Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 24, 1881, Image 2

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    She Republican.
Gioaoi B. GooDLANDta, Editor.
Raadar, If yos want to know what la aolne; oa
la tba buslnesa world, Jnat reed oar advertising,
aolamaa, tba tyeetal oolama la pertfaolar.
IjI'TMERhiil'ru, l'a., Aug. 18, 1881.
To tin Democracy of Clearfield County;
There bag been roporte circulated in
different porta of the county to tho
effect that during the last campaign,
lor tho oflico of County Treasurer,
there wu an agreement between T.
A. Hoover, a candidate for County
Treasurer, and myaelf, that ho (Hoov
er), for a consideration wan to with
draw from the content and give his in
fluence to mo.
1 moat positively deny any knowl
edge of such an agreement. The charge
ia falae from beginning to end. 1 never
had an agreement or an offer to make
such an arrangement from Mr. Hoover
at any time. It ia unjust to both Mr.
Hoover and myaelt to niako audi a
charge. CtMRLEa Schyyfm.
It every sfrtuorTal In Clearfield rnunty
are AT UNCUthat bn name la on the Heg
Itlry. Captain l'aul iioynton is on hi way
to Fort Benton, whence ho will atari
on a voyago down tho Missouri river
to St. Louis, a distanco of 3,580 miles.
Alexander Burns, a grui)dnephcw
of the poet, Robert Burns, died in
Louisville, Ky., a few days ago, from
injuries inflicted by a runaway loam.
He was seventy years of ago and leaves
no children.
The life of tho l'resident during tho
past week baa been in great jeopardy .
His stomach will not retain any nour
ishment. Ilia condition is at present
ia very critical, and bis chances for re.
covory are doubtful.
exchange says: "There ia no Jlopubli
can party in Virginia. It haa been
merged into a repudiation party, in
Minnesota there is a iicpublican party,
but it ia also a repudiation party, with
out conditions."
Thanks. Senator Alexander has
onr thanks for another bundlo of that
serial entitled tho Legislative Record.
Tbo last of the batch brings the Leg
islative proceeding up to June 8tb,
and, according to tho last paragraph
(page 2472), that body was still calling
the yeas and nays. Tho Record is a
good thing for Cotline k Co. Sinner. The inwards of
the New York Tribune must huve been
tortured when tho admission was
drawn from it a few days ago that "it
is bard enough for the Republicans ol
Virginia to havo to support Mahono."
But the Tribune baa long sineo accus
tomed itself to taking these "hard
enoagh" swallows of anguish regard,
less of results, until none is so bad
now as to bo loo bard. And it gulps
this new and awful doau and pretends
to smile while the bitterness stings and
Kvery Itamorrallc vater In t'lnarfteld
eotsnty ebould bsar In nitud Inat TIIUHe-
HAV.HKPrKMHKH St. la Ilia laal day for
registering lor me next eieruou.
What the Government Woild
Have Saved bah Hayes Hioned the
Democratic Funding! Bill. If, as
Secretary Windom states, ho has made
an annual saving In interest of $10,
4M,378.7S by changing the fives and
sixes into a throe and a half per cent.,
why was he not candid enough to state
tho plain fact that but lor Republican
opposition to a three per cent, bond
there would have been a further an
nual saving, in tbe refunding at that
rate of the seven hundred millions full
Ing due, of three and a half million dol
lar! annually t
A War Relio. A contemporary
says: "A few days niter tbe battle of
Bull Run, Hooker called at tbo White
House to bid tbo President good bye
Taking him ty the hand with that
friendly detaining grasp so habitual
with bim, the President laid: 'Well,
Colonel Hooker, what do you think ol
tho battle of Bull Run?' 'Mr. Lin-.
, coin, I was on the field that day, and
I am a much hotter (ieneral than any
yo bad thoro,' was tho Mply. Tbe
eolf assertion and earnestness of Hook
er's speech and manner struck Mr.
Lincoln favorably. 'Don't go homo
yet, Colonel, we shall want you.' Soon
ttftor President Lincoln made him a
Tieneral." '
TO CAMMIiATFJS. After Wednesday.
AtiKtsat alat. It will be ttso late In annouiira
the ii a sacs of rsudldatea according; lo our
party rule
Rui.l Firrn. Our party friends will
take notice that In accordance with
tho Acts of Assembly passed at tbe
last session, Rule Fifth must be amend
ed or changed to fit up to the law on
the subject of holding Primary elec
tions. The Legislature contomplatca
the lormation of a regular election
board Judge, two Inspectors and two
Clerks all to bo qualified the same aa
t general election. To fit np to the
law ot tire Stnto, our party rules must bo
adjusted accordingly. The Act of As
aomblycoo template Uiatcacb Primary
Board be composed of Judge, two
Inspectors and two Clorks, This will
add two additional members to tbo Vig
ilance Committee in every election dis
trict. Rule Fifth now constitutes
Committee of thrco, tho member of tbe
County Committee to serve as Judge,
and the other two members to act aa
Inspectors ; but under the rule the
Board is without Clorks. In onr judg
ment the change will be a docided
improvement. Lot ui obey tbe law ai
It standi upon tbe statute books of the
l.rt every Isrutttf rat In CIcartliMrl rnunty
ere AT ll.Nl at. Hint 111 natnr (null His sire;, j
Tliu Now York Eetning Ptt, wlilt-lil
'litis liilliurln rnijuvitri, with Ilia -Ma-1
hunt) nuivt'iiiiMit in V i mill iu, bun i'vi-
(Initly lii'('iiim ulutinm) ni ilw mm.
ilulo kiii roiid) r of Urn jiaily in Hint
Statu. Itsnvs: "Tho anrriii'U r "I llio
. ,. ,.. ... .i 1 1 ,i
heputilu uns of irgima to the Kvad-
, . . . l . I... .. L'..b iUa
justers seems to tie complete, r ur tne ;
present tho
drift toward coalition is I
too stroni; to be resisted. A power-1
fill impulse was given to tho novo
menl by the Iicpublican members of
the Viiiled States Senate and by
many Northern Iicpublican nowspa
pcrs. They were ready, for the suko
of the chunce of breaking the solid
Democratic majorities of the South,
and in consideration of the promise of
a fair vote for the colored men, to form
an alliance with tho local faction whose
cardinal principle, if it may be called
one, was repugnant to tho profess
ed doctrine of tho Republican party
throughout the country. This policy
appears for tho moment plausible, and
rather that than stutesmanlike, but it
ia too lalo to arrest its consequences.
Tbo immediate result seems to be an
ond to the Republicans in Virginia aa
a separate organization and a living
political forco. Tho coalition will bo
dominated by General Mahonu. Ho
has invited tho Republicans not to
como and rule over him, but to conio
and be ruled by him, and tho invita
tion has hoen accepted without quali
fication. He may permit thorn to pro
servo their committee, to tack their
name to that of tho lteailjusters nnd
to play at management, hut that he
will be the masterspirit of the consoli
dated party no one will venture to
deny. Bye and byo Mahone may find
it nocessary to go over to tho National
Republicans, but for tho timo being
tho Virginia Republicans bavo gone
over to Mahono, without any apparent
prospect ol recovering their original
identity. Tbo adoption ot his candi
dates involves practically the adoption
of his plirtform."
Kvery Pemorratle vtittr In (lrarnld
rnunty ahntild bear In mind mat TIII'KM-
UAV.HKPTKMIIKM Is Ihe laat day Inr
registering inr tne next eiertlun
Users Corkbill.tba ditingu!ihed L'nitil State!
DiRtrtet AHoray lorlbfl ulttriel of Colombia, r.
sanlly at Coniircil llsll, Capa May. ii reported
io tba V'tord ai tating tliat It lbs Pmidaal
should dia, MultMa would never be tried, becanre
ba woald be killed tbe momeot be il teen In pub
lic, and tbet it would be Impossible to punlsb the
avenger. Tun admission u deplorsole, no nat
ter bow logical, and suRgeste otarr dangurnus al
ternatives. 'orsy's yVooress.
Well, that is expected. From what
transpired in bis prison cell tho other
day we would not bo surprised if ho
breathes bis last in prison. Guiteau is
not alone in this ultempt tonBsassinato
i'rosiduiit Garfield. Thoro aro others
who know all about il, and the assuaain
will novor be allowed to give the
names of tho other conspirators to the
public. Thcso ungodly men have num
urous precedents iu history, showing
bow Kings, tjucens and Kmperora
were hastened out of tho way, and tho
chief murderer died from having taken
potion in order to shield bis confeder
ates. Curkliili invites tho job to bo
closed out by a prepared mob on the
streets of the Federal Capitol ; if he ia
correctly quoted above. We favored
tho shooting of tiultcau In tho depot
when be committed the wonderful
crime. It was a mistake. A dead man
cannot give any information to the
living. Tho murderer alive may im
part some information to tbe public
vnluablo for all lime.
Who Taid the Bills! A corre
spondent of tho Philadelphia Record
has been looking up the contributions
to tbe Republican campaign fund in
Pennsylvania for Inst Fall's campaign.
Somo of those who contributed most
liberally have thus far been left out in
tho cold in tbo distribution of ollicial
plums. Harry Oliver js credited with
ffa.OOO, of which 2,5illl went to Indi
ana, t2,A00 to Maino ant tho remain
ing 8500 to Pennsylvania. Tbo amount
which was availablo for Cessna's com
mittco is placet! at fi!(l,0H0. Senator
Cameron is credited with HS.OOO ol
contributions, of which, $5,000. was '.o
tho Slato Committee. Ario Pardee is
credited with 1 1,000, divided between
tho Stato and National Committees;
Cramps, the Philadelphia ship builders,
52,000 ; Senator Roberts, of Tilusville,
81,000; Wayno MacVeagh, Wharton
Barker, Christian Magoe and Fred.
Mrjgco f 500 each, and others smaller
sums. It is stated that during the
campaign of the previous year (juay
spent (108,000, of u'hich CaO.QOO came
out of bis own pocket. Thero la not
much civil service reform in this ex
hibit, but it is nevertheless interesting.
TOCASiDIIMTKS Aller H'ednraday.
