She Republican. V; Gioboi B. Goodlandib, Editor. CLBARFIKLD, Pa. WKDNKHDAY.le'GHNlNO.tjlPT. t, IBol. RMdr. If yoa sjtat to know whit I, folnf. on ( tht bnelnta, world, Juat md our adeertl,ln olaaiB,, IB. ,Veefat oolama In partloulir. 1VIS :-t-yr-r.: t 'tt: --- - - Tito President was to be taken tto Long Branch on TueaJay by a spooitil train over tbo ronunylvnnia Railroad, Ipavino; WashitiKtou at fi A, M. A.i) SiiLL. Toe dotoetives om. loycd by Jdgt llilUm to warrh Cy press Jl ill CotrtcUiry tor the remains nt A. T. Stewart, have Riron tip the ' bunt and admit that tlicy wore fooled by hoaxes who ut thorn on tlio search. Tntv juRtt ma Onik I'l-Bsident liariiold's physicians buve fur once ar rived at tbe s&iutt conclusion ; and that i that the l'renident must be taken to liruiich to avoiil the bad atmoa phore and rabble at Washington. They asumuo that they can savo liis lift if lie is tukuu tu the soa-slioto, and a my army plunted around hid resting place for tho purpose ut keeping the offieesoekers at a distance, and thereby iive ''the (lorcrtiinent" Its necessary rust. llEATU Of I1NIIHK'K B. WkIUHT. We regret to chrouiole the death o( I bis prominent l'onnsykaniau, who died at Lis home in Wilton barrc on the -d inst,, aged 7:1 years. Our personal ac quaintance with hiw rune bin k to 1857, when we s erved as members of a Com mittee to eouipile county attne.micnU w hile members of tho liovenue Hoard, ilo wad an excellent yonlleiMiii ; but politically excentric. ile had many friends throughout the State. We hall allude to his career more at length i in our next iNRiie. A IUdical Kiiemc. Wo notice that id tMlarlr rtf tlm TTniiutt if 1nt.rA. sentativos at Washington has received h . notice of fifteen contests for seats in the next Congress. Tbirloen are from tho .South, one ironi .Maine, and one from Iowa. There may be some . r. .1. vri"i"w ueiuu v niinr-iii- in u in ini, mine grounds for contest in two or throe of D ... ' ,. . " Ppanlding was rowing tbo launch, those cases, but the most of them are j-he ti(1o wait ow an(4 ,,e 0,-pedo was made simply because the Republicans planted In about three fathoms of are supposed to bo in a majority in tbo House, and that therefore tbe Jiepub Mean oontrwlAnts will be sentod, right or wrong, or that they will be voted larjjo sums to cover their expen ses, in making the eonlosU. Tho Southern "sealftwaRs'' have not forgot ten that Kepnbliean fongreetscs did not scruple lo give the soots of Pomo- c ratio members elected by majorities! says : "The balf broods aro industrj. c( thooksmls to contestants who hadlously circalsting the story that tho tin rthadow of a claim to them except that they wero adherents of the party In power. 'i'tiAT'i The Atlanta Conttttu (ion says the statement is borne out by tho actual experience of the factories, that (Southern cotton wills can sell cloth one-half f ont loss per yard than the mills of New Knglund, and make more money than do thoto mills. That ia a ooraatcrcial fact as old and solid as tbe Ton Commandments. .Manufactur ing can always be done cheaper in the vicinity where tbo raw material grows than to trbusport it one thousand miles, have il inanufvclured and then pay hack transportation, too. Cotton is like saw log. We send ours to Lock Haven and Williamsport, pay for driv ing them down there, and then pay railroad rates on the oisnitfncturorcd Umber hack to this eounty. "It's just loo funny fnr.anything," bnt so wo go. Tbe ship owner or railroad coin, puny that transports raw cotton from tieorgia to Hoston, and then returns the muslin and calico, will not coin plain brer a bti"luee sc hedule of this Jtind. . Ijaiv and 1'abty An Act was parwanj at tho recent session of the legislature, imposing just ni heavy jionalties npon voters and candidates for violating the published rules of the party iw an Act of Assembly. W tavc published those Acts in tho IU ihjrlh an of the 21th of August, and the Chairman of tbe County Commit tee has furnished the Chairman or Judge of every Democratic Vigilance CominiUo in Clearfield county wilb a copy of tho law. More I The laws indicated are printed on the back of the "fiotsrn Sheet," and our J'urty Rules aro printed on tho back of tho "List of Votors," and can bo read by all men who arc disposed to obey the laws governing the question. We hope all onr party friends will obey tho law and our party rules at the approaching primary election. A ny Irauds or crim inal practioos brouglit to our notice by responsible parties will be prosecuted as the law directs. : CiirtK and Kronomt Miked. We loarn that our "Jlorough Pads'' (four Ueiaorrata and two Republicans) hare passed an ordinance to the effect that bernafter the little bit of printing done (br the borough aaust be let by propooal. We adiuiro economy when properly directed, The man who saves at tbe spiggot and lets it flow at tho bung bole will soon have an empty barrel. Again ; Why should not tho house keeper solicit proposals for beef by the week, or lawyers' opinions by the month? Why not pay the regular rates as in everything else t It would be a good joke on tbe majority ol the Council if the minority should snoreed In obtaining the printing for this Dem ocratic borough. That's what they aro .ttt. It was snld many years ago : "One lackost," etc. The Council, to make-their ordinance effootiv'e, must stiueud it so ae to advertise In not lees than three Dewspapaptto three weeks soliciting HwpOHa)s. ' I ; SALARY (I It A llHEIi'S. ! '1 bin iiiethul of drawing salaries tv oltti'iulo u iiilrndiiixd by "stalwart" j Hadicnls a lew cars hgo in l 'onreou, I mid llii" "hutue fulls on IVnmyli unirt lHitih;, ulei i'.uviriu; .lcliimin.'t"t the Crab an a theli. The Htiroe thitiif oc curred at llaruuliurg last. Winter. An exchange in alluding to it remarks: "A pair of Hi publican Legislative sal ary mulilicrn. ii'HaL'rnnt Wolfe, ol 1'niou, and iluddiman, ot I'hiMol phia, a iliminutivo counterfeit upon Saiicho I'linna. appeared at Ilarrinburi' last woek as a part of a lorjre commit tco on tho subject, to till?- an appeul to the Supreme Court from tbo decision of .Tudgo I'cutsoti iu the anility grub cnsii. They finully induced a Mepubli can mombcr from I'aupbin ti, join them, to give a slight rtmpoctuhiliiy to oumbura at any rale. Tbey instiutt od their attorney to take an appeal, and he will probably do so if sufficient fee are fnrthcir.iim. Wolfe and Kud diman say that oi'hly of tho two hun dred and fifty members contributed something to a fund lor expanses. More than half of these are from Phil adelphia nnd all me Kopublit-ant. Their only hope is that tbo Supreme Court will 'not go back on them' bo catine they also raised the Halaries of tho Judges of tlul court. If the court does not the poople will go back on them with a vengeance. It is to ho hoped that Attorney (ioneral Palmer will engage .ludge ltlack to assist him in behalf of tho people." FEARFUL ACCIDKXT. The instruments now used in war fuie aro deadly in tbo extreme, and very oltun the most terriblo accidents result from tho experiments made in tosting tbeir vitality. One of there, by which two otlicers were blown into otornity, occurred at Viewport, li. I., on tbo ii'.Ub lilt., which is thus related ; "About two o'clock in the afternoon Lieutenant Jl. Long Kilos, of Wash ington, and Lieutenant Lyman i. Kpaulding, of Portsmouth, ft. 11., were planting mines for harbor delense, in connection with tho annual experi ments which take place before the Examining Board. There are what is known as circuit closers, and when the buoys of those are struok an explo sion ot torpedoes takes place. The buoys were accidentally struck, and Edcs and Hpanlding were blown into atoms. 