HaUronfij. PeuiiHylvHiiInllnNroftd TV HONK CLEARFIELD BRANCH Of end after Monday, NOV. a, Hi"), tb. Paaaenirer Tralna will run dally (eierpt 8un daya) belweea TyreBeaad Clearfield, aafullowai CLEARFIELD MAIL. " Leave BoiiTir T leave nohtu."- Curw.navlll.,. Rtverview Cl..r.ld Leonard, KarreU, .., Woodland, Blltr,.- Wtlltcttnn,,.., Ma. Ball firahem , Phlllpatrara;, , telner'e, Bnynton, Oieeola, Poweltoa ba remit, Vaaacoyoo,.... Tyron. , .I.IH, P.M. .n an, " ...40, " ..411, ,l 4 tl, " .4.01, " 1.4 0, " .4.17, ,.4.1 " ..d.Sl, " .AM, ..4.111, " .4.44, " 4.6J, " ,.0i, " ..i.li, " ..Mi, " ,.4., Tyrone,.. Venaonyoo Bummll H I Poweltua, OaooolaM..H. ; Uuinton Htelner 'a , Philipebarg,.. i Oranara, ' Blue 1U1I I Wallacaton,.., 1 Bigler I Woodland , Barrett M4,... .M, " SO, " 10.0(1, " W.H," 10.17," 10.2a, " in.Ji," 1M, " I0.J7," 10.44," 10.63," I0.it, " ,11.07," ,11.11, " .11.1. " .ll.lt." ' Leonard i Clearfield,..,.. I Riverview...... I Curweaavllb, 11.40a.ii CLEARFIELD KXPHEHS. LEAVE 801ITU. LEAVE NORTH. Carwanaelll... Hlrerview.,..., Clearfield...... Leonard, llarratt UV.dl.id Ill trier, Walleeelon,... lllu. Ball rerftbarn Phlllpobnrg.. Htalner'e, BoyBton, Oeneola Powelton hamrnlt Vaoiooyoc,..., Tyrone, 5.S4 1. . " 47 " I.M " 1.57 " H PS - 4.04 " 6.11 " 4.21 " 4.2S " .1 " 4.S1 " 4.X7 " 4.41 .ia " 7.4S ' 7.2J " T.4J " , Tyrone ! Vaneeoyoe, Bummll Powelton,,, i Oeoeole ,.7.M r. .7.4.1 " .8.04 " .8.17 " ,.18 " ,...14 " j Boyntun, ' fjt.iner'a , ' Pbilipabnre;. 8.41 " urab.ra i lllu. ball,.... ..8.47 " ...8.44 " W.llaoeton, . llw (Mil " 8.10 " Woodland,.., Barrett, I Leonard Clearfield,.... I Riverview,.. ...IT " ,..0.15 " ,... ' .10.07 " .H'.IJ " : Curwenivllle 10.29' " PIIILIPKUURUA MOb'ilANNON BRANCHES IIUTR OOPTH. 1-80 Morriadale, 1:44 1-M Phllipiborii, Hi 7:3.1 Stelner'a !1 T:40 Boynton, 1:55 10:10 1:51 Oaoole, 110 1015 111 Moibannon, 1:18 10:4.1 8:1V HMrllaf, :! IB 48 8:15 lloutidele, Jut 10:58 1:3) MoCeuley, S:li 10:58 I:1 Kondriek'a, 1:411 11:13 8:40 Kauey. LR4VB NORTRi A. If. P. H. P. If. 7:15 11:10 7:00 12:35 V0g 11:12 4:0, 11:14 4:58 1:50 12:114 4:4n 0.34 11:51 4 In O HO 11:45 4:15 11:15 11:40 4:30 .M 11:35 4:10 9:11 11.10 4:0, 1:10 11:21 4:0g BALD EAULE VALLEY BRANCH. Li. Mall. P. H. A. H. Mall. Kip P. M. A. H. 7.08 1.30 laare Tyrone attire 8.31 7.55 3 21 1.37 Bald Eaiio 8.17 7.41 f.05 8.01 t.lfl 8.14 1.4.1 1.31 0.51 8.45 10.03 0.08 10.1V Julian Mlleiburg Hl!afonte MiUaburf 4.38 6.11 5.05 4.55 4.31 1.41 6.38 6.1.1 1.00 t.li Ilowara 41 11.08 arrlreL. Ilaren leere 3.55 TYRONE STATION. BAITWAHD. A. N.l WaiTWAtlD. A.M. Clnolnnatl hip., :52 1 Plttubunh Kip'M, 1.51 Peoifle Biprem, 8:571 Paifle Kiprefl, 6:12 Johnitown Bxprei,V:07 p.m. p. a. Way Painier, 1:16 C'bi'.ro Day Hi., 11:18 chinane Eipri, 8:31 Mall Train, 8:08 Mall Train, 7:0i lluntinidon Acc'n, 6:20 1 Past Line, 7:3o Cloae oonoeetloni made by all tralni at Tyrone and boeft Unrea. B. B. BLAIR, BrylT.tf. Doperlntendent. A ataae leavtl Curarnavllle dally, at 1 o'clt tn., lor I'uBoia City, arriving at Dulfoia Ci i o clod, p. m. noturniDg, wavri iunoie 'clock, a. daily, arriving at Cnrweniville .'..I 1. V L. a. m 4' Alleghrny Valley Railroad. I.OVT GRADE DIVISION. rl and after Monday, May 23d. lftxl V the paa.enger treine will run daily (eirept Sunday) betwonn Red Dank and Driftwood, aa follow t EAUTWAHI). Day Mall leavea Plttrburg 8 45 a. m.l Red Bank 11:35; Sligo Jnnctioa 1 1:51; New Bethlehem 12:56 p. at.; Mavaville 1:10; Tmyl:85; Brookvllle 1:55 ; Fnller'a 1:10 ; Ray. noldavlllel:38; DuR.ila 3:0.1 1 Bumntit Tunnel 8:11 ; 1'enf.eld 8:42; Tvler'a 3:55; Benetotte 4:31 ; arrlvaa at liiinwooil at 6:in. KWTW AHI). ley Mail leavea Drlflwood 12:20 p. m. Deneirtte 1:0.' Tvler'a 1:45 PenOeld 1:48 ; Summit Tunnel 1:10; Dubois 1:35; HeynolrfiT!llaI:4t: Fuller'! 8:0H Brookvllle 3:2'J Troy S144;' Mavaville 4il3 Now Reltilehem 4:25 Bligo -Ttmetinn -V07; Rel Bank 6:21 arrival at , ritlaajnre; sA 8:15 p. m, 4P- The DtlUola Arcunitnodatton leaveeDu. Roll at 7:15, a. in.; Heynoldivllle, 7:55; Brook, villa, 8.44; New Bethlebem, 4t 1 Bed Bank. 1U:6H; Plllihargh, 1:20, p m Laavea Pitt'burgb, at 2:15, p. m ; Red Hank, 6:10 : New Betblebeut, 7:05; bookvll'e,a:ll5; Roynoldaville,8:l Du Boia, B:18, p. m. p- The Hrookvllle Arcommiidatloli leavea Brookvllle at 7:00 a. m ; hevnoldaviile. 7:55; Du Boia, b:25; Sumrail Tunnel, 8:11 ; fenfleld. 0:05: Tyler'a. :1t ; Benueiette, 9:55 ; Driftwood, 10:48 a. m. Leavea Driftwond at 4:00 p. m.; binoo aette, 8:50; Tyler'a, 0:26; PenCeld. 0:30; Kus mlt Tunnel, 10:0,1; IJulloli, 10:17 ; Hrynoldl- vine, 10:15; Brookvllle, 11:30 p.m. Cloae oonnootloae mada with tralna on P. A E tialiroed at Driflaood, and with tralna on the Allegheny Valley K.llroa.l at Red Bank. DAVID MeCAROO, Uea'l Bup't. A. A. Jaciiom, Sup't L. U. Dlv. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Betlefonta, Pa II Middleman 15 00 Marietta. I 51 Laneaater ft 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 10 Altoona 1 It Johnatown..H S 86 Look Haven.... William apart..... Huntingdon . Lewiatown. Maryavllle.. Cawenavllle.. Oaeenla , BARKISUIIRd.. Pblllpaburg II Tyrone I 12 4 7ilPITTSBURO I It (fta nfr "7 at home. Bamplee worth V'J ye tree. At' Addrera Brnteo A Co., Portland, Maine, mohl.llly.) f HMTICEH1 e CUNHTABLEII' fKIOK 9j We have printed a large namber of the aev FEB BILL, and will on the receipt of twenty. ' flee ewnu. mall a eopv to any addreaa. myfl . - . THE ClUCAGOiXOBTll WWTKRX RAILWAY la Ibe OLDEST. BEST CONSTRUCTED, BEST avt irrau, ana nenee the LEADING RAILWAY OF TBI WEST AND NORTH-WEST I It ! lh Aortwt m4 Wtl nut lHtwMi. Chiogo na mi point ii Knrtbcni IUIboU, D-ikrU, W Tom I S-mli, Ivwa, Cftliforaift,Orffoii. AHionk, 1iUh,C. rV4ln, Idaho, MnnUni, Ntrsdft, tnil for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, UUNVErl, l.KAII II.I.K, SALT LAKE, 6AX FRANCISCO, Dead wood, Slooi City, Cedar Raplda. Dee Molnea, Columbar, and all poiate In the Territohea, and the Weal. Aleo, for Milwaukee, tlreew R.v Oahkeak, Sbeboygaa, Marqnette, Fnad da Lae, Watertowa. Houghton, Neenah, Menaaba, St. Panl. Mlnneapolia, Huron, Volga, Fargo, Bia-merr-k, Winona, LaCroaie, Owatonna, and all Mala la Miaaenta, Dakota, Wlaeenala and the xvona-weat. Al Counell Blufa the Tralna of the Chle.eo A rlorlh-Weetera and the IT. P. katlwaya depart from, arrive at and aa the aame Joint Union