Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 03, 1881, Image 1

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I lie Unrest Circulation fin Newspaper
In North Central Penuaylranla.
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jCiuvtifrs' (farfls.
jj w. SMITH,
' Cleerflclcl, Pa.
1:11 Pblllpeburg, Ceulre Va.j Pi, y:pd
Curwenevlllo, Clearfield oounty, Pa.
oct, I, '78-lf.
Offloe In "Old Westers! building," (upstair).
'L?il'JMr: -
Clearfield, Pa.
pfr Office on door oast of Bbaw House.
Offlje In Masonic building, Second street, op
iiorite tha Court llooia. j2,78-tf.
rU Clearfield Counts, Pcnn'n. Tfiy
C? iu Opera Huiim. ap 25,77-17
V. u. A. Wailaci, Iuvio L. Knf ),;
lUnar F. VVillalb Wm. E. Wai.laib.
jenl'M Clearfield, Pa.
rl.liARFIELD, . l'K.NN'A.
tr&Olfif In tba Maaonlo Building, oeer tha
County National bank. marSd-SO.
Office rar the Cmnty Nstlooal Dank.
Juno 30, 78tf.
Firit-elaii Life and Fit Ioaureaee Cauipaiiiea
rOffim Id tht Opera nu.-?fe
Mar. lil,'tJ-l
tnct. S. MH BRAT ,
Ner-Omoa ia Pla'a Opera Iloura, taoond floor.
tiKHl'Borrr T. A. fleck ti Cv.'b Htore,
-sT-WUI a!teod to all leal business with
protnptueee aad fidalitj. (feUl, '00-tf.
scarra . b'ssallt dabibl w. m'odbbt.
Clearneid, Pa.
r4r-Legl business attended to prompt! with
odslity. 0Co OB rjooond Itraat, abofo tba rtrtt
National Dank. Jan:l:7
All latal bollnni antruitad to hit oara will ra
ealva prutapt attention.
T-Offloa In tbt Coart Uoure.
Real ElUte and Collection Aent,
I l EAHPIl:!.!), PA.,
VIII promptljr attend to all legal builoen aa
tnnted tn hil eare.
7H0r-Offlce IB Pie'l Opera Houie. Janl'70.
Ami Heal Rotate Agent, Clearfield, Pa,
Din., oa Third itreet. bel.Cherrj A Waloat.
4TRepoetfall offeri bia ervloea In aelllng
aod bueinl landa la Claarleld and adjoining
aounlleai Bad with aa aiperleaeeol oeartwentr
etara ae a tarreTor, flatters himself that he eaa
render satisfaction. ireD.aoin.iu,
glmsirtaiis' Car08:
Ofllee la resldenoe oa First St.
April J4, UTS. Clearfield, Ta.
rR. W. A. MEAN'S,
WW atlend professional Polls promptly. .ao10'70
TJR. T. J. 110TEU,
OIT.oe on Market Direst, Clearleld. Fa.
fe-0oe hours : I to II a. m., and I to I P. at
lt-()tlloe adjnlnlnf the reeldsneo ef James
lirclle;, Kq., OB tieoond St., Clearleld, Pa.
C. JENKINS, M. 1).,
Offlees at residence, eoraer of Stale end Pine
sirens. wan. oio,
A OBoa bout From II toj P. M.
Ida" II, 107ft.
nit J. r. BURCH FIELD,
Late Her, eon or the I.U Rlmsnl, PeBBSjrleanla
vni i i - ........ r.nH ike Arose.
erers his p'rofesslsaal ssrelees It laeelliteue
ei uiearaeit aotniy.
t-Professloaal sails proosptlf atuad.J to.
Ofase ea Beeead street, fcrmerl; aoeBpled hy
Dr. Woods. apri,'MU
or ran PaACB Ann ScniTBBBB, LUMDBR
CITY. Collections made and mono promntlr
paid oror. Articles of agreement Bad deeds of
toBroanoe neatly aieoatod and warranted cor
root or bo obarfe. X3Jy'7l
(01TX D r. .)
May t, 1871-ly
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
V. IIOYT, . .
Land Survevor and Civil Engineer,
sTr-All busloees will be attende 1 to promptly.
Dec li, 1880. ly.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Penu'a.
V.Wtll iiteuti Joba In hli Una romptW nl
1b workmuilikt m toner. ap r4,67
.1TTOIlmS-iT-L.1 II',
Not. I7th, lOSO tf.
bkalim in
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs,
C4eOffloa ob Second street, ta rear of store
room of Ueorgo Wearer A Co. janll, '71-tf.
ilttalur Totrushlp, '
Osceola Mills P. O.
All offluial business sotrnsted to bitn will bo
promptly attended to. mob2tf, '70,
Shop on M.rkt St., oppnalia Coart Hoait.
A elsan towel for aver? eurtomar.
Alio daalar In
llet llraitds of Ti.barco and Cigar
ClaarfiaU. Pa. mw 111. 'TI
Wallnretou, Pa.
pirHt hai praparad blmaair with all tha
necanarr blank furtni sndar lb Panalun and
tionnt law a, aa wall aa blank .Uaaila, ato. All
Itfml naitara anirtnitatl to bia eara will reeaWa
prompt alUutloo. Maj I Lb, 187t-tf,
rPumtf alwari on hand and mada to ordar
aa abort notioa, Pipaa bored on rcaaonabla Urma.
All work warranted to render aattafaetton, and
dalirarad if deiired. B372:ljpd
dvcry Stable.
11I1E andaralgned teg leata to Iniorm thepab
. He that ba ia aow fu) I j prepar4 to aeommo
data all in tha way of fnrntahing, BugglM,
(iaddlea and H amen, on tba aborteat notice and
an raaaonabla terma. Heildenoa oa Loenat itreet.
batwean Third and Fourth.
Olaarflald, Fab. 4, 1874.
... . .
Alio.eitentira nannfaetarer and dealer In Square
Timber and nawed Lam bar of all ktnda.
Order, tolioitad and all bilta promptly
oiled. L"J7tB'2
DO 1 fTTfi f. W A T PII If A 17 kTS
Watchon,' Clocks and Jowolry,
' GrvMam't Xwt Market Strttt,
AH kind of repairlni la wj line prevptlr at-
nded to. Jan. lit, 1679.
j Altai aaaa.
Clearfield Insurance Agency.
he mi it niinu.i:, Jeenii,
Represent tbe following and other arft-elass Co'l
Companlos. AsseU.
