Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 10, 1881, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
flptid la advance, or within three BOBthi...! ad
JfM.d after three ud before lit Bombs... i 00
tffkii aflef theeiplrallon of lii uonbta... S
piml W'mvt-r it Duraing a apruitM-tl wrint.
- m b
The kuty-didn nud t-rU-krta are bating
evening concert.
J.'urweiwvllle wHvwi their new fire ap-
pnrnlu last week.
m e -
Tlic jxtttoftkfc at FureMt, in Bloom towathi
lnw lieen diMtiiiihiuf).
roext went ws win cuiuiueuce nniioiuuing
the nauitft of uuiilMlutea.
MiM Jennie bigler rwntly n tnrned from
prulontfrd viNit to Harrislmrn.
ii -
CanipinK-ont parties nre ijiiiie popular in
lii "neck o' wotxU ' this Hummer.
The election ou the Watrr cjtifHttun next
Saturday promise to Ite intereoUiiK.
- m
With the rijirtpciMia and flim, Hixhr had
very unmmfortable time of it lant week.
! l - -
M. L. C. Kvana,oi I'ike Umiuhiji, is travel
ing agent for the Curwennville Woolen Mills
X. E. Arnold ill rehuild his mill
Bridgeport, a few miles went of Curweiwville.
David Witherow publishes a card on carpet
weaving which will be of inn-rent to our
The Light K unning New Home ia almost
noiwlrm T. A. Fink. fJeneral Agent for
Clearfield conntv.
A new atnekof drew gingham. Fall pnt-
terna, just receive! nt 11. Lehman & Co.'n, i
the 0tcra House,
The Light Running New Home, nimplcrtt
and !rt ho wing machine in the world. T. A
Fleck, (ienend Agent for Clearfield count v.
Fleck puhliRlM a very intereMing (nmnin
nication thia wwls on the newing machine
question, Hchaflhiftfiayalnngwith theothen.
mi -
Hurry Itider has purchased the tulimw
store of James E. Watson, in this place, and
took powewtitm of the an me one day lnut
t i
The comet discovered by Froieattor Bchav
Wrlr1, of Ann Arlor, Mich., July 13th, is now
Haiti to bo visible from 2 o'clock A. M. until
The National Guard of this State will en
camp atSnltsbnrg, Indiana county, beginning
with tn-dny (the loth) and continuing for a
WM-k or ten days.
On Saturday next, between the hours of 7
o'clock A. M. and 7 r. M., is the, time fixed
fur voting on the Water question. Vote right
and don't forget it.
John N'orrin, Hr., of Curweiwville, hiw Iwcu
(iiialitied an Executor of the estate of Mrs.
Llianor Wrigley, relict of Win. K. Wrigley,
late of l IcnrUeld borough. ,
A trump was lntely arrested nt Kittunning
uith $2,000 on his prrmm. The money wits
tieil up in rags nnd concealed in diflereut
places alxtnt his clothing.
A n excel lent on ts crop has j twt Iwn
harvested, but our farmer frh-uds are grently
ilisiitM)inted about the corn and buckwheat
crops in this county on account of the drought,
len. W. W. II. Itavis. editor of the Doylcs
town Dt-morrtit, and lady, are mxticating this
week at t'resson. We learn that there are
nhmit (W0 guilts at the Mountain House this
- - mm
Mr. C. C. Ihjflield, of tit. Petersburg, l'a.,
iwlvcrtises second-hand stationary nnd portable
engines nnd boilers for sole. For particular,
wo refer you to his advertisement elsewhere
in this paper.
In our next issue we will publish an inter
esting sketch of the Hie of Hon. James L.
(iillis, lately deceased, written for the Phila
delphia Timet by Hon. Henry 8m titer, an in
timate friend of thedejmrted.
The cemetery well has been finished at a
depth of thirty-two feet, with alwut three
fwi of water in it. A pump has Iwn put in,
and everything is now in good working order.
Frank Bradley engineenul the Job.
During the month of ia the time
tor our citizens, and farmers too, to destroy
the weeds about their premises that annually
annoy them. Full them out of root before
the seed matures.
Clean out the smart weeds and thistles
from the pavements in front of your stores
and residences. Ity destroying them in Au
gust for two Hummers in sticorwion, you will
xueceed in annihilating them.
m e -
A. C. Welch is gitning us much notoriety
and attracting as much attention In this vi
cinity nn Ctiiitcnu. We would not be sur
prised to hear of him soon starting out on a
lecturing tour, to tell "What I Know About
Hewing Machine." !
Complaints continue to be made niton t boys
(and very large boys, too) going in bathing
on Hundny afternoons in the river nenr O. L.
Keed's farm, In full view of persons going to
and returning from church. It ia hojicd this
outrage will cense.
John W. Wilson and family, of this place,
are traveling this season with "Mnln A Co.'s
New International Hhow," which Js now ex
hibiting in the eastern part of the State
Their proffMsionnl names arc "John D'Alma,'
"Madnme D'Almn," "Ia Petite Maud IA1
ma," etc.
. m
Frctl Nisley, son-in-law f Mr. Imuur John
son, of this place, and well-known in th
vicinity, has Ikcii appointed postmaster of a
new office recently established in Dawson
county, Nebraska, cnth-d Peucil. Mr. Nisley
and family moved out tu Ncbrunka one year
ago Inst Spring.
R. H. Shaw, of this place, now traveling in
the West has sent us several copies of the
Daily Gatrttf, published al Colorado Hprings,
Colorado, at which plao h w ojntirning a
portion of last week. He ts nivompiUiiod liy
Dr. O. F. Hoop nnd Albert Owen, both of
The tenth annual session of the Juniata
Valley Cumpmeetiug of the Central Penn
sylvania Conference of the M. E. Chnrch,
will open at Newton Hamilton on Tuesday,
August Kith. Preaching at HKM a. M , on
Wednefulay. the 171 h, by Rev. Jtixhop EG.
Andnws, of Washington, D. C.
Mr. M. Kumery has boeu appoiuted Ht-
maNier at Olen Hope.
M isa t ily McK instry has returned from an
extended and a pleasant visit to friends and
relative in York Stute.
Tlie Light Running N-w Home never get
out or order. T. A. Fleck, tieneral Agent for
Clearfield county.
The new building of the Clearfield Fire
Brick Worka ia about completed, and in a few
days you may Mtrt to hear the new whistle.
m m -
A satchel was U t ut Dr. Hill's residence
during the Shaw House fire. The claimant
can have the auuia by proving bis proiterty
ano paying lor tlna advertisement.
The County Commiwuonen will receive pro-
prtiis lor repiiinng the Second it reel brtilge
until I hurwtay afternoon, August tMth. For
IKirticuIara see advertisement in this hwue.
Atth JtAor. Kli Bloom, Esq., and lady,
and Mr. nnd Mra. John I. Patterson have
been rusticating for a week or more at Ocean
drove. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Wallace are so
journing at Cape May.
The largo illustrated posters for the first
animal Fair of tho Clearfield Agricultural
Park Association are Is-ing distribute. They
were printed at Cincinnati. The Fair will
he held on the 11th, pJth, l.'Mh and 14th days
of Octolter. Premium offered to the amount
A party of twenty or twenty-five ludics and
gentlemen will leave to-day (Wednesday) or
Thursday to camp out for a week or more.
fhey will pitch their tents m the sylvan
shades and cool retreats along Clearfield
creek. They anticipate a pleasant time, nnd
we hojM they will not lie disappointed.
WhoifDr.' Patnwf ,Dr."Palmer,dentiHt,
who advertises himself in the Clterrytree!
Krrvrtt as Wing from Clearfield, U cither
uhniued of his home orafmidof the law. Hr
is not a resident of Clearfield, nud never wiw.
to the I tent of our knowledge nud Is-lief. j
' ' DiiNTtST.
A aluabl Timber Purchas: From the
Journal of hint eek weleurn that Mcshw.
Clark B. Nwria and W. M. Shuw rew-ntlv
purchased of Williairi Maics a valmiblt- tract
ot timlKT land mtuated on Tmut Run. It
contain three hundred acre and it is esti
mated will cut five million feet of pine and
hemlock timlier.
We learn from the Altooua Daily Sun that
the Pennsylvania Railroad Compiiny arc
mukiag a geohigical Burvcy of all the coal
basins on the West Branch and Monlinnnon
creek, From Farrandsville! on the West
Branch, to Clearfield. Mr. W. W. Seaman, a
former resident of Tioga county, has chnrge
of the survey. The object is to ascertain the
most desirable locution forextensions of their
lines of railway.
The Light Running New Home lasts a life
time. T. A. Fleck, General Agent for Clear
field county.
The Light Running New Home has no
enual. T. A. Fleck, tieneral Agent for Clear-
Held county
The Light Running New Hume, a model
of perfect iun. T. A. Fleck, tieneral Agent for
Clcurflcld count v.
Mism-a Ella and Alice Shaw returned home
last week from a visit to Indiana, where they
visited their cousin, Mrs. Jennie Clements.
We notice among the list of patents lately
awarded to Pennsylvania inventors ia one
granted to Mr. Adam Breth, of New Wash
ington borough, this county, for a bolt-clipper,
to facilitate the work of blacksmiths.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the
INwtofllee nt Clearfield, Pa., for the week end
ing August Hth, lHl:
Mrs. Vim. Cunningham, Alex Cnmli
Thomas II. (iray, Rev. K. H. Hctovey, Philip
Kunt):, Annie Lynns, R. J. Maurer, W
McCracken, Fannie Mctiee, Janet Mitchell,
David Robinson, Jennie Robinson, John Tny
lor, A. H. Wi1w.ii.
