THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAHKiKU, PA. WKtNKSlAr MORNINd, At'QL'ST l, UM. Terms of Subscription. If p.d in dTano.r wftbin tlir mouth.., 9 It paid ftr ttiret aad be for eli noaihe.,. i i If i,id after uipirt.oB f ti iBoobta... "lKmietica l'trt:i:t, at Htmler'. Flwk i Iniay M uptnitiK new gtxMla. It will lie hmful to nhnot aquirrtls after to-morruw, - - Jul. a Miwhoji Blurted on WediiMwlay lint fur (ieontytimn, Coloruilo. A very line of pockot cutlery, heitwon mid nhc am at iliu-dt-T Koti r-it rawer 'loimtif" w winR lum hincs with all attwhiurot fur (33, at Hiinlcr's. liev. .Mr. ('urwcimille, prea(-hel in the CW-nrMd Hapttat Duirch liwt Hiihltutli ivi'iiiiiR. Hie aule of the property of the cstuie of the late liiehard Shaw, 8r., will tk place on Thumluy of this week. - -- i m The rtnue nf water in the river at prewirt in quite iiiMtaiitlcwt. The Hniall boy con linger alwut the. edjie with pefert antVty. The Curwcnavillc Timrn soys that Mr. Gil bert KtliotiV)d,uf thiUpluce, w ho recently had his arm amputated, is able to walk around. ' m .w Judge Foley, whow ill new we mentioned lat week, in nhle to Ix-nlimit Huain.aiut ha almost reeovtred fniin hi attack of vertigo. Prof. Tortnpy, the tlrnt Prinripnl of the Leonnrd Gradt-ri HcIkkiIs, i now Itev. G. W. Fortney, and nuidw at Chatham, New York. A new Hivenient han recently been put down in the vicinity of the Presbyterian pur Honnye, and the build i mi w sheltered by a new rot if. Harry Snyder, the burlier, puri-ows slink ing the ilust of Clearlield off nf his nim-nmiia ubnut the mitldletf September, ami move to nseenhi. Coiuiniiniiin service will le held in the ( Uuirfield Prettbyteriaa Church nextSabttath uiorninft. There) will be preimrntory servieea on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Several new announcements apprur this week for the different county office to lie tilled this Fall. Thin 1 the last week for announcing the named of candidate. The O.Hceola iUrdllc nays that Mrs. Win Ik Id. of Huutnltde, ilropied deud by a stroke of piilsy, while engaged In luying out a corpse, un Monday night of last week. "Jersey" Snyder tin removed hi jewelry tore to his new room on Market street, lic tween Second and Third, where every thing l.rttks a hnnilaomr a the gnodft he deal in. Itcv. J nine H. Mft'ord nnd lady of New Cumberland, Pa., (opjiomte llarrifbnig) have been visiting the at week iu this plaee at the home of Mr. (V parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judge Foley. MuKtcr Royntnn I'tll now sportH with a voung bicycle. He enn manage it very well taking theftic of the nast and rider into consideration and the amount of practice in dulged in. The street sprinkler of Jimcph Ian has lieen dmimI for A week past with good effect along portions of Second nnd Market street. Our merchant have had their good greatly damaged by duni. Geo. H. W eaver, Ksq., a prominent and rxtimai'le citizen of Bellcfimte, died at his home in that pliu. on the lHth Inst., aged nlwut 6? years. He was a relative of John F. Weaver, Kq.,of this place. A lurgequnntHyot personal pmK'rty will In sold by the Executor of ft. Shaw, Hr., on .Sidnrday.Septemlwrllrth. Among the articles to lie sold is a piano. See advertisement in this iiMtienf the If kithi.ican. John W (Mill idge, Administrator of William Graham, late of Bradford township, deceased, w ill offer for sale the farm nf said decedent at the Court Honse in this pliww to-day. See description in another-column. Th(a who softer from nn enfee bled and disordered state of the system, should take Ayer'i Barwaparilta nnd cleanse the blood. Purge out the lurking distemper thot under mine the health, and constitutional vigor will return. The Shaw Honae prop-rty and lota belong ing to the estate nf the late Kichard Shaw, Sr., will positively lie sold on Thursday next. Those parties who hare any intention of bid ding on this property will take notice nnd lie present at the side. The light from l,eay s enuring, on the monnUiin west of town, uttnuted a great deal of attention lust Friday evening, und uUo elicited a great many inquiries from our eitixeiis. The view of the new comet was badly demoralized that evening. The sport of the typographical fraternity In thr Juniata Valley and along the sides of the Allegheny Mountains will enjoy their fourth animal picnic at Bedford Springs on Friday and Saturday nf this weekand per haps a couple of days of next week. mm ' Prothonotary Kerr has received the Pam phlet Law for the session of 11 , and is prepared to distribute them to Justices of the Peace nnd others entitled to them w-cording to law. One hundred and eighty-four jiages arc taken up with the laws, and sixty-one pages with a list of charters of corporation. mnm ' - KxShcriff Pie was iii town on Wednesday of last week. Since being engaged In the lumbering business in McKenn county, he doesn't find the time to visit Clearfield ft often as hns !cn his custom. Me says that Pie A Gamier are cuttingalsuit ;IT,(nm feet of hemlock per day at their saw mill at Sar grant, McKenn county, ami bv ovrr million feet to iU yet. mm ' --- Two Houses Burned Hear Osceola.itn Wed- nosdny morning last, nlmnt 5 o'clock, John Fitzgerald, lit lug In the suburb or (isccoin, kindled a roaring 6re in the cooking stove, and soon after he discovered smoke Wwiiing from the kitchen loft, which hud liceit set on lire by a sjiark from the stove-pii-. The honse, together w ith another adjoining, U-longing to Mrs. Philips.weivcntirely consumed. Scanity of water presented saving the buildings. The low nf each is fully coven d by Insurance. The porticnlnrs of the above wo take from the (Weola Itrrrillt'. A Family Shipment--The Huntingdon of last week ssys: "Among the emigrant passing went over the Pennsylvania Kailroud iie dny lust week was a German family, con sisting of the grandfather, grand mot her and their nine ehildrcn.siistms and three daught er, nil of whom are mnrried, with their fam ilies on board the same train. There were fortv nrandchihlren nnd eleven grent-groiid- childrcn, the entire n hdiotiHhip consisting of nincty-fle js-ople. They will settle in north ern lown,and will form a colony of their own. Among the men in the party were practical farmer, weavers, shoemaker and butcher.' Horo Brides. We are ph ased to learn that the Count f Cnmniisioners, and the citizens of Knox anil Woodward township, haventswt agreed to build a bridge sen f lenrfleld ereek, near the mouth of Potts' mn. The erec tion of a bridge at this point will Ik- grand outlet for the citiren of the township nf Knox. Jordan, Chest, etc, to the coal region, now being operated from Phlllpsburg te .liuiesville. We understand that the Knper- visor oI'Kmoi tmnhip have agreed to build the nbntmcnt on their side of the ereek, ami the Snpnn isors of Woodward are really to do the same, and also to fill up the rondway imw bag to the bridge on their rcspeclire i'les of theem k. The County Commiionera have consentrd to put the tnictnre npon the abut ments, and tn all can pus over safe and free, It it I of iron, which will m nrn, "nor blow dbwn by the wind, and wtU last wet Hmm sal loof as a waodaa one Six-drawer MlVm.ettc" fr $.15, At HarderV Aug. ill, tf.J Fleck is enjoying a nice trade in tlte dry- tfmds line, and iiIno in Indies' dres final. Fl(MkliteHeerylMdyin Clearfield cmuitv and elww here nun, women and children to call and the new gotHla. M i Wottere. Gtt Kmt fail to rend the premiums offered by the Cleartield Agri cultural Park Association, to lie found on our lourth iugu this week, relative to Iwibics. Class 4.' Is the one in which you are interested- mm 7t$ Comtt Disappwar mg. H is suid llmt thr new comet is whirling into the unknown regions of siwec with a velocity that haiilcs comprehension. The position of the comet, which was distinctly visible hist weekww directly ht neath the bowl of the Ureal Iip 1 Icr. llie caudal appendage point upward and away from the. sun. A Nct$ttf Supplied. We learn that our friend, Peter Keppel, contractor for carrying the mall Itetween Kylertown and Morrisdale Mines, hits placed njion the route a ImndMiine new covered wugou, which will lie appreciated by all truvclers. Penton who wish to visit Kylertown, or that vicinity, will find the hack at Morrisdale Mines on the arrival of the Mail train each dav. Hon la. The Legislature i . the lost ses sion parted an AH compelling the County CommisNionert) of euch county to furnish the I Overseer of the Poor with a transcript of the I last adjusted valuation or rwwwiment, similar to th lit furnished the School Directors. This will add considerable lalwr to the duties of that office. The Act will be found in the ! Pamphlet Ijtw of IhSl, pgc 75. j - - - m A Sirer Hill. Thousand of Clearlield raft- ! men have glanced At tlte rugged, steep hill ; opHisite Northumtierland. The Vwtof that plnce, in alluding to this natural monument, I says; "The men (uairying stone at the huge of Blue Hill, opjiosite this place, hae struck j vein of utiout a foot, in diameter of silver and copHT ore. Some of the ore has Ihtii sent to an, nssayer to lie tested. Mr.1 Wm. Elliot owns the quarry, and Mr. Kottert Lesher, who ow ns land close by, has taken an interest in thwmatter." The Btecaria District.