Depot. At OhWto, pht raantotlonl an made with tae Ule Bbiu-e, Mirk lean Central, Baltimore A Obi, Fi. Wayne A Pennavlvania. and Chl. A Orand Traak Rallway aad the Kankakee and ran nanuie noniee. Cloeeeeoaeetioasfendoet Junetloa Folate. It la the ONLY LlNKrueniag Pullman Hotel Dining Cars IT Willi CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS. T-PeMmea ileepenea all Might Tralla.TM laelet apoa Tirket Agent) relllng yon Tlrketa vw roaw Kiamine yoor l loielo, and refaee to boy If they de net read ever lie Chicago A Honh-Wettera Railway. If yea lab Ibe beet traveling aeeommodatlona yea will buy year tlrketa by lb, a roele, M-AND WILL TAKE BOKEOTHKH. All Ileket AgeaU aell Tlrtela by tbli Line, MARVIN H 1:0 II ITT, ' 14 V. t. aal Qeaeral Manager. at 11,'llly. Chieaga. BTAOE LINKS. A aUge leaves CarwenRTille daily for Reynolda. rflle,at 1 o'olook, p. to., arrivlogat Reynoldeville at 6 oVlooa, a. m. Returning, leavoa lleynolda. ville dally, at 7 o'elock, a. m., arrlrina at Cur navilUal I I n'.li.k In Van li.h Ma, tl. Ili " a. I .I'l.iJ- ;" T.'--f JUfie flrrrtisnufnts. The Great CLOTHING Emporium! PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, IF YOU want to study your own interest, do not liiil to call at tlio ahovc CBlablisliniPiit and examine .. - tV THANH f LARUK AND UANDSIIME STOCK OF CLOTHING, Hats, Gents' Furnishing Qoods, &c., Vhthr yo ll to iuaki porebww r not, thill ba pi ) ii all timci tt ko yon our .uMrttnfat or gnnii, wbioh will tt una onoriDee 70a tbiM ur Styles are the Best, and our Prices the Lowest, Brmeuiber, alio, that we have aa alegaat aa.,rliaent of PIECE O0ODS, of the lalaat aoveltiet, eapeelally intended for MERCHANT TAILORING, And we ale prepared lo MAKE SUITS TO OK1IKK toauit the taaie or tbe moat raatilioua. ALBERT TIIANHAUSEIt, Opera House Block, opposite poatoffioe, CLEAEFIELD, FA, WAGONS I - CAR LOADS. 2 The largest Rnd best nssortmcnt of wnpons ever brought to ClonrficiU One car load of CONKLIN wagons, One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons, Which we will sell nt factory prices. We buy these wagons by the car load and pay CAfell for them, therefore we are able . to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county. We guarantee these wagons to be first-class in every respect. Also, a lot of Platform Spring Wagons Buggies. One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaper than ever before sold. Give us F. M. CARDON & February 23, 1881-tf. JAMES L. XTlVr3E3XlJA.3E313ES3El.a, MARKET aiTRBET, C'l-EARKI KI.O, PKXN'A. All kinds of Cafkets rind Coffins kept on band, and furnished to ordar on abort notico, including tlio finest as well as tho cheaper! thnt can be manu factured. Our ooiupbxi niBSBnvBn Is the bust In use, and will be furnished when required. Funerals attended in any part of the coutetr. Call at my oflii'e, on Second street, or leave your orders at Troulman's Furniture Store, adjoining the i'ostofHcc. JAS. L. LEAVY, oct l,71)-tf. Clearfield, Pa. DPATPTOIV BLOCK, Curwcnsvillc, Pa. N. E.- ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS. F0RNISH1KG GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL &C. I buy direct from jobbers nnd car lond rfttes, hence can compete with New York and Philndcl phia house"). Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having bark to haul and receive liberal ndvanees. AIbo, advances made on Saw Log. Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, Se.t. iv, iian tf. MONEY TO I.4A.-Oa tret-elaae Ita p reved farra pronertv, bv the Mutual Lite ranee Company (if New Yorh, nn flrat ajjort ITeRe, la aataa froai 11,404 np. For fortber lb foraaatlna apply U tbe nnilrralfrnel. HI RMIIALW. SMITH. Clearlelcl Pa., May Tib, I87t.tr. Itrowrra nnd tiiHri.! E. W.BROWN, CLEAIIFIELD, PA. Tllle.bav4berbai I he WALTK R A. WOOD MOWIIKII and HBAP8K8 far aala. healilea Maeh lae repairer. the aame. Alee IIORSI HAY IIA K EH. ... .11 kiade .r fareaing laipleaje.u. tHT-WIII eiehann. .ben for HOKhtd ar CAI1I.B. er aell very lea lur .aeb. FRESH MEAT I WIl.t alio antlaaa tbe botrherinf balbR. Meat market tn the blntnine: mill oIRm. am Plan Hraat. Ptwah Mtarery Mondaj, Wed.ie day, Friday aad Saturday moratma. Tear nat. raaafe b re par tf ally olielted. Par M a. Baowi. rUarield, fa, Juae Irt, lM14a. "iws: Mcir dvfrtlsfmnits. - H" - . - I I, I I 4 1 1. AUSER'S AT SHORTEST NOTICE, and ahall endeavor WAGONS I ! a call before buying elsewhere. BR0., Clcariilcd, Pa. LEAVY, manufacturers, receive rooJh ut during the Winter, can contract CURWENSVILLE, PA. Thomas A. Duckett, DKAI.RR IN JFTJJEi-X. IHKRKBY glra notice to Ifaaeitiiena of Climr field and the anrroanding ? Icinlty that I am preparrd nt all timoa to furniih famlliee and mannfaetnrinic eatabliabmenta with a iBparior qaainy 01 Coal. Wood Coke. m Wtl Which I am prepared to Vliter la a few hniiri iiwiti reaaj 10 nani nna aeiivar Iron and to tba depot, or anywbara alae, nod tnoTe famillea nnl boiaehold good anywhere on abort notion. Til OH. A. Dl'CKETT. Clearneld, Pa., Mar. II, IMO-tf. Arrsi i.i:rst auevtsi JOHN a COIKIH-S !,. ... SUNLIGHTand SHADOW ! ".f"l tl':"c eea llom tl k,hi and ahady dn e4 ,, pemared , j John Js. Gough (Mr w.ih .t lor qiiN-k ,.,,,,1,1. rr-mm Wr aiw Urtwe iw nn r-m tlitn cvr. Iwd.rf, and h. .i. the 'r .. !. Yli () HdrtJ ir,,d to the th..,.,,,,,,, whf, , ,.,,1 Jm h ii .....nm . M m. lmt ,rrr,t m tltitw A"-, m Ar t-w u m kf mm, and at lha ,trfllli, m tA.rf trifk W4 Cruatw I t-r itrr flrd ar)r ,,,! Tftm, t,,(n fc, (of j'' mi''"'n,i"l"ll"'l!ii!ifi.!lN, AildrM A I. H oaTMim i; A ( 4j., pub: .hire, li art lord. U. VfRntlp.fl, Term and S o.ttitefrr., A'l.lre.l II. Hailtt A Oo, Portland, Maine. Im.hMy.l Re-Union of Trade. i WHK uudefl!Onl ni-liln to intoiin iht iulllc j X b np4iiii ' At tlio old itind in Troutvtllf, Cl-jurfluld . ubty, Ft , od the IMIi IdrL. will) R lull Mnk of j l)HY .ot)l)H, ;hi( i:kii:h, kotminh,; llN)t, Nhori, I'-tr., In rit fivfirythlin tub Umnti In flnt-eUintor-i, ; til of which I n to dfUrmlnftl to --ll nt tlie lowni ahmi:n and m mhkhmkn W1!!! And U to tbrlr itiiiUK to rfo their Jllnf wttb m: u tbi hlrbet prioui ill b pul for Uriain, Kbinitlei, or I'ntiluoo of tnjr hiotl. Part or uDe-btlf nnh will h pild. Trading for ShlttKUior Lutuhffrol tny kind itmlty. Alfo, gmt for Singer Sewing Machines. lUrlng indi trranKcuenti with Etrt, mer obant to hII gi)di furntabed n, Ihwrfor cull ind ire, I will b eoithled to noil chsa)rr thn tb Qh.Ht. J. W. CAHLll.K, TroulTilla, Pa., Spt. 14, '7tl-1j. Agent. Fiict Annual Exnibitioa OF IHK Clearfield Agricultural PARK ASSOCIATION WILL II MVP ON THE PARK GROUNDS, NEAR CLEAEFIELD BOROUGH. Tt KHDA7. WtUNEHDAY. TlUKrlDAY AND Trh-ay, Octoiirr 1 1th, 12m, 1.3th and 14TI1, 1881, RULES AND REGULATIONS. ttltiffto nlmlMliin Urkft ritlHlrcu from IO to IS jcam ' IA lluriivi during laire. 