She Republican. Gioboi B. Goodlardib, Kditor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY M0HN1NU. Al'tltST 31. 18.1. Reader, If yon went to know what If going od la tbo bualnoao world, jnot read oer ad.erti.ine; .olumna, mo Spwai ooloinn In pertteeler. Let every tremterrnt In Cl.nrtlelct eotuity we A t oVCKttlnt Lm mine la ou III Hug loir). . UnI'Rofmbionai,. Thti editor of the Chicago Timet ditra one of tbs 1'roni dontiul doctors in this way : "Dr. oonilderable .ourl.hiueut ye, tordey, end eaaiotamod o healthy flow of bnlle liot throuybeul the Uy. Ho peeeea a aigbt In tranquil eluuber, and .wekened rerreibod and hopeful." ' 31n. Burclotto, the invalid wile of the Ikrliiitfton (lirfcie humorist, bits fulln heir to $10,000 bequouthed bj her grundlather, the late Captain Hall, of Fooria, Illinois. Exchange.. Good for the Havkeye man and Mrs. Bur. dolto. A Mkitino. We learn that the State Comniitto on ruled, appointed by the Pomocrats, will meet tt thu til rard House, Philadelphia, on the 14th of Septomber. Tbo Committee con sists of Dill (Chairman), Wallace, Eandall, Whitman, Jainea P. Barr, Hcnsel and Bargcr. A reunion ot tho "Soldiers' Orphans' Graduates" was held at llarrisburg on Wcdnenday of last week. Between 400 and 500 were present. A. S. Grow, of tho Lock Haven Journal, (himsell graduato) presided, and addresses were made by Governor Hoyt and Kx Govcrnor Curtin, and sovoral other prominent parlies. Oi'T With Tuim. It is the opinion of tho Now York Sun, clearly express ed, that thero will be no reiorm ; no reduction of public expenditures; no examination of the books of the Treas ury; no exposure of the enormous plunder during tho last fifteen years; no overhauling of the contracts and jobs, and no purification of the official atmosphere, until tbo Republican par ty is expelled from power. IUtiibk Too Decidid. Distance lends enchantment to the view, and tbo Presidential olection of last year is " oo far hack that the Xew York Trib - une speaks of it as "an overwhelming defeat" ot the Democratic party. We advise the Tribune to take -Webster's Unabridged and its own political alma nac and see whether last year's victory, which a matter ot 10,000 votes in Now York could bavo changed to defeat, can be properly squeezed nndor the dictionary definition of "overwhelm ing." Every llrtnnrralle voter In Clearfield county ahould hear In mind that THllMa. JA, M-.PlKtlHKH lath laat day lor reglalerlufr fur (lie next election. The PaEHinEnr'sCoMMTioti. Presi dent (iiirtiold's condition last week was such as to dispel all hope, but late on Saturday evening be rallied and hope of bis lifo being prolonged was again revived. His case since maintains favorahlo symptoms, and tbis(Tucsday) morning's bulletin givos cheerful nows. His mind Is clear, and the physicians think there is a cbanco yet for his recovery. Pulse, 102 ; temperature, 98 ; respiration, 18. Tn Two paced Party-. The ques tion of prohibition ol the sale of liquors in North Carolina wus votod upon last week. They were heavy anti-prohibition majorities. The Republicans pro nounced against prohibition, and tbo negroes voted solidly on that side. The Republicans elsewhere preach prohib itory views for popularity, but hero tho other was tho popular side, and where most is to bo gained there will tbo Kepubliean party bo found. It is simply another illustration of their In consistency. 0aul.n Tii.oosam Faon WaiaoToa Laat Wadoeedoy altorooon, tbo aafailo. Unltoao. made aarago atleok oo n guard Darned Molltll, who entered bio eon nod eotnraendod bim to tiro op n knife is hie nooaopaion. in tba aouSlo, the fuard'a pletel wool ofT, but ooono waa wuuaded. od, wllk tbe arrirtao.wj of two other guardi, tho eeeaetio w.,1 overpowered ead bit weapon eoeured. Tho knife la whet le termed a ''ohooaor," mode of tho ataoi fhank of n ibuo, ground down to a Ana edge. What business bad tho keeper alone in the eell of tbo assassin T It is pretty clear that somebody is to bo sbieldod, and this is one of the introductory plans looking to the awassination of tbe assassin (Uuiteau), and thereby prevent further exposition in this hor-l rid tragody. Judicial Vexation. It is stated that Justice Hunt, of the United Stales Supreme Court, is said to show no eigns ofimprovemeut. -IIe ratnnion In about tbe same condition that he was aevoral months ago, and will never be able to rosumo his seat upon tl,0 bench again. Not having been on tbo boncb long enongb to entitle hint to be re tired it is not expocted by his asso- . ciates that ho will resign until Con- gross passes a special act to moot his caaa. With Justice Hunt loo much disabled to attend to any official work, and one place on the bench vacant, tbe court is crippled in Its circuit duty, and next Winter will put the court till further behind in deciding pond ing rase. WauT is Killing the I'bioihint. A Washington correspondent ot tbe Pittsburgh Ditpatch says the solicitude on the part of the public for the dis tinguished sufferer at tho While House baa obscured for the time being tbe petty bickorings and disgraceful quar rels of the doctors. 1 shall bo very much surprised, howovcr, if, when it is all over and Mr. Garfield is well or dead, tbe particular of the most dis gusting modical wranglo on record du not become public. Human nature pever appears to worse advantage than wb u bickoring over corpse, or over tho perso.i of dying man. In the exact ratio of tbe publio-eMccra lor tbe unfortunate object of thoir wrang ling is tbe public disci'd. Tht tw duct of th doctori in the cfo of the I tick President is enough to ma4 a , . well man tick and make a tick man di- every Uemin-rat In ( Irartlrid rounl) eeet AT ilNIK thai lila nnine lauu the Heir. ; lotty.. .1 AA II' rf;j:. 1 h majority of tlio Jiaillcul oinum aro tilwuya full of political niuain. Tli'iao ol I'liilmlulpbia art. tiuriii'iilitrly mimical on "the .loi lino." The Pa triot Mittr tltu ca.a iu this wi.y : In di"UH-iiic Mnvor Kintr'ei rebuilt appointment of oolorott policemen tbojont' M 100 "h"n ,ho f,we-?. wrot0 Keening Bulletin fay" thu grunt nines of tbo negro population ' are ignorant and debased," that thoy aro "easily led by ahy cry" mid "as linpiessiona utile aa they nr purcbusable." There is something wron when Kepubliean liou-MiiHni.rH til Pliilnllrili ih hitirin li use this nlain Wo. in re.mnf In C- C " thoir colored political allies. Froba - b!y the negroes are beginning to show signs of a deposition to break from the control to which they have sub jected themselves ever Binco their en- franchisement. But while holding tbia opinion of tho jolorcd voter the Bulk (iit has evidently no objection to see Virginia and other Stutes of the South brought under tbo political domination ot a people whoso muss "aro ignorant and dubaxed," In A'irginia tho color ed voters, comprising nino tenths of the Republicans of tho Stnto, aro tho party of "tolerance, progress and liber ality" in the familiar cant of tbo Re publican organs of the North, but in Philadelphia tbo mass of the same race "lie lar down in the scale of human ad vancemont"and are as "impressionable as they are purchasable," according to tlio confession of tho Bulletin. It is strange that thero should be such a difference. But it is very plain that there is a screw loose among the color ed voters of Philadelphia. We Second the Motion. Tbe edi tor of the Clarion Democrat, in allud ing to the reconstruction of our State Central Committee, and the adoption of permanent rules to govern future conventions, says : Tbe new rules should make tho manner of choosing delegates uniform and definite, so as to avoid the yearly contests. It should do away with thu Senatorial delegates, useless, unfair and troublesome in'so locting and unsatisfactory in action in the convention. It tho convention is to be largor, double tho number of del egates fiotn oaeh county, the num ber of dologatcs should be changed so as to proportionately represent tbo Democratic voters of each county, and not according to tbe unjust Kepubliean appointment of the State in Legislative districts. For instance : Lancaster county wilh a Democratic vote of 10, 789,and a Kepubliean majority of about 8,5(10, has eight delegates under tbo present representation, while Borks county, with a Democratic vote of 16,. 