vElic jgtpuMiran. Gioboi B. Goodlandkr, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WIDNKSDAY MORNINO. MPT. 14. IMI. Raadar, tf yow want to know what la guing oo la tho bualnee. world, Juat mad our advertialng aotamaa, tho .Vjaeeiai oolumo In porttoulor. Hon. K. L. (.iambi", ono of tho As sociate! Judges of Blair county, died at Altoon on tbo Olh inst., ngeil M years. Senatorial Confirincc Wo learn that tho Sona'.orial Conferonco moots at Bellcfonto on Thursday next for tho purposo of electing a Senatorial delegate to the next Stato Convention, A. W. Walters, Hiram Woodward and V. 8. Luther, aro our conferees. (.'all fob Tiiim. Tbo tickets and nocesoary blanks used in holding the Dcmocrnlio Primary election aro all printed and are in the hands of tho Chairman of tho County Committee Candidates and Committeemen had hotter call for them when in town. Wo have printed 12,000 tickets for each candidate Another Mis-shot. A Washington jailor had another shot at Guileau, tho assassin, tho other day. Tbo stal warts are alter his scalp for runimk ing, when he shot President (iatficlri, "now Arthur will bo President." Our readers need not ho surprised when they learn thntC'uitcau is awmxriinuted before tbo President dies. A Radical Black Eve. General Bailey, tho Radical noininco for State Treasurer, is a "stalwart." lie bo longed to tho 30ii who stuck to Grant at Chicago. Ho is Cameron's man. How ro you "Half breeds" and Inde pendents? Ao political faction was ever so badly scalped as tho Grow Davie fellow who ontorod tho late Radical Stnto Convention. Tho wolf ging really lost their hair as absolute ly as though Captain Jack had scalp ed them. The Ditt'EUENi i. Tbo liadical or gans over in Indiana, Blair, etc., nro not falling in with their brethren and thd independent journalists in this county wituout circulation, in propos ing to An tho county priming for noth ing, A bark of that kind should orig inato in tho counties ulwvo mentioned, if tho motive is prompted by a saving ol taxes and covered by patriotism. Wo will wait and seo if these loyal counties will full into line. The President. Ho was removed to tho seashore at Long Branch, New Jersey, a week ago, and wo gather from tho reports his attending physi cians send out that thero is no bopo of his recovery. Wo hope wo aro mis. taken. PrcsidentGarfield's endurance and tuflerliigs aro wonderful. Assas sination, in a Republic, in a timo of profound peace and prosperity, is an awful occurienco to contcmplutc, but wo must credit stubborn facts as they occur. It loom! n litllo north to fay it, bat It li o ten evident Irotr, Ihot aotDiog etnr awcrrea ttio llemoeratlo port from its purpoeo lo ateal eerrt officer which appear, to be within ita reach. UtUintt arpobltcan. Oo flow, neighbor. There It one office Ihe Drmnoratio pert? never stole. It never nolo the 'reetilenoj. The only party tbet ever eiiated In ihe 1'nlted States tbtt oen truthfully be charged wun tool .aortooua crime ta Ibe Kepublloon parly, i'uur memory if abort. Voo aeem to have for- gnttea ono K. B. llejee and the bideoue fraud of etl.o. ttellrumto Ptmocrat. Tho "go slow," was a wholesomo remark, and should be utilized by sucb a gentleman as tho editor of the Re., publican assumes to bo, but your clos ing paragraph is so full ol historical meat and sarcasm, that it's enough to cuokeanybody but a Plymouth Rocker. ilollEUN I'UILANTIIUOl'V. UoW is it that Mrs. Lincoln is allowed to live obscurity, and almost in poverty, while over 1150,000 have bcon raised for Mrs. Garfield. The reason is obvious. Mr. JLincoln Is uoad, and Air. Guiheld a living President, with a prospect of having favors to bestow. This may not apply to all tho subscribers. But the Fields, Goulds, and other million aires who aro coining money by moans of corporations, desire to bo let alono by the Government authorities, and hence their motive are questionable. If Garfield recovers, it would bo proper to refuso this gift Irom tho Greeks. Kbarlt Total Depravity. Tho caso of George Hoover, the lad of 13, who shot and killed bis sister Lottie, in May last, wo tried at Sunbury on the 10th inst., lbs trial only occupy ing a few hours, as the two most Im portant witnesses, tho boy's mother and sister, refused lo testily and left the city. The Commonwealth did not push the rase nnd tho jury acquitted the boy of murder but convicted him of manslaughter. His sentence was deferred. The counsol for tho defense gave notice to the Court that they had some evidence which they wished to present to him to mitignto the boy's sentence. A Editorial Farmer. Hereafter we shall alludo to the editor Mr. Ilensal of tho Lancaster Intelligencer, as a ttpi ot a man who is fully quali fied to run a farm, Grango or a news paper. The editor of the Chambers burg Spirit, In alluding to Mr. Hensnl's recent agricultural speech, (which we propose to publish for the benefit of farmers), remarks: "If all tbo editors of this Valley turn farmers, Mr. W. U. Honsal, of the Lancaster Intelligencer, will be balf responsible. At the G rang er' picnic last Thursday be portrayed in such an intelligent and eloquent way tbo bcautice of agriculture that almost everybody within bearing con cluded to do something or other in the way of work within the next year or two. Mr. Ilensel'i address certainly vaa an appropriate ono and gave at much information to bis hearers as It' did satisfaction to hit editorial brotb.Mtcd,at tho rate of fifty miles an honr, ' I from D. C. to New Jersey. rlOVIVKXri AX ft THE UK I'VIIUCAX PARTY. The Cbimgo Timet, which bus a habit of "slaKliing around loose" in pol itics, gels off thi palpable bit: "A year ao, not only wero all tho Indus tries active oh now, but tho crops were abundant. For this fortunuti) condi tion of o flails tho Bcpiiblicnii pari) claimed all the credit. In tain ni It said that a gracious Providence bail so ordered it Unit tbo crop was lurge. Tho statement was repelled at rank blasphemy against the omnipotence ol tho Republican party. John .Sherman was quite sure it was all bis doings. In Ohio especially was tho claim put forth that all tho fortunato conditions were duo to tho reign of the Ohio men, and every slumpin Buckeyedoin sound ed tho praises of tho gracious gods ol prosperity. This year tbo scone changes. There is Milha campaign in Ohio, for, no mutter what betide, they will ballot-box in Ohio. A widespread, long-continued, field destroying drouth has spread over tho land, and the har vester is in despair. So is Mr. Charles Foster, candidato for Governor. He had taught tbo simple ljuckeye that, so long as ho pinned his faith on the Republican party, prospcrty would bo his portion ; lor the crops wero con trolled by the administration, which was Republican, and would sco that the faithful suffered no detriment in their fortunes. Ho hustens now to throw tho blame of tho exceptionably dry season upon Providence, but the discontented farmer bids him go to tho devil with his blowings hot and his blowings cold, and threatens to do- mand a change. Surely, it's a rule that won't woik both ways.' TIME IV R TiH VOLT. poor Tbo patient Republicans of Penn sylvania bare onto more got into a disgruntled liumo of mind, and dire threats are flying around ol the great things that will be done if Mr. Camer on and his sub bosses persist in their intention of running tho State Conven tion as an out and out Stulwart con cern. These discontented Republicans believe that they can humble the lead ers hero the sumo way that Conkling was humbled in iiow York. Why is it that tho masses of the Republican party in Pennsylvania do not shuko off this imperious and gull ing domination ? They could not ask for a better time and a belter opportu nity than they now have. The oflleo of Stato Treasurer is of minor importunco. No genorul eleo lion no pi inciplea of national policy aro at slake. No one can honestly plead for harmony or concession on the ground that the result hero will affect tho party elsewhere. The fight ouuht to resolve Itse'f into a contest solely for thoconlrol of tlio party machinery. Do not Messrs. Wolfe or Grow or Barker or Wisier consider tliemselves as lit to lead their party us Cameron and (Judy and Cessna and KvcreU ? Is it not timo that they, after having for so many years obeyed orders, should now givo orders? Tho overthrow, or even tho crippling, ol Cumoron would inspire independent Keptiblicaiiscvory wbero, anil honest Democrats also, with new fuith in the capacity of tho peoplo for honest government, and in their ability to cope with tho mightiest of bosses. Now is tho time for a determined revolt, when no legitimate party inter est will be jeopardized. Do not postpone it until next year for then tho Camer ons will easily frighten tho timid and tho doubting. Philadelphia Chronicle. Boldly Stated. 