Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 10, 1881, Image 1

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ruaLiiaa inir wbdibidat, if
I : H T A II L 1 II E O I M I 1 T .
Tim largeat Clrcwlatlo of uy Newopapcr
In Nuiib Central Peunaylvenla.
Terma of Subscription.
If paid In ed-anee, or within I months.,.. 13 (HI
f paid ftr I and before fl antitbs 9 SO
if paid after tbe expiration of 4 months... 3 IN)
Ratoa of Advertising,
transient advertisements, per squaraof 10 lines or
Iff, 1 tioiM orlm II (0
For eanb subsequent insertion 10
Alminlitrelors' and KiMatora'notleaa.. I 60
Auditors' notieaa, ......... I 0
Cnutinm and Kstraje. .. 1 (0
Diiiolatlnn notices OS
professional Cards, b lines or lan, I year..... I 00
I.oral notice, par Hna SO
1 ijuare $8 00 I J ttolttmn.. $& 00
3 juares.H 16 00 oolumiu 7ft 00
I R'uarawH to 40 1 oolnma ISO 00
i:l:73 Clearfield, Pa
1:11 Phlllpaburg, Centre Co., Pa y.-pd
CurwonirlUe, Clearteld county, Pa,
oou S, 'It-It.
GEO. B. Q00DLAUDEB, Editor & Proprietor.
TIEMS-J2 per annum in Advanoe.
VOL. 55-WHOLE NO. 2,733.
NEW SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. 31.
(OHTBMD r. 0.)
Ma; I, 1878-1;
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
V. 110YT,
Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
MT-AII buoiaeei will be ntteade I to promptly,
Dm. 16, 1E0 It.
Offloe In "Old Weiternl building," (upitair).
Oct. . '78-tf. '
Clearfield, Pa.
4rOtfleo one door oaat of Shaw Hons.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Prnn'a.
Sa-Wtll execute iobi la bll lint aroioDtlT and
in a worRmaniiKe manner. er.,07
OfflM In Mnronie building, Second Itreat, op-
pome me liuun jioneo. join, in-tt.
O T.
Clearfield County, Penn'a. 7iy
OBice In Opera Hour.
It's. A. Wallacr,
Ht F. Wuur
ap IVTJ-lj
. ..Paviii L. KnRRt,'(
,...Wu. E. W a ixatr.
,iTTon.rErs-jiT-t..t ;
Nor. irth, mso tr.
weaver &, betts,
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs,
.ar- Offloe oa Kesond itreat, la roar of atoro
room u ueort WeaTor w, Co. jentl, '78-tf.
jnal'sL. ClcarUeld, Pa.
JHr-Offlco la the Maeonio Building, orer the
County National Ltank. Iioar24-B0.
Orttee oecr the County National Bank.
June J8, '78tf.
Firet-nlnM Lll and Pita Iniuranoo Compnalee
jf-4T-OfRe In lb Opera Uoun.'S
Mar. m.'SI-lj
ittcalur Totmthip,
Oeeeola Mill! P. 0.
All official bniiinear entrnated to him will be
promptly attended to. rnebH, '78.
Shop m Market St., oppuilt Court Hone.
A clean towel for every ouetomor.
Alio dealer In
Itr.t lllauda of Tobarfo and Clara.
I'leerAeld. Pa. ejae 111, 'TS
Wallaceton, Vtu
ptfW ban prepared bimialf with ail the
BMeat-ary blank furnif under lb Pen lion and
Bniintj lawi, an wrll aa blank loeiic, clo. All
legal matter totranld to bii earo will reraiTt
prompt attention. Maj Tib. lH7V-tf.
thjii. . u uBReiT. cratr eoaitoa.
jP0 05 oa la Ple'i Opera Home, icoontl floor.
.ITTOIl.rKi'-JT-L.I H't
llh'KM'l: over T. A. 1'lrrlt t'o.'a Store,
ar-Will atteod to all legal wltb
pruuptneae and fldelltj.
febl 1,'80-tf.
lonara a. a brallt barirl w. M'oranr,
uiearnaid, fa.
MRLeffal baiineee attonded to promptly wlthj
d.telity. Offio oa tiaeond ttreet, above tbe Flret
National Bank. Jn:l:JR
All leral buaino.1 entrnated to hie care will re-
oelra prompt attentlea.
T-Offloe In the Coarl flou.e.
Real Eitate and Cellectloa Agent,
Will promptly attend to all legal bmlneei aa
trailed to hie eare.
drOffloe in Ple'e Opera Howe. Jaal'7.
tiid Krai Relate Agent, ( Irarflrld, Pa,
Office oa Third etreet, bet. Cherry A Walnut.
Sar-Reepeetfallj offera hie eerTieeela lolling
and buying land la Clearfield and adjoining
ooaatlea f and with aa experlenoe of over twontv
yeara aa a larreyor, flatter hlmeelf that he eaa
reader latlefaellea. rak. lSiUitf,
glilisltinns' Carfls.
Office la residence on Flrat at.
April 14, 1871. Clearfield, Pa.
rR. W. A. MEANS,
Will attend profelilonal colli promptly. augl0'70
Office oa Market Street, ClearBcId, Pa.
CT'Ofnce hour t I to IS a. m., and I to 8 p.
ta0(n adjoining lb relMence ef Jamee
rit ley, K.e., aa Second St., Clearfield, Pa.
1 uffloot at rt)drBc, eeraar of Puta and Pin
r.ti. JHQ( 6tb, lftHMf.
t t Office houre From It to I P. M.
I May It, 1878.
Ml Barifaoa af Ike SSd Rtflneal, Pan aiy I Tan la
Volaiiaeri. havlBf rftarned froa ba Amy,
fftri hU prafeaaleaal larvlMi I Iheeltlieat
f Clearleltleueaty.
taT'Pp.hialBriAal ftlla avaBtttl aliaeaai la.
tana Beeead itreei, foratcrli aate4 by
.Waoda, (apriOa-U
jPtrVnmpt aJwara on band and mala to order
an ibort notice. Ptpea bured on reaionahla tertna.
All work warranted to render atfifactlon, and
delivered If deilred BayX5:lJTd
Ijlver- Stable.
fHE R.drHgn4 baya lumrm Ut Inform rhefiab
X to1 D B0W ft1"? prepara) to uommo
date all In the way or furniihing Hv..iea, Baggiat,
Haddlei and llarneu, on the aborteat aotioe and
n reaaonable terma. Realdenoa on Loouatatreet,
between Tbird and Fourth.
TlearfleM. Feb. 4, 1874;
C. KI1D W. 1. ttaVflCRTY
arOfflceln Qrabam Rallding. Market itreet.
Clearfield, - - Penn'a.