1ft lluri each day.. tfft Cbildrsa andsr tan jaar old, wban aooompa nivd by ibelr parrot! or guardian, fr, aod ua dor that age not admitted uolM aooompujittd hy paraali or (uardiao. Eibibitcn nait bav I heir tniinali and artl ) oniarod on tho Hretart'i liiom on or bofur that flrit day of tha Kalr; and all animals aod article! aioef.t hortei for ploaiara and fur trotting premium', mil it b lroujht within tho end on are aa farly at aino o'clock on Tburadny morning, All peraons antaring aniniali and ar-; tiolni for exhibition muit proonra oarda from tha Secretary, with tbe numher and data upon than, and attach tha tana to tbo animal or articl a pre vinuato being placed upon th ground. Hay and straw will ba turn in had gratii for all anlmala en- j tared Tor premium!, and grain will ba furuitbad ' at eoit fur tbnn who detlre lo puirhae. No borat iballba tntirad or allowed a premium ouloM ha la fra from diieana. llnriea will b revived antll noon on Thnrday, bat must have been entered previously. All per ton who Inland to eihibit borea, oattle, abaep or awina, ar who intend to offer itock for aala 02 the ground, are rcquetd to notify the Secretary of au-ib Inten tion on or before the 6 rut day of October, and leaf a with him a litt and fall den'riptioo of the aame, Tbe number anJ olaa, and the number tn the olaai. with the name nt tbe article, will appear on tha card attached, but the name of tbe vxhibitor will not upbear. rnavirnt 1Kb pirLonaa. Fremiumt and dlplumaa will ba paid on and after the flrit Monday altar tha Fair, and nntil tbe tint day if Ieceinbrr, ISSl, afiff which all monied pre ml urn analaiinrd will b eon -td-? red aa a donation to tbe Aiioeiatlun. The (ifflcera of the Aaiofliatlon and ineinberi of the Unmmittee ot Arrangement nuil wear a bdff deaignaling their olflce. A elet police feno will be In oon atant attendance forth prfrratlott of order and prote-tioo of proparty. TUB TanTTlNO COt H The trotting court la level, WII graded and '. ona brilfofn mile tn circuit. Ample arrange I Blent will U made fur the (wnrenience and c.uj- 1 fort et riiitorn. j IKHTRtTTIuHi TO J('i4-K8. j No animal or article on aibfhition fi.r a ptnui am to recnire an award in mora tbn ine oIh. Thia dttca not emliracn brtei entered for the trot- ling premiums, Judge are ef,.relr rt-quirrd 1 not tn award premittua to ovetted aniinali. No ' premium ate to St awarded to boll-, nowa, or 1 hail'era which shall appear to have ben tattrnrd, only in Ibe Hell of fat cattle ; the ohifflt of tha j Aiaucienon ucing 10 hnveunertnre.niniiii inia dewription for lirewiicg. 1 FAT CATTLB. The jodtr on fat oattle will vira uartir-ular , attention to tha animal aubmiltei f r eiaiuma- tlon. It 1 bfllevl, all other thlnKbiDf etiwl, tne neat en tie nave me graateat wcint oer the alfeft auptrnoen. mo jtnites will reuvire an tbia cla'i to be weljibel, and will Uke meatnre to Kite the inperOnc of each, and publiih the re ault with the rapurt. They will alio, before award lax any premium, rrtjuiretbo maimer and mat of feedioft, a required by the rtuLlmn "f the premium lift. il mere i mil one etuttiiior, and ne may mow levaral animal in one clan, premium will be awarded In aMordance with tne merit of .the animal. Tbe anperlntentendent will take every p recall -tlon in hi power for tba aafety of atook and ar ticle na eibibition after their arrival and ar ran (nn em un the ground, but tha Aoocietion will not be raaponxtble for any loaa or damage that may occur. Eibibiton dill be required to give perional attention to tbe animal and article, and at the oluaa of the Fair to ativna to their re moval. ROLia run ruwi?.i;. The entry for tba plowing match mart be made at lea it ana month before tha Fair, ao that tba neeeiiary arrangement oan ba made for gronnd, ete. The name of the plowman muat be given, aa well aa tbe kiad of plow to ba n?d, at ibe time nf tbaeniry. Tbe quantity of ground tn be plow, ed by each team to ba one-fuurtb ol aa acre. Tha time allowed to do lha work mil be threw bnurt. Tha furrow alio in all to be lapped. Tha team to Hart at tbmame time and each plowman to do bia work without a drlvnr or aMi'taar. The p rem lam i offered by tbe Artoriation will ba awarded to the individual who. la the opinion of the Jadprei, ahall do the work in the heat manner, provided It ba dona in tbe lima allowed for it performance. Karb plowmen te atrika bia owb land, nnd plow enlirolj independent of the ad joining land. Any article not enumerated in tbectaaae plaoed on eihihilion, If worthy of notice, will be (nim bly rewarded. All art idea may be entered frer ef rharfre, ex empt hone for p'eaanr or for the trotting pre mi urn. Any Information d til red can ba obtained hy ad ri re tag any of the oflioera. LIST OF PREMIUMS. Clas 1 Open to all Jireah and Com petitor. Ileithtll 10 M' Brit cow 10 00 All breed eoma together la tbia Hail and oom pete with each other, lo be judrij hy their good point, aymmetry of frame, ability to fatten, and the itnck they will prod una. das 2 Grade Cattle owned in the County. Beit row for milk 10 All Ileat beirer, S year old... I 00 Bat naif, aader month old , I 00 Cjw 3 Oxen, Beit yokeof oxenH 01 Via 4 Fat Cattle. Beit fat bnllnok, eow wr b-dfer, rwleed and fattened in county f.S 00 Jndge for olavtet I, S. I, 4. Cltrk Brown, J , A. L. ( legal, W. P. Head. Cla ." Thorough bred ore. Open to alt. Rait Ptalllon, any breed fit 00 Heat mare and oolt, any breed, owned In I lha county H.,..w It oo dan C) Family, Draught and Farm Hot, " Ben tin fie family borac $1 00 Beat matflhed earrlagn bora 8 OA Heat "pan ol draught boraea nr mare...w I OH Beit gelding, ar mere for work 4 00 Tbaetblhitor will ba required to prod nee a tateniant from at lea ft tbrea reiponatMe aelgh bora a to working quallilea of drauaht bnrea. to annua aim to tne preminmt in thii daa. Beat 1 year aid oolt. $4 Beit S yearn old oolt ., t Beat eolt ander 1 year old , 4 00 Tha bone that more tbe heavlett load oa a atoaa boat, aoeording to hie weight, without a whip 00 Jadgei for elam I and (I. tit org t E. Will lam, A. M Htlli, A. A. Keed. CTtidM 7 Trotting Jlnrsc. Open to all Ji one owned in Me County thirty day, Hedneaday. Beit I la ft, alngla liarreH $ 1 SO 00 First, 7ft 1 aaooad, ft j third. 