1 heir remains wero sent at oa,t thirty teot into the air. Work- men employed on tbo station wailed into the water as soon as possible and recovered all that was possiblo of the bodies. Kdes' legs woro torn from tho !,fra,nk n(l 'fl in wo' foot woro blown on, and while bis boots woro found in good order, not a trace of his feet were discovered. Tbo torpedo was to be exploded by the breaking of the electric circuit. Kdes I A .1.. n..ll -.... .:) .. t.:. I.,- .L.:l.. water. Kdes leaned forward to or rango tho apparatus in the water when a lond noise and explosion was heard, and tho two nnfortunate men wero scon In the air. It was a terrible sipht. Admiral I'orlcr and the class, mates nnd officers stood appalled at ilio sight of the bodies beintt literally blown to fragments. Pni.iTtrAI.CiAMEHTrRs .Vnoirtinniro numerous oonetultalioiis ol the leading slnlwurt at Vice President Arthur's house during the past neck have been devoted to parcelling out the Fedoral patronage in anticipation of the Presi dent's death. Their statement is that an immediate re organization of the Cabinet bus been decidjd npon in tho ovent of (Jeneral Arthur becoming I'residont, and only Secretaries Win dom and Lincoln, and possibly Secre tary Hunt, of the present Cubinot would bo retained. The others are to be asked to retire. They alto report that Hamilton Fish bus been sounded in reference tn returning to the Stute Department in place of Mr. Illaine, but that bo libi declined to consider the suggestion, und thkt overtures have since been made to ex Senator Frelingbnysen, of New Jersey. Tho movement for Mr. Fib, according lo these sages, bad two obje ts ono the selection of an experienced man, and the other the piovlslon of an excuse other than tho real one for the retire ment of 1'ostuiustcr .lames. The same authority has schedulod Ilowo, of Wis consin, as tho most likely man for At torney Cuueriil. All of which is highly important if true." IAM1L Y FEc") 1V0 WA. New Hampton, Iowa, Sept. 1. For years a foud has existed between If. W. Hunn and August Brown, near noighbors and well-to-do farmers, both having boon losing grain and barns by tiro, each accusing the other of arson, till bad blood showed itself, which culminated yeBtorday in tho killing of tlann. Herbert I'ottcr, IS years of ago, and now under arrest, says that in company with Allrcd tSweet, aged 10 years, and Ambrose and Frederick lirown, aged respectively 15 and 13 years (sons of August lirown), he wont to a grovo near Mr. Brown's bonso to pick plums, wlmn Mr. Uann and his throe sons came running to. ward them wilb guns and rovolvcrs, tho old man crying ; "I'll kill thorn I" and commonccd firing. The lirown boys, being armed, relumed the fire until nbout twenty-five shots were ox changed, when the Jlann boys boat a rotreat, carrying their fnthor with them, who was fatally wounded, a ball having passed through his Irnigs com ing out near tho spinal column. Am brose Hrown was bit twice, in the arm and foot. Thoy aro all under arrest, and tho greatest oxcilcmont prevails. , A Xtwa Tweaktr. Whether tiov. ornor lloyt is a man of muscle and travels on that or not, we do not know, but tho following from the Altoona Sun would seem to Imply as much : "Govornor lloyt, it is said, is spoiling to tweak the nose of the editor of the Pittsburgh Dipntch. It' tlio Govornor should happen to drop down in the Smoky City, and take in bis usual quantity of 'undertaker's dolight,' the VitjMitrh editor had better keep out of the Kxocutive's way, or be will get his noso twisted into a cork-screw. As a nose tweakor the Governor is a suc cess, having tweaked a Wilkes-Barre editor's nasal protuberance into a shape resembling a corrugated ligljtning roa." A Pathiotic None. Tbe Cntm bers- burg Spirit says : "There is more sense lietweon the lids of Judge Hlsck's snuff box than there is in all the FalstatTs who are Piping him as 'an old man with the Presidential bee in bis bon net.' So worthy man in tho I'nited Hlates hue at this moment less expec tation of being a Presidential candj. date than has Judge Jllack. He is a patriot whose gose is above tbe odor of the flesh pota, and the range nf bis vision i in the sky of officio. I and per sonal puritv the existence of which the miserable curs tbat bark at bis legs, snap at bis calves, and noon bis feel cannot even Imagine." A STUIiPY ltMUIAH. I inlur u law ot Cnhgress members ol the Supreme ' ouvt ol the I nitcil Slules may rcliie upon lull pay alior rca.'lniiir the age "1 Til year, II tbey have I ben served ten )ears on tho twtit-li Thn nbifit was lit li,... wldii nr Inllrmil n.n,lr. ed them incapable id perlormini' their duties to retire unon a ..,,,,,,,,.,,,, Mr. Justice Strong served just lno rvUiio nine anil men houneuit nim- suii on oi 1110 pencil, notwithstanding the fact that he is as able us he ever was in bis life to perform tho duties, and as if to provo his meremmrv char oetet1 im iniflii Idle nKiinlu n all ,,i, .. ,,t l, ,,. B...ii u company tit gliiiluii per year. ll"nK"1 1 ol"k mid oontinue r,,r ii... n. .I "n i open until 7 o'clock P. M. ol said day. mnr. ,lr,nr, nlt rf n-Kir-h'ti i. nl receive 110.00(1 por year 1mm the ruderal Uovarnruent, without rontlor ing an iota of service or having any duly to perform, and may also make what ho can as a lawyer. In other words, thceKTVicc he owes to the (lov- eminent nnd the people is entirely shirked, yet he draws all his salary, and he spends his time and talents in working lor privato pny. Justices Clifford and Swayne srorn. ed thus to mako greedy paupers of themselves. Though much older and weaker than Hlrong, thev continued to iwform their riiilie. In the 1 1 1 ! 1 i i IUSI When approached on tho sub. I icct ly men who wanted their places they replied that as long as they drew heary salaries they would continue to perforin their duties, and they went down to their graves with untarnished nnd honorable names that will never accompany Justice Strong to his eter nal resting place. While it may be right or may not bo vory objectionable to pension men who have held distinguished Judicial tinrtitinnp. wlir.ii rlii.iilili.ii hv ncrii mi iliu. ii - j -i ease, it is certainly Iruo that such mer cenaries a Strong are not entitled to it when yet in robust health and as able as ever to do tbo work of the place they so eagerly sought. In fact we never could see what moro claim an oflbo bolder bud to be pensioned in old age. and for the reason that he could no longer perform duties, than the honest laborer, farmer or artisan has. The claim of the latter is really strongest, for they do not bavo tho samo opportunity to lay up money to support them when decrepitude and disease overtake them. Hut however that may he it is certainly an outrage to lax the peoplo P 10,000 per year to bo handed over to an old miser who is capable to perform duty lor it, but whose greed drives him from high po. sition to resume the low lovel from which he started in order to accumu late an additional degree of wealth that can never bo of practical scrvico to him Well has (Strong earned tho mean distinction of being the most dis creditable Justice thut over sat upon tho bench of the Supremo Court of the L'niled fHutes! He was a tit Instru ment to assist nnd lead in stealing tho Presidency from tho people. Clinton Drmoir.-.t. THE QUESTION OF ISA JllJJTY. (ieoree Tichnort.'urtis.wbo has some considerable repute as a constitutional lawyer, has by request of a Xow Voik j paper, communicated to tho public bis I views on tho new and interesting rjucs ' lion nt tho I'rctidonl's inability, which .seems to be contemplated by tlio first I section of the second articlo of the i Constitution. Mr. Curtis does not, liko some short-sighted peoplo who havo been discussing the matter, seek to evade the plain constitutional direc tion, and the manilcot declaration of; tbo instrument that there can bo a! disability other (ban the total iorapao ily of the incuinhettt arising from deutb, resignation or removal ol the ('resi dent by Impeachment, Mr. Curtis appreciates und acknowledges that tbe Constitution plainly provides fur cases ol Inability to discharge tho du ties of tbo ofllco by Iho lixeciltivo. volion thee dnvnlffn ntmn thn Vie. ! President Ho further points out, what is clearly truo, that there mny be a case ot "inability,'' In which the incumbent of tbo office can intelligently und conscientiously perform one official act, and at the samo time be unable to djschargo all other ofljeial powers and dutitis. In cither event, whether ot total or partial inability, (ho func tions which the Jiiocutivo cur.not per form are not to be unperformed, for "cossation of the Pxcculivo power, an annihilation of It. is in law an impos sibility. A practical supponsion of it is a possiblo occurrence, against which 1 ,Ji,7lint ,1,1.11,11 iiuc lllluuuuu IU IIUI II The only question loft undecided by the Con.tilut.oii, and the question n u t noo u. ..iu iirin iiiijniruiiik u for Mr. (iarfield's total "inability'1 cannot bo doubted is as to jo shull determine when this inability ariecB. Mr. Curtis is of tho opinion tbat in tbo absence of any direction it is settled by tho following clause in that pai l of the Constitution which dolmen tho power of Congress: "Amo? to nakt all lau tetict .Ariff te oeceeeary ono p.o;,err carrying into tjrecutioa lAe or.go inn oolncr,, and all othm if ey 'Ai. Coa.lirNli'nn to Me Ooeeroeieal o lae tnilrd Slain, or l. ooy 4'partmtat