Manual Harvtit om. The Clearfield I
mona Grange, No. Ill, will hold their annual
hasket pimic on Thursday, Keptemlier 1st
the farm of J. B. Shaw, two miles north
Clearfield. Miihic will lie provided for
entertainment of old and young. Sjtenkei
are expected to be present to address
meeting, commencing at 10 o'clock A.
All are invited, as this is expected to lie
largest liody of ciliwus ever held In
wMiuty. K. M. Davih Master.
M. J. Owkxh, Secretary.
Ta. Taf The Bellcfouto HWcAnwis gives a
couple of young men away, as follows : 'W
had the pleusure of a mil from our friends,
W. II. Patterson, of Houtxdale. mid J. L.
leichhold, of Clearfield. Both of them hav
just retunufP from their Summer excursion
to Niagara, Chautauqua, Ac, and stopped ov
nen ia pay a visit to our lieaiiltfiil Peun cum
a also have a little flirtation with some
our young Indies. Call again."
T. A. Fleck sells the New Home Sewing
Mm lime. It has merits that claim the utt
Hon of ladies and all others in need of n good
sewing machine. Call at Fleck's store, see
the machine nnd specimen ofvwork, and
all inlormation neccHsary tomitisfv vou that
it is the king of all. He is (General Agent
lenrfield county for this mm-hinp, and sells
it for 10 (ash at his store. He doe not pcil
die through the country.
4 Qooa Dct$ion. An exchange says that
it has lien decided by the Courts that trout
streams which nre not inclosed and improved
and in which trout nre not propagated, are
public nnd mny lie fished in by one during
the legal season, whether the same U leased
by a corporation or owned by an individual,
The people have a common law right to the
sh as they have to other wild creature, not
caged or fenced in. If such is the law, the
trout streams in this vicinity ore poorly pro
tect en.
The hoopskirt factories have started up
again. We are not informed where they got
their information, but the Altomia a says
the hnopskirts that are coming into style at
present are not the lmlloon skeleton of our
fort-mothers, but a neat little arrnngement
uinde (if w ire alsiut the diameter of a good'
tiM'd stove-pipe.
m m
w'e notice that Bishop Andrews, one of the
ni't eminent clergymen in the M. E Church,
ill preach to the patron of the Newlon
Hamilton Cimipinceting on Wednesday. He
w fine of ths nowt eloquent prwichers helong
'"K to that Cliurch, and thoie liohave time
ml menus to reach the caminironnd should
"t fad to hear him.
The Itev. Mr. Butler was prevented by
light ax-ident from filling the pulpit of the
Presbyteriau Church lost Sabbath. He un
fortunately cut a gawh in his foot on Tuesday
morning of Jnt week while cutting kindling
ood. The wound is more troublesome than
rious. He cm Id, perhaps, better sympathize
ith the object of the oollection (disabled
miniMtenO mineunced to hi; takto up last
Sabbath, and which will tie taken next Sati
Itatlu The Presbyterians nf this place con-
trilioted forty dollars lfl" for this pui-pose
nvti ywr. , f
Wst Clearfield HI. f. Church FnHmt.Th
triends and menilers of the West Clearfield
M. E. Church purxiac holdiug a Festival on
Friday and Saturday next, afternoon and
veniugs. On Saturday evening they will
rve up a gtxd supper, the most prominent
nnd palatable items being roast chicken and
allies, with coffee, ice-cream, cake, etc.
he money raised by this means will lie used
in purchasing two stoves and fixing up the
ulterior of the church building. It is hoped
and expected that thuj Festival will lie lilier-
ally patronized, as the congregation is Isidly
in need of fluids for the pur(oso above
aiiuueti ia
Die weather for three or four days hurt
wk was quite oppressive, the thermometer
indicating Mwoen n.1 nnd IN from Wednes-
""y until Saturday. A light shower of rain
" totlurdny evening cooled off the nttnm
I'hrre, and it has been quite pleasant aim e
ir" Monday morning the mermry had cooled
non to wr.
- ' -
"Tlie Curwensville Hotel Coniiy" have
IVfn aotiea that an application will lie
to the (iovemor fin- a eharterofin
rpnration. The hotel will be built at once
0I the site 0f the Irrin House, lately de
foyed hy fire, by a stock company, at a cost
,", In anticlpntiAfl of attmoting large
oben of ftumraer Tbriton to that beanti-
An xampf$.'e learn from tho Indiann
Ihmocrnt of lust week that a young man
named Clahnugh hired a home and buggy
from John Montgomery to go to lireenville,
After starting from town he took in a couple
of companions, and instead of stopping at
(ireenville went on to Cherry tree, abusing the
horse and breaking the buggy. He returned
the next day and was arrested on informa
tion made by Mr. Montgomery, nnd commit
ted to jail, w here he awaits a trial in default
of good and sufficient hail. An example
should 1 made of the parti as in every case
where horses are nbtised and rigs obtained by
false reprewn tat inns.
i no Mutual jicueut i.ue insurance com
pany of Newark, New Jersey, ranks among
the very best of the old line life Insurance
associations. It was organized in 1h 15 and is
therefore thirty-six years old. Its assets, nt
market vslne, amount to $;i.,7ii(J,Hl fi.n;t and
it h:is a surplus of f .',!, kC.(1 It is the
most economically managed coniHiny in ex
istence and on that account is enabled to pay
large dividends to policy holders, and charge
lower rntca of insurance than other com panics.
Its policies are non-forfvitable nfter the pay
ment of two full years' premiums, and it
issues-1 mi id up jmlicies or mnkes liberal ex
tension of period of Insurance in cose of non
payment of premiums by policy holders after
two years' premiums have lie. en paid. No
aasessuientN. R. M. McF.naly..ClcarfieldPa.,
ia a special agent of this Company, See ad
vertisement in another column.
A Threehmg machine Accident corres
pondent informs us of a terrible accident that
occurred on Friday atlenifsm. the 2tfth nit..
at the barn of Mr. Isniah NefT, in Chest
township. Mr. Nolen nnd Wm. Thustin, of
Ferguson towTish ip.were t h resh ing w heat with
a Seinrntor. It being something new in that
neighlKirhood, a large numlierof people, in
cluding women nnd children, assembled to
sc4 it operate. While Mrs. Franklin Pierce
wns In the ad of emiwing over the large
tumbling shaft, which was revolving nt a
high rate of speed, her clothes caught and
she wns taken around three 11111111 Is-fore the
machinery could lie stopied. She had a
child in her arms, which she threw from her
unhurt. Mrs. Pierce was picked up In a
frightful condition, being lwdly bruised and
wounded. She was divested of nearly all
her clothing. She is still living and conscious,
and there are some hopes that she will stir- j
vlve. Mr. Isaiah Neff was sent to New
Washington, three miles dinlant, for Dr. Ash
D. Bennett, who attended to her injuries.
The friends nnd neighbor tender their heart
felt sympathy, and hope antioiily f the
recovery of the aiifferitig woman. This should
serve as another warning for people to be very
careful while about machinery. .
Centre county papers are requested to copy
ths abora. : : : , , . . (
Fatal Accident The Osceola Krrritlf of last
weeksnys: "On last Friday morning, while
a Swede named Chnrles Sands, who luul been
in this country but a short time, and for the
past month in the employ of Mr. f icorge Bui
lock, on the Moshunnuit Extension, was work
uig at the incline plane for the purpose of
bringing lialhist stone from the hill alsjv
was struck nnd im tan lly killed by one of the
plane cars thnt had broken its coupling nnd
jumped the track. He was buried in the
tJoss cemetery at Osceola, the same evening.
at the expense of Mr. Bullock."
Leg Broken. Mr. Warren llolleuhnck,
Kylertown, a former resilient of Clearfield
borough, met with n rnther painful accident
w hile working on the logjobof Mr. George
illinnw, near Pentield, on last Thursday
week, lie was hauling sawloga, drugging
some six of them at one time. By some
means thegrnhft pulled out, when hisriuht foot
was caught, a large 4'g passing over it, frac
turing the ankle Ume, He was descending
steep place in (he road, and the logs came
him 1mm the rear unaw ares. He is now at Hie
Allegheny House, in this place, where his in
jury is mending slowly. It is hoped tlutt he
will soon lie able to he about again.
wmpmeering uauy. im iewton Hnm
ton UVuYAmis will issue an eight-page daily
from that cilice during the progress of the
Juniata Valley Campmeeting, at 35 cents for
the term of ten days, or 3 cents per copy,
will be mailed to any address on receipt
the prion. A competent corps of reporters has
iR-en engaged, nnd it will contain a full ami
impartial account of the proceedings of cam
together with the latest telegraphic news and interest. Advertisementsaiid
subscription should lie forwnrded at an early
date to insure prompt attention. For further
particulars address B. E Morrison, puhlishc
Newton Hamilton, Pa.
Hay ftw.-Mr. A. L. Avery, Pharmacist
Newark, N. J. Having been severely afilicte
for eleven years with Hay Fever, niter try ing
almost everything without avail, I gove n
all hoies of ever licing cured, when I pur-
cluwed of you n box of Ely 'a Cream Italia.
To my surprise, nfter a few applications, I was
entirely relieved. if. Watnon llarrin, Ldlrr
Currier No. 14, New P. O., Newark, N. J,
Memrs. White A 11 ur dick, Druggists, I lint
en, N. Y. I recommend to those sullcriug
las I IkivcIm-cu I with Hay Fever, Kly's Cream
Balm. Have tried nearly nil the remedies
could find, nnd this a decided preference over
them all. It has given me immediate
lief. f. T.SUyhrn, Hardware Merchant, Itha
ca, N. Y., Keptemlier fi, Price AO cents.
