the CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN, PUILIIIIB ITIiff WBat4T, AT. CLKARPIKLD, PA. i:MTAHLIIUBI IN 1SST. 1 he lar Clrculatlua f ujr Newspaper Ih North Central Pan ntyl vault. Terms of Subscription. ! tf f.ld In ndTauon, or within I months,... oo! If .aid eftor I and before nonthf S 60 If niJ after the tiplrattoa of 6 Booths. 9 M Kates oi Advertising, Tti.ilnt aJTertleaments.per square of tollnesor lent, S times or less $1 60 for each subsequent Insertion- SO imiDlitratori' and Kieeatcri'aotlcea. t M Km litori' notices .....,.... S ftO Ctutioni and K'trays .., 1 ftt itiiilution notices t lrnfMtooal Cards, lines or less.l oar.... I aa hornl notifies, per lis , SO YEARLY ADVKRTIHKMKNTH. I inr $8 04 column.. $& 00 3 (uroi. 1ft 00 I eo1nnaHn TO 00 H stuarts... .10 00 1 eolnmn.. ISO OA fl. B. OOODLANDKR, , Publisher. j j w. SMITH, ATTORNKY-AT-LA W, Clearfield, Pa J J. LINGLE, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, Phlllpaburg, Centre Co., P. JJOLAND D. SWOOPH . , . .. ATTORNEY AT, LAW, CurweBlTill., Clearfield oounty, Pa. ooL , U-lf. SCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, FA. "lure in "uiu neeierni nnlldlOB, lull Blair I. Oct. , '78 If. ' O GLEA REPUBLICAN. GEO. B. G00DLANDEB, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TEBMS-$2 per annum in Advanoe. VOL 55-WHOLE NO. 2,7:30. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1881. NEW SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. 28. Cards. WILLIAM M. HENRY, Justice Or Til PBACB ARB BcBITBRRR, LUMBER OITY. CollMtloni made aod money DromntlT paid over. Artleloe of arroemont tod deede of eoaveyaooe Boatly OBoeutod and warranted Mr. not or u .barge. 13Jy'7S HENRY BIJETD, (ODTtlD r. O.) JUSTICE'OF THE PEACE ran iill towrrhip. U.J , 1878-1 JAMES MITCHELL, DBA LOB 111 Square Timber k Timber Lands, JoM'tl CLEARFIELD. PA. V. IIOYT, Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, PBILIPBBVnO, PA. HP-All bueloeae will ho atteade 1 to promptly. Dm. 15, lSBOly. I SRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT UW. Clearfield, Pa. 0o tu dnor eaet of Bhw Boom. iJyll.'flT TU. M. McCULLOUGlT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Off. -i. In Maaonle building, Boeond elreet, op. i.i "He tho Court Houao. je2ft,'78-tf. C. ARNOLD, LAW .t COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWENRVILLE, ' Cieatfield Couatjr, P.nn'a. s. 7Sy BROCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. op 14,17-ly cr in Opera Houao. V. . A. W A LLACR i I A H H v F. Wali.acr,.. David L. Khkb. W. E. Wallacr. J. yAI.LACK & KREBS, ATTO KNE YS-AT-LA W, sl Clearfleld, Pa. lMITII V. WILSON, .Itlornty-al-Late, I UWRFIKLD, . . PENN'A ?f OITIr. In llr Mjnlo Bolldinf , over tbi t'lintv ntiional nook. luiirZi.80. I'. S.NYDKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. tut;.: ir.rtho Uoiintr Nolloool Dink. Juno M, 'TSlf. JUANK (. HARRIS, ATTORXRY AT LAW, ClBiBNBLn, Pkbr'a. l'ir.t-DlH. Lire and File Ineuraaoe Compaoln rcrFBenteii. ;M-0ffl In Ibe Opera HouM.-ftJi Mir. Hl,'8l-Ie . Tl:i. R. HURRA T CTRUI aoBDON. URRAY 4 GORDOX, M ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. l-9-OHi. In Ple'l Opera lloune, leoond 6oor. IIJ.IAM A. HAGERTY, in ! It K oreY T. A. Fleck & Co.'i atore, ' CLEARFIELD, PENN'A JfrHIII attend to all lefal bu.lnen witb lirouiptoeH ood ndelit. febll,'S0.t. imtrt I. I'lHUI DAH1BL w. a'ouRDr. cUNALLY & MoCURDY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Clearfleld, Pa. 'Leiral bselnoel attended to promptly ithj "moo on Beoraa treoi, aboro too ri NotiooKl Bank. ir.l jan:l:7l T F. Mo KEN RICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. CLEARFIELD, PA. Alt left! bueinrei entruxted to bla earn lll re tire prumpt alteatiea. f-irOa-i in tbo Court Ilouie. u,H,I678.1t. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Pctin'a. fc9a,.Wlll eioouto jobe In bli line promptly and in a wonmanliRe manner. arr4,r7 IRANK FIELUING AND WILLIAM I). BIGLER, .llTOfU'I.lWI''I..I ', ci.earf;fld, pa. Ko. irtb. mo if. WEAVER. 4, BETTS, DaALKHI IN Real Esta'e, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND Li aJUKR OF ALL KINDS. jr-rr-Odlt? oo Peond itratL la rr of flora ti'tm of (ior Wm.t 4 Co. f jutl, '78 tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JVPTICR OK TUB PEACK roit Oeealur Township, Oieoola Milli P. O. All offlftal buiineu antrattcd to him nil) bo prompt I j Bttandod to. inch 29, '70. HARKY SNYDKU, BAHUKK AND HAIRDRUSSKR. Shop on Market St., oppoiit Court Uuom. A oImo towol for ovar; eut Alio daalrr ia Het Brandt of Tubarro and Clgara. ri.r(l-l4. P. tbt IV. 'ft JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACK, Wallacetou, Pa bit prop red hittilttf ilh all the BWM'try bUDk f.irini nadr tba Ptostua and Bouotjr Ibwi, a wli j blkok Dtfdi, 9te. All Iflgtl mttr ntraMrd to bit oar mil rera.Tt prompt altontion. M.t Tib, lMMf. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD. PENN'A. car-Pampi aiwyi fia hnd and aiad to ordtr d ibort tiotioo. Pi pet horrd on reaionablt Urn. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delivered if desired. viyS&ilrpd MAvery ftfable. THE aoderslgned aK Isara to Inform the pub lic that bo Is now fully preparWto aoeomtno- 4te all In the waj of furnish. ng lU.sei, Bugjtits, liaddlaa and Harness, on tbo shortest notice and sa reasonable terns. Hesldenee on Looust street, between Third and Fourth. UKO. W. OEARIIART. TlaarBald, Feb. 4, 1074. THOMAS H. FORCEE, D i. Lai II GENERAL UERCUAND1HE, GRAHAMTON, Pa. Also, e i ten sire mannfaotarer and dealer In Square Timber and Hawed Lumber of all kinds. -Orders solicited and all bills promptly THE JVM TIOS SA FEO VA R D AKD ITS DAXGER. Ci iashii.d. Pi,, July Sth. ISSt. Rtv. n. 8. SviiMVtar Sir II .ring had m- a-acmea pririisfte oi near.Df tbo sermon ilelirerod by you la Iho Clearfield Preeliy tsrian Chnreb, on Hahbatb mo mint, July 3d, 181 , and dtiirlof that It should hava a wide oiraulation for tbo pulilto Rood at the present time and for luiore generaiins, we request the, tarns for publi cation. Ke pec t fully yours. A. M. II, W. A. H AnieRTr, J as. B.OaaHAH. John F. Waavaa D. L. Kaaas, C. L. Dioita, II. F. Wali.acb, And many ot tiers. Cliaffir Ln. Pa.. JuIt 1Kb. 1SI. Mkbirs. H ills, Uraham, Khrbs, and otubrs UemtUmgm t I our kind note requesting for pu bli eation a enpy of the sermnn preach td by me oa July Id Is received. Sensible of Its many im perffdtiona as a sermon ( written with unavoidable baste), yet hoping tbat lis enunciation of esrlain Important principles may be serviceable to a wider audience, I herewith place the manuscript in your bands, subcribing myself luur inend and servant tn tne Lord, Hrhbt 8. U ft MR. S. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ir aaiLia n BWatchoa, Clocks and Jowolry, Orakam'$ J?w, Harhrt Strut, f'LEARLKIBM). PA. Alt kinds of repairing la my lint promptly at tided to. t Jan. 11, 1STW. CAaaoix L- IIPOLB. G. KRAMER, 'attorney-at-law, Real Ertato and Culled Ion Agent. ( IKAKKIKM), PA., H ill promptly attend to all legal business ca t'UFti to his cart. :i-0ffint ia Pie's Opera thus. Janl'"4. JOUN L. CUTXL.K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IihI Real Ketate A rout, Clearfield, Fa. Ofllct on Third street, bet. Cnerrj A Walnat, ar-Kesptotfally offers bis servloes In selling and buying lands la Olearteld and adjoining oo unties ; and with aa ttperienetof overtwentv ysars as a surveyor, flatters himself tbat he can render satisfaction. Feb. J8;S;tf, D R K. M. SCHEDRER, IIOUEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Offloe la rerldraf. oa Flret It. April 14, 17J. Cloarlold, Pa. jyt W. A. JIEAX8, IMIYSICIAN 4 SURGEON, DTBOIS CITY, PA. Will attend profeillonal oalle promptly, auglo'70 J)R. T. J. 110TER, rilVSICIAN ANDSOROKUN, Offl'o oa