1 1 is seldom that a Radical organ tells tho truth about Washington life, as cultivated by the "grand moral idea" vendors belonging to the Federal Administration, Tbo tremendous defalcation of Captain Ilowgato of a theft of (,:iftO,000, however, has called out the editor of "tho oldest journal" to speak as follows in regard to tho say matters are car ried on at Washington : "The disap pearance, of Captain Ilowgato with his frail femulo companion appropriately ends tho first chapter of an outrageous romanco of official life at Washington. Tho present indications aro that a couple ol hundred thousand dollars will not much uioro than cover his thefts, and this money, or a largo portion of it, has been wasted in profligacy under tho oyes of thoso whoso duty it was not only to look into official facts and figures, but to keep some slight super vision over the private conduct of offi cials entrusted with tho disbursement of public funds. It would scoin as If thut exponsivo department, tho Secret Sorrico Bureau, could bo put to bo mo better purposo than mcroly running to earth a few impecunious rascals who exist by peddling counterfeit ooim." Classical, But it Don't Fit. "Rich ard is himself ogain," is tho expression Garfield is represented as making use of alter sojourning soroml days at Long Branch on arousing from a long sloop. The Timet calls attention to tho singular fast that tho Shakespear ean quotations thoughtlessly made use of for Garfield's glory have not been of good augury. When bo was nomi nated, Lawronco Barrett telegraphed tho greeting of tho witch : "Hail I Glamis thou art and Cawdor shalt bo." Now, no sooner was bo Cawdor than bis misfortunes enmo to Macbeth. In tbo same way-whon Richard rousing Irom bis dismal dream Uiuk a breath of fresh air, he declared "himself again," but in a few hours tho blade of Rich mond had pierced him in bis heart. Tin "Stalwart" Slate. A Now York dispatch to tho Washington rott says that speculation is rile over tho composition of Arthur s Cabinet if call- od to tho Presidency. Friends of Mr. Arthur giv the following as his slate: Hamilton Fish, Secretary of Stato ; Emory Storrs or Alonno TalX, A ttorney General ; M. H. Quay, Secretary of In terior; Lincoln and Hunt remain. The Postmaster Generalship is to be chang ed if Fish, of Now York, accepts the portfolio of State. True Bills. The Grand Jury at Uniontown, Fayotto county, on Friday last found true bills against the (oven Mollio llaguires charged with the murdor of Maurice Ilealy on tho 2Gih ol June last.' The principals In tho murdor are alleged to have been John Kar.e, who was commitud without bail, Patrick Dolan, Michael Dolan nnd James McFarland, whilo three others wore accessories. It is not yet de termined when the trial will take place. Yankee Kntibi'isi. Lat week the scat of the Federal Government was transferred front Washington, D. C, to Long Branch President Gar- field, farntlv and (Tallinn!. WAVi Irana. TERRIBLE EIRE. UPWARDS OF FIVE HUNDRED PERSONS PEIUSH. WHOLE VII.LAOIS WIPED OttT TIIOIN SANDS Of PERSONS 11 Oil EI.ESS UKEAT surrssiNu bv Tin inhabitants APPEAL TO TUB NATION Ton AID OTIIEK TOPICS, Recent despatches noted iho terri bio desl ruction ol lorest fires in Michi gan. They have been beyond prece dent, and whole communities have been rendered houseless, homeless und destitute, while the loss of life isnipull ing.. A despuinh Irom Hand Beach sluies thut thu towns ol Bad Ax, Ver ona, Port Hopo and Huron City aro ull burned. Kight dead bodies wero brought into Port Hopo. At least ono hundred lives havo beon lost in this county. R. J, Mcndo and bis whole family, living four miles wost ot Sand Hcuch, were burned. Ono family was found in a well, sale, but all their goods, houses and barns wero burned. Reports from what is known as iho Krskino estate, about eight miles west of hero and running south through the township of Paris, aro heartrending. Dead bodies aro lying all along tho road and in tbo dooryaids, having ap parently boon overtaken by tbo fire. Port Hope was entirely consumed. Huron City was entirely destroyed. Tho depot und Ward's elevator, four teen miles south of here, were burned. There has been no railroad, mail or telegraphic communication lor several duys. ESTIMATE or TUK DEVASTATION. Tbo best estimates that can be made placo tho number of fnmilies that are entirely burned out and destitute of food und clothing at fire hundred. Tho fire along tho Si. Louis railroud has evidently dona its worst, and is working its way back into tho coun try. In Saginaw and Knoxvillo town ships the fires are still running and do ing great damage. Several farmers aro reported to bnvo lost their ontire crops, and many miles of fences nro totally destroyed ontte Flint and Pcro Jltirquotto Railroad. 1' ires aro renort ed as having started on the Western division ncur Coleman, Amber, Custer und some other points. Tho tiros arc running through Maplo Grovo town ship, and doing great damage. Tho fires cast of this city aro very bad, and iuo uesiruction lias been great, partic ularly along tho plank road between that city und Vassar and on the Wut sonvillo plunk road, a portion of which has been destroyed. Probably thirty families havo been burned out iu Bucnu ista township end Plumfield town ship, in this county, and thirty miles oi lencts Davo ocen burned up. E uui t or FIRE. A reporter who camo in from Cars City, 1 uscola county, reports tho coun try east for eight miles swept by firo. Din oniy ono uuutiinc is stanuini'. A number of houses in tho southern pait oi tno vinago wero burned, but the business portion is all right. A special messenger also arrived from Cass City, slating that fires aro raging for ten miles cast of thero, and iirarlr cverv scaler is homeless, and asking lor cooked provisions for distribution. Ono report says that Iho scene at 9 o clock P. M. was heartrending. Fighteen persons saved themselves by stuying in tbo well at Bates' mill, whilo nil the dwellings wero burned. At Cramp ton's Switch, three miles south of here, mills, lumber and Iioufos are burned ull around. In ono township in Huron county sovontoen persons perished. A despatch from Port Sanilao says : It iagtated by good authority that ono hundred or more persons perished in tho flames in tho vicinity of Port Hopo. Huron City, Verona Mills, Charleston and Bad Ax are all lying in ashes. Itichmondville, seven miles north ol this place, was all swept away. In Forrestorlown two bodies wero idonti tied as those of Abel Thornton and wife. Christ. Thornton, John Mahall, Sarah Varkoy and a boy, name un known, wore burned to death, and several more are reported as lost. It is estimated that 1,000 families are made homeless, with nothing but what they havo on their backs. A dispatch from Mindon says: Tho villages of Cbarlcstown and Tyre aro totally destroyed. L'blv, Huron coun ty, is partially destroyed". Tho remains of Henry Colo have been found in Charlestown. A family of soven, resi dents noar by, named Riilemun, were found dead in a well, suffocated. A family pamcd Susula, Paris township, Huron county, wore burnoil to death. Arnold Ladyr pas ulo found dead. It is thought that not less than thirty, perhaps fifty persons, havo porished. Tho townships of Delaware and Aus tin, Sanilao county, and Bingham, Sherman and Paris, Huron county, are almost burned a desert. Tho crops woro harvested and nearly all huvo beon consumed. Communication is cut off. Tbo railroad track and telegraph poles nro burned. This despatch was carried eighteen miles to a telegraph station. The smoke is stifling und many are nearly blind. There are no signs of rain. Other towns may bo destroyed soon. Tho total loss of proporty Is no less than 1200,000. with very litllo insurance, and few are ablo to boar tbo loss. Aid is needed. Help must come irom ntbor cities, or many will perish. In Boavor township, Buy county.overything is reported as being uurneu. PORRORS ACCUMULATE. from Lexington, Sajuluo county, tbo following additional casualties are reported iu Moore township: Mrs. Strong and two children, Humphrey the slago driver, Mrs. Frank Dennis- ton, child and sister, Paul Wetted, wife nd five children, and George Kratcb, who went tQ their rescue Twenty persons reported burned to dealb ip Custer township. In Bingham town ship, Thomas Barnes, wife, sister, mother and two children. In Austin township, an old man named Payne, Michael Welch, wifo and two children. Nearly evory farmer in that township baa lost either bis house, barn, crops, or all of thero- Tho loss of life and proporty is Immense. Dead bodies are being brought lo from all directions. It is estimulod that flvo hundred hu man beings havo perished and five thousand pcoplo aro homeless and in immediate want of assistance. A later despatch slates that the fires hnve been partially checked by a fall of rain. A Sam Pi.e JIkipui Man An ex ijlmngo nuys : "IMrScliiiylorColfm lian i.t!nonnoc(J Giijtoau. which leads tho Now York Sun to lem&rlf that Mr. Colfax in a very brave man." Yes, but il'an bonont man roads tho Congres sional report of tho Poland Committee, he must conclude that tho aforesaid Collai is a coneumale liar and cheap Suoandrvl. And, yet, be has tbo im pudence to tramp around over tbo country and deliver loclurcs on the Ten Commandments to Bundtiy lohoo children. Ills the same kind ot a trick tbo devil played off on our Savior when ho offered to sell him the whole world and did not own a foot of It. Gather, Na KAsjvKtvTU As tho Springfield Republican justly ron;aris, Hill Chandler has found a shred of tho Moody shirt to wavo, but ho bad to go back I'huj years to find ft. He takus up the Cbisbolm murder p exploit, forgetting that since then Quiteau plied his pistol and that Jossie Cramer's murder la yt a mystery. DEM OCR A TIC TRIM A R V ELECTIOy. County . In obedieiicu to tho rules nvtmiinir tho DenuRTutic puny of CiVuiliclU county tit tho lVimury Kltution, the County CommiUco hereby iven ruitico that the election for ilfiViUen, und for tho iiiMtruetion ol sucb deleutcH, an lo candidutes for the Heverul otttccH to be tilled at tbo appronchiit N.