956 and a solid majority of about 7, 500, has only seven delegates. Other districts are equally disproportionate,) that the minority districts really con trol the convention while the others aro expected to do tho work in the Held. The Celebrated CAnivr. The Phil adelphia Times remarks: "Lieutenant Flipper, tho only colored officer in tho army who is a West Point graduato, baa been arrested for embezzlement, as Acting Commissary at Fort Davis, His arrest and. tho search ot bis quarters soem to have lurnished conclusive evidence against him, tnd at last reports ho was in close confine ment. Ho baa been very generally trusted as a man of integrity, as It is shown by the responsible position he occupied, but bo has proved that tbe black man is no more proof against temptation than the white man that's all." Wbitlakor, thocarclipper, closes out the race at West Point. General Howard, the negro bureau robber, still has a position in the concern. Flipper and Whittaker (colord), and Howard (whito)! What a combination of rascals I Wuolesome Tbith. Hon. Thomas S. Bocock, who presided over tbe Dem ocratic Stato Convention of Virginia, said some very good things in his ad dress in taking the chuir. Among them was a sontence which is not only portinent to the subject of repudiation in Virginia, but applies with equal force to all other political chicanery: "In tbe long run great results are not to bo accomplished by tricks, not by artifices not by natural alliances not by corrupt coalitions or other cor nipt means." When party leaders re alize tbo full significance of the truth, and make their actions conform to it, a big atndo will havo been token on the high road to roform. F.very DeaMM-ratle voter In rieerfleld runny al a boar In mind tuat 1 III H. on. sKrtKnilb'll h ii me laat day for rrnjieiennB; tor ine ueii eiertion. A Uostlt r dnerai.. V e notice that the Kxecntors of Honry Disslon, Into of Philadelphia, have filed thoir account, in tbe Orphans' Court of that city, which rum up to f 1 ,:ir2 H32 15. The Executors tile a bill of $1,1:11,6.12.- 4 1, leaving a balance of about f 321 ,000 to be divided among the heirs. Tbrco items in thir hill nr. uo follow - Prioe of lot Is Laurel Hill Cemetery...! I.eOK Coat of Monument .. 26,0:18 7ft Foneral eipenael ,....H l,!Sl.Vk Total $SS,ii.70 Jivery "wood mechanio" knows tbe value of Disston saw, and thoy will notice that it took g great many saws to put the manufacturer to rest. Somebody Mistaken. A Boston tel- ogram of the 21th says: In tbe earl en the way Io Portland. General Hancock wee aaked hla opinion of fleaeral Ar thur and with mack warmth replied Ibat be waa n anie, peirione, nigo-mtnare gentleman, and in tbe eveet of bia being called to Ihe Chirl Meg ieiracy would dleeberee tbe dative with but oeo pnrpoee that of neoellieg tke entire eounlrv, and that tbe people might rely on till Judgment wilb abeolute eooudeeoo. That's not tbo ticket Secretary Slier man and Hayes voted when they kick- od Arthur out of tho Custom House for being a scoundrel, or words to that effort. However, tho Vice President may bave improved morally aince he was "boosted" out of tho Custom House and elected to the office ho now holds. We hope so. Mixing the Races. An exchange aays: Lx-Sonator A. U. Dill and lady, Kopreeenlativo Charles 8. Wolf and lady, President Loom is and lady and Attorney -General Yilon,of Minnesota, were among tbo guests at a colored weddidg in Lowisburg. Captain Cook, the Ohio hero, who I slapped some other person in the mouth for expressing Joy at tbo shooting of tho President, saya that ha will not! I 11 a I Ucocpt office ot any kind. The odd Ipart it Utbst b ia an Ohio man. .v a m e sex mi ex rs. I li U. MoCulmciiit, Jli , ciiy ni.licitor: t Hrftilfnrtl, wun u i-ninJiilnlo lor thu Iioinorriilic nnniiiiullon lor IMetiicl Ulormy of M'litan cuunly. He was ili'frRtC'l in the (-(invention lately by Kdwanl M'Swoeney, of Hmelbport, u risinx young Inwjer. Instead ol linK.ilu.jr over his deltat. obari'trtK fraud in I bo nomination of bis comiiot nor, nm iiirouicnin in run tmlepund a loi'K letter to the liriiillorii Era, un der dale of tbo lTili, wbicli is so ad mirable in tone and correct in princi ple that we give a good portion of it below, and commend It t- the careful perusal of our Democratic readers: "Kvtry true Democrel, lot bim bo candidate or voter, ought to loce tight of hi, pereonel a.plre. tiana, bia prtferenoei. and Ilia lucal nreiuuice. M !."-! ''' ' "" a"- MTWUBII.P, IB ,D W-OI- ' hr,ns l-dOO'P'e I tbe rimndatiuo stone or all Tree I r.u-Ef w.uiuiM i u gruunti-wara ui iionriy it"eu. It It toe ODoomprouiiiiog foe or oorruplioa, ol lugntry, of proeoriptiim, of oentralltatlon, and of dreiutt,ai in all it foruia. it oouibati every In tringemant un the rlghu (-1 men, oeery epecial lirivilegv to Individual! or combination of indl- Vluuala, granted or propnai-d to be conferred at ! ,h 'apo'" of the maaaoaiirthe peupi. n.?r. all lalla- eiuua theorinaof Uurrrnnieiilal boliov. It Bran. ploe with error and fal(o precenie wlierevor Ihuy otirtrunt it onward tnareb in tbe pathway of pu rification and reform, and It vinlieatrl truib, risbt, juetioe and equality ageiait all ataailaola. Though it meet with Irequont reveriei, ia otleo betrayed in tbe houee of ita friendi. and ie aoma times overwhelmed by an avalanoha of Ilea and th e dlveraided and eorrupt opplienoea of the eoe mloa ol freedom, yet Democracy ia limitleae in duralioD, aa eternal aa tbe Kouk of Agef, and ll will live ee long at time ibell lent aed the gU.ri oua tun ehell continue to light up the baltle-nrtdr of iti Vutariat. It will never, ueter die. "In theciiDteft for tbe office of liiitrlet Attor oey, Mr. Ateewceneyand myielf eaid or did noth ing to mar tbe frieudibip ibjt eatrled and atlil aaiila betweeu ua. Neither of ua bave anything to regret or retract, and. ao tar aa my knowledge goo. I know ft no riaion why it abould not lie to w ith all. New lot every ileinooret io Ihe oounty keep In Blind that hia party ie not orgeniieii to promote tbe iolereate ol any particular ioividual or ret of iodividtieli, or qualily personal like or ditlikei, but to perpetuate a priooiple. And let every man take courage in the tact Ibat ble eau reeta upon an iodvalrurtil'le ourner Mtoue, aud oruehed to earth though it hna been in tbe peal, and may bain tbe future eonlllat, yet Democracy will aaver retire from Ihe held of combat ao long aa it tiudr- iKrlf coulrnnlcd by an enemy of in sarred principle. Nor will it ever become o deeply liuried io the Blth end rottenaral of the eoh iru of uppreinion, but that It will mo again in iu might aLd lencw tbo flruggle lor buoett ilorernroeut and iuut righta for the whole peo. pie with increased earneiioeei and vigor, never giving up the Sgbt until tbe enemy tball be dia iudged frm tbe ailedel of power nod Ita own u pretuaey become accurely OAtabliehed in the flov erooient of tee country." A WA KKA'ED A T LAST. Wo commend tho Press for its luto disposition to expose tbe corruption which hud so long boen practiced on the "Hill" at Harrisbnrg. It is a late day to begin, but beucr now tbuu never. Tbo J'rem should know, most probably doos know, that stealing in that direction has become chronic in its party. It denounces Huhn and Dclnney, one tbe House Clerk, the oilier the hunato Librarian, for nrnsti tuling their places to promote jobbery, but it is notorious that Sherlock who held the position of Chief Clerk ante cedent to tluhn, eras even worse than the latter in using bis position to plun dcr the public Treasury. So brazen did no become and so notorious Ins no ti-ayal of trust, that a committee of tlio House was appointed to investigate anu expose bis rascality. int party exigencies would not permit ol it. In stead ot this Radical commiltco doing their duly as they were sworn to do, tbey allowed tho chief witness to be spirited away most probably sug gested it and tbo result was tbo com mittee cither made no report or one that was so closely guarded that it never appeared in the public prints. At tho date of Delaney'n election to tbe position of Librarian of tbeSenato there was a contest between Cbilds who had held theoflleoand TomCoch. ran for tbe nomination of Clerk of tbo Senate. Childe was defeated, and smarting under Ibo blow, which came from tho Radical Cameron Ring, he threatened to muko a clean breast of the villainies, tbe stealings, 1 he cor run lion that bad been practiced in the Senato previously. This so excited the ears ol the King that Ibey had to pro vide for Sol, and sent him away to New York to prevent the expoeure. Sol, wo understand, admits that bis ex penses were paid to slay awuy, but feigns ignorance as to who footed the bill. The I'rest know all this and more, but it failed to make one sign of disap proval of such proceedings.- We are pleased to learn howevor, that its con science b!is been quickenod at last and it is disposed to aid in exposing that sink of corruption which Las so long existed on the "Hill" at Uarrisburg. Danville Intelligencer. DR. BLISS AS A PATENT MED 1CIXE MAS. Tho Pittsburgh Telegraph contains the following : Tbe prominence of Dr. D. W. llliss in the case of Prositlont Gartield has called to mind the unenviable notoriety no guinea come yoars ago In connec tion wilh Cundurango, a South Amer ican plant, which was at one time bo lieved to bo a specific for cancer and other diaoaoes. In connection with a Dr. Keone, Bliss about ten years ago imported a cargo of cundurango, and prepared from it a paltetit nostrum which was put on the market and wide ly advortised as tho '-Fluid F.xtract of Cundurango." This wonderful com pound was alleged to be possessed of virtues little less than magical, in tho euro of discuses deemed by thu rest ol the medical fraternity in moot cases incurable. 