Market Ptroot, Cleern.ld, Pa. M-Ofloo hoaret to II a. , and 1 to f. m- Y)K. J. KAY W RIG LEY, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, no0ffl aIJilalof the raeldonoo of Janet ' n,l.T, oa rbooad St., Clurleld, Pa. JoJIin-tf. Clearfield Insurance Agency. he nit n it inn in, .ttni. H'preient the following aa I other Brt.olul Co'l Compani.e. Alieu. I.iv.rM.ul Lond-m A P. H. .1"I.H0 Li-Aomlng n muluil tiwl pline...H A,0il0,00W I'Lvnil, uf Hart ford, Coon , X.A24 .OltA In.ureni.. Co. of North Ainertra A.tHll,o74 North Brlli.h A Mrrtenllle U.S. Br. l,)H,.l Sotil.h Comuierolel L. B. Branch.,.. 1171,146 Waiorto.n TH4.816 Tr.r.l.ri (Life k 4,iV6,4t4 OBioa ob Merket tft., opp. Curt Ilouee, Clear. old, Pa. Jone I, '7 II. (J C.JENKINS, M. D., 'It 1'IIVHICIAN A NO SURG EON t CCRWENSV1LLE, PA., 1 ff era a rtsldwa, corner of State and Plat firtn. J.n. ttb, IMI tf. I) U. U. B. VAN VALZAU, CLRARMELI), PENN'A. ' I HI E IN ItFMDFNCK, CORNER OF FIRST AND PINE STREETS. AT- OBre hourt-rroat 11 to I P. M. Ma II, II7. 1) It. 3. P. BURCUFIKLD, I" Suriooa of the M t.flmaat. PoaaiyWaale VoliBi,.,,, ha?ln rotaraod from the Arm, kli profttaloaal lerrtoel la tkeeltleeaj f ClearB.ld ooaaty. orPrereiilonal oalle aromptl; attoaded lav ojee tmti ilroet, formerl aeeapled b, r Wood,. aprt,'M-U JPR TINWAKB, IIAKDWAHK, and HOUSE FUEMSHING GOODS, nd NEEDLES, ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS, and all klndi of SEWING MACHINES, 00 TO O. B. MKRRELI,, AKct,t, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Jone 1, 'M If. Insurance Agency OF WILUAM 0. EELMBOLD, Pallon JIot-A, CurtrtmrUle, Pa Companies Bopreeeuted i Commorolel I nia Inc. Co., Aeeetn .P.M,TflI H Firrmon't Fund In. Co.,Auele I.lolO.OIT til t nine Inaur.BOo Co., Aneti - 1.J.o:tr S Trarelore' loe. Co . Aieeta.. ,4IV,I( I Netthrra lne. Co. of New York Ai'li MftV Oil Inenrenoe nlarrd oa all kindt of property at equitable rate. larweBBVHie, ra, reo. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Newark, N. i. INCORPORATED l45. PI RELY MI TUAL Awnro, Jaa. I, 111, R airortelued bf Kiantoinit vomniHiooar. r M.uaobuHlll.OkleandNe .1J,7Jfi,l n Liabilitirr. aa elAt'dbt Ibeaamo. 11,111,41 HrnrLre l.r Meaa'ebo'a Steederd. .n 1 6..HSJ fli St anri b; Ne York Standard... t,HI,l)S 08 Allpflleloraeafarfoltableanor eeooad yeari loweipeaaoet larfodifldeade de elored aad paid er.r; year alnoo oreea laellon I ample eurplua i aurrender eolooe llbvral loaael promptly edjuated aad paid. Orririnl t LEWIS C. fl ROVER, Prmimot. JAMES B. PEARSON, Vice l'RioT. En. L. DoaaiRR, Sr. Tne. N acr ortt, Treae. POTTER k K al EH, Hiate Aieau, e.I nai- ant Itreat, Pbiledelpkla, Pa. B. M. Bl.milALI.Y. OBoa la Moeeop'a balldinf, Market aireat, Clearlold, Pa. je-a. ri-ii. i Trxti I rhrotit!... ii,ili:0."lf thou aoek flim, He will belound of tbee ; but if thou fortake U.m, He will eeallbeo off forever." As the annivornurv of our National Indepcndcnco nptirouohcs, wo arc nat urally and properly drnwn to themes which rcJulo to the national weWitro. The text opctm a profitable lino of thought in this direction ; for although upolten to SoUmioii, 1 take it that its advice and warning were addrcHncil to mm as the representative ot Lis peo ple, and apply to nations as well as to their individual rulers. The doulile fart ancerted has licen frequently veri fied in the history of nations, notably in the. rnseof Wad. The first part of the text waB seen to bo true in our own early history, when our fathers ' sought tbo Lord and be beard them" and delivered thorn from fearsand foes. That the hitter clause may nor ho illus I ruled in the cuso of this groat people is the prayer of every true patriot and the object sought by such discoursos ttH the present. The Siifcty of the Xutmn lies in Seek ing God ; itt Dunqcr in Formkinq God. To "seek God" hero is a general ex pression, meaning to inquire and in form oneself as to Ilia