TUB ' CLEARFIELD REPCBLICAX," ruiLuaao itsrt widriiiht, At CLBARriBLD, PA. TABLIHHUD IN The largea. Circulation of any Newapaptr In iW.li Central Peunaylraula. Teram'of Subscription. If pia in adranoe, or within I monthi....? K jf paid after frand before 6 month g AO K paid afur tua expiration of aooathi.,, 9 (Ml Rates oi Advertising. TriinUnt drrtlnnaatr par aqoareof tfllneaor ivi, 3 tkmea orleaa 1 o Poraaeb aubtequentineertlon.. A hnlnlitratore' and UxaoiitprB'noticaa..,..,. t 50 Auditor!' aitieei..HH H S 60 Cautioni aad Batraya &o Itiixolullon nottoea f 00 Prufeiiinnal Cardi, 6 Una! or le,l year.... o0 Lnoal notice, par Una to YKARLY ADVRRTIKEMKNTB. I a-juare ffl OA 1 oolnmn.. $5 00 t fuare!. IS 00 onlumn. TO 00 la-iuarea... ..M 00 1 eoomn-..,.".....110 00 O. B. OOODLANDER. PablUber. 2Tatt'ifr' Cards, j j w. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 11:1:71 Clearfield, Pa. J J. LINGLE, AT TORNEY-AT - LAW, 1:18 Pltllliaburf , Centra Caw, Pa. ;tpd R OLANPD. 8WOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CurweaaTiUo, Clearfield oount;, Pa. aeL 8, "78-lf. 0 SCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA Office Id "Old Weaternl buildtof," fup-atair). (let. .JTS-lf. SRAEL TEST,- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa, OOffiita ono door eaal af 8haw Boaaa. w M. JT. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oflije In Meeonla bulldlog, Baeond etreet, op. polite tha Court llouao. je26,'78-tf. AY J C. ARNOLD, LAW 4 COLLECTION OFFICE, ckrwensville, e26 Clearfield CqudIj, PenD'a. 76; s. T. liliOCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLKARFIKLI), PA. office in Opera Houae. . ap 24,77-1; . A. Wallace dinar F. Wali.acb, ..David L. Krbbs, ...W. E. WaiLtta. w fALLACE k KRKHS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, jinl'Sl lleardeld, Pa. s M1TII V. WILSON, lltoiieu-nl-Lair, CLEARFIELD, - - PENN'A. r-OITica la tha Maaonta Building, over the CoudIt National Hank. war24-80. J. r. SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. OiAoe arer tha Count; National Bank. JuBM,J7Stf. jRANK G. riARRIS, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ci.RiRriBi.o, Psaa'a. Kir.t-eUaa Life and Fita loauranoe Compaoica repre.ented. rOfllee Id Iba Opera Bouro.-t Mar. Iit,'8l-l5 iiia. n. nt'RKAT crauB bobcoi. URRAY &, GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. etoffina la Pla'a Opera llouaa, aeeond floor. w ILL1AJI A. HAGERTY, A TTOH.YKV'AT-LA H officii over T A. 1'leck aV Co.'a (ton, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A jrtf-'rVill attend to all legal bmlne.a with prutoptneaa aad fldalltj. feb1l,'8(Mf. I'Kra B. B'BRALLr DAVIBL W. H'OUBPT. rcENALLY A McCURDY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ClearHeld, Pa. per-Legal baalnaaa attended to prompt); with) l ielil;. tiffloe OB beooDd atraet, above ;aa riral NAtional Bank. Jan:l:76 J P. MuKENRICR, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All legal buaiueai eatruated to bla eara will re ceive prompt alteutloQ. f-O-Otfm la tba Court llouaa. eujH,l;-lj. . KRAMER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, neal EaUte and Colleelloa Agent, CLEAHKIKM), PA., Will promptl; attend to all legal bualneae ea trmteil to hie eara. .r-Offloe Id Pta'a Opera Hoaaa. janl'7l. JOUN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. nd Real l-'tate Aarent, Clearfleld, Pa. Office an Third etreet, bet.Cberrj A Walnut. sej-KeanoetfuUr eflera bia aerrloea In aelling aad bujlng laada Id Claarflald and adjoialog eeuatiea BDd WIIB aa eapenenea ai over iweaiT ;aara ai eurre;or, flattera blnaelf that be eaa reader eatletaeuoo. ires, sam.iiui I'liiisitiniifl' Cards. R, E. M. SCUEURER, D HOMEOPATHIC rnYSICIAN, Offloa la reeldaaee OB Firat et. April J4, 187J. Claarfleld, Pa jyt. W. A. MEANS, 1'IIYSICIAN A SURGEON, DI D0I8 CITY, PA. Will attend profoarlonal ealle promptl;. auglt'7fl )R. T. J. DOIER, eHYSICIAN ANDSUROKON, OBce on Market Street, Clearlold, Pa. -OIBca bourai I to 1 1 a. ea., and 1 to I p. yR. 3. KAY WRIGLEY, HOMEOPATniO PUY8ICIAX, t-Oltca adjoining the realdenee af Janaaa Wrigle;, Ki., oB Second St., Clearield, Pa. Jal;.1l7-ir. Q C. JENKINS, M. IX, I'll Y SI U I A N A N D S U R G E ON Cl RWENSVILLE, PA., 'iffiece al reeidrBea, roraer of Stela and Pine t.t.,i,. Jan. Mb, I Sell -tf. 1) U. II. IJ. VAN VALZAI1, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. WFICE IN ItKSIDENCK, CORNER OF FIRST AND P1NI 8TRKKTS. A" OEae boure Froal 11 te I P. U. Ma; II, 1ST. . J. P. BUKCUF1KLD, ("d Hi r it on of lb M Rfglaaat.PcaaiyUanla ianuar!. batina rataraatf trm laa Am J, hi. praftMivnal tarvia! U Ibaoitiita f 0l!Rrl!l4oaatr. rPrnraiAth.l .rannft) atUBtltal la. CLEARFIELD GEO. B. QOODLAOTEB, Editor VOL. 55-WHOLE NO. dTard). HENRY BRETR, (OITBHD P. O.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Boa bull Towuanip, Ma; t, ISTS-I; JAMES MITCHELL, nanaa i Square Timber 4 Timber Lands, Jell'M t'LKARFIKLD, PA. V. IIOYT, Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, PUILIPSBI'RO, PA. arAII bualueee wilt ha attanda I to promptly. Dan. IS, lSSt-lv. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penu'a. ttvWtl iiMnta Jobi in fail line promptly und In a workmulika tuannar. pr4t67 F RANK FIELDING AND WILLIAM D. B1GLER, .iTrH.ij:js..iT.,.i w. CLEARFIELD, PA. Nor. 17th, 1890 If. WEAVER, &, BETTS, DBALiai ia Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs, AND MlMllKRftP ALT. KIKIH t09,Ofl)oa on BMtond itreat, in raar of ftora rc') of Uoorft Wearer 4 0. janS, '78-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOB tttcatur Toirnthip, Oioeola Millet P. O. All official bualneaa entruated to him will be prompt); attended to. mob?!!, '78. I ARRY SNYDER, BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER. Shop on Mar!iet St., opponlle Court Uuure. A clean towel for ever; ourtoumr. Hett llratida of Toltarco and Ctara rioiiptjftM. P inv 19. T JAMES H. TURNER, JltSTfCR OF THB PKACR, Vrallacetou, Pa. Snt-IU ban preprt)ti hituiclf with all tht DMM.arj blank forma under Iba IVniion and Bounty laws, ai wall aa blank leli, ate. All lagal inattor! antraated to bia ear will tvcaiTO prompt attaotioo. - AUy lib, IhTW-tf. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. Pumpi alwaya on band and made to onler an abort notioa, Pipaa bored on reasonable tarn a. All work warraoted to rtndar aatiafaetion. and delivered if dtilred. my2o:lypd lAxery HtnhU. THE nndenlgned bei leareto Inform tba pab Ite that he ia now fully prepared to arootnino. date all la tha way of furniahinf llv. aea, Baggie!, Haddle! and Harnesa, on tba ihorteat notice and an reasonable term a. Kaaidanea on booaat itrtet, between Thtrd and Foorth. GEO. W. GEAR1IAKT. OlaarBeld, Fab. 4, 1R74. n. o. aiAO w. Aa MAaaarr EAD & UAGKRTY, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT IXCURANCB AGENCY, grOffleela Graham Building, Market etreoL Clearfield 1'enn'e. June li, 1881-tf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, BBALBB IB OENEKAL MERCHANDISE. CKAHAMTON, Pa. Atao, eitanalve manufaeturar and dealer In Square Timber and riawad Lumaerol all ktnda. 