1 he bottle which contained this elixir of lifo contained about ciuh teen fluid ounces. The list retail price was t'i. Physicians all over tbo coun try wore induced by specious adver tising to procure quantities of this drug and lost it in their practice Large quantities ot It woro sold, ot course at an immense profit to tho proprietors, and considerable of the stuff found its way to Pittsburgh. A physician ot in is city, speaking ol tho bumbuir, said that "tunduraiigo is not only worth less for any cnt-alivo purpose, but be sides, tbo cargo broughi to Ibis country by Bliss and his partner was damaged to such an extent that even it it had possessed any virtues in its sound state it would not have been worth a haiiheo as it reached tho trado in the Uniiod Slates. KILLED BY HATTLESXAKES. Tho Oil City Ikrrirk Baya : "A lady who has beon vinitiiiff at President. informs us concerning one of tho mom terrible accidents that over came to our knowledge. Thero residos near rremuunt a widow who had three children. A fow dnvs since she watt preparini(dinnoratid had the yountrent child with hor in the hourte. The othor two children wero aent by ber to buntaomo okk Tlioy were both young, and going out ot the bouse thev saw a bollow log in tbe yard. One ol them put in her little band to aeo if thero were any eggs, but quickly pulled it out naying a chicken hud union nor, me otUor Inserted bit. band and jerked It out with a stream. A ratllonnako bad bitten them both. Tbo screum of thesocond child brouirht out tbo mot hor, and lifting a kettle of boiling potatoes Jrom thestove, so they would not burn, she alurtod out. (She had just got outside the door when she was recalled to tbo houso hr tho ugoniRlng cries of tbo baby, who bad crawled across the floor ami up not tho boiling water oror himself. Mio was almoin ditthoartcned and did not know what to do. Help noon arrived and everything that could bo done was done for the throe littio anflurors, but nothing did any good- I hey all rap idly grew worse and within a day all throe diod and wore buried in tbe same KrtaVVCe d MV 'eaiiiw n w u IU lIVEy IVOIII. Cut we assured the above are the -facta." grave, iue name we did not learn, 77 A.' VKMOCHA TIC PHI. MA H l'i FI.I't'TIO V. ' 'Jo Ihf IhM'ier'itw rol'fs of f'lriirnrld I'ouniy : In obedience to the rules L!'(vctti:i'i; the 1'i mix uitii- jmi iy "' t'lcai fit-Id cuunly nl. 'lie l.'r mary Klwiiiin. the County 'niiitniMee hereby gives notice that tiio elei lion for deliuutes, and for tbo inslqntlion of xu li deleufes. as to candidates for tiie nuveiul olllt-cs to be filled at the approaeliin;; Noveinliei election, w ill tie held al llio Kleelion lloimu iii'lho oiivcntl borough and lowiiNbi in said county, on HATCH DAY, Til K SKVKNTKENTII DAY OK SKPTKM UK II, A. D. lfiHI, begin ning hi 1 o'lol lt I'. M . anil continue open until 7 o'clock I'. M. ol said day. the election will be held by tho igi lance (roiemitlee, wbu are ti.e Kleetion Hoard, tinder our rules, and are enn stituted lis tnllows: " VIUll-AKCn COMHITTIR Vt-O 1SSI . B'irDiilde borough Matt. Irvin, David Muhaf fev. William Metier, Daniel lloover.J. tl. Herd. Clearlleld borouKb Jnbn llulliben, W. C Car- Carji-n, (Ic'ireo Weaver, J. r. Howell, H. A. Harr. Curweneville borough John H. Nnrrli, Apgar Illoom, Henry heme, Jamee .wclntlre, n. u. T bnnjDfuD. Duiloia bnruuKh J. Mtad, Mii-I.ael 8im- atone, J. A. Tcrpe, Alfred liarrii, Joe. P. Taylor. Oleu Hope borough C. J. Kegy, Abraham (iroen, It. A. Wright, Uaurge M. Delia, John tlmdmao. Iloulidale borough Patrick H'lli-ldi, II. II. Ilarlman, T. J. Price, lleorgo II. Woodie, J. U. McUralh. Lumber Ciiy borough leeac Ilelney, J. D Ilephuin, J. J. riterliug, Jamet 1.. Curry, Iirael liuppy. Newbuig buruugh -Jnbn M, Toaer, Jchn Hod den, John 0. Miller, E. Uildebrand. Uuod Worrell. New Warhiogton borough William Mebnfley, M. T. Miiabell, Uenrge llerclay, Adam Ilrelh, Dr. Anb p. fiennet. Oet-eula boruug-b J. II. H. Walton, Juhn It. MoFeddcti, tinny Parka, lleorgo Jonei, J. W, Klrer. Wallaoet'to borough M D. Hrldy, Juhn Weat bronk, Prouk liuitc, tieurgc l.iuigb, Fred Camp miu. lleooerie faiwnehlii Jnbn II. Pillcn, Herman Crick. A. J. Pry, pred riholf, W. J. Mr-Coy. Hell townalitp Jainea Vt.ML-tiee, Prank Ma haltey, John M. Knee, .Uuiee Campbi-ll, Cbri't. Kilrirker. Bloom townrhlp Sidney Smith, II. II. Ander son. Calvin iiilger, Jubn P. Mtull, Prank McDriite. Hoane lownebip (I, II. Merrilt, Wn. Petrre. ileorge M. hmeel, eaac Heiili, Thninei Deere. lli.llord tone. hip til Suult, Kdoerd I. ill, John II. licirhen, H. H. H'lU-.u, Ch. Hcdiler. Brarly tuwnehip J. W. Corp, P. N. (loud, lander, J. 11. Kirk, II. M. ISeylcr, Jcmo Linee. Uurnr-ide towoebip Jno. Onroiaq.tVileeo King, Micliacl Vinglieg, Uiiiion Nelf, i'eier Berk. Cheel townihip Lawrrnee Ki'lian, Jacob A. Urelb, I). H. MrOully, Jlin Connelly, Oliver Slrpbene. Ciivmglon townetiip L. I-. Flood, K. Mignot, Frank l.cigey, howland Kennedy, Peter (lerneir. Decatur township Adein Kepbart, Jerre Ooer, Pavld lldgbae, Hemuel MrLarc-n, Win. Iteama. Fergueoo townihip lleorge Miohael. Joeeph Muore, 0. T. straw, A. Young, Werren Hell. Ulrard towaihlp-W.H. Uilllland.F. A.Mignot, Joeepb Moral, U. W. Steever, Jemee r-lewart. tii-ben towoebip n. M. vtil-on, Thoaipion Reed, H. O. Shaw, Jemee at. Ilrabam, K. bert K. Plcgel. tiialiem lownabip John W. Turner, A. C Pale, lr-a-u U'.tbrock, Jacob Itiucharl, Jerry hyler. tlrernwnod ti'welilp Jamee C'rary, Cbaa. A. Thorp, Matthew Jubnetnn, A. 11. Newcomer, J. A. Ilowlee. I tlulioh towohip D. C. Fljnu. W. II. CaMidyJ J. K. Devi.-, II. II. Uatouiel, W. D. David. llueion townefaip II. L. Ucroing, (ieorge W. Weaver, Troroa 11. lluoy, W. I). Woouwar-J, J. A. Mdlillir, jr. Jordan lowo.iiip J. W.Jnhnlon, Jee. Mi-flee hen. Dr. A. K. Crenwell, Michel tmith, John MoCreoken. kartbeoe tnwnebip Martin Kopp, R. J. Oil Ulend, I. C. MeCto'kcy, . B. Msinea, Oeirge Uerkendorn. Khnx towaehip Eooe llli;im, Itaao Mays, L 0. Ituh.rje. II. J. Moppy, II. P. U.-nlee. Lawrence town-hip A. M. Bloom, John W.J Howe, Aaron (1. Kramer, II. IV. l.lgorn, John A.' Mrllrido. Morni lowi.ihip Peter Moyer, A. C. Polmer, B. P. Wilbelm, Jamee Jeme HoovLr Penn tuwnehip D T. Kherp, K. W. Hephorn, Wm. M. Howlee, Martin M. Klyon, John Peon, j Pike townehip Samuel Moore, W. A. Porter,! Jamre C. tllootn, J-ibn llagerly, Hamoel McKen riek. Handy townibip Amoi Kline. Samuel Pontle Ihwalle, Juhn P"X. Andrew Liddle, leao Zirt man. I ninn townriiip Win. Welty, I.. It. Dreler, Perdinn-id Sejler, L It. tiilneil, It. II. l,ioirde. oieZkard (ownehip (.'. N. King, John biutnn dinger, tleorge W. Limlioro, Jauir- t'rtinj.beil, Samuel T- llrnderoon. Kvery Democratic elector has the! right, under our rules, to vole for j 'Two persona for Asioeinte Jtlilgi, One peieon f ir Treaeurer, Two perruna for Commirsi-iner, Too pereone for Auditor. Ojo pereun for County Corontr. And fur tho proper number of dele gates assigned under rule 2d, to each election district, not less than two in every case. in the formation of new township Or boroughs between gllhtTnutoriul elections, ttio bounty Uominilteo haa no power under tho rules to asih more than two dcleguicsto tho new diftuiels until a ft or tlio next Govern, or'n election, when the voto etist hIihII settle tho qucalioti. Tho delegates will meet in the Court room in Clearfield, on TUKSDAY, pre- ciMely on o'clock P. ?!., and there and then piocecu to nominitto cnndidutett tor llie Heveral ofiices above named, und to select three Senatorial Conferees to lili-e. 1..i..-....- .!... ill, ui nnu v univiwn 1 1 1.1111 UIV UIMI III IU Ol Centre and Clinton, for tho purpose i of selecting a Senatorial deify a to lo i the State Convention, and ono person ,, . , as UepreHentutlVodoleg.tO tO the same j Convention, and also to elect a Chair man and appoint a standing Commit tee for lyh2, as well ao any other matters pertaining to our partv inter- OStJt, It is tho dewire ol tho County Com. mittee tbut the member of tbo Vig ilance Committee, or Klcctioo Hoards, beat tbo Kloction llounoat tho time appointed, and bo prompt in tho din- chargo of tho duties enjoined upon tneni. illank forma will bo forwarded for the qualification of thno holding tbo election in accordance with tho recent Acts of Assembly, approved the 8ih duy ol Juno and llio U!lih day ol Juno A. J). 1881, (.See Pamphlet Laws of tho current year, page 70 and IL'H), to geiher with other blanks und tkkela It will bo further observed that by tho second section in tho latter Act, eioc lion offlctTK or voters violating any of, ..... . A tlio ruled of tho Democratic party of ClrnrfW'ld county, nro nutijcrt to a fino of $200. Tiio CiiAirmnn of each Viilanco CommittPo hat already boen furnifthed with a copy of tho Acln indicated, att woll ah inmructionn how to proceed in tho jitoinincH. J. T. lU'liciiriKtn, Citairtmtn. W.E. Wallace, Socrotarv. Clearlleld, Pa., Aug. ,'lilth, 1881. DKMffCRATIO PUIMARV KLKt'TION R1r8 OF CLFARPIELD COl'NTT Wt COUUTT COMwITTRI. 