Railroads. l'en uny 1 van In Itai I road TV RON K t CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON lid after Monday, NOV. t, 180, th Paoeenger Train! will run dally (oaeept 8na daya) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa fullowi: CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEA VB NOHTH. Tyrone,..,,... B.ftt.a.n. V.moojoc tt.lrt, ' Summit V 40, l"i.. lion, ...... I". 00, " Oioeola,... 1(1.11," Bo)nlon 10.17," Stelner" I0.2J," Pbilipebnrf,..IO.Ji," flreaam H ," Blue Hall, !0.J7," VYellaowtoa, ...10.44, ' Ri(lar 10.it, " Woodland, 10.11, " Barrett 11.07," Laooard ll.ll," Clrflld, 1 1.19, " RiTarvia IMS, Curwonirillo,.ll.0t.a CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. "Leave boi'th! i leave north" CurweniTllle.. tM A. Rlrarrlaw..... . " UlenrHeld...... S.4T " Laonard I 43 " Barratt i.il " Woodland,.,.. S.08 " Blfltr SOS. Walloon,... .1S " Blua Ball (Ill " Qraham 9.J5 " Pblllpiburg.. (.311 " Steiner'a, .3 " Boyntoa, S.3T " Oioeola, 0.(1 Powolloa, 4S " Hummit T.i " Vanfoojoo,H 7.JJ " Tyrone, I.M " . Tyrone T.JO r. a. I Vaneooyoe,....7.4.1 " ' Summit 8. 04 " Powalton 1.17 " , Oeoeoln,.. s 18 " Boyntoa S.S4 Steiner'i 8..HH I Pblllpaburg...l.41 " araham 0.47 " Blua H.ll S.4J Wnllaot - ,.... ' Bi(rl'.r 0.10 " Woodland 0.17 " ' Barrett.......... ill I Laonard 0.30 " j ClcarueW,.... 10.1)7 Rieerview,...l.la " I Oarwenerillo 10.20 - PHILIl'SBl'HO A MOHIIANNON BRANCHES MUTB IOCTB. r. a. A. If. A. M. ITATIOHa. 1:10 Morrtidale, 1:40 7:90 Philipiborjj, 1:44 7:13 rllolner'l 1:40 7:10 Iloynton, 1:44 10:20 7:48 - Oioeola, 1:10 10:34 8:11 Monbannon, JIS 10:43 8:10 Sterling, 1:13 10:48 8:14 lloutldale, 1:30 10:43 8:84 McCnoley, 3:34 10:48 8:41 Kendrlek'l, 3:411 11:11 8:40 Kamey. La ara soars. a. a. r. a. r. i 7:14 1 3 40 700 12:14 4:0 11:19 4:0a 12:14 4:48 0:10 11:04 4:40 .S4 11:41 4 S0 11:44 4:t5 0:14 11:40 4:!0 t:10 11:55 4 I rj t:ll 11.30 4:0, 0:11) 11:14 4:00 BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. Si. Mali. Mall. Eip. r. . A. a. r. a. 7.04 6.30 leare Tyrone arrive 0.31 1.13 8.37 Bald Eagle 8.17 8.01 O.M Jnll.g 0..18 8.14 8.43 Mlleehnrg 8.14 8.31 O.SI Bellefonte (.04 8.44 10.03 Milaibnrc 4.44 0.08 10.10 Howard 4.31 4 n.08arrlroL. Haran ieaTS 8.44 TYRONE STATION. RAITWAKn. wnarwARD. a.m. Cincinnati Eip., 9:41 Paeifie Kipre.a, 8:47 Johnitown Kxpren,0:O7 Plttanurga Eip'ii, 1.43 j Paolflo Expreei, 8:12 P.M. r. M Way P.nfr, 1:14 Chleeao Day E., 12: 1 H Mall Train. 3:08 Chioafro Kxpreiir, 3:,11 Mail Train, 7:01 Huntingdon Aoe'n, 8:101 I Part Line, 7:30 Cloaa eonnaotionr mada b; all train at Tjrona IBU AJOOK UBTOQ. B. S. BLAIR, mjTT-tf. Superintendapt. STAOB LINES. A tUftnlaavaa CurwaniTllladallj for Reynoldf. villa, at 1 o'elook, p. m.t arrlvinit at Raynoldarllla at 0 o'rlock, p. m. Retorning, Iravaa HayooHa Tilla daily, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur wanavillaat 12 o'clock, n. Fare, aacb way, 2, A ataga leavca CarwonnTllta dally, nt I o'clock, p. m., for DuBoia City, arriving at DuKoia City at 6 o'olook, p. m. Raturning, laavea DoBoii at 7 o'clock, a. b., daily, arriving at Curwanivillc at II o'clock, m. Fare, aaoh way, $1.40. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. OS and after Monday, May 1.1J, 18S1, tba paaaangor traim will run daily (aieapt Sunday) between Red Bank and Driftwood, bj follow! EATWAmi.l,! Mail lear.i Plll.bnrg 8:44 a.m.; Red Bank 1 1:84 i riligo Junction 11:51; New Betblehem 11:44 p. m.; Mayeville 1:10; irtiy l:.i. nrookvlMe 1:44; r alier e 2:20 ; Hey. noldlvillel:38; DuBoie 1:08 ( Summit Tunnel 1:11 ; Penleld 8:41; Tyler'i 8:44; Beneeette 4:31; errivee at urlltwooo: at 4:20. W EHT W A R I ). Day Mall leavaa Driftwood 11:10 p. m. Beneietta 1:04 ; Tyler'i 1:35 ; Penleld 1:48 ; Summit Tunnel 1:10; DnBoiil:14; neynoiaavine 2:v; f uller'! :0; Hrookville8:lv Troy 8:48; Mavivllla 4:13: New Betblehem 4:24 Sligo Junction :07 Red Bank 4:14; arrival at ruiiDurg at a:ic p. at. ff4 The l)u Hole Accommodation leavee Dn Bon at 7:14, a. m. Rrytioldmlle, 7:44 ; Brook, ville, 8.48: New Belhlebem. 0:441 Red Bank 10 in; Pliubnrih, 1:211, p m. Leavee Pittiburgb, ai :io, p. m ; nel uanl, 0:0 ; riiew Betblebei 7:04; Brookvil'a, 8:114 ; Reynoldevilla, 8:51 ; Ha noi!, 0:10, p. n. T-9 The Hrnokvllle Arrommodatlon leave! tlrookville at 7:00 a as.; neynoldaville, 7:54; Dn Hole. 8:15: Summit Tunnel. 8:41 : P.nH.M. B n.i Tyler'!, :! ; Bennetelte, 8:55 ; Driftwood, 10:48 a.m. Lieavea tirtltwonol at a:ul n o.; Btane letta. 9:50; Tyler'!. 0:18; Pen..I, 0:30 ; Sum mit Tunnel, 10:0.1; Dulloli, 10:1 7 ; Reynold! ville, 10:45) Ilrookvllle, 11:80 p. m. Cloaa eoaneetloni made with tralna on P. A K Railroad at Urift.ciod, and with train! on the Aliagnany Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID MfCAROO, Qea'l Sup'l. A. A. Jaceaok, Sup't L. ti. Div. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bclletonta, Pa $1 Mlddletowa 15 00 Marietta.. 4 44 Lock Haven,, Willteraenort Huntingdon i i Laneaoter I 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 00 Altoona 1 It Jnbnitown.H I 84 ... 1 .... i .... 