4M-Ordara aolleltad Bad all bllla promptl; Iliad. lJ;l-7J 8. I. 8N YDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ABB BBALBB IB LWatohos, Clocks and Jewelry, 0rAae.'e Ron, Jferbet Artel, CLEARFIELD, PA. All kiade of repairing Ib m; line promptl; at- ended to. Jan. lal, 1819, Clearfield Nursery." ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY TUB an dentin ad, baring ePUMLbed a Nar aery on the 'Pike, about half way between Clearfield and CorwniTill la prepared to fur niafa all binda of F1H IT THKfc.3, (atandard aad rlaaaf t UraeHuiid hi k m K h.p lirariai Vinea. Uooseborry, Lawton Blackberry, htra wherry, ana neapoerrj inw. iwit nimriM vno jrwi, Qulnoe, and early aoarlet K ha barb, An. Order! promptly attended to. Addreaa, i. ii. w niuni, eil0 CarwanarllU, Pa. CAanoi.L L. aipbLi. Clearfield Insurance Agcnry. HKHtt tf II I inn. H, JgenlB, Rcpreeenttho following and other flrat'Oleae Co'a Cnmpaniea. Aaaeta. Lirtrpool London A Oli.be V. S. Ilr..$.Jnt, Lveomtng on motuel Aoaah plana,,.. fl.Onfl.OftO Phiroil, of Hartford, Coon 1.824.08S InBaranna Co. of North America 8,4:18,874 North Brlti.b A Mereanlile II. S. Ur. I,7H,88 ScotH.h Commareial V. . Branch.... 8711,141 Watertown f4.8l Traealara (Life A Aeoldent) IW" Oflioe oa Market St., opp. Court llouae. Clear laid, I'a. June 4, '7v tr. Insurance Agency OF WILLIAM C. HELMBOLD, rnffoii Itlotk, funrtntvillt. Pa. Comnanies Represented i Commerelal Valon Ine. Co., Aeaata .,". 701 IS Fireman e Faad ln. Co.,Aaaate 1. 188.017 M In Ion Ineuraace Co.,A.eU 1,1)20,0:17 "8 Traralere' Aeoident Ine. Co.. AeaeU.. a,SI".IV4 28 Northera loa. Co. of Now York A. II 148,8110 00 In.ureaee plaoed oa all kinde af proper!; at eqoltalile rataa. t;urweaarllie, ra, r.n. i, THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, Newark, 1). ai. INCORPORATED 84. PI'RELY JIliTl'AL. Aaaara, Jan. I. lsjl, aa eaeerteiaed b; Ktanlnlnil uoramiaamoera af Mea.a.bueatta,tJbloaadNa M8.7I8.I s t, aa autrdbT the eama. 11.11 1,4:8 88 Huni-url !; Ma.a ebu e Sleadard. 8,IS.82 08 Si arLi a b; Haw lore niena.ru... ... All polielaeaeaforff liable after aecoad ;ari loweapeaeMl lergedlrldeoda de clared aad paid arer; ;ear elnca orgea laatloa i ample aurplua I aurrander raluee moat liberal loteee promptl; edjattod Bad paid Orrtraaa t LEWIS C. AROVEIt, PaBemanr. JAMES B. PKARS'lV, Vira I'aaainaeT. Fn. I. Dcaaiae. See r. Taro. MAoaaarr.Traae. POTTER h KKVkrl, Steta Ageate, 121 Hal aalelraot, I'hlladelpbie, I'a. H. M. H'EMAI.I.V.Speelal Agent. O.ee la Moeeop'a baildlBf, Market etreet, Clearield, Pa. lM.iir. & Proprietor. 2,737. SEEING THE M1DS1GIIT SUN. C'nNCiREHHHAN COX'H ADVEN TIIMEM AT THE MlliTII CAPE OP LAPLAND. SUNSET NO MORE ARCTIC SCENES IN TDK OA IB Till ROCKT SENTINEL OF Till NORTH OF tl'BOPI AWAY NORTH OF ICELAND AND ORKrvSLAND HN1.V n,000Mll.kV8AROrND Till EARTH. From tba New York Sun. North Cape, Lapland, July 1, 1(581. It is 10 o'olock al night and we are in sight ol the Cape ! It grows cold and colder. All wraps are ordered np and out, so thut irotn the deck we may nurvcy the splendid headland. Beloro taking a local view of tbo situ ation, lot us tteo where we arc on our planet. Evidently wo aro in no ordi nary out-of-tho-way place. Tho air, st-a, sky, liirht, and most of all, this mystic volcanic mountain island wild, bleak, black, baro, and incircd, a thousand lect sheer and clear ol the noa, and i(H surfuco deeply invested in whito prove our strange situation. liio Very air blows with a Btrango chill, and the light, which comes to us over tho polo obliquely, has in it a sepulchral semi shadow in tho heart ol its mild luHtrounness. It is a sort ol inner liifbt. burnina upon tho vcti- bulo of outer darkness. It is a spot to pniiosnpnii-.o npon. It IiubLcs the outer Benses. It makes ono feel tho limitations upon our will and works ; yet (iod has enchanted this rocky promonottiry ny Jits snrtlurbt, thoiiju no grants diu a Uriel Btimmer. This was tho end wo proposed in making this long voyage; and yet before 1 lilt TrondhjeiH 1 saw a hand bill posted on a finh warehouse with the beading: j""'sV'ORri'Nli'AND : . to ! t ariTZRKBOKN BY WAY OF NORTH CAPE. j It assured the festive public that good bttiitinir boats, with harpoons and all noccssary implements, would accompany the expedition, and that Mr. Kllortsen, R. S. O. O. R. J. O., an eminent Arctic explorer, would be ulont', and all for S100, to and fro! Whul all those alphabetical prefixes mean though 1 surmise that the O's refer to tho Order of Oltif 1 am not OKBtired ; but it was rulher a damper on our enterprise to know that it was so cony to go so much further into tho wild Arctic sea. At the North Cape we look out upon the A relic Ocean ; and but for distance and Spit, bergen, not to speak of another small isle between, which lier due North, wo could seo tho Polar Sea, if not tho pole I Lot ns bo content with tho prospttotl lieeides, have wo not jrono Eastward as well as Northward ? We aro over thirty decrees North of New Yolk and Chicago. Our longi tude has moved us Eastward : aud tho time, as men reckon timo, has changed. Every five degrees Eastward has made a dilferenco of twonty minutes. Our meals and clocks must undergo their changes. We have come to meet tho sun East as well as Nortb, and aro adding something to our lives, as some men count living, licing extremely North, and tho circles of longitude being loss, we mark timo moro rupidly than in Now York ; and certainly "make more time" thun 1 havo known it to be mado in Washington I Rut whethor the degrees bo long or short, tho real timo is tho same. A degree hero is twenty-two miles, while at the equator it is four times as much. So accessiblo are these ultra North ern placos by steam voyaging on the coast that we forgot how far Nortb wo were. Iceland is far South of us, Greonland in below our lino drawn circularly Westward, and llehring Straits is not within our magic Arctic circle. Tho polo ol tho magnet would be found attracting us by its marvel ous energy, somowhero on the same lines of latitude whoro wo now move, to tho throbbing of the engine and tbo motion ot the sea. llow does this wild North rock ap pear? Its sizo is not great compared with othor mountains, but it is a fit ling end of a great continont. It is seamed with long lines ol while and black, as though marked by tiro and thunder. It has its caves washed by epochs ol oceanic tompest. At its base is a green fringo of seaweeds, which, on near inspection, we find very slimy and dangerous to Bland npon. lielow this is a whito line of breakers, in snowy contrast with tho bleak mount ain and green margin. Our vessel turns around tho point and outers into tho shadows of the mountain. The harbor, if it be ono, is aa black as ink. Whon wo stop, tho screw stirs tho dark flood into flashes of green and white, making it seem to boil wilb unaccustomed noise, so deep is tho si lence