Auauat will he too lata tn aniinuura
the nanie.a of caitfllilalea accoidlne; to our
party rniea.
Small Bit Corritt. A remark by
a prominent Now Hampshire Demo
crat, "that it was a notorioua fact that
one-third of the voters of New Hamp
shire had become mercenary and To
nal," excites little rnmmant tn that
State, becauso no well informed per
aon doubts that it is true. Tho Nashua
Gazette has been doing a little figuring,
and allowing that each vote purcbiscd
cost 10, finds that (287,810 wasspont
last November in bribory. This may
bo an overestimate, but the fact re
mains that New Hampshire is polill
cally ono of tho most corrupt States
on tbo face of the earth.
To Pension ere. We notico that an
ortlcr has been issued by Commissioner
Dudley, that in all pension claims
wherein moro than ono disability is
alleged, the claimant shall be advised
upon tbe completion of the proof of
any one of the alleged disabilities, of
tho evidence still necessary to the es
tablishment ol tho others, and that
the oflico, upon request therofor, will
issuo a certificate for the disability
thus established, without prrjudico to
any rights be may have on account of
the disabilities then not proven.
Poor Directors State Convention,
The Association of tho Directors of
the Poor of the Stale of Pennsylvania
will hold their seventh annual Con
vention in Krio, commonoing on Tues
day, September 20, at 10 o'clock A. M,
continuing two days. All persons in
forested in any way in the work of
tho Association aro Invited to attend
Kxcursion tickets over all roads run.
ning into Erio can be had by delegates
on (jiplication lo J. D. McGonnigle,
Corresponding SocrotaTy, Allegheny,
I'enn a.
It.Hi ,. (,'nhklilii; Itua lallt'ii 1 Not
r Hi l..f I,., v, tin 11 1 ii pill' 1'nliri.
tniialiuil otlli'C soiiiu timo iri. Hut an-1
IttllMIUtl ullll'v MOIII Hints mr, liuvtllfl
til vixti rdny be bivdbtifiirt) him ut least'
ii i'oilility "I ro flection. Nowhoia!
lulleii hum position, Irnm lank, I ram
lewlvrhhlp it his party. To day ho in '. were not piesent and cannot, vouch
a mere private ciliwn, with no eiiomir-, e cull the nth nti 'ii of mir mi'li'm, ' Inr tho truth of the story and thero
uging pnwpecls liir the future. Hoi i i I lore only give it as it comes to us We
av strutt-li Inrlh his Imncl ill vain, ,
i -
anr for many years tali toulutch pow-j
u a - tti i. Hi' n,lni,.li, ud il w,,.i I,,'
er a .-n.... m,,-,, us ,.,,.,
an ' " ussussm, it is true
IHul Mr. (. onwing stood, a lew Hays
ngo, very near to mo power no u
tho throno which is said to bo greater
Ibun the throne itself: but lightning ia.
as likely to strike in any particular
p ace as such a thing is to Lappon
C n .1.1. ,
again. Mr. t'onkling has Touched the
lull meridian of lite, and its recent mis
takes and liiibles cannot be overlooked
iu thut generous spirit which pardons
much to tho indiscretions of youth.
Ito stands fitcinga dark, it not rayless,
future. No rainbow ol promise spans
his sky ; nor, in the order ol nature,
and in tho ordinary course of human i
uthiirs, can he reasonably expect to be
bold any new morn on bis midday
With Ihoso who rejoice over tho fall
of lioscoo Conkling for personal rea
sons, or In any spirit of exultation, or
potty triumph, wo have no feeling in
common. Far Irom it. Wo remem
ber him as a true patriot during tho
war. We recall with pride tbo bright
porformnncos and more brilliant prom
iso of his earlier and better days. We
hold too much in common with him
then, and battled by his sido too long,
to contomplato his overthrow even
now without some degreo of painful
emotion. But while, personally, wo
might pause to drop a tear into his
political grave, for the sake of tbo
country wo rejoice ovor bis downfall.
I. Because in him falls tho foremost
enemy of tho freedom ol tho press in
II. Because iu him tails nno of tho
inventors and chief promoters of tho
unconstitutional Klccloial Commission,
which defrauded tho peoplo of tho
I'nited States out of their own choice
for l'resident lor lour yeurs, inaugu
rating tbo unelectcd Hayes in place of
tho elected iilden.
III. Finally, and above all eleo, be
cause in liosroe Conkling fulls the
leader of tho Third Torm party, who
would overthrow tho free Constitution
of tho United States and erect an cm
piro on its ruint.
Down, down forever, with all such
men !
The firmness and devotion evinced
towatd Mr. Conkling by his circle ot
partisan friends could only havo been
inspired by superior qualities in him.
Bravely for weeks did they hold out
aguiust tbo glitter of gold ami seduc
tions of place. He possessed parts
which fitted him for a higher destiny.
And in tho class of public men into
which, historically, Mr. Conkling has
chosen to place himself, ho will rank
second only to Aaron Burr. Xrw York
Lehitimate Inui irv. Some perti
nent queries are submitted by The
World which it will puzzle tbo spoils
organs to give answers that will satis
fy men who do their own thinking.
It inquires: Why is it thut the Re
publican party at tho South has so
swiftly found itsclt reduced to the dis
graceinl choice between following Ma
hono or disbanding T Why has il been
unable to teach the black man tho ru
diments of political intelligence and in
dependence, or to enlist the sympathies
of any whito men aavo such as aro in
distress, nnd as aro in debt, and
a are tliscontuntoJ ? Wby in it
that tho Republican party was only
ablo for a while to maintain ita
ground by plunder nnd violenco, and
now haa but ono desperato hopo of ro
gaining even a titbo of its former in
fluence by promoting the alliance of
ignoranco with dishonesty r llicro
must bo an answer to this ; what is it 1
1 ntclligcnt and independent men would
do well to ponder tho problem and find
what tho answer is.
All in the Family. The Chicago
Timet gota this off in a, French way on
Government families: This is tho best
(.iovcrnmont in tho world for tha
Frenches. A short timo ago it was
supposed thai tho secret service, I! rook 9
look the lead in appropriating its blrss
ini. Tho Shermans in tho "uVmini-
lion total" find it hotter than anybody,
but lordiatribution over the family, the
Frenches aro chit! in their apprecia
tion of the goodlincsa of tho great Jie
puhlie. And tb in ia how tho Frenches
tako their loaves end stand Ity the
Assistant Freretary French I s,!00
IWnjemin J. French (Ion), Boston Custom
11-.use 3,II0
Ned French (brother) Scoond Comptroller 'a
office. 1,0.00
e,ng of Ned, coast serrieo 1 ,200
Miss S. Brady, niece of Treasurer l,2i0
Misa Bewail taleoe), Internal Uevenue.... 1100
airs. Balaton nnd daughter (alecs ud
grand aieeel, Internal revenna office.... I.SuS
Nephew, nensu, oflico 1 ,IH0
Nephew, Lteatenant ol marinas 1,401)
Tulal French irjemnlty, par annum 917,100
That amount pt' government pap
should rni ond support ) yory Imgo
No iMnRE C'AMi'iitLi.iTr., A Mr.
Forgurion, who belongs lo Garfield's
church, writing to the Xation, objects
to tho term "I'amphellite" us descrip
tive of his denomination, and innixts
tbe-t, while claiming to bo nothing else
but "Curiaiana," llioy do not claim lo
bo theonly (Jhristiunu. To provo this,
ho admit thai there 0,1-0 Cliiiatiana in
various other sects ;" but, as they dit
fer, he thinks they "must have ttdded
something which is not ctwentially
Christian." Uo goes on to say thnl
clhar soots refused to ho simply Chris
tian, hence II r. Camphell underlouk
tho lawk. A religious contemporary
wants lo know whore Mr. i'orguson
got tho right to assume as an axiom
that until Mr. Campbell founded a
church (about lil'teon years ago) all
churches bad refused to bo simply
Christian? And in short, doclarea it
lo be shcor impudenco for any body of
people lo OHHumo that they are tho only
peoplo who try lo bo aim ply Christians.
A lUAiiheiNAi'oeV Hon. John Coch.
ran, Bute Senator irom tho third Phil
adelphia district, died ut bis cottage,
at Spring l.ako, Now Jersey, on Sun
day a week, in tho 42.1 year of bis ago.
His disoaao was diabetes Irom which
bo bad been suffering lor several years.
Uo was one of tljo leading prmoerats
in tbe Slnlo Scnato and bis lato asao
ciatcs in that body will greatly miss
bis counsel. Jle was a son-in-law of
of Lewis C. Csssidy, Esq., and leavos
wife and one child lo mourn It tat
Ceetra eooal haa sot had the Heaato-la! !
delenata far saaav yeara aad prohahlj ClearSrld
and cliatoa vrtll'eoneede II atthoat opriositloa.
Centre was entitled ta the eelefete laat rear bat
lees (eve era, to Claarlatd cfefeoafeiiraiaereJ,
Hint's pretty cool for a warm day.
Von bare Congressman, Jutlgo and
Senator, and now yoi) Tvant tbo Sena-
torial delegate I Wbut else do j oi)
want ovor tbere T It is a wonder you
don't offer to send ns a JJojucentative
dologate I Cool, Indued I
Tl) -AllinArr:.All. r Werliieeilay,
e,tiriiet 31st. II Hill be liwlnte to aliliuunre
iIim iiauira of raiMlltlalre arrortlluK; 1 uur
iarty rulce.
PRIMARY E.Ernox .a u s
PARTIES holding
I'"""""".' I""-' :
. .... i
tm two Ai ts ol ,semlily helow, pass
w ,
lure, r.veryi y, especially ranui-
,),,., Nn0l, r,.a, ,, ,. indicated,
" UV0111 violating '.hem, and
thereby escape the penalties, liead:
, , ., , .. , v .