or oict iktnnf." Under this, Ur. Curtis intimates that Congress might doclnro bow tho inability is tu be determine!, or that it really waists, whon tho duties of tbo I'rosnlency per 11 would dovulve upon tho Vico-President, tbe same as in case of death. But Congress has not done this, as yet, and there is no power S&7S in tbo J'renident to convene it fur this or any other pnrpoae. Mr, Curtis' bint that Mr. (,'artield might convene Congress and yet be nimble to do any other Kxecutive act, and thai. th. conrc.,1 I 'nnorM. tbat the convened Congress might consistently so Hud, is uubuppily set at naught by the melancholy lact now all too plain, that the i'residonf. is no moro tit to intelligently issue a cull for a mooting of Congrers than to do any other ollieial aot. Lancaeler In trlligenctr. THE (IRKESBACK PARTY There will probably always be a third party in our politics, tint its name and purpose will. change with shilling circumstances. For somo years past most of the third party vitality has been exhibited by tho (ircenkacei crs, who have been ready to associate with tbeir bobby any other political object that might give promiso of help ing it along. Originally tho Crocn. back party had for its purpose the pro. ventinn of a return to specie payments. It had a special antipathy for coin ; it demanded that the public debt be paid in paper notes, and that these notes br. maintained in oirculation by the flat of the government, without any intrinsio valao or promiso of redump tion behind thorn. Things rather went against this plan, and, with the re sumption of specie payments and tho disappearance of any chance of gain by paying bonds in notes which had been made redeemable in coin, there was a noceeslty for a change in the aims of the third party. I u first move was to associuta with itself the Work ingmen's party, and alter figuring for a short time as the ".National" party, it finally settled down with the com pound appellation of tbe Nritional-(ireenhack-ljebor party. It will be first in the field with il tickot iu this State, and tbe hopolul Chairman of J its f tato Cummlttc predicts tbat it' will poll 611,01111 votoe. It isdillliolli for the calm ondookor, who sees and hears neat to nothing of any green back or labor movaaent, to surmise where tiiese votes are to come from or why tbey should be cast for the fr'a- tional lireenhM'k loaJior UcKet ne Jfir 7tmri. ! 77 A' nKMOCHA 77C I'll IM 1 ft V ! . r.7. .V7 r).V. 1 7' III'- l w.f..- Pi..', to of Ch;irll-! i ( ''jtiiu i : . In oKud. en 0 to tlie rub" i.vei uu'ii; ithe Jleinoeri.tM- taii'ol i.'ltuilieM lOOUIlty lit I In' I'riniiiiv' Klii'tioii. the i County C.,,iiniitee bnehy gives notice llint tno election lor iuie,'uies. i IU insiriiclit.ii ol sucu .l.ilegates. bk 10 f'liiiiiiniiii'M ii tr i ii m di'Vt'riu iniict'H itt mi . a l i f l .... - I uitH iif.'ii, win ur iu'ui iil nit-'i iii'N iioubo in me wm iktoiil'Iih unn towrmliiii'- in puui cnuity, in SATUK- DAY, THE SK K.NTKKNTII DAY ilOKSEPTKMUHII. A. 1). 1HS1, bcein !Tho election will be held by tbo Vigi j ,n"cc Comtaiuee. who ate tho Klection iJoard, under our rule, nr... iro iron Htitutod n lullowa. VKIILANCI CUMU1I1JII. FON Utl. UiiurLtU borouib Mutt. In in, lUvitl Mhnf fty, William M.Wmc I' i i, if I Mtir, H. Umd. CirAll burtuah Jbn llullihnn, W. 0. Cr rrann,(JtrontHMtr.J. K. 1'owrH, Vf.A. Il.rr. Cunrptifttll horouKb John H. NurrU, Apgnr Ifloom, llrnrr hn, Jiirti' Mcinur, n. li. Thnmpttnti. DuHnii bnntuix'h . J, Mitui, Michael riim muni, J. A. Terfifl, Alfred Harm, Juk. H. Trlr. (Jim Hof'fl hnroiis;b C. J. Krugj, Abmbtio OrCD, II. A. Wright, Utorgr W. Ioltg, .futio i 11 indmen. umdio Urougb t'siriok bi.iua, II. H. i !!"!" T' F""' " W""J"' Wfiriin Lfltnbor C'.lr borouati iaaoo llainvr. J. U. Heiihurn, J. ,1. Hlcrlioir, .Inmei L. Currr, (arer-l U'll)T. -Nowtiiire; tnrounh - M. TYwr, .liihn Red tlen, .loho P.Miller, B. liildel.raml, UiikI Worrell. .New WsKhioftton borough William Mnhafler, S. T. MnrhHI. Ut..ijc ilarrlo;, Adorn llrctta, Pr. nib P. Ilennol. Oioeol bflroogh J. 11. 11. Walter, John P. Mela, Urn, Han; Parka, lleorto K. Jonea, J. W, Kiaer. Walloton lMiroii;k.-M P. ltrldjr, .Tol.n Wal bronb, Frank lioaa, Oonriro Kinlgh, Fred Camp uiou. liot'oario townrtliitv Jlm It. Iiillrn, lletuian Fri-k. A. i. Fry, Fred Sbnlf, W. J. MC"J. Bell townablp lamea . Mofloe, Frank M. banejr, Jidin M. Ri'la, Janie. C'onjibell, Cbrnl. beiricKer. Ulnom toWDchip SHnev fiaiith, H. C, Ander. i-n, Cilria B:tr, Jftbn K. F111M. Frank I M 'Utitle. Ororni M.Htural, taac Bib, Tliotca Bi-rm. llrartford twDfhiii KH SoulL Kdward John H. i.eatbirl, W. P. Wilfrn. tin.-, Krlilcr. Brady tnnfthii J. W. forp. P. N. liood lau tor, J. II. Kirk, II. M. SeyW.r, Jeg Line. Hurniittf tonbip Jno. tnriDaD,Wilon King, M 10 tmul ttfiffMRtr, iiidrun LHeii, Pattr Uok . . . . 1 .... . r.,,o..,,nto.n.bip-ll.rif. Michael., Joph Moon, C. T. Uraw, A. ounir. Warren Ikll, tllrard triwimhip W.K. Uilhhod.K. A.Migtiot, Joarph Marat, ii. W. 8 leaver, Jamei IVtewart. iio.-beo towni-hip W, M. Wilnoo, Thompson Raad, U. (J frlntw, .lame B. Onhnto, j! hert K. riejrai Uubin ton,hipJbn W Turner. Dale, lisie H'llhroek, Jncob HinetiHrt Kvler. Thorp, MMtke Johnson, A. .Soioover! i J. A. Koala,. liuliob loi.n.hip-11. 0. FIjdu, If., S K lu.:. u 11 II i uv t. iiii " lluitus tun.hlp-ll. L.'llorninS, tleo'r.o W. I Wearer, Thuuia. II, U1107, K. ii. taooilsard, I J. A. Mrtjllli., jr. I Jordan toonhio J. W. John. i.n. .1.. McOne I ban, Dr. A, E. Trefwell, Mlcbal hniith. John I IMcOrackao. j iluT1'UVMnr','rM',,'nK'1'' f G""l I tckl.lL ' ' ""' ' rZTy a a v , 1" r! ' I d" l"''i"" r''" """" tl'losst" r "I lo I o eommnn. W o speak Irom experi 8,7 c "' C"",IJ' ' ,,wi:r,r;Vfit'",,.?r''il,,.,M W fricn"' bcn wo ? l-utkersU,. ' . , . I eholl I "peeiullr eotforth sol renflot Itr the T . : : . i, , , torln,lon li..n.l,j.L. L. Hood. t. Mijnot, i ,Bij, f ,, p.,.n., ..,cb eomiilalnt a' 1""'C 18 a StwIInK bealtll restora frank !.ei,er, It.wlandhonnedy, Peter U.rneir. i ah.ll h.e tbe riarht lo eonteit tbe .eat ,,l aurh ' tive und Will do fill that is claimed . - I It shall tie III. duly or the I're, idem oT the C'.n hnoi tow..M.-Koo. Pl;..,n,, May., , ,., l0 c, v0 , ,,,,, ,, ,, or Hr. I. C. Kobm., II. J. bloppy, II. I Ko.l.. , , io cnrd.,., i,h tb. ir..t,cion. : and U.tence to.ochip-A. M. lib,,,,,. John .',, d1 ,(.,.,.., , Mwg .ball be llo.e, Aaron (I. k r.p,ee, . lift... J,hn A. ; ,,.,, ,pciirl ,,, CMivenn,., ,,, u" 1 . 1. n . w ..,-, ! bll not bo elijille li.,py oiic nr or lr.Jl 11 v'i '1;,h,','-rV:r Mo,W' ,A' C ,"''""' " P"" P '" ( ' B. r . Wilbeltn, .loiorF 1 hompaon, .Inme, Hofier I Peon ton,blp-l). T. Shorn. Win. freeman. ; " ' "KV 10 i,,Arii. Wm M. Hoolea, Martin M. Fl.nn, J.din I'entl. 1 Pik tovnnhir bamuarl Moorv, U'. A. Hurttr, Jstnei C. llnonl, rirk. Sandy township tbwaite, 1 .1 man. tin llgoV avni'inal tcKan- a" R , "i" 7 i I nion towo.liip Wit. W.'I't. t H. Dru.ltf, Fcrdlaand ifcjtor, I, E. Qilnm. U II l,lordt Woodward i.mndtTti--i?. H?. hm, John rii Siuinli. din (tar, Ua.irpti W, I.Nairro, Jaa- i'moio ''""' T- licnder.m Kvory Iemocrati: eieet' i has the i right, under imr rules, to vote for 5r;r . t-, ...... f . Two perf-M for lowm,' ut. Twoparaoti lor AutKior. uoe perrn ut n-inijr .m-r. And J'pr t)!2 pfnjier Hi irjlj'.'l u ilt-i. if alts axHk'nocl utnlcr rt: i ".1. lo chui election district, not les tbun two in i I' , i .1 . i" . every oatta. 111 tho lonilfttll f ,uw liilvll.llinst I n,, i, i i , i clccliouH, tlio County t'ljmtiiittcc has no power under the rules to usuifin moro than two delegates to the new vlislricts until after tho next tiorcrn- or'a olectin, when iho vole cai shall sett p tlio ipiofltion. 1 110 (Icleuutcs Will meet 111 the ! -olll't 00IJ) in Clearfield, on XL'KHUA V, SKi'TEMUKK TW K.VTIKTI! nt nn. I finely 0110 o'clock V. H., 8 III) there and br ll.e Ceu.te Cowioltla.. and uch .lc. t.lten thon piOCCcd to nomilllllo tulldidatesj t'""! thepart. ir.aj reituir. for Iho severul offices uboro named, and ' '! 7 tlV!'. " ! Vn. . , , ., . , r. . i or ulber roleebl, iblcg, or aecept the liromte, of to select three bcnatoriul ( enforces lOj.nj ois-iderallonor r.e.rj,, meet liko Colllel-ees fl-om the cnunlies: or aecurod to blio, or aov i,,rfon for ,ucb d,l of C'enlro and Clinton, tor the purpose j of uelpcfin. a .Senatorial delegate lo lue 01810 UOnVCnllOII, atlll Olle IJ.