4 Lewiatownn Maryeville.H Cowenavilla Oieenla BARRISBIIRU. Phihpibnrg 41 Tyrone 1 11 PITTSBURG t It XT te V9n " s"nplM worth v J I. ,j irre. i Addreaa 8riaaoa A Co., Portland, Maine. LUCB2,Bl.ly.j JU"TICE8 U COHTAni.F.M' VtYf Wa have printed a large anmber of tba new oibu, ana win oa tba raeetpt or twenty. v ante, mail a eoay to any addraaa. mylt -TH8- CniCA GOf.NOK Til WES TF.HN RAILWAY II tbaOLDKST, BRST CONSTRUCTED, BEST auitrrev, ana aeoot taa LEADING RAILWAY WEST AND NORTH-WEST I Tt li tba iberteet and beat mite between Cbicago aou aji poiaie la Kortbara Illlnola, Dakota, Wvomlng. Vebraiha, Iowa, California, Oregoa, Ariiona, i:tab, Col. arado, Idabo, Montana, Nevada, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, IKNVEH, LKADVII.I.K, ' SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO, Deadwnad, Sloai City, Cedar Raplde, Dee Mclaea, Celnmbaa, and all poiate la tba Tarrltoriee, and tbe Weet. Alao, for Milwaukee, Green Bay, O.bhoab, flhebovgan, llarauelto, Fnnd da Lae, Warertowa, Uougtmn, Naenab, tlanaaba, St Paal, Minaeapoha, Hnrnn, Volga, Fargo, Rie- raeres, omona, baCroeee, Owalonna, and all fjiisu la Mlaaseata, Dakota, Wiaoonaia and tba nonn-weet. At Council BlalTe Iht Trtlnl of Ibe Cbleage A norta weetera and Ibe II. p. Railwaye depart , hh an .ua aamo JOIBI UBIOB Depet. At Cbicago, etoea eonnectlont ara made wltb Ibe Lake Store, Mlekigan Central. Baltimore Otla, Ft. Wayne A Penneylvania, and Chicago A Orand Irank Railways, aad tbe kaakakaa and raa nanaie nantea. Cloaa eenaeotiea. madt al Junction Folate. It It tba ONLY LINIraaalag Pullmnn Hotel Dining Cars it win CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS. ypallaua Sleeper! a all Might Traiaa-tM taatet apoa Ticket Agaall telling yon Tickets Via this road Kianilae year Tlokett, aad refen o way ii wer ae eel reaa over lbs Chloagt A Horlb-Waetera Railway. If yea aleh tbe bait traveling ameniaiadatlene fee will buy your tlrketa bv Ihn roala, M-AND WILU TAKE NONR OTIIRR. AU Twket AgenU sell Ticket! by thll Lisa MARVIN I1UOIIITT, . U V" 0"'" Manager, . M. CblangiT LEAVE SOUTH. Curwen!llle,J.I(l, r".. Mrorelew .!, " Clearneld, 1.40, " Leonard,... 1.411, Barrel!, .1.44, " Woodland, 4.01, " Hi,l.r, 4 0, WallacatoD,..4.ir, " Bio. li.ll, 4.19, " Qrahem 4.31, Phllipaburf, ...d.St, " Stelner1 4.JD, " Boyntoa I...4.40, " Oioeola e.M, " Powalton, a.fa, ' Hdn.mll, ..la, " Vsneooyoa, ft.SS, . " Tyrone fl.OO, " .':!i. J! frniiLttir6 ft? "rrff"'.Tna The Great CLOTHING Emporium! ni:s OPKRA HOUSE, UU ft,U 10 " "Y J"r 1 the sbovo CRlftbliHlimont V lVAt. . . . THANHAUSER'S I LARGE AND UANDSuMK STOCK OF CLOTHING, Hats, Gents' Furnishing Qoods, &c., Whethrr you wlih to mike t purcbaM or not, t ibi.ll be pltmtd tt til tiniH to chow you our kMOrtmeDt of goo ii, whtob will it udm oDrlnot yoo that tur Styles are the Best, and our Prices the Lowest, RetnetnW, lao, that wt bkvt an Ugtit waortuant if PIKCK GOODS, of th UUl dot eft leu, ptciall lo (ended fo MERCHANT TAILORING, And wa ara praparcd to MAKE SUITS TO OIlllKK AT SHORTEST NOTICE, and'tiall amlaavor to lult tba tarta of Iht moat fastidiou. ALBERT THANIIAUSElt, Opera House Block, opposito postoffioo, CLEARFIELD, FA. 8 M-I8.f. WAGONS ! 2 CAR LOADS. 2 The lnrgeet and best assortment of wagons ever brought to tlcrtnifld. One car load of CONKLIN wagons, One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons, Which we will sell at factory prices. We buy these wagons by the car load and pay CASH for them, therefore we are able to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county. We guarantee these wagons to be first-class in every respect. Also, a lot of Platform Spring Wagons Buggies. One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaper than ever before sold. Give us a call before buying elsewhere. F. M. CARDON & BRO., Cleared Pa. February 23, 1881-tf. JAMES L. MARKET STIICET, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. All kinds of Caskots and CoQlns kept on hand, and tarnished lo order on short notice, including tho finest as woll aa the cheapest that can be manu factured. Our conPBB FiuuurinvBn la tho best In nso, and will bo furnished when required. Funerals attended in any part of the county. Call at my oflico, on Second street, or loave yonr ordors at Troulman's Furnitnro Store, adjoining the Posloflico. JAS. L. LKAVV, oct 1,'79-tf. , Cloarfiold, Pa. jWCJSf Curwensvllle. Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL, &C. I buy direct from jobbers nnd car loua rates, hence can compete pma nouses. Also, Dealer In Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having bark to haul anu receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs. Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, CURWErblSVILLE, pa. Sept. IS, IMO-lf. MONEY TO I.OAW.-0. Drit-claae Im proved farm properly, by tba Mutual Life In.uranot Company of New York, on Irat mort gage, la nai from 11,004 ap. For farther la formation apply la tbe undrreigned. III'RXTHAL VT. SMITH. Clearieli Pa., May 7th, l!7-tf. Mower nnd ICrnporNl E. W.BROWN, CLEAHFIELD, PA. miTR nk.ftlW kel tba WALTER A. WOOD I MOH'KRS aad RKAPKR9 for eale, hoildee xeeniaerepelnfortbaaamo. Alao HORSE HAY RA K IS. and all klnda af farming Inplemeata. -Will aiehanga above for IIOR.