Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 24, 1881, Image 1

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rnium avsav waDasaoar, ev
Th. largee! Circulation oruiy Newapapei
In North Ceutral Penaaylvanla.
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I .quero fS 00 I eolomB $S0 00
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I Iqaun. U 00 1 oolama. 110 00
gatqiW Cards.
jj w. SMITH,
Clearflelit, Pa.
his Phlllpebura;, Centre Co., Pa. y:pd
Curweanllla, ClearOeld county, Pa.
oot. , 'TS-lf.
TEBMS-$2 per annum in Advance.
VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. 2,735.
(oTcap p. a.)
Mar S, Wl.ljO
PRAtaa iv
Siiuitre Timber & Timber Lamb,
v. uaxT,
Land Surveyor and Civil Enginoer,
W-AII builne.a will ho attende I to promptly.
Do. IS, 1880 Ir.
OBoa la "Old Weaternl bulldln," (up. .lair).
Oct. . "78.17.
Clearfield. Pa.
T-OOoaaaa door it of Shaw Hoaia.
OKI la Meaonie butidlBff, Second rtreet, op.
po.lto tb Court llouta. Je30,'7S-tf.
Clearfield CooBty, Ponn'a. 76y
OBiea In Opera rlooae. ap lbtH-j
W. A. Witun,.
Haasr F. Wall.
.... -Pint) L. Kh ,,
. b. WALLAH,
JiDl'xl Clearfield, Pa.
-0r. la the Maaonlo Building, orer tbo
Ouuoly National Rank. inar24-S0.
Oiuoa orer tbo County Natiooal Bank.
Juno M, 78tf.
CLBA.riaLD, Paai
Fir.t-olaaa Lifo aad 1'iie Inreraane Compaoie.
,xr-Olnee lo tba Opera nouee.-tt-s
Mar. 1 0. ' I -1 jr
House and Sign Painter and Paper
. Hanger,
Clearfield, Pcnti'a.
toOuWtll exeoute Joba in hi, lint promptly and
lb a workmanlike manner. arrt,67
Nor. 17th, ISS0 if.
Real Estate. Square Timber, Saw Logs,
-0(H(t on NMtmd Mml. Ib rear of tors
room of (Jeorge Wcinr A Co. f Jin, TB-tf.
ron -ttccatttr
Oaeeola Milli P. O.
II offlekl bohinMi aDlniilMl to him will bt
prompu j attend, to. mob2W, 7.
Hbop on Marliat St., opposite Cottrt Hoa.
A eleto towl for every eulomr.
Alo daalsr in
Bet HiBinlt of Tuliarro and Cpari.
pr-OHn la Plo'l Opera Iloara, neond door.
OfflCB aver T. A. Klerk V Co.'o Mure,
4rWIII attend to all legal bnneae with
promptoeaa aad Idelitr. lfebll,'
i.Hira a. M'aaiLLT e&aiBL w. H'connr,
Clearfield, Pa.
JHP-Loa al baaineaa attended ta promptly wlthj
itilelity. Uffloe oa tioooBd Itreet, abore tba Flrat
National Bank. Jan:l:7t
All local bualoeai eutruated ta hla oara will r.
eelva prompt attention.
"Offioa In the Coart Houie.
G. Kit AM EH.
RmI KUt aad CollMtloB Ajcotp
Will promptly atttod to bII lugal baiiaau aa
traotJ In bit oara.
frOAca ! Pte'i Opart Iloaaa. janl'76.
.ml Real Rotate Agent, Clearfield, Pa.
OBJea ob Third itraat, bakObarrj A Wfclrmt,
pr Kaiptetf ally offri hla ar?itf Ib Ding
aad buying laodi In Ulaarfltld and adjoining
aooatlaa and with an aiptrUneaot ovartwantT
jrtari ao a inrTajor, flattara hlmalf tbat he aa
randar aatlafaetion. Feb. I8;rS:tf.
H allacelon. Pa.
jur-lle ht prepared hiioielf with all the
Qeota.ary blank furina under tbo Pernios and
ilountj iMwe, aa wall faliok Datiie. el. Ail
legal mattera entrusted to hit etire will rnietra
prompt attention. May 7tb, 187V-tf.
j4rPutopa alwaya on band and made to order
on abort notioe. Pipee bored oa roanonable terma.
All work warranted to render aatiafeetton, and
delivered If deal red, my26;lypd
rlHB anderilrned here litre to Intorw thepnb-
X He that be la bow fully prepaiW to Kocnmaio-
aeie an in iaa way oi lurniabtng tl..tea, unggiai,
tUddlea and-Ilarneaa, on the aborteat notice and
n reasonable terma. Uealdanoa on Loouat itreet,
Between intra ana earth.
'nearBeld, Feb. 4,1874.
I. C. BSAH W. A. flArtKBTr
Jt90tRe9in Graham RnildLog, Merket alreet.
Olfurfleld, Pona'a.
TJuno 16, 1BN1-U
Alao, exteailra manufeetnrer and dealer In fiquara
aimoer ana Dawea iiUmoeroi all aiBda.
MOrderl lolltltod aad all bill, promptly
Oiled. Jy!71
Witohoa, Clocks and Jewelry,
wYaaam'e How, Mark Str4,
All klnda of repairing la my line promptly at
aaded to. Jan. lit, 1S7D,
Clearfield Nursery.
THE andertfffned, baring aatahliihed a Knr
ary on Itie 'Pike, ahont hall wy bttwoen
Cloarfleld and Cflrwenerlllfi, U prepared to far
niKhall kind i of PltlUT TUKKH, Standard and
dwarf,) Kverjrroena, Shrohtiiiry, Wrepe Vinaa,
Uoovaliorry, Law ton Hlarkhrry, IStrawherry,
and Kaapberry Vinea. Atao, Bitwrien CrbTree,
iuinoe, ana oany aoariet Kbabarb, n. Urdera
promptly ottended to. AddreFi,
J. V. WiUUllT,
Np20 M-y CorweBaTiUe, Po.
iiuaa Kian.
Offloo tn realdeara ob Firat at.
April 24, 1873. Clearleld, Pa.
Will attend profeaalonal oalla promptly. aaglO'70
tloarficld Insurance ARoncy.
Repreaantthe following and other Irit-elaaa Co'a
Companlfia. Af'fti.
Llrrrpool London A lobe tT. R. Ilr..t4.flni:
Lyeonilng on matuil A eaah plane.,,. A.AdA.ftOti
PboFnil, of Hartford. Conn , J. 034,0m
Inauranne Co. of North Amtrl'-a ,4:il,(t74
North Hrlttih A Maroantlle U. S. Br l,Tfl,HA.1
Hrotiiih Conimereialb. a. Braoeh..M rUH.We
Watertown 74.S1
Xravelera (Life Accident) 4,&V5,4a4
Office oa Marktt Hi., oyp. Onurt lloaee. Clear-
Reld, Pa. Jane 4. '7 tl.
