upon tho jury which will try hiiu. Tbo Democratio candidato for Stat treasurer, Urange JNoulo, is a repre sentative in the present State Legisla- ture from the city of Erie, having boen elected last Fall over the Republican candidato in that strong Republican city. Mr. Noblo was also elected Mayor of Krio from RG7 to 1871. This shows that he Is not only strong with the Democracy, but can count on a generous support from his Republi can neighbors, who are in a position to appreciate his business capacity and integrity. Charles S. Wolfe, the Independent Republican candidate for Stato Tress uror, dclivorcd a speech at Tyrone last Friday ovening. As has boon the case wherever bo has held meetings, the onlhnsiasm ran high. Tho bowl of this Wolfo is evidontly making it lively for the ring mastors of the Republican circus. Tbo contest seems to be nar rowing down botwoon Noblo and Wolf? IW Baily I Immediately aftor tho reading of the journal on Tuesday of last woek, Mr, Aldrich, of Rhodo Island, was sworn in as United Senator to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the ijeath of General Burnside, and Messrs. Luphata and Miller were sworn In to lake the places of Conkling and "me too" Flail. Thero is a rumor that Laphain is to bo takon into Arthur's Cabinot, and Conkling appointed by the Governor to Lapham's seat In the Senate. Oh the tricks of Republican scliemon-w and these schemers the loaders and head of the party I Can a country so ruled expect to be blest ? THE LOTTERY OF ASSASSIS ATIOS. Senator Edmund, the present Re publican kailer at Washington, tie nounrcd lb" election ol II r. Ilaysnl n President of tho Seimle us a prim drawn by the Democracy in the lottery of assassinulion. Sir. Edmunds, says the Now Yolk .Sun, seems to forget that tho assassinulion was entirely RrtHiWican. GiirU-usi, tl.o ilcir.oniftf murderer who fired the deadly shot at President Garfield, is, like Mr. Ed mund, an ultra Republican. He sujB ho was divinely inspired to kill the President in order to re unite the quar relling factions of the Republican par ty. Except by his murder, he could not seo any other means of keeping tho Democracy out of power. So fur as can be gathered fiom their public utterances, Guiteau and Ed munds seem to be about equally irra tional regarding tho renlts that might follow from tho restoration of the De mocracy to tbo control of the Govern ment. Both tbo assussin and Senator regard tho Republicau party as a kind of divino institution. Tho ono mur dered tho President because of his in- sano delusion. 1 no oilier furiously donouncos the Democracy for exercis ing their constitutional and legal right in tho election ol Thomas I . Hay ard to be President of the Senate. It is an absuid stretch of fanatical partisanship on Iho part of Mr. Ed munds; hut this absurdity is much less culpable than tho act of the samo Ed munds in 1870, when ho conspired with others, in sonio respects worse than himself, to set asido the Presi dential election, and to put Rutherford B. Hayes into the office to which S. J. Tilden bad boen chosen. Then bo was ready to commit an unheard-of crimo to keep out the Democrats Now his conduct is less utivclous, but his spirit is the same. It Is note spirit of high patriotism or of sound rationality. A RADICAL W ARSIS G. The Brooklyn (iN. l ) limes is a Republican organ ami volunteers ad vice after this style : "Wo foci very sure of this) that any serious departure from the spirit and purpose of Garfield's administration will ho resisted with overwhelming force and energy by the people; and if Arthur yields to his old associates and attempts a change tho same results will follow that succeeded Andrew Johnson's accession, and in tho end it will be said that it hud boen better for Arthur if ho bad never been born, or that a inillslono hud been hnnged about his neck and that ho had been cast into the deplh of tho sen, rather than thai lie slioulu have been made Lonlchug s candidate forYioe President at Chicago, and Guileuu's candidate lor the Presi dency aftor Conkling's resignation from tho Senate. We say this, because we feel suro that Arthur's administration in such contingency will proven more help. less und a more miserable failure tbiin tho administration of uny Vice Presi dent wo havo yet had. The only man who has it in bis power to prevent litis is President Arthur himself. It he is the man for the crisis ho will soon dem onstruto tho fact, and if ho does show it ho will only bo exceeded in ullimuto success and popular fuvnr by his im mediate success end popular luvor by bis immediate predecessor. There are two ways open before President Ar thur. Tho country is waiting to see which of tho two ho will choose." MR.SOBIES ACCEPTASCE. Official Kotlflratlon of Hlfe Nomination, PiTTsBURun, Pa., Oct. 3, 1881. To the lion. Orange Soble : Dear Sir: We havo been author ir.od by tho Democratic Stato Conven tion, which mot at Williamsporl on tho 28th day of September last, to formally announce to you tho action of that body in nominating you to the important offico of State Treasurer of Pennsylvania. It must be a source of gratification for you to know that your selection by tho convention as n stumlurd bearer of the party and the representative of ils principles in tho present campaign was made from n largo number of the most reputublo gotillcmcn ul' the Statu, tho nomination of any one of w hom would have reflected ciodll upon the party. It is also a fact worthy of note thut in thcso times of political jugglery your nomination was uninfluenced by faction, corrupt combinations or l o.