Llvenool London A Globe U. S. Dr..t.,.10l ,89
Lycoming n motoalAoash plans..... 0,000,000
I'hmnia. or llanford, Conn i.lH.IM
InBiironce Co. of Nortb America 0,438,074
North Brill. h A Mercentile II. B. Br- 1,781,811.1
Sralil.h Coumrreial U. B. Brancb.... 010,141
Walertown 784,811
Trarelera (Life A Accident) 4,1ns. 4M
Oltice on Market Kt., opp. Coar'. House, Clear
teld, Pa. June 4, '70-tf.
and all kinds of
00 10
O. B. MERKELL, . Agent,
CLEARFIELD, PA. June I, '80 If.
Insurance Agency
Pallon lllotk, t urtrrnirdlf, Pa.
Rnmnanina EnwoEonted l
t.i II-1. In. n. . Am... 00 084.789 l
Flremen'e Fend Ins. Co., AsseU 1.180,017 00
I nlna lnsur.ace lsaihh - ,i,,u.ii
. . . . i -. ... ...... a lib io.
rae.iere m. v.., nnw los. Co. of Now York As ts 140.8VU 00
Insurance piacea ea wi .inn. wi ,.n.irr.
equltahle rsUs.
CorwensTtlls, s-a, re. n, inm-u.
Newark, N. J.
Aware, Jaa 1, lftftt. aa atoarUlaad
bv Kiaitlnlnd CftnlMir.ert
af MaMaobuaetti, Ohio and New
J.rae, .W4.TM.MIM
LlAliLirua, at alatMl hy tha pane. ll,f 1 1,4-11 M
Srartl-i by MaM'flhn'i Ptandard, MI5,Xh 01
Smru i by New York Standard... ft.SM.Na
All ptMlclM DoafDrfalUbla aftwr aeond
tari lowaipfnMai larirediridenda de
elarvd and paid orary yrar ainra oraaa
tiatlon ; ample aarplua ; parrender talttea
an net liberal j bewt proaiptly adjaaied
and paid.
Owe Mi t '
LB WW C. OROVKR, PaaamaiiT.
JAMBA B. PKARHON, Vica Piaatr.itT.
En. L. Df.aama.Pef'y. Titao. Mcitt, Traaa.
POTTRR A KBVKrt, Hule AeaU, all Wal
nat atreet, Pbfladelpbla. Fa.
R. M. !H'KWAM-r.flpaialAent. Offlee In
Unaatrp'a baildlif, Market atreet, Cleeraeld, Pa.
Si Proprietor.
Tba mower (i oat with hluoythe,
And beautiful tbingi are faUlioa; !
Waraa and btllowt of ahlsloa; graaa
Roll before bin. Behold him paia!
Daiaiea and elofar nod wild-rote bloom.
Herd raia and timothy meat their doom
uuitereupa Koiden, your time baa eome
Sparrow, tbia mora ao blithe,
Ia terror and anguiik ealling 1
Tba mower la out with bin rrytbe.
And beautiful thing are falling !
Not wiib aaingla tithe
But in whole ranka the? He.
Pouring out their life to tha moraine; breete
That wafia the fragranoa o'er land and eea ;
WDiii ia ewer to mower la aalUng
In a iweep of bia arm the die.
All through tha Rummer day,
All through the moonlit ave,
While sparrow, and field -mice grieve,
Tba outting and toaaing and etaeklnjr, toll,
Uoea on ; and tbe odorooi beapad-up apotl,
Voder midtnmmnr'a great white moon,
Walt all night; by tha neit blfh noon .
Saio in tha barn it ia paoked away,
Treaiuraa aubitantial of wall-dried bay.
Tbe mower it out with bia lerthe,
And beautiful thin glare falling;
Joya and hopee and afleotlona warm
Loral and lirea that at hale the balm.
Beauty and bloom in wild alarm
To mlia tbeatroko may turn and writhe,
la terror and anguiih ealling !
Bat let the breath of the new-mows bay
Tear-h ua a beautiful truth to-dar.
Though out and withered in heap, tbey He,
Our real treaiuraa oannot ba loat j
They may for awhile aiide ba toee'd.
But eherlih each tweet dead memory
To Bnd true Ufa tbey needa mmt die,
And we aba.ll greet tbem, when night ia o'er,
Within tba garner to die no mora.
Agnta Moor.
From ike Philadelphia Times
Las Vkiah, N. M., July 19.
Tlicro is no doubt about it that
"Billy tho Kid," the notorious bandit,
is dend. lia was killed on Saturdny
by Sheriff Put Garrott, of Lincoln Co.,
st Fort Sumner, 120 milos from hero.
Ilio Coroners jury has rolurncd &
Tcrdict of juatiDuble homicide coupled
wilu a statement that rut Uitrrett do
served tho thanks of the whole com
munity for ridding the coon try ol the
dexperado. Tho Kid whs a bcardlcxs
youth and is Baid to have been born in
Now York and it is said that his real
name was McCarthy, llis boast was
that he had killed a man tor every
your of his age, which is probably true.
hhoriff barrett receives tho reward ol
t500 from the Territory and 200 will
bo ruined for him by tho rejoicing peo
ple. The verdict ot jnstiliuble homi
cido is rather queer, as the Kid was
nbot down without warning, lie had
been in tbo neighborhood ol numner
for some days, disguised as a Mexienn.
Sheriff Garrett got upon his track
and on Saturday night was waiting
for him in tho cabin of Peto Maxwell,
a cattlo man. Garrott bad not been
in tho room over twenty minutes
when the Kid entered in bis stocking
feet, knilo in hand, and ostoneibly for
the purpose ol buying some meat He
observed Garrett's crouching form
near tbo bed, but before bo could as.
certain who it was Garrott fired, the
ball passing through the desperado's
Tbe Kid has shot a number of men
since his escape from jail, about two
months ago. Ho was tried and sen
tenced to be hanged and taken to
Lincoln, near Fort Klatiton, tor safe
keeping. Ho gave warning that ho
would escape. One day bo felled bis
guard with a blow from bis shackled
first, snatched a revolver and sent a
bullet through his hoart. Then be
walked across the street to tho houno
whore another guard lived, waited for
him to come up tho stroot and shot
him dead. Then ho armed himself
with a Winchester rifle and a lot of
revolvers and as the crowd gathered,
attracted by the noiso, scattered people
right and left. He ordered one of I ho
men to got bim a horse and a file. He
mounted tho borse and with the tile he
removed tho shackles from one of his
lrgs, and, not stopping to remove the
other, tied the severed manaclo with
its chain to his belt ao that it should
not impede his movoments. Not a man
in the crowd dared to draw a bead on
bim, and saying that ho did not intend
to steal the horse and would return it,
Billy started out of town on a gallop.
Beforo bo bad gono fur the horse
"bucked" and threw him. Ho jumped
up, and at the mnrr.lo of his pistol
compelled one ot tho mon to catch his
horse, which ho ro-mounted and rodo
away. Boon after ho went to Fort
Sumner, where be bad a sweetheart,
and disguised himself.
