Gioaoi B. Goodlandiii, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Fa. WIDNBBDAY MOHNINO, JI LY IT, USI. Reader, If yni want to know what li gotnff ob la the bnslnees world, lust mad ear advertising iolanu, tot Sp4tial hIibi to parueuiar. A Vaoanot. lion. Nathan Clifford one of tho Judges of tho Supreme, Court, died at his home at Cornish, Maine, on Monday, aged 78 yoars. Still Auvi.Tbo news fromWash- ington at 10 o'clock on Tuesday (yos- terdsy), ie to the effect that Freeidont Garfield's condition it bettor than it was the day previous. Nearly a whole square of buildings at Syracuse, New York, including tho Wciting Opera House, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday of last wock. The loss is nearly f 100,000: insurance, 270,000. Pooa Gbant. Gatb says that the banking firm ot Grant & Ward, in which General Grant has an inlorcnt, divided J700.000 profits last y oar. Tho geuius of this house is a young man named Ward, not much over 30 years of age, who is a son-in-law of a lormer cashier of the Marine Bank. Ills Last Words. London, July 19. In Convocation to-day the Arch bishop of Canterbury said the last au dible words of Dean Stanley were, have labored amidst many frailties and much weakness to make Westminster Abboy the great centre of roligiou" and national lifo in a truly liboral spirit," Wi Aa a Mioutt Fiopli. The Philadelphia Timet says: "It is staled on the authority of Secretary Blaine that there are one million applications for office on file in Washington. This is nearly one-fourth the whole number of votes recoived by Garfield, and tho fact goes a long way toward showing np the true greatness of this country. "Oh Tin Fly." The Philadelphia Record of Monday says: Irs. Agnow and Hamilton, tho consulting physi cians in Philadelphia and Now York attending upon President (uirhold when suddenly called on Saturday wero almost flung into the Whito House by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Thoy went nearly a mile a minute. A Royal Spendthrift. The Princo ol Wales has a rovenno ol half a mill ion dollars, yet is involved in debt and begging rolioi from Parliament Whilst tho spendthrift and reckless scapegrace is wasting the money earned by tho sweat and blood oi the people, ho is adverse to tho petitions of the whole people of Iroland for simple justice and tho right to live and enjoy their own, Deatii or a Disperati Outlaw, "Billy the Kid," a notorious bandit and outlaw was shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett, of Lincoln county, at Sum ner, 120 miles from Las Vegas, New Mexico. Tho "kid" was a beardless youth, said to have been born In New York, and his real namo is bolieved to be McCartey. Ho was 21 years ol ago, and he boasted that ho bad killed man for every year that he bad lived. We will publish a full account of his terrible and thrilling career npxt wook, Death or Dean Stanley. Rov. Arthur F. Stanley, Doan of Wcstmin stor Abboy, England, died on Monday, July 18tb, in the (JCth year of his age. He was tho son of the late Rev. Ed ward Stanley, P. D., Bishop of Nor wich, ana was distinguished as an author, thoologian and traveler. Ho visited the United States in 1878. the death of Dean Stanloy, England logos one ol her most distinguished sons and tho church one of its bright est and best workers. Half ICiuiit. The Pittsburgh Post thinks there are two amendments to the Federal Constitution which ought to be adopted. One is the election of Unitod States Senators by the people the other providing that the Vico President shall not fill the unoxpired term of the President, but only until an election shall bo hold as now pro vided after the death or disability of the vice Presidont. To the latter we agree and second the motion. Adopt that feature ol the caso and the mo tive to kill the President will bo great ly abridged. The Democrats of Jefferson county have made the following nominations, vie: Presidont Judge, Col. Jamos B. Knox, of Clarion j Shoriff, S. P. An derson, of Clover township ; Prothon otnry, Thomas K. Hastings, of Punx- gutawney; Treasurer, Al. Hauk, of Knox township; Commissioners, Uriah Matron, of Rose township, S. M. Mo- Donald, of Porter township; Auditors, Jacob Bonnot, of Henderson township, JJobt. Dougherty, ot Washington town- ship; Coroner, M. J. Sarvey, of Rose township. Jamos H. Maize, Esq., of Brookville, was chosen Chairman of the Democratic County Committee. A Good Kino. Wo notice that Mayor King, of Philadelphia, is win ning for himself the title of the "hu mane King." " His edict prohibiting the sale of toy pistols and other dan gorous explosives in that city on tho Fourth of July, was properly enforced by bis police, and the record of "acci- donta" was thereby lessoned. He has now directed his officers to use their best efforts to arrost and prosecute al persons who shall carry any firearm, slungsbot or ether deadly weapon about their persons. It is to be hoped that Mayor King will succeed in break ing op this dangerous habit as success fully as he did in abating the to pistol nuisance. The practice of carrying pistols is becoming prevalent in city and town, and the consequence is seen in the number of murders that are committed on the highway and in sa loons. The law of the State imposes a penalty of one year's imprisonment in the penitentiary for carrying eon eealod weapons, and until It is enforc ed thore will be no diminution In the cumber of persons who will violate the law. COXKMXU HAS THE LAST WORD. The dcsd luck in I tie Kadiial l.fgis latum of Now York m lirukcn on Friday, tho 22d of July, and thu Km- iro Stnlu lia two men who will rep- resmil ceitain private intervals in the near future, t'orik li and 1'latt are both overboard. Tho joint Ounvon lion ro aHRi'inlili'd at 4 o'clock, when voting fur a Senator was ro-commono- ed ith the following result : Laphata - 21 II) Potter. 