TJiK CLEARFIELD REPliBLICAS," CLEARFIELD, PA. lilTlHlltHEU IM(t1. I lit largest Clreaiatkm of any Newspaper In Nnrth Central Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription, ..-U I ft k.lw-aiin. or within 1 mnnthi. . ft? fWI if tid aftor ' n befora wjonthi 9 AO I If aid aftor tbo eipiratioa of Mootbi... 1 OO Bates ot Advertising. rrtntimt adrirtlaeinentf. per iquriof lOltnuor ;., X tiraea orleaa $1 60 Fi)rvch ittbm quant ineertton.. ) .1tninlitrttori' and Kieentpri'notittei.. I J Auditore' noiiflei .. 1 Cautl'-ni and E'tratjra....,. 1 & Involution notice a. - I BO I'rofeil.onfcl CnrdB, ft UDM Of lee,l year.,... M in, ft Unee or Im,1 year.,.. r lino r iMiau.iu.u.vvd L?ml notices, per I Y EARLY ADVKHTIHIMKNT8. i ,,.,. hniimi.. ...inn1 1? !" .1! ! 20 I column. 110 00. I. B. OOODI.ANDRR, Publisher. sCaivjjfrs' Carfls. w. SMITH, II ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, 11:1:71 " tiearlleld. Pa. J J. LIXG1.K, ATTORNEY -AT - LAW, 1:11 I'lilllpabtirc;, Outre Co., Pa. y:pd JOLANI D.SWOOPK, ' -Armnrsi at iaw, Curwucsrille, Clearfield oonnty, Pi. oct. 074-lf. 0 SCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Offloe in "Old Western! building," (up slelr). Oct. . '78 If. SRAEL TEST, ATTORNKY AT LAW, Clearlleld, Pa. r-091pe one door east of Hbaw Haass. Ujll.'fT yM. M. McCULLOUGII, ATIOItNEYAT LAW, CLBAIIFIXLD, PA lifll 'e In MnFonle building, Eerond rtreet, op- orile llie Court luuie.,7N-tr. C. AliNOLD, I, AW k COLLECTION OFFICE, CtTRWENPVILLfe, r:.: Cleirfield Countjr, Penn'l. 70; i T. BROCK1IAXK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. tr, Opre Hour. ep 25,77-1 j wt. A. W A I. LACK l)vil L. KMtn,. II. tiKV F. tt'.Lurl, Wa. E. WAt.(.ri. T I, LACK K RE IIS, A TTORXEYS-AT-LAW, I Clearfield, Pa. gMlTIl V. WILSOX, .llloriu,' l l.l: AH1IKLI), . - ITSS'A. ,rn-nmre in tie Maf nlj UuiMlng, orr tht Cotintr National llank. iDar24-80. J I'. SXYDER, A 1 fuRNKY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. i,iT:c ovrr (lis Countjr National Ilanlt. June 20, 7etf. jKA.VK Ci. IIARRIK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLBAnriKLn, Praa'a. F.r.t-vla. Life and Kite Ittaurance Coinpanlra ret rm'ntnl. j!rOfficc in tbe Optra n..ui.-&;j Mr. lrt,'kl-l) ..CTRttl aoRROII. jJURKAt & CORDOX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. rUIBre la Ple'a Opera Iloaae, aeeond Boor. .W7e 7ILL1AM A. II AGKItTY, TToturn i '-jT-r.1 ir, lll'-l'K'i: iiTrr T. A. I'lerk A t'o.'a Kturc, CLEARFIELD, l'KNN'A frWIII attend to all log .1 bilnlneae with proinptDraa nod fidelity. febll00.(. in.Bra a. M'naiLLT dabibi. w. m'ci-bpt. cKNALIA' ilcCURDY ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Jirjirneid. Pa. JHf Iogal bne'.ieta attended to promptly witbj dlelity. Office on Second it root, abore :bo Firat .National Dank. Jn:l:76 J F. MoKEXRICR, DISTKICI ATTORNKY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All laical butineai entruated to htl oaro will re- crive prompt atuntioo, T-Offlre In the Cnort Ilou.e. aucl4,l78.1y. 1 G. KRAMER, A T T O R X E Y - A T - L A W , Real K.tate and Collection Afent, CI.IiAKKIKLI), PA., Will promptly attend to all lrfal huiloeai aa. trurted to Mi eare. aa-offlr la Pie'i Opera IIoa.e. Janl'70, JOIIX L. CUTTLE, ATTOHN'EY AT LAW. aital Heal I'jtato Agent, ClearHrld, Pa. Offl- on Tbird .treat, bet. Cherry 4 Walnot. h.rKeapeetfally oflore bia aereieei la aellinR and buying land. In Clearfield and .'IJoIdIdk eountiefl , and wltb aa OBperlaDoeel OTer twenty y.ara aa a lurreyor, fiattere himlelf that be eaa render aatlifaetioa. (Feb. M:0S:tf, yiiysifians' ffanls. ryn e. m. sciieurer, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, OlOee la reaidenre on Flrrt at. April 14, 1071. Claarleld, Pa. jyt. W. A. MEANS, FUYSICIAN & SU RW EON, DI!B0I8 CITY, PA. 'Ul attend proleialonal ealla proaiptly. augl0'70 T. J. 1IOYER, l-HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olfce on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. H-UHic, hour. : to It a. a., and 1 to I p. a. I) R. J. KAY WRIGLEY, HOMEOPATHIC rilY8ICIAN, jr--0Hic'0 a Ijolnlnj tbe re.lden-a ef Jamoa W,,l.y, Iwq., OB Second KL, Clearfield, Pa. Jaly.11,'711 tf. -i C. JENKINS, M. P., I'll YSICIAX AND8URGKON CI RWF.NflVILLB, PA., .'fltroe at reridcare, eeracr nf State and Pia Jan. 0th, ll If. JJR. U. B. VAX VALZAII, CI.F.ARr'ltCI.P, PKNN'A. tf Fit E IN BRSIIlENCK, CORNER OF FIRItT AND 1'lMi HTREKTi). ay- Ofiloa houre Trom II to I P. II. May 11, 1071. 1) U. J. 1. BURC1I FIELD, Lta Surge oa of tbo 83d Heglaiaat, Peaaayleaala Vcianleera, haelag rataroed froaa Ibe Amy, (Ten hie profeaaleaal aorf looo ia theeltioeaa ef Clearfield eeaDty. CafProfeaaioaal ealla proaiptly attended lo. Olta ea Soeoad Ureal, formerly aaeapiod by Dr Weoda. (aprO.'OO-U CLEARFIELD GEO. B. Q00DLANDER, Editor VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. (Tarda. - - - - TTPVDV HRFTH tti ! 1 I r (uOTKBn . o.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ,, irLL Tow..,r. May I, 1 8T-ly JAME8 MITCHELL, - BBALBB IB 8(juare Timber & Timber Lands, JeM'fJ CI.KARF1KLD, PA. . a.v:,,oyt: " ; :- Land Survevor and Civil Engineer, PUILIPSBI'BO, PA. JiSr-All business will be attonde' to promptly. Dee. IJ, l80ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, Homo and Sign Painter -and Paper Hanger, ClcarUeld, Prtni'a. OVWIII execute Jubi In bti line promptly end In worktuMiliki manner. efr,07 IRANK FIELDINO : AND WILLIAM D. iw;li:r, .irron.rEfs-jT-i.tir, CLEARFIELD, PA. Ko. 17lh, 1810 tf. WEAVER &. BETTS, Real Estale, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LfSinnil OF ALL KINDS. Offioe on Keeond ilreet, lo rear of ilore rcom of lleurxe Wrnver A Co. jarU. 'TS-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JI STICB OP TnK PEACE ron Itrtatnr Township, O.o.ola Mill! P. O. 11 official bu.ltieaa entraited to him will be promptly attended to. moh2V, '70. IT A URY SNYDER II llAHHtK AND HAIKDKK8SKB. 6h on Mftiket Si., oppiw.U Court llnq. J n towel for over eortotner. Alio ileolcr n lift Ittaudo df ToliBiro and i'lnroo 'iM'dilf P. mu ly, '71. JAMES H. TURNER, JTSTICK OF THE PEACE, tt allaretuii. Pa. JMirHe hit prrpftrcl himielf wttli all the necuiarj blank fur mi under tho rcnaiQ aod bounty lwi, ai nell hi hlonb lJieilt, etc. All Ivftal uattom eiitruftrd lo fai cftre will rvooiro prompt allentioo. My 7th, IhTi'-tf. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CI.tAUFILLD, PENN'A. jrM'anipa alwaj t on bund and made to order en abort notioo. Pipes bored on reasonable term a All work warranted to render retitfatlon. and delivered if deilred. Biylft.lypd 1.1 very Siahlo. rriHK anderalgned bgt learoto Intorm thepub- f, no that he la now fully preparpf to inoommo date all in the way of tnrnnning ll.aea, HcKgiot, Saddlea and Ham eta, on the iborteat notice and an reaeonable term a. Heaidenee no Loeuat ttrret, between inlM and rourth. UKO. W. GKAKHAHT. Ilearfleld. Feb. 4, 174. M. C. BEAD '. A. tUflXftT Y JBAD&UABHRTY, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENCY. JHf-Cffioe io Qraham RuiMio., Markot Itraet. Clearfield, - - Penn'a, June la, ISSI-lf : THOMAS H. FORCEE, CI A Lift IB GENERAL MERCHANDISE, (.RAHAMTON, Pb. Alan, eitenalre manufactarer and dealer In qaara limber and eawed Lumber or all kmaa. fOrder t lolleited and all Willi promptly nileci, L jyB ' S. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ABO DBALBB IB Walclica, Clocks and Jewelry, 67niAfla.'a Rowt Mirltrt, f'I.EABKIEM), PA. All klnda of repairing In my line promptly at ended to. Jan. 1(1, 117V. $k Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUHAGK 110MB INPUSTKY THR anderalgsed, baring aaubllnbod a Nnr aery on tho 'Pike, a Hunt half way bitwecB Clearfield and Cnrwiriavtlln, la prepared to fur Btab all kinda of MU'IT TltKtS, (itandHrd and dwarf,) KTrrgreena, HhrubtMiry, (irat-e Yinaa. ()ooeherry, Lnwton Dlarkherry, (jtrawherry, and Raspberry Vinea. Alio, Hiberian Crab Treet, (jufneo, and early arartot H ha barb, A. Ordert promptly attended to. Addroaa, J. D. WRIOHT, pit tn.j CurwccsTllle, Po. CAR Hri i t irDL. tlcurficld Insurance Agency. HERK A lltnot.E, Jgtnl, Krpreeentthe following an I other Co 'a fompanlea. Aireta. Llrerpool Lnndon A OI .be IT. g. Br.t,.MI.9 Lyenmlng on mutual A eaab plane. Pbcvnis, of Hartford, Conn.. 3.A24 .OAS Inatiranee Co. of North Amerlra llia.,IX,A74 North Britl.h A Meroanlile II. S. Br. l.lhl.AlM Bmtiltk Ci.nimoroial 1 . 8. Drench...- 07,l4t Walertown 7(.0I0 Traeelert (Life A Avoidant) 4,i,4e4 Offire on Merkrt Ht., opp. Court Houae, Clear eld, Pa. June I, "TB-tf. Insurance Agency OF WILLIAM 0. HELMB0LD, t'nllon Murk, Ctirtrnmrlllt, Pa. Companies Represented i Coinmerelat Union Ina. Co., Amis ..0a,70J S Firrmen a Fond Ina. Co.,A.aeta I 100.017 Oil I nloa In.o-.o-- Co , Af II - 1. 070. 11.17 OS Travrlera'A-nulent Ins. Co.. A ,6 IK . IV 4 4 Northern loa. Co. of New Vork As ia Xtfl.SBO 00 Insurance plaoed 08 all kinds of property at riinitalile rotes Curwinsviile, Pa , Fab. It, ISM If. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSI RANCE COMPANY, Newark, W. J. INCORPOIIATBD l4i. PURELY Ml'TI'AL. Aasars, Jaa. I, 11, as aioertaioed by Kaanlning Commissioners ol llaasaebuatls,OkioaedNew Jersey - J.M,I I.nsiMTina, aa stated by Ibe same. .11,11 1,4a St by Meaesbo's Steaderd. .SI.JJ 00 grant o by N. York 8l.nd.rd... ,S"l,0J IS Atlprlleiasnonroffeitable eder seeoad yaart lowsiprasest largedlfidands de- elsrrd and paid erary year elnre orgaa- isation t ample surplus ; surrender taluea m-et liberal, losses promptly adju1rd and paid. Orrtraaa t LEWIS C. (1ROVKR, Pnaainaar. JAMKS B. PKARS'lN, VK B-l'Bssinrwf. Kn. I. Doaaiaa. Seey. Tseo. MacaaBtr.Treaa. POTT Kit A KKVKS, Male Agents, ill Wal. But slrees, Philadelphia, Pa. . K. M. M'KNAI.I.V.BpeelelAgent. la Moseop's bolldlag, Markot street, VleuOeld, Pa. (,.. 'll-li. - t . & Proprietor. 2,711. THE OLD FARMER :LECY. "ft a itTKonitrftviybnoll. by is. Unk nf tbo brook Tkrt to lotg nd to ofti baa votrnd hU floek. Tiio old r.rm.r rtiti in btiloog and lut iloep, JVhtU tbo witon a low, Utumc lnllaby korp. 1U hti plnughH hli Uit furrow, hai rapd hli I lt graio Ko in urn abttlJ awakt btui lo UW agala. Tub treo, thtt with fraffronot tt filling tho air, Ho rich with It bloMomi, to tbrtfty aod fair. Ujr hi own hand tii pUnttd ; and wall did bo It would lira wleD iti plantor bad men Me rod mmaf. II baa pluugbud bl lJt furrow, baa roapfd hU taut graio t No mora hall awakt bits to labor again. TLore'i tbo well Uit be ddtf, with iti water ao oold, With Iti wot, dripping huektt, H many and old, No mora from tie lisptba hj tho patriarah drawn. Fur tbo "pitcher U brulten," tho old man it guno. He baa ploughed bi I art furrow, baa reaped hi latt grain : No morn ahall awake blm to Ubur again. 'Toai a glnomjr giring dj when Ihf old fnrmer dittti Tho Ntontheartcd mourned, tie affjet ion at cried ; And UiO pimjmti ot the iet fur bia reat did aa- i'rdiI, For thj all l.nt a brother, a man and a friend. He baa ploughed bia last furrow, ha reapod fata lait grain No morn aball awake him to labor again. Pr upright and honet t th oi l fanner waaj Hii liod ho rewre l, he mjieoled ue lawi ; Though laiueleia ho lit ad, he but goue where bie worth Will ouirbioo, like pure gold, all the d rot of Ibil earth. He ha ploughed hi Lit furrow, bai reapoi bii luit grain ; No morn ahall awake him to labor ngaln. Jmiiik Jj. Cimuimt. DEAD. THE ASSASSIN'S WORK COMPLETE. vie, riu miim.nt AitTiii n h tioii n I SI AN HKIM)KNT. In otir isstto lust week wo hail only tinio lo nnnounco tho death of tlio I'rittidint, James A. Garfield. Iklow will bo found other fai ls connected with hid ti"U','io death : I'.liif.ron, N. J., September l!t 11:15 j Tho Cabinet ban jtint arrived and :l'oiio in a body to Fruni klyn Cottuiro. All aro hero except lllaino and Lin eoln. Altnrney General MacVettf-h has telegraphed them of tho I'reni dent's death. How nE mm.. Ki.BKittiN, 11:20 P. M. Attorney (General MacVeali just camo to tho j Klbeion Hotel from Franeklyn Cot. tuf-o and made tho following ultilo i ment : 1 1 cent my despatch to Mr. Lowell at 10 1'. M. Shortly boliiro that Lr. li I ii-h hud seen tho i'resideiit, and lounil his pvlso at 100 beats per min ute, and all tho conditions were then promising a quiet ni;lit. Tho doctor atiked lho President if ho was feeling uncomfortable in any way. The Presi dent answered, "NOT AT ALL," and shortly aftorwards fell asleep, and Dr. Uliss returned to bis room across tbo bull from that occupied by tho President. About fifteen minutes after 10 o'clock the President awakened and remarked to Colonel Swaim that ho was HiiUorinf; great pain, and placed bis hand over bis hoart. Dr. liliss was summoned and when bo entered tho room he found the President substantially without a pulso, and tbe action of tho hoart almost na distinguishable. Ho said at op") the President was dvinir. and directed Mrs. Garfield to bo called, also tho doctors. The Proeldont remained in a dying condition until 10. Hi, when ho was priiounccd dead. ARTHUR NOTIFIED. Lono liRANdi, Sept. 20. 