"Led Aetray." This, is one of the social
problems of all ages and countries that can
not lie ignored, and it was splendidly por
trayed by the Donaldson Combination troupe
in Pic's Opera House, on Tuesday
evening of last week. It is a subject that
will never wear out, and those of our citizens
who failed to witness it threw away a rnrc
opjiortuuity for social training and moral
culture. We "took in the play" at the Holi
day street theatre, in Baltimore, fifteen years
ago, and at tho ulnut street theatre, Phila
delphia, five years ago, but the play w
more elegantly carried out than it was lost
Tuesday night The only fuult we have to
find isa domestic one the slimiiess of the
attendance. "Led Astray" is the antidote of
Go and sin no more," and should be read
and seen by all men and women,
Shooting Accident. tin Wednesday morn
g an accident hnppcnrd Charley Nelson,
uged about sixteen years, son of Mrs. Ellen
Nelson, of this place, which may yet prove
fatal. He w as sitting on the bed from which
he hod just risen, playing, it is supjiosed,
with a pistol which he has been in the habit
of carrying, when It wasnecidently discharg
ed by some uuexplained means, the lioll
entering immediately over the heart, for
tunately striking a riband taking an upward
course, preventing what would have undoubt
edly lieen Instant death. The boy has refused
to take chloroform that proper medical skill
might be applied, and has allowed very little
probing after the bullet, the course of which
has been traced alwut two inches. We learn
this (Friday) morning that he is able to sit
np in a chair and that there is strong hopes
entertained of his recovery, unless the forma
tion of an abcess may change his condition
for the worse. It is to he hoped that the
ident will not terminate finally. PhiHtul,iirg
From ths Tyrone lltrald, Augnit 4tb.J
Wo quote from a rag-lmby in Clearfield
ailing itself tho Citiirn .
"The Tyrone Are engine la expected to ar
rive in this place sometime next week or at
least before tlie house thry were telegraphed
to aave is replaced by another one. The
1 yrone tire dcmrtment must lie a slow affair.
The individual bull-elephant who "hon
swnggles" the (Stitrn, is not acitirenof Clear-
field, nor a citizen of any other place, hut In
fact and form, a kind of half-breed between
gross-hopper and a mule, being Irrational,
itTcsjionsibleandir-everything hut inrproach-
able. Instead of holding our friends in Clear-
icld accountable for his idle vaporing, we
rather sympnlhixc with them, since fate has
afflicted theirotherwisc respectable town with
such an immoral, scab-sucking Irpcr.
Clearfield Fire. In Justice to the Tvnme
hire Department, recently awaited thronuh
an irrcNiKinsime, ami as 1 ta-lieve, unauthor-
rcd party, it is deemed proper to state imb-
lirlv, that when the telegram was received
from Clearfield, asking assistance from our
hire Department, 1 at once proceeded to ob
tain consent of Council, instrtictingthe Chief!
ol Department to call out Neptune r ire Com
panv with steamer and hose, and lie in in
stunt roadincm. In hf than thirty minutm
be Comiiaiiv wasmontited on ears and ready
to move. Reaching the yard at Fast Tyrone,
the entrineer received orders to await dia-
isitch from the construction train, which was
lien on the road, nnd while holding over, a
Icgrnm from Clearfield announced that the
fire was under control nnd our services would
not he required.
Our people are ever ready to assist Ihrtr
ighlmni tn time of dtstresn, ami nnder no
rcun i stances will they permit themselves to
under the odium of public misrepresen ta
lon. C. H. W. .lnr,Bnrgrm
Tvnoxg, Pa., Aug. 4th, lwi.
Our eitisena are truly grateful for the good
will and humanity manifested by the ari
sen of Tyrone. We heard no complaints
here, other than that noted abnv,and the
editor of that short ia audi a "joker" that a
person doesnt know when he ia ia earnest
nnd when hi la not I
I noth-ed In the Citizen of last week that
Daniel Connelly, hsq., hud published a card
lu wnicn ha says tout he saw the "original"
con t run UjRtwecn Jones and I. It is evident'
that he did not see the "original" one, Im
couse the first, or "original," one was drawn
for $r0, and the second or lost one was for
rlo. tor the same uiachino that Jonea asked
me $4H) for when first delivered at mv house.
When Jonea called at my house with the
Domestic" machine, he found a machine
there ofnnother make, and he said that "the
price of his machine wan $00, but since there
is another machine here 1 will make it K0-"
There Iwing others present he called me to
one side and whiK-red the reduction to me.
He drew a lease or contract out for tho ma
chine at i0, nnd wanted a inyment of fcr on
it. I hod only 1 with me, aud be said, WI
will pay Mr. Kmtzer the other two dollars
myself, and give vou credit for ." on the
lease." He then left. When the other agent
came to see about his machine, I wits sorry I
had bought the "Domestic," and told him to
take it buck to Mr. and I would lose
hi. this was Saturday evenimr. July 2Mb
On the following Monday, August 1st, Jones
came to my house again, and brought the
same ''Domestic" with htm, and said thut he
would sell it to me on time payments, and
make a new lease for fc'W, or a reduction of i
fitt from the former lease. 1 hod paid 1 on
the former lease, or contract, and he had given
me credit for f.". He then made out a Iwihc
for lT, and gave me credit for $o on it w hen
I had only paid t:i this left 10 for me to
pay on tune payments at Kiper month. I
reieat that all that I am to pay for the alsive
mm nine is f.u, ami that the lease is made
out for KW, aud that Jones cave me credit
for f'J,or in other words, reduced the machine
from fitio to f;t:t, and Mr. Krotzer now holds
the lease fur $:tf with a credit of fc" on it
the Inlunce due them is (Cto. My reason for
miik i ii k this statement is, that 1 don't want
my affidavit to apis-ar incorrect. It is true
A. C.
-ir. mutor: we nave liml a good time
in Bradford. It was my good fortune last
Saturday (August (1th) to lie present at one
of the old-style meetinus of family nnd
friends, it being the oVith birthday of one of
wux tt net-ns, Mr. iNimuci iJUisiM-rrv. it was
one of those happy gatherings where good
will and true friendship ruled supreme. Mr.
and Mrs. Lanslierry were surprised on Satur
day morning by the baud, and a numlier of
buggies and light waggons, loaded with liv
ing freight and all the uood and atitwinntial
things for a good dinner. On arrival, we had
a good chat ; then the Itev. Mr. Mat tern read
from the tiili chapter of St. Paul's lHuntilul
letter to tlie hphesnuis, and prayer by Itev.
voniy, oi vtomuami, after w hied dinner was
dished up for ninety persons old. middle-
aged and young, including a few friends of .
tlie family. Mr. Iauslierry has a very pleas
ant home in Bradford, w hich he obtained by
pure industry, and now, at the ane of sixtv-
five years, he is in possession of good health
and blessed with all the irood tbimnof life.
II real hapiness is to lie found here, he is cer
tainly in possession of it. After a distribu
tion of girts from the children to their father.
and a general chat, we all left for our homos
to think over the good feeling exhibited by
all present. I hope- the editor will be called
to attend all such meetings hereafter, and all
concerned will subscrilie tor the Ci.KAHFlKl.n
Kkitblh an. Yours, Ac.
A Fuiknu.
FKK.Tn Plk.towmblp.oD Wnlaokltr. Aii
goat M, U8I, of iBll.inmfttor,, Joiil,
d.utnur of Thotu.i J. uil Cl.r. K. fw, H,d I
KIRK. At lb. nild.OM o( bar, Jobo
Norrli. Sr.. in Plk. town.htp. on Hunil.. Jul.
, I8S1, Uimi, wif.of Joantn.n Klik, of
f.on towoaliip, .! M ywi. u.r rtmnln.
w.r tnt.rrvd In tbo rrl.ndi ..artny nt Urm
piin HUH.
RORABAl'un. In Burnililt town. Lip on
HodiI., AuKu.t lit. 1881, of pirtty.i,, Cnmiro
Rkn KoluBAiiun, ng.d M yonri, I monlhi nod
Tbo Curwonivlllo TimH "Mr. Rorn-
biugh ennio to Cl.ftrfl.ld ooontf In 183S nnd
MtlUd in Rurnildo towniblp on tb. form on vhloh
bo Jl.d, but nt thtt tlno nolblnn bnt rut forMta
a.t tbo .jo. II. wo. nn old ploooor roftmon. u
w.ll u Httlor, of tho ooootj. nnd on matbri of
tbnt kind wna an nuthorltr. Ha wna tba falliar
of algbtoblldran alK borinodtno girlaall of
wbou, wl'h tba mutbar aurriro bin. Ha waa n
aemb.r lo good atanding of tba Brangallool
oburcb for noarl, balf oaolnr,."
Coal ofea. John Dultoia Inst wwk mr-
chnwd the little ntilroiHl at the tunnel with
II its oqiiiuiK'jiU, and innddition exrhali)!t'd
Iotro trnrt of lund ciwt of tho niouuUtim
for tiro IhouHiuiU Bert's ntljoiniiiK his own
land nmrthe tunm l on this side of the sum
mit. He also bought aiiantlty of timlieron
the stump. In a m-rnt talk with him about
matters he said that the railroad would no
doulit commence a round house here before
lonjr, and use his shost to do repairing until
they . conM urruMiie fur their own. The
Walnwli system of Jny Could is to start its
trains over this division in a short time, nnd
another track will lie laid next Summer. He
thinks they will eertainly make the division
headquarters hero also, na it is the most Im
nortnnt point on the road. The new mine
.Mr. llu Hois Is oa ninK holds out to from
three feet six Inehes to four feet of hm) nnd
of an excellent quality. This is emnuraiiiiut
it wiw predicted by all to lie "off the belt
in tact, east of the basin, and on the axis
sepuratinp; the deposits In thut region from
thnt of the Clearliclil reition. WiifloiXbtinVv.