- Tha editor of the Tyrone ifr rahl of lost w eek says; "Visiting CndKirt last week, a emA representative as surprii d to find that village the vitalized em- boysofth future city. There are vast coal fields east, west, north and south of this new Kl Dorado, and us the great coal veins of that region dip toward the creek at this point, Coaliort must, as a matter of necessity, Iks emue the centre of trade for this part of Clear- Held basin, us Houtrdale is, in the Itcaver mn coul field, with the exception that Coal port is surrounded by a much larger coal ter ritory, with three, workable vein, while rHotttzdale has but one uhovu u titer. The coal operators made a mistake in not opening the Houtilnle or Mohnnnon vein; but this is js rli:iiH Ml tor the bent, us it will be the means of giving B and C vein u fair test Ite fore diMturbiug the MoHhannon eoid In that part of the district.'1 The Fire Around Lodtville.K very de structive and terrible eoulhigration raged in the mountains in the vicinity of Lloydsville, Cambria county, lost Thnrsdity night. An Altoonu pnHr gives the following account of it: "The tiro had its origin in some refuse matter in the yard of Pluck A Glunts saw mill. Everything lieing intensely dry the devouring clement spread rapidly In every direction, endangering the mill, ns welt as the milts of Hcynold und McFurlund. Besides the destruction of timU-r, miles of tramways and thousand of cords of bark were humcd. The people of Lloydsille kept wntch all night lest the flumes might attack their vil lage. In fact the smoke of the conflagration wo so dense that many feared suffocation if they retired to lied. Parties who have been on the ground represent the (Ire as very great and destructive.'' Leg Broken. A Utahvllle correspondent sends ns the particular of a painful accident which happened to Mr. Charles Bicket. while working on the tram-road at McFur land's mill, near IJoydsille,on they'd inst., which resulted in a broken leg, besides other injuries, some of w hich are internal, and may nrove very dlsagreeuble, if not serious. The circumstances which caused the accident uppeur to be as follows: On the Haturduy previous, (lie road wn lieing repaired by other workmen. The removal of several plank w us required at a point un the road where it is tiOeen feet above the ground, and in replacing them they were not nailed a they formerly hud been. Mr. Bickers stepped on the end of two of these, which tipped and precipitated him to the ground, along with the two plank indicated, two other hoards and a scantling sixteen feet long, all of which alighted on hi Itody and injured him as almve stuted. It is hoiied that he will stsin be able to be about ugain. Death of A. J. Draucker. Our citizens were considerably startled Jo hear lost Thursday evening that A. J. Irancker, proprietor of the Hnuicker House, Cnrwensville, wo deud. His death occurred at his home that evening, after a very brief illness. "Jack" Urauekerwa widely known and universally respected, and his demise will be sadly lamented by others than his Immediate relatives. His funcrnl took place nn Kuturdny morning last, and was largely attended. The Curweiisvllle 7i'mr, in speak mg of his deat h , pub) ishe the follow i ng "Mr. Prauckcr was attacked with cramp am! dysentery on Monday lust which his physi cian succeeded In cms-king, and his friends did not realise that his disease would result fatally. Thursday uBernoon n change for Ihe woreeoccurTcdandnt fifteen nilnntesnf" eight o'clock lie breuthed his lust. Mr. Drancker wits burn In Pike township on the loih duy of April, lw, within a mile of town. He wn the father of nine children, six buys uml three girls, all of whom, with a tailhl'ul and devoted w ife and mother, survive to mourn his sudden dcuifa. Mr. Hruucker has been proprietor of the Praucker House for many venr. formerly keeping hotel nt the old Font stand. Thewmwiiigfumi!y have the sympathy of the whole oomwunity In their hour of sorrow,'' . - . mm - - Burning of D. W. Holt's Lumoer.W'e copy the particulars of Ihe destruction of I. W, Holt s InmU'T from the Philipsburg Journal of Saturday last : MOn lust Tnesduy evening, shortly before eight o'clock, fire wus discov ered In the lutuhtT yard connected with the IxmIi l-omond saw-mills, ow ned by P. w. Holt. K1m distant twomilcs north of Philips burg. T!ie alarm wo tilily teleplnneil to town und in a short time a number of eitl-ju-iis were on their way to the scene of de struction. AHboiiKh the Are wn discovered before mnch progress has been made, yet, owing to the extreme drouth prevailing, and the compact condition of the lumlsT piles, the ft-w hands present could do nothing to stay the rapid progress of the flames. As additional help come to hsnd It whs evident that nothing could lie done to save the large hodv oflnmlier.wthe fin hiul lieen kindled at both ends of the yard, and the ronring Hume on both i(les, were fust consuming the piles of valuable but highly hitlumnble material U tween them. Hevernl lumber trncks were aecurerf and as runny men a could work at them, removed some of the lnmlier to a safe distunee, until driven away by the flume. A portion of Ihe Iron Inu k rail were also torn up and removed out of dungrr. Of the large lot of lumber, njiwurd of twehe million feet, only about two hundred thousand feet were saved. In connection with this loss at least one thousand yards of tram-road, laid ii.t.n mil. wus also destroyed. Mr. Holt estimate his low ai $m,m on which poli cies of Insurant cover to the etent of $PV (UNI. Although Mr. Holt's pecnnlary loss Is heavy, and the interruption to his general business serious, yet having his mills Intw-t, he purpose to -commodate his large trade as fur at possible uudcr (be circumstance. Hevernl large order for lumlier wen- getting in readiness and piled oo Hie )ard, end were to have been shipped dnring the next sisty day. Among these was ft contract fir a Urge elevator uggregnUng irver two million feei . The arc waa evidently the work af an Incendiary, a no area t ha unwinding forest were prevailing duriaf tf day " Calicoes, uusllna and goods of every de scription Just received from the city at T. A eieck't, Yon cun have uny kind of on old hut modi new, by Newkirk, the halter, over Bridge's Tailor shop, Market street, Clearfield, Pcnn' fl-ltf Six-drawer "Ikmiestic" sewing machinea, with a full and complete set of attachments, and warranted for six year, for f:i5, at J. E. Murder's store, Clearfield, 18. tiring Wttnessst. The hundreds of strong, hearty, rugged and healthy looking men, women and children, thut have been rescued from beds of jiniu, sick new and well nigh death by Purkt-r'a Ginger Tonic, are the best evidences in the world of its sterling merit and worth. Yon will find such in almost every community. Head of It in another column. &-3-4t ll m mt Attention ? Vie have just received another ear loud of lop nnd ojk-u buggies from the ccU-hrutcd firm of Kuiersoii, Fisher & Co., of Cincinnati, consisting of Tinkutu's