Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 07, 1881, Image 1

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Xaivgers' (tarda.
tl:li7 Clearfield, Pa.
A T T O R N E Y - A T - LAW,
1.11 Phillpsburg, Centre Co., Ia. y:pd
Corweaivlll., ClearOold county, Pa.
oct. , '7!-tf.
Office In "Old WeeternI building," (on alair),
Oct-. 'rS-tf.
deal-Held, pa.
arOfBoi on door ea.t of Bhew Hon..
O ffi je in Masonla building, Second ilreet, op
.o,it. the Court IIoom. je2677ft-tf.
t tt Clearto.4 Conner, Pena'a. T6y
Mftict in Open llouae. np J5,77-ly
W u. A. U'AU'Al-t IAVin L. K.RRR,
lUanv F. Wallai'R, Wm. K. Wallacr,
A T T o R N E Y S - A T - L A W ,
inl"-l Clearfield, Pa.
'l.tAKFIELD, - - l'E.NN'A.
Ayrofficl Id. tht Mn.onie Building, over tht
Count; Nallontl Hack. lmar24-80.
nllioe over the Oounly NatlooAl Badk.
Jun. Ill, '7tf.
C'LRAnrtBLB, Pirx'a.
r ir.l-cl... Life tod Fire Ioiuranfte Oomponiee
Jur-OIBoe in the Optr Ilcoit.-
Mer. m,'SI-lj .
Hni. R. Ml'RRAT CTRfl flORDOM.
4rO0h-e ia Pie'i Open lloaie, Hoond floor.
.iTTOR.rHV-AT-L.t w,
DKKIf'G orer T. A. Fleck Co.'e Wore,
r-(T-Will Attend to til l.l builneii with
pnimptneM ead Sdelity. febl l,'0-tf.
lo.RrR i. n'okallt..... RAfliRL w. et'opanr.
CleRrHeld, Pa.
r.-or-Legal baaine.a Attended to promptly withj, tiflleo or Kocond Itreet, abort tbe Firat
National Bant. Jan:l:7
All leiral btielneae entruatad to bit etrt will r
eivtt prutupt attention.
-0IB in tht Ctrl llou.e.
6. KitAMER,
Boat E.tatt tod Colltettnn Agent,
Will promptly Atttnd to til legtt bualnwa tn
trusted to hla OArt.
9tT-OSt.t ia Plt'a Optrt IIorm. jtnr7A.
Ileal Btttte Atent, Cletrfleld, Pa.
Oirt"! on Third itreet, b.t.Ch.rrj A Wtlnnt.
er-RtaptotfiillT offer, hie ttrTltta in telling
and buying laadi in Clttrfltld and Adjoining
fountieti RRd wltbtReiperitnetolOTtrtwtntT
y.tra At R rarvtyor, fUttert bimaelfthat bt tta
render ittltfAotioR. IFeb. J8:J:tf,
I'Uysitinns' Cards.
Offlot la midenet on Firat at.
April 14, 1171. CltArfl.ld, Pa.
rl W. A. MEANS,
Will Attend proraaiiontl etlla promptly. aoglO'TO
jyt. t. j. hoier,
OIBet on Market tjtrttt, Oletrleld, Pt.
-0Ilei bount to I a. m., And 1 to t p. m.
J-ft-OoVt adjoining tbt rtaidanet tr .lama.
ll'-T, E.q., or SMond bt., Clearfield, Pa.
uftteer tt reaidrBee, eorotr of 8tata tnd Piat
'"II. Jan. itb, ISHI-tf.
t'l.bARI'lELI), PKKH'A.
P- OBet knart From It tt I P. M.
May II, 17.
Lai. Rargitt .1 lb. lid Peao.ylranla
oitnitari, htTlng rtttratd trom tat Army,
"' hi. prof.Mieatl ,tt rite, tt
af Cl.trltld toaaty.
l-Pr(.rtatioaal tall, prtmptly attaint to.
ta itrttt, lormarly taapl.d by
"'Wttda, , -.7 . (aprt,'M-u
GEO. B. G00DLAHDEB, Editor
(o.TIND r. 0.)
FOR ar-Ll TOWKftltlp,
Ma; , 1878-lj-
8iuaro Timber k Timber Lands,
Land Survevor and Civil Engineer,
r-All buaineta will bt tttende I to promptly .
Dee. IS, 18H0.It.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
I'lcarfleld, Penu'R.
ttjL.Wll txeoute Job. In bit line promptly and
tn a workmAnlilte manner. af r4,07
ITHH.YWS-1T-L.1 tr,
Nov. 17th, 1810-tf.
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs,
4C0"Offio oo Keoontt itrrot, fa roar of itora
rtuin of Uorg Wflarnr A Co. f jautl, '78-if,
Urcalur TotenMp,
Otetolt Mill. P. O.
All offinial buaineaa totnaated to bim will bt
promptly attended to. Ricb'itt, '7R,
Shop oa Market fit., 0pctta Court Hoor.
A oJaan towtjl for avarj envtntoer.
Alio daaltr In
npit lliaudi of Tubarco and C'tfara
HIarA14. Pa, ua 1. "It.
nallacatun. Pa.
Jft"IIe ha prepared him pelf with all the
neoeeiary blank firui under tbe PcnUm and
Bounty la we, a well an blank Deed, te. All
legal mat tare entrut4 to hie ear will receW
prompt attention. May 7tb,lKiV-tf.
eT-Pumpi always on hand and made to order
an short notioa. Pipes bored on reasonable tarma.
All work warranted to render letiifantion, and
delivered if deeired. aiy3t;lypd
lAvery Nlnblc.
rIHK nndfrolgned hf leave to 1 1 torn, thepab.
X Ho tll I now fully prepar to utommot
data all In the way of fun.lnh.iig, Buggies,
Saddles and Harnett, on tha notice and
n reasonable term p. Reaidene oa Loonst street,
katwaen Third and Fourth.
Clearfield. Feb. 4, 18T4.
. V. aAt V. A. lUriftBTY
ne0ffletin Qraham Building, Market Itreet.
Clearfield, Podb'a.
Junt 11, usi-tr
aaaLia ia
;raiiamton, Pa.
Also, eitenaiv manufacturer and dealer la Square
Timber and cawed Lumbar of all kinds.
TOrderi solicited and all bills promptly
it. led. i-jyie7a
DmrTidit. viTnnuitrvn
LWotoliet, Clocks and Jewolry,
Ornkom't Sm, Marktl Ami,
CI.I2ARfir'.LI), FA.
All kind, of reptiring in my line promptly At.
ended to. Jin. 1.1, l7u.
Clearfield Nursery.