Osn Hunnnsa Pnn Cnxf. Diaooenr on Old
Pmcns Hawing HMblnaa oa now bo porohnaad
nt M.rrall'a tin nnd vaxi.ty stora. from $3a up
wards. All kiodt of aawlug Baaobinaa ropaired
on tba abortoit notleo.
Clanrl.ld, Pa., July 18, 1877.
Himii,-DellT.rod at too Rail Road
1(10,11110 ad. Inch ibaTad sbinirloa.
100,0110 14-Inch aaw.d ablnglea.
100,0110 of plno boards.
6011,0110 d-ft .bavad boool.
,0iiO railroad liaa.
60,000 feat of good hemluok bonrdl.
For wbivh I will pa, tba bigbut nanrkt priee,
d.livarad nt Oloarfield, or ai any point on tbo
Tyrono k CI.arf.old Railroad.
J. F. Kaiana.
ClwrOald, Pa., Oot. It, 187-tf.
Inst liet?elvel.
Just Roooivod by ARNOLD, at
Load Nova Ijoolia Plustor !
Car Load pure Corh, Hv and Onts
Car Load Deakuo Unit I
Cur Load of Choico Family Flour I
Car Load Dry (Joods, Grocorio8,4i.I
gttf-Sliinulos, Bark. !. II. Ti and
Grain will bo tukon In exchange.
lurwenarmo, ainy 1, I87S.
$ K ,0 tOfl p' J' ' S,PI" wortk
V vwvnoirao.
Portland, Malna.
Addraaa firisaon A Co.,
Millinery! Millinery II
I TAKE ths pltsiurs of lofonsiDf tht publlo
tbsi I liall et)r ipMisl iDJuotmiti U
Alllllasrj Ooudj, tuoh si bilks, Bktini, Ribbon,
Ploweri, Ac, Trlnmsd s&d Lntrimned Mku bud
DuBotta. in ths rtry Utait iljlti, Not iun i sud
u-up vioiDing iur ouimrtD. j kindij lollelt
s slisrs of your putroasjts.
M163 M. A. WKLCH,
Umtket tit., ClMrflsld, Ps.
Apr. 10, 1881-17.
UATIUN. Notiot ti hrbr Birsn that
o spplltitltoa will bs msd to tbo Court of Con
Don Hcaooftbo ouanij or OlosrHold, ondor tho
Aot of AiKiubyof tb ia CommoDWfslth, on titled
an Aot to provldo fur tho Inoorporottoa ood rf ha
lation of oortsinoorporatluDf.opprovrd April 2Vib,
lt74. snd tbo aupplcmonU tlioroto, furihoehorlor
of an iolemiad oorporslioD to bo called "Tbo
Clvarflold Comotrj Companj," tbo porpofa and
objoot of wbiofc Is to provldo froundi fur burial
plaooa witbout any profit to tbo norporslora.
Att'ya fur Poiilioaors.
Cloarfiold, Jul; SOtb, iL
Ci.iAsriti.0, P Aug 9, ISM.
Flour, nor cwt.
Buckwheat Flour, parowt.,
Cora Meal, par ewt
Chop, rye, porowt
Chop, mixed, par owt
Bran, par ewt
Wheal, par burbot
Ryo, per bunhrl
Oata, per buabel
Corn, oora, per buahol ,
Bunk wheat, por burbot
Clorer ed ,,
Timothy aoed
Potatuca, por bushel
Applaa, pet buabel
llama, por pound
Kboul.ler, por pound ,
Dried tleof, por pound
Chicken, per pair
1J utter, per pound
Efira, per duien ,
Salt, per aaok, largo
voai uu, par gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Applea, per pound...,
IMd Fvaohea, par pound.,,
Ueana, per buahol
Borough Ordinance and
WHKRKA8, Tha Central Pennarlranla Tela
phono Coinpaoy baa, with tba tacit content of
this UuubcU eroded iU lino tbrouch thia borourh.
oror the street! and a I ley i, and laid right baring
dotd uiipuvN. 111a norony anaeied, oio., mat
aald Company may uaa aaid right of way i.Tar
aaid atrooti and alley a. to Meet however to tho
ooutrol aud direction of the Town Council aa to
placing polea in aaid atreeta and a I ley p, m that
the aatna may Ineonvanioneo oitliena of the bor
ough aa little aa practical! le, with the nto t-f laid
rtgni oi way.
d teittmoii that tba above ordinance and rea-
olalion waa piaaod tho let dav of Auvnat. 1H81. I
have hereunto aot my hand and affiled Ibe aeal of
tbo Ho rough. HAMIKU I. HNVUKIl, Burgeaa.
rfealj Alt it :
J. Frank Bit net, Clark.
Clearflold, Pa., Anguat, 3 im, S t.
Sew flvrrtijfmrttW.
JOII WOH It. All kinda of job work uaented
ia the boat manner at Ibla otBoa. .
Wbissas. Hoi. 0. A. MAYBR, Pr.iident
Judge of the Court of Oommoa Pleas cf
tha Twenty -nhh Judicial District, sompoaad of
the ODuntloi of Clearflold, Centre and Clinton
ana uon. assih Uanss and lion. Viae but II.
Holt, Aaaoolate Jvdaea of Clearflold aonntv
have leaned their precept, to me direoud, for tbo
holding of a Court of Common Pleas. Orphans'
Court, Court of Quarter fieaelona, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of lienors) Jail DoIIt.
ery, at the Court liouie at Clearfield, lo ud for tba
county of Clearfield, eommencf ng on tho Fourth
moi.uey oi September, Vtli day) A. I).
ImhI, aud to couiluuo lor two weeks.
NOTICE IS, tborofore. hereby wlroa U tba
Coroner, Juatieea ottho Peaoo, and Coaatoblea,
in and for said county of Clearfield, to eDnear in
their proper pereona, with their Heoorda, Holla,
InquialUona, Kxaminatlons, and other He mem.
braneea, lo do thoee things which to their ofiieea,
and in their behalf, pertain lo be done.
liy an Aot of Aeaeuibly, paeeed the 8th day of
Hay, A. l. 1KM, it if mado the duly of tho Jua-
tieoa of the Peace of tho soreral ouimtioa of thia
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of tbo
Court of Quarter fieattooe of the reapectlve
oountlea, all tbo reoogniiancca entered Into be fore
tuem oy any poraoo or persona charged with tbo
oou million of any erime, eioept auoh saw a aa
may be ended before a Junlloa of the Peace, un
der ex liting lawa, at loaat tea days before tho
eommonoouonl of tho seealon of tba Court to
which they are made returnable rtipeotlTely.aud
In all aaaes whore any reeogniunces are entered
into leae than ton days before thecouiuoooement
of the eaaalon to which thv ar mAm Miumai.
j bio, tbo aaid Jmtlcea are to return the fame tn
the same manner aa if aaid art bad not been
OIVBN under my hand at Clearfield, thia Sd
day of Auguil, in the year of ear Lord, one
thoutand eight hundred and eighty-one.
aug. 3 lo JAMUrf MAUAFtttY, Sheriff.
John Irvin & Bros
2Ww aiavntisrmtnfs.
"VTOIICF. I -llu.ton Townahlp Hrhonl Or.
j. oora r nnira I All ouuundi.i HOUOUb
OHUIKHor Iluaton Dialrlel, Claarsald ooonty,
am ulM In nod will bo paid In full on praamtn
lion to tbo Trooaorar. No will ba paid
on ao if ibaaa .ri.r Ut, ltl.
I!j ord.r of lb. Board,
PMt.ld, Aug. J, 1881-lu
(3 110
I 80
1 to
I 40
1 00
1 10
00 I
3 IS
1 00
I 00
1 00
i to
TDK aubicritter wUhoi to dlipone of the undi
vided one half interval is a largo tract of
valuable laud, iituate in Dell lowoabip, Clear
field oounty, Pa., containing 1,000 acree, more or
leaf, and well covered with white pine, oak and
y, hemlock limber. Tbia land ia located on
the watere of Unlet and Laurel hum.
not exceeding three miles from tha river,
" ' haa good roala and err thing oonvon
lent Tor operating. Tbia trsot r known at utn-
nr o7no.
The undivided one-half interott In one other
tract in tbeaamelownebip,eontioiog AuO
acres, lying on the w uteri of Curry Hun,
and nicely alt anted fur logging. It ii
eleo well limbered with a large quantity
of good timber.
Tbo above tracts of land will be sold to narliei
wiabing to purolieea on fair terma, and at any
iimo i am oanen upon.
Bower, Pa , June tV, ISHl tf.
Healfrd fropoaala will ba rM.I.d nt tb.
alorn of 1-at.r bfoy.r. In K jl.rtown, Morrla town
ablp, nntll bATIIKUAY, AI)Ul:si SOT II, last,
nt I o'clock P- M., for tbo araolion ot n Mhool
bona, nt K.lartown. l'lan, and apaelfloatloo,
oon b. ...n by oalling on Pator Uuyar, K.lar
town, l'a., up to abova dato, tb. Hoard rtatrr
log tb. right to r.j.ot .njr or all blda.