-v-hhIrt election, will bo held ut the KUction Uouho in the Htv trul ir"iijjiiH nnd lownniipH in eoiintv, on SATUR DAY, TUK SKV KNTKKNTII DAY OF SKl'TKMB Kit, A. I). 1881, beWin nine at 1 o lock l .l und contimiu open until 7 o'chx k I1. M. of said day Tho election will be held by tbo Yiiii lance Committee, wbouro tbo Election Hoard, under our rules, and are con dtitutcd aa tUlowe : TlaiLiMCl COM urn IE FOH f8l. B'trnold b.iroufh Mtit. Ir?ln, Pavtd Mthr ft j, Willnin Metier, lianiil lloorrr. J II. Ilmd. Ulrfltld bornunb Jubn Hull, ban, W. O Csr CarJun, Uenr Wu?r, J. F. I'onrM. W. A. lUrr, CurwctiRvlllo hnrouftb Jvho H. Kvrrii, Apnr til on in, llenr Krua Jauut Uelntira), W. U. Thorn puna. UaUoki tvirouffb . J. Mead, MIotiMl Rim utina, J. A. T f r.j, Alfred Hairio, Joa. P. Taylor. Mir ii linn borough 0. J. Ken fry, Abraham (Ireen, H. A. Wright, Oeorpa W. D-Uj, John lllnriinaD. HuulsdaU bom a (b Patrick BMolda, H. H, llr(tan, T. J. Frlta, Ueurg II. Wot. din, J. 11 AJoUrath. Lumbar City borough Tiau liulnar, J. D. Htiburo, J. J. flltrling, Jauea L. Curry, lira) Uuppy. , Newbgrg borough -Jib w. Toirr. John Rcd- drn, John U.Millar, R. Hildebrand. Uuod Wurrall. iSew Washington borough W ill. am Mabaflcijr, S. T. Miiehrli, Ucorga Ui relay, Adam Urttb, Dr. Aih D. Uannal. Oftoeola bornoKh J. H. II. Wilier. Jubn n. McPadden, tarry Parka, Georga K Jona, J. W, Kiw. WalUcatMi borough M D. Rvi'ly, John Weit brook, Frabk UiM", Uat.rga tinigh, Frrd Camp uiau. ltoooarta towDthlp John B. DUlsjn, Herman Frlck. A. J. Fry, Fred Khoff, W. J. MnOoy. I!-1 1 township Jamri W. McOea, Frank Ma hifiVy, John M. Koia, Jamri Campbell, ChrUt. Kifncktr. bloom townahip Sidnry Smith. II. O. Andar on, CuWin Uilgsr, John F. titull, Frank Slcliiid. Huggp (ownibip 0 O. Warrlit, Win. Patera. UtorgH M. IS meal, loaao lleinh, Tbotnaa Brrrfl. liradfurd Lowniliip Ell Stmlt, rMward I.ila, John 11. Ilvarhari, . P. H Hum, Chti. Itedilar. Um.ty townthipJ. W. Corp, p. N. Ootid, lamler, J. II. Kirk, It. M Hrykr, Jama l.infi. Ilurnnide townabip Jno. (li.rnan.Wilion Kirtf, Michael Yiogling. Uideon Ntff, 'tar Berk. Cbrat tonhip I.awrfDfle Ki'liao, Jacob A. Brtlh, O. H MoCully, Jubn Coonally, Olivtr tilrphon. CoTlngton tonhlp L. L- Flood. K. Mignot, Frank Uigty, Howland Kaoni-dy, Potar Uarneir. Ufcatur toworhip Adam Kepbart, Jela (Juii, David llugtiaa, HniDuel McLarn-n, Win. Hearoa. Pergnron towrstiip Oaorga Mlahaala, Joieph Moore, C. T, Mraw, A. Yonng, Warren Bell. Uirard tonhip-W.K, Uiililand.F. A.Mignvt, Jutrph Maral, ii. Vt. Kttaver, Jmea Ktewart. Uihen townihtp W. M. Wilnon, Thompaon Rod, H. U. bliaw, Jnniaa JC. Uraham, Robert K. Flegal. Uraham townahip John W Turner, A. C. Dale, Iaj Hotbruck, Jacb Ktoebart, Jarry Kyler. Ureenwood towntMp Jamri Cleiry, Chaa. A. Thorp, Mauhew Jobuiton, A. 11 Newaomer, J. A. Ho win. Oullch town-hip D. C. Flynn, W. II. CtMiriy, J. K. 11: II. Hummel, W. D. Darid. Ilualun township II. U Horning, Oeorga W. Weaver. Thnmai U. Daoy, W. I). Woodward, J. A. Motillhr, jr. Jordan lowi hipJ. W. J hrt'oo, Jaa. Modra ban. Dr. A. B. Crewtll, JWjchl lmitb, Jfbn MoCraeken. Kartbaui townfhln Martin K.ino. R. J. Oil. lihnd, 1. C. MtC:.ttkcy, D, U. Maioei, Uaorge lltrki'nlorn. Knot towaihip-r-Knui Btoom. Iiaaa Maya, L C. Hobim, II. J hU,rvj, II. F R.wiM. Lawrrnre townhip A. M. Ulocm, Jobs W. Howe, Aaron U. Kramer, U. V. Ok Jen, John A. Mr II nd. Mnrrio townabip Peter Mojer. A. C. Pointer, B. F. W.thflin. Jamra ThoinpaoB, Jamea t'oor Penn lowmhip D T- rjhurp. M m. Freeman, Wrn M. Iliiwln, Martin M Hjnu. John Penit. Pike townnhip Kamuel Mimre, W. A Porlar, Jamra C. Bloom, Jubn Uner(y, tin mud Mdhun' rick. Handy township Atnne Kline, tiimuet P.uila Oiwaile, John Fot, Andrew LlMk, Iaae Ztrt man. I nlon tow nab ip Win. Welly, I,, R. Dremlar, FeHiaand rjlar, I, K. Qilnrlt, R II. l,.l...flB Woodward lunnehin 0. H. King, Jhn limun dlogar, Uaorge W. Limborn, Jaui I'tmpbi'll, Haiuual T. HcnderaoB. . Kvery lUenioerittio elector hatt the right, under otir rulen, to Vote for Two panopf for AateU'e Juilgr, One parson fur Treauraf, Two pcrions fur Coinmlisiunar, Two persons ttr Auditor. Oat person for County Coroner. And for the proper number of dele gatcR aaninou under rule 2d, to each election diMiriet, no( less than two in every case. In the lormation of now townnhtim or uorouija between cuUetnatorial elections, tbo County Comniitloe bau no power under tlio rules to atwign more than two deleuuLea to the new districts until after the next Uovern or'e election, when the rote cant hall settle tbo question. 1 bo delegates will meet in the Court room in Clearfield, on rUKSDAY, nre- ciwely ono o'clock I. M., and there and then pioceed to nominnto candidates for tbo several offices above named, and to select threo Senatorial Conferees to meet liko Conferees from tho counties ot Centre and Clinton, for tho purpoHO ot Bclpetina a fcienatoriiil delejato to tbo Stato Convention, and ono peraon as Heprettentutive delegtto to the same Convention, and also to elect a Chair man and appoint a standing Com mil loo for 1882, as well an any other matters pertaining to our parly inter- ecu.. It is tbo desire of tho County Com mittee thut tho members of tho Vig ilance Committee, or Klcetion Hoards, beat tho flection Home at the timo appointed, and ho prompt in tho ilis ubargo of tho duties enjoined upon them. Blank forma will be forwarded for tho qualification of those holding tho; election ip accordunco with tho recent Acts of Assembly, ap'trovoikthe ih day ot June and tho VMh day ot Juno A. 1). 1881, (Seo Pamphlet Lawa of, mo current year, page 70 and V2H)t to gother with other blanks and tickets It will bo further observer) that by the 8ocond section cf the lailer Act. elec tion ofllcora or voters violating any of tho rules of tho l)emocralio party of . ... .. . ' a. vitoniuiu l'uuiiiv, nru Biinjuci o a uno of$2U0. Tho Chairman of each Vigitanco Committeo has already been furnished with a copy of tho Acts indicated, an well oa instructions how to proceed i., tho premiaea. J. P. BurtrnFiF.i.o, Chairman. W. B. Wallacr. Secretary. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 30tb( 1881. niMOCRATIO I'll ART II.ECTIOft BULKS or CI.BARFIEI.D rot'NTT 1881. BOiOirr ('0MHTTK. 1. Tht organisation af tba Oonnty Cotnotiiaa nan oa nnu ratoam as now ootMltntatl that Is one member for every borough and township und a Chsirman, whlrth Uommlttea shall be Mlro'ed ! annually by Ihe delegates. and their (arm of offiao hall begin at January following their elaetiou OF TUB Ml. BOATS I ABB OORTBBTIOM. t. Tbe number of delegates to whlah aaob dla trtct Is entitled Is baaed upon tha following rule, thut is to say i Each election distriot la tb. coun ty polling on. hundred f)mofrati rotas or loss, ahall be entitled to two delegates abeolurety, and (or naoh additional one hundred llemoeratle votes, or fraetion greater than one half thereof, polled in aald dltlriflt at tb. last preoeding Governor's eletin, aa additional d.Ugaie, and tjn4s til rule th. following allotment of delegates U uuk made for Ulf Humslda borough I OovlogtoB J Clearfield 1 Oeoatur t Curwensville. , Uallole. Mien Hop. Iloutidale tautnhcr City New Wasbiogtnu, Nowburg (Iscoola, , Wallaraloa 1 Fe'guaoB H 1 I (tirard I S Oraham I I Oosheu $ i ilraenwood S I Oulirh S Huston.- t Jordan f I Kartbui.,Mf ...,.,t t Deeraria township.,,., t Kooi :::: I l.awrenr.... Hloom I Morris.... llogu. S Penu Mr afford I Ftko , Hrady 4 Sandy Burnside I t'nton Cbait. S Wuodward 't-l MM.r..;.:... M ILBITIOB ADD Pt'Tj BB or I BAfBUA. S. The drlegata tlentloBs and OouBlr Conrauj- llou shall ba governed and eondaelod itrirtlr la accordant with tbo fol 'owing rulaa, and tha Chairman of tho County Commute shall be annually elected by tbo Cooaty Convention and avail ha fJ fteim tht Frestdeat tf til County Cbgveaiiuaf rigs ng tLgryiOB, 4. Tat otwwtleBj tor dalagatae la repreaeat the Til A' .1, dlr.ot dl.lrlol. Inlh. annual baDKralle Cou.. ' 'I ''""""I"" "hall be hold at Ilia aaual placo of ttildioa tho ecreral elcalluna fur aa.h .ILirloi. tin tiwk, I, w.. of moi. tUy. I. Tl.a said dslt ata elsetloua shall ba bald by in bord, io emaisl nf tlia nitunbaraor tha County Count, .teg for su'k di.lriot, and two olhar It mi.t ratio tutors tbaraof, who shall b fpointrd or designated by tha County Com railU. ow to riLL VacARi in. In pbs ant or tl.a (.arsons eo aontiitatltif th h.mrd sh.iil be altat lrm tba paoa ut bold in Iba tlao'ion f- r a qnirter of an bour altar the -i i i vy " ui r irn, ir nyruing at ine tua, bis or lhair pioa or (plncfs, shall b 0 lo-t ; by an elacli-n to b o m-iuclaJ aoiVa lit thai Dciuoeralie voters prraent tat iba tuna. A. Every quahllcd voter of the distrVt. wt.n t iho last iftivral elotioa Tot.l the Detooeratio ucitfi, six u t nnlitled to volvnt tbedtkgate olerliutta. H(ihb or votimj. 