J THE 'CI.KABHKLD REPt'BLlCAV ftrSLIMID lTr Winn DAT, AT CLIARVIELD, PA. KRTARLIHHBO III 1MT. 1 He larfcr-t Circulation f any Xewapaper Ih North C.utrrJ PennaylvanUu Terms of Subscription. ;; uaid Id adranoa, or erithin I monthi....$3 OO If paid after I and before anoatha 9 AO f j,id after the eapi ration of montha,,. S OO Bates ot Advertising, rr niienl edrertliemenU, par aquar of 10 llneaor lfn, S tiinea orloil $1 60 for each aubeeqnent Inaertion eo litiinlftralnra' and Kiatmton'aotleaa.. i it Au iitort' nnticea M I 60 Caution and K.traya 1 61 hnlotlon noticea t '-iriftnnal Carda, t line! or ltll,l year.... I AO I, .c nnttooa, par Una tO YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. I ,tura IS 00 1 oolama. $50 00 i ivjuerea... -..la 00 I . toloBDM TO 00 1 -uarai. .10 00 1 eolumn.. ISO 00 O. B. GOODLANDER, Pobliaher. fanners' Carfls. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, il:l:T Clearfield, Fa. J J. LINGLE, A'fTORNET-AT - LAW, l:H Phillpaburg, Centra Co., Pa. j-.pd JOLSD D. SWOOPK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curweaevlll., Clarflld Bounty, P.. 0 SCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. nffloa In "Old Wealornl butldiuf," (upatair). Uofc 9. 8-t JSRAEL TEST, ATTORNRY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Offie. OB. door Met of Bh.w Bona.. DJllM 7"M. M. McCULLOUGH., ATTORNKY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Offij. in M.aonle bulldtoft, Beeond etreet, op- .o.lte the Court Houae. Je2,'78-tf. ARNOLD, LAW It, COLLECTION OFFICE, CHRWRNSVILLK, fZf Clearfield County, Penn 'a. 76 T. BROCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. i. Or in Opera Ilnnao. ap 1,'77-1 U ti. A. Wai.i.acb, lUvw L. Kbbbm, IhKkl F. W A LI. AI'B, Wh. R. WaLL-AIK. W WALLACE 4 KREBH, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, inl's Clearfield, Pa. s JM1TH V. WILSON, ill tor nry-nt-Lair, CLEARFIELD, - - PENN'A. Jtt-Offlc. la tb Maaonlo Building, over tbe C'iunty National Hank. iaarl4-S0. I I'. SNYDER, 1 . ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. office erer th. Coanty National Bank. Juno l(l,JTlr IHANK G. IIARRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ULBABNSLa, pBBB'A. t'irat-el.aa Life and Fit. Ioluranoa Compaatee rcprcentcd. r-Olfiee la th. Opera Houae.-f). Mar. I,'sl-ly nil)., a. a u brat craua aoanov. JURRAY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. ter-Offlo. Id PI.'b Opra UoaM, Maond floor. :S0'74 yiLLIAM A. HAOEKTYj ,iITOI(.l'trvJ''L.) II", OFKII'R over T. A. Flerk ii Ca.'a Rlure, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A 4r-WMI atlead to all lel bu.lnera with ptumptneu and fidellt;. fob 1 1, '80. If. Mara B. k'b.allt dabibl w. tf'crapr. rcENALLY & McC'URDY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Clearfield, Pa. .Pit Legal baelneif attended to promptly witbj Mriitr. Offioa od UMODd .treat, boot, tba Flr.l National Dank. jan:l:76 J P. McKENRICR, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA, All l.ial builaa.1 entra.tad to hie Mr. will re rnir. prompt atteotioD. .r4t-OfnM In the Conrt Hon... .utH,l;8-l;. Y (J. KRAMER, "a T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W , Real Eitala anil Colloctloa A(.nt, C'LEAHFIELO, PA., Will promptly attand to all legal bu.lnut ea tro.ted to hie ear. XrOfhoa la Pta'i Opera Hoaea. Janl'7a. OHN L. CUTTLE, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. nd Rral Ktata Affent. t IfarOrld, Pa. Offlee on Third atreet, bet. Cherry A W'alnot, yltaepeouuuj onera ma rTiove in iim( ..j i l..a laa I'M r null .nit ,llninln eoantl.B and with aa ..p.rl.ne.ol oeartwanlf i L a a-a-.-Ai ' I IT.k llt.tSl.ir Vr MlfilBKUna ayar aaar. I 1lijjsirjins' CnrdJ. QR E. M. SCUEURER, IIOMROPATUI0 PHYR1C1AN, OIBea la reaidenoa oa Plrat at. April 14, 1171. Clearfleld, Pa. jyt. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, DL'BOIB CITY, PA. Will attend profeaalonal ealla promptly. auglO'70 JR. T. J. liOYER, t'HYSICIAN AND 3UIIOKON, Otto, oa Market Stmt, Clearteld, Pa. -0flc. hour.! to II a. m., and I to I p. m- R. J. KAY WRIGLEY, homeopathic phyhician, nai adjilaln the realdjaoa af Jamao n(lry. Era,., oa Hoeoad St., Cl.arll.ld, Pa. Julyl,'7-tf. d C. JENKINS, M. P., I'll YSICIAN ANDSl'RGEON CI-RWENHY1LLB, PA., office, at reeidtace, eora.r of Btel. .ad Pla. "txte. Jea. eta, IsM-tf. J)U. II. B. VAN VALZAH, CXRARI'iei.D, PEMU'Ai "I rit E IN llESIDENCK. CORNER OF FIRPT AND l'l'E eTHKKTM. A- OCoe hoart From It I. i P. M. May II, 1DTI. J j. J. P. Bl'RCIl FIELD, (At. ftarK.oa af lb. IKd Reglaeal, P.aaaylTaata Volent..ra, h.vlaf r.tarB.d from th. Army, elera hla prof.aai.aal i.rrl... ta th.alllaeaa Olearlold .oaaly. c-aM,ro(...t...l .alia aromptly atieaded u. 0ce ea Seeead Itreet, form.rly .Mapl.d by b'-Wwd.. aprt,'4U CLEARFIELD GEO, B. G00DLANDEB, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TEBMS-$2 per annum in Adranoe. - 1 "" - " - - 11 1 " VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. 2,739. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1881. NEW SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. 36. Cards. HENRY BRETH, (ostbbb e. a.) JUSTICE OF TI1E PEACE PON IK LI. TOW Kit HI P. Ma; S, l7a-ly JAMES MITCHELL, DBALBB la Sfjuare Timber & Timber Lands, Jell"7S CLEARFIELD, PA. Y. 1IOYT, -Land Survovor and Civil Engineer, PniLIPSBVRO, PA. tfAII buelneie will be .Head. I to promptly. Deo. 15, lUSO-lj. REUBEN H AC KM AN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Peuu'a. tefAWlll ai.cnt.Jobe In hi. lln. promptly and In a workmanlike meaner. ar,B7 FRANK F1ELDINB AND WILLIAM J). BIGLER, T7 0. t 1,-.T-L.i II', CLEARFIELD, PA. N... 17th, lM if. WEAVER & BETTS, DBA LRUS IH Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND L1MI1RR OF ALL KINDS. jjtorOITloa on Kaaiind firaaf in rear of atora room of Uaorga Waaror A Co. Jni, '78-tf. i RICHARD HUGHES, Jl HTK'K OF TUB PEACE roa ittcatur TowntMp, Oeo.nl. Hilll P. O. II official bn.lnaef .ntraitnd to him alll ba promptly atunded to. mchlll, '71. HARKY SNYDER, HARDER AND HAIRDRESSER. Bbop on Markat St., opponlta Caurt Iloant. A nlnno towol for avnry oaftomer. Alfo daalnr in Hfit Itrandp uf Tobnrro mid I ijfara. ruarrlolrt. Pa. m IV, 'TO. JAMES H. TURNER, JI STICE OP T11K P8ACR, Wallaretou, Pa. f4fll bat prfparad himialf with all the neoiarr blank furrai oniler tha PtnaUn and Bounty lawi, ai wall at blank Doedi, ate. Alt legal to at tan DtrDttei Ui bia ear will reoetva prompt attention. May lib, lPTLMf. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD. PENN'A. jh0T-Pau.pt alwayi on band and made to order an abort notice. Pipee bored on raaaunable term. All work warranted to render lattf faction, and dellTored If deeired. myJJilypd Jjlvery Stable. TH R andereinned bege lear. to Inform th. pab II. that h. ie now fully preparM1 to aoeommo- date all la tba w.y of furMetilng ll.eee, ifoffK,ea, Haddles and llarn.ee, on tba .hortoat notic. and .a raafonable torma. Reaidenoa oa Loeaat etreet, betwoen Third and fourth. OEO. W. OEARHART Olaarlald, Feb. 4,1674. . c. a.AD.. w. a. niar.BTr JEADftUAGERTY, PIRM.'lIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENCY. OfflealB Or.bam Buildlnf, Market atr..t. CleetH.I, Pran'a. June IS, ISHl.tf THOMAS H. FORCEE, OEKKRAL MERCHANDISE, GRAHAMTON, Pa. Al.n, extenalre manufacturer and dealer In Rquara Timber and sawed LtumDeror ell kind.. tOrdra aaliclt.d and all bllla promptly filled. I'JJI'J' S. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER pWatchoJ Clocks and Jewelry, ffrailam'e ttw, lfarUl Are.!, ri.EAHKlLI.U, PA. All klnda of repairing la my lln. promptly at ended to. Jen. lat, 171. Clearfield Nursery. KNCOURAGK HOMK INDUSTRY fpiIE nnderlgned, baring aaubltehed a N'ur X "ry oa the 'Pike, about half way between Clearfield and Curwenaville, la prepared to far nlfb all kindi of FRI'IT TREKS, (atandard and dwarf.) Erergreena, Shrubbery, Urape Vinea, Uooaeberry, Lnwton Rleokbcrry, Htrnwberry, and Raapberry Vinee, Alan, Hiberian Crab Treea, Qnince, and early aarlet Rhnbarb, Ac. Orden promptly attendrd to. Addren, J. U. WRIOIIT, Mptn-M.i Carwenatille, Pa. JAUnB KRR. It. 1IOBL1. t'lCnrtlCld lllSUmilC'C ARCIIOJ. Ms aT. Wf m MW BP au W'f VM ff THI Rfpreatnttha following an t other trtt-elaaa Co' Companle. Aaaeta. Lirerpool London A aloba-U. ft. Ilr....HH,si I.yoomlng on mutaal A aaah plana...- ,0l0,0liA Phornil, of Hartford, Conn !,M4,0P3 Inauranne Co. of North America ,4HS,rtT4 North Brittih A Mercantile U. 8. Br. I.TM.SM flfotlUh Coumereial V. 8. Branch... e7tl,Ut Walertown I.SU Trarelera (Life A Accident) J.6V.4M U lllflllf K M -a m Otnoa on Market Pt.t opp. Curt Houae. Mtar- neid. fa. June 4, tv-ii. Insurance Agency OF WILLIAM 0. HELMBOLD, Pnllon Hlotle, Vurtrrntrillr, I'a Companies Represented I Commerelal l'nlnn Ine. Co., AeMta .9.0A.,7o1 IA Firrmen'a Fand Ina. Co., Aaaeta I.l,nl7 M I nloa lomr.ee. Co.. A.ieta I.OHO.lia? " Trarrl.ra' Acoideot Ina. Co.. AaeeU. ,il,IV41H North.ra Int. t'o.of New York A. la Ut.W DO Inearane. placed oa eJI kioda of property at qoltabl. r.lea. Curwenertlle, I'a, ret,, la, irni-ir. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Newark, N. J. INCORPORATED l4S. PI'RI'LY XI'TTAL. Aeaare, J.a. 1, aa a..erUleed br Menlnloa uomoiieaioeera of M.ea.ohiiMttt,Oblo .ndNew J,m, .M,7J4,I U MABILITIKB, .Mi.u J -. . - a ... I.. U...'.kn'. at.nderd B..IA.A.f 01 Hi ei-M'l by Mew York gtaad.rd... l,9ll,N. IS Allpolleloiaoarorf.itabl.enM eccoad yaail low tpea.ee , laritedlfideada d. elered aad paid ...ry year .ibm oriea liallon i .mpl. earplne i a.rrender t.iuee mnatllbereli loMa pmmpily adjuated aad paid. Ornra.e t I.IWI8 C. OROVRR, Paaeiraar. JAMES B. PKARKMN, YlcB-l'aaelBBT. En. 1. DnaBiaa, Boe'y. To. MAi-a.BTT, Traae. Wfil'TUU a lilt kR. Kiel. Am.1i. .11 W.I. aal .tree!, Philadelphia, Pa. R. M. M'BNAl.l.V.lpwUIAfafit. Ollloe la Mnop'a balldiaf, Matk.l tra.t, Clearlald, Pa. a-a- ai.ti. i BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL, ftKrOHl tciooi.. "(Jnarler to nloa ! Iluja and (irlt, do yon bear tm "0oe morti Luckwbtal, tben Ra qalck, motber dtar, Wb?ie ! mr lanebaoa bos ?" "I dlUi- tfae abelf. Juat in In the place Von left it younrlf !" "I can't lay my table !" "Ob, find me my eap 1" M(ne kiaafur uiamua And aweet Ria In bar lap." "lie good, dear, '""I'll try." "U llmea It It til." "Take yonr tnittena "All right." "Hurry up, Will let 'a run." With ibealam uf tba duor They are ofl, trltand boya. And tbe mother drawa breath In tbe lull of the uoiae. Arm irnooi. ' Don't wake up tbe baly ! Come gently, my dear ! "Ob. mutber, I've torn my New dreta, juat leuk here ! I'm aorry. 1 only wa Climbing the wall." "Ob, mutber, my map Waa thenloeat of all!" "And Nettie in apellltig Went opto the bead '." "&, aay I can I go out On tbe hill with my aled ! "I've got aucib a toothache," "The teaober'a unfair 1"' "la dinner moat ready I'm J mt Ilka a bear." He patient, worn mother, They're grow log up faat, Theae nursery whirl wioU, Not long do they laat ; A atlll, lonely houae would be Far worie than noiae ) Rejoice and be glad in Vuar brara girla and buya. PRESIDENTIAL DISABILITY. The fiict of Presicrcnt Garfield's Ina bility to attend to his legitimate du liea hecbuxe of his wound, has bronirlit lip the qupstion of the ConHtitutional "disability" in a new form. A similar "disability " never before having oc curred, it is well enough lor the public to relied ovor the question, and lor Congress to give the proper legislation on this critical stibject when that body next BBSsembles. Wo clip the follow ing from the Philadelphia Itrcori bear ing upon tho question : In considering tho mutter of Vico President Arthur's right to "exercise tho office ol President" in caso the prolonged inability of General liarliold should render it necessary for some one to discharge tho Executive func tions, it should be borne in mind that the Constitution of tho United Suites docs not operato aflirmutively of its own force, or, as tho lawyors say, f.r proprio vigore, but that Congressional legislation is generally requisite in or der lo secure the carrying out of its provisions. This is especially true of such of the mandates ol that instru ment as are of a positive rather than a negulivo character. While its pro hibitions oporote to nullify any and all legislation, wbethor by Congress or the fitato Legislatures, which may ho In contravontion of them it boing only needful that some Court of com petent jurisdiction should declare such acts to bo unconstitutional its aflirra ative grants of power require the ac tion of Congress, not indeed to give thorn validity but to supply specific methods for putting them into practi cal effect. Each of the three constitutional amendments adopted since the close of tho rebellion baa appended to it a section declining that Congress ahull have power to enforce it by appropri ate legislation. Among the general powers ol Congress enumerated in the eighth section of the first article of tbe Constitution is that "to make all laws which shall bo tiecossary and proporfor carrying into execution the foregoing powers and all other powers vcBted by this Constitution in the Gov ernment of the United States, or in any department or ofllcor thereof." A popular writer has spoken of the "silences of the Constitution." These "silences" may bo a convenient resort for tboso legislators who scorn the trammels of strict construction and delight to foist botween the lines such readings as may suit the special exi gencies of party ; but a written Con stitution is worth vory little unless it is to be literally adhered to. There are latent powers in the Constitution to which effect has not been given because no occasion has yet seemed to require that tlioy should be set in mo lion. For instance, a State may bo formed by