Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 17, 1881, Image 2

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    She lUpublian.
Gionoi B. GooDLAnniR, Editor.
. ludn, If jot want to k.oer whl li olnj oa
In tbe BBalneae world, Jttat read onr Bilvertialrig
olumni, tse Mptial eoiuma In partlailer.
Let every DrmorrBt to Clearfield county
see AT ONCKIhat Ilia tiam. l ou the Keg
ltry. , Ita'AD It 1 Masons . and anti-Ma-sons
should read tho Morgan cane
in which Judge (iillis was coDCorned.
It can be found on our fourth page.
: Twenty-two years ago, with others
present, wo heard Judge Gillia relate
in hit parlor, in substance, what Hon.
Henry Southor ("Hank," as tho Judge
called him,) ttutea in relation to the
"Morcan case, appearing on our
fourth pugo.
Tho Now York Post't Washington
special says : "Lowry, tho Democratic
candidate for Governor of Mississippi,
is a loll-made man, rising from the
people. It is said, as in Andrew
Johnson's caso, his wife taught him Is
read. lie is very popular. 11 is moat
likely opponent is Benjamin King,
who will run on the fusion opposition
ticket." .
A Good Nam. Orange Noble, re
cently Mayor of Eric, ia Doing pressed
for Ktate Treasurer by the Democrats
in the Northwestern part of the State.
"Orange," is good, but "Noble" Is
better, and when coupled must make a
popular candidate, because so many
people love to suck oranges and all
women love noble men, and if nomina
ted both sexes may take an interest in
his election.
8fn atom al Conference. It is about
time that our Senatorial Conferees fix
a place and time for meeting. Th
Slate Convention moots on tho 28th
of Soptember, and our Senatorial dis
trict ia yet without a dolegale. When
and where shall tbo Conference be
held f Let the Chairmen of tho eov
eral Detnocratio County Committees
settlo tbo matter soon.
TO CA KIM HAT.'. After Wedaeeday.
Aaguat a let, it will be toe late to auuouure
the uawee of caudidatra according; to our
party niiee
A Fair Fiuut. Bedford and Som-
ersot counties form a Judicial District,
Chairman Canal-boat lion. John Cess
na, ol Bedford, is the Badical nominee
for President Judge and lion. Wm. J.
Baer, of Somerset, is the Democratic
nominee. The district is Kadical by
ovor 1,000 majority, but we would not
be surprised our nominee would bear so
beavliy on Mr. Cessna that be will be
allowed to practice at the Bar as here
tofore. The Pbesident's Condition. The
life of President Garfield is still in the
balance. The five prominent expert
physicians are expending all their in
genuity to save his lite. It took them
four weeks to find out that a rib had
boen fractured by Guitoau's bullet, but
they have been unable to find the ball.
Kx-Surgeon General Barnes intimates
that if Guiteau's bullet does not kill
the President the doctors will. Ilia
case this (Tuesday) morniug was very
critical, causing serious apprehensions.
Ilia stomach was Irritable and he vom
ited several times.
week furnish our readers with sketches
oi two notod men of our State, both
born in 1792, and dying within a few
months of each other olio in Iowa,
and the other in Philadelphia, aged
89 years. We allude to Gen. Patterson
and lion. James L. Gillis. The life
and tfmeapf the lormer will be found
on our first page and that of the latter
on the fourth page. Boys and young
men, do not Jail to read the caroer of
these eminent men. It won't hurt
fathers and mothers to follow suit in
this case.
General I'attersoh'b Will. Gen.
Robert Pattorson leaves bis entire es
tate, valued at about $1,500,000, to his
family. The will was placed on filo in
Philadelphia on the 12th inst , and is
a voUminous paper, full of legal tech
nicalities touching the future manage
ment of the properties for the benefit
of tbo heirs, but Contains no public or
charitable bequests. General ratter
son placed bis signature to tbo will on The executor ap
pointed to take control of the esute
are General Rouert Emmet Patterson,
theeUlcr son of the deceased, W. Hoy.
ward Drayton, the lawyer, and Henry
P. Smith, of th firm of 11. P. & W. P.
Smith, dry goods commission mer
chants, of Philadelphia.
State Convention. Tho Porno
oratio State Committee, at their rocont
meeting at Ilarrisbnrg, fixed on Will
iamsport aa the place for holding tbo
next Democratic State Convention, and
Wednesday, Septomber 25th, as the
time. A proper step was taken to
ward preparing parliamentary rules
governing all future Conventions.
Looking to this end, a committee was
appointed, consisting of Hon. A. II.
Dill, lewisbnrg, Chairman tr-oflno ;
lion. Will iam A. Wallace, Clearfield ;
Hon. S. J. iUsdall, Philadelphia ; W.
TJ. Uenscl, Lancaster ; James P. Barr,
Pittsburgh; Thomas J. Bargor, Phila
delphia ; and B. Whitman, Erie, lo
prepare a report on this subject, and
submit it to the Williamaport Conven
tion. , This is one of the ablest com
mittee that could bav been selected
fat the purpose Indicated, and thrir
work, if adopted, must work well for
the party. Parliamentary rales are as
necessary to govern S.'ate Conven
tion, aa they art for Congress or a
Stat Legislature.
Let everv Democrat In (iearneld countv
e AT ON tat that bla uaaie la on Hie Hre;.
The lirookvillo Democrat properly
romurks: "When Gen. Hancock wrote
a brief nolo last September to Gov
ernor Pluisted, of Maine, congratulat
ing bis old comrade in anna on his
election, It was commoiited on by
every Republican nowspnper in the
land, and they all with one accord
ugroed that a man who had the least
sympathy with Maine Greonbackers
could not be trusted by tho business
interests ol the country ; and that be
cause General Hancock tolerated a
party with such horoticul financial
views as Governor Plaiatcd professed,
that wus reason sufficient for every
honest man in the nation to oppose
his eloction to tho Presidency. But
how stands the mutter now 1 General
Mabone with his doctrino of repudia
tion, which is nothing more or less
than wholesale and unblushing rob
bery and theft, Is beforo the voters of
Virginia, asking them for their suf
frages. And we see every agency of
the Republican party, from the Son
ato of the United Stalea clean down
to the petty Custom House officer, is
openly arrayed in his favor. Senator
Krye, of Maine, has written a letter to
help Mahone, and gives the weight of
his influence in favor of the wrong.
The Mahono candidate lor Attorney
General of Virginia, promise that as
soon as the Old Dominion has been
put in a fair way of rejecting hor hon
est debts, Mahono's bold on the Re
publican parly will he so strong that
he can and will npply tbo principle of
readjustment to tho national debt.
This is what Senator Frye and tho
Republican party are supporting. And
every Republican newspaper either re
sponds, Amen I or is aa dumb as an
Every Democratic voter la Clearfield
oounty should bear In mind Inat Tallinn.
IIAY.MfePrKtlllKH M. la tile last day lor
registering for the neat election.
Tuk Cotton Exposition.' One of
the most interesting, and to strangers,
the most wonderful features of tho
grand Cotton Exposition to he held at
Atlanta, Goorgia, from the 5th of next
October to the 31st of Decembor fol
lowing, will be a showing of oottou in
all ite stagoa, from the planting of the
seed to its manufacture Into muslin
and duck exhibiting the planting,
boiling, successive stages of growth,
the gathering, ginning, handling, bale
ing, &e. The successive stages of
growth will be given in numerous
fields adjacent to the exposition build
ings, tbo seed being sown at such in
tervals of time ns to present at a glaneo
the tiny plant, tbe plant at successive
heights, the flowor and the bolls in all ;
conditions. This, with all the dotails
spinning and weaving shown together,
is something that has never before!
been nnderlakon. On a day t be
spocificd thoro will be a suit of clothes
made for Iho Governor of Goorgia
from cotton to be picked, ginuod, spun,
wovon and laiiored, aud all within
twenty-four hours.
