S -i .i t. "'i- J 1 . : 3 ' . f v v i ft jRallroafla. PeiuiNylvniilullailroiid TYKONK ft CLEARFIELD BRANCH "V end ifter Mom! ay, NOV. 8, 180, the V7 Paeaenner Tralna win run deny (eioept o deya) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa foil CLEARFIELD MAIL. LBAVB HOPTH. LEAVE HOHTII. Curwen.?me,..l.", .! Tyroae,.. n.Oi.A... Rir.rrt.w S HO, " Vusaeujoe D.lil, OL.rn.ld, 1.40, " Summit, .tit," Leon.rd,.. ., Pnw.llon, moo," B.rr.ll, I.M, Oeeeol.,.. 1111," Woodland 4.01, " Bojnton 10.IT," Ill(lar,.- 4 011, ' 8lelner'a, 10.21, Walleeeton 4. IT, Hkilipibor,..10.34," Bine Bell, 4 35, Oralum lO.Ilt, " Graham ..4.31, Blue Ball I0.S7," Palllp.nnrl,.. .., " W.llKi.lon,... 10.44, ' lt.in.r' 4.SH, Bilr I0.il, " Burnton, 4.40, ' Woodland 10.411, " Omili 4.11, " Brrett, 1I.HT," P.walloa, .l, Leonard 11.12," Summit, IS, ' CI.rH.ld 11.10," Vun;D,..i.U, " meertlew....II.JS, " Tyrone, (.00, " Curw.niTlll.,.1 1.401. CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH, "j LEAVE NORTH. rjnrwn.rtll. 1. . Tyrog., 7. JO r. H. " V.necojro. 7.43 " " Pommlt S.04 " " Powolton 8.17 " " OkmIi,. 8 18 " Bornton 8..14 " " Kleiner' ".....' " Philiptmr...S.41 " Ornham 8.47 " " Blue Ball 8.45 " W.llaton,...IU " lliler .lu " " Woodl.nd, 0.17 " Barrett 0.14 " Leonard 0.10 " CleurSold 10.07 " " Bieerriew...,ll'.l5 " Corwen,rllle 10.20 Kl..rrlew . CI.erH.ld...... .4T Leonard, I M tLrreft 4.67 Wondlead D OS Blflar 6.08 Walleeeton,... MS Blu. Bill, 0 21 tjrahem fl.14 Phllipiliarg.. 0.20 Sc.iner'e, 6.33 Bornton II. ST Uaoeole, (.42 Powelloo 0.6)1 Summit t.OS Vaneeoeoo,.... T.2S Tyrone, PHILIPSBliRG M08UANNON BRANCHES LBATB IOITTB, LI4VR MONTI. r. Hi Li H. "TATIOIM. Morrl.d.l., 7:80 Pnilipaburg, . Ill SUiDWI A. If. P. r. i inn 2:40 7:16 II: 7:00 12: 11: 11: 40 16 t oo 11 t:0 Hi 7:10 7:48 Bornton, O'eeole, Mnah.nnon, StrMn, Hooted.l., McCuley, Kendriok'a, Hem.?. :14 4:4. 04 4:4 la 10 20 0:40 12 0.84 II: 0:10 II: 0:14 II: 1:111 10:.14 811 61 4 S0 14 4:16 40 4:lo 84 4:10 1:18 10:4a 8:10 8:1.1 10:48 8:14 J:30 10:4.1 8:88 :M 10:48 8:41 4:411 11:18 8:4 0:20 II: 0:li II 0:10 II HO 4 14 4:0 BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. F.I. Mail. Mail. Kip P. H. A. M. P. H. A. M 7.08 8.10 lev Trron. trrlri 0.81 1.66 1.1.1 8.87 Bld H(lo 8.17 7.41 8.01 MS Jnll.n t.nK 7.06 1.14 1.43 Miluburf 6.16 0 43 8.31 0.61 Bollefonu (.06 8.33 8.14 10.03 Miltlborf 4.66 813 0.118 10.10 Howard 4.31 8.1 41 11.08 arrireL. lUren Lara 1.66 i.li TYRONE STATION. AITWARD. A.M. I WR.TWARD. i Clnolnuatl Eip., 0.62 1 Pitt.hurirb tip'n, 1.63 Pacifle ElproM, : :47IPaoilf Eipraii, 8:12 Johoitowa Eiprw,0i07 I p. v.jWaT Pat.nirr, 1:16 Chicago Day Ex., 12:18 Chicago Kxproff, 8:31 MallTr.ln, :08 Mail Train, 7:1)1 lluntinirdua Aor'a, 4:2l Faft Line, 7:30 Cloi oonnootioBa made b all iraioe at Tyrona and Look 11 aren. S. g. BLAIR, myl7-tf. Suparlntondent, STAGE LINKS. A itaKalaavas CurweDRTilla daily for R.yuoldi. Tllla, at 1 u'elook, p. m.,arriTinKat Rcynoldpvilla at n o alook, p. m. KoluminK, Ir.v.a Kaynoldi vi I lm daily, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur waa.rilla at 12 o'oluck, m. Fara, each way, 12. A atajre lav.i Cnrwcntvllla daily, at I o'clock, p. m., tur DuBoii City, arriving at DuUoi. City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, laavei DuBoit at 7 o'olock, a. m., daily, arriving at Curwenavilleat II o'clock, m. Kara, each way, $1 .60. Alleglieny Valley Railroad. IOW GRADE DIV1SIOIT. OS and after Monday, May 33d, 18S1, tha paaaanftar tralna will ran daily (elcapt Hunday) Mtwea. Rad Hank and lriftwood, ai follow. I KASTWAHI). Day Mall l.l rittihur :! a. ra.; Rad Bank 11:14 ; CUgo Junetlo. 11:11: Now Rathtehem 1S:&& p. n.: May. villa 1:10) Trnyl:J5: Hrookril . 1:56 : Fuller'! 1:20 Ray nold.rillc J 38 ; UuBola K:(l.1 1 Bummlt Tunnal 111! PenSald 1:42 ; Tjl.r'i ,1:11; Ueneietta 4:lj arriraa at Driftwood at ft:20. WBtTH AMI). Day Mallleava. Driftwood 13:20 p. m.i Baneietu 1:03 ; Tylar'a 1:15 ; PanDald 1:40 ; Rommit Tunnel 3:10 ; DuBole 1 !5; RaynoldarilleSMt: Foll.r'. J:0: Brookrllla 1:311; Troy 1:4)1; M.r.vill. 4:IS; New Rolhlehcn 4:J: Hlifto Junction 6:07; Rad Bank 1:54; arrira. at Hi'Uburf at 8:31 p. m. Tlie Dullola Arcnmmoilatlnli learei Dq. Iloia at 7 31, a. m.; Rrynolil.Tllla, 7:11 ; Brook till., ; Nrw Ilalhlehrm, US I Red Bank 10:111; flttibarKh. 1:20, p m. Leae. Pitt.hurgh, at 1:11, p. 01 ; Rod Rank, 6 : .'i 0 ; N.w Ualhlabau, 7:111; B'OokU'a,:01; R.jnol Julll., 8:11 ; I'll Boil, t:IS, p. m. The llrookTllle Accorumodatlnii leaTei UrookYllla at 7:00 a. tn.; Reynold.vllle, 7:il; Do Boia, 8:21; Summit Tunnel, 8:41 ; Penneld. D 01 Tyler'i. :1; Benneialit, 0:11 : Driftwood, 10:48 a. m. Learn DrUtwond at 8:00 p. m.; B.nna aetta, 8:10; Tyler'., 9:10; I'enOeld. 0:110 ; Mum mil Tunnel, 10:UJ : DaRala, 1017; Reynold.. Title, 10:41; Brookrllla, 11:30 p. tn. Cloaa connection, mada with train, on P. A I Railroad at Driftwood, and with tralna on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID MoCARDO, Qen'l Sur't. A. A. Jica.oa, gup'l L. O. Dlv, , j : FARE FIIOM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefenta, P. ...,.(3 05 Mid.il. town ......... M 00 Lock Haran 3 70 Marietta ill William.ertM t (10 Lanca.larM 180 '" : Huntingdon.- 1 80 PUILADKLPI1IA 7 00 Lewi. town. 1 00 Altoona 1 (t Mary.rille.. 4 10 John.town.. 181 I Oawaaarill. . 30 l'hihp.barg. ........ II J, : Oeeeola 05 Trrnne 1 33 HARRI8BIIRU... 4 71 PlTToBURU t 11 5i 1 te jv9fl p,"r at Donli- temple, worth V v vv tree. A Addr... Siirnoii A Co. Portland, Mai.e. lmobJ.81.1, ) TUMTlt'K! at tONKTAItLKX' KglCH tl Wa hara printed a large .amber of tba new FKB BILL, and will on tha receipt of twenty Ira oentl. mail a ooor ta any addreaa. Biyll T1IK CmcA gcIXor tji Wssrpiix RAILWAY Ii the OLDRST. BFfT CONffTRUCTKD, BEST atgriPPKD, and bonoe tha LEAD IN Q RAILWAY Of TBI . . WEST AND NORTH-WEST! tt li h (hortttt inc. VSfrt root tMtwetn Chicago lowi, uft.iiArnit, "rtgon, Ariton, i ub, Uol ordo, Idaho, MoDtantv, NTftdft, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA. li:M CH. 1aKAIVII,I,K, SALT LAKE, SAX FRANCISCO, PradwoMl, Blftoi City, Cedar pldl, ti Moln, Colnmbii, nd all folott tn tha Tarrltoriaa, and tha Wtnt. Alao, for Milwaukat, Oraen Uy, Offfihoab, SbaSni-ffttn, Uarquattc, Vnni dn Lan, Watertnn Hoatthton, Narnah, Manuba, tSL Paul, tlmneapollt, Huron, Vul(a, Fargo, ltit narri, Winona, LaCrona, Owatoana, and all poioti In Mlnataot, DtkoU, Wlieonia and Iba AortB-wait. - At pnnH.ti ft,..., it,. t..i.. .r v. oli a 1 North Waatara and tha I - P. Railwara depart iriin, arriva m Ana i na aaaia )tta Vmlo Panot, At Chicago, o1oa connactioni ara mada with tha kak Hhora, Michigan C antral, Italtinor A Ohio, Ft. Wayna A Panniiylt-anfa, nd Chicago A Mrftod Tr.nt Railwaja, a&d tba Kaokakaa and Pan Hand la Routoa, Cloaa oonnwrtion mada at JtiniMlon P ilnti.' It tftaaONLV MNK running Pullman Hold Dining Cars Irwin CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS. 7-P.IIbu Blaaptra a. all high! Iral.i.