I'KTKK MUYEH, l-reildant.
Dn. Ai Tnonn, HMrotarr,
Kjlartown, Pa., Aug. 3, USI-Sr
CAUTION All paraonaara b.r.b; warnad
ag.lnat porrbaaina or In nf way m.ddling
witb tha followini personal proprrly, nuw In til. or UK'iUUK W. .-MKaL, of Uaoatur
township, via : Two aorrol bar..,, two a.ta of
h.rnaaa, ona wagon, ono alad, ona tanning-mill,
tbroo sow,, nod young datU. and nil tba grain
ralaad on tho ground, l'ho forsgniog prop.rty to
ownad b mo, nnd 1. allowed to rrmam In tha
posaanlon of aaid UKOIUIK W. SMtAL on loan
oolj, aobjMt lo my ord.r nt anr tim. U. la
working for ma by tbo montb.
Wait Paeator, Anguil SJ, 1841-Ji'.
jBrw dvtriiswtnii.
k fi ft wk "" towl- nd IS
VUU ooinia frw Addraaa H. llitL.rr A Oo
Portland, Afnino. uahl-ly.
W. barn printnd n Inrgo nnabar nf tbo now
BILL, nnd will on tbo raoolpl twonty.
In Mots, moll n noon ta noy addraaa. Brig
Machinery for Sale I
TDK underlined ofTera at nrlraU aale on.
Kit, nn. BOLTKK, wllh 60-lneh aaw, ono drag
w, ud. anuo aaw, ono saw, and twenty
lis feet of I Inch lln. ibnlt, nil tha polleya and
nil the machinery beloniing lo tbo m.Dof.otorinj
. -.UH,.. iu nt.nain. una aoi neon In UN
or.r tbreo montna. It I, auitabla to ba attached
to it.stn or water power. For partlonlara eel! on
or addraaa SAI'OLKOM llcUliNALD,
Hoekton, Ps.
Blsoehard'a Unmo Camp.
Rookton, Pn., July 27,
AI1 Kinds of Merchandise,
-sreu as
Groceries, Etc.
Solditn Re-union Wcpulilish the follow
iiiK invluillon for tlic lK-ni flt nf n numlior of
survirliiK nicnilK-rs of tlld Until Rrpjliiirnt,
who reside in this connty:
IrtvxiiLiMrii.i.K, l'a., Auk. 4, 1T
Comkaiiich: Vou an carnr-stlv n-uurstr-d
to Ik pnwnt at tlie Third Aniiunl Hp-union
ol the NKMti Kruiiiirnt, l'enRBvlmnia Volun.
tcers, wlilrli will lie held at Heynoldsville.
'a., on Low (inule Division of A. V. 1(. K.
Ihursdny, Sentemher 1st, 1NM,
l'lensc extenil iiivitiitions to all ex-soliliers
In your vicinity.
K atk M. Rixirr,
J. M. Havo,
( WSlHIlttff.
Mil. KlilToR: Allow nie to suv tlie state
ment in your paiier last week. I reeall. ns I
found Sim hy settling with Mr. Jones it
wus aiiiiKiimlerMHiidinn. Is-lwi-en us In prirc.
A 1'. W RM'II.
.Tuiiv Lf.itzinokk, Witiiiw.
Try again, gentlenu n ! aflidnrils eost hut
i rents. 1 he united efforts of all the sew
ins machine auenta will not acenninlish the
ucsirat'iion ol tlie npiitatinn ot the "Ito-
meslie. II. A. KRATZKII,
Agent for the "Light Running Domesti"tlie
Hst niaeliinc in the world.
wing iriwMtet. nie numlreds of stnbg,
hearty, niggiil and healthy looking nn
women and children, that have lieen remnoil
from heds of iain, sickness and well nitl
death liy Parker's dinger Tonic, are the lie!
evidences In the world of Ita aterllne men
and worth. Yon will find tuch In almodt
every cnmninnity. Head of it in another
column. 8-:Mt
The Light Illuming New Home ia nlsu
lutely a pcrfeil sewing machine. A trial will
prove its mneriorilr over all othcrn. T. A
Fink, (ieneral Agent for Clcarlicld county.
Yon enn Lave nv kind of an old
mao. new, oy riewlilrl, tbo h.tlar, over
Bridge's Tailor ahop, Market atrset, Clemrt.ld
Pom's. 1.1-tf
Call t Merrill's hardware store and
sea Ibo oheapaat nnd boat Bewiog Maebino for
tbo loelt money. Deo. 2S-tf.
Hamuel Mclaughlin, of West Clearfield, la
toning a grocery in the building on Market
street lielween Mosanp'n store and Mrs. Kllia-
th Irvinw residence.
Mr. Isaac Itelsensteiit, a former citizen and
merchant of Clearfield, is shaking hands this
week with his old friends. He will remain
in Clearfield few dnva.
Oo 0n. clewing machine aflidnvita und
"ads" of that kind nre a good thing just now
provided the hills are paid at established
The Light Running N'cw HntucBurpHascsall
hers. T. A. Fleck, tieneral Agent for Clear-
Id conntv. H-ln-tf
Misses Francra and Kmmn Foley have re
turned home after a pleasant visit of n month
more to Ilellefonte.
The Light Running New Home. A uni
versal faajrite. T. A. Fleck, Oeneral Agent
for Clearfield onnntr.
The Light Illuming New Home, the king
all. T. A. Fleik.tieneral Agent for Clrai-
ld comity.
PaiLADRLPBU, Auf. 8, Brtadituffaarelooklnf
ip, wbeat and corn are excited, unetttled aod
higher. Cnttno t( Ptradv at iSfle for midtllin
vpiandi. Dark ii quoted at $2t per toa Tor No.
1 qurrcilron. Seed ClrtTerneed hvovtt ilowly
at r ffia Bio per pound. Timothy at and flat
ed at Sl Z.fu i 24. Flour and Meal The Hour
market ia itronf , and a fair loral detsaml prevail!.
tSalei of l.TdO barrtle. Mionota extrae at
t..T6fti.fl It, fur elw. and M.tifaA.bQ for
traight ; PeDDi'lvaeta family at .V76(ft4.87i ;
wettcrn do. at $6.87if't.((.Ti ; and paitoU at
16 -i(iL7.T5. Alio R.Ouu barrel! Uirard. Uuaker
City, Kgjnt end Cheltenham on p. t. Hje dour
fi it fa ily at 4 il(i pr barrel.
Wbirky ii fteady at $1.11 for wettern.
Naw Yob, Aujcuat . Floor ii without Im
portant ODfinjce, eloiiog noiet. Rye flour u
teady at SiM(i,b.1b. Wheat itwie biffber,
moderata export, fairly active apeoulatlre bmi
nctt ftlotlnK atronK ; uneraded aprinr, H .10tA
1 11; No. St'hieago.lial! ; ungraded red,
UUcKll.2U; No. H do , ti.lAfal.U ; No. S red,
91.27(0,1.28; No. red, $I.2V ; mtxrd winter,
91 24 ; ungraded white, fl a( 1.2M ; No, 2 do ,
ai.24i no. i o, a i .lofd i i7j ; no. l red, au
fruit, 1)1.374 ; Heptember, f l.tilf ; Oetober, l.31.
Kje firmer at 8(clUIo. Barler and barley malt
dull aod)nnmlDal. Corn lotto b if her, old ling
weai who auout leoi tne advance luat ; Btntirr
ate eiiort,briikipeculatiTeboiiDM ; anrraded.
ilfu.ftdio Nn. 3, M(04k ; No 2, iUHe;
No. 2, white, die j No. 2, Auguit, 64o ; bepteiu
ber, ft2i ; October, IM). ci.ti Cash a ehade
lower; optioni i(n,ia better; No. 8.44c j do.,
woile, 4So; Ho. I, 4ijc; do,, white, m(ane;
No. 1 4 tie; do. while, ftitcj mixed weiternT 42fi.
4 he I white, do., 4fVii6ftr white ttete, 45(o,5lo ;
No. 1 Aua;uit, 40e t Bepttmbw, 8S(q.3Ve ; Ueto
ber, SKH':ll,o.
CniCAno. An I HirOeft. Wheal Sentem-
br,,1 Ooiober, ll.ldi. Corn Heptember,
i! October, W. UaU heptember li Octo
ber, S3. aVorkSenteDber. tia.124 ; October.
HOD. Lard r!fpteinber,$ll AO ; Uolober.l 1 .66.
iLATARRH.cot.D1. . n
VhFub SO1
Por eatarrb, bay larer,
-old in the bead, .,
oaert with tha flnger.
partirle of the Halm
into the aoMrili; draw
xtroDgbreathi through
thefaoaa. It will be
ibaorbed, eleaninc.
and healing the dil
ated membrane.
For eafneaa.
Apply rwtiele Into
the ear.
tOit Uxlt.
Oil Quotations !
Lubritnling, IttHtud tf .Vlnrrt'
Wa n,uol. our branda of F.troleam nnd olhnr olll
(a;ct M market esa.o aellrered Iran
on board eara at any etatlun on
tha Terona A Olearn.ld
Reined Oil, 115 T,t....pnr ral. )
Prims Whit., 160 M 1 market rntea
Water wmie.lo" " I wllhoutralar-
Klaior, 110 .... " J enn to aott.
Baniine. 7J Uravltj perfal.,
N.blha, 74 " " " ..
Uaaullna, 08 "
Miner,' Lamp, 300 ml . " ..
Oar Ailn Oil, (W. V. ) Kalrn. " ..
iv.Va..M.dna. " " ..
(W.Va.)Sumni'r " " ..