-lei.n as l!epiescnative dekwdto ro the same ( Convention, and aleo to elect a Chair-j iiuu om. .i..lll.l .i;inilliir i liminil-, ic tor iooj, as wei as up' fitnpr matters pertaining lo onr party inter ests, it is the dtwire of the County Coin. nuttoo tliut tho members of the ig- ilaneo C'omniiltee, or Klection Hoards,! boat the Klection House nt tho time appointed, and bo prompt in tho dis-1 I' ', , ,'. I . I intuitu ui ine iiiuics enioint'il upon them. I lalunl; I'unns will be fort, aided for, I tho qualilication o th(,. o holding tho . oloclion in acuordanoo with tbo vocent Act. nf Ao.,ml,U- a,,,r,.o..,l 11.0 ink day of .lune .d the illth day 0, June I rir.!. -K iwT. i It will bo further second section of the Uter Aet, kleo-l lion ollicers or voters violi.ting any of ; the rules or ihe Democratic party of f l,.nrill,l on v .i.u. . Clearfield county, are subjeet lo a fine oft JIM), I The Chairman id' oai h Vigilunco Committee lias already boen fiuniiihed with a eopy of the Aom indicated, as well as limructions how lo proceed In tu luomitnt. ... .1. T. Ut rtciiFin.n, Cliiiiimnn W. E. Wai.i.ack, Secretary. Clearfield, Aug. Iltlth, m. PBMOCBATIO ritlMAR? II.ICTION Ull.MH or CLEARFIELD COUNTY lHhl. 'OCBTT COMMITrKR. I. Tha oriinitatlot) of lb Coanty Com on I a shall b and ramaio ai bow eomiitotarl that ia. 11a maabor Atravrtv borourband towijihip aad athatraian, whlh OoanBlttoa aball ba al-fird t aDnuallvbythaiJaUiTaUa.andthairterm nf oftet t aball h(iiil at Jannarr fcllowlria thflr alartlna. I or tnr. MLitn atri ap no wt rut ion. 1 Tb nnrohir of dlfrati to which ach. din irlct it tilled tl bawd opon tba following ruin, that ta to aa; ; liU ajwioo diatriot in tbo eons ty p'-lling on bpQ'irtd Iraranaraii toioi or phall bo an titled to two doivfataa a tool a U I y, and lor aaeb additional a huadrad Iaaifmratic rotoa, or fraction g'Mtcr tat4B onm aftf tharool, (lollrti ia laid diatriot at tha laat prwodioii (lovaranrV alfcltoa, an adilillonal daUgafi, and nndrr Ihl rata tha 'ollowioj allotmont of delcfatf la now mad for lal i Bumiid borough I CovlngiaM M Clarft)d 8 Paoatur I Carwonivillc t rVtrntnii I Ho Hon Ulan Up. .. I nirtrj liiissale beneBia our cheese factories bv I " J i furnishing another market, il doe. not tt 9 Nawriur. , 2 lluitoa.H Oaoaola Wallacfton ftaevarta, Ball. Itloo KH Hraitfnrtl UraJy attrni(Je Cbat , Total . , I Jnrtlan . 2 Kanhau ,. 1 Knot . 3 Lawrtno...,.. . X Murrli . J l'enn. I Piho . 4 Hafidv , t I Biofl , W-K)iwari.. .::;: i i i 1 1 ' """""' - si bleitioi tan punas or riiim,. S. Tba Aelettlt tlertioa, toil Cotlllr Conrta- tion hitll b. e.i.erned tnd nondseteS etrletle It toeordate. wilb 1. followt.e enlte, ttd tbe CBalrmaa at Ibe Cottty Cowo.Utet ihtll bt tertotllf tlteled be tbe Connie OuBeentHin tad .ball be te eiei't Ibt fre.ldeet 01 ttl Comi; teOBTWtloBt. TIVB tf BtSCTinsi. A. Tbt tlteiios fof SetesBtt), to vepriMeal tbe tloulidala 7 Mi.iban M. J Lanbar city t iirwxawwd fjpnimnce tbo popularity ol Ami'itran Naw UaabiDKion i Oniieh ilrhcwao. Iioiti aoltl undor f'alaa proton- diffvronl illilileti In Tb ftaiiuol Ilciiiut-rttlf IN.ns y rnii'unMon iIiaII l nal't ol llio u-tiftl filB.-e at b-iUms 'ho Rfoornl elculiiiOi lor iu-h .lutrlct, i.n li, SnmnU .rocollnif III IMnl 1 iKtiliiv ol' hfil3it.T, biii'it tho I Tt h tlili v-itr: tgiiinln, l I ,'VliM.ii, I'. M,.ol niifiotii. WU ft H.'l-tl HI.KI ri.ii. it. 'Hit .ld ilolOifileoIoetiullli liiAlt be bvlil tij oti oliwtlcn l"mrd. lo ouutut of tbn msaborior tbo Cuiittv Cuoiuiil'oo fur vuch dltlriot, and torn oibfr lUtaonrofo totem thereof, bo ibell bo ( ,,,,,, 'lil'jtnoted hjr the Ooomy Cum- .!.... ' K 10 rilX VAI 4 - " ..-....,....... "Ilu hMot frt,m " ''" ,,( huimm ,(ir r union Icr . ittjirioroi nu i lr ih iiuta I'lioibifa, siy Nulw i iri, mr ui.D(fis tn : r..? '"" r ' " . T " 7 ' l)(OI' Tatb rot-rs prefent ot the tune 'Jl'aflFlCATIOSOr VUTKBH. . Krel.t iiuallfied I "tar of the dielrlei, i.l.u al the loa eanerol volet Iho I'emoorallo ,1c. el, ah. II l,e enml-d I., onle .1 iho ,lele.l, eleriejDB ,,J,ir;.:r wbV!hfb7."i"" dtkjfoiUt vtiiwd for. lORclbtr wiih oy lurur.- tin Nbivh tb voter' may Jri lofW tbe !.. oona. or i linn, abieb tbe rotormar dieire tovi.e tbo dele. I ulo or dvlealoa. Kai-h ballot to bere.ieiied ,., ihe n.,i ..,. 1.. . ,.r! ttio election board, and by bin driio.ite.j iu a! box or other roeep-jielo prepared iurtbol purpoae.j to which boi or ctlirr rroeptarlc 00 pereou but tbo nembera of the eleellnn board hare I e"ee. j """" " S. No in.lroetiooa .ball bo re-ieivoil or niaen unir.a loeaoue be voted upua tbe ballot aa b. h.i. k.v.,i. n; .1, k k. itonl.m.. l( n.i.j ui'.i tbo ball it, bo biodlo upoo oho ball or more ol Hie "".i"' ...''T ".!'' Miuff ufficw Whenever bull or mr'uf il.o btl lots ftba.ll rooiiii, nrruo(in eonrtrnlnjt any ofllo. tb -MBiva itwitt at ttjcb elect it n ball buld to br In-tructri lo fup.urt tl. onditiat ua3Tii)K u" niKDrt n-imrnfr ol office. vote; fi.r inch Tbit When cotlitlate hvit.g rotVivod the ?."'".'"'" "."'"u """.""""'itwimn tbe imrlv in nower and the iiuui tun ron to accorunno witn nuie I tiirtrentb. triri ioMi their toim for tb.c.ndidi.ii.bavvinfi rMlv tilt Mlt biRhwt Bumbor of tot.. iU iti -tiitriot : v(trfri,ihf.t mich onii.lilt thall i . - . i-" -.r bnvo rcocirrd OM-fourtb lh nuu.Ur of 't P(!m0CUltH t'SChOW the luv polled fr the fimtitUtri. ; inli tihiV of moiioy in tho jiolilii ul can romtLCTiiiQ rhi ii.eimoB, biitlnki. Annti.iii.4. j vush, rondiiinh iti umploy mont t the y. Kfb fVtltn wrj fliall keep an rftirt : pollfi ultotitlu! ami inmxt upon th" 'n- :!::,iinE,7hii;;:,T,;;,;i7,':r tli1u,la"H u"-iMi br lull and c.uipieie reiom ol eoeti oteettoa eoo . ' "r"" purohasuble villus may be lost, Uiniog on a'-uorato atatement of the pvra.n. i but ill the lonj. lull Votes of tlio un- 'Dll)it B 'uurat tatement of the .n olrctad .laUatei and all iDRt motion vtr,!, -h i , tMin, lipoo printed blnkr- to b (uroiili-d hytU'1"1' ,,i7''t LOUrt'T. lViuQt Coii'uiitiw. ! aj a.. - -u!iTnf.ii!ifj skit 01 um Kh, 1 1: a i ii, r '. j A Tool iKii Mimakk. Don't nmko 10. WhrnTfir from any diatri it, iiiaiKietl lien,, i t lit (.Iritako I if OOH lull tilling a roniCtk er.iifl toitri.l...UmHya.UaltoB acknowledged nt-Tit Wilb tho IIU- cll-atat wlilrb aurb diainct baa in (!(innr ' ... 1 1 .k.n 1... : i .- . llturOUH ( UaCK ma k iiuh hut urn nnw x. v... . - u ...... , euinviuiyigiu iu snuiirg sn us. Hn.ih oinoi.inf .h.ll h h!.J..i or .p nuoo c 'uipiami auan o nari Hy a Uommltlaa of tli CunvvotioQ, winch Aula Couimittaa Imll j pr"ond to brar tbo parlici. iluir troof anil' nf til a, rf.l. u.lssln .nnn toted iha Fraaidrnt al1)t'ttioni, and toon b niriy b rapirtd lo ilia u-nuninD nai qeiefratan are ontltledtoi A 0 K.-r.,ii, ei.u .un lu.i.uciiun. ore oinoinj Jar.i "P "u"u delenalce. Whereup .n Ihe Corent i.iu , ""'ihoii proceed iin.oediateie.opoo tho can of 'be ! tobh amt nay,, to o'lopl or reject the report uf ,'" "' oll of lb, ,c,. j i are ncntftjjtrd or whose t not rue ti una aro diapn'ed, . ,hll , unuic'i. "Mlli ...., ..LK.n,-,,,,,,,,,,... 1 All delejfale, muit re., da in the di.triot Ihcjr rrprereul. In ce'e e,bcnoa or ir.abiliij to ntlelid. rolxtitntior u, ;v be made frmn ei:l. ' ,h" di.lri.l. hi'st obit is.Tt,Tioaa. ox as sxraLLau. "'' h" "t'xcMosi l..o "l""",cl.,.nd It .Mated I'L lo U'nrrnlion 0 oialority of all the dele gjler (ball be lo nomination ; an d 1 u : pernio n.lLf l!iill be e,olitied Iruo the li.l I of candid.'., uonl olur the 81 Silt ballot or I ", . . .1 III T,,, ,' o I'" , I llbr omitud and -rock from tb roil, th . ,e i aill'i IO OR jt ti"" I fie vol, belween t aro or Bv-re of Ibo candidote, 1 tor env oliic, duriox the balloting of tht del,, j fnui. Ui'U lo lh,l co.a Hie cacii.ll baring re ceived Hi, I'.oe.l uipu!ar rte .hail be dropped, I and Ihe bal'e'iOf: proce-d. j rrtaLrr roii ..uwiTrtsn rsit'O. itn iainmy. 