the junction of two or more Stales or parts of Slates, provided Congress and tho Legislatures ol the States conoerned consent. This power, however, has never yet been exorcisod. Again, Congress may at any limo by law make or alter tho rogulalioni in each Klato as to tho times, places and manner ot holding elections tor Repre sentatives ; but it has only vory spar ingly availed itself of tnis authority. An immense amount ot legislation wa done by Congress immediately after the adoption ot the Constitution in order to sot tho machinery of tho Federal Government to going, and many of the original enactments stand on the national alututebook without change. Hut from that time lo this there has been a clear casul omittus in tha lailuro to adopt some provisions to carry out the directions ot tho Con stitution relative to tho happening of snob an event as mo romoval 01 toe President from ofllco, or of his death, resignation or inability to discharge the duties ot bis otlice. Congress did provido, March 1, 17H2, for the case of a simultaneous vacancy in both the Presidency and tho ice 1'rosidency. That it ought also to have established some explicit motliod of procedure to govern tho case of a vacancy In the Presidency alono appears to bo quito plain now, from tho vory tact that the ablest ol our jurists differ as to what tho procedure in such a caso should bo. It might bavo soomcd to bo a work of aupororogation to do this in 1T., as the real intent and meaning of tho constitutional provision devolving the duties of the Presidency upon the Vico President were at that timo well understood, Ilia not so manifest now, howevor, what was meant. Whether the Vice President waa intended to act temporarily as President during the inability of the Prosident,or himself to become President for the remainder of the term, is a question that may be endlessly debated. If one view is plain to one great lawyer, the oppo site viow la equally plain to another lawyer who la jusl as great. The language of the Constitution on this point is by no means clear. It is de clared that "in caso of tho removal of tho President from office, or of bis death, resignation or inability to dis oharuo tho powers and duties of the snid office, f Ac mrnr. shall devolve on the ice President. w hat is meant bv "th name?" Does It refer to "the said office" or to tbe "powers and du ties of tho said omco 7 n do on earm can toll r lr the word "if or tne ord "thev" had boon employed tho intention would bava been apparent. But it is not so now. Even if lhor Wore no doubt as to wbethor it waa designed that tba Vice Presidonl should act as President only during the continuance of tbt disabil ity or for the balance of the curront Presidential term, it would still be convenient, it not absolutely needful, to uave some means provided lor au thonlicating the tact of tho "inability.1 Congress hus made provisions for torn porary disability in the cases ol the lioads or departments and of certain judicial officers; and yet this contin gency of the disabling sickiices of tbo highest official ot the nation baa been lolt wholly unprovided for. It may bo suggostod that it is for the judicial branch ol the Government, rather than the legislative, to construe tbo provisions ol the Constitution. In a caso ot this kind, howovcr, It would be entirely compotont for Congress to interpret an obscuro passago in Trr. organic 'law by means of a clearly worded Blatute putting it in force. One ot the first things which Congress ought to do whon it reassembles is to address itself to this subject. Even if tbe present emergency shall then bavo passed, Ibis knot should be untied with a view to tho avoidance ol similar com plications in tho future. THE ANA TOM Y OF AN 0 YSTER. From th. Baltlmor. duetto Every oyster has a mouth, a heart, a liver, a stomach, cunningly-devised intestines and othor necessary organs, just as all living, moving and intelli gent creatures Lave. And nil these things aro covered from man's rudely inquisitive gaze by a mantle oi pearly gauie, whoso woof and warp put lo sbamo the frost lace on your windows in Winter. 'I he mouth is at tbo smaller end of tho oyster, adjoining tho hingo. it is ol oval shape, and, though not readily seen by an unpracticed eye, its location and sine can be easily discovered by gently pushing a blunt bodkin or simlur instrument along the surf'uee of tho locality mentioned. Whon the spot is found your bodkin can be thrust between delicate lips and a considerable distance down toward the stomach without causing the oys tor to yoll with pain, rrom this mouth, is, ofcourse,asort ol canal to convey food to tho stomach, whence it passes into the intestines. ith nn exceedingly dclieato and sharp knife you can take off tho "mantle" of tho oyster, where there will be disclosed to you a half-moon shaped space just above tho muscle or so-called "heart." This spaco is the oyster's peridlum, and within it is tho real benrt, tbo pulsutions ol which aro readily soon. 1'bis heart is made up of two parts, just as tho human heart is, one of which receives tho blood trom the gills through a network of blood ves sels, and the other drives the blood out through arteries. In this important matter the oysters dilfers in no respect from the other warm or cold blooded animals. Andnoono need laugh in credulously at tbe assorlion that oys ters have blood. It is not ruddy, ac cording to the accepted notion about blood, but it is nevertheless blood to all oyster intents and purposes. In the samo vicinity, and in marvelous proper positions, will be found all tbe olboraorgans named. But it is very proper to be incrdulous about the mouth and organs. At first glance it would seem that they aro utterly use less, tor tbe mouth cannot snap around for food, and the oyster has no arms whorewith lo grab itsdinnoror lunch. True, apparently, but not apparently, for each oyster has more than 1,0(10 arms, liny, delicate, almost invisible. And each one of them is incossuntly at work gathering np food and gontly pushing it into tho lazy mouth of tbe indolently comlortablo creature. Tho gills are thin flaps so notably percepti ble around the front face part of the undressed oyster, below tho musclo. Each of these gills is covered with minuto hair-liko arms, very close to gether, and perpetually in motion to and fro in the same unwearied direc tion. Thoy catch food from tho water, strain it carefully of improper buIi stances, and wufl it upward ovor the mantle's smooth surface to tho gaping mouth, which placidly gobbles it up until hungor is appeased and then the body goes to sleep without turning ovor. Any one who can observe this singular process of feeding by placing a minute quantity of some harmloss coloring matter on the gills. If it will not offend tbe oyster's dolicato palulo tbo coloring will bo seen at once pro polled by Invisible