1. Tho orf(anlitlon of tbo Cuunly Com ml I e hall bo and remain aa no onnrtitutotl that ia.j ona member fur every hnrnugh and twna)iin and . IM..:. LI.. ei i.. a . ,r . . m veiiatriiixn, ouirii ajnuilBII lHl in It 1 1 DO rei'-OieO. annually by the dakjtatea. and their tern of offiro ball beg i a at Jaooiry following thalr oloetiba. or taa palatum aiocuiitrkti ir. I. Tbo nvnlefr of drlfffatea to which earW dia trlel la entitled U baaed upon the fulluwing rule, that la to aay : Knob elertma dlatriej lo tho ooua ty polllnn nno hundred Domneratlo ratea or lata, ahull ho ontidad Iu two delecatea abanlotely, and for aarh additional nntbuodrad Denooratin vntea. nr fraotinn creator than ono half tharet.f, tird la aaid dutrlot ot tho laat preQedtng Ooeeronr'i oltnlloo, aa additional doleicato, and under tbia rate tho fnl'owiog allotment of deloca'.oa la now undo for I S I : Pnmalde boroob.... Clearfield t Corln(ina 3 Dreatur t Fo-fiaon , S (lirard S Ore ham 2 (Inahrn 2 4renwHid .., 1 Outlet. 3 lluaton,. 2 Jnrdan 2 Karthana.M... 2 Knn Carweo'Vilk , Dalloia.. (lien H pa Iloutfdalo , l.uuhrr City Now Weahioft-tun Newhunr ttawila ,, Wallaretna Ueoearia towobip,. nan. 2 Lawrenn....., 2 Morria 2 Penn.- I Pike ... 4 Handy 2 1'ninn 2 Woodward.... llloo. B'ffi B ro.l ford... Brady Burnlde... Cheat ToUl , .lrctior aan niTtiea or chairman. k. Tbe deleoele eleelloe. end Coaale r..n.. lion .hall he in.erned and eenileeleil .Irietle n eeeordaeee nlila the felkiwlnf rale., aed the nf Ike Ceeate Ceajmlltee .hell he eeeeell, eleeleel b, the t'oeelj aa. ahall he aa Kie If,. Prealaeal ef all Ceeme Ce.eentienl, Tta er .Lncnoea. 4. Theeleellei fnr 4eleialea In the dltlerootd'.atrlet. l.tke annual lleuioeratle Cou. -tivaailon .ball ne held at tbo umai place of fc il-lu.g t'je general elrelloor loi- e.l. dl .Iriel, on On- rUturd.y tirooclinx 'he third 1 oi' lepru,u..r, .brie, too 17th tbl. .er.'l hrint.lapj al 1 o'oli-uk, T. .l,,el' eain. -la . wii , re ifci SLtdia. 0. 'i lia aal.1 election, ehall li beld li.v an (-IroHon luinrit, to ciuliit of lha inroibanof thn L'iiuiiI) Coii.iuittro (ur ui-h dturloi, and ton olhar llnDiooratlo volari Ibofonl, wlm alialt bo aiiutnttt fir dtilgnated by the Ciuuly tloni- mil Ire. Sow to rn.L varAscika. to vaeeany of Iheperioni en oonotlttiting the hoard ahall ue abeent from ibe p'aee el holding Ihe elei-iion for e i'irlcr of an hour alter (he lime uppulrtled, by Sule Firjt, for opeuingof Ihe keuio, hie or their plaue or placev, ahall be fllled by en elvotUn Io lie etnduotod eirt, eeiee by the Democratic votera prvaenl at the time. utiALiricAtiovor votkh. d. Kvory qualified voter of the iiltlr'nt, who al Ihe lea gi-neral election voted the Demueialio ilokel, eliall he enii'led to vote at the delegate clerllooe. uooa or volixo. 7. Ibo vuln-.g at alldelegete tlecliitie alisll he by ballot j upun wblcb belleteehall lie wrillen or prioled tiie name ur oa-ut-e of (ho deh-if.ile or drlegatrl voted for. together wilh any Inelnic lloni which Ihe voter may dvairc to give Ihe dele gate or delegatee, kiei-h ballot tw be received from ihe pereou voting the cione by a memiier of the election board,' end by bim deposited in a liux or utherrecepiecle prepared lor thai purpoee, 10 atloh box or other receptacle no perenu hut Ilia BBcmhere of the elecliou lioard ebull bave ecoep. or laerHeeriose. S. No Itiitrucllone ehnll be raoclred or recog niled unlree tbe eame be voted upon Ibe ballot ae provided by Rule Seventh, nur ehall aui-h ia- Iruetione, If voted upoo Ibe lull .1, be binding upon the delegate, unleie one-half or more ol Ihe balluta ahall contain inetrucliona noncrrnitig the eema bOioe Whenever be If or more of the hal. lols abell eoniakij inritrnctlona uonoerning any office, the di-legatee eleeted et eucb election ebail be held to be Inntructed to eupporl the eeodidato having the bigbett Dumber of votes fur eueh offioe. That wbcfl a eaodldate bavirnr received ihe blgheet number of votee in a dirlriet ia atriokea "." V"r , 7 . . a auiriceoin.nin lroIn Washington on good author It become, the duiyof liie delegalee iu .aid dia- , , , , ,,, . ,, trict loc.t their . lor the csndid.te having l -llial Secretary Jilaine has a cull reenlvod the beat Signet number of vote, iu eaiddi.trict; Pr-oeided , that eucb eandidele .ball have received one-fourth tbe number ot vote, polled for tbe candidate. covm-crisn TBi ii-mctios, nuTi-naa tan slink.. 9. Fach elertloo board .ball keen an nceorele 11.1 et ine name, ot ell uerionr Toting at .ueh ' (fill. IO Innel llie L-ollt ll-t;elit'y ol Ar .lecilon., whu-h Hat of rour. toireiher wiib .i,hur's disability or some sort t an lull aad e'tmpUt return ul luoh lertlnuoun- Uitaioit aa aivurates UlrtnDt rf tlio ji?rnn Iroted .llprftt(ta una all iDiirufllton, atuil be coriihotl t iaiJ buurd tu Hi Cuuntv C- nvB tiun, upon p mi ted t'lnnki tt hM innnihpii lv tUt Ounot roium.ttea. CnTK-IllHlt HBATK or Dll-tO 41 Y.ft numt, ttti:. 6. Whfinvtr from tn? dUtrlM. iiailWti lim- ecrkttln v uteri, in nutnltr tu na tit nm at-K-ttwit-a wbion men dmtitit in tbe Cotiair CoovtDtion, rbull i-empIniQ in writiojf uf no u dut leotiob ot return ol' dttlricalf tr ui iu ructiuDi, In wtitcjii .mpf.iot tn mig d trtn hall bo iwtlorth ant vftrill-. I Uj 16 Qiiliit it' una or nt'irt prou, atiob o'ututilalitt ball havo the riattt to oontofi t!' aL f u ii delegate! or their valMitj' of tarU initruut i ini'. A COMUITTKI Of Fit t. bueh oiHapixinl ball bo hoard br a UoKia.ltld.f, of d.t((iM to t apiiiotd by tht I'miiieat of lha Convvntioo, winch aaid Com ml tin nliall prooetd to hmr iti pattie. thtir jirooli ai.j MlUyUioDa, aud tuna m iaay t rprrnl to tba I'ltotvition h dflci(4t4 ar aotitM lo leu if tt. ere i ii, aod bit aru bimiinK upi.n tacb dlftatM. H hurvupt'D ibe OunTrnu-in jttmJl (imeet-d luiiaodiataljr, upua th eah of tbe ytii aud naja, t adupi or if.,?t tbt repart of tbe ountentlng partia. In wbtith oail uf tba taiu and ouyt tbe banica of tht dalcKktva he teata are eoule.ted or nboae inatruolljn. are diepu-ej, ball boomillei. lUiLiricATioatnr laLKoI,.e.i.T. hll !!,r1"u " di:',"cl tnejr rfprcfoi. lo caa of atMruca or inabi it to atieMnl, wikMitatiop tuy ha ualHria clit- mdi of tb dinriTt.. mjT oiibv hutbi'ctio!.!., on bk FxrriLrn, 12. IM.'tii tcuit obey inairuciioni siren J - -... l-lliir,gllll Tl)riatl it ahall ttie dutj of thu l'ratueQt of Lbv Cud vantion ti Pact His vota of inch daltfjrate or ti tn afi(iie,nce wilb tbe ir.slruoitnm j and ttie (lelffta-ta or -lel.'Hite o of. no il aball ti furthitUb axpfllrd fruiQ tho ConveBtiuu, ami ball nut b elipibla to any or plm- ot trou ia tbt prty for a prrM ftf two yaara A UtJORITT Of ALL MCrCnaiHT Tl ROM 1 M ATfc. k "WD,,0""".","'y moroimqiiHck med e 110.9 ihut nro now gktca aball ba Maa-wry to a nomin.tioo i and c,, ' ., it- . , , . no prri.o a oataa ahall l aKivltt tnun tbe lint I POfnttlOtl. 0 P)tuk from fXpOH r cuntiithu untd aitr the SIXTH ballot or cnuo when wo say that Parker's (Jin ...t. bn tho paro ranait,, th iflist UIIIuflr Kcr Tonif! in ii HterllnL' health rontora- ii tu... e.i.n nr uuiiinvn nal lirUDK IT. I III t Ud fOII, i Tt4 mi on asciaira uto nntil a nmiD- i t'l-n I tnaJt.-. ' hli, tbat if there ahall be a vol hot wren op mure ot the candidate! ; "t USIItUIIIIll IDtUnlf gate,. I.'icn II' t tl Hi a Km nandiilata hnvina . I tiie lowaot popuUr tot shall be druo.iB.i and the ballntg praceed. rKNii.TV ron oNNmiao rnAtioi 4r biiikht. 