sidc-lur phnMon, elastic spring and platform spring wagon, which will lie wild at a very small profit. Persons needing any ot the alwve wngons will do well to call early. All work warranted by theninnafacturers. Wnrerooni ut Brown's Planing Mill. Both wide nnd narrow track. A. Mt Ot ihton ft Co. Clkhkiki., Aug. IWd, lHHl-3t New Dailf Stage ine. James L. Ivy ha siiccecileil In having a daily mail estnli lishcd between Clearfield and Pen field, and will hereafter run a doily stage lietween the two points. His contract begun with April 1st, and the stage will leave Clearfield every morning (except Sunday) at 8 o'clock, mak ing connections with all trains on the liOw Grade Railroad ut Pennfield, returning after the hut train the same evening. Passengers und freight will bo carried at low rate. Order kit ut any of the hotel will he attended to. 4-l(ltf. mm i Hay Fevsr. For Huy Fever I recommend ! Fly's Cream Balm. It entirely relieved me from the first application; have been a suffer er for ten years. Going from home and neglecting to take the remedy, I hud nn attack ; after returning I immediately resorted to it, und found instant relief. I liclieve.had I Is-gun its use earlier, I should not have lieen troubled. Have stood heat, dust and draught us well as during other mouth. J. Collyer, (Jerk. 11H Broad street, EliiuMh New Jersey. For years I have been atllicted with Hay Fever, from early August until frost. I wo induced to give Ely's Cream HaJ m i trial. The relief was immediate, I regard myself cured. G. Kchreiber, HupL of Cordage Co., Elizabeth, N. J. September Wth, in), price fiO cent. urn PHYSICIANS REGISTERED. The followingphysicimis, residing in Clear field county, have registered in the order mentioned in the Prothonotory's office, in compliance with the recent act of Asncmhty : Edwurd Conrad Lewis.. I.. U. Butliet Penfleld. DuHoi. Buniside. Houtzville. Clearfield. Trontville. Buniside. , Fn-nehville. Clearfield. Kvlertown. tieo. F. Prowell J. A. Buird H. B. VonValznh J. Currier Thoinn K. Iuvi F. H. .Sealing , John (i. HartHwick Ai Thorn Hnmiiel C. Htewart.. ..W'(NMllnnd leremiah Haines Woodward township. J. L. Wultcr Hontwlale. Ash I). Bennett New Washington. Jumcs P. liurelltield Clenrtield. C. B. Klliott I tuhville. Pa vis A. Hogue llmitzdiile. T. Jcft'erson Byer Cleartield. Thomus K. Blumly Iloutdide. (union It. Hotchkins Morrisdale Mini's. James Mctiirk Buiin New Wnshingtoti. George W. Caldwell Glen Hope. HOUTZDALE ITEMS. The water panic still prevails. The sewing machiue war still wages. The coa' trade Is good, but cars are very scarce. The new store of Mr. MeCaulley, Moore and Shurliaugh wHI lie finished soon. Me thiui'S ivesaw the genial face of Father Test pa railing our streets last week. Come again, Father. The residence of Kamuel Murphy, near Houtzdate, wu destroyed by lire last week, Part y insured. Boltert Kiehardsun, a native of Scotland, died at his residence in Hontzdaleon the 17th inst., aged 4 year. John Holey, a native of Texas, is doing our town with a drove of Texas iionics. He has made sule of some very tine teams. The miners are jubi ant over the "store order" business lieing crushed out. No more store orders after the 1st of HeptemU'r. Michael Griffin died on the 2flth. He was un o'd and rcspeetab'e citizen. There was over one thousand peop'e in attendance at the funera'. The Harrison mine, operated by the Bead ling Brother, is doing a fair trade for, a new opening. Success to the gentlemanly op s1 rat or. Officer Malee hml quite a lively bout with an offender which caused John to use his non-gun. However he was mn in without any bloodshed. Saturday was jwiy duy and the town w n ijuite lively. However, the boys were on their good behavior. No one in fort Rohiaon that we have heard of. The brh k-layen finished the school house on Saturday last. We have oue of the finest buildings in the county. The building contains eight rooms. John Swires wu interviewing one of the Texas ponies from the rear end. When he came to he inquired whetlipr the lightning hud struck anything e se. The mill owned by Hoover, Hughes A Co,, situated on Coa' ran, together with a large amount of lumlier, owned by J. B. Moran, wo destroyed by lire butt week. !os not known. The Moshunnon ExtensionCnnipuuy, limit ed, Is pushing the new mod up thr Mnshannon creek as fast ns possible. They are putting up some extensive buildings on the lands ol Test. It is hoped that they win gT n finished this Fall. Unite lively foot-race took place between the llnrges and one 1 homos Shaw, f hnmaa wu tiring to lump the fine. The under standing was that the race was to lie heel and toe, but the Hurgeas broke, and of eonrse, Thoma done the same. A Iry-stander heard the Burgesay something alwut Mund S. an he passed him. It is needle to ay that Thoma wo run down and captured. A most brutolassau't was made on William Bowles, of Woodward twnshlp on the 'ioth inst.. hv officer Malee. Mr. Bowles come to town to do ftome trading, and the conse- onence was he got a'ltt e the worse of drink He left hia team in front of the Exchange Hotel and his wagon was soon fi"ed with boys, some one of w hem sto'e a pair of shoe from Mr. Knw'ea. He naturally became en raged and ordered them out of his wagon. nnd to scare them aw ay, he picked up a stone. Ma'ee came forward and ordered him to lay down the stone, which he refused to do. Ma ee then took ho d of him and struct him arms the arm with a heavy hickory e ub that he carries. Bow e not dropping the stone. he ogain struck bim across the bar of the hand. This a' so fni'ed toaiuhchim drop It He then drew back his e'nb and dca't him a how on the head, which canscd him to drop the stone, and the second stroke on the head laid Bow e out In sn Inscnsib e state He railed lv-k his eyes and bystander thought the man was killed. He nna"y came to in abrwi'dercd state and inquired what this all meant, when Mal'ee grabbed him and chucked him Into the gutter, and then after near y hi' Ing the man arrested him and put him under hai' for his appearance lie fore His Honor. Mr. Kow ea t a saiaU man. and ton (i d ta he abused la this way. It Is to be hoped that the eltiaenae the Iwrough will rise la mans and sab an rip anal ion ef the afucer for hia conduct. It Li ft disgrace to the own m unity. VtX A, W, Walter! bs beta awsHtd tb oantrsot for repairing the Swoad ttrsrt bridge. Jeeob D. Boohs U auttluf dowa a d psvs at aloof fats property on tleeead street. lbs inoky and bsiy appsrsBe of ths atoaot phsre uKtd thst of tb IndUa Heamtr msios. It li eanaed b; the fereat lrs na th noanlsloi all aboat ua. Frank Fleldios sad W, D. UifUr will ranoTS ibalr law effloa tba prsaaot ak to tboroona over Orahsos'a drnjt iters, elaeoad atrast, aearly appo. fits th First Mstloasl Dank. Wanted! A boy, between the ages of 17 sad 31, la art n led at the tiowiretatabliahmant of Fred Ssokatt, Claarflsld, P., ta latra tba trade. Apply fooa. A-Sl-tf. Farmers' Attention f Mr, Thus. V. King hat bow oa baad a quantity of pboipbste io mount! to lull purobaaara, Psrntrs In naod of It bad betUr try Mine oa tbslr wheat this Fall. Fsr furihar part loo la ra call oa or addnaa blra at Cltarflatd, Pa. R. M. McKoslly, eg" for the Mutoal Baaaflt Life IaaursBos Company, hta ramovsd bis offlot iato tbs roooj raosUd by 8. 