7. Tho roilrg m lt datricste rlsalions shall ba by ballot t npon bl4 ballnta shall ba written or printed toe nama ur names of the delegate or ui-u-Mi's voiea tur.tqftetlier with nny tbstrue tious which tb Totar may disira loiv tba dt-le-Itaife or dub (ales. Kai-h Fallot to ba received fioin tba person voting tba tuiue by a mtmUr of the election board, and by htm daposited iu hoi or other reot piaoln prepared for mat purpose , to which bug ur oilier rvotjj.Uola ou person but tha members of the eleviiun board sh til bitia acersa. tr ixtrnt ctioxa. I. No lnlrat,ois shall be rweivad or renog nisrd unless tha same be voted upon tba ball .1 providea by Uula hevtnlb, Bur sbnll sut'h in structlnns, if voted upon iba ball .1, ba htndlog upon Ibe delerfato, unlea s one- half ..r mora of the ballots shall eontain4wuiructiona eonetroin the same offi W henever balf oa more of the bal lots shall cental. instructions eoni-crnlog any offlcf, the delegates elected at soon (lection shall be held to be i urn rue ted lo support tbo nandidaia having ihe highest number of vole fur sucb office. That when a eandidate having received tba highest number of vutea in a tlistrlet is stricken frumtba roll in nooordanoa with Kale Thirteenth, it baooines tha duty of lb delegates in said dis trict to east their votes tor the candidate baviog reoeirod tba neat highest number of votes in said diatriat) VotruiVrf, that such eandidtta -ball have received one fourth th no win of fot.s pulled fur tbe oandi Jates. OORIHIUTIMS 1UI ILIOtlOR, RETIlRMt SS0 BLAKK I. 9. Kacb e'actton botrd shall keep an aeurat list of tbe names of all pernios voting at such elections i wbiuh list of voters togother wtih a. full and emnpleta return of suob election eon ttialrtg an aoeurau statrmeot of tbe peisana alat trd dtlegataa and all instructions voted, ebailt b certified by satd board to the County Conven tion, upon printed Daubs to be luruislied by tU County Cotuinitlae. i cuRTsa-mo skit or rjiLtutTi, ruit'D, ire. 10 Wbennrer from any district, qaall1ed Iem- ! ecralic voters, in numbers cqutl lo lira tunes iba drbgatea which sucb distnot ba in tbe Couoiy Coovenlion, shall aoniplain In writing of an u;t due aleotteo of lalse relum of delegates or or In ructions, in wiiiub to tup In iot Ihe alleged farts , shall be lucoially fctfWtb. ail Van 2 o I br t,e i affidavit of una or mora persooi, rtiob oi.ntpUiiit shall bare the right to oontrat I lie seat of such delegates or their validity of such ionrusU ni. A CilttHITVKI or riVM. Punli etimpUiitt shsll ba heard by a Corniuittoo of Ive dthgatcsto le appulnlrd by tha President uf tha Convention, which said Cotuintltee shall proeead Co bear tha parties, their proofs and allegations, and a !. a my be rup'r(e to tbe Convention wbsl delegates entitled ly seats therein, and abut instructions are binding upon surb delrgates. W herui0D the Convention shall prooved immediately, upun the oall of the yeaa and nays, to adopt or reject lha report of me Dooioenng pariiaa. in wo ion eall of tna yeas and naya the names of tba delegates whose seats are eoniested or whose Inslruotiina are diiou'cd. shall be omitted. ivatirirATioii or iiblio itkr iubstiti'tfi. 11. All delegates must reside In (be distriot they repreien). In c of ahtenea or inability to attend, substitutlurs u ij be made from oiil sens of the dulrict. mrarohir iaTBrcriof , or bs bx pbllbd. 12. DvK'irates must obe Instructions iei lliern by their respeciire di-tricta, and If vtuUted it shall te thn dni ol the Preddent ut the Con ication to out tile vole o' s-ieh delegtte or dele gate! in ae ordunre with the ii:struc(iina and ihe delegiie or delegde so off O'liog ibail he loithtrltb i-ipelled fruio tha Copvrnn.ia, and shall nt ha eligible to any otfirjn or place of truit in the party for a prrl"d nf two years. A II A JO KIT r Or A 1,1. BKCKhBART To tf-mBATB. IX. In Convention a wsjority of all Ibe dele gates stiall ba necsptary to a nomination j and no person's name stutl be aio'u le l fr m the lit or canddatei until after tha SIXTH ball.-t or oto, nhm the person rveaiving the least number af lulis hhall be omitted and struck frm tbe roil, an1 io on at esr-h Purfesnita vote uolll a nomina tion Is uiadn, I'rotiiJtd, Uat if there shall ba a for any ollite, during Ilia balloting ol the du-e' gates, ibrn iu lliat rase Iba candidal bavin re e ltl (he Inwast popular Tote shall be dropped, and tha ly I iot ing proceed. PBJI.l LT1 f3tt COMIHTTIBQ PRAlBa ANbBniBKRr It. If any pot sun who If a candidal, for any nomination but ore the County Convention, shall be proven to have til. fed er paid any money, or other valuahlo thing, or made any promise Ur a ixiutdcratioB or reward to any person for hie voia or inouenee, io moo re iba uelrij(ala from any district, or shall have ufloied or paid any m..o7 or valuable llnng, or promised any maideration er reward, to ant dHttfale for hia vot-, or to any otoer peraon witq a view ol or aecur ing the votes of daleirat". or if tba same shall be done by any ether person with tha kmiwla iga and consent of surb candidate, the nama of surb candidal shall ba Immediately strict .b from iba list of candidates, or if sui-h ftot be ascertained afler his Domination teany ottict. and be I ore tha noal adjournmtnt.the name of the nominee shall be struck from tbe ticket and the vaeanay sup. plied by a new nomination, and Iu either cana sucb person ball ba inslicible to unv nomination by u tjonvantioo, or to an election aa a delegate thereafter. And in ease it shall la alleged attar ma adjournment or tna Convention that any can didate put in nomination has bean guilty of such acts, or any '.her fraudulent practices to chum sucb nomination, tha oharge shall ba Investigated oj me i aunty uoiBtniKea, and aucn steps taken as ibe good of the party may rvuuire. 14 11 any delegate abail rveaivs any money or utber valuable thing, or aocapt the promise of any cunst-leratloa or reward to be paid, delivered, or secured to him, or any person for suob dels gate aa an Inducement for bis vole, upon proof oi me laci i tna satiaciiou ot tba Convention , such delegate shall ba forthwith eiuel'ed, and shall not ba roaeivad as a delegate to any fumr onvenuon, ant an mi ineligible tp any party uumipation. lt'LKB TO BAB 1'RKi'BnBHL'B. 16. Cases arising under tbe rules shall have precedence over all other bmiuass in Convention, until determined. mbbtiho or ma com? a. in ox. 17. The County Convention shall meat annu ally, In the Court House at I o'clock F. M., ea the third Tuatday of September. AKKOt HCKMMTS OP CANDID ATM. 1. The names ef all the candldaiet for office shall be anoouncad at leati three weeks previous to the 1 1 we of hol-iing tbe primary election. II'. U- KCtlrlKLD, Chairman. Wu. S. Wallalb, Secretary. A Daring Train KnnnKhr. On WcdnoHtiuy night ubuut 9 o'ctrnk (ruin No. -in of l ho Chicago i Alton Kail mad was ntn)ipj at u point lour pitlt otii-t ol I n'K'j.finlcMiCc, Mo., by twulvo martked men. The cxpreAS car was broken open, the mcwftL-nor, lr refim ing to givo up tho ko) snl iliceufi', wus bi-Hlcn until ho cannot livo, and from 85 000 to $10,000 woro tnkon from tlio tvl'u. Tho pitNHcnorg on tho trttit. Woro rob bod of money, watches and vuluuhh to the amount id seroral thousand dollura. Tho conductor wur fired at aororul limon. but escaped un hurt. Altor evcurina; the booty, tho wholo party rodo oil' into the wtmdo. The spot Holeftufj ftr Ihp bold duod wi(i in a duna woods, two miles Irom any habitation. Tho train won atop pod by a nd hmtorn and ubftrutrtioim on tint track. Tho rubhoru woroarmod with Henry rifle, and kept up a con timiotin filing to intimidutu all the pftHitenerri. One of tho robbora warn ed tho enineor to leave tho toad or bo would be killed that they wero do terminer! to breulf up the Alton and ii... i. i i i.i ' iioi-k iMipui i-ofum, h-t tney unit heen ofVerintr rewnrdii fur tliem nnd ndilH i.i I,!,, nnnitt whb Jowan JnmM Th 1 1 . " , , JvhM J Bmr"' X ne iR'neer thinks, howovor, It Wos not jaitiei, uut men living In the vicinity. A thoimand armed men are on tho hunt lor tho rohhoni. InciniuabihM. It is mated that Iho tables ol tho Motioning Coke Compa ny, at Dunbar. Knyetto county, con tainiiig two valuahlo bornes and nix mules, woro destroyed by fire on Mon day night of last week, together wjth nil it contained In tho way of animal, grain and fee I. Tbo loss Is 12,000. The fire Is credited to tho Mollio Ma gutros, and its supposed object Is tho intimidation of who haro been stibptenaed horn Ihmhar to tea-' lify against to Moi lip Uagnjre Rittr durory, whumj trial la ox per ted to take plaoe at Uniontown this week. A Fooi.isn Mistake Ion't mako the mitttiiko of confounding a remedy ol acknowledged merit with the nu merous quark medicines that aro now 6j common. y,'e septk from etneri eneo when we bay that arker'y liiri ger Tonio is a sterling health restora live and wiTl do all that Is claimed lor it. We have a nod it oa rue Ives with the happiest results for Jthoomatism and when vrorn ont by overwork. See dveriisement. 