June li, 1881-lf.
Alio, eitenaWa nanafartorar and dealer In Square
Timber and bowed Lumber of ill kin da.
MrOrdara io I Id ted and all bill promptly
filled. jyl'71
Watchoa, Clucks nd Jowolry,
t?raAaai'f Hmt, Mark Btrt,
All kloda of repairing In my Una promptly it-
ended to. Jan. let, 187V.
r jrnoi j. r. biuhonii, or iaidis, mibi., exi or
C often Ihlak It muat be sweet
The antes of happy birds to hear.
When from some lofty bough they greet
The tun-rays that through olouda appear I
For t have thought that erea I,
When cloud thalr shadowa o'er ma fling,
If cheering sun-light inept them by,
Sweet eooga of gratitude eoold sing
And. If my heart to song ba wrought,
When grateful thought my botom fill.
n ami neKKitea oy nature taught
From feathered ehorialera must thrill.
But these to bear la not for me,
Alaa I I bear not yet I tee.
I often think, when beauty's lip
To musio'ii soul is gifing rolee,
And melodies appear to drip,
How those who oateb them must rejoloa f
And yet they seem the draught to drink
Aa though each oae was theirs of right
'T would wake my gratitude, I think,
As of tbe bliotl reatorod to sight.
I eaten a trickle now and then
It thrills mr heart, then mella away,
And alienee tha might hriog me pain,
If resignation did not say,
"Keep this re Recti on in thy mind,
Though deal, ibou art not dumb aor blind.
For others I 040 freely foal,
And gladly strive to fare Ibem pain ;
To further. If I eaa, their weal.
And all my aelbahneas restrain.
From soeial throngs I often shrink
That aire would pleasure giro to me
Because It is a pain to think
That I, unwittingly, may be
A weary trial, aad a tal
On patience, irength, orcourty ;
And, leeming In politeness lax,
Or gentleneia or modesty.
No; my misfortune Is my own,
And I will bear it all alone.
Ah t I bare seen In days gone by
What gave me pain, but ne'er offense,
And wakened acany a heavy sigh
A titt'ring smile at my expense.
And soma of those who sport eaa And
In my misfortune me perplex
(And who forgot I was nut blind)
Were of the fairer, gentler sea !
And I confess it pained ma sore
They bad forgotten for the time
That though tbe harden which 1 bora
iliifortune was, H was no oh me.
I pray that heaven these may save
Froa pains and stings like those they gave.
I am not lensltire, I think,
Nor does my burdeo bear me down.
The cup Is nine and I must drink
Why should I shudder, flee, or frown!
I eaa not shun It If I would,
And since 'twaa sent by hand Dlrlue,
I would But fbub it if I could,
'Tls heat tbe burden ahouid be mine
And ao it is with all life's ills.
In fortune's frown or eold rererse,
'Tie beat to bear what Heaven wills,
And thankful be it Is no worse.
And in this thought I comfort find,
Though deaf, I am not dumb our blind.
huntingdon county farmer
"taken in."
Clearfield Insurance Agency.
hi: it it k imtin.i:, att-m.
Rcpraient tbe following and other firit-claei Co'l
Comnanlel. Arret.
Liverpool Londcn A OMie II. 8. Dr..8,Ml,S9
Lycoming on mutual Aeaah plane. ,.H 8,0110,00(1
Phonli, or Hertford. Oona J.cJt.OHJ
Imurenee Co. of North America 8,t.8,874
North Britlih A Mercantile U.S. Ur. 1. ?,
Scotilih Commercial U. 8. Drench.... 7,Ht
Watertowo 7,8I
Treeelerl (Life A Accident) 4,8V&,4.4
Offeo on Merket t., opp. Cenrt Ilouie, Clear,
laid. Pa. Juno 4, '78-tr.
and all klnda of
no to
O. II. MERRELL, . Agent,
CLEARFIELD, PA. June I, 'ItO lf.
Insurance Agency
I'nlloH Ulatk, Curvrtin illr, Va.
Companies Represented i
Commercial Union Im. CoH Auela .., JOJ IS
Firemen'e Fand Ini. Co.,Aia.te I.lftfl,ol7 0d
lea In. nr. ace Co.. AneU 1,070.0.17 8
Traielere' Accident Int. Co.. A.eete.. ,M,IH 7:1
Northern In.. Co. of New York Ai'ii 4l,allu 00
niurance placed en all kinde of property at
tqtiilal.le retei.
uerweneTiiie, ra, reo. id, 101-11,
Newark, N. J.
Amfti, Jan. 1, lq8l, a acertalad
by Kiemlning t;ommiiiionere
of HeMaohuaelU, Ohio and New
JerrcT 81S.72M1S ttl
.taaitiTtal. aa etalcd b the came. 31,91 1,43.1 81 hy Maea'abu'l Hlenderd. 8,ai.,!iil 08
8i by New York Standard... t,SI, tt
All pel lelai nonforfeitable aftn eccnad
yeart lowaapenieet lergedleldendi de.
elared and paid er.ry ,Mr line organ
liatioR t ample inrplui i inrrender valaei
meet liberal j leoeea promptly adjarted
an. peifl.
OrrirRR. i
JAMES 8. PKARSON. Vlra PaRiimaT.
En. L. D'liaiRR, Scc'y. Trbo. M.crrbtt, Treai.
POTTER A kkVKH, Hal. Aloala. lit M el-
aatatrMI, Phlledelibie, Pa.
II. M. M'P.NAI.I.V.SpMlalAienl. OBce ta
Moieop'e bnlldlag, Market UrMt, Clearfield, Pa.
We clip from tin) Huntingdon Mon
itor the following woll dotuilod fiction
ombelliched wilh ntubborn fuels, and
publish the namo for the benefit of
furmorH" nd everybody eluo. The
editor says:
A wi'll-to-do lnrmer reaidine not
many miles from Huntingdon, whose
ante we withhold ns be la not desirous
of having it mado public in connection
with the fnrt narrated below, came to
town on .Monday lust to "take in"
liatchcllcr A I lor is' ehow and to see
the sights. While standing on the
corner of Fourth and I'een Btreets, he
was approached by a gentlemanly
ooking individual, who familiarly
struck up a conversation with him on
varioussuliects, in the course ol whicb
ho informed our rural friend thut he
was connected with a sowing machine
rm, and that be had Come down this
at to see what the prospects wero
or buying a small (arm for bis sister-
law, located pleasantly and not too
far trom town. The farmer replied
that ho didn't know of any farm for
sale that would answer the description.