111. At leaat ft ta enter, aad 4 to itart. Pehooli and Tench era. Kerb aehoot la a body admitted free from II A. M. antll 4 P. M.af aatd day. Bieyeta melh at I a'elock P. II. Beat 1 la ft, p ran tan $.U 0ft Firat, $iti( aeeood, I0 third, ft. At leevt four to tart. Clan 8 Trotting Uore. Open to alt. Tlmraday. Bat I In ft, alngte barnee .....1100 00 Firat, HIS Hennd, $ ft third. ftiJ. Na premloni ta ba paid In tbia elaai an lee tbera are at leaat ft entrlea, and 4 to atari. Tha home winning tha part, will not ba allowed to eompete la Clai 1ft. Clan 9 Trotting. For 3 year old Colts or under. Open to all. Bet time, t ta ft, la lf k haroeea $M ft Flrat. Mft aeeoad, ftl third, ft. There mnt ba ft eaUiea, and I to atari. Bleyele mateh. Aft wrek in olir i.n town. . i. CUias 10 Trottiiuj Jornct, Open to all Urm that have never done btttr than 8 minute. FrWty. Ueit in U, ilbgl bameaa iTi I'U t-.r.t. I .U; aroond, ., third, 1 1. Nut Una IbKQ i eutriea, and 3 lo -tart. All m trauoe fttea to be ten per pent, an premium, and to be paid al the lime of entry. AH entriee tor elae Nua, 7, I and 111 to It made on or be lore the ftrit da? of O tober, l. (Hast U Shvqt and Wuot. B-t bui k, any braod 4 Oil Iteat ewe, tuy hred. 1 4 llet laml 2 Ml ! lie Ft Heece of wool. 1 00 Chun Open to alt. j boar, any bread $5 Ofl bast breeding tow, any broedM & Q llent bog oer 6 month old I Oil Drxl pig under rt won t hi old S 0V CVuw la ruUry. rVaat coup A tiprldg chicken M "ft Ileal 2 turkey under I year S 00 Jlut diplay of ohiekeni, not letban I. J 00 Clan 4 Plowing. The mm that plow green award best ffl 00 Judge tw elaetea II, 12, IS and 1.. William Morgan, John ban key, Alex. Murray. dm 15 rtotcs. Roller) Drills, liar rows and Cultivator. Heft plow for ituhM&or iward $ 4 00 Beit aulianll plow..,.. f (lo Uaat alod crmher and roller combined..... 4 0i) Ueit grain drill ft 00 beet tbreehing machioa,diplomaand...H. 10 00 Beat earn plnnier Pip, Beat horae rake, dinluno ainl . . il-i ' beet bay pitching machine Dip. Beat borae power, diploma and ut btat original Invention of agricultural implement m 4 t)4 Beet barrow t a 00 Beat fanning mill i 00 Beat cultivator a uo Beit corn aheller A 00 All article la tbil clai sot manufactured la the oounty will be awarded ao monied premium, but may reeelve a diploma. Cla IfiMificdlanrou Farming Jmpttim'nt. Beat bee blva. , $ 2 on Beat (tuiup machine. 4 it l) Best grain era 'He J tt') Beat duplay ol fa.ming utenilf owned hy xbibltora H S Cfl beat lot of garden tool 3 fin Tbia Cla at aubjerl to tha rule In Claa IJ. Clan 17 Cereal Grains. Beat 2 aere of Winter wheat .. ...f 10 00 Heat buahal of Winter wheat 4 on Beat t aere of rye 1I 10 Meat buahel of rye t on Heat t aiTa of oat 10 00 Real 3 noree of bii-k wheat K ofl Beit 1 aorei of oorn ,.. 10 Oil HimI 1 acre of rlovrrered 11 0)i Boit I bube) of potatoea Jl (.o Beat 1 bmhel of Hmothy 2 00 Crop being eon a I, preference will be givna to thoae that yield the largait net pro tit. State ment to bo furniihed by tba eibibiton. They muat be meanred or weighed, and a aaoipla fur nihed at the Fair. Applicant for premium! muat furnifh the oommitteo with a itateiuent igneit by themaelvea, under pUnlgo of veracily, of tbe uuaatily or grain railed a tbe ground entered for a premium, and Dull state aioorroolly a be fan tbe kind and nonditlon of the pre v Ion i rrope, tha kind and .UeaMty of aeed aowo, and the time and mode ol putting it In tbe ground. Prri'ina enteting field crop tur exhibition, or in tending to do ao, may give notice to the Jixecu live Committee at any lime, and have tha Held meaiurtd and examload hy tbe roiomtttee while growing. JuJgea in Clanei 1 10 and IT. Al F. Boyn ton, Matthew Head and Lever Fie gal. Class 18 Bread and Cereal Food. Beaftluaf of wheat bread 1 00 Ueit loaf ot rye bread 1 t(0 Heat loal of corn bread I hit Beit fpunge cake Iip. Bt jelly cake Dip. Beat pound eake Iip. l)eit fruit cake H Dip. Heit pj(le cake lH. Dent la.ly cake Dip. Beet oa ke nl any kind, diploma end.- I Oil Heat pteeerve. diploma and .r,0 Brit jelly, diploma and i.0 Huat diaplay of preserve and jelly 00 Boil ice cream Ah Cla, V.i Butter and Cheese. Heit n poundi or mure of firkin butter, at leaot S montba old 5 OR Heit ft pound or more of butter 4 0(1 beit clieee made by ethibitur H 2 HO Tbe exhibitor to gire a atatement of the man ner of preaemng tbe ftrkia hntter, aad of mak ing the eheeia. Ju'igea for ClaMa Ift and IV Mre. Oor. Big ler, Mr. I.eo.r Denning and Mr. Kamael Ar-no'd- t Cla 20Ftaur. Heit AO pound of wheel flour ft.t 00 Heit -Ml pound rye flar 00 l)et 60 pound i buckwheat flour I 00 Hon 0 pounda eorainaal I fto Jnlpei for C'laai Jo R. Humphrey, Jamti W. M'-i.hee, I. C. MeCltirkey. Clan 2 Dotiu'stie Article. Heit box or jar ol honey $1 00 Heal 10 pound maple iugar. Ot) Beat peaebei, pat up airtight. 1 CO Heat tomnloe. put up air tight. ... Dip. licit hlftckhnrries, put up airtight Dip. Boat fancy jar of pick lea Dip. Iteat cured ham, diploma and... 1 i)0 Beit dried baef, with mode of earing. ...... 1 Judges f'.r Hlae 21 Mrt. Lever Flegal, Mlis itene uaiei, aire. wm. eenwera. Class 22 Domestic Manufacture. Beit 10 yardi ftanneli ft.1 00 Beat It. yard latinet 0d l(e;t 1ft yard woolen earpet 2 00 BM 111 yarda cloth 2 00 Heal 16 yard rag earpet (wool ubain). 2 00 Heat pair hlanket 2 00 Heat wool fringed tnlt, diploma aod 60 Heat woolen ooverlet 2 00 Beit ipt-etuien nf knottino;, knitting or Bea dle work by Ml under 11 yeara old 1 00 Beit pouod linen aewing thread I 00 beat pound i"f king yarn 1 00 Heat loot mat Beat tidy mat 50 Class 2 Needle, Shell, Wax work, Etc. Beat specimen of needle work, diploma and fid Beit apoeimen sewing oa machine, dip. and .rA Heat flowers in wonted, diploma and h0 Beat embroidery In worsted, diploma and... ISO Heit embroidery In laee, diploma aad ftO Heit embroidery lo mualin, diploma and... AO beat leather work, diploma and 60 Heal wax Ilowara, diploma and.