-Kj ar CAITLI, tr Mil very taw for tech. FRESH MEAT I WILL aim continue the butchering bmlaeii. Meat market ia tba nlalaina mill offlna. nm Finn etroet. Freeh Beat every Monday, Wedoee day, Friday aad Satardav nominee. Year aat. raaaga It reeewctfally aolicited. a w. BROWW, Per M. 9. Baowa. Clearleld, Pa, Jaae let, llsi-ln. tvc fltfrtistmfDts. n'p "0l W call Rl nnd examine . A 1 A P '1 J If WAGONS ! ! LEAVY, BL.OGK. ninnufacturers. reeoive coods with New York and Philadel durinir the Winter, can contract Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN ar-ry-as-x.,,. IflRRRBY give aatlee lo the eltlieni of Clear Sold and the aurrounding vicinity thai I am prepared at all lime! lo furnlek familial aad mannfaeturiag eetabliabmeati with a aaperlor Coal, Wood Coke, Which I am prepared In deliver la a few hmtra' aoliea. I am alwara raadr to haul and delieev in ani to ton depot, or anywhere elae, and move fomiltee and boneehold good! anywhere oa ibortaotloa. TIIOS. A. DUCKKrT. Vlearaold, Pa, Mar. tl, lltl-tr. .!. ll (.ni , AGKTi! JOHN B. OOUf.H'S In.' SUNLIGHTano SHADOW John B. Gough Cl.t i .u ii A.r .ri, "ma tt w.iM-ll.Tf all otlim Urn ; tt AA,,AJ r,-"i ,- i". in mrnJJVihZizi .nl. I , . .-;"- w Ufa ir,e Ih. Ml. -I Ihif ln. ,! ni,h Om JtmJJ Hi: .iil iiv, m,rr jmmuat rnu t. tt nraJ Ihla A-, " " " " wiw tt mm rlw. tliriw Ml ' I ? T !- C "v'rTl,.''..'lwriHew. awl Im rm mi'- .rii.e I...I M.tul.TA ' A.U. Woeniu. t C, -hen, llmfcrt,U. JalJ II I THE REPUBLICAN. CI.KAKI'IKI.I), r. WEUNKrl MY MllRV( (. HKP f. J4, Mn. tt'OLFKS I'llOdKAMMK In o vif,'ortni nr.tl well triUcii Ii'Uit PhiUJolnhi. V,m lb. lion 10 1 1 1 ' " it,, nm Cbarlf n. Wnllo iIimiuh um juauioii na a rumlitluto ltr Klulo Trt'ufurur. Ho Tory clearly i xpluiiio llittt lio ontim into lliio oonlorit I'nr tliu pii rjxiKa of ro luuoing tha lU'tiuliruii url' (ifPvnn. oylvania from a ring that linn ro lung aid reckloniily controlled it organ ization. It in not piutcndcd liy liim that any qnciition of political impor tance or finnnciul reform la involved in this campaign. On the contrary be ad mi In that the election ia of litllo im portance, but claims that it afl'orda the independent Kopnblii una a memt fu'vor ahlo opportunity to try concliinionti with the Cameron ring without doing an injury to the Republican party. Ilo does not intimalo that tho office of State Treasurer would not bo faithfully administered under Jleinouralic auspi ces, and bo fiankly concedes that tho candidate of the ring, tienoral Bailey, is "personally unobjectionable," "but bia auccena mcuua the triumph of the bosses and the perpetuation of their power." Ilia own election, ou the other hand, "men no notice to the booHCD that their arrogant rtilo must ccaae and that they munt henceforth be con tent to bo with tho rest ol up, obedient and lnitbful servant, instead of the impcrioua Maotera." This is tho entire iasuc as Mr, Wolfe defines it. It ia ono that solely con coma tho internal economy ot the Republican party of Pennsylvania, which ia divided between two factions, tho ono controlling its Conventions and dictating its nominations, the other in sisting on fair play, and each claiming to repreecnt tho masses of llio liepnb- licon voters of the State. Mr. Wolfe as a volunteer candidate of tho indo- pendunts untors tho field to try this issue witn tlio ring toforo tho peoplo at the ballot box. Ho rejoices In tbis opportunity of an "off year" to bring tho ring managers Tor the first timo fuco to face, with their political mus ters lor judgment. Tbo election of a Democratic Treasurer bo docs not con sider "a terrible disnstor," but asks whether, in an alternative of continu ed submission or a Democratic success when but n n unimportant State office is involvod, '-it would not be better to tako the rink of a temporary reverse now, and tints rebtiko thene arrogant masters of the machine by giving thorn notice that the liepnblic-tn nomtcs in battling for their sovereignty do not intend to by longer gnilty of the folly of unavailingly fighting them behind ! entrenchments and on lines of battle of their own selection with the cer tainty ol defeat." Such is the position of tho imlrpen dent Jicpublicaiia of the Slule as delin ed in tho letter of 'Mr. Wolf.i to the I'rent, und which thnt journal docs not very successfully combat. ilunitVally it would not be sound polity in the Democratic party of Pennsylvania to intcrfero in tbis fumily quarrel. Hy doing so it would only experience tho provorbial fate that attends such inter forence. The moment . the Democrats should nominate Mr. Wolfe be would! become merely tho Democratic candi date, tho Independents would full hack within their own party lines, ami the iBsao upon which Mr. Wolfe's candi dacy is justified would be lost. Whether Mr. Wolfe should be elected or defeat ed as tho candidate ol the Democrat the ring would remain master of tho situation. Xo true friend of Mr. Wolfe within or without tho Democratic par ty would advise a stop that would do him no good but would groatly rejoieo tho' managors of tbo machine Uis candidacy is tbo logical scquoneo of tbe rovolt against the machino caucus for United Statos Senator lan Winter. Upon the square issue between tbe two factions there is reason to believe that Mr. Wollo will come nut of tbe contest with a larger vote than linilcy if tho liepubliean masses are thor oughly aroused, and this would we givo him nnd tbo Xnilupi'iidcntN a more mibstantiul victory tlian bit election to a comparatively unimportant oflico through Pcmocratic mipport, for it would bo an ond of tbo rulo of the Cameron machine. In to pretty