and solitude. Tho throb of the engine and the song of the sea cease, and wo aro comparatively quiet in this lonely covo. We are sent ashoro in the captain's gig, tho captain him self taking the helm. But the landing is diflleult. Tho slippery boulders give unsafe fooling, and ono woman at least has to be carried aahoro by the sturdy sailors. Tho rest ol us havo to bo heedful of our steps before wo are sate under tho frowning rock. Sotno of our party the moro vigor ous Scotch young men endeavor to ascond the gulch in tho mountain. It has been done. Our captain has done it twico; hut not wilh such a mass ol melted and melting snow aa now Alls up tho gorge. We see them alar up, on hands aud knoes, patiently climbing. They fail and have still more trouble and danger in tho dosccnt. Tho rap tain calls his company a score of us together, and the difficulty of reaching the small boat, especially by tho ladies, is overcome. On our return to tho ship each one lays down his trophy. One has a piece of wood evidently borno by tho Gulf stream from Amorica. It is pal motto, llo holds aloft liayard Tay lor's description, with his pruol of the exislenco of the grand river in tho ocean. JIo dwells on lay lor s descrip tion of the island, as it glowod In the blended loveliness of sunrise and sun set, and wonderctl if his picture would bo realised when midnight came? Another (Scotchman brings as his tro phy a benatiful green cup, with dia mond on it, repealing tho verso, with a thrill of music in his voiro: 1 Ika blade of graaa keepe lie drap of dew. Another has bia thormometor, and has been testing the beat of the water, and is reducing Raiimcr to Fahrenheit. Some have rounded pebbles as paper weight sonvonirs of tho spot. The captain, who bas been lar up tbo mountain looking liko t liltlo silhou etlo against the immaculate snow brings a variety ol Arctio flowers for gonoral distribution. My wife has a handkorrhifl full of little love drops of flowers on the tiniest of moss tendrils. One alurdy engineer bears In bis but tonhole big boqnot of the smallest CLEARFIELD, and prottiest of flowers known to tho nomenclature ol botany. Tbo beauty of tbo tropics in daintiest sento is thus reproduced at this frozen and bleak end of tho continent. What a kind dispensation is that which pluces amid tho mcagro monies ol tnis lur (ill Aictio rock Uieso little flowers! llow brief is their Summer! May, June, all tbo seasons of tho flo rescence which are ours, are hero the work ol a brief week or month. Those flowers aro the smiles upon thoso ulti malu rocks. These are beaulious prools that Summer bas reachod thoso grim abodes, soon to bo enveloped in Wintry gloom. They teach us to be Patieat witb our loir end pain, Our troubled apaoe of da;a ao amall. But it is no timo to reflect or morul izo. Wo preparo to inovo from our enchanted, almost sinister, moorings. Tho gloom which Carlyle, in his"Xeu fuldscroch," inspires, comes over the soul as we take our last look at this "Infinilo Bnno," on which bo located the low and lar.y sun, slumbering on his cloud :oucb wrought of crimson gold, yot 'Villi a light streaming over I lie mirror of waters, liko a tremulous lire pillar the porch lamp to the pal ace ot the eternal. Shall we realize this weird picture of the cynical yetninuous shine, but it grows with tbo sublime critic? We will sou. Midnight draws near, and all are anxious. The anchors aro lifted. Tho unusual clangor disturbs ono solitury bird, a cormorant, which flies around our boat as though inspecting tho in vaders of his melancholy homo. Ho is used to sitting upon these rocks a lone fisherman from which, unlike tho noble gull, ho dives fur his prey. Steam is up. ibo hour of 12 ap proaches. All are on tho rui vU'f. tor the midnight sun .' Twenty of us are nt the prow with our watches out. Tho old orb is radiant. The captuiu calls out: "Five miuutes of 12! " Will tho orb disappoint us? 'i hero is a heuvy cloud above in the zenith, but it is lined witb silver, and a mackerel lino of Cirrus clouds lies just abovo his muiesty. Liko a king of duy bo is enthroned without obscurntion bo- twecn the long lino of clouds, sitting on pearl and ntnbor, orange and gold, all tho hues of the prism intensified ...r. i .....i: i... . u ... with soft, weird rudiunce by the strug gle between sunrise and sunset. A minute to 1.1 lie still remains round and radiant. Twelve! Uurriilil Hurrah I It is dune, and the cheers go up from this solitudo, arousing its echoes. Tho rim ol tho horizon, far otf to the north where tho polo is sup posed to be, is silvered witb a pale, weired beauty. It grows pink, und this Arctic desolation is made a living splendor. Sctf withdrawn Into a woodrnua depth, Far alnkiug into aplendor without end I This is tho wondrous phenomenon which wo havo como so fur to witness. The captain is on the bridge. '-7 fait accompli." I sing out to him from be low. "Givo it to mo in good English, Meisior Cox." I say, "We aro all happy. Tbo great transaction is dono." Prepare to fish," is the practical responso and emphatic order of tho captain. Tho lines aro out, the captain load ing wjlh two codllsh. 1 soon follow, and tho sailors aro busy. .Mirth goes around at oach success. Jly wife, a good fisherman generally, tugs away at her long lino until, like the gentle admiral, stio suddenly "goes below." My courier, Kcne, the Untie, catches a monster,. all golden as tho sun ilselt. Cheers. Then a Scotchman gols in a hideous bog fish ol'twcnty fivo pounds. Laughter. J Uur stewardess, Julia, hauls in a monster. Renewed cheers and laughter. And bo wo kocp it up till 2 in the golden morning, when to Bleep wo go, covering the port boles bo as to protend it is night. n e bad made many sacrifices to see this remarkable porlurmanco of our luminary. Not that either of us was over anxious to find a land whero sun set did not occur. Wo had hoped that Ihero was no realm in this or the fu ture existence where "Sunset" might not come, lint 1 may bo allowed to remark that 1 havo borne tho sobri quet of Sunset fur so many years, and it has sounded with sucb sweet sihila tion, that I bad come to beliovo that I bad a sort of fee simplo in this fairy land, with its gorgeous palaces and cloud-capped lowers. And must 1 now bo enchanted ? Do 1 live and is sunset no more ? Do I seo a country whero the sun is going, go ing down amid a tri'.'f ci tcrne equal, if not superior, to that Ohio cvoning years ago, which I tried to portray with my poor pon and yet it does not go down? Was it not enough that fur ten long days, or day, there was no night fur us, and that tho sun, by gliding and glowing in tho North without a respite, hud disturbed our customary experiences f Tbo reaction might be too sudden, llioluilure ot our old orb to Bet might well, thero is no telling the catnluplio and other dire consequences. Rut here was tho patent fact? Hero wore clouds and lights, all the hues of tho prism in splendid display, and yot no sunsot alter all! 1 ho unsottinir