A month ago it was genorally be
lieved that the famous bandit known
as "Billy the Kid" was doad and as
the tehol In the truth of too report
grow thoro was more and more rejoic
ing. J ow, bowovor, comes the report
that Billy is still In the land of the liv
ing and that ho is living in disguise at
Sumner. Thoro is considerable excite
ment over tho news. "Billy the Kid,"
who has been groatly feared in this
portion of Now Mexico, in Toxas and
parts of Colorado for several yoars
past, i the desporado concerning
whom less is known than any othor
American outlaw who ever cut throats,
robbed stngo coaches or stole cattle in
this far ostorn country. Your cor
respondent bos accidentally mado the
acquaintance of a young gentloman,
the son of a former distinguished
mombor of General Sherman's staff,
who bad a wonderful oxporience with
tbe celebrated bandit, whoso deeds
havo been so much bcralded of late.
Young Duncan ia now a successful
trader at Alamosa, New Mexico, in
tbo "Black Kongo." Tho news of the
renegado'a death was to the effect that
'Jtilly tbe Kid," disguised and going
under anotbor namo, was shot and
killed by passengers of a stage-coach
within five miles of Alamosa, N. M.,
on the afternoon of May 16, at thirty
minutes past one o'clock just twenty
five hours and thirty minutes later
than be would have died by the rope
had he romainod in the jail of a little
New Mexico town, where he was con
fined under senlonco of death, which
sentence waa to have been executed
on tbo 15lh of May, at twelve o'clock
noon. On the 2d of Hay ba escaped
Irom jail by knocking his jailer sense
less with the manacles an his bands
and got away, alter killing the Depu
ty Sheriff and one othor Dur
ing the two weeks' freodom which fol
lowed, this young terror of the plains
succeeded in taking seven more lives
than ho already bad to answer for,
bringing bis grand total of known
butcheries ap to some thirty-three or
thirty-four In number. The news of
bia death provot lalse, and mere ia no
donht that tha rlennerniln fa nnw In
this vicinity, In spito of the price set
upon nis neau.
But little is known of tho true his
tory of the little more than youth
called "Billy the Kid," and there isn't
an individual living within a radius of
several hundred miles ot this region
(whero all tho desperate exploits .of
tho muruoror nave tulten place; who
oven knows tho Kid's true name. This
is something bo would never tell, and
his reasons for withholding it will be
found furtbor along in this history.
Tbe young man who tolls me the sto
ry of the Kid'k life is ono of tbo best
known young fellows in this whole
wild country. Never is danger threat
ened the settlement but be is the first
man to be on the alert to protoot its
interests, and It baa not been many
days since he headed an expedition to
go in pursuit of a party of Indiana
who were suspected of murdoring a
young miner, borne time ago Mr. Dun
can was a mombor of McBroom'a sur
veying party, for one of tho now
railroads through New Moxico and
Texas. He had at this particular
time ueon several months in the conn
try' and was pretty woll used to its
ways. Ho could talk, eat and alocp
with "Greasers ' and hold fluent con
verse with nearly all the different
tribeB ol Indians.
"It was about tho middle of April,
in 1880," said he, "that 1 was with
McBroom's party, and after sovoral
weeks' hard work, we found ourselves
somowhere cloeo to that dangorous
locality, tbe Llano Estacado, or Staked
Plain, occupying an immense territory
in the counties of Lincoln and Dona
Ana, in the extreme southeastern cor-
nor ol Now Moxico, and whero it is as
you know, vory hard work to find
anything in the shapo of water or
greennoss. in tact, there is no vord
tire in the whole immense area. One
hot evening, whon what watur wo car
ried was exhausted, wo were unsuc
cessful in finding a crock or spring.
lhe mizbt was rapidly annroacumiz
whon wo filially wont into camp, and
sovoral of ns wero dispatched in differ
ent directions to look for tbe precious
fluid. 1 wusgiAiun three burros (small
Mexican donkeys) and started in a
northerly direction, with instructions
if I did not strike water beforo dark
ness came to return to camp.
"I found no water and at dusk
started in a direction which I supposed
would tuko me to tbo camp. Jtdid
not, howover, and 1 wandered about
all that night, hearing no noises except
now and then tho screeches of night
birds peculiar to this region. 1 can
not describe to you my feelings when,
nt tho close of the second day of my
bowildortncnt, I sank down and made
a pillow of one of the faithful littlo
animals which, like myself, wore near
ly famished through hunger and thirst.
it caine to me all ul once that 1 was
lost on tbo Llano Estacada I For three
days I was alone on that desolate plain
and tho lourtb day bad set in beloro 1
became delirious. On tho afternoon
of tho fourth day, when 1 was about
to lie down and die, tbe burros struck
what is known as a 'blind trail and
followed it up. I was startled a short
time alter to have one ot tho burros
break away from me and dash forward.
Tbo two others followed, and a few
moments later I saw the poor boasts
rolling and plunging in a greenish,
stagnant pool of foul wator, out of
which grew a heavy, rank vegetation.
I thanked God, for I know thero must
bo clear water somewhere near from
hich this pond was fed. At length 1
found it a tiny, silvery rivulot, very
shallow, but ovory sparkle of which in
the clear sunlight was moro precious
to me than so many diamonds. 1
throw myself prostrate by its side and
drank. Getting up 1 walked to the
top ol what is called a moasa, or high
plain, that was just beforo me, and
was surprisod when my eyes tell on
the valley beneath to seo a cluster of
what appeared to be Cottonwood trees.
Immediately on the othor sido ot them
rose another high plain. Tho treoE
wore in tho valley, and in the midst of
tbem stood one ot tbo queerest looking
buildings that 1 bave ever soon. It
was a round, cono shnped affair, that
might have boon the cnstlo of some
Mexican grundeo, tbe ranche of a cat
tle herdor or a fort. Situatod as it
was betwoon the two abrupt high
plains, it could not bo soon until one
waa completely upon it. J no build
ing appeared to be built of adobe, and
1 could notice all around its sides holos
which 1 took to bo loopholes 1 was
getting deathly sick, made so by drink
ing so much water, and determined to
approach the strange building. Going
down tbe hill I looked for the door,
found it, cried 'hallo I' and would prob
ably haro fallen to the ground had I
not been brought to my sonscs by seo
ing tho cold, cruol bores of olovon Win
chester rifles staring ma in tho face.
1 be rifles were pointed at me from
cracks in tbe door and tho loopholes
surrounding it. I suppose I criod,
lion t shoot ; I in a fnond, or some
thing of that sort, for they din't shoot,
and the next moment the door was
oponed and a young man with an eye
bughter than aneagloa stopped out.