A Art fa VsmnI Iriraitsif t rUMit at Ameisa-
riso iVia(i..NS. AvaissliNO twKimrioas, Kiiurn-
Hvardt. (7(ssre or jVjcosIi'ps ('niueiiflrss. oao
af illrrlioH of litltqotf to iiMl'sarise C'usssa
liosa ia (Ae SVesml r'unslis ia (Ata rMMioa
wro'fA. Hat-vioa 1. lie it cnaoted, elc, That hereafter
11 a enoilldsle for any otlii-e within tais Couimon
wosltb ihsll diiertly or indireetly Riva, oiler or
I promise to Riva, or pnicure any otoer persnn to
i aita, ctltr or prumls lo aire to any ali-otor any
'' orrewatd, lo moaey. goods or other valuable
irtry ol uieory, luouanrolbrr ralnanla thing, or
anv ofhee emolument or employment on eoudl
tioo, eiprossed or implied, that sunb aleetor shall
east, give, retain or withhold his vote or nse his
influence at a nominating rlcotloa or delegate
eleotion, or oast, give or sub.ll'ule aaotharloosst
or giro bis vole to use bis iofiuenoe at a aomi
oaliiig oonventioo for or against the nomioatioa,
of any partioolar candidate fur nomination, an aa
to procure euob person to ba voted fur at any eleo
tion to lake place, the person so hiring. proouriog,
lnlfuoncinr-lbrllluj,eiidearoring oroffering silber
directly or Indirectly thruogh others their aiders
ir abettors to procure the persoa to be voted for
by sucb eleutors, shall be guilty of a misdetuanor,
and, on ounvintioo, shall be sentenced lo Lay a
floe not eaeeeding three hundred dollars, and lie
imprironed for a -period not eiceedicg three
hat . a. II any elentor authorised lo vole at anr
.ut'iic electiun afterwards lo take place within
ibis Ciimmoaweallh tor any tfnae, shall, directly
or indirectly, aoespt or receive from any person
desiring lo ba aomtnated as a candidate for offlne,
or from tbe frieods ol any sucb persnn, any gift
or reward In money, goodf.or other valuable tblng,
or any ottioa or employment under an Bgr'etnenl
or promise, expressed or implied, that such elector
shall give or withhold bis vote for the nomina
tion of such a perhun as a candidato for office at
sucb election, or shall accept or reoeire tbe prom
ise of any person that be shall thereafter receive
any gift or reward in money, goods, posilioo. or
other valuable thing, if he will vote f-ir the nomi
nation of such a parson as a candidate for office,
and shell Iberealter vote fr Ihe nomination of
sucb person, he shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor,
and, on conviction, shall pty a Dee not exceeding
three hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for a
term of time not exceeding tbree mouths.
r-ae. S. If any aleetor shall, directly or Indi
rectly, offer to give bis vote or bis li-fluenoa at
any nominating election, delegate oleoilon or
noinlne'ing ooaveuUon, to any person desiring
to ba nominated as a osndidste lor olfioe or to the
frlendi of any snob person, in eonsideratloa that
for sucb vote or influence ha is to receive any
gift or reward in money, goods, or other valuable
tbiog, or any olue or employment, be shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on oonvlotion, shall
pay a flna uot eveeediog three hundred dollare,
and undergo a period of imprisonment Dot ex
ceeding three mootna.
4. If any person not oualiHcd to rote at a
general alectioa shall vote ot a nominating elec
tion held by any political parly, or if any aersna
shall procure, advtsa or indorse such d .ualifisd
person to so vote, or If any person shall vote at
more than one election district, or otherwise vote
more than once on tba same day for the nomina
tion T a oandidate, or shall liaadulantly vote
more than one tlckt-t for the same candidate at
the seme time, or if any person shall advise, or
procure another ao to do, ha or tbay shall he
guilty of a wisdstneauor, and, on eonvietioa, shall
lie fined not exceeding the sum of two hundred
dollars, and imprisoned lor a term Of time not ex
ceeding three months.
I. Iu all cares where a person is elected :
or chosen, or shall act as a dsleital. to a eonyen-,
oeive, accept er solicit any hnhe lo inoney, goods, j
or thing of value, or any office or position as aa j
inooceioeni iu
. make or join in any nomination ,
i ta ba voted for as ao olHoer, or
offiee, or shall, in Ilka manner, aod I
for any person
candidate lor ofhi
for like reisnn, agree to ab.tnia from voting fur
any particular person, shall he guilty of a misde
meanor, and. on conviction, shell be eenteneed to
pay a line of not mora than one hundred dollars,
aod he imprisoned not exceeding three months.
Met-. A Any rnrmlipr elected, chosen or acting
aa a member or the County or Ktceulive Com
mittee, of ae a judge of a tetora board lo count
np aod cast tbe votes iMilletl at a primary else-
tion, held 10 uiattp nominations for onice, or any , , intelligent exploration : neglect to
person appointed a elstk of sa.h retqra board, , , , L j 0laru,,l nj
who shall, diractlv or indireetly, accept, receive or ' h' 81,11 l" I,'" COItOC.lou anu
solicit money, office, appointment, teetiiu -nisi, I to pieces of fractured rib till IhO Con
rewerd or any otbrr Ihit.g of value, or the prom- j stilting Blll'geona had arrived from
i'.'"'..'" 1 '.!.,:r,r.f.;,.n.' ,." "' I'hilutUlphiu and Now Vork, when
-v"' ' w. w, fiia.iaa.sasat.-aui aaoaj-
per lure fttioa ot any lot, dut or obligttioa pr
UioiBR to taeb uQioc, ilittH b nuilly vl ....
DjCstiitir, and, no cuDTtrllVn tlttreuf. hall l ion
Mnerd to mf floo of not more tlino ono biin
tired dolltrf, siiil lo l iDiirioi.O'l fur lliu Dot
lrvediog i br tnoatbi,
Aay ienon or perioral who hll, dlro'tlr or
iDiliretitlT, bj oiTsjr or prutuiM tf unuy,
apointiDnI, mlo;uuijt, leitimoolel, tmrl,
or ttther l hunt ol rulue, or who bail, bj tbrema
or aOliaiiidattonfl, ftDiietator to ififlutfocc i luetober
of m Cuuxtiy or Kieeuliv ConahUM, or tiy par
iy,i jiultf or olvrk, or uy return bord la tht
di.cb.trt perform Hnoo or nonperloruianci of 11117
awt, duty or oUixaatkoa parikiuing to turb offlct,
Bbll l RNilij of )iiie'!iuur. Dtl, oa eou-
iclion thereof, f ball hi sentrniftt. to pi; 1 Brit
of two hand rod dollar, aud to unierki an ipt
priiDnncnt anteieMdiDg nil mur.tbi.
aApprufud tbe Stb da of fun. l-SI.
To Hey mint, ft iWitVaa; of, hhH to Prrtamt Fmwit
ta the t'rimnrg t.''ecnnn of $ke .Seinrat l'otititl
Parti f in tht VvmmontPtitilk nf .'(,.
Tht from and aftar tlia piafte ftf thil act il
fa .ll ha lawful, aod tt it httrhy ma da lb dutiai
of the jodtfaa, Innpaotora and olarka or othtr ofli
cti oi tba prlinarj aUctiooa, tuMtinffa or oaanai
beld for tlia urpoaa of Bnmloaliiijt canJiJam
for Stat, clij and rnunty nflieia, with. a the Com
miiDwaalil, ot 1'cnnaylvanla, ht-toraooterina; op in
tha diiibarga ot their dutiM, evrallj u take
and auhionbc to aa oatk or afGnottlon, In tbe
preranoa of each 01 her, tn form aa Ml own. name
ly 1 "i l A. h) do 1 tbet 1 will, es judge,
jDpactr or ctrk iai lbs aaae ipar kr), at tb
emuiaa; election, liuiarliallj and laitbfj; per.
fnrm my dutlea in aw) -rdanoa itb tbm Intit aod
Constitution 0f tbe Comnoniraelth nf PanniTt
vania, aod in aoeotdeaoe will, tbe ruin and rea;.
ulattuna ad Dp ted by tbe patty uf tbe eounty of
, fr tbe (tovcrntnrcst of tbe id primary
elawtion. Ditetine; or 0auc.1t, to the bent of my
judgment and ehilltiei." 1 lie oath or aft.rmet.oa
aha II be Hrat edtainielered to the judge hy one of
the impcotori J then the judge 10 qualified aball
admintater tbe oaib or. afllrmeiinn to the inrpeo
tiiri end rlerka, and may adminiftrr the oa'Q to
any elector offering to rote a. tn hi fjualifloa
tioni to vole at any moh eleelion.
five. 3. If any judge, lnprrlor. clerk or other
tfllcer of a primary election ai afnniaaid, aball
preeame to ant in aueb a oipaeity before the Uk
iP2 or eulttetibin to the etb or afflrniniioi, ra-
aulred by tbil act, be ahl. oa ocjoruliuu, be
ned not exceeding two hundred d oil ire anil if
any Jadga, tnpeotnr, e'erk or other officer, whra
in tbe discharge of bit dutlei aueb, ahail all
fully diirt-gtird fir violate the prorMoni of any
rule duly made by the atid i.ertv of
nonnty, fur the gnfentiaent of tbe primary Im
uotndr"." d:Cdif" l-icceofcomproased yeast, about
any jmltre or ui!.acU.r of a pn -. alMti'in, at tho lr.o of ft CH InciU'h quart of milk,, ahll fcnn.inlr rtlect Oia w r aay t jnB ttdtlml, tbo fluid 18 allowed IO
?(Tn "' L. J.wJ1:iil,!rrl?!: tttid in tho bottle. unoorkeJ (the
aaid party or ibl- knowingly rl't tbe
vote f.f aay perron or psraena ant (jiielieed aa
aforraaid, ahall, nn ioniatioaf ba fined not ex
eeedlng two hundred dolUrai and If any Judge,
inpectr. clerk or otbrr officer of a primary tie.',
tion, M aforeinld, hall tn guilty of any wilful
fraud in tbe dtecharg nf bii d 11 tiff, by drttrov
ing or defacing blluta, adding ballota to tba poll
other (ban thine lawfuUr yotud. Itv itufflnij tbe
IvtiH.if bat, by raise oountlnjt, hy miking laUe
ret ami, or liy any n or thing wbataoevar, tba
peraea ao ollending iball b deemed iihjr o." , bill tl.O pCCUlllUltV of the HCV til 1 1 U 1
niiidemranor, and, nnon cnniotin, rliell Iwi.l ..i ' 1. ... 1 i'ki-.
tned aot exceedlo, five btttidred or Ir.. that tbe casein, Instcatl n boing COBRU-
prlsiiaoieol Dot axeeedlna nno year, or both, or
either, at tha dlseretma ol Ihe Court.
