Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 20, 1881, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If paid 1b sdvanoe.or within three month t.,.l M
If paid oner aan owivn us obIbIh M
f paid after theeiplmtlon of iii nonhU.H I 00
IhuklrU'rriiK nro in market
Fmltty was Hi. Kwithin'e day.
-- mm eaw i
Mutr iMimuxh oniinnnom thin wrest.
m wm -
Sniitti V. Wilon, Encj., pul.liahra an And
itiT ! notice in tlif estate of Krrderick Frailey,
.IM jih Lm-as, of this ixjrough. received
i 1 .5hh bark pay from the Oovennnent tout
jt unlay.
Tlif third annual reunion of the lOoth Pa.
Il- ninunt will be htld at Keynohlsvillf, Bep
IihiIht 1st.
mm BK
Tin- Summertirhcduleonthe Pennsylvania
ftailnmd wint Into effect but week. The
( dances were trilling
It tl rooaored that a sew livery tUblt U i
to b, started la tail plena.
Our oitlsens saosld not leave their rati dense
angtraed during lb ttreet parade f the .irom
Tha dog-days began ob Monday last and -I
bob tl dbb for ill weeks, U4 therefore lbs dog
w bww ragoia tenet ty.
Mr. John I. "Patterson, r thia boroagh, boasts
of biting roesUogeen la hit gardes already.
isaee id priM for ths earliest.
pitBk walk hu Wen pat down from Dqalrs
Wrlgley'i fields Mfltb of tbe boroaghfis eonotot
"edviiia with the riv.r pavement.
m -.mmm
vv..7 BHpriBintni jtoyuowa bi pur
ehased Mrs. Buck's property ob Bridge ttreet.
nt win take potMHioa about tbo lrt of PtpUoj
Mr. Thomas iW-era, of Hop township,
i( li'tirlitld Uride P. O.) htm a No. 1 fresh milk
enw for wile, with or without the calf. 2t
The KninhU of Pythias, who surrendered
their iharter some two or throe yenrsnpo, are
iilmiit toorpinize a lodjw twain in this place.
- mi -
The workmen eniRed at rebuilding the
C learfield Fire Brick Works rxjtect to have a
portion p1 tliefrume work raised thin week
1 '"m i
Ir. J. I,. It. Ueiehhold contemplate at
tending the HewiortP of the Bute Drntal An
Hot'latinu to beheld next week at Laket'han
taiMjim, in Wentern New York.
An old nmn named William kounml died
at the residence of Clark St. Xnrris, in Law
mire township, on Friday last. The town
ship paid his funeral cxprnws.
. e
The Light Running Domestic Hewing Ma
il.ii.p, for aimplichy, dnrability, reliability,
strength and Wunty, Iiuw no nual. Hurry. A
Knuer is agent for Clenrlleld county, ht
Carl L. Itiddte, l of the inmimncc firm
of Kerr & liiddle, Cleartield, Fa., in ou a visit
tn frifiulaand relative at Hugheaville. Sir.
liiddleexiectii tonpend a two weeks vnention
:it Lewis' I -like. HHtiamtporl linnrr.
m m --
I he fiNhfli man foldeth hut hands and
N.iith : ' There la no trade, why ahould I ad
wrwM-r But the wiae man doeth not bo.
He whoopeth up Id the newspaper having
the largest cinulation, and verily hedraweth
t iistintiers from afar off.
Mr. Bell, of Pentield, a Jicentiate of the
Huntingdon Presbytery, preached two aer-
mmiH in the Cleartield Prcnhyterian Church
luM Sunday. He isnyoung nmn, and oflUiated
iik a very able manner, giving much promise
of his uefiilnc in the future.
Ut iTjxd U oa tbs alert for plkpooku
sta SBarpors Bail Buturday and lloadaT. Do
aot bit tfaoa gall you, and do aot Inrtit la eboaa
Jowolry, or la any ganw tbat yon tblnk yon can
mat d for VI. A. lot of gaiablors sad oiok-
pooatii always follow a arowd.
Tba sobolars and Usobsrs of all tbs tobooli la
Clsarflsld ooanty wiU U admitted to tbs Pilr
grouads trim of sbargs oa WodBsday, Ootobsr
llib, from 10 o'tlook A. at. aatil 4 P. whsa
BoooajpaaisJ by tbs tcaebsr. Tbs CltarflflJ
Couaty Agrleultoral Fair wilt U hsld sb tbs
grouBdiorta AiMolatloe on tbs lltb, 11th, 13tb
sad 14th dsys or Ootobsr, 1881.
The Light Running Domestic Hewing Ma
ftiim at) purta are mado adjustable, m that
"lint motion" from long UHage can be easily
taken up. This will save the. expense of
dujihcatiiig the part. The mat hine cannot
U- put out of t inie unless some part is bniketi.
ihitors re turning from abroad, an well m
present immigrants will find Aycr'o Sarsaiin-
rilla helpful in avoiding the hardship of ac
rhniittion, and in removing the boiU, pimples
and eruptions consequent upon aca diet. Its
hl.Mid-cleaiming qualities remeily such trim
ls promptly.
Mr. John Beck, a former resident of Cur
wi usville, and brother-in-law of Hon. John
l'uttoi). died at his home near Pittsburgh, on
the 'JTtli of June, in the 72d year of his age.
He held the position of general manager of
the Kltju Iron Works in Pittabnrgh at the
time of his death.
mi mi - .
The Light Illuming Domestic ftewiug Ma
chine liana self-setting needle which onnnot
Ite set wrong, and which will be recognized
an improvement in the right direction.
The needle is self-setting in every sense of
tlie word, and is not dependent on a mark on
the needle-bar, as in other machines, 3t
- mm mt -
Co JAaarf We noticed 1y the Timn, of
last week, that Cirrwensville is going to have
a lug hotel, on the stock plan. io ahead up
there. The late fire made a good opening for
snrli a structure. Besides there are a number
of vacant lots in that village that might be
utilized in other ways than feasting potato
Ir. Hartswiek and wife, with their daugh
ter Lizzie and son Howard, returned home
lost Thursday evening, after a week's visit
to West Point, X. Y., where they were visiting
their oldest son, Huston, a cadet in the Mili
tary Kchml. They had a delightful journey,
and enjoyed their trip on' the Hudson river
very much.
Prof. A. It. Kecd, for lung time principal
"i the Pittficld school, and his wife, left
week, Friday, for Clearfield, this State, which
pl.iiT he will make his future home. He has
entered the law offii of Judgo Barrett, and
intends to make law hfs profession. Reed
lias the native ability to make bis mark in
the profession. H'nrrca Lcitgrr.
i am mm -
0n Hundred rtwiM. A Aature with the
old John Robinson Hhow, which exhibits in
Clearfield on Monday, July 2oth, is the herd
'if small Shetland Ponies. These diminutive
canines are the most petite, specimens of j
tiorse flesh in America, and are driven in the
Golden Chariot of Cinderilla, in the grand
street pageant on the morning of July 2Tth
The Light Running Domestic Hewing Ma
chine has the automatic tension. When once
properly regulated It will rarely need to he
changed ; and as a general rule, the whole
range of family sewing can be done without
nny change of tension whatever. The feed
has great power and never fails to perform its
duty will feed the lightest and heaviest
goods with equal precision, and will cross
teams and hard places without changing
length of stitch, or missing stitches. '.it
Good Luck to You. Mr. W. T Bair, who
lias been connected with .the 1'hilipsbnrg
Jnnmal for the past two years, has purchased
the entire establishment from Mr. Bender,
and has done away with the patent-outside
business. In this movement Mr. Bair shows
that he understands his business, and we trust
that he will receive the patronage and en
couragement from the people of Philijisburg
and surrounding country that his neat and
ably edited journal deserve. Mr. E. C. Ben-
tier, the former proprietor intends removing
to York, Pa. We wish both gentlrtnen the
enjoyment of prosperity and good health
iliuing their pilgrimage here below.