1 17 Senate. . nbly Total.. Neoessary to a oholoi, 6S. The Chair announced tho election of Elbridge G. Laphara in place of Roscoe Conkling, resigned, and the joint assembly dissolved. Cheers for Lapham, Miller, Garfield, Conkling and Potter followed. The Legislature agreed to adjourn sine die to day. In the Assombly a resolution was tabled tliut the 12,000 alleged to have been paid a mom her as a bribe, and In the custody of the Comptroller of the State be handed over to tho widows and or phans ol persons killed at the new Capi tol. The bill passod to amend the con stitution so as to mako canals free, and maintain them by a general State tax. CONKLINQ TO BIS FRIENDS. When Conkling received the tele gram advising him of the election of Lapham at Albany, he immediately Bent the following telegram : Nw Yoa, Jnly Ui, issl. Horn, mm Armstrong, Jfrmeer of Amiably, At- oaitjf ; Tho borolo oonnteocy ot the Spartan band which o loot baa atood Tor principles and Irulb be. my deepest sratitoile and admiration, iturne down by forbidden ehhorrent forces ind nffeoeiee whinta never before had eway la Iho Hepublicen parly, tbo memory of thiir ooorage tod manhood will long livedo hlfhett honor. The boot fatore will vindicate their wisdom and erowo thorn with np. proval. Pleaeo bib Ihtm all for Bio lorootlf IB? moil grateful acknowledgments. JtO.COl VORELIftO. RES1QXA TlOX OF COM Ml TTEE MEN. , MR. HTEINER'S CARD. The Cbairmun of tho Democratic County Committee has authorised us to publish the following : Fim-irsai so, Pi., July Md, 1881. To Dr. J. P. Borckpli, CMrmM of lie Zleeio erode Commitlro of Citarfitld taanlo t Dbir Sib: Ae 1 am a candidate for tho ofllee of County Treasurer, and alio, a member of tbo County Committee from Ileealur township for 1881, 1 respectfully tender yon my resignation ae tbo memberlrom that towoinip. Vnnre Truly. . J. F. STKINEK. We understand that the Chairman has filled the vacancy indicated by ap pointing Adam Kephart as tho mem ber for Decatur. His postoffico address is Osceola Mills. MR. TU0XEL8 CARD. Hi Bon, Pi., July jSlb, 1831 To Dr. J. P. BurthfiiH. Chairman of fee Vomo. tram Uomnulit of Ulrarjltia eouatji : Duas Sir : ilnving ooneluded to become a oandidato fur County Treaiorer at the approach ing primary eleelion, and being a member nf tho County Committee, I hereby tender Inn my rsa- ignaiton at the meiooer lor Danny townsnip, (now DuUoii borough). Jleepec-tfully yoan, J. M.TKOXKL. The resignation of Mr. Troxel hav ing been accepted, we understand that Chairman Burchfield bos appointed Mr. S. J. Moad to fill the vacancy. To the Point. Tbe Philadelphia Times, in alluding to the new Senator from New York, chimes in on this schedule : "To apeak plainly and truth fully, Warner Miller is a disgrace to Congress, and the newspapers of tbe country, tho prosent half-breed organs among, thorn united in holding him up as an oxamplo ol all that is pernicious in the national Legislature. lie con fessedly became a member of tho House ot Representatives in ordor to protect his wood-pulp monopoly from a reduction of duty. His first appear- ance was beforo the Ways and Moans Committoe as an agent for bis own pe cuniary interosts, and tho most active work be did in Congress was as a lob byist on the floor, and yet he unblush ingly receives bis salary from tbo Gov ernment. These are the facts about Warnor Miller, and no amount of load ing articles calling him a statesman bocauso ho led a faction iu an Albany Speakership fight can gloss them over, Ho is already a disgrace to tbo House of Representatives, and the half broods propose to make him a disgrace to the Senate." Fuck Sayb: "What Fools There Mortals Be." Ovor a quarter of a cen tury ago, that standard Philanthropist, Horace Groely, (in bis latter duys) ad vised all young men to go West and grow up with tho country. Some went and wore confiscated by the grassbop pcrs.othorsworo wiped out by cyclones, and still thore are a fow left tho richest men in the world, outside of "blooded families." California and Nevada as sessments show that Mr. Jamos G. Fair heads tbe personal assessment roll just filed In San Francisco with 1 42,200,000. Mr. J. C. Flood Is assessod at 36,500, 000 for himself, and f20,BO0,OUO as Trustoe for J. W. Mackey. Mr. Chas. Crocker is assessed at 120,000,000. All ovor twenty millions I Wbatapilofor tbo boys and girls I Probably. Tho Indianapolis Xewt thinks Conkling is responsible for Millor and Lapham. In one senso thi is true ; his resignation creatod tho op portunity for tbem in their present capacity. But it is hard on Conkling to say that he prevented the Half Breeds from making a proper choice. Men who have reputable alms will seek to carry them into effect by reputablo methods. The result looks like closing out a bad job with cheap men. Conk ling should have put better mon on bis staff if be wants the public to beliore be is an bonost statesman. A Sensible Act. The Uarrisbnrg Patriot remarks : Stale Troasuror But ler has done well in refusing to approve a contract for supplios awardod at an extravagant sum and deserves crodit for his watchfulness and fidelity. He will do the State additional service by publishing a statement of the oondi tion of the sinking fund, showing its present amount, of what It consists and where the moneys belonging to It are deposited. No sinking fund or general fund statement has peon published for a year or more. Candid at Least. The New York Times, one of the leading Radical organs, in alluding to the election of tbe new Senator from that Stale, says New York has got two Senators of no remarkable ability, and about whom it would be absurd to indulge In any expressions of State prido. An Indistrt Revived. Tho hoop- skirt factories are again running with a full head of steam. The etyle calls for small hoops now, but doubtless tbe balloon arrangement is impending. SHOULD THE VICE PltESl VEX T li ECU MKl' li KSIUEN T I It seems to be a gruve question, says the Doylvstown Democrat, whether the period lias nut arrived whon Vico Pres ident Arthur lion ui asnume tbe duties ol tho Presidential ofileo. Wo can come to no other conclusion by reading thu Constitution. The 0th section of article II. is as follows : In can of tho rouoril of Iho President from nnYie, or of bil