Insurance Agency
QR. T. 1. BOTER,
OlHee or Market Street, OlearOalJ, Pa.
fafOSoe hoarat I to II a. , and 1 to I p. a.
RtfrOfllce adjolnia, tba re.ldens af Jataaa
,v'il'y, K.a., oa Soaoad SI., CiearOeld, Pa.
1 1 C. JENKINS, M. D.,
f'fflfre at reaideaee, eoraer of fttale aad Pine
j,b, lib, IWI. If.
AND PINK blllLKro.
JM Olre houra From II to I P. M.
May U, 1171.
! t. 8ireoa af Ike ltd k.f, P.naaylfanie
Volaateert, ha.lo, rataraed from Ike Army,
" kit profea.leaal larTleei latAaeitiaeu
-Prof..aloaal ealll prempUy attnded to.
leeaad itreot, formerly waeapied by
Kr.We.da, apra.'00-U
I'allon Illock, ( urircnnville, Vn,
Companies Represonted i
Cnmmerelet I'nlon In.. Co., A.aala .a,0llt,7n2 bs
Ftrrmen'a Fand Ina. Co.,A.rt. l.lno.OI7a.
1'nloB Intnraare Co., Ap.M M 1,0211,037 V
Tfarelerf AocLlent In.. Co.. Areata.. 0,110, IH Ja
Northern In.. Co, of New York A.'t .110, OU tin
In.oranoe plated oa all kind, of property at
eqnitaMe ratea.
Corwra.rllle, Pa, Feb. 10. 1"l-tf.
Newark, N. t.
Amt, Jan. 1, 18SI, a a.rertalaed
by Fietilnini Commitaloaera '
of MaMaebueett,, UbioaodNew
Jrwy M.'.,7M,HI
Luaii.mra, aa alalrd by the .am.. R I , 1 1,4.13 00
SrarLC. hr Ma,.'ehti' pM.mlerd.. I,8,:H 00
S nru'l by New York Standard... ,, 0J 00
All ol lelei noBforf.ltable efter ereoad lowaapra... j l.rire diridead de
clared and paid arery year linre oreaa
taatlna t aaiple .arplu. i aerrendrr raluea
moat liberal t promptly adjoated
and paid.
Orrlraaa t
I.IWI8 C. (IROVKH. Paaainaar.
JAMR4 B. PKAR("N, Vira l'aaaiorer.
En. I. Iaiaa. fee'e. Taeo. MrkBTT, Tteea.
POTTER i Kll K, Mat. Acral., '
act itreet, Pblledelphle, Pa.
R. M. M'RNAI.I.V.enorialAfenl. Olfiee la
Vraop'a bolldla,, Herket atrwat, Clevleld, Pa.
e- il-tr.
To find examples of intense and in
human cratt and cruelty in men never
BUBiiccicd of insunity wo nocd nol
Bciireh too annals ot thecriminal courts,
lliotory will lurniub us with many
instances. Tbo French Revolution
brought to tba Riirfaee creature, like
Uuiteau in bIio&Ih. Even iu leaden
were guilty ol the most wanton and
brutal oiitrufre npon mankind. In
America a well aa Franco aro to day
villaina who would willingly play the
pnriB oi nooespierre, uanton and Ma
rat if the opportunity olTored. Social
ism and vaKiibondism have eiven hirth
to this had creed, and nothing but the
strong hand of the law will save the
land irom their excesses.
Maximilien Murie Isidore do Robes
pierre was born at Arrm, liny C, 1758.
iiis father woe an advocate before him,
of small tnlcnls and less business and
means. Young Robespierre was sent
to the village academy o. Arras. There
ho was furtunato enough to attract
tbo notice of the worthy canon of the
cathedral, who nsod his influenco to
forward the youth to tbo College of
Louis lc-(irnnd, at Paris. Wo are told
that in his studies ho was noticed for
diligence, regularity and intelligence ;
and that on tbo completion of his
oonrso nt collcgo ho devoted himself
to tuo reading ol jurisprudence, n hen
he was legalised to practico he returned
to his native town in order to follow
tho profession of his lather, in which
jiuuiv iiis own success was pro
nounced. Ho becamo a norson of con.
siderahlo local note. Literature ho
associated with law in his daily avo
cations, and in 1783 was creatod a
fellow of tho Acadomy of Arras. At
Ibis time Robespierre is stated to havo
been extremely tender and sensitive
of feeling, having, in discharge of his
duty as a member of the criminal
court, ao great a rcnugnnnco to the
barsbcr businoss that upon being
obliged to condemn a culprit to death,
he rather resigned his commission on
a point ol conscientious objection than
direct tbo infliction of capital punish
ment. When tho states genoral woro con
voked in 1789 Robespierre was a person
of sufficient importance in Arras to bo
elected one of tho deputies of the fiers
ftat, in which capacity ho repaired to
Versailles. In this national assembly
ho was of hut littlo account for a while
among so many prominent representa
tives ot tbo nobility, the church and
the common plasses ; but the observing
Miiabcau soon remuikedof him, "This
man will go far, for ho believes every
word ho says." Robespierre spoke
frequently iu tho constituent assembly,
and despito the disadvantaies of an
insignificant physico, a harsh, shrill
voice and a most ungainly manner,
acquired increasing influence. It was
outside, howovcr, as an ardent mem-
uerol the famous Jacobin Club that
his chief strength was felt. In this
field his power wasalmostunrestrictcd.
On the death of AI iraboau, whose giant
statue dwarfed all meaner men, Rubcs-
piorre teemed of mora imnortanco.
llo wastbe idol of the Jacobins, still
conspicuous, strangely enough, for bis
uumnniiy, delivering an address
against capital punishment in the
assombly, ilay 311, 17!1. When tho
constituent assembly dissolved in Oc
tobcr of the same yoar Robespierre
visited his hirthplaco and was wel
comed with distinguished honors, the
citizens in evory way testifvinir com
mendation of their worthy deputy for
his consistent and conservative course.
lbus lemperato he appeared until ho
uvciiiiiu a ii iiiiuvir.
iiis colleague, fioorgo Jacques Dan-
ton, was horn October 28, 1759, at
iras-iw-jiK'c, wbenco bis fortunes
took him to Paris, whoro ho too prac
ticed tho profession of an advocate.
toung tianton was ot dissolute habits,
tho fierce, barbario nature of tho man
leading him into evory cxtromo of
Parisian dissipation, so alluring to tho
provincial. JJauton Bung himself, with
tho lost of youth, into liocntiousncss.
and, with tho toal of the enthusiast,
into tho early movements of the revo
lution. With Jlarat and Cnmiile
Dcsmonlins he originated the Cordo-
liers' Club, a servile copy of the Jaco
bin Club, and which soon became the
rnllying place of the hotter Insurgents
and lovclers. Danton, brawny, ath
letic, with scmi aavago cotintonanco,
black beetle brows and a cbost voice
of prodigious compass, there thundered
against tho aristocrats till he had
lashed the passions of the populace
into ungovernable fury. JJanton. the
uomagnguo, was likewise the Domitian
of tho French Revolution and the pi
oneer of tho commune of our own dav.