Anothtr Railroad. A charter has been issued
nt thr State Department to the Franklin and
' lenrlMd Railroad Company, for the term of
turn years, to lie constructed frn point inr
near Chnmlsrshurg, Franklin county, to
point on Cleartield creek In the township of.
Ken-aria, in the county of Clearfield, the
length of anid road to he L'M miles, and to
run through the countiea of Franklin, Hnnt
gilon, Blair, Cambria and Clearfield. Cnpl-l-d
siock, JtHlrt.fHMl. President, Thomas K.
maker, Philadelphia ; Directors, Edwin
s M'Conaughy, Roliert M. Janney, B. F,
Mutton, John J. Hummers, E. J. Price, Wnl
'"'f t lark, Charles D. Barney and William F.
II 'tons, of Philadelphia.
- - m mm i
tfors Amoiomtnt for Boyt mnd $uptr$ti-
t'out Ptoph. Another circus la coming in
'iKtist, and amrthet comet in October. Il i
tleiilitted that the t-oniet niw circulating
nsiiid the north star will vanish entirely In
'""it a week, it Mug now onircely pcrecpti
''l' to the naked eye. It will he succeeded
"not her. know n as Encke'a mtnet, the date
"'' its nnival Mng fixed at July V1th. and
'''"-'iplH-nronce at Nnvrmhrr lith. An et
'''nge irtmments on the new comet aa fol
lo: 'Tills comet la regarded with peculiar
interest by astronotners on wnmnl of Ita
arrnrltmlly shortening perlmta. Tli theory Is
Umt there is a slight misting medium tn
two, which is constantly swinging the comet
the nn, and finally tt WiU "wind Bp"
4 Fact Worih Knowing. n order to make
room Tur oar Fall Hook, w wtab to oalt tbs sttsa
tloa of tbs pob lie to ths faot tbat wa srs deter
mined to elots okl our Spring and Son mar cloth
ing, conilftlng of light and medium weight good',
st sod below tost. Xo reiionatile offer refused.
It will pay you to inrctt. Call and get a bargain.
UtipeetfuUy, A. THiSHiinsa,
Opera Home, Clearfield, Pa.
- mm a
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the
Postofflee at Clearfield, Pa., for the week end
ing July 1A(1:
Dlek A-horoft, Arfn Bonok, William S. Drown,
Chsrlna Harlow, Uls Hudie Huff, (2). Franklin
Hewir, Colutnhui Jewll, Mrs. Matthew Love,
Mm. Harriet B. Mollugh. Jamea MoUfiib, Jai.
Miller, John A. Miller, Wtllists M. Miller. P. O.
Nora, L D. Robin ton, Wtlliaia Saonieo. P. B.
Stwkwolj, T. T. eohaffer.
. P. A. OACLIN, P.M.
- mm i
Good BuggtoMrmm. McQniston ft Co.
bare opened an egenor la thia ptaei for lbs sale
of tb ealebralej Buneraua, Fiaher 4 Co.'i boggle,
oaanufeefured at ClnHnnatl, Obio. Thll aim
baa tbs eredit of manufantartng tbs beet buggies
of aoy Irn la (be t'nlted Sistea, and Ibalr agnta
art gentlemen of aiperienos and Integrity. Tbey
now havs a lot oo band to be seen at Brown'a
planing mill on Pint 1 1 reel. All work guaran
KlOHTT-riVE Dollabs Lobt! You
do not tell me tbst joar araaband la Bp and about
again, and entirely eurrd by ao almnlt a medicine
ss Parker' a (linger Tonie V "Yei, Indeed, I do,
said Mrs. Benjamin to bar inqulrlog neighbor,
"and tbst too when wo had fooliably paid 8& In
doetorbllla and prescript lon and after bs bad
been given Gp by bla phyaiaiana to die. Now
my husband feels aa well ai sver, entirety eared
by this excellent Tonie." And many a lick man
might b well b a week If tbey would only try it
- -
United State$ Juror$. Four of our citizens,
Dr. George W. Caldwell, of Olen Dope, Ltftr
Flfgal, and Sam'l I. Dirge, ofLawrenfletowoshlp,
ana A . w. Lt, of tfaia borough, la tht Clearfield
eouaty dolegatlon wblcb tailed for tbo abort of
Lake Erie, In the capacity of jurymen, on Mon
day morning. That's a pretty good Democratic
delegation to a eiy Hadiral Court. Clearfield
need not be athamed of br delegation on thia
oteailoa. We hope that Court will eon'.idut to
draw oa na at tui term for three Democrat and
one Radical, sad if tbat rae If eon tinned In the
future, lbs Court will soon nun i feat deeld ed lin
proremtnt in the lint of Jurors,
AVouoA fa. The Borough Tax duplicate
for ltl hat been placed in the hands of Mr.
John I. Put lemon for collectlou. Tuxalden
will please take notice, and be prompt iu
nKiuuuig when called upttu. .
Wantod.& Good forty-home power engine
and boiler, and two shingle machines, to
gether with all necessary attachments for a
nrst-class shingle mill. (Jive lowest figure
to N. t. Abnold, Curwensville, Pa.
Tho Light Punning "Domottic" Sewing Ma-
cntnt. Jn its construction tho matter of I
durability has been carefully considered. A 11
the working parts are made of the very beat
material and case hardened. It is the most
durable Family Hewing Machine ever In vent
ed, and challenges comparison with others, in
this respect. 7-13-3t.
The Telephone Eitabiiehed.Hiuve our last
issue Thr American Bell Telephone Company
have erected the poles and completely wired
the town. e will soon have telephone con
nection with onr neighlwra and friends at
Curwensville, and can give them all the hack
talk we want to with without fear or favor.
The central office in Clearfield will be in
Squire Connelly's oftlce, on Second street.
and will be in charge of the NU ire's daughter.
-a m mmj . -
A Fatal Accident on the Houtxdah Branch.
The fireman of the passenger train on the
Houtzdale and Morrisdale branch, Pennsyl
vania Railroad, named James Weaver, while
coupling the engine to tlie curs nt famcy
station last Saturday morning, was thrown
under the wheels which passed over hi right
leg, cutting it off below the knee. The in
jured man was taken to Philipsburg, where
we learn that he died in the evening of the
day alve mentioned.
Frtntero Picnic At a recent meeting of
the Executive Committee of the Juniata Val
ley Printers' Association, it was rcaolved to
hold the next annual picnic or excursion at
Bedford, on Friday and Saturday, ScptemlnT
M and lid. It was ascertained that accommo
dations can be obtained for the members of
the association and their ladies and families
at rates ranging from f 1.00 to $1.50 per day
with from one-hnlf to two-third rates for
small children. This pleasure excursion of
the craft, we hope, w ill be a pleasant one and
enjoyed by nil.
Teachers' Examinations.
By reqseat of the Director! I will hold a pub-
lit sisininstloa IB tbs Central school building In
DuDola,on Tuedy. July 26tb, oommtnolng at
9 o'eloek A, a., fur the porpoae of examining teach
tra for Ibt schools ef Ilmt.n and Sandy town
ahlpi and DuRola borough. All who expect tt
apply fcreebaalt ia ths above-man tloaed diatriett
the tnrrtat year will pleats attend at tht timt.
snd plaot sbovt Indicated. Tht Board of Du-
Bule borough will employ lUlr ttaehsra ob tht
day of eiamlnatloB. M. L. McQoows,
Cointy BuperiaUndeot.