and llio un sellable, aim I M idnight und yet light all aglow I No gss, no candles, bo stars, no moon only tho fiery orb and his "trailing clouds ol glory. Rulis hot thosnn all Bufllciciil with out other fires? If he stays np and sets not, what moro can tha human heart desiro? What wondor that the Oriental mind clothed tho sun with tho majesty of divinity, and thut tho Mogi salutod bis coming with worship, as the source of lilo r Vt bat wonder that his beams evoked music from Memnon? Is ho not tho creator of boalth and tho great bonelaetor? And wo havo lotind a land whero be will not and does nut set! Tbo sensation was as new as it was humiliating to my nmnr prnpre. I recalled tho words of a Yankee char acter : 'It's roily- afloctin' to think how lit tle thoso ere folks is missed that's so much sot by. Thero ain't nobody, of thoy's cvor so important, but what tho world gets to goin on without em, pretty much as it did with 'cm, though there s lome little Hurry at tirsi. Huw much ran be dono, after all, in nature and In Science, Art and Gov ernment, without us. Governments will run, men and women dance, trudo proceod, without sunsot I Hero in this land ol tho Irigid rone, lur ten days and moro we had seen boats in full rig and sail, mountains of lofty altitude musical with losses, glaciers miles in length moving on their quiet and steady way, men hauling in fish by tho millions, whales disporting, and a steamer pushing its mazy way through deep waters shut in by vol- canio walls from angry sobb and yot no sunset! New lurk and Amorica callous to thefutit and moving on rest lessly, with alternation of lights and shades, love and hate, good and bad, doy and night, thinking of every tiling, PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1881. and forgetting that sunsets aro not everywhere and forever. Still, though 1 hare 6ocn and recorded tho fact that sunset is no longer here, let there be no hasty and premature obilttarios. To appreciate seriously these pho- nomonas we must go Hack to the rudi ments ol astronomy and geography. Before, wo lost the mvitibie circle, and whilo endeavoring to decipher tho horseman and tho horse, through which the circle is clearly ascertainable, by fuilh and science, let us look around around our star I The first impression is that it is round. That is not a complex idea, but thero lire, suggest ions about It that to tbo ordinary mind are complicated, if not confusing, to tho generul experience. To such tbiB circle and phenomena are a mystery. it is a mystery becuuso above it, in over-contracting circles, till it runs to naught at the polo the sun shines only a portion of tho year, without going under. Within it is a horizon tor a part of the years which never bides tho blessed light, where our moon und stars lorgot to light ttieir lamps, ana whore the earth alono seems repairing to mo Dome oi light wttu "its golden urn." When tho Spring begins, this avorca region lias but a spot ol con- over, widening circlo from tho polo to tho Arctic, until on midsummer s day, tho day wo left Trondhjcm, it bas run down lines of longitude twenty-three und o hull degrees, or Gti 30' North latitude. Thero it tremulously ling ers and moves to the polur regions, there to mnko tho bright little gem of light trom which it started. Tho othor half of this process for half a yeur is dedicated to the Antarc tic, whilo night fur six months folds its wing, radiant with strange auroras, over these regions. TIicbo vicissitudes are as orderly as tho seasons of tbo moderate rones. It is our experience which makes them seem eccentric: aud this experience gives to tho scen ery, to timo, to tho clouds and mount ains, the fjords and suows, the glam our of unreality. We ore, so to spcuk, inverted. Sumo sense of the comic, if not ot the cosmic, relations wo bear to space and stars and suns comes over us; j and tho light wo bask in at midnight . . . is asstrango as that "which never was on sea or land the consternation of tho poet's dream." Here aro day of days and night of nights! This is plain to tho eye, and it takes ever so slight a reflection to understand it fully. It is complex, until wo remember that the earth goes round tho sun a problem which men have been ready to defend even unto death. In going around tho sun, tho earth inclines its axis to tho piano in which it moves. If tho earth did not thus "tenderly inclino" it it stood stiff and perpendicular, without court ing tho graces every inch, of its sur fuco would havo its night and day equally divided. Rut. it plays the erect only twico a year, at tho inter section of the eliptio and tbo equator. Thoso days of absolute equity of dis tribution are in tbo Spring and Full. Rut God determined that for a half year our earth should make its bow, half the time to ono and half to tho other pole. The angle of this obei sance, of our earth to its piano meas ures the distanco from the pole to the circlo. It is a plain conclusion trom these fuels that the circlo within which wo are moving just now girdles tho earth with only 8,000 mileB. If wo would muko a straight march around tho circle we would save ono-fourth of the journey in miles; and if around where we aro now at this north capo on a line of latitude it would bo one-hull e8B, or ono-fourth of tho distanco around our globe at tho equator. Rut our business now ia not "around." but jown t0 lh8 latitudes nearer home. a. S. Cox. PAN ICS. A BROAD COMMON SENSE VIEW OF RANK ING AND nUSINEHS GENERALLY. Tho National Rankers recently held a Convention at Niagara Full.', and for several duys debated panics and busi ness. Mr. Juhn Thompson, I'rosident ol the ChaHO National Bank ol New Y'ork city, read a papor on tho subjects of panics. Said Mr. Thompson : Tho question is so often asked, when will this grout prosperity end, or when will another panto sweep over the country ? that it becomes not only in teresting but absolutely necessary to our safety, to get the bust ideas possi ble and to aualyzo tbo signs of ap proaching danger. Foroshadowing future events prophesying is an extra hazardous business. Still, 1 will recklessly lead oil' into tho financial luturo, bogging yon gentlemen to not only discount but to tako bank usury, if you please, of my views. Panics do occur about every decade. This ten yeur period is quite natural ; it takes about livo years after a revulsion to pay up, compromise or wipo out in debtedness. Then follows fivo years of prosperity, expansion, confidence in credits in fact a "boom." The lust panio was in lM7:i ; tho present pros perity commenced in ISIS. Wo nave now had three years of extraordinary augmentation of richness much of it real solid, but most of it omunatihg from raising prices or putting up quo tations. Tho signs of an approaching "blizzard" are numerous, but very deli cate as yet. When tho stock market becomes "mixed," and the bulls and bears become desperate, and when tho courts grant injunctions liberally, and the financial knavery of tho