7Vviff 81)1 iV I The city editor of the Harrisbtirg I Patriot WttS shot III the le lust Friiluv j homi ? Cun'i tho mutttria of Washington bo hung even if (iuitiuu is nut? nnounrcmrnts. Primary Election, Saturday, Sept. 17. Fh. The fs mnt ba .aid la a Ubt.p. snr wl" hihuwi : r ir i r--mHrrrt tn. f-r o;iie Jvltra. S f..r Cunn'r 'VtnmUinrifr fn ft,r l-nty Auiitor. 4 Th s will nv u,r i ( tlarata f.r raoh randidate and (U nsnal ASSOCIATE )l;DGK. '. are anthm-liM ti annooue. the name nf JOHN U.Cl'TILK, nl Ce.m.1,1 ,hd. for Ihe nl)iie nf Aaaooiate Julj(n, aubjeet to th. ruler g-iveruirt the Uaiaocratie party. i'oaluOioe adlreaa, ClearSelJ, P.. jmiVm.iVJlr','? ' ' ' ' a eandidal. fr ,b. cm,, of A.."i . jlu. l.V.!o'V,!l",.rl,"', ' !" fame nfj JACdli W. UAMPHKI.L, of 11.11 fc,nabij, aa a I eandidate for Ihaothcnnf A..,..i.i. 1...1 ' tn the relea K'.r.roi,-f the Uemoorelie ,a'rl. PuatolHfl. addreaa, Cuab. Pa. We ere autboriar.l to announce tba name or PANIKb W. MUiiHal. of CloarSoM boroueh, aa " iw .no omao 01 Aaaoeiala Judge ubjBM to the M governing tba Oem rariv. araiio party Postofllea adlrasf, Clcarfleld. Pa, tar utb'iriistd to annnoo tha nana of t-uwnuM u. tlAMUN, or Clcnrfiald boroigb, a a eandiiUta for tb offloa of Aasooia'a Ju tgo , ubjeciioiha rulas gvrnlng tha Uantuoratiot party. Poitcffica address, Claarftel.l, Pa. Wa art anth'tritfxl lo annoanct tha feaina nf DANIEL KOoZKR, of Lawrmra township, as a ean lidata fur tbo offiet of Asrociato Judga, aahj ci to iba ruki gorarnlna tb iniorati parly. PotoBifa addivsi, Clearfild, Pa. Wp a t authority) to unnouno tba nama of JOHN WALL, of 1'eon iiiWDtnip, a a ranJi.Jf fnr the otha or Asooeiaia Indue, ml.jwi a tba rulusgovarntntr, tba ln-urrt,0 (.art?. Pos'iiflion addresr, Grampian tTIitli. TH liASCUKU. We nra anhnritv tn armounc tht name of JACOII F. PTKINKK. of liecator townahip as a randl l'U for iba oflia of treasurer, aubjeot to tba ruki governing the iemorra'ic pirty. Vostoifioe aj.lren-, I'bihp.burg, I'i, We are authorised to announce the a a ma of DAN I fcL HTKWAkT, of lir-ll-.rd township, as a candidal, f ir Treasurer, lohject lo tba ruli-e governing iba Demooratic psrty. . i Postolic ad.iress, Woodland, Fa. tu'Vai uovk n" orT,,"." in'h"",', .f I th:mr i". uhj t the lulea governins tba Democratic narf v. Fuftobacu svidiess, Curwensville, Pa We are author'tel to annriiqe tha name of JOHNM. TROXKL. of UuD.dB borough.asa candidate fur tbo otD.e of Treasurer, auljeet lo tbe rult-i governing the Dem cralic parly. Fusloffice adlrcss, UuBls, Fa. Wa are authorised to aonounna the nama af JOHN W. WRUil.KV, ot Clenrfleld borough, as a candidate for the oftVa of Treasurer, subject to the rules g'nerninr the Uemocraiic prty. FostoOiofl addresa, Clearfield, Fa. We are authorised to aiinoanoe the nama of W, MILTON SUA W, of t itaroeld borough.! a candidate for the oTbe of Trasiirer. suhjecttotba rules governing the Itemoertlie party. Fostt'fl. addrera, ClearQeld, Fa. We are Bti!h.Hsil to nnnounoe tha name of CHAI.LKSSCIIWKM. of Urady township, as a eatididale lor the flica of Trearurer, tuhjeel to tha ru!l g'rerning tba Democratic party. Pustotfiije ad lrtss, L ithcriburg, Fa. roMMISSIONKR. We are antbaritad to ananunoe the name of JOHN T STRAW, or FerKuon township. a oandidate for the (.fflca of County C.-mmisniuner, etjtje'jt the rulm governing tbo Deuiooratie party. Foit'iOloe aHdress, Marron, Pa. Wa are aiithoriird to a&munn tha name wf JOHN IH Nl.AP, ot Pke townohip, as a candi date lor tha office of County Cutuunssi iner, sub jeot to the rults governing the Detuoaratic party. Fostotlice adtAjetf, Hloomiog'on, Fa. tl'e are authorised to announce the name of JOHN PICA It D, of Oovii.jrtou townshio. as a party. PoatnlBce address, Franchrille, Fa. Wa are author),.! to announce (he name or THOMAS MAHAFKKV, of New Washita horoofh. as a oaiididle for the otflc of County Cumuiissionar, eutjeot ta the rules governing tha Dtmoratifl party. Fostofiloa address. New Washington! Pa, We are authortt-d to announce the nama of I UL I A H F. C II A M B t H3. of Curwemvillt hor- Utnr as a oanmata for the o(Boe of County Com misilontr, sul.jeet to tho rules gorarning :b. iediMratir party. Fostoffio. add re it, Curwensville. pk. Wa are authoHied to annnunno the nama of f.UAH gOHMiTUn. of tji-enuood township, aa caamtiaie tor toe oiuoe ot bounty LovmHeionar, subject tt to the rulas gorarning tht Demooratie Pny. Paatoffloe aJdrasi, Uramplan Hilta, Fa. We ar. autborlictt to an noon the nama of rKAlNt'lD Y. COlTKHhir, of Karthaui town shin, as a oand ida i a for tbe offios of Count Commissioner, subject to lb. rulea governing tbe aveuoeraiic party. Fostofflet addrass, Karthaus, Pa. W are auOjorlaed tn announce tho nam. of WILLIAM M ULOOM, ol Fik. township, as a canniuiii ior toe union or iwOHniT trommissloner, uljecttoiheru'es goeeralng the Demooratie party, Fust office addreas. BloomiBgton. 1'a, W' are anthorlsed tn announce tha name of (IIDKON U UOuOFKLUIW, of Clearfleld bor ough, as a candidate lor the offl,e of County Com-oiis-ioner, subjeet to tha rules governing the Dem ocrats parly. PoitoBiM address, Clearfleld, Pa. AUDITOR. Wa are anthorlsed to announce th. nam. of KbTllKN tiTKAW, ar Jordan township, as a oandidal. for the nffic. of Auditor, tub; act to th. tuI.s governing ihe Demnoralio party. Post office address, Aasonvllla, Pa, W'e are aulhorlia'l to announce the nama of IJKftjAMIN KLIMiKK, of Chest township, as a oandidite for the o I Que of County Auditor, adb ject tu th. rules governing tbe Demoeratie parly. Fostotfioe addrcis, Nol'hsrroo, Fa. Wears authorised lo anaouooa Ihe nana of r. I. THOMPSON, of Curwensville b.rot, h, aa a candidate lor County Auditor, subjaot to tberuka governing tbo Demooratie party. Poatotboe addrfas, Curwensville. Fa. W'e are authorltrd lo announce th nam of J. lUIIUI' IMIAW, or Lawrrnc township, as a candidate for Countr Auditor, eulject to Ihe rules governing tbe Damaaratie parts. Fuetoffloa addiess. Clearfleld, Fa. Wa are authnrUed lo announoe th. nam af JOHN w. HOWK, of Lawrence townihin. as a eandidate for lb. office of County Auditor, subject io toe ruiri goreming ne ui-iuocratto party. Foatufboa addreas, Clearfield, Fa. W aro anlbnrtiej to announce tha nama nf JOHN D. Mll.LKh. of Newburg borough, as a eat. dt dais fa ibeoOo of Connty Auditor, subject iv mo ruivi (UTerniiiK me Mrmovraiie party. Fosti-Bice address, Hurd, Fa. We are aulhnrlted In arBojncn the nama of t-nr.iMiA.i OKOWN. of Cor naton townahln as a oendidele for ibe oflio of Countv Auditor, aoh. jeot to tbe miss gevernlng lb Dcmocratia party. riieiiimca annrpss, r art hi us, ra. 3Ww flt'frttsfmfnts. OTICROPAPIMt IHI.MF.T-Tnth S Orphans' Court of Clearfield county. Pa. Remit or J. B. bbatTer, lata of the borough of DuH, a. Clearfleld county, Pa , deceased. Noi'oa ie herrhr xven tn all net-anna lnte..iA IB lb. said ealat., that ihe appraisra-nt of nron- ry sat ar.ait tt th widow under ber elatm for i0, will be presumed to said Oonrt foroonfirma- nn, ou i uursuay, "ntonar ntn, IK. . J r. CLAHK, Administrator, Clcai(eld, Pa.fHrnt. If SS ( jt. DiauO.HTtHOIf P HTM HIUP. Tba to partnership uf e0rg.t Wearer A Co, en Bed In merehandiet In the bar ouch r Clearfield, was dissolved hy mutual onaqtoa tha IJ-h of Pepttmber, lh-1. by ibe wltbdrawl of John F. Wearer and W. W. ttts from said firm, and Faal f. Weaver admitted as a mr-r of tb firm, ai d th business of lb firm will be to tinned at th old stand on Second street, In the nuine if Oeo'ga Weaver A Co., with whom all aceouBts of iba former Arm muM be so(M n the first ol January neiL JOHN F. W KAVkH. w. w. liKITs, OKOKUK WEAVER, CletrflVd, Pa., Sent 14, ISi.ii. TOf IC'K.-tntbewattarofiUe eatatetl Joha 1 Horabauth. lata of 11 urn tide baniSm rf.. ca-ned. Nolle Is hereby gWra that th undersigned, who was appointed by tbe Court to report tba fae'l (and tb testlmfi.. lb-rtnitk.. t.u... aliased eontracU set forth la the eteeptious to tb eonflrsastion "f InqulaMlon taken upon Ihe real estate of said deadnt, will attend io th. duties of his appointment ut his nfflna in the hnr. ugh of Clearfield, on FRIDAY, the Vtb day of -.(...nnr. n. v. l 0ACB A, . Of AtilJ ut,k;: .1:9 ttorf fef't-Ss tBtefttd tao at. uqd tf tkey see proper, T. J. MotMILLOl'UtI, Master, Ac. Clearfield, Fa., August HI, IHII-It, LEGAL NOTICE. IN tbe malter of ibe petit lot totorrnet a ratarn ol si. by Hhrriff Mrfhersou of tb property James and E. J. K arrest, made Septamhtr Ifth, lI. 1 AnJ BjV. Juna fi.V Ull. hula is ureniarf urm Jool C, I'orteit, H. J. Forrest, hud ibe bctre and legal raprasf atallvet of James Fofren. deetasod. and all others annaar In Court aa tho first day ef Bcptembtr, 1HBI (being ft plan ner Ifitb), aad anawrr tbe tatd) petition, of whtea an parties in tares ted will take aotiet. wraatod by latCouri, JAMES KB It ft, Pralbunotart. CLB4rtti, Fa., 8p'l. Ttb, ltM-St, ' ?Jciw (IftrtiSfmmtjJ. Dnuaxeil in H. IJ. Iluoa A Co. 