Sllaetaor parts olact of Atietebly.inronsistenl
with this act ate hersay repesled, axneptin noun
liesor Allies abere speeial apis are in foree for the
lima purpose 1 Provided, koeever, la suet) ease,
alieie tba provirloni ol llitsaot are aacet ted, lha
speoial aila shall ha Dull and void ; I'rovided
farther, that tha provisions of this aet shall ao
uil aa .(pros, lo thf eouaty or filial adopl
ls It.
stprroveJ Jane tv, lltal.
l.el every llrmorrat In Me-arftelrl rounly
are A f OM'ti that blauaoie la on Hie Ht-a;-lalry.
(,'osn.r I'lONits. Tbo Patriot says:
"The 'skirmishing fund' for Republican
politicians in this Hlnto is the appro
priatlon for tho plcnlcaof tho National
Guard, (ieneral Hearer, prominent
canditluto fir(jovernor,.ia now 'skirm
ishing' as tho commander of ono ol
theso military picnics in tho western
i,irl of lha State." One of bugest
frauda ever perpetrated on tho Niate
Treasury, is this miserable "National
Stnto liuard" Troasury. Rubbers
would be a moro appropriate name.
Trica- Vkioh Warfars. The Army
of !be Cumberland will be apt to huve
1 good time at its reunion in Chatta
nooga next month. The blue and the
grbjy r to mingle n they nercr hare
before. Tbero it to bo en aililress ol
welcomo by a Confederate officer, and
among Iho Federal and Confederates
expected to participate are Sherman,
Grant, Bheridsn, Ilosocyans, Thomas
G. Wood, Joseph E. Johnston, Wliooler,
Colfjuitt, 0 onion, Hampton and other.
I'liu Kul..ii.'y f;i.7iiittiirwirithtlie1()u ,ri)in js thu n,.rvvs ullu.aijv.
ftllowitif :
I lie Miiowing ruthor rounti slmy la
told on Oovcrnor Iloyt, in connection
with tho review of tho First liriyttdo
of tho National Guard, which wits ro-
neiitly in ritinti at I'lttlstown. V
nro told that at the grand review tho
. : "
Governor nrul Major (ieneral Hart-!
.... .. t ..I.. i . fl. .1.1 1 1 i
mull rude into tbo field together.
Kvery body knows what a magnificent
horseman tho Major General is. It
may not be so widely known, but il is
i nevertheless a fact, thut It is hxcellency
i graces any other position in lite full as
I well as that of an equestrian. In other
words, (iov. llovl Is an amateur in
horsemanship. As the two rode along
tho lino together the governor's pant
aloon legs showed a natural inclina
tion to join bunds with his neektio.
Aa tbe springs on tho bottoms bad
adjusted themselves carefully ovor tho
cap of tho fjiibernatoriul kneus, tln
Major General looked askance and sug
gested that Iloyt might lo pull down
his pants. To this proposition the
tiovernor so lar assented aa to admit
that tho punts were out of place, but
bo protested the impossibility of per
forming tho services and guiding tbe
horse at tho samo time. However,
an aid do camp wbo was present vol
unteered locoax the breeches down to
llieir normal position! anil for that
purpose dismounted from his own finry
and untamed steed. While performing
tho acrvico he also discovered that one
of tbe many reasons for tho unreason
ablo behaviour of tho pantaloons was
thut tbo stirrups-wore hung too low.
To remedy tbe trouble the tiuberna
torial coma were withdrawn from thu
stirrup. Then - to further fucilituto
tbo remedial measures His Excellency
was told to lean over and forward.
This he did, when too much weight
huving been thrown on tho other sole,
bis SHtldln timed und tho (lovcrnnr
was precipv'uUd under the hcela of
bia famous war horse. With gtent
agility ho recovered bis leet and at
oiico proceitied to remount. Whether
from excitement incident to tho full or
because ol'a recent chnngo of beverage
will probtbly never be fully known,
but the f'-tcl is thut he placed the wrong
fool in Iso stirrup and mounted with
bis fate toward the wrong end of the
Tba Harrisburg P,itriot remarks:
Kx Surgeon (ieneral William A.
Hammond, of New York; has written
a letter in which ho takes strong
ground against tbo course pursued by
President liurlields attending sur
geons. Alter entirely exculpating
l)rs. Hamilton and Agnew from any
connection with tho alleged malprac
tice, Dr. Hammond arraigns tho sur
goons on seven counts for tho mistukes
i . i ... a I
which wcrti, in his opinion, foinmittoil
vruuin tne (iski loriy-eini Hours, llio
principal amtmrr which aro ho muin-
tains : ICtflect to make a thorough
u,,..!,.., j()n ,, tl10 truck of the wound
and to locate the position of tbo bullet ;
neglect to remove
tho (rBunn'iilH of
ulothin,, nd (if hollO which altOrwarflB
, i - i
ao(l Bilfb p-rout SUtTennK ; netrloCt
to extract tho bull whilo tho strtnith
of lha pinion t wag at ita maximum
anil beforo the track had been purtiully
closud by thoawellinrsof the soil parts;
treating the casts Irom the first from
tho standpoint ot guesswork, insloatl
ol from at'ttiul fttcta gainod by tbomurrb
)r. Agnew did what was proper; be
snag from Iho first overweighted with a
sense of responsibility, owing to the
hift that tho patient was the l'resident
of tho United Stales.
The doctor llion ventures the opin
ion that a truckman similarly wound
ed and treittetl ata first class bospilal
by any one of several surgeons named,
would receive more enorgetio and suc
cessful treatment than bos been given
tn tho bead ol the Nation, lie con
cludes as follows: "The illustrious
auffurgr, after ttiirty-fivodsys, still lies
on bia back, and eucb. day with almost
the regularity of clock-work his fever
appears, and yet the bulletins tell us
the surgeons are satisfied I Is it pos
sible thuy do not know ihe import of
this daily disturbance ol pulse and
temperature? If il is not arroslcd
there run bo but ono termination ; and
yet I do not sco how anything they
can do now can arrest it. We can
only Irnst lo tbe indomitnblo conrogo,
tbo robust constitution nnd iron will
of the patient, and to the prayers ol
millions of loyal and sympathising
heart Ip all parts 01 the world."
Koosmos, or "kumyss," the Kussian
drink, which baa been iiirnishcd the
President from thia city, is niado of
milk, sugar, and yeast. In Knssia,
mare's milk ia used, bnt hero they
lake Hint of a cow. It is put op in
bottles with patent stoppers, and so
highly effervescent is it, that tho only
way to opon a bottle, without losing
the greater quantity of its contents, is
to turn it, head downwards, in a pitcher
with ft cloth, and then, inserting lbs
bund, remove, the clasp from the cork
s gently as possible. Its nutritivo
value is very gcat, and it is not now
widely known, on account of its ex
ponso, as generally sold. After Iho
sittriirsntl the retint. arinttnnnol'antrnr
bnttM not uittf full), until lermenta
tion Iibh tnltun place, which will he t lie
cnnoin eighteen lo twenty-four hourtt,
unilor fuvorablo condilionft. Tho bot
tlop are thon corko!, and placed in a
cool plnce for a wfok or two, when the
product In roady." Tho lormetitation
iovolopn ft ttmall quantity ot alcohol,
init'ti 111 lartxu lutniia, tiittru or tesn
(1 Illicit 1 1 to digest, is separated In a
very finely divided condition, so that
it can bo readily assimilated by the
wenkest alomnch. Philadelphia Pro
grci. Will Statko. Of tho J'omocratic
nomineo for (i ovor nor of Virginia a
liepubllcan contemporary says: "John
V. fluniel is tho Henry Cluy of Vir
ginia. Ho is a man of wondeil'ul per
sonal magnetism and in the abort lime
thai bo bus been beforo the publio in
his Stale, being only 39 years of age,
bas becnnio tho idol ol a multitude of
atimirurs. Jo id a thorough Virgin
ian, an orator of exceptional ability,
standing among tho first speakers in
tho Cincinnati convention lust year, an
able lawyer, and, from all aoeounts, a
thoroughly linnet man. Uo was a
Iiohcl soldier, but, unlike tho avoiago
'Stalwart,' ho ceased fighting when
lio war elpflcit."
KtNTrcKT Ki.KCT!oN.Al tho recent
eleetion in Kentucky little attention
was paid to the Republican opposition,
but tbo. peoplo divided mainly, so far
as tbey were divided at all, on the Sena
torial question whether Hon. John
B, Beck should be reelected or not.
The decision is in his favor, with rather
extraordinary nnanimity. He ia ono
ol the ablest and parent men in the
I'edornl Senate, and his ro-oioclion will
bo hailed with puiislaction throughout
Ibe Vnion, Ho has more weight in
ihe important body of which be is ono
of the leading members than twenty or
thirty such bonatora as l'onnsylviyoia
has bun over wield, iiliaino on our
State I
Why Suori.n TintY? No mar. or
i tvnmnii rnri Hit aitlihlHi'trirt' trnrlr erlnri
jtln system relaxed and they liel gen
ieruy wrrt. beil. Why slimild lawyers,
merciiiihls, elervnicri. tln'litr, mu-
chtitiiis or mot hem ultin tnisemlily j
drui through llieir work in this con
dition, when a small amount "I Purk-
er'a (Jingor Tonic will always, at mod
erate cost, clear tho luain nd i!i vn
them the strength nil thev will r
iiirin nteir inuics satisluctni hv. w t
mv i;.t jlB stieiiL'thenniL' nnd hrae
. I
form their duties satisluctni i I v . W
iiitf ulfreU und run r-'.ni.iiinhi. it mtml
bitf lily. Soo other column. 8 ..-41.