opposing parlies and scheming is exposed, then capilul and credits insidiously vanish hoarding is considered tho bust invest ment, or loans secured beyond any contingency, even at a nominal inter est, which is akin to hoarding. This species of financiering involves con traction; distrust follows, and tho creditsyslom is annihilated. Whon wo consider that nino-lenths, and, 1 think nineteen twonlieths, ot our nionoy, so railed, is credited and nothing else, it is no wonder that financial panics come suddenly. The most important sign of a coming panic and revulsion is to bo (oiitid in our trado balances with foreign nations. As over pros perity has been hugely augmented by tho importation of gold, so, when tho flow of the precious metal ia from us, distrust will inspiro contraction, and contraction will lead directly to Inabil ity to pay. Money not only becomes scarce, hut it is absolutely gone. In fact, thero is at no timo but an inado quato amount of real money to do business on. I teul confident that over ninety five per cent, ol our business and tho business of Kngland in done on paper lokonB checks, drafts, notes, letters of credit, Ac. which, so long as confidence Is good, aro perfect substi tutes fur money, but, like young par tridges, that disappear "on call," not allowing even three days grace. Pis counts aro declined, doposita drawn Tim ii"n ilil anil hoarded. Thus not only the credit system anu tbo money token power ib uosiroyeu, but tuo ruul mortjy iisell diauppears, not to bo again visible until induced out by an enormous depression in prices. At present there is but ono alarming indication of troublo, and that is in tho number and magnitude of new enter prises, involving the issue of millions of obligations. In 1K71-72, and for half of 1S7J, this same sign ol coniiug troublo was apparent, but to a frao lionul extent as compared with the present. As Ibis is purely a convention of bankers, and as I am probably tho oldest member of tho association, I must bo excused in uttoring a word of caution to bank managers, more par ticularly to tboso at tho head of deposit banks. In receiving deposits i rum mo generul ana promiscuous pub lic wo morally. Ihouuh perhaps not legally, assumo a fiduciary trust, and in lining such deposits the utmost cau tion and conveifiuion should be strictly adhered to by always havins a stiro and speedy controllability over a sut ucietit amount of our assets to meet any "demand obligation," even in the light ot a rugingpanio. Itis criminal to assumo liabilities or enter into ne gotiations, though ever so promising, over which hangs a contingency that mav possibly endanger this fiduciary trust. Intimately connected with the ideas that aro briefly expressed above is the spirit of speculation, bordering on gambling. It is sale to say that during tho past three years nine out or overy ten ventures havo netted a profit. This ia bocauso almost con tinually pricos havo advanced. When the panic and depression shall come as surely as they will thon all ad ventures will bo losses, and many "lambs" will como to grief. I simply touch on Ibis topic because in tho de linquency of bank ofiicors it Is often shown that tho defalcation Is tho out crop of aventuro, Ranks that under take heavy negotiations which, if for tune favors, will yield enormous divi dends, but if fortune frowns, bank ruptcy is inevitublo,muBtalwaysstand in tho category of doubtful institutions. Wo aro positively going too fast, and it is the partof wisdom, and I coneetvo it to bo but our duty, to put on tbo "brakos," that tho wrock, when it docs come, may bo loss disastrous. I instanco an item of the panic of 1H..L Karlyone morning the active managors of three of tho Now Y'ork city banks were invited to tho ollico of Jay Cook Si Co. We wcro informed tbatijl.OOO,. 000 wero nocossary by ten o'clock to savo that Jiouso trom protest. What security do you oflcr? was asked. An swor "None; our securities aro all used." It is needless to say tho million was not forthcoming. Wo lolt. In fifteen minutes Wall etreet was in a penicand this is only aduplicateof what transpirde in 1850, when the'fjliio In surance Company suspended. I will not elaborate tbo progress and results ol tbeso panics, for you aro all conver sant wilb what transpired in and follow ing 137.1. aullicient to say that houses ot undoubted standing wuro unable to stand, and the New York city banks, after ono startling failure the "Com monwealth wero saved Irom sub- pension of oven currency payments by lodging with a clearing bouso com- milico sccuriticsand lakitigccrtihcatcs that were good al tbo clearing house for debtor balances. The banks then to a great oxtcnt, declined cah or cur rency pua-mcnts, but certified checks and drafts "good through tho cleuring bouso. Xhiswus certainly a unique financial measure, but it saved tho banks from an out suspension of even currency payments. Specie was then out of tho category of money. I refer to thoso historical events to show that panics do culmlnato in revulsions of some five yoars'dnrction. Gentlemen, I am not prophesying evil, so do not stone mo. I am only ringing tho bell to awake tho brukemen, for unless we 'show up' and guard our assets noth ing in the past will compare with what is in tho future. Tho negotiations tho issao of stocks und bonds are fourfold what they wero in 1873. ABOUT BICYCLES. There eon bo no doubt that tho bicycle is rupidly increasing in popularity. It is a sport that attracts a fine class of people ; a recreation for men and gen llunien, not an excuse for rowdyism by "rougliB." For years "wheeling" bus been popular in Franco and Kimland. Tbo bicycle has become a London "con stitution. Gentlemen go to and fro mounted npon it. It is used aliko foi business, exercise and pleasure. Nor is its use confined only to men. The fair sex has taken kindly to that modi fication of it known ns the tricycle, particularly since tho Queen herself patronized it. An English dealer in tricycles states thai since tier lluiesty purchased for her own use a tricycle two years ago over bvo thousand of Ihcso vehicles havo been Bold to ladies throughout England and Scotland. Tho bicyclo, though so popular in En gland, is properly speaking a French invention, and has grown or been de veloped out ol the old velocipede, which about a century ago attracted tho earnest attention of no loss a scien tific botljjhiin tkfr-Frrjnrtr Academy. -There havo boon all varieties of ve locipedes Introduced at different times and by different porsons velocipedes proponed ny tuo nanus alono; veloci pedes worked by springs, by cranks, by pedals, by lovers, by cords and pul leys. Over Ibirly distinct kinds of velocipedes havo bad their day or aro still in existence, hut tho fundamental idea of tho true velocipcdo still remains as at the beginning!, e., a vehiclo with threo wheels propelled by both hands and feet. Ol this volocipedo tbo modern bicyclo (which ie, proporly speaking, not over ten years old) has been