TliK anderalnned, baring ecuhlii-hed a Nur
sery on the 'Pike, about half way between
Clftartiold and Corwrnevllle, Is prepared to fur
nib all klnda of FRUIT TKKKH, (standard and
dwarf,) KrtrKreena, Hbrubhrtry, (irape Vines.
Uooseberry, Law ton Blackberry, rttra wherry,
and Raspberry Vines. Also, Siberian Crab Trees.
Qui one, and early scarlet Rhubarb. Ao. Orders
promptly attended to. Address.
el. U. WRItiKT,
epSO AS-y CurwantTillt. Pa,
Clearfield Insurance Agency.
hi:rii is it id in. v., agtuin,
Repreatntthi fnllowlng tad otbtr llrat-elaaa Co't
Comptoltt, Aaaeta.
Linrpool London A ( IT. , Br..4.inil.s
Lyoomtog oa mntnalAtAah plana...M 11,000,01)11
I'hnnli, of Htrllnrd, Conn 124. 0:i
Inaurtnnt Co. of North Attieriet 0,.:a,t74
North Brltlib A Meroanllle L'.g. Br l,7t,glM
rieotti.h CooimtroiAlL. b. Brtnob...H A7V,l4t
Wtttrlown tH.Sia
Tratelere ( Lift A Aoeident 4,iVM4
Oflint on Market tit., npp. Court ilouei, Clear
field, Pt. Junt 4, '7-tr.
Insurance Agency
ration tttock, Cnrtrrnsrille, 1'a.
Companies Represented i
Commerelal t'nloa Int. Co, Aaaeta .9.0.7IU
Flremen'a Fond Ina. Co., Aaaeta 1.1B0.0IT
I nIOR Inaur.nee Co., A...U I.D20.0S7
Tra.elera" Aeeident Ine. Co.. A.e.te. t, 6111. lot IH
Northern Int. Co. of N.w York A.'lt Jln.ftWti 110
Inanranoa placed oa all kind! of proptrty at
eotiitable retea.
CirwenaTille, P. , Feb. 1(1, lMI-tf.
Ken ark, N. i.
AatRTa, Jaa. t, la ..etrttiaml
bT Eaatainlng Commiaaioa.ra
of Maaaaebuaetll, Ohio and New IM.TIMIt 3
LlAtlMTl'ta, II llttedby Iheaame. 3I..1 1.48A Rt
Ht-arl.ra ly Mt.i'ehn'a BtendardH R.a I &.HH1 OR
6t RfM-l by Ntw Ytrk Stindaed... e.SHH.HS
All pelieltl Botifotfeitable after aeeot d
year! low eipetoea t large dividend, dt
elared Rod paid tetry year .inet organ
iattlon : tmple aurplua ; a.rrender valuta
moat liberal i loean promptly Adjuated
aad paid.
Orrtt-RRt i
I.KWlg C. OROVKR, Prriipw.t.
JAMES B. PKARf'iN. VirR-HRRatnttT.
El'. I.. PotaiRt, fte'e. Tr M act rrtt, Trtta.
. POTTER A KkYEK, NMatAgeatt, 611 Wal
attltrtM, Phllidel,.hit, Pa.
H. M. M'KNAl.l.V.BpMlal Agent. OHIta la
Moaaop'a baildlag, Market etreat, CwarBeld, Pa.
& Proprietor.
Mfrcy lort at t
Far ilo?a ui!
Be tht fomet ilmhin' ruand;
Fifty ui titan
Million billion
Itlll'oti Billei abare the ground.
Willi i tall,
Lik a whale,
Set ft loont and whii and rarj
W ith in S if par
In the dipper,
How It rollei the AUjor Hear.
Nov It'i tryln'
For O'Kyan
(Irk'h ohap that killed the bull),
And tbe moon,
Pretty hjoo,
Ghfi tht ooinet' tall a pull.
Hfra and lber,
Knttlcia iprlte ot rkj Ideat;
Aitftil port,
Hee It flirt,
With Helen Potter'i Plctadif.
1 nbf,llr?er !
Pttmiae, fever,
Plague and peMllenoe and war;
Prot and worry,
Trouble, hurry,
Thrit it what tlie oumet'i for.
Lot! or debt,
Too much wet,
liiiu and kail and aleet aud flood :
Uurning drouth,
Torrid South,
Sun-baked field and leal of mad.
lilood and honei,
Teara and (trao.
UnaMbinn teeth and horrid Olid ;
Uowla and yowli.
Frawna and ioqwIp,
That'i a hunt the eotnet'a aire.
Tbet It bad benrttb the iua r
flow It buuie !
Hera it 01'Bior !
Utitjiltieii graoioiu. lot m ran !
The MimsaiihtiscUs refrinient of vol
unteer., whit'h sorved in tlio Mexican
war, cik'biiitod the 2.1J annivorsury of
their return home, on Tuesday, the
llkh of July, at Nastaskot Jieaeb,
BoHton Ilurhor. Amons those presont
was General V. V. II. Davie, editor of
the loylttown,(Pa.,))fHiMra(,thelirt
Adjutant, and aflcrwattla a Captain in
tUe regiment, who, beini; called upon,
addressed his companions in a speech
wiiica tnoy nicbiy applauded. Wo
make the fttliowing exirucls, which
will bo lound to contain much Mint is
interesting and instructive:
"The boot, of rn.n Af our comrade let mould
ering among the mountaina, or upon the plaina,
of Meiiro. In cur heart, Irt them be fondly re-
lemoerea :
'Tbe knigbta houea are du.t,
And their good .word, matt
Ibelr loaia are with tbt Itintl wt trult.
Rut in rpitt of .Addeord memorlea
"Tbere'a feeling, within ua that lo.el to revtrt
To the merry old time, that are gone."
How all tbo events connocted with
tha regiment, and its: campaigns, are
stamped upon tho memory I When
MasHachusetta was eulled upon for a
regiment, I was a young stranger out
at Harvard, giving my time to con
nings of Rush, and maxims' of Kent. 1
could not withstand the appeal. The
Quaker blood I had brought up from
Pennsylvania, rose to the enlisting
point, and I thought the country would
go to the "demnilion bow wows," did
I not become one of her "bould soger
boys j" so 1 marched Into Boston, one
alternoon, ascended seven pairs of
stairs in tho old Scolley building, which
has gone to its final account, and sign
ed Captain Crowning shield's roll whilo
I held my breath. Thus tho deed was
done. I marched back to Cambridge
a little tailor, and a liltlo broader, nnd
a liltlo everything elso, whistling as I
went, "The Girl 1 Left Behind Me;"
for in common with other young men,
I had a girl to leave bohind. After
that, what tho hoys call "drillitary
drum sticks" bad more charms for me
than law. What tribulations wo mot
in recruiting and organizing the regi
ment! Tho Mexican war bad fewer
friends in Boston, than tho one which
broko out filtcon years later. 'If thoro
were a colored individual under that
wood-pile, somehow or other be was in
tho wrong ond of it for us. But wo
circumvented all our enemies; our
company dogs whipped tho dogs of the
town boys, and wo tilled our ranks in
spito of anti war people hiring our men
to desort.