14, If any pcraon who ia a Aandidale for any noiuioatlon bielore th County Contention, aball be piuven to have offtivd or paid any money, or ot bar valuable thing, or male any protnite uf a oonildtrettinn or reward to any peraon ffr bit Toteor tanurnce, loifcuratne delea'e frota any diitrlel, or ehall hav (.ffnrM. or paid any money or valuahl tbtng, or pruiuifled any eon n deration or reward, to any lrltttte lor hra vot, or to any other fioraon with a new of Indulging or teeur Ing tbe rotar of delegatea. or if tbe aamo aball ! s by ny other peraon with tba knowledge and nmirnt of aurh raodidate, theoatna of au-b randidato aball bo liatnedialely atriokea from tba liat nf cAndidatea, or if aucb fact b anoertatiied after h'l nomination to any ottico, and belora tht final adl'turnin-nt, the name oftbe numlnao ball j be atruok from tbo tiebet and tho vacuo? np- jmsu iij m ww iitpuiiniiim, ana in eiiuar oai aurh pnraon aball l-e ioaligUda to any nomination by a Convent Un, or to ao election a delegate thereafter. And In -ae it Iball la alleod alter j tbo adjournment of the Couve.itton that any oau i ditlate put io nomination haa been guilty ot aaob actn, or any o'bor fraudulent practioea to hum aucb nomination, tbe chargo ahall bn iOTeitigated by the County Coukdium,, and aimh atpi taken the good of the party mny reulro. I li any delegate ihi) reeeira any to one? or other valuable iblitg, or nrrrpt the promio nf J....;. . , . ' - or Mcured to him, or anr poraon for'auoh dele' S"1 B indoofmnt lor bia toi, ui.nn proaf V I,."' ,h ,i:r,(0 c,.non.ion , ui n uci'geie anaii on lormwitB Okpci'ad, anl ahall nnt bereaved al a dl-gU to any lulur. Convention, an 1 aball b Ineligible to any pftrty nnmlDition. th mm vr.t rd!i:k. IS. Caaaa aritlng ttnder tbe rulei ihall hare prernlenro over all other buaineaa in Conrentinn, until detorwiaed. arnriso or Tin ConrK-jrinii, 17. The Connty foorention aball tnaat annu aly. In tbe Court llniae at I olook P. M., on tbe third Turxlay of 6fptrtubr. ariaoritCBMirfrnor r ardid atih. 1 TbtBnmoa of all tbe randldatet for fiftoe ahall be aonounod at leaai tbreo weeki prorloui lo Ibatimq of boldtog tbe primary elention, J. IMC KCHHKLU, ( balrrnin. Wn, B, Wai,ui , 8rotary. T ii e Horn llrroitMBR. The Burlint; ttin llawkrye man probes tho o8 in lliin way : Mr. Coiiklinir wan a preat pnlilienl "Imf8." When Uollvcttir Koli urtnon ciilorvd upon tho tluli.ot of hie ollico nt the I'mt of Sew Vrirk tho olher tiny one of Ilia flrnt tliitifs was l0" ln"k.ttJ' xi,e h,m! "fl!t'''Wfi' -hn 1Ul ftt t-.llt ir.l nl.a-a I... U- who had been put into i1hco hv Mr. Conkling. Ii wan not much of a hordo. It contiud of a widow and her mm and a ono armed soldier from t'tica Tho ex Senator has not made hay while tho eiin pint no. Hut that (at tern hand box civil service roliirnior, Gcoiyo William Curtin, ban imventy nvo renown csconord thorein, loromoHt ol whom wno hid brother, with A soft thing at a year. Dkviithy and DucKMir. Tho New York World romarku: Tho Albany .faurnal, after admitting that Honator Stockton, of Hvw Jersey, nn rnleil out of bin Rent heeauco ho wa "de clared elected by o plurality voto of tho New Joracy Letfirilntnro," and d- mutiitfc oibo that Air. g arner Miller has juHl been "olecled by a plurality vole" of tbo Now York LcgitdAture, olmerre" Hint it would navor moro ol "deriltry" than ot "defwwy were any ono to iiitorpono any objoctitms to tho m ating ol Mr. Miller "for even a day iMd it navor more of "decency" than I of -deviltry" to keep Senator HtnMaon ont of hla eat no, lur a day but for all t,n,t-' ' A mot ii m CoNvsRT. J. Milton Tiir nor, anoihcrciilori'tl mnn who line beon traveling in tlio South hne Imrl Ilia oyc npoiicil lo the poraiatont anil nia- liiinnnt Hailical mi.ropriinonliitinn of llio rcmimna or tho mten tliorf. llo lnunil tho lilaclta much mnio prospcr oii than ho vxnedorl, and tlio whilpa. : far mors pntriotio and lihcral to hia ! rntia. In KHaLeilln tu-.tii-.fiuM aro wnrlh ovor 120,11(10, iargcly owinj. il to whiln patronatfo. Hy all moaim ho lliinka Iho nt-i;ro ahould atay South where hla real friend aro. A IVou Ci.tmiviAH. Tho l!cv. Dean Slunley, ,0 died rocontly in Knglanil, haa had hia will probated by hia Kxceiitora and il amoonla to about H50.000 peraonttlly, n aum whit h will probably alrike olorgyraoii Id tbia country aa very large fur divine to lva behind bim. .4 11TJJ VJtS A f. I Ed ED DISA BILITY. ! The U'Utttc devotus I, n ciliitnu toconsiilering Yitie l'resi.luit Arthur's ineligibility to tho 1 rei-iden-y, because (it hi p. altiiiroii hum if luirn in Jvven H luc KUllT il Irtt I C'lit.t.Uhir, euj a tins pi'OIOUIIllOIU'.'ie,' were nguinst ' ( - Immedialelv put epand .uldagain attheexpan-e Arthurs succeeding llh spirit Would; "" t-ar"n"""'- and il,k oftbe er.on to whom it wee .truck Ob ni-i-e,irilv iIiiviiIvm ll.M i,lli,..i 111. in,- 'e ee eulboeired to ami ounce llie name of i eaid who, in eaee of dotlcienoy al aurh re-ala, nutssurily .leyoltu Ihe C "I""' j f..U JOIINtiTON. of llr..i,.d lo.o.l . ! .h.ll make good the eaine,and in no inelanee hllll. 1 here is a SCt-OIld Ihitlicl lor, , oaoilidstelortba office of Cuiilv Cooum.iuoer, I will the Deed le preaeolcd lo Court for eoohrma VOII. TllO CotlhlilUtioll SUVS Without! .ubject IO to the rule, g-.vernlos id Democratic I tion unlee. Ihe mol-ey ii actually pud to llie iiuslincutioii "ihut no person i xi cpt a natiirul born citir.eii sliull be ehgibie to the olliiii ol President." 'i'lmi's ihe inner ui tlio law aim tun spirit too, tllllcsS Ibu (idZelte COIIStrueS tilO Spirit iifuiiufiii-muiivotolie its negulive. A 1, , , ... . 1 , , Itmlicul on Conslilulionul law isciiiiul. ...... . IO UlUI, Accepting as cor- reel the bitsis ol tho Gazette 8 lirglllnelit thai Arthur wus born in Canada, il unfortunately he should succeed to the President and buckle fortune on bis back, the lirstact would bo to commit perjury in inking tbe Constitutional outli thai he will "lo the best of my (his) ability preserve, protect and do fund the Constitution of the United Slates," at the veiy time bo was set ting aside one of iis plainest provisions. Nor Would tbo ulternulive as tbe Gazette, says, be "anarchy" if Arthur be disqualified "by a mere legal fic tion," which is its indecent chatucieri ration of as specific ttnd imperative command as tbe Constitution contains. The Senate could bo brought together in a week, and a President pro tern. elected who wculd succeed lo the Presidency, until a new election could be ordered. I n fncL the retiort renr-licn all siiriii-d by tbo President, for a special session of the .Sennit-, ready to be issued vvbenevf-r the ernerfreney vnrrnnlh it. Tho niuiii pnrpnsn ol the, special ses sion would be to elt-i-t a President tiro "accident" which was so loudly threat onwi a lew weeks atro tiint be was put under police. (;mit'liioilnii The Gazette should noi have at templed to cross the tenet) of Arthur's disability nntil it came to it. lis idea thai Arthur' elevation in a dread emerjemy is more liiipnrlitiit than tho Constitution, Is Hndical lo-rie nurc and simple; but as thin in common sense! as it is wanting in tmtnilisrn. Pitts burgh P:t . A Capital I iea. The Alloona Daily Son snys: "Tho jrn-at des'rut-tion by tire of leucine;, fta arid hay stacks, bridges and oven depots by locomo lives, consequent nn the loii"j droiii-ht has bertome tilarmio-; to raiirond men. An improvement mlating to caiisinj' locoinotives and file and portable or stationary engines to conMime their own smoke, consists in plat-in:; on ton of the stuck or t.'llimncy a Vulvo Or .Iine,e awki..h I... ol.'l f, ...I .,. . eeeaaijrare all, la VWII IIV OllllkVU m HS 11 Oon or n(JS0 tt cn,ranc0 , ,10 pip0 w,lich connec-iR with theash.pit, where- ... ' ' ' n" l!,e l,r',.,t't' -! COIllhllHllon fun be Ittirnwl itiroptlv into the nino nurt Ia cortvcvd'l hwk into tiie fitrnuce, or van le turn im I into the opttn uir. SciutltifllB claim l hut ftO pur cunt, nf tho very bent part of tho fuel panMO out of tho ntnck in th pn t'nt wantt'tut prataicu." A Kooiiifiii MihTAKK Don't mako tho miHtuko of confounding a remedy oi acknowledged morit with tho mi- tir ... : 1 1 l .11.1 i i v ' w uu 111111 " ,B,m I 'or it. 0 hfl0 Used it OUThcIvoS With tho lllippiust reSllltH fif ItthoiimatUm .wl . I I. I advertinomynt. Times. .. .. on,....,, ... vnir.,,,,,, A Goon Lick. Tbe Su Louis lie pnfilican,n alluding to tho recent bold robberies, remarks: "With tho Law rence train robbers of Kansas, the Williams boys of Wisconsin and llio MeKeesport outlaws of Pennsylvania to apologise for, wo suggest tbut our uepubtiuan friends might as welt re frain from any Invidious comparisons ahnuit tho James boys, of Missouri," Smiounrcnifiits. Primary Eleotion, Saturday, Sept. 17, Frta. Tbo fa moat V paid In a-Uanre, ant) will be aa follows t for Tronr?r. f IS. f.r Ai Mjiaio Judge, ta fur Counfy Commlaainnor. lit. for County Auditor, $i. Tbia will pay for II,. tNlO tic It eta for oarh oandidat and tho nanal olactinn blanki. AHSOCIATK Jl'DUB. We aro authoriied to annnuoeo tba nam t.r JOHN L. ClirbK, of Cloarfield, aa a candidate ior me nnoe o Aaaociata Julge, aubjeot to the rulca governing the Pemoeretio party. roatoffioe addrear, ClaarfiVId, Pa. We are enthnrivoJ in nnn.n... u. JOHN IIOCKKNRKKHY, of Chert towtuhip, aa I a oanditlato for tho office of Aa.wta'o Ju'loo. anh joot to the rnlft (t'trentinf the Detntwrntiu pirty . Pnatofllce aciilrona, Mni'bcrron, Pa. We aro anthoriinl to aiiu.iunce Ibe nam nt JACOII W. CAMHHKLL. of Hell tnwnnhip, aa a candidate for tbaoRineol Aaoeiato Jmlfto, aohtrot to tho roloa (t-JrarOinn tho Detuooratio party. t'-.n to nine addreaa, Cunli, ln. Wo aro aiithnr)rl to arnaonno tbo name of DANIM, W. MOOkK. of Cloarfield hnrourh. .a t-nnqigiiie ior mo uniio or Aaaociato Jude, auhieet to tno rnla (ntorolnK t Dammrailo party. PoitnWit addreM, ClcarflrlJ, Pa, Wo aro auth'iriir.t tn anooLnce tho name of C1UKLKS D. WATSON, uf Clearfield brooRh. aa a oandidato for tho olfloe of Aaauciata Ju l;e , rwrtjoot to the rulaa (tirorniatf the Drnnoratiet' party. j Poatnffl.'o addre, CloarfiniJ, pa, i Wa are autlinrirrtl to announct the name nf j DANIKL