death, ronle;net!on, or Inability to diMBarge tbo poweri and dutlei of tho eaid on ee, tbe eeme ehall derolTO on the Vine l'retldeut. Has not one of tho conditions pro vided for In the Constitution, whon tho duties of President shall devolve upon the Vice Presidont, arrived T No one will contond that the Presidont is able to discharge the "powers and dulio. " dovolved upon him by the Constitu tion. His case is one of pure Inability to discharge theso powers and duties The bulletin ot one of his medical at tendants stated, a few duys ago, that ho was entirely helpless, could not movo a limb, and could only movo his tongue. If this does not disablo him for tbe perlormance of his duties, it is hard to toll what would. If thero be truth In tho actual condition of the Presidont, as reported, be cannot write his namo. It soems to us a caso whon tho ice President should discharge the Pros! donlial duties. If Vice President Ar thur Bhould assume tho Presidential olllco, it does not follow that tho dis charge of theso duties should continuo longer than until the Presidont should be restoiod to health. There is notli ing-ln tho Constitution to provont him resuming them when be Is fit to meet their responsibility. A Goon Man Gone. Tho news of Dean Stanley's death will be received In this country with vory general and sincere regret. No British clorgyman since Charles Kingsley died was bet tor known or more highly esteemed on this sido of the Atlantic than the amiable and accomplished Dean of Westminster. Every American who visits London makes a pilgrimage to tbe Abbey, and so it came about that to very many of us Dean Stanley was, it wero, an old friend, oven though the friendship might all bo on one sido. Hiseharactor was, moreover, one which appealed with peculiar forco to Amcri can sympathies. In the beet senso of tho word he was a Liberal. Ho was singul irly and pre-eminently free from that to dogmatio conserva tism and narrow-mindedness by which in so large a measure his countrymen are distinguished, and while bimscll a man of clearly defined and firmly founded convictions, ho was always ready to respect the convictions of others and to recognize what was or thy of praise whenever ho found it. His all-embrachig charity not un frequently brought his orthodoxy into suspicion, but ho felt that Christianity is above creeds, and unmovod by ro- proachos, he kept tho even tenor ol his way. Tbe church which bo hon ored will find it hard to fill bis place. Postoffice Thieves. An exchange relates the following : "More evidenco as to tbe Star postal route swindlers has boon discovered. It now appears that the ringstors used all their influ once to have Garfield appoint a Post master General of their own kidnoy, but failed, Then they triod their ut most with Postmaster General James to have soother ring man appointed in tbo place of Brady, but again failed, Now thoy are working with pcrtinaci ty and skill to avoid conviction and imprisonment. Tbe lute developments show that Route No. 32,021, running from Vinita, Indian Territory, to Las Yejfas, New Moxico, was 'expedited and raised from the original contract of 1(5,330 to I150.CM.03 under Brady's skillful manipulation." The scoun drelism that has recently been unco'v erod in the Postoffico Department, es tablishes the fact that tbo Government Bureau is as corruptly managed as tbo Indian branch in the Department of the Interior. In tact, wn tear that rogues, instead of statesmen, are man aging every dcparlmcntol tho Federal G overn m ent OUR DECL1X1XO TOXXACTE. Tbo Pall Mall Gazette, in an articlo on the decline of Amorican tonnago, and the rapid increase of English, says "For the Bentral carrying tbe trade the Amor- leaae appear 10 have altogether giroB ap the truggle. Wo eomotime ago called attention to tho rapid diminution of their chipping intoreetc In the far Kect. Within the kit few dayc It wae pointed out in our oolatnnl that jeew York Ie 'be coming praetlcally one of our largeet borne porti. In the year Juit paeeed, nearly three thousand Brttlih ehine arrived at It, the total tonnage be ing about Siur milllene, or boi Tory mneh short of half a million more than the total BrRiin tonnage entered at Liverpool in 1S79. ' Unless tbe American Congress wak ens up to tbo necessity of doing some thing to foster Amorican ship building, Ibis country, after while, will be with out ships or sailors. Amorican com- merco is rapidly passing into English hands, and in a few yoars our flag will be driven from tbo ocoan. Speculative Insurance. The Al toona Tribune Bays : "A case of spoo ulation in life has just been brought to our notice from Mill Crook, Hunting don county, in which it is said several prominent eititens ar engaged. Tho subject of the speculation Is Mrs. Wm, Lightnor, a lady ovor 80 years of ago. who has beon in quite a procarious stale of health for more than a yoar past. Within the past year policies to tbe amount of ovor 1100,000 have been issued upon her lifo by the different oompanios engagod in this disreputable speculative business. A recent tiro at Wallace, Michigan, destroyed two saw mills, the railroad depot, sovoral storos and alublos, Iwenty-fivo dwellings, the whole year's stock of logs and a large quantity of piled lumber, posts and telegraph pules. A school houeo and two dwellings are all that is loft of the village. The loss is estimated at 175,000, and it noarly all falls on a Mr. Mcllarsmilb, who owned tbe greater portion of the place. What everybody wants is a pleasant, reliable mudicino that never docs any harm, and prevents and euros disease by Iteoping tbe stomach in porfect or dor, tbe bowels regular, and the kid neys and liver active. Euch a modi- oine is Parker a Uinger Tonic. It re lieve every case, and we have soon stacks of loiters from thousands who have been saved and cured by it. See other column. 