I knew him. I hod seen him at Sum
ner and I bad scon bim shoot a man
down in bis tracks and sauntor leisure
ly down tho street. I was in the pres
ence of tho bandit known as "Billy tho
Kid." Whon I bad secu him in Sum
ner be had also noticed mo as 1 was a
stranger ho bad inquired as to who 1
was and bad received tbe inlortnation.
He now recognized mo and when bo
saw my condition greeted me kindly.
1 said, 'How aro vou, Kid 7 and he
answered, 'Woll, you're a pretty sick
kid.' lie then looked carefully around
and, soeing that I was entirely alone,
invilod mo in. I caught a glimpso of
a very handsome woman, lie ordered
hor to do something and soon sho
brought mo a pint of raw corn meal
and water. She told mo to drink it.
I did and it saved my lifo. I laid my-
self down- on a pile ot skins, and, 1
guess, boing quite a healthy young
fellow, very tirod and with a tolorably
easy conscience, I performed tho feul
of sleeping for about thirty hours,
without eating or drinking. When I
awoke it was noarly night of the next
day. I law all of my arms and am
munition lying beside mo on a stool
and then 1 knew I was safe and among
peoplo who would not harm me."
The von n ir man then described to
your correspondent this peculiar and
secret biding place oi on oi tne Bioai
lawloss and desperate bands ot rene
gades tbe country has ever known.
When It fa stated that only in one
place for probably fifty miles around
this section of country can wator fit
to drink ba found, and that this wator
babbles up from a spring situated in
tbe middle of the floor of tht outlaws'
stronghold, ont oi tba ' advantage) of,
tho site will be obvious. It was from
this gushing spring in the adobe ranche
of tho dosporauocs that tho littlo stroam
trickled on to leeu tne slimy pool, ac
cidentally discovered bv tho vounir
survoyor. Tho fearful exposure to
which young Duncan had boon sub
jected caused a fever to sot in, and be
could not think of leaving bis bod lor
some time. During the days ot his
convalescence bo had sovoral long
talks with tho Kid and other mombcrB
ol tbo band. Tbey all treated him
with great kindnoss, and many were
the allusions made as to the jolly lifo
.1. . J...L.
tucy leu, inienuuu, uu uouut, to inuu
once tha vnunrr man tn inin them.
The thoughts that occupied the young
Washingtonian whon rcferoncos were
made to a possible Onslaught on the
stronghold ty Toxas Bangers who
wore toon in the lorritory, wero not
very pleasant, for being found in the
renegades' company he would hnvo
shared a like lulo with thorn. ,
"Billy the Kid" was a remarkable
looking person, and tho following it
something oi a description of him at
tho timo ol which 1 writo: Uo was
about twenty yoars of ago, small of
staturo, smooth-faced, spare built, with
several peculiarities that would distin
guish him from equally wickod spirits
as himsolf. One ot nis chief marks
was that of extreme cruolty. llis lips
were thin and his tipper lip wai vory
short; two sharp, Dercolooking tooth,
much longor than any others in his
head, grow out from under that upper
lip in an extremely cruol and vicious
manner. Ho was oxcoodingly vain,
not only of bis position as leader of a
band of between two and throe hun
dred dosporadoes, but ol bis personal
appearance and his skill with the riflo.
In tbo latter specialty ho perhaps bad
a right to bo proud, for it is known
that in all tho Western country there
was not such a quick and perfect shot
as "Billy tho Kid." Ho took delight
in showing the young man who had
so unwillingly fallen into his hands
the nicety with which everything in
his "Castle," as ho called his retreat
amidst tho loneliness of tho Now Mex
ican plains, was arranged. And verily,
from tho description of it which I re
ceived, it must bavo been a wonder-
fully-built place of defence. The main
room was about thirty feet in diamotor
and about ten foot high. Tboro wore
complete cooking arrangements in one
of the "anto-rooms," and a great num
ber ol berths nxed ono above another
on one sido of the apartment. In two
othor partitioned spaces there were
enough stores packed away to last a
hundrod men thirty days. Tho groat
spring in the middlo of tbe hard floor
was ono of tbe most cooling and re
freshing naturo. Thoro wero speci
mens ot nearly all kinds of pillage to
bo found in abundance in tne placo.
At the time the young man who
gives mo those particulars wont to the
Kid's headquarters thero wore only
eleven or twelve meii "at homo." The
rest of the gang wore out stealing cat
tle and at his other strongholds in dif
ferent parts of the countiy. Young
Duncan noticed that a close watch
was always kept at tho loopholos dur
ing the day and that the mon nevor
wore soparatod from their arms. On
inquiry it was mado known to bim,
that which has long been apparent to
ovorybody in Now Moxico and parts
ot Colorado and Texas, viz., that thoro
are about three classes of society in
those regions, which may be thus di
vided : Followers of bands of organ
ized horse and cattle thieves, murder
ers and bandits, such as "Billy tho Kid"
led on to viotory ; the"Texan Bangors,"
or movable vigilance committees, who
bave the law ot Toxas on thoir side, but
aro, in fact, about as groat rascals as
those who steal openly. These "Ban
gers" the dosporadoos hate with deadly
hate, but tbey also fear them. When
bandit oow-boy and "Bangor" moot
there is blood on tho face of the New
Moxican moon. The "Bangers" are
about tho only organized sort of police
tho State of Texas employs, and they
frequently make excursions over into
Now Mexico to "whoop op the Greas
ers." The third class in New Mexico
society is thenonost, quiet, bard-work
ing citizens, and bo is the proy ot both
"Bangors" and dosporadoos.
In an immense corral adjacont to
tho Kid's castle there was placed on
the fourth day oi Mr. Duncan's visit
in the adobe ranch somo two hundred
cattlo, tbe fruit of ono expedition of
the gentlomon who bad been absonl.
Thero was much feasting and great
hilarity on tho night of thoir return
homo. The next morning when the
stranger woke tip and looked out
whoro tho cattlo bad been, lo I tboy
wero gono spirited away, after hav
ing been ro branded, to somo still safer
placo I On that day the famous young
cut-throat got himself up rogardloss of
cost and went away. Holoro bis de
parture one of bis mon brought a mag
nificent black gelding up to the door
of tho hidden ranche, and Billy, while
tho horso was neighing and pawing,
sprang Into tbe saddle This is how
be looked as ho sat giving bis last or
ders to McCabo, bia first lieutenant in
villainy: He wore a blue dragoon's
jacket of finest broadcloth, hoavily
loaded down with gold embroidery ;
buck.tkin pants, dyed a jet black, with
small, tinkling silver bolls sowod on
down the sides. These pants were
cut tight and titled closely to bis shape
ly leg. Undornealh this garmont wore
bis drawers of fine scarlet broadcloth,
extending clear down to the ankle and
over his feet, encasing them liko stock
ings. But his hat was the most gor
goous and the crowning feature oi bis
got-tip, as it is with the Mexicans. It
was what is known aa a "chihuahua,"
mado of costly bcavor, with a flat
crown and a orim ten inches wide.