-s dictation, which are over abhorrent to Domocratic ideas, but wu accin;plish cd by tho representatives of tho party, acting freely in tho oxurciso ol their judgment us to ils best interests, and iho will of tho majority thus expressed, finally rnlified by the unanimous voice of tho convention. Vitb every reasonable prospect of success, ami sustH'neil as you will bo by a united parly, you toir.o befiiro tho peoplo under tho most auspicious circumstances and enter upon the race without any weight or hindrance to besot your way to ultimate success. And in Iho event of election wo nro assured that the solemn pledges mudo by tho convention to tho people, in the resolutions adopted, will be by you redeemed ; thut you will hold tlm ol 11 cc as a sacred trust from the people ; and that tho rigid administration of tho finances ol the ntato inaugurated by you will mark the end of ihe power and influence ol ttio "1 reasury King in Pennsylvania, yery truly your obedient servants, Geo. W. Miller. Geo. McUoyAtf. W. J. Hrennan. P. F. Connolly. Ii. E. James REPLY. Erie, Pa., Oct. 10, 1881. Messrs. Geo. II'. Miller, Geo. MeGowan, W. J. Rrennan, P. F. Connelly anil R. E. James, Committee Gentlemen: Your letter formally notifying me of my nomination for Stale Treasurer by tho recent Demo cratic Stato Convontion at Williams nort would have boon answered sooner out for unavoidable absonce from homo. You say that it is a high compli ment to have been mado the nominee when so many worthy gontlomen wero competitors for tbo position, I am gratified to know that the rivalry for the nomination was of the most friendly character, both before and during tho sessions of tho Convention, and assure yon that, if the cholco bad fallen upon any one of the candidates, my friends and myself would havo given him a ready and active support. The rejection fo which you so appro priately refer that thi nomination "was uninfluenced by faction, corrupt combinations or boss dictation" adds very much to my appreciation of the honor. 1 accept the nomination with a full understanding of tho responsibility it imposes, and pledge myself that if tho , contidenco reposed in me try tho Uon Tm,iion Is ratiflod bv the oeonlo thev ' shall not bo disappointed in thoir just oxpeelulioi.s Tbo Treasury will bo administered as "a sacred trust from the people;" care will be taken to em ploy ihiiiu but pure, competent and triiKtworlliy men; the records of tho otlico will always lie open fir (he most rigid scrutiny ; the corrupt "lings" will be diH-oiiiiietiunccd ; arid ihe con stant t ll'ort will lie to reduce expenses, collect Ihu revenues impartially, und in trciy way pos-ible to promote the i,iili-rets ol tho State. Not a dollar ll.ut docs not legitimately belong to fnu ... Iukcii Its A imiCul die compensation of the office. ihu platform is one ol Ihu boldcr-t and soundest that has been adopted lV a Convention of any parly in Penn sylvania for many years. Those por tions especially which relate to the rights, unties and control ol the grout corporations are in uccord with my mo long convictions, and I cannot doubt that they will be approved by the people. Vt bile 1 would not take from any corporation a single right that propui ly belongs to il, I insist, in common with most of the business men, farmers and mechanics of the Slute, that none shull be above the law, thut monopolies must not bo tolerated and that the "greatest good of tho greatest number" must be the supreme object of the Government. Having illume no pledges of patron ago during irto canvass lor the nomi nation, and being determined to con tinue the same policy until the close of tho campaign, 1 will be free, in tho event of my election, to make such appointments us will best advance the principles above staled 1 have no enemies to punish und will know no factions in the selection of my subor dinates. With ttunks to Ihu Convention and kind regards lor each of tho committer, I am yours truly, Okaniie Noble. MORE A ROUT THE PRESI DES T'S "POLICY." The uuxicendof President Gailicbl bus invested bis memory with so.much sympathy fir the suffciingof Hie mull und so Dutch indignulion lor the assas sinatiot: of tho President that men uro not disposed to carry their recollec tions backward beyond the 2d of July, 1881. Anterior to that date it wus the politician und party leader that filled with different considerations the minds ( f Iho people subsequent to that (late it wus the dastardly assault upon fie President of Iho United Slutei, and the cowardly assassination of the man, his sufferings, his fortitude, bis patience, and the womanly sorrow and the anguish of bis devoted wife tbut cast a veil over the past anil in vested the dtad man and President with tbo halo of martyrdom. Hut President Arthur's inaugural, promis ing "that the nulion shall profit by his (Garfield's) example und experience," may render inquiry iulo tho past neo cssury in order to discover whut the future hus in store for ihu country. Tho "exnniplo and experience" of Mr. Garfield us President was of too short duration to be made the policy of an administration. From tho 4lh of Mulch to tho 2d ol July bis whole oc cupation wus willi tho "spoils system" ol his party and with seeking howlio could by "recognition" in Ihe distribu tion of patronage discharge his obliga tions to that wing ol the party which by defeating Gon. Grunt's nomination nt Chicago hud secured bis preferment. His "example and experience" in that particular mil not no lound wanting hy I'resnlent Arthur, nor will the pres ident reguil the appointment of Rob ertsoti to the eollectorship ol the port ol Now York as a matter likoly to be "gurnered in tho hearts ot the people. Nothing else of Importance was doitu in the tour active months of President Gurlluld'a administration. The per functory prosecution of tho star-route swindlers was more a matter of prom iso lliun performance, la which ihore was very IMtle ot "example and expe rience." What President Garfield would havo d mo bad life and health been lell to him mutt ever remain a ir.ottor of opinion, shaped and formed hy personal admiration and colored and loned by that halo of martyrdom that will over surround bis name and memory . As an administrative model for President Arthur the four months ot President Garfield's execulivo lile furnish neither eiumplo nor ex peri enco. Tho allusion to the dead Presi dent In tho inaugural was beautiful and graceful, but will not form the basis of a pledge, nor was it intended as the promise ot a model hy the Pres. idem. Though elected by tho samo party the President and Vice President were as "wido apart" as it was possiblo for iwo men ol ihe same parly to bo. Un was the opponent ol the third termers, the other one of their leaders; aud this was the rock against which the administration collided when tirsl set adrift. The President and Vice Presi dent separated over the nomination of Judge Komrlson. II Juilgo Hubert son had made General Gurilcld's notn inulion possiblo at Chicago, Mr. Ar thur's Iricnds had made his election certain whero defeat wus almost ac cepted by the party. Thus there wero "services" rendered by both wings and when tho "services" of on wing wero recognized and rewarded, and tbo "sci vices of the othor wing repu dialed and punished, Mr. Arthur and his frionds felt deeply what they re garded a wrong and ungralelul. Such "examplo and experi mco" is not likely to be appreciated. Thoro did not exist between General Garfield and Gen. Arthur that political sympathy which would make the latter tho polit ical administrator ie. bonis mm of the j'oritier. But turning over to Mr, Illuiiie, as tiie icsiuuury legatee of lien, (inrlleld, tho unfinished work of the dead President, Mr. Arthur will form and shape his own policy and call around him those who, in the languago of Mr. MacVeagh, have "heretofore sustained relations of political svmpa iby with him." To this he would be driven, even If indisposed to tuko that course, hy tho hall brood wing of bis party, I ho sods havo not been smoothed ovor the Bravo of tho dead President before tho half breeds have seized upon his name as tho rallying call or that taction. The Now York Tribune rejoices ovor "Ihe splendid fight made by tho Garfielil Republicans in isroouu n sgauut Sir. Uonkllng, and rends President Arthur a lecture, tho meaning of w hid) it is plain to understand Is that If the President stands by his friends in New York State ; il he does not abandon the men wilh whom bis whole political life has been identified ; if he does not use the power and patronage ot bis adminis tration to defeat Mr. Conkling in the Ucpiilmcan htulo jonve;ton. llo"(iur field Republicans" will "instantly an peal to tho people and submit their case to Iho jiidgmont ol the support crs of President Garfield throughout Iho country.' The Jrwune lorgets that its "lion" is dead that his pat ronage is gout that his name and memory, though treasured as national heirlooms to be handed down in speech and book, aro nevertheless utterly powerless in politics. Il Is the risen sun in whoso warm rays Republicans delight to bask and refresh themselves. II is Ins patronage that j their inher itance, and while they weep over Gar field and lament his untimely end, they will smile on Arthur and rejoioo in his ability to reward their services. Haeb Is Republican human nature liammote nmetic I ' a Mrs. Margaret Noughlun, (ho oldest citir.en of the Slate ol Illinois, died at Danville, in that State, on tho )lth inst. She was said t be nearly 116 yoara old. She was born in County Mayo, Ireland, in 17u'U. A quantity of bees, destined for Ontario, Canada, have been received: in London from Cyprus. Tin v weie let out near Loudon I t a fly, and ul terwurd re packed tor llio rcn u'loleri of i heiil journey. They nv toiived( in s'nall Imixch, partly ttvered wilbj piiloiiucl mcta!, n. I am provided with honey mi. I water. A limiho l coiiMigrmieiil of llii. unusual freight! was sueceShtiiMy f-owar.lid l C.i a in ( lut your. Tue VYiliiall.)'rl .