7riiune. je. 2!, 4L General Hooker's grave at Spring Grove, Cemetery, Cincinnati, has been marked by a polished Scotch granite sarcophagus nearly nine feet high. The monument cost 17,000. A P'.:iROAD WAR. I Tho liidgwuy .tiiwii'f records i lie following: , j Several years pio-t thu cilir.ens tit ' Iiitlgway Lave heun alternating lu-i tween luu r un 1 hope in relation to tho building ol u railroad Irotti Alton, M'Koun county, to Falls Creek, in Clearfield county, Surveys have been 1 made, iiluna tulked ol, unit al tunes r ii mors have been rile lliul tho con tracts had beun let for the grading ol tho road. All Iho railroad Luilding has ended in talk until recently. The lust week in June and the first week in July thero seemed to be a storm browing again in relation to tho rail road, and lor once talk seemed to be tuking shnpo. All tbo idla men about were hired, prices ranging lrora l -i" to 03.00 a day. Parties of surveyors were rushing hither and thither, until, to a casual observer, tho woods scorned to be alive with railroads and railroad men. The wildest of rumors were afloat. One day B00 men woro going al onco to work on tho grading, and iho next a gang ol Hungarians woro coming ; then that Jay uouia was go ing to build a road, bhaulics lor tno accom inodation of work men were hasti ly constructed, along the proposed line Irom Johnsonburg to the mouth of Toby. Tho Hungarians came, lots ol other men came, and on Monday of this woek tho work of grading on two railroads was actually commencod. A company, chartered under tho name of the Howard Hill Improvement Company, ol which Gen. Titos. L. Kane was the leader, bun I a section oi roaci scvoral miles long, ending at Johnson burg, about nine miles west ot Kiug way on the P. A K. Ituilroad. liccenlly tho name of this company has been changed to tho Now York, Lake Erio and Western Coal and Ituilroad Com pany, (which nnmo, it will no doubt be observod, sounds strangely like tho .New lork, Tiake and Western ituilroad Company, still another com panv). Of tho new company, Genorul I bos. 1j. Kane is 1'rositiunt. 1 be road is supposed to be furnishing tho money for the new enterprise. This supposition is strengthened by the fact tliut tho hiel .engineer oi the road, O. Cbanuto, was bore a few days ago, looking over the road. I Ins com pany propeses to build a road Irom Bullavillo, M'Kean county, which is near Alton, and the southern terminus ol tho Uullalo, Bradlord and Pittsburgh road to falls Creek, a point on tho Tiow Grade road In Ulcarneld county, sixty-two miles from tho mouth ot Red liank. 1 hon they proposo to construct branch road from Brockwayville, Jefferson county, to tho Dagus mine in Elk county. 1 hey have commenced grading on Dickinson's flat, near the bouse at tbo bead of the race, and pro ceeding in a southerly direction down the Clurion river. J. L. M urpby is the contractor for this grading and has a gang of twenty Hungarians doing work under tno direction ot Michael Luby. About twenty-five rods of the road Is graded already lor the tics. The work of grading is being pushed right along. 1'his road will he obliged to cross the Clurion river near the head ol Dickinson's race and across by Ostorhotit's tannery. Tho Pittsburgh and Now York, a ro cenlly organized company, is building tno rival road, litis organization is following tho surveying parties with gangs fur grading, and have done, and are doing, considerable work on tho ntU-side on Iho west bank ot Iho Ular- lon from tho bead of Dickinson's race to a point opposite Osterhoui's tannery Tom Miller and H. 8. Thayer each have gangs of diggers, and Jim Iilunes has charge of a squad of axemen. This morning, whon wo passed along the lino, they wero working as busy as as nailors. And all day long tbe sound of axe and pick maybe beard along tbe rugged hill side, it is an itnpossi bility to build two roads on this sido- hill, and as both companies want to run along there it Is, In a measure, the batllo ground ot tho tight, ibo fills burgh and New York road lias the ad ventage, as thoy bought of James Me Farland, Dr. Bordwell, and others own ing land on tbe hill, not only the right ot way, but the land in toe simple. Thoy also havo possession, which is supposed to be about nine points of the law. At Johnsonburg there seems to be much bitterness, as the mrn of the re spective roads are working side by aide. It was rumored one mdrning that one sido buift a shanty close to tho other's lines. Tbo side opposed to the duiui- ing bad occasion to remove a rock near the shanty and blow up tbo whole businosa. Tbe line of rond between Ridgway and Johnsonburg Booms to bo tho most in dispute, and is at pros ent occupied by both companies. The Pittsburgh and i'ew York Cumpany have the road occupied by a large lurce ol men tho wnolo distance. The Govornor has but recently is sued a charter for Hie Pittsburgh and New York Railroad Company, which promises to build a road from a point opposite tho mouth of Redbank to the mouth of Mahoning, thonce by tho Brookville and Ridgway railroad to Uradlbid. The length ol tbe road is to be 140 miles and it is to run through tbecountiesof hlk, forest and Ueltean From surlace indications it might bo predicted that a new railroad is only a question ol the time necessary to build and equip the same. MORE MAIL FRAUDS. STAR boi te conspirators uemmed in. From Iho Fhiladrtphla Times.) Now developments tending to show tho rottenness ot tbe Star Route mail aorvice and the extent of its ramifica tions id this city wore disclosed boro yesterday, for some days post ru mor had been busy with many names, and though tbe warrants lor the par ties wore only issued yesterday Joseph T. Ford had bean engagod as counsel by suspected persons as early as Sat urday lust. How those referred to becatno cognizant of the fact that they would soon require tho sorvices of a lawyer the postal authorities cannot divine. United Stales district Attor ney Valentino, Assistant Postmaster Bingam and Postal Agont Barrett were closeted together fur nearly tbrco hours on rridny lost, consulting npon the matter and it is inferred that there must have been a considerable leak nnmo where. Warrants woro issuod tor Thomas MoDovilt, 1223 North Sovon toonth st i cot; U. Logrand Ensign, 2IM4 IV orris street; Jjonjamin B. Wiley, 