And this wholo structure of a bat was
covered with gold and jewels until it
sparkled and shone in a dazzling and
blinding manner when one looked up
on it. There was a gold cord around
the crown as large as a man's thumb
and a groat, bright rosolto at the loft
sido set it off in all its glory. This
hat cost noarly 1300. Tho shoes worn
by this young prince of the plains
wore low quartered, with patent silver
spurs fixed in the bcols, which took
tho place of the common, clumsy ar
rangements that ordinary equestrians
nse. Higged ont In this gaudy, sancy
way the boy demon (for he can hardly
ho described as anything short
of a mixture of tho devil and hu
manity) would dash Into a town and
take it; that is, the citizens would
give way to him, Jet him race like a
meteor through tho streets, drink at
their bars without paying when he
filcased, and one man in Sumner, a
eading spirit and the owner of the
largest ttore In the placo, to much
feared the Kid and bis gang that he
would allow them to use their pleasure
in regard to paying him for articles to
which their fancies might lightly turn
and which they would contlscato.
Till kid's distort.
It was about ten days beforo tbe
young king of tbo ronogudoa returned
to his biddon castle. Coming back
from bis Bccrot mission to no one knows
where be bocamo vory much attached
to Duncan, admired bis bravery and in
a romarkablo dogroo made bim bis con
fidante Fourteen days after the young
man fell into tbe don of the Kid that
individual announced to his new ac
quaintance that lie had discovered the
wboroabouts of McBroom's party
(somowhere on tbe V egos river) and
would in person guide his guest to his
friends. Then he called one of big
men, bad a splendid horso saddled for
Duncan, caused his own Btood to bo
again magnificently caparisoned and
the two set ont on a cool morning for
a rido that bos boon full of a vory
unploasant sort of mystery to one of
tbe party at least Tha Kid soemed
to bo in a melancholy sort of mood
and bocamo communicative, giving to
his young and honest companion tbe
fullest history of his lifo that be evor
gave to any one. This desperado has
been given many names by those cor
respondents who bavo written con
cerning him and not one ofthose names,
he himself stated, was correct He
was known as Billy Conley, Billy Coylo,
Donovan and by sovoral other cogno
mens, but none of them wore right.
Ua was of Irish birth, ha told my in
formant, and was one ot a large family
who, at the time of his birth, lived near
Springfield, Illinois, llis father was
vory poor and, to bolter bis fortunos,
wont to Shorman, Texas, when Billy
was about nino years old. Here and
in different towns of Toxas tho boy
became a celebrity on account of the
wonderful way in which be could han
dle a rifle. Old marksmen stood in
awe of him whenever be appeared, a
grinning, saucy boy, at shooting match
es, country fairs or ox-roasts, to com-
pcto with, them lor tbe prizes ottered,
ills first murder
In Sherman or some small town near
to that city, whon be was 16 yoars of I
ago, Billy killed his first man. 11 o was
vory palhetio when he related tho cir
cumstances ot thistrsgcdy. In a bar
room one night a swaggering youth,
whose lather was woalthy, threw out a
slur to the Irish boy which reflected
seriously upon his birth and particu
larly upon tbo kind ol work in Which
his (Billy's) father was engaged. The
boy dared him to fight and in the meloe
that onsued killed his antagonist. Im
mediately ho reflected that bis victim's
family, being rich, thoy would bunt bim
to the death and ho would stand no
chance of getting justice should he re
main and be tried, bo no nod and
wont direct to Lincoln oounty, New
Moxico, whoro sovoral catllc-hordors
were in want of boys. .Later on be
was defrauded by one ot these men,
who refused to keep his agrcemont of
dividing at a corluin time tbe profits
ot his business (cattle stoaling) with
tbo cow-boys who aided bim. lhe
boys revolted and a desperate and
bloody contest ensued. This was dur
ing tho years of 18T8 and 1879, and
has continued up to tbe present timo.
Tboro is no doubt but what this boy
was bound to bo a rulor of somo kind.
In tbo Lincoln county cattlo war he
camt to the front at once, although
one of tbe youngest boys engaged in
the business ; and tbat position ho ever
after maintained, not hesitating to kill
at a moment's notice any man, even of
hisown band, what aspired to gain any
tort of influonce over the men or who
questioned his authority. He also told
Mr. Iluncan that the reason no always
refused lo give his real name and the
genuine placo of his rosidencoln Texas
was that bo had an old mothor and
throo sisters, tbe latter being happily
married to law-abiding and honorable
citizens. At that timo ho was antici
pating doatli. Heavy rewards wore
ovorywhoro offored to anybody who
would take bim dead or alivo, or who
could givo authontic information as to
his hiding-places. Ho lived in im
minent dangor of any moment boing
shot down like a dog, and he was hon
est enough to own tbat he deserved it
The ride was a long and circuitous
one, and tho "Kid," no doubt, guided
bis companion in such a manner that it
would be a bard task tor Duncan evor
again to find the spot whore the secret
rancho was muuon. limy acion hon
orably towards his captive. On the
night of the day on which thoy loft
Llano Estacado Duncan was returned
safe and sound to bis frionds. Billy
bado him good byo and vanished. In
the first town the surveying party
stopped my informant saw a notice
posted up offering $500 reward for
"limy tho nia, uoaa or auve, ana less
amounts to any of hit baud, or tor in
formation whorcby his retreats might
bo discovered, lhe man who bad
slept in Billy's ranche would rathor
bave cut on bis right nana man oeiray
him, evon could he havo dono so.
how "tub kid" murdered.
For years this young desperado has
boon engaged in tho task of systemati
cally killing off all porsons in his (Va
lencia) and Lincoln counties whom ho
considered his enomios. Theso peoplo
were all engaged in tho cattlo-stealing
business. Tho cbiol end ol nis mo oi
late has boon to kill off a man named
Gillis, a rich cattle herder, and who
was tho first man, Billy said, who" went
back on bim. Often he would ride
up to whoro somo of Gillis' mon wero,
shoot down one or two of them and
thon sond word to Gillis by those ho
allowed to live that he (Billy) was on
his track and intended to bunt him to
his death. At the time the desporado
bad this remarkable conversation with
young Duncan he was suspicions of
his first lieutenant, a lexan namea
McCabo. Ho said that McCabe bad
committed a great number ot crimes
against tho settlors which were attri
buted to himsolf and which he depre
cated. It was not many woeks aftor
this that Duncan heard that McCabo
hart heen ahnt down by his snnorinr.