12:25 A. M. Attorney General MacVeaph has just sont tho following to Vice Presi dent Arthur: It becomes our painful duty to In form you of tho death of President Garfield, and to adviso you to take tho oath of olllce as President of tho United States without delay. If it concurs with yotir judgmont, will bo very glad if you will come hero on tho earliest train to morrow morning. William Wisdom, Secretary of tho Treasury. W. II. Hunt, Secretary of tbe Navy. Thomas L. James, Postmaster Gcnoral. Wayne MacVeaoh, Attorney General. S J. Kirk wood, Secretary of tho Inloriof. lie received word this morning from Chester A. Arthur that the latter bad taken tho oath of ofllco. Tho dispatch was this: Xew York, September 20. I Liiyo your mcssufio announcing the death of President Garfield. Permit mo to ronow through you lho expres sion of sorrow and sympathy which I havo already telegraphed to Attorney General MncVcauh. In accordance with your suggestion I havo taken the oath of ofileo as President before the Hon. John It. ilrady, Justice ot tho Sujircmo Court of tho Stato of Now York. I will soon advise yon further in regard to-the other suggestion In your telegram. U. A. A8.TII! n. RESULT OF THE AUTOPSY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE SLRIilONS AFTEll CONCLt:DINfl THE EXAMINATION. Klberon. X. J., September 20. Tho following oflleial bulletin was prepared at eleven o'clock to night by the sur geons who havo noon in attendance upon tho lalo President: lly pre vious atrangemont a post mortem ex amination of lho body of President Garfield was mado this afternoon in tbe Drescnce and wilh the assislanco of Dre. Hamilton, Agnow, lllisa, Humes, Woodward, Reyburn, Andrew smith, of Klberon, and Acting Assistant Sur geon D. S. Lamb, of tho Army Medi cal Museum, to asbington. Tho opera tion was performed by Dr. J.amb. 11 was found that tho ball, after fractur ing tho right eleventh rib, had pissed through tho spinal column In Ironi oi tho spinal canal, fracturing the body of the first lumbar vertebra, driving a number of small Iragmcnli of bono into the adjacent soft parts and lodg ing below the pancreas about two inches and a balf to tho luft of the spino and Dohina tno pontoncnm, where it bad boeomo completely en cysted. Tho Immodiato cause of death was secondary hemorrbago from ono of the mesenteric arteries adjoining the track of the ball, the blood rupturing the poritonenm and nesrly a pint ca mping Into tbo abdominal cavity. This hemorrbago is believod to have beon lho cause ot th severe pain In tho lower part of lho chest complained of just beloro deatb. Ad abscess cavity, six inches by four in dimensions, was found in the rlcin- CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1881. ity of the gall bladder, between tho liver ana the transvorse colon, which wore .trongly adherent It did not in volve the substance of tbe liver and no communication was found botwoen it and tho wound. A long suppurating euannei exienueu irom too extornul wound, botwoen the loin muscles and the right kidney, almost to tho right groin, this chunnol, now known lo be duo to tho burrowing of pus from the wound, was supposed during life to havo been the track of the ball. On an examination of tho organs of tho chest ovidoncos of severe bronchitiB wero found on both tides, with broncho pneumonia ol the lower nor. tions of tbo right lung, and, though to a much less extent, of the left. The lungs contained no abscesses and the hoart no clots. 1 he liver was enlarged and fatty, but Ireo from abscesses. -or wero uny found in any other or gan cxeoot tho left kidney, which con tained near its surface a small abscess about one third of an inch in diameter. In reviewing tbo history of tho caso in connection with the autopsy It is quite eviuont that the ditloront suppu rating surfaces, and especially the Iraclureu, spongy tissuo ot tbo verte bra, furnish a sullicient explanation of tho septic condition which existed. I). W. Hliss, F. H. Hamilton, J. K. IUrns, D. HayhhAiinisw, J. J. Woodward, A. 11. Smith, liOllSUT liEYIIUUN, D. S. J.AMIl. It is evident lrom tho result of tho autopsy that lho character of the wound was not clearly understood during life. It seems also evident that no human skill could have averted lho fatal re sult of tho caso. The pancreas, noar which the ball wits found, is an oblong gland analogous in structure lo tho snlivnry glanils.whii'h is situated across tho posterior wall ot tho abdomen. It is about six or eight inches long and extends from near tho lower onlico of tho stomach lo the spleen, just over tho left kidnoy. It secretes oncof tho various digestive fluids, which enters tho intestine along with tho bilo from tho liver. It is surrounded by numer ous important blood vessels, being sup plied with blood partly from 01,0 of tho mesenteric arteries ubovo alluded to. It will bo observed that tho gen eral direction ot tho ball coincides with tho opinion of Dr. Agncw reported somo weeks ago in The Times, but the fracture ol the vertebra docs not ap pear to have been indicated by any definite Symplons. I FROM VICE PRESIDES T TO PR Ei ID EST. Fur tho fourth timo in tho history of tho Republic itschnsenChief Magis trate has been prematurely removed, twico by nalurul death and twico by assassination. In each instanco the transfer ol tho powers and duties of the olllce of President has boon matlo to lho Vice President without the leant apparent violeneo or shock to tbo Government. President Harrison died on tbe fourth of April, 1841, after holjinftlio olllco ono brief month, and Vice presi dent Tyler took tho oath as bis sao cesser on the filh of April. On enter ing upon the Presidency John Tyler expressed bis wish that the members of the Cabinet would conlinuo to fill their places "I'd "his confidence that they wo'd afford all the aid in their powi to enablo him to carry on the .(ministration of tho government suc cessfully." Hut during tho extra ses sion of Congress that was convened irroconcileablo ditferoncos broko out botwoen John Tyler and Honry Clay. In consequence ot this quarrel all tbo members of tho Cabinot wero forced into resignation on lho l.'lth of Sep tember, 18-11, except Daniel Webster, the Secretary of State, who hold on till 1813, when ho was compelled to retire. Tho political cbango through which this Tyler ad ministration passed is shown by the fact that Daniel Web ster was its first Seorctary of Stato and his great rival, John C, Calhoun, tho last. President Zaehary Taylor died on the 9th of July, 1850, and Vice Presi dent Fillmore took the oath of office next day. Thero was almost imme diately a clean sweep of President Taylor's Cabinet, as well a ehango in the policy of the administration on the absorbing question of slavory. Within ten days from Millard Fillmore's ac cession to tho I'residoncy a new Cabi net was Appointed and confirmed. The radical or froe soil elomcnt of tho Whig party which, strangely onough, was in tbo ascendant under a southern and slave-holding President was sup planted by tho conservative or com promise element under his northern successor. Daniel Webster returned to tho ofllco ot Secretary of Slate, his lamous Seventh of March Speech hav ing restored him to complete harmony with the southern element of the Whig party. Tom Corwin of Ohio, another compromiser, wero mado Sec retary of lho Treasury, and John J. Crittenden of Kentucky, resumed the Attorney Gonoralship from which bo