'a " MaraDtile Keiturtor" aa agent Tbe nrople era hereby no- liu.d that b. It not .gnu lr m., oul, eoa Ir.cli.r. Jlkfll WILIIKLM. b'l Marj'a, Pa., Au,eilll, Usl-jt, ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curweneville. I1. Jan. ;-if DUMII ItllKSJ NontU.-The pinner, abiu hrr.lolre eii.tinK between J. W. I'uit.r antl H. L. Jleit.r bna Ihia daj btrn die Bolted by mutual eunaent. Iho bu.lneaa, ao euvDla, io., rrnaln in ibe baadaof J. W. Toller. J. W. 1'fiTTKK, K. I.. UKlfKK. Kailbana, ffi.l. JJ, IUI. a 14 (t COAL LAV DSWAVTKU. a'XMr arres of bi'utninous coal land situate In UJlearfield Bounty. Ad Iras tbe un ienlned '"".'" ' " ' AtiBri,ey-nt Ci.iAnriBtn, 1's,, 8ept. 7th, lbt 1-lf. The oldest, best, ovist thorough, and eoiuplele ' Xm lb. tn.ud but... , rtf.-hool always in session. fitudenU admlt- ted t any time. For eirculara addresa J. 0. HMITH, A. M., Frineipal, 3 tn. Pitlsburgh, Paoa a. Coal I Farm Lands for Sale. SEVKKATd hundred acres of valuable eoal and farm lands near tha boroueh of tilen Hope, are now offered at a bargain. Tba surface eon siiU of sima of tbe best farms in Ihe county, and ia underlaid with at Iwut three veins of bi:oml nout m.I, and u heavy vain of limestone. For further inform. Hon. apply to JkANK U. UAKKI3, ClcarSold, Fa. Pept. Utb, IHsl-Il. IXIU LTOltH' NOTICiyNoiioe. a her. J by given that Letters Testamentary on the r.i-te of 8Ml)iil. MATTHKW.Ute of Uecearia t wnsbip, Clearneld eounty, Fean'a, defeased, naving bean duly granted to tbe underaigavd, a'i persons indeb'ad to said estate will pleaae make immediale payment, and those having claims ur at nanli against the same will prem them prop trly antbenticated fur eeiHemeni, without delay HIMoN McFARLANK, A UK AM UATTHKW, KietfUtors. I'labville, Fa., 8,pt. 14th, lflM-bl- VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE I muiij.i,j , ,Jf ... ,.,.,,. X farms situated in Lawrenoe Uwnnbip, as M- One hundred and twenty ( 120) acres cleaned and a good slate of cultivation, and having thereon erected a largo and fine frame dwelling bouee, two large frame barns and other neoesi-ary outbuild ing, together with a large orchard, good water, Ac , Ac. Seventy acres oleared and under cultivation, but with no buildings. Tha said lands are ailuata within 1 mi Ira of Clrarfield and tba Worn) I van in Railroad, and are underlaid with bituminous eoal and Are clay. Reason for Selling. Declining health ol owner For further particular, Inquire of tba sobseriher. J. FRANK KNYOh'tt. Au'y for Owner. Clearfield. Fa, June Uth. 161 tf. EIGHT FARMS For Sale or Rent! The subscriber propones to sell or rent B num ber of larms located as follows i Tbe first situate In Burnside township, Ceo t re eounty, oonlaining 160 acres, having iherwin erected a frsma dwell ing, frame burn, adjacent to a churrb, and known aa ibe James Mulbolland farm. ALO, another farm situate in Oraham town ship, Clearfield county, containing 1 17 acres, wlib Ibe necesarr improvement! This farm la under laid wttn a UOOD VKIN OF COAL. ALSO, sit other farms in th vtrioitt of French ville, containing respectfully HZ, 10H,V5, 05, in and M aores. These farms all have houses and barns thereon, good water, itrariag oroliards oa same, aa well as ame gnod wood lard. For luitber particulars eall lu pcrion. or addross the uodersigr.ed or letter. L. M. COI DKlKr, Jan. IWtb, Frenebvilla, Pa. FRED SACKETT, MANfrAQriBtH or Tin, Copper Shret-Iron Ware, -MSO VKALSR IX- Hardware, Cook Stoves, Healing Stoves, Ranges and Stove Repairs. Wood and Iron Tumps, AMMUNITION AND FISHING TACKLE OF ALL KINDS. Roofing Spouting nONKONSIIOHTSOTtOg. Plumbing and Gas Fitting A SPECIALTY. ALL, KINDS OF GAS FIXTUKES Kept tonitantly on ban 1. rilEI SACKETT, CLEARFIELD, PKNN A. Cloardelil, Pa., Sepl. t. IUI If. SCffjjl dwtisfmentj. SherilTs Sate. BY Tlrlu. of rln .( ImH lam.d oul of 111. r.url ol Common Plea, of Clear. nel4 eonntr, and to diraeltd, law will r upeMd to PUIII.IO SALS, n iko Conn Home, la tbe boruogn of Clearneld, on Tlredey, Hrplemhcr ttd, IHMI. At I o'clock P. M., 111. lollowinj daaerlkrd real Two certain frame balldinea, en. a dwelling our. Isa2l feel, ealli on lol Ne. an. .d ,h. olber bamii freta. bop, lii.'ia fm, . ii j. imnin, en. ) fo. j, tih lot. .,,d haiMing. neinj liiiial. la ih. tillage of allaealon, Clear neld eoonty, Pa. Heiaed, teken In election, and In be tolj oa tbe un.pen oi . u. untirie. Tinai or 8i,. Tb, nrloe or into at aklck lb. proper I .ball k. alruok olr aao.i h. Ibe llm. of aale, or aui.b n her nrrangomenla naade aa will be appro.. d, otberwlae the pruperli will ba liaiaedlalele pul aa aad told agaia at lb. .ipaaa. and rlak of lb. p.r.on to wboa It w.i atraek or, aad wbo, la oaae of delcieace at inch re aale, ahall make good Ihe .an., .nd lo ao iaatanoo will Ibo leed be preaenled la Uo.rt for malrrnalloa aoloaa tbo nonet la artaallt paid tn tba Kberlf. JAH, MAII&Pr'KY, Hnanipr'a Oeptra, I 8beriff Clearneld, Pa.. Aug. II, MM. I ' ShcrifT's Sale. "JIT rlrtut tf a writ of Fit Fniat luued X of iht Ooqrt qf Ootumna Weaa of Ciear beidcQUbtf .Fono'a, and to ma diraaiad. th- be aipoeed It FL'ULIO HI.K. at tha Coon Uousa, is the borough of Clearleid, la, oa Thuraday. IVptcmber 'id Ihhi, At I t'elotih P. M , tbt followinf described r.1 oataU, tt wit i All that terUia traet of laad aitM.i i n. tide township, Clearleid eounty, Fa, bounded as foltowa i Oa tbt east hy lands of William Owens and Jam. Owens, on the south by land of CharlM prowi. oa no west ny land, or Aaron lUtiu anj David Fulton, ou tht m.riU bv Und ol Wxn... Uwri, fonia,iatrg one hundred aerea. mora or ess.witnauouf stut-flve aoros eleared.and a good a '"' tjDurae iron trees growing there on, and baring thertoB erected a trams heuet aad frsma barn, SOiJa feet. Heissd, tahea In eiorutton and tt be told aa tht propefty tf Jamas Chapmaa, ALhO, AM of tbtt ttrlalB lol tr lota tf grtund tltusia lu tbe borough of Clearlleld, bounded g.d deaertbed at follows Hetaw part f lU U and IT ip Mops-p i add lUeri, Irlatiog oaa hundred t'oet, ito of teas, nft Walnut street, and being one hundred and firry feel deep, more or lest, on Third strtel.und vilending bank to an eller.Wond ed en the weal by Third street, oa Ihe east by lot of Jamas L. Uaey, oa the touih hy aa alley, nod tbo aorth by Welaut street, Laving taorooa oreeted two Iramt dwelling fcouaea. aa,h betnr frautt stab). thtrMg tlrtUl4, 9" stetaad, Ukaa la titaattuw and it be ta 4 at tba property tf Ut iMaadsat, Jha Bbetller. Crtjnl 3(Ifrrli3fmfnts. AUO, All nf the lisfvBdant's Interest In nil thai cer- lain ptroa or tract of land situ Is lu lilun town- b'p, ''learfleld county, l' , bounded nnd da sen bed as follows t Ou Ibe east bv laud f K'lis I Kesler, nn the sooth hv lend of 0. M U -ft. on tje wesi by land of U M. Fetter.and ou the north by land of Frank Orcu it, eontaiolog IM aerea, more or leas, w alx.ut Vl) aores elarl, large j ot chard growing thereon, and having ersded lb.rnlr.m.bUua.,u large b4Lk barn and othar adkenln ,1 .nd to be aold lb. I proper., of II. U. Alde.n. , ALsO, I Ail that curtain tract uf lad situate 1 In lhaj township of Jordan, ia tho county of Cleai (Velf j ani Male of Fensyvanla,buundsd and decribd j as follows, to pltt Ucginning at a Ltm'ofk j 'henoe by land of t'uey eouifa Ally degrees West l2o pete lies to a poit; then', by land o Tbotnaa Mctiee North IS degreea Weat 171 p err bee to a wiltbbaieli ibtooa by land of Joseph FalteroB North bl degrees Kat perohes to a p'tst ; thenee by land uf James Jackson South 60 de rree Kail '71 parobe. lo a beuloek and ibe pine, ol beginning, cuniairinr pun hundred and tern-tj-'even avite and lorty sil prrcbis and allow ance. eiaed, takoi lu iveutt-.n and to be sold as the property tf W, K. Fassmora. ALSO, All that certain traot or plree of land situate In Morris township, in the oounty or ClearlWId and Btaleul feonrylvama, bounded and uereri'" ed aa tiilbiws : beginning at a post, the northwest ooroer of said treat or land stirrers j in tht name of John Frire; tht ore hy tratt or Ian J r-urvayed In tbe name of Fr4noia Johnston east IJl perones to a posLby a white oak ; thenee hy traot of land surveyed iu ths name of Chri. looker Itakaraoutb 311 perehts to a slono ; thenoe by land of Jiafh Hauler west lirlj perches to a post ; thenoe by land or ileorge J. Wagner, Jr , north 211 perabes to ine piano -l beginning, ecntatning one hun dred and three teres and" fifty nioa perfbes and allowance, with attout svacrrs, more or less, clear ad, and ..good youitg orebard ol 6 Ity trees grow ing thereon, aad having tbereoa erected a small ona-siory frame bouaeand log bam. he i sad, taken In execution, and tu be sold as tba property of Jobs Kein. ALSO, Tho defendant's Interest In all th it eertaiu traot or pieoa of land situated la Greenwood township, Clearneld eounty, (State of Frnnslva- ni, buunura ana uoserioed as lol low, vis; He- gibnioie at a pott turner in land of said llu'liban lir tf tfri; tbfuet o ouib 4V drcnes West VI I 10 perches to a post; thenoe by laud of Arthur Uil o'h 6.1 dfgreei East 1 HI perrhe to aa old beut- loen oornor : tbenne bv Und of Hunter an t baw ley Norib degrees Kaat V and 1-10 pern bos to a poit .