At this point the conversation changed,
tho coiifldcnco man telling his newly,
made friend of an excellent horse over
on tho show grounds, which he was
anxious to have him ece. This snbioct.
as the sharper knew, is calculated to
interest a farmer, and it did not fail on
this occasion, lie replied that he was
an admirer ol good horses, and be be
lieved as he bad nothing particular to
do just nt that time, he would walk
over along and see the horse. The
two started for the show grounds,
chattering familiarly on passing sub
jects of interest. Just ns they emerged
Irom tho river bridgo, they mot a well
dressed dignified looking gcntloman(?)
with whom tho sowing machine man
shook hands heartily, at the same time
expressing his great surprise to boo
him down this way. Turning to the
farmer ho introduced this tbird party
as juago irom uiair county, stat
ing that bo was an ex-associate Judgo.
Tho sowing machine man thon told
tho Judgo () whoro they wero going,
and insisted on bis accomiianyinp; them.
The latter however declined, saying
that ho was in a hurry to go over to
town to see his wife and family, who
wore wailing on him. iho two then
proceeded to the show grounds whore
they met a showman of whom the
sewing machine man innuirod concern
ing tho horso. The showman replied
that the horse had just been taken
over to town. This was a great dis
appointment to the machine man, as
ho had brought thogonlleman mean
ing tho larinor over to see the horse.
At this juncture tbe Judge (?) again
apponred on tho scene. The showman
then pulled out a deck of cards, and
showing the parly a particular card
threw it with some others down and
thon oflercd to bet that no one in the
parly could pick np the card. It
seemed a plain cose and the sowing
machine man took the hot, putting up
nve dollars and picked nn ihoidontical
card, winning the live dollars. Tbe
showman, not in tho least discomfited,
went throuirh tho same performance
agkin and made the samo offer to but
fivo dollars. Tbo sewing machine man
then turned to the Judge (r) and sng
cestod that be should try his luck
Tho Judge (I) said hu didn't know
much about cards, but believed he
could pick up tho right card, and after
hesitating lor a short time took the bet,
and ho too won live dollars off tho
showman. Tbecards were then thrown
again, the showman grumbling at his
hard luck, and again tho proposition
to bet was made, but our rural triond
knowing little about cards and being
too conscientious to engage in gam
bling, declined to mako any bet.
J hen betrnn a conversation bctweon
the sewing machine agent and the
Judge (?) during which the latter said
that he had como down to Hunting
don to establish a branch temperance
ofllco, speaking ubout tho strong or
ganization with whicb ho was connect
ed and of tho great work it was
doing in assailing the strongholds of
rum. lie said that be would like to
start an ofllce in Huntingdon and that
he wanted to find some good, reliable
man to take charge ol It; that it would
pay handsomely, und that its duties
would not require near all the time of
the person having charge, He spoke
ot the duties of the oRlce, mentioning
among others the distribution ol tracts,
Ac. The sewing machine man tben
turning to the Inrmor, said that por
haps he, tho farmer, might take chargo
of the ofllce, reminding him that it
would not inturfure with his farming.
The subject was presented in such a
plausible way that tbe farmer finally
agreed to accept tho offer. The Judge
(?) then brightening up with tho idea
that perhaps ho had found tho object
of his trip, and assuming a business
look, assured him that the business
of the oflice would not interfere in the
slightest with bis farming. Ho then
unlolded to him some more informa
tion rclativo to the organisation and
its requirements, during which ho in
formed him that, as an evidence of
good fuitb, and as a pledgo to the or
ganization that tbe duties of the ofllce
would be honestly and efficiently per
formed the organization invariably
domanded a deposit ot ono thousand
dollars with the troasuror of the orirani-
xation, whicb would be in time re
turned to him. Tho Judiro (Ti then
askod him if he had that aura. The
farmer roplied that he could raise eight
hundred dollars. The sewing machine
man, glad that an onporlumtv was
presented of doing his nowly-made
triena a Kinancss, volunteered to loan
the farmer the other two hundred
dollars. Tho furmor expressed his
willingness to accopt the loan. Tho
sowing machine man then informed
him that he would have to go over to
town to seo his wife, from whom he
would got the desired amount. This
suited tbo farmer very well as he would
have to go to the bank himself and
draw out his eight hundred. Aftor
agreeing upon a place of meeting tho
parties Boparuioa, and in a short time
they all mot again. The farmer pro
duced his eight hundred dollars, which
was counted, and the sowing machino
man counted his loan of two hundred.
making the required ono thousand
dollars. The showman picked up tbo
pilo oi money, rolled it up leisurely
and just at this juncture the Judgo (?)
engaged the farmer in further conver
sation about tbe new offloe to be estab-
isbcd and when tho farmer looked
around he noticed that the showman
had disappeared. Suspecting that all
wob not right tho furmor remarked,
"Judgo (?), did you notice which way
that man went with tho money?"
The Judge (?) replied he was just
about making a remark on that sub
ject, and added that bo feared tliev
wore both swindled. Alter waiting in
vain a short timo for the return of tho
(From IheSteubenrilla Herald.
The editor of tbo Evening Flapdoodle
sat in his sanctum tbo other morning,
beginning his day's work, and thought
bo bad brought his paper about as
near perfection as possible for an ordi
nary sizod town ciiiio to a halt dor.on
big cities, and be was wonderina how
he might further iliprove it, whoo his
cogitutions wero interrupted by an ao
quuintanco coming in.
"Hollo, Mr. Scissirs," he facetiously
said, "writing up editorials wilh tbe
shears, eh ?" i
The editor tried to smile at tho old
joko, and tho visitor wont on. "I tell
you what it is Jooes, Von have a pretty
good paper, butwba. do you want in a
town like this with long editorials?
(iivo us short ones. You can't mould
public sentiment, you must simply
echo it." Then ho left, and Jones told
his associate not to write any long edi
torials that day, as be proposed for
once, to make tho Fltpdoodle just to
suit every subscriber who wanted a
change. In a half botr along came a
wicked fellow who talked newspaper
a long time, and thon atid ho didn't see
any use ot bunduy riading, nor any
other religious matter in a paper, and
it it was bis bo woild bounce it all.
The editor said nothing, but when the
man went away be told bis Sunday
editor not to send in any mattor tor thut
day. '1 ben Jones rested and thought
tor a tow moments, and a pious old
party dropped in. As So know a good
deal about tbe business in its moral
aspect, bo talked along, and at last
Baid that no newspaper could be de
cent that admitted to its columns any
sensational matlor,anr advertisemenls
other than tbe most high-toned, any
thing tbat could not be read without
a blush by the most capriciously fas
tidious. Jones was silent, but later he
went and ordered all that mattor set
aside. So fur, Jones thought he was
gelling things to suit pretty woll, and
then another Iran cuino in, and liko
the others, knew all about the business
of editing a paper, lie was a city
politician, und said, "Mr. Jones, you
don't have enough politics. Why don't
you throw out iIicho furm notes, and
kitchen receipts, and odds and ends of
old news, and telei;raphio brevities
food aewineper, and wbenerer I don't aire van
Jour money e worth, tben oom. and tell me as,
ul don't oom. telling me bow I ihoold do my
mv.m mawm , . aCTOtOO yoiro W II, BOd yOU
hare aerer firea it aa how'a itndy.