had been removed by John Tylor. Milliard Fillmore made his Jluflalolaw partner Xulhan K. Hall, his Post master General. Abraham Lincoln was shot by Booth on tbe night of tho 1 tth of April, and the next day AndrewJohnson entered upon the duties of President The members of tho Cabinet immediately tontlored their resignations, but they were requested by Prosident Johnson to rotain their places. As It was tho aim of Andrew Johnson to fuilhfully carry out the policy outlined by Prosi dent Lincoln be did not deem It wise to remove Lincoln's advisers, and they all remained. The qnnrrel with Sec rotary Stanton did not tskc place until the lost year of Andrew Johnson's ad ministration. None of tho members of Lincoln's Cabinot wore "personal friends" of Andrew Johnson, With most of them ho bad no personal ac quaintance, but ho did not removo thorn to make placo for "personal friends." Ho know he could trust them aa hi. groat predecessor bad trusted them, and that was the chief consideration. . These aro the precedents for lho consideration of President Arthur on entoring upon the responsible dutioe ot bis ofllco. If ho undertakes to make tip a Cabinet on the score of porsonal friendships and Intimacies his adminis tration is failure from tho Tory out start. "Mamma, I don't think llie people who make dolls are very pious people," said a little girl to her mother ono day, "Why nol, my child?" "Bo cause you can never make them kneel. I always have lo lay my doll on her stomach to lay hor prayer." Hoarding liouso chicken soup can bo made, it ia said, hy hanging up a hen in the son so that her shadow shall fall into i pot of salt and water. The only trouble ia that on a cloudy day tbo soup Is liable to be weak. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. GU1TKAU-MAS0S. WHAT THE SERGEANT HAS TO SAY ABOUT THE SHOOTING. HE OIVE8 Ills REASONS FOR ATTEMPTINQ TO TAKE OUITEAlfS LIFE HE DID NOT ENLIST TO mi AKD AN ASSASSIN THE PRISONER REMOVED To ANOTHER CE1.I. OTHER PARTICULARS. Tho attempt of Sergeant Mason to kill Guitcuu on the night of tho 11th ins), caused a flury of excitement at Washington, especially at the jail and in military circles. Briefly statod, tho following are the facts regarding the shooting: AbontCUO o'clock Cap tain McGillray arrivedut tbe jail from lho arsenal, wilh his command, to to liovo tho command of Captain Graves, who had been on d'lty during tbo pie ceding twenty lour hours guarding the jail. Tho relieving guard arrived in threo wagons, in tbo first of whieh wore stmteil C'optr ilcGilfrny. Lieu- tennnt Richmond, Sergeant Mason and rnvato Condon. hutoccurrcd there after is thus related by McGillray "As we halted in front of tho jail 1 dismounted from tbo wagon snd passed rapidly to tho rear ol it to get a few articles that 1 bud brought up for uso during tno night. As 1 turned away lrom the wagon with my basktt in my band, 1 was somewhat slarllet'. by tbo report ot a rilio. As 1 had not Vet ro lieved Major Graves, whoso lentincls wero still uround tbo jail build, ng, I at iirst thought tho shot had been tired by ono of bis men. As 1 stepped for ward I saw a man standiuu jusl in front of tho window of Gu item's cell, holding bis pieco presented, evidently having just fired. Still under the im pression that it was ono of Maior Graves men, 1 walked rapidly forward, and as I approui bed biia 1 was to seo it waa Sergeant Mason, of my company, my first sergeant. Ho was very much excited, and said: '1 bred that shot, Captain, and intended to kill tbo scoundrel. 1 did not enlist to guurd an asrusbin.' I took his arms irom him and placed a scktincl over him. Whcu tho guard was reliovod 1 placed Sergeant Mason in Mai. Graves' hands, and requested him to take him back to tho ursenal and turn him over to tbo commanding oflieer wilh a re port of tho occurrence. Upon ex amination I found thai the shot bad gono through tho window opposite Goiteau's cell ; tbe ball could nolbavo missed him more than threo or four inchos at the furthest. Tho bullet struck tho south wall of the cell lour feel six inches from tho floor, and then glanced oil', striking tho lust wall ut nearly tho samo distanco up, when it fell to tbo floor. The window of Gui teau's cell would hardly be visible to any ono unacquainted with tho plan of tho building, but Sergeant Mason bad beon on duty at tho jail and know tho exact position of lho windows." Muson wus immediately taken to tbo arsenal, and put in a small cell. A SOLDIER FOR NEARLY TWENTY YEARS. Upon being questioned as to his mo tivo in attempting to shoot Guitcuu ho calmly and quietly rcpliad that ht bnd become tired of being compelled tn 00 to the jail to guard a man who bad shot a good man, tho President ot the Nation. Ho said that beloro leaving tho arsenal he had loaded his gun with a forty-five calibro bull lorllto purpose of killing Guilcau. Ho suit! bo had been thinking about doing it for sev eral days, and ho bad concluded thai it was bis duty to kill tho assassin. Tho officers and comrades of Mason speak ot him in high terms. They Bay ho has the reputation of being a good and faitblul soldier, and that he is not a drinking man. Some ot them say that ut timos ho is rathor eccentric, but ho has beon regarded us thoroughly honest and trustworthy. Some of bis comrades attempt to excuso bis act on the ground Hint of lato bo has boon sick with fever and ague, and husbcen taking a good doal of mcdicino, whieh may bavo afluetod bis mind. Mason has been in the army most of the time for nineteen yours. He is a nativo of Virginia. Though fivo of his broth ers served in tho Confederate army, ho joined tho Union army during tho war. Hois thirty -eight years of agoJ is a strong muscular man, and nearly six foot tall. He id a fine marksman, and Gunorul Ayer, colonel ol tho Sec ond artillery, says that if Mason had had a sight of Guitcau he would havo killed him. MASON'S PUNISHMENT. In rcsponso to an inquiry to day, Assistant Adjutant General Ruggles said, that Mason would this week bo turned over to the civil authorities of lho District of Columbia, and that ho would doubtlcs. be tried on a charge of intent to kill. If ho should bo sent lo tho ponitentiary for any length of time, ho would probably bo dismissed from tbo army; but if ho should bo sentenced for only afew months by tho civil authorities, ho would after serv ing out his aenlenco, in all probability bellied by court martial, bo subjected to military punishment for a mouth or so. for violution of military discipline, and would then bo released. In army circles thero io much chagrin over Mason's act. Tho officers at the arsenal aro afraid it will bo regarded by tho public a. a severe reflection on regular soldiers as a guurd at tho jail, and as a suggestion that Guilcan has more lo fear irom tho soldiers than from civilians, OUITF.AU