- thanie ly land of Hulhban and brothers North 63 Jrg'oea Hast I pr robes to tba begin nipg.contuning one hundred arrei m ire or less, net I.i st, with elm ut twenty torts mora or lese cleared, and hiving thereon era jlei a sm!l house ai u lug taaro . LSeiied, tkn la eteeulioB and to be void as tbe property of Fan) White. ALSO, All that certain plwte or parcel of laud sitnated la Morns township, Clearfield eooflty, and State o Pi nnstlrame, bounded and deserihad a fol low : l).'gti,nitJir at a post on Mbanon creek ; thenee ht land of Henry Lorain, M. U., Westli't peroh-t to a maple: I he net North SO perches to stones ; thenoe West 2i perches to a maple ; tbeuro hy lands of Catharine Wymt North lt perches to a pmt; ibenae hy oeher lands of Juba I). Kjler but 4t perches; tbenne Houib 24 perrhes to a post ; tlit-Bi-e ICast 84 perches la a locuar on tbe bat,k o.' Moshanoa or ark ; thenoe by raid Mo han a rrrek the several course, and distaaras to the place of beginning, oonlaining 6ft acres and allowanoa. and having about 61 eoret more or Iras cleared, with a small orchard growing thereon, and having them a erected a Jog bouse and log barn. (felted, tskon In exerulfon and to be eold aa tbe property of Robert Ardary and Uirj Ardary. ALSO, On llinraday.Mrptembr-r 'itMh. 1hh. All that tract of land situite in Jordan loan hip, Carficld oounty, Fa., bounded and d-scrih-od as follows : Ileiiitining at a fallen white o.k ; by land of Thomas Heaei.o'h 521 dfgrei-s wart Hj perches to a post, thenna by Und t.( laaao Ul-iom south Si degrees cast 176 B It) p-rchrs u a hemlxek ; thonce hy land of Mrgt n 4 Company and Wtllitm t. Hioty's tsUtn nor'h r uvxrees eaai i 4 iu perobis to a h-.nlo ;k ; thenco hv lanJ of James and Parid Wither-w Birth S-J dtgrena watt 178 percli-sto p'aee ot , beginning, eontaining 160 aorta and 136 MO perotiae and aliowanoe, HO aorei, more or les-, j eleaud, and a small orchard growing therein, I and harieg thare'a trtWed a lug.h jus and log I iSrisad. takes In ontiA . . k. .,.1.1 ,l. pnpa ty of ei. C. Fatcbin, Delendaot, and Samu.-I Eihuff, terra tenaut. Tbbu. of 8a....-Th. price or sum at which the proper., .ball ba struck off must ba pd at i or euen oiner arranaementa made aa will be approved, otherwise tbe proper ty will be immediately put up and sold attain at tba expense and risk of tho person to whom ii was struak uff, and who, in oat of deftoieney at auah rt-sale, eball make good tbt same, and In no Instance will tb. Used be p reseated In Court for eonbrmatlon unless tht money ta actually paid to tha 6 h -riff. J A8. M .tllAFFLY, Saanirr'a Orricu, I alhehfl ClearBald, Pa.. Aug JI.IMJ SherilT's Sale. BY tlrloe of wrlU of I'mifin'oaf gj-pmni, laaaed ont of tbe Coort of CoBjtnoa Plena of Cieerfl.ld ooontt, nnd lo no directed, I will ea poae to puhhe aale, al tbe Court iloari la the bt-rough of CleertloU, on rilurtday, Krptrmbcr ft, IHMI, At I n'cloek P. U , Iba following deaerlbed real oatate, to wit t All Ibal certain traet of land altnate ia theeW ongh of Ofceola. Clearneld couolj, I'a., hnnndrd on ht Praneretrcet, nn Ibenertk bt Ma;a tllry and oa Iba weal bt Ueorge W. Lane, being two Ion knowa in plan of and borough aa lola No. 4 and I, and baring thereon erected a good einre room It I T4 fret, witk weromon altecbed !2it feet, and email frame atable. beiael, taken In attention, nnd tn b. .old aa Ihe proper! of Berkowita llirrh. ALSO, All Ibal cealaia tract of land ailuale ia Deci. tur townahip, Clenrfleld oount?, Pa., rx'tindcd a. follow.! Nortb bt A. Kcpbar-, eoutb bj Hntn ton, John M.rbaa.aud llagerlt'a eatata, oontaining f,.rtt nerea, more or la.., wilb n Iwo aicty plank bourn, lllilefecl, lug barn, aad otber ombulldingr. Nclifd, taken In eircottca. apd lo lie told aa tbe properl, of Ueorge W. Kepbarl. ALSO, A errUla lol of ground altual. In Weal Clear Held, l.awrencw towaihip, Clearneld eoaolt. Pa., bounded aid deenrlned aa follnwa, tiai Known na lot No. 41, boanded on Ibe aorth by Mcrrell atrcet, on Ihe catt br William atreei. on iherAnib bt nn allct ard on the weal b, lot N. fin, being in feel front on Mrrrell atrect and no feet decn. an.i k... ing thtrcoa treeled a Iwo Hurt ft. m. houe. and email .table. Kriied, taken In titration, nnd U b. eold aa lb. properl of Uatid II, Ueetaarl, ALSO, flu Ihuraday, Hrptcmbcr Snih, Immi, All that etrtnia tnaaanag. or piece nf gronnd aituat. la Ih. borough of Oaceola, Clearneld enontt, Pennathania, bounded and deacrihed aa follow., to wit : tin Ibo aortk bj Ouitia ureal, oa Ibo eaal be Henrj allct, oa tbe couth h, Hpruoe alre.1, and no Ibe weat by L.o No. Hi, In Ibe general e,lan of aaid boKutgb, nnd bating thereon .retted a plank awe. ... ,tr, blgb, In by SI fcl. ALSO, that certain pioc. of ground aituat. la tb. bor ough of Oioeola, bounded on Ibe aorth by llal. alrcel, oa tb. .ait by Eliaabetb atreei, oa lb. ecuth by on. half each of Lola Nn. Mi and null, on the w.l bt No. SOI kn.iwn na No., itu. and 300 ia Ih. general plan of aaid borough, being the .nine piece or lol uf ground .onteyed by the Mo. rbanoon Land and Lumber Company, by deed dated I7'h dey nf Hay, and bating thereon erected ft frame bou.a odo and one. naif .torira bigh. ALSO, Thai certain piece ef ground eltaate in Ihe town of Weal Oaceola, Clearfield eounty, Pena'a, beginning al a ploe atump ; thenc. peal Iwn bun dred feel i Ihenoo north M'ty loot i Ihcnc. weal two bundrod feet ; thenoe eoutk Dfly feet tn tbe plane of beginning, nnd bating thereon erected a two aiory plank bou.a with baeeinaul aleo a atable aud ulbcr oulbaildinga. ALSO, All nf Atioclallon'i Inter.. I in annlber oerlaln piece of gronnd In Iba boMujlb of Uaoeola. Clear Held eounlt, Won a. boan.ied and d ecrined na fdl..w: Ua tbe aortk by S.r.h etrcct, on the enat by Lot No lilt, on Iho eouth by Moabannon elley. nod on Ibn weal by L il No. Jill, being ill by tin fret, and i.wn in Ihe genorul plan nf aald borough na Lot No loll, nnd bntlng erected there, oa a Iraiuo houee aad other outhutldinga. ALSO, All of Aaanelatlon', Interna! la one other oar. tain lol ot pfrc or ground in lb. bornugk nf lie. oeoln, Clearfield oounty, Penn a, noun led and deacrihed na followat tla lb. nortb by Cutlio. ,.j .nry ntt.y, on Ibn eu'jik by Sprue alley, nn tbe wtel by Lot No. l, and known In plan of laid norotb a Lot No. Ilk, nod hating thereos erwrled a frame bona, and other oqibujltaga. ALSO, AH of Aeeooterioa 'a Intereat la ana other eer tain lol or piece nf ground altnate In th- loan or Wert Oaceola, Deoolur townahip, Clearlleld Co, Penn'a, aoanded aa follnwa. to w,i i niH.i.. at a pinn elompi thrnre ee.t tw. kuadred feeti lu.noe ooria B!iy tret I hence weat Iwo bun.lted feel Ibenoe eoutk irtt feel, lo Ike ol.-. r k. giaoing, being lb. a.tae lot of aiiud Bow la paa...ln f i,Ig aj. Cc!ti m4 k,, limm emcled a frame feo-4i. aad .that .albuildiaga. ALSO, All nf Aaanelnllna'i Intortal ia aae otber eer lain Int nr plrc of ground aitnala In ibe borough nf Oaceola, ( I. at field eoeele ...'. v..j., " Ibe aonb by H.I. .tract, na Ihe eaal by "V1"""1' ""y ana balf each of Lwla No. tVi and No. Ut I. g..,,., p,.. of,.(1 , aa Lot No , being Ibo a.m. plena,, , ground eontced l y ,h. Moik.aooa Und a.d em her Cemcanr. by deed oelerf f,k al.. i... and ka.ln. Ik.a .reeled a tram. ho... nn. aai .ua-kaU kith and ether a.lbnlldiaga. ALSO, All Areuclatinn. intereat In one ,h. ....... plew or lol of gronnd aituat. la tbe boroueh of Oaceola, Clearleid eounty, Penn a, boand.4 aa the acr.b b, Lot No. Ms, oa tbo eaal be la. tur alley, na lha caulk by Lot Na. l;i ,,, a, '""" M .. a. L.,i No. HI a lb. fvtal rae af .aid, nnd aatlpg, ,.L,d t from. bone, and other oa.bullura. ALSO, All at AeaejciatloVo lnhw.a 1. ... ...... ... - alec, af gcuad aiiaai. la lb. b.roagH ,r fti,. Ztp dt-rrttsfinrnta. Cleerll.lil eountr, Penn'a, boanj., oa Ihe ni,nk by I'lne alley, on the eaal by Ur.elur a In tbe aoiih by l.oi No. 14H. and on th. .,',,'J,: Dlanrbard alreet, anl aaowa at Lot ,, 911 ,enral iUnor.a. boroayh, and having tl,fr-t i envied ar frame house and ottinr uutlml J,. htised, Uken in eleoation and to hi , K the prjerty of the Usoeole Hail,) inn j 1i AssoeiiattoQ 1 ALSO. a, certain trat of land ailuata in llu.,,M1 riVXl j T ' , tn BtJ wtr ,u f. Ijy thence north It drgrees wat 147 perrhe. i, bmlo?i t tbsnoo worth i drRrfes east llu y. oboe to a heoilnek tba nurthwst c rar ul Hi. )u. na'lrd Hurdell hit) Ihenoe south 21 ttegrre ri.t 1st t'rcnas to ine aorto east corner til iLb : tt, Williams lot t thenee eutk it degri-i-. Mv,t 1 10 perehea io the place or beginning ooiitaini, f 101 acres more or lose being part o mttih tl. ALSO, Another picee beginning at a poit the t.. west eorner of above named liaorne K, H iV.iMai lott Ibeno north XI degrees aaat 41 per -(,,., th sure norib ti2j decrees et 2fl perohu, ; Mi-ui-l .17, degrees east -Id perebaa t" a pt the east o-' of s iU Williams lot; tbf.eo degrees eat Til petchus lo the n'(li lim i, rant Nw.