I am yoarl truly, IlmniuR Jorro,
Editor Vapifooa!.
Tben these good people looked at
their blank paper and their blank
faces, and not one said a word but tbo
profane man, who remarked, "Damme,
tho editor is richt ; let's bo and mind
our own bnsinoBU," and Jonos crept out
from behind the countor, and that own
ing issued a tip-ton paper, chuck full
of all Boris of personal and local itoms,
ana news, and everything, and there
was peace in that town for tho space
of a long time.
showman, tho Judge (?) suid he was which we get in the other papers, and
convinced that they were both swin-U'T0 us politics? That's what tho
died, and that the scoundrel had loft
with tho money. 1 ho farmer admit
ted that it looked vorv much that wav
Tho Judgo (?)said he reflected severe
ly upon himself, becauso ho felt that
ha had been the innocent cause of get
ting the farmer into tbe trouble. Af
ter a moment's reflection the Judire It)
said if it should turn out that t hoy had
neon swindled, he would bear tho
whole loss himself; that the farmer
hould not lose his eiuht hundred dol
lars, in any event. Tho Judge (?) then
remarked that be was not prepared to
pay vne money mat uay, out gave me
most positive assurance that he would
do so, in the near future. He strongly
mpressed upon the farmor's mind the
fact that he did not want his name
montionod in connection with tho
transaction. Continuing the conver
sation, he said, "How soon would you
ke to have your monoy bock r J he
farmer replied, "As soon as possible."
w on," said the J udgo, (?) "i ll toll you
hat 1 II agree to do. It your eight
und rod dollars is lost, I will meet you
at tho post office, in this town, on the
lam ot next month, and pay you that
amount. You can rest assured that
you will not lose a dollar. Are you
satisfied 1" The farmer replied that
this proposition was satisfactory to him
boreupon the two separated. Tbo
suspicion gradually fastened itself upon
tbe farmor's mind that he had fallen
into tbe bands of "sharpers," and that
his money was gono. ile returned to
town, where he met his son, to whom
he explained tbo wbolo transaction,
and his son at once said that he had
been grossly swindled out of the eight
hundred dollars. In accordance with
e suggestion of tho son, the case was
immediately placed in the hands of
dotectivos who succoodod in rocovor
back the whole of the eight hundred
dollars, which wes promptly returned
to tne larmor. yo information was
made against tho guilty parties, as the
farmer suid he did not want tbo case
to go into court. It seems strange
that the Bwindlcrs did not leave fur
parts unknown after they had mado
such a largo haul. We hope this case
will servo as a warning, and that hero
after no oiti'.on of our county will al
low bimsell to be victimized hy such
imamous swinaiors.
From the I.ouI.tIII. Arfiu.l
"Lot bygones bo by tronos." sho said.
alter she had managed to quarrel with
bim on the way home from tbe circus.
lie reflected a while. "And is this
tho and f "
"It is, sir; all is over between us."
He reflected again: Last Sundav
mgnt you said you lovea mo.
"1 did then ; 1 do not now."
"And yon want bygones to bo by
"Who is to pay for all tho ico cream
"Leave mo, morconarv wretch I
Name your price for your valuable
eorvicos and 1 will see it paid.
More renoclion : "liood schomo I 1 11
do it I" Ho departed. Koxt morninir's
postman Drought nor the following in
teresting document:
To 8 llelih rldee, It 34 00
II oyiter loupi at eburch feillTala T 80
16 copper M 18 10
It heckl " Jl 60
41 tlokete to tbeatrel 41 00
Libretto! (IAJ 16c H , I 60
Halt or new elolhee (per Imitation) 60 00
Route blacked aad ibared, lay 10 00
48 broken promiaei H 26
1 broken heart 600 0O
80 Ice ereami.. 16 On
RaliltiB my bopee. ete.. 8.000 0
Firing me t.nt after eirenie....n , 1 10
...5,M 16
Ry going with another frllow (4)..
Healing broken heart (3)
iliiirirlnl me 14110) .,.
Hitting oa my lep (10).
Kitlnguiihlng aopee
Flrll ki
110,008 kliiel aad hugi, 1 .,
....I 08
.... 400 00
.... 1,000 00
.... 1.010 08
... 1,108 01
6.0VII 08
Balance dua 76
"Will call to morrow night and col
lect at por last named item."
nhe met him at the door: "Uotno
nto tbo parlor, Charley," she said,"and
I'll pay Ton." An hour afterwards
she was contracting a fresh debt at
tbe Ice cream saloon near by.
children cry for." Agoin was Jonos
silent and lutcr gaveorders for the ex
pulsion ol this objectionable matter and
waited for tho next ono. Ho came
pretty soon, and ho hud a coffin for a
coat and a shroud for a handkerchief,
and ho smolt liko tho dust which blows
off of a skeleton. Said he, "Jonos, I
like your papor, but what do you run
that funny business in it for? It's
silly, stale, and fluttor than last year's
ale with the bottle loft open, What
docs a man want to laugh for anyhow ?
This is a valo ot tears and wo should
IttmyS l.lH.nb.1 lUn. Im rf,. Mllt-Vl-
tainty of life death may cut us off with
an idlo laugh upon our lips." "That's
so," groaned Jones. "I'll cut every
line of fun right out," and off he hur
ried and out went all the funny busi
ness. As he went home at noon he
met a ludy whosaidshodidn'tscewhat
they wanted to fill a pnpor lull of poli
ties for, becauso nobody road that.
"Don't they?" said Jones, "then on
sho goes," and when ho got back it all
went out. "1 m bound to pleaso cm
all" said tho editor, "if 1 have to buy a
new ofllco" Right after dinner a man
ot business proclivities camo in and
said ho didn't see any use of "theso
silly little personals and them short
local itoms that didn t amount to any
thing anyway." It it was his papor
be would bave something of a higlior
natuie or let tho placo go bare. Jonos
listened anil told tho foreman to whack
out all ot that sort of stuff at once.
Thon ho felt easior, till a lot of pretty
girls came in, and, alter making a pur
chase askod him what a newspaper
was tilled lull ot advertisements lor
nobody ever read tbom, and ono said
she was going to stop taking the paper
it be was amnu to till It un tbat wav.