A Good Show i4J"cw)M. Mayor
King, of Philadelphia, producod quito a
sonsation in that city on the 9th inst , by
appointing Ubaries IV urape, a colored
man, as policeman, to look after affairs
on the south side of Spruce street, be
tween Seventh and Eleventh streets.
It ia a good place for a Democratic
Mayor to plant an African policeman.
Tbe voters on thoso foursquares votod
hugely against General Hancock, and
it is right that their local in tores t
should be looked after by a man of
taste. Everybody oan now Spbvce up
and down on that street with perfect
safety. We notice by our city ox
changes that the etroeta wero block
aded for squares (by tbo people) to seo
a "National Ward" arrayod in blue
cloth and brass buttons, as a policeman
for the first time, although tho"Ward".
keepers' Irionds have held the office of
Mayor for twenty years.
TO CANIilDATI-'a.. After Wedneadav,
Aukruat Slat, It will be too lale to annouuee
filename of caodldatea according to aur
party rules
Deviant. Tbe two men who bought
up Indiana last October, and made
Garfield's eloction possible, were Geo,
C. Gorhan and Stophon W. Dorscy,
They raised the money from million.
aire monopolists, and also from Brady
and other ring thieves. Dorsey was
afterwards complimented by a publio
banquet in New York, at which Gun,
Arthur alluded to tbo means used to
carry Indiana, tbo key of the cam
paign, as being documents and plenty
of . This Is tho reason Dorsoy
and Gorhara aro so bold and defiant,
and snap their fingers at Messrs. James
and MaoVeagh. They know onongh
to blow np tho whole Republican or
ganization, and that they dare not bo
placed behind the bars, like Kcmhlo
with the Camerons, who compelled his
pardon with t threat to expose the
State administration at Harrisburg.
Good Sense. It waa Book waiter,
tun Iemocratio candidate mr Oov
ernor of Ohio, who just bofore last
year's election announced the follow
ing to his employes; "I understand
it has been circulated and reported
among yon that if Gcnoral Hancock
it elected the shop will close. I want
to say to you all that when Saturday
mgbt comes General Hancock or Gen-
eral Garfield will not pay yon your
wages, and It makes no difference who
is elected. This shop shall and will
run, and I will see that every man in
my employ gets his wages. Any man
who circulates such a rorv-.t I want
him to call at the office and get his
pay and leave. 1 am for Gen. Han
cock, yon can rote for whom yon
pleaso." Mr. Bookwalter has nlrout
400 men in his employ.
Old Habits, Etc. An exchanjre
says that tbe oldest ol living New York
newspaper men, Tburlow Weed, has
nover ridden on tbe eluvated railway
"Yea," he said, laughing, "that's so. It
isn't on account of any principle or
prejudice, but is no object to mo. I've
all tbe time there is : no on bas any
more, and It doc not matter whether
t take me ten minute or hall an
hour to go down town. And then,
sine of late year my eyesight has
been so impaired, I haven't pared ty
climb the stairs np into the stations.
Sometimes I've thought I'd go np, but
I prefer the surface roads. They are
easier for me. Usually now I take a
cab, but if I were well and itonger I
wouldn't even pi to bal expense."
What the Srviisma Bench Neehs.
The Nuw York Time, a Ivadinir
Radical organ, in alluding to the lah-nt j
in the Court Indicated, says: "Thei
..... ... .............
less, that the last thro acoessinns tni
the Hiinrcnia bench, those of Harlan
Wooda aim 3laUbca,
nd Matthew, wcro not of
such a churaotur as lo add greatly to
its authority or dignity. Kuch one of
thnm owes his distinction to his np.
poiiitinent rather than his appoint
ment to hia distinction. No ono of'
them bud made a great reputation
even locally as a jurist. Theso threo
men, with the next two to ho appoint
ed, will constitute u majority of tho
Bench. Tho other inombers, Chiuf
Justice Waito and Associates Field,
Miller and Bradley, though alio unci
experienced judges, have no such su
perfluity 1 weight that the Bench
will safely admit of any further light
oniug. There ought rather to be add
od to its membership two of the very
best jurists that the country can fur
nish, aud they should bo appointed for
their ability and learning, their up
Tightness and judicial character, and
without regard to political considera
tions in any narrow senso."
Let every l.'euorrat In Clrarllcld county
see AT ONCC that Ilia name laou the Heu
A Goon Chance. Just tho oppor
tunity that Garfield could ask to givo
un outward token of the purifying in
fluence of the calamity wbicb brought
him so close to death's door will be
offered him in tho vacancy in the Su-'
preme Court caused by Justice Clif
ford's death. Here is a ebancu for
him to give prnclicul evidence of tbo
fact that ho is resolved to be the Prcsi.
dent of tho people and of no purty
hereafter. Let him show that be does
not intend to manacle himself again
with tho party shackles, by nominat
ing some of the many ctninont Demo
cratic jurists. Nowhoro could be make
a better step in tho right direction, for
tboro it no ollice within tbe gift of tho
President which Is so important, and
which should be hold above party dic
tation nd out of politics.
' Ijook Ileus. An exchange says:
"Suppose, for examplo, that Arthur,
arguing the 'inability' of Garfield, un
der tho Constitution, should appoint
Conkling a Justice of tho I'nitcd Status
Supremo Court, vice Clifford, deceased,
juppuse it." What is there to provent
It? Why should a store or shop bo
closed against all business because
the proprietors are not about? Is this
business? No, substitutes and clerks
are always on hand toaltend tooustom
ers, Why should not public busi
ness bo dispatched In the sumo way ?
President 'iurrlolj being unable to at-
tond lo the business, why is there not
some one else to carry it on f
TattuniJ. Tbe Philadelphia Record
snvt: "Now that Judge Black and ex-
Governor Thomas have given their
reminiscences uf the lu-t days of Bu
chanan and the first days of Secession
the enterprising interviewer of the
Prrtt should go for Mr. Horatio King,
who succeeded Mr. A. V. Brown as
Posiiaiwtcr General upon tho break
up of the Cabinet in I till J. Mr. King
had long oooupied an ofllcial position
tn rrasmngton, ana naa large oppor
tunities lor observation, having been
a nowspaper man himself In his earlier
days, and a vory good one."
Every llemocratle voter In Cleartleld
county ahould bear tu mind that TIIIIUM
DAV. kptkiii:k m. la the laal day lor
rea;lelrujr for the neat election.
He's All Hiuut. We notice that
quite a number of our exchanges ol
both parties aro pitching into their
members and Senators for "grabbing"
tbo extra $500 salary. Wo are glad
to state that our member, Mr. Klynn,
did not "grab," but took tho 1,000
that the Court decided was all that a
Senator or niombor is entitled to. So
he is all right I If in the futuro our
Suprome Court decides that 1,500 is
tho legal salary of a momher of the
Legislature, then Mr. Klynn will be
entitled to 300 more.
Centre's Nominees. The Demo
crats of Centre county have nominated
tho following ticket : Associate Judges,
John G. I.arimor, John K. Kutikle;
Protbonotary, J. Culvin Harper ;
Sheriff, Thomas J. Dunkol j Register,
James A. McClain ; Recorder, Prank
E. Bible; Treasurer, Daniel C. Roller ;
Commissioners, A. J. Greist, John
Wolf ; Auditors, John S. Proudfort, K.
P. Musser. Major R. H. Fomtcr, one
of the editors of the Democrat, in the
now Chairman of tho County Com
No Mork. Orvil L. Grant, the
brother of ex-Prcsidcnt (!rant, died t
Mornstown, N. J,, lant Friday a wcok
11 o waa 4ti yean old, thirteen years
younger than tho cz-PrcsiduDt. lie
panged tho laat throo ycura ol hit lile
in the Now Jersey Aeylurn for the In
sane at jNornstown. 11a sullureu a
frrcat financial long by th Chicago
6 re in 1871, which canw.d insanity
and no douht haatcned hin death,
TO CANIIIIMTeVN. After Wedneadav.