1 'vTt 'lr; ! it P,u 'n ,0 r puid njr mono, or olb , ltlj;.,,,e ',Mo(( ir ,, promiwof a1 conHdrrnion or rw,rtl to any prnn for hit! j roia or iialliiftn'e, to wr-ira tho de1rate 1mm any ' !ditript, or bail fl.fai or paid auf ifionrT j 1. rr ... . . . ,. , , , n,-, r proimrwi any cipnaemtion , or r'd, ti any detfa'atf for hii roti, or to anj olbar paraoa with a viaw of tD'tulrioi or oacur- tnC vol pi o( dlpiua, or if tha wa ihall u '''""' '') ; "Ibw ocreoowllk i the bnoeiledge a ci'n.eni in ,nn raniuoate, tie name ol ,ui,b nondidnl. ihall be tuiniedialole ,irtok,D from lb. tiat ot nondid.tM, nr it ,ueb fa,t b. ..eertoined After bi, BolninatloD to an ofnee, nnd before the fio.l a.ljournui.nt, Ibe name of the nominee eh.ll b. etrnok fiom the liebet and Iba vaoanejr aui plied by new sominalion, .ad In either ca.e och i;"""" ,b'11 w nj numin.tii.s ,h,e,f..r. And in ball 1. .Me,i tlle: by Coneenllon. or to an elerllon a, . delegate thereafter. And in eae It ,h,ll It alleged tiler I ttio odiournmeut ot tbe Convention Ihot ane ean. the adjournment ol tbe Cunv.ntios tbot .ni .an f'1"'" IIU ' sominnliii. bu l,ceu coillj ol u. t " I "' ",my " her Ir.u.lul.ot nracirce. to .lit.ia "' InJ;"""" ' hi. vot. ,,on p,o.r I'lTXlZi bll not be , a dclr;l lo acjr lulure -"ni' ""i1 s m.ufibi. to .nr rn; ",'"11" I; iK, t0 01l., ,.mcr.tMM. ja. c.,e. ariMng under the rule, b,ll ban preoedenee Orel all otber b,u.iriel ip Convention,, until determined. Hraria.i or nil rotvaerlot. li. Tlie Cnnoty Conrenlion .ball neet tnnn- elle. tH ll.e C.,rl ll,..,.e el I e'nWb P U n. ibe third Too lay of septeuibe,, utorstuHEstt or rtwt,. ' Tin same, .f all the candidate, for otic. . .1 """fT H " '?!!" "f' l!'"1"" to lh lime of holding tbe primaev eleetloo. J. P. Hi Kt'lll IKI.t), Chairman. Wa. K. W.i.L.ct, ecrtlary. ouk trade" with 1: pro pp. . ''"''' " "''" cZr M "Our Consul at Manchester, Kn. the best agent or" '' iy K',,od" t 1 h.oro " lar,f0 1Dm'.liel J'"'?14."'1 f"r American productions if " "l-i'lass ; none lor inlcnor articles. lie also alludes to the prevulenl pine tiro of llritioh dealors in disguising Amnncnn nrovininria niirl ti.llimr as Knglisih, and lo tho ban-baxard wuv i in iicn H'litijliillieni" t'( porisllBI'IU u l,ii.. ,,cl, f .i j 1 1 ! ui.K ive i,.i,., iiu.ii 1 iim illt'Ut I aro sold, so as to bring but small prices. Somehow, the text and the context, of I tbe Consul'r diwoumc don't seem to! ogreo. If tho bol American goo.l. ! ft 10 to bo Kohl u T)!fUU at big hi Pf'fe it ia hard lo aue bow ft dcnimnj i W art auiborMi to aanoonno ih. n.m. 0f fbr COn(Hly Amrirftn protluotn inTH(MAS UAIIAFKKV, of N.w Ha.b.OeTtoD to lo tTtiatcti without aothu active uml (illlciont aircnt to look aliur tho i ti lor es i ut tho American shipper; ami aimiliirly, if porinhaHo arlictua from llii a i(Jtj of lliii ttfittir arn In hn onnpi. ri00tl lv the cr.nsnmpi fl II.,, nnoil nf a V l"e C''"8" t W1U net'U 01 a proper ntfCtlt .tOCOIIIOH al mora OVI dunt. 1 tte l art no doubt i thul there in a prejudice in Uritinh mimf auitml Arnorican prodtieia, pnrlly tluo to the Yunkoc proiHnnitv ttt work off inlorior tfoodu, bnt flili niurp tq thn Knulial : belief that, nothing pnKlubfMl ny- whortJ ran Cijual "what Wp aV0 at1 omo, y know." I , , u: r Kr..T,l,,,.t '"urKr vun ol. 1 tbo "hnglish" Cheddar, Nltlton and , Cheshire ebenso sold in Knglund is made in the 1' niled States: but. whilo t . a ... era. i ho ironaul s iuft (hat "narttivr nhi hboiild be formed Itetwoen American and Ungli-h produce dealers, I I much the inme as Knglish houses now combine wiih tho foreign trade in many iiarls of tho world forthesnp- ply and sale of goods of various kinds," good, with tbe saving cluttso thai ltbo r.nghsh partner should honostly inlorm the uiil'l ul'lio that Ihe goods are American, und induce their salo on their own merits. In this way, and by scrupulously keeping up the stand ard of the goods to the very highest point, an increase Id tbe popularity of American products and in toe demand for them ran in time be secured in Knglant). THE PATHWAY To DK. MO CHA Tir Ti:l I'M PH. 'fue 1,'i'i'Ubln'an utiy lif. ti. it ratil.s bists ut wculii.v in it Mp,ie garl pat tir.un loyally ao u spi eii il reh'oh at d oontMl.nie iil'.'Ciils' to paity tictiesH. N(,t. ;i le.c ' ni'ir.over, owo their money tilbcr (In rei tly or indirerily t-1 guteninieiit. la vors. It husan iniioruse (orce nfotllre boldeis, Stiite ami .Naiional, who can up ttftM'Hrtci. roundly im fiin.)iuii;ii x inr.M ... I h. .... i .. i,.hi- i... i . . i tJ i " . ....i,;... i ........... in iti runic lias carneil In; money , ri ; ways nitgctber iiiicuooecled with pol ! in- J oml ti.ula .;..,,..; ,,, ,1 ,,. I ,,i i. a! "' It for political purpostS. .Mdieovci, the purtv bos been mil ot' power in the ; -Nation tor twenlv years, ami nut uf V Ul lb0 utJ '"r1 Uurin j Oi pruleHHIOIiul politiciuilH Ui Ut. Ill' a wonl. tho one urirMiiiKHLion im rii'li ' a word, the OI10 OraatliiBlion IH ri'dl d. j .1 . 1 1 , "d tbo other poor, and in a contest willed Call be decided tV the leniflb of the plirso tho jteptltllieatis niUSt tri- llln(ll Au - ' ,, 1 'nr"' r0 nilUlir 01 P01'1') Iholl, W llBI IS the best COI1IK0 fiir tlio I Democrats In sucb a condilioii nf thinK? Simply lo ubat.don the nsej ..f ,,..,-. i ,; , ,, ,, I money in oleotiuns lo the niiitlt- j (an party. Let us acknowledge tbul titflltilur the devil with tire is not only I itiful hut loohali. Tbo eorruntior. rft ' politics, ho rile duritii; I lie last twenty I voars. has beon due 10 Kenubliciin ex- i i rnviiiriirw.i, unH H l..t A,;.,,. 4V.. tl. ,JV,- V,,,M ,,,, xllV UctllOt ra y to do in to join itsHUO on that point Jruw tho iinu dourly ho - r" J . r i and tho party of labor the party of l-UVftftrUB Rf.fl fhn ti.rtv nVnnonn. miiTi.asHhln nii .lit v will ..- .minml .n , .. J1"" "V,f"0n rul""U ,,,r I'lHMlniatloltl . lui u,t..;n . , . , u "J v ' ft'lvet liHet.ient. Tinufi. 8-3t.4t- -UUUlllll rillMU9, . , . p T.I. e, . , n . nmnvj election, SaturdaV Sept. 17, - ra.. ihe fee, nii.t be paid in ftdfanoo, and ill be a. lollimi : l-ur Treamrer. SKI. lor A.. aoalal, Jodtre, for Couniy Coion,iaiutier. in. for County Auditor, $0, Thi, nil I pay for M. Ono ticket, t..r each nondidot, and the u.ual lection blsnta. ASSOCIATE Jl DUE. We are suthorl.eil to annnonoo the naino of J'ltl.S I.. CI trLK, ofCler6eld, a. a o.niidola for tbe office ol A.xociete Judge, aul.jecl to Iho role, Kvernioe the lleraocratie porlr. l'oM. Sii., uddreas, Ce,'r, 4 We are aulh'Tirrd In aufi .unce II.. name of JIUIM HOC KKNHKKHV, ot cbont to.n.h.p, a, jiui kiiidi onice oi A.iocia'e Ju.lo, euh ' jeet ti. lt,e rule. ( .verniot: the Democratic porty . ; t'o.t,.hcf ad. I;,.., ycl'berron, rV j Wni autli iri.ed to out, i;nce the name of 1 JACiltl W. CAMPIIKI.L. of 11.11 ti.n.hio. .. . "anoioate lor in, otticc ol Arioclat, Jodja, .objeol ' ' '"'t' '"-rumg me jau)n:rotir prly. I'' ll"lt'c oddrcM, Co.h, To. DAMK1, W. HuoilE. of tWfteld borough!. a.hjNt to th. rub. .o-mln4 .fa. Uemocrauc ' " '"""" lo .onoono. .be hama ol iutjt Pu, adlie.., Cleaiflcld, Pa. We aro aiithnrieed to nanl.nao th, tiini of CHARLES D. H ATiON, of Id boro i.b, I -- ,.u"ie, i.Jr tae omoe 01 A'ltoeia'e Ju.lga , ...v... ,v ..eii.ieii t.c ..enoerauci 9 coath.,, ,,. W r ntborird to ano.ui.r (l,0 nHlt of DANIKIj KOOZKH, of Uwrooo town.h.p. rwdbUta for lb ra of Aoortai Jiidico, whjrct tv thf rult-i fovtroinjt tba Imocraiio Po.'toffio, nddrMi, Ckrnclil, P. He re .uiborlaed to b.nouno. lb. nam, of JutlN WALL, of Pen. loeimbip, b . csiididat. for the oflio. of Aernelat. Jadge, eubjeet to the rule, governing tb. Drmoerotle i.rty. Poetolbii. ,ddr,, Oriot.iiin flille. P.. TBEASfRKrt. W. are nuthorired to anooanc lb. nam, of candidal, for tb. offi-o of Tre.,urer, anbieot lo the rulea goeerning tbe I'emocralio party, u.,.,nn... ..i i i,l.,: .l ' ... jjiiub r. hl..KK.or llealor toonabip . ......... r .u",..., i Mii.uyrp, i. V. I... I. ... ... ' .t. J' . UAnil.p H 1 r.n A KT, of Bradford tcrn.hio. a. ... ... ..L ,u uuuyan-c me nam, 01 t for Troaturer, auhjaot to the rules governing the Detunoreiie party, Pn.tofbee tddrea., Woodland, Tt. Wear, authorised to tnnoanct tbe ntise of, TIl'iMAS A.dt'lllVRR, of Pikt lonn.hin. .. . candidal. f..r th. oflieo of Trea.urer, lubjeot to Ihe role, governing tb. Itemocratio party. Poalofbce lldrr,,, Curnenaville, P a'r ate tuil.orl,e.l to tnnonnc. tbe ntte of I JlllIN M. KllKl,.of UoUoia boroueh... candidate fur lb. oalc of Trea.urer, aui ject to tbe rule, governing Ihe beipnoralie paily, l'oitoee tddrea, UuUoL, P. We re aalborlied to tnnounet the ntmt of JOHN W. WKIHI.KV.of Cle.rScld borough, t, t otudidtt. for tbe oflice of Troteurer, aubtect tu the rule, governing lb. lletnoeralic pirty. ' Po.toOlce gddrc.,, CUarfl.ld, Pt. lVe art autboHred to tnootno. tbt ntmt of W. MILTON SHAW, of Clotibeld borough, a, t onndidat. for the odlr. of Trea.urer, .object to th. ml., governing tbe Ueinocr.tle parly, Poeluffie, ..Idreo, Cletrllold, Pt. We are authorised to tflnounct tbt ntmt of CIIAHLliS 60IIWKM. of Urady to.ntbli , ta t eonldAle for tbe oiot of Trra,urer euf.jeel to tht rule, gorerting tbe democratic parly. Poatcfiiot td Ire.,, Lutbcriliurg, Pt. W, art tolhorlied to tnnounr. tht nti.. of I' -Ml. I. HISIIi;iof Hrady town.hip. t, soaa dldtl, for th, offict of Tret.urtr, aubjeot to tht rule, governing the Democratic ptrlv. 'n,to";.ce tddrrti, Tr.iutvlllc Pt, CUUML-JlONBIl. Me ar. .,ilhorl,ed lo .oaouno. lb, nttoe tf JnllN T Ml HAH , of retgu.oa town.bip. ., a oandidti.fcr lb. nfflc ul Couniy Cmntnla.loner, atblect lo the rtlea governing Itit lleluoerttit ptlty. Po.toff.c tddrei., Marron, Pt. We at. authorl.ed to tntiioDoe tbt aim. of i"."