Wrock of tho Local Freight The Express
(rata due btrt at 10:07 Monday night did not
past through until 4 o'clock Tuiadsy morning
on BoeouBt of a wreck to ths local freight, wblcb
oeourred st tbs cast tad of ths Cleartield creek
brldg,a milt eaat of Clearfield. Tbt train broke
la two soma diitanot saat of ths bridge, and tbs
oara came together at tht trtatlt-work at tht east
ern approach to tht bridge. A bos car Alcteopcd
a rtook, oV bsrk oar, the trnekaof ont ear wart
thrown from tht track, and things wers piled ap
prtmitououaly. Ths pautngert to tbt Eipreia
wars oonftyed to towa la hacks oa Monday eve-
sing. Beyond tbt dtte'tba of tht trains th
damage doot wss not serious. A brtkeman was
iflgbily brulitd about the head snd ibonldera
mm a
Caught Unawaree. On Tliursday, the 1 Ith
itfit., a party mat at tbt bones of William Mo
Cracken, atar Cleaiflold orttk, la Lawrtnoo
towaahip, and mads btm prisnwer pre itm, Bs
wanttd to know what trite e ht bad dons tbat
tbey should treat btm la tbst atylt. When
bo was told that bs had committed monngtmy
Jaal Ifty ytart ago, bs acknowledged tbt deed
and oamt ont first boat. Tbt aurprtat party cams
folly prepared to do J net lot oa tbo oetajlea of a
QolJtn Wedding. A table was spread under a
besatlfal graravint arbor, and furnished wltb
viands snd good things la abundance. Tht
bride sad groom sttratd to sejoj tbtmstlrsa well,
ss did sit pttiont, vlst lot young, tht middle
sgrd, snd ths sgtd. Tho sgea of tight of the
number present amounted toJTTjeere, averaging
seventy two years each. Thll speaks well for tbs
longevity of Clsarfistdtrt. At A P. sr., tbey ad
Journtd to meet on tbt nest qusdru-eentennial
for a Diamond Wedding.
4 Human Meteor Those who will witness
the grand street display given by John Robin
son Monday, July 'J.'ith, will notice a Mimntrr
flnsos and perbajwi wonder what this colossal
piece of armarat ia used for. We will tell
them. The cannon is a part of the Big Show.
At each performance it is brought out in the
ring and is loaded with powder in (he pres
ence of the audience. Thru a hvman bang
take the ptact of n rannon boll, and at a given
signal this human cannon tmll is whirled with
terrific force a distant of over one hundred
feet The most sensational and startling
piece of artillery practice ever witnessed in
the world.
Puffer." The XeymUhville Pajtrr man
gs-s In on the account of our neighbor in
this way :
'John R. Bixler. editor of the ClenrnVhl
fViara, paid ReynobUville a flying visit on
Thursday lost. John reports the newsjiajH-r
business good in Clearfield."
Those patent insiders and outsiders who
get nearly all their work done iu New York
have great admiration for their monopoly en
terprises, and most of them hove "anti-monopoly"
placed at the head of their journals
as their motto, and at the same time patron
ize one of the hugest monopolies. (, how
consistent !
A Good Publication. We have received the
June iiuiiiImt of the AgrnVe Herald, published
at Philadelphia, Pa., by L. Lum Smith. The
issue before us apjH-ars in an entire new dress,
und makes a handsome nmicarance. Over
7o,(N)0 copies of that issue were diaiioscd of
and perhajis no liettcr evidence of the high
esteem In which tho paper is held by the
general public could lie given. Its mission is
a good one, and should receive the patronage
ol every honest man. It cxposcsand prosecute
fraudulent business firms everyw here. It is
published monthly at 50 cents a year.
Tho kfiler'i State Convention. -The uext
annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Millers1
State Association will bo held in Pittsburgh
during the time of the State Fair fn Septem
ber. The State Agricultural Society will
allot a space of 50 feet by 170 feet with line
shafting and motive power free for the dis
play of machinery and mill supplies. This is
the first time iu this State that an opportunity
has been afforded to millers to witness such
a display of milling machinery in motion,
and it ia expected that there will be a birge
number of millers present from thia and
other States.
Appropriate to the time is the following
waif, which ia now going the rouuds :
The small Uty looketh ujwu the circus
Mwtcr when it in hd, white and blue, and bc
cometh intoxicated with delight.
Fur what is it that carrietb more joy to the
heart of the small boy than I) dead wall cov
ered with circus posters?
Echo might answer, a deadhead ticket
covered with the legend "Admit One."
And aa the boy gaacth on the pictures of
indescribable animals, and upon the impossi
ble antic of lightly clothed men and women,
his imagination maketh all the pictures reali
ties and he is willing to stake his reputatiou
as a champion marble player that the coming
circus is the best In the world.
And he longeth to go.
So he is joined by other boys of his age,
and they all gaze upon the posters and drink
in the beauties thereof.
And they marvel among themselves.
And one boy saycth he has never seen such
a wonderful display of circus picture. And
they soon full to speculating among them
selves aa to whether each erformer really
doeth all the things which he is represented
no doing.
And another oue fCaycth he has seen as
wonderful performances as are pictured out
on the postcm.
But his companions laugh him to scorn.
So It cometh to pass that the boy w ho hath
seen all these things ia forced to hold his
pence (provided he has not devoured it), for
verily the minority ruleth among the boys.
Soon the all iiniMrtant question cometh up
regarding the prospects of crawling under
the cam aa, and they wax enthusiastic, and
in their minds they are all in the circus on the
front seat, each one having found a good
place to crawl under.
But soon one of their nunils-r reeollcctcth
the fuct tbat he was once caught In the net,
and us he dilates on the canvas men in gen
eral, and the one who collared him iu (articu
lar, the courage of the troop oozes out of their
individual cuds.
But the company nilopteth preamble and
resolutions to the effect that it is necPHsnrv
that each boy attend the circus. "
Any man who hath ever been a small boy
knoweth these things to 1st tiuc.
Old John Robinson's Big Show exhibits
ut Clearfield on Monday, July 25th.
TAe "Witmor Park" Fntiral.Tlie Festival
held at the park In this borough last Thnm-
duy evening, for the benefit of the park fence,
was highjy favored by fortune. The refroih-
ments were such that any epicure would envy,
the weather waadelightful and the patronage
iheral. The receipts of the evening were
fl7fl.9ft, leaving fl00.H5 clear after paying a
few Incidental expense. The official state
ment handed ns is :
Oross receipts $171 W
Expense 10 10
IS 4k. fc..
Deposited in bank fl0 K5
The nliove amount together with .the ap
propriation by the Itornngh, there are enough
fund In the treasury to build GOO feet of iron
fence around the park. Another festival
will nearly complete it Roth brass bands
were present, and everyliody who visited the
park enjoyed an evening of real pleasure.
a a-ii
The Hew Cemetery. An application will he
made to the Hcptcmlier Term of Conrt, for a
chsrternf an intended corporation to becalled
"The Clearfield Cemetery Company." We
learn that some fifteen or twenty-five acres of
land adjoining the old cemetery east of the
lmrough will lie purchased from the estate of
A. II. Shaw, the same to 1 property laid out
in Iota, with drives and avenues, and to I
placed in rhnoge rf aexton, who will devote
hts time to Improving and keeping it clear of ,
weeds, briers and brush. We are glad that
this step has been taken, for If there fa any
place that should be beautified and receive
the attention of the living If U the resting
place of departed loved ones. The neglected
condition of our present cemetery reminds
one of the Inngunge of Solomon, who aaid :
"1 went by the Arid nf the slothful ami by
the vineyard of the man void of understand
ing, and lo, It was all frown over with thorns,
and nfftUeg had covered the faoe thereof, and
the ttoM trail thereof was broken down."
A Bad Fall. Len. Smith, a brother of Frank
K. Smith, of this place, and himself a former
resident, met with a very serious accident on
Friday a week. He was working at the
Pennsylvania Furnace, on the line between
Centre and Huntingdon counties, some fifteen
miles below Tyrone, his busiuess being to
attend thectioUi of the furnace. By some
mishap, he fell through a trap-door, a distance
of twelve or fifteen feet, and was afterwards
struck hy a falling car used to convey ore and
coal to the mouth of the cupola. One leg
was broken, his back injured, and body badly
crushed. Ilia physicians in attendance con
sider him to be in a dangerous condion.
Clearfield Coal Trade. Statement of Coal!
and other freights sent over the Tyrone A
Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Railroad,
for the week ending July lHh,lHHl, and the
same time Inst year :
For tbo week ..,
Sams time last ytar.