quarrel thcro is no room lor Dem ocratic; Interference. Ilarrisbvrij friof. XE ir STOIi Y A 110 UT a EN Ell A L an ant. It hail just leaked out that while General 'jirant wan traveling in Asia ho oxpreaaed a deaire to get a aliot at a lion. Not wishing lo cxptwo hira to uny danger llio natives aecured a stuff ed lion, sot it np In a jungle anil then took tbo illiiHtrioua traveler oul for a hunt. When tho beant was sighted tho General was all excitement, and crawling np lo I favorable position bo- gan to blaco away at the animal with no pcrcoptiblo effect. After firing about twenty shots ho begun to get mad, and tuking off his coat, he settled for a regular siego. Fearing bis wrath when bo discovered the sell, tho attend ants endeavored to induce him to give up tho attempt to kill tbe beast, telling him it bore a charmed lifo and that ho could not possibly Injuro it. JIo told thorn to go to thunder, that ho was after blond and was going to have it After a vain fusilade of half an hour ho arose to his foot gnashing his tooth with rage, throw his suspenders off bis shoulders, rolled tip his sleeves and grabbed his rifle by tho barrel, so he could nso it as a club. Tbo attendants again begged him to desist, but bo po litely though forcibly informed them that he would have that cuss or leave bis honored remains strewn promiscuously all through that jungle, and with a wild cry of "I'll fight it out on this lion if it takes all Summer I" he rnshod npon the beast and with one woll di rected blow laid It over on Its side. Then be chased tbe native attendants for six miles, but being better acquaint cd with tho country they got away from him in safety. Detroit Free Frctt. As is being dono in some places in this Stalo, all merchants and business men would do well to agieo to refuse to accept all mutilated coin and thus drive it out of circulation. Our banks and postofficet already observe this practice. I FRA VD VI KN T JA'S URA NCR. The odilor of the Krio Ofarrver lum oviilcntly bcin luklnjf in llio mmli'i'n nnido cit' lil'u iiiMiiiiiiiio ami ijivn hi rvriilciK llio lnll(iwiii): Kur otiiiictiniu w hnvt) licun )ri'.itr- inn I"-'1' I'liMiiiil lu the Jiublie in ref muhi!u In Ibe I, ilo Inmirnnce biniiifHR. 1 here lire (lilnuciUitu in llio way, u I .". ,,d Wi.l,ol H' in-ptmiii-a! . ; companies are generally men ol inlel - Iceland poaacHa special qualiQeationa lor preaenting Ihinga in the bent light for their coinpanieanrelaaaol insurance. Hut they aim) nro not alow in pointing out tho wcuk point and delects ot other competing companies, or clatwca. oi al success ol that aucding in IKH0, We have consequently gathered up, caused a break in tho crop rotation muili information lrom ul'cji.u und lover a lari'O extent of cntintrv. and olllcors, and will give our readers ihe expressions of these keon-wittod men, showing whot they know of the vuri. ous kinds of insurance, ami then en deavor to draw correct conclusions therelrom. It la unneccHiary to discuss what la called "graveyard insurance" that of tuking out policios lor large amounts on old paupers and others, who arc on the vcrgo of tho gravo. No honest man will engngo in or uphold such a nofariona system, ha ling to demoriili cation and murder. The old line oompanios which bavo stood tho test of years, have in many in.isncos become profligate in their oxpenses, and tho largo salaries nud fees paid olllcors and agents hasbrutight upon them merited censure. The funds of some, ol tho companies have also been improperly invested ami pays no interest. Immense marble palaces have been constructed for officers, and the ofllciuls surrounded by lackeys and luxury, all at the cxpenancf the hold ors of policies, who have in pay assess ments from their hard earnings In keep up this princely style. J.isgusieii wiut such extravagance. many person, navo withdrawn or re ","':u l" K" ",lu " companies, n(1 r,'""i' "as been the orgoui.a- uou i . turge nuaioor o. miiiuoi com- panic,, ip od, bad and indifferent. 'IM. I ...o j. - iiv in-iiu uiein, reuci or aiu socie ties, connected with churches or some of tho respectable secret orders, are many ol them honestly conducted, and .L .: . , wiimgu Kuiiieiimcs not, curried nn ex - viii iu.i.i,i uiiiir in it e oei, rules lounu . 6 i necowary by experienced companies, , , ' ,. ' ' """" I''" uoiuers mniniy goes ior uio relict ol tuo willows nnd orpbnnsof the brethren o( the so ciety. : Anions tlio niutuula there a a t.lftsK tj of companies, and they are legion, or-1 7 1 , , , 1 Kanir.od for the express purpose of en- i V" 'T 'i" abling fllce.-s and akr'nts to make1 ' " VCn , i, - T- , , t,ie rmv worm hav nrr a ded in the money by ohtninini; a f).t or $10 no Cv i , , . 