Two I.uVAL Mkm. Wo notice thut
ex-fiovurnor HuniJrickH.ot Indimtu.haH
beon vimtingux Governor Seymour, tU
IT ties. New York.
Primary Election, Saturday, Sept. 17.
FKM.Tba foot Ditiit Is paid ia ad ratio, anil
will ba ai follow. : For Trrtirer, 10. for Ai
postal Jadff., $. tut County Cofntniailoner, $4,
for t'oaatjr Auditor, 5. TbU will pay for 12,.
imO tlokata fur earb oao did at aod tba uua,
Uoiloa blanki.
Wo ar aothoHrtil to aonoune tb nam of
Jl.lUN 1.. H TU.K, orClMrfiold, aa a audi data
fur tb oflio of Aoiociata Judga, aul.jeat to tb
ruloi ftcvtrulfla; tba Damnnralio party .
PoM office BiIdraM, Clrt.ld, Pa,
We ar author ii., to aobouno tb a am a of
JOHN IIOCKKNHKKKY, of Chert town-hip, ai
a eat. did ata forth otflo of Aitoclit Ju1k, tub
jet to tb ruli jperaiD,r tb Oeraoeratio party ,
Paatoffia addraa, UrPberrfto, Pa.
Wear authirlie.l lo annouoo tb Bam of
JACtlH W. CAMPRRI.L, of Ball townnbip, m a
candidate for Ibaoffina of Afteoeial Jad?, abject
t tb rule goTcrninff tb Duioeratie party,
Puitotfir addreia, Cuih, Pa.
Wa nra authurliei to aon on no th nam of
DAMKI, W. M'mKB, of Ulaarliif t borough, aa
a na&didat fur th offli of Aar.oia Judge,
luhieei to th rule g'.rrrfiine; that Demitfraiic
Poatottsoa ad lrva, ClcaiflilJ, Pa.
W ar author tied tn anoLoe th a am of
CIlAKLKS U. WATOV. of Clearfivld borough,
aa a candid t for th otfiea of Aeioila' Ju ltfe ,
mt.Jwt to lti nil gvarni(i the hninoerAltdt
PoiloBi .l lrcK, Cloartield, P.
We are authorlifd. to aonoutin th a am of
DAM III, KOO.KK, of Lawrrar tnwnibtp. aa
a eandtdat fur tb nflir of Asiofiate Judire,
aohi tt to lb rale guTrolng tb Uenocralie
Poftofllc additim, ClearAf.ld, Pa.
W are aathorincd to annontx? th nam of
JACOR V. hTKlNKK, of Daiur townahip. aa a
eaodldata for lha olttc of Tranurr, auhjeot to
Ul mla gnveroing tb Democratie party.
Poitoffio addraat Philtpathurg, Pa.
We are authorlaed io anoouDo tb Bum of
DAN I HI. BTKWAHT, of Ilrajfi.rd tnwnihip, a
a caitdidat fur Trenporrr, tubjtot tn the rule,
go Tern loft tb Dnmooratip party.
Puatoflie adlrai, H'oodlaod. Pa.
Wear autharlfd to announo Ilia a an of
TUoMAtt A. H'KiVKK, of Pik tuwntbtp, a a
naodidat fur tb office of Treaaurar, iubjeot to
the rulee povernicg the Dfoinrrttic party. !
Poll oflio addreaa, Curweoirtlle, Pa.
We ar authorla.l to annonnee tbe name of
JOHN M. TRO.KL. of UuUi.ii borot.xh, aa a
candidal for tb oftiee of Treaiurar, auhjecl to i
the rulra gavtrolog the Demorlic party, I
Poaloffiee addrena, DuIMi, Pa. 1
" rr aauintiriavti iu aantiurifo till name Ol
JullN w. W ri,h.kv, ( ei..ra.i.i borouga...
Wear anthoriieit to aonourtce th nam of
a eeudidete for tba offioa nf Treasurer, subject lo
tne rules governing tne oemocratte pirty.
Pnstofflce addrars, ClearfielJ, l'a.
We are authorised lo announce tbe name of
W. MILTON SHAW, of rieeroeld borough, as a
oandidala for the offlr-e of Trrasurer, suhja.-l la the
i governing tne uemoerstlo party.
Post, .Bice ajdreta, ClearBeld, Pa.
We era aulhr.riait ta announoa tha name of
CHARLES SCI1 W KM, of Brady township, as a
eandtdate lor the othca of Treasurer, sul.ieot to
tba rulsa governing tbe Detnooratie party.
t'oslomea adJreas, LathersiHtrg, fa.
Wa are aalhorixed to annoanea tba nana af
DAN 11.1, HlbUKL.of Rradv township, aa a oan
didala for tba office of Treasurer, subjeet to tha
rules governing tha Dem-ieratie partv.
pH.ifriA b.4.1...- v.H.,'i.ui. p.
Wa are authorised to aanounee the name ef
JOHN T STRAW, ef Parausoa township, ai a
eaodldata for the offloe of Couety Commissioner,
san.ieet to taa rates governing iba uentooratid
roeseine. address, aterron, Pa.
Wa are authorised to ansoanee the name of
JOHN Ul NLAP, ef Pike loanshlp, as a oandi
dala lor the ofliea of Coanty Cnuunssi'iner, sub-
Jan 10 Ihe rales fneereiox he liemneratte parly.
Postolliea addreel, Bloomiogten, 1'a.
We are authorised to ennoance the name of
JOHN PICAKII. ef Covington township, as a
caodidate for the offlee of Conoty Commissioner,
subieet to the rules governing the Dsmoeratie
poatoffloa address, Freaohvllla, Pa.
Wa are antberlaed tn annooni-ej Ihe same of
TIIOMA8 MAIIAPFKY, of New Washinglon
borougb. aa s oa,ndldsta lol the ofCifa of Counly
Commissioner, sutijeot ta tba rules g.ivoraing lbs
Ilemorratie party.
Postofhoa address, New Washington, Pa.
We are aathorlted to annoonos the name of
WILLIAM P. C II A M 11 K Hi. ol Uorseasville bnr
ouitii, as a oandidate tor tbe otloe of County Com
missioner, aulijsot lo tbe rules goveralng tba
Deeseoratle party.
. Postoflloa addreaa, Corweasvllle, Pa,
Wa are authorised lo aonoanoa tha name of
ELAH JOIINHTON. of Urenwoed lewaeblp, as
a eaedtdatef'orthe offioa ol County Cammtsaioaer,
euhieot to lo the rules govornlng tba llemooTatie
roatofoi-a address, (Iremplao IliUi, Pa,
We are aulhorfsea tn anaeoaea tha name of
PKAKCI. ,'. CtlU KRh-f, of kerthau, town
ship, as a eaoilidata for tha ofhne of Coanty
Cutuinlssloner, stibjaot to tba rule! govarning tba
Demoeratic parly,
PottelTltja addresa, Karthanl, Pa.
We are authorised lo anannnre tha name of
Wll.MAM M. IILIIOM, of Pike township, as a
oandidate for tha oftioe of Couuty Commissioner,
ubjeelto tberulasenveraingtbebrsnoflrelie psrty.
PoelorSoe addrees, Blonalnitton, Pa.
We are anthorised to oTincmnr tba name of
BKI UKN PTHAW, af ilordaa township, aa a
oandidate for the offii-e of Auditor, lubjeot to lha
rules governing the Demoeratie party.
Pustnffoe address, Ansonvllle, Pa,
cro flrrrtisfmrtiti.
There are 100,1100 good miok for sale al the
Marshall ltrlck lard, In Iba tipper and of Ibe
borough of ClearBeld. Brink will always be foeod
on hand to aeoemmodeie any easterner who may
oall. J. at. l A Kt HALL, Agent.
Cl.srnrlJ, Pa., Aug. tt, USI-jta.
Vgw SiovB s Tinwara Stora !
Oj. poilte Court llonre, Murket ilreet,
Daalrn In and Manufacturer! of
Tin, Cojtpor Shoel-lron Wnrc,
uu itaALiai im
of any atsa or desrrlptloa.
A iarue Assoitr.uKr or
Parlor, Boom and Cooking Stoves
Wilt be krpl constantly oa hand, tr pronored,
oa short QutUa.
And Uanufafltorrd eat af tba hii Material tn4
In a Workaanltie planner.
, rropil atitfttled to,
AtUaded ta, aad AAS FIXTl KKS ef all Ktada
ae)t CodiUiiiIi oa band.
11 EPA I It I NO.
All kisda of Repairing will be Promptly sed
Neatly dene.
CriURV, 110, KT0.
Alio a Qsasrsl Assorttsaal of
All ef ae will U told at Rea ion all nttti.
lT aa eH. 4 laare f fitUt
trMt ta M.aitad.
rnip Jonu8owR0'i.
ClMrlald. Pa.rAafiM 14, IMMil
Jlfur 3ai:rrtlsrmfnts.
ValuaUc kl Estats!
llYrlrtaanf aa tirtlrr vf Ihe Orphans' Cuiirt
J 9 of Clcat-flrlil enuntr. tbere will ltaexioee,l
sale on tbe iirtuttsra, ia liurn.iila townsnlp, oa
Tliuraday, rilrnibrr lath, IHHI,
it 1 a'elnek I- M . Ik. fr.llo.le. a.r.H.
1- KANC1S M. KI I.TON, ilaraasewi All that ear
"fi i""a "'"'i? 1"'""'1"1';!
tle.rB.ld eontily, Pa .bounded north by A. said
8. rollon . land. a. .1 l.y foil... ulh by
JJ.nd We,,.,, and on tba west by A. and at. t.l-
With Ineea aoree oleared, and baviag tbereoa
arecled a frame dwelling, lSx24 feat, and a log
bara XGxHft feet, aod alber outbuildings.
Tl: 11.11 H or H.tLKl
Oua-lhird oaohat confirmation of sale, une-tblrd
io one year tberealler, aud oaa-lhird In two yeara
Ihereefler, with interest on deferred payments
front data of eanbrmetien of sale, whieb pey
uents are to ba secured bv judgment bond.