Increast ,
Previously during ytar
Sams timt last year H
Total la 1881
Same Umt last year n ,
Miscellaneous freights
The August munlsT of the Xorth American
Rrrtcw devotes a IUktuI share of its space to
a polemical duel between Col. lugcrsoll, the
great exjonent of the unbelief of the day,
and Judge Jeremiah 8. Black, the eminent
jurist. Col. Ingersotl la master of some of
the most efiective arts of the rhetorician and
the popular orator. As an ansa i hint of re
vealed religion he lias more chance of success
in confirming the skeptical and currying aw ay
the wavering than perhaps nny other infidel
of modern times. He ia engaged in constant
aggressive at lark, and the audiences which
Applaud him afford evidence that he is pro
ducing effect. Judge Black is distinguished
alike for his steadfast faith in orthodox
Christianity and for the power and skill with
which he is able to sustain any cause in w hich
his convictions are enlisted. lie is, like the
challenger, a man of the world in his serious
occupations and modes of thought. He is
accustomed to contests in the arena of public
discussion and to the use of all the weapons
of controversy by w hich men are convinced ;
he is familiar w ith tho argument that have
been used by the defenders of bis cause, and
he has the nerve and vigor of a born disputant.
Col. Ingeraol) has mode his attack in the fe
rine and sustained it with all bis force as au
aggressive assailant. Judge Black has taken
up the challenge as the champion of Chris
tianity. It is well that the daring infidel
should lie called out and that he should In
met by such an antagonist. The cause of
truth can have nothing to fear fmm a contest
of thin kind. Of the merits of the battle it ia
for an interested public to judge.
Other article in the August numtter of the
Ilrtirw are: "Olrttaclce to Annexation," by
Frederic O. Blather; "Crime and Punishment
in New York," by Rev. Dr. Howard Crosby ;
"A Militia for the Sea," by John Roach;
"Astronomical Observatories," by J'rof. Simon
Xewcomb; and 'The Public Lamia of the
United Statea,'iy Thomas Donaldson.
The Peiinv ille Normal School closed Friday
evening, July nth, with a contest in Reading,
n ruing, iiecinmatHm, r-mty, (Mitl Music
and Original Oration. The exercises com
meneed at H o'clock, Is-J'ore an audience of ai
least six hundred. Prof. K. K. J (meson, one
ot tne assistant tenchcrs, delivered the Salu
tatory when Prof. YY.8. Luther Hptointed the
following couimittC4 on division in the content.
Reading Prof, W. W. Moore, A. H. Irvln,
U M. Katie lergcr.
Writing Miss Aggie Barrett, 8. E. Havre
C. M. KfTcnsH'rger.
lhThunntion. A. H. Irvin, W. C. Arnold
C. M. Rat)enserger.
Ksrny. Dr. D. A. Fetter, Wm. C. Arnold
D. W. Proctor.
Music Rt v I. Kdwards, Wm. C. Arnold,
D. S. Moore.
rutinn.-Dr. D. A. Fetzer, I). V. proctor,
wr. j. it, uorn
Kach class consisted of six contestants, nil
Iking well prewired and M-rfumiiug iu the
most satisfactory manner. The closest contest
of the evening was U'tween J. H. Barto and
Blanche Reynolds, in Declamation, each de
livering their selection with such excellence
that it was a ditticult task to give a decision.
The resnlt of the contest was as follows:
In Rending the prize was awarded to J. H.
Barto, of Trout ille. The prize in Writinir
Class 1, to l.illie. Luther, of Millvillaue, Pa.,
, to n line t.. navis, ni rennville.
The greatest improvement in writimr was
awarded in Class 1, to Jennie Lingle, of
Shawsvllle; Class 9, J. A. Wels-r, of Tront
ville. The prize in D ( tarnation to Blanche
Reynolds, Pennville: in Kssay to Jennie Lin
gle, Shawavi lie ; Vocal Music to Klla Itovis, .
Pennville; Original Omtion to W. J. McOov-
crn, Pennville. There were prizes given in
lit teen classes, the iinwt noted was inHnll
ing, to Samuel A. Vtood, who spelled 4,(H
words from Henderson's "Test Speller." am
missed ii; (i. Henry. .rt. In Class 1, Mary
Johnson missed 'J7,anit Blanche Miller 'JH, in
Class a. All ravived prizea. Clara Sharp re
ceived the prize in Ueugraphy. rnf. Moore,
of Lumber City, presented the prize in iH-cla-mntion,
Rev. I. Edward in Kssay and Rend
ing, and W. C. Arnold, Kw., the remainder.
The Nc)iul, through Prot Luther. iircMeiited
the Library Aawtciatinu with eight volumes
ol "Knights History ol England." The
School also presented I'rofrswmi Luther and
Jiiueson with Cowjst's ami Barns' complete
IKS-tical works, library style; also the ladies
of the school presented each of (lie Profesnoni
with a pair of vases, containing handsome
hornets. Kxccllcnt music wits feiniished by
Miss Will Hall and Mrs. Theresa K. Spencer,
teachers in muHic.
The Pennville Normal was nil the people
hiiM-d for and all that could U- wished lor.
und was one of the moxt harmcuious and
successful schools ever held in te county.
. 4 Big Show. On Monday, July SAth, old
John Robinson cxhibita at Clearfield. This is
a colossal amusement enterprise and worthy
of a visit from all cIiimhcn. The menagerie Is
complete, and the circus tho best traveling.
Don't forget the date, July 2oth.
Finbing tackle, wholesale and retail
st Herder s. i JJ-tf
Biitchcllcr & Doris' Great Intcr-Octm Cir
cus and Menagerie, said to 1m one of tko very
best exhibitions of the kind traveling this
season, is billed to appear in Clearfield, Satur
day, July 2:id. The Allentown Democrat, one
of the ablest und lKst edited jijkts in Ptnn-
sylvania, refers to this show in the following
Mattering terms: .
Batcbeller A Ihirvt' (Jreat lnter-")mn
Circus and Menagerie, newly reorganized and
equipped fir the prew-nt tenting seusen,
pitchetl Its colossal tents ou the Public Com
mon, and gave entertainments afternoon and
ning to large and lelmhtci uudiencca.
The granil street jmrade at 7 o'clock A. M.
was ts'yonliuesiioiioneol the most hruliant
pageants over presented to our cople, and
WITHRROW DANI.Y. At Anaonville, oa
Thursday, July 14th, lHl, by Iter. U. 11. Camp
bell, Mr. Thomas Witrbbuw and Mill Namnis J.
IUmxy, all of Knox township,
CATUCAKT UPNLAP. At Ansonvlllt, on
Thursday, July 7th, 181, by her. 1, II. Camp
bell, Mr. WssLnr W. Cathcabt and Mile Nona
A. Ili'DLtr, both of Knox township.
SMITH PLED A L. At WalUeeton.on Thurs
day, June litd, 18ft I, by (lev. W. II. Mailer n, Mr.
Daniel H, 8m its, nf Decatur town (Up, and Miss
Inatu taiuAL, of Uraham township.
HIHKLL TURNER. At She Ward House,
Trrone, on Thursday, June SUtb, 18a!, by Iter.
Y. b Kiddle, ilr. Cbahli II. Husbsl and Miss
Ansa B, Tuasaa, both of WallaoUia borough,
RKILLKY H0S8- At tbt re I donee of the
bride's father, on Monday, July 4lb, IKS I, by
Rev. W. 11. Liogeafelter, Mr. Rob a a? It R sills
and Miss AsAMasia J, Koas, all of Philipsburg,
Centre oounty.
PTR1CKLAND TVRNKR. At the residues
of the bride's parents, oo Hunday, July ltlth, 18S1,
at 9 o'clock A. U., by lit-v. W. 11. Mattera, Mr.
JoKBt n HrnicKLAsn and Mlsa Amani Ttasica,
bulb of Wall ace too borough.