-mociaii.- foli-l vculion has mude an sI.miIuio irre-j proaclialiluseleeiioo in naming Urungo N'ohle us Statu Treasurer. He is one of the most able and popular business men of the Stale well acquainted wilh public business, carelul, sagacious and' worthy the confidence of iho people. Ills a strong nomination. No man need be ashamed ol voting tor such a mau for Stale Treasurer. Enttnn Ex press, Republican. Heavy Bond Roiiuery. On Satur day night Oct. 10th, robbers entered the store of Nicholas Gilfert, of Lick ingville, this Slate, und stole bond und cash to tbo amount of ?h',0(IO. Tho safe wus broken open with a sledge hammer and cold-chistl. As Iho job was roughly executed thero is little doubl that tho work was done by am ateur?. Tho bonds are not registered. A reward is offered for tho nrresl ol tho robbers. As yet no clue has been obtained. Good Advice. Il you keep your stomach, liver und kidneys in peifect working order, you will prevent and cure by fur the greater part of the ills that afilii t munkind in tins or any sec ti"u. There is no medicine known lio.t will do this us quickly or surely as Parker's Ginger Tonic, which will secure a perfectly natural action of these important organs without inter fcring in tho least with your daily du ties. See adCeitisement. 9 28 -11. ilw dvrrtHcmcats. IL ft&l A. '4 It? Pi inter i. a new bonk, full ot In form at ion, bj an old Printer. Ii I ticsumfully illustra- mm w - ul flnt Joh tfrl n t gitui MiDplfl IUmP B'bV Pm tint 1 tic colurml plle ii a Ono i'(urc und worth Uie tnr of tht took. Henri for it tt one. ) M.H h)brrw, Pub. Knrbeater, N V,7W. VI ill KHI'H NOTICK. N'otico in Wejb; given (bat 8. T. Iircltbunk, Auditor un pointed bj tb Ciiurt, If) dip ie ol I ha oinnption bkil to Ihe arouuot of the Kioontora ol tlx atat of Joh A. Cadell, lata of 1'ihe townabtp, dscaaie'i, will atteo'i t tho dutiri of bit appoint ment at bi offica In I'lesi-IiHii brtmuirli, nt 1 oVLiflk P. M. on MONDAY. MiVKMItKK T T 11, ibi, wtttn aad when all parti m lotrrrjittid may Hand. H. T. IIHOCKHANK. Clearfield, Ta., Ost. IHth, ISSI 5t. (1 AIJTICIN.a-AH pcrinnn art berbj warned J aKAlnt purchnioft or in any wny mrOitiing wilh tli following prri.iDiil rrnp-rty, now in tit p-iiei-ion of rHMl'EIj MOollK, of Lumber CUT, vii: Ont itove, 1 cupboard. 1 itenHon table, t beiU, and other article! not uo-aar)r lo mtmioD. in aiiove property wt purchan.l hy tie, and I have left them with tho aaid Htimml Moi.ra oo loan onlr, ru-joi-l lo my order at any tima. UKKHlillLK. Lumber City, Pa., Oat. IV, ISsl-IU TKTRAY IIKII'-rn.-PtrayBd frmo tht j premim of tht utidjr ijtned, rriuin in I.uthrbtir, on nr ab 'Ut Austin Itt, IkmI, m MI!T ItllUWN IIKIKKK. th-ea vran ..Id neit Hprirg, hnrrti about tight tnrbei long, will prob ably wrigh 750 poundi, and fai io good coo-ii-tion. Any parann furnlhing any information will be liberally rewarded by addreMing DANIEL UOODMNDKK, Lutherf lurp, IV October IV, lfi-ot. Xoliec in Divorce. 8 A! Jaxi Ogdwh, ity her Deit friend. J oMM C. Rkxii, W.8. Oai'ia. I In Common Pleai ) of Clenrfieid emoty. J No. 2Hi January I Ad allu tahpwna Id this sate having been rt turned, Defendant nit found. Ontlpfl if horcbr (Wen to Defendant to appear at the nett Court of Com mo d Pleat to b held on the Xd Monday of November, and ibow hmm, If an? ha hat, why the lihellaot thotlld nit be dirorflu). JAMES MAHAFFEY, F her iff. Clear5tdt Pa., Oct. 19, 18S1 4t. Farm for Sale ! THR nndernifrnrd nffort for tale ONE III'N DKKD ACKKH of bit line farm ultuated io Lawrenoe townnhip, Clearfield otiinty, p , oo the main road leading from Olearflell borough lo Antonrilla. There it abiut 80 aoret cleared and under food cultivation, with two good omhardt of choice fruit, a good tpring of pure water, and anew frame bouta, I6x?0 lee t, and other out buildings, and alio thereon timber and board for a barn. The farm it nnderlild with THKKK VK1NH OF COAL. The under veia la bow open. For further particular toll on J. F. MoKcnrlck, fciq , in Clearfield, or on tht protn itet where the underaigned now reide. J. W. THOMPSON. Curwentvllle, Pa., Out. IV, 18s-tim N OTIC IS P INCORPOntTlOM. Notice, U hereby siren that an atinlicatlon will b made ander the Act of Aitomhlv of the Commonwealth of Ponnay Ivatifa entitled "An Ant to provide for tht incorporation of and rtf u'a tion of otrtain oorpnrationt," approtad April !, 174, and Ihe Aett tuppltmentary thereto, forthe cbarlar of an Intended corporation to be oalled "Tlia New Vorh and Penntylraaia Coal Com pany," the character n1 object of which it to purchate and leape enal landt, to open minet therein and work the tame, to mine, prepare for market, ablp tranport and buy and !! eal, cone, eoai out i ana tuei man u tactured tticretfoio, and for thene purpnact to bare, pnepa and enjov all the rirhtt, beuefltt and prlvileset conferred by the ra:d Act of A-regibly and Ihe fuppleineatr XKAO A PETfT, S-'iclt. aio Walnut ot., Phiia. 