Porsons at this place who witnessed a
tragedy in which tbe "Kid was the
chiel actor doscribed it to mo asoneot
the most remarkable feats ot quick
and acenrnto shooting they had evor
seen. An enemy of one of Billy'a fast
frionds was In Sumnor one day when
somo of tho"gnng" wore on a jamboree.
This enemy of the renegade t thend
was a "Uanger," and by prying round
and biding behind doors and store
boxes he thought be had escaped
identification. When the renegade
whom he was bent on slaughtering
entered the store the "Bangor" drew
a bead on him, and in three seconds
Hilly a slKuncbest 11 lend would bave
been fond tor worms had not the Kid
sprang about six foot, seized bia Win
Chester and with the rapidity ot light
ning lot fly the leaden messenger that
sought relugoin tbe heart ol tne "itan
gor." He fell over against a barrel and
expired without a groan, while the n
tire party, Including tha renegade who
bad so narrowly escaped doatb, march
od un the bar and took a drink. Aftor
hia lost escape from prison Billy was
almost maniacal and was moro ot dure
dovil than evor bolore. His band Is
now pretty woll scattered.
The New York 1'ribune of a recent
date contained a letter from Albert
Kliodes, United States Commercial
Agent at ltouon, Franco, giving an in
teresting aocount ot a very usoful re
formatory instituto originated by a
Catholio priest and a good Sister of
Chanty some years ago, aia wmcb
has boon so positively helpful to the
class for whom it is specially designed
that it has boon partially taken undor
the protection ot the State. It is a
home with a farm attaohed for the ex
clusive reception of young girls who
have been inmates of theprisonsof the
itepublic, and who by good conduct
while undergoing imprisonment, or by
other expressions of penitence, give
ovidence of desire to reform and to
load virtuous and honest lives. Those
girls are admitted to the homo, are
clothed and taught useful occupations,
and whon qualified to make their way
in the world aro sent out witn the
blessing ot their benefactors. The
scheme has boon astonishingly success
ful, and hundrods ot happy matrons in
every part of France, as thoy look upon
their children, their husoands and tueir
homes, call down the bonodictions of
heaven npon tbo good father and sister
whoso opportune kindness saved them
from lives of wretchedness and crime.
All of the girls who bocomo inmates
of this healthful institution are taught
the domcstio arts, and as women do
most of tho farming in France, most
ot them are employed on tha (arm at
tached to tbe home and practically
educated in every branch ot farm work.
Our thoughts bave been drawn to
this French experiment in practical
benevolence by an article In tne rbiia-
dclphia Ledger describing a scene on
Chestnut stroot from which we make
the following extract:
A Sne-loobtot air), sonic II or 14 rears ef see,
was flsbinK scraps of ran and paper from tbe
goiter. Her wealth af blnode bair floated oror
ber otherwise naked shoulders. Her soant and
tattered dress and shoeless feet exposed a form
which a painter ee otatuar seeking a model for
Pan.lonhon. in the belled of Kin. Cophetua.
might welcome ss aa inspiratioa. But Klogt are
net ia thess dars ea the watch for beautiful beg
gars, and a wedded lire, long and happy, wltb an
honored memory, are aot tbe bappy ronianoe of
a life began under sueh elreainstenooe as must
surround that young womea. Were she properly
ettlred and suitably employed, tbe sly glenoee
from her attreetire eyes woaid make oa the
mind tbe pleasant impression of an artless child.
Neither ber rags, however, Bor ber employment
eould enUrety conceal the possibilltiee wbieh sbe
possesses aa tbe centre ol a peaceful, pleasaat
borne. Tbe probabilities point to a sadiy differ
ent life.
The Ledger adds :
This alrl Is not to be thougbtof for herself
aleBo. but as the renreeeatatira of aa insreasing
class, Inheriting pauperism, not, as already calif,
as Ao.M poeerty, but with all th, debasiB, cir
onmataaceo which attend vioo, aesociated with
Canary. Tbe attention of the humane, we know,
ae shb direoSwd te ibis .tat. .1 Yet
tb. public mind needs awekemog to tbe eonele
Uob tbat tber. Is worse eruelty to obildrea thaa
tb. mer, hunger and stripes and disease ot us
We are convinced that we need
something in every section of the coun
try aftor tho model oi tne rroncn
priest's home, which will lift the chil
dren of criminals out of their surround
ings and holp them to become virtuous
mon and women. Privato charity
aided by tho State would be tho best
manner of accomplishing this impera
tive dnty, but if private bonovolenoo
ill not respond thon tne stato snouia
do the work. We shall ever contend
that schools are cheaper than prisons,
and by schools we mean institutions in
which the hand shall be educated
equally with the head and heart. It is
a Bhamo and a sin that the heathon at
our own doors should be permitted to
perish and we make no really honest
effort to save them. Altocna Tribune.
Making New Kails from Old Ones.
But tow peoplo are awaro, says the
Indianapolis Journal, of tho immonse
amount ot handling that it requires to
convert an old Iron rail into a now one.
From tho time it arrives in tho yard at
the rolling mill until it is shaped out,
a rail is bandied thirty-one times. The
process is as follows : It is tirst un
loaded from the car, then plckod up
and run on a set of rolls to the shears,
thon cut up, when cut pilod into fagots,
then loaded on to a barrow and charged
into a furnace, heated to a welding
heat, then hauled out and placed on
iron buggies, run to weighing rolls,
bandied six times, until finished to a
bloom, then returned to tho buggy
carried tn a repeating furnace, brought
to a wolding beat, then returned to tho
rolls on a buggy, passed through the
rolls nine times, then run tosaws whore
both ends are put on at once, then laid
on tho cooling bed ; whon cold, placed
undor tho straightcnor, which takos
out all minor crooks. The burr on
tho ends is thon filed off, whon tbe
rail is inspected, then taken to the
punching machine and fitted tor splice
bars, thence to the slotting macbino,
whoro it is slotted for tho spikes ; then
the rail goes on tho benches tn the
yards and from thence to tbe cars.
Soft Beds. Thoro are differences
in opinion in regard to the best beds
for rclrcsuinff sloop, some porsons aa
vocaling soft and some hard bods. The
difference between them is that the
woiuht of a body on a soft bed presses
on a largor aurloce tban upon a bard
bed. and enntennent v morocomlort IB
enjoyed. Hard beds should never be
given to little children, and parents who
suppose that such bods contribute to
beallh by bardoningand dovoioping the
constitution are surely in error. Emi
nent physicians both here and in En
gland concurin this opinion, and slate
tbat bard beds bavo often proved in
jurious to the shape of infants. Birds
and animals covor their ottspring with
the refloat materials they can obtain,
and also make soft beds lor them ; und
the softness ot a bed is aot evidence of
its being unwholesome Hut if it is
not kept sweet and clean by daily air
ings and frequent beatings whether
it is bard or toft it is surely Injurious
to health.