1738Franclsstreot,and Christian Prioo. MoDovilt and Ensign woro taken into custody early yostorday afternoon and woro givon a preliminary boaring be fore Lnitcd States Commissioner Gib bons, on a charge of conspiracy to de fraud tho United Slates Government. Wiley, who is a mochunic, put in a bid, in the eatly part or 1880, for car rying the mail over certain Star Routes and was awarduq lour contracts. These wore : No. 40,117, from Tucson to Tombstone, Aritona, for 1 1)!)0 ; No 41,141, from Fillmore to Fresno, Utah, l,950j No. 41,142, Irom Frisco to Osceola, Utah, at $1,400, and No. 41,- l4J,lromrJaintUoorge to Saint i nomas, Utah, at 11,000. Wiley's eontraou were to run lor throe Yearn, but it Is claimed that he never attempted to nurlorm Idem, ana they were re let by r ostmasicr uraoy. Till (iovernuent thifled with Jtoutca 30, 41,141 and 41,142 were ro let to Georgo U. Giddings at 13,300 and f 1.500 respectively, from February lo lur tbe remainder ol the term, an increase of 11,350 over the original price in the first case and 13,100 in the second. Route No. 40.117 was re let to W. It. Griffith at I860, from April 1, 1880, an increase of 1170. Route No. 41,143 was re-let February IS to ry for 14 fAM Wiley entered a bond fur 18 7011 and Ensign and Price became his stirelies. 1 he limner look oalh m possessing (12,000 wnrllt of improved city lots, and tbo latter to lning Iho ojtnerot timber and mineral hunts in Clinton county, this Nlulo, valued at f, '15, 000. When an attempt was made to execute judgment upon thu sureties It is allege! they were lound to he worthless. United Stales District Attorney Valentine said that the to the Government amounted to more than (24,000. The sureties were sworn before Al. A. Byrne, a notary, who is said to be a fugitive from justice. They wero approved by 1'uatmnster Hurl ranft. McDevitt was charged by the llis- triet Attorney at the hearing yester day with being tho principal in tho cuss. ins namo does not appear lu any ut the papers, but tbe District Attorney averred that he procured people lo sign the bonds and enginoorod the whole proceeding, well knowing Us worthless character. The others wero assorted to be mere figure heads. Me- Doviu, who is tall and ruthor lino- looking, with thick, gray, curling hair, as at Hint (Imposed to dispute tho District Attorney's allegations, but on second thought concluded it would bu best to say nothing, Ensign was rep resented by, James Otlerson, with whom no has an ollice as a lawyer, at 70S Sanson) street. Al tho request oi mo District Attorney tbo prisoners were each held under $3,000 bail for a lurlber bearing on Tburaduy. Wm. Jonos, blacksmith and wagon-maker, residing at zlt Filbert street, became bondsman for McDevitt, and James Otturson, 1715 Green street, entered lor Ensign. SOME roINTS AIlOtT THE l'RINCir-ALS. McDovitt is a well-known Contractor. Ho appeared in the United States Court soverul timet in connection wilh illicit whisky distillsig some years ago. Ho was formerly believed to bo a man of considerable meins, but lost nearly all of bis properly through litigation. I'.nmgn, besides beng engaged in the practice of the law at 705 Suiisont St.. is said to bo connected with iho fiiin of Nuphoys, Knsigi 4 Co., lump man uiaciurcrs.niiiingijttiilen at root, above Fifteenth, ilo is bout 30 years of ago, intellectual looking, slender, with a luxuriunt reddist beurd. His man ners aro quiet and refined and bo was thurougbly selt-potscssed during the proceedings. MeUcvitt was arrested at Sixth and Walnut streets by Deputy Marshall Marple. Ho expressed no surprise and como along without offcr- ng any resistance, lie bad known thai such a courso night be taken fur some weeks, and said that he had been definitely assured os Friday, but that no bad taken no pains to avoid arrest. "1 am confident that 1 have done nothing wrong," he said to a Timet reporter lost night. "1 reposed confi dence in thero people, that is all. I supposed at the lime that they wore were square, now could 1 have known otherwise? 1 am an old mail contractor. I bad five routes in Montana, Dakota and Idaho. 1 had sub let them but 1 havo never been in any trouble on ao count of them. 1 supposed that I knew enough almnl the business to give others advice and I told several peoplo what was best to do. I gave Joseph Black some advice. 1 was in lite front room when the notary visited Hlnek's office and 1 am tho person whom the notary mistook for 'Joe' Gibben. But tbo advice that I gavo was fuir, bonesl advice, such as one business man might give to an aasooi ato. Let these people push their suit. I can meet it. All that 1 dread is tho big lawyers' lues that thoy will force mo to pay. HIIIFTINU THE BLAME. Ensign was sitting in tho counting room of Naplieys, Ensign & Company's establishment when Deputy Marshal McCormick tapped him on tho shoul der and remarked that ho had a war rant foe him. Like McDevitt Ensign evinced nosnrprise. "Well, I suppose I shall havo to go," ho said, after reading tho paper. "I didn't know that I had done onytliing wrong," he said as he wslkod along. "1 was in duced to sign that popcr without kuowing what was in it. I don't caro lor my property. You might take all that, if only this matter could bo kept secret. My reputation will be de stroyed." Wiley, like the others, was ready to pni an mo oinmo lor the crime upon his associates. He told Inspector Barrett the other day, whon question ed upon the subject, that he was igno rant of tho naluro of the agreement wmcn ne baa made, and that he was induced to enter into it bv McDevitt. Prico, the surety, who swore to being worm bjo.uoii, is said to bo an associ ate of Ueorge Rankin, the bogus bail furnisher, and not to be worth thirty five thousand cents. Criminal prose cution will be issued in each case. Wiley and Price succeeded in elud ing the officers and wore not under arrest at midnight. MARRJAQB MADE EAS'. Premiums Paid on Matrimony. UOW IT WORKfl EfTECTS IN THE RURAL PISTRIOTS. Tho Lebanon (Pa.) correspondent of the Now York Sun, a few days ago, gavo tbe details