1, Snjdsr, on door wsat of F lack's store, where ha will be plasiad to snest bla frlsadi sad talk to them oa tbs aah)sot of Ufa laaarane. A juunj dsugbtar of Pulloauso Dorritt wu esrrjinf a glsas jar ona day last week whan ab trlppad aed fall a it, tattlaf a gaih la bar ack which required lb services af a phjalotao to dreaatha wuaad. It waa a est row eaespa from what night bar bcoa a dsngaroos aooldeat. House Burned. The residence of Mr. F.lishu Aebeafeltcr, In Brady townnfaip, oa the pike, about two aad oas-bslf miloa west of Lutheriburf, waa totally destroyed by lire oa Tutadsy foseaooo of last week. The house was Intorad, and aearly all the household goods wera asvod. Th Are originated from amp tying hot sahaa in tba wood bouse. Lit of letters remaining unclaimed in the iVBstofflce nt Clearfield, Pa., for the week end ing August 2!tth, 1NW1 : Miss Fsnoie Csplia, D. K. Cow gill, William Coihrao, Misa Alpbarelte Dare, 0, N. Esston, Mrs, . Ilill, lUrry Lelttell, Peter I. Loadiaatber Joph Parent, John l. Rlcbsrdaoa, William Blddl, Barah 0. Wlneberg, Jonny W I lion. P. A. GAL LIN, P.M. Th Sterllog CooiaJy Company played tut evening In Pie'e Opera Bouse to a limited audi. nee. "Ooe Chrlalmaa Kr waa played inattad of "Lucretis Borgia," ai annuuaoed, wbioh waa pottpooad oa aooouot of the hosrasneas of oa of th lady actors. "Luaretla Borgia" will be par formed this (Tueiday) artmlng . Tb part played by Frank Peats laat eTonina;, aa Wm. Allison boy, waa good, and for an amateur bo displays wonderful talent. The CitiseDi baud of this place fumUhed the muiie In place of aa Orclioa tra. A Social ftcnc Keedsville w as the scene of a pleaaant little eoelsl gathering oa laat Thurs day evening. The invited gnosis mostly mar ried folka, with thair families nam bared thtrty flvo sod repraaentad almost every period of life from li months old to 46 years. Tho party waa gettea up by Hra. John MoUaughey as a aurpriio to Mr. and Mrs. AIUo X It obeli, and waa held oo the shaded lawn in thoir front yard, where a table was sot with delicious fruits, tempting rlands and well prtparad pastry. All want away highly de lighted with the good time enjoyed, and feeling especially thasLful to Mrs. McUaujthay si tba prim mover in the matter. FIREMEN'S MEETING. A meeting of eltlienn waibetd la the Commit sloners' oftioe oo Saturday evening fur the pur pore of eoBlmiag aa to the beat manner of orgae ialng a fire department, hmilh V. Wilsda waa jailed to the Chair and J. B Biater aetod aa See. rotary. After diteuMion It waa decided by vote to organlte a Fire Department by adopt ids; the Constitution originally submitted by tb commit tee appointed al a previous meeting. Tail Coa titotion eooferred upon the Town Council the power to select a Chiat or Fire Marshal nnd two aide, who are to bate entire oontrol over all ex oept the Book and Ladder Company. In organising tho llouk and Ladder Company It waa decided to allow all persona who bad sigocd th original oall U make application tor meulier sbip within aisly days free ; attar that time a fee of $1 will be charged for membership. The meet ing then proooeded to elect eucara of tb Book and Ladder Company with th following result: Fortm AI. W. Walters. lal Anitiant Fornm (jeorg 0. Moore. id Ainttent Fortma It. C. Heed. Captmin of AMAk Thorn. Secretary A. J. 11 agar ly. TraTr- L. II. Ate. J..rAaf-D. W. Jordan. A'mimH-W. Baoka tloluea. A. B. Bead, A. F. Martin and 3. V. McKonrtck were appuioted a oommittee to watt oa the Tow Council and submit tb UoDStttation at adapted . Adjourned to meet oa second Tueeday of 8ep- temnor. n. 0IXLSR, Secretary, SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The fourteenth semi-iuinuul sesHion of the Bennett s Brunch K. 8. Aswx iatiiin was held ut Hickory school house, in llustou Uiwnnhip, nn rnuuv and Huturdnv, Aug. l"th and villi. .John H. Kfsiker, of Winterlmrn, presided with ability during all the wwion. levo- tinnal exercise were conducted hy Albert A. Bml. of Pentiel. T. t'. llnvt, of Hieknrv, made an excellent Address nf Welcome, which ww, rcsjsuided to in a fi lieltons manner hy the President. Allen H. Bwenknuis and John H. Brown, of I 'en field, were aniinted reiKirtcrsof the nmceedinu. The tonic, "How to tret People t the Kulilstth S4-I100I," was dls- cumcd by J. M. KiiuHhIi, of MuMin Hill, A. H BoNetiknins and A. A. Bird. The speakers di- e lured that a gotMl school anil personal work would secure tieonle Thetonie, "How to keep Ieople in Huhhnth School,'1 wu tliscuMwil hy (ieirfl II 11 it, of Winterlmrn, lollowed hy A. H. Kosenkran, T. C. Hovt, J. 11. Kisiker and .1. M. r.iiKli.-li The siiUtance of the talk wus that ph rents, teachers and oflleers wrre eiiually rcNjionsilile in the matter. L. Bin! of Penfleld, Carrie Derrof Beneirette, A. 11. Boscnkran, T. C. Hovt and J. II. Hook er, reported visits made to the dirli rent school in the nistriet. At the evening sewinn, devotional cuen ise were conducted hy A. II. Bosenkruns. Ainer ieus H. WfNMlwun'i.of IVntield.mailea fine ad- flren on the subject, 'The Bible as a Ijiw- Book," pnyiiiK a eloquent trihute to the Hilue as tne immik atstve uli others. The topic, "How to Huise Mnnev,"wo dis- msed hy L. Bird uml (ieo. Ilurr. The apeak - ers said thut retfiilnr collections in the school and personal apteals for money outside would tie neurlv alwuvs successful. A. II. Boenkrnndiacuedthetopic,"llow to licnrn the lesson,'' stating thnt lli(imuli and iiraverfnl stndv wu the only true way, Tnesiunect, Mow to leacli the lessnn, was diM'itmed hy Tho. lliitchtiison id Puncoast, A. A. Bird, J. M. Knuhflh and A. II Uoen- krnns. Thestienkerssiud thut thorough wrei- nrution and the metluN) of tench ing hy asking ouesttotis were most siiccesslul in a inuniv nutnoroiis, vei sensnue speeco, l.ucien Bird diwunscd the topic, "How to get more sinuinii.'' Mr. It. said that nil could wine some, and hence that all nhmiht sing in Huli- liatli school and chureh service. A. 11. Bosenkruiis mwle a few remarks on the Ionic- "How to prewerve order." The tit-tie, " H ow tnmainlntnte-ruMil throngbnut the venr, wu discusMd hy J. M. Ktilili nnd A. H. Koseukaiiiis. 'I he siteuker nrgued thut a determined effort by even one worker would keep the nehool in session. A numiierof oucstinnswcrcrcierrcii toanu answered hv dillerent persons. A large collection aim a inrge nnmoer 01 memtiers were receiveit. L. Bird. (mmittee to gather statistic, re- nnrted Hi schools in the iHitri. t, with a mern- hersbin of KtH, and an average attendance of raw. At the Haturdnv morning aession, A. If. Woodward conducted devotional exeniw-s. A goisl aldre to the children wn mud hy Allien A, Bird. T. C. Hoyt reviewed the Hickory Hahhath Hchnol in an ame manner. llow to leach the mteriium was mnw ed hv Bev. A. I. Met loskey, of penfleld, Hcv. W. H. I'ilson. of Beech wotds, end A. H. Boseiikraii. J. II. Kooker, Bev. Met'lmkey and A. A. Bird diwussed the topic, "Iniport- anee of committing stTiptnre to memory. The important idea advanced were that a knowledge of the Bible i necessary to salva tion, and that Scriptural pswigr-H hxlged in Ihe memory are the Itest weapon with which to fight the enemy. A numtier of new meniner were rreeivra. Bmfilution were wloiited, thunking the peo ple of Hickory for their kimlne and urging upon rnniiay wnooi woraer ine nrti m personal worfc, ami ine iniponnceoi n jnnpi the school In session ine enrire year. The President condmied the devotional ex ercises of the closing cion, Salurduy aHer- nonn. The following were elected officers: President, A. If. Kosenkran. Vice President,.!. M. Johnson. rVcretarv. Carrie Ierr. Treasurer, Augusta Buoy. Amid intense excitement Omnt school house, Elk enmity, wa seleetel a the plaee of next meeting, rw-eiing 1M vote to 17 for Webb, and 1 for Mill Hun. The Treasurer n-jsirted a blnee on hand of over f. ( losing woid. were krn hv J. M. En glish, A. IL Kownkmn and Ifev. W. H. Kilsnn. Conventi'm edimired to meet an the third Fridav of February. The fin Musea of the aieeling reflert great eretlit oa thoe wha peepwred the pro gramme, and those who worked ia the Coa- A. n iv. j. a a A CARD. ' It. M. McKnally, Agent of the .Mutual Benefit Lite Insurance t'oiuiiuuy, reHptTtfully ntairata those coutempbitiuii insurujiee oil their .ive UmwII or write for circular giving lull iwrticulurs iu regard to the Company he reprcjteut. Thentiordol the Mutual Beiielit, for aire, furstuhility,forecurity,lor economy, for euuity, for lurtte dividends, for mutuulily, tor popularity and for ftuceemtul niuuuge meut, will Is-ar fuvoruhle Comparison with any other Life ('oniony In America. Atten tion is directed to advertisement in another column. H. M. aIi Kkam v, ( 'It urjtt Ut Pa. Ofllee one door west of Fleck's store. The Ten Commandments of the Hem Testa- msnf. Rev. H. B. Crittenden, sends us the following contribution for Bunduy Hchool workers : Mil. Kni ruK: Over .VMMKIHnnduv G houls in our own country alone have Imi'U studyiiiK the Ten Coiniiiiintlmciit the pust and next HnhlHiths. I send you herewith the proof text Rliowinir Hint Itiese comimuiiliiients are given not only repcutedly in the Old Testa ment, hut also siiimtanttiiiiy in tne teacliitiir of Christ in the U('L 1 am not aware thut thce (nmhiikus, ns 1 have arranKtil them, are to rV found anywhere ele. All teacher can make pniti table use of them. irirf Ami Jesus answered him : 1 hut urn of all the coiumundnients is, Hear, O Israel ; I he Lord our tftl is one Lord. Mar PJ-m ,Srrom For they themselves show of us what manner of entering we hud unto you und how yon returned to (iod from idols to serve the living and true Ood, 1 Them 1:H. rsirrf But I guy unto you, Hweur not at all. Mutt. b.M. Fourth And he nutd unto them. The Sul- huth wu made for mun and not man fur the Huhhath. Mark :S7. Fifth Honor Uiy fattier and thy mother. Mutt HUH. Sijrth Thou shalt do no murder. Matt. IH:lH. Srpenlh- Thou shnttnot commit ailultcry. att. HhlH. Fiyhth Thou shol not stcol. Matt. lfl:lH. AisM Thou shult not bear false witness. Mutt.UMH. linlh And he uid unto them, Tnke heed and beware of eovetonstitm Luke 12:15. 