- 60 Heat feather work, diploma and i0 Beit ornamental work, diploma and ftti beat shirt made by Mill ander 12 years, diploma and I Bert bd quilt, aiti mated for work I 00 Clan 24 Millinery and Dreismaktng Beat millinery work, diploma and t 00 Bete drtit making, diploma and 2 00 Judges for Claim 12, 2S and N.-Mr. W. C. Ittlmb'-ld, Mrs. Bohert Nnhefley, Mr. W. II. Ullt. Class M Artistic Work. Heit phutfirApb tdkea on the ground. Dip. neii lanaaoapa paint ftp. Bent penaiamhip Dip. Deit architectural drawing Dip, Beat oil painting Dtp. Beit portrait painting Dtp. Heit cattle painting Dip. neii painting in water eoiora , in p. Heat ornamental paiaLiaj of any kind Dip. Bel farming ene Dip. Judge for Clai 2ft Dr. J. M, Btewart, Mrs. W alter Barrett, Mrs. O. M. Briabln. Clasn 26 Designs. Beit design fur frame honae aad liable ftA 0 Beit deiiirn for lairy heue.... I Oft Beit design for fruit house 2 TO Judge lor Claas Jntieorgfl Thorn, Edward uuronnem, a. a. hngan. Class)! Metallic Fabries and Ma ehinery. Best ooo ling stove 4 00 Heit parfor store , Oil Heal specimen iron fence 2 0d Rett ditplay of tinware - 00 Beat btackimltbing, diploma and 2 On Beat apeciima Iron lurning , I 00 Beat plate outing, diploma or 2 On Best shower bath 2 00 Best original ioteatlon la aoanty ft ftO Ueit display of American table aod pocket outlery ft 00 Best diiplay of edge tools ft 00 Ueit diaplay or farming and field tools ft 0(1 Judge for Clais 27 . I,. Ked,T. O. Hcimi, Jeoaa Iale. (Ian 2HVthclei of all kind. Best family carriage.,, Bert huggy Bert farm wagon Heit sleigh ft.'. Oft 4 l 4 Ofl , M 4 on I 00 I 00 Best lumber eled Beat borae earl Beat wheelbarrow Judges for Claai 28. R. II. Monro, J. Redly, L B. N orris. Tho premiums In a. Mi Claes are Intended anly forarlielet menufeetared in tba Coantr. Diplo mat may ba awarded ta articles not mada in lha County, if deferring of notice. Thia rale also applies to Class 27. dan 2$Caf i 'netware made in the County. Besl dressing bureau f 00 Hut extension table 2 "ft Bert variety of chairs..,,.,. M I "0 best hediteads 2 ft" Beat we hi I end 1 Vt Bert diiplay of eabmelware, diploma and... ft 00 Beet act parlor furniture ft on Heft set al chain I OA Best soft M ft Oft Beet oentra table I in Best Innate, diploma and... 2 on Bart ofltee ahalr MM, Ofl Bert rnttio ebair... 2 00 Clan 'AOCoopering, Carpentering, Etc. Best pi new a re, tubs, stands, ! $4 Best set ol grain maasnrea.. 1 t Best window blind 2 00 Best lotaf bock ta M 1 ftfl Bert ipoelmoa of sabH M 1 00 Beat panel door. H Oft Best pump of any kiad. 2 00 Jarigea for Clastae Ift aad . A. Bish 8haw, H. Uayet Horraw, Jaaab F. Stwiaer. datsZRttad Garden Vegetable. Beat I bMkel ratebiai .........11 Beat I buabel aamta 1 Beit 4 stalks celery ,.n Hea 1 bmhul swatt potaloc I 00 H-M i.ushel tan la beets I 00 Beat tt heads of ethbare, diploma alid M '0 Bast 2 bead ytlluw caullOowr, dip. and.., M llait vrity ol melon, lli!cma Lt,..i ill 1 Ben i4ihai, dlufoma and ''i Hmi putwpiiia, diploma and .'0 lirat r)g plant ft1 Judith for CIhm niH U Rww, John P..well, Kills Irvln. D must ba shown that all i nretaSI" have ben raisrd by lha eihibitor. f 'lan 1(2 Curriers, Saddter atid Shoemakers. Hail gentlviueu's boots aad h"i 2 tM) Heit ladiri' bunt and ihoea 2 00 Beit riding laddie Tor la-lv 2 00 Iteat riding bridle and martingale I 00 Bait aide fliilnhed harna leather..., I 0 Ut diiplay boots and iboes 2 tin Beat tug harnen u IK Beit geatlamnn'a saddle 2 00 best traveling trunk H 1 tn Heat slsigb robe mada by exhibitor 1 00 Best carnage harness S 00 Best single harness . ... 3 Oh Ueit diiplay ofiaddlery H 4 0 Beat side ol kip leather oO Best side of sole leather .SO Heit calf skia &0 Best side upper leather ftO Class Tailor and Upholders' Work. Best suit of clothes made by hand ftt 00 Best t'ants aad veit made by a lady 1 60 Heit oiiik maltresn , 1 00 Best hair mattreis 2 Oil Bert straw matt mi , 00 Beit coat made by a ladr ft Oo Ju igei for Classes 2 and .".Jl W, Badabangh, Wm. C. Foley, David Metiaugbey. dan 34 Printing in County. Best nswipaper $1 Oil Best blank 1 00 Best handbill 1 00 Best ard 1 On Best specimen of ornamental printing ft 0i Class 35 Sloneware. Beit aaiortaoent and quality S 00 Judges torolaisei ii4 aud W. D. W. Moort, C. K radar, John i. tiohryver. Clan Hi, Chemical and Chemical Artion. bwl available manure at moderate oot...$t 00 Best available manure for farm product.. , 2 00 Best vinegar mi'de of luakibg I 00 Bert ipeoiinen of soap I 00 Chin 37 Wood and Stone. Best dreisod stone , ft 00 Beit butler bowl I 00 Heat M thingles not isia than it) 1 00 Hail toroud artiol 1 00 Hail tt-ur boards, worked 1 00 IWl waohing machine 1 oO Heat hntter ladle ft! beat weatherboards, worked 1 00 Clan 38 Natural Minerals. Beat mit of u sofa I minerals of Clearfield Co , Including ooal $2 00 Beit potters' clay 60 Beat collection of fosiils t 00 beit specimen of eont 00 Best osbiaet of minerals 1 t'lesifle.d and adjoining counties, to be the property of Ibe 8oeiely t ft Oh Besl limestone 1 00 Beit Ore clay AO Judges for Casaea M, 37 and HI Hi. Bigler, Gen. John I' .it ton, Thomas W. Moore. Clan 311 Fruit. Bert diiplav and greatest variety of grafted ' apple w M..i 00 Beat display of peart 2 ftO Beit rfoinceS 1 00 Best iipecimen of apples, 1 pek 1 00 Heat specimen of American grape I 00 Beit natural grapes railed in tbe county..... 