Natural LnbrlentiBf....
Bum mar.
Black Diamond..
slreen Enainff "
Golden " h
Amher "
No. I Pplndl. "
Mstnhleia Cjlindor Oil "
No. 1 " ......... "
Wool Oil, No.1
Lard Oil (aitra)Winlar slrnln'd "
' No. 1
No. I
KdipH Euiciaa, No. 1
No. I "
" No. I
Minera' Yellow, par gallon..,
wmi. " ...
Llmaad, No. I " ...
amerloan " ...
Turpentine, best M ,
HAVING (aiaed an en Ti able local reputation,
diaplaeina; all other preparation! In the vicinity
of ditcorery, ia, on ita meriti alone, roooyniied aa
wonderful remedy wherever known. A fair
trial will aonrlnoe the moat ikeptioal of Ita ou re
tire powera. It effectually rleanaea tbe Dual
paieaifej of Catarrhal virua, oauiing healthy aeore
tioDi, allaya inflammation and Irritation, protect!
tba mem bran el liDiogn of tbe head from additional
colfii, eo mp lately bualx the aorea and reitorra the
aenae of taate and etncll. Beneficial rem Ita are
realised by a few application!. A thorough treat
ment aa directed will cure Catarrh. Aa a bouae
hold remedy (or eold in the bead it ta oncqueled.
The Balm ia eaiy to use and agreeable. Sold by
drngguta at 60 centa. Oa receipt of 60 eenta
will mail a package. Head for circular with full
ELY'S CREAM BALM C0.,0wego, Jf. V.
For aale by the Clearfield DrnggiaU, and by
Wholreale IlrugUta geiitrally.
April 6tb, 1881.6m.
At Inweat mar-
k.t rat.s witb
oul ret. to ooat.
I Vl'.in.lA Tt.E prirtt nnd
tntrl all tampclUioH.
ma. i. 'SI ly.
?tf.n di'trtlsrmtnts.
MOSiKV Til UI-0, (raKlnaa Im
firoeed farm property, by the Mutual LII.
lnaurnnea Oompnn of New York, on flrat
f.f, ia anma from Il.tiHI np. for farthar in.
formation apply U the nnderaiirnad.
eierld Pn., Ms; Ith, 18711 if.
A vury olci'nnl line of pot ki'tcutlorv,
raaura, ariaaors nna insnra al Harder a. d-ZJ-U
Kisliinc tackle, wholesale and retail
ilarder'a. slilf
VREEMAN JOY. On Dundar. Jnlr UlM.
ISSI, t; Jsmes M. Mr KM, k., WitLlaa J.
sssnan and Ml.a hmma Jot. nil of Kbos
mwaeoip, Llanrneltf aonnlj, rn.
HICKOK-WAVER.On Bet.rd.e. Jul.
30, h, 1BHJ, hj JamM M.Km, Km.. Mr. Jons M
llicnon and Miaa Im Wnarnn, all nf K.l
township, t learfl.ld sonntr. Pn.
ItRX IIII.I. At tha U. K. parMaara, Olen
pa, en Monday, Jul? 4th. IKsl, he Kef. F.
Adaaia, Mr. Manns W. flea BBd Miss JnsniB
Hi LB, btfb of LnmtMir Citv borouh.
liwdij. Jala uth, Kr. J. W. Kvaaa,
Mr. fnasB NsLsos.of Phillp.burf.O.nlrewi.ntT,
and Mies M.iMannT MaTrnaws, nf OasMln,
Cl.arl.ld anull. I
For Jordan, at Anannelll. tr.Hi.. r.....
kr7lh. " r
F..r Cheat, al McPh.rn n, Thuwdsr, rJspum
b.rOih. r
For llarntlde, Newhnrf, and New W.ihln.lon
koiough,, and llurnld. lonoihip, nt .N.w ..h
inslon, Friday, Mept.mber vth.
For Bell townnhip, nt Cmphall', ehnroh, Tuea
dar, Heplember l.lth.
F-r Ureenwood townibip. at Bowar, Wadnea
ds, rlenlemhw 14th.
For Lumber Clt boronih and rViii.oa toon,
abip, St Lumber City, ThuriHae, Keptemlier 1Mb.
For Union and t:nmn lnitependeni, nt Hossloa,
M'indsy, H.pi.tnh.r Ivih.
For llradr, at LBlhenburK, Tneedav, Bptaa.
b.r2lb. 1
For Pibb and Bloom, at Peunrilie, rTwin.,!.;,
Heplember Hat.
Tha publle stnmlontlon nre Intended to r..fa
all wba .iped to tearh la tha Bounty t heflea
there will be Be erteaiel oxattiBatioBB held, sad
ander no elrettm.l.ncea will earllOeates be ..
dnrad or renewed., moil prennl
IhemMl., far nxamlnntien In th. dl,tri.t 'ai
whieh they Intend teaebin,. RduoatloBel meet,
lata Will ba held nl tha eloae of onrh .anln.tlnn.
. 4 the aranlnja If suiuhla nrrnoreniMU o.
A linisjIIBTRATItlX'etNtlTK'K.Notioa msda hj teaeber. and dlintora. Wa hope lo
J la hereby liTenlbatUltera of Admlnlilrn- meal full Beard, of Director, nnd Ibe palrosa of
ttun on the ealsu ol CAMI'f'IkLb BHRON. lalai eaeh annointn..!. Annual, will
of liredy towoehlp, Olenrleld eonnlr, Fa., dee'd, ale., eooeult "rearber'a Hand-Uook," psira ts,
naflnx Ban duly granten w in. nnd.raifnad, nil for lull Inlormetlon r.f.rdiai tba requirementa
person. Indebted to aeid nal.te will pi.,, make I for provleionel Mrtlfcatea. habaerlpllona to kd-
tmmediuts payment, nnd lb.M nneln, alaima nr (national Jonmsla nl stub ratoe will be laben on
Prices of Shingles.
Onrwanatllla, Jan. , TI If.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Curwenn-llle, Pa. Jan. , H7S-tf
CAUTION All pereona are hereby warned
agaioet parchMiag or la any way meddllBg
with Ibe fo I lowing pertnaaJ properly, now la the
poaiei.ioa of UANIKlo 0. (STKOUfK. ut Dell
tewnahip, eti i Two ti ray Hnreea. Tba aaid
property belenge to me, ftnd la left with hiu inb
jtet to my order at any time.
Utbenburg, Pa July STth, ieMu
Borough Water Election.
To the quallHcd Klrrtori of the Ik.roiiirh
ol Clearfield.
At a regular atated meeting of the Town Coun
cil of the lloroujtb of Clearaeld, held at the ofliee
af J. Frank Snyder, on Monday evening, Auguit
lat.A.D. ll,tt waa
Httoittd, That tba prorlaiotu of the Act or tbe
fleoetal Aaiembly, approTed April 16lh, 87&,eo
titled "an Aot authorising tbe Vorgeai aod Town
Council of each of tbe aereral borougha through
out thia Commonwealth to levy and collect a gM,
kerOHue oil, and water tat," and Ita aupplementa
approved Ifttn April, IH7H, and 0th May, 1874,
be and Ibe mine era hereby approved and ac
cepted. RfnUtd, That thia Conndl will, if p-mcr be
KrHura uj tot Toiera oi me borougb, enart an
ordinance or ordinanaea, Mil rest log witb a
Water CotLpany to be oallad tbe "ClearHeld
Water Company," to be hereafter Incorporated
for the aupply of water to thia borough, to pay to
aald Company annually, for a Urm ef twenty (2fl
yeare, twenty do I (era i2) each, for at least
thirty (:tn) water plugi, or ai many more ae may
be nectefary, at eueh price aa may he agreed
upon between the borough and laid Company for
the extra ulura for the UM of the nubile in eaia
of Bra and etherwlae; the aaid pluga lo beloea-ed
at auoh poind aa the Council way direct, and
will enact tbe Decenary ordinance! imputing the
Water Ut required to ratre the money to pny the
Jlmhtd, That a aoeoial election be held at
the naual plare in aaid borough on the Uth day
of Auguat, A. D. 11, at wbioh tbe votera of the
borough ahull determine tbe quentlQ of laying a
Uaa and Hater Us, not eioiedmg 4 milia, tor
tbe purpntea aforeaaid, of which election tbe
Uurgeaa and Conatable will proceed at once to
gie ootloe.
In teatlmonr that tha above reatilutiona wr
adapted at the regular meeting of tba Town Coun
cil oa Auguat, lit, 1881, 1 hare hereunto eet ta
li and and affiled the aea) of aaid Borough.
HAM! Kb I. 6NYDKH, Burgeie.
Seat A i ttit:
J. Falun Sar.-tiit, Clerk.
Now, therefore, It ia hereby made known, that
on the IXtb day of Auguat, A. I. 1SNJ, between
thehotiraof 7o'cook A M and ToVloflk P.M., at the1
C01 HT U(M'8K. In Clearfield hoi-ouch, then will
be held a apeeial election for the purpoaea art out
in me reeoiunon aioreaaid, at tbe legal
otera of aaid borough may vote written or printed
ticket!, having oa the outiide tho worda water
laa,'' and on the Iniide. "for a water Ux" or
"agatnat a water tax."
I o witneia whereof, I hereunto ret my hand aad
eai. .1j1j1AM UUKV1T, ALj
High Conatable,
Cloarfleld, Pa., Auguat 3d, l8Hl-2i.
Tho Only Manufacturers fa Cloarfluld
County of tho
n ot it, chop .i.rn n:t:n
fFCnsli paid for all kinds of
Urain Wlictit, Kye, Oats. Etc.