K'MtZKIt, f Kawrmrt ...wn.liip, ail a oandidato for the odino of Artnoialo Judce. I uhjeot to the rule! guveroiuK too Demonratio pari. roKtoflloo ail 1 1 an, CIcarRt Id, l'a. We are authorlird to annotmoo lha name nf ."nil t rt i, 1 1 m rrnn lnwnhi,a a candidate for the oflirte of Aaaneiaio Jmlpe, anhjeot to tbo fverninif mo Mrmorratio porty. PoatcfliPe addreM, Orarofiian liilll, Pa, THEAKURKIt. wo are aii'hftrirnl tn nnnnnnct the mini a of J Ainu F. n I K I A K Ii, Oi llBKMldr (rexaaakifn. mm m canli.litte fur thn offi.e of Treaaurer, aubjeot io tbo rulaa governing tho Uemo-ratto party. Poituffloo adilrea, Philip. hurg, Pa. We aro not hurt iH to annnunee ih Ar DANIKL HlKWAKT.of Bradford lown.bip. ai a oandidato I tr Treaanrer, aunjret to tho rulca (overniog tba Devmeraiir party. addrrta, Wondtaad, Pa. Wnaro authorliM to annnonco tht nana of THOMAit A. HUOVKK, of Piko townahip. ai a randidalo for tho oflie nr Treasurer, lul.jt'ol to th rulei govflrntng tbo Drmonrntio party. Pnainffipo oddreea, Curwenavllie, Pa. W are authnrlael to annnnane the ....... .ri "'" in,".iM..ot Im..U bnrough, aa a oaodidaif for tho oflieo of Treamror, aut jeot to tu (urn frain inn irravorotic party. Pualothoe adtlrraa, I)ultia p. We are anlhorlied tn annunro tht noma of muim n. "ni'ii,r.t,ol riearneld a oandidato for tho nfflno of Troaaurer, autjeot tn ,h ""nin Urmorrati. p.rty. u. ,1,,'",Bm "tdrM c,-rlH1' l4' w''SS, 5 lllVl eenrliieletor the e'rlre of Trenanree .w. candidate tor Ihe e'rlce of Tren.erer. utJ,.'lle Ihe ruie. gov.rnias; ine iieraoerttle parly. P'luV. addre.., Ulearleld, Pn. we are eul!ii.rl.el ie eeneonee Ihe name ot CIIAHLttSKOIItVKM.of Head; In.e.hlp. ee a ealtdhl.te far Ihe office of Treaaurer, aul-jeet Id ue rmee ,".ernioa: ee . remo-rar ie part,. Pealeffiee ad Irea., I.uther.lrarjr, l'a, VTe are atnhnrl.ed ta announee Ihe nerae ef dl dale lor Ihe oltw of Treerurer, .ui.iiel lo the rule, eorernln. the lleni'ieratie (jirtr. reatomoe adder,,, Trouttltle, Pa. fOMMISSlONER. . T!.." "'"''"'I I" eeeonnee the name of JOHN T HI-HAW, of town.hlp, ea a eendijate for tbe offioe ef Couaie Coiamieaioner, eni jeet to Hie rule, orernlii Ihe Uenioorau, pari;. I'vatnlBee addre.., Marron. Pa. We ere anthorlird lo ennnoeee the name ef JOHN HI NI.AP, ol Pihe lown.blp, n, n eendl dale lor Iho ofltoo el Oooetj ComraiMl'iuer, .eh. jeet te the role. to,eraina Ihe Uennerailo perto. poaioQlje .dtfreaa, llleemle,en, I'n. We .re .otnorlaed le annee.n. the nemo f JOHN PICAKU. of Oeelottoa teera.hlp. ae n candidate fer Iho elloe ef Oonet, Oemauielenir, nhjeet in the mlee ffer,rai. ke iaeeneentle rui,. feetotlee neMr rreaehTllle, fa. W arf uhnrlii. to nnoatir the me of TlluMSS MAHAKt-KVp of .Ne-J W .liinfh.B horuuh. kki a en itl tint far lha oflliM ot ruuntv Cataiiuit-aioiawr, u' j r t tht ru'eii firrtilof ttm Prtufv rhit Ic Mriv. I'o-K.tti.t- i.ltw, Nw ailnjtfO, P. w. r MUtt.nntl in nliloilOo If.f Ol ui 1 1 I i a u u fit i uiil im .ui... ' 1. a .... .1 '. . ... 1 n.i.iuiir, ui'.iJi-t in tle. ruit talon 'U : '" Port-.lfioe addrear, Urkiiipi.u Hill., Pa. We are eulborirt-d to annouo -e tbe nemo nf .hip. .. e eandidme f.-r tie ollic. of founly Coiumieilnnor, .ubi,' to the rule, governing the """" P""'- Po.lolllce a-ldrea., Karlhaua, Pe. We ere eufhoriied to an..iinoe ll, i.eioe of W,MAM M hLOOM. of Pike to.o.hip. .. e ; rendidaie for Ibe olhoe of County Cummiieloner, i uijectioiheru'eagovereingiheDimocranopariy. I oaionjce addre.., Ill..ommlon, I a. We are au.boriied lo announce tbe eaoie ,,f RIDKON D. OOODPFLLOW, of Clearlleld bor ouj-h, a cnliJat lor ilicnffl.-f of Cuunly Com- unisiuuer, ui'jicl tn lit rul eoteraiitjc it Hem ...v v- vu.e-j u.m I'ottoftiofi a.ltlreu, ClcafRHd. AlOITOH. Wo art- author. i-wi to aonounaa tba haute of RIM lll'.N bTHAW, ut Jurdaa toirothip, ai a (AQdltlate for tbe ffle of Audi lor, uhjeot to tbe rulaa got "ruing tba Ueioucratie party. I'yptort.oe ad'iram, Aununrllle, V. H't arit au'horlted to announoa the oatue of BKMJAM1N KUNUKH, of Obaat lowoibip.aa a aandidaie fur te oldoeuf Couoly Auditor, aub jvet the rulei gnvernitiK tbe Oetnouratio par'y. PoBloltlca adrtrpi, MxPberron, Ym, W tare autboritfd to HtiBounco tba D-iLia of FRANK I. THOMPSON, of Curwenai il'e br ooRb, aa a candidate (or County Auditor, flubjeci to the rule govefniog tba Deiuooratie purty. I'ortioltice KtiJrrM, Curnviiaville, Pa. We am aulhorifd to antianuee tbe ram of J. Ill IIOI' Ml AW, .if Ltwrr do KrN.blt, aa a oandidette for Count? Auditor, aatjwt to thn ruloa govsroiDg tbe Ueinooralie party. 1'ofLufflre addieia, Clearbelai, i't Wi are autbnritad to auDooDoo tha Dunn- ui ,1(1 UN W. HOWK, of I, a France toaiiil.i,, a a oandtdtitr fur tbaoffine of (.'oaniy Au'ijtiir. mHrct tn tbe rul-c gvrning Ihe Dtmo ratio partv. I'oaU-flice ad'lrru, Olrlinii1, I'm We ai- aiithoriicd to atini-uo.-ft I'm tiaat t JOtlN li. Mil.LKh. -i Nnwl.utg tinmKb. aa a abliiite tor lb oUtiet" i.f t'ounly Auditur, 'jlij"t to llif rule govcrnioii tb lpii.orra lie iiartv. I'u Hi trine aitdreaa, iiwrd, l'a. M'e urn suthonrrt to rootincn ih" naute of CHItlM IAN UHOWN'. t.f t?oiogt'm, at a i!UB Jttlale fur tbt ullioe ui County Auditor, jeot to tbe fulta gorftrunig the lt.-iDtcratio p irty. roiturhne att'lmcn, karthaut. l'a. (U'rvtisfmtitts. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtu of a writ of AVr Pacini ivxued oat of tba Court of Common Pleaa of Clear- : u.Jil pouDtT.PcDD'a. and to me directed, there will ha axpoeed to IM MLK' hALK. attha Court; tluaae, io fb oorougo ! UloarOeld, l a., oa Thursday, September 23d If I, At 1 o'clork P. M., tb lollowlug dpwrib-d ral it ate, U wit : All that eartaia tract of land altaaU In Bum. aide tuwuirhip, t'lrarflrld county, Pa, b-nindt'd aj follow ; Ou tbeeait by laud of William Owena and Jaiura Oweaa, on tbe auuth by Und of fhuri (Smead. uO Ibe weat hy landa of Aaron Pntcbm an l Oavid Failoo, on tbe north by land ol Will ism UkTcnai eontaiotng oao bunJri'J acrnt, ttiJ.e t-r la,wiib ab'iut aikty-live artea cleared ,anti a goud Urge omhar'l nl eboiaj fruit Uv gmwtng the re on, ao-i biaifing tltereoo frcoUd a tramr hiuf and Iriute baru 3Ux.ix feet. -d, talteu iti execution and tn be "liaa the pro-party of J ituieat'baptt) n. ALO, All of tbat eruin lot or Intl of trou ad altuai in the bi.roiigb of Clettrtial I, Ixttiadf 1 and dracrthad at followa : lleiog part of lot Maud' 1 ' J ' " n, irto Mo.aop'a Hd-aitUn, troutinx una buntir.'d!J H. Ilainiltoo, It-et, to jro or lew. on nalnut Btrt-at, and being na hundred and fily leet dvi), more or leaa. on Tliirdotioct.andi-Ker.dingliiick to an alisr.hound--tl on ttie rt liy Third nrr t. on the caat by lot of Jauci L. Ltavv, (.0 the aourh by ao alley, add oo the north by Melcut tuet, Laviny tbtreon erected two fraruo dwell nig bouaea, lining about Jm tO feet, two aidiiaa high, and, Htao a tratne a table tbervoo d ootd. eifcdl Ukeo In execution and to he ao d e tba property of the Iftiendnnt, John Shrilfcr. ALSO, All of tbo Iiefrndant'a interobt in ail that cer tain pii-ro or tract of luni aituale io Bloom town- rbip, C'loarflrld oounty. Fa . bounded and do arrioed at followa : Oa tbo out by Und of Kllia Keiter, oo tbo aotb hr land of C. M. Uott.oa tje waai by land of 1. M. Fetter, aod nn the north by land ol Kraok Orcutt, rnotaiuing 1:14 aoraa, more or Uaa, with about VU aorca cleared, a largo utnnard growing thereon, and bating erected tbarton a tratnv tmuaa, a large bank barn and other 'OU'huilding. bcikod, taken in execution and to h ir.i or tho prnperiy ol li. t. An'leraon. ALSO, All tbat corUin tract of land altuatcd in tho townablp of Jordan, in tbo rouutr of Clearfield and btaio of Fenaitylraoia.buunded and doerib-d ai folio wa, to wit; lioginning at a ben lock ; thenoo by land uf fuey booth 61 ty degroea Weat I So peicbei to a poat; thence hy land uf Thorn aa McUeo North Jfi degreeo Weat ITS per?hoa to a witch baaet; tba boo by land of Joaeph faitaraoa North il degrtua Kat 12S percbea to a poat ; tbt-nco by land of Jamea Jarkcoo e'outb iH da greoa Gael ITI perobee to a henloob and the place ol beginning, oontalnior oao hundred and twen-ty-aerro acica atd lorty-iii perches ard a Unw aoc. Selied, token in and to bi i.i'd a tho property of W. K, I'aauiorr. ALSO, All tbat orrtain tract or pieue of lar. I aitnata in Morrie township, ju the county of t'iearbeld and Ktateof Ponn-yl tenia, bounded and decrih- cd aa Mlowa : Hegianing at a poat, the north want oorner of aaid traot of land aurvovod in tht name of John Fnco ; tbttoro by treat of land turrerod in the name of F ratio ia JobnMon oaat 1 54 iHTouct to a poat by a white oak ; thenoo hy treat of bind aurrnyed in the name of Cbriuophor Uakr aoutb 3)2 perch ea to a atono ; thence by land jf Joaepb Uauter weat l;.rtj pfi0hci to a p.Mt ; tlteneo by land of Meorge J. U earner, Jr , north ?1X per; hra to ttie plaae of beirinoinir. eaniainin ohm han. dr, aui lb" nd fif, n,,,e P'bea au.l lilowanoo, with about 4tarria. more ur 1m nlr. d, and a good young orchard of ftlt ireet orow- j ing therein, and having thereon oreciel a atn.ill ! I w'Vn7 a" . UM aA ,0 hm 'vn In eitecailuD, and U, toll aa thr property of Jhn Krin. I ALSO, t The dofendanf. iottrtr In .'libit .w.ain Itant or pitceuf land ituatad in tlreenw-od lown-bip, Clearfield county, htale of Penaaylva nla, bounded and denenboil ai fellow, tn: Be ginning at apoatnrner lo land of aaid lln lihan Urt.tbcraf theneo Honth 4V d 'arret Weet Pit 1 . 