HOFFMAN TURNER, At the reildenon tf
Samuel Hlern, on Friday, June l&tb, 1H8I, by
Kev. it. vi, Maht, Mr. Juiim Hor-fUAs. or Murrls-
dale, Clearfield county, and Mtsa Nasct 0.
Tds.hbs, ef Buffalo Run, Centre oounty.
HOOVER BIIAFFNKR. Atlbs reaidenoe of
Mr. Joseph 8 ba liner, In Uogis townihiii. on
Thursday evening, July 7lb, Ib.-l, by Iter. W. H.
Malttrn, Mr. A lfhkd U. Houvkr, ut Urabam
township, and Miss Tillis ba a rrs it , of Bcggs
DAbE. In Bradford township, on Sunday,
July I Oth, lhSI. Mrs. Eiisassth Dalr, widow
the late John Dale, sged 77 years, 9 months and
12 aya.
The deceased, with bcr father's family, oamt
from Engtnnd to Amfriaa In 1821. Hht waa
baptised in tba'Thurrh of England." About the
ytar 1824 sbt msrrlol Jhn Dale, who preoedt d
ber tn the land of tht blessed only seven months
slooe. Soon sfltr mania?, she, with ker hus
band, publicly professed religion and jo) lie J the
Methodist Kplscopnl church, la which sbt
adorned tht Uuotrine of Christ until life's peace
ful close. w. a. w.
Untrlutlrr & gorls' fflrrus aui! (ItruagrrU dvrrtisrmfut.
JULY 23d
MThoy Luvo firmly cntablibhcd tbcmsolvos ah consciontious abowmoD and
rarrV fboi n.,f a I.a lotto U..-tts-J I M rt a '
Qmmq wit!
Tim cnomyjxa skxsatiox!
iiAmi &
Great Inter-Ocean
I Grand Mhk ol Twelve First-Class Stos in Use,
Compupi'd ul'a (iignlic
Complete Museum,Menap;erie and Circus
Which fur vastnoss, attractivonoss and originality h'i never been equalled
PnaArKtrnil, July IS There was but little
bufllneis etTvoted Id bread stuffs to-day. Wheat
and ooro are lower. Cotton is strm st II jo for
I Idling uplands. Hark la entirely nouiinal.
Heeds Clnverieed la neglected- FUlrot is in
eellveatil 27(1.28. and tioiotby at fHf'i.H.lfl,
Flour and Meal Thert It a Until Inquiry I f
flour, but hollers art Brm in their views, nnies
of 1.H0O barrels ; tneluding Minnesota extras at
$.S.Ti(i,6 lor good and oho tee clear, and st Iff. 25
((Dfl.iO tt atraigbt ; Fennarlveniu family attd oU
(ibfi.Tni weatern do. at o7iir 76, and patents
at $fi.75(u,7.ifl. Kyt Sour la dull at $4.7(5 par
Whiskr Is tn good demand. Sales of western
CsirADo. Julr I. Flour without Important
oh an (re, limited export, very moderate jobbing
trade and demand closed quiet. Hye flour dull'
and weak at U 75f.O.50. Wbeat opoued
lower, but attrrwerda recovered and closed a shade
itroner; very moderate export business ; on.
reded Sorina- St. 10 : tin zChloeffo. tl 21; store.
wuh witnexMCtl hy irniucnw crowds of '() if ungraded red, $1 .24(1 1,17 : No. & do ,$.22( 1.23
lininif the vnrions Htrct-ts tlinniL'li wliii li the No. 3 tl lTifa 1.34 : steamer, do.. 11.22 : No. 1 1
KlittrriliK HptTtoi Icdi tllttI, timid tlif rii h and ni, $1 31 ( ungraded, white $l.!2fil.2;ii : No. I
..... 1SI7W1
, ISA ears,
Batcbeller 4 Done' Show. The Ilarriahiirg
Patriot of Monilny lout contains the follow inn
notice of the show that will visit t'lcnrtVhi
on Kattirday next, . Inly KM:
Mr. Kdwanl Wittina. nrem airrnt forlliitrh-
tiler A lkirs' inter- ran shown, called laHt
rvrning and reported imniense hiiMinem at
rittwhurvh on Kiturdnv. At lounuftown.
Ohio, the crowd was so nrrrat that the ring
jierfonnsncea were interfered with. At this
Intter place the fiimons KiiMitin athletes
formerly of Coup's, and Vincent liownndre,
the Mouth American tNtn'hoek rider, of linr-
mini's, were added, to the lnter-ofian force.
Memrn. Hateheller A Doris' are evidentlr de
termined to sjmiit no exnse in the way of
makinK their allied attnict ions the most ikimi
tor tented cxhihition in the country, and that
they are eminently nmiiwwfui is attcHtcd by
tn ft romp tmentary prem notices uany re'
Hay Fewer. Far twenty-five years I have
been severely afllirtnl with liny Fever, and
have tried runny remedies without n-lief.
While suffering intensely 1 waa Induced,
throngh Mr, Tiehenor's testimoniid, to try
Fly's Cream Halm. Tlie immediate effect
was marvelous, I have been enahled to per
form my pastoral duties wit hoot the slightest
inconvenience. Have been exposed to heat,
drmiKht and dust, and have escaped a return
attack. I pronounce Ely's Cream Halm
onre for Hay Fever William T. Carr, Pres
byterian Pastor, Elixalieth, N.J.
Having lieen afflicted with Hay Fever for
years I gave Ely's Cream Balm a trial ; was
much benefitted if not permanently ntred. I
have had no rial attack since lining IU E.
II. Hand), Editor fViroow Count Ikmocrat,
Mauch Chunk, Pa. Priee ftO cents.
Affliction and Lemon. We learn that
corner" has recently been mode on lemons,
thr price having gone np from $.'(.50 jer hoi to
$111. and $ 13. Whether Dr. Page, of Iklti
more, owns a lemon grove in Florhm, or else
where, we know not, hnt for the Ixmefit of
onrmnlcrs we will copy from tho SrirntiJIr
American, the following :
"!r. J. R. Page, of llaltimorc. in the NVw
York Mrdieal Kecard, May 7, Ihhi invites the
attention of the proftwtnn to the toimwl use
of (Vmh lemon Juice an a most efficient means
for the removal of membrane from the throat,
tonsils etc., in diphtheria. In his handstand he
has heard nrventlof his prufewionnl brethren
say the same) it hoe proved hy far the hrt
agent he has yet tried for the' purpowe. He
applies the juice of the lemon, by means of a
camels hair protmng, tn the affected parts,
every two or three hours, ami in eighteen
twees on which he has rued it the effect luta
been all he could wish."
Whoever ran spare three dollars and twen-
ty-flva rents, for the culture of mental and
mechanical food should forward to the puh
lishen of the SciewitiMc A sseneera that snmnd,
if a dealer In lemons, consult tbt Doctor in
Tlie Acts of Assembly Governing the
The llflrrwhurg Patriot, of the Hth i union t.
has the following in regard to the salvage on
escaied logs : "During the lute heavy frcwhet
the loom at Villiaiuort bnke und thoti
winds of logs went adrift, many of which
were caught hy indiviiluiils living along the
river, or stranded on the inlands and rocks
on their way downward. The low of lnltj
provided tbat a comiwiwation of six cents be
allowed for each log so raptured or found
lying an ones property. A supplement to
this law was parmcd in iKVt, which provides
that when a sullicient numlierof logs were
not canght to adequately iftnijM'nwte for the
time and trouble, a reasonable amount should
1m piiid.Hiinl to what would have been earned
by ordinary lalior. Hut it wasdiscoverel that
during the period of high water the owners
of logs sent them adrili alove, to be caught
again in the State of Maryland, where they
were manufactured into the various kinds of
of Itimoer, thus depriving tlie people ol 1'cnn-
sylvania of the manufacturing litnilier trade.