AugTHat aiat. It will be too late to aimnunre
the uanee of candidatea according; to our
party ruiea.
Sound, Wo aca ft atatod that the
Hon. Bamuol Calvin, of HollidayHliiirg,
recently sold the timber en a tract of
land in White, townnliip, Caruhna coun
ty, for 145,000. lie bought the land
and trees aome yeara ago for 11,000.
llo ia a lively Grcenbai'kcr. We won
dcr whclbor lie will divide hia "divy"
with hia poor loilowera. We advixc
Ur. C. to practice what lie prcachotj.
A Bap Crow. Tba Venango Spec
tator any, an Indian front lenmn named
Crow I log, who holds the position of
police cnplaln at Rosebud Agoncy,
Dakota, raised hia little gun and shot
Spotted Jail) the celebrated chief, as
dead aa a mackerel Irnit Saturday.
Spotted Tall is now what he never waa
before a good Indian.
Prisoners nr m Flock. Kighl
Uollie Uagnirei were arrogted at Dun
bar, Fayette) connty, on Friday last.
and lodged in jail at Uniontown, lor
having murdered a miner named
Maurice llcnly, on tho 2Glh of Juno.
The ojtciUment in that region is great.
Tbe case was worked tip hy dcteo
tivmt, A CnKAP l.Aivvaa. A late biogra
pher snya : President Vanfluren ia said
to have made hia first summing nn In
Iswauit at the age of eighteen, and
to bav Mceived the anm of half a dol
lar for bia aerrlcett.
To jkmol.rUl.
Count u
1H (rueiiieiimi 10 iiih ruios ljuvoi niuir ,
tho liomooruiie tuirlc of ( 'liMirtlnlil
oounty at tho Primary- Kl.-ction, the
' , . .
uun7 vom.uiuce ner. uy gives nouee
tuai me uiuciioii mr ucu irmua, unu mr
tho instrnctinn tt such delegates, us lo
candidate, for the several o.llce, to be
filled at the approaching November
election, will be held at the Klectiou
House in the several boroughs and
townships in said county, on HATUIt
OK SEl'TKMHICIf, A. D. 1881, bein.
ning at 1 o'loek 1'. M., mid continue
open until 7 o'clock P. M. ol said day.
The election will be held by I bo Vigi
lance Committee, who are tbe Election
Board, under our rules, and aro con
stituted us Icllows:
Il'irotlda bjr. Mall. Irvlo, Parid MabarTay,
William Modi.
ClaarSald Kor Joba llulllbia, W. O. Otrloa,
Utorre Weaver.
Corweorvllla bur. Jotiu H. Nurrlt, Apgar
Bloom, lleory Kara.
Pullola bor. 9. J. Mad, Mlohaol Slraioobfl,
1. A. Terve.
Ultn lliipebor.- 0. J. Keagy, Abralum Uraen,
n A. Wrishl.
Iloutidala bor. Patrick Shield, II. II. Hart,
man, T. J. Kriaa.
Lumber City bur. Ifaao llaiooy, J. D. Uap
boro. J. J. Bterllo.
Nanbura hor. Jnba M, Toier, Joba Redden,
John l). Millar.
N'nrr WaabiBKtoo bor William Mabaffev. 6.
T. Mitchell, Uaorgc Ilarelav.
Oaceola bor J. II. II. Waller., J. B MrF.d
den. llarrv 1'arka. '
Wallacaion bor U I. Hilly, Joha Waat
bronk, Fraok Uoea.
Ileccaria tnwoihlp John II. Dilten, Herman
Frlek, A. J. Fry.
Bell top. Jamea W. MtUee, Frank MabalTey,
Jobn M. Koaa.
Bloom two. Sidney Sajilb, H. G. Andaraos
UfiiriQ uuger.
Uoaga lp.U. 6. Merrill,
neural. M. bmeal.
lira, If,. rd tvp. Ell Siult, L'l
Brady twp J. W. Corp, f
U. Kirk.
Duruiido twp. John tiorroao, Wilroa Kiog.
Michael Ylngllng.
Cheat twp. Lawrence Killlan, Jacob A. Bretb,
I). H. McCully.
Covington twp. L. L FlouJ, V.. Mlgnut, Fraok
lieontur twa. Adam Oearkart, Jeaae Croat,
David Uoghoa.
Fcrgaioa twp,Gorge MK'iiar'.e, Joe, Moore,
C. T. Mraw.
Olrard l.p.-W. K. OlllllaaJ, F. A. Iligoot,
Jveepli Marat.
Cioahea twp W. M. Wilroa, Th-.nipauD Reed,
It. O Shaw.
0. Dale,
Graham twp John W Turner, A
laaaa Kolbroek.
Greenwood twp Jamat Cleary, C. A. Thorp,
Matthew Johnrton.
Gollcb twp D. C. FItoo, W. B. Caialdy, J. It.
Iluatoo twp II. L. Horning, Gaorga Wearer,
Tbomai B. Buoy.
Jordan twp J. W. Joknieo, Jamea McQeehao,
Dr. A. K. Creawell.
Kartbaut twp. Uarllo Ivopp, - J. Uiililud,
I. C. MnClaakey.
Knox twp. Kool Bloom, Iaaac Maya, L 0.
Lawrence twp. A. M. Bloom, John W. Howe,
A. CI, Kramer.
Morrla twp. Peter Moyar, A. C. Fottner, B. F.
Peon twp. D. T. Sharp, IS. W. llttburn, R.
M. lloorar.
Pike twp, Samuel Moore, W, A. Porter, Jaa.
0. Bloom.
handy lap .ucie Kliae, aia'i I'oetlellfwaite,
John Fox.
I nion twp M'illlam Welty, 1, It. bmtaler,
Fardiaand rleyler.
IV'eodward twp C. N. King, Jeu. KimuB'tiogcr,
George W, Lamuurn,
KveiT Democratic elector bus the
i right, under our rules, to, vote for
I Two peraona for Aaenuiato Juilge,
Ooe peraon f,.r Treasurer,
J wo ptrrona Mr commiralooer,
Two peraona for Aaditar.
And fur tho proper number of dele
gates assigned uitcltu rule 2d, to each
election dii-lrict, not lcs.4 than two in
every ci.
Ill 11)0 Inrmuttolt or Hew tiWllelilE I
or li'irougliH Ijclween gul.crnutoi inr
cloctiona, the County t' lmmituio bun
no power under the rules to RMtiatn
more ttmn two tfitiiia(cH Ut tbo now
districts until tiftcr tlio next (rovcrn
or'a election, when tbe vote cast ahall
settle the question. ,
The dcleratea will meet in the Court
room In Clearfield, on Tl'KSDAV,
ciscly one o'clock P. Jl., and there and
then piocoed to nominate cntiliilatvs
ftirttie eevernl ofllees above nufneil.unrl
to select three Senatorial ('nnferrea to
meet liko Conferoes from tho counties
ol Centre and Clinton, for the purpose
ol selecting a .Senatorial delegate to
the Htate Convention, and one person
as liepresentative deleglo to the same
Convention, and also to elect a Chair
man and appoint a standing Commit
tee for 1882, as well as any other
matters pertaining lo our party inter
eats. It is the desire ol the County Com
mittee that tbo members of the Vig
ilance Committee, or Flection Hoards,
be at the, .-.lection House at the time
appointed, and be prompt in the liis
cbargo of the duties enjoined upon
J. P. liUUCIiriKLP,
- Chairman.
W. E. Wallace, Secretary.
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. loin, 1181.
rougrr t-oaHimiB.
1. The organlaalton of Ibe Connty Comnilteo
ahall be and remain aa now contitoterithet la.
ona member for every borough and townahip and
a Chairman, which Committee aball be aelrcted
annually hy the dalegatca.and their term nfoMee
ahall begla at January follcwiag their election.