S TERROR. Mason's shot mado Guitcau fiuntic with fear. He was found crouched in one corner of his coll praying loudly for protection. Though assured that the shot was tho result of an aeeidont, he bud no faith in the statement, and ho kept carefully away lrom tbo win dow, llo begged passionately to lie removed to a cell whero be wouldn't bo exposed to such shots. From his point of view Guilcau. appeal was very reasonable. Ho has lrom- tho be ginning ot his imprisonment been ex posed not only to shots from the guards oulsido, but from any one wilh a long range rifle. The window through which Sergeant Mason shot at Gui tcau last evening was examined this moriiing by the tail warden to see II by any possible means the bullet could havo struck the prisoner. Warden Crocker gives the following as lho re sult of his examination : The bnllot entered the outer .window, passing through lho centre pane of glass, making a small round hole auout nan and inch in diameter. Crossing a cor- rtlor of porbnps ten feet it entered Guitcau'. cell, whieh is on the ground floor, tbo window-sill and striking Guilean'a coat, which was banging against the southwest corner of bis cell penetrating it and striking n picture ot nimscll recently ptioto-o-rnped by C. M. Dell, which was in bis pnckol. It glanced along sido of the wall auout an men irom 11, then striking lbs wall and dropping lo tbo floor. WHAT Till WAS DEPARTMENT WILL DO. 7.0 official notice ol Sergeant Mason's REPUB oflenso has reached lho War Depart ment. It is stated thero that Mason will be promptly surrendered if a do- mand is made, for him by tho civil au thorities ; thus all complications will bo avoided. If such demand is not made tho prisoner will ho tried by court martiul, probably at an curly day. Army officers gonorally express a feelingof mortification at thisattcmpt on Guitoau'a life as reflecting on tho discipline of tho service. THE QUESTION OF JURISDICTION. Sergeant Mason, who fired tho shot at Guilcau on the lltb inst., still ro mains under military guard. District Attorney Corkhill has not decided upon making a demand for tho prioonor, and tho question of jurisdiction re mains in doubt. Thcidca that Mason was under tho influence of liquor or a drug is generally discredited in tho vicinity ol tho jail, and allbouirh no evidence of a plot among the military guard for the killing of Guilcau bus oecn discovered, it ban long been known that a feeling of tho deepest hostility against him exists among tho soldiers. Tho officers of the juil after nuving mauo an examination, are ot tho opinion that Guitcau was not at tho window of his cell, but reclining upon tho bed, at tbo lime tho shot was lirod. They stuto lhat Guitcau ex hihtcd an agony of fear and apprehen sion for somo timo after tbo shooting Ho was removed loanothcr cell, whero it is statod another occurrence ol tho kind is impossible LOCKING T11KTRUSK. My dear," said Mrs. Spootiendyko, us the aroeo from her knees, hot and tired wilh packing, and rubbing the small of her back as she straightened up, "I'm nil through now, and 1 wish you would lock this trunk." "Certainly, replied Mr. Spoopen lylto, dropping his paper and slam ming down the lid. "All you'vo got to do is just fit the hasp in tho lock and turn tho koy. So !" Hut the key duln t otnto turn, and Mr. Spoopendyko hit. tbe hasp with tho sido of his fist and tried it again. 'Don't it work ?" asked Mrs. Soon pendyke, watching tho proceeding with considerable interest. 'It'll work if you'll let it alone," said Mr. Spoopendyko severely, and bo raised tbo lid, dropped it again, pound ed the hasp and wrenched at tho key with all his strength. "Stand back and give me room, can't you f" he growled, as ho pressed down on tbo lid and gave tho koy quick twists in a vain cllort to catch the lock unawares. "Why don't you rest your weight' on it, and let 1110 lock it?" asked Mrs. Spoopendyko, fluttering around her husband and wondering if ho was thoroughly aware lhat his plug but was immediately undor tho lid. "Have you got time to keep away from this thing and let mo work it 1 " demanded Mr. Spoopondyko, contem plating bis wifo with a Spartan ex pression ol visage. "S'poso 1 can do anything witb you silling on my elbow 1 It you'll go down in the cel lar for n minulo I'll lock this trunk." and Mr. SpoopcndyKw lumped at lho hasp and breathed bard, iiut Ins best efforts could only turn tho key halfway. Oh 1 ain't 1 glad you could 11 1 lock it!" exclaimed Mrs. Spoopendyko,! anxious to stay her husband's growing rath. "1 lorgottoputin yourcano. j "Dod gast tho cano I" sputtered Mr. Spoopendyko. "S'pose it's goin' to lock any casior with a dod gasicd old walking cano sticking out at one ond ? Vi bo says 1 can t lock it? W bat s the reason 1 can t lock it r. und ho stood oil and fetched tho husp a tremendous ! kick. "Anything else you'vo forgot ten toputio?" and bo sprang on the lid and tugged ut the key with his head thrown back and his teeth set. "Got a couple of mirrors you want in hero? Any cbino around lho liouso that wants a rido in this trunk ? Want to put in lhat dod gasled ass on the top floor, who tries lo play tho fiddle?" and ho flopped off on to the floor and banged at lho bnsp again. 'Liel me sit on it, suggested .alia. Spoopendyko, climbing up without waiting for a response. "Now try it." -Mr Spoopendyko fumbled around and worked at tho hasp and key, but fruitlessly. "Can t you sit any harder than lhat?" ho yelled, as tho key stuck and would not turn oithor way. "'Fraid of breaking tbo measly thing? Press down can l yon ! Mrs. Spoopendyko souirmeu around and said, "Now dear," und Ihcn looked over to see how he was getting on, but still the lock was oh 1 11 rate. "Dod gast the measly trunk!"howlcd Mr. Spoopendyko, firing tho key out tho window and giving the trunk a furewell kick. "It you want it locked You get a blacksmith and a steam derrick," and Mr. Spoopendyke throw himsell into a chair and protended to bury himself in his papor. '1 don t Know how wo ro over goin to get it open," said Mrs. Spoopendyko after a long silence. 'Get what open? growled hor hus band. "The trunk. Now I lomembor, it's got a spring lock, and when you took tho Key out 11 locked llscll. 1 don I suppose wo can ever find tho key !"' "1 hat s it I Tolled Mr. hpoopondvko. You know all about it now I Why didn't yon tell mo it was a spring lock? V hot d yo koep it to yourself lor ." "1 forgot," whimmered Mrs Spoo pendyke, "but it will be all right. 1 can open it " 'Ob, you can open it! snorted Air. Spoopendyke. "You're an oponerl All you want is to bo sharpened on both sides to be an oyster knilo! With a dark lantern and a skull cop, you'd mako a lull kit ol burglars tools, uh, yes, you'll open ill II yon bad alooso handle and one oorner kicked on, yon d get rich aa a screw drivor!" and Mr. Spoopondyko tore out of tho bouse to see il be oould borrow something to pry open lhat unfortunate trunk. 