To prevent this, a law was passed in Ihwj.
prohibiting loose logs to lie tratiNported on
the KiirUiiehanna and it tributaricH. und I hut
all loose logs should be lound together and
placed under the control of some iicmon, and
that all persons catching logs were to Im paid
fifty cents for each by the owner thereof
Hut there was a proviso attached to the act :
'That rhitiacl ahull not apply to saw-logs now
lying in the stream, nor to any case in which,
hy reason of high watcr.orftomany casualty,
said saw-logs inny lie swept ont of the Went
Hranrh and Husquchanua booms.' It follows
then that as to all logs sent adrift by inter
ested parties, for the purine of sending
them to market out of the Htale, which are
caught on their downward way, tlie penins
securing the same are entitled to fifty cents
frreach one; that alt Ioct which by accident.
such as the hrenking of a boom or otherwise,
go adrift, are to le paid for according to the
law ol ihj( winch In six rents apiece, w here
a number are held, or when a sufllcient
quantity has not been obtained tit pay tor the
time occupied in catching them a rcoMOwible
lYHiijiensatinn is to be allowed those w ho bring
them ashore."
umpiring stratus of music from twosplcadid
Military Ikunls placed ut theprojtcr intervals
in the long and imiMwiiiu line. Thechariots,
linen, costumes and other ariipherniilia und
cuipmetit are all new and lltxt-elufw, while
the hnnMtt and nuimulH of all kimU ore in
mumtIi condition und the very choicest of I
their species. I he areme 4'rtoniiances are
all hy sturs of the find mtignitude, and many
of them of a new and startling character,
never lie fore shown here, and which were re
ceived with rounds of up i In use by the large
audience compiidly filling the stticious lent.
The employes of theeHtabliHlinicnt ure conrte
ous mid gentlemanly to un eminent degree,
and their Waring ami conduct was in marked
favorable contntMt with the behavior exhibit
ed by the general run of circus men visiting
herein former seasons, (Ine prominent fea
ture highly creditable to this circus is that
it rtrictly carries ont to the letter all that It
promises to do, not omilting a single net or
lent nre advertised, and thus luviolately main-
tatning strict faith with its patnins und the
public. The perforin in ice here were of such
excellent anil exceptional order, that the Itest
cIujww of our people kenrtily enpreew tlie
hoite that Mifsnx ItatchtllerA Doris will see
proper to reviHit onr town lnfore the chine of
d., n.VOU bushels No. 1 do , $I.2&
1.2(1; No. 3 red, July, $1 37jH l-?" i Auguit,
11.141.26; September, l.J:t(l-2; October,
t.Ui. Kva dull, weak and nominal at W3fiJ5o.
Barley dull and nominal. Corn Ht)to lower and
moderately aelivt, closing with more strength;
No.I, MlAo: No. 3, to, irtie, tne latter an ei
trema; Nu. 1 wbite, bR(abie ; No. 3 July, b'-i
((liifto; Ausuit. &ifaA7ic: tei.Um ter.A7t -Bio.
Outs iUuit better end closing unrettled ; No. 8,
434c; do., white. 4.S(-i,4:tu : No. 3 4DVi;4Me: do.
white, iltUhibie No'. 3,; do., white, 47!(fl
4e : mixed western, 426i4io ; white, do., 44(4
480; No. 3, July, 44(4Jo; Augujt, 36(o8it;
stfjtember, 41.
ly BATCHf ffr rQv 5BDOr(7s-1 v
Oil Harlfta
From the Osceola Itrrrille, of last week, w e
learn the following;
Dr. Kline, suppowd to be the oldest prac
ticing physician fn the Htute, being jinM Mi
years of age, waa prostrnted by the heat m
Monday, the Itth lust. He is recovering.
Patrick McCaffcrty was also ovenume hy
the heat, from the effecta trf which he died.
He was between 75 and HO years of age mid
a native of Ireland.
Hold Robbrrg.Oji Monday morning lost.
Mr. T. C. Heimji of Osceola, on going to his
store found that the front door hud lieen
forced open during the night, and his store
rohlted of goods to the amount of fonr or fi ve
hundrrd dollars, as near as can Is? ascertained
nt the present writing. The night preceding
the. rohliery was a Wight moonlight one, and
the door of the store which was forced ojtcn
faces Mr. Heims' lied room In his residence
on the opjiosite side of the street, which
makes bis act a hold one, the rohltcrs apjiur
ently not caring whether they were seen.
This is the third mblwry of Mr. Helms' in
this building inside of two years, and all have
been similar as tn the manner of entry and
gissls taken. Revolvers apparently Itelng
the leading article desired. Three trump
were seeh at different places In and around
the town on Hat unlay and Hunday. and it ia
supposed that they are the robbers. Tlie
police are on their track. A reword of $VI is
offered for any Information that will give any
clue to the roblwry and recovery of I be good.
Tlie Duplicate for I" will lie in the hands
of the District Treasurer nntil Saturday,
August StMh. I'pon all taxes paid p rev ions
to that time there will lie an alwitemcnl of
five per rent. J. C. Wiutkhii.l.
Dittriet TmjMrer.
Yoa can bavo any kind of an old
hat made atw, by Vtwhlrk, tba batter, avtt
Bridgo'i Tailor shop, Market street, Clears. I d(
Ptaa'a. M-tf
A Birthday Wadding.
CllPxr, Pa., June 31st, lrwl.
M It. Editor : While lime in bringing ninny
changes, and weaving its net-work of joy, us
well ns sorrow, Itwiut,on the J!Mh iuxt.,
culled tVom buHlnew to attend the miirriuue
of Mr. J. T, Hhannon, of Hhu-k Lick. Iiidiunn
county, and Miss Lizzin K. Metier, of Chest,
Cleartield county.
the marriage cerciuonv was nerformed hv
Kev. O. Hicks, of New Washington, iwwinted
bv Kev. Mr. Stone, of Hurnnide. The eon-
gratulalioiiH, and them nny valunble presents
given onthiH occasion, will convev in part the
great rcHiiect dne the noble couple.
til course, J enjiiycd the wedding lirciikfiwt,
or rather dinner for nme of us (for it was
growing quite lute Iw lore we were all served)
ami the wuv we niunuged the cake, pics,
turkey, and other delicacies was a caution to
old folks. Home of us wouldn't aire to attend
a wedding feast every day !
After the pleasant scenes were over, and the
time drew nenr lor the happy couple to leave
our midnt nlliurs ansuuied a more serious
OMpeti ; with a great nianv, smiles of tileusiire
gave way to expnttHinna of grief, and w hen
the time came to my "good hye," the true
nflertion of both father nud mother, and the
heartfelt love of brother and sinters, wen
fully exhibited. TnihvMiss Lizzie has left
a good home, and I hoite hiw gained a pleas
ant position for life. As this was the bride's
birthday, I hope she has got a very valuable
Dinmioy present.
At about 'J o'clock p. M. the happy groom
sailed on with his imw to Indiana town,
from w hich place they will start west on their
weoiiing torn.
The newly married couple have our sincere
wishes that they will hue it pleosaiit voyage
down the stream of life; nud ut last anchor
in that hliwd'ul port to dwell in happiness
lorever. A ritiKNI.
A VINDICATION., Pa., July lrt.
Editor Kkpi iu.k an: Iet mc, through the
eoluuiiw of your )Niter, vindicate myself trom
the attack made njton me in your issue hf hud
week by the Singer Hewing Machine Agent.
In the find, pliur, I wns not a nelf-uptioiiitcd
juitge, the Sinner Agent hlmelf asking for
tne use or my sewing mom nnd lor my ser
vice os Judge. 1 obliged him and urn aw ard
I'd by uhusc, -
Again, the number of different kinds of
work done wns not the Uwt, for neither agent
hnd nil the dillcrcnl titlaebnieiits with th
I wns simply to decide wbuh did the barn at
und the lujhfent work. 1 hey each did etinlly
light work, but the Domestic did the lightest
work much tho Is-st, In heavy work the
Itomestic sewed eiwilr with a light ncedl?
and No. tuTthread, where the Hinger broke a
heavy needle and saddler's sewing silk.
have the the samples whic h prove the ultove
1 never awrpted the Ringer Agent's gratui
tous offer of a machine ii he were heutrn ;
hence, did not claim it. However, he rejoiced,
w hen loiidinghisnmchine, that he had gotten
uwny with it, as 1 can prove by others.