The regiment being full and muster
ed in, how well you remember subse
quent events; the ombarkatinn on a
cold Winter's day in Boston Harbor;
onr voyage at sou, with its incidents ol
pleasure nnd pain ; tho landing on
ilia 7. os lslund, w hore wo first met the
realities of a soldier's lilo, and noticed
a slight disinclination for what your
townswomun, Mrs. X'artington, calls
the "tainted field," and where tho
drifting sand put out our fires,
awootenod our cotfee and seasoned our
pork; our march to Mulamnras; to
CamargOgWherowequonched the thirst
with tho mulo-impregnatod water's
of the Rio Sun Juan; to Walnut Springs
nnd Monterey, tbo way boing marked
by (icncral Taylor's milo-stones; and
tbonco to Btiena Vista, whore "Old
Zack" politely informed Santa Anna
that ho "never surrenders." We now
retrace our stops, by sea and land, to
Vera Cruf., tho gate-way to tho Capi
tol ; we march through tho burning
sands of tho ticrra cnlientt. to Jalapa ;
over tho Sierras, and across the arid
tublo lands to Pueblo ; through this
beautiful valley, in sight of the won
ile.lul pyramid of Choliila, with cool from snow covered mountains
funning our heated brows, to tho Cor
dilleras, which we cross at an elevation
of 12,000 feet, and desoendod into tho
lovely valley of Mexico. These sccnos
and events aro so indelibly impressed
upon the memory, they can never bo
The Mexican war forms pari of the
history of tho country. Tho policy
which led to it, if any there were out
side of an honest desire to maintain our
just rights, and the motives that dic
tated tho treaty ot pouce, tho results
which followed, are subjects for impar
tial criticism, but this is neither tho
time nor tho place to indulge in it.
This much, however, it is permissible
to say ; that no sane man would think,
for one moment, of giving up the fruits
of that war. And hore, in this city of
1'oston, where tho opposition was the
bitterest, 1 doubt whether one man
can bo found willing to pluce things
back as they stood boforo the Mexican
war. It nave tho country a now land
of Ophir on the Pacific, which onablod
us to tap the commerce ot lue ust,
and which wo will ultimately control,
it Congress can be made to understand
the secret of fostering American ship
ping ; it extended our south-western
border to the Rio Grande del Nnrto,
nnd secured to us the grent central re
gion of the continent, rich, beyond
compute, in mineral wealth. But tho
most romarkabio leant re oi ine war is
this, that at its close tho United Hlates
bound horsolf, by solemn treaty stipu
lation, tQ pay a money value for terri
tory already ber'sby right of conquest.
It is seldom such liberality marks the
close of a foreign war, but tho (cnor
oua policy of our government on that
occasion did much toward healing up
its wounds.
If time would permit, many incidunU
ot the campaign, that would recall
pleasing, as woll as sad, memories,
might bo indulged. Itwas a lieutenant
of the Massachusetts regiment who
opened the mouth ot General Taylor
on tbo I'residonlial question. It oc
curred at tho Fourlb ot July dinner,
1817, in Arista palace, at Montoroy.
After toast and aong had gone around,
this subaltern, sitting at my elbow,
aroBO and drank. "General Taylor, wo
bail him as tbo next l'resident! ' This
"soft impeachment" unloosed tho
tongue of "Old Zack ;" ho took to his
feet, aud convinced tho audience, in a
one minuto speech, that "Barkis is
willin' and waitin' for Peggoty," as
most peoplo are. It was an Irish sol
dier of company "B," who tried to
smuggle his wife on the march from
Vora Crux to Mexico, oonlrary to
orders. He got a donkey, on which ho
packed their worldly goods, including
"Pott and pana.
Eettlei and cam,"
and ho ttninhod out tho load by putting
his wifo on top. The little animal, and
the big load, and the woman on top,
mado as picturesque a group as one
would wish to look at, funnier than
"Tho Devil on Two Sticks." This non
descript uflair was soen sneaking out
of camp early in the morning, and 1
was hurried otf to overhaul it, reaching
it whore tho highway leaves the bench
at Norgara, above Vera Crux. Tho
husband wus leading tho donkey, and
the wifo occupied her seat of honor in
complaisant security. When I in
formed tho twain they must return to
camp, tbe disappointed Biddy blessed
mo in tho vernacular of the Emerald
Isle. A curious coincidence happened
to General Cushing at the little town
ot Acujuti, situated on tho plain bo
tween Perote and Pueblo. When ho
returned from China, about-1841, he
camo across the continent via Acunjilcn.
Mexico and Vera Crux. Near tbut
town ho was robbed of all he possosned,
including many vuluablo papers. Ho
mado comijlaitit to the Alcalde, but
could get no relief, w hen he told him
it bo did not recover Ins property lor
him he would eomo back some duy
with an army and demand redress,
Tho morning wo reached Acnjeti, the
General called upon tho Alcalde and
reminded him of his promise, but bo
neither recovered bis proporty or got
satisfaction for its loss, it was my
fortune to announce to Mr. Cusbing
his election as colonol of the regiment,
llo wos a member of tho Assembly,
and boarded at the Tromont House.
The election wus held the night beforo,
at tho Wtnthrop Houso, I beliovo, and
on the third ballot, ho rceoivod one
majority. To bo frank, 1 will sny I
had ono eye, and sometimes two, on
the adjutancy, and 1 thought it would
not prcjudico my chances, if I wore tho
first to carry tho good news to him. I
was on hand early next morning, and
at tho Tromont Houso beforo tho now-ly-mado
colonel was out of bed. I was
shown to his chamber door nnd rap
pod ; ho inquired, "Who's there?" and
1 replied, "Mr. Davis." llo then jump
ed out of bed and opened the door,
when I saluted him by saying, "Good
moring, Colonol Cushing !" To this bo
responded, "Mr. Davis, what can I do
for you ?" 1 wis now placed in a doli
cate situation. I did not wish to do
violeneo to my na'.ivo modesty ; 1 was
not disposed to lose my vantage
ground ; nor was I quito generous
enough to say, "Oh, no, I do not want
any thing;"so alter a moment of thought,
1 replied, "Yon can mako mo adju
tant." Ho said it should be dono, and
it was done. Soon alter wo reached
Mexico, as yon aro awaro, Colonel
Cushing was appointed aud coufirmed
Brigadier General in tho regular army.
Again it was my fortune to carry tho
irood nows to bim, and a second timo
ho asked the question, "What can I do
for you V and I was nbt too modest
to respond. "You can make mo Aide-
de-camp, which was aono.