'lhat gives mo lime to pack the valiso," murmcred Mrs. Spoopondyko, and as I ve cot anotlrar key to tho frank, we'll do pretty well alter all," and tbo worthy lady began lo jam nitrht shirts and hair oil Into the bags, together wilh sandwiches and tooth brushes, wondering betimes whether Mr. Snoonendvke's silk bat had been so badly smashed lhat il wouldn't do to Jto fishing In on rainy days, even 11 it didn't look well enough fur, church. ilrooklyn Eagk. "Whon I was a young man," sayo lho philosopher Billings,"! was always in a hurry to hold lho big end of Hie loa and do all tho lifting ; now I am older, 1 scir.o bold of the email end and do all the grunting. A black bear in Montana endeavored to bug a girl, anil she punched its eyes out wilh a parasol. Detroit white bears, says tbe J-Ve rrut, aro some what bettor troalod. NEW REllOIOS IS' TWO DOSES. The "church season" commences anew, for tbo hnhilnva arn over. Run. burned preachers return from roving among tho mountains and by tbe sea side. Churches winch were closed "lor repairs" aro now open, and pews wnicn wero empty in churches which kept open during tbo Summer are now beginning to fill up with well-clad wor shippers. It must bo evident lo all who calmly consider it that thero is more or less lack of wisdom in tho pro vailing practico ot closing churches for a month or two in Summer. As to taking a holiday there is no harm. Kverybody who can got a vacation in Summer ought to luko ono, whether preacher or layman. Wo all need rest and change There are somo people ot such vigorous constitution that for years they can gut along without tak ing a season of rest. Iiut even these need change. A week in tho country helps almost anybody. He who can get two or three weeks is more nnfort- unate than tho man whoso leave of absonce is but for a wcclfl Somo highly favored people aro out of town all Summer, cither at their country pluccs or clso at someplace of Summer resort or perhaps jaunting about from place to place. These are not tho ma ority of church-going pooplc. Thero aro very few churches most ol whoso people aro gono all Summer. Somo of the church members tnko a short va cation, and many havo to content them selves with a day or two at a time. If the managers of the church aro in reul eurnost in tho work of saving souls and nuking men better it is tho poorest sort of policy to go out ot business for ono-sixib of tho year. No tuctory with invested cupital would conduct its affairs in this way unless it bud overstocked tho market with its pro ductions or was unable to procure hands or material to be workod into goods. The churches havo not yet crowded the world with more converts than it has room for. There is no dif ficulty in procnrlngonongh ministerial help for tbo supply of pulpits during the absence of regular pastors. No newspaper could ailord to send its whole corps ot editors into tho country for two Summer months and discon tinue its publication for that time. Tho trial of such an experiment would dispense with the necessity of resum ing btioincss in September. Nowcomos tho day ot hard work in tho church which has been closed. Tho dispersed congregation is hard to gather. Somo ot the people who have remained have1 attended other churches which they j happened to find open. Somo bavo i 11 ' . . gono to hall-a-donenditterent churches ,,. mi, K,iva Tl.v heoin tn i fancy that they can bo profitted by somo other preacher than the ono who minsters in their own church. Some hnvo spent their Sundays, in quietly doing nothing ut home, und have cotno to tho conclusion that this is such a nice way to pass the Day of Rest that I hoy will continuo tho habit 'lho children aro quick to follow In tho wuyo of their parents. Thoy think tht If ihn phnreh pan wilh propriety bo shut for two months in tho year it is not ot much account during the other ton months. They bavo given Ibeir Sunday school lessons in the slip in tho vacation, and would like to try it for a few wooks longer. It will bo at least a month before lho church which opens to day will recover all the congregation it had when it closed for the Summer. All that timo it will jrog along in an imperfect manner, wilb only a part ol us organization in working order. No worldly enlerpriso could live and prosper if thus managed. II is timo now, to plan lor next bum mer's work. Let some church whiih has been closed mako its arrangemonts to keep open bouse. If the pastor wants a holiday all Summer let him take it Provide an earnest and spirit ed preacher for each Sunday and an notinco that all people who happen to bo in towu are welcome to come. With good preaching, attractive service and delightful music, there will be no difficulty in filling any church. Even if most ol the regular pew-holders slay away, a lot ol outsiders will como in, including a great many sinners who ou,;ht to bo convertod. Thus the Sum mer cntorprise ot the church will be a wholesome means of extending its ad vantages to muny whootherwiso would not havo como under its influenco. Ocean Grovo is a phenomenon of religious growth and progress in its own way. Its twelfth season has now closed, reporting more meetings and greater crowds than in any previous year. Where all the pooplo attended the meetings find lodgings and food is a marvel. There, as at ninny other of tho religious camps, there has been en tirely too much crowding. Tho privacy of homo which might reasonably be expected whero thero aro so many cot tages specially designated for homo comfort is in many cases sadly broken in upon. It is not that cottogors are covetous in tenting out ovory spare foot of bed room that moy happen lo bo under their roofs, but probably rather that they fool constrained to yield to tho great pressure of people who nocd accommodations. Certain it is that whenever a cottager has room to put no one more cot than he had originally contemplated somo boarder comes in to till lho chink and keep tho premises packed. Tho old ideas of leisure and elbow-room which wero uppermost in tho midst ol peoplo who went to lho seashore havo given way to the bustle of a hurry and drive suc cession of meetings, whieh last from sunrise until night and to a crowded and jammed stutoof affairs, which sug gests to ovcry man tho impending probability ot being punched in the ribs by his very contiguous fellow-man. I no coimiiiun in nnvieuuoii on inu" , . . . nrettv little sheet of water known asin1 in the car just across from him two W estley Lako is a fair indication of the whole moral and physical make up to Ocean Grovo. This "lako" is about as wido as Broad street and somewhat over a half a milo long. Thero aro soveral hundred row boats on it which crowd its snrfaco so closely that every body who handles an oar runs the ., ... . . , ,, ,,.