the principal modification and im provement. Tho bicyclo differs (mm tho volocipedo in having but two wheels, ono very large, tbo other very small, and being propelled entirely by the feet. In the bicyclo tho weight is carried nnd tho power is applied precisely as in tho act ot walking; your wheel which carries you and which you move is directly under you, not to one side by you. You do not pull, you do not push you simply.asit wore, walk on a wheel. Consequently to all in tent and purposes you aro merely walking fust, and you derive all tho benefits of walking. In this respect tho bicyclo dilfers materially from the old velocipede. On the latter the rider did not walk, bo sat, as It wcro, and pushed, which was not as beneficial as standing and walking, in this dillur- enee, it is claimed by medical men and enthusiastic bicyclists, lies the cardinal advantage of byrycling, which is claim, oil to be by the advocates the most directly honllh giving of all open air sports. To its health imparting proportios it owes Its start in Ibis country. A few year sinoo a young Roston lawyor IU Jj NEW found that bis ptirsuitof his profession bad undermined his constitution. The physicians pinnounced him a wreck. Rut ho was not yet stranded. While there is lifo thero is hope, And he read in an English work of the bicyclo ami us work. Jio procured a bicyclo with somo delay and difficulty, acquired its mastery and made tho first appear ance as a bicyclist in tho thorough fares of the modern Athens not in tho heart of Boston, one may be suro. Thero U no cbanco in the narrow, crooked streets ol tho "Hub" for a bicycle, but in the wide, pleasant ave nues that lino tho suburbs. From the first, Boston and its people took kindly to tbo wheel, and in a few weeks the young health-seeking bicyclist had many imitators and disciples. 1 be sucoess of tho bicyclo was assured. As a general thingthebicyclist must bo self-taught. The best way to learn to manage the bicycle is to procure one, obtain a low units irom "tuo knowing ones," and begin by going down bill or down an inclined plane. Tho common idea is that tho chief difficulty in learning tho management of tho bicycle lios in mastering the art of supporting one's sell on it when in motion. This is a very natural idoa, but nevertheless a very false one. The bicyclo in motion supports itself and its lidor. Its very velocity constitutes its safety. As an enthusiast phrased it, "It hasn't tho time to full." Rut tho real difficulty lies in learning how to mount and dismount from the bicyclo; and tho great art is to mitnitgo it, not whon it "speeds, but when it "slows. Bicyclo races are comparatively easy thin-'S. A fair bicyclist can outrun un ordinary bnrsn, hat to "hasten slowly" is tho point in which the skill is dis played. Consequently great interest is taken in "slow ruccB" as tboy are called, in which tho slowest wins. In these slow races the bicyclist s ability is taxed to tho utmost to maintain the upright position ot bis bicyola. The nearer he attains to an absolttto stop bo more skill bo displays. As fur standing still on tho bicyclo that is trom tho very nature of the case im possible, unless tho wheel is placed at an angle. Going backward on tho bicyclo is nlso regarded as a somewhnt difficult achievement. Of courso tho larger the wheel tho greater tbo speed that can be made, but on any good bicyclo n speed ofjfiftocn miles an bourcan easily be maintained. The sico ot the bicycle must bo pro portioned to tho length of tho legs of tbo rider. Anyone who has learned to rido can hiro a bicyclo for 2 for twenty-four hours, from 8 A. M. to 8 A. M., or $1 for lour hours. Tho best English bicycle costs til 10 to fjlfiO, whilo American makes, equally Osgood will not cost moro than 8110 to 81 lo. The chcapost bicyclo fur boys cost ?12 to tin. Thero aro 331 different styles of bicycles, so exports say, now actively in use. The bicyclo of 1881 istho com bined product of tho ideas of tour great nations. Of thosix ideas which are illustrated in the various compo nent parts, Franco has contributed two, Fingland two, Germany ono and America ono. J bo American contri bution or suggestion thot of the rub ber tiro is generally regarded as practically tho most valuable of all. 1 his rubber tiro enables tho bicyclist to accomplish thootberwiso impossible feat of running up hill. Tho rubber lire has also been applied witb success to tho wheels of dog carls and other vehicles. BICYCLE K.YEHQ1SE. "Now, my dear," said Mr. Spoopcn- dyke, hurrying up to bis wife's room, "if you will come down in the yard I vo got a pleasant surprlso lor you. "What is it? asked ilrs. hpoopon- dyke ; "what havo you got a horso ?" "tiiicss again, grinned Mr. rpoop- endyko ; "it's something liko a horse." "1 know I It s a new parlor carpet ; that's w hut it is!" "No, it isn't citbor. I said It was something like a horso ; that is, it goes when you moke it. uuoss again. "Is it paint fur the kitchen walls?" asked Mrs. Spoopendyke, innocently. "No, it ain't, and it ain't a hogshead of stove blacking, nor it ain't a sot of dining room furniture, nor it tint seven gross of stationary washtubs. riow guoss again. "Then it must be somo lace curtains for tho sitting room windows. Isn't that just splendid!" and Jlrs. Spoop. endyko patted her husband on both checks and danced up and down witb dohght. 'It's a bicycle that's what it is!" growlod Mr. Spoopcndyko. "I bought it lor exercise, and 1 m going to rule it. Como down and seo mo." "Well, ain't 1 glad I" ejaculated Jlrs. Spoopendyko. "You ought to bovo moro exerciso, and il thero s exercise in anything it's in a bicyclo. Do lets seo it." Mr. Spoopondyke conducted his wifo to the yard, and descanted at length on tho morits of the machine. 'In afewwoeks I'll bo able to make a mile a minute," besaid, as he steadied tho apparatus against tbo clothes polo nnd prepared to mount, "Now, yon wutcu mo go to me enu ui this pain. He gut a foot Into ono treadle and wont head first into a flowor patch, tho machine on tup, wilh a prodigious crash. "Hadn't you better tio it np to the post until you got on?" suggested Mrs. Spoopondyke. "Leave me alone, will yo ?" demanded Mr. Spoonondyko,' struggling to an ovon keel. "I m duing most o this myself. Now you hold on and kocp your mouth shut. It takes a little practice, that's all." Jir. nponponuyKO mounted again and scuttled along four or fivo feel and flopped over on the grass plat. " That's splendid!" commended his wife. "You've got tho idea already. Lot mo hold it for yon this time." "If you'vo got any strongth you hold your tonguo, will yo?" growled Mr. Spoopcndyko. "It don't want any holding. It ain't alive. Stand back and givo mo room, now." The third trial Mr. Spoopondyke ambled to tbo end of tbo path, and went down all in a heap among the flower pots "That's just too lovely for sjiny thtngl" proclaimed Mrs. Spoopcndyko. "You mado moro'n a mile a minnto that timo!" "Como and take It olT!" roared Mr. Spoopondyke. "Holp