-m( In.1.1 apoa Ticket Ageatl felling yoa Ticket. Tie thl- road Kiemlae yoar Tlrkrta, and rafaa. to hoy tf Iher tie .el reaw rtr tha Cblcge t Itorth-Waaler. Railway, If yo wiah the beat trarellng annflmtnndatloni yea will bar your ticket, by thi.roaia,-r-AND WILL TAKB MONK CITIIRR. A I) Ticket A ge.U eell Ticket, be IM. Line. MARVIN lll'UIIITI, u ' Id V, P. and Ueoerel Manager, .pit!,.l.ly. Chleaf.. 1 ft '3.flwtlSfmru.s. WAGONS I WAGONS 1 1 2 CAR LOADS. 2 The luiyoHt nnil best nssortiiifiit of wngons ever brought to Clearfield. One car load of CONKLIN wagons, One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons, Which we will Mill nt factory prices. We buy these wagons by the car load and pay CAMl frtliein, therefore we are able to sell cheaper than ony other dealer in the county. Wo guarantee these wagons to be first-class . in every respect. Also, a lot of . Platform Spring Wagons Buggies. One cur load of GRAIN DRILLS which wo will sell cheaper than ever before sold. Give us F. M. CARD0N & February 23, 1881-tf. JAMES L. MARKET UTRKET, CLI'.AHt'lKI.I), PRNN'A. All kind of Caftkots and Ccfflna kept on band, and Inroishod to order on short notice, including tbo finest n well a) the choapest that can bo manu factured.' Our conrsa pnEBmnviin Is the beet in uso, and will be furnished when required. , Funorals attonded in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second stroet, or leave your orilors at Troulman'e Furnituro Sioro, adjoining the I'oslofflce. JAS. L. LKAVY, octl,'79-tf. Cloarfiold, Pa. Curwcnsville, Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, . Wholesale Dealer in DBY COODS.FUHNISHINC GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL &C. I buy direct from jobbers nnd car load rates, lience can compete pbia houses. Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Tarties having bark to haul and receive liberal advances. Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, Sept. iw, iseo-if. FARM FOR SALE I The nndanigtiad hai noma to tha oonolnaloo U quit farming and follow hit oesuattoa, ear ponlar, and now alTrra fnr aala hii farm, altuata ona and ahalf mllca north of Cluarflald borough, containing EIOHTTT AOIIBB, Melt of which ii elearad and under good oultlra tiun, and having tbaraos ft good TWO-STORY " '"HOUSE. targe frama barn, and otbar naceirary outbaild i&fTi, togetbar with an orehard of all kind of fruit, and an aacnllont ipring of water. Tha who la la UNDKItLAID WITH OOOD COAL. Thia property will baaiehanged for amaller prop arty, or told on oair ttruii la payment a. Vot further part I c til art rail an theprem(etor addreti. JOHN 0. KKKD, Clearfield, Fa. March lth, IBHl.tf. DIRECTIONS. for oatarrh, hay taver, -old in tba bead, An., meert with tha finger, 1 particle of tha Balm nto the nottrlla; draw -trongbreatba through he none. It will be ibaorbed, oleanln and healing tba dia- i-aaed Dittubrant. for eafucaa, Apply ft parlielt Into ma ear. ELY'S CREAM BALM IlAVINfl gained an anriabla local roputa'lon, diiplaeing all otbar preparation! to tba tieiejkty of dieeovery, l( cd It tnerita atone, rooogniaed a a wonderful remedy whatever bnnwo. A fair trial will oonrlnne tha moat akepMeal of Ita eura- tka powera. It efleetnally oleanaaa the naaal paaaaitea ol tatarrhal vtraa, can Una: neaitby aeora- tiooi. allaya iatlamaiatinn and irritation, protactl tba membrane! lining of tba bead from additional oolda, eon p lately heal tba tore and rertorea the aenae of taate and amell. Bene net el recalta ara realiied by a few application!. A thorough treat meat ai di reeled will ear Catarrh. Aa a bnaaa- bold remedy for eold In the bead It la nneqoaled The Bala la eaay te net and agreeable. Hold by drngirt ftt 60 eantf. Oft receipt of t eenU win man a package. Fend for circular wttn ton inrormation. EIaYP CREAM BALM CO., Owago, N. Y for tele by the Clearflald Drnggiata, ftlld by n no. ran it- I'rtifriet grtieraiiy. April Stb, iMMi r.ta. HARNESS 1 HARNESS 1 1 Thin Way for l'our ilarnmtl T F to. want to .tudr rear own Inlere.t, do not X r.il tne.llat A N 1IHKW HAKW1UK B HAK 1. 1!HS SHOP, o. Market .treat, next door to John A. Stoek'e toiiaeoo Itore, Clearfield Poaa'a, TIIK FACTS AKKTHAT 4 II ar.t-.laaa work I, done at A BAUWICK'S. XTmU foot .11 Mii .ale Rraaa. at i HABWICKI. Doabl. ..d ilol. harnee .1 .11 kind, .t HARWICH'S. Ridi.c aad llee of all kind, at IIAHWICK'8. W" .ar Beta and bore, oorora of .11 ki.'t. .t Ji IIAHHICK'S. hip. of all kind, aad a. low a. l. eenta at HARWICH'S. ATT.'naii of all kind. n.d. lo order .t tl IIARWICK'S. Ilklnda of oollan at bnttoa prlew at IIAHWICK'B. I i enenber .. X-L-N T llne.f here, mrnl.h. I V In, rod. .1 IIAKWICK'S. 1TIII keen end .kt .11 kind, of lomher bar T a... al- IIAHVYICK g. Irer, ..d .11 other kind, of rlnp of all .lie. at IIARWICK'S. Clemba, ftniab.l, ... I.terferl.g boot, .. hand I al- IIARWICK'g. Kne. rob.., knM d.t.rl, nd aereena of all ki.da.t UAHWIOKB. Job work and re..tri.. wrontlr Mtooded 4.. Reea.mher lb. ,bnp I. Bbaw'a row, o. M.rbel ttrewl, between the Maa.lo. Bo.H ..d tb. 0h.w llo.ea, Clearflell, Paaa'a. Maj in, I aa..t.. UTARRH,C.iHfAn Ufa g.flwH8fmfut. a call belore buying elsewhere. B110., Clcarfilcd, Pa. LEAVY, manufacturers, receive goods at with JNew lorK ana rtulndel during the Winter, can contract Also, advances made on baw Jogs. CURWErJSVILLE, PA. PO week in yoar ow. town. Tertna .nd $0 COO out flu free. Addreil II. DlLirrr A Co., fortland, Maine. ImeHJ-ly.J ARNOLD HAS ADVANCKD Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND .SAWKD. Cww.narllle, Jan. t, 'Tl tf. F AKM LANDfl FOR HAl.FU la Hmtoa and Pine town b I pi, Clearfield county. Keftaonable timegiren (or part of porebwe nooey. rrieea n.vu 10 ie.o per ftore. .fil Mlnefa'i reierred. L. BIRD, Agent, Penfiald, Fft. r Wali.aci A Knxaa, 8epU IS, Wtf-tr. Clearfield, Fa, "TyrOTICEOF APPR INRMRNT. Tn tba 11 Orphan! Conrt of Clear field eounty. Pa. K late of J. B. Shaffer. Uta of the borough of vuttoia, viaaroeia county, fa , deoeeaed. Notlee I hereby giren to all per ion i interested la the aaid ettate, that ibe appraiaameat of prop arty eet apart to the widow nndar bar claim for V-iuv, win be preaented to aaid Court ror Moflrma tlon, on Tburaday, Ootobar Ath, 1N81. J. V. CLARK, Aduialatrator. Clearfield, Pa , Sept. H, iHHl-it. Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN T IlEnKBYgtre oetlee to the eitlieni of Clear. field and the aurroanding tleiaity that I am prepared at all tlmea to furalab fa ml Ilea and manufacturing atabliahmenla with a aaperior quamy 01 Coal, Wood g Coke, Which I am prepared to deliver In a few hour notlee. I am el were ready to haul and deliver Irota and to tba depot, or anywhere elie, and mote familial and household good anywhere on anon noiioe. inim, a. ul'CKHII. Clearfield, Pa., Mar. II, iHKO-tf. John Irvin i Bros., CUBWEKSVILI.B, PA., DEALERS IN- All Kinds or Merchandise, sroH as Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. Jot MAKlf ACTIRKI18 AMD DIALERS IN MlFAIti: TI3IKEH, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION Ot SAWID LUMBER CUT TO ORDEB. Tbo Only Manufacturcrn in Clearfield County or the NEW PROCESS FLOUR I lot loi n, t ttor rr.Kit ai,Hirn oJtr ii.i.rin rSCash paid for all kinds of Urain Wheat, liye, Oaw, He, Crweaerllle, fa,, Jane I, ll tf. Jim? 3iai'frtisfnitnt3. First Aanual Exhibition OF THE ft A LjLKARFIEt.ilVGniCTJLTUnAL PARK ASSOCIATION WILL ft HK4.D ON THE PARK GROUNDS, NtAR CLEARFIELD BOROUGH. Tuchday, Wedkkhuay, Tiu hhday anu Km oat, Octohbr 1 Ith, 12th, 13tu AND MTU, 18S1. RULES AND REGULATIONS. . Nin;le ftdtnlaalol. tlrlirt ... 9.1 1 hlidrrii from IO to Id eara M IA Horace durluaT talr , 1A Horaea each day.. US Children under ten year old, when aoootnpa nlvd hf Ibetr parent! or jraardieo, Iree, aad un der that Bre aot admitted ubIom aoouiiaalld bj parenu or guardian. Eihibltora moat bava their anltuali and aril lea entered oa the Heeretarv'a booaa on or before tb flrit day of tba .Pair; and all animal aod'arlielea eiocpt boraet for plaaiure and Tor trotting premiuniP, mutt be brought wltbin tba aaoloaureaa early aa nine u'elook oa T hurt day morning. All perioua entering aniumli aud er tlolea fur aibibitioa nuit procure aarda from the Secretary, with tbe Dumber and cla upon tbam, andattaoa tba aama to the aiiiuial or article pre tioua to being plaead upon tbe ground. Hay and atraw will be lurniabed grati lor all anlioali en tered for premium, and grain will be furniilmd at eoit fur thon wbo deilre to purobine. No borae shall be entered or allowed a pram ion anleaa hell free from diaeaa. Horaoa will be received until noon on Tburidey, but niuat have bceo entered nreriouly. All poreooi wbo is tend te exhibit boriea, cattle, ahaep or inina, or who intend to offer Mock for aale oa tbe ground, are renuented to notily the enretary ol aucb intan- tlua on-cr before tbe flrit day of October, and leare with htm a lint and lull deevnption of tlie aama. Tbe number and cUmr, and the number In the olaaa, wflb the Bane nt tha article, will appear on tbe card attached, but the name of the exhibitor will Dot appear. MR Hit' Ml Ali DIPLOMatB. Premium! and diplomat will be paid on and after the flrt Monday alter the Fair, and until tbe flrit day nt leeember, 1RHI, after whiob all tnonied Drtmluuit unci aimed will be eoeildered aa a doaatloa to the Aoialloft. Tba otheere of tha Awuoiation and members of tbe CotamiltM ol Arrangementa nat wear a badge deaignatlog tbair otboe. A aelent police foroe will be lo eon atant attandanee lor the preierratloo of order and protection of property. THK TRUTTtMO CO t' a HE. Tht trotting ooaria la level, well graded and one hair of a mile la eirouit. Ample arrange ment will be made for tbe convenience and auta fort of Tlaitora. lHiTRI CTIbRI TO JCttlKI. Ko animal or artlcte on exhibition for a premi um to reoeive an award la mora than ona clan, Tbia doaa not embrace boraei entered for tba trot ting pretniamf. Judge! are expreaily required not to award premium! to ovetfed an i mall. No premium aia to be awarded to bulla, eowa, or heifers which shall appear to bare beea fattened, oft'y In tha elaia of let eatHa ; tbe object of tbe Aneoolatlon being to have superior animal of this description for breeding. FAT CATTLI. The judges on fat cattle will give particular attentfoa lo tha animals snbmillei for examina tion. It U beliared, all other thing being equal, tbe best cattle bava the greatest weight over the smallest super Does. Tbe judges will require all tbia olaas to be weighed, and will take measures to give the super flee of eerb, snd publiib (be re Suit wit tha report. Tbey will also, before award Ing any preiuiutua, require tbe manner and ooat of feeding, aa required by the rrguUtton of the premium list. If there is but one exhibitor, and be may show several animals la ona elsfi, premiums will be awarded la accordance with the merits of the animal. The superintentendent will take every precau tion in bis power fur the safety of stock and ar ticle oa exhibition after their arrtral and ar rangement on the ground, but the Ainoeiatfon will oot be reiponMlile for any lots or damage that may occur. Kihihltnra will be required to give personal attention to the animal and entries, and at tha oloe of the Pair tn attend to their re moval. irvLai roa plow inn. The entry for the plowing match must be mi ie at least ana month before tbe fair, so that the neeefpary arrangementa nan be made for ground, te. Tbe Dame of Ibe plowman muit be given, aa well as tbe kind ol plow to be owd, at the time of tbe entry. Ibeqtiaotity or gruuna to be plow. ed by each team to lie one-fourth of aa acre. Tbe time allowed to do the work wilt be three n-iurs. The furrow sliee la all Bases o be lapped. The teams to start at tbe same time and eaob plowman to do bia work without a driver or assistance. Tbe premiums ottered br the AfwoieffuD will be awarded to the individual who, ta the opinion of the judges, shall do Ibe work in tbe best manner, provided It be done it) tbe time allowed lor Its performance. Kach plowman to Mr i lie bis Own land, and plow entirely Independent of tba ad joining land. Any article ont enumerated in the classes placed oa exhibition, If worthy of notiee, will be suita bly rewarded. All articles may be entered free af iherff, ex cept horses for pleasure or for the trotting pre miums. Any infortnatioa desired can bo obtained by addressiog