Jonos told tho young lady that be
would have a papor to suit every ono,
and he hoped sho would not find fault.
then ho wont down and ordered out
evory 'ad. and waited for the next
man. He came along pretty soon, and
that was his abomination in a news
paper, and it never ought to encountor
tbe columns ot a local journal, bocauso
it was meant for magaxinos, and tbat
sort of papers. Jonos took it in, and
wont out and ordered all his fine
pootry knocked down. Then he'waited
again, and a woman came in, and said
tbo fashion notes were not good, be
causo the magaxinos had them all in
greater quantity, and another thing
sho didn't liko, was the markets.
"What good was them I" sho said. "I
don't know," he ropliod, "so I'll throw
'cm out." "I hope you will," sho an
swered, and wont away. In ten min
utes tho markets and bullions wore on
the standing gulley. Jones began to
look around, and as ho was studying,
a small boy said that "marriage and
death notices was mighty thin readln',"
and Jones slung them clear out into
the corner. After this chango he went
over Into tbo counting room, and an
old man was there waiting to pay his
subscription, "llsagood popor, Jonos,
but in this placo you only want to take
notice of local affairs, anil let all tho
miscellaneous and general business go,"
and then Jones gave the old follow a
receipt and rushed back and took out all
the miscollanooua and general matter
that was left, and as he took out the
last handful a friend camo through tho
ofllce and critically examining his sur
roundings, said, "The Flapdimllc is a
good papor, Jones, but I do think you
have the ugliost bead on it I evor saw.
Why don't you chango It? I'm cer
tain I never would let such a head ap
pear on a papor ot mino." "All right,"
said Jones, and off camo tho head.
"Now, Mr. Foreman," ho continued,
"lock up tho lorms and send them
down to the press room." Tho forms
were duly locked and wont down, and
the paper camo out and wasdistribntcd
as nsual. The next morning the poli
tician, and tho solemn man, the friend,
the school girl, the woman, the small
boy, and tbe rest of them were stand
ing around the Fltipdimile office with
blank shoots of paper in their hands ;
not a lino, not a word, not a sign of
anything on it but column rules, with
nothing hotween. "How is this?" said
each to the other, "and whore's that
fool editor toimposoonusin thiswsy ?
While they wero thus talking, the
devil came in with a loiter from the
editor which the old man read to the
crowd. It ran as follows:
Tho bicyclist realizes in the last quar
ter of tbo nineteenth conlury tho old
myth of tho centaur. Thousands of
yours ago, in tbut part of antique
Greece known as Thossaly, now tor
several centurios unoor the baleful do
minion of the Turkish crescent, there
lived a rouch wild mountain ooonlo
1. , . , .... ' . 1
no iuiil'ui on noisooacK. J ncv kept
thoir seats so well and were apparent
ly so inseparame irom the steeds thoy
bestrode that there aroso a fable thut
thoy wore monsters of a donble form
tbo upper parts human, tho lower
those of a horse sons of Ixion and of
a cloud in tho aspect of stately Juno.
No small part of their prowess was
due to the terror their preternatural
appearanco inspired among their foe
mon. Not only men but animals were
frightened at the sight of thorn. Tho
prodigious spectacle overwhelmed the
more civilized horses of their loss bar
barous antagonists, and thov wore.
perhaps, more appalled than those
whorodo them. Just so the modern
nrban boree is put in sudden and over
mastering fear when the bicycle and
its portcntious looking rider comes like
an animated cartwhool unexpectedly
upon him.
1 he bicycle is a profoundly scientific
and wonderfully interesting toy. As
such it is admirably suited to children
of a largor growth. It is tho voloci-
peuo lucnnzou. as tne years roll on
Bomothing more remarkable yet and
more advancod may be ovolutod out
of it. A good deal may bo said, how
ever, in favor ot tho invontion in its
present stage. Certain great and val
uable principles are emphasized to hi
eyclism. To maintain the physical
equilibrium is the first condition of the
new knighthood of tho twofold wboel,
and from this comes to him who en
ters it tbo noble lessor to preserve un
der all circumstances his equanimity
of mind end heart. Still anothor les
son is that of moral uprightness, natu
rally suggested by the perpendicular
bodily position necessary to bo observ
ed to save the cavalier on two wheols
instead of four hoofs from coming ig
nobly to the ground. Progress is yet
another etbiolo lesson clearly deduci
ble from this gymnustio exorcise. Tbe
mounted man must keep moving in
ordor to keep bis seat. Ho cannot
Bnioa J. Lolling la Harptr'i Yoang People.
You have seen and admired the
weeping willow tree the Salix Buhy
lonica upon which tho oaptivo He
brews hung their harps whon they sat
down by tbe river of Babylon and
"wept whon they remembered Zion."
It is a native of the garden of F.den,
and not of America, and I will toll you
how it immigrated to this country.
At ore than lad years ago a merchant
lost his fortune He went to Smyrna,
a seaside cityjot Asia Minor, to recovor
it. Alexander l'opo one of the great
poets of Kngland, was the merchant's
warm friend, and sympathized with
him in his misfortune.
Soon aftor tho merchant arrived In
Smyrna he sont to I'ope, as a present,
a box of driod figs. At that time tho
poet had built a beautiful villa at
itiiiauiiunui, uu tno liana, oi me
Thames, and wus adorning it with
troos, shrubbery and flowering plants.
On opening tbe box of figs Pope dis
covered in it a small twig of tho troo.
It was a stranger to him. As it came
from tho Kast he planted It in tho
ground near tbe river, close by bis
villa. Tbe spot accidentally chosen
for the planting was favorable to its
growth, for the twig was from the
weeping willow troo possibly from
the bunk of one cf "tho rivers ol
Iiabvlnn" which finurishas host nlnno-
tno Doruers oi watorcoursos.
Psab FniRnni t Yon all think yon know how
to ma a aewipeaer, aad when yon mm. le me
wilh eofiroilioai I bet to toll yoa d ifieronUy,
o 1 folloeed your advice and you aa e what yoa
hare a the Moall. U yoa will be kind enoocb
to mied year own builoeee heir ae well a I do
mln., and try I. thlek 1 kaow a little lomethiag,
while yea don't kaow II all, t will lira yoa a
very well stand still and bold his place
in tbo saddle. It ho bulls ho must eel
on or lull.