1 00 Beat domestic grape wine 2 00 Heat curraot wine 1 09 Heit blackberry wine 1 00 Clan 40 Horsemanship. To the lady who manages her horae best and aits most gracefully Dip. To tbe gent Is tn an who manages bis bone beat, and ill most gracefully.... Dip. Beit driving oa tbo track, by a Udy Dip. Kent band with braes initrament- Dip. Best band of martial musio Dip. Judges for Classes 19 and 40. Dr. J. P. Barch- field, Jeimes Kerr, A. B. Heed. Clan 41 Nurseries. Bt il nursery containing the greatest variety of fiuita and rbrubi, cultivated fa tbe raoit approved manner, tbe applicant to furnish written description, with variety and mode of culture..... ft 00 Judge lor Class 41 Loander Denning. Ham'l vution, fctiiua m. Davia. Class 42 General List. Beit display and greatest variety "f flowers. Dip. Hrt diaplay and giealest variety, of plants. Dip. Heit display of floral ornatneou... Dip. Beit baakat bnqaet with handle Dip Beet band boquet - Dip. Judge for Class 42 Mr. 4. W.cmuh, Mrs. W. J. Iloffor, Mill Uni.l Wallace. Clan 43 Beat assay on Ilia culture of theceraal grsins.ftft 00 Best essay 00 ehoapand available fertilisers, and their adaptation to tbe soil of Clear- field county ftft Of. These to be tha property of tha 8ociety, with the privilege of publishing tbem. Judge lor Class 4:i Humor I J, How, Geo. D. amidlander, Robert F legal. Ctas AA Educational Department. The Judges ia this Department to be selected umier tne supervision or toe i9uaty .superintend' ent, Prof. M- It. Mcguowo. PCHOOL EXHIBIT. Bait exhibit of woik done by any school la the county 2 00 Best aaauitaatloa puiad by any school 1 C vest eouoctiono! native wood 01 our county by any school H H 1 Best collection nf minerals by any school... I 00 Urst outline of study upon any branch by the pupils of any school I 00 Best autograph book prepared by tha pupils of any school - 60 Best volume of specimens of penmanship ex- seated by tbe pupils of any school 1 Beat set of cop books presented by any school -t 1 10 But peel me a of fiee-baod drawing exec a ted by the pupils of any school .,. 1 00 Best spoeimeaa of perspective drawing exe- oo tad by tha pupils of any school, ,,HH I PUPIttt' EXHIBIT. Beat iperltnen of plain penmanship ftO Beat ineclmcn of flonriihed aad ornamented penmanship 75 Bent specimen free band drawing lb Brit specimen perspective drawing 7S Beit social letter written by any pupil 2& Best busineis letter wrftlea by any pupil..., 26 Ht en say written by any pupil upon the rohjeel of "Chltdrene' Day at the Fair"... SO TEACHERS' KX II II) IT. Bert autograph book containing names of pant I and teachers and versa written by then Ill CO Beit aorap booh by any teacher fto Beat school room programme H.,a ftO Beit volume specimen of penmanship 5(1 Beit outline ol study upon any branch I Bert spec 1 me a plain penmanship .& Seeoad-best apeeimon plain penmamhip.,.. ftu Beit speclmea flourishing and ornamental penmamhip 1 00 Second-bait liboolmea flourishing and orna mental penmaanbip T5 Bert specimen of tree hand drawing 1 (-0 Second beit specimen of free hand drawing 7ft Best specimen of perspective drawing - 1 2& toond-bestipecimen l perspective drawing He- Best cabinet ol minerals Hn 1 ftd Cla AhBaby Exposition. Clan I. Babies aader 12 months. For the largest baby, a gold necklace. fat the prettiest baby, silver knife, fork and spoua Ctas 2. Babies nrer 12 month and under 24 month. Fur Ilia largest baby, a gold necklace. For tbe prettiest babr, a pair of armlets. Class ft, For lha largest and handsomest twin ander 24 months old.silver goblet eath For the largost and bandiomeit twins under 12 taonthseld, silver goblet each Class 4. Triplets aader 74 months, and over 12 nt..a, rtleae goblet each, gold-lined. Triplets under i months, silver goblet oaoo, gold noea. NOTE. Tbo Judges, la aaehiag Ibalr awardi la the above class, will ba governed by tba sanl tary condition and age of tho child ia Its elas. lha aame or tba suooesiful competitor will be en graved on tho premium when tbe article will ad mil n it, Haines will be judged at 10 i. 'clock A ftl., third day of tbe Fair. SPECIAL PREMIUM LIST. aractiL fatuuw orrxntn bt t. i. ri.nrg. A flfly dollar sawing machine will ba given for the best loaf or wheat broad baked by any lady In irernei'i county. Ho trie for this premium willcloieat 4 o'clock oa Tbnnday, and will be judged al 10 o'olooh oa Friday. Judges.-Mrs. 0. N. Colharo. Mr. W. J. H offer, Miss Mary McUaurhef. Dr. II. H. Vaa Valiah and H . II. bigler. OLasa a ail matci. At 10 o'clock A. M. oh Wednesday. Premium, M0. Firat prise ,H 14 M Heeoad prisa ...IHH Third prise - 1 00 a...... 1 0 Kntranna fe, tents. Conditions t Tan halls each, l yards rise. Charge of shit limited to 1 ounces. BBCORD MATCM. At S o'olooh P. M. same day. Premium, 91100. First prise f.T an Second prise I no Third prise Mm 0 Entrance fee, $1 . Same oonditioos as first match. iseretlonary premiums will ha awarded for all articles of merit not embraced la lha abov and ethihited hy mechanics In alt the variows branches, and it is hoped that a general othtbitioa will be matia, ror all improvements asefal tfttfhe farmer, aad having valvahla ptoperiita, although not made la the aoanty, premUms ma be awarded by the Kaecutlre Commiltea. In all aaaoe of aril, diplomas will ba awarded toeihlhUnrs re siding ot of tha aoanty. and such persona are eotdielly lavlted te attend the Pair, and oihihit any articles tey may ohoosa. They will receive every atteaitoa at the heads of the officers. Aa earneal anneal is made to oar owe naonle ta make this the best Pair we have ever had. Let the othtbitioa be worthy of oar people aad ered itahro ta the aoaaty. It Is panallarly aeiwwty la. stltatloa. Ita good efeet have boos, foil aad eh aaera good may ha doao. O. R. BABRITT, Prvsldaat. It Oil BUT WRIOLBY, fwtvf. KotflS, JUYD UOU8K, J Main btraot, PIIIUF&UUKU, PKKN'A. Table always suppllod with tbe best the tuarko auoraa. j no traveling punue ie lovnea tocaii. , i.t. I '7 KlIllkHl UlVIl. VTASUINJTON UOl'SK, VV NEW WAHI11NUTUU, PA This new and well furnished house has boon taken by tho undersigned. He tools confident al being able to render satisfaction lo thoae who may favor him with a call. May ft, 1872. U. W. DAVIti, Prop's. rpKMI'KIEANCK HOlTSK, X NEW WASHINGTON, PA. II. I. UUSK, . . Paueaiafva. JafarTh. be. I of eMomtoodatloDf fr aiaa aad bnaat. A 'klw.l abar. uf ublle patrieaa. la aulielM. ae3, 'K0.. WASHINGTON HOUSE, .QI.RN IIOPK, PK.NU'A. rrMIR anderrlfiieil, haviaK leaaed Ihla eot.. J. roodluua H .lel. ia Ibe village of leo Hope, ia BOW prepared t. aecomnKKi.t. .11 who mar O.II. My (able and bar ahall be .applied witb tbe beat the market afforda. I1KDHDK W. IXITTS, it. Ulan Hop., IV, Marrb 14, IK;.lf. gUSiJl'KUANKA liOL'SK, CUEWENSVILLE, PENH 'A. -Tbls old aud well-ostabtishal Iloiet hai been leatvad by tha undersigned, and he feels con fident nt rendering eatufeotioa to those who may patronii him. flood stabling attached. LEW 18 C. B1UM, Proprietor. April 21, 'ISO-If. A LLKGIIKN V IIOVSK, CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. WlI.lJA.it It. DEAN, Pn.l.rirU.r. r"Thit house le plaaaantly locate 1 on Ka-t Market xtreet, and convenient to the Cutm House and all bualneis places of tba town, U bja re oontly been refitted and refurnished frem cellar to attic. Bar supplied with oboioest iKjiur. Table furnished with the best the markttattor.ii. Good liable attached. Kates moderate April 13, 18-l-tf. DREXEL & CO., Nn, 31 Houtti Tblrd fltreet, Phlladrlphla And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt atten Hon, and all information choarfully furnirhod Orders solictod. April H-tf. r. K. IHHoLU. . w. Anno lb. i. b. anioi.p F. K.ARNOLD & CO., Ranker, and Itrokcr, Reyiioldavllle, JeOeraou Co., Pa. llone.v reeelved oa depoalt. blaeoatita at too derate ratea. fc'Aatern and Poreifa Ktohanseal. wara en bead and eolleetiona promptly made. Keynoldaville, Dee. 14, 1874. .ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROUM In Grabam'a Ilrirk Uulldlnn, l . J ,or evrt of T A. Klerk'a ritnre. PaaaaaTiokete to and Oom Liv.rpool.tJawna town, Olaagow, Loadon, P.ria .nd Copenhagen Aleo, Drafte for aale on the KnyeJ Bank ol Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAr.a T. LKUflAKU, I'rea't. W. II. SHAW, Caabler. j.nl.'tl prntlstrji. T h. fl. HKICHHOM') a . miHliEIU IIEXII,T, Qrednate of the Penniylvanfa Colleee of Dental Surgery. Omcinre,ideneeol'Dr. Hill., nppoalle the hbaw Hooae. mrblj, TS-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, Si? (OSo. la Dank Baildin,,) Curwenavllle, ( Irai tlcld Co., Pa. nob 11 '74-tf. A. M. IllLLS, OPHHATIfE OK.VTIST, CI.RARFinLD,. PKNN'A. rOSie. in ra.ld.nAa. onno.it. fth.er llnuu. jj.i7wir J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA (Offlo. la W.at.ra UoUl builJInx Meond floor.) Nitrous Oiid. Gaa MlmiaiaUred for tbe pain ,.e eitraetioa of teeth. Cleartleld, Pa., Hay 1, mr.l v. lUsfflhiitous. IOB PRINTING OP EVERY DE8CRIP tlnn neatlr v,ale4 at tela erliea. (70 A WEEK, til a dayatkomeeaiilv mvle. 0 I u Co.llv .utnt free. Aiidreaa Tr a A Co., Aaguet., Maine. earhl-lj. E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER BL'RNPIDR, PENN A. rpilR snhacrtber now offers ta the oitisoaa of X Burnsida and vicinity, an unprovided specialty. Hereafter all kinds nf Caskets and CoOqs will be kept oa hand, aad orders filled at one. Funeral attended lnyrhert. I will furnish the finest as well as tha cheapest articles dedicated to funerals- All orders left at the store of Joan C. Comma will receive prompt attention. For farther particulars, ei.lt on or address E. H. HKNUKBhON. le, 10, H7V-tf. JOHN TROUTMAN, deai.br IX FURNITURE, n atthi:ssi:h, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKUT BTREHT, NEAR P. 0. The undersigned begs leave to Inform the eiti tens of Clearfield, and the public generally, that ba has on hand a fine assortment of Pnrniiuro, sanh as Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber Suites, Parlor Suites, Keclinlng and Extension Chairs, Ladies' and Gents Kasy Chairs, the Per forated Dining aad Parlor Chairs, Cane Heats aad Windsor Chairs, Clothes Bars, b tap and Kt ten sion Ladders, Hat Racks, Rcrnbhing Brushes, Ae MOULDING AND PICTPRB FRAMKfl, ooklng 01 as set, Chromos, Ao., which would suitable for Holiday presents. daoltVTI JOHN TRfllTTMAN. The Heirs Run Woolen Factory Pena township, Clearfield 0o Pa. B II R ft? B D Oil Tl pt rot BURNED U PI Tb.Bateerl!eraBav.,etfr..fexpenB.,rt.llte B.iehhorhDod BM.aBlty, la tb. retloo of a 4rau alaaa Vnlaa Maaafaotore, wltk all tfa. aamlara improvemeata attached, aaa are prepared ao aaahe all ilnda of Clothe, Ceaelraerea, fiatiaetta, blaa keta, Plaaaela, Ae. Flealj of gnode ea Bead is apple all oar old aad a tboaeaad Beer eaatoBoora, wbob. w. ... wa ooaaa aaa ex. nine oar atook. J a. Hala.aa ef CARDINO AND FULLINQ will ne.lv. .ar .apoelal alteatloa. PronH .rvanieraeat. will be ea.d. te reeoHv. aod deliver wool, U salt .aat.ai.ra. All .ota warranted and doaa apoa ih. ehorteat aotle., and be atrlnt .tla. Una tn boaia.a, w. hop. to real lie a llharal ahara i peon, p.iroaaa;.. POUNDS WOOL WANTED I W. will ? Ik. ki.h.lt aj.rket arte, fh, ?-. aad Mil .ar ai.afa.larad foodie, low aealeiiler (ooda .aa a. bo.ht la theMaatj, aad 'beaeve. w. i.ii a. rwe.ar N.ena.bl. aatiafawtloa wa u alwava a. fen4 a, booee rwadv ta m... .r.-.aMwt wi.nvr per.o. ev mj wtter. arll4tf lmr.4 Wlsrrttatuous. HAVE HEARD The News From MOORE'S? THE! HAVE JDST EECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, jals and CapJ -AND s That Ever Came into I he County, AT TUEIR STORE, BOOM (). OPERA HOUSE, f.KI). C. ATOM IV. l(Hlltl CleerBeU, Pa., Bept. 21, lSSO-lf. Live Let Live IS OUR MOTTO! MIR put.llo Is hereby antified that our entira stock of Springs Snfflmer Clo In all Its latest styles, ara Knaranteed to ba jold at lower prices than elsewhere, at GUINZBURG'S Reliable Clothing Store, Western Hotel Corner, j ('intpptfti'in Is the Ufa of hunlnesa, end our facil itirs for undereellinjc others oauaa as to pnar antee the fact. Uur long siandina; in hninta teetiee to lis reliability. Thankti.s; tha puhllo for past favors, wa will de our best to merit a eoatitmanoeof the sme. L. GUINZBURG, Old Western Hotel Corner, CLEARFIELD, PA. April 17, ISSI-tf. Si NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. ' . - . : M ft; i.U wf",'kah, at fili-'ilp .uU - ,'tl!UiS . . B-i "ay I ' i.i'T-. r -ii 'na .a. PT' The only 8-Flange Safe in the World, AND C0NTAIN1S0 More Improvements than any Safe madCj such as The PATEXT More tconre from Burglnri than ny Firo Proof Snfe, and no expenae in rcpniring PolH or TiOckn, Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners. Those Snfci are now being aoIJ in this Stnto In LARGE NUMBERS, And glvu tho Greatest Satisfaction, lining Hit Moat ITighly Finished, Boat Hadt., i&i Choapost First- Vfiass bfLt s cvor froaueoo. TboMi Colobrated Safo, had tha Champion Record in Tim Great Boston Fire, And inc that time aiUAT and iNPon tant improvement have heon made. llclora giving your order to any other concern, tend for priori and uuauripiiv iiataioguo. HOME & IRELAND B08TON, MAGS, Dm.M, IIM-ly. i Inside Bolt Work Wisallaufous. Gray'i Spociflo Hoiicino. TRAOI ewAHIt THAOI MARK v Ureat Knglisb fli Remedy. Au ua- aeas, tSparua. lorraca, impw IiiMtteoa that irfllITAIM.foWw - te-AFTEI UIINI. qunce hrll-Abusoi as loss o Meuiory, ('nienj Laiaitadet Pain ia tba Back, biaineM nf VtiWa, ' Fn nature old Af, and many other LHsvaws that lead to I mam ty or toivaniptioa end a 1't. nature tlrave. arVall partlcolars la our pamphlst, wbkfc wa desire ta send free hy mail to overy one. Tbe tpacilic Melieino ia sold by all druKR.u at 1 per pajkajra, or six packages tor $i, or will be aet free hy anail on receipt of the money, by address ing Jill. UHAV MKDIC1NK Co., Liuflalo, X, V. 8dd la Clearfield by C. D. 