any of tbe officers. LIST OF PREMIUMS. CdM 1 Open to all Jirntis and Com pel Hon, Best bull t ! M Beat oo w 10 00 All breeds come together la this class and com pete with each other, to be judged by their good points, symmetry of frama, ability to fa it en, cad tbe stock tbey will produoc. Class 2--GrnU Cattle owned in the County. neat cow for milk $ 10 00 Devt heifer, t years old 00 Bert calf, under 8 months old 3 00 Claxs'A Oxen. Beat yoke of oxen- $i 00 CtaM 4 Fat Cattle. Beat fat bo 1 lock, cow cr heifer, raised ah 4 fattened in coanty tb 00 Jndgaa for classes I, I. 8, 4 -Clark Brown, J. A. L. ( legal, W. r. Heed. Class 5 Thorough bred If art'. Open to alt, Best stallion, any breed Ill 00 Best mar aad eoll, any bteti, owned in the eounty 10 00 Class U Family Draught and Farm Horses, Best single family horie I) 00 Beat male bed earrlage horses .M 1 Beat span ol draught horses or meres.. aw I 00 Best gelding, or mare for work - 4 Oil Tba exhibitor will be required to produce a statement from at least three responsible neigh bors aa to working qualities of draught horses, to nunc mm to the premiums tn tnts class. Bast I years old oolt ft 0 Best t years old oolt - a 00 Best oolt under 3 years old ' 4 00 The horse that moves the heaviest load oa a stone boat, according to his wrfgbt. without a whip rt ft 00 Judges for elasaee a and 0. Hcrgc K. Will iams, A. M. Hills, A. A. Heed. Class 7 Trotting Horses. Open to all Jtorses ownra in the Vonnty thirty days, Wednesday. Best 3 la I, single barresa 00 First, 71 1 senood, 60 third, tZi. At least II to enter, and 4 to start. Schools and Teachers. Recti erhool la a bo fly admitted free from 10 A. M. mull 4 P. M. of i day. Bicycle match at S o'olock P. M. Beet I Id ft, premium 14 CO First, fJH; second, 10 ( third, . At least four to atari. Class 8 Trotting Horses. Open to all. Tburaday, Best I In ft, single harness !M0 00 First, 12 seand,9AU third, $2 it. No premium to be paid In this class unless there ara at least 0 entries, and 4 to start. The horse winning the purse, will not be allowed to compete la Claaa 10. Class 0 Trotting. For 8 year old Colts or under. Open to alt. Best time, t la S, la single hemes $60 00 First, H0; ceoond, l third, $6. There must be ft en trie, and I to it art, bicycle match. Class QTrotting horses. Open to alt Horses that have never done btttrr than 3 mim.iY,. Friday. Beit tin ft, single harness 7S 00 First, .Q t second, lift) third, SI0. Net twee than 0 entries, nnd I to start. All on- trance fees to be ten per cent, on premium, and lo be paid at tha lime ol entry. All same tor eiae Noa. 1, and 10 to lie mada on or belore tha Arst day of October, 1HH1. Class l Sheep and Wool, Beat bueb, any breed ft 00 Beet ewe, any breed 4 On Best lamb I 00 Best fleece of wool S 00 Class 12 Swine, Open to all. Beat boar, any breed fft 00 Beat breading sow, any breed. ft On Best hog over months old H, I 00 Beat pig under 0 mootbt old I 00 Class 1.1 Poultry. Best enow 6 fprlng chlokens $t Ot Best S lurkevs under I year I 00 Beet display of cbteheas, aot less tbaa I . I 00 Class iriowing. The maa that plows green award beat.,.,,, M 00 Judges for eleesea II, tl, II and 14, William Morgan, Jobs Haeksy, Alex, Murray, tVJ 15 Votes, HaUftSi Drills t Har rows and Cultivators. Best plow for etabbloeT ward. M $ 4 to Hr subsoil plow M I ff Best olud cruiber and roller oombloed...- 4 "0 Best grain drill ft 00 Best tUreebing machine) diploma aad 10 Oil Beit corn planter. Dip. Best hurae rake, diploma aid ft Oil Beat by pi tubing auidiine Dip. Bet h- rc .ter, diploma and - ft no But original tntcauoa of agricultural 1 itnileu,ents H ft 00 j Ben barrow ,. S On Bsst running mill H...H 4 00 Best cultivator S 00 Best oora shelter , ft 00 All artioles la this class not niannfactured lo tba county will be awarded do mooted premium, but may receive a diploma. Class 1U Miscellaneous Farming Implements, Brat bc live $ I on Best stuiup maobine. m.mm.... 4 00 licit grain cradle S 00 Brst display of faming u tonsil owned by exhibitor ft 00 Best lot of garden loule. t Oil this lla.se subject to ibe rules in Class Ii. Class 17 Cereal Grains. Best t acres of Winter wheat $10 00 Best bushel of Winter wheat 4 0u Best t aores of rye... 10 00 Bsst bushel of rye ., I 00 Best S aores of oata H 10 00 Beat S aores of buckwheat 8 00 Best 1 aores of era. 10 00 Beet I a-re of cloverieed 0 00 Beit I butbel of puUtoes..... 1 00 Best I buihel of timothy S 00 Crop being equal, preference w 111 be given to tboee that yield loo largest oet proOt. Ktale menta to be furnished by the exhibitors, Tbey must be measured or weighed, and a sample fur niihed at the Fair, Applicant for premium must furnih the oouiiniitc with a statement signed by Itiemaelves, under pledge of veracity, of the quautily of grain raised on the ground entered lor a premium, and must atate as correctly as be can the kind and condition of the previous crop, tbe kind and quautity of seed eowa, and the time and mode ol putting it In the ground. Person entering fteld crops lurexbibition, or in lendiog to do so, may give aotioe to tba Execu tive i'otsmitioe at aav time, aud bava tbe fteld measured and examined by tba committee while growing. Judge in Claisti I j, i- end 17. AI F. Byn ton, Mfttthew HeaH a't Lever Firgal. Class 8Bread and Cereal Food, Best loaf of wb'st broad $1 00 lleit loaf of rye bread. 1 00 Best loaf of corn bread I 00 Best sponge eake. ... Dip. Best jelly eake D.p. Best poundcake Dip Best J'tult eake Dip. Best coliee cikc llip. Best lady cake Dip. Beit cake ol any kind, diploma and - 1 DO Best preserves, diploma and i0 lie it jelly, diploma and &0 Beit display of preserve and jelly 1 00 Best ice cream I f 0 Class W Butter and Cheese. Best 10 pounds or more of firkin butter, at least S month old M IS 00 Best ft pounds or mora of butter 4 Oil Best eheeae mad by exhibitor 2 DO Tbe exhibitor to give a statement of tbe man ner of preserving the firkin butter, and nf mak ing the obeese. Judgea fur Claises 18 and ID Mr. lov. Uig ler, airs. Lnander Denning and Mr. Samuel Ar nold. Class 20 Flour, Best SO pounds of wheat flour $.'1 00 Best !Q pounds rye flour. 