JOHN k 1M K, Administrator,
Patchlnvlllo.Aug. Jt, ISSI 4I.
First Annual Exhibition
Clearfield Agricultuh al
Fripat, Octohea 11th, 12rn, 13tii
Und Htii, 1881.
Hhicle ailralatlnn t irk el 9ft
hlidreu I'l-um IO to IS yeara Ifti
lluraea durliiir t'alr 15 1
HurMct earti ttay.. 8 A
Children uodw ten years eld, whan aooompa
oled by tboir parents or gutrdtao. tnse, aad un
der that age not admitted UDlas, aeoorupanied by
parents or gusrdiao.
Exhibitors anast have their enimals and artl.
olel entered on tba heeretary'a b't'ies oa or
before tbe first day of Ihe Fair; and all animals
and arlielee exeept bi
et for pleasure and for
trotting premiums, must be brought within tbe
enclosure as early as niae o'cloek ox Tbarad.ty
morning. Alt persons entering animals and ar
ticle, fur exhibition must procure osrds from tbe
Hooretary, with tha number and claes upon them,
and attaob the same to tba animal or articl a pre
eiuua lo being plaoad opoo the ground. Uay and
straw will ba furnished gratis fur all animals ca
tered for premium., and grain will be furnished
at eoat for those wbo desire to purchase.
No bursa shall ba entsred or allowed a premium
eniesa he Is free from disassa. Horses will ba
reoelved antll Boon en Tborsday, but must bare
been entered previously. All persons wbo la tend
to exhibit burses, eatlle, sbeep or swine, or wbo
intend to offer stock for sale 02 tba groand, are
requested to notify the Secretary of euob inten
tion oa or before the Brat day of October, and
leave with him a liet and full description of the
Tba aumber ami class, anil tha number In Ihe
elaea, with tha name ot tba article, will appear en j
the card altaebed , bat the nemo of the exhibitor
ill do! appear,
parmi f ASli DIPLOHAI.
t'reiniutui and diplotnaa will ba paid on aod
after the Brat Monday attar the feir, and until
Ibe Arat day if ltceinbcr, efirr which all
BUDied premium uo claimed will be coaidered
a a donation to the Auoe.ell-ni. Tlia oltioera nl
the AarorteiioD end uiataltera of the CniDinit ot
Arrngft(,t. mut wear a bedjra dn ignattat;
their ottire. A i elect police f.irc wilt be m emi
aiaut atlen-lanea lor tbe prrrra!lna of oritur aod
pr't"-tioo ol property,
rna nomiia rot'Ri.
The trolling eourie tl level, well graded and
oae-hxJfofa mile In circuit. Ample arrange.
tBeati will be wad for tbe and twtc
fort of Tiaitort.
laarni rTium TO JUDiiia.
Ko anlical or article on exhibition for a prnml
bbi to reoeire no awnroj io taura than one fleia,
Tbia doce not ewbraee horaea entered for the trot
ting premi a rne. Jut. gee are exraily reifuired
not to award premiuini to ovei fed animal. Ho
premiuaa aie to Se awarded to ball), now, or
bet (an wbieb iball appear to bare btea fattened,
oa'y Id Iba era fa of fat cattle ; tha ol'jeet of tbe
Aaaocletion biog to heve auperior aninala of thli
description for breeding.
The judgae on fat eattla wilt give particular
at ten turn to the aniaali eubonllel for exaoaiaa
tioo. it la belie veil, all otber thing being equal,
the beat em tie havo the greateat weight the
ma I It it auperttee. 'Ihe judfrea will teq'iiro all
thia elaaa to be weighed, aod will tattie meaaorea
to gift the auperttoca ol aecb, end publiib tbo re
anil with tbe report. Tbey will elao, brfore award
ing any prciniuma, rrqutro the manner and eoat
ot feeding, aa rex alien by tbo regulation of tbe
premium iiat.
If tbero is hut one ezttihitor, and bo may fbow
lei-oral animala in one clan, pp-piuma will be
awarded Id aMArdnoo, witb tbe merit of tbe
Tbi aaprrintentandeot will take avary prooaa
tin Id bia power for tbo eafety f itock end.
tuition eibtbition afior their arrival and ar
rangftaeat uo tbe ground but Iba Aaaociatiot. will
nut bo rofpoiialMe lor any ioae or dawaRo that
aajr occur. Kihtbitura will be required to give
peraonal attfvttoa lo tha animal and erflttlea,
end at tho oloao of the Vmr to attvad to thetr ro
RtLlll fuft r LOW IHO.
The entry for tbe plowing mat oh mait b made
at leeal one month beforo the Fair, to that tbe
neorttaary erreogeraenta oao be made for ground,
ete. Tfaeaameof the piowmaa muft bo oiren.
aa well aa tbo od of plow to bo aard, at tbo timo
oi meoniry. tba quantity of iruun.i tuba niw.
oJ by eacb team tti be one -lourth of an acre, Tbe
time allowed lo do Ihe work will be three buure.
Tho furrow aliee ia all rnaaa to bo lapped. Tbe
lea a i to mart at tboaame time and eaea p'owmen
to do hie work wiihout a driver or aaaiatance.
The premium a elTered by the Aaaopiation will be
awarded to tho ladiitattl who, m the opinion ol
tbe judge, ebad do tbo work in the beat manner,
proviiled it bo done in tbe time allowed tor iu
performance. Each plowman to mike bia owb
iano, and plow and rely independent or tha ad
joining lead.
Any article not eaomerattd In the cltiaei placed
on einiDiuon, u worthy or notico, will bo mite
bly fe warded.
All ariiolrt may be enter4 free of charge,, ei
eept horaea for pleasure or f-r tba iroumx pre
Any Informatioa drairo4 eaa ba obtained by
euurvMiag e.n 01 iq emoerSs
Class I Opon to all Brents and Cm
BMtbull f m ,o
Dret oow , jo oo
All hroode come together in thia clan and Mm
pete wiib each otber, to ba iiHa-e-J bv their e?ood
point, aymmetry of frame, ahiiity to eitea, and
tbo ttoclt they wiil prod moo.
Class a Grale. Cattle owned in the
Hal oow for milk
Hm. better, I yoaraold. ,
Beat ealf, under tt moaiha old ,
Class 3 Oxen.
Beat yoke of oianH ,
aas4Fat Cattle.
Deat fat bollock, en et heifer, railed ah
fattened la eouaty
I 10 ftO
ft to
S 00
ts 00
Jndgoft for claaaei 1, 1, S, 4. Clark Bmai, J.
a. it. ciegei, n, r. Keod.
Class 5 Thorough bred Horses. Opsn
to ail.
Beat atallion, any breed $11 t)e
veil mere a net 9o, any brnal, owned ia
tbo oyuuty , i go
Class i Family, Draught and Farm
, Horses,
llett itnglo family bore , $j Qfi
Heat matched oarrlage boraai ra
Heat apan ol draught boraea or maree...m oo
Heat gelding, or ware for work 4 80
Tkaeibibltor will be required to produce a
tetotnent from at Ira at three revponaible oetgk
bora ae lo working q ml it ita of ttreugbt borate, to
" tU IBI irajtB IU UII in mil clan.
Beat I yeara old eolt. ,,.., 4 on
Ural 1 yeart 0:4 a .11 s no
lrt goit Hnder Z yeare U 4 iu
toe norao tnat mivei tbo beavieat ud on
M-ae boat, eeeordli'i lo bli Wright.
without a whip & 00
Judgea for rlaaaea 6 and fl. Oeorgo K. Will,
iami, A. M ll.llr, A. A. Kaed.
Class 1 Trotting Horses. Open to all
jjvnwo virnea tn tnjs Luun.y thirty aay
Beat 8 io ft, ilnglt larreH $& go
Flrt, T& 1 a won ft, 61 ; third, ttS. At laant 6
enter, ati t to etart.
Sebnoli and Teaeh era. Kanh icbnol In body
adiniltml Ireo frum 10 A. M. aatil 4 If. M. of atid
Bicycle match al t o'olock P. M.
Brai g In ft, pram lam $35 00
Firei, Ut aeooad. Ill) third, M. At leaet
lour io atari.
Class 8 Trotting Horses.
Open fg all
Bnt I Is I, llagtt harneae ...$luO OA
nret, .Jti aooaod.fsil! third. 12ft,
Bo premium to be paid In tbia elaai on lew tbero
aro at (eoat 0 ontrtee, aad 4 to ttart. Tba boroe
waning the puree, will not be tUonod ( OompetO
Class Trotting. Fur 8 year old Colts
tr under. Open to all,
Beit timo, I la I, la single barnaai...HtH. $M M
Firm Ba0 oootmd, $11 1 third, J.
Thoro matt bo ft oatrlee, and t to itart,
BioyoU mateb.
tx dmtisfmfnts.
ClttHt 10 Trotlintj Jlorstt. Open to all
llor'tt that hare never done hitter
than !1 minute.
Bait Is a. single harness 7 tie I
First. .'. ; va.l, Slii third, (IS.
Nut less than S entries, anS 1 to slarl. AH eo-
tratiea fee to lie tan per ernt. nn tireiaiatn, and lo
ha paid at the tluna ol entry. All entries Inr olesee !
.Sua. T. e anil 10 to ha rasila oa or be lore In. Arst!
ilea of October, IHHI.
f7(iJt 11 Sheep and Yik'I.
tt Heel l,m-k, any lireeil....
iieet awe, any l.reed
' llast lamb
erf! ""' '"'
ia ai.i
4 Mi
1 Ml
i IX,
- 1 CltlM 12 Swine,
Open to all.
Best boar, any hraad -
Ml ', ,, ,tMj
, 4 , ,h 0d
14 IS
1 Oil
' Clats Yiroultry.
I Beet eoi.p S Spring ehlebeno
$1 oi
S no
Heal 1 trkvfl UDiIrr I tear ,
Iteat dlipiar af ehiotteni, not lots tbaa I?
CIuh 14 Plowing,
Tba man that plow, fraco iward bait...... $A lit
Judge. II, l, IS aod 1 4.--Willi.
MoriD, JdbB Saoka, Ale. Murraj.