U'i.K .: -1 -..!.;. '
ii i.i, nun nu Biiciai nr iiomicai ex
tremity had a limit. Kit coadjutor of
Houcsinorro, tna covert, and Marat,
tho moan, in tho worthless work of
demolntionl It was Danton who ex
cited the mm culottet to murder and
incited tho sunguinary outrages of tbo
rabble which on tbo lOih of August,
1792, stormed tho Tuilcrics, butchered
the Swiss Guards and nrged to motion
mnro methodically the oblique blade
of tho guillotine. It was Danton who
stood forth as the inearnalo spirit ot
tho times In the midst of the death
harvest news reached Paris that tbo
Prussians, thealways feared and hated
Prussians, woro rapidly marching to
ward the capital. Tho kings had
leagued against the republic Franco
was panic stricken tho thud of tho
guillotine was for tho instant hushed.
On tho 2d of September Danton
mounted the tribune and uttered before
tho legislative assembly tho most ef
fective speech delivered during the
Qcuatoa ot tno revolution. Its peror
ation thus flung the gauntlet on tho
ground belore tho allied enemies of
Franco: ".Pour c minrn, pnur let
attcrrer, que faut ilt De lawlaee,
encore drl'aHilacrr.ttovjourgitcraUiiace.'"
I'arit quivered with excilomcnt and
enthusiasm. In a few weeks fourteen
republican armies faced the hostile
forces in the field and drove them
back from the frontiers of Franoe. In
wrath, as a natural scquenco of the
invited advance of foreign foes, the
wrelchod massucre of the imprisoned
royalists, tho massacres of September,
looK place; and imnton publicly
thanked the assassins in tho self-as
sumed character of "Minister of the
Revolution." This was the defiant
altitude of Danton at the moment ol
the killing of the king and the estab
lishment of the ephemeral triumvirate.
Tho picture ol the most stealthy and
unconscionable ol the anarchists is yet
to no presonien.
Jean Paul Marat was born in 1744,
Dauilry, in Kcufchitnl, of Protestant
parentage. Some ol his early years
he passed in England, wbore he pub
lished several pamphlets upon political
and medlnil subjects, living quite a
wbila In London, (jloing thence lo
Scotland be tanght the French tongue
in Kdinburg. On the road back bo
stopped at Oxford, where he was sent
to Jail for stealing one or two valuafflc
antique meduls out of the university
collection of curious coins in the mu
seum. In shame be crossod tho chan
nel to posh his broken fortunes farther
at tho French oapital. Hero be pur
sued a subordinate branch of medicine
until the opening of tho revolution,
practicing among the poorer portions
of Paris. Iiis character, ambition and
success were essentially thoso of the
charlatan. Marat's features were
plain to grotosqueness, his eyes furtive
und sly, bis thin bair was worn wild,
ana his speech was exaggerated and
oxtiavaganl. In iiis aspect the ludi
crous was blended with tho villainous,
The savngo and tbo sneak singularly
and strikingly blended in the person
of Marat, the self-styled Friend of the
N ith tho birth of revolution he soon
became prominent, finally attaining
conspicuous degree of infamy. At first
no issueo a eneap daily print, originally
called Le Publiciste Parisien, and after
wards L'Ami da Prvple, a popular ti
tle which be himself assumed. It Is
known that no falsehood, wilful and
wicked, was too monstrous to bo pub
lished in its pages, no act of atrocity
too agonising to bo therein advised
and indorsed. It was largely owing
to the audacious bounding on of the
i(6ouri7J by Doctor Marat in this un
principled sheet thnt the dreadful mas
sacres of Soptombcr, 1792, were per
petrated, cruelties which can nover he
too stringontly stigmatised in tho in
terests of humanity. In the midst of
tbeso horrors Marat, their persistent
instigator, was 'olectod a member of
the Convention, but so well-known
was tho part ho had played in these
transactions that upon his entrance
into the hall of assembly tho repre
sentatives and spectators displayed the
utmost abhorrenco as at the presence
oi a loainBome ana abominable reptile,
History tells us that no one would sit
beside him, and thnt when he essayed
to speak a tumult always arose of op
position, amid angry threats of vio
lence, iiis paper, now Le Journal tic
la JtcpuUique, grow more groveling
and blood-thirsty than ever. Ho asked
for the sacrifice of throo hundred thou
sand souls, and defended this demand
in tho convention by declaring that if
refused he would call for more. Dur
ing the king's trial be was clamorous
lor his instant execution, and in his
Journal urged on tho people to slaugh
ter two hundred thousand of the adbo
rente of the ancient regime. Tho crea
ture's cupidity for tho extinction of
human life know no bounds.
In the month of April, 1793, bo ob
tained tho enactment of tho deadly law
against "suspects" and 'suspect of bo
ing suspects," a most delicate shading
ot suspicion, by virtuo, or rather the
cire whoreof, four hundred thousand
persons were illegally imprisoned in
farm ana the provinces and put in
peril of thoir lives, which barbarity
cappcu me cnmax. mis inhuman
monster of iniquity, a disgraco to man
kind in its worst phase of crime, was
the third tyrant of the triumvirato
which ruled France with a rod of iron
and the dirk of midnight niurder.