0-. 19, ISsI t. VOTICK. In the e.iite of HeoUn Netman. i.1 lo the Orphans' Court of the eouul) of tiearntia, ri. To BtMi RL McCt ira asw Jonv II athokii : Taka notict that yoo are reqm-ed to appear In our taid Court on the Hth dy of Norem e, A. D. lHol, or thaw ot Die, If any nU hure, why a dti-'rea of tpfjcina perfrat.nct tfaou Id not be entered on the nttitim ot II. D Rend Ut"fccl Neiman.Arlmioiitraion of Kcuben Neiiutn. dee'd. with U. W. llallaKher and Miry, Jallchf r, wuow ot Janiei liallngber, deceated, upon a con tract datel April Hth, lh7l, for lint certain lot ituale is New Wanhinfton borinib, licntaning at a poal oa alley at corner of trhool h-mne lot : thence luuih 6:iJ degrees 15! feet to pott on Washington rtreet : thence north along W athing ton street 4Jlj degrees eatt 97 feet to put ; thence along alley tu.h 1J degrees -e-t hi a-l frst to not and pliot of beginning. JA6. MAHAFFLV, High Cher iff. HbenB i OCice, Clvarhald, Pa , Oct. lb, (t 3t. HAVE YOU HEARD Tb News From MOORE'S? THEY HAVE JDST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes jals and GapJS AND (hut's hzi kii TJiat Ever Came Into the County, AT THEIR STORE, K001I 0. 1 OPERA HOUSE, c;i:o. t. toi w.iiKHinL. ClaarleU, Pa., Ispl. II, 1188-If. Mnr tU'frtbfmrnts. MOSKY TO LOAN. Od trtt olaaa (m provrd firm prt'prr'v. by the Mutual Li l Ihturnii-'a n-"T' ..t N w York, on ftrnt inrt fair, Po-ut (f- in l.m-0 . F"T further in furiltWti'H) I'pi'lj til thff iiridirMigt'tvf. IM'K.Vrn tL W SMITH. C!oaiuld I' -, My 7th. iHTtf tf (0AMlSVATIP. j (tlMMl ,i ri of bi uin'O -u e -ul Und ilot In j ) Mnt'liwld u;i.y. A i i'CM (tie tin riied j itaiititc li'.M'lnn, n jtn Vf of tn-r , ii'iu'wr an 1 U e -nf vf an t IMai"l O jd rat leu 1 'ir rlrf. V - prioo. J. F. tiNVUKK, I Aitorrnr at Law. i CiltNiinn, Va, Sept. 7th, tail tf. IXi'XI'TOH'M NOTU'R-NuilatU ber. J bv e-tven that Lrttrr !! AUifp'arr on tht tat of 1JKNUY HA.NTZ, lata of Heady tp., Cloarlkld onunly, Penimylvaoia , defeated, hav ing bre.Q duly giantrd to ttia unleriigiid, all par' ni indibted to mid ertate will pleat make immailiet pitTDteiit, and limit hiving claim or dem and i agaimt the tan will frrfent them pruptrlj auihfiitidtttd fi r ftttlcmeat. JAMt:a RAinKKit, Karrutor. Luther-bury, IV, Oct. Itl, 181 Ct. TOTICI-J Of APPLICATION OM i I Ii Alt IMIt. -Nol.u- U benby given that application will bt made uu ler Ilia pmvieinn of tbit Act of the General AMemMv of I'eaoivl vania, approved April St, l, and tb topple, mtnt tl.iruto fur the ertntioo of a oorpjrution to be known at i be V a'lai etou I ire lirik Cump-itiy, o ba lor ted at WallaoetOD, In fllearlold ei.unty, th purpoia and object ( whlcb ahaM be to wanu(ai.uj- Cre briok and other artist. WALLACK A KWKB3, Clear A I, 10 19 81-St. Attorney!. Farm Jot Sale. Tb utniomicne l ofWa fur tale till fnnu, tilti a ted In Lawreii" towufhlp, on th eat bnk ol tb Sueqiif-hnUQft river, where the Hailrnad hridze c.Ttitttt the river. The. Ian I It river b it tout and to a g'xjtl Male of cultivation, having been thor oughly (trtilitcJ. A g"d abd weil-furniibed houte wltb tiioo ruoini ail piailemd. paiiiti-d and papernl, with loo houte, uillk hout and otbrr ouibulldiorft a'ta-he l. A good bank burn, and a young orchard of Kli treet of oiioiro fruiti let out upon it. Will bn olJ at a 'air prw and ' n rtuiouaMu ttrm". 1'i.nMta.on given nt nv time. (. K. II A It KK J'T. Oearritd I, Pa , Aaguit 81, lh&l-tl. Administrators' Sale (if Personal Property rill Kit K wil'b" nip it I to p-ih'lo at tbo l.tt J. ridia.- of Ail 1,7.7,7 )', deecaml, iu Iii i' id tunh'p. loatflold count), P , on Thursday, Oct. t!7th, 1SS1, Tbo foil-, w if f pcrinuil property of naid tlt:ceus d, via: Al) ut 60 toiii of liny. whtt, rve, i,'t, corn and buckwheat by the buibel, dn-ihle and in ((to harnett, honei, wajroni. lie!, plow, harrow , cjtilo, hogs a.i I tliMp, MOWING MACHINE, Thre fhinjt machine with epartor attached, pfhin drill, cider prein and mill, long rye rtraw by the bundle, mai-hiti oati and wheat ttraw. a lot of choice applet, lot id' lawed lumber, cuminiHg of pine, oak, maple and linnwool, together with a general vnty ol farming implement an I houne ioid gioda and furniture out neciry to mention. Hale to commnDce at V o'nUi'k A. M. oq taid day, and continue from dy to day ui;til orrry tbiDjr, i told. Terra of tale and due etli-ndince Mill bo gi v q on di of tain br (iKnti.u; C. KIRK, S IL WKLTV, Adnr.niilratori. Lmbtrltir, Va , Oct. Sth, 11 -It. Orphans'Court Sale OF VAUtAM.K Farm Property! IN