hands toward tbe mouth, and thenco slowly down into the stomach. And this is all 1 know about oyster anatomy, except tbo liver almost entirely surrounds the stomach and Is ot a dark green color. It may be new, howovor, to many to know that oysters aro born precisely the same way tho shad and other fish come into the world. A well-educated lady oystor will lay about 125,000,000 oggs so it is said ; 1 have not counlud enough of them to striko such a largo avorugo and overy one of those eggs ultimately become fit lor stew or try if they oscapo the multiludo of perils that do environ tho uilanl oyster. How to Water in a DRormiT. In tho Summer droughts which now and thon occur it is common to soo persons everywhere at work watering tho garden to keep things alive till the reg ular rain comes. It is, bowovor, the experience ol all that the more the garden is watcrod the more it wants, and thuson tho wholo it doos little good. Yet water can be so given as to bo tree from this objection. . It is tho harden ing of the surface which causes the evil, and a bard, compact suiface al ways dries out taster than a looso one. Tho proper way is take tho oarlh away for a few inches around tbo plant lobe watered, so ss to mske a sort of basin, and into this pour the wator, lotting it gradually soak away. Alter il has all disappeared and tbe surface gets a little dry, then draw the earth back again which had been displaced to make lb basin. This will make a loose sin face over the watored part, which will prosorve il from drying out rapidly. Tomatoos, egg plunts, cab bages, and other plants of this charac ter watered in this way will need no renewal of water for several wocka. It is a slow way of colling such work done, but It is the only suro way of doing it. Practical farmer. An approntice boy who had not pleased his employer one day came in tor a chastisomenl, during the admin istration of which his master exclaiid- ed : "How long will you serve the devil ?" Tbo boy replied, whimpering: "You know beat, sir; 1 believe my indenturo will bo out in three months." This Is tho latest Western form of saying a man was hanged : "He was unanimously chosen by a convention of twelve properly holders lo Jump trom a new pine piaiiorm in tue sweet subsequently." Of all th attachments of a sewing machine tho feller is most pleasing to th girl. MR. fiPOOPEXPTKE IN THE CHARACTER OF A SPORTS MAN. "Say, my dear," said Mr. Spoopen dyke, as he drew a gun from the case and eyod it critically. "I want you to wako me up early in the morning, I'm going gunning." "Isn't that loo Sweet I" ejaculated Mrs. Spoopendyko.' "I'll wear my now dress anil my Saratoga waves. Whore do we go ? - "I'm going down orrtho island, and you'll probably go as far as tho front door," grunted Mr. Spoopendyko. "Women don't go gunning. It's only men. All you've gut to do is to wake mo up and got breakfast. When I come homo we'll have some birds." "Won't that bo nice?" chimod Mrs. Spoopendyko. "('an j-on natch birds with thalthlngf" And Mrs. Spoop endyko fluttered around tho improved breoch loading shot gun, firmly im pressed with the idea that it waa some kind of a trap, "I can kill 'em with this," explained Mr. Spoopendyko. "This is a gun, my dear ; it isn t a nost with three speck led eggs in it, nor is it a barn with a hole in the root. You stick the car tridge in here and pull this finger picco, and down comes tho bird every time." "Well, isn't that tho greatest thing I I suppose it you don't want a partridtre, you can stick a duck or a turkey in that end, too, or a fish or a lobster, and bring it down iust as quick." Yes, or you can stick a house or a cornfield, or a dod gasted femiilo idiot in tboro, too, if you want to!" snorted Mr. hpoopendyko. "who said any thing about a partridge? It'aa car tridge that goes in thcro I "Oh I" ejaculated Mrs. Spoopendyko, 1 see now. W here docs the bird gor "lie goes to night school, it he hasn't mtt nnv mnrn .niiu, iknn .An ko.a " 1 9nortcd AIr. Spoopendyko. "Look : hcn ow 81)(1 I'll siliow you how il work8i" ,nU Mr. Spoopendyko, whoso jde of , pun wcr ab'011t Rg tloso of his wife, inserted tho cartridge httlf . ,,, tho mutAo d d cnu. tiously cocked the weapon. "And whon tbe bird sees that be comes and peeks at it ! lunniost I" and Mrs, lan't thai il.n Soooncndvko clapped bor hands in tho enjoyment ot her discovery. "1 hen you put out your hand and catch him!" "You'vo 'struck it!" howled Mr. Spoopendyko, who had the Lammer on tho half set, and was vainly pulling at the trigger to get it down. "That's tho Idea ! All you nood is four feathers and a gas bill to be a mnrtingalo ! With your notions, you only want a now stock and a steam trip hammer to be a needle gun! Don't you know the dod gasted thing has got to go on be foro you got a bird I You shoot the birds, you don't wait for 'em to shoot you !" "At home, we used lo always chop on tnoir neaus with an ax, tailored Mr. Spoopcndyke. "So would 1, if 1 was going alter measly old hons, retorted Mr. Spoop endyko, who had managed to uncock the contrivance, "but whon 1 bo for yollow birds and sparrows 1 go like a sportsman. bile 1 am waiting tor a bird," continued Mr. Spoopendyko, adjusting the curlridgo at the broecb ; "1 put the load in horo lor safety; and when I see a flock 1 aim and fire." Bang I went the gun, knocking tho tan leathers out ot an eight-day clock and plowing a foot furrow in the wall, perforating the closet door and culmi nating in Mr, Spoopondyke's plug hat. "Goodness, gracious!" squeaked Mrs. Spoopendyko. "Oh, my !" Mr. Spoopondiko gathered himself up and contemplated tho damage. "Why couldn't ye keep still!" ho shrieked. "What' J ye want to disturb my aim for and make mo let it on T "Think 1 can bold back a charge of powdor and a pound of shot while a measly woman is scaring it through a gun barrel?'' "If that had been a bird, how nicely you would have shot it I" suggested Mrs. Hpoopondyke, soothingly, "If you should over aim at a bird, you'd catch him suro." "Oh I you know what I could dot ith your information about gunnery you only need a wad in your mouth and a kick liko a nmlo to bo a mount ain howitr.orl If 1 had your intelli gence on sporting matters, I'd hire out lor a shot tower I Ion't you know you'vo spoiled the dod gutted gun?" And Mr. Spoopendyko anxious for an oxcuso to take it back to his friend Spocklowottlo, who loan.'d it to him, held it out and eyed his wife sternly. "You've ruinod that gun, "ho continued, solemnly. "It wont over go off again." "Nover mind, dear," consoled Mrs. Spoopendyko. "It's beon off enough, and I'd just as lief hnvo some clams as birds. You go to bed and wo'll try to oo without any birds. "It won't over go off again," repeat ed Mr. Spoopcndyke, as heclimbed into his couch. " i hat s a ruined gun, and he turned his face to tho wall. Mrs. Spoopcndyke slowly disrobed, having