-, I risk of . ml,r ho.i. At ihn eon. lud. I of some ing day ol the camp meetings one emi-1 nent preacher said that ho believod that two-thirds of lho peoplo at Ocean Grovo to be backsliders. Another said that there was no such place along the whole Atlantic coast for backslid ing. It is to be hoped that theso gen llemen are wrong. It were nioumltil if it wore the rase that alter a Summers ol such preaching and pray ing as Ocean Grove has witnessed the religious condition of the place wero as bad aa these statement indicate. The sayings of these preachers have been wildly circulated and the impression is Ibus conveyed that backsliding is one ol the principal features of relig ions lilo at Ibe G rove. 1 f this impres sion is incorrect the friends of tbe place ought to hsston lo correct it- LIC AN TEEMS-$2 per anium in Advance. SERIES - VOL. 22, NO. 38. 11ESVRWK b. wRianr. ONE OF PENNSYLVANIA 8 OLDEST PUBLIC men, jion. iicnuncK j. t rtgiit, wno died at his borne in Wtlkcs-Barro, on the 2d inst., in the 71th your of his age, was ono of tho oldest and greatest ot puonc men. nr. n right bad a .National reputation, lie was horn in Plymouth, this Slato, April 2!', 1H0H. ins miner came Irom tho slock Win I'cnn brought to this country, and wai a lartner in oomlortabte circum stanoes. Mr. Wright passed his youth ful yours pn his father's farm, sharing in tne lauor incident to a farmer a lilo, His father gavo him tho best educa tional advantages the schools in the vicinity allorded and subsequently sent him to Dickinson College. After graduating from that institution in 1829, ho studied law, and buvinir nro- pured himself by a rigid course of study was admitted to tbo bar in 1831, and in an exceedingly short time took rank as ono of tbe ablest practitioners in lho country. Jlis eloquence in pleading before a jury won for him a vory profitable clientage In 1S.'I4, at the ago of twenty-six, ho was appointed District Attorney for Lu.erne county by George M. Dallas, then Attorney Gcnoral and afterwurd Vico President. In 1841 ho was elect ed to the Slato Legislature, and re elected in 1812; aguin returned in 18l.'l, ho was oleeted Spoakor of tho House During his. service in tho Lcgislnturo his numo was associated wilh three jiieasures which be intro duced , First the Stay law. which bo himself drafted, providing that goods attached should lie appraised, and, if not bringing two-thirds of tho appraise ment, tho salo should bo stayed; sec ond, a law abolishing lho practice of imprisoning poor debtors; third, a bill to do away wilh the system of solitary confinement in prison. jnostuyiaw was enacted at tho session of 1842. Muny still live who can leslify to its having been an im mense advanlago to numbers who wero financially embarrassed, tempo rarily, by tho depressed condition of tho trade of the country during the years immediately preceding, and of no injury ultimately to a siuglo cred itor. The debtor imprisonment ropeul law he and Judgo Klwell wore together largely instrumental in having passed. Both were members of tbe judiciary Committee in which the measure was perfected. Do failed to secure tho PB,-'l;.' oi tno tniru mentioned article. l") "ngui us u delegate to tho Democratic National Convention and was elected both torn- Iw-iMirrs and nnrinarnnl fl,.. i....n n L'" J vu.. ........ A bat Convention lasted a week and nominated Polk and Dallas. He was a delegato to tbe subsequent conven tions which nominated Cues, Pierce, Buchanan, Douglas, Seymour and Tildeu. Mr. Wright was elected to Congress in 1852, but was defeated in 18S4 by tho Know Nothing element. Upon the breaking out of tbe rebellion in 1861 he was again called from his retirement, the nomination being ten dered by both political parties, llo accepted, and, of oource, was oleeted, and amud tbo perplexities and dangers surrounding Con cross during the two eventful years following bo was dis tinguished as a consistent and untir ing advneutooof an undivided Union. Mr. Wright strongly opposed and voted against tho creation of tho Na tional banking system. In 1872 Mr. Vt right was a Democratic candidate for Congrcssman-at large, and received tbo endorsement of tbe Workingraon's Convention. Ho was, however, do fcalcd at tho polls, though running ahead of his ticket. Ho then, for a lime, withdrew from publio life. About lKH Mr. Wright began to pin bis fuitb to tho Greenback party, and as tbo Democrats of tho Stato wore then coquetting wilh the Greonbackors, Mr. W right was chosen to presido over tho Democratic State Convention at Erie, in tho year of tho Ohio Allen campaign. llo was subsequently mado Chairman of tho State Central Committeo of the party, and personally conducted lho campaign, paying out of his own pocket a large proportion of the expenses attending it. Tho defeat of Allen in Ohio dis heartened the Greenbaekora and Dom- ocrats, but Mr. Wright still clung stubbornly to tho advocates of infla tion. In 18.0 tho M orkingmcn of bis district called him from his retirement, and in mass Convention nominated him for Congress. Tho Democracy ratified their nomination, and ho was elected. In 1878 he was returned by an increas ed majority. His record in Congress is laminar lo the wbolo country, ho tering that body aguin after tbo lapse ol several years as the special repre sentative of tho labor canse, chosen on account of his well known and freely expressed view, on questions directly concerning tho industrial classes, ho sought lo alleviate their lot as fur as legislative enactment could accomplish His efforts In many respects wero mis directed, as he supported a number of wild and foolish schemes. In 1HMI ho ran as a straighlout Greenback cai.di date for Congress, and was defentcd by lho Republican candidate, Joseph A. Scranlon, who secured Rl,4r!i voles. Tbo Democratic candidato, I). W.Con nolly, had 10,01s votes, while Wright had but 4,171. Ho was an excellent lawyer and held a largo and lucrulivo practice During his leisure moments bo found timo to write two books, ono tho "lleminisecnces ol J'lymottln, and the other "A Practical Treatise on Labor." Ho was wealthy, ami leaves a family ot grown up children. He Needs a Revised Copt. An ex change says: A sure bet: Jenkins was traveling in Missouri last year ust beloro tho Presidential election, men wero arguing aa to the probabio result of the election, buysono: "Llun cock's the man." "No, sir; Gorlield'll got It," was the reply. Suddenly an Adventist, silting behind them, spoke np ami said : "My friends, do yon know who ia to bo our next President? It ia tbe Lord, who is coming at onco, with his angels, to reign.'' Ouick as thought, Jenkins, wbo imagined that somo third party candidate had been mentioned, spuing up, slapped lho