Clitm 15 Votfljt, Rollers, Drill, I far
rows and Cultivator.
Rett pId ft itabblt or
4 00
-1 00
4 t'O
A 00
Ilent mbfoil low
Het-loiJ eruhir aod Mltr eBiliaad.,.M
Hrat fjratB drill
Uaat llircntiiof Banbtoaidiiloaiaaad
Het corn plaulrr.
lint br rake, diphtna and n
Bui hay pit eh log Bsx-hine M
Uttl burvt poar, dipluina and -
Beat original Inreai.oa of agrirultural
Bc barrow , ,
Beit fmnn.Djc a. ill
Bvai ealtlfator
IJit noro abdlcr ,
A uO
ft 110
4 00
g no
All artioli'i lo tbii dm nit maooftioturrd fa
tba oouoty wiU ba awariisd tin noaied pramiuoi.
but nay reeaivt a diplotat.
Class Id Miscellaneous Farming
B-t w $ i oo
Meat muiup machine. H 4 0i
Best Riaio rratlla t 00
Brit litfjlM- ol fa in log ultDflli owned by
tti lnl ot gurilro tooli t
Thu Cl. m.rt toibt rulei ta Claaa li.
Class 17 Cereal Grains,
5 no
2 ti
f Bt 2 acrr of H'intrr a-beat..,
..110 0(1
Hrat busl.H uf Winter wbeat..
Best 2 euros vf ri a
Best bushel of ri a
Iltst t acres uf oats..
Ili-st t art'a of baokwbeat...
I to
10 10
a an
lo an
S on
I 00
I 00
1 Best 2 aeres of oorn
Ilest I arre of elovrrseedn...
It... I S....I..I .r ......
I Be , ,,,,,,, 0, .,,"'"
Crops being eqial, preference will ha giveo to
thuse that yield tbe largest net profit. rbxte
ments to be furnished by tbe exbbitors. Tbey
must be measared or weighed, and a sample fur
nished at the Fair. Applicant, for premiums
must famish the eommiltee with a statemaat
signed by tbeesselvea, aoder pledge ef veracity,
of the quantity ef grain raised oa the ground
eotatef lore, aod must state aJO.rreetly
aa be can ibe kind and condition of tbe previous
crops, tbe kiod and qaaality nf seed sown, and
tbe time and mode of potting it tn the ground.
Persona entering field crops for exhibition, er in
tending to do ,o, may give aotiee to tha lixeca
live Committee at aay time, and have tbe field
measared and examined by the committee while
Judge, in (lessee lo, 18 and 17. AI F, Boyn
lon, Matthew Head and Later Flegal.
Clats llread and Cereal l'ood.
, Best loaf of wheat bread (1 00
Best loaf of rye bread
Best loaf of corn breed.
Beet sponge cake
I 00
Ueat felly cake..,
Beat pound cake
Heft fruit cake
Iiet rollee fake.
M..a..... 'ii.
llral lady coke liio.
Brat eakoof any kind, diploma and I 64
Iteat preserve, diplume and ift
Brat jelly, diploma and io
Heatdiapley of prtaorvoa and jelly H
Beat ice eteem
1 10 !
Class $8utttr and Cheese.
Bet! 10 pound or more of Irk in butter, at
leaat I m on tha old... $S 09
Beit ft pound a or more of butter 4 0t
Beat cheeao made by eihihitor. ,.... t 00
The trthibitor to aire a atetemeat of tbo man
ner of preMrving tbe firkin butter, aad of mak
ing the ebeeie.
diiflMt tor Lloaeea II aod 10 Id re, lor. Bia.
ler, Mr. Leander Denning and Nra. 8am ae I Ar
Class 20 Flour.
Bed 60 pounda of wbeat floor t,1 ot
Bet AO pounda rye flour S 00
Hit t9 poo n't 1 buckwheat floor I 00
Boat 40 pounda ournmeaU 1 bO
Judaea for Cleat 30 R. HumDbroT. Jamaa W
McUbee, I. 0. JioCloikey.
Class Ml Domestic Articles.
Beat hoi or jar of htooy M tl tti
Heat It pounda maple augar.. 00
Heat pcaebee, put up airtight. ..M I (0
Beat lomatora. put up gtr tijht...M. Bip.
Beat blaukbtrhee, pv,l lip airtight Dip,
Beat tanoy jaa of picklea Dip.
Heal .jured ham, diploma and- 1 00
Bert dried beef, with mode of curing 1 00
Judgee fir Claaa Jl-Mra. Lever Flegal. MIm
Belle (.atee, Hra. Wm. (Schwem.
Class 22 Domestic Matvijacture.
Beit 10 jarda flannel a (W)
Beat in yarda aatinet j aji
Be t 16 yarrfa wot!en carpot... I Oft
B-it in eaHa cloth....
1 00
I to
1 00
Beet Ii yarda rag carpet (wool chain).
Het peir bUoketi
Beat wool fringed miti, diploma and
Beat woolen euT'rirt t
Beat apeimeai of knotting, knitllag or aeo
die woik by Miia under 11 yoaxa old
Beat pousd lineu eewing tbread.,.M.
Beat pound al eking yarnH.H w
Bt loot met
Brat tidy met..
I to
1 00
1 00
1 00
Class Shell. Wax work, Etc,
neat rpecimca of needle work, diploma an'4 60
neti roennta aowioj;nai machine. dip. aad
Beet flowera In worated, diploma and
Beat embroidiry in wore led, diplme and.
Ural embroidery in lace, diploma aad-
Beat embroidery In muelia, dipJoma aad...
Heat leather work, diploic end
Beat wet fltiwara, dtp lorn end M
Brat feather work, diploma aod
Bet ornamental work, diploma and
Beat ahirt mado by Miee ander IX yeara,
diploma aod ..,
Beet bed quilt, oalimaied for work
1 AO
1 00
Class 24 Millinery and Dressmaking.
Heat millinery work, diploma aad t 00
neaa droaa making, diploma and t 00
Ju.fgci ler L'lataea is, M end 14. Mra. W. 0
llelmhold, Ura. Bobert Wab.lTey, Hn. W. H
Class 25-Artistic Work.
Beat photograph taken oa tbe ground.
Beat iandaeape paint ...,,.,
Beat panmannbip ,.,.,,
Boat architectural drawing ,
Beet oil pemting
Beat portrait painting
Beat Aatil painting
BeH painting is water colore
Boat ornameatal peinling of any kind
Beat fnrmlng acone
I' p.
Ju-lgfa tut CIom 36 Dr. J. M Stewart, Mra,
Class 26 Designs,
Bet deaign fur frame boti-e aad stable.
Beat design for at airy buao....H ,
Beat deaicn for fruit kouae
j AO
I 00
s ro
Jndga ter Clam 26 Oeorge Tboro, Edward
vurrBiKJitj, n. r. iiogaa.
'Class 'IT -Metallic Fabric 1 Ma
chinery. iiet (MNtting atoTo,,, fx gaft
IJett parlor atota M on
Beat ipeeimrn iron faaoo. otl
Beat dtKplay of tinware f 00
Beat blackumitbinc.diplomaaad tn
Beat ipeeimeo Iron turniag no
Best plate treating, diploma or 00
Beet ahower bath 00
original inveatinn in ennnty , ft to
Beat diaplay vf America table and poo k at
tuilery..,.M Mtw 00
Beat diaplay of edge tools g Ao
Beat diaplay oi farming and Held tools 6 00
iuigee loruaaa 27. U. L. Hood, T. O, lleimf,
Joao Dale.
Class 2H-'thiM all kinds.
Best family carriage...,
Beat biytay
Bel farm wagon
"eat sleigh
Beat lumber sled
Brat borae cart ,
Bsit whsettiarrnw
Judges for Cleat US,
I. B. Korri.
I:. 00
4 00
4 oo
- oa 4 0
t 00
1 M
... I "
H. U. Muoie, J. Helily,
Tho premium la this Class aro loteadod only
lor sme.r. manulaclurod la tho Counly. Diplo
mas may ha awarded to sriklet aot mado in the
Coanty, If deserving of But ice. This rule alao
ppnes 10 Lias 17,
Class 29Cahinettcare made in the
Beat dreaiing human .....!. 1
ni cxioaaion tahle 00
Ileal variety of chairs ..,... 00
Heat bedateada g,,
Beat waphatand
Best diaplay of eahinetwaro, diploma and!!', ft Uo
neai aei parlor tarniluro M.-
viii qi onaira 0
j "' '- .'" 1 00
Hest eenlre lahla , qd
nesi manae, titntuma anil.., , aa
wi van . S So
lleelrastla ebair I to
Llatt M Coopering, Carpentering, Etc,
ne.i pinewara, laaj. ttanSa, lo 00 set of srala raeasora,.... a an
Bast wlnilow blind. ,
(.i. et eeeaata. H.
uest speetesea et aaes . an
B. aaaaUjer. !Z I ai
eel rsnran af an, tine) ISO
Ja.ltrea lor Claasea 10 and Sa. A. allak Ikaw
H . llsaOiaa wat iiPpertoas I a l BS t) . '
Class 81 Roots and Garden Vegetables,
ne t omooi miabagaev.. 0
Boat i baabel caru...
gfiu flrrriisrmnitj.
Hesl 4 steles eolsry
Hest bushel sweet potatoes
Heat bushel table heeta
.. I aft
... I IB
Ilest S beads of Asbbsfe, diploma eixl
Heal t beads yellow eaullfjower, dip. aai
Hrat variety vf rjiebins, dil-leoia aud
Ileal feerhes, dl,ilotaa and
ilent poii-fikia, dtplotna and t
Heat egg plant jj
Jodie, fur rises SI. H il How, Jobii P..n
Kllis Ir.ln ""'
It must he shown that all vegelaSie. bar, i.B
reised by tbe exhibitor.
Vlan 'M Currier, Subtler! anil
Iiat KDtlra'i boou and bo..M
lit latitat' aonii aod abiaai ,
Br it riiiing add la fur ladT
Hrat riding bridlt aod uiartitigsal.,
Baal aida linlsburl harnaaa laat bar.. III
... I mi
... 2 flu
... I us
. I ,
... I as
... I on
... ) M
... I
... 1 Htt
... I OH
... 5 (It
... 4 !'