tirst turned a stream of water into the gun from tho tuucot, and be- took her to rest. "It may not go off again," sho thoncrt, "hut if it does, tho neighbors will think tho wator main has burst, with which reflection sbo began to pat the car of Mr. Spoop- snuyae, wno turned over like an oarthquako, and wanted to know "if sho thought sho hadn't dono enough mischiel without lamming Inm like a dod gasted blacksmith. HronUyn Eagle. A boy on Jonas street wastho othor evening eating away at a bigcocoanut that had been cracked open with a brickbat, when a pedestrian toll it his duty lo halt and remark : "lloy, don I you know that too much ol that stuff will give you tho eoncr "I guess so, was tho reply. "Then why do you eat it?" "Well, if my chum, who lives next door, can stand the small pox for six weeks, 1 guess I can put up with tho colic lor throe or four hours !" waa the reply, as he hit off another big hunk. Vrtroit Fret Prrti. "Pa," quoth Sammio to his sire, "why don't you go out west ?" "Why do yon ask, my boy?" "Hocaua Bill Iliggins' father went, and struck a banana I" "A bonanza, you mean, Sam mio!" "Well, what's the difference?" "Why when people strike a bonanza, it sets them up, and when the striko a banana it sets them down and vory emphatically, tno." A distinguished gentleman whose nose and chin were both Vory long, and who had lost his teeth, whereby tho nose and chin wore bronght near together, waa told "I am afraid your nose and chin will fight ore long, thoy approach each other vory menacingly." "I am afraid of il myself," said the gentleman, "lor a great many words have passed between them already." REPUBLICAN. A FEW WORDS ON CELLARS. Those who failed to purity their cellars thoroughly In the Spring can not expect wholly to escape, through this hot weather, the consequences of their neglect, Tbe vitiated airtherein bocomos moround moroviliatcd as tho heat increases, and since much of it finds its way continually into living and sleeping rooms, it muBt prove moro or lesa deleterious according to the nature and amount of impurities that taint it. If docaying vegetables and other refuse bo carried out in the Spring, and tbe floor bo mopped or scrubbed off somewhat, that is gener ally considorod sufficient for the cellar, which is out of sight, and too fre quently therefore out of mind." Tho question of dry or damp, clean or tin oloan cellars is a more important on than many seem to think. Unless this apartment is kept with at least tolera ble neatness, no matter bow perlect the parlor, kitchen and other rooms may bo.puroair tho first and primary element of good housekeeping, as also of good health cannot be obtained. Too frequently barrels of pork and brine, porhaps old and tainted, and emitting a most disagreeable and un wholesome smell, along with soap kegs, jars of halt-spoiled soap-grease, and the liko, aro allowed in the cellar, and in close proximity to buttor and milk, which, as is well known, readily absorb impurities and strong odors. Those should nevor be allowed in a room used for milk, butter, fruit, and the like, but should bo stored in a sepa rate apartment, or what is bottor still, in somo building or outsido cellar en tirely apart trom the house. Often decaying timbers and floors, slimy and wet, are to be found in cellars ; walls dripping with moisture and covered with mold, along with sour and musty milk-shelves and cupboards ; all lend ing their noxious exhalations to the uir. The less thero is which is made of wood in a cellar tho better, as the air is necessarily moro damp than in rooms above ground, and consequently moro favorable for molds. All necossary tables and shelves should ho smooth and plain, so that they may ho easily oloaned; while the floorssliould nover cement ; the latter being probably bost or as good, with loss exponso. These if nicely laid, aro nearly as smooth as plastered walls, and if not brought into service till dry and well hardened, and tben nsed with reasonable care, will remain smooth and unbroken for years, and may bo scrubbed or mopped off nearly as easily as a floor. The wall from tho ground lo tho ceiling, as ul-o overhead, should bolathodand plaster ed. This condors tho collar waimer in Wintor and coolor in Summor, whilo it also givos a bottor chanco to apply whitownsh. This is a great sweotnor and purifior, and a rough coat of it should bo laid ovor the entire side walls and ceiling every Spring. Windows should be of good size, and hang on hingos that thoy may be opened and shut at pleasure. Wire screens should bo put on the out side to keep out insects and other troublesome intrudors ; tben by judi cious and liberal ventilation, closing through tho heat of the day, but opening freely on cool nights and mornings and broozy afternoons, a collar may be made a cool and pleasant apartment, as sweet and wholesome almost as a dining-room or parlor. A SVRPR1SE-NOTA SLA VGH TER. General Carr, so soon as the malls reach him, will enjoy apleasuro rarely accorded to men. He will read the testimonies of his fellow-citizens upon his life and its work, and few men, living or dead, ever elicited moro uni form expressions of cordial, hoarty admiration and even affection. Once upon a timo Lord Brougham, who was dotostod by the London Times and nover could get a word of justice from its arrogant conductors, resolved lo ploy the "Thunderer" a trick. Whilo traveling toward Nice ho learned that the cholera was ravaging that deli cious Wintor Edon. Turning about in his coach ho alighted at a littlo inn near Cannes, but as his baggage had boon purposely sent forward to the hotel in Nice, and as ho did not appear, the rumor rose that ho had been carried off by the fatal epidemic, lie took no pains to correct the im pression and had tho satisfaction of reading a fortnight luter in tho Timet an clahorato obituary essay, dwelling on tbe Statrsman's virtue and passing with flattering delicacy ovor the points in his character of which the journal did not approve. Brougham was woll satisfied. Ho commemoraledjhis sat if faction by building a villa on the edge of tbe tall rock upon which the ancient fishers' village of Cannes was percbed, and to-day that villa is the centre of tho most charming Wintor capital on the Mediterranean coast. General Carr ought to commemorate tho A rizona wilds by some signal token for first escaping death, and second, drawing out the testimony of bis countrymen's esteem in the fashion of all others that is dear to the soldiers heart. However, though Genoral Carr es capes, it will bo observed that the re lief is more good luck than good man agement. Tho Apachos seem to have been handled with more od dross than our troopers, and even tho modified slaughter does not give th country much cause for reassurance. If the Apaches can with a bare squad, unpro tected by resorves and their rear in the air, make