S. The number of delegate to wbicb eaoh die
trict la entitled ia baaod upon the following rule,
thai la lo aay t Each electliia dialrict in the coun
ty polling one hundred Democratic votea or leae,
ahall be entitled to two delegatea absolutely, and
lor each additional ona hundred Demoeralio votea.
or fraction greater than one half thereof, polled
in aaid dlatrlet at Ibe laal prrcediag Cloveraor'a
election, an additional delegate, and under this
rata the following allotment of delegalca It now
made fot 1931 i
Durnei.le borough.,.,
Curwenarille. ,
DaUcia .
Illen Uopa
Lumber City ,
New Waibington
Ileecaria towntbip..
1 CovlngioB 2
S Decatur I
X Krgaon 2
2 lllrard.... 2
2 Uraliara 2
2 Cloeben 2
2ii!renwood 2
, 2 lluliob..
, 2 Iluatoo..
. 2 Jordan
, 2 KeMhauB.....
. 2 Kooi .,
, 2 Lawrence....
. 2 Morria
. 2 Penn..
. e iHta....,..,
. 4 Sandy
. 2 Tnion
. 2 Woodward...
blbcviob abb arriaa or CBataaaB. .,
b. The delegate electiona end County Coaveo
lion aball be governed and conducted etrlrlly n
acenrdnnoe with Ihe following rule, and the
Chairman nf Iba County Committee aball be
aunnally elected by tbe County Coarentloo nnd
rball be er.ofrtVie th President of all Ctuotj
4. The election for delegatea tn repreaent lha
difereutdialriota in Ibe annual Democratic Coun
ty Convention ahall be held at the uaaal place nf
aoining ine general eieottona lor each irl.triet,
oa Ihe Setarday preceding the third Tueedey af
September, (beiog lha 17th tbi year) bcgtunlBg
at 1 o'clock, 1'. At., of earn day.
vrn re aoLo at-arrtoR.
t. The aaid dslcgate electlone shall be held by
an election board, In ennBist of the memheraof
Ibe Connty Cnmtalttee lor aonh dialrict, and I wo
olber Demoeralio volera thereof, who aball be
appelated or dealgnaud by Ibe County Com
mittee. aow to nu. vArAsriBB.
In caaa any of tbe peraona an eonalltating tha
heard shall be abate! from tbe place of holding
tbe election for a quarter of aa hour attar tbe
lima appololed, by Rule First, for opening of tbe
aama, bla or thair place er plaeee, aball be Slled
bvan election te be conducted eiva voice by the
Demooralte votart prraenl at Ihe lima.
gtiAtirtcAvioaor voraaa.
S. Krery quelifled voter nf tbe dittrldt, who et
tbe laat general election voted tbe Democratic
lionet, tball be entitled tn rota at Iba delegate
eleelion. ,
I. The voting at all delegate eleellent ehall be
by ballot; apon wbicb ballot ahall he written
nr printed Ihe name or namea of the deteeate or
delegatea voted for, together with any Inltrae
tioat which the voter may dreire to give tbe dele
gal or delegalca. Keck ballol to be received
from Ihe peraon voting Ibe atma bv a mexhtr .r
Ibe election board, and by hlm'depoeltad ta a
boa or other receptacle prepared far Ibal parpec ,
to wbiob boi or other receptacle ao peraoa bnt
lha mtmbtie nf tbe election board aball have
er iinvraperieaB.
I. He faatrejelleoc tball be received at reeea-
aiaed Bnleac tbe came Be voled epea the ballot aa
provided by Kale Reveatb, aer aball each la
BlraetlMta, If vend epea U ballet, be bidlg
"I the dele,-.te, tinl,.. caeluif er more at ia.
ballon ehsll cinlala icalrurliiina curioernlnK tut
I " viu,.w 1. i.raavar ecu or pwro or in nl-
I- . j ill'0'' ,u" eoBUla toelraotiiine concerning any
I owa uf (learttelil, u,e Jlu,.,,, .iortaJ ,D ,i,0i011 aha,
. tie bold 10 li Iti'trucM o uort Ilia e.ntlitlt
n.mj mr aignrct aetnoer ul etlee lor auob
Thai whoo a enii.i.i. h-ein r-...i...i ,k.
"' eamber ef voi,t, a di.trioi i, ,i,,0,
' " ro ai-vuruitnoe wiia uoia loinctuia.
b,cmel iMJ , lh de, , , ,.M Ju;
iru-i 10 omi innir votet for Ilia naalidaa baviiig
rld tba ot hiohut noaiber of ..u, iu
I bava rwelvi'd ona.rourLb Iba auiabar of vutea
pullud fur tba eandiiUtei,
coaitccriao raa SLaorioa, aareaai aaDsi.aaKa.
S. Eaob alrotloa board aballktap anvourala
eiaeiioea, bioh Hai of voi.ra tog-acher wiih a
full aod oumD eta ralum r auoti am,i u Mn.
ol toe tiaaiaa of all aartona votln at auob
taiolog an accural ataumaut of lb peraona
elected delegate and all iaalructiona voted, aliall
baetrliDcd by aald board lo th County Conven
tion, upon printed blauke to be lurniabad by the
County Cowmittae,
coRTBSTiss saxva or bbi.vo xtki, raat'ii, arc
10. Wheoevor from any dietrict, quailfled Daw
ecratic Vetera, in nurubere eiual to five limee ibe
delegalaa which roeb dialrict hae in Iba County
Oeoveotten, ehall eomplaia la wrltlag af ao nu
doe eleclioo ol talaa ratura of delegMee or uf ia
airurtioni, in which ectopia let lua alleged fwla
ahall b apMially aotferth an I varltled by Iht
affidavit of on or mora pereoae, each eomolalat
aball have tbe right lo oeuleat the aat of auob
delegalri or tbeir validity of aucb loatrufltlona.
a eoauimg or rtva.
Kucb eooiptaint aball bn hoard hy a Committee
of Sva delegalaa t be appololed by the Fraaidont
of Iba Convention, which aaid Committee aball
proceed to bear Iba pertiw, lbir pruola and
allegatiooa, and aa a,N,a aa may be reported to
lb Coaveallon whot deleaalea are entitled to
aeala therein, and a bat toatruetione are blading
upon aueh delegate. M'beetuuoB tba Uouveotion
aball proceed immediately, upon the eall of lb
ya and naye, lo adiipl or reject the report of
ine woDieauag pariaoa. jn a bine eall or the yeaa
and naya tba aamsa of Ui.delgiM wboae aaata
are contaated or wboae ioaUue'ioua are diaputed,
aball be omitted.
QruiiricATioa ur nat.BNAvaa apaarin-TKa.
II. All delegate malt reaide la lb dirtrlot
Ibey repreaent. In cite n( ahaeaoc or iaability
te attend, aatntitaliurt rlay be mad from eiu-
n. .it tha di.lplnt. " -"'
William P.. i o.i.t ta.r.c wo.a. b, a,,.,,.,,,., in advance ol tbe others, ho being the!. "K " "7 w,ulDcr ' y.