Oflj iitt litiplav tool a od ahoti
On Bil tuf baniMi
Hint gHBlli-intD l aaddla ;.,
litit travaling trunk
Bait neigh tuba nJ b cihibl'or,
Beat oarrtaga barnaaa
Beat t-ngla harntat
Rtat dlaplaj ofaaddlery ,
Btttt aid of kip Iftther
Beat lite of . Inat bur ,
Uaitealf akin.. ,
Beet tide upjitr leather.
Class Tailors' and CphotsUrs'
Hest suit of elolhei made by head ..
Drat rente aod vast made by a lady. bu.k ro.tlrrse
Meet hair aieltresa
Best straw raatfree,
..1 e
- I it
... 1 till
... 1 aa
. I l
H,st eoat made by a lady
1 s
Judges for Clesaea 21 and 33 W. stad.haaub,
IV ra. ('. Foley, llavid Metlaughey.
Clai3. Printing in County.
Ilest newspaper $1 an
Best blsoa 1 a,
Best handbill st
Brat earj , I on
1 I'a' speclinea of ornamental prtating b Is
nam Si Stoneware.
Best aasortment and tjnallty.,,.. $.! till
Judgee for alassea ill and Ji. D. W. Moers,
C. Kratser, John ta . bebry var.
. CYiMg SC Chemical and Chemical
best available manure at moderate oost $1 t,
Bret available manure for larm produets... I 04
Beat vinegar mode of makiug 1 b
Best speeimeo of aoap I Ov
( Vij 37 It'dMs1 and Stone.
Best dressed stone
Best butter bowl
Meat l( .b.r.U. I... lk. ,.U
II 01
... I 01
I 00
I to
1 lit
.... it
Bail turard artiela
0" I Ilest d,,or b.
Best washing meehilia
Beat hotter ladle.
Heat weatherboard a, woraod
1 00
Class 'daSatural Minerals.
Beit uit of uaeful mloerala of Clearfield Co ,
including our I $J n.
Beat 1 1 -1 ten' cloy H 59
Beat r-lleAtion of foetU...u mM w
Beat ttperlaen of eoal M 1 00
Ueat fliabiaet of minerala of Clear field and
arljuiniBgeountiea, to bo tbe property of
tbe bvoitityH 5 ois
Beat limoatone Jo-
Beat Are olay j,
Judgea for Cieeaea :t, 37 and It8. Kd. Biglerh
Oen, Jobo I'd t tun, Tbomaa W. Mwvro.
Class MIYmt.
Beat di lay and greateat variety of grafted
mppU u u
Brat aiaplsy of paare &
Beat quineea liini
Beat apeeimen of apple a, 1 peck 10
Beat aperlmto of Atueriean grapea u 1 M
Beat natural grapea rle4in tbe rf-unly... I Af
Heat djmfBtie grape wine. ..,, 3 tt
Beat current wine... .,.... I ov
BmI Idtckbrrry wine 1 in
Class 4t Horsemanship.
'To IU laoy b muuKea her horao beat
1 and ait uaoai gre'-e.ully..
... t
To the gi-alemii who manegea hla bote
I w'. anil aila maat grnneluliy ,
1 Bed driving on tho travnk, by a Udy...H
1j ix.
1 nami wiin bran mtrumeota. .
Ueat asatisd o ttarlial muaie.
JodgM f ir rUaree S knd 44. Dr. J. P. Barrk
flel't, Sim ft Kerr, A. It. Bee..
Class 41 Kurxeries.
! Beat aurtcry isnlaiaiog tbegrealet variety
; of tiuitt and abruue, cultivated la the
mo si approved manner, iho applicant to
furnish arnun deeeiiption, with variety
and mode of culture,.... ;i ft
Judges inr Cleaa 4 Leaader Dane in, tSam'l
Wil.a, Eli.ha &i. Davie.
(Has 42 General List.
Beat di-pUy end g-eateat variety of flow are. Dip,
Beat diaplay aod greatest variety of plants. Dip.
Ileal dir. play of floral ornaments ... Ihp
Beat biaket boqurt with baadlo Dip
Beat band buqurt Iip,
Jodres for L'lasa 41 Mra. J. W.rimiih. Vr..
W. J. II offer, Mia Uuaslo Wallace.
Class 43
Bet e.ity ua thooaltaroof tbeoeroal 0
Btsat etaay oa obttasp aiad rTt.t(mbl rentltKOro.
and tboir adapUtio to tbo Mil of Clear
Held eouaty ,.i H
These to be tbe ururertT ol the ftooietv. wit'.
tbe prifilftao ol puhliabina them.
oivvsgca lor Class 4.1 -Seranet 4. How. O . u
Quodlsnder, KoUrt FlegaU
Class 44 Educational Department.
The Judjraa In t'lt Dm art meat uiu,.j
ander the eut-ervtafon of ihe Cow a....
ant, Prof, M. L. Motsiowa.
Tt eihlbit of work daw . k- ... 1 1 1.
" w ssj asu t ercutrua a at
the eouaty w j ru
Beat oiamioatioa pa ,ad bv ao'y' VcbooV "... I 00
Bret collection of P.aUva woods of ouroounly
by any eohool 1 v
Beat collection 0f fuinerala by any School... 1 M
Bast oatltae .f ,tiaT apoo aay branch by
iba pop!'., 0f t0y achool 1
Beat nuttigraph book prepared by tbcpupllc
of any school 50
Beet eulameof aperitnene of penmaafbip ex
ecuted by the pupils of aay school w. I W
Best set of copy buokl presented by any
school 1 06
Brat Btiecimen of fieo-band drawing execu
ted by the pupils of any school I 00
Beat aprrimenc uf perspective drawing exe-
onted by thf pupils of any school 1 Sw
Beat apocitnea of plain penmamhip 60
Best specimen of floariabed aad or names, ted
poamaaahip 7.
Beet spec 1 men Tree band drawing 76
Beat cieeimen per peel 1 vo drawiug T i
Best social letter written by aay pupil.......
Beat business teller written by any pupil.,.. IV
Beat esaay written by any pupil upon tbe
subject of "Children" Day at tha air"M.
Bsat autograph bonk containing aamet of
pupils and teachers and vtraee written bf
them o
Beat scrap book by any teacher 60
Beat scbiiol room programme 6
Beat volume spoeimea of penaaanabip...... i
Best outline of study upoa any branch 3
Best apecimea plaia peomaaihip...H T6
Benund-beat aeoimen plain penmanship.... 60
Best specimen flour isb log aad ornamental
peaanaathip . 0
Sck-oad-beit apeeimea flouriabing aad orna
mental penmanship, . Ti
Best specimen of tree band drawing.....' I
SeMnd beit apeeimea of free band drawing '
Best specimen of perapeetivo drawiag I 36
Bemnd-bestapoclmeDofpwrrteswtiTrodiowlng 76
Best cabinet of miaeralc..w.H.,m H 1
Class 4$ -Baby Exposition.
Class I. Babies under 11 month.
For tha targe! baby, a gold necklace.
iof ibe prcitleet baby.ellver knife, fork andtpooo.
Ol ass t Babtes. ovor It month and undTM
Por the largest baby, a gold aoekleoe.
Pt.r tbe pr-tueit baUy, a pair ol armlets.
Claaa 11, For the lergeat and bsodsomsit twins
aaderS4 months old.allvor gublet eatk
For lha larseat aod handsomeat toil
under 12 wun-haeld. silver colsletsaeft
Claia 4.- Triplet under 2i months, and over IS
mnniha, silver goblet each, goldaed.
Triplet under 13 muaths, silver fol lct
osan, gold -lined,
NOTE The Judges, U making tka award'
annTe ciaas, wm do goforned by the aseie
tary condition ond age of the child ia iu clsi
me a a ids ol 'He oaeeesifal eompe.toc? will beea
graved on (be premium whan tbo article will ad
mit of Ii. llahies will bojuig4ax 10 c'cleek A..
m.t rnirn iay the f air.
i-acut paawii'M ort aaso at I. 6. rim.
A flfly dollar sewing machine will bo gl tea for
the beat loaf ol wheat tvead taahed by aay iaiy m
viarnun ennnry,
Kntries for tbia premium will close at 4 a'clack
inuraaaj, aad will be judged et 10 o clock
V riil ay.
J aid-,. -Mr fl N. Colhunt, Mr. W J fl.r,
Mlaa Mnry Metlaughey, Dr. tl. B. Vat Velisk
au n . v. Uigivr.
Laaa aA his ma Tea.
At lOo'elork A. M m Wlaa.iU,
Pirat ptiie 04
Heooad prise m I
Third prise I H
Katranca few, 60 cents. Condition : Tea ttslla
aeb, II yards rlao Charge of shot limited M H
aaroeTD mstci.
AtloVoek P.M aaraaday. Prsioraf HI"-
Pirat prise -.H
Second priie
Thied prise
Rntraaco fee.ftl. Rmecf.aditioeBtlrt fk
Dlaerettonary premiums will be awarded ff
articles of merit not embraced la the above,
exhibited be In avli tha. v art ni braofaf.
and It Is hoped that a general sihib.ii.-B oil!
meio. reran improvements asefelt lae '"-;
aad having ve liable properties, a'"
mado la iho aoanty, proiaiami may be eesHa
by tba Kxeeativa Cmmiiteo. In all cee
merit, diplomao will bo awarded lo eihibiwf rj
aiding out of tho enantv, and aueb P""1??,
cordially Invited lo attrnd the Pair, oad ciM
any ariMes tbey may ehoso. Tkey I
every atleatioa'al the kaads of th ofJitri.
Aa oarneet appeal I made to oar owa prop"
to make this tbo beat fair we haro ar ui'J
tho oxbtbitloa bo worthy of oar people ecd
Itoblo to tbeooowty, It I pcoaliarly a asastj
ctitntiea. Ita jo-J oBoete have booo fait"
nook more vod may bo doao.
. R. BABBKTT, Prrdi
! I0BIRT WMULET, Booretatj,