will, to rever ence and worship liitn, as well as to ask lits interposition and help, nuch seeking will insure luvorahle consider- alien and will result in tbo nation's safely ; iho neglect of it will entuil speedy ruin. It follows, that, in order to national security and prosperity, everything must Decarelully avoided winch inter feres with this knowledge and rever ence of God ; everything which would binder tbo divine interposition in bo bait of Iho nation. Certain prevalent ovilssuggost them selves as likely, if not checked, to bring about that "forsaking of God" which will result in the "casting oft' lorevcr of tbo nation. 1 direct your attention to ono or two : First, As regards our family and so cial lilfl.tberoisSelf Indulgence. This is a growing evil, and, though largely developed in the case of many who are more mature, it threatens to make especial havoo with those who are now children and youth. Reason would tell us that, injorder to a st rong nation, tbero is need thalils members shouldjcxcrcise self-control. History informs ds tbut tbo migbtiestof ancient kingdoms and republics yielded to tbo disintegrating force of effeminacy and luxury; and tho word ot God makes it plain, in dictates of highest reason as well as through numerous historical examples, that tbo self-indulgence which over looks, if it doos not boldly transgress the laws of God, quickly causes liim to withdraw II is co-operation and thus insures a speedy downfall. This dan gerous tendency among us will appear if you dwoll tor a moment upon cer tain personal and publio examples of its manifestation. 1. To find the former, it may not be necessary logo beyond ourown house holds. Aro tbore young children in any of them who have pretty much what thoy see fit to order : who keep such hours as their inclination may dictate ; who indulge in such mischief as their nalutal porverscnoss prompts, and who cannot bear to be crossed in any rcasonabloor unreasonable desire? Are tbore older children who spend upon expensivo, it not vicious, habits and pleasures a sum which would have gone far toward tho maintenance of their grand parents, and whoso principal respect for paronts seems to be inspired by tho frequent supplies of pocket-money winch these convenient guardians furnish; who oponly and unbluBhingly engago in actions and ex hibit a bearing which a former genera, tion would have accounted wanting in modcBtv, or even shamelul, and while they aro thus engaged pity the "old fogies" whosy mpalhico witb tho former generation 111 its view 01 their con duct; who are ready to substitute a small rebellion in the homo or in soc iety If they may not fullow unchallenged their wasteful ways or extravagant or questionable enjoyments f Are thoro those in the community who have even grown to man's or woman's es tate, who are accustomed to indulgo themselves in sensual or forbidden gratification, thus endangering the very foundations ol the family and of society; or at least, in luxuries, or line nous, or excossivo novel reading, at the expense of their fi lends, or at tho risk of the comfort and wolfitro of their families? and who, if their plans are spoiled or their pet pursuits interfered with, are snappish, cross and possibly ugly, making unhappy all who must come in contact with them ? The specifio actt of such persons, whether younger or older, are not half so culpable or so dangerous as the habit of lelf -indulgence which thoso acts are fostering. Theirs is theoxporienco, more or less fully developed, which characterized tho sons ol Eli, and which brought it to pass at length, that the ark of God, tbo safeguard of tho Israelilish nation, was not safe in thoir keeping. A nation of sell indul- gont children and adults will soon be a nation of tho past. i. That youmay even moroiuiiy ap preciate how surely this evil is en dangering the lite of our nation and bow it bas