William l.t,, DeW,t, M citf ln,truclinl ; rBl t of the lodge after leavimi the l" ''" "''h progress MU) defy all
.rd Liti, John; '"" '"' ditncie, and if . I. dated council. Crow Dogwaa seen ap-1""""!"" 'gu iso n. j no ueiui,
..,,, o. .,....., oi ,oc u ,n- nrnach n Tail u i . i u' -l'ei biiu i rocior plantations, wo
N. u..Kll.nd.r, 1. Li U. t. .r euch deiegai. , del.. I1 iT" "... are told, have already suffered erectly.
tbe delegate at delegalaa ao elleodintr ahall he i wagon and was stcppini; down. When
lorlhwith eapoled Iron the Voaventloa, and I Kiw.iiul T..II I. .. . L i
.b.llaolbeelif.bleto.nyolUo.arpU.eot t.u.l, N"''lI Tail Todc. up to him ho sud
in tba party tot a period ol two yeara. I dollly raised Up anil shot Spotted Tail
a uaJoaiTrorai.L aarK-aaar to goaiaxiK. .through Ihe loll breust. Tho chief
n. In Conrtntion a majority of all th Jeic-' fell from his horse, but rose to his feet
galea ahelt la aecaaaary lo a nomination , and ! and made three or lour step towards
no prraon a aim aball be excluded from Iba Hal i m . t j 1 . .
of iandidatei oncii .iu, iba BUtll ballot ol, IV endeavoring to draw his
a . w"',!, ii.ainii'iiwna : alio - ...... u..... i.v l,h hi l in lilt.
ente, wbeo lite peraon receiving tbe leaal ouml.r
vi ,. uv- uni.ivu airucx imm ine I
eod ao on attach euonetiive vote aalil a aorai
ihe roil,
lion la madi, rov.iied, chat it there ehall h a
j tie vote beweeo t wo or more ot Ihe candidatea
I fr .nT otbie. dnrine the ballollne of rl, sl.
galea, then in that oaa ibe eaadtdata having ra
eeived th bwaat popular rote aball be dropped,
and the ballotiag proceed,
rasat.vr ra noauirriaii maims aau aataaav.
14. If any porton who 1 a candidate for any
nnminatiel betore the Cooaty Convention, ahall
be proven lo have oQcrrd or paid any money, or
olber variable thing, ar made any prumiae of a
nonrideraiioB or reward lo any peraon for hit
vote nr tinuenee, to recur tba delegate from aoy
dialriot, cr ahall have offered or paid any monoy
or valuable thing, or pruuiiaed any oonaidaration
or reward, tu any delegate lor bie vot, or to any
other ptraen with a viae of indulging or aaeur
ing thavotaa uf delagatei, or if tbo aama ahall
be donr by any other peraun with the knowledge
and coiaent of aoi-b eanilidale, the name of auob
candidate ahall ha Immediately alrloken from the
lial of tandiilalea, or if aucb lact be aacertained
alterha nomination toaliy orrn'Cfand balorr the
Soul aJJournin-nt, Ihe naut of Ibe numlnoe aball
LTiSTT :."J".r ,:.'' :" "':
aui'li peraon ehall be ineligible to any nout, nation
by a Onven'inn. or to an election a a delegate
Ibareaher. And ia aaae II aball I a alloaad aflar
lb. of .be C.n.cti ..a lb. I an, .an-
didate tut in nouiiinlliuii bat been goillj ol aucb
i', oraoy o'hor fr:iu inUot pr:icoci.a to ol.taivj
.uch n.roln.iloo.tb. ebarge .ball b. "T'-'ee
- , - . ... -
a ih,. thx.vrlv m..v Pf,o.O.. I
i If any delegate ibad rcoeive any money
or other valoehle Ihing, or accept Ihe pnoiia of
any eenai Irration or reatrd tn be pald,deltvcrcd,
or eetared to biiu, or aor peraon for tuch dole
gate aa ei induiemrnt for bie vote, op,,n proof
I of rbe tact I . the aal-'tatioii of the Convention,
i aaeb delegate ehall be forthwith expelled, and
.al nul be tw.iie I aa a tu any fuiuto
' bIhIi b inaiiible to any pirty
Bi'tt v nava rBBfatiBVOK.
Id. Cataa arlrtog ur, Irr tbe mice ahall have
ptrnrdrnce over all other bceiaeea lb Coaeentioa,
ualii deleriniaad
jtaariaQ er vna roavatnoB.
17. Tbe Coartty ConveatioB abalf meet anhit
a'ly, In lie Ciurt llooae at I o'clock P. M., on
tho third Tqeiday ef deptenber.
eaieeraranaaTB e eawetnaeira.
1 -. The name c all the eandldalet for oNlee
MbellheanBoBneed at leag three weeka pretiuua
to Ibe time of holding the primary elcetioa.
J. P. b"RckFIKLD, Chairman.
We. E. tVAI.LAOB. Secntery.
Si us. Fillmoiii list u. Mia. Millard
Killmore, wile of the late ex-President
Kiilmoro, died at her residence in lliif
falo, N. on Thursday night last,
the 11th inat., aged tuventy-one yeara.
Mrs. I'illmorc's lifa vns oboracteriicd
by charity, both publio and privato,
boing a liljeml siibsoribor to many nt
the public cbaritahb institutions of
that city. Mrs. Fillmore received a
scvero stroke of paralysis In October
loft, which rendered poworless ono
aido of her body anc very nearly de
prived her of tip fteulty o enecch.
From this stmko she olmost fully re
covered, and on Suniny morning, tho
7th inst., she was hrlht nnd cheerful,
About noon on that cay sho sustained
a second stroke of paralysis, and since
then bas bcon In a very critical condi
tion. 8bo was lite socond wilo of
President Fillmore, whom she married
after tlio expiration of his Presideti(in
term. v pH giio mari led the ex
President sho was the widow of
Kzekicl Mcintosh, of Albany, whero
sho then resided in tho old Schuyler
munsion. Tbo first wife of President
Fillmoro was Abim,.! Powers, who
died at Willard't Hitel in Washing
ton, on March 30, W53, less than a
month after tbo oxpuation of his term
of otllco. During that time, however,
she had been in poo health, and loll
to her only daughter. Miss Mary Abi
gail Fillmoro, tho duty of presiding
formally over tho Wbite House. The
daughter tllod on Jul 26, 1851, at the
early ago ol twenty two yours. Tho
ex-President died at BulTulo on March
1, Jf.
IIancook at YonKrowN. It was a
fitting and graceful get in Secretary
Uneoln to Invito Mnjnr (ion. Hancock
to tnko charge of tbe military display
at, ine i orxiown conionnlal celcbra
tion. General Ilanecck is not only
one of Ibe most distlreulsbod and ca
pable officers in the Army, but his
noaring as a raniiiriolo lor tho Presi
dency, both bulora and since tba elen
tion, was In Iho highest detrreo crodit-
ablo to him. His annearance at tho
inauguration ceremonies, and Iho oor-
dlnl relations cstabliehod with Prcsi
dont Garfiultl, showed a mind superior
to disappointments. In addition to
the propriety of General llancock'i
selection in recognitlos of his atnnding
ns an officer and his character as a
patriot, tbo further eonaideration of
his acceptability to the Southern peo
ple, among whom Iho eelchratlon is to
lie hold, was not, we trust, lost sight ol.
Tho Kighlh Annual 'f ri-Stato Picnlo
of the Patrons of Husbandry and tnr
mersof Hontbern Ponniylvania, Mary
land, West Virginia and adjoining
Slates, will bo held at Williama' tirovo,
Cumberland connty, Pg on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, August 29, 30 and 81, and
September 1 and 2, 1881. Although
ffntton np nndor the ausplocs of the
Order of Patrons of Husbandry, this
exhibition ia attended hy thntisanda of
farmers onlslda of the Order; in fact
it has booomo the great annual resort
of the fanners of Pennsylvania, Now
Jorsey, Maryland, Wost Virginia, Vir-
ginia ana Delaware, and therefore af
fords a rare opportunity for manufac
turers to advertise their machinery.
Last year tho exhibition was attend
ed hy 40,000 people,
No Kon The Wheeling Intelligen
cer Bays: While the steamer "Handy"
waa approachlnu Portsmouth. Ohio, on
Sucd-v taorcins, tbe 7th Inat . four.
teen shots were shot into her from a
wagon on Ihe road close to tbe river
hank. Tbe pilot had to lie down to
ascape the bullula, whieb also entered
the engine room and Ibe sabio, one of
the bales just mitwing a lady paaaenger.
No cause te known tor the attack. Are
we civilised T
enow Don.