1!. B. C. INSURANCE BUZZARDS. The Tyrone Herald, of the a."ith inst.. cives an instuiMteof Npcctilutive Life Insurance, und coiumetiui on it as follows : "We hud thought, us intimated elsewhere, that the bone-yard shurks were alsiut giviiiK Tymne the cold shfiulder, hut we were mistukeu a iVw, if not mon so. An insurance raid was made on the tow n yesterday, for a purpose that will herein aptcur. Muux Kuutliuun, who is lingering on the very edire of the grave, was recently insured forSHsMKHi. Yestenlavit wasiiuictlv iutimnted hy some one in the interest of tlte grave-yard agents, that Manx wusaliout ready to so, when a crowd of Huntingdon comity agents apiieurrd on the scene, and alter eon sultntion, it was decided that he couldn't die easy unless a few more policies were issued. These paKTs are culled 'death policies,' and there is no word fool i 11 ir about it. They are just what thev claim to he. When a subject is in the art of dvinc, his triemla,' the death hawks. iMunce upon him like huzjEunls uKn mitriit carca, and fasten mm witn tne irraiinliiiK inins of their insurance machinery. Kaultmun wus tUwl over again, miti near as we can OHcertain, is now insured tor almut f'JtMMHK). The outcome of all this will he. old Manx will die one nf these days, and hi ehnritnlite 'friends,' the ghoulish polii-y hnhl- ers, will come in for the spoils, suv ",ti,issi. This may or may not he a legitimate business. At anv rate these tellows follow it up with impunity. Homebody ought to apply the legal nipnere to these death-speculators, ana if it is all right, let them gosh end. Iet them enjoy their constitutional rights. There are. no doubt, cases where these men. or some of their gong, help their subject out of the way, A good plan, and a iust one, to settle the ac count with them, would be togetthetn heav ily uiHii red through their own agencies, and then hung them. LETTER FROM IOWA. Ckmar BAPUN4, Iow a, Aug. ltli. IMi. Euitiir Bkpi'Hi.ican : When on the litth if Murch, lt, I iHulcacarelcssgiMKl-hyetoa lew fat ni7 friends anmud home, and started for the Northwestern College, I exmrtcil to return the following June. More tlutupyear has pussed since then, during which tune 1 have lieeu carried, still further away from the picturesnno sccnerv of the AUeghemes. Our school, lie lug located so near the metropolis of the grent West, enjoy the advantage of bringing its at 11 dent in practi cal contact with the true spirit of the Ameri can age. On the meridian we can sntely occupy neutral ground, and fucing the nort h, cun listen to the politiwl sentiment of the hustern manufacturer with the right ear, while the lea receives the earnest appeals of the westem producer, demanding legislation in his favor. Thus the un binned mind can weigh the churns of euch with impartial view, and gazttig across the clear hikes, enn take a look into the political affairs of foreign lands. The British Provenocs too feel an interest, in Aiuericuu enterprise. They aim have their share ot sons lone 01 whom, Mr. in. u. rrv, tnim Bright, Out, i my College chum) in our educational hulls. Our Knninier vacations are eleven weeks long, which time I spent last year in the interior of the Plate of Illinois. 1 traveled over a largo portion of the Htate, visiting many place of interest. Among them was Peoria, noted tor her ilntiiiene. inmcitv consumes thirty-five thousand hunhels of corn daily, nnd Is said to lie only second in the Vnion in her revenue contribution- I visited the "County house," aiiont eight miles from the city. It is a building of targe dimension, surrounded by 2.ri0 acre of hind, which is being tilled by the Inmate (then UHi in numMr,l under the dimiion of a HniHTvisor. I was ofticiailv informed thnt the average annual cost to the county for its jumpers. alVr the proceeds of the farm were deilucted, was less than per individual. 1 need not tell yon of the immense corn field some of them containing more than a hundred acres) now Been on the old battle ground of the Black Hawk wur. Many are tilled by the old veterans of thut war, while occasionally you find a hoary bend who Mounts of lieing a hero under lieneru! rk-ott in Mexico. Being employed by the Westem Publish ing Company, I urn sent from place to place, anil thus I meet an endless variety 01 men from foreign us well as our own shore. None are more interesting, perhttii, thnn the emi grants from the old Keystone Htute, many of whom 1 have met, ami a lew 01 wiiotu 1 Knew a doen vears ago. This elans will take solid comfort in detaining yon with questions per taining to their native home, until nothing but a Plain statement will rem 1 ml them 01 the tact thut the hour hand of the dial is lingering on the verge of the mid-night meridian. Hince the lutter imrt of June lust I have been in Iowa, On my way here I visited some ot (he principal cities 011 the Mississippi, taking ad win t age of ateumlioat possuge on ihe bosom of that clear stream. This river is noted for its pure, clear water. At thnt time, however, the stream was turbid. Its Uinks were overflowing w ith the largest rlissl known lor eighteen years. Among the point of interest were theliovernnient buildings on the island in the river lietween Iavenporl und Bock Island, the fNhcrie and lumbering mnnuluetorie. I hud seen a mini tier of saw- ills in Illinois for manufacturing ouk lum lier; but in Masculine, Iowa, I saw the first pine logs. CliuUm, however, takes the lead with her mills lemi John HuBoi, with his mills, unite in the siiutie in point 01 cnpnciiy only. The machinery being quite similar,! bnt (II I can indgei not as systematically arranged ns Mr. Oulbiis'. Their logs ore brought down the Mississippi in large fleet hv the aid nf stcamliuats and their lumlier is hipped chiefly west much of it into the Bocky mountain. My trip to the interior of Iowa ha lieen full of interest. The puUicroad hern, a in most nf the western rjlote. run mnillel and at right angle. The wild prairie of the north are gradually being turned into large and productive w heat-nelus, sitrronnued hy bruntilul hedge fences, wnue nrounu ine dwelling are seen growing tine groves of tree, quite 111, giving shelter from the storm, to which this country is subject. All thene things improve the ppemnce of the landwtttie. Thecom-lielt stretche acmsstlie centre of the Mat, while the south is rich in coal-beds. Ihe coal-bed of Illinois ami !ma are mnch more extensive than those of Pennsylvania; but the quality not a good. It doe very well for fuel but contain ton much sulphur for smelting process'. I have seen large pile of the slock at the mine ignite hv simultaneous ntmbustion and smoul der away, leaving it a pile of ashea. To those young men w ho are investing their money in the norren hillside of the A lle ghenie, collecting some day, among those st umn and rocks, in nmt a insuihui larra aim a quiet home, I would simply my, that only a far west the western imrt of the Ntnie of Iowa they can hny Innd quite as eheaii with le work will mnkethem wealthy, w hen the hrennipold men, while thecanty income amf hardship connected with the cultivation of a hack-hone from the Alleghenien (wilh half the fields standing on end ) will alwav cireumsiTilie their means, and alter-h re will And them in a farm, crooked a the ramUw, nnlv not svmmetrieal. It is my opinion that uny person with limited mean can do lie Iter west than in eastern Hiatc. The original settler here are beginning to recogniw that fact and encourage their son to punhslill further westward. Not wishing to tax any more of your time and patience tor the present, I am respectfully , . ((. W. Wkavkk, 1 Udiw arc Innled to go and m Uie avw Kooda ai Flack'. Clearlield Coal Trade. Htatemeut of Coal and other freights aunt over the Tyrone A Clearfield IHvision, Pennsylvania Builroud, for tho weekending Angust 'JO, 11, and the same time lust year bo A It. fur tasrak H.H Sam tin laat yar H.M lDeraa.M.H. Previously durlav yar . 