of a new marriage schemo that now prevails in that soo tion of the State. It will be observed that tho Directors always come out whole, wbilo some of the other fellows are compelled to throw np the sponge. The writer says: Marriage insurance is becoming as contagious in rennsyivania ana ad joining titutos as denth bed and insur ance, there is likely to be as much criticism of it. In somo counties the Judges refuse to grant charters to tho marriago insurance companies, but tbo poru'os who aro rofused apply in a neiguuunng junstiiciion anu are suc cessful. They roadily procure a char ter or license to go into the business of guaranteeing single young mon and women ono thousand dollars, more or loss, whon thoy marry. Soliciting agent find it very plain sailing in the country districts, and do considorunie business among the young womon by assuring them that young men seeking wives invariably select a young woman who has bad sufficient business tact and judgment about her to get herself insured in time. The consequence IS that the young women pay over thoir hard earned dollars and tbun revel in the hope that very Boon a young man will oome along hunting a who; inai ne will select her; that she will get 11,000 soon after hor wed ding day from the company, and that little fortune will be so very handy to nave in ine bouse lo buy a parlor and bedroom set, carpols, a home, a fow cows and many odds and ends to start married life with, Those concerns, more properly, should be cnlM guarantee oompanios. They only do business with unmarriod people. No capital is required to start a company moro than is necessary to pay for a charter, furnish an office," pay lor tbe printing of a lot of blanks, circulars and letter heads, and start out a lot of agents. A few hundred dollars is sufficient. Agents scour the country, scatter the splendidly word ed circular broadcast, and in a few months, 1,000 younir people have join ed class A, and paid (4 each to beoomp participating members. Nome compa nies do not chargo as much. Out of this 14,000 paid in, the agents receive their very large percentage for com missions, say (1,000, and the balance goes to tbe directors. Whenever any one member of elam A is married, be or she sends in the certificate of mar riago duly witnessed by the local agent, ! and the company al imcu proceed to collect $1 from each of I he IMl'.l oilier' memlxirs id thai elasa. Tn.-v prompt ' ly respond, uud thu directum, alter UV : dueling 20 percent, ol llu !!! so col j lected, srnd tho balance the im-m i her u tin is married. 'I'l-e i-ontpai y t: expeoled to do this if II is k"Vci reii l,y i honest principles of liuein-ss. Hence tho directors receive ncmly 200 front i ever)' member who Inutile, as their! charge tor collecting the uhi-mi!ciiIs. Some companies with less brass charge but 10 pur cent, lor collecting aastwa- j monts, and return about (000 lo the beneficiary. Tbo bolter kind of com.' puny charges but 5 per cent. Tbo per son marrying drops out of tho cluss, and as fast as marriages occur, hew members tiro substituted tu keep thu cluss full. Somo successful companies have three full classes going. Chil dren 13 yoars of ago aro received as mo-nbers and assessed so much. The younger the portion is, tbo less tho rate, and tbe older tbe higher. The olll ciuls protend to have a system, based upun careful calculation, as lo mar riuge probabilities, just tho sumo as tho old lino lifo companies have us to death probabilities. Hence it will bo seen that a young woman engaged to be married a year from date may join a company, pay hor initiation fee, run Ihochancos of half i a dozen assessments, and whon she is married sho will receive, if she's fairly dealt with, about (000. If hor intended is smart, bo will join a company, and ho, too, will receive ('.100 sixty or ninety days after sufficient prools have been received of his marriage. Thus fur tho experiences of somo young men and young women in the murrtago insurance business is inter esting. A Schuylkill county young lady loft her homo becsusu she could not bear lobo rldicuK u about her mis lorlune with her intended, fjhu thought she was to bo married lu-t month, but the young man ran away and left her. Now sho has neither (DUO that she would have received nor u husband. The details of her bad luck leaked out, and she went to Philadelphia to escapo tho taunts and gibes of her ruder ac quaintances. Across in the next county, Lohigb, two young peoplo wero married. Tbey belonged to different companies. In less than thirty days they fought and separated, but tho proof's of their mar riago hud been sunt in to the homo oflico and in due course ol time each received the amount of money duo, and they are now separately enjoying it. Tho young woman is off on a trip to Europe and tho young man started a harness-making shop. There arc many who now chargo tliut tho young oman just married to gut her money und never intended to live as a wife to that man. Some say that she boasted of tbe trick sho was going to play to get money to see Paris. A young woman ol Lehigh county was compelled to withdraw from her class membership because, she said she baa in.1 assessments in two months, and to pay (l for each was a tax much heavier than she could bear. "Why, it seems to me," said she, "that all the mombors of our class were getting married at onco. My father refused to help mo any further, so I was com pelled to drop out ol the class after I bad paid (S3 " An industrious young mechanic, working in the shops in Lebanon, join ed a company sixteen months ago. Three months ago he was married, and yesterday he recoived (900, which ho is using to Improve his homo. He said : "I am about (730 ahead of the invest mont, and I consider myself very fortunate. It's all right fur a young man to go in. If bis girl goes back on him, he can very easily get another, and be will do so rather than continue to pay the heavy drain of assessments. But a modest young woman can't 'go courting' and choose a husband as a man can a wife. If sho has a fall-out with her Intended, or