8 i. V . , r ""lliKfon of the crop, Hr that fields lee. lor mnluncu a few men orcanizo ' .i : , . , ' 1 . , one of tbo-ie mushroom affairs and iuc "' tho cttry . i,. ,,..i k ono isl,r,n8 Bftv ''"lo or no return at tbo bers, each paying $10 initiation or1"- ""' " -fth. more policy fee. Suddenly the wmPny ! '7!. T'l " " l'"'e conspir collspHca, ar,J iho same men, cJ "P;. '"d by the pro- thus pocketiiiK $50,000, orKani.e anew i "T U,.'C,M ot 1S7- cnm.or .,! .i.,..,.i, .i... i Bnd Wl' ln JJl"Pn to these there pfi fortnaiicT SAMPLES CF POLITICAL CON- S1STKSCY. The Washington Tout hits tho Mas sacuutt'tt. Senators squaro in tho eyes hy comparing the liberality of tho laws of Virginia and Massachusetts with refcrenco to suffrage. These honora ble hypocrites, in their correspondence with Mtthone, ur(;o tho Republicans to make common cause with tho Repudi ation parly becuino tho laws ol Vir ginia require tho payment of a small tax lor the support of common schools as a qualification for tho right of suf frage, whilo at the samu time a tax qualification is required In Massachu setts, under which thousands of citi zens h.ivo been deprived of the privi lege of voting. And this with the con currence of these Senators. Tho Pott suys : "II a citizen of Massachusetts, no matter how honorablo his life may have been, fulls into such distress that he is compelled, In a single instance, to accept publio charity, his name is stricken off the poll lists. Ilo may have been a heavy taxpayer in tho past, hut that does not count. Lot him but accept a coffln for his dead child or modicino for his sick wife, and tho laws of llio liayStuto, by and with tho advico and consent of Senators Dawes and Hoar, designate him a "pauper" and disfranchise bim us a convict. In tlio terrible period that followed thi financial crash of 187.1, when millions of honest men in this country looked in vain lor labor by which to earn bread for their depend ent families, there wero some thou sands of tho sons of (oil in Massachu setts who lost their right to vote. Tbey could find no work, becauso Industry scorned to bavo died. Tho spinillcs and looms ol tbo factories wore still, tho shoe shops wero closed. (Jrim poverty stalked abroad, and tho wolf. howled at many a door where smiling plenty had sat in happier days. All who proferred public charity to death from starvation in that awful timo wero disfranchised, liko convicts, by and with tha advieo and consent of Senators Dawos and Hoar. We are not practically anxious or perplexed about tho Hay Stale. That ancient Commonwealth has her good qualities tooffeet hor bad ones. If she sells paupers at publio auction in tho gentle Spring timo, if she disfranchises for the crime ot having been poor and dis tressed, it is also true that sho contains many noble characters and leads tho way in many paths of progrois. Um wo confess that it moves our contempt and derision when Messrs. Hoar and Dawes, alter assisting In tho disfran chisoment of so many ol their poor neighbors at home, go down into Vir ginia lo weep and howl because an ablo-bodicd man ia required to pay a day's earnings annually into tho school fund, or forego the luxnry of voting till anothor year." Xo (io Wo notice that tho Massa chusetts Supremo Judicial Court baa dismissed the petition of Lelia J. Rob inson lo be admitted to practice as an attorney in the courts. The reason for dismissing Lclia'i petition was she is a woman. So then it appears that the Plymouth Rockore (Yankee! Blarney Stone) are just as much bar barians as they were two hundred years ago when they cut the tonguee out of tbe Quakers' mouths and ban ished the Baptists into Rhode Island. Barbariane still, although fenced lo by a number of bigh-toned educational Institutions. AGRICULTURAL. Contribution to ihli dBpartiuant hould h ad draped la J. lima Km ii, I'lr.ra.U, Pa. TIIK l.f.HSDS Of THE ll.l ItrKST. , , , , TliKnijjIioiit lurc n-t i n nf llie j Wintnr wlivnt wfliim l tir couiiliy a ! vuiy lijjbi iniji Ln Uu Imrvt-nU-.l ; . tht itimi beinif not onlv nhnrt in nimti- lily but . in quality, an much of it ' u ; ia more or lens ihriveleil. Several : causes have euiiapired In produce this ; partial luiluiu of the crop, noma of which tlute as fnr back as the .Spring of 187!), when the failure of tho clover Beetling, together with (he gen- necessitated the sawing of uii iiiiuhiiuI ly largo proportion ol the crop ol IShl upon torn stubble a practice which is common in tho southern half of tho Winter wheat licit, nnd which la based upon reasons of Bound economy, al though wheat thus mauaged docs not, as yet, whatever it may do in tho fu ture, produce as largo a crop as that own upon clover so l, or even upon wheal slnbhle. llio Pail ol lSSO was a at anon of general drouth, which retarded tho plowing for wheat, in many cases causing fields to be abandoned which it bad been intended lo plow, thus diminishing the acrca;;o sown, and causing much lo ho sown on poorly prepared soil, whilo tho continuance of the drouth caused much of the seed to mult in tho ground and gave tho re tnainiler a Into nntl leeble siurt, which tlisartvantngo was intensified hy the j early setting in and long continuance ! ol Winter. I here w as a great deal of inferior whont harvested in 1KS0, not withslutitling the abtindanco of tho crop as a whole, especially throuuli the southern half of luo Winter wheat ; M . l)Cr0 corn,uinl w . ,,ilt .,, ,., ,. ,,,,, . 