8ma tina last yar. ... lao reaat H.. TntaJ to 1BHI Sstaa lime Ual ytar H Inoras . Luaibar 17 ears ... 134 " Uisollaoua fralgbta.. A Good Boy. W. C. Kothrock, uf Benner Uiwnship, Centre county, was the aucowwl'ul competitor for tho free Bchu'arHhip in the Pennsylvania Kntte College, to which this Senatorial district was entit'od. The, ex amination took p'ueoat BeHefoiite on the HUh inst, according to tho pub'ished announce ment of rVnator A'exuudcr. There was no applicant from C'earfle'd or C in ton. There were on'y two Kothrock nnd A. B. Lucas, both of Centre county . Mosey is being raised by suliscription to permanent 'y wharf up aud tlx the mim-rul spring on the river aide, near the foot of Mar ket nt net. Any person wishing tocontribute to this enterprise can report to C. L. Barrett, who is Huiierinteuding the work. Thomas A. Fleck new stock of goods has arrived, and is now being opened out for mb 11c insiectiou. Call and m the new styles iu colors and haic in millinery goods, und ladies' dree goods. mj mm m New and seasonable goods, nnd Ihe leading atyhvsat Fleck's, Market street, Clearfield. Atig.21,tf. Flock bought fifteen rolls of Ingrain carpets. He will also keep a full line of Bruclficaritit. Everyliody is talking alxmt Fleck's new goods. "AH ftignsfiill in dry weather." It is the 'ant duy of Hummer. Bl RKKT McCU'RB. At tbe parsoaaiTa of flraca M. E. church, Willlatofport, AoKuct Utb, lSSl,by Rot. B. C. Canaer, II. II. Bi mkt and Mvstlr Mat Chub, both of CureeoavUls, Clcarfteld county, P. BAUMAN TU0MP.SON.-At tb M. K. Par aooaga io Lamhr Cliv, on Tbarmlty, August I sib. 1HM. bv Ksv. I. EJwstds. Mr. IUkrv 11 as and Miss Khka Thosi-nos, both of Lswrtne township. BIDDI.K M08S0P Io Philadalpsi. oa Frl dT. AonuitlCib. Bv. A. V. C. cichflDck, Mr. Cssauix h. Bidbi.b oq) Miaa Blas-ub Mot nor, bith ot Oletrflald, Pa. sua. CKACKEN. In Bceaari tnwbabip. oa Monday, August 1Mb, lfiHl, Jon J. M-C.rkax, agd 72 jaara, tf naoatba and 24 ij. 1'RALThKR At bla iablanc In Curwenc villa, od Thomdsy a veiling, Auguat jtb, itnl. A. J. Iallmkh, asjod ii ytra, 4 months and U days. NEWC'iMKK. At tlreenwood tuwn- abio. 00 Thur'dy. Auauat 4b. Hsl, Mrs. Mast Niwcomsn, if of J. P. 2t0wooar, a Red !9 years, s atoolua aod 25 days. KVI.KR -In Illinois, on Tuaadsy, August ICtb. 1(1)1, Mra. Llizaibi hVLSH, widow of Anr ham Kyltr, formerly of Bradford towoiblp, Ckr field oouaty, 1'., cd hi years, 6 months and 7 data. The deceased waa bora la I'nio aounty, this State, and mored to Clearfield eottaty with tba family in tbe year 1816, aod some year ago re mot fd to Illinois, Flit waa sitter of John Sliiea who was Sheriff of thi eaniy soma thirty jf-ars ko. KaAuruan. Special. On Ui'siiaan Psa Caw. DiacoiiNT oa Otn Pairas. Sawiog Macbioes en now be prehsed at Mrrel a tin and rarietv etore, from No up- warda. All kinds of aewlnr auohinea repaired oa the aborteu ootlee Clearfteld, Pa., iuly 18, U77. Wastbh. Dellrerad at tbe Rail Kosd. 10titA(lO 2fi.incb absved ablnclet, 110,0(10 24-lnoh sawed shmlM. 100,000 feet of pin boards. 600,0)10 14-fet ah nod boopa. 5,0H0 rllrod tie. 60,000 feet of good hemlock board. for which I will pay tb hi ft beat mar set prio. delivered t Olurfirld, or at ny point oa tb iyrone a uiearbsia Hsiimao. I. r, KRAMKRi Otarflold, Pa., Oet. 16, lS7fl-tf. Just ll??elvi?cl. Juat liociveJ by AH N OLD. t CURWKNHV1LLK: Car Load 2sova Scotia Plabtur! Car Load puro Corn, Hyo and OnU Chop! Cur IiOau JJcnken hull! Car Load of Cliuico Family Flour! Car Load Dry Goodo, Grocorioa.&c! HShintrlt'S, Bark. It. K. Tics and Grnio will bo taken In exchange. Curwenavillo, May I, 18(8. PEODUCE MARKET REPORT. PatlADRLFHiA, Aug. 2U. Flour la held Arm, bat wheat and oorn are lea actir and lower. Cottun ia strung. hla t 12o for miadling up laods. Bark Nothing doing to til prieea. Seeds Clover ia Juhning at fiot ll. r iI old at Sl.SMa I.HJ4. Hoar and Meal Flou ia In mod erate request and Armor. Hales of 1 ,710 barrel a, inelndmg low super t H.3.i j Mlnneacia eitraa at Ifl.bOmjA a& for olear, nnd t t:M('ul.2b tor straight ; Penoiylvani eitra family al $67A'i. 7; western do. do. at ? .00(',7 M ; aod patent a at tT.ibfh.lS. K ye floor ia arm al f .A0(a 6.00 pet barrel. Ntw Yo( Aug. Flour ia shade slronirer, oleaiBg Irn. Hre dmr la Hon at IA lOt.i.rt IS. Cora mralsteart? and quiet; yellow weter,a.T6 (a,X0; Hru.wlne. :i 7.''';i.W0. Wheat opened al tfojj higher and eloeed at tb nWaoc ; scarcely any export demand and moderate specu late busineiai aniraded spring, II. 27 ft I 'M ; Nn. t Chicago, nominal, $1 8"ffc I. UK t uniiraded, j winter red, I lard.i.s. ny vim na quiet, quoted at $1 .OAft 1.10 ; state, 1.07. Barley mm inal. Dailey malt quirt and steady t market i(ihi lower, eiloslng quiet and wen, t'ornl'n graded, nr-Ci'lic f fto 8. ftfil't ftKo; iteaiarr, TU (rt.774 : No. 2, while, 7fl yellow, 7e i 1 ,. ij August. 71oi Beptemher, 7ll('t71ic, nlosing t 7lio: Oetoher. 7:tgfu. 7 j ; rlnting at 7"M ( ?o amber, 7ifvfl closing at 7(((ii7;c. Outs Vo lo higher and lesa active i wLtie, 44i(4iio ; No. 1, 424fit::e; do. white, 4i(it; No. J, 4Hej do. white, flOe ( miied wentern, 4l(fi 4Hc; white do., 44f 4e i white state, 4f tte; No. 3 Bepteinber, 4'ijroi4So October, 44444) do. Nuvember. 4Afu4A. Cbicago, Aug. 99. September. Wheat, $1 .J. Cora, Ao. Oats, lo. Fork, llA.HO. Lard, Ut". Oil Quotations ! CENTRAL FENN'A OIL DEPOT UNDERHILL& CO., i.Hhrirnllnf, ittfnrd k .Hinfrn' OILS, riui.ipsitriifj, ricsN A. Vi'9 qaot. our oraodi of Petroleum aod olhar oil. (..hfrrl M mark d.lWared fre. oa hoard oar, at any nation on th. Tyrone A Clearfield nallroad. HeflBedOII, lit f.l. 1 At lowaat Pnaaawhtta, l " Water Whlllt. " .... Elaine, " Ianarhrt nhboutt na to ratr. bo.traf.r- co.t. .10 .14 .13 ReDiloa, TttlraTlty per fa).. N.ptaa, "4 " " .. tle..,lina, fill " " " .. Miner.' Lamp, MO t " " .. Car Aila Oil, (W. Va.) Katra. " ., " W.Va.Md m. .. iW.Va.Buaim'r .. Nattiral Lubrloallng ' .. Kranklia " Kttra. , " .. " 11 Sumracr. " .. Rlatk Diaaioad " " .. Umt Rnalne - M .. lloldea ' " .. Amber " " " X.. " No. I .. MatrhleM Cjllnd.r (HI. " " .. No. I - ' .. ".. Wool (111, No. 1 ' ., LardOiliexiraiWinururaia'd" "- "No. "., No. I ' . aVIInae Kniin., No. I " " . - ' No. I . ' N. I... - " " . I .l .III .22 j .2 l .lal 5! Mlaere' Yellow. ter aallua... White I At lowaet mar. LIMel, No. I " I aat rate. nh AmerW-an M out rrf. t. r TarpoTitlaa, u.l " .. tmtei mli foinpttition. ay 4, ll-ly. Qtiv dvcrtlsr mt nt. feT Bn,"fc Psmplea wortb Address Srisw a Co., Portland, Maine. (mflh2, rNAIITItlX.-W. D- Woodwerl. Jr., la j nouoaod Io H. i. Dun Co.'a "Wemntila fteiiorlsr"aa fit. Th people ar berehy no uflcd that be ia not aguui lor m. onif a oa ir.otor. JOSKfH WlbBLLM. hi. Mary'a, 1'., August 31, Mh1-3(. rEAVt:H, I hereby fire node that I am ) T prepared to weare all klnde of oerpei to order, at my place of mldenoe ia Paradise, Law rence township. RAO CAltPKt Iti MV SPECIALTY. Cll (In Paradise) or addrera BAIU WITIIEHOW, C'Uarliald, 1'a. Aug. 10, I bSl-4L IMX I TOIfit NOTICi;.