Curwrnavllle, Pa., Jaoe , IssO tf.
Cheap Cash Store
RIMIM kii. tiiki:b, opera HOIWK,
Clearneld, Pa.,
Cotnpriiing Dreii Gooda of tbe Tery lateit atylei,
eoniirnng ia pan qi uaitimerer, Maoeaeater
Fane lea, Alpacaa, and all manner of
Fancy Dres? Goods,
Such aa Crctona, Mohair Luatera, Plaida, Dreea
Oinghama, Dreae Fancioa of tho very leteet
Ity lea, and aa oheap ai they ean be told
la thia market.
Conil-tln rtf UloTae for Ueata, Lad lea aod
Miiiea. Iloao of all ahadea, Silk Fringes,
Lacea, Fancy Dreaa Buttons. Ladies'
Tica or all shades and stylea, Cufle
and Collars, Hibbons of al. kinds aad
qualities. Merino Inderwoar, Triwutios', etc.
Queousware, Hardware, Tinware,
CnrpetH, Oil Cloths
Wbien mill ba seld wheleaala nr reull. Will Uk.
Country Produce
lu EBchnrn for Coodi nt Mnrket Prlcnn,
fle.rriel.l. Pa.. Kept. 94. IMHU tf.
Agricultural I::!::, !
ITA KB this method of notifying ihuae lo need
of a good Mower, Keeper, Threiber or Plow,
that I have tba agency of tbe
Mom or, Reaper and Thresher,
Manufactured bj AULTMAX t CO., Canton, 0.
I am also agent for tha eelebrated
South Bond Chilled Plow !
L. Persona ia need of either of tbe above had
better call oo or ad iren me baforo purobaalng
juca 8. li-tf. Curwenavllle, l'a,
Re-Union of Trade.
rpiIB nnJeraigned wtahlDg to Inform the pul'Ho
At tbe old stand la Troatrllle, Clearfield county,
l'a., oa the loth IneL, witb a full stock of
Boota, Shoes, lite..
In faet everything to ba found in a flrst-fllasaatora.
all of which I am determined tu sell at the loweat
esah prices.
FAnm;n and li;mrek!he
Will find it to their advantage to do their dealing
with me, as tba bit-heat prirea will he paid for
Grain, Shingle!, or i'rvduoe of any hind. Part
or one-half caah will be paid. Trading for
Hbinglea or Lumber of any kind a fpeoialty. Alao,
agent for
Singer Sewing Machines.
flaring Dnoi Brranirementa wllb Ea,lern mar
ebanls to sell irooila furnlabed me, therefore call
and ace, ns I will ba enabled to kII cheaper than
th. eb.aneat. J. W. CAKLU.8,
Troulillla, Pa., Sept. II, -7V lj. Agent.
Jlowers and ItonperN!
fTf ACONN foil AI.KI-Tb. snbMrlbar
IT baa two Two llor.e Wagons, ne.rlj new,
for ..le. W III be aald cheap. Call on or address
Cle.r,IJ, Pn., Msrrb I,
Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.
Onrw.neTllle, J.n. t, Ts tl
11AHM l AMm KOK A1 K.I. .aloa
A t rln"v1n.uipi,t-iaBrflelileounte.
lleuooable lime el. en lor n.rl of purobaja
nioncjt. I'rloc, to 00 to IIB.IM p., nera.
Mirers', raserfed. t. BIHII. Are,
Penteld, Pn.
.lUlluna Knsaa,
dept. (, im-tf. C'lesrneld, ft,
"VrOTICIC Th. nnd.ralgned, raaldlng In lbs
1 filings of H.itor.r, in Cb.,t towaablp,
bss msds tbs nsessssry nrrangamenta sad pro
poeaa to op.n nn KAT1NU liuUISK for lb. ns.
eoinmodatloB of tb. publle g.n.rslle, nnd I
or boiicii a iioarnl enare or tbe nubile patronage,
JOHN J. riNVUKK., Pa., K.b. V,
SIKIIiMAKIMti.-I bor.b; inform my pn
Irons, nud mankind in g.u.ral, that I b...
remoeed my ahoeniaaiog abop tn tha room ta
Uraham'a row, orer V. I. SoTd.r',, Mors,
nnd that I no piepared to do all kinds of work
in no, Una oheapar than nn, oth.r abop in town.
All work warranted na good as Baa be done nn,.
where elae. Poaitivsli this ts the cheapen ebon
In Clear-Held. JOS. U. DKKH1NU.
Dae. 11, l7l-tf.
IX KCl;TfRR nitlTK ENotleo la ben.
J by given that Letter, TeaUmeoUre on tba
cuate of JAMKS UAHKRTr. late of Beoearin
towmhln, Clearfield const., Pesn'a, dMaaaed,
having been duly granted lo tba nndenigned, nil
peraona Indebted lo anld eatate will please make
immediate pajnvrnt.nnd Ibo having claims or
d.maod, sx:slo,t tba earn, will nreun, tk.m
srlj sutbsnticated for ssttleDeal, without delsv.
ll..ol.d.l., P.., Jul, Ulh, 16BI.61.
CAUTION. All persons nrs bereb, wsrned
SKSinat purrhsalnn or in one wav ina,l,il,n
with th. following peraoosl prop.rtv, now in th.
posnuion or FH A N CIS T. II UU KN It V, of l ir.rd
township, Tin One sorrel and 1 bar mare, 1
bull, I beifer, 1 oowa, I cnlrae. I aheep, lOaboaU,
1 log sled, 1 two.boree wagon, 1 rannlng-mill,
plow, barrow, 8 aore. nf porn. 8 aerae of ami.. I
sere ol potatoes, 1 acres of rvs, 14 acres of wheat,
and I aet of baroese. Tha foregoing proper!,
waa pnr haied bj ma at Sbsrif's aala an tbs Ilk
d.T ol Julj last, and is allowrd to remain in ths
pollution of tho aald fr.n-i, T. Hugea.j oa
loan onle, subj.ot to my order st snr time.
wcoale's Mill,, Pa., Jsly u, I88.(t.e
Pop Saleor Rent!
The subscriber proposes to sell or rent a boob
ber of I arm located aa followa t The Arataituata
in lluraaide township, Centre oointy, eontaining
ISO aorea, having thereon erected a frama dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent to a church, aod knowa
aa tho James alulbolland fern.
A 1,0, another farm alt u ale In Graham town
ship, Clearfield county, containing UT aeres, with
the necaaaary tmprorementa. This farm ia under
laid wim a O00D VEIN OF COAL.
A LS'i, aiz ot ber farmi In the vicinity of French
ille, eonufolnr reenectfullv lit. 1 on o. a, kt
and 26 aorea. These farms all bare housea and
barna thereon, good water, bearing orchards oa
aeme, aa well as some good wood land. For
further particulars ealt la per on, or address tha
underiigned by letter. L. M. C0UURIKT.
Jan. IVth, ISSl-tf. French rUle, Pa.
TIIP!ub,rrlberbaa th. WALTKH A. WOOD
MOWERS nnd HEAPKKs for ,sl.,
MsebiBerepsiraforlhssatiie. AlaollOHSE HAY
RA K KH, aod all kind, of farming Implement,.
JttT-Wlll exchange above for UOR.SKr) or
G..TTI.E, or ,ell very low for eaih.
WILL also ooatinnetbe butchering business.
Meat market in the nlainins mill office, on
Pine street. Freeh meat every Monday, Wednes
day, Friday and .Saturday mornings. Your pat
ronage is repetftilly solicited.
Per M. !i. liaowa.
Clearfield, Pa., June 1st, 18K1-Sm.
Teachers' Examinations.
rpiIB public Kzaminallona for the present
.a. kuoui jnar win no neia at me following
For Pike and Pike Iadependant, at Blooming
ton, Tuefdav. Auanrt 10th.
For Mbawaville, Thurad ay, August
For Bradford, at HI .tier. Frldar. Auemt tOih
For Lawrence and Clearfield bur., at Clearfield,
fniuunj, AUgUll "in,
Por Bogga township and Tallapetoo lorogb
at ttallaccion, Tneaday, Auguat 31d.
For Wort in, at Kylertown, Med oesdar. Auituit
34th. " 8
For Grain tu, at ralesilna, Tbnraday, August
For Karthaua aod Ooslngtoo, at Central Point,
rnnaj, nuguai zmo.
ror utrartt, at uongress Hill, Saturday, August
For Deentar and Oioeola, at Osceola, Ttieai
August th.
For Woodward and Ho u (id ale, at Iloutsdala,
August Slat.
For (4 ulipb, at Rainey.Tharsdey, Heptember 1st.
rr uwwru, ai i ranviiie, rridar, Bpl JJ.
For Knoi, at New Willport, Tueaday, Heptem
pereona i
I HT. Names and looatloo of those
pereona drawa as jorore to aorre at Hen tern
br term, eommeoning on tha fourth Moodey,
(zt'taj, ana eon tin tun g two erovLta :
Urahd Ji'Rori Mohdav, ScrTKURiR Iflrn.
J C Conner, Burt. .Ida tA Kesenkraai, Huston,
D L FerguMn, L City, i Henry bwan, Jordan,
Win Mehaftey, K Wash,0 Uertlaio, karthaua,
II A Wright. Baeeeria, iJoo H Dun I an, Knox,
J W McCoy, " J it Hchryver, Lawrence
tleorge CaulTman, Bell, 'A Mirer jr, Morris,
A L Frreman, Bradford K M Da via, l'enn,
Robert Doohar, Cheat, i Adam Smith, Pike,
Joieph H Breth, M R. O'llngao, Handy,
J F Stelner, Dooatur, iJohn B Kllii, "
Aug Flvon, Uuhch, B V MrOall "
8 S B Barney, Uuliob, '0 B Uaolap, Woodward
Travkrm Jhrors, Morpat, 8jpt. 2fln.