The Jacobins, or Mountain party,
were at tho helm of stato, rod-handed,
bad-hearted and hot-headed; and the
Girondists, or moderate nartv. woro
defeated, displaced and wollnigh, if not
wholly, crushed. 1 ho Jacobins wore
so-called after tho Jacobin convont, in
which they at first held their meetings,
and must be distinguished from tbo
Jacobites, or adboreuts of the House
of Stuart in Scotland. The Girondists
were named for tho Province of Gi
ronde, iu tho Southwest of Franco,
whoso deputies, Vcrgniaud, Gnadet,
Gensonne, Grangenuvo and Dncos,
acquired groat influence in the first
sessions ot tho Convention, but wore
finally overthrown by the unscrupu
lous wiles of the Jacobins. Tho mur
der of Marat by Charlotte Corday was
immediately succeeded by the worst
excesses ar.d atrocitios of tho Reign of
Terror; rivers of blood flowod, it was
alleged, to tbo manes of the third tri
umvir. M. David, of the French Acad
omy, printed the portrait of the la
mented citizen, with gaping wounds
and dying palor; and tho picture,
draped in mourning, was placed upon
tho altar in tho Court of Louvre, and
at length hung up in tho Convention.
in met, he underwent a sort ot apoth
eosis. A decreo ot tho 4th of Novem
ber ordained to the mortal remains of
tho great guillotinist the eternal hon
ors of tho Pantheon; hat two years
al'tor, November 8, 1795, they wore
ignominiously cast out and spurned
lino toe cones oi a aog, and bis like
ness was insultingly torn down from
the walls of tho Convention, and this
was the last of him. "Tho mills ot
the gods grind slowly, yet thoy grind
exceeding smnll." llow did bis com
panions, Robespiorre and Danton, faro
in the fatal future of retribution? The
lieign of Murder kept on ; the doomed
Girondists were immolated; the friends
of f ranee continued to ho stricken
with ennstornntion. Conscience, how
evor, must aomo time awakon in the
most callous ; reflection would bring
osok sense: atonement would eventu
ally come, in the nature of events,
when "judgment would inevitably
overtake Heliogahalus and Caligula as
It bad already Aero. Danton was the
second of the triumvirs lo die. On
March 111, 1793, ho established the
"extraordinary criminal tribunal1
which bad the Tight to mako what
arrests it choso, and from whose dead
ly decisions there lay no appeal. "Sus
pect of being suspect" was then tho
chiof chargo of the boor, upon which
men and women went to the shambles
like cattle, proof or no proof. In the
war upon theGironde, Danton was
actively sustained by his rival, Robes
pierre, colloagua in all cruelty, who
glided past him into prominenco and
powor, serpent-like, swiftly, surely,
silonlly. Remorse or fright seems to
have seized npon the conscience ol
Danton, after hit purposes were, effected,
and a littlo human pity and mercy
seem to have revisited bis breast. He
became an enemy to tho exercise of
the-axe and the tragic displays upon
its platform, craving rest Irom excilo
mcnt. Indeed, tho guillotine was
growing rusty and dull with execssivo
use. J. his late trait in Danton 'a dis
position scrvod to wean from his old
party, the Mountain. Other indica
tions of returning humanity lessened
bis influenco still more and culled forth
increased resentment, until Ibe closo
of 17113 brought the culmination to his
door, liobeepierre, still more sanguin
ary of soul with years and vice, had
been elevated by the Jacobins lo tho
chiciship ol the country, as on tho
permanence of bis villainy every reli
ance might be placed. When matters
were near their worst a fruitless ell'ort
was mado to reooncilo the remaining
triumvirs. Anlntorviowwasarrangon,
but Robespierre and Danton parted
upon more deadly and dangerous terms
than ever. It was now literally war
to tbo knifa botwecn them, but Robes
pierre proved himself the more con
summate, and venomous and relentloss
of the twain. With the murderous
instincts inherent in his nature, he
determined upon Danton's death.
Ho ably raised himself to the pinna
cle of usurpation and became essen
tially supreme rular ol Franco. Dan
ton's friends, expecting the coming
storm, enaenvorca to rouso the sleep
ing lion, but in vairf; it was too late ;
he had tired ot wood. "1 would rather
bo guillotined than guillotine," he
mado answer. With the angry fang
ferocity of tho ligor, Robespierre
sprang at tno tnroat oi his nrev. and
thus the more merciful of tho anarchs
perished. On the30ihof March, 1794,
i 'anion was .arrested and brought be
fore tho revolutionary tribunal (his
own potcroation,) summarily convicted
in company with lis old commander,
Camilla Dosmoulins, and carried to
execution, April Dili. While on the
scaffold bo predicted tho early full ol
Robespierre, "tho Infamous poltroon,"
adding, "I was tho only otio who could
havo saved him from tho guillotine."
On the bttnk of death he was interro
gated as to the nature of his religious
bolief. Said ho: "Mj dwelling-place
will soon be annlhilati.n and my name
will live in the Panthton of history."
At the foot ot thescatkld Danton waa
henrd to cry in anguisa, "O, my wife,
my wcll lovcd, 1 shall never see the
more I" but instantly exclaimed. "Come.
Danton, no woakncssl And so he
"Tho death of Robospierro waa the
most hornblo and harrowing ol all.
"Tho Terror" was tho essential work
of this man-monster, for which the
murdor of Marat was mado the ready
pretext, tho first victim ol bis vile
system was the queenly Mara Antoin
ette ; the second, the iufumoiii KgaUte,
Philippe, Duo d'Orleans. Potion, Tin
viile, Danton, Desmoulins and the
Girondino camo next; and for months
Paris was the slaughter pen of thou
sands of Frenchmen. "There above
four thousand," states the Abbe Mont
guillard, "of whom nine hundred were
women." With theso excesses the
names of new triumvirate, Ruhespierro,
Coutbur and Saint Just, aro insepara
bly connected. But the people were
growing weary of incessant butchery,
and the ceaseless rum bio of the tum
brels toward the Place de la Revolu
tion, always on the same shocking
errand ; moreover, the friends ol Dan
ton wore eager to avenge his murder.
Paris waxed tired ot the sight of daily
homicide bucu things had become mo
notonous and dreary. A conspiracy
was accordingly concocted against "tho
tyrant," as Robespierre was now uni
versally designated. Ho was arrested
in the convention. Tho catastropho
bad come. Tho last anarch, terrified
at the fate in store for him, hastily
drew a pistol from his pocket and fired
at his own head, tho ball taking elfect
in bis under jaw, breaking the bono,
but not killing the wretch, for evon
death would not own him if she could
help it. It was theSth of July, the
"tenth Tbermidor," 1794, but throe
months and a half after the miserable
sacrifice of Danton, that the last of
tboso monslors waa exterminated on
the scaffold.
Tho possibilities ot history are seon
in the lives ot theso beings whose
fiorco ferocity for blood exceeded that
of the wild beasts. Is there any con
trition in the breast cf Guitcau lor tbo
suffering be has caused bis innocent
victim and the sorrow to his wifo and
children and country? 1J expresses
none, but regrets that tho President
did not die in his sight Tho insanity
which Instigated this crime is of the
samo sort as that which conducod to
tho horrors of the year 1793 and crea
ted such conscienceless characters as
the abovo described bloodthirsty brutes.
Tho guillotino is the proper punish
mont tor scoundrels. America may
at least learn that lesson from France.
David Graham AJee,inthe Washing
ton Republic.