such bsvocasM'Dowoll's subordinates described, it is nut com forting to reflect upon what they may be ahlo to bring about wbon in full lorco and stimulated by tbe first draught of blood. Wisdom after the fact is a common and not inexpensive commo dity, and life being short wo shall not take up the reader's timo by evolving what might have been; but if the forces at General McDowell's dispoonl were sot in the field whore thoy should be, those disheartening slaughters of th young and ardent would not be tho recurring chapter of tho news from the West. Philadelphia Timet. A Danbury bootblack was in South Norwalk whon thetrain went through there on Its wsy lo Hartford with tho nation's dignitaries. "Did yon see General Sherman f asked a citizen this morning while having a shine. "No ; was be looking for me ?" was tho re sponse. Arithmetical toast: TbelairdaugUt ers of this land : May they add virtu to beauty, substract envy from friend ship, multiply amiable accomplish ments by sweet temper, divide tun by economy, and reduce scandal to its lowest denomination. AGRICULTURAL. Contribatiana to Ihia dep.rtm.nt abould bo ad Ireeeed lo J. Blaib Head, Clearoeld, Pa. Lot your anger set with tbe sun, but nevor rise with it. A farmer should look ahead, think in advanco of his work and have his plans woll laid. Tho Winter is a good time for this mental labor. Thomas Jefferson said: "Let the farmer forovormoro be honored in his calling, for Ihey who labor in the earth aro tbe chosen people ot God. OKANUK VllUAXIXft). Deputy W. P. Read organized a Grange in Jordan township, on Mitur- duy, August 27th. Mr. Reuben Straw was elected Muster, and Dr. A. E. Cresswoll, Secretary. We did not learn the names of the othor officers. This Grango is located in the midst of a large farming community composed of widc-awnko, progressive farmers, and with good officers and the unitod efforts of its members can bo made a power for good in that section. HOMte XTAULLS. There is far too little attention paid to tbo matter of ventilation and room ih horse stables. The health of the horso deponds vory much more on the character of his stahlo than most peo plo seem willing to believe. When animals aro stabled ohly at night a minimum of 1,200 cubic feet should be allowed. In England tho Dower cav- airy barracks givo a minimum of 1,500 foot, with a ground aiea of fully 90 square fcot per horse, and the best hunting and carriago horse stables hsvo moro room. APPLES HR I10R.1KS. One of our citizens, who usually keeps several dozen work-horses, in formed us a few days since that ho o?- pauinnulltr fi.,1 emit. Niit.li.u tit l.ia Impana th CJCCcllt rcmi!,. Thc ttr0 a' certain cure for worms. Ho recom mends from a half lo a whole pad full once a woek. Another citizen, who bas boen in the practice ol keeping a considerable number of work horses on his farm, says that he has beon in tho habit of turning bis horses into the orchard in tho Fall, where they could cat as many apples as Ihey liked, lio found that they derived much benefit from tho feed, and gained flash much moro rapidly than others which did not receive an apple feed. Diriao Rural. CAIIK 0P R A TtH APPIXS. As the time will soon bo here when tho rare of Winter apples will claim tho farmers' attention, I prcsumo a fow suggestion on this point may not be amiss. About tho last ot Septem ber all good "keepers" should be pick ed by hand into a basket, box or bar rel, (novor use a sack), and carefully carried to tho place of storing. A dry, well-ventilated cellar or cav will pre servo apples very well, but a fruit houso is preferable It is easily con structed, and by attaching an ice house, fruit may be kept until Jane or July, when it will always command a paying price. 1 saw common apples soil in Clearfield, on the 13lh of June last, for S 1.50 per bushel, and thoy wore in groat demand cvon at that price, while many of tho apples sold from December to May could scarcely find purchasers even whon you enter ed houses and stores to find if any were wanted. Any one knows this is not so pleasant as to have the pur. chaser come to you. Mr. Asaph Kirk, a man who has had largo experienco in keeping apples, says bo boxed up a few bushels lust Fall and buried thorn. In the Spring they were sound and nice. As the apple crop is of consider able importance in this county, I hopo others who are interested will givo their experience in this column. K- M' D- Tho Grange has increased the de mand and facilities for tho education cf tho farmers' sons and daughters. It bas introduced books, periodicals and newspapers in the t'armers' homos, and it is a grand education. It teaches all that it is good, pure and Iruo. It loaches ui faith, hope and charity and brotherly love ; it bas helped many an invalid brother harvest bis crops, and given a helping hand to tho afflict ed sister. It teaches unity ; and upon tbe patriolio unity of our people de pends the unity of the Nation, it plants flowers and fruits around and carries poetry and musio into the farmers' homes. It makes tho borne attractive to the children, and thus keeps children at home, so that in af ter lite, whon they have grown to tbe estate of manhood and wommhood, they will sing from their souls, as our choir here bavo Just sung, of "the or chard, tho meadow, tho docp-tangled wildwood, and all the loved scenes which their fancy kney." The Grango has done moro to do away with tho credit system than any other organi zation or individual. It has taught us that it is not credii, nor cotton, but caih that is king. The credit system bos brought failures and bankruptcy to individuals, Slates and nations. Extract from Mortimer Whitehead'! upeech, at a Grange picntc, at Green ville, Michigan. SOLID Al) lt:isr0 rARVKMt. Tho Worthy Master of the Oregon State Grange is a practical, common sense Granger, who is zealous In Grango work, and mindful of the dearest in terests of the farming community , therefore we cheorfully commend bis thoughtful advice to Patrons in all soctions ot country whero the ordor has the least foothold. Hear him : "Put less toil and more thought into your calling, and make it attractive to your children, t'nito with the Grange and tako your sous and daughters with you. It is the farmers' own and only organization a practical means til combination, of united effort and self bolp, and affords tbo society and recre ation you and your families so much need. Learn and pmctice tho groat principles of truth, justice), charily and brotherly love upon which it is found ed. ' Cease to be mere plodders, and get out of the narrow groves of isola lion, 'prejudice and mingled credulity and suspicion in which you have been running. By mutual aid educate your selves and cultivate your gifts, in the frank and ire discussion of th Grange and those great questions in which we ilte all alike interested. Learn to be more liberal, and, abovo all things, break the bonds which make you the slaves of party and dupes of dema gogues. 