&i'tf; tlit-i.e. south oUdigrnei P. no perches to a post In east line of lap. I nf j 'rit11 Cooker thence uortb I'l degtees west ; ,n --?. lo place of bdftintiing, eouulniog JO rrt, tll ,rv loss, and exepttug und reterviag ten err j, r, ed by Jas T. Luuard and wit to Mr Urtcu mi tieiied, taken in exa.uLi tn ani to he ul l a. propar'y ut John C. Tyler. ALSO, A ot rtaiu lot of land situate In the tr..i ,, Burnside, ClearfieM oounty, Fa: No. I beir, known as lot No. 87 In plan of said b.r-un fronting an Maple street and bounded uoitu dv lot No I), east by aa alloy, and smj br K lti, street, with iinpntrmanta, having there m e'rcl ,1 a plank houao, small stable and other out t.u i u,i. A LSO, No t. a tra4 or lot of land ia said h i I'-rongl houe led north bv Filth street, can by Main Hrt entiiti ny ine nusqutnsona river, and ui i,T Walnut street, enuaining Tour a.'res aadlriy. three end 71-1 OU perobes, having erected a lare plank bouse, frame stable, rarponter sbi'l' and utber uuttiuildina;s also a young orebard ul a't.i( 60 apple trees rien- d, liken Ja execution and lo be Bold lbs property of John M. Handera m. Tan mb or 8 a tr. The prlca or sum at wiirb the property ahall be struck oil ir-ist he paid m tha time ul sale, or such .Hoar arrungements male as will ho approved, otherwise the property will it imroed lately put up and sold again at theexpuD'a and risk of the poreon to whom it was strui-a ui and who, lu ease of delieieney at suob re a ,l i e ' shall make good tbo same, and in tiu iimi.r will ttie Deed be pieernirdtn Court for cni:riuit- tioo unlesa tbe moiey is actual I v paid ir, ibt berill JA4b!i MaHAH-KV, Saamrr's Orricu, I Imnff Clerei4, Fa . Aug. 11. Ihl ( JU1. Y 1,1 WTNatnes and location ul ine persons drawn r jurors to serr at S,-(tl-ber I. no, commencing oo the fourth M.-ul, Vnkj, and oonliouing two weeks: (J ra n Jt'unaa Moroat, Skptkub sk 2'nx. J.C C'inner, llurnslde b Hoienkrans, Hum .u, D L Ferguson, L rity, j llmry hwan, Jrdn, W:n Mahalfey, N Wasb.'C llertl in, Karitiiu,, II A Wriicht. Uecearia, jJno K Dunlap, Kd l J W MeCor, jj l Hchrytr. Lsarai! -4. Deorgr Cautfinnn. Hell, I A Merjr. Morn, A L Frtetoan. Uradlori K M Iavm, Pf,ti, Ilobtrt Dunbar, tbant, fAdnm h-iiiii h. I' ike, Joseph II bretb, " jU. O llaan. i4nd, J F rtuiiirr, iJecatur, John B fciii. ' Aug Fi?nn, Uulich, Ii F MoCall 8 fc B Hetuey, t.ulich, A II liuniap, Wuia..rj Thavekhb Juborn, Mohiiat, St re. !firH. W B Aytra, Burnside James Fig.I, (iraium, J M llaeti'.gs, Cleatfleld C lluliihwta. Uretm ul, J lihn, Hiram lenmiuel, Uuiun, Joo llulhliAn, ' H WiMdw4rd, Hust a, I A 'neite.ry, Cut'tt tlia, tleoraie llurr, Ki b d Kiau. " ;larid Wiaa, Jordan. W F t bainber-. la. Michaels, Kar.bAut P Mvltrui,.t, Uoultlalc If P Oulieh, Lawria.r, Koh'i Heiiiing. lleuj r'haH', Jn-i Miihavla. I. City, M 8 Kramer, J it McFadden, O-e-.'a A'l.n W rigley, I liaioi'lon, Ihurttnu, Irwin " Kll.sJ U..tera. W l MrrMl M rn Lew aJricbin, Th.. C Kvier, " lletfr It alley. IUt-earla And Fuliher. JUliUfitiw, " l Uuuglap, Tti uM It re. U 'irg, Kb.-rt Hunter, Hud pi. Albert, It-'KtfS 'Andrew Luti. Jos Winery, Ure Itni, IV a nloore. Pent.. I I'et.i Kmpp, Jamea Walla, " W I Ilailey, ' M L.gbiner, " Henry J Knar-. Paa h 'Itnnd Wcllt. rm,n, D El.lridtj, WoodearJ, John li..uon', 0B Lrni., ' WWW i:t,.ina. " ; J.mca K retlet. ' J J -rrh' hnf V. iibt, "'fv,!;. , ,Jeo K.n'Kn.n'. Da.on M.'Knen o C liarntoy. Cot iogloo, John ilub-e, Dec.ita', U U.bowaltrr, 11. . J Jut, il.rard, 'KdnarJ Mol'et e. r-nioxo AVarg Motn.t Ovroara 3t. H K oy'ie-, C eariield, Joacpk W,illy, ttrc.tor, ll.nry Wei-cr, H. I. Hnnkin, lloahen, Joi n Uoyuton, " 'tierce Itwen. ' A. lea lej l..r. Cire.1l., Levi rv K.ce. il.lirS, C.Nllirar.l, Jiooiadaie. , Hel. ilynn, Mu.ioo. T.J.Kr.ea, Sam.i-1 Brown, Laet rt, J It. liemiltoB, (IteacOoon, " Jne G. hhoff. OmioIi, , He.heo linlcr, Xur i, W. A. Crial, M . II C'yna, Peon, f Campuan, Wallece'n, Arnold bloom, 1'ika, Wa blaheffer, llell, I. II t'bambera, " Cjroa A. Wood, HlonntJ Kh i McCrjhen, " laaen liciak, Uogga, jJemee Wieo. " J la. Kama, Uuiarlde,!A.H Slrawbr.ig, , s,jT A lll,.i.h.. f'n. ....... I I. L ' Tbo, Lambert. Ntcholaa licitlua, Uatid I.tueui. Sihnerra, " St.phea Teat, Decatur, Tbomaa Wayne, Wa th. nodcralgn.d, hereby aertify that tha foregoing llal of aamee of awreose were draen ht ue on tbe IStb day nf Jolj A. I), lirailt and Trateree Jurort ttr tho September Term of Court, ooamoseing ca tba lourth Monday, in correct, and wa. drawn aocording to low tn a eordano. with aB order of tbe Mob Ckailoa A . Mayer, PreaideBt Judge of Ibo aaid CoarL JAMK8 M All Arm, Sheriff. A. J JACKSON, II. UHIDIIU. Jart Ccmmieffocete. Clrrneld. Ta.. July ITth, ll-t. UBiaaiTKH'D KOTICBNotiw la k. bt girea that Ibo (ol'ow.Bg nccoanti hate been esamiecd nnd panel by me. nnd reman iled of record in Ihia oSJeo for tb. ioauwitlon of h.ira, leg.iaea, ercditore, and all otnere mlereate i, and will be preeenlcd 10 Ibe neit Orphan,' Coort of Clearlleld oounty, lo bo hold al tbe Conn llouae, in Ihe borough oi Clearlleld. oommrnf.n on Ibn fourth Monday (being Iba lllik day) of September, A. It, i Pinal account of Patau.! Hendertoa, Ouardiaa of RoMo I. kepharl. minor eb.ld of X. V. Sep. hurt, 'ate ol Clearfleld oounty. Pa., dowered. final account nf Lewie Fr. t.r of fatah O. llalc, late of Clearneld oountt, I'a., deceaecd. Final acoontof William L. filoom. lionrdian ol Lucy K. Bloom (now Lucy b bioore), one .! Ihe children Bad beira r lie. id Bnd Barak Bloom, late at Hik. town. hip, Clearbad cue- ty, Pa., ictooaeed. Kin J account of C. M. llcrtUna and S. I. Ililli. land, Admiaiatratnre of Iheealaee.r lleorgc L. Ilertllne. lata nf mwn.hip, Claott.ll county, I'a., dcoeaeed. firel account nr Samuel Headerenn. fioa'.l i of timer L. kephatl, minor child of M. V. kep- beil, lain ol Clearlleld county. Pa, deceeaed. Final nocounl of Nathan Moore, tiieeutor or the erlete of Mary Wrigleaworth, of Penn towo- ak.p, CltarOrld county, I'.., aeceaaad. Accooat of tle-.rgo II Walk, Admloialrator of the eatata of lllcbard Walk, late of Ihe boroeoS d Curwcnatlllc, Ciearield oounty, Pa., dc:ci Finnl account of II. S. Rlewirt, Guardian of A. N Orebam, minor child of Jamea C., lata of ClearOel i onunry, Pa., deeoet. Partial account of tleorie Ileo'tendorn, t.urdiut of Itaniel. Joacph, Nora, Or. ,11. ,d M.I I. Ilrlcbel. children and heir, 0f Mary lln-h.1, la!e of Kartbeue lewntlitp, L'learlrlJ oountt, Pa., deoaaaed. Perllal account nf K. I. ulllllan.l, Ouatd'en of Lydia abd Clara Uillt.and, children nnd beira ol Adrnne tlilhlen l, late nf karthaua town. thip, Cleartioid county, I'a., deceeeed. Fmal account ot C. Krataer, lluer.lian of B.iian M lluwl.a, minor ahild of Andrew Hnwlra. late of Cleardald onunly, Pa,dcoeaavd. Final accoaot of if. J. Iloff 'r, Tr.Htae of the or- tele of Joaeph Volhere, late nf karthaua Icen- ablp, Ocrfleld county, P., d-caacd. Accourl of J. Hoa, lltnoin, A Itninltt rator of the trtaienf J. Linn ll"over, la'ecf Pike town.hi., Clearneld eounty, I'a , teceaao.l. Accout.l of J. P. Fty, Truate. of Ike a.'.l. of Frederick Frailcy, la', of t'rairtiold county. Pa , detlee ed. Account nf Ueorge C. Kiik, A.lmlalHrnlor of Ihe eata.c ol .1 e., h Poalleihwall, late of townahip, ( Irarllcld con ny. Pa., deccaied. Final acoovnl nf Xieharieb MoNaul and Vary llanoock, A.lininiairatora nf Hie e.tale f .'oho llnncwk, late nf Pik. townahip, ClnaillalJ eonnly, Pa, dcooaacd. Parllal accoint of J.,ha Patton, ol llic eateleof Inaeph A. Oildw,l, lata uf Clearl eid Bounty, Pa., doceeead. Fln.l account of WillUat f. Digler, (luar llan of John r. Khiuiell, uianr chill of W. Sklmrll, lale i T Morna Hewnaklp, Clearfield county, I'a, dcceaacoV Fl-4 aocuint uf lllrea Woodward, (iu.r.liaa nf Jaae P. Hogera. Final ncoounl of lle.ry iM ,d Snrah Prit. Admi.l.tratore nf th., of Lorenn '. Price, late of Pike lownak.p, Ciwrirld e., Pa., deceeeed. Final aocannt af O.a.r Mileliell. Admiaiairaror al Ihe ealnte nf Hhnrle. Weallell, lale ..f ' te.l townahip, CloniDeld ooaaly, Pa , dcceaael. Final acoonnt ol J. H. Kcaoe, r f the eeta,ie ed tlallkotar ilenie. lale ol form. lo town. h p, Chtarkeld .onaty, Pa , ilecee-e i, a? anal acoonnt of N. W. Ynang and Th " aon, Admlnl.lraleri af the eatata of Willi.m Thompaoa, ia'a of Fergoeoa teettubip, Clr' old ooanty, Pa. , deoeaed. Pertial aecnunl nf Jokn II. Lttla, aurrli ing A I lai.lrator of Ihe auelo al'u. II. Ltlle, I- Lumbnr City, CUardeld rnituity, Pa, Final accooat oi W. H. IDok araun, Admlni!''1 ( A. tt Oiekarson, lam vt riearflrld mJ t., weaoased. Vlrst and Anal aiwouatof iha W. fry a" I sniby, AdtntnlMratort ftf Vraasifli V'f lata f Chest township, Claaleld tuuaty, I' . detsased. Final Mowwnt of JUa U. ftahrytaf and fil" Maaaa, Adunittratars of tba iitrnoael a 'at "f' Artbug alaaaa, lata tf Lswreaaa towaihip. ''- Clttrltlw, Pea a a, Augnst il, lU.