purniance of n order of llie Orphor.i' Court ot Cleirfleid aountr, ,, there, will h ct. potad to public dale at the C''LK.r ll'-USE, in tho bir.HKQ of CLKAHt'IKLD, on Monday, Nov. lith, 1881, At 1 oVork P. M., all the fdlowing real artate of John IInncofH, lalt ol Pike townbip, taid county, devaKl, t wit: All that ocrlain tract or ineMuage of land rituatc in Pike townr-lnp Oiarold county, Pa , bounded and detenned a fdluws : Degiiimng at a maple on line of land of Alexander (Ja dwell ; tbeii.'e n -rth o-i and one. half degrees went ii perclie ti a white oaW : tlience wit U.IJ perch on to a put thence south IT percba to a whit pine stump ; thence ett lii perches to a while oak bufh ; thunce touth uu 6-lv percbet to a p ut j then cant T pereh-s to a nn Mid place of beginning, eoolaining about 1-2 ACHES, Mora or lea, and adj'iinlng Itndi of Al 'ian lcr Caldwell, Patrii-k Mullen, Heorje Welch. Jr.'s state, and others, 'ihe improvements e -ir.sitt of a two etory plank bouc, lx '.0 feet, alth kitchen attached, an I a lug barn, 60i;t0 feet. Property nearly all o lea red and under eulurstioi. Tft ms of Salt, One third oftbepurrhsttmoncv and alio tnotifh of tt residue thereof to cor or Hit coils and foes incident to said partition and sale, oanh on non firm at inn of sale ; one-third io one year from date of tale, and the remaining third thereof a the leatn of Mary Hancock, widow of said deceased. Tbo latter two payinouti with their intercut, pay able annually, to be secure! by band and mort gage ou ion p rem net. W. W. litTTS, Trustee. ClearBeU, Pa., Oil. I, lMl-4i. Estate of Isaac Bloom, Jr. NOTICE TO II KIRS T N the matter of the estate 1 In the Orphn X itioom, jr., late Court ot Uleirfleld of Pike towoihip, dee'd. j county, I'enn'a To Henrietta D Elder and lUhert Klder, her hus band, residing at or nenr Concord, Hancock county, Iowa; Jennie rt. Jones and Warren Jones, her husband, residing at or near A Iden, Harden euoty, Ilai.nih R, Law n and John Lemon, ber cuiband. residing near Ma hatlfy, ClearneM county, I'a ; Klorme Pritch IrdandJ.H. I'ritcbitrd, btr huiband, residing at or near Dotmnnd, Wrlglit count r, lnwa ; sUnffnie lioovcrand N L II i iver. her hubnd, remiipc at Lultui. Clearfield o-untr, Pnn'a. ; Hello llunhranl W S. II it.:vr, bur hus'iind. residinr at nr nmr Nurlh l.uwrercj, Kan-i ; W ultrr II. Blnco', rending at or n'tr linmond, Wright county, us; X Jcir. HlooiD, residing nsitr (urweui i;it (.karfleld eouiitr. Ponu'a ; Atinie forest and J- L'. Forest, her hn-btnd. rending at or near Clearfield Bridge, Clnrlirld ci'itity, Pi-nu'a ll J. Walker liluom, rtudiag at r near (jams-i t H uncock rUDly , nwa, brira , and legal rtprcst-nUllvf ( of haan liloom, Jr., late ul I'ike lowns'iip, Clearfield countv, de-t'd, i an I a l-o heirs of K. Cottrs Kluotii, drceaiod. I and also hrirs of Binoche V. IHoui, dee'd, who j were heirs of haac Bloom, Jr., dsvjiel. Ta NoTirR, Tlmt at an Orphart' Curt r.r 1 the onunly of t'learQeld on the 2Mb day of Sou teiubir, A. It. 18SI. The return and' report f I thp I illicit appointed ami scli-vted to make parti-: tK.Q ol the naif Mais late uf Uaac Uloom, Jr., dncansed wt j rmtneed in o cn Bouit and oon finned, and a rult granted y-u and etich of you i hrirs and leal represent ttivit of st I de-e lout, to appear in nil court on the 14th diy of November, A. D. 1S, a' 2 oVhck. P. M and to.'cpt nr relnsc said ttal rrtate at the valuation thereof, or sbw cause why the sme should not be sold. You are therefore hereby nmio-d and commander) to be preuot at the time and place above menlioncd.and accept nr refute til real estate at the valuation then of or show cause why he astue should Dot bi icld,. Bimairr i OrrifK, JAa. UAUAJrFKV, Clearfield, Oot. Itf, Utl. J BbotilT. Orphans' Court Sale OF Valuable Ileal Estate! IN pursuance of order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, Pa., there will ba ex. tiscd to pahWo isle at the hotel of tltorge W, avis, in the borough of New Waibington, on Wediicsdny, Nuv. 1G, 1881, At t o'clock P. M , all the following described real estate of John Rorabaugh, late of llurntida town. hip, said county, (Jcotattd, yi; j "VTO. 1. All that certain tract of land sltttat la said townibip. bonnded weit hy landi late of Janet Oallaher, noith by landt late of Craw ford H alia her, oast hy land late of David Mitchell, and touth by mod lato of Benjamin Oallaher, containing 100 acres, more or leu. The improve ments consist of a two-story pUnk dwelling housa. lfi:i feet, with an addition ltlfl feat, bank barn, 38in4 feet, wagon thed and other out buildings t also, a good orchard. Property nearly all eleared and undtr good cultivation. 