In tho thirty-throe years since tho
time ol which I sneak, how wonderful
tho change, at homo and abroad. As
wo descended from the tablo-lands to
tbo Boa, on our homoward march, wo
received nows of tho revolution which
had broken out in Europe; which
drove Louis Phillippo into cxilo, and
placed the Bonapurles again in power
on tho linnRS ot ine rieino; anu, wr a
liriof period, gavo the destiny of tho
German race into their own handB.
Sinco thon, dynasties have been chang
ed; Slates conaolidatod ; boundaries
altered; in fact, tho mnp or r-uropo
has been rocast. Victoria, ol England,
alone has survived tho mutations ol
timo, and is the monarch who thon
sat upon tho throne. Tbo others have
laid down the "pomp and circumstanco"
of kingly power, and gono to that "un
discovered country"lhat the poet wroto
about, to givo an account ot their
stewardship. At homo, tho chango,
which has boon wrought in peaeo nnd
in the agony of civil war, is no less
marked. Tho moment we tapped tho
(oldon Land of the Pacific, tho coun
try seemed to spring forward hko an
unloshcd hountl pnnting for tho race.
When you laid aside your weapons of
war on Boston Common, and re-dedicated
yourselves to ileods of peaco,
thirty-years ago, the United Stales
contained a population of but twenty
two millions, and tho Union was form
ed of thirty States. Now, our popula
tion is over fifty millions, more than
doubled, and the Union has grown to
thirty oight Statos, with several addi
tional knocking for admission into tho
great political brotherhood. Then
thore woro but four States and ono
Torritory West of the Mississippi, and
tho vast remainder, reaching across
tho continent to tho Pacific, was a
wilderness ot plain, and mountain, and
desert, except tbo low Mexican settle
ments which fringed the Ilio Grando,
and tho Mormon immii'rants who had
just planted themselves on Salt Luko.
i he spirit ol progress pcrvuties ovory
section of this vast region. Within
its borders we now find twolvo Statos
and eight organized Territories, ono
of the Slates coiitiniiing a population
of moro than a million ot people It
is travorsod by numerous railroads,
ono of them uniting the Pnoitio with
tbo Atlantic, and othors will soon be
completed to the shore of Hint distant
sea. All tho appliances of civilizod
life are in active use, and some ot
those new States rival tho old in Im
provement. Tho aggregation of
wealth has more than kept pace with
tha increaso in population, and onr
merchants and bankers have become
princes in wealth. 1 wish that 1 could
say that our shipping is spreading its
sails upon every sea, but 1 cannot.
Year alter year, our ships with trade
to othor climes, are fewer and onr
tonnago less. Amoncan foreign com
merce ii gradually boing driven from
tho ocoan. Our peoplo have grown
wonderlully, tn Inlelhgenoo and social
and mental refinement, and in the
love of art. While the new Slates
have been hurrying forward, the old
have not been laggards. Twoofthem
contain each moro population than the
thirteen united colonies when they
declared war against the British Em
pire, and they bavo made wonderful
progress In material prosperity. Ihir-ty-three
years ago our railway was in
its infancy, whilo telegraphy had bald
ly gained tho eonfidoifeo of the people.
Now tho iron rail ati'fllio locomotive
penetrate every neighborhood, and
tho olectrio wire Is 6otn in ovory ham
let. This wonderful devolopemont,
my comrades, was, in a great measure,
tho locitimato outcome of tho .Mexican
war, in which you two a laborious
and honorable port. 1 be possession
of tho Pacitio const, tbo discovery of
gold in California, anil the unobstruct
ed highway across : the continent,
stimulated cntorpriso' almost beyond
belief. They lifted the country for
ward at least twenty (ivo years in tho
race of empire. But ono oilier acqui
sition of territory, -inee we became an
independent Stalo, was of equal im
portance to the country, tho purchase
of Louisiana, which gavo us tho mouth
of tho Mississippi and undisputed pos
session of both banks.
In the meantime, my comrades,
how bus it gone with our old antago
nist, Mexico? Can she show the fruits
which come of progress? Alas! sho
is floundering nlting in her old ruts,
from which it will be an impossible
task for bcr mixed Latin and Indian
blood to lilt her. And yet sho shows
somo signs ol progress. The presence
of American speculators in her capital,
and a first -clas railroad accident, which
killed a few hundred people, aro a
uopelul sign. iho latter especially,
provosshe is adopting Amorican meth
ods. Of course tho United HtatoB will
cultivate friendly relations with Mexi
co, and lend her a helping hand when
ever necessary to shield her from the
fangs of a foreign wolf; but it is hardly
a doubtful question that sho will not
bo able to maintain herself in the pres
ence of a stronger and more aggressive
race. 1 hardly look forward to anoth
er military conquost of that country
by tho United States, but it will bo a
conquest, nevertheless. That section
of the great Germanic race domiciled
in this country will conquer tho land
of tho Monlc.utiius by deeds of pcuco.
1 tie army wutcb wilt next cross the
Rio Grande and spread over Tnmnuli
pus, then ascend to the great table
lands, and swarm down through the
heart of the old A ."tec ompiro, will not
bo "an army with banners." but it will
come bearing the appliances which
teach purer morals, a bigher civilixa
tion, and a more spiritual religion.
Moxico has not lost intorest in the
world Binco the first conquest by Cor
tex, and tbe wealth, which allurod the
Spaniard from the valleys and plains
of Castile, await tho skill and energy
of tho Anglo-Saxon immigrant. Tho
doepost thinkers among the Mexicans,
distrust tbeir ability to maintain their
political integrity. Whilo the Ameri
can army occupied tho city of Mexico,
1 went with General Cushing, to spend
the duy and dine with a gentleman
who had been a member ol Santa An
na's cabinet. The war, and questions
germain thereto, wero discussed over
tbo coffee. Tbe Mexican deplored tbo
treaty, then being negotiated ; said it
was a mistake for the Americans to
givo np the country; that the Mexi
cans could not maintain themselves ;
that tho country had nover known
such good protection to porson and
property as sinco its occupancy by the
American army; and that it would
have to return in the fuluro and re
conquer it at greater outlay of blood
and treasure. This was the opinion
ot a thoughttul Blstmeinan.
As marvelous an achievement as
was the conquest of Moxico by iloran
do Cortcr., the second conquest by tho
American army undor Scott and Tay
lor, three centuries and a quarter later,
was no less renowned. The courage
of the American soldier in battle, his
patience on the inarch, and bis forbear
ance in tho hour ot victory the
brightest jewel in a soldier's coronet
all surpassed tho Spaniard. His tri
umphs were not dimmed by cruelty,
becauso his great captains conducted
the war from a civilized standpoint.