Yankton, 1. T., August 10 The
oillcinl account ol the murder ol Siiot-
, ted Tail win received lure lust night
hv I ;.r o I '....l a,.....t .1... U I
"' '. u
I . ' ... .... &.m,i,
1 1 runs as fidlowe: About noou ou
5lh ''. Plurf ' r"l-ned at
tho agent's ollice lo receive instructions
reniirding bis conlemplulel visit to
Washington, bo having been selected
as one ol the renreseiitaLivuu nf ilm
! Himix at the coming conference at the
, ... r .
Mutionnl capital, lie was urged to
start ut unce, us a letter from I he In
dian office direc ted him to report to
Agent Andriis, nt Ynnkton agency, no
later thau the 5lh inst. As a delega
tion from the Pine Ridge agency was
expected to reach Hoseiiuil agency, on
ins evening oi mo otu, Mpotted Tail
conciuiieti to wait until the next morn
ing and go with the Red Cloud dele
gation to Yankton agency. This ar
rangement having been decided upon
Spotted Tail decided to bavo a tulk
with his people that uftemoon and re
ceive an expression of their views up.
on the subject to come before the
conference. Bidding halox good-bye,
saying he would call at the otllco in
the evening to receive any further in
structions whlcb miifht in the moan,
tune occur to that gentleman, Spotted
Tail left lor the Indian villngo to con
fer with bis people. An interview
was held with tbo Indians, they had a
very long talk and feast and tho coun
cil broke up. Spotted Tail mounted
bis horse and sturted homeward. The
Indians were scattering in everv di
rection with the noted chief somewhat
piMOl. urow Dog jumped In his Wag.
! on and drovo off at lull snee.l totcanla
I, Id fflmti nl.,A m.O... .K.J....
".I', Iltlln IIIBIUIIL.
Ibe Acting Agent at once issued an
order lor tho arrest of Crow Dog, un
der u paragraph in tho treaty of 18IM,
which rentiers him amenable to while
man's law. In oomplianno with these
orders, the Indian police accomplished
the arrest of Crow Dog and he was
sent to Fort Niobrara lo await trial
,v" "'"i""',
Denver, Col., August 13. A special
dispatch of yestorday's date to tho
Republican from McCarthy, H. M-,
says: "Couriers bavo Just arrived
horn L,n Havoyo runcho, forty mileB
I'niin here, with intelligence that I.ieu-
tenant (iuilloylo
uuo rcaheil there
j uov lutein. i ncy loillKl iwt) Ifletl dcuil,
I and leoi ned that threo women hud
l llrt., ..,.,.:, I ,.iv tu , ;., . , , .
I .T"' ' " 1 "n captives. Lieutenant
; a II 1 1 1 iy to ll lit J I WO ftghtH with lljll lu-
idians very retfoiitly, und cuiilurcd
! UOnilll!Mab'lU Stock, besides rotltimr
i ., . , .1., m,. i- , . . . .
Tlio troops In the field l.avu
4. .. . .. .- . . . .
tieen iruvciltlir niIll Ulltl llliy, ami aro !
vitrj- miicn latiKUcti. rruni is Jitiraii,
of t'atnlicra, is hero with a luro purty
of Mexicans, but without atms, and
asks iho Oovcriimoiit to ftl'ilii utntr.u
riitiun, thm tlioj uiiy at once com
tncnoe opcrationa against the lmlinns.
I'he hosnlos are between La Savoye
and the Dutil Mountain. Troops are
boini sent from Monica and Avera to
intercept them, and it ia thought thoy
will Biic'ceed in doinir so."
The R-'publican'i Santa Ke advices
from below aro to tbo effect that the
situation is more serious than ever
ticturo as regards the outbreaks of tho
Moscaloro Apaches. The Indians, in
small bands, are raiding the country,
and It ia ntturly imposaihlo lor Ihe
troops to come up with them. He
porta ol murdora and depredations
committed hy them upon isolated com
munities oome in evory day, and thore
ia no telling the dainago done or the
number of Uvea lost sinco they hare
been in tbe field. Tbe supply ol
troops is unequal to the emergency.
General Hatch ia in the field notifying
the people to aim, and informing them
of tbemovomenlsol the Indians as far
as known. Two prospectors wore
killed by the Indiana in tho Florida
Motintaina and a number near the
Guadeloupe llountaiua. There is tho
greatest ajinrelionsion all over the
ootintry, and unless more troops are
ordered to tho district there Is no lm
medialo prospect of a belter outlook.
On Tbursdny evening the Atlantic
flouring mill, corner of Main and Plum
streets, St. Louis, of which Geo. Hain,
oq., president of the .National Millers'
Association, is president aud manager,
was struck by lightning. An ex plo
sion seems to have instantly followed
tho stroke of lightning. The bolt had
scarcely touched tho building wbon
flro issued, as if by magic, from its
overy part and in half itn hour tho
mill and its entiro contents wore com
pletoly doslroyed. A number of mon
at work on different floor wore blown
through the doorways and windows,
receiving serious and perhaps fatal in
juries. Tho flro spread immediately
to tho Fnltiio City Oil Works, emend
ing on Plum street from Alain to river
front. The Works burned vuiy fiercely.
A warehouse containing rosin and
turpontino on Iho same block, was also
in flumes and tho Plum street depot
of the Iron Mountain Iiailroad, on tho
opposite side ef tho street, was in
great danger.
About seventy mon were deployed
in tho mill, all of whom, it ia aaid, are
accounted for. fcOVurl nf them reara
badly burned, bowovur, nnd have been
sent to tho hospital. The loss on the
mill is 1.0,UOO; insurance, 8120,000.
Tbe Futuro City Oil Works were
damaged about fl.'i.Ooil.
Thb Assassin'i AfTontoiinAPiiT.
A Washington telegram says ; Gui
toau's autobiography, now complete,
oonlatns about 10(1,000 word. It will
not bo published nor usod In Court In
its present shape. Some parts of it
will ncvor see tho light. One portion
ol it relates lo the ruinnf his wife in Phil
adelphia bof.ire thoir marriage, and
another to varloua scandals about pub
lic men oi noiii parlies. Uuitcau thinks
it Is to be published in lull, with pict
ures and autographa of himself and
Colonel Corkhill and a photograph of
mo jail, llulfa doaon publishers have
applied for it. Ono offers a handsome
sum ol money and 25 percent, royalty.
no estimates the probable saloa ol the
first edition at 250,000. Of course no
publisher will got It. (Jultoaii appcara
to like his monotonous, isolated life.
Trr n i n li Windstorm ( 'ti a u n r n .
nt'Ru, Pa, August 13. A torrihlo wind
storm accompanied by heavy rain vial-
ten linn piaco tins aiternoon. Tbo
root of St. James' Muthodist Fpisco
pal Church was blown off and carried
sixty feet and Iho gable ends and ceil
ings were ermbed In. Tha chunk ia
badly damairod. The roola of Dill. lift
and privato biii.dinK were blown off
and ono houno wur enllrely upset.
The ili.'U of the yT Company wore
blown down and piled MToral fuel bigb
on Second street. So one waa hurt.
Tbe atorm was severe at PhUadolnhi
also at Petenburar, Y. No lives tout.
Pennsylvania I'iniies. In the re
port of Messrs. James Dtifl'y, of Mari
etta, II. ,1, Reetler. of Huston, l.'cnja
ruin L. Ilewilt, of llollidaysburg, and
their colleuKiies ol the I'uniisylvaiiia
Slate ('omtuii.sioiiers ol' fisheries, we
Hud that there are at least one nun
drcd and forty specie of hVhcs in the
waters of tho Slute. and that of these,
eiubiy species are important for fiiod
and may bu cultivated to udvantnge.