W B Avers, Burns Ida I James Fie ral. (Irene m
J M llastitsgs, Clearfield C llulliben, Greenwood,
i nanan, - iniram itummet, (fallen,
.mo iiuinnen, " 1 11 nooawertl, It us ton,
J A Uregory, Cnr'sville,itiaorge Hurr, '
Rich'd hi van, David Wtaa, Jordan,
W P Chambers, " Uaa Mfebaela. Kanhaoa,
r Mci'ermoi, itouttdaw m w uaitoi, J.awnDfo,
Rob't Fleming, " Hen) Hhaw, "
Joo Michaels, L City, U ti Kramer, "
J B MoFaddeo, Oaoeola Allen Wrigley, '
D Hamilton, ' Thornton, Irwin "
Kllia J Hog.ra, " ' V Merrel), Morris,
Lew Briahin, " that 0 Kylar,
Henry Bailey, Beecarla And Fulmar, n
J U Ulaagow, " U Douglas, "
Thomas Beers, Boggs, iHobert Hunter, "
Hudnlph Albert, Bngga
Jos Winery, Bradford,
BenJ Knepp,
W W Marah, Brady,
www rtgbl,
Andrew Luis.
W A Moore, l'enn,
James Walls, '
W T I -alley,
M Light net,
II Rebhog, Hunt aide tp Henry J Koarr, Handy,
J aSummerville, David Wellv. Uaioa.
tleo KuntrtDen, D Ridridge, Woodward,
e-aioo Aicr.wea " jodo Hvttorr, ' .
C Bsrmoy, Cevjagtoo, Owen I.ewii,
Jnha Hughes, Decatur, . W W Williams, "
B Dbbowaiter, " Jamea Keatlay, "
BeeJ Jury, Uirard, 'Kdward McCabo, "
II II Snyder, Clearfield, Joseph Weilly, Deeetar,
llenrr Weiier, " g. T. Ranhio. Uoahen.
June. Boy at on, ' " jdoorge Owsni, '
AlleaTavlor, Uurwa'), LevlH. Rlee, Oallrh,
0. Uirard, lloatadaJa, PaL Fly do. Huatoa,
T J. Frier, M 'Hamuel Browo.Lawr'oe
J. B. Hamilton, "
Jno U. HbofT, Osceola,
W. A. Crist,
F. Campmaa, Wallate'R,
w. Mabafley, Hell,
laaae Woon
Heahen B liter, Morrla,
M. II. Fljoa, Pann,
Aroeld Blom, Pike,
. B. Cbemtwre, M
demand a against tbeeaeno will proaeat them prop
erty aoioeutieateti icr seinement, wiidooi aaiay,
li a A unatin, Admieistratfix.
Lotb-nlarg, Ps July t7th, llsl ot.
day of taamiaatlo. Tbe eiamiaattno will bee la
t A. M. M L. Mcgl OWN.
Cnaaty Hoberinteadeat.
Cleeifltld, July Ifith, 1511.
C Trm A. Wood, Bieoa. ftb t MoCreckea,
lsaao Beiah. Unmet. Jamee n tea, "
J. D. Kan la, Buraalde, A.B Ktrawbrkdge, Sandy
A.llugnenay,0ovlagtea.J. D. Kaoe,
T boa. Lam hart, " I Nieholaa Uerdoo, "
0. richnarra. " iliavtd Ltobs.
fitepba Test, Deaater, Tnemas Weyoe,
Wa tbo onderslgoed, hereby certify that tht
foregoing II l of names of peraona were drawn by
oa oo tba 13th day f Jaly A. If. ISM, aa tlraad
aod Traversa Jarore for tho ft)ptemher Term of
Court, aommeoeing or tho fourth Monday, Is
correct, and was drawn according to law, la ao
cord oca with aa order of tho Ilea Charles A.
Mayer, Preside t Judge of tbo aaid Court.
Jury CommleeioMft.
OloorleM, Pa., July STth, lMl te.
ri Way for 3'onr lltirnmtt
IF yon wsnt to study your own interest, do not
fall toeallat ANDREW HARWICH'S HAH.
J ESS H HOP, on Msik.t street, next door to John
A. Mock t tobnooo store, Clearfield Penn's.
A II flrst-sleaa work is dons at
Neela font oil nnd axle grease at
)onbla nnd aingla barnea, of nil kind, at
idlng saddles of all kind, at
.sf not, snd horse oorers of sll kind, st
llThips of all kta.ts andaa low a, 15 eenta at
TT srnes of nil kinds mads to order at
A 11 kinda of oollar, at bottom priee, at
I 1 emember nn X-L-N-T line of horse furnlsh-
J t ing good, at ilARWICK'S.
rill keep and nab. nil kind, of lumber bar.
M nea, al HARWICH'S.
Ivory and all other kind, of rings ef sll i,es st
Cloubi, brnshaa, and Interfering boot, on band
l4rne robe,, knss du,tsr, and loreeBt of all
iV kind, nl HARWICH'S.
Job work nnd repairing promptly attended te.
Remember the shop In Hbsw'a row, on Market
street, between tbe Mention House and tbe Shew
House, ClesrneH, Penn'n.
May It, lfi.m.
Save moneY
Geo. Weaver & Co.,
Dry Goods, Notions,
BoolsfSliocs, IlaislCaps,
Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c, &c.
VLOtll, FISH, .
cnop, ETC.
Thsnkr.1 for past fsrre. ws invito th. nnbtle
w n. wo. w. our lerg. una new ei.n Ol goods,
wbieh wa will dlspoM of nt reasonabl. raloa for
Msb, or axehanga lor eountry prod.oa.
Polite nnd nuentiv. elerka tn wait upon yon,
nnd prioat Blown bsw.
Cle.r.U, rt, April t,1li.lL
SIX hundred and ninety-two (a) arret of land,
situate in Clearflold eouoty, Pa., will bo sold
lo a txidr, or In tbreo ( S I senarete nareele. ta air
Five I mud red ffrut)) aeree well timbered with
oak, pine and hemlock, and having thereon a 6rst
clan water-power mill witb circular taws.
One hundred and twenty (120) aeres cleared and
a good state of enltivetioo, and having t hereon
erected a large and line frame dwelling bouse, two
Urge frame barns and other necessary outbuild
ings, together with a large orchard, good water,
Ac, Ac.
Seventy aeres olen red and ander cultivation,
but witb no buildings.
Tbe said lands are litnato within I, Biles af
Clearneld and tbe Penosylvaaia Kaiiroad. aod are
uaderlaid with bituminous eoal and flre-etay.
BeaioB for Selling. Ueollning health or owner.
For further particulars, Inquire ofthe rabseribor,
J. FnrtitK BTUcn. airy ror Owner,
Clearneld, Pa, June l&th, IhSl tf.
Desirable Real Estate !
Estate of Kici&rd Shiv, Sr Dee'd.
T11K undersigned, fisontors of tba allele af
HIC1URU HAW, Hr, deoeeeod, will of.r
at publiosnleat lbs COURT IIOUSK, In tba bor.
ough of t'lesrt.ld, P.., .a
Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1881,
AT 1:311 O'CLOCK P. M.,
Ths Tollowlng valuable real Mils, via i
Tha three-story BRICK B0TKL properly,
eoroer of Msrket and First elrsets, ia tb. bor.
ough of Cloarfleld, known ns
'The Shaw House,'
Fronting with t wo lot sof ground thereto belonging
mu ieet on Market street, and W
feet oo nrst street, witb a two -story
dwelling boose attached. Tbo be
tel proper haa sitty bed-room aad
all eonveeienoes for a flrit-elkia
hotel. One of the most desirable hotel properties
ia Central Pennsylvania.
The above will bo eold together with two
story frame dwelling bouse on Market street, ad
jacent to the Hotel, aod ona other frame dwelling
house and a two-story stora building, all fronting
on Market street.
AIjSO. All that cert a la lot, kiowa Ia tht
plaii ot Clearfield borough as Lot No 139,
iron ting u ieet oa Locust street, run- i
ningback 172 feet, more or less, to an alley I
with dwellinc bouse and elleeeessary out J
buildings thereon erected, aad other inproTomaata.
One-third 0ah at delivery of good! deed, aad
the be la nee to lie secured by bond and mortgage,
payable Id ono and two years, witb interest.
orvl ring Bx'rs of Rlehard Shaw, 8r, dee'd.
Clearfield, l'a., June I, lHfti-ta.
New Goods,
Come to Frenchville I
I1IAVK itist roccired the largest
stock of tronds ovor bronirht to
thii section oi the county, which I
will soil for cash or produce ta chotto
na thoy cn bo bought eUowhew, 31y
lock consist! nf
Dry goodS,
Groceries, BootsiShocs,
TN&iis t Specialty.-
Beady Made Clothing.
A full stock of FI.SU. SaHinlarire
or smn.ll sticks, or by the barrel.
stone or clay. QUERXSWARK, all
styles and quality. In short, I bare
evorything neodod by tbe farmer, the
mitchanic, the laborer, or anybody
cIbo, which I will toll just aa choap ai
the goods oan be purchtsod anywhere
elso. i'lptse call and examine mv
goods and price bolore Investing
FrcnrhTlllo, Ta., Mar. 8, ' .