It will not bo out of place, on this
occasion, to inquire in wbut way tho
Government has recognizod the brill
iant services ol the army in Moxico.
I regret to reply that tho Government
has not yet thought it worth her whilo
to recognize those services in any way.
Their blood, their, suffering and their
toil, conquered almost an empire in
extent. Tho now territory rounded
off the boundaries of the Republic, in
a way statesmen hud dreamed of, but
hardly dared hope for ; whilo tho pos
session of the western const enables us
to look out upon that tranquil eea
whicb floats tho woallh of tho Orient.
Day by day, thoso spared from the
conflict of arms, have been diminish
ing in numbers, until a meagro six
thousand survive. Some ol them are
pinched by poverty ; all aro old men,
whilo many of them aro moro than
threescore and ton. Repented appli
cations have been mado to Congress
for such measure of recognition and
relief as soldiers have a right to ex
pect from their country, and a few
able men fiavo spoken in their bohall,
but the congressional ear has not been
alteniivo. They had nothing to givo
to tho mon who fought the battles ot
the country in a foreign land. Nev
ertheless, Congress disposos of tho peo
ple's money, and in abtmdanco, for
less worthy purposes. The Star route
thievos are not turned away empty
handed ; thoro is money for tho whisky
ring ; even a little to spare for Pacific
mail subsidies; whilo several millions
a year aro paid out on fraudulent pen
sion claims ; but not a dollar for tho
soldiers of tho Mexican war. If the
Government was poor, or tho claim
not a deserving one, the case would
be different. This recognition Would
not bo in opposition to tho settled
policy of the Government, lor tho sol
diers of tho Revolution and the Wnr
of 1812-15 were pensioned without
regard to wounds. In tho first, tho
recognition was made sooner alter
the close of the war, than tho titno
which has elapsed sinco the Mexican
war closod. la thoso in actual neod,
the small annuity ask oil for would be
a rich inheritance, whilo to all it would
tie a proud satisfaction to know that
the Government which they served in
their youth in a foreign land, appreci
ate! their services. 1 make no indi
vidual complaint; the Government has
dealt justly by me, nnd 1 could not
receive a benefit under any law pen
sioning soldiers of tbe Mexicull w ar.
In spito of present opposition 1 feel
the timo is not distant when every
A muriean soldier wlo assnted in the
second conquost of the country of tho
Monteznmas, will have justice done
bim. Tho Government may delay,
but it cannot afford to be unjust. In
conclusion, my old comrades, I ask
you to accept my best wishes for your
future bealth.bappinesi and prosperity.
At tbe last sussion of the Legisla
ture, an Act was passed "to secure to
operatives and laborers in and about
coal mines, manufactories of iron and
stool, and all other manufactories, the
payment of their wages at regular in
tervals and in lawful monoy of tbe
United Statos." From the title of the
Act it is apparent that hundreds of
mining and manufacturing companies
in this section of tho Slate, and tens of
thousands of operatives are interested
in knowing what its provisions are.
It is important that they should make
themselves familiar with its require
ments, for tho reason that it goes into
operation on and after the first day of
It is provided that all persons, firms,
companies, corporation s or associat ions
engaged in mining coal, ore or othor
minerals, or manufacturing iron, steel
or any other product, shall settle with
their employes at least onco in each
month, and pay thom in lawful money,
with interest, made payable to em
ploye or bearer, and rodoemablo with
in a period of thirty days, by the por
son or firm issuing it. Any person or
firm, or agent of any person or firm
engaged in such business, who shall
issue for payment of labor any othor
paper or order, shall ho guilty of a
misdemeanor, punishahlo by a fine not
exceeding one hundred dollars, which
shall go to the oommon school fund of
the district in which the crime shall
have been committod.
It is also declared that it shall be un
lawful for any person or firm engaged
as aforesaid, and who shall likewise be
interested in merchandizing, as owner
or otherwise, in any profit or commis
sion on the sale of goods, to knowing
ly and wilfully sell or cause to bo sold
to any employe, goods for a greater
per -cent, profit than supplies of like
character and quality aro sold to cus
tomers buying for cash and not em
ployed by them. A violation of this
clause works a forfeiture ot the right
to collect tho debt for goods so sold.
Rolusal to settle and pay once a month,
in cash, or cash order, subjects tho
particB so refusing, after tho period of
twonty days, to a penalty of one per
cent, a month, which shall be addod to
tho judgment in favor of tho plaintiff.
Iho same penalty is exacted where a
party issuing a cash order refuses to
redeem it within tbe time specified.
The above aro tho provisions of tho
law, stripped of tbo legal verbiage in
which all such enactments are clothed.
Ah tho time is close at hand when it
goes into effect, and since there is a
very general misapprehension as to
tbo nature and effect of its provisions,
this digost of it will be acceptable to a
largo number of our readers. Lork
lluvrn Exchany.
For every accident that huppens an
engineer is liable to be blamed, whether
ut fault or not. He holds tho most
responsible position on the train. The
engine in his care is worth from 8,fl00
to 015.0UO, Look at his duties. Ho
must kocp bis eye on tbe track ahead,
watching the switch targots by day
and lights by night. He must be on
the lookout lor a danger flag at all
times, Ho most keep informed of bow
much water there is in tho boiler by
constantly trying the gauge cocks
must neither have too littie nor too
much. He must watch tho time so us
not to run ahead of time nor to lose
time. Ho has the throttle and reverse
lever to attend to, and must see that
tho latter is in tho notch which will
use the least amount of'stoam that is,
mako use of tho expansive qualities it
possesses. Ho must be sure that tbo
pump or injector, whichever the engine
is equipped with, is working all right
and putting the proper amount of
water in the boiler continually. Ho
must watch the steam gaugo and tho
gauge which indicates tho amount of
compressed air contained in the reser
voirs to be used for applying tho
brakes. He must watch his air pump
and not lot it stop, in order to have
plenty of coniprosocd air whenover ho
has occasion to apply tbo brakes. Tbe
whistle must bo blown and the bell
rung on approaching stations to obscure
crossings. If he is running a freight
train ho must also use good judgment
in keeping out of tho way of first-class
trains. In all cases of danger ahead
he must reverse his engino, sand tho
rails, apply tho brakes, or, if ho has
not tbo air brakes, ho must then whis
tle brakes. There is not another man
on the train who has moro to occupy
his attention or has more responsibility
than the engineer, There is no other
man on the train in which a man is so
liable to bavo blame attached to him
from so many different quarters than
bavo just boon enumerated. And, be
sides that, it is a dangerous position.
If wo find a broken rail the engino is
tho first to strike it. In a collision
tbo engine is in the thickest of the
wreck, or tho machinery may break
and raiso Old Ned. Whon an engi
neer geta In trouble mako allowance
lor all thoso things. Altoona Sun.