-N(.Uoalt bere J by gtvra thai Lett era Traotnieutary on th atat of Et.bANOK WRIULKY, (relict of J. K Wrigley) lal of Clearfield bu rough, I' , dee'd, hm ing bn duly granted to Ihe uoierelt:ned, all Perseus indebfd to said estate will pleae make imuiedlst msytueac, and those luring elnlui or demands against tb se will present ibem pruierlr ambeatiratml for settlement. , JOHN NOHK18, Kiocator. ' Crw!DitIlle, P., Aug. in, 18.H.(lt. MEAT MARKET. F.M. CAED0N& ER0., Ob Hon4 Bt, aarth of tb MsDiioa Uonue, CLEARFIKLD, PA. iar arrofmata ar cf the most eompltite ebftraoUr lor rurni.hlng tb public with Fresh MesUof all kind, nd of tb vory beat quality. We aieo deal ia all kiada of AgriflolUral Imple ment a, which we keep on ihibition for tb bn nt of tb public. Call around whoa la twa, and lake a look at things, or ddres aa F. M. CAHOON A BH0. ClearllsJd, Pa., July U, l&7ft-tf. FARM FOR SALE I The undersigned has eouie to th eooclutlon to quit farming and follow bis onctiatinn, a ear penter, and nnw (Tera fr sale hi farm, situate one and bslf miles norlh of Clearfield borough, containing Most of which la cleared and usder good null if tion. and having thereon a g("l TWO-STORY 'L"HOUSE Lante fraoje barn, and other oecarr outbuild- inm. tost'ther with an orchard of all kind of Iruil, ud an evnelieut aprinff of water. The whole ia t N D K It LA I i WITH (JOOD COAL. This properly will beeichangcd for smaller prop erty, or old on eiy tonne ia payments For fun her particular call wn (he pre in lies or address. JOHN C. KEKD.eirerneld, Pa. March ltb, Ififfl-tf. Jffolm Vanamake r'i (CJothiuj 3vWrmfnt. Th Best -FOR .Iet loiey. AAanamaker & Rhown, OAK HALL, S. E. Corner Sixth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. The Largest Clothing House in America. flrw jadwtlscnunt. Toil W OH K All kind, of lob work Metol.d Id th. b..t muiD.r .t tbil offip.. ft ft mt n yu' ow1 town. Tcnoi and 15 V u v 01 oatflt, frM. Addr... It. RALLrrr k Co.. Portland. MiB. SlltlKMAKINO. I hereby infnrm my pa trons, and mankind in general, that I have removed my ahoemalting shop to the room in Orabam's row, over ti. I. Snyder's jewelry store, and that I am prepared to do all kinda of work In my Hne cheaper (ban any other shop in town. All work warranted " good c can he done any. where elf Poaitlvcly this fs the rheapett shop Io Cleartield. JOS. 11. DKKRl.N'tj. Deo. 11, li7-tf. ntlliRT PHfHXAMATlOK. wniliRAS, HUB. V. A. in n i bit, r re Slue til Judge of th Conrt of Common Flea of the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the countlea of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton nd Hon. Aart (tort and Hon. Vickt 1). Uoi.T, Associate Judgea of Clearfield ounty bve issued their precept, to me directed, for the holding of Conrt of Common Pleaa, Urphana' Court, Court of Quarter tieiaioni, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Conrt of General Jail Deitr the Court llousekt Clearfield, in nd for tbe county ol Clearfield, oowmenclng on the Kourtll Monday of Weptrinber, cimh day) A l. IKpl. and to continue lor two weeks. NOT ICR IK, therefore, hereby give to th Curnner, Justice ottbe Pce, and Constables, a and for said eounty of Clearfield, to appear la their proper persona, with their Records, Holla, Inquisitions, Btaminattons, nd other Remem brances, to do those things which to thelrofficee. and in their behalf, per into to be done. liy an Act of Assembly, parsed the Bth day of Mar, A. U. IfM, it ia mad tbe duty of the Jus tlrfti of tbe I'eaeo of the atveral counties of this Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter SeiMlone of tb reapectiv eountbe, all the reoognitance entered intu before the in by any percoa or persona tharged with the eotnmiseien of any crime, except such eaea aa may be ended before a Jumb-e uf th I' are, un der existing lawe, at laaat tea daya before th eonimrneeaicnt of th aemlon of th Court to . which ibey are made raturntilercspectlrely,nd in all eaes where tiy reegniianeea ar enured into lett than Un daya before tbe oommencement of the tension to which they r wad returna ble, th eaid Justice are to return th sain in the same manner e if aaid act hd Dot boea parsed. OIVRN indar my bend at ClcrAld, this 3d day of August, in tlx year of our Lord, one thousand tight hnndred nd,elshtyone. aug. .W JAMKS MAUAFKV, SberiK Teachers' Examinations. riHK public Kxaralnationa for tbe present JL sehuol year will M ni at ice loiiowing ttuioa and placoa Fur Dogfa township and Watlatton borough, at U allaoeton, Tueeday, August 2. Id. For Morris, at Kylertown. Wedoeodriy, August 2 It h. For Oraham, at Palestine, Thursday, August XMh. or Kartbaus and Ctntral Pollt, Friday, August For Ulrard, at Cor-grt-s Bill, batarday, August 27ib. For Decatar aod 0PKla, at Osceola, Tuesday, Anguat Hutb. For Woodward and Hontsdale, t lloutidale, Anguai Jtlst. Foraolieji,at Raraey.ThursJay.Heptemher lit. For Bacriria, at I tahTille, Friday, Sept. 21. For Knot, at New Millport, Tnesday, Pep tem per oik. For Jnrdiin, at ADsnnrille, Wtdnoetlav, Rep (em. ber 7th. F Cheat at M'-rherrfn, T!inid-T, Septem ber Sth. For I'urnslje, Nrwhurg, end New Waihlngtoa bArougbs, and ilurnside township, at Nn-w U h- i Ingto. Friday, Pepteoifcer 9tb. Bell township, at Campbell' church, Tuii dy, Heptembr I.Hih. F' r Ureenwed township, it Bowtr, We Inn- day, 8epiembr 14th. ) For Lumrier City borough and FergttRu ttiwiv j Bp, at Lamber LHy, 1 hurday, hepn-wuer i.ul for t men aad I bio tndepuodeat. at Hoekten, Mnndar. tSenieinher IVth. Pr llrady, at l.atheraburg, Tueeday, 6pteoi-1 ber Slth. For Pn nd niaora, at l'ennrllie, We Ine Jay, fteptemher flat, 'I he public examinations are Intended to rea"b all wh eipeel M teach In th fount? i ken there will be n apeet! iataiaatloBt held, aad nnder n elroomtuneea will ertineelee be d'-rsed er renewed. Applicants moat preaent ihamaalvea for eiatnlnUon la the district I wliteh they Intend teaehing. Kdniationai meat log will be held at ihe ehaof eaoh aamlnailoa, and i tb erealngs if auitahl arraoiremenla be mad by teaehera and directors. Me hope to meet full Hoard a ef Directors and tbe patrons of tfaoeohools attach appointment. Applile will pleaee mbuIi "leaober a llao ovi, page aa, I'twLj for fill Inlormatiun regarding th requirement yiot proTialnBal oefliGealea. hatpaerlptloaa to Ed- uliiai a Gurnets at rttuo raie win o uaen oa day or eiaaiioatloa. The exemteat.r will begia at V A.M. M. L. MegloWN. County HnriBioadtit Clearfleld, Jty lfl'V Jlcur drrrtbrmruU. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. OurwenavUla, Jan. 0, TS-tf. XTOTIC K. Th, uadamlgned. residing la tb 1 villag of Westover, ia Cheat town. hip, ha made lb nMesiary arrsnKeneota and pro poses 10 open an KATINU for the oumodatioo ol tbe publte generally, and I here by aolicil a liberal share ol the public patronage. JOHN J. bNVDKU. Westover, la , Feb. 9, 1 sol-if. 1 X KCUTORM' Ntn iC Bi Notts Is her j by given that lifers Teitamaniarv on the Mite of JAMKM H40KRTY, let of Ileroaria Utwnihlp, Clearlield ountyt I'aan'a, dnened, kvlug been duly ra(ad to th undersigned, all persona indbid to aaid estate will pleie make immediate pautot, and ibne having claims or detnanda igainat the same will present them prop erly authenticated fir aeitlement, wnhnut dulay. HA ID IUUKUTV. .IKKKMIAII IIAUKHTV, W. H. PATTKHriOS. Kieoutors. 11 out i.l ale, !'