Thirty-one species aro found in the
Delaware and its tributaries ; but tbeir
are forty-one in the Allegheny river
and its tributaries, which shows that
end of the .Stale to have an advantage
in the variety of fish, lood, and it be
ing a brainy kind of nourishment, It
may account for the preponderating
inniienco ol the western counties in
tbe Legislature. It is lo bo considered
that the Allegheny river fishes bavo
tho wholo range of the thousands of
miles ol waters ol the Ohio and Missis
sippi Valleys. The Ohio river catfish
are enormous in size, occasionally run
ning to a hundred and even a bundled
und fifty pounds. The commissioners
think these might ho transplanted, so
to speak, to tho Delaware with ad
Tux Gbound on King. Tbo Savan
nah (bu.) .Aitr contains tho followine-
For about two months a dense smoke
on the Carolina side of the Savannah
River has been visible ovory day from
this city, aud once or twice during
that period tho wind, netllinir in this
direction, bus filled our streets with
tho disagreeable odor of burning veg
etable mutter. Ou making inquiry wo
learn that tbe smoke arises from the
burning of the turf or peat of rice
fields in that locality, which took fire
while every day increase tho cfamaje
to an alarming extent. Large areas
of tho rich pcut soil of those valuahle
plantations bavo already been burnt
out down to tho wet sea level, entail
ing damage to the soil that will require
centuries to repair.
Why Should They? No mar. or
woman can do satisfactory work when
tho brain is dull, the nerves unsteady,
the system relaxed and they feel gen
erally wretc hed. Why should lawyers,
merchants, clergymen, doctors, me
chanics or mothers often miserably
drag through their work in this con
dition, when a small amount of Park
er's Ginger Tonio will always, at raocl
eralo cost, clear tho brain and give
them tho strength and thoy will per
form their duties satisfactorily. We
have felt its strengthening and brae
ing offects and can rcommond it most
highly'. Seo othor column. 8 3-lt.
Primary Election, Saturday, Sept. 17.
Fkk. Th fat oirmt bn paid in Jtso, mai
wili U i ttilk.wa : For Tretur-r, IU. for An
tvoMul Jtl. J8. fur County UommiMioner.
for C'Miai Au4ildr, &. Tbi will pty for It,.
CHO f-.f 4i.U cnrfijtut ttbil tLts uu
ltetito blski.
Y'.V'ir'iJ "'. ..""""ff "" '"'!-
....... ... ..v -,, u, ..inerneiij, aa e eaaltaate
for Ibe ott-e of A.swiale Jn le, aalijert te Ibe
rulaf cifornlnc the I Um or at l purtv.
t'oitoOitn trldrrii, tlri.ld,
Wt tit nihofimj lo Ranun th intra of
JOHV IIOCKW.'.IIKHKV, of titit io-dhI,,,-, li
ft atrndiiUt for lb oA.t of Aiiooiiti Ju1g, ub
Jecl to Iba rate g wrnag the lim'Vra.lns piriy .
Poi,ufflc.j ftddnia, Mrfbcrrtin. Fft.
W r ftathnHied t ftnnannn tb ntw of
JACOB W. GAMPI.KMi.fjf Ball tflwaihip, U ft
Aandidata for lha office of AraooiMo Judyo, aubjiat
lo Iho rulaa g'irrrainK tha Damooratit irtv.
FnftoffiM adrJrcM, Cuihrft.
Wo ara oulnnHif". to lanfiantio th nm of
DAN Kit W. MOoKB. of Clrt.l bnroufh,
onii for lb omt of Aiaejro sjutlgi,
uhjoct to tb rula gortroing th Uaatuortttto
foaloQa tttlreM, Clcftrlold, Pft.
Wo ro tiuthnHifrl tn annmnea tho am of
VllAHLKS u. WATSON, of Clmrfleld Boroogh.
aa ft eon did -aa for th offio of Aaaociat Ju if ,
utjMl .0 tho rulti i-jTaralos tba Uinoort.ot
Potto ft tj addroM,, Pa,
W ar anthnriiH to anaoBaoo th bwi of
JACOB P. KTK1NKK. of Daratur towoabip. aa a
randldaU for tb often of Troaiarar, aibjact to
tbo rli gnnrnlnK Daiftott party.
Poftofioa addrata. l'hillpibara;. Pa,
W ar ftnihirlfsd to anaonae tho Ban of
DAN1KL SI KWAhT, of brtwiford tow a. hip, a
a candidal fur Traamrar, tutjet to th rulaa
got era ing tb DaiDrxratlr party.
Poitoffle addrtia. Woo lr.a( ?a.
Wear authtTlifd to announco th a an of
TIlOMAll A. HOOVRIl, of I'lk lowDihip, a ft
candidal fur tha oft of TrMurtr, tub ta 1
the rulaa fnrraiD lb Uamoctatio party,
Pottoflle addreri. Cnrw MavUle, P.
w authorlioil to an amino tha nam of
jutin . ltniAhia. or UuUuIa borough, ai
candidal for tb offlr of Traamrar, uhjrrt to
uiv r lOTorninit in vrnooraile party,
1'oittitllo add re , UtiUola, Pa,
woar aathoriiffl to aoaoanrt th ftajo of
ejuuri w, niinnaht.ol tloarfiald borougb,
a ai.ditUt tor tba omo of Traanurcr, mbjeet to
rmw (irtrminir tn uenoerattft party.
J'tatofflo adria, C loaf 61 dt P.
W ar to anttoajtio tba aama of
W. MILTON HUAW.of tlaarfialrl brouKb, aa a
oKuuiHeiM ior in omr oi irauarer, lubjaclto l
ruir juicro'Di ioe urinocTATlo party.
PoatuMM addrer. OkarSeld, Pa,
W ar aulht-rlifd to annonnn tba nan of
CHAKLKMSCHWKM, of Bradv lownahin. .
eaadidat for tb t(bo nf Tranrr. aabjt to
' ji'icriiiin V.U.J uamnnrau party,
PoatcDo ad dram, Lutherbarg, Pa,
W ar authorliFil lo aannaar th nan of
i'-.iir,i,niMlKU,or Hrady toarBuhip, at a eo
ota at mr lh oRlr of Trarr, atthjeet t th
ri fovarniaf ut iiaamoralio parly,
t' a t offio addrtaa, ImuttUI, Pa.
t, aari',T' " owm Ih nam of
"""i rariiio towaihip, as
oandidaf fur th Se of Ceuatv CuiamliiioBr,
Uijot to Ihf raits gurcrmng ih Uvaioorfttto
Pttofl1 addrM, Marmn, Pa.
. ,0,nr"l- In ti.BoBf tht niinc of
-uun u i is A f , f Plk towoabip, aa ft oandl
data lor lb ollie of Oimnt CimMii..n t
jct to lh r tilt i govaraiag th Uanoeratio party.
"tuiUfaj suurct, niOOtniDg'OD, l a.
W ar auUmritad to aanoinca th oan of
v-mi.-i rit-nitii, ai vovmgtoa townihlp, aa a
tun did at for tb ofle of County Ooaitaiaiooar,
.mw tm mm nun goTOrniUf ta Uaaioerm
PoitutBca adrtraNt, Praarhvllla, Pa.
m oor naa lo aonoano lh Bam of
","'k" '', of Nw Wftphtnfrton
U.mmi(.onr, ul.jat t th rla. gurvmiig tb
PoitoOlo ftddr, IVaw WaihlagtoB, Pa.
u-tt odTiiati in annotinoo Ih aata of
""""'1 r. viiA-MUtKU. orOrwcniillhnr
ouKht aaaoandidato lor lh oft of Couaty Con.
niiMioor, unn to th tulei f.werniDf -b,
UDOfvrali party.
PuatoSto addri, Carwmi;f,
--T. tbortil to aannvaf tb oam f
fcLAH JOHNMrojf.of (raoi.d looaahtp, at
.... . ..wvw ui wanly vaiaiaitaiooer.
sobjeel te te the relet (omelet Ik Ueejoeretic
Poctnilea ai.lreet, Qranplaa Hilli, Pa.