Had the Government diffused the
spelling-book among the Indians as
lavish ly as improved rifles tho fate that
has come upon Sitting Bull might be
expected to encourage other chiefs to
mako themselves worthy tho patornnl
Donignity now shown this formerly
erring brother, To most men not red
death comes as the reward ot murder,
rapine and spoliation. To Bull a long
career ol crime is condoned by the
ureal ratnorana he is made to tool
that bis slaughter on the Rosobud was
the one effort of his lifo that opened
the stores of government bounty to
him. He might have remained docilely
on nis reservation tilty years, a prey
to the post traders, tho settlers and the
soldiery, unknown to the yearning
tenderness ot bis greitt bite rather ;
but in a moment of inspiration be set
out on a career of butchery in which
neither woman norchildren were amiss
to his tomahawk and scalping knife.
The guns that had been thou.-lifullv
supplied him to bring down the game
oi tuo mountain were used, with a skill
tuat rcuccioa tuo highest credit on his
instructors, in wiping out the settlers
ol the Indian country, rincouraged
by tba results of his first forays, be
surpnseu ine ureal rattier ny tho heat
ness and dispatch with which ho am
buscaded the Filth Cavalry, slaughter
ed its leader, then, in a wild spirit of
occontrio ana irrepressible mirth, skip
ped over tho border, to ondenr himselt
still further to the Great Father by
keeping tbo settlers in susponso for a
few years. Finally, tired of tbo Inhos
pitable rigors of a northern olimalo, be
returns, and the Great Father onens
his arms and heart as the patriarch of
uiu emeu mo noious liver returned.
Ho is now tho hero of tho nntion. His
lightest nod Is obeyed with zealous
alacrity. Tho stains of Custer's blood
aro Irosbon bis wampum. the trappings
of Custer's ill fated riders dock tbo
steeds of his hosts. Custer is forgot
ten, but Bull is in the arms of Abra
ham, warmed by the warmth of pa-
tornal hivo and confident in the strength
of paternal forbearance When tho
rod man on bis reservation, harassed
by tho exactions of agents and robbed
by the sons of the Great Father, learn
ing tho fate of Bull, ho, too, will gird
on bis tomahawk and set out for such
diversions as have brought his brother
Hull to the flesh-pots through tho blood
of Custer and a thousand others.
Philadelphia Times.
Tho President of Cornell Vnivoroity
slntes that, "as a rule, young women
at that institution avorage ten per
cent, bettor on their papers than the
young men." I he worthy President
probably had referonco to their curl
papers. Glass eyes for horses are now made
with such perfection that the animals
themselves cannot see through the de
ception. To bo short In his accounts, is in
cashier a crime; in a reporter It is a
To tho dontal profession there is
melodious sound in words in which tho
expression J'Good" occurs. Through
the law of limitation dontists, through
out the wbolo United States, have boon
relieved from tho grasp of a monopoly
that has lor years swayed despotic
fiowers ovor them, and exacted a yearly
iconso for theuseof acertain material
required in the practico of dentistry.
The monopolists woro tho Goodyear
Rubber Company, who havo made
millions of dollars out of what tbev
claim to be their discovery and (yitent,
that of vulcanizing rubber. Tbo Good
year pooplo, in their effort to monopo
lize ino irauo, nave at all times met
with opposition, and immense sums of
money have been spent in fiirhtinir
them in tho courts, and human lives
jeopardized as well. Tho pica set up
by the defense against the patent was
thatiioodyear was not the discoverer
or patenteo of process, but that the
original inventor was tho deceased
Colonol E. A. L. Roberts, of Roberts
torpedo famo, and that bo came into
tno possession ol tho secret by acci
Up to the lime of bis death the Col-
onol maintained thnt his claim was
perfectly correct, and had it not been
for the treachery of a Frenchman, he
would bave bad a monopoly on vul
canized rubber as well as in the tor
pedo business. Years ago the Colonel
and his brother. Dr. Roberts, practiced
dentistry in Now York city, and they
bad in their employ a Frenchman
whoso namo has passed into oblivion
Altor oflico hours one day tho Colonel
and tho Frenchman were seated in the
laboratory connected with the dentul
rooms, and, judging by what tho Col
onel often said in speaking on the sub
ject, it is 6iippoood that liquor was in
troduced in the deliberations. At any
rate they fell asleep, but before they
did so tho Colonel threw a piece of
rubber into a tank ot boiling water
and sulphur that was on tbo stove.
Several hours had elapsed before tho
sleepers were aroused from their slum
bers, and tho Colonel, soon aftor hav
ing use lor some water, began dipping
from tbopnt into which ho had thrown
the pice of rubber.
The rubber was dropped out, and
tbo Colonel was surprised with the
ohango it had undergone in the boiling
process. It was as hard as a piece of
sole leather, and in this transformation
the inventive genius of the man saw a
change for tho development of rubber
into various forms. He decided lo
carry his investigation further, and
admitted tho Frenchman into his con
fidence. Several trials of vulcanizing
rubber were mado, and each and every
one resulting satisfactorily to those
having it in band, it was concluded to
claim a patont lor it. While arrange
ments in this direction were being
pcrfectod, the Frenchman suddenly
disappeared, and the Colonel delayed
in making application at the patont
office. The old adage that delays aro
dangerous applied in this case, for the
Frenchman, aflor leaving Roberts' cm
ploy, obtained an introduction toGood
yeur, and imparted to tbat gentleman
the secret which baa brought millions
of dollars to his coffers.
No class ol men who had to knuckle
down to tho exacting demands of tho
Goodyear concorn fought them with
grcator persistency than did tho dent
ists, npon whom they levied a tax of
875 a year lor making rubber plates
for the mounting of artificial teeth.
The tooth pullers battled with every
weapon at thoir command wbilo at
tempting to show the injustice of the
claim tor originality and adaptation
Aflor a long and protracted engage
mcnt in tno courts, the 'profession,
through their counsel, offered ovor one
million dollars for the right, but the
men with tho patent tnngbed at them
ana said, "it you want to nso our
goods you must pay our price." And
tboso who did so, and failed to come
to lime with the royalty, were proso
c ii tod with tho utmost vigor. Josiah
uacon, ol Jioston, was tho treasurer,
and he lookod after the interests ot
that company with uncensing nltcn
tion. Somo twenty months ago ho
was shot to death by a dentist in Sun
Francisco while engaged in a dispute
over the right to uso the articles
claimed by tba Goodyeurs as thoir
patents. On the 7th of Ibe present
month the term ol the patent expired
by law, and that is why dentists are
happy, and think this will be a "good
your." Pittsburgh Critic.
should, bo allowed to rest against each
Pennsylvania has a soil and climate
as well adapted to growing apples as
any other section of our lurgo country.