PVINtl Dm LAaAIHINB in Civil. Si its.
Tho Rochester A'.rir.jts says: "A
decision has been handed down by
Judge Dwight, which involves a point
of great interest not only to lawyers
but to the litigants and the public gen
erally. Judge Dwight grants tho mo
tion for a new trial made before him
on the ,'td of Juno, in thocaso of Catha
rine Wnldolo ngainsttho Now York
Conlral Railroad Company, and tho
suit will be tried for the filth time in
October next. This cose has become
a famous ono in local court history.
Mrs, Wuldelo sued the Railroad Com
pany for damages for tbe killing of
her son, and obtained a fuvoruble ver
dict several times, but the Railroad
Company has each timo appealed from
the verdict. During tho various trials
great weight has been attached to the
statement ot the deceased before ho
died. Ho told bow he bad waited at
tho crossing for a long train to pass,
and upon driving on the tracks did not
see tho engine which struck him, all
of which wont to show that tbe acci
dent was not duo to negligence on his
part. It is claimed, however, by tbo
attorney lor tbe defenso, that state
monts'by the deceased was mere hear
say and could not be admitted as evi
dence, and this view is confirmed by
the Court. Dying declarations, it ap
pears, have no weight as testimony in
civil eases unloss mado under oath,
whereas in murder trials in the words
spoken by the victim beforo expiring
carry conviction with them."
An Irishman recently arrived in this
country from tho land of the "howly
sod," and standing at a street corner
in Now York bewildered, not knowing
what to do or where to go, said :
"Her. is my bundle, and bore ia my
umbrella ; but where am I ?"
tCorre.pundeaot tit. Louli-D.morrat.
A St. Albans gentleman whom I
questioned about tho workings of the
liquor law told mo, just as 1 was told
in all other parts of tho State, that
thoro was no trouble in procuring
nuisKuy. jto saiu ; - i uiu in a vory
funny secret, which is shared by moal
of our citizens who like a little stimu
lant occasionally. Come with me."
Ho took mo to a oroes street and we
entered a room which appeared to be
a cigar store, with confectionery, eto.
We took seals at the rear, and my
friend told mo to keep my eyos open.
Within twenty minutes 1 suw ten or
twclvo gentlemen come in, some in
pairs, Borne singly, Borne in little parties,
go to the water cooler, take a drink,
buy cigars and go out.
My friend finally asked me if I had
seon any liquor sold, and 1 said "no."
"Nevertheless," said he, "every gentle
man who camo in bore took u good
square drink of whitkoy and paid for
"Well," said 1, "the drink must have
beeu in tho cooler or the cigars.
1 know it was not in tho cigara, for
most of them wero lighted belore tbe
purchaser left. It must be in tho
"Woll, go and draw somo," said he.
I wont to the cooler, hold the glass
under the nozzle and pressed down the
button. 1 was rewarded for my exer
tions by a flow of cleur, cold water
that soon filled tho tumbler. 1 was
puzzled, and my friend and the pro
prietor greatly enjoyed it.
My friend took tbo empty glass
and drew from the same faucet half a
glass of whiskey. Iff was puzzled be
fore I was now thunderstruck, and
after laughing ut mo awhilo tho trick
was explained. It was simple : Press
down the button and water runs; press
up with the thumb from below while
you appear to press down with the
forefinger and you get whiskey; open
tho cooler and you will find it lull of
ice wator. Tho whiskey comes from
a cask in u hidden closet up stairs and
flows throw a small pipe which de
scends in the partition, and passes
from the wall into the bottom ol tbe
cooler and connects with tho faucet. -
Tho Williamsport Rttnufr makes
sundry charges of malfeasance in ofilco
against the Commissioners of Lycom
ing county, all of which the officers
emphatically deny, If there is relia
ble testimony of guilt tho proper pro
eceduro would soem to be legal action.
Tho "limited voto" plan of electing
County Commissioners effects no good
but bus dono much harm, and this
Lycoming affair ia another illustration
of the fact. Tho old plan of electing
one now Commissioner ovory year was
tho best over devised and a speedy
return to it will soon be prayed for by
The Attorney General at present
receives a salary of :i,OD0 per year,
and fees not exceeding 7,000 besides.
Tho llarrisburg Patriot has astutely
discovered that this allowance of foes
is unconstitutional. It is to bo hoped
tho Patriot is right, even though it bo
vory long in making tho discovory.
1 10,00(1 a year to an Attornoy General
is a most unreasonable salary, but it is a
fuir samplo ot the extravagances in
troduced aud practiced by the Repub
lican parly. In old Democratic times
the Attornoy Genoral recoived a salary
ot only $000 per year, and then tbe
brightest lawyers in the Slate wore
glad to accept tbo position. Clinton
Speaks fob Guiteau. Judge E. R.
Hoar, United Slates Senator from
Massachusetts, has written a letter con
demning tho action of the District At
torney of the District ot Columbia lor
Directing that Guilcau be subjected to
peculiar and unusually Bovere treat
ment while he is held to await tho ao
lion of the Grand Jury. Judge Hoar
very truly says :
"The Warden la undtinbttdly re.ponelble for
the aafe ou.tody ef tbe prlaoner, and ehould oee
Rt proper prteautlon. againat eaoapt, but bt bat
not ytt been tried or found guilty of lay trimt,
tnd ti, tn view of tbt law, oily bold for trial.
No mtn baa a legal right to puniib bim until be
nil been tried tnd tontlettd, tad then only by
the puni.bmeot to wbieh he ia eentaneed. To
aut.ject bim to any privation or indignity not re
quired for bii eale-keeping la Illegal, and ibould
not eicapn oondtmnttion became thii poor
wretch ia the ol.jcot of anlvetaal odium. If be
baa a friend or relative or wi.hii to tea a legal, why .bould be not be allowed to tee
them 7 Tht Diltrlet Attorney ! tbt offlcw wbt
il to repreaent pnblle ju.tioe in the proveenttoa
of alleged crlminala. What authority of law baa
he to 'direct' a Jailer opua the lubiect of indul
gence, to be permitted tt uncoavicttd prltontr. 7M
The Delaware County Democrat says
"what a lucky thing it is forjudge
Hoar that be is a Republican I Woro
he a Democrat, Bucb languago as tho
above would bo indignant by denounced
as 'disloyal' by the Republican press."
Asm ay Pabk. A reporter of tbo
Brooklyn Eagle was rusticating at tho
abovo celebrated seashore resort re
cently, and happened to overhear tho
following conversation between two of
tbo brethren: Deacon Stiles "I have
a request to make of you, Brother
Potts." Brother Potts "Happy to
obligo you, if I can." Deacon Sliies
"You kissed Mrs. S. behind an elder
bash at our last Sunday school picnic ?"