10. J. In tame twp., Sounded south by Und of 1 Russetl Hnrnhauiih, west by land of James Hlcphenson, north br land late of the John Bur gundy heirs, and cast by pub ha road and othor Und cf taid Kussall Hrahaugh, and containing SI acres, Art perches and allowance, mora or test, Improvement! consist af a two-itory frame dwelling hens. Ii:iO feet, with two Hory kitchen It feet square, bank barn Ml fed square, and other otnbuildings. Oond apple oroherd on tha prem ises. Property near); all cleared and undtr culti vation. NO. I. In ttmt township, Wo on led eaU by land of James Hava?, north by Jhn M. Cuumlngs, west by land lata of James (lallaher, and south by lands of John M. Riddle and Lem uel Byers, eontainlog M acret net. Improve mentt consist of atwo ttory log dwelling house, about (U2H feet, and a log stable. About 3(1 Cft cleared and under ultivn'ioq. TUM qriAi.8. On lot N. 1, ont-lbird of th pu rot ait monty, and cnongh of the rttidut thereof ti rover coeta and feet of partition and tale, and no lott Not. I and I, one-'hlrdof the purchase money payable cash on confirmation of tale, th bilanc f th purcbas money In Iwo paymanti In ea"h case, with Interest from date of tale, one. half B nDC year from th dat of sal, and th remainder at tha death of Mary J. Korabsue;h, widow of taid daeaaaed. The latter Iwo pavtaenls with interest, pajabl Unaally, to ba itcured bj bond and mortgage on th premise! 11. L.UKNIiRRftOaT, Administrator, October 19, If"!. .It. ?lfiv flrfrlkfiufnts. I WE HAVE OPENED i . SUPERIl COLLECTION OF y a Pall and Winter Clothing 1 . .KO I Gents, Youths and Children. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Underwear. LTccIiwear, Trunks. Valises and Umbrellas. CALL, AND Bli GUINZBURG'S RELIABLE CLOTHING STORE, S WESTERN HOTEL CORNER, CItr.'.i-rJ, I'"., Oct. 13, lull 2u. An Institution for Imnartlnir a Proctleal nrM hum. fliu-l for lli m-luul dutlH of llf Hhi.t.-nta n rntiT ml any lliiic. in dividiml Instruction. Ijirx nurt finely furulahi-d. UullM jmmI Olfloi'a. ornpn hi-nsue rmirM' of thnly rNfrulnr umi oppninriuM lWture. Thorouiih learlilinf-I'nuti. i Trunin: 1'i-r tarruinra miun-M r. ruu October 15th, 1M1-4L ADMINISTRATORS' SALE (IF VALl'AULB REAL ESTATE! BY virtue of an ordnr of the Orphans' Ciurl of Clt-atucld county. Pa , there will he exposed to public- nloby the anderiirnd Adminiitratort of the estate of I A VI O li fc LL, late of Ureen wo' d towni-hir,, decoasod, at the Co urt Housa in ClcartifU, on Sat unlay, November o, I SSI, AT 9 O'CLOCK P. M., The fallowing described real estate titm.teJ In Itellvllle. tlreenwnod township, to wll : I'urpart No. 4, brginnintr at aurnar of bo''l lot; thence along itreet iuuth 10 drgreoi en 27 S-10 perclie to corner ol pnrpart No. 3 ; thni-e Ly same north 7:1 decrees eat 21 S-10 pe'che to middle of Hell's run ; thanoe up in me n'irth l b greei west 3 peri'hes to itreet ; th'-nce by said street anutb 731 depte wet lis prr-Tbtt to the pUctof btin nirig, contaiaiug 4 ncrei, more nr leu, with the appurtenance, having there -n erected a I'fe two atil one-half story hotel, Urge Irauie birn, gr-iin h 'ue, mid u'bir outlu Idingi. ALSO. I iiipirt No. f, bounded as foil inn; Liyin. nini; at orner a'ijininr an aller ; menoe by e nd alley nrtb II' degrct wes l"0 feot to au atlej. thenou by tb ally touiii di'r'"S wes; in Iwet ; ihef.ee by purptrt St. '1 uuiti I ft J dfgrcei ent IbO crcl.e to itreet ; ibi ne by p iu.ii liottb 7.1i dcretj eM fiii f.tt to ttie pluco t bcpioning, ctiitaiiiinc lti.hiifl ie-t, ailh tho aiipurlfrncef, hfirinrr th re -n eroleit a two and one h-ilf tiury fisiiie house, friine stable nod other ont'iuildingt. ALSO, Purport No. 7, bnunjed as f ,l!uwi : I'eftinning at a cn cr vf liaikMuiih shop li t; thence by stmt Kioih 7:ij drgrret wet 6U feot; Ihi-nce by purpait No 8 south Id) d greet wr t 1X0 perohes lo an alley ; thence by el ov north 7.'iJ iic,(rcfi fMtt liU pert'bis lo itreut : toence by in me north li'j degrees wp.' lHli leer to I he place of beginning. I c i.taiuiui Iti.tloO feet whh ihe aniiartenanc:'. and having therein erected a two and one-balf itnry frame dwelling bou'e. frame siaMe, blaik iai;ih iLp, and other outbuildings. TilUJIS t Out third earn at confirmation of tale, anil the halancn in two cual annual payment!, with inierrit, ti bfrccuicU by bond and mnrtne, F. I. THOMPSON, T W. MOOHK. Adminiitratort. Curcnsv.i:e, I'a , OH. 6, 1SS1-4L MORRIS IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. I i .. ..-II.. 1. I i:rsu a u c f it na V-r?: If ft. liar r. i V' Tlieouly 8-Flange Safe in the World, AND CONTAINING More Improvements than any Safe made, such as The PATEST Mnro eoeuro from llnrpluis tlien nny 1'iro l'roof Sal'u, snJ no expense in roiairiii(; Hulls or J,ocli. Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners. Thcso Safes tiro now being sold In this Slulo n LAKQE NmiBEIlS, And givo llio Groatcst Satisfaction, HciiiH iho Most nishly Fininhcil, 2c3t Halo, an! Choapost First Class SAFE over Produced. Thco C'slobrnteil Snles luij Iho Inside Bolt Work Champion Record IN THR Great Boston Fire, And since Hint timo nnKATrind mpon I'AKT liinHOVHIKNTH linvo keen made. Beloro plving your ordor to ny ollinr concern, send for prices mi J descriptive Cntnloguo. J01llUS&mEUND BOSTON, MASS, 1M. II, IMO-ljp. Jlfa Adrntlsfmrnta 3 ! evil i CONVINCKD AT CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. BlnM Education. Yonnir ami mtd li" ua rsms, m- , - AMININTI.ATI1US WOTICI-X.ripe is hereby given that Letters "f A dm w. titra tion on the estate of UAVI1) WKLTi , l.te of I a ion township, C'loarfield oourtty, I'a . dve,w I, having been duly granted to Ihe imderviat-.l. tl personi indebted lo siid estate wi!! please nlti mini ittte p'lyineiot, and th.sc having cllui' r d' lnti dp acsMitt! the same will present ih m j, rop er I j .thtr.t catrd f..r t 'tlem'-nt, with.i'it dilij, UKOIiiiK C. i: IKK, MAJ'iN II. WKLTV, AdiuinirtruluM, I.Lthcr-burg, fa., S-pt. 21, l(l-(i. COA3Li! COAL ALL THE YEAR !! r'l'MlK subreriber hereby gives not if e t1 t hi X if now delivering cm! ul aa exceili:.' iu h;r and pn poses to operate his mine 8o h : 1 ,t Ll b- rnblcd to Miiply fa it cu-t' i.iers at -ill ';iti- 'fd fuel. Sn 8ummfr ;t -In n i'i ier. i v !.iti: j T"iniilv fi'b d 'k. i m. sii , v.-. i ( i-.i I. i M ,rri. 2 lal-tf. ri EAT MARKET, r. M. PARDON & ER0,, - i- i d -it . ir :i uf the JUri'iou II .ti,t, CI-l'AFi lLl.I., J'. O'it :iTJ nietiK.3t NTS if t'lt toOSt C' chiirj.rer tor fur niching the pu" lie i;h Tii(.i-te Mn.i. ix i.ii kin. I, n I uf Ihe erv I' P'c tin m al fe d li of Atneuiiur.ti ireiits, wtiicti we keep on ethil'ilion ti r t'.i I.. M- t'ttl L'a. atl f t'.s publ'c t all around wbot in aod - i Iv'-i sL tlratf,,", a Mmji u r. Ni. C.KH"N i Ll :j. i ... 1. fx, -I.."' ! I. Ifo ! VALUABLE LANDS TO?, SALE ! T ..ii, r.nn ,10 farm sit in lei ;n I,iwr,n? t iWDchin, a Ii.as : On.i I ur.-ln .1 nn.l twenr v f JO i 7n "1. are a f-'iil r!Hlf .r enMlvatin, aixl l.ti'i'i; I1.: etcctt d a la r go at. J fii.e frame -iiruiliiiii h jun lare frame ttnrna ami i.tbcr rieresiarT tu ' log, tigc'ber Willi a large orcharj, ft A w.iter, io , 4c. revt-nt? acres i-tearrj and on Jer culm M m, but wi'h n bmlJiDjfi. Tbt siiil laniit are tituat within 3) un "f Clearfiold nJ the PennsyWam KaMroud ani are uDiierlsifJ with bituminous em and fire olsv. ll(.aiuii for ritllinp;. Declining beal;h ol (iircr' For further particulars, inquire of the mliseritsr, J. HANK 8NVUKK, Alt' fur Owner. Clrar&ld, Pa, June Ijlh, 131 'tf. EIGHT FARMS For Sale or Rent I The subtcrll.tr propoaet to sell nr rent a num ber of larms located as follows : The Orst situ&tt In Durntiile townibip, Centra county, containing liO acres, having thereon erected framt dwtll Inr, frame barn, adjaefnt to a church, and known at the Jatnet Muibolland farm. A I, Ml, another furm situxle in (irftbam tiwn ship, Clearfield county, eontaining 117 acres, with the neeesiarr improvements. This farm is un Jer laid wito a UOOU VKIN OK COAL. A 1.60, si i ntber faruis in the rieinily of French -Tille, con'aiDica reipeotfully 112, 10H, VS. Cm, 60 and ilft acres. Ibese far ma all hare hiuies and brm thereon, gn.ii water, bearinf orottards d& snnie, ts well as 'nie good wuod land, r-i lurtber puriirulnri cwll in peraun, or atidreM tha undeniid by lettor. L. M. Cul 1'IUKT. Jan. lilih. 1181-tf. Frenehtille, i'. pnutKiot and lut rfwluitsl ttheiiirll-a.fnritii-ntnii mid Hie put'llr hi large 7 6. It. Hart nun, m. if 7 lvtiii Ave., Plttst'iira: l' , whn hfis prom rttnl tt to or n -llenta, ami In fV"rv '"i 'Si'tli t' . m, .( c,t! 11,1: !. i) 111K surw Itii'Ref! uiMifi ti... 1 ,n 1.1 I, . i.iir, .1 ui.,.. thut of any oilier reim-ilY, and Is the will) ini-dklne ueeilcil tn alnnwt every dia tf wliU li n-Kh ti hclr-f tilkpijr r'Us r 1 1 ijr tlie nhly et.-eUoii. In lliii I'snrt .tumid nut l ut"l. In CiHMtl nation ni Ihn'tar-ft uf tlie F.-mole tirruit and HUldei. Manamn slum Id tioKifi'ti with It. I'tKi U ''oiiihmh ot imrt-ly t ((Pliit.le InirmllenU a tuie, a Yriltii U ti-. tli il 1' 'i r gn at ri'inNl iu tistHf fjpntMHHB thearttts prhini.n irom tliese liitrtlieiii imI In fninltliitiin iImiiii (iito 01m Jlm le ruiii iH'iiitd, wlili-h at "tHiiilnridps with the,Vii Mkhu ATiui Sati ii a In every di!Has, an the work of rrMi-rnlinn rommenn s tli rtrsttliise). Tliere ltn.it an irnnn tht 11 wii not rm h nnr a dlvw 11 win t,ii r Mu-iK'uiara ilaxi send for a pumuhkt fjtj H HI Mv Vfn , ii.kTT HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store Room no. Tinii-.i:, on R t iuirn, Clearfield, Pa., WHOLESALE RKTAIL DRAI.ER IN DltY GOODS, Ctxiprlung ),ym Onods of the Terr latest 'tile, eonsistinc in part of Cashinerer, Mancherer Ftnciet, Alparat, and at) tnanne. f Fancy Dres? Goods, Purh at Cratons, Wohair Luittrs, IMaili, Irrii Uinithains, I) rest Fanriat of Iba very Itisst ttyiss, and cheap tboy tm be sold ta this market- NOTIONS, rriiWlli( of (liorts for tlinti, I.aliM n'l Mines. 1e of all shades, Hi Ik Prini, I.act, Fanny Ditsi Hultnnt. l.a.ltn' Ties ot all shades and Uriel, Cutli and Co Urs, Itiblion uf all kinds an I ualltiel. Merino i'a lerwear, Triintnin., sic. BOOTS AND SHOES GBOfiSaiSS, Queenswaro, Hardware, Tiuwa"; CnrpoU, OIHiotliH, WALL PAPER LEATHER, FISH, Etc., WM, will U nil bnlo.l, n null. Will I'll Country Produce Is KrhnK fur liooj. st Msrktl Prlro. wm.j. norrtR. ClrsrlrH, P., Sept. 14, IrWI If.