?.1. NL1'' ?' p'1' ""'p. wndi- county tmauin.i,.r, ,11b. jtot to tbo rule, governing the tiemoer.tio ptrly. v.umjub auiir.-,., iiiooniiOg'on, I t. We art tmboriied to announce th. num. r ,(",!' P'CAaii, of Co.i,,gio townablp, a, a f?k "" of c"r 'i't"iioo.r, ' PwtoBia aJJrac, ri,.onlirilla, Pa. binwugh. an a fandidata far tha offitia of County Cotniniiaionor, aohjiwt ta tha rale gtirrrnlng thn DamoTatln (larly. I'ortt.lbofl nddreaa. New Waibingtoo. Pa. We ar aotbnrlrod tn anaoann th nana of WM.I.1AM P. Cll A CorwtaiTiltohr ouxh, ab a fur (ba ofUca of County C'tin niiioor, aubjx?t to tb mIm gorernlnw ibr I)ataocratio patay. Poatofliot ddraaa, Curwanf ilia, Pa. j ul"'id to annouoc tha patn of KLAH .10UNMON, of Ur-anwiwd towafbip, ai a caoitidotclortba nflio of County CommUaiooar, obtrt t lo thf rulaa govarnlng tb Uaoiorti I panr, PMt ad iraf, firampian Iliiu, pa. W r anhrlird to an notion th nVma of FRANCIS F. ( Ol TKHET, of Kartban. town- "-"'"""" MaCTjaSrs Uemoorttie 1 NmsHos ulSre.,, k.nb.u., ft. w trt auiburiiro' to tntounet tbe ,.n..i 'II;,',M M iimiom, of pit. i.o.h.p, , ZZZ.V'l Poaiofbe atldifat, U homing ton, la, Wa ar aulhnrlrad tn annnnnoo tb aama f (JIIUCON I). tHHtUFKLI.oW, f Clrarflalal hor- oon, a- a oaniiidaia iir tboR),o ol Cnunty Com i,?ti.K, ' """ "- I'oitofliee 1.1'trt,,, Cletrfleld, Pa. Al'MTnl. We tro tutborlied to tnbouoet tbt naeae of RHI HUN HTRAW, or jord.t Icon. hip, t, a otndldt't for Ib. otbe. of Auditor, .nlijeel to Ib. rtlea foecrntee tbe Uemnerttte ptrtj. fo,toK,.t iddn,,, Aniotrlllt, Fa. Wt sr. tolhnri,.d tt ttno.Bo. tht Bttat of BKNJAMIN KLINOKR, of l.'ke.t lown.oip... t ttndidott far tb. ttSet of Cuttr Aadltor. t.b. Jeet to lb. rnlM roetrolBs tB. leMioer.ttt part, fteiulfiot tdik.H, Mofberrot, r. Wt trt tntboriltd It tBBtBSOt tbt Start of f. 1. THOMPSON, tf tore.(b, t for Ooottj Aadltor, lubjeot to tbe nale. ironniBT Uit Dtaodrult party . tddrret, CBrweaatlllt, Pt. We ore au'b..rt'ud to inLouaoo tbo noma nil i. It I S 1 1 I KIHW,..r l.iKrroi- t"oi.hi., hi -nndi.lnu ..r I'lMinrr Auditor. olrrt u ido rulfi f..vr. r il.e ifiti. ratio psilj. I !' '..fllr.r mlil.a, ClrarfrH, t'A. I W- h'.'h'i'i ail tit B I. l,tiu t.r tiitf liillif v( olOIIN W . JldWI', ol i.aitrfBir MiMiHhip, fsttid'JaU lor ifat iitti'S' of ' ut'.T A'i'ti'..r, fiiitt tn li f'llrl (f.tVVrilUlt IrM iillljl." tts. H"" th'T ft' I !, t lf.rh.Md, I'u W.' to i ti ori xl Iu o'lnimu'i' H.n nmnai ptniiiiiiii-r dtr Ihfiiiri- ..f iV-.n-y A'i iM-r, icho.-t In llif ry. s)Vfrriini; Ihc Omix.orMt jr jmrtv Hi'pt-Hi-r n'tiirn, ll'.rl, rV (Jll v ",""or1'"1' n&n'jn'' til" Dotirit' nj ',ll ""wr, Hoa'iilllre oddroa. Karllioue, I'a $w Swdrcrtbrmfiits. AKNOMJ wants 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Uurwr.villi., Jnu, , :. - COAL L.VMIS UATE0. ! Mrw of bituininom eoal land .itua'a in OJlearllold osioty. Ad Ire. I Ihe uo ler.ixoed ! lllna location, nuuuer of oere.. nuoi'iar.n I eia e I of rein', anddliuona Ir.nn rollroij or rlrer. Ai 0 l" J. F. HNVHKII, ci.s.n p.. Atlorr ev-at. I. aw. Sipt. Tth, m I il. 0,1'urt n")l tburomb, n.ij eomi.Ime I I"-611"1 H1"'"''" in iho I oiKd iSttM. HfrW'-ncioi my$ in nuit-n. Hturlontu nlinft- : nny tiinr. Kor slrfluUr Kd'IroRa-. 1 J 0 '""MiTJi, A. M.( WinriH., 1 JlOITiaS A. JJllCKGlt. ' -DKA1.KR IN- 1 11KKKI1V lire notice to the eltlren, of l'ir prrpare.l 11 iU timet to furninb Umil. Bnd lie'd kod Iho aiirroundinf rlrloi'r that tnaoitfactiirlin tablfbmpnta with quality ot opfrmr Coal, Wood f Coke, U'bnh T am priparad to di ltvrr in a few lioun' notii-s). 1 mn wliar rcadr to hntil and dallrer ' trooi and to tht ilrput, or anywher !, and luoia fumilic Hhd houorhold gomli anvwhrro od 1 nh.rt notice. Tlln.v A. Dl't l KTT. j CjrarflflM, fa.. Mar. H, Uto It'. The jXcws From MOORE'S? THE? HAVE JDST KICEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots a;id Shoes, Hals and s That Ever Came into the County, AT THKIK STOKE, 110(1.11 0. 1 OPERA HOUSE, CEO. C. A TOM W . MOORB. Claarfiol l, Pa., Pa) it. tt, llfifl-tf. FRED SACKETT, MANI.'FACTrRKn, 0 . Tlu, Cojijior Shri'Mroii M'nrc, ALSO DEALER IX- Hardvyaro, Cook Stoves, Heating Stoves, Ranges and Stove Repairs. Wood nnd Iron Pumps, AMMUNITION AND FISHING TACKLE OF ALL KINDS. Rooflngt Spouting UONK ON SIIOIIT .NOTICK. Plumbing and Gas Fitting A SPKCIAI.TY. At.I KINDS OV OAS FIXTURES Kept eMHittaatly an hand. Fit UI SACKETT, CI.KARPIKt.n, PKNN'A. OUarlleM, Pt., Sept. T. Xf(lil tdwttsfinfnts. SherilTs Sale. lyt ttrtnt of writ, ol ..roe,' F,tn, l.-aed 1 oat of the Conn of Cominoa I'loet tf t'lttr. 'old toutlf, tad tt at dlrtottil, tbart will bt tpu,td lo Pt: 111.10 BALK, tt Ibt Court Hotel, la th. buruugh of Clttrtttld, on ThlirMliy, arptember Hid, IHMI, At I o'oloek P. M .lla foil. .win, dererlhed nti tettte, lo wit i Two oerttlt frame bulldin,. n. t dwellln, bou.t lhaSI feet, built on lei No. 40, tad tbt olber beiof a frame .bop, iir:nl fex, en lot td loioms tnd lot No. II, Wh Im, and baildini, bein, .Ito.le la Ibt rillage el Wtllaeetoa. Oi.m field eooniT, I't. Selted, teken tn aiHntion, and to bt ld ta Ihe propone of J. u, Uuthrle. Ttsat or si.i,Tht prlet or aunt at wbleb tht properly thill bt atruok of tautt bt paid at tbt lleae of tilt, or look ei her orrooneaenu tdtta will betpprored, otberwlet tht proper!; will bt iDBtditlele pal ap tnd (old lean al tht tipta.t tnd rl,k of th, ptrtoa to wboai II wa itroeb of, aad who, la aaaa of delettne; it tutb re-eale, ebaU mak, ood tbe laae, end in ao laaunet will tht U.ed bt preaanied ia Ooun fur cunurinallon ualaat tht naoner I, trtutll paid I. the Hherir. JAN. MAltAKKI'V, Ksatirr't Orrica. I sherif. Cle.rO.ld, Ha..Au(. Il,le. J SheriiT's Sale. IK V tlrtn. of a writ of Ffrm f'oeloe l.n. a oat of tb. Coart of Comesnw PL. ar ci.... bold oouatf .Ponn'o. end lo o.rii,.M.J k... ,it b (ipoaed I. PI' IIMU SAI.K, tl tht Court Hotet, ia tbt btroasb of CleerSold, fa., oa Thurwdtjr, HepttBjIier 9J4d. lewl. At I o'eloek P. M., tbt lollowlnf detertbee roil tatitl, tt wit All thtl torttla Irtet tf lead ailaat, la Burn tdt towatblp, ClMrleld oogalr, Pt , boaaded ta follow, i Ot lb tail bj land, of W Ilium OwtB, aad Jaaxt Owe.,, ot tb. eoatb br had tf Cbtrlat Siaetd, ta Ibt weal br land, of Atrol P.teblo Bad Dttid rtlloo, e tbt Borib br or Wllllta, 0ae, M.lalBlo( ana btsodrtd aoret, a. ore er ltf,wltb aboat rinr lrt aero, o wed , ltd B oel HAVE II HEARD CapJ Croat flifilbnufiits. !llfr 4-rC'iirJ uf plif.a fr on. nnt I n ag il)ni n ali'l liatu uf it, ...t it .-.i itti, lkn in rt.'i.tltn i ri if if of Juhji ('tinpiun. lh '. Ar-Hui ctitii.n li or lot ol fftouiiii ltiiotifj I til lk.-fi.urfb of I'ltjtnftltl, hitiDtJ dffkTlbed M iolldwn 1 Jlftioft part iif Mi Ki kiid ; 17 lu Mc!'fi' oiJJIllitn. .runiinjf nam bunIr-i ! ft el, to jrr qr In, un Wttlnut Kcttt, tnd bfing I ot.o buixlrrtj ri(i (Ifty fael tli, mors? or le'i, ! Thifititrtil.Oiltiiitr,iJiiij(bnrki(i tn Hvr.b'iuiid it nrt the Ktt ibirl f reel, on f b t lit lot ut Jui" U L' en die ("uili ly b tiloy, .mj , . , b h on iu nor in or ftiuu urti, i.ni4 uitmtin. o'm.ui 3"! HI lei-l, loo otorte. b'Kb, ond, al.oi llama .1.1.1. theraoh eiocled. K.l.,d, mkeo in eaeeotlo. .0 I lo l.e .o d a, the i.f j . il Ljk'.i piopertv ol ,1,. Petoodom J"!.. Hb-Mer. "';0' At) of iIid I)rti'UtUiil' inxitt in til tlnvl OiT - iMiQ tMiUi or lrct cl tiiitil ritual in Ulm'n town bip, '(rr.rbi euuoty. 1'. . l-oui, ltd tiJ Je - ; i? ::tr I lunj . Frank Orru u' r .1 1 On Ur on tf Un 1 f Kiln I.t Undo. C M. Ut.fl.oo be KtUir.urd OH the north by looloioin? Idl a:a. more or lea., orilli about lH acre, eleared, ft lMe oiebord jrooimr tboroun, and barlol steeled thereon . tram, boo, . I.r. bank barn and oihe, , ou'boildtmr.. Kelaod, lakan in ..K-u.ion and to be ,.14 a- the ,.,,., ol II. U. And...... ' ., . Ail thai ,'ertaio troet of laud elltiated iu the 1 toor.liipiif Jordan, in Ibe eouotv of Clenrfleld f ami Stale ol I'enn.Tlrania, bounded and do.enli.d j a. fiilloo.. lo (.it: IlesinnloK at n hemlock j: Ibeuee I., land uf Huiot tioulh btlo dizroe We.t 1J p.,eh... lo a po.ti .bene, h, lind'l Tboma. Metier Notlb 11 dejtoo. Wis i;o perch.-, lo "Mm u"-i iiiTinn sbiiu ui efurtnajB rierun North M -brrfi Kitrt 12,1 pft:b, In (ol ; tlipne liv In lot ot Jainet J.'tioo r-ouib 0 de gtmp Km'. 171 f)cr-bpi to a h in look tb f'lti uf tuioolOf(, e'lntriitilor on litiDilred inJ lUt-o-Ij-imd ifif ind forlj lx pcrrbM nod l!nw rro. bflffd, tK'!.t ft) I'loflUtlol, ttrl 10 bi lb pfnperiT of W. K. l'd'iDor. AI.PO, 'I4 ai h tt'vt criiim traot or lUi o U11J ilul r.