Brother PotU "Yes." Deacon Stiles
"Woll, don't do it again, please, as
it might breed a coolness between tho
two families. My mother-in-law ob
jects." A receipt for making bean soup:
Take a pail of water and wash it clean,
then boil it till it is brown on both
sidos; pour in one bean; when the
bean begins to woiry, prepare to sim
mer. It soup won't simmer, it's too
rich. Pour in moro water. Dry tbo
wator with a towel beforo you put it
in ; tbo dryer tho water the sooner it
browns. Serve hot.
A so-called wit was onco talking to
ono of our wise professors. "Aa for
me," he said, "1 do not believo what
1 do not understand." "Do you un
derstand," objected theprolessor, "how
it ia that fire will soften butter, and
hanlcn an egg?" "No, sir." "Yet
yon believe in an omelet.
"Yon do not find any flies in the
buttor which 1 put on my table," said
the Boston boarding mistress proudly.
"No," replied a boarder, "it'a too
strong for them." That hoarder was
given immediate notice to quit.
It wus discovered after the deoeaso
of "Old Abe," the celebrated Wiscon
sin war eaglo, that it was not that
kind of a bird. It should have been
cbrislencd Dr. Mary Walker, Gail
Hamilton or Joan of Aro.
Jones aays that, after trying for
year! to photograph hla girl upon
bis baart, all be got from ber in the
end was a negative.
TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance.
BY M. L. Mcyl'UWN.
Copy fural.hod by A. R. Read.)
A great fortuno is a great slavery.
The school houses of Girard town
ship are being repaired and painted.
Tho Osceola School Board have
adopted Lippincott'e series of Readers
tt ue useu in tneir scnoois.
Ada M. Ale, of Clearfield, will teach
the Central Point school, in Covington
township, during the coming Winter.
T. U. Murray, Esq., has been invited
to lecture at tho Huntingdon county
Teachers' lustitulo in December next.
Twelve teachers' examinations were
held unto Setitemhnr 1st at which 110
certificates wero issued and ten appli
cant rejected.
MiHS Lou lleisov. of Lawrence (.own.
ship, has been added to the teaching
. r f , i i. t, P
uiuo ui inceuia uurougu. -tier posi
tion is First Intermediate. Salary, f :I6
per month.
Edgar L. McClosky, a teacher of
lvarthaus township, graduatod recent
ly ut the Williamsport Commercial
College, making 100 in every branch
of tho course.
G. W. Emigh, Principal ol tbe Uoutz
dale Public School), haa entered npon
the study of medicine, and will attend
a Medical College in Baltimore during
tbo coming Winter.
All tho annual district reports from
Clearfield county are now on file in
the School Department at Uarrisburg,
Woodward township's report reaching
there on the 31st of August.
' It is announced by the Richmond
(Xa.) DiaHiUU that only (5,001) is now
wanting to secure to the Univorsity
of Virginia the gilt by Mr. McCormlck
of the finest telescope in the world, an
observatory and an ample endowment
of tho chair of astronomy, tbe whole
valued at 1120,0011.
The fifteen great American inven
tions of world-wide adoption are : 1.
The cotton gin. i. Tbe planing ma
chine. 'A. The grass mower and reaper.
4. The rotary printing press. 5. Nav
igation by steam, ti. Tho hot air en
gine. 7. The sowing machine, ti. Tbe
India rubber industry. 'J. The ma
chine manufacture of horseshoes. 10.
Tho sand blast for carving. 1 1. The
guugo lathe., 12, Tho grain elevator.
13. Artificial ico making on a large
scale. 14. The elcctrio magnet and
its practical application. 15. The com
posing machino for printers. A six
teenth must bo addod the.tclephone.
Tbe School Board of Lawrence town
ship mado the following appointments
of teachers lor the coming Fall and
Winter on Saturday, August 27th :
Mount Calm J. 11. Lawhead ; Ha
zel Green J. H. Mead; Driftwood
Mrs. Alice Litr. ; Pine Grove W. S.
Port ; Clover Hill Annie P. Read ;
Centre J-. A. Murray; Montgomery
L. E. Bailey ; Mount Zion Annie
Savage ; Paradise James M. Porter ;
Mount Joy Klma A. Bead; Pleasant
Dale-Elliot A. Read ; Hillsdale W.
T. Spackman ; Watorford Ida Gear
hart; Wolf Run T. M. Davidson.
Since tbe last issue of this paper, the
following townships have reported the
teachers employed for the coming
school term. The appointments are
as follows:
Bradford township. Lower Wood
land thos. E. Moore; Bigler 8. M.
Builey; Upper Woodland Loia Mo
Gaughey; Egypt Lottie Wilson; Shi
lob Wallace Dale; Jackson School
11. E. Faust; Pleasant Hill to be sup
plied. Salaries, I .'10 and 135.
Girard township. Congress Hill
Alta Spackman; Bald Hills Agnes
Dalo; Gillingham Mary Lutz; Plank
Road to bo supplied. 'Salaries, 28 per
The New York Herald saya: "A
circular has recently been issued by
the British Educational Department
calling attention to tho important
question of how thrift may bo taught
and encouraged among the classoa
which need it most in that as in ovory
othor country. The idea of tho sren-
tlcmen who have tbe supervision of
ine training ol the youth in England
is that some plan ought to bo devised
to induce habits of economy among
school children. There can bo no
doubt as to the excellenco of the sug
gestion. France saw the importance
of this question thirty or forty years
ago, and solved it in a vcty practical
way by establishing children's savings
bank in nearly every school in the
country. England ia away behiud in
this respect, and for that matter so aro
tho United States. No children in the
world spond so much money aa our
own, and upon none are babita ot
economy loss impressed. Tho exam
pip of France in this respect ia one
that might he profitably followed, not
only in England, but here In America."
1. Neglect to furnish each pupil
plenty ot suitable seat work.
2. .Make commands that you do not
or cannot secure the. execution of. Oc
casionally make a demand with which
it is impossible to comply.
3. Bo frivolous and joke pupils to
such an extent that they will "talk
back." This will "break the ice," and
they will loon learn to be impertinont
in earnest, or be so cold and lormai
aa to repel them.
4. Allow pupils to find out that they
can annoy you.
6. Promise more in your pleasant
moods than you can perform, and
threaten moro in your "blue spells"
than you intend to perform.
6. lie ao variable in your moods that
what wm allowable yesterday is crim
inal to-day, or vice verm.
7. Be overbearing to one class of
pupils and obsoquioua to another class.
8. Utterly ignore the little formali
ties and courtesies of lifo in the treat
ment of your pupils in school and else
where.' 0. Consider the body, mind and soul
of a child utterly unworthy of study
ami care. Let it be a matter of indif
ference to you whether a child ia com
fortable or uncomfortable. Consider
that it ia unimportant why a child en
joys one thiog and dislike another,
and that it is not your business to aid
bim in forming a worthy character.