Where tho orchard is suitably located,
and varieties selected that are known
lo do well in the place with propor
cultivation and pruning given, wo
can grow apples in abundunco. We
have plenty of vory excollent Summer
and Autumn variotioa that do finely
for their aoason. But for long kocping
i inter variolic, wo aro lar irom
being well supplied. Our .Smokehouse,
Fallawator, Bald win, the Grecning Ac,
produce well of perfect fruit. They
formerly kept well in Winter und into
early Spring. Thoy now mature early,
fall from the trees and when gathered
soon decay. - Hore is an open field for
some inventive genius lo create in some
way a lower temperature by mechani
cal or chemical means, so that wo can
gathertheso fivevurietieswhon mature
and place them in a low temperature
till Winter sets in. This comes at a
lime when ice has becomo scarce bo
that other means need lo be looked
after. We may yet by experimenting
with new varieties, find somo that
ripen later, and hold bettor to the
brunches, even if not bo good in qunl
ity as the old favorites. Different
localities seem lo require different
What is the cause of lightning?
Lightning is the result of electrical
discbarges from the clouds.
What is thunder?
Thunder is tbo noiso which succeeds
the rush of theoloctriealfluii.lhrougb
the air.
Whon does lightning occur ?
When clouds charged with tho op
posite electricities approach, tbo forces
rush to each othor, and combiuo in a
state of equilibrium.
Why docs lightning nltend this
movement of tho forces of electricity ?
From tbo Philadelphia Time., July 12.
Whon on Tuosday evening Ling Hi,
with a covered wicker br.sket on one
arm and a canvas bag full of clothing
under the othor, trotted into the wash
house of Sing Wah, 12021 Kidire ave.
nuo, and inquired for Ah Lung, a son
of the Flowery Kingdom, who was at
ono time associated with Mr. Wah, ho
was told that the individual bo sought
was cleaning linen in New York, whoro
rumor has it thai he is married to an
"Ilish" woman. Thon Line- ononed ll.n
basket, and to tho astonishment of
sing Wah lifted out of bis wickor resting-place
Hung Si, tho first Chinese
baby that has ever visited Philadel
phia. This surprise was too much even
for the undemonstrative nature of Sing
Wah, and ho yelled for Hins Keo. his
assistant, who wns smoking and calcu
lating in c closoUike compartment in
tho hack part of the room. After liing
Kce examined the little heathen carti.
fully and pronounced him gonuine,
Wah ran around to Hap Leo's estab
lishment, on Spring Garden street, and
soon returned with three more excited
Mongolians. All this timo vouno-lluno-
Si was squatted on the ironing table, a
perfect picture of Celestial stolidity.
Nothing escaped his bright littlo eyes,
but it was only on rate occasions tbat
he condescended to smilo. That night
he and Ling Hi slept Bomewbcro in
the Wah castle and on tho following
day he was visited and inspected by
scores of Chinameir, who' not having
seen a Cbineso baby for years, wore
anxious to feast thoir eyes upon him.
Hung SI voslerdnv occunieil hi.
usual place on tho ironing table, which
was surrounded by eight or ton laun
drymcn from various wasb-hoiisea in
BY M. L- atcQUOWN.
Copy fuml.hod by A. R. Read.
The directors of Gulich township
havo extended thoir term of publio
school to seven month".
The latest and best scries of school
readers now out is published by J. B,
Lippincot & Co., Philadelphia.
Mr.E.M. Aumiller.of Perry county.
graduate of Lock Havon Normal
School (class of 1881), baa been ap
pointed rrincipaloftboOscoolaschools.
Prof. N. R. Thompson, lata Kuner-
intendentol schools in Warren county,
is engaged in the Teacher' Institute
work, and will nrobahli- fl...
field during our next Institute.
Miss Mamiolrvin, of Burnside, who
recently returned Irom tho National
School of Oratory, Philadelphia, car
riod of lho,!-.-cuii Aonor of that In
stitution. This is a high compliment
to her elocutionary ability.
Due of tho
writes thus:
best of the old
llocausn the aimiMtihni. hoinir im. 'hat section oftbecitv. There hnt
ble to convey the great charges of i l;rown anJ mti blinking at his visions
Mlrlh ll the medlnlnoor life.
It eurea Ita ill, it ealmi It. .(rife;
It aoflly tmootb. Ibe brow of rare,
Anrfwrifi . tAoiHand ererea leer,.
Gamma Nu debated, last Saturday
evening, tho question, "Which affords
ino greater tlolil lor eloquence, the
Pulpit or tho Knr'" tllA, Kon.i.ln...
oio had boen said on both Bidoa, a Fresh
man got up and said that "ho didn't
seo what connection eloquonoe bad
with a placo whore thoy sold liquor."
Superintendent Mcuown is now
out on Iiis annual tour, brushing up
the musty records of pedagogues and
making the timid tremble, giving the
smart (t) young man a back scat, and
rewarding merit with a "'send off."
The first examination of tho season
was held at Uloomincton on Tuesday.
tho IGth inst., a largo class in attend
ance Twenty-two were examined.
and nine ruled out, not belonging to
the township.
Tho following appointments wcro
made by directors for the schools of
Pike township, viz :
Evergreen W. J. Owens ; Curry
Nellie-Price ; Oakland- Debbie Read ;
Pleasant Grove W. II. Fry; Cur
wonsvillo Zelliotla Bloom; White
Lou Farewell ; Robins Lcnsie Way;
Bloomington Frank Iiutton ; Locust
Ridgo Ella Way; Chestnut Ridge to
bo supplied. The salary for each
teacher of all the schools is 30 per
Mr. Thomas II. Lundy, of West
Grove, Chestor county, Chairman ot
the Committoo on Orcharding, of the
Pennsylvania Fruit Growers' Society,
submitted the following report at the
recent annual meeting ot that Society
hold at Gettysburg, Pa. :
There has been considerable written
and reported to our Society on the
treatment of orchards, so thai we
might almost conclude there was
nothing more could be said or done ;
but when we rido through tho country
and sue so prevailingly the orchard
neglected and lelt to tnke care of itself;
tho ground covered with stiff sod; no
manure applied ; tho priming saw
withheld and trees so thick with limbs
that it would be diftlcult to ircl into
them tor the fruit if there were any
there ; as a consequence the trees aro
hido-bound, covered with moss and
lichens making but little crowth. and
of course, but littlo fruit, and that of
poor qnality. It is time for ub to
wakon up and touch practical orchard
ing. 1 hesolndifforentfarmors receive
readily the Information, "thnt it is not
gooa lo disturb or cultivato the soil In
orchards," and "that thoro is no need
of pruning." This kind of doctrine
has boon promulgated long enough to
produce fruits, if there be any to como
irom it. o wonia asK tho advocates
of nou culture to point us out an
orchard planted in sod, and then lelt
alone that has ever produced satisfac
tory crops of Iruit. If such can be
named, then we must haves committee
to visit and report in detail. This will
be chooring intelligence to those who
are constitutionally tired. Wo appre
hend there will be no committee want
ed, but that the fact still remains,
'that eternal vigilance is the price of
fruit," The successful practical fruit
growers are Very much united in tho
doctrine ol cultivation ol young or
chards particularly almost as much
needed as a crop of growing corn. In
after years there should be considera
ble manure and an occasional cultiva
tion. Trees must be kept growing
moderately to produce Iruit. it is also
nocesssry to keep the topa of a tree
well thinned out ao aa to let the sun
shine and air through it. No limbs
electricity as they rush toward each
other, acts as an insulator and tho
lightning is caused by the violonco of
the electricity in forcing its passage
Yi hen the conducting power is equal
to the force of the electricity, it passes
invisibly, noiselessly and harmlessly,
whenever it finds a sufficient force of
conducting power.