- . tBMnrn.un.liiK in tbt nt IWni&W"" jUblt. f ,.,,. ui H.a.a ol urlvMU, l...U.lrd ,!). I i;".r:'1"l.l,",iaiUR' ' "' MurvllwJ ..I 1 loll'.n : MtKinninir nt a ot, tbe n'mhwext f.inn.r ot a I tiarl of !aod .itirrayoil lo the uama ut .lulin l''ict : tbroca hy traal of Und ruiveyad ib th- 04 toe ,t Vraneii Jubntlwu etut lii-i pen imi ( hy a oak ; tliencit t.y Irani of laml 'n th tama ol ObrUtophar liakr louih IS iM-rer..' u a atona ; tbanoi by Und of .l.nai'b baHtr Wfi l.tiA .rroli li a punt ; tboiicc Uy In ol iifotui! ,1. Wairoor, Jr , north 21!! prifai to tin (ila.-n ol itfiitioniPH. ;ouiainiii) ooa bun drt-d Ati,l ihrp acrf ni.4 tifij nto" j tTch an ) ll',tnc. wiih hbjut lUarrr, more or etr, "!nr, ed, at, a tl1'"1 J'fR urcharil uf tiflj lret ruw tt'K tbt-rn, aaJ hariti thtrfon crfrt"t a uia one dot r trnnto boars aLJ loff bur a. Si it-l, iikfn to oteroti'in, M t-. be e.Vl ni thr froj'1! tr ' f Jnhn Kcin. ALSO, Tti- jt itfitlant'i (atertsM jB all (Ittt certain tran -r fme of land iituattd in (irarnwoorj tovnibi,, rirttfiflil ooantr, Mat a of l'nnijlra nU, and deicnhftl at (ollowi, rut Bo - H'l.mriK Nt a otl eornar ia Ian4 of laid Uullibao Briber. tb-oro C ou.b 4V rtn. A Mfl p.r,hr to a poai : thence by land nf Arlhor Il.ll lock crner : Ihenoo be land of Hunter and Sow- ...V Norib SW d.Sr,r Ko.t M .tid LUI ..rcbe. ,0 "'' 1 Ibesee Ijr land of 11 i.llihao an J Itrntber. Nor.., H decree. We., I perebe. ,o ,b. oing.ooutaining 'ine hundred acre, more or c,a, ... bi .t, ,,,b .or.. ,.ro citirr.l, and tiavta tharoon arat J a aioaM h"ua nd Ins barn , S.i.,.,l f .b.H i . .1 ... ...I a- L. ... I .... I property Af Pmjl White. AIA' All thai ftrtaio f,kae or paroal at' tanj aitiaUd In Morn, t..i..hi(., Claartiol.icoualy, atd 8ate ol FeouiTU-aoia. boiinied and detwribad at (ol town llrtrtrifnc at a pout on Mobanon errk.' then h i.iorl of Henry lorala, M. U.. Ut, pert lii-i to a m pic ; Ihtnoe Nurlb '0 pTcbra It. : lain.-r i fir i pare iie-i (o a malc ; tbnm ny und ef t itbarma n vmi North fl nercheii to a poit : tbrnce bv -nher Inn U of .T.ii,n n KtUrJ b'at40 pnrtie; tbcao.t ha'b H peiobai t-. u pol ; tift pcroh-Ji ta a looal oo f h-tit t.f .xioihaoon rnh ; thfline br f-alj Mo htn'.n cnak tli aetaral eouraoH ait l .linttinc-t. to the plara of ini(iLO,f.jt, cortlamiiigf 6,' ann rd alluaaitita. aoJ httvtiif taboo t .f.J aorxi tnvre or lri d.iarJ, wita a aiuDll orchsvl growing thereon, aod bur.un Ibarr D aractf 1 a li.g boaQ ao i barn. S tiini ic ei-fuiiou ami iu bt nuM f- iln prtpartv tl l.y'utr! Aj U..y S,rv Ar-Urt. Xkrhr or PiLa. The drica or tun . hi,k the nroAMft ah. 11 fc -7 ... 1 i tuo time nr fale, or Mob other arrangetnanta ; ymtim M, Kwat mad ai will ta approved, oiherwie the pn.r- (j K.riooT ioudiw ij wlltba itnuo.lialal; Dot up arrt iol, ae: at ! Ji uu liu'b uj,.! iba tii.fDi. and rink of tbe prton ts aUltK h hta"wWf ,.... e.n, in oo.i or aenctenoy tt ,ueh re-.ele, ihall mak, good Ihe aome, tnd In no tnatane, will tb, ll.ed be preeetled la Conn ror eonnraaoun atleji, tn. toun.y Is tctuall paid to Ut. bli.rii. JAS. ilAUAH t.V. ISaBBirra Orpics, I SbatiR ClearOtld. Pa.. Au( SI.IASI. SheriiT's Sale. BV virltia of Writa r VtmHliomi JZ.peat, Itftuo'l out of iba Court of Common Picu of Clearfiald nonntt, and to ma dlrf?ti-J. I will ax. do., to . pul.ll. 81. at tba Conrt H -u-a fn ib i iiiiriua), iw ptrmbfr 41, At 1 o'oloek P. M., Ibo rvllOHtna; d.cnied ft a I aalate, to wit j All tbat ocrtaln traot of landtltaat in thbtr oiiirh of 0 a, Claarflabj oountj, Fa., boonded on iba aaat by Frunor Mrct, on tho north by Maya two toll known In paa of laij borouah aa Iota n on ina wcai n uporra . La&r. baiaa no. a ana a, ana nannj Ihertoa raataa a grrad i ore roots 13lfl faat, with ra room attached J2ii5, and atna.ll frame tuble. KoiiB-l, ukrn In rxrcnlton, and to ba oM n tbs proptrt of Bfrknwita A Mirth. All that era tam trad of laud, aituMa ia ltv tur tnwnabip, OarfiHd oounir, Pa., boundad aa foiit.wi: Ntfttb by A. Keiihar. aobjth hy rl..To. t.n, wnpt bf John M. Chaaa anti Uai(ert' oatata, conulnioc furtj a or, mora or lau, with a two 't ry plauk boo ue, 14x24 tt, log barn, and otbrr ouiwuildiajt. Sriwd, ukan In aiefiitlon, an t to ba nold ai lh pnimtt of tiftrga W. hephart. Al.Sy, A certain lot of jrcunj siinsiit- In W8at Dear Raid, Uwrevna lowablp, DssarftHd rnnatr. Pa., boundiKl aad dewribexd a follow, riu Known ai lot No, 61, bonmled ontbanonb by Mrrrall atraet, on th un by Wltliatq atraai, on tba loath by an alky and on the wart by lot No 0, twin ir fat rront on Mirratl Mrwt and IftO ft doop. and bav in tbtnm areelcd a to-Mr.rj frama bona.- and mall (labia. Sauad, tali an In axeaUon, and to h aoij ai tb propria of David 11. ttcaitmi. ALSO, On, Krptcmber oth, tHHi, AH that artali mnu"ir at pine of froond lltuata in tba borough of O.owila, CJearflfld county, Patiniylvania, bounded and daaeribad aa fallow. In wU : On tb Rrlh bj Cottin it rati, un tha aaM by Hanry allay, on 'bf aouth by Hprno traat, and oq tka wait by tat No. Hi. in ihegenarj plan of aaid bormifb, and havlnx thftton cractrd a plank hot, one t-torr hish. 14 by 34 feft. k 1 ALHO, That r-frlatn aiara of around iltuata In tho Hop. ou,b of 0-aola, bonndtvl on th north by Hal .Sb0." 'i'k.'Tr'L '?.?'i"k.of 1."' 7."" aoiitb be ana hill earb of Lola No. Iou .Bj aou on Ibt we.ll,. No. m, known t, Noe. IVI' end .108 ia the ronertl pita or aai-1 horoonb, he.i.r the ame pilot or lot ot ground onneerod hj tbe Mo .htnnon Land and Lumber Comptnr. br deed dated I Tib Jar of May, 1171, ind barini thereon trwte.1 t frtaat bote, ttt tnd on. hill atnriea hih. ALSO, That eerlatn pleot of urnuad eltattt in tht town of Wel Oaewola, n.arlleld worotr. Pttn't, keinnin tt t piaeatunip : tbenot tart iwt hua. dred leel i thane, aorih Sfij leet t tbeaet weet two hundred tett ; luoooo myth tfty feet t. lb, pl.o. ot heeituns, tnd btelof thereon erected a lwo.,orr plank houet wilb bteement : alto t table and other outbolMiBK,. ALSO, All of Auoeiition'a Internet ia taolhtr ttrltla of (tuund in tht boroueh of Oeemli. Clear., Henn a, boanded and dreortbed t, lolb.w, ; Oa tbe Bortb br Sar.b alrewt, an tb. ea.t h; Lot No lot, oa th. Math hr Muehaaaon aller. to.l .0 tht weet br Lot No. JSI, b,in tS br us feet, ami kauu a in tht sentrtl plan at b.oocb tl Lot No. loo, and b..lof eretltd tbere. uo a frtint buatt tod other tulbulldinf.. ALSO, All of Aueeblioa', lnltre.1 Ib .a. other fer ula lot 01 piee. of ero.ud ia th. borot(h o( 11,. otolt, Cle.rlleld oouot.r, Peto'a, bouii'l.d tnd deeeribe I 1, follow, 1 Oa tht Bortb hr Curtit "Ireel, oa tlie taat br llenrr tile;, on the iuib hr Spruo. aller, OB tba w.,t b, Lot No. 317, ,i,d aad he. Inj Ibertoo ererted a frimt b-u.e tnd -.o in pn, 01 aaiQ toeougb at Lot Ho. Sill ALSO, All of Aoofatloa', ialerett la aoa other oer Ula lot or pirot of ito.nd iltattt la the town of eel 0ee,ia, Deoalor town.h.p, Cle.rO.ld Co., I'enn a. bounded aa lullowa, 10 wit : Beeionins at a pina atumpi tbence tut two bitdred feel 1 Ibeaeo aortb Bur feet I Iheaoa Weal two hundred foot 1 tbenet ooib Iftr fe.l, to tht pl.c. ol ho. (italni, bein( Ibt etat lot of (romd Bow la p..e..ii.B of Jamee B. Cole, and barini; tbertoa troeted a frame boat, aad other outbail.iinf,. AL80, All of Aeaooittion', latere.! In e. u.. tain lot or plena of (round ailaat. la lb. horoueh of ll.f.ola, l l.a.aeia ,oatr, Peaa't.bonnded on the north br ti.le ttrttt. oa Ibotaet br Klii.boih ireel. oe Iba aoutb br an. boll tf Lot. N aad No. Hon, and baowo a. bill of Lou N,. ti t and Na. Mil in twntrtl pita ofaald boroutb Lot Mo. , beie( ibt lane pleee ar lot of round rooveted bf tbt Huabatnoa Lend tnd Lumber Cempenr, br deed dtted Jlh Mar, ISJ1, tnd btvlns tbertnn troeted a rrtmt bou.t oat and one -half nor it, high tod other outb'ill llo,.. AUSO, All AeaorlittoB i itiereel la one .(bar ttrltit pieo. or lot of r-ro.nd ettntt la Uie boroueh of Ooeeola. CletrSeld oowolf, I'en. a, bound,! oa tbt torib hr Lot No. IM, ta tbt tail he beta tar tiler, ot ISO ...tb by Lot fc ,, Ulll i!" ;"'''"'- "ran, tad kao.a at Lul Na. Ill bt Ibe f .sent pit. al ttld boroo.h, and SdSi"."0" "" """" ' ALSO, rj I JeI!T. ,?,.?,V u' - rT. , , nretwa tt WMaalB, 1'ffial LVarertlsfmrnts. lit lid. 1... lMt1n ih- .ith t I.nt Nu. '-B.i R ninnohanl itraM, tvo I known a.. I v '' '' K. !,ir1 ;nn -f .liJ brotnr,t,, uai ,', ,, ' r-itt'l it 'ram b im- tn. nior ou:i.nH i, , ' M'!. in atM ttiiB .nil tn 1. . ' . ' tb prifri t.( ft Mw, ,,(!-,, . , A-n.Mri..r, Amd, A kfiiln tr.l of ltt Wait ia Hmt,,,, . all'll, ' Jr. flflll COtiBtT, Pi no J 1 . ) , l.