We are eetliiirltea' te enBoanee Ibe steie ef
FRANCIS K. COI TKRKT, f Kartbaut te.a
rnip, aa a canlllie fnr tbe offlee of County
Ocrnrolasloner, snbjeet te Iba rale oTCrnln Ibe
Veetelnee adilreaa, Rarlkau, Pa,
We arc aulBorlted la aasannce tba aaata el
nai.iiAra at. bliiusi, el fit tt,woahip, a a
eanilidale lor tba ottlne ef Coant Coremualuaer
tul.Jeel telhcrnea(ererclD(lbel)eraeeratlc partj.
....., aunea. rJiUOBnBSCCB, fa.
We are aelhnrlaa4 te anaoaaee Ibe ease ef
HKI IIK.N H'BAW, ct Jcrda, lo..h,n"aa a
eaeilldale for the crane ef Auditor, rableoi te ibe
ralea (nrereln. tbe Deaeeralle parly.
FuBloBee addrcae, Aaioarllle, I'a,'
yfty g.arrtUrmruti.
F F.0R1 H A "" 0K0RIA.-Fer laf.
1 JjVIUJA Btalloa Ibeac Stalee
real the HtTaaaaa Moaetas Nawa. Wbbblt
Iraaranetb I rale sheet) St a Teari Dalle lis a
jer. ih Beet nepere IB IBB HtlBIB.
eneiei B ecBia. Addra.t.
i it ii.jt' "' K"T,I, """i Ot.
1)1 111 IC NcnK B,-I do bcreb, re.,ke
end anaul caj aad all amhorltr ef what
a..a bled and nature, at aa; tleae haralefora
leca to Joceiib a. A nee, te Be or Iraaeact aa let eie ee te aaaia, Bed eaai.i. ,
writua BirarBtcal lalecl ea er aboal Jejt lib.
ISfSt aad I Be war. all xee.
SelB kadaaec wllh blea Bar aa et ea Bl aiaaal
as I wm bb4 rattft ac cMtc lha aaaaf
Nt.Hr., (B.rl ft. 0.) lH. 1T, mX-K
,fu' 3adt'rrtisfmfttts.
11 fUAVKH. thereby give notice that t era
V V prepared tn weave all kinde of carpal lo
order, at my plaeeof rerideuceln Parndire, l.w
renee lowsibip.
BAH ( Altl'Et 18 MY SI'L'OIALTY.
Call (in I'aradlae) or addrn.t
Clea-aeld, I'a.
Aug. Id, 1 SSI-tie
IXKlirnilf mTICK.-Notleela bare.
J by givea that Lellere 1'eatameotary on lha
eai.te of KLKANOR WHUILKY, (relict of J. K
Wrigley) lale of Clearfield borough, Fa, dae'd,
bavlog baea doly granlod to tbe underNignad, all
peraona Indebted te aaid eatate will pleere make
Immediate eaeymenl, and Ibnte having claima or
demanda agaiaat Ibe aama will praaent Ibam
properly anibenlieated for Battlement.
JOHN Nol'.lUS, SR.,
Curwentvllle, Pb., Aag. IS, ISSI St.e
II glvea that Ihe Comraleeloaera of Clearneld
oounty will receive eealed prnpoeala at Ibeir office
unlit ThurnUay, Auifuat SAttl, ubtil i o'clock
K. M., lor lepairiog toe Lower Bridge, at Clear
Bald, and put It in goao repair, of which builder
and meebantoa will pleaee tale notice. -O.
Alteat: J, A. Fanar, Clark. Comraitalonert.
Com'ra' OIBoe, ClearDeld, Pa., Aug. Ill, 'Sl ot.
iWohn Wanamakfr'j
r2 amoni wtlu-r jlac
i WlV$'f ' f imer's, iitv tlran
Ik XF&r acre ..'.mi a.- nilcl v ith Dry Goods
ill Ji7 CariK-tt, Chirtii. Furniture, etc Th
Lx ih
last acj.:.nn
through the air, anil
arc also worth seeing."
There is a Lita -h-Huwi in the building. Valises,
baskets and Mckagcs can be li ft in charijc of attendant in
Ladies' Waiting Room. ,
Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel at
home when they come, and he free to purchase or not, as
tlicy please.
Note. Our large Catalogue, with prices and full
directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United
States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address
John Wanauakhr, Grasd n.- rcir. r-it-tDPiPiiiA.
Pouuitir cifina lUafltint (lirrtlsrramt.
The Light Running Domestic 1
Cd.'Bt !,
at t1
g !;
t!-.' i,
TIIK manr aaeieelM qaalillet or TBI LIOIIT Rt'NNINci DOMESTIC bare aeeered for It aa
enprcredea let derr.aa.1. No atodcra iatproveaaeat nf worth but what baa beee addee)
For Li,lee. of Reunion. Snjerieritr of llaoaraetara. Kiror.lieiiy of Meeaceraeat, or Raaee e(
Wart, Ibe UOMKSXI0 turpaatet all oihara. Riamiria Ha tointe anj he eoeeleeed. Call aa er
a'Wre.t 1. A. katATZKH. Aireut far Ct.ara.lS f..i.
NflAfllfS. (Ill and Attachments
Jety 1 3 lSSI.II
IThf grw I'tomr j&rulnji
No. 4, Half Case, Manufacturers' Price $50.00,
i will sell
Pop Cash, and Cash Only, fop $30.00.
No Exchanging For Old Machines.
No Traveling Agents Employed to Sell Machines,
Thus Doubling the Cost.
By ptirchrising machines from mo direct, you receive the benefit
of ell commissions, ns I buy them for CASH,
nnd sell them for CASH.
Is tho result of twenty-five yean practical experience in tbe mon
ulacturo of sewing machines, and contains more points
of excellence than can bo found in nny otheV
machine. In its construction is combined
for Wide
Tho Light-Running "Now Home"
Uses a Straight, Self-Setting Needle and makes the Dotible-Thread
'Lock Stiteh. It is the iwrfoction of mechanism for
It adapted to every variety of sewing, from tho lightest muslin
to the heaviest cloths, and does a greater rango of work
than any other machine made.
It runs lighter U the ropiest, easiest operated, best made, nnd
most elegantly ornamented machine in the world, combining
every requisite to produco a Perfect Machine.
Aug. 10, 1881-tf. Ill ABKET. STBEEt-
fif gldrrrttsfmrnK.
Ob Market Pr,, ana door weetof MaBaloa H,,,
Oar arrangementt are cf the Boat eounleu
character lor (Voiaklog tbe publia with Freak
. "7 "'" '". ana oi ine very belt nnalny.
He ala. deal In all blnda of Agricultural loipla.
nienle, which we keep oa eiblbitloa for tbe bee.
ent of the public Call around whea la towa
and take a look at thlnga, or addreti ae
n, . , . . F. al.CARDONABRO.
Clearlleld, Pa., July 14,
Clearfield Nursery.
ryUK nndaralgaed, kaving eeubli.bed a Nar
1. aery on tba 'Plk., .I.t hf bWM,
Cienrfleld and Curwenaville, ia prepared to far.
ni.b all kind of FRI'IT TREKS, (aludard and
dwarf,) Uvcrgreeae, Bhrnbbery, Qrape Vlnti
Uooeehorry, Lawloa Blackberry, Btrawbarry'
and Raapberry Viae. Alto. Siberian Crab Treat
CJalnee, and early aearlet Rbabarb, Ae. Ordara
prompUy auandow te. AddretB,
aepll-SS-f CnrweaavUle, Pa.
(Slothing gmi'frl.Sfmfnt.
yciti Wfil und,
nmoiiir ntlu r jlace
Cliinn. Furniture, etc The
i' larm- .onl ncatitiful
i-iteZfr&iVmr Pliil i-i .iohia
l'ieliii-e 0'Mri, to which admittance U free.
The I'liriiiiiot'C Tni.. cam ini' the money
the Khcirie-Tsnl't M'lehinrril,
B 1
fnr all MiAm.. r. C.l.
,vi (.ii aaaoAiutuco tut uaioi
parlitne adi-rrtistmrat.
for Easo of Management and
Range of Work.