Why does lightning sometimes ap
pear loruca i
iiocauso, being resisted in its pro
gross by the air, tho electricity divides
into two or more points, flics from point
to point, and seeks a passngo in diller
ent directions.
Why is it dangerous to stand near
a tree during an electric storm ?
Because the tree is a hotter conduc
tor than the air, and electricity would
probably strike tho true and pass to
the person standing near.
hy is it dangerous to be near a fire
place ?
Becauso the chimney, boing a good
conductor, would probably altraot the
electricity and convey ft to tho body
ot a person Bitting near the fire.
Why is it dangerous to sit near
water during a thunder storm ?
Because water is a good condutor
and the vapor arising from it might
attract the eloctricity.
Are iron uoiibcs dangerous?
No; they aro safe, for their entire
surface is a good conductor and would
convoy tho eloctricity harmlessly to
too eurtn.
Are iron bedstcuds dangerous?
No; they aro salo, becauso the iron
frnme.completely surrounding the body
anil having a great capacity lor con
duction, would keep electricity away
Irom the body.
Why is it safe to bo in bed during a
thunder storm ?
Because feathers, hair, wool, cotton,
etc., especially whon dry, are good
Insulators or non conductors.
What is tho safest position to bo in
during a thundor storm ?
In tho contro ot tho room, isolated
as fur as possible from surrounding
nbiects ; sitting on a chair and avoid
ing handling any of tho conducting
substances, i ho windows and doors
should bo closed to prevent drafts of
If in tbo open air, what is the safest
To keep aloof as far as possible from
any elevated structures, regard tho
rain ns a protection agninstlho light
ning stroke, for wet clothes would sup
ply so good a conductor that a vory
large chargo of electricity would pass
over a man's body through wet clothes
and ho would be quite unconscious
of it.
Tho Philadelphia Time thinks thnt
assassination the most cowardly, in
famous and repulsive of crimes is
only a "political offence" when prac
ticed upon Cr.nrs. But how long will
ouch crimes bo practiced upon Czars
until scoundrels comes to apply them
to all rulers I If the crime of assassi
nation bo encouraged against rulers,
what moral or other controlling rea
son will induce a villain to mako dis
tinction between rulers, ranging from
Czar lo President? That there is a
difference between such rulers nny
right mind at onco comprehends, but
what is there tn induco such a scoun
drel as an assassin to make the distinc
tion ?
If the authorities ol tho United
States mako this country an asylum
for assassins, murderers, what ia there
to prevent them and other scoundrels
from practicing their crime here? it
tolorated as practiced against rulers,
why will It not becomo common as to
anybody else who happens to stand in
tho way of the purposes of an assas
sin? It is a criminal mind alono that
would ever consent that this lair frco
country, inhabited by people who re
spect law and morals for the most part
at least, should ever bo mado the re
ceptacle of assassins and murderers
from all parts of the world. It is
right that mere political offenders
should be protected from the revenge
of tyrants, but assassins aro not of that
class. Their offence is as great though
they assassinato a lung or Czar as
though they murdered a beggar, for it
is not the office or occupation Obey as
sassinate but the person. Ol all crimi
nals, let this country be most prompt
to surrender assassins ol high officials,
for no country has suffered so mnch
from that crime as has this patriotic
land of ours. Exchange.
uuu uccasionauy inrowini? a roveron
tial glance at the picture of a horrible
groen-cyed "Joss," which adorned the
wall in front of him. Tho young bar-
uanan was urnpea in a whito linon
blonso, girdled ut the waist hy a sash
Tho rod ia no more the legitimate
property ol tbo teacher in the school
room than tho revolver, and I antici
pate the day when it will be as much
a thing of the past as is now the prac
tico of Salem Witchcraft or tho "Blue
Laws" of Connecticut. The teacher
whottcknowlodges that she cannot dis
cipline her school without the nse of
the rod, or even the privilege of using
ol tho sumo material, looso blue cotton j ought to enter at onco upon another
nounors aim a pair ot the cutest littlo vucauon. rjne is not tit to be thegov
Chincso clogs in the country. His crnor of children. Practical Teacher.
bend, except a hairy oasis on the crown,
is so smooth that it must havo been
sand papered after it was shaved and
it was so slippery yosterduy that oven
the flics found great difficulty in main
taining their equilibrium npon it. Tho
oasis is of courso the basis of a future
pig tail, but at present tho hairs are
only about an inch lone and as each
ono stands up separate and distinct as
inougD it baa boen inserted with a
Hammer and pegging awl, Hung Si s
ojipraiuiieu ib ueciueaiy comical.
"Did ho como from China?" asked
a reporter.
"llim flom San Flisco," replied Hing
Kee, as he caressed Hung Si's inoipient
"How old is he ?" This Question led
to a spirited debate in choice Chinese
between Hing Keo, Sing Wah and
Ling Hi and at ita conclusion Hing
Kce said: "No can aabo him old"
Tho child, howovor, appears to be about
fifteen months of age.
"w bat aro you going lo do with
him ?"
"Takoo him Now Yolk. Findce
nlcntco pieceo fiends," replied Ling Hi
Thon a bright idea scorned to slriko
tho practical brain of Mr. Ling, and as
bis face brightened up ho astonished
the rcportor by saying : "You wantce
buyeo Hung Si? Mo sello hira lol
flowty doilnl."