1 hus yon will be better quali fied to act well your part in lite, and fulfill tbe duties ot citizens and law makers ol tho Stale and .Nation. Thus will your vocation be elovatcd and mado more respectable, and your sons will not be so anxious to exchange the free, pure air of tbe country lor th poisoned atmosphere of tbe city." J KKSTORISO, MAINTAINING AND IX. VHEASISO THIS I'EHTtLITY Uf I' Alt MS. ESSAY Of COL. JAMBH YOl'NU, OF 1IIDD1.I- TOWN, PA., RECENTLY READ BEFORE TUB PENNSYLVANIA ROASO OF AGRICULTURE. In considering the important subject ol economically maintaining or increas ing tho fertility of a farm perhaps one of tho first thoughts would ho how to rcstoro any wornout lands on the place. Take. a wornout field. Opera tions aro commenced by clearing out the brush and undorgrowth, including briers, and this work to extend to every fence corner. If there are any stumps on tho premises a man will take out all that he can afford to ; and no barm will rosult in making an ap parent sacrifice of a little extra time and money that every one may be re moved. Then the stone should be taken ofT It any low, wot, swBnipy places exist, put in underdrains. Tben tbo land is ready for plowing. Shal low plowing is probably best at first; the plow to go deenorand deeper each lime tho ground is gono over until a good depth is reached. This way of plowing commends itsell in two ways It acts to the maintaining of moisture in dry weather; and wuon tho sea son is wet the ground absorbs tbo wa ter. After plow ing lot all tho barn yard manure bo applied that can bo nad, prcicrence being given to grain led. I would rccommond a littlo limo about the timo ot plowing. Now tbe land is ready lor a crop. Corn is sng. gested to begin with ; tbo farmer lo be guided by his own best judgment as to the rotation of crops. Land, as to toeding, is mncu like an animal ; to be put into good condition it must be well fed and well taken enre of. To bring up-the fortility, each succeeding yeur you must put more on than you take off. Tho bettor it is led the sooner it will produce abundant harvests. 1 he land having been restored to a good, fertile condition, tho owner can now proceed to lot his grass grow. One good, as well as economical, plan is to encourage a lorgo grass growth, and plow it all down in August. Get a good clover crop, say ; thon turn in your cuttle until they have tiamped it uown a nine, ami men plow it down with a good big growth of grass. Af. forwards put it into wheat. This plan is perhaps one of tho cheapest where tho farmer has not plenty of barnyard manure. With plonty of tho latter wuuiu nob ibku mis course; out use tho barnyard manure without sAinl, and occasionally a littlo lime. To maintain land in good condition, tho proper way is to keep tho smallost numbor of stock or cattle the fore part of tho season, lotting tho grass grow up, and then plowing down as much of it as possible after cropping. My opinion is that tour-fifths of tbe farm ers keep too much stock for their land during the growing season, if they would only keep more slock in the Winter and less in the Summer, they would do a great deal bettor. Land eaten off so closely becomes sun-baked and burnt out. A wise farmer will watch that his land is not pastured too closely, but will keep a good coat on tho surface. After Hiking off bis hay and grain crops, he will try to lot that which remains get as good a start as possiblo beforo putting any catllo on at all; and, where ho can do so, ho does not pasture until away in tbe lat ter part of tho Summor. Tho forego ing suggestions not only apply to maintaining, but to increasing the fer tility of the land. But I want to ro-impress this thought, if possible: that a majority of the farmers of this country keep too largo a stock in the Summer sea son, whorchy too much to the sub stance of the land is consumed; and too small a stock in the Winlor to make sufficient manure fur the manur ing seasons. If this rule wero chang ed, it would aid largely in increasing tho fortility of their farms. Tho fer tility of farms cannot be maintained by constantly draining off the substance, any moro than can a meal bag con tain meal, if you aro always taking out and putting nothing in. My father, when 1 was a boy, once took mo pust a farm which was pointed out by him as tbo best in all the country round. A numbor of years aftorwards (before il camo into my possession) it had grown to be one of tho poorest. Tho reason of tho great chango was, the death of the owner, anil tho pass ing of tho entire place into tho hands of tho executors, guardians and ten ants, who, by taking much off from year to yeor, and pulling littlo on, re duced it to its lowest stages. This one farm is not an exception. A II ovor tho country land owners place their broad fields into the euro ot tenants, vho strive lo take oil' all they possibly can, and put back only what they can not avoid. Thus the lands become poorer and poorer, until they pass into wiser and more skillful oontiol. In tbo neighborhood of which I Speak many ot the farms have gono back in tho same way I havo described. Those farms that have degenerated tho least are those where the most cattle were tod in Winter, and the land the least exhausted in tho Summer. Othor farms have boon cropped and cropped nnlil they havo gono hack, in somo in stances, almost past redemption; and to bring them up again to their old time condition will be a very expen sive job. Economy docs not follow in cheap farming. Wearing out lands is econ omical sham, lor at the end ol the road aro disaster and ruin. If you want f;ood crops, yon have got to put on arge amounts of manure; your land must bo fed. It you bavo not enough manure of your own, thcro is economy in getting it from others in your neigh borhood, or in using muck; hauling this soil-food on rainy days, and thus keeping the loams going. Much ma nure might bo hauled during those hours that many farmers consume in attending sales." Farm economy con sists in not losing tho time of ourselves or our workmen. One great element of successful farming is for tho men lo havo work every dsy, and for all con nected with the place to idle away no time at the bar-rooms and corner gro ceries. A successful farmer's lilo is not a lazy lilo. It is nothing but work, work, to bring bis farm Into good or der; and after it is in the most fertile condition the labor doos not cease ; for the hotter the farm becomes tbe more work there is to be done ; but with the increased work thero is the faster growing disposition to do it, because work on an economically maintained ami fertile farm yields the best agri cultural results. Do not forgot lo givo a plentiful sup ply of cool wator to stock of all kinds. A pailful of water into which a large handful of bran bas been stirred should be given,to each cow at noon. It will very perceptibly increase the quanti ty of milk. EDUCATIONAL BY M. L. MoyUOWH. Copy foroiaaod by A. R. it.."