1 -" or course much of this shriveled wheat w UBC, fr geed, and from the same quarter now como the loudest ! nlitints of a noor crnn ' ' ' ' The cuily Winter ind lute Spring caiiied the harvest of 1881 to come a week Inter than usuul, and fully two weeks later than the exceptionally t.ur eariy ono ol 1SKII, while it was attend ,. i i r , ed by a season of almost unprecedented . .,, '. "mlu bent, combined with excessive drouth, anj must ate ripening varieties of whuut failed to form a kernel of full weight. TIj licro has houn more ?um plaint have been local losses from flood end fctorm, which hnvo helped to rodtico tho aggregate yield. To aid to our discomfort, Russia threatens to step lo the fror.t with a crop of unusual abundunco; Kngland reports an avcrago yield, and no for cign country seems likely to make an unusual demand for bread; henco tho partial compensation for one short crop which high prices would givo seems likely lo be denied us. Altogether, tbo situation is ono which may well cau?o us to pause and look about us. Wo have roilo into prosperity upon three great and increasing crops, but we now find ourselves standing with a light crop on our hands, for which wo have paid high wages, and for which we may expect to receive but a mod- orulo price. Now, as wo review tho past season and prepare lor tho com ing one, it scorns opproprialo that we ask ourselves, llow much of tho short age of this crop is duo to uncontrolla ble causes, and how much to our own negligence ? Xo part of our wheat growing Is less satisfactory than our meagor success in raising wheat npon corn stubble. We have been content to regard twenty lo twenty-five hushols as almost a max imum crop, to bo raised only under tho mosl fuvorahlo Reasons upon corn stub ble ; but aller falling behind tho host management in several particulars in tho handling of the crop just harvested, and notwithstanding tho losses duo to a combinalion of unfavorable climatic conditions, that avarago has been oc casionally obtained this year, and a correspondingly greater ono in more favorable seasons, llonce tho question comes fonihly homo tons whether the yield of our corn stubble wheat Bhonld not approximate moro nearly than it docs lo what we consider a fair crop npon wheat or oat stubblo. The cul tivation ot earlier varieties of corn, clcnnor and later culturo, and prompt work al seeding timo these aro amone tho factors which will contribute to this roeult. Tho late Fall drouth caused little un easiness to those who had plowed curly, anu bad followed tho plow daily with the harrow, pulverizing tho surface whilo moist, and thus preventing the drying winds from roacbing the lower lePl1" ol the Seed bed ; or who had kept the ground mollow and tho woods down in thoir corn-fields throughout tbo aeaton. How much of this year's shortage is tluo to tho use of last year's damaged seed, no man can tell ; but that a largo part ol it Is so duo is beyond question For tho use of this inferior socd there was no reasonable excuso, as thoro was an abundance of good seed in the country which was sold at low prices ; but it is to bo feared that many of thoso who bad both qualities allow ed a few cents difleronco In prico lo take tho good wheat to market and send the poor lo the field. Karly ripening varieties of wheat have seemed for many years to give more nnilormly good crops than those riponing later, and this tendency was quite marked this season. Whether this is a law of our climate mar not yet bo fully determined, but it is an important question which should be closely investigated. ' The ono great lesson of tho harvest Is that brainless work will no longer pay upon the (arm, but that he who would prosper thore must work npon a definite system founded upon a com prehension of tbe laws of growth, and that be must be aver prompt anj faith ful in obedience to those laws. ?l0tf!S. IOYU IIOUHB, J Main Hlra.t, Pllll.lPf 1JUKU, PKNN'A. Talila alwa.r iuiplM wiib tlia bval the mark aS'jrd.. Til. trai-li:ig pubiic Ir tnillcd oall. ja l,'7. ' R0B1;HT LOYll. 7ASUKN(jTON housk, it NKW WAHIIIMITON, PA Ttlt new and wall lurniabad bona baa baaa Ukan by tha undaraignad. Ua leal ounfldaot of -r.nd.r ..ti.fac.l,,., .,.. "wbTnl., r..oi k.u wiu a an. Mayt, 1811. li. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. 'IK.MPKItANCK JIOUSK, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. II. D. ROSE, . . Panrsilioa Ab4T1io l.e.tof aouiuiiiodationa fur man and bsn.t. A ItuTa) rhare ol public atr'nng. li aulicllcl. lrp2tf,'e0. WASHINGTON HOUSE, QLEN IIOl'B, i'ENK'A. rpilB and. r.ljo. I, having Icieed X mudi'iui II. .lei, ia the villjire of U tbia eun len llupe, ia now preiiarvd to aceoiniunilnia all who miiv oall. My table and bar ihall be aapplled with the belt ibe market atlorda. OllUIHlR W. DOTTjJ, Jr. (lien Hope, l' , March IA, 1 87D-tf. gUSQUKUANNA HOUSK, CUEWENSVILLE, PENN'A. -l'bii old sad w-ll-eiUbli.h-J Hut.l bi bfVD loaiod b-tbDJ.ri.inntJ,iiJ be Irell aos fit)nt o reocJvtiat; itifciioii to l hone irhn mi; pBtntoiM him tJonri lUbMnf Attached. I.KVVH 0. BhUOM, Frihrivtor. April JlSO tf. A LLKGHKN V JIOUSK, J:V CI.EA HFIKLD, PKNN'A, WILLIAM If. l)KAS Prpri,lt,r. tfTliU houw t pttiQtir liifttttel on Kii Mrk-t ftreut, and convenient to the Court ll-mie end all btiilDR plaei of tho lawn, It ho re. ooittly bean rvntUsd aod refurol(h"d ffdia fllir to atl:o. .r iu(pliJ wiib ctioioet li i,r. Tbl rimishotl with tbe lieat the m irkKai: (Jocid Mal.le attaobed. Kate m drte A.rtl 1.1, mi tt. DREXEL & CO., Ko. 3 1 Mouth Third tttreet, Plillairlfhla And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail tar i tl receirf promjt attsn tlon, and all toforKiatton cherfuiljr furniihod Ordert lolloted. April 11 -tf. r. K. AHttuLD. . W. AHMOLD. tl. B. A tiauLli F.K.ARNOLD & CO., Hankers and ISroker., ReynoldsTlIIe, JeiTeraon Co., Pa, iSnnty repel ved on deponlt. DUonanti at tni darate ratoii. Kutern and Foreign Kxrhnngeal wayi on band and oullfotioni promptly made. Heynuldeville. Uae. I ft, 1874.