Two lovers wore united In marriago
by a Philadelphia clorgyman, tho man
promising to call at hit house the next
day and pay lor a conuicaie). Auoy
deparlod, however, without doing so,
and the clergyman prints a marriage
notice, with the added words, "No
cards, no cake, no cash, no certificate."
This happened in the City ol Brotbor
ly Love.
. , SBS S
A young lady said to au orthodox
old lady: "1 declare, you aro a dread
ful old fanatic, Mrs. MeCizzon. ' I do
bolieve you think that nobody will be
saved but you and your minister."
Old lady : "A wool, my dear, 1 bae my
doota about the minister.".
Why Is a rosebud like a promissory
note T Because It matures by tailing
TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance.
NEW SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. 30.
3 ustice Nathan Cliflbrd,of the United
StatesSupremo Court, died at Cornish,
Maine, on Monday morning, July 25th,
after a somewhat protracted illness, nt
tbe advanced ago ol is years.
Justice Nathan Clifford, who has
boon for moro than a decado tbe senior
memborof tho United Stutes Supreme
court, Doth in ace an a length ot service,
was born at Itumney, N. II., on tho
iq.l r a . i oi'i an - s.:t.
jolu ul August, louo. Alter st uigu
school education bo studied law and
removed to Maine, whore be soon mado
a bgnre In bis profession and also In
politics. Ho was rcpoatcdly chosen
to the Legislature, and was twice
elected Snoakor to tho Assembly before
ho was thirty yoars old. For the four
years aftor 1834 be was Attorney Gen
oral of the State, and for the next four
a Kepresontative in Congress. Presi
dent 1 oik made bim Attorney benoral
of the United States in 1846, and ho
bold this position for a couple ot years,
after which he was eont as Commis
sioner from this country to Mexico and
lator made United States Minister to
tBat Itepublic. Returning to Maine,
be resumed the pracuoo ol bis pro
fession at Portland, and wassoengaged
whon President Piorce, on the 12th of
January, 1857, commissioned him as
Justico of the Supreme Court of the
United States, to fill tho vacancy caus
ed by the resignation of Benjamin ft,
Curtis. The Judge was in bis fifty
fourth year when be took bis seat, but
he was tho youngest ot tho whole bench
except John A. Campboll, of Alabama,
who resigned m 1801 to go with bis
State into secession. Indeed, Judge
Clillord constituted one ot tbo last
links which connected the present
Federal judiciary with tho period of
the last jJcmoeratio administration.
When he was commissioned Roger B.
Taney was Chief Justice, and wasjust
on the point of rendering tho notorious
Drcd Scott decision. His Associates
were John McLean, of Ohio, andjamos
M. Wayne, of Georgia, who bad been
appointed by Andrew Jackson ; John
Catron, of Tennessee, whose commis
sion dated back to 1837, and who, al
though born in 1778, kept bis place
until doath in 1805: Peter V. Daniel,
of Virginia, Samuel Nelson, of Now
lork, ltobort C. itner, ol Pennsylva
nia, and John A. Campbell, of Ala
bama. With tbo exception ot Mr.
Campbell, the Chief Justice and all the
Associato Justices or tbat day, diod
years ago. Wor is there to-day in
service a single Circuit Judge who was
on the bench in 1857, and only three
or four ot over fifty Judges of the
United States District, uourts holding
commissions signed, like Clifford's by
f rankhn 1 lerco.
Judge Clifford was never a groat
man, but ho was always industrious
and faithful. Until attackod by pa
ralysis last summer be bore up very
well nnderthe assaults of old ago, hav
ing inherited a vigorous constitution
Irom bis JNew Hampshire parentage
and looked carefully after bis health.
Subsequently to his paralysis he was
attackod by gangrene and was forced
to undergo an amputation oi the loot
For months he bad been beyond hope of
recovery, and latterly ht had been un
able even to writo bis name, and was
almost imbecile.
When the Important decision was
?iven by tho Supreme Court, May 1st,
877, affirming the constitutionality
of the logal-tondor acts, Justice Clifford
read an opinion dissenting irom the
majority, in which he was supported
by the Chief Justice and Judgos Nel
son and Field. That dissenting opin
ion, which made great talk at tho time,
hold tbat the act of Congress, so far as
applicable to contracts made beforo the
possago, is repugnant to the Consti
tution and void so lar as appncaoio to
contracts made since its passage. Jus
tice Clillord could, in met, always be
dopended on to lake ground against the
rederal idos in our Government One
of his last acts was to concur with
Judge Fiold in a dissenting opinion in
a tost case sustaining tbe Fodoral elec
tion laws. Again, a Massachusetts
Judge of I'robato having, in 1871, re
fused to pay his income lax, or paid it
undor protest, claiming that the sala
ries paid by States to thcirofllcers wore
exempt from Federal taxation, the Su-
Jrome Court affirmed that view; and
ustico Clifford, in pronouncing the
docision said : "Counties and olher
municipal corporations wore croated
by tho States ; but tho States wore not
creatod by the United Statca, as the
States existed as independent sover
eignties oven bofore the Union was
An interesting story ia told illustrat
ing tho strict integrity and high sense
of duty displayed on the most trying
occasions by Justice Clifford. Tho
Justico was Presidont of the famous
Electoral Commission, and a firm be
liever in tho validity of Tildon't title.
His position mado it necessary for him
to sign the decisions of the Commission.
Tho preparation of tha papors in tho
Florida case fell to Senator Hoar on
account of Senator Edmunds' illness,
and their completion was dolayed until
within a lew minutes of noon of the
fourth of March. Justice Clifford, by
inflintintr nnon a caroful personal scru
tiny of the papors, could have put off
their exocution until too into, ana pro
vented the inauguration of Mr. Hayes.
He did not, however, throw tho small
est obstacle in the way of the work,
but showed almost equal anxiety with
Senator Hoar in hurrying it forward,
and promptly affixed his signature as
soon as tho documents were completed.
But he novor wont to tbo White
House during tbe Uayos administra
tion, so bilter was bis fooling in tbo
At the present day, saya Land and
II nffT, 11 IS ino coillinuiiesi, miug in
the world for whale fishors to burn an
effigy In order to "bring luck." If a
akin ha. fnllun in with lew wbalos the
crew attribute their bad fortune to
thoir having somo unlucky individual
on board, and by burning bis effigy
thoy uonove innv nit mangn innueiice
I. rrnt rirl of. Thtmoat nnnnnnlar tnan
in the ship Is genorally pilehod npon
as tho offending party. Sometimes two
or three pictures are burned ont aftor
tho other, if luck ia very bad, and on
an average one ia burned in each
whalcship every season. The practico
.ti : . i tj i
is a very old one ana in bbiu w dbto
taken rise from a similar custom which
nmvailed amnnff tha horrinff fishers
nf HamfTaliirii. hv whom it was intra.
ducod on board tha Peterhead whalen.