1 00 Bvt 60 pounds buckwheat flour S Olt Beit ft 0 pound corn meal 1 60 Judges for l'lt-2iiR. Humphrey, Jumei W. ..MJbee, I. C. atieClorke). CVijm 21 Domestic Articles. Beat boa or jar of honey $1 00 Best 10 pounds maple sugar.. GO Bst peaobes, put up airtight 1 CO Best tomatoes, put up air tight.. . Dip. Beit blaokberries, put up airiight Dip. Beit fancy jar of pickle- Dip. Beit cured haui, d'loma aod 1 HO Bctt dried beef, with mode of curing i 00 Judges f ' r Class 11 Mr. Lever Flegal, Mi Belle Oates, Mr. Win. Sebwera. Class 22 Domestic Manufactures. Best 10 yardi flannels $3 00 Beat in arda satinet 2 00 lle-t 16 yards woolen Carpet M 2 Oft II. .t 10 ytrdi uloth 2 00 Beit I j yard rag carpet ( wool chain)- 1 0U Best pair blanket! 2 Oil Bent wool fringed mite, diploma and 60 Bct woolen coverlet 2 00 fH p rlincn of knotting, knitting or nee die work by Miss under II tears old 1 00 Hel pound linen sewing thread 1 Ob It fit pound it eking yarn H I 00 lleit lout mat M 60 Dt lidy mat. ftO Class 2:U.Y(r(llf, Shttl, Wax -work, Etc. Bit speoimen of needle work, diploma aoj ftO Beit tee i men sewing ua machine, dip. aa 60 Best fluwers la wonts J, diploma and. ii Best embroidery in worsted, diploma aad... &0 Best embroidery in lace, diploma aad....H.. ftO Heat euibroiiery In muslin, diploma aad... ftO Beit leather work, diploma and. 60 Doit wax flowers, diploma and 60 Best feather work, diploma and 60 Beit ornamental work, diploma and 60 Best sblrt made by Mis andar 12 years, diploma and .,., 1 00 Bon bed qalit, estimated for work 1 00 Class 2 1 Millinery and Dreismaking. Best millinery work, dlpluma and I 00 Beas dress making, diploma and I 00 Judgea fr Claise 15. and 24. Mrs. W. C Heltnbold, Mrs. Robert MahalTey, Mi. W. II. Dill. Class 23 Artistic Work, Btit iiholo,raph taken oa the ground Dip. Best Ian il scape paiat Dip. Best penmanship Dip. Best architectural drawtng Dip, Best oil painting Dip. Beit portrait painting Dip. Best cattle painting Dip. Best painting lo water colon D'p. Beat wrnameatal painting tf any kind lP- Boil farming scene Dip. Judge tor Class 2ft Dr. J. M. Stewart, Mr. Waller Barrett, Mrs. O. M. Brltbio. Class 2fi Designs. Best design fir frame hnuie and stable... 00 Best design for dairy house.... I 0o lleit design for fruit house S TO Judges for Class 20. fleorge Thorn, Kdward uurooneid, A, r. i.ogen. Class 21 Metallic Fabrics and Ma chinery. Best coo 'ting stove tl Of) Best parlor stove 2 00 Best specimen Iron fence Oil Best duplay of tinware 2 00 Best blackumithing. diploma end ,2 00 Best apeclmrn Iron turning 2 00 Beit plate eaiting, diploma or 2 00 Beet shower betb 2 00 Beit original invention in county 6 60 Beit display of American table and pocket Cutlery ft 00 Best display of edge tool 2 00 Best display of farming and field tools ft 00 Judges Tor Class 27. O. L. Keed,T. 0. 1 1 el mi Jaioa Dal. Class 2fi Vehicles of all kinds. Beit family carriage $i 00 Btit buggy 4 00 Beit farm wagon 4 00 first lelgh 4 00 Best 1 urn Iter lied 2 00 Bit bono cart ,. I 00 Beit wheelbarrow I 00 Judge for Claoi Jit, K. II. Moore, J. Rcllty, I. II. Norr'.s. The premium In this Clan are Intended only for articles manufactured lo the County. Diplo ma may be awarded to article oot made in tbe County, If deserving of notioe. This rule also applies to Lie 27. Class 29Cabinetuwre made in the County. Beit dressing bureau , $,i 00 Bt eiiennion table M 2 CO Beat variety of chair....- , I 00 Best bedsteads 2 00 Batt waabaiand 1 Ofl llest display of cabinet ware, diploma and... ft 00 Best set parlor furniture m ft 00 Best oet of chairs 2 0(1 Best tot ft o.'t Best centre table 2 OA Best lounre, diploma and 2 OA Beit office chair 2 00 Beit malic chair 2 00 Class iiO Coopering, Carpentering, Etc. Best pi news re, tubs, itandt, Ac , $4 00 Best sat of grain measurea.H 2 00 Best window blind S 00 Best lot of bucket 00 Best ipecimen of sash... I 00 Best panel door- 2 I'O Best pump of any kind I 00 Ju'tges nr CImrcb 2V and 30. A. Bisb Pbaw, H. II aye Morrow, Jacob F. Steiner. Class&l Hoofs and Garden Vegetables Beit J bushel rutabaga.- $1 00 Beet j bushel carrot I A,) Beet 4 ctelk celery. ... 61) Best v bmhel sweet potatoes, 1 00 Bast bushel tahle beeU... 1 00 llest 0 bead i of cabbage, diplonja and - t.0 Bt-at 2 head yellow cauliflower, dip. and... 60 Best variety of melons, diploma and 60 Best squashes, diploma and 60 Best pumpkin, diploma am) ... 60 Best egg plant , ftO Judges for CI as 11. R. B. Row, John Powell, Rill Irvlo. It must be shown that all vegetables hara been raised by the exhibitor. Class 32 (irrierst Saddlers and Shoemakers. Best gentltraeo's boola and hoeH ,.2 00 Best ladles' boots aad thnaa 2 00 Bt riding laddie for lady 2 OA Best riding bridle and martingale 1 00 Beet side finished harnes leather..- . 1 0 Beit dliplay ttois and shoe.. t A Best tug hemes m 2 00 Beit gentleman aaddl H 2 00 Best traveling trunk ... I OA Best xeigh rob made by exhibitor M. I 00 Beit carnage barnas , I OA Beet single barnas 2 00 Beit display of saddlery m 4 00 Best ide of hip leather ftO Beat tide of sola leather 60 Best calf akin M. M ftO Beat aid upper leather ftO Class MTaitors and Upholsters' Work. Bast ait af clothe mada by hand $4 AO Beet peat aad veil ad by a lady 1 60 Best hash mattr I 00 Best Lair mattress 2 AO tint straw mattress I 00 Bsst cost made by a Udy ft 00 Juigea for Clasaes .11 and W. Itadwbangh, Wtu i". Foley, Dsvid Mcilughy. Class 'A I Printing in County. Bn neaspaper , fl 00 Best hiatili 1 Beit handbill I 00 Best oard .... 1 00 Belt ipertiioen of ornamental priming...... U 00 Class HfiStonrirarc. Best assortment and quality...: tH 00 Judge lor o lane .HI aud 16. D. W. Mocra, C. Ktatxer, John tl. tfehryver. Class SO Chemicals and Chtmicat Action. Beit available manure at moderate eoit $1 00 Best available menu re for larui produit...H 2 00 Beit vinegar mode uf maklbg I 00 Best 'peoiuiea of oap I 00 Class 37 IW and Stone. Best dressed atone $1 0i Beit butter bowl flu Beit lot shingle Dot less than 60 1 00 Uest turned article 1 Oil Bait II tor boards, w orked I 00 Best washing maohln H 00 Bust batter ladle 60 Beit weatherboards, woraed. 1 00 Clasn 38 Natural Minerals. Beit suit of useful mineral of Clearfield Co , inoludlog ooal fj 00 Keit poller clay Beat collection of foiiila n flil Best specimeft of oca I 00 Best cabinet of mineral of Ckaitte'd and adjoining counties, to be the property of tbe Bnciety ft OA Best limostooe , 1 00 Bert fire clay , 60 Judges lor Clasaes A6, 87 and 81 Ed. Hlcr, ucn. Jonn iMtton, Jnouiaa . Moore. Class 3!t Fruit, Beit display an J greatest variety of grafted lP'A" - fA Best display ol pear 2 60 Beit qtttoce ft 00 Beit ipeciiuen of apiles, I pek 1 00 Bsm specimen of American grapes I 00 Beit natural grapes railed to the county 1 OA Meet djiueilie gran witio 2 90 Belt rurraul wine I flfl Boft blaokberry wine I 00 Class AbHorsemansh ip. To the lady who ninnan her lurie belt aud aita moat gracefully Dip, To the gentleman wbo minnes hi hurre bent, and aits most gracslully.. Dip, Best driving oa tb track, by a lady Dip. Hel band with bran instrument Dip. But band of martial music. Dip. Jmle for Classes .IV at. ! 