Milloriloon the shoulder and cried ont: "Bet you IJ5 ho don't curry Missouri." An old gentleman finding a couple ol his nieces fencing with broomsticks, said: "Come, my dears, that kind ol accomplishment will not help you in getting husbands." "1 know it, uncle," responded one ol the girls, as she gave a lungo, "but il will help to keep our husbands in order when wo have got thorn." A fashion writer remarks thsf'thsro is a struggle lo revive laced shoos." If thero ia to be any struggle about this lacing business, a great many young men wonld liko to lend hand. SUITS. Boo tb lawyer u he ataida Morlnf Jaws and waving hania, Telling Hm be aaderatanda Proailng 9t kit lull, Hm Id tailor, with teat, l.lko all uilon poorly droeeed, Ironing eeet, pacta and veal l'ltMing of bit ail. Mark ht lorn while ho kaoel Toll tbo tbrillkif throb bo tooli 11 oor tbo ODBifnio bo roTtali Proielng of hii nit Lawyer'! iult may to a men dod, Tollor'i luit a.ay bo aaaoded, Lorer'a agit tj bo tin ended, When thoitilti don't in it. - . C. IW. iivxr rocs a mes have dose. Beloro ho was thirty lho great Na I poleon hud conducted une ol tbo most I brilliunl campaigns the world oversaw. Caaxaubon, the turnout acholar of the sixteenth century, was appointed pro fessor of Greek at twenty-two, and Ueinsius, of Leyden at eigbtoen. At the ago of twonty eight, Liiinieus, the batanist, wroto his great work. At twenty. six, Cuvier was appoint ed professor at Paris. Kent the com. luontator on tho American law, was lecturer in Columbia college at thirty, one. Professor Dana, of Valo college, published his book on mineralogy at twonty-Uvc, only four years aller graduation. Fidward Everett at twenty, was or dained pastor ol a church in Boston, and within two years attained dis tinguished lame as an orator : at twen ty-one, ho was appointed professor of Greek at Harvard. Tbo luto Benjamin Pierce, ono ol the rtrnfittimtiwt m.ll,i,niBti.ian. r.t Amrie n,o.h.K i ..u omatics at Cambridco at tho aire of twenty-four. Threo ol the well-known poet of this century Byron, Shelley and Keats died before the age of forty; Byron at thirty-six, Shelley as ho was completing his thirtieth year, Keats at twenty-five "Thanntopsis," tho most widely known of all tho poems of William Cullon Bryant, was written in his nine teenth year. Many of tho recent emigrants from Gormony aro young mon under 18, who thus oscapo-tho long and burden some military sorviee. Wero they to remain alter reaching their ciirbteenlh year, their emigration would not be permitted, llismark is reported not to liko their departure at all. Ho is alarmed to find bis stock ol food for powder mpidly diminishing. A wicked New York editor says that Capo Moy has a tribe of mosqui tos as big as bene., twice as strong, and which sing airs Irom iuvorlio operas. They come about August and stay until tbe hotels are empty. Last year one was caught and put in a box, but he bit bis way out and carried tbo box nway. "Non Plused." A Codorus canal captain at a town sent his boy out for a dollars worth of provisions. Tho , boy brought back iiinely livc cents' worth of whisky and a bve cent loaf of bread. "Heavens!" exclaimed the captain, "what aro yon going to do with all lhat bread? " Teacher "Tbo earth Is round, like a bull or orange, you remember. It s one-lourth land. What are the other three-fourths ?'' "Plcetbo, mann," said a little girl in the front row, "1 deth It ith thkin." nor ex perience with oranges had not been a happy one. She laid her cheek on tbe easy chair back against his head and murmured : "How 1 do love to rest against your head, Augustus I" "Do you ? said he. "Is it becauso you love mo?" "No; because it is so nice and soft." Then bo lay and lay, and thought and thought. llo camo into the office and said, "Von see, my brothers aro shoemakers, and they mended my shoes. Now, why am I like Joseph oi the biblical his tory?" We gave it up. "Why, because I was soled by my brothers." Tbe in quest on him will be held today. Puck. i Thero is a weekly sale in Paria of toads, which aro brought in casks filled with damp moss. One hundred good toads aro worth from $15 to (17. These are bought for gardens. EDUCATIONAL. BY M. L. McilUOWN. Copy furnliked by A. R. Reed. Sow good services ; sweet remem brances will grow irom them. Knox and Graham township pay tho largest salaries to their teachors. Wo understand that Mis Mary C. Weld, lormorly of Iteccaria township, this county, has been engaged to teach in tho Public Schools of Marshalltown, Iowa. The question asked of tbe Secondary pupils, was, "la tho motion of the sun real or apparent, wilh respect to tho earth ?" Tho Principal of the Second ary objected. "What, now?" "It is not in the courso. We do not have to tench that; il is out of the limits. My boys do not know what it means. Tbey do not know what 'apparent' means." "Yob, but you aro to teach and explain accurately and fully tho motion of the earth, producing day and night, are you not ?" "Yes," vory reluctantly, very long drawn, "Then, what word do you nso to moan theap parent motion of the sun ?" Very quickly, as if she felt quito sure of hor victory, "My boys know what 'imagi nary' moans." "But 'imaginary' is not the word. There is motion, but il is only apparent as of the sun." The lady had never taught to her pupils the relative motions of the sun and earth, and evidently did not compre hend the subject UltllWOBKlSa TIIK VSVKVrLOVKl) UK MS. Tho excessive use of an immature organ arrests its development by di verting the energy which should bo appropriated to lis growth, and con suming it in work. What happens to horses which aro allowed lo run races too early happens to boys and girls wbn are overworked at school The competitive system as applied to youths has produced a most ruinous effecton the mental constitution which tit io goneralion has to hand down to tho next, and particularly the next-but-one ensuing. School work should b purely and exclusively directed to development "Cramming" the young for examina tion purposes is like compelling an in fant in arms to sit up beloro tho mus cles ol its back aro strong enough to support il in the upright position, or to sustain the weight of its body on its legs by standing while as yot tbe limbs are unable to bear the burden imposed on them. 'A crooked spino or weak or contorted legs is the inevita ble penalty ol such folly. Another blunder is committed when on of the organs of the body to wit, tbe brain is worked at tho expense of other parts of the organism, io faoe ot the lact that the measure ot goneral health is proportioned to the integrity of development, and the funtional ac tivity of the body as a whole in the harmony ol its componout systems. No one organ can be developed at the expense of the rest without a oorrea ponding weakening of tba whole. Lanctt.