." The publio examinations close at Pennville Wednesday, September 21st. Tbe Borough of Glen Hop contem plates buildiug a new school house trom private contributions. John C. Barclay has boon chosen teacher of Wost Clearfield Publio School. Salary HO por month. Somo of the school houses of Deca tur and Woodward township have boen greatly endangered by forest tires, but none bavo boen destroyed, . Miss Amiie Savage, tcacbor of the Mount Zion School, m Lnwrtnoe town. ship, oponed her school on Monday, September 5th. The School Board of Woodward township has incroased its teachers' salaries to M5 and HO, according to certificate, ability and successful ex perience. "Can a man see without eyes?" asked tho Professor. "Yes, sir," was tho prompt answor. "Prar, sir, how do you make that out?" viied tho astonished Professor. "lie can see with one. sir." replied the ready wilted youth, and the whole class sboutod with delight at his trl ump ovor metaphysics. I SKFCL STVIJJES. Tho Curwensville School Board are about to introduce a work on civil rovernmont as a text-book In the Bor ough scjiools. Practical educational leaturos aro always to be desired, When all tho matter taught in the common schools is of the useful char acter of such studies better effect will bo realized from tho system. The common schools are for the people. The pooplo want practical and UBolul studies taught thoir children, Persons who nood preparation for college or want a classic education can find plenty ot places intended for the use ot such aspirants. Givo the people evorything usetul in every day life we say. n cilUa. M OIIK UF SCHOOL 1IOAHD& Tbo appointment of teachers during the past woek occurred as follows : Gulich township Janesvillo High School, Wilbur F. Dale ; Primary, E. A. Horton ; Muddy Run, Lila C. Shoff ; Ramcy, A. L. Scotlold ; Guintar, H. P. Howilt. Beccaria and Glen Hope Jennie Dowalt ; Fairview, Mary llalcy, Wil liams School, TrosBa Neff; Everly, Miss Kveily; Coalport, Annie Mat thews; Matthews, Maggie Cummings; Porter Run, Susan Flolchor; Jlager ty's, D.M. Bloom ; McCoy School, W. .1. McCoy; Plank Road, H. J. Fry. Kartliaus township Ouk Hill, Ed gar L. McCloskcy; Salt Lick, Anna L. Hall ; Knrthaus, May L. Hemphill ; Three Runs, T. W. Buchanan. Boggs township Blue Ball, D. D. Shincl ; Eagle Eye, Frank Clare; Stonoville, Margery Welch; Bethle hem, Martha U. Swoeny. TIIF. KDITATOII. Henry Ward llcocherrocontly said : Without tbo educator you have tho golden stick with no candle. The common schools of America are to ox alt tho teachers, and the time will come when it will be enough to say, no was a teacher, to give him tho highest rank in the land. The teacher should be the ideal and example of a noblo womanhood and a noble man hood. Tbis cannot be accomplished by starving tbem. Their salaries should be ample, so that tbey may devole tbemselvos to tbe children. They should have no thought of their own wants. Tbe State should pro vido for them, and they should be made so comfortable in their avocation as to honor it. My profound convic tion is that tbe common schools are the salvation and light of the Nation, It is placing tindor the whole popula tion tho foundation of light and knowl edge, that our people shall grow up in a common lito, so that we shall have common people and a Common- wealth." The n7m, a sprightly little dbect published monthly at Curwensville by C. C. McDonald, contains the following pertinont remarks on teachers' salaries : "loo much. l Dirty dollars per month is tho munificent sum the direc tors of tho Pike township schools have decided to pay their school teachers. Y et half the taxpayers will think even that amount too much. First as last our young people may as well loarn that genius, labor or scholarship meets very little reward in that profession. Hotels will pay their cooks twice that it thoy aro good ones, and laborers can earn (10 more por month. The policy of school boards, or rather the people whoso servants those boards are, bas evor been against the teacher. Whon teachers are scarce and caanol be had for double tho now common wagos, the people will realize that their children must be educated and will willingly pay a living prico lor competent in structors. In the fnco of starvation wages tho educational mills are yearly grinding out a now grist of teachers who are eager to fnicA at any price. Cannot human ingenuity invent some better profession for tho aspiring geni uses of the next era. ri:.unt:iis HAXiiiiooKAxn maxiai. Superintendent McQuown, who is ovor awake to the interests of educa tion, has recently compiled a little ,!,I.J i.T II . U . UOUH CllllllUU, IKAUIhH lUAnU UWA ami Manialof Information," for the use of teachers in the county. It con tains a well arranged and connected course of study for three years in the public schools, and all pupils tinisbing it at the termination of that timo, will, upon passing an examination, be grant ed tho Common School Diploma. The work contains much valuable informa tion to teachers and school officers, and will be especially valuable to young teachers who are frequently much puzzled how to conduct thoir schools, when they have no definite rules to go by. Yt c do not claim that teachers under all circumstances should follow these rules and no others ; nor is it the intention 'of Prof. Mcluown that teachers should accept them without due exercise of thoir own judgments, and, subjecting thorn to such modifica tions as the interest ol eaon Individual school may require Tbey can, how ever, be followed in the main, greatly to the advantage of our schools, and should therefor receive the serious consideration ot teachers. The follow ing is tho preface to bis work : " Tbe key to success in our school work is harmonious action between Teachers and School Officers. It is well that we fully understand one another, in order that no mistakes may be mado or offences committed. To mske the work of the school room uni form, is to make it effective. Our methods of teaching should be reduced to a system, and this can only be done by mapping out the way, and then pursuing that war with definite ends in vivw. To inaugurate nnitorm move ment throughout the county in our methods of instruction is tbe object of this little volume. In its pages will be found tbe plan of work for the coming three years, together with such hints and suggestion as will greatly aid teachers in the management of their schools. Tbo desires of tbe County Superintendent are enumerated in its pages. To enforce all the plans of the work will be bis aim; to honor it sug gestions and help carry tbem into effectiv practice, will b the doty of every teacher.1'