A century or two ago not morely effi
gies but living men and women were
burned on susnioion of casting a blight
upon the herring fishery.
A B!m township girl sayo tbat she
desires to have tobacco planted ovor
her grave, tbat the wood nourithod by
hor body may ba chewed by her be
reaved lovera.
There are 585 Cbineto children in
tho San Francisco publio schools.
Throe students are studying undtr
the Chinese profossor at Harvard.
Tha oldost building of Harvard la
Stoughton, which wu built in 1698,
Professor Philips, of Lewiaburir Uni
versity, tuocoeda Dr. French, as Presi
dent of the Indiana Normal School.
The students of North wostorn Uni
versity, ill., have established a Sonata
for the purpose of discussing the polit
ical issue, of tho day.
W. W. Moore, the senior toacher In
the Lumber City Normal School, baa
boon choson Principal of the Publio
Schools of Curwonsville borough.
The Pike Township School Board ia
erecting a commodious school building
in the "White settlement," adjoining
Curwonsville borough. Hiram Cald
well is the contractor.
Miss Ida Gearhart and Miss Lois
McGaughoy, both of Clearfield bor
ough, have returned home from th
Millorsvillo Normal School. They art
both quite successful toachors.
We made a slight mistake in report
ing the officers of Pike township School
Board some few weeks ago. Mr. Saml,
McKenrick, of Curwonsville, is Presi
dent, and Mr. M. L. C. Evans, oi tha
same place, Secretary.
We learn that Mr. R. F. Porter, of
Lawrence township, has beon engaged
to teach a soven months term of publio
school in Lancaster county, at a salary
of $50 por month. Mr. Porter is a
membor of tbe senior class at Millors
villo State Normal School.
Is it safe to forget that if Ignorant
people are subject to- prejudices, that
cultivated poople are liable to vagario T
Is it well in educational matters to
weigh opinions by the social position
of their author instead of regarding
their qualification lor forming sound
opinions f
Mr. A. R. Lambert, toachor of Win.
terburn Public School, in Huston town
ship, reports tbe following pupils for
havinir attended every day of tha
school term, viz : Katie Zierden, Ada
liurr, Sarah Uillyard and Alice lull-
yard. Alice has not missed a day in
tour successive terms.
The date and place for the exami
nation of teachers for Bell, Greenwood
and Ferguson townships, and Lumber
City borough were omitted in tha
programme as published last week.
This week, however, the appointments
for the abovo districts are published in
the programmo, which can be found
in tbe advertising columns of this pa
per. The following aro the appointments
made by the Huston township School
Board, at a meeting held Saturday,
July 23d:
Penfield Hich School G. W. Wea
ver j salary, $75. Penfield Intermedi
ate W. S. Lulherj salary, $40. Pri
mary Mrs. G. W. Weaver; salary,
$35. Winterburn A. R. Lambert ;
salary, $40. Hickory school Georg
E. Owens; salary, $35. Mill Run-
Alice lieisey ; salary, .iD. ijaurei
Run Mary Sullivan ; salary, $35.
A friend of the Spelling Reform
demonstrates tbe anomalies of tht cur
rent method of spoiling, as well as tht
difficulties ot pronunciation, by tbt
following effusions :
"Wife, make me some dumpling, f tongh,
They're better tb.a meat fer my cough ,
Fray let them be boiled till bet through,
But not till Ibey are honey and leagh,
Now 1 meat be off te my plough,
And the boys (whea tbey'ee aed BB,u,b),
Host keep the Hies off with t boegk.
While the old mar. drinks at tbe treaga."
Those who are sometimes troubltd
to know how to pronounce the termi
nation ough so troublesome to for
eigners will find the exercise a good
one to practice on.
The following district reports have
been recoived during the week :
Curwonsville borough report Motiv
ed July 21st; Madora Independent re
ceived July Z4th ; wooawara town
ship report received July 26th. The
above districts have organizod lor the
csont year aa follows: unrwensvine
Presidont, Hon. John Patton; Seo-
rotary, Daniol Faust. Madora Inde
pendent Presidont, David C. Hensal j
Secretary, Joseph Denny, Madora.
woodward rrosioont, u. a. .rung,
Houtzdale ; Secretary, Edward Leek,
The following important bill has boon
approved by Governor Hoyt and is
now a law :
Section 1. That it shall be lawful
for the Boards of School Directors of
school districts oi different oountiot or
townships adjoining each other, to es
tablish joint schools on er noar the
oounty or township line for parts oi
suid districts upon petition of not loss
than twenty taxabios oi Data adjoining
districts, whonovor by reason of natu
ral difficulties and distance from the
schools of the said district it becomes
dosirable and proper to establish the
Seo. 2. That aaid Boards of Direc
tors for the purpose aforesaid shall
moot jointly, and are hereby empower
ed to exorcise the same authority as
in case of the establishment of joint
schools for districts oi the same ooun
ty. All proceedings in relation thereto
to be spread at large npon the minutes
of tht respective Boards.
The Directors of Sandy township
have decided to lay a tax of twe'-e
mills for school purposes.
The valuation ol DuBois borough la
$225,900, upon which 16 mills on the
dollar have boen lovied for school pur.
W. W. McCullongh, for a number of
years toachor in tht publie achoolt of
Sandy township, is now teaching in
Kansas, bavins recently graduated at
tbe Kansas Slate Normal School.
The borough baa eight schools, an
oight months term will ba taught,
eiifht mills loviod tor school purposes,
eight mills tor building purposes and
eight toachors have boon employed.
Tho Directors oi Sandy township
mot on Saturday last and lot the con
tract for building two new sch dI
houses, which, whon oomplotod, win
make eleven houses in that township.
Tho borouu-h Directors ha.t pur
chased two lots in Central DuBcia,
having in view tbe erection ol a Cen
tral graded school building. The con
tract is to be lot soon ana tne nuiiuing
oomplotod by tbe Winter of 1881.
The examination of teachers waa
held in DuBois July 26. Twenty ap
plicants were examined, of whom eigh
teen received a noons hi men. in
the evening of the above day, th Di
rectors met and appointod the follow
ing teachers for tho coming term:
Central Hitfh School, John S. Lid-
die; Central Primary School, Kffl But
ler; West Hid High School, Um. YY.
.Nelson; West Side Primary School,
Barbara Filer : hast Hidn High School,
Hose Butler; East Side Primary School,
MoirrrinRweeinv: Independent Primary
School, Alic Weavor; Whit School,
Thomas Eagan,