40 Dr. J. P. Bumb- fleld, J a in on Kerr, A. B. lice I. Class HXurseries. B,it nursery containing the greatest variety of fiuita and shrub, cultivated in tig most approved manner, the applicant to furnish written description, with variety and mode of culture M (t:t 00 Judges tor CIbjho 41. Under Denning, Ham'l Wilson, Eliiha M. Davis. Class 42 General List. Btit dipUy and greatest variety of flower. Dip. Brst display and greatest variety of plant. Dip. Beit dirplay of floral ornaments.,.. Dip. Beit basket boquet with handle Dip. Beit hand boqti.tt, Dip, Juries for Claa 42. Mrs. I. W. Hmilh. Mrs. W. J. llofUr, Mis tiussi Wallaoe. Class -13 Bete!iay on tha culture of the oereal gralns.6 00 Beiteay on cheap and available fertilisers, nd their adaptatioa to tbe soil af Clear- ' Held ewuaiy $A on These to te tb property ol the Society, with, the privilege of publishing them. Ju1gea (or Class 4.1 Samuel J. Row, Geo. B . Goodlandor, Kobtrt Flegal. Class 4-4 Educational Departmtnt. The Judgo la this Department to be aelactadi under the supervision of theUaunty Siiperinttad rnt, I'f.f. M. ti. Mcguowo. SCHOOL EXHIBIT. I Beit exhibit of work done by any irhool in I ibe county M 2 00 Best examination passed by any school 1 0U Beit collection of native woodi of ourivjuoty by any school 00 Beat cullwiion of minerals by any nhool... 1 00 Brst outlioe af study upon any branch by the pupils of any school , 1 AO Bet autograph book prepared by thapupila of any school ffj Beit volume of speoimensof penmanship ex ecuted by the pupils of any school 1 00 Beit set of oepy book presented by any school , l 00 Best specimen office-hand drawing execu ted by tha pupil of any icbool 00 Belt specimen of peripeetiro drawing exe cuted by the pupils of any achool m J ft.) PUPILS' EXHIBIT, Bast speeimea of plain penmanship 50 Beet speeimea of flourished aad or ne men ted penmaaihip 7i Best specimen free band drawing T Best specimen perspective drawing T6 Bret social letter written by any pupil iS Beit businei letter written by any pupil..., 26 Beit eaiay written by any pupil upon the subject of "Children' Day at tha Fair"-. 60 TKAC11KKS' EXHIBIT. Bail autograph book containing name of pupil and teacher and verse written by them l oo Rest wrap book by any teacher ftO Beit school roam programme H,.H 60 Beit volume speeimea of penmanship n 60 Best outline of study upon any branch t Beit specimen plain penmanship 76 Second-best specimen plaia penmanship.... 60 Beat specimen flourishing and ornamental penman hip 1 AO SecoDd-best apaoluea flourishing and orna meotal peninenahip HM 75 Beat sneeimen of free hand drawing 1 10 Second-best specimen of free hand drawing 76 Beat specimen of perspective drawing 4 1 26 Second-best specimen of perspective drawing 75 Beit cabinet of minerals 1 00 Class 45 Baby Exposition. Class I. Babies under 12 month!. For the largest baby, a gold necklace. For tbe prettiest baby .stiver knife, fork and spool Cla I. Babies over II months and under 24 month. For the largest baby, a gold necklace. For the prettiest baby, a pair of armlet. Class II, For tha largest and handsomest twin anaer 14 moot e old, silver aoblet ealh For tha largest and bandiomeit twins under 12 months eld. it Ivor loblct each Claa 4. Triplet auder 24 month, and over 12 month, silver toblet each, aold-lined, Triplet under 12 month, silver gibiet aeon, gem-lined. NOTH The Judge, la making their award in ua boot im, win ne governed by tha sanl tary condition and age of tbe child in Its class. l ne name or the uecesittil competitor will h en graved on the premium when tbe article will ad. mil of It. Balnea will be judged at 10 o'clock A. third day ot the f air. SPECIAL PREMIUM LIST. picul riiMKM orranrr bt t. a. ri.it.-. A fifty dotUr aewfog machine will be given for tne neat loal or wheal bread baked by any lady In Clarfleld eounty. Kntrlea for tbi premium will close at 4 o'clock on inursdey, and will be judged at 10 o clock on rrinay. Judges. Mr. fl.N. Colburn. Mr. W J.11ff,r Mlis Mary MoOaugliey, Dr. II B. Van Valiab anu m . u. ingier. ai.ASI Bi IX MATCH. Al lOo'i-Iuck A. M. on Wednesday. Premium, 18.60. Pint priie f 4 no nenund prii w w (i Third prise 1 ao Kntranee fee, 60 trnta. Conditions : Ten halls each, 21 yard rise Charge of ihn limited to U trances, aacnxn matcm. At 8 o'clock P.M. same day. Premium, $12.00 First prise. $j 00 Second prtaa , u M g 00 Third prise j Oil Entrance fee, f I, Pama conditions asflrat match. Discretionary premiums will be awarded for all articles 01 merit ant embraced to tbe ahova, and exhibited by mechanics In all the various heanrha. and it I hoped that a general ei. hi billon will be made. For all Improvements useful to tbe farmer, ww u.T.RH Tian properties, although not made la the county, premium may he awarded by tbe Executive Committee. In at) ease of merit, aipioma will be awarded to exhibltore ea aiding oot or lb county, and inch person are ooidially Invited to attend Ihe Fair, aad exhibit any article tb-y may choose. Tbey will receive every attention at tbe band of thaoflWa. An earnest appaal U made tn nur own people t make tbia the best Feir we bava aver bad. Let tneexninitton be worthy of our people and ered Itahle to the eounty. It I neonliarlv aatitni In stitMiloB. It good effect hara been felt and muea mora giKid may b done. ' R' BRETT, PreiidenU BOBRBT WBIllLRV, Recrelary. OWKV T l.nANOa IrM elaaa I, II ror Kit farm nrnn.il. k. it,. U i i Inmranoa Company of New York, on Ont mm gaga, In ittni Irom II.OHA up. For further I format Ion apply to the underalgnod. ui rtAinnu n.DMlltl, Clearfield Pa., May Tib, iSTft tf. A -i:rs! A(.;Mt ageivtmi " " new Dooa, antitkd SUNLIGHTand SHADOW w. Ike M.M an. .hrfe .I.L ol , ZZZiTTZ jiiin a iwi.irs bran' rcw botdt, MXtM John 11 dough can pnrlr.. thnn. THi tnnd ...tk st. .11. and ,.w,r,.r lt,tt,,1y I. ina.Meniinly ty -uvM-f. N-M-ihw r.m. ,Trw -..n n qui. Tt ,( , r,., ,nt sirtrimt hw arfntti iv. ,,, rv B.(Mr, w .he- 'ii,.i 1 Pfttt m V n, if ffw ft!!, Av , , mr, ,,.,, (I1KP .m . h, I"'"' l''- Iti-i-i.,. t. !,. are mmunj U h. K-m 'tiiri ih-f..,- m nt nmmrtcmg. Thbook iM.ttn.v t.. .,...