-I County National Bank, OP CLEARFIRLD, PA. UOoM In llrabam'a Brii-k DullJIna. ! t-.ora e of T A. Fleju i St ire. faaeafre Ticket! to and from Llrerm'ol. Unocal I I I,--!- i. . wuuuu, ran. anu vnpennairen I Aleo, Draft! for lale on the Moral flank ul lrelanJ and Imperial Dank of London, JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Pr-i't W. M. S1IAW, Ca.hler. J.nl.'M jDcntistnt. j i-. R. nEicmior.D, ai'Hfii:i)N nr. tim,t. graduate of Iho Penn-ylvenit Oolleee of Dont.l Sorffary. Offloe in reidsnee of Dr. Hills, onimeite the Hhew Honae. mrhl.1, ';o tf. DR.' E. M. THOMPSON, (Oflet la Dank Building) CurwensTllle, Clearfield Co., I'a. mob li '7 If. M. II ILLS, orr.n.irifi: oe.v tist, agg CLEARFIELD, PEN.VA. er-OISee In reslden.ee, opnoilto Sbw llonse. V,IS7 t( J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA (Offlna la Waitirn Hotel building aeennil floor.) Mtrona Onde One adtnlnietered for the paia ail eitrartlon of teeth. Clearleld, Pa., Ha; I, ISTMr. lUisrellanfous. 1 n PRINTINn OP EVERY DKSfilllP 99 tine neallT assented at tbia onion. .7.1 A WEEK. Ill a daeathomeea.il; made V . i,o.!i; onuil tree. Addreri Tni a A Co. Aaguita, Maine. Iraehl I;.) E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER u t, Ki c ti' las I'n.A A. rpilK lubifnUr now uflVr to tba pi dim of X liuroMiia and Tlclnttj, an unprovided .emalty. liar-alter all ktndi of Canada a. Coffloi wit. b kept on hand, and orden filled at ODoa lunrral 1lttndfd t1ttytcltcre. I will foriUh tha flnatt aa well at tha ehrapait artlrtM dfdieatad lo fimaralr A II ordm left at tba tort tf John C. Co nib will fee It p rum pi nun, tut inriour pnnicniarH, cnn on n ddrwi E. B. I1KNDKRSOX. Dm. IO, ms-tf. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAKKRT BT11KF.T, NEAR 1'. 0. Tbe nniteriift-ned beti leare 10 Inform Ihe ettl aane of Clearfield, and the aablie generally, that ha hat ea hand a fine aMortment of Furniture, eaeh ae Welaut, Cneetnnt and Tainted Chamber Bailee, Parlor Bailee. Keellnlne; and (ttenalna Chaira, Ladlea' and Oeata' Kaiy Cbatra, Ibe Per forated Dining and Parlor Chaira, Cane Keate aad n indmr I'halra, t'lotbet Here, Step and Kiten loa Ladders, Hat Reoae, fierabbing Rraehee. Ai MOULDING) AND PICTURB FRAMKS, eohlag Qlaaiea, Chramoa, At, ableh would avltahle fur llolida preeenta. deolO'Tl JOHN TROUTMAN. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory Peaa Uinnihip, Clearleld Co., Pa. HUaiBD IIUTI tCT SOT BURNED UPI TbeeobeViberi hare, at great allien ae.rehnlli neighborhood neoaeelt;, la the ereetlon nfa Sret alaaa Woolen M.aufaelort, wilt all tha modera Improeamente attached, and are prepared to make all kind! of Clotba, Caeilmerea, Setinette, lllaa kate, Flannels, io. Pleat nf anode oa I'mA aapplt all oar aid aad a Ihoaaand aa eaelamera, abom we aek to noma aad stamina ou lloek. The bnitnee! of CARDINQ AND FULLING will rmelea oar aeporlal attention. Proper arrangement! will ha ma.la lo raoelTO and dellref Wool, to luit auilomeri. All work warranted and done npon tbe ehorteet notion, and be etriet atten tloa to bnelaeea wo hope to re. lite a liberal ahara af aablie patronage. ICMMrO POUNDS WOOL WANTIDI Wa will par the klgheit market arias for Woo and tell oar maaafaetured good, ai low aa tlmller good! oaa be aoaght la tbe oeoely, end whaaerer wa fail tt reader raaaoaabkt latiifaetloa we oaa el way i ha found al kemt ready to mate propee uplanaUoa, alitor la pareoa or hi latter. "SI! eVHHBOn VON. aprinttf ?rtUsltnnfou3. m m The News Front MOORE'S? THE! HAVE JUST EECEIVID THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, Hals ' l CapJ AND- bS: Furnishing ti: That Ever Came into the County, AT TUEIR STOKE, UII0.il AO. 1 OPERA HOUSE, ;ko. c. atom w . itooHi;. Pa., ftn.L tt, 1860.tr. Live Let Live IS OUFt MOTTO! rPilK poblle ii bereliy aotltpd that our entire X etork ..f Sioer vug, In ! I it lafpit itvl.'tv arc jr;oaratf- J to lie . at lower prirt- tbaa el'wb r at GUINZBURG'S Malilc Clothing Sim Western Holel Corner, Ccuipctitiun ii tho lire tnainft. ai. I i.ut I .'it'll (or iiDfWM'lIinjr oibrm "an-- i to pa aoioa tbtt fact. Our Iwg .Mat .fin in t-Ufire" taMifit" to jt. re;iiilif-. Tbaokii.jt thi piiWic fcr punt fa von, wa w do our lrt to merit a enlioaaneaot tbe tarn. L. GUINZBURG, Old Western Hotel Corner, CLEARFIELD. PA. April IT, IRSI-tf. MQERIS S: IRELAND'S NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. Tlie only 8-Flange Safe in the World, AND CONTAINING More Improvements than any Safe made, such as The 1MTEXT Moro sceuro from Btirirlais than nnj Kiro l'roof Safe, un j no expenso in rcimiriiifr liolts or Links. Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners. Tlifse Snfcs itro now licing sold In tin's Sttilo In LARGE NUMBERS, Anil give tlio Greatest Satisfaction, Beintf tho Most Higlily Finislicd, Best Ltfa&o, ani Cboapost rirst- uiaso SAE tvor Produced. These Culobraled Sofos hnd the Champion Record in Tim Great Boston Fire, nsi Bolt for And since Hint timo oiUATnnd inpoh IAKT IMTROVRMKNTS bnvo boon mndo. Riforo Riving your order lo ny othor concorn, send for prices and descriplivo Cutnloguo. MORRIS & IRELAND JSfJ0N' MA8S- Cray's Specific Xlcdiclao. TRAOIMANK TRADi'madk I aullaal V...k. a, 1 3 ... T'rNfvV and all ' ' ' " Diuaiea that r l.TTLea. Jun. IEFOHETAIIiaf-.il... aa a -AFUD TMlIi ZwDt-e Abue; a. li'.e t,l Mnuiorj. I ,.,..,, a amide, I'ain in tbe Ltack, Loaint,i ..i ,l( Premature old Are, and maiir nil,,, I. that lead to leeeail; er Con.muttin at l a fr. aiaoire tlrave. arl.'nll iartirulare la our pam.u:et, l.i we ilef ire to .end free lij mail to kvrry i.n.. -j. t.eM ilia Medioine if told iiy ell druiriti ai II i.,r Vi..me, or ill .ackaoi l-.r j, or mil i free bjf meil ua reoeliit of the uionev, l.v Ii. llli UHAV alKDICI.VK co , llull.lo, ,. Cold In Cleaitcld 1 C. D. Mal..n. a iS:, ',-1 I , READING FOR ALL I! BOOKS . STA TlOXEli Y Marknt Ht.t i'leirfleld, (at (lie I'ukI lit!...,, T11K nnderi.igr.fd bfpa Icara lo Bin-l( cltinna of ClearCeld and ririi.it., i ba dip fittrd up a room and Lai jtt rc ursefj friio (li ciiy with a larue au.ui.t tf rutin,, matter. rinii.tin in part of . Eibles and Micelknecus Books, Blank, Arxoant anil Paaa Hooka af itry erif.tioa; 1'nj.ar and Ecrelcf aa, J'm.rh f r. Vj ml plain 1'eni and Pesiila; Llank L-gii fa.i.rp, Uo.-Ja. Muityagctf JuJfinent, Jeu.,. tltu and I'rotuiaarr oulca; Wbita ai.tl I ..ret. root. i )ritif, Ltftal Cap, Kecord Cop, atitl LiM 6hct Muaie, U-r eituer Piaoo, rlota or WiUtt otitantl od hand. Any bovkt or rtatiMn den i red tb.it I tab j nut haf eon hiBd.willlreurufit b.T 6rn flxprrf. auj aold at wbuleiala or r-uil to a Jit euitnmeri. 1 will alto karp er d-caj Iftcratnrv, tuh av iViafrafiaaa, Naw-papen, 1. A. UAl'LlN. CfMji'.r May T, lBfl8-tf New Departure LUTIIERSBURGt HeriaOr, foodn will be io)r fr-r f ; U ,,ti, or io vfjj an ire for prouc. Ho Wikt krjjt i-j tha future. All A1 afrmiois n,,.,' t let tie-1. Tboifl who faoaot rarb uji, ,:tiJh( band i ver tbeir noted aod CLOSE THE RECORD. I am dctcrraiorj to pall my nwlr prlrttt, ar.) at a discount fr tvcluw ih '.ftcrail iu tbii Tirtnity. The difmitnt I n' r.,h cvnvart, will makelhem rtrh i) tw. niv i : thoy follow my adviefl add hny tbiir pit, . ma. I will pay c.irh for vbent, o-U iMt ecd. DANIEL (iuOljI.AM't Lallirri'irr, Jintrnr- 17, 177. ' 'J ' I J'iLt ffrli'itla FACT3 WORTH KNOWING. Cloafr.IIirha, iinrlrakfeKtllllctU - ' nitiv utticr ot bei medttinet known j(i klilf ullycomhintd in pAHt. P sCmr.r '1- lo niai;t it tfic eTc.tctt Blood Purifier i,id tha licit Ileal lb aad fitrn;tli lioaturrr trer t'aeil. fefrfetrt l thecompoaution of pAaitaVs Hiv t it ut'l. jf you have Dympfpii Hheumttlim, Naunloia, Bowa Hedith( 0al, fctdnfy ot Livar Uiiordar. or if vu not. 1 am i ai'pctucr, il To vie i jutt the ni-.h. inrymj.a. it U b'hlv curative and uitia ;ttn i nit never nitoxn Aimg. . J( 'l e sl'jly waMinj away Cor rvmptioa cir any ncsi.il ynu ti4V- ii Ha in ft CougFi or .bad Cold. 1'ai kfh s(jis.,Kfi in., nil kurely ttrln you. It givet new Ltc r.: 'iKor to tne fpcSle nnA and i irn ,, ure (or Rheumatism and Cholera InOrium. It II aa bated Uaadmlfl of Liffa) It Mr haia tonrni. Tf you r feclinn miwrjdte d"nt ejlt tn.:. vnti are tlown iklt, liut uie ihe 'I : i : No metier wh.it yrdieaor tymjitjui u ii will fjive nrorapt relief. Krmeml.rrl VAKkUf'-itii-irrw Tn-.i- i r i mm ftimk but the Batt and Pure;t Fini1 Medieiaa ever made, c"inixiinJrl hy u m . ITdcesa, and entirely diflercnt )rr,m I'm -. inurr jirf(.mti'nt nd ail other 'I .um. 1 1 4 me, fci it tie. '-tir druriM c.in mit !v vu. ' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Baatand Hoit Efoaonlcal HalrDrMitn tiquinttly perfumed and perfectly ham!".. Hill alwara Rratore Gray or Fadt.l Hair lo iti original youthful cotor snj apneanrti -it wjmnls l lo tt .p in (ail.ii-, asiiU tia g and prevent 1. ilrlnr A Irwajili.-nt ncf tSennt.-t-Mwi't m'" ' hir, fVar ,a 'l rianrr-i( anl c ure itct-ir i a- ' I i luwun tt tluKalp. boi by lliini(it.at'i. April (1th. 1-M-lj. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, FKCOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PU11K I)llU(iH! C 11 B MICA1.S! PAIN TS, OILS, UYIC STITK VARNI8I1FS, BKV511F3, FANCY l)O0r.-. PKKrtJIKRV, IOILKT ARTICLKS, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WIXES AND I.IQVuHS Ut Baadldaal poiyoa Tn.if, Bavjiorfari, Sthool B ikf n,t - i B rj, and all other article Bimlh fnund is a hntg Store. nivsioiANs pRKPcnrrTinN.s cutr FULLV COMPOUNUKD. llavin a K'- - Jtarknaa lo tha bni Incut thaj eaa fir r- r. rit faction. .1. O. HAKT-iv.-T.-K. JOHN V. riiWIN. nwrf.M, ttwamW 1. 1474 OPEK FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH. Como to Frenchvile I I HAVE jiiat received llm hinr.'st slock of poods ever linniL'lil I" this section of tho county. "I'i '1 ' will sell forcnsli or produce i l"'"!1 ns they enn ba liouht clsewlnu'. My stock consists of Y)iY GOODS, Groceries, Bonis ifSlmrs, Hardware, "NaiU a Specialty. Ready Made Clolliiii!i. A full stock of FISH. Salt in Inn: or tmnll sncks, or by the) hnrrcl CROCKERY WARE, siono or clnv. (JlTEKN"VAI!K.11 styles and qonlity. In sliori, 1 l're overytliing iiscdeil hy tho fiirmor. tl" mechanic, the Innnrcr, or niM '"''T olsn, which 1 lll sell ust fi rhenpns ths goo fs enn bepnrchssed sny'l'prt else, l'lrsso enll anil exainine r,T ((oods and prid'S bofors invcti"ff elsawhore. I L.M. COUDItlhi FrenchTllle, Pa., Mr. 8, 8I tf Sewer r.