he deserts her, she has got to wait until another man oilers." A gentleman who is largely inter ested in the business made ibis state ment ; "The business is pcrfeotly legiti mate. A thousand unmarried neonle agree to pay (1 to each member of tno class as soon es they aro married. We simply do tho organizing and col lecting and obarge a small percentage for it. No bad results are al all likely to happen, as in the wild-cat death bed insurance, so called. Some companies bavo it so arranged that if persons do not got married in a certain number of y ears they will be entitled to quite a nice sum in time, which the compa ny will psy. Thore may bo Borne companies that may have been imposed upon, as we hear of, and which you say yon also have board about, but nearly all tho companies are vorv strict and do not luke people without any Character or woo bavo no respect lor tue marriage vow. 1 lie comra nies hereabouts aro all honest and trustworthy." TUE D1FFEREXCE. In 1870 the Republicans stole the President Irom tbo Democrats, This thero is no denying, as no clearor traud was ever provon than that which fol lowed the investigation ot tho olections in several Southern States. There was nut a Democrat in tho land, and many Republicans also, who did not know that the President in that year was counted in by lraud of the blackest dye. And yet with a patriotic forboar ance never before equaled in tho history of any nation, that parly which cast a a large majority of the popular voto ot the nation peacefully yielded to the beiniousonmo, and never once attempt ed by intimidation or threat to inter fere wilh the man who accepted the Presidency at the bands of those who bad perpetrated ibis groat fraud. Now tho Republican party tbo party to which Mr. Gai field belongs is divided into two laotions,botweenw hich the bitterest feelings exist. Bribery and corruption is openly practiced among the rival Republican leaders. Their President has been threatened with impeachment by the mon who were once bis Inenda. 11 is bands have been tiod by plotters in bis own party. He has bocu tiaruased and threatened on all sides. Tbe breach botwoen theso rival factions has widonod, until an im passable gull lies belweon them. On one sido stands the Presidont, Intent on discharging bis duties as he under stands thorn, and on tbe olbor tho Vice President, backed by the stalwart ring, scowling back at his chief. It has frcnnontly boon said Binco tho Inaugu ration of Mr, (,arlold thai if be should dio a Radical change in the adminis tration would follow his doalb. 1 1 was hints such as this, added lo tho bitter tight in bis own party that led the funallo Gultcau on the 2d of July to draw bis pistol and attempt to take the life of the man who stood In the way of tbe further grasp of power by tho stalwart ring. Surely Republicans should appropriate a portion ol tbe for bearance and patience exhibited by tbe Democrats whon they wero doiibor atoly defrauded out of thoir President in 1870. Brookville Jrffcrtonian. Honry W. Longfellow, the poet, Is suffering from the effects of a cancor that was removed Irom his nose a few days ago. He Is at the Longfellow Mansion, in Portland, Maine. 3fw UffrtiSfmfntJ. CAUTION. All prKM tv hrtby trarnl partthMUg t la uy wty Midi.Bg Kb lh followtic ptrtotftl proprt. bow In tfc poMMiiot ( PANIRL 8. 8TROUBI, wf Ball towtubtp, ?Ut Tw Orf Sort.. Tb prprtT b.lwBff to m; u4 li toft vita bta tab jMi It mj rttor a aaj tt. UATIP Be IHARB. . WtunViri, t., Uf ITU, 1181 It, Jloliti Waunitiahrr'nCtotliinfl itmHsniuiit. !!9mWm'W'',WiArSremttS?!W"waoiJir CarjKdi, la-t atltlition tliroti;lt the air, and are also worm seeintj. it.' L'.JJ H It ,kiX 1.1 LV ."- Mr There is a Lttm h-Hixm in the building. Valises, l.a-ke:s ami packages can be left in charge of attendant in 1-idies' Waiting Room. Mr. WaiiatnaUer is desirous that visitors should feel at home when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as they please. Note. Our large Catalogue, with prices and full directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address John Wanamakkr, Grand Depot, Philadelphia. gomfitlf fU'lii(j Piuuitu aili'frtistmcat. The Light Running Domestic ! i j! tis i ! mszm - j: THE mtof onei-nfll-d qut.ll l l-i of THK LIGHT Rl'NNINU DOMESTIC htva teoard for It o anprttwdtn led demand. Mo modern tirtprorrmaat of worth but ht hat boaa added. For Ligbtnfi of Run did ft. Superiority of Mnufaelur, Simplicity of Manaftment, or Rung- of Work, tba i0UKSTI0 sarpauci all othtn. Eiatnme ft poioti and b coorioeecj. Call on or ddrtti II. A. KKA l .LIl, Agent for Clearfield Uouuty. Needles, Oil and Attachments for all Machines for Sale. Jot y 1.1, JAMES L. Am XT 2NT X J52 3FL "X" jQk. X3C US DEI , HARKGT STREET, t I.I'.AItKl Cl.ll, PENN'A. All kinds of Caskets and Coffins kent on hand, and furnishnd in nnlnr nn short notico, Including tho finest as lactureu. uur ooiusn FiuisEnvim Is the best In use, and will be furninhed when required. Funerals atlrr,uei io any nart of the counlv. Call at inv office, on Kennml your ordors at Troultnan's Furniture oct 1,79-tf. lcw gunrttsftmnt!!. A WEEK. 1 e da; at heme mil; made. 0 i u Coll; onlSt rree. AJdren Tai l a Co., Aniline, Maine. (mob It. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE I THE nbwrlbor wtihti to diipoMof th nndt Tided ona-bilf .atoreat ta a Itrg tract of Talaabla land, limit la llrll towaibip. Clear, flelij county-, Fa., eontalnlnK 1,000 acrts, mur or lew, and well oorereJ with whit pine, oak aod a hem toe k timber. Thu laod if looatod o tbo wauri of lUtlai and Uartl hum, aol exceeding three milei from th river, aai (food rued i and arerythinff eoien. leat for operating. Tbit treat U known a X um ber 7A. A I.SO, Tho andtvided oae-half fntere-t In one other treet In thetame townthip.eonuioinf AflV aeta, ItIok oa tb Witen of Curry Hue, and nicely tit oat ed for log-jring. It ii alio well Umbered wllb a large rjutntltr of food limber. Tba abort tract of land will be told to partial wUhinj to pare bii oi fair term, and at an; tint I am oelUd spun. R. C. THOMPSON, llowir, !' , Juo IU, lSI-tf. Notice to Heirs! Ip th matter of tbe p 1 In I he of Cli OrphiDi'C'.nri tltion nf tbe eetete of Jona ear 3 eld oounty. than Wlftr, deoeaeed Ta Parth Wlier, widow, Jnnt Veroer and Wm, H. Yerner, ber huinanl, ri. llrnrr W'iitr, Irrael Witer, Hen n eh lUttt and Willien lUUi, her fauihaml, Jonatli.n Wnr, l,iniiy Viur, Aleiander Wieer, Jared A. Wtier.Mar V other and Jotaph Yothen, ber, Margery H. Young atid Henry Young, ber bmband, Sarah Stone and Smeaiey (Hon a, ber bmhtud, Nuaan aab Oreen and (leort;e Ureea, ber bu abend, and Lowla Wtaer. Tba abort aimed Defendant tnt each of lbu will take aotiet that a rale baa been grunted up oa tbe betri of Jonathan i,er deieaaod, to ap- Eear, at Iho aexl Urphana Oourt la and fur Clear aid outy, la be t-eld In the horouRh of Clear field, on the 'Ul HTIt MONDAY In tiKI'TKM B K It NBXT, hrtnf the Sfllh day of laid nmnib, at I o 'alouk P. M. of laid day, to aooept or reft. ie tbe prein ileal at tha valuation flied upon the lame by tba !nviit, of all of which tba laid Defend nu will lake Dotloe. JAMES MAHAFFEY, Sheriff. Santtirr'! Omra, I Clearfield, Jin ItUBhMt. ) John Irvin Bros., CCRWENSVILLR, PA., -DEALBRS IX- AU Kinds of Merchandise, SI CK A8- Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. HANUFACTl'RRKS AHD BBAIEIIS IS BqiTJUtfi TIM HE It, ARB KVER.T DESCRIPTION OF SAWED LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. The Only Manufacturers in Clcarflvld County of tba NEW PROCESS FLOUR I fLot a, mop .r 17'CimIi Daid for all kinrl. r,t Grain Wheat, Rje, Oats, Eto. Cnrweantlk, tt., Jane t, tT mrw-JJC r un isfj 'am Kir- On visiting Philadelphia you will find, amonu other places of interest, the Grand lJlt well worthy of n visit. Its floor and gallery paces now cover oyer tliree acrcs.aiul are filled with DryGooils, China, Furniture, etc. the is a laric and beautiful Picture Halhrij, to which admittance is free. The liirimmtic TuIhs carrying the money the EUrtric-Liyht Machinery, LEAVY, well as the cheapest that can be manu- Store, adjoining tho Postofilce. JA3. 1.. LEAVY, . Clearfield, Pa. w flmttsfrntnts. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND SAWED. CurwooiTllla, Jaa. 9, 78-tf. DIRECTIONS. For eatarrb, tuv fever, -old la tho bead, Ao., oeert witb tha (Infer, particle '-ft lie Ualn into tbe nostril,: draw "trowR breath 1 1 h rough 'be aora. It will k eneorbed. lianlna- asd healing tbe dia eeea membrant. kVor aafhett. Anal a narllele lata me tar. ELY'S CREAM BALM ' IIAVISJ gained an MTieale lool renute'lon, dienleeini all nlber nreperatieno in tbe tleinil, f, la, on lie merits alone, rnnofnlled as a vonilerlul remeiij whereier knusia. A fair trial "ill mnrinoe Ibe must skeptical nf II, fore lire pavers. It eHeoluallj eleanses Iba nasal passsne, of Catarrhal eir.,, osnetnc beallliT asore lions, allele inflammation and irritation, protects tbe mrmbraoal linings of Ibe need from additional oolils, complete!; bee Is ths soree and restores the eeose of lasto and smell, llenoflelel recoils are realised be a few epplicatione. A thorough treat ment as directed will core Catarrh. As a house hold r.m.,1, for nild In the heed It is uneqoaled. The Balm Is ss.y to use and s.roe.ble. Sold be drnis at 60 nets. Ol reoelpt of H conic will meil a package. Bend for oircalar with full iuforinetion. KLV S CREAM BALM CO.,, K. V. " hnlnaie lrnrsl.te generally. April Stb, IKM-Goi. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store BOOM PsO. THREE. (IPEHA HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa., WHOLBRALE A ARTAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, OoniprWnn Dreei Goedl of tbe Ttry "tylti. """""I f" i "unmevae, -nnaebeitar Fanolea. Alpaoae, and all meaner of Fancy Dress Goods. Such ae Cratonf, Mohair Lmlere, Ptaldi, Drwa uiBguaioi, of tbe rery laleit itjlea, and ae cheap ai they oan be told in tbli market. NOTIONS, Conrl.ting of Oloree for Oeils, Udiea and ui an anaaee, ei.n rrlntoe, lMc, fano; Uutiona. Ladies' Ties of all shade, and styles, Colo and Collere, Ribbons of all kinds and qnalitlee. Mrio L'nderwear, Trimmings, ate BOOTS AND SHOES GROCERIES. Queen8ware, Hardware, Tinware, Cferpeia, Oil Cloth, WALL. PAPER. LEATHER, FISH, Eto., Which will ha Kid whaleaah ar retail. Will tabs Country Produce la Eiskaac r CeoeK l( MarUt Mesa. ' WaL J. HOim, Clearaaid, pa., Sept. s, ism M. - era mm if jpt ijL I .fer TimiM-mm mm-a'lilll- fttlV 4wtiSfltlflltS. HAVE YU 11 rn. AT ii i in; iwws rroin MOORE'S? THE I HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, flats and Cap AND- s I mil That Ever Came into the County, AT THEIR STORE, ROOM SO. I OPERA HOUSE, (.Kl. ('. oV TOM tV. MOOIir. ClearneU. Pa., So t 11, ! tf. Live 3 Let Live IS OUR MOTTO! "MIE partite li btrebv noilflej that our entire tock of Spring Summsr Miri In all It liteet etylei, ere riaraate i V, tie at lower pricei tban el w where, at GUINZBURG'S RdiaWc Clothing Sloir. Western Hotel Corner, CowTtprtUluo Ie the life nf builuM, nM oar kVil- itu-e lor undereihDjr ntberieauee ui to gw. !i!re tbe fart. Oar Uuf unnllng in t-aftiofu triit. ie ite re;ietitlitj. Tliankinr. tba ahli for met ttratt. we lt do our beit"to aatru a cuBtiaunoeaer tbe latae. L. GUINZBURG, Old Weslern Hotel Corner, CLEARFIELD, PA. April ST, 1811-tf. NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. " fi fi ate" Hr -L- "a h ' The only 8-Flange Safe in the World, AND CONTAINING More Improvements than any Safe made, such as Tbe 1MTEXT Moro souro from Uurgluis llisti ny Fire-Proof Safo, and no expcn.e in rcfiairinjr Bolls or Loc k. Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners. Tbose Safes are bow being koIJ in tliis Stato In LARGE NUMBERS, And giro tho Greatest Satisfaction, Being the Mont lTii;hly Fini-licd. Beat Xlait, tni Choapsst First Class SAFE ever rroiu:cl Theso Cclobratod Sslcs h I the Champion Record IN THK nside Boi Great Boston Fire, And amca that time oarATsnd tnf TANT IMPROVF.MItNTS have boon mailo. Dt'fore giving your ordor to aj olhor concern, send for prices ' tleicriptlTe Catalogue. M0RRB&IBELAKB BOSTON, MASS. Dai. M, IN-lf.