( .,.,. th,tt,r,ty ft mm tit. A:!i tV, nnvf it r' f , molt mtntf, A at the enRi-iit-'mii'iA t -rrklif A'tf-WrtitrW Ka f ,. I r,i . ,,-y - ,,,1 y, fj .tvt 4 rrrnt rtn. SfiA (o 0-1 ..--1 ( in u ai. 1 t,,i -..' ua n.Lf "uiniir UNato.. PuLn.h- ll.rtl. 1. a July Il ia LOVD HOUSK, Main Htreet, PUILll'hBUBtl, PENN'A. Tab) always supplied with the best tbe market affords. The traveling public I Invited to call. jan 1, Tit. 1tuun.n1 uviu. ASUIMJTOX UOUKK, NKW WASniNUToN, I'A Thl. n.w .nd well lurni.bed bou.. h.a l.ee. Uaea br Ibe anderelgued. li. feela .onad.nt ol j eriu, ..1. w renur..ii.iM'iiua iv law.. ... 111.7 f.ror hira wilb a .all. M.r , 1871. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. riiKMI'KHANCU 1IOUHH, . A NKW WASI1I.NOTOS, PA. II. D. I'.CSK, . , PMOfaia.i.n wT-Tb. Iet of aeeunitnodatloni fur nan and bead. A 'Ibsral ibara nf bubllo i.tronar.e la aollelled. i.,'JH,Ml.e WASHINGTON HOUSE, OLRS HOPK, PENN'A, 1M1B anderslgned, havlnir leaned this com modious Hotel, la the village of (lien Hope, is now prepared to anoommodatt all wbo tony call. My table and bar ahall he supplied with tha heat tbe market afford. UhUlUlB W. DOTT. Jr. Oleo !7ope, Pa., March 20, l7i-tf. gUKQUKUANNA HOUSES, CURWINSVILLE, PENN'A. rCTThi old and well-establibhM Hotel b beon leased by the undersigned, and be loela con fident ot rend ei in g satislaotioo to tlios who may pNtnmlsa bttu. Hood stabling atta.-hed. l.EVVH U, ULUOM, IVMirietor. April SI, 'SO-lf, ALLKGUKNV HOUSK, CLIiAltFIKI.D, PENN'A. WILLIAM tt. VKA.V, Proprietor. JP-iTTbia house ii pleaieotly located on Knnt MrirKot treet, and convenient to tlie Court Hun a aud all hiitine pUcei of tbe town. It hit re cently bean refitted and refnroiitb-l fr-nn olitr to attic. Bar auppiied with choicest lior. Inbls furnished with the best the market art.ir..ti. (Joutl stable attached. Kate moderate - April IM, ISHl-tf. DREXEL & CO., No. Hotttli Third Htreet, l)illaleliliU And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will receive prompt altau tlon, and all Information cbeerfullv furnbbed Orders toileted. Aiiril Il-tf. r. I. ARNOLD. CJ. W. 1RHOLD. 1. I. ARVul.ti F. K. ARNOLD & CO., IBaaiker. and ISrokcrs, Reyuoldavlllc, Jeffbraoit Co., Pa, Honey receivnd on dopnslt. Dlicounta at mo derate rates. Uastera and Foreign Kxchangoat wars on hind and oulleotions promptly iudu. neyouiaaruie, ueo. io, in74.-iy County National Bank, OF CLKARFIKLD, fA. ROOM In Omh.m'a Brick BnlMioc. tw iil ...r. e..t or T A. Flaek'e Store. a.fl.ceTleketi to and from Ltrerrool.Oueei.a town, Gla.gww, London, Pari, and Copenhagen Alio, Draft, for aale on the Hoyal Bank ot relann and Imperial Bunk nf Londnn. JAMK8 T. LKONAllD, l're.'t. W. M. SHAW, Ca.hier. J.nl.'M rPrntlstrjj. J h. R. n RICH HOLD, 'IIK(.lillS I) U N T I H,T, Uradnate of (he P.nn.ylvanl. C'Ahg. of Dental Surjery. Hioe inreiidenee .ifDr. Ililla. oppoett. the Hhiw llou.e. n'hlJ, 'IS if. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (KflK In Bint Dolldinj.) C'ttrwenaTllle, t Irarflelrt Co., Pa. mob 1J '7" tf. M. II ILLS, 'OPEIMTIVE ME.VI'fSr, Jjg CLEARFIELD, TKNN'A. ttUate. in roaideno., opnoiit. Shaw llouaa. J),l;tf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFim.D, PA (Offlo. in W.atera Hotel building aeoonl floor.) Nltrom Oiido U.J .dmlalater.4 for the palo ..i .amotion of tenth. Cle.rfleld, Pa., Mar i, 1877-1. pisfrUanfous. IOII PKINTINR OF KVERY DESCRIP tlon neallv eteonted at tbi effine A WKEK. lISadavatfaomeeailiTmade. C I u Co-lly outfit free. Addres Tat a A Co., Augusta, Maine. mob I ly.J E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER Dl H Aot U K, I'KflH A. rfHIR obiorlbr now olTm to the cltlten of X Hurnaid and vicinity, an unprovided specialty. Hereafter all kind of Casket and Lntiio will be kept on band, and order filled at onoa. f antral s Ulentltd litytrhere, " X will furnish tb II neat aa well aa tha cheapest article dedicated to funeral. All order left at the store of Jonn C. Conxaa will receive prompt attention For farther particulars, call na or ad.lres K. 8. I1KN1KRS0.N. JOHN TROUTMAN, UKALKR IN FURNITURE, SIATTItKHWES, AND " Improved Spring Beds,. MAHKKT RTRKKT, NRAR P. O. Th. nndar.lrn.d bejr, leare to Inform th. eltl. a.n of Jl.arfl.ltl, tnd th. pahlle rner.llr, tb.t .. hu en h.nd fln. ..aortment of r'urnltnra, neb u Walnut, Cbe.lnul .nd F.lnled Cbamner RuiUe, P.rlor Hultca, ReelintnK and KiUnaion Cbalr., I.adlea' and Itenta' Ka, Chatra, tha Per forated Dlntnf aad Parlor Chalri. Can. Heet, and Wlnd.or Chair., Olnlba. B.ra, Bl.p and Kiun aloa Ladd.ra, Hat Ra.li., SorabMn, Bruih.., tr MOULDING AND PICTURI FRAMES, aoblnK OU.aea, Chronaoa, Afl., whlob would .ll.bl. for Uolld.r prewnta. deel.'M JllllN TROI'TMA. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory Penn township, Clearfield Oo., Pa, n v r i u i) niiti , .OT Hot BURNED UPI The subscribers hava, at feat expense, rebuilt a aelichhorhflod neeRslty, In th erection of a (I r st elae Woolen Manufactory, with all tha modern lm proven ant a attached, and ara prepared to make all kind of Cloth. Caast meres, fialinetu, hlaa ket, Flannel, Ac Plenty of food on hand ta aupply all our old and a thousand new easterners, whom v ask to oome aad i amine ear atoek. Th baaln of OARDINQ AND KULLINU will raoelva aar aspect al atuntloa. Proper arTanirttnamia win tse aw to rwoeiva and deltver Wool, to auit cutomr. All work warranted and done upon tbe shortest not loo, and bv strict alien. tloa to bo sine i a we hop ta realise a liberal share ai pnoiio patronage. KMMMi POUNDS WOOL WANTED! W will pay tba high, market price for Woo and Mil our manaftvetured Rood as low a similar food aaa be bought la th eennly, and whenever w fall ta render reasonable atlsfatloa w m alway a found at hoea ready t make proper JAMR8 JODNflOn A BONA, aariltAtf Awer p. 0 Ulsffllaui-ouj. HAVE 10 HEARD The News From MOORE'S? THEY HAVE JDST EECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, fats and CapS AND Mi hzz: Mi That Ever Came into Ihe County, AT TllEIK STORE, RtMHMU OPERA HOUSE, ;ioo. . atom n.sKitmi'. L'lul'lrl I, Pa., .Sept. 21, IS10-tf. Live & Let Live IS OUR MOTTO! rPllB public Ii hereby notilled thai oar entire In all It lil.it aiflea, are gnaraulefd to be sold at lower price than elsewhere, at GUINZBURG'S Ildialilc Clothing Slorr, Western Hotel Corner, j Competition Is the lire of Im-inees, and our fi -il- Itirs lor undarselliog others cause ua te guar antee the fact. 