The visitor declined this generous
oiler, but Ling continued : "He belly
nice piece boy. Him alleo time flat,"
and to prove this last assertion ho
pinched the fat on theyoung heathen's
legs and ribs until ho roared as lustily
as an orlhordox Christian infant. A
few spoonfuls of sugar and wnter and
thcChina figure of a diabolican looking
littlo bow. legged Chinese god restored'
the youthful pagan lo good humor,
and then tbo reporter asked whether
Hung Si's parents were living. Ling
said no, but added this lengthy expla
nation : "Me flom San Flisco. Hung
Si him flom San Flisco. Catchee let
tco flom Ah Lung. Letteetellee bhng
him, him Hung Si. Me bling. Nocan
findeo picco Ah Lung. All limocatehy
ontchy New Yolk, Mally llish girio.
Yon sabo, John?" At Ibis point
Hung Si created a mild sensation by
smashing tho liltlc Chinese god to flind
ers against a smoothing iron. This
unholy act evidently domanded sovoro
punishment, for Ling grubbed the
luckless you lister up by the legs and
holding him head downwards shook
him savagely. Hung Si was very red
in the lace when ho was replaced on
tne tame, tun, stmngo to say, be did
not cry. It was afterwards learned
from Sing Wuh that Ah Lung is the
uncle and only male relative ot Hung
M, and Hi lor a consideration of
ten dollars agreed to bring the young
ster i.asi wun mm
Home years ago, an Amherst youth,
taking dinner at a young ladies' semi
nary, waa called upon to ask a blessing.
He roso,and prayed filtoen mintile,and,
not knowing how to end, in all his con
fusion of mind and heart, blurted out,
"I am yours truly, John Smith," anil
sat down. li'x.
The wheat crop tn Minnesota is an
avorage one.
" When are yon going away ?" asked
tho reporter of Ling Hi.
".lo catchy tlain me catcher New
"Yes, but what timo ?"
"All time."
"What fol you wantce sabo me catch,
catchy tlain ?'' he said, distrustfully.
"Oh, nothing."
"Alio lightee, metellee you aainoe,"
and he corked himself up and could
not be persuaded to talk further upon
that point. Y'osterdny afternoon, how
ever, llnng Si was packed in tho basket
in which ho camo from "San Flisco"
and then, after Ring Keo burned a
number of bilsot lucky paper and scat
tered the ashes ovor tho youngster,
I, ing Hi kissed the bands of the half
dozen Chinamen who were present,
threw a "So long, John," to the report
er, took the basket on his arm and, ac
companied by Hing Wah, trudged lo
tbo Ninth and Green streets depot and
embarked on tho first train for New
He wat at breakfast, wrestling with
a piece of remarkably tough veal. His
wifo said to him, "you always say
there's something to be thankful for in
everything. I fancy you'd bo puzalcd
to find something to be thanklul fur in
that veal." "Not al all," he continued,
slopping to breathe ; "I was just think
ing bow grateful wa should be that we
met it when it was young."
A pardonable mistake. "Here w ait
er, this fish is not fresh V "Not fresh,
sir?" Why oh, beg pardon, sir; 1
thought you wore one of the table
boarders. Bring you the other fish
immediately, sir."
Mrs. Sallie T. Montgomery.wife of Prof.
J. V. Montgomery of tbeStato Normal
School at Millorsville.died August 6th.,
after a lingering illness Irom consump
tion. Deceased was a sister of Dr. J.
P. Wickersham, lato State Superinten
dent of Publio Instruction, and when
tho Doctor was Principal of the Millers
ville school thedeceased, then unmar
ried, was a teacher in it. She was a
gifted and most excellent woman. At
the recent commencement exercises
sho was carried to the chapel in a
chair, to hear her eon graduate, and it
ia thought that her great will power
prolonged her life.
Mr. Matt Savago, who is a success
ful teacher in this county, baa been
devoting his leisure time in vacation
tosupplyingschoolswlth tho Triumph
Lock Desks from the Kcystono School
Furniture Company. The desks are
mado on the latest and most improved
plan, lo suit the convenience and com
tort of tho pupil. Matt, in introduc
ing them into the schools, is doins a
good school work ; for a most Import
ant requisite in schools is to have the
school bouses well supplied with fitting
apparatus and substantial and com
fortable soats. Easy positions and
pleasant surroundings aro essential to
rapid mental growth.
Mr. (i. W. Weaver, a former teacher
of DuBois, bas been employed during
uis summer vacation as general agent
in Iowa for tho Western Publishing
Company of Chicago. Ho writes lhat
ho will enter the Junior Class in Col
lege the 1st of September. The fol
lowing communication will cxplaiu
Fellow-Teachers : Tho Clearfield
RirrnLiCAN bas always been a wel
come vistor lo me since I loft yoar
ranks,; but none of its content are
more interesting than the educational
column. I watch with marked atten
tion the movements of each educational
worker ol the county, especially those
with whom I am acquainted.
1 am happy to nolo theonward pro
gress of many, while a few aro linger
ing in shady bowers.
It affords mc pleasure to inform you
that tho eastern school teacher is in
demand in this country. The fact that
ho is an eastern teacher is of itself a
recommendation. Salaries in Illinois 1
and Iowa aro very little in advance of
Clenrtiold county, Pa. School systems
in general are similar, but practically
they meet with loss bucccss, I have
met a number of County Superinten
dents in both these Slatos who unhesi
tatingly admit this fact.
1 had tho pleasure ol visiting some
of the so called County Institutes in
Iowa. Tho State appropriates titty
dollars to each Institute and make it
obligatory on tho County Snporinton
dent lo hold such mooting, giving him
tho right to chargo all teachers in
attendance ono dollar for instruction
at tho instil nlo and ono dollar for ex
amination. Tbey are bold during the
months of July and August -at the
county scat ot each county for a torm
of lour weeks. Their attendance ia
about the same proportion of all the
teachers as that at our annual County
Institutes; but in character similar to
that of our County Normals the ob
ject being to prepare the teachers for
examination 1 ho requirement for an
ordinary certificate being the samo aa
in Pennsylvania, with ibe addition of
rbysiology, which la a Slate law.
Tbey have thrco gradea ol certificates
hero, each of which is granted only for
one year. Hence every teacher of the
Stale, miles ho has a diploma, must
isss an annual examination. 1 am
informed, however, that they hope
during tho meeting of the next Legis
lature to have a change in this matter.
1 hey hold annual State Tcaohere
Associations, but bave no organization
corresponding to our County Institute.
i nont expect lo be among your
ranka the coming yoar, but my best
wishes shall ever attend the educa
tional effort of Clearfield county.
Yt ishing you all continuod success in
the school room, as well aa in your
educational meeting, I remain your
fcllow-leaoher, li. W. Weaver,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Aug. 8, '81,
P. 8. M iss 8. Blackburn, the County
Superintendent of Denton county, Iowa,
has lew peers In the Mate In her
sphere. She is about finishing tha
duties of her third consecutive torm
in oflico, and is a candidate fur re-elec
tion with scarcely a rival.
U. VY., VY,