An to my' Hinger Mm hine U-ing worn ont,
I w ill only say tbat I have lieen com ie lied to
get anew machine, nnd that the Hinger Agent
only ottered me ft for my old one. As evi
deuce of my Judgment in the matter, I w ill
say that since the content J have Itonght a
new ihimeNtie and would have none other.
Trusting that you will give place to this
justification of my conduct, that the public
may not misjudge me. I nui youm truly,
Ll.IK (ilHHlCV.
Cl.KAHFIHI t, PA., .Tilly 1(1, HH.
Pditor Kkim hi d an: Allow me. us the
brieftut nnd most emphatic way of stamping
with falsity the statement or Mr. hiuglcy,
ri'giirding the eon test bad between the "h
iiiiwlic" nnd the "Hinger" sewing machines,
which he publishes In your last issue, to ac
cept through your column, the challenge he
there makes.
1 will deposit any amount of inonev be
may wish, with either nf the Hanks not with
the Postmaster, as he owns one of the oppose
nnchinrn) subject to tlie tliTision ot three
judgea, to le chosen by any of the mm si
uietlifHtsof choosing JtMtges the trial to tie
hml at any time, and place In Clearfield bor
ouuh, that he may indicate. 1 do this to
how that I am at all times ready to practi
nlly prove the omr-nidrd statement, of which
he complHius, correct : nnd nlo that the Do
mcsticenioys the superiority it chtlms. With
this I shall cense to (wndv wonbt, hut will he
ever ready to act. Yours truly,
it. A. KRATrn.
P. R Allow me to say bImo, that an this is
Oil Quotations !
l.ubrlcallnr, tttflntd If JUncr'
W, quot. our brindi of relroleum and olh,rollc
(luttjtel lo mrrl;.f cuanyt.) a.llT.r.a ire,
on bo.rj otr. at injr il.tiun on
. tb Tyrol). Cle.rfi.ld
Refloftd Oil. Bt.t.
I'rim.Wblt., 160 ' ..
W.i.r WLIl.,110 ..
Xldnc, liO ..
..liar ..1.1 At
,. M - I market rsto.
44 "I wllboutraf.r.
" "I ,no to ao.L
B.niio., 7SlrrltT perc.l f .10
N.ptba, t4 " " " U
llMulma, t ' IS
Minr.', .lOO tait " " 11
C.r Ail.UII, (W. Va) Eilr.. ' 18
(W.V..)Mrd'n. " " 16
" " ('r " " U
N.turl Lubrlr.cln, ' " 2
Kr.i.klio Kitn. " " 30
" Summ.r. DUboik ' " Zb
Uimo Engln. " SO
(loldeo " " Si'
Aoiber ' " " JO
XXX ' " " 40
No. 1 RilnJI. " " 41)
M,t.M..i Cvllndor OU " " 7.
No.I ' " " " 60
Wool I'll, No. 1 "
L.rdOM(.lr.)WiDl.r'J " " "S
' " No. 1 lit
" No. 1 " " 6J
Rcllpi. Kogioo. No. 1 " " 00
" wo. z..,,.,,,. " 40
" No. i. " M
Mloerl' Yellow, pit sftllon...
" Wbite At lowcit m.r
LlniMd. No. I " 1 kt rate, wilb
' American " I oat ref. to coat.
Tarpentino, beat M ..
Ve Win.lJrTKK prlctt and
inert all competition
ma? 4, ',1-ljr.
3trw dnrtisruifnts.
JOII WOllK. All kinrla of job work aieeuled
In lb. beat manner t tbia oflloe.
Q H ( WMK tn 70Dr own town. Term, and 16
fUU ontnt. hn, Addreia II. II A I lbtt A Ci
Portland, Maine. Imeh2-lj.)
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
Curwensvllls, Jan. 9, '78 tf.
New Goods,
Come to Frenchville I
I HAVE (nut received llio luront
rJloik of good ovor brnucht to
this geotlon of the Ooantv. which 1
will sell forcah or produce chop
as they enn bo bought clnowhoro. My
lock oonniils of
Dy goodS,
Groceries, Boolsf Shoes,
ai Is a Spocmlty
Ready Made Clothing.
A Salt in litrco
or umall sack a, or by the barrel.
aiono or clav. QUF.RNRWA IJR, all
"tyli'O and quality. In aliorl, 1 have
everything needed hy tho farmor, the
niocnanic, tne lonnror, or anybody
elite, which I will aell )unt an cheap aa
the good a oan bepurchaacd anywhere
olae. I'loaao call and examino my
anrim .nil nri.n. hnln.. invfialin
tli. flrat that I hnv. awkeit ynn to ptil.linh lAlnnwhore
nnrthiiiRon my .iile, nnd I pmpmr paring - a.,IT,oipt'
for It, roiir refrn-nm hurt wwk tn frwad-l 1.. M. CUlnMUr.l.
ferltauig la nnjtot aa to m 11. a. hv. r rencnviiio, re., juar. i, oi-ii.
The Whole World In Tribute,
, Transported exclusively on it
3 Monster Palace Railway Trains 3
And reprtsetitlng sn setnJ oullsy itfortr ONE MILLION DOLLAR?. Embracing mors BSTsltiN,
surprises snd stnustiooi than wrrs srer bffrs nombinesl under on manngemeiiL
More Rare WIU Bct tlian srsr boforc txbibttsd ander on csnrit.
TimncEit conrtahles' fbes
W. L. . I. L I .L
l v w ym frinwi iwp bi uvar m mm mwm
worn uiiiu, mum win was hi nmipi vn wwmtj
Its sanU. Btstl ft SODT t ftnj nddrsss. sirM
ITT A (it) MS poft aAf.RlTbs tnbtsribsr
yy fans two TaO'llort Wsgnns, nssrlr new.
for sals. Will bstsldcbssp. Csllos or nddrssi
Clssrflsld, Ps., Usre. t, Issl-t.
nd Pinstorsshipt,Clsr8ld0Osnt7. tm
Hassonsbls ttintfflven lor part of purobs5t
nwnay, Prices fi WO to $1.U pr nsrs.T
Mlcwm's rtssrful. L. B1KD, Agent,
Pinfield, Pft.
or Wili.aob k Knsss,
PL10' U,9 tf' Clssrnsld, Pn,
NOTICK. Th, undersigned, residing In the
villas; of WtitoTsr, in Cbst towssblp,
bat made tbe neeesiarr arriDRfntnU and pr.
puses to open an KATINU Hut hK for (be so
twin mod at ion of (he pullt irvnentllj, mma I ktre
bj solicit S liberal sbaro of tbe pablin patronage.
JOHN J.bNllitH.
Westorer. Pa., Feb. 9,
SIIOENAKINU I kenb Ufbrsn my pa.
troni, and man hind in general, tbat I bare
removed my snoemaking shop to tne room la
Graham's row. over H. L Snyder's Jewelry store,
snd tbat I id prepared U do all kinds of worfc
in my line oheaper I baa any otber shop In town.
AI) work warranted st good ftt ens bo done any
where else. Pot iti rely thia ts tboehtspeat shop
in Cleartield. JOS. U. UKftUlNU.
Dee. 11, 1871-tf.
Millinery! Millinery 1 1
I TAKE the pleasure of Informing tbs pnblle
ibat I sball otter special Inducements la
Millinery Goods, such at bilks, Satins, Ribbons,
Flowers, sc., Trimmed and L'n trimmed HaUand
bonnets, in tbe very latest sljlti, Notion! and
Made-tit Clotbioc for children. 1 kind It solicit
share of roar imtmnace.
Market St., Cleartield, Pa,
Apr. SO, IHSl-lj.