10. Let your deportment towards
parents and officers be such aa will
cause you to lose their respect and
One or mora of these rules faithfully
x ecu tod will atxtura tba end in view.
H'icfMM Journal of Education,
CuRtribatioat t thit departeieet eheild b. a
drtatod to J. Blair Riad, Clearfield, Pa.
Tho Lancaster Foultry Society add
ed ninety-three mombort to iU list last
Cattle boor, at the present time are
worth 150 per ton. Theee hoof, art
now made into horn buttone.
At a recent potato ahow in England,
where nearly 1,400 p late were shown,
a large n amber were of American vav .
The best herds of dairy eowa tu thii t
COUIltrV Vield fn,m lillfl In Kllll vuinnna
of choose per cow. Few of these are
thorouuh-breds. but are aiUictrl n-nm
the best grades of the various breeds.
The farmer buys a pound of soup of
a city grooer; if of short weight, the
soap ia not confiscated by the clerk of
tho market; but the farmer's butter,
if it does not pull down the scales, ia
taken from him. This is robbery, Our
Legislature passed a law against such
discrimination last Winter, and the
Governor has vetoed tbe bill. The
Governor ought to hide his diminished
head undor a bushel. He can make a
spocch at an agricultural fair, but he
cannot do Justice to the farmer. Farm
A correspondent of the Now York
World thus reviews the qualities of
the different breeds for the dairy or
for meat :
Ayrosbire Good size, a good feeder,
well adapted to hilly farms, produces
a groat now of milk of ordinary rich
ness, making good butter and cheese;
and as a dairy cow is highly esteemed.
Holstcin This breed is of Dutch
origin, ia larger than the Ayreshire, an
enormona eater, with a very large flow
of milk, exceeding all other breeds,
ana ol a good quality. This breed ia
hotter for beef than the Ayreshire.
Short Horn Tbia ia the breed for
good beef, decidedly tbe best that ex
ists ; and the most beautiful in form ot
all breeds ; and in size about as large
as the Holstoin, but do not equal that
breed in their now ot milk. The short
horns are not adapted to hilly farms
and short pastures, flourishing only
when highly fed.
Jersey This breed and tbe Alder
ney aro now rated as the same breed.
They are small, and unfit for profita-
dio heel, .their Row ot milk Is small,
but of astonishing richness, making
two pounds of buttor from the same
quantity of milk that makes but ono
pound from other cows. This breed
is mostly kopt by men who want but
one or two cows, and prefor quality to
quantity in milk.
Tho introduction of anything new ia
pioperly uttended with some difficulty.
The best farmers aie like the best poli
ticians they are "conservative in all
that is good, and progressive in all that
is better ;" but they, ot course, want
to know whether a new thing is
bettor before they adopt it. In this
communication we wish to give far
mers of this class somo facta about
ground raw limestone, which show
that tor some reason or other it has, in
actual use, produced extraordinary re
sults; and then to suggest the proba
ble reason of its great efficiency as a
It has been observed by many, both
iu Europe and this country, that the
"scrapings'' from streets of towns
where limestone is used for making
roads, when used lor fertilizing ia
found very effective. Any farmer who
has lived along the line of tha National
road haa observed that tbe side oi the
fields next to tbo road is the most pro
ductive, owing to tbe dust from tha
limestone road boing blown on it and
incorporated with the aoil. A farmer
in irginta writes that tbe land along
side of the turnpike from Staunton to
tt incbesler baa been lurtinzea by the
dust from the road macadamized with
It haa been asserted that bnt one
tanner in Pennsylvania has tested it
Mr. Reed, of Erie ; but the fact is, hun
dreds of farmers in Western Pennsyl
vania and Eastern Ohio have tested it,
and there ia a very remarkable uni.
lormity in the good results tbey re- '
port. Tbe claim that it is vory much
more valuable than burned lime ia no
longer a question that can be success
fully disputed. The evidence in its
favor ia overwhelming.
The facts being as atated, can they
be accounted for in a satisfactory man
ner? We beliove tbe reason is just aa
plain as the facts. It is acknowledged
that "limestone lands" are tho best
farming lands in their original state.
In early times, all through the East
ern Slates, and as far West aa Ohio,
Indiana and Kentucky, tbe limestone
lands produced the best crops. It is
vory evidevt there was no burnt lime
in the original soil nature had nb lime
kilns at work, but ground up limestone
rocks by frost and rain, and made the
limestone lands in this natural way.
Now thoso lands are not aa produc
tive as they once were, and why?
Evidently because tbe farmer haa beon
taking out with his crops lomething
out of tbe ground faster than nature
can put it back again. What ia it
which he has thus been taking out?
As tho land was limestone land, it
must have been something contained
in raw limestone. Now what is there
in grain and all kinds of produce of
the soil that there is in raw limestone?
because this will show what was
taken out of the aoil. The answer ia
very plain Carbon. Haw ground lime
stone contain! 46 percent, of carbonio
acid, and this ia readily bold in solu
tion by water, and convoyed with the
sap into tbe plant from the root. Of
course, to do this the raw limestone
must be fine. Lumps of limostone con
tain the carbonic acid the plant wanU,
but it cannot get t it nntil tbe lime
stone is made into dust like that which
Is blown on the fiolds from the Na
tional road. Of course, in burning the
limestone all the carbon ii destroyed,
and the farmer loses 40 per cent, of
"plant food."
It has been asserted that plants only
get their carbonio acid from the at
mosphere, but any one who haa read
"How Crops Grow," can find abun
dant evidence that plant get carbonic
acd from the ground mors than from
the atmosphere. To aay that a plant
cannot got the carbon from tbe ground
which is so essential to ita life, but
must got It all from tbe atmosphere, ia
a great deal like saying to you and
me, "You need meat and bread to
make you a strong and healthy man ;
you may eat the meat, but you must
lake the bread by absorption, on tbe
liver pad system." Do you not think
this would be pushing the liver pad
theory to an extreme? And when
you are told that a plant must get all
Its carbonio acid through ita leaves,
but can not get any from Ita root,
when nature haa provided It to liber
ally in tbe beat limestone lands do
yon not think there must have been
some oversight? 1
The moat remarkable discoveries are
those which are the most simple. We
have been sending to Pern lor Gnano,
and to Charleston harbor for phos
phate, and turning np our nose prao
tically at Nature's store house of lertili
gera In onr limostone deposit. Of
ooorso, it ia not asserted tbat other
fertilizer have no value, nor that tbey
shonld not be used In tome proper
tioti with ground raw limestone. We
believe all this, but the expenae will be
very materially reduced even If used
In thii way.