'ur long Handing in t,u'io testifies to Its reliability. Tbaoklrg the public fur oast favors, we will dn our best to merit a continuance ol the same. L. GUINZBURG, Old Western Hotel Corner, CLEARFIELD, PA. April 17. f 891-tr. NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. mi mum BIB ST .! V.n LliVi'w The only 8-Fknge Safe in the World, AND CONTAINING More Improvements than any Safe made, such as The PATUXT More seciiro from Burj;lots tlmn ntiy Flro l'roof Snf., nnd no expense in roimlring Holm or Lock. Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, . Solid Angle Corners. Theno Met are now lioing Hold In thin Ptnto In LARGE NUMBERS, And give the Greatest Satisfaction, Hoinj llio .Mont ITi,-lily rinixlipil, Beat llado, and Cheapest First Class SAFE S7or Troiueod. Theno Celebrated Salci had tlie Champion Record in Tim Great Boston Fire, And mnce that time iikcat nnd inpoh tamt iirRovnir.NT have boon made. nclnre n'vinfj your order to any other concern, aend for pricea and deicriptive Catnloguo. , MOrvlUS&IRELMD BOSTON, MASS. Dm. tt, lll.-lj. Spring Summer Wtk Inside Boil Work, nisfrltanroug. Gray's Spociflo Modiciao. TRACK MARK TRADK MARK f, Hiiaedr. An un. h ;J S.liliu.l tte.k 4r3 Pp.rma. "J & lEFOHmalRQ.iolK"' at a e- AFTtft TAIllg, (juror eit.Allue; a Ipi n Mnimrv, I'c,,,, l,asitiile, Pain io tbe ha., Itimns t ;,.,, 1'rruiature old Age, and omny otbir liim.r that lal to Insanity or C')U"Uinptiin ar i t i'r(. inatnre llrava. :--Kull partiiulars In our paDjph'et, ah; we deslrs to send free by mail ti every uii. j U h pet ilia Mcdieine I sold by all (lrujrit tt l t,tT pajhuge, or six packages t..r j, or will t, lr.,t fre by mail on rereipt of the monry, bv mi Jr..., ing THK UHAY MKDK'INHCU . Hatlalo, X. Foil la Clearfield by ('. D. U aixon. a..r7. 'M U. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STfTIOXEHY Maikrl ML, l loai flclil, (at tha Poat (ifln r.j tpilH amlerslgned bg Iravo to annui,re u, X tbe eitiic-n of L'learfltld and vifinitv, tLat he has fitted up a room and has joit returbod frum the city with a large aniuui.t ( f rtt hi,. matter, consisting ia part of Eiblos aud Miscellaueous Beds, 0iti.lt, Account and Past Dookr of everv Jt aoriptiont Fa per and Kuvrlopea, French prf(j and plain f Pen and fcn-ll lllnuk Papon, Ueeda, Mortgages; JuiigiueDt, Kxcuit. tiun and 1'rumisarr aoteai Kbit and l'nrrv munt Urief, Legal Cap, Hecord Cap, and lh!l C'j., iifaeel Music, t' r eitlier 1'lino, flute or Vi-pim, constantly on baud. Any book or sltti-nrv denlrcd that 1 may But bare on band, will becrdsrt-d by brst til-re-, aud old at wholesale or rMatl to suit easterner. I ail also kfp peril tlni IStf rulurs, itjrb s lV!i.gatir.ca, Newspaper, Ac. P. A. tiAULlM. riesrflfld. Mny 7, IMft-tf Nev Departure LUTHERSBURC; I nraflorfc goods will be sold fur CASH nrjy, or In rxftiafipe for produce. No book- will kept i i tlie future., All old account, runt I,, tettlo-; T)ioe who cannot ca-h op, will j, m. haadi 'cr lh"ir note and CLOSE THE RECORD. I am determined to sell my gi-vdx m ra.fa prices, and at a dixouunt far below tint etcr u(Ter(d in this vicinity. Tbe di'eouut I til' w u cust' tr.crs, will umketbein rich in twrn ,hrtl( they follow my advice and buy their gtiO'i lrtn me. I will pay crb for whrat, cats and inm erd. DAN'IKL (irOl.LA.'!lr '. Luthersburr. January 17, 1 HT7. FACTS WORTH KWOWIf.C. Olarer.Rnrha, Mandrake, St ttlliiirIT.r. 1 atny uiher of iht bvl iiicUiLiite Ivnu n a .killfullyrombincd in pAtikrfH'HCisi.r . .vi i to milt It the Kreatett Blood Puri.inr snij Tha Ik Uc<h and Strength UoWrc; tver I'ted. Sonrrftrt I.ihecomnmiiioriof Paiff 'aa I ouic that noiiitMwnn fii'twhr ii is ul. If yu have OflPftptii, Mutrtjch? dSeumatlam, Neuralgia, 6owsl. Kidney cr Liver Disorder, or il ytii.M.I auill.l mkikiI u r a,peiuer, the 'l'o.ttc i jti.t ihs inri. t 'tr yi'U. at it it h i.;li I y curtivu tnd invij, ia:u-. iul never into Kjun. If ymi are slowly wat'ln,. uwny wit). fNn fumptipa or any oicknm, ,1 ym (uvea Pain(- Cough r a bad Cold. lArtkt's(jiM.i I hm aurely help yu. It civet n w lne tftT to lne frt?Me and a?''', anrl it a rwiJi uie (or nheenistiam and Cholera infjntum. 11 Ua bared Uoarlrrd of Uta( It Jla Kate Voars. If Y"H are feeling muctai'l d n't wit ur.l v-rni are io n tit, it, bul utlhe 1 unk t. J No matter what your elites te or stuiuioin, u... i mm drink but the Bast and furit Family. Medioine ever aiad, corrpuuoiitHl by ;i ncv inocett, and entinly different ti"m Uil !'!.' finger preparations and all other T onirt, 'lij . , -. Ixiiile, 'our drum-lit can tupt'lv vin. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Beat aad Most Economical Hair Dretila; eauiiMiely perfumed and jrlectly li.irm. Yi 111 Alwsys Itester tlray or Faded V,tr to ilt original youthful taJor and ariwa(itii"c, ..' it u jmnied lo stop iu 1.., bmaU il i,ru . and prevent haldnetf, A lew applicationtof tVnALiAtSwi'ltaoftet'1 Kiir, rle.ina al djrxlr- 1 anil curt) iilnr.Q ati'l I u moLitoi Luesc'p. boUby aHdj-ujitiaat; April Cth, l.HBI-lr. HARTSWICK Sl IRWIN, SECOND 6TREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DKALKKB IN PURE DIllH.S! GIIEHICAIaBI PAINTS, OILS, DYK STI.'FF VAKN18I1KH, niirsiiKa. Fancy noons. fKRFI.MKKy, TOILKT AKT1CI.KS, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WIXES AKD ZIQUOKS for medicinal pai-poiM. Truaiee, Sapi-ortera, 8i'hool P(-olta ar.d tr'n.. fry, and all other article hi;. II) found Id a Diux Store- PHYHICIANR PHKSCRIl'TIONS t'AKP FULLY COMPOITNUKH. llaTiet a larre ek- nerlenoe Id the buainaaa they oat jite rr:!:rt i fact I wo. J. a. HARTswir;; JOHN I. IHWIN OPEH FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH. Come to Frenchville I IHAVK not reci'ived tlie Iniyi'st etock of goods ever lirouu'hi to thia acctlon ol the county, whiili I will anil furrnnh or produce aa cheap aa they can be nought eUewheie. My .took consixta of V)UY goodS, Grocprirs, Bonis ?Sliors. Hardware, Nails a Specialty."' Ready Made Clulliiiijr. A full stock of FISH. Salt in large or amall sack., or by the barrel. CROCKERY WARE, etono or clov. IT.KXSWA III", all atylca and qnalily. In abort, I hare everything needed by tbo fiirmer, tlie mcebanii', the laborer, or anybo'ly cine, which I will soil ut a. cheap aa tho goodn can be purchased anywhere elao. rieano call and cxamino tn)' gooda and priwa belore investing elsewhere. L. M COUDftlET. Kronchrille, I'a., Mar. 2, '8t tf.