., July l Uh, IRHl-ft. EIGHT FARMS For Salcor Rent I The aubaoriber proposes to sell or rent a num ber of larra a located as follows 1 The. first situate I l)ur aside towaihip. Centre ertunty, containing 154 teres, having thereon eiotd a tram a dwell ing, frame bam, adjacent (o a church, and kuna as the James Idulbolland turm. A 1.60, another firm situate in W rahata town ship, Cleartield county, containing 117aere, with ihe neeeisarr improvomenti. This farm is under laid witu a 0001) VK1N OK COAL. ALSO, sic other farms io th vicinity of Freneh Tllle, oontaiaiag reKpectfully 112, IOo,W5, 6i, t6 and 1 aeres. Tbe ftrma all bar bouses aod barni thereon, good water, bearing orchards on eame, a well aa torn guod woud land. For lartber particulars oall la person, or addrena tba undersigned br letUr. L. M. COL Dill ET. Jan. IVlb, ISsl-tf. Freechville, ra. VALUABLE LANDS FOE SALE ! O IX hundred and ninety-two (fll'J; acre of lad, f3 situate ia Clearfield eounty, Fa., will be sold in a body, or In three ) eparate parcels, to wit: Fit hundrod (ii'O) vires well tlmbtred with oak, pine and heatlock, ami havlug thereon a flrit olafS water-power mil) with circular aawa. One hundred and twenty ( 120) acres cleared and a good atat ot cultivation, and baring thereon erected latge and fine frame dwellibg honse, two large frame bares and other neoantary outkuiild ings, together with large orchard, good water, Ac, ao. Seventy seres vies red aud ntider oeltiration, hut with no huilrlinffi. I Th laid lindi iltuaLe aithia IK miles of Clearfield and the 1'ennsylvanla Kaiimad. and are uclerlaid with hituaunmia coal and fire-clay. Heon furHelling. Declining health oTowiier. For lurther parttruIarK, intjuircof Ihe inbsorfber, J. FltA.NK 8N1)KH. Att'y for Owner. Clearfield, Fa , June 16th, IttM-tf. Clothing THE- grif 2iavrrtljtm(nts. BRICK FOR SALE I There are 10",000 good Brick for sale at th Marshall llrlrk Wrd, In the upper end f tb borough of Clearfield. Brick will always be found on baad to accommodate anv customer who may oall. J. M MAItSIIALL, Agent. Clearlield, l'a., Aog. U, IHH-Sm. BUY A HOME I 1101 BY.i, LOTS AND FARMS FOR HALK 1 rp KNTV HOUSES .ml LOTS Id CleuHald J. for lal a at maxmahl. prtm twi oa ea.y term,. Aim, Mr.ral r'AHMS la llradTord anil ! W ALLACE KKKHS, De. lSil lf. Clearfield, Pa. Re-Union of Trade. Til K andersigncd wishing to Inform the pnl-He that be opened a COMMISSION (TIKK At tbe old stand in Troiitrille, Clear field eounty. Fa., on tbe 1 sth Inst., with full clock f dry (;ori)H, c.Hot i;hiic, mtionn, Il4wta, Hliue, ICtr In faot e.ery thing tob found in first-da" store, all of whioh I aiu deirmlned to fell at the to west each price. FAHMi;HH ASO Ll MHliHMLN Will find It to their lrntage to do their dealing with me, aa the highest prices will 1 paid for Urain, biilftglea, or Produce of any kind. Part or one-half oaub will be paid. Trading for Shingles or LuBilier of any kind a specialty. Alto, agent for Singer Sewing Machines. Having made arrangements with Eastern mer chant to pell gooda furniabed me, therefore call and ee. aa I will b enabled to sell ehenr than, th choapeet. W. CA 111,11,1., Troatrille, Pa., 9rpt. 24,'Tfr-ly. AgenU HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store RIMIM M)., OP1CRA IIOIIKK, Clearfleld, Pa., WIIOI.KSAI.F 1 RKTAtI, DIALER IN DRY GOODS, Comprising Ires Uoo.Ip af tb very tatart tle, ooniiiiiig ia pari t ua id meres, Mennfcetter Faaciea, Alpaoaa, nd all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, Such aa Crctona, Wobir Larters, Plaids, I)res Uinghams, reaa Fnnciea of (he very latent style, and as cheap ae they ear, be sold In this market. NOTIONS, Consisting nf OI'i Or Otat. Ladlei and j Mwea. Ha of all shades, Kilk fringes, . iWcea, aney ifra Uullona. l.adtea' " Tiaof 11 aha lesand styles, Cud end C tiara, Hibhom f all kinds and qqali'tet. Merino Underwear, Trimmings, etc. BOOTS AND SHOES GROCERIES, Queonswaro, Hardwaro, Tinware, CnrpetN, Ollt'lollm, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Waltk will aa aa!4 aikaWaala ar raUM. 1J uka , Country Produce In Biafunf (or Cocla al Maikal Prlraa, . J. BOFFf R. VttarfcM, Vat. 1H, lew, tf. ARNOLD UAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. 8IIAVKD AND BAWKD. CorwensvllI. J. 9, '71 tf. I1AHM I. A MIS fOH HAI K. In lla.toa and PintowBahlps,ClrAeldounty. heaonable time flren for part of purcbaee 3 money. Prloaa $.((! to l.0 per r. i in era's rarfej. L. BlltD, Agent, Penflold, Pa. erW'i.i.acit Krinr, dvpL 10, lhIV-tf. Clearfleld, P, VF HP A VJUB'JHIA. For Infor. I IjVJlXllflx matioa abuut thex Sutea read the savannah )litia Nawi. WiRLr miuaioth 0 pae sheet i 1 a yer taily lll a year. Hit beat papers la tb oWh. Kauiple e-'pis It oeats. Add reef. J. II. I Mil l Kavanaah, Oa. & 17 II 31 1)1 III IC NOIIt a berby revok and aonul any and all auihorilj ef what. aerr kind aad nature, at any lima hrtnfor given to Joarph R. Ames, to dj or transact any buiinest lor me or In my name, aad especially written agreement datd on or about Joly 4th, M7( aod 1 do here I y want all peraons against doing bustneas wilh bin for me or aa my aooount, I will not ratify or eontrm the am. B. R. R0HK. Newburg, (Hurd P. 0.) Aug. K, 1PHI-.M. ORPHANS' WURT SaTe. T Y irtoe of an order ef th Orphans' Court ef 1 Clearfield oounty, mad May Wth, itiere will be exposed A public rait at tb COI RT HOI SK, la Clearfleld, on Wednesday, August 31st, 1881, At I o'clock P. M., certain traet of land, lal the property of WILLIAM GRAHAM, deceased, situate in IIKADPOKI) TOtVNeSllIP, Clearfleld oounty, Pa., bounded aa follows, vlij On tbe north and west by lands of Joeenb Win nary; south by lands of Aleiander Llviogeton i and oo th east by Ian is of John and William Livingston, containing 115 ACHES, 115 Ha ring aboot It) acres el eared and under guod atat ot cultivation. A gitod orchard of about 140 trees of cboiee fruit. The improve men ta ooeslst of three sals of buildings, one a large frame dwelling h-u 2'jxXb feet, with large bank bam. and the other two, good small house, with stab leu to each. Tho eutire tract Is underlaid with good eoaL Tbe grata la the ground is reserved, TiVM.n.S or S.tLBlt One. third eah oa eonlrmatio f aale, one. third ia one year, and one-third to two year. Defeired payments to lie with interest, and secured hy bond aud mortgage on th premues. JOUN WOOLRIDOB, Adntnistrator. Urahamtna, Aug. Hi, 1B8U4U John Irvin & Bros, OURWKXSVIU.K, PA., DKALKIli IN All Kinds of Merchandise, -fllCH AS Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. H MANIFACITHEKS AND DEALEKS IX Mtrtni; TUiisEit, AND EVERY IlEriCBIPIlOS OK SAWED LUMBER COT TO ORDER. K Tlio Only Maimfactiirorn In C'lorfli lil County of the NEW PROCESS FLOUR I -M- riorn, t nor .iato fkeii .himi o.i' n.i.rui nCnsh paid for all kinds of Grain Wheat, Rye, Oats, Etc. Carwenarilla. P... Jane I, ISfcO-lf. .1DJOI ..' EXECUTORS' SALE or Desirable Real Estate ! E3tato of lUchwd ShA7, Sr Deo'd. THK andrrltiir, FieatAr. ef tli. aitata of KICHAKU BlIAtT, Br., drxeewd, will afar at public nlaet Ike COI KT IIUllSH. in th. bor ough of Clearfleld, Pa., oa Thursday, Sept. Int. 1881, AT 1:30 O'CKIt'K P. M., The following valuable real att, rli t Tb three-it lory BRICK HOTE1. proparty, oorner tit Market aod First atrotti, ia tha bor ough of Clearfleld, known as 'The Shaw House.' Fronting with two W of groan d thereti belonging loiifeet on Mark itrMt, and Vo j I If dwelling bouse attaehed. The bo. I ' tW tal nrannr has alvt hrf.mnini nrl all oonresteooca for a flrst-elaaa hotel. On of the nostdrsirabl hotel propertiea in Central Peansylrania. The arwre win oia together with a two story frame dwelling bouse on Market street, ad- jaceut to the Hotel, aod on other frame dwelling house and a two-story store building, all fronting oa Market street. ALSO. All that rwrtata tot, kaowa ta th nlab ol Cleartield borough Lot No lfl, . . fronting Ml feet oo Lucuat vtreet, rnn- f" ning back 172 feet, iorr or less, t an alley with dwelling bona dlleaaary oat- buildiDga thereon trctd,ndoihi iatprortneU. TtH.n Of 81 LE! One-third sh at delivery of good deed, and tbe balanoe to be secured by bond and aaortcace. payable in one and two year, with interest A. U, BlIAw, JOB. HIIAW, BurviTing Ki'ra of Richard Shaw, fir., deo'd. Clearfteld, f'., Jan I, USUte. OPEN FOR AIL I LOTS OF , New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH. Come to French vile ! JIIAVE juat received the Urgent' atook of gooda erer brought to tlil acetlon oi tho connty, which 1 will atoll forcnah or produce as chenn aa they ran be bought elsewhere My itock oonsiite of Dry goodS, Groceries, Bnols'SSliocs, Hardware, e"Nail a Specialty.- f;iily Made Clothing. A full stock of FISH. Salt In lf.ra or small sacks, or by Hit barrel, CROCKERY WARE, siono or clay. UKR.NflWARK, til styles and quality. In short, I bar evoryihing needed by the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer, or anybody ols, which I will tell just as cheap as the (roods can bepnrchisod anywhere cle. Pleaao call and examine my goods and price before investing ttlsewhore. Ti. M. COUIiftlET , PrenchTille, Ta., Mar. 2, '81-tf.