CAUTION. All persona nre hereby warned
Sfftlnst trctnastkutTon or meddlinc wltb tba
real and personal property now occupied and
owned by Mrs. Surah Wooliencroft, tituated in
Bufga township, sdjoioing lands owned on the
south by Joel B. Woolieooroft, oo tbe west by
lands of Thomas Beers, on the north bv the helrt
of Jesse Stone, and vn tbo east by lends of Tbo.
nceie, containing nny ecrji more or
: This Is therefore to notify the nubile that
he title to the lend and tbe personal property it
Woodland, June 2V, IttHI SL
IXI-:CI'TOitH NOTU'l--Notioelehere.
A by gfrffi that latere TfsUmentsry oo the
estate of JAMES lUtiKkTY, late of Ueocaha
township, Cleartield eoaoty, Pean'a, deceased,
bavins; been duly granted to the undersigned, all
persons Indebted to said estate will please make
immediate par torn l, and tbose having claims or
demands asaii'St the same will nresent tbem nron.
erly authenticated for Mtlemont, without delay.
IMV I If 11 A It K nil,
Hostidalo, Pa., July Mth, USl.tJt.
KXCrL'yiVEZOOrtiICALFKATt'lUCSfnottob0 8oenin
Poiitirely tbe only tprcimcn of thii rare rpeelei ever plaerd on exhibition, and beyond question the
grcsirst living curiosity now connected with any Man agent.
Representing all the different speciea,
Of Living Marine rEonstsrs.
Embracing SEA LIONS, BItA ELKl'llANTfl, aaJ other rare ampbltloui allracllom.
mum B0H3LS OIMi'S I
A Constituted Galnxy of HO Arenle snd Equestrian Stan, Including
For Sale or Rent!
The subscriber proposes to sell or rent a num
ber of terms local rd at follows i The first situate
n Barn tide towoahin. Centra count, contain, n-
loO aerea, having thereon erected a frame dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent to a ahnrch and knnwa.
at the JametMulboiland farm.
ALSO, another farm aitaateln Graham town
ship, ClearBold county, containing 117 eeret, with
tbe necessary improvements. This farm it under,
laid wiln a UOUD KIN OP COAL.
ALSO, six otber farms In the vioinlty of French,
vtlle, containins rotnectfollv III. 10. fli. Aj. bl
and 26 acres. These farms all have bouses snd
barnj thereon, go-id water, bearing orchards on
ame, aa well at tome good wood laod. For
farther particulars call In perton, or address tbo
undersigned by letter. L. M. CUl-UHlKr.
Jan. ivtb, Frcnchrllle, Pa.
SIX hundred tod ninety.! wo (MS) acres ef land,
situate in Clearfield oounty, Pa., will be sold
o a body, or In three ( 8) separate parcels, to wit :
Fire hundred (6tl0) acrca well timbered with
oak, pine and hemlock, and having thereon a first
class water power nil! with circular tawa.
una Hundred and twenty (1211' scree cleared and
good state of cultivation, and bavin thereon
em-ted large and floe frame dwelling houee. two
large frame barns and otber necessary outbuild-
"'K, gmer wns a large o retard, good water,
Ao., Ao.
Seventy acres cleared and under cultivation.
bnt with no buildings.
The said lands are situate within St miles of
Cleartield and tbe Pennsylvania Kailroad. and ars
underlaid with bituminous coal and flre-elay,
lieasoa for Selling. Declining health of oner.
For further particulars, inquire of the rabteriber.
J. FRANK SNYDL'k, Att'y for Owner.
Clearfield, Pa , June 16th, 1831-tf.
" 8
The most eitranrdlnary performance ever witnessed. The Phenomenal Marvel of the timet. This
oaring rounj M'lv i nmn irnm a poiml mortar, ia teet into mta-air, wnere sne aiigntt
vpon s Hl.t.Mll.H COlin 'Ml W IHi:, blind folded snd her loot enelosed in
sacks, she will crow and re-crtM the wire, ride a bicycle, walk upon stilt,
and sr-compil h cth-r miraeulimt fratt nr bpfore dreamed of,
llalr.l h; VIIIT-. CI.OI'I)," o'Mttlnf Dull', banj.
$100,000 Stud of Trnlnod Arabian Stalllona,
$10,000 Troupe of Performing Dogs. A Qroupe of Genuine ZULUS.
R.nreienllox all X.llon, of Ike World. M k. Ike Clrhrali., Mr. 4011)1,
Thrco Military Bands,
And the bet available Ciri'tia talent to be obtained on two Onntinenta, Koni but bareback riding.
Tbe best K'jHMtrinnt, Acrobat, Traperltli, Atbletca, Kiuililristst Letpers ar.d Tumblers, in the
profession. Don't fail to te our
Dally st 9 A. M. t'nraralMfd In elegance and grandeur. The Inest Highway Holiday Procession
ever witnessed. Yvn will piiively see everything advertised, snd ten timet more.
final rates ef edinlselon. Iloort open at 1 snd T P. M. Performaa.iei at I ani I.
p4-r- Kirarilon Trains on all Kailroad and Steamboat Lines, oa the day of eibibitlos. st greatly
reduced rates of fare.
Desirable Real Estate !
Estato of Ricbiird Shaw. Sr., Doc'l
TUB undersigned, Ficcntort of tbe estate of
HICHAHU tillAW, Sr., deceased, will offer
at public tale at the COlIKT J10U6K. in the bor
ough of t'learfield, Pa., on
Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1881,
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M
The following valuable ealestato,ii :
The tliree-ttory HRICK H0TKL property,
comer of Market and First ttreett. in the bor
ough of Clearfield, known aa
at UU aAAttlrV 11U UlSsj'
Fronting with two lots of ground thereto belonging
auo imi on Market street, and W
leet on t trst street, with a two-ttory
dwelling boute attached. The ho
tel proper bst sixty bed -rooms and
all conveniences for a first-class
hotel. One of the most desirable hotel properties
in Centrsl Pennsylvania.
1 tie above will be sold together with a two
story frame dwelling hoose on Market street, ad
jacent to the Hotel, and one other frame dwelling
house and a two-ttory store building, all fronting
on Market street.
ALSO. Alt that certain lot. known la tba
plan of Clearfield borough at Lot Ho UV,
(rooting 50 feet on Locust street, run- 4
ning nark 172 leet, more or test, to an alley i
with dwelling boute and allnoceasarT out
buildings tbereon (rected.and otber improvement.
One-third cash st delivery of good deed, and
the balance to be secured by bond and mortgage,
payable In one and two yeara, with interest,
Burvivlnt Ex'ra of Richard fibaw, Srdee'd.
Clearfield. Pa., Junes, 11-81 -la.
L l. WIRIl & CO
i(Ai.ina in-
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
Uoupcclfully aolicit tliolr pa'.roni
and tbe pnl.lle general I. Mil and x.oi.
io. tbeir new slock of
Spring and Smiiincr Goods,
Cashmerca, Velrotoena, Dclsinca,
Lawns, Gingham, l'rinla, Un
bloached and lllcached Mue
lina, Kancy Skirta, Hheot
inpa, Tickinga, Carpota,
Kupa, Oil Cloths,
I.aunJrioJ, White,
Caoviol and Porcale
Bhirla, Olovoa, Nerkwcar,
Mon'a and Ilojra' Clothing,
Hats, C'apa, Boots, Shoes, eta., eto.
Groceries & (ien'l Merchandise
Will be found ot first quality, and
aatinfartion is guaranteed. The fol
lowinx are always kept oa hand
(aome few only in llioir season):
Sugars, Toas, CofTees, Spices, Pyropa
Confeotionerios, Oranges, Lemons.
Bananas, Kiga, Dates, ete., Hard
ware, (juoenaware, Glaaawar.,
Tinware, Wood and Willow
ware, J'ainta, Oila. Clocks,
Trunks, Valises, Mirrors,
Stationery, Kurniture,
& Minora' Snppliea,
July Vi, 1880-tf.