'AaUuo. aprJT, H-y. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS rf- STATIONERY Mark tit HU, t If anield, (al tha Poet Oft re,, THE andersijned bejrs Icara to annuane tv tha eititens of Clearfield and vicinity, that ha has fitted up a room and baa Jut returned from tbo city with a large amnnnt of rsadiEg matter, consisting la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, A coon at and Paat Books af every ds script inn ; Paper and envelopes, French Hised and plain ( Pens and Pencils j UUhk Ual Papers, beads, Mortgages f Judguiant, Kninp. Ur-n and PfHimisnrv aoteaj White and Fr-1.. mont Urief, Legal Cap, Recnrd Cap, and Dill Cap, Kbeet Musio, f ir ettber Piano, Flute or Viotm, constantly oa band. Any books or stationary desired that I may not have oa hand, will b ordered by irst express, and sold at wholesale or retail to nit eostomera. 1 will also kep periodical literature, euab se alagaalaea. Newspapers, ie. P. A. UAi IIH. Clearfield. May 7, lftM-tf New Departure LUTIIERSBURGt HsreafUr, goods will be sold for CAN 11 only, or In cichsnge for produce. No books will u kept ii the future. All old account I matt be settled. Those who ennnoi omsh up, will plsus band "far their notes aad CLOSE THE RECORD. I am determined to aell mj goods at rub prloos, and at a discount far bolow (bat star offsrsd in this vieinity. The discount I allow my customers, will make them rich In twenty yean if they follow my ad too and buy tbetr good fruri ae. I will pay cash for wheat, oats and "1 it tr aced. DANIKL OOODLANDKR. Lathersbarir. January 17, 1 MTT. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. r (llarer. Dacha. Mandrake, KlUHueHs 'lanv miter ol t lie tiw.t tntr-Juiurt knua.i j - i.tiihillvi:ombiiitd iniARi.rts(ti.4,F4'I ' ii me u trie iraiet,t Blood P4riS?ri:,d lha lt Health and Ktreagth lkUrri t.scr Laeu. Soprfrtrt UhcriTipo.lrt)f,,f P .trrF-Sf.Ti: ER l nuit: thai niiiilvf'Mii linn rm-t hvi ,t it ud. It j"'i hsvr Dyipaptia, Hasdacits A nhiuttiatiam. Neuralgia, Bcwel. kidney rj Liver Ui. order, .r n y , i not: tl a mil t.timunn j it yi'U. a. tt i .-V.fe.uraiive etnd ibviv; .1 ti , .nt never mi ox i img, II v""i are a,ir,ty vnri awy t with i .v-al'airtfH? Cough t r a bad Cfttd, KtfcKfc'' s i(i.,ki- 1" - 1 mrrlv h.: i. iuj. It n. . f WW IO t'lC fe-ftil' ant? r-T. an -I it a , n.. ' iiir for nheumatiim and Cholte Infanlum ' it Uas Hated llandrcdi of Llfrsj ll .fcV, haie lours. Tf yoa are fccline nuieuiile d-n'l wjil u "u arc lorn ttLtt,lul u itn I -it ic '. No mat it w lul nir di-jseur i.ij-ii m. i :e, it vii! i-ive prtifiM rflief. 1 ttcmcifibi-r 1 1'a pk bp Uincs Tcvir ( '. nun dri.ik hut lha Beat ar.( Pura.l FairtiKJ steeictae ever m-ida, CT-nponii-J I - a n. IinxiHi, and cnitrctv dilitn-Fit (r-ri i.ill-r . iner p-rtvarationt and all tUti 1 .iir. In, i tie.-. taciMc. Vottr dmcrMi PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Beat aad Host Ettoaoalcal Ualr Dreaslas 4jqutMUI T-Miunx j nnd parried ly li.mii-.. ill Alwari Kestore Crajr ar Faded llslr tr its original roiilhlul tW and apfcarafK . " '. h wji-raniud tn it f US uuii ill fc !'. and iirevrnl hnlilnp. A f tw apfaltr-at i-n nf hr Pais AM will soflrr t1 c dair.rlrir. ) t'l tJn'trutt imititra Mcimivt i.n.l I IH awunui tiiv4wlp, Ewdby alldruci,tatir'i ; April Ath, HSI-I7. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, 8KCOKD RIRKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DKALKR8 IN PURE IUlUtsS! C U E M 1 C A L S I PAINTS, 01I,S, DYE STI FF VAKNIBIIKS, DllfflllFS, IANCV ttOdbS, rKRFI'M KRY, TOILKT AHT1CLK.S, or ALL KINDS, PURR WISES AND LIQUORS for asedlelnal parpoaaa. Trasses, 8 up port era, Hnhoul Books and Stall" ary, and all other articles asuallf f'aad la a Drag btri, PHYSICIANS' PHKPCHIITIONS CAKR FILLY COMPOUNDtik. Haring a larpe ek perlcart in tba baslnass iey eaa give satire tat Ufartlna. J. O. IIATtTSWirK, JOHN t. IMHIN fHakHleid. Ilaweathr IK, m THE BEST REMEDY Diseases o tbo Tlroat and Lures. . rieKaa,.rftli'-'l?"" yYW3 nary oriptu. n tr' v- bJp antln'llal.i. t n( , for them lt lin t. !., i' U avriv r.HiHi ti'i Av.H'e I'llfcKai I'" 'T11RAI. U aili'l. M"i. ! and no other w ": ncntly menu tin' ont lirnt'e ol tit" I'til'li'" !' la a (.-Ifnurir i-.iii.lma-lion of ll' IlleJl'-"'' caVC?' iirinrlplt'a an,l rijr'i" ST JravirturB ot the tlnii;., rtiini. ao, e.1, to Inelire til" lrrr, et poeell'le flti'" '"'' ml uniformity -i r.- enlte. alil'li eiiaon- phrali lana aa well aa Invallila lo it ' cotirl'lfnrfl. It la tlio moat rrltal'te r-oi'l,v for ili!MiuM-. of the IhroHl ami litiicr '1'' eni-e Iim )trrMliire,l. It atrllo'B at 111" tlvlon of all pulmonary di.."., affonlnH ,romot ami otirleun relh-f, ami la Bliil"o m Mii.ita of any an or ellluT H" very reilaUihl", the younir"'4t rl,illron tai" It lthul .1.111. uliv. In th" lreiitrn. nl "I nnllnnrv f oliAiia,' Col.ls rV.re llin.aj, llron.dltU, Iniliietir., Ileraynia"' Kore. I hroat, Aelhma, Croup. -Itirrh, tit. elfert. ol An a I tiiRiiv I r.mi. are niHl.nl, anil ninliltii'l"" are " nttallv prmi-rvtil from aortou lllii" i-J tttnolv ami latthlnl il.e. It aliouM 1" 'l" at Imml In evory houaeliohl, for In I" i.h-IIoii It aflonle In aii.iilen a'""1" Wli,,p,,.r,,,, , Con-nmptl"" thr ia no nth.T reniMy a,, elli...t.i, "olhiii4, ivtul lid). tttl. Tho marrellona rnree whl.lt CiiKHiir ri-n.nl. haa elf-t"l all iorl. are a annVlent Kuarnty thai " ronlinil to pnelure the) lie.t ri.nl"- " lmnrtll trial will ronvln.-. the iml aw I" : rnl id ita womirrfiil rnrallve power.. M wjJ of Ita aniK-rlorlly over all oth'-r pn " tlona for pnlinonary romplalnta. Kinlnent plivalclana In all pai" roitolrv. knowillfl ita romimaltlon. ri ' I AvpH'aCiirnitv I'aa-rnuai tn ; noil prow rllra It In Ihelr pnutli-e "" . . ol hall a contnrr haa pn.vwl Ita '' ert.iliitv tn euro all wilinonarr roB'I'i"" . alraeely lyond tb. h-h ol Imtnaa a'n Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer a C6 ' . . fwtleetl and Attalrtlaad thee.!" Low.ll, Mau. ' . Mta at ui aavearat. tveer- M 14 CHERRY ILCTOIiAL.