1 0 ptrchea to a poat; ibcnce by land of Arthur Bell romp n.i ac -rw hAn ih.1 pen-he to an old bein- iook rorncr t tnenne hr land ot Huntrr and haw Iry Fourth !v tl ri ca Knot Un and . pprrhea tn a poat; ttirofe ty land of 11 itihtieu and II rot bar a rtonn r,.i jrgieea "eat lh:i ptroha to the rw-gin ning. ponfainiog one hundred a"re oinro or li,a, net bi at, witti a.tat twenty aero anoro or lr cleared, and having th-renn ere.toJ a tutail hoitf aiiu i'g uara., It ken In tTocntion and to be mM aa lha prtirty of i'nul W hite. ALSO, All Ibat pleee or pa-eel of land ed la Mum, tone. hip. Cleerhuld euuely, n id llute ol PellliarlvnDI., ennailed and daerrilied aa (nl. leer, i ilefflnninir at a pi.t on Mo-hanon crerh : thenoe hv leod el llenrjr Lor.ln, M. t IVe.t 11 perehea tu a maple ; ihrnee North tl porrho. to .toeee : theaee VV'e.t Jtl perehee le a natile ; Ihence he Catharine Wyme Nurth ett) pen-he. o a po.t; tbeneo l, other land, ef John II. Kjler Kaat 4. perehee Iheooe Koath t perrhe. Ut n port ; thence Kat hi perehea lo a Inea.l on llie tmeh ef etoeliennn ererlt Iheooe hy raid Mo. ah.non creefc the eeveral eour.ea and diet. nee, te the plane of heieelii(, enniaiulni lie acre, end ellneanoe. end barina: aliout AX aere. more er lee. cleared, eriib n email orchard ejroeini thereon, and li.rinj thorenn erected a loe buure and let barn. BeUed, takoo io elocution en I l We rolj aa Ibe properly of Hubert Arderj and .r, ArdArj. Taano or Sam. The prle, or ,m .1 .hick the preperte ahall bo airurk oft e.n k. .i.i the lime of .ale, er euck elher errenemenl, mode a, eelll be approeed,othr eri.o the proper 17 will be Imiaediai.l, net up and .old a, am al toeoipoaeo end rl.k of tbe per.on to nhoia It a, .truck of, end who, In ea.o of detelenoy at -H.,i eaeae aroon .no oenie, nod in no Inaiance will tbe Deeil ho preaonted la Court Tor eonbrrnatieh unleaa the money I, actually peid le the Sheriff. J AH. al A II A PI'K V, da.airr a Orrica, I gberirl Clearleld. Pa.. Ann m,leil I Sheriffs Sale. 1)Y Tlrtua of writ, of r.e-)ir.o.( Von,,,., 1 1 l..ued o jt ef Iho Court ef Common Pleaa of Cluarfleld enunte, and to mo directed, I nill ex. po to peMle eele, al the Court llooae In Iho wrvuRn 01 uiearneu, en rhurerlay, rplrmbrr 9'J, IHHI, Al I o'clock P. M, the following dr.crlt.ed real eelale, to wil 1 . All that eerlaln Irael of land altoaie la the b..r eu,h of O.eeola, Cle.rll.ld eoualy. Pa., boended on iheea.t hy Pruner Mreet, on the north lie Mm, alley end on ihe neat Lr Oeor,e W. l,.ne, hoine two leu iineaa In pUa ef ..Id knrau.h aa lm. No. e aod J. and l.e.h, I hereon eroeled n a....d ..or. room II 74 few, wilh w.r.-Miim all.ehed 1J.11 feet, and email Iremo elohlo. Nel.el, lekea In exeeutlen, end le be (old ee tbo (impute ef llerkoeiio A llirih. ALSO, All that eeetala trect of land titnale In bere Inr town.hlp. Cle.rlleld eouniy, P.., boooded follow. 1 Norlh by A. Kepb.r-, .oulb hy II ,,.. lon.we.t by John M.Chaaeend lletrerte', a.t.i. eoolalemj fi.rty ecree, more er loo, with a two .ury pl.nk heuo, tfltll feet, lo, hern, end ulkor euihalldinif.. eel.ej, taken la etceullon, end lo be told e, Ibe rreperty ef lleerfo W. K.pbarl. ALSO, A certain In et arennot altaa-e In Weet Clear, eid, Lawrenee lown.bip, Clenrkeln eoaate P srfiiri.'n- "'' lei No. (I, benoehal en Ike north by hterroR otroelL eltay aod en the weal hy lei No. H U- . . 1'fflal aeflrfrtlsfrnfitts. j ir' "'"" ( ti9t, inf iu rifotiiitfl, Ai.ii t mi iiiopti'i ui Anini eieatusit u alBiil nr b lli The' price or auu. nt wkicb .truck of n.,.,0. paid at Hie Una of Mlc, or euob .itber made will be approved, oilierwire tbe propirly will r-heritf JA).t .UsIIAI FKY, Haalre'a Oerics. I at'-r'S Olearbald. Pa. Aug. SI, I SMI I Sheriffs Sale. BY firtu of rlM et Itimri F.uiai iifiitj out of tb Court of Co unmo Fleai of Clear- huld nuatvt Bod to n dirotMcd, thtr b I eaped to PUHI.IU BALK, at the Court Hou.e, j " the borough of t'leartleld, ou I Tliurvdey, Septenilicr K'Jft, Ihhi, : At I o-clock P. M-, th. following deacrlbcl real ! e.late, lo wit ! iwo w, .th ir.:oe ..u.jun, nmuaK UUI.a IZIA-O irm. TJUlll DP 11 nil. ltr, Bntl bi itet, but it oo i.t kv. 4rt, mi - ulh-r bin frm chon. fiiiift lt. on lot ad joining and lot Ho. 4S, both lota and batltlinga iM-tr-n tiMiate it taa Tillage ot allaevtoo, tl-ar-UM onumy, Y. h t ((, tukau ia aieoation, aad u b t-l . the pr..-tiy of i. li. Uiiibrtf. Tiam op 6alb. Tbt price or auui at which tbe property aball b atrnck off Muat be paid t Ibe tlma of aala, or aacfa arrauKutnU uadeaawtU b Approved, otbarwtaa tbe property will b lmtBtiattlj put np aod aold airaiD at tba axpenao and rtak of tbe prsiii to wtioin it waa airuci oo, aDa wdo, tl oua ol deooieooy at neb re-aala. aball wak good tba aume, nd ia ao toiunoa will tba lieetl be preaeaud la Court for cuoflruiatioD anlear tba mooey i actually paid to the bbariff. J.. Mtil tt., Hnantrr'a Orrii , ( fberiff. Claaikld, Ma.. Auf. II, ItHt. ( PUBLIC SALE 0e. PERSONAL PROPERTY T.V CLKAR FIELD. Tbt Mirt Iaid H ibai ilt g Kireutcra of fhe t-taa uf the tl -bitw, tSr., will tvll at public outcry all i-i'me tn- aaved ditrinit tht- Lifnint nl th HII AW Hill K.'.mbf.rt.mia.f,onSA'li;hIAV( Ml'Ti:MIIKH 10ih, IHI. The property eon ti nt . pianii, a numti-ir of Lcii lead', nat tra(e ur d bihvr led rlatbing, bi-u, tndi. tnb1.- a in nf rariietiog. Alan, a number ol atnd- nnj p.mal door. :"Ttie auie will onu. menee a ( IQo'tilock A M., I vtht-u ai: i where Ibe conditinua of tba ala will lm I known by tbe utidrticnl. i JOSKPH flllAW, A. B. Ml Art', Kxaculora. nnarlleld. Pi-, Augu-t tl, (Ml St. J II IIV I.1T-.Vatuoi and location of tfaoae peraona drawn m juron to larva at Heptam- tcr ,,rra' rommencing oa tba fcorib Moaday, u, "no roouniuag iwo wqeR: j rand Jcaom Mida., HcrTKnaaa Mru. J J c ('"oner, b A Hoienkrana, Iluitoo. l L FtrjtuaoB, L City, j Hrnry Hb, Jordn, .. . r.n'' " ",BvV trl hf'nl,' H A Wright. Breria. Ino R Ounlan. Knui. j J W McCoy, u i.l 0 Krhrn-rf. Lawrenm HnrfTf Canttinttn, Bell, h Miner Jr. Morrh, A L rrreman. Uradfonl H M Davis, Pcnn, Kobtrt Dunbar, Obait, Adan iSmib, Pike, Joieph H iirrtb, " j H. U ngno, Sandy, J F ritrinrr, liecatur, John b ICllia, Aott Fiynn, Uulirh, IB F MuCail " S h B Itanify, Oulk-fa, d B Itunlup, Wotward mhiid Wrrk Mot da v. 0 touch So. II L Hft?,lrr, Cl-arfltld. IJoaepb Waiity. Dcrmur, lleury W liner, ' -i, T. Bat.kio. tiohheo. June. U ijoton. eruiia. uijnion, :ii,rge uwrna, " I AtieB -fl'ir. Curwr.!!, Lev i 6. Kioe. (inlicb, Ll ",rd' "' ' dol, fnt. fiyna, Mtjton -Samuel browu, LnwrV llaae 0 joii, 11 't. u'ieu linler, Mor. i M. II. Fon, Pcnrf, Arnold Utoi.m, Pike, lllO tl. Httoff, Cccdla, W. A Vtitt, K Campiuan. WaHnee'D, Win MahnfTcr. bell. U Cbambera, Cru A. W..e i, illoom, Hb't llcCraken Ifnac Ueiah, llo(,', Mantra Wiae. J l. Kama, biironde, Sf rawhridgc, (fiandv A llugi.enrr, C ingtnn - " 1'hua Lambert, ' NirboUa 0 rdon, t. eicbnarr. lUvid l.T"ua, " Stephen Tet, Decatur, ;Tboina Wavne, Wo tbe undcralgnod, bartby certify tbat tbo fortuning Iit of ntoinca of perooa wete drawn hy ua on tbe lath d-iy of .Inly A. I. Itfcl, n ttraod and Trarorac Jurun fir tho September Term nl Court, eoniRicncing &a the fourth Mnmtar. ia I rorroet, ao I war drawn OMording to law, in mi- cornance wild on order Of the Hon Cbarif A. Mner. Preaident Judge of tko oaid Court. Thavomi Jiftotta, Moidat, Sarr. 2fiTi. W B Ayerr, Uurnaidc iJanoa Fitgal. Orabacu, J M, ClrarflcldJC Hullibaa, OreeoWood, J ll tban, - , Hiram llumiuol, Ooliab, Jno Jlulilban. " II Wuudwrd, Huatoo, J A Mrrgorj, Cur't villa, 'Uoorgo Hurr, " Ki hM Krani, , Wlet, Jordan, W P rbaraber-. " .lai Micbaeli, Kanbaua, P McDcrmot, llouttdale If F tiulich, I.awrcaco. Itob'i Fleming, Ucoj lhaw, " Jno Mi-hacla, L City, M S Kramer, J B McKadden, Oacoola Allan Wngtey. " D Hamilton, , I' bur-too, Irwin Kllia J Itogrra, - W F Merrrll, Morrii, Ltw Urisbin, ThoiCKyler, Henry bailey, Bcccaria And Fulmar, M J li Ulangow, U Douglaa, " m Tbomaa B-era, Boggi, Hubert 11 tinier, " Kudt.tph Albert, boggt ; Andrew Lata, " Joa Wmary, Ilradfurj, V A Moore, Hon a, HenjKnepp, Jama Walla. W W Marxb. Brady, W T Oeiley, W H Wright. M Ligbtncr, II Htbring. Ituroaida tp ilanrv J Knarr. Sandy, .1 Summervilio, " David Wolty. loiuo, Oeo Kuntunan, fl Eidridge," Woodward, Kann .MvKwou John ltuiiorf, ' C lluroioy, Covington, Owen Lewin, John lluitbea, locatnrt W W Wiiiuii, R Ubbowaiter, (.ltdoa Kcatloy, MenJ Jury, Uiran!, Tdwar.l M.