-,B'l' it lh nHb.t ('rnenil .. rt , . T. 1 6 net- north 31 dfftrana wit I4; l.,i ,w . ti..(,n. . " ,1. u . ' ' if 4 1 .Z ... . .1. "-.- "'" ror ",. , lr"roar ul it,.,3. . ... , " ' ' " "'- .... '' ' M"1 ' " Miun !( ; IbfOi'f iou i ti.i dan.,,., . , , k,,,!,,',, 101 tn Biort ur Uf blnc jmrt mtn-M,- j - 1. ' ' j ALfHt 1 . . . ,iBnil ' i ' . " I 1 ' ,L" ,,'Uti, ' .." ., , a wr,rc l'l; tbeo nor tb ii-i ln;ri mil a I ,,T j. ". ' !. V. l" . CO'""", thane. (lie un ouritt t dp(ri cisji 2n rwhr l"eea : .... . , . -j n;.. , . .'. 1 ' ' . ' , . . V . ., ' '"'"' "oolk 21 tT. Zl fbeo J . i'tl'? "" 01 " Ml No. WiSIl theoeo aoolh 6, dee,,,. , jr?" l J'' '" ". "f '" 1 M.k p""'r ' "".r,h 11 ''' S7 rei n., '" plaoftof bdlnoln. roni.lnio. :,e Bi loe., ftnd oveeptio,. ood re on in ten acre d.-e.i od by doa 'I1. I.eooard and wife to Mn Oreeu.rj Helrod, toktn In o,ereitton and to t a. ih. proper')- ol J-ibll 0. Tvlrr. ALSO . , , ,. , ,, A , J. ""J ,llu, ' "" .-""ot .1 a l"""' , ,", , ' , ' 1 "' "7 in Hn of ind u...... trntint on Mlo trt and bono U t north , lot So. Nj, ml by ail, and outh r. (',(,), utroat, wi'h imf r...ionU.btakT thtrem rt, rtlmtk h.'DCe.tMoall (table atrl other f.ifht,iljinf, .Nu 3, a tract nr 1 t of Und In . 1 h . . boun Jd oorib by Fifth atrial, out by Mala j anuih by the i-'tiuf haima rier, io4 rM i,,' naifii :ifi, e miaiiiintf Four norm u,,i 1 tit apple trew. Setvrd, ti'ltto in exMlton and lo be pmrl property or John . llaadariuo. T!iisin Salh. Th prho or kud; at wtj; -l thn pr -parlf Ntiall or atnirk off irit lv pi j4J time ul nale, or fuob .ither arraiipinatit mmi . will b approvoit, othcrwia fb proper!) Kt iminediaieiy put up and old afraia at tbe i.fn.. aQ'l riJc ot the paraon to when it wa iirut nfl and who, In caa ( dal'uMfucv at iih r.- it," ball tint V. ifood th Kama, no.l in i... iu.ig,lf will tbo iit-ad U ; ri.Dt4d is Court f,r ii,i,ra4. tioti onltJi fb tnonT u atuallv paid tr. u " JAMKS WAHAKKKV, .niTKirr'a Orrics, I m,r -ff ClrCfiia. tV. Aug. St, ism I I I IIHV l.lT.Namtt and location n (, I'"',f1ti drawn mv turora to arr at s.flt(f),. ; b'r tr' ui, eorameDdnjt on tha tonrth Mun i,;, ' "'',J nd (wo'iauioi two week' ' f ri ip JrRoRa MfDATt Herri arm Mi i C foniiar Ilura.l l. h A u . D L ZVL L C it 1 HIT!t J "i i"" "1 mXZ' N wiih E V J y n-r, .. ' ii Lfc ,"'7', ' lS,.,,, 11.11. ii Mo ' I L treeni.n lir.,ll,d K el I..L . 1 tlen. .' S , . Jdl""m lb ,0.ei,h 11 llra'b " II n il ... . ! j7,v.".r,r;iJo..r, JBb b! i'. .0J'' ! A)llf riann inh Vi u.n . j .S K li Haini-;, iiuiicb, f B Iunlar, ,. ;,, - ' Tb4kmm Juoi;a, Mohoai, htri. -frr.,. ' M H-tif-g.. Olr.arfl.lj.0 HolllbaaTUn;.;; J Hhan, Hiram UubuipI ..nit-. ' Jo llulliUn. II VfooJwinl. Hut. J A utfsmy, l'-ir'.riil t.iwrjra Hurr, " 1 ' J Uavol Wua, .t,.rj..t U P Chimhw, 'Jts M'chatta,,.,. P V -tWuiri, ilf-itrisio F (iullob, l.ff noKt r ia.un.T, lieoj bawl I -Ian Mteharla 1, i.itt. , U h ki,it, U Mcf-'aiitt-f,. 0n,.u ah... u .i., ' I l.tmilt .n, " TboMton, Iri'i UH -i it fitter. r Merrelk, M-m. Tho. C K.le,, And Fulnji-r, " l IVoagl,., Rukrl Hunter, Andrei Lou. -IV A Moore. l'.nii. dome, Mail., " W T llaiiei. M Ligbln.r, " Honr J k.arr. Sar l, , Hand Weit, , Pmuo, I' El'tlidge, tV,,'.t, John Bjltiirf, Oocn Lewi,, W William.. -June, Kcailev, " tdward Wc'ahe, " UUt) IJilJU. Il-i J fl r. i. Ihotua l;-n Imm, KuJ-,'.t) Aiiyert, Hutji Jn V. inrtj, i' .linr-l, W W Mtttah. bruiv. W l Wtiiihl, H Hclma. I)oititti) ip J ionjicarviiir, " U Uei.j .lory, ilirord, Sk, ok. Wt-MoPii, Oi rotia Si II K sn.T.ler, Crllrld, Joiepb Weill?. Il.e.t.,. Il.nrr i. 1 Haokin, li..,b.n. .l"Ut. IL'Tnton. " AlleaTt.vlor. CtwwOlt, C. Ilirord, ll'itrdale, T.J. Flie., J H. Ilnioilti.n, " Jno II. SbolT, ONeerU, '. A Cri.l, " F t'tmptnao, Wollaee'n, Iloorfe Owen, Lart rt. Hire, iluli'li. Pat. Fltnn. Ilu.t..n. Samuel Brown, Lno'W, l.aaeiloon, " Heohen Bialrr, Morri,, M. II. I'eon, Arnold Bloom. I'ike Cni A. W-oJ, BbVict".' ' nm. Mohatlrr, Bell, I. II Ohemben, J I). Knnta, Buroiid, A.U StramiHulrr, ?Bd' n.iiujtDBnoy, vovinfTtoa J. v. Kaaf, " Thoe. Lainof-rt, 11 Niokoka Utrden, C ftebnam, 1 liatid Loni, Supbon Tfft, Uacaiur, lbouiaa U a.vot, " Wa tb underRlsrotd, harabf nartify thai lb forojroinf, lut of muoa of pawn, w.r .jrawa bi oa on tba IHih day f July A. li. and Iraveraa Juror for tha eptriahrr IVm t Court, eomnanrtnir tn lb fourth Nntni.T.i. rtorraot, and was drawn aeeording to law, lo v oordanco with an order of tba Hon Cbarlr A. Mayor, Praiidvat Judjc of tb fa id Conrt. JAMKK MAIUFFKY, Hh.rif, A. J. J ACkbON. II. HllllMlK. Jarr CoiiiniiaioLr r. uiaaxBaid, To., Jly XTtU, lKi,.t. 1) K(;l-1:H' NUTICIiV-NotfMli hrrr J, t by girrn lhat tha follow toa; aoconr.ti htu w.n issainiQea anil par-ted hy ma, and r'tu ti filed of racord la thi offia fur tho lmp?tv-a ni iinirp, irtcauw., ora'iiiora, and all otbort ii.tawtcd, ; and will b praaantad to lito naxturpbaa' jor Claarhrld oKinty, to b hold at lis 0art I Uoua, in tbe borouich of Cltwbtwda rrtmtnDf mr un ina louriti M'jmiay (bntajj tna 1H davl Scptatubf-r, A. D. lshi I-ii.a) aronnnt of Hanao. UandenoQ, UuardHti .-f rto'iifl i. ivepnuri, minor rbild nf M. V. bra- Ban, inia u cit-artiau eounty, l'a,. daaMi. Fsanl itcoimnt of Lewi Fm Ai4m.nlaiinr nt burab C. Da, Ut of Uaarnald ewxj. Pa, dcaaad. Final account of Willinm t. Klouo, Uuanliaii '' i-ucy K. illooa (now Luty K. Moorri, on f ma rnimraa and nein of Dartd and ban. liiuota, t 0- Hike township, ClaariiHd rrui- y, i a., urraaava. Final account of C. M. llertlint and K. I. Oili land, Adtniaiitratnra of tbnMtatJini (imrm I. Ilrrttinc, lata nf bar) ha it (ownah-p, Onrtlail eotiBty, Fa., daoaaied. Final aaeonnt of 8amaal llailraon, tsoardiaii aimar L. karhart, minor ebiid af M. V. hF nait, iftfeol tUarriald oounty, l'a., dtwa!. Final aocoontof Natbrvn Mr. Eiaeiitor of ib Male of Mary Wrtleaworth, of IVm 1'ai- ! ' n""' " '. trftb. nip, virarnr.d ooaniy, l'a., dcra"d. e.tet of lliebord Walk. Uu n. llu, hreu.l. n Curweo.rllle. I'learfield oouotr, l'a., di erwel linol tcooiint of R. A. Slew.rl. ilo.rdian ol A. N. t.rtb.m. niiBot ohild of Ja mar C. Urhm, laic 01 tkartirll noonty, Pa,, decrifrd, Tartial a-votinlof (.aorae llackar.durD . tiuard-ar. of Iaaiil, Joaaph, Nora, Orrilla and llalobal. oblldraa aad hair of Mary llairbtl, lata of harthnna towmbla, Cltarfirld r I t., diwanrd. Partial account uf H. I. fltllil.nrt i.ti.rJuoi l.ydia and Clara tiitlilaod, child ran ao 1 bt-ir oi Adritoo t.ilhland, lata of k art ha it tf-a"- roip, I Irarnrld county, Pa., deoaad- Final a-"oiinl cf t Krafrfr, i.uardl.a of I3"-! ot. HoMlt., minor child of AadrawK of ClaarAflU oounty. Pa, deaevfd. Final aoeoBnt nf W, J. Holler, Tnmttr of tbr lata ol Jtpb Votht-ra, lata at karlbauf ""- nip, l mr im l.t coanty, Pa., oWeafrd. Aocount of J. Rna Htomn. AdminUlratar af rh "ataof J. Linn Hvivr. lata t Pika tn""'"1!1' ' ucaranld n.unty, Pa , dnoraad. At-Auut of J. p. Fry, Tiaiua of tb Ptu of rrranca rrauar, lata nf nairfnitl amiarr, P t dooaaM'i. Aeoous.1 of tlaoraja C. Kirk, A.i.itisv'ir "fit tMUta of .Inacnh Poallathwaii, lata ol B-7 townablp, Llaarti.ld or-nniy. Pa., daraafl. Final aocount of 7aohirtab MpNiuI &nd !" Hitnoook, Adnifnillralori of lb rotate of J H llanoork, lale of pika tnwtnl.ip. Ci""1 oounty, ra., atod I ',rl', aieooat of J, ho Puton, Liecoloi of tb aalala ol lotwf h A. Caldwll, Ulr "I I'iKttifM county, l'a,, JemaaM. Finttl aorount of William l. nifjlfr, iloaianisf Joan r Hbimall. minor child of Ubj, md"" lata of Nftrti tdwnahir.. riairfill tviuntf, ilfwawd. t'inr.1 a or-) uiil of HiriM Wuodwaid, 'iaar-lia iaa r. Uogan, Final awuat of llaary Hit and fk P" Adutiniitratora of tha iiat nf L ram II- Prirw, lai of 1'iko lownihtp, C lrtVM 1"1' i ', woaaati. final ftoMunt of Oaaar Miirhfll. Ain.i' iilri'"' at tha aata; of Cbarln WaMfall, tat "f townnlitn. Cloarfiald fount r. Pa., d'W' Final aennnnt nt .1 n to..... Arlmtni'tro' 't nl th H'taia if Balthnrar Ucnia, lair rf i'"RJ" toB ownhip, I'lcarAfl.l tjounty. ! . I"""4' Final MKAanl nf V U V.,nsk. mtA CIiiaT' "!" n, Adnloitratara of th- ai "I w'" Tbampaon, ia'a of Parnmon tornoip. flald eouotf. Pa.. dvaafd. Ptrtlnl aoooant of John tl. Lth wrrii: k minlrtramr of tbtai nfti. H. I Ltinbw City. Claarllold foiiBty. riMM' Final aoooaa of W, R. Ih-kri.a. Adm. W of A. h. Ii.ffcar.on, lata of imwW Pa., davoaaad. rirt and final amount of W. fry " Frailay, Admial.tratora of Frdtik 1'-' lata.f Cbaal towaabip, Cb-arlald twaaiy. ' Final rlnt of John 0. UtttffH fUj a. . .. . . ... ..a1aHtt" nuniiniairaiari oi rna a""" p Aftha JUaaw. lata af Lttt Wf' ' BHontiEM. mitocao!. tw" 1, Peni'a, Aerut il, ''!