Again, tho bicycle is so quiet. It is
not a noisy affair. It does not disturb
the sick unless thoy como across it
whon thoy happen to bo driving out
ana tne horses ol tbo carriages thoy
occupy take a notion In run away and
spill thorn on the highway. Then it
does disturb them to some extent, es
pecially if tboy break their bones or
got killed outright. What it is about
this machine and tbe operator, who
works its podals very much as a wo
man runs a sewing machino, that
scares horses, is a difficult problem to
solve, and one as to which our pro
tbundost speculations are likely to
bring us to but an approximative and
conjectured result. It certainly does
not mako clatter or din enough, it
would seem, to affright even so littlo a
thing as a mouse, much loss a great,
big horse. Possibly, as some investi
gators are inclined to think, it is tho
very silence, ghostlike and sepulchral,
of the bicyclo that alarms tbissensi.
live and wondering quadruped. It
may be that whon this lofty, narrow
phenomenon glides swiftly and noise,
iossly beforo him tbe strange appari
tion excites the superstitious fears in
herited from some past niotompsvcho-
sis, and the horso, not stopping to rea
son calmly about tho matter, inconti
nently runs away. Or he may in
stinctively foresee in this contrivance
a compotitivo intrudor which may
eventually rob bim of employment in
light ana pleasant lines of service,
such as drawing ladies and gcntlomen
in vohiclcs or currying thom on his
back, and so remand him to dull and
heavy drudgery as a mere beast of
burden. There is such a thine as
'horse sonso, ' and the horso that has
a soft placo in lil'o may well feel tho
samo uisiiko lor tho rivalry ol much in
ory which disturbs so many men. Tho
Bicyclo is a kind ot iron horse with
the rider for its locomotive or snurco
of propulslvo power, and one of those
days carriagos may bo drawn by out-
nuurs mounted upon bicycles. Jiul
howovor accurato this or any other
guess at the truth ot tho matter may
he, tho fact remains that bicycles, at
least when in motion, scare horses.
and senro them badly, lleing thorcin
dangerous to lile and limb, their use
in any but quite secluded places must
bo regarded as in the nature of a nui
sance. rhiladeiphia Heard,
This little twig grow vigorously, and
in a lew years it became a large treo,
spreading wide its brunches and droop
ing graceful sprays, and winning tbo
admiration of the poet's friends, as
well as strangers. It became tho an
cestor of all the weoping willow trees
in Kngland.
There was a rebellion in the English
American colonics in 1775. llrilish
troops were sent to Boston to put
down the insurrection. Their loaders
expected it to end in a few weeks after
thoir arrival. Some young ofheors
brought fishing tackle with tbom to
enablo tbom to enjoy sport after thoir
brief war. Others came to sottlo on
the confiscated lands of tho "rebels."
Among the latter was a young officer
on tho Bluff of tienorul Howe. He
brought with bim wrapped in oiled silk
a twig from Pope's weeping willow
tree at Twinkcnham, which he intend
ed to plant on some stream watering
bis American estate.
Washington commanded an army
before Boston which kept tho British
imprisoned in that city a long timo
aguinst their will. On his staff was
his stepson, John Parke Custis, who
frequently went to tbe British head
quarters, under tbo protection of a
flag, with dispatches lor General Howe.
He bocamo acquainted with tho young
officer who bad tho willow twig, and
tney became lust mends.
Instead of "crushing tho rebellion
in six weeks," the British army at Bos.
ton, at tho ond of an imprisonment of
nine months, wero glad to fly by sea,
for lifo and liberty, to Halifax. Long
before tbat flighl tbe British subaltern,
MMBllVU IU., liv nliuui. u . u . k. .. - .. n
estate in Amorica to adorn, gave his
carefully presorved willow twig to
young Custis, who planted it lit Abing
don, bis estate in Virginia, where it
grow and flourished, and became a
parent of all tbo weeping willows in
tho United States.
Some time alter tho war Uunerul
Horatio Gates, of tho Revolution set
tled on the "Robo Hill farm," on Now
York Island, and at the entrance to a
lano which led from a country road to
his bouse he pluntcd a twig from the
vigorous willow at Abingdon, which
he had brought wilh him. That
country road is now Third avenuo, and
tho luno is twenty second street.
Gates' mansion, built of wood and two
stories in height, stood near tho cor
ner of Twenty-seventh street and Soo
ond avenue, whore saw it consumed
by fire in 1815. S'lietrco which grew
from tbo twig planted at the entrance
to Gales' lane remained until compar
atively a few years ago. It stood on
the northeast cornor of Third avenue
and Twenty -second street. It was a
direct descendant, in the third genera
tion, of Popo'a willow, planted at
Twickenham about 1722.
ticed men, In less than seven minutes
a whole ox is cut up. In the slaughter
ing season over five hnndrod mon aro
employed, powerful fellows, who aro
good-hearted and li arm less characters
in spite of thoir bloody occupation, and
notwithstanding the fact that their
nourishment consists almost exclusive
ly of meat. The dexterity with which
they handle tbe knife excites astonish
ment. Tbe meat is senuruted from the
hones, as if the knile wero guided
through aolt butler. One hundred
und fifty to two hundred oxen can be
handled in this way per hour.
The itroutest cleanliness prevails. A
' plentiful supply of water is obtained
from tho rivor for washing. Tbe
slaughter houso is roofod with iron
and glass, and a railway connocts it
witn the principal buildings ot the
The raw material is convoyed in
various WU,TB from Ihonlnugbtei homo..
Tho bides are salted, tho horns stored,
and tho tonguos aro cooked and pro
sorved in tin cans. The best pieces, as
free from fat as possible, are used for
tho manufacture of tho extract, whilo
tbo inferior piccos aro made into tasajo
(meat suited ana then dried in the air),
which is a favorite articlo of food for
the black population ot Brazil and the
West Indies. Tho fatty parts furnish
material for the largo tullow buying
housos. (The refuse and offal are dried
and made into fertilizers.
Tbo moat for the manufacture of the
concentrated extract is freed from tut
and gelatine, and passes through the
loiiuwing processes:
First, it passes through four cutting
machines, which discharge it into nine
largo wrought iron tubs, each one bold
ing fivo thousand kilocrammos. In
theso tho meat with an equal weight
oi water is heated to boiling. Then
tho liquid pusses through pipes into nn
apparatus invented by Prof. Max Pot
tonkofor, whero it is olarifiod and sepa
rated from the fatty part. Air pumps
carry tbe remaining fluid imtss into
two rcsorvoirs placed seven meters
higher, from which It passes into tho
evaporating apparatus after it has gone
tnrougn several straining processes.
Tho evaporation is effected in fivo
large reservoirs, ouch havine- a hun
dred disks of tho same material, which
revolve In the liquid ; then the extract
remaius quiot in other reservoirs until
tho next morning, whan it is placed in
two cast iron kettles surrounded by
hot water jackets, each containing
tu,i'w liters ot the extract, whero it is
reduced to u uniform mass. Then
samples ore taken which are subjected
to tho careful tests of tho chemist of
the establishment. If these turn out
lobeportcctly satisfactory as to purity,
aroma, and consistency, the extract i
packed in tin chosts, each contuining
ono hundred pounds, and sent to Eu
rope Packing the extract in small
stone jars for the retail trade is done
at tho gonoral depot in Antwerp.