-Cbo. " JAMKS MAHAFFKT, Rhoriff. A. J JACKSON, H. nitlliuK. Jorv Conmiadonera UleaiSeU. P., July 27tb, iK-il-to. RM.ITI.H NOTK hero by Riven that tbe fopowmir ocwnnti hao bet'o oaamlnM and paaard hy tua, and retnaio BM of word in tbia ofli fbr tbe lnanr.i.n. r b",r"' ,rH""' "e.litora, and all otbera interred. nd witl be proeonte.1 tn the next Orphant1 Cnort of Clearfield oounty, to beheld at tho Court Home, in the borough of Clearfield, 'ntnmenf iog lt .U,n (b,D lh of depleieber, A. I). IrM : rinai account 01 amuel llendereun. Guardian of nonie 1. nrpnart, minor child o( M. V. hep ken. late ol Clearlleld eonoiy, Pe.. ileceaMd. Final account of Lewie Ttt. Admlolalr.tor ot reran v. .aie, late ot Clearlleld ooi.oiy, Pa., deceeaed. Final ec-ountof William L. Ploom, Qnardian of i-ucy it. uioora mow Lucy K. bloerel, oeo of tbe children end be.r, ef lleeid and fiareb Dluom, lale of I iho townkblp, Cie.rtie d eona- j t in., uieeaee-j. Vital account of C. M. flerlline and R. f. 01111. lend. Admlnlelratere of theolale or lleore L. Ilerilinn. late ef Karlhaue tnwnthip, Clearlleld county, Pa., deceeaed. Fu .1 account of Samuel lln, Jrrn.n, fluardiin of e-'oirr 1.. nepnerr, minor child of A. '. K,p. berl, late of Cle.rlleld eouniy, Pe., deceased. Pin. I eocnom of N.ih.n Moore, Eircutor ol Ihe e.l.te of Mary Wriflnworlh, of Prnn lown .bip, CleerBeld cimuly, Pa., dece.nd. Account of tle-.rir;e H Walk, Admlnlltrakir of Ibe eaia'e of llicherd Walk, lale of Ihe borough of Carwon.rille, CleerOrhl oo.nty, Pa., deoeaaed. Final account or R. 8. Kl.w.rl, lluardian of A N. Uieb im. minor child rf c. lal. ol t'lr.rlirll oouaty. ISi., deeeevd. Parllr.1 account of tleor(e lleekendorn, tinardi.n of I'anl.l. Joeepb, Nore, (Jr. HI. and l,M llelchel. children and belra of Mary ll.iehel l.le ol K. lown.hl, , Clearfield oounty Pa., deceeaed. Parllal account of K. I. Ililllland, tluardlah of l.jdia end Clara Ullll.aed, children and heir, ef AJ. I. ee Ililllland, lele of Karl ha., town, hip, Cl.artleld onunly, Pa., deeeaaed. Final .ccount ol C. Krelier, lluardian of guaen M. Howlea, minor ehild of Andrew Hc.iu 1... v,e.aa,u neiaij, r., aeooee.a. Finel acconnt of W. ,r. rtoffer, Tru-I.o or Ibe ei- lale or Ji.aepb Yolhere, lale or karlhaoa town- l.ip, Cle.rll.ld eonnly, Pa., deceeaed. Account or J. Hoe. nioom, A.lmli.l.ireK.r of Ihe e.laie.rj.Linn Hooeer. I... ,r p,ko town.hlp. CleeOetJ county, P. , ujeccaaed. Accent of J P. Fry, Tta.lee of Ibe e.teU ef Fred-rick Frniley, lale of Clearlleld enunly. l a , eooeaaed. Ac.unt oruenrt. C. Kirk, Adml.l.tralor nf the r.l.le ol J.erph PoMlelhwell, loto of town.hlp, Cloartieid eonnly. PadeceeMd. Flnel eec.iiel ef F.aeharlab MeNoul and Mary : " e. ineeeiale of John ll.neook, lele of Pike towe.hln, Cleerteld eoealy, Pa., deceeaed. Parllal account of Jb,, p,.n K,ceulor ofihe e.l.1. of loiorih A. Caldwell, lata of Cle.rfi.ld eouniy, Pa., deeeeeod. t l.el aeeounl of William I). Hiflee, liuardlaa of John r Nhimell, minor child of Wm. fblroell lale of Morrla lownahlp, Clo.rielil coooly. p. deoeeeed. ' Final eeeounl of Woodward, tluardlu .1 P. hogora. Final aceou.l of ll.ory i,il, ,k priw Admml.lralor. nf the .... ... . ,. Pa " 'ocoeed P"" l","'"i'' CI"'U eonoty', Final eeeeue, ef ()wp Mllehell,, el lee ..lale of Charleo W.r,i, .te of HI,.,, to. a. hip, Cleernold ooaely, Pe., deceneej Flnel aeennat nf J. . Pence, Admlol.tralo, of iho onete of H.nho... ...... .... . 1 1 loa town.hlp, Cleerleld eoualy. Pa , dece. J Flnel eeeounl or N. W. Yo.n, a.d Ell,. Then'. nn, Adujiolatratera of Ik. eaute ef Willi.!. I.Td"""": ''.' ' to.D.hi,, CI..,, old eouniy, p., d,o,nd, r.rilal .count of Juk, o. I.,i., ,l,i,, Ad., , ,h. u , u, , , Letahe, Cll,, Cle.rl.ld M.nty, P.!, deeleed. riulMoeeaiofW. R. DlekerMa. Ad.l.lalra. tj A, i. UleherMa, Into f liranrteM eoealy. l'a., deoeeeed. " OlORoa M, riRSDBOrt, ketUtaa. CVurteid, fM Auirul II, mi. ttu- flrrrtigrmtnts. A DtlllklHTII tTIIR'S NiiTli-c- .. I J la hetel.e given that Lelier.,.1 . ',T ."" ha ..ildae'li .o -n Ike ee late of JOSKPH Mil LIS ol Morrla townahii,. CI....,J '.. - 'v j """ h" ,' I'"' lb. under.,,,',,' ; ! P"'""' "'"'"'d to ajil e.lal. will p rein a. I -"" i-r-."". n iaoee lar rh i.i i. be agamei : ine win pre..,,, , erlv eulbaiitic.ied fur aellletnenl. an 1.1LMJN HootKK. AJmiei,,,,,''' ivylrrluwn. Pa., Auguat ol, I Sol-... nk llio rvllowinf pTnn prptny, n-w ,7 I l-.wftihlp, vi ! To ttru Mi mi W,j,jt,' ) one irtn')rtone, on cnpptr kritlt, un tli ' I eo'tfc-itovo nni uttfi'ill, ml ono hmf trre of p," ad U 'li(wtl to rtcnaio io lo (.'hhmhh,,, , n'' Mc(r'rinko o lno n(T. lutjtt to ordr ! ttut tttut. J-W.l.llj Lumber Viij. Ft , AuuM SI, 1M jt. VTI'fi lothmM)rof tbeMUle-oi j,)tl i.1 Knr-uerh, Imt o( Burnni lown-hip, . Nvtic li btrsb girtn that ih uuJ-r Wal httt0tr4 b lb Codtt to ,.1 ttt i f..,i,f.fc,i lhL iKi,i.. 1 IUO f. J , .,a;A. .1.. ...L .' - 1 .. V. m"'Hit' illeAtd eontrecU art forth lo tbe expeiitirm. tbe ennlrmalion of inquisition taken ufu , rl aftat uf eaid dooedflnt, will atteo i., ( dutit ot bia appQiottoeat at bia oUiaa iit tht oJf nugb of CifarAeld, on fKIHAY, the V;h d., ,i SeptanUr, A. V ltfil. at U e'eWk A. M of Hli dy,wbra and wbate all praon Intrfr-nUd ti0 u. lend i f try ae pmiicr. T J.WcClLLOrtlll, .it.,,j ClrarAald, Pa , Augut XI, 1M At. Farm for Sale. The lintlrrtiijiird oIT-iri for alr hii ftrn,, mu. td ia Lawrence townrhip, on Ihe eaM butt; tbe fuquba0Da rtvrr, whrre tbe Kailriiad lini( oroea tb rir. The land ia rirer botuu ui j ) a jrotd alate of onltiratinn, having been tbur--ouitiiiT Ifflitiwd. A good and ll-furnito lioo e witti nme roniia all plaitered, patntxl u.4 pftprre.i, with itie bouaa, Biitk bouae aod 'thrt qiitbuildiDf-t altatbH. A good bank barn, ,i a )ung orrbard of U-i freer of obuir liuit,wt nut upoo It. WilJ he old al a 'air prttw and reaaoDnhla term a. i'otaeulon given at anv t't&t U. K, li A It K K I T. ClearfloM, Pa , Auguat HI, lM-!f. ITA K K thl metbnd of nr-.ilfyirg ftir ,D Bf)tj ol a good M..wer, Reaper, Tbrc-her or l'ii, its' I hftfe tbo ogeocy uf tbe IIIJCKB yi: Mower, Kraprr and Thrcslur, Mannfaelered k? Al'LTMAN t ri.. Caiii.,,n. 1 am alMi afnt for the eelehrelel .Smtli Uftitl Chillt-tl I'ltnv I .Perenn. in need efeitbernl the aenr.ha, Irelter rail ou r allre.. ate ttefnre nurch..!.. el..where. ' 1!CI1ARHII MiStl'l. jane , IMl-tr J Cureenoille, l HARNESS! HARNESS!! Thin M ay for 'or iiarttrunt IF you want to rtndy yoor own lnfort-i, do Lot fail tncallat ANDREW HAKWlt'K IMR. NESa HllOP.on Market atreot, nci' door to Je A. rtrk'i tohaoooatoro. Clears eld Penn a. THE FACTS AUK THA T A"' fimt-rlaan wnrk 1 r'na at 1IAHU It K - Teat (-.t .-P and ail'' L'rr:iM at IIAHWK li t. U a rd inge barncNf M ail hn h ai- UAhHIi.t;! D og .ddkt or all kind nt llAHWlrv I'ar ut-ic ano mi oovnr ol all kn ta at m i , IIAKUii KS. T bi,.- nt ei. kino and At low aa l.'i cenfp t 1 HAKWICKv Harney of ail kind male tn ordrT at llAKWICK'il. It h in la ..f eo.Ur. at hn'l i puree .1 OAK tt'li Ki. I .lueroher in .l. N.Tli.jeel h-.w rarenh- I 1. li , pioj. at IIAItWICK it. Till kej. an.l lu.Ve all kieda of lumber t.r- ".! HAKWICk'a ory ao.i .11 o'l.r .ir.,1, of rtne el all. ire. at- lIAHWK'K's ud Int. rlerinjr en hit! IUKWHK6 . duller,, and ecreen, .1 ,n HA K WICK a. (1..IIH.., hniaref, al- Knee n br. km at Job work and repnirinir promptly allc ndrt It. Remember Ihe ,b p--in Sh.w'fl row, on M.rlel troel, het.een ibe Men.ion rloee.od 'he Shae llou-e. Cleer.el I. Penn . Mar IU, IMI-nm. YOTJ CAN Save moneY IN Bl'YISQ TOUR QOODS TROSI Geo. Weaver & Co., SKCOXD STRKFT, 'CLEARFIELD, PA., ItHALRKS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Bonis? Shoes, HatCaps. GROCERIES, Csrpets, Oil Cloths, &c 4c. ALSO, FLOUR, rr8H, Bacon, ham. salt, oats, cor, mop, kto. IhftDkfal for ptt fvors w iatiu th pnhk to enll Btirl ttt our lrit and & Hock of $ott&t, hib w will dispoM ut ai iwnnibl rut W m-S, ot ibitnM tor ootintrj proHu. Polil and attrniir clcrki to wit upoi GRORQB WEAVER k CO. tllereld. Pe., April it, FRED JOHNSON A RRfU . AT M Kit s OLD STASI), fpp"lte court llonia, Market atreet.) CI.KAHFJ r.I.l), l'KNX'A. Itnltri in Mad KtauhPturtri of Tin.CopiiprShiTl-IronW'nrf. Stoves stjro K.ixcks of ftn; it or derrtttioa. A LAtlUK ASSOHTMKXrOf Pj.fitt. Dn.M J "I . -1 fl! . Will ntt krpt fOtlftfttitly oq bind, f f prMlf'1 -nun nttllO. A 0RNEI1AL ASSOllTMrNT 09 TINWARE 1'0 It TH R I. EA S T .1 OS E X A.d Menaleetured out ef Ibo beat Materiel " in a nnrkmenllko Manaer. aPnilTiMr. iun DnnriNf. aa VJ I 1IIU MI1L l"u Promptly .Handed to. GAS FITTING AtURiUd to, wd OAS FIXTl HliS f til K1'' kpl Conitaail; hand. llEPAIUINd. All hied, of Rrpalrlnj will be Prompll' Neetly done. LAMPS, LANTFRNH, PnCKItT AND TABU VI TLKKY, KTC, Kit. Alee a Qener.l Aeaortmaet of BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Alt of whlek erlll be Mid el Reaeneal.l. Ril Ulie e. a eell. A .bore el Pubhe P.trona,. U Reimi.ed. FRID JODNe.1U0 ttoutiU, Pa., Astnat M, lUI-ta, Agricultiiral Implements