mo up I Dod gst the bicyclo !" and the worthy gen tleman struggled and plunged around like a whale in shallow water. Mrs. Spoopcndyko assisted In right ing him and brushing him of?. "I know where you made your mis take," said she. "The little whool ought to go first, like a buggy. Try it that way going back." "Maybe yoa can ride this bicyclo bettor than 1 con I howled Mr. Kpoop endyko. "Yoa know all about woods! What yon need now is ft lantern in LICAN. TEEMS $2 ner annum in Advance. SERIES - VOL. 22, NO. 31. your mouth aud ten minutes bebiud lime to be tho City Hull cluck! If you had a buckot of water and a bundle you'd muko a steam grindstone I Don't you see tbo big wheel has got to go ursi i "Y'cs, dear," murmured Mrs. Spood endyko, "but I thought if you prac ticed wun tue nine wheel at first, yon wuniim i nave so lar to lull." "Hbo fell?" demanded Mr. Snomv endyko. "Didn't you seo mo step off? t trippeu; mat s an. .Now you just watch mo go back." Once moro Mr. Spoonondvko start- od in, but tho big wheel turned around ana looked him in the lace, and thon ocgan to stagger. "Look out!" tqucaled Mrs. Spoop endyko. Mr. Spoopendyko wrenched away and kicked and struggled, but it was ot no avail. Down ho came, and the bicyclo was a nopolcas wreck. "What'd ye want to veil for?" be shrieked. "Couldn't ye keep your measly mouth shut? bat d'ye think y'aro, anyhow a fog horn? Dod gast the moasly bicyclo!" and Mr. Spoop endyke hit It a kick that folded him up liko a bolt of muslin. "Never mind, my dear," consoled Mis. Spoopcndyko, "I'm afraid the ex ercise was too violont anyway, and I'm glad you broko it." "I s'pose so," snorted Mr. Spoopcn dyko. "There's sixty dollars gono." "Don't worry, lovo. I'll go without tho carpet and curtnins, and the paint will do well enough in tho kitchon. Let me rub you with arnica." But Mr. Spcouendvke was too deep ly grieved by his wife's conduct to ac copt any oflico at her bonds, prefer ring to punish her by letting bis wounds smart rather than to got well. AGRICULTURAL. Contributiona to thia department ahoold be ad reued 10 J. Dlaib Kr ai, Clcardeld, Pa. THK COHX HAIlYtST. Cutting up of corn is usually delayed too long. Frost seriously damages the fodder, and ns the feeding value of this is equal to at least fifteen or twon ty bushels of corn per acre, it is worth saving from damage by early harvest ing. Tho grain is ready to bo gathered ed before tho stalks are ripo and dead. The stalk and leaves contain a large amount of Blip, which will go to com plete tbo growth of tho grain whether it is standing or has boen cut; for al ter the leaves begin to turn yellow the functions of tbo roots are ending and the plant takes nothing moro from tho soil. As soon, then, as this has occur red, tho corn may bo cut, and after tbe first sere and yellow leaf is seen delay is dangerous, and may be injuri ous. When tbo grain is completely glazed over it may be cut, and this happens before a leaf has turned color, unless tho weathor has been so dry as to affect tho growth and ripen the plants prematurely. In gathering the crop, the lower the stalks aro cut tbe belter, lor several reasons: tho weight of the harvest is increased, and the re fuso left upon tho field is less trouble, somo in plowing and harrowing tho stubble afterward. The latter is wor thy of more consideration than is usu ally given to it, and tho harrowing of ine soil ana the harvesting ot tbe fol lowing crop are frequently, greatly in terfered with by looso corn-roots, with a toot or more of dry stalk attached, which clog tho barrows and incumber the reaping implements or machines. Il the stalks are cut low, tho roots may be buried out of roach of tbo harrow, and give no further troublo. When tbo stalks aro cut it will be found advifablo to put up small shocks rather than large ones. Twenty-five hills will mako a shock largo enough for convenience and small enough to enable tho stalks and ears to cure thoroughly in ten days or two weeks. It tho shocks are mado larger, time is lost in carrying the stalks to the shock. Wilh twonty-five hills the shock will bo in tbo centro of a square of fifteen feet each way. There will then be no necessity to travel moro than five or six feet, at the moat, to gather the shock, and much loss of timo and labor will bo saved, Tbe usual manner of leaving a bill uncut ns a foundation for tho shock is not to be commonded. Tbe shock may bo built as firmly without this as with it, by simply spreading tho base, planting each side firmly in tbo cround. and tying securely with bands of damp ryo straw. Tho tying is tho chief point; unless the shock is firmly bound it can not stand firmly, and a largo portion of tho crop will go down at the first squall, and will generally lio Booking on the ground until husking. Much avoidublo loss occurs in this way, through simple neglect in binding tho shock. Rapid curing brings on early busking. Early husking avoids much really painful, but gonerally Belf inflict ed, exposure to cold ontl wet in the field, which follow busking bo late as November, when the hulk of this work is actually dono. The farmer who has his corn in tho crib and his cornfodder under roof or in stack before the end of October may bo counted forehanded and happy. And there is no good rea son why he ehonld not be so. If the corn is well cured in tho shock it will bo a saving of much timo and labor to husk Into baskets and to empty tbeso directly into tho wagon-box, so that tbo corn may ue cribbed without any further handling. Tho stalks mav also bo hauled directly to tho yard whoro they may bo stockod, put under tho roof ot a barrack, or stored away in an airy ploco in the barn. A fair busker should bo ablo to husk at least 40 bushels per day, and many will do twice as much. With two wagons, one being loaded and ono being hauled to the crib, and with fivo or six busk ers, a team may be kept reasonably busy hauling corn, nnd in any possible intervals of wailing for corn ft load or two ol stalks may be named in. it will be a turther saving of time if the amall and unsoend corn is thrown into bogs in tbo field, thot it may be car ried in by itself and kept separate from (he good corn. In stacking or mowing the stalks, ventilators may be usefully placed in the contre ot tbe mass, by which any dampness remain ing in them will bo carried off. A very good ventilator may be made by selling up few rails tied in ft bundle In the centre of tbe slack ; tho rougher tho rails Ihe better they will bo tor the purposo. Ur three rails or poles may be fastened together by A lew cross pieces so as to form sort ot flue or chimney in the mow or slack from the bottom to ths top ; this will kocp an open space of at least ft font wide for tho escape ol warm or moist air, and will prevent the mildew, which is so prevalent In cornfoddor. Any smutty stalks that may be fonnd should be thrown on one sido, and gathered to gether and burned. Ihe smut Is un doubtedly poisonous, and should never be given to cattle, more especially to nowa that are in calf A. i. Imu, EDUCATIONAL. BY U. L. MoQUOWK. Copr furalebed b; A. . Road.) OLD SCHOOL PUNISHMENT. 