Tho cooked meat remaining in the
kettle is dried in the air, and with the
addition of a few nutritive salts, and
afterward being ground, is manufuc-
Tbe new school house at Oak Grove,
in Gulich township, will oost fUOO.
A good Literary Society baa been
kept up at West Goshen during tbe
Cleartleld borough will nay her
Uachors In the aggregato 36u per
month the coming term.
Goorgo W. Marsdon. formerly of this
county, baa been elected Priucipal of
... ouDutnugo norougb schools.
The Beholars of M
sciiooi, at aowNulem, picnlred in a
grovo on Wednesday last, and had a
delightful time.
Philip Shimcl, of Graham township,
will build tbe now school house at
Woodland, in Bradford township, for
which he is to reoeive 1785.
We should give as we receive, cheer
fully, quickly, and without hesitation;
for there is no grace In a benefit that
slicks to the fingers. Seneca.
Miss Mu.'l'io Forces, of tho Osceola
public schools, lias been entrairod in
luuctmig uunng tne mi turner at Ster
ling Hun, in Cameron county.
Stale Superintendent Higboe baa
partly promisod to snood a day at our
v-oumy institute in December, lie is
anxious to meet tho Clearfield county
teachers in a body.
The School Board of Decatur town
ship uiet on naiurday loot und let tne
contract lor the building of a new
school house at Pursonyille, the builder
to roceivo loot) lor his services.
'Children's Dny" at the County Fair
is made the leading feature of such ex
hibitions in the western part of the
Slute. Cannot the same be said of
Cloarfield county hereafter?
Previous to the close ot the Lumber
City Normal School, twonty-two of
the student teachors subscribed for an
oducational journal, an example wor
thy of imitation by teachers everywhere.
Great Teachers. Great teachers
are born, not mado. The qualities that
give them success in their work must
be implanted, must inhere in the germ
of character; they cannot be grafted
upon any stock. Yet tboso who hare
but modest genius in this direction, if
their zoal bo sufficient, may be greatly
bonofited by a Btudy of tho character
istics which mado Bitch mon as Dr.
Arnoldgreatinthelr gonoration. What
those men accomplished show ns the
vast Importance of the work of great
teachers upon the world. Thoy stand
first in tho moral and social economy
of mankind.
Frail Humanity. A cotemporHry
alludes to a recent caso in this nay :
"Legal vagaries mako strange work
ol domeslio tics. The other day tbe
idlers tn a Newark railway station
were edified hy en unusual turmoil.
Wbon the Washington express came
to a hall a lad of sixteen was beset by
an infuriated man of middle age, who
gave evory sign of madness. Tho boy
was accompli n icd by a littlo girl of
seven, who, as it turned out, whs Ins
sister. Ho was taking hor to Wash
ington to restore hor to her mother.
The man was the father of thechildren.
In tbo subsequent investigation it was
shown that the parents wore separated
through incompatible temper and dif
ferences in religion the mother a
Catholic, the father confessing no form
of belief. The sapient magistrate be
fore whom the complaint camo dis
missed tbe irresponsible parent, giving
him chargo of the little girl in luce of
the testimony that tho rock less parent
bad armed himself with a revolver to
shoot bia sixteon ycar old son. Tbe
settlement is of course temporary, hut
it suggests all the same the inquiry
wholher if Interior Courts have cogni
zance of such cases they should not he
bound to take some account of tho
moral equities involved. Certainly an
iruncihlo, vindictive father capable of
such conduct is not the sort of person
to entrust wilh the guardianship ol a
tender infant whose first need is the
tender care of a mother, cortainly not
the eccentric example of a parent ca
pable of such passion as tbe father has
shown himself the victim of."
Baron von Liobig, Germany's groat
chemist, ascertained that the soluble
constituent ot 34 pounds of pure mus
cle moat (equal to 45 pounds of ordi
nary meat us it is received from the
butcher) may be concentrated by boil
ing to 1 pound of extract, sufficient for
tbe preparation of 190 parts ot bouillon.
With his koen perception be foresaw
that tho manufacture of this extract
might become a great industry. He
conceived the idea that the trunsnia
rine countries rich in cuttle might bo-
como tributary to the necessities of
In the year 1850, at the beginning
of tbo manufacture, tho Royal Apothe
cary at Munich consumed scarcely one
hundred weight annually, that is, ono-
tenth part of an ox, and Liobig himself
did not imagine that in a score ot years
the number of cattle falling victims to
tbia industry would number millions.
This statement will not appear exag
gerated when it is considered that in
the Summer season there are led daily
to the. slaughtering bench from one
thousand to twelve hundred oxen.
The manufactory of Liebig's Extract
oi Meat Company lies on tbo eastern
(loft) shore of the Uruguay River in
that Slate, and is as important to Fray
Bontos as Krnpp's grout steel manu
factory is to Ksson.
Proceedingsyslematioally, we should
consider first the immense pasturing
lands upon which tbe cattle peacefully
graze. These cattle are children of the
Pampas, descendants of the European
cattle introduced by the Spanish con
querors. The large level pastures
wero especially suited to tbom, and
hero thoy increased greatly and now
rove in innumerable herds.
For tho manulacturo of tbe extract
the best pioces of meat aro selected, for
the simplo reason that these pieces are
tho most profitable for tho extract.
When the animals aro driven in from
tho Pampas to Fray Uentos they are
kept for a week upon tho pasturing
places mentioned, where thoy are per
mitted to rest and toed. Then they
are driven to tho corrals, great inch
i capable ol containing five thousand
oxen ; Irom here men mounted on
horseback, swinging their lassos, drivo
the cattle by degrees into other smaller
corrals, until finally the way is so nar
iow that the animals can only proceed
one behind the othor. A man stands
at the side upon a staging with a short
knifb. With unerring certainty he
strikes the animal close behind tbe
horns into tho spinal marrow. As if
struck by lightning the animal falls
dead upon a platform which rests upon
wheels. Iho body roils upon a track
to the slaughter bouse, whore wilh
almost incredible celerity it is skinned
and cut in pieces py skilled and prac-
Connected with the establishment
are tin, locksmith, und joiner shops, a
iouniiry, pump works, steam cranes,
etc. Tho company import coal from
Kngland at a great cost, from 7,0(10 to
8,IIUU tons being consumed yearly.
Four thousand tons of salt are con
sumed yearly for salting the hidoB and
Tho cattle slaughtered for tho ex
tract aro at least four years old, as
younger animals will not supply a
strong extract
It is nocossary to speak of the great
valco and extensive use of the extract,
as it is everywhere acknowledged to be
astandard artiole. Scientific American.
From the Poitoa Fo.t.J
Speuking of how a man goes to bed,
an exchange mys : "There's whero a
man bus the advantage. Ho can un
dress in a cool room, and have his bud
warm before a woman has her hair
pins out and hor shoos untied." That
is how it looks in print, and this is
bow it looks in reality: "I am going
to bed, my dear. It is 10:30." No
reply. "Now, John, you are always
lato in the morning. Do go to bed."
"Yes, in a minute," ho replies, as ho
turns tho papor wrong side out and
bogins a lengthy articlo headed "The
Louisiana Muddlo." F'iftocn minutes
later sho calls from tho bed room :
"John, como to bed and don't koop
tho gas burning here all night," and
mutmoring something "the bill boing
nig enough now, she creeps between
tbo cold sheets, whilo John sits placid
ly on, his feet across the piano stool,
and a cigar in his moulb. I!y and by
be nsos, yawns, stretches himsell,
throws tbe paper on tho floor, and pro
ceeds to that vigorous exorciso, shak
ing the coal stove inquires: "For
pity's sake! ain't you ready for bed
yet?" "Yes, yes, I'm coming. Why
on't you gn to sloop and let a fellow
Blono?" Then he discovers that there
is coal noodcil. When that is supplied
and rattled into the stove he sits down
to warm his feet. Next bo slowly be
gins to nndross, and as ho stands
scratching himself, and absently gaz
ing on the last garment dangling over
tho back of the chair, ho remembers
that the clock is not wound yet. When
this is attended to he wants a drink of
water, and awny he promenades to
the kitchen. Of oourso when he re
turns his skin resembles that of a
pickod chicken, and once more he
scats himself before the tire for the
last warm up. As the clock strikes
12 he turns out the gss and wilh a
flop ot the bed clothos and a few spas
modio shivers be subsides no, not
yet ; he lot got to seo if the Iront door
was locked, and anothor flop from the
bed clothes brings forth the remark :
"Good gracious I if that man ain't
enough to try tho patienoo of Job I"
Setting hor toeth hard, she awaits the
final flop, with the accompanying blast
of colli air, and then quietly inquires it
he is settled fur the night, to which ho
replies by mntloring: "II you ain't
tho provokingest woman I"
A minister preached an hour when
ho remarked. "Another wide field opens
Irom the subject in another direction."
Just then an old darkey ejaculated,
"Please, Lord, shut up de bars."
When a thief steals five cents be
doesn't think half the dime that some
day perhaps old nickel get him. Wit
and W'tdum.
"Gracious 1 wife," said a father, as
he looked at his son William's torn
tronsors, "get that little Bill resaatcd."
Rurlington Ilairkeyr.
How to prevent snoring go to bed
at half past twelve o'clock and get up
at thirty minutes belore one.
Men are like pins. One with a lit
tlo head may be just as sharp as one
with a big head.
School Boards and teachers desiring
an evening meeting nt the time tho
puuiic examination is held, should
make tho necessary arrangements pre
vious to the day of examination. One
or two speakers should be chosen for
the occasion, one or two cssuys by
teucbors read, a good room secured,
and sufficient music to intursperse the
exercises. These educational meet
ings are useful agencies in strengthen
ing our school work, and we hope to
aid in holding many of them during
the examination toiir. Lot it be cir
culated through the community that
such a mooting will be hold, and let
toachers and Directors perfect all nec
essary local arrangements for such
Among tno popuiur lunacies wnicu
are gaining prominence at the present
day, is one which concerns every
teacher. We rotor to the pornicious
idea that the teachers' profession is
but an easy calling, to which oue re
sorts when all other honorable profes
sions fail, and in which a person gen
teelly reposes until "somothing turns
If ono agree that continued mental
labor is more exhaustive than continu
ed manual labor, he must acknowl
edge that forty-five hours a week,
spent in digging in the mines of the
brain, is more wearisome than the
same amount of work performed by
tho hands delving among mines of coal,
silver, or gold. It follows that there
aro few instructors who can teach on
until their yoars are drawing to a
close, and that some who fall out of
the ranks are those who go to join tbe
marrying throng many there are
who wear out, who die on the field of
action, just as bravoly striving as tbe
soldior in battle We know not a few
teachers who daily furnish tho world
with its bost examples of earnest.
patient labor.
it the world at large could realize
what the teachers' work is; that thoy,
more than persons of any other pro
fession, are ono of the most powerful
furmativo influences tbat America has,
it would no more complain it would
see its own Indolence, its own care
lessness in allowing men and women
to occupy tho position ol publio in
structors who aro incompotont, who
aro lazy,
Is it best to offer prizes in schools ?
We know it has its advantages ; it acts
ns a mental stimulus, and rousos the
flagging interest of a few; all will not
strive lor the prize, and when one out
of the bard workers comes off victori
ous, there is always pain and sorrow
left for the unsuccessful competitors,
llosidcs, the teacher and parents never
agree as to the rightful distribution of
prizes. To be sure, in certain class
prizes, in prizes for attendance and de
portment, tbe teacher ought tn be the
Lost and truest judge. In prises for
doclamations, orations and essays, the
judges and audionce never agree, con
sequently, alter tbey are awarded
thoro is much talk, and disappointed
prize seekers are made to fool tbat thoy
have been unjustly doalt with. Some
one remarks, "yoa ought to have had
one of the prizos, yoa did evor so much
better than tno ono woo aid get It.
Again, pupils in their seal to obtaii
one ot the prize are tempted to de
ceive; to peek into books, and do
many unfair things. We knew a yoang
lady once, whoso compositions bad
boen so uniformly excellent through
out the lime of attendance that she
wits aiinoiniod to compete for the prize
offered for boat composition at close
ot school. Sbo rcceivod the second
prize and carried it home. Aftor a few
months, somebody discovered that she
had stolen her composition entire, as
sbo had probably been in the habit of
doing. Her case was reported to the
professor, who swooped down upon
her and causod hor to give np ner
prizo. She was a clorgyman's daugh
ter too, and bad received careful train,
ing. But the ambition to be smart
caused her to suffer a life long mortifi
cation. We do not believe in prizo
ourselves. Some children never will
be scholars. Prizes, love of parent
or teachers will never stimulate them
to a love of study. Many exoellont
teachors never offor prize. Tbey rouse
tbe children's ambition by fidelity, pa
tience and love. We do not expect
our opinion to have weight with all,
hut we express it, hoping it may in
duce some earnost worker to look care
fully Into tho matter and manner of
giving prizes, fortunate, in our opin
ion, is the school whose teacher can
keep ber pupils, interest the whole
school year wilhoat ft prise dangling
st the end.