014 Matter Brewa brought bia ferule dowa, Aad bia nu looked angr; ud red. "Uo, ml ;on there, bow, Aolhon; Blair, Along wilb the glrle," be nil. Ih.o Ambon; Blilr with mortlled air, With hti bead dowa oa hii braae!. Took hi. pan loot wat b; Ua maldea eweet That ha lured, af all, Ua beet. Aid Antboa; Blair aataiad whimpering Ibara, Bal ibo rogae oal; made believe For ha peeped at tha (rl alth ha beautlfe! eurle, Aed ogled them orer hla rloero. The Iloultdale School Board has organized for the present school year, witb 1. J. McCullouch as lr. .siiionL and W. A. Chaso Secretary. Agriculture, we are told, is to be mado an obligatory study in all olo- montary schools ol Franoo. This is a recent action of the French Senate, and was adopted by majority of 251 votes. Tho school report of Woodward township is the only one from Clearfield county not on file in tho Department of Publio Instruction. It is boned the directors of that district will fall into line soon. Tho new brick school house at Hotttz dalo, which will bo complotod in a fow weeks, ia tiOiSO feet, two stories Inch. and will contain eight rooms. The ceilings are 15 feet high. It will be one of the best and most commodious school buildings in the county. ASUT1IBR TZAC1I1K PBOUOTtD. Miss Libbie Yolhcrs, of Kartbaus, was married a couple ot weeks ago. We wish ber worlds of happiness in her new lifo, and behove we aro not wishing in vain ; for ft school teacher is ono of tho few individuals who know how to appreciate happiness. Mount Joy, in Lawrenco township. bas an active Literary Society, which moots twice a month. Also Pine Grove, in Lawrenco township, still koeps np its Literary Society, which was first organized by Miss Weld moro than seven years ago. It would be inter esting to know how many persons hare been identified with it during thoso seven years. Those who have in tho post taken part in its exercises have pleasant memories of its associa tion, and its influence tor good bas been second only to that of the school itself. VlUSVISa TEXT-BOOKS. That tbo too frequent change of text-books is on unwiso and useless ex- penso all will admit. And yet, it is just ai apparent that retaining books in loo schools alter they have passed their day of usefulness is equally un wise and detrimental to the interests ot education. No mechanic can turn out us good work in as short a lime with an old setot tools, as be can witb tbe improved implements ot tho day. either can tho pupils ot our schools advance as rupidly or thoroughly while using tho books which have served their day in our schools, as whon they have the benefit of books better adapt ed to the progress of the age. To re tain tho old ones in ourschools,becausoit incurs an additional expense to change, is about as wise as it would be to smoke our eyes out over the old firo ploco in preparing tbe dishes for a modern table because it costs ft little more to place ft convenient cooking stove in the old chimney comer. Much discretion, however, should be exer cised in displacing an old eerios for tbe new, and the responsibility of chang ing should be aentrustod only to those having the ability to judge of ft book's morits and an extenBivo knowlcdgo of tbe needs of the school room. EXAMINATIONS. Sbawsvillo class numbored eight. One was rejected. Five directors were proscnt and eight spectators. Educa tional mectingwas hold alter theoxami nation, at which Mamie A. Irvin road several scloction in ber usual good style. Rev. Ague, Lewis I. Irvin, II. II. Morrow and John II. Mead made addresses. Appointments for Goshen township wore made as follows : Lick Run, Mamie A. Irvin ; Sbawsvillo, R. C.Shaw; Wiiliarasdale, A.M. Buzard ; West Goshen, Wm. fostletbwait. Sal aries wore increased from 130 to (35 per month. Riglcr class numbered eleven. Six directors were present and one hun dred spectators. Tbe Board held a session in tbe afternoon and purchased thirty-two Triumph Lock Desks, with some additional lurnituro for the now school building at Lower Woodland. The Board advanced teachers' sal aries from 30 to t.15 por month, and appointed Lois McGnnghey teachor of Upper Woodland; 8. M. Bailey at Rigler and llannsh Tate at the Inde pendent school. An adjourned meet ing was held on Thursday, August 25th, for the purpose of appointing teachers for the schools not mentioned above. Theexaminalion for Lawrence town ship was held on Saturday, August 20th. Numbor ot applicants twelve. Two directors and thirty-Dve specta tors wcro present It was a good class. Hoard met on Saturday, August a in, and appointed their teachers. Their names will be punnsnea next week. IIDSORAND EDUCA TlOlt, Poets have sung, orators extolled and historians chronicled the blessings of education. Rut notwithstanding its undoubtod good, it does cot soem to bo tbe panacea lor tvery evil. Aearn ing and fraud are fonnd existing in very close quarters. Wisdom and em bezzlement oiten sit down togetner in the council chambers of tbe Nation. Still tho schools aro regarded as the safeguards ot our liberty and educa tion tho hope of our Nation. This in consistency is proof that in developing tho mental faculties ot our pupils with out training the moral nature and in stilling into thoir minds the principles of truth and honor, education is only a means in their bands for ca.rylng out selfish ends. Tbo principle of bonosty and integrity should be taught along wilh the principles of arithmetic and every other branch of knowledge. Tbe impress received during school days is never lost, nnd 'thero is no pe riod of life so opportune for teaching honor. First, place pupils npon thoir own honor as a matter of discipline. Show them its value and let them see lhat you have Implicit faith In the individ ual honor of each one. Reject every means of discipline and motive to study not founded on the strictest integrity, lie trntbful and friendly with them and you will find that lore and kind ness will win the obdurate and cn courogo tho obedient far bolter thon force and threats. Trickery and false hood cannot be practiced long either in private or publio lit without being detected. "Honesty is the bost poli cy ;' and while it is not according to the highost principles of honor to teach honesty for the sake ol policy, it i better le teach it for policy s sak than not to teach it at all. It is not necessary to sut apart ft certain time each day to lecture on honor ; but opportunities will arise in recitations, during general exerciso and on the playground for giving prao tical lessons in this noblest trail of hu man character. Teachors should be honorable them selves, and then along wilh their other instructions teach honor to their pa file by precept and example. Educa tion thus enobled by an unswerving honor may still be landed to lb skies a the harbinger of untold blessings to all mankind.