strengthened with our growth, consider a public example which is pertinent to this sunject and this occasion. Our national holidays are becoming days ol national carousal and dissipation ; to such an extent, hat many patriots are asking the question whothor it wero not bettor lor tho nation tint they should bedono away with altogether; whethor it were not belter tbat the people should cclo- brato those anniversaries while engaged in their usual avocations, than tbat mon without sell-control should bo turned loose to compass the injury of themselves and their families, and the disgrace of the nation. Take, tor in stance, the one which occurs on tbo morrow, which ought to be a cherished occasion for recalling tbo mon and tbo measures whose history furnishes the noblest traditions of our country, and thus ol fostering in the minds of our most voutb the purest and disinter ested patriotism. Where are the public opportunities for thoso who would thus celebrate the day ? Its traditional observance has, to a large extent, degenerated into an opportunity for horso-racing, or for scones of revelry, (into which perhaps, a patriotic speech is introduced for the purpose of giving a color of deceucy and to attract decont people,) tho chief re sult ot which, and indoedj-the chief intention, is to till the coflors of tavern keepers and proprietors of gam bling establishments, and to furnish a careless crowd in which brazen-fuced and intoxicated men and women may ply their unholy avocations. 1 need only remind you, by way of exempli fication, of a so-called "Indcpondonce celebration" in a neighboring town a year ago, the evil results ot which wero teft in many surrounding com munities. And such is doefned a fitting remembrance of the occasion upon which those noble mon, with a sublime readiness losacritice luxuries and com forts and tho necossarics of life yes, and lite itself, if nood wero for tho sako of country and postority, deliber ately throw off tho yoke ot bondage and proclaimed themselves and iho na tion free 1 Lot ono of these old heroes, fired with bis lofty spirit ol self-sacrifice and courago, witness such an ac knowledgment of tbo act of himself and his compatriots as ho would soa in many ot our towns to morrow, and what opinion, think you, would he havo of the apparently degenerate race which had inherited and prolilod by his self-denying patriotism What, my frionds, must God think of our ap preciation of His inestimable benefits, when the only public exerciso in a given community isol such acharacter. As a further example, tako the day which has been consecrated to a more recent race of heroes, who stood in the breach when a division of our country was threatened. It seems that this, too, is being pervorted into an occasion for sensuous revelry. What but a seared conscience, what but a degen erate semblsnue of the love of country, could possibly suggest such an employ ment of such an anniversary ? Even our day of national thanks giving is in this way made a pretext for the shamelul abuse ot God's mer cies instead of the grateful acknowl edgtnont of them ; and 1 noticed ro cently tbat in staid Now Englund which in many respects sets an exum plo to tho wbolo country, the annual day ot humiliation, popularly called "Fast Day," which bus been observed from tho earliest limos, is now largely used for out of door sports, and pio nics of excursionists whoso main busi ness seems to lie to swallow beer I 1 am aware tbat this is owing largely to the great infusion among us of cili zons of foreign birth, many of whom valuo our liberties only so fur as they havo furnished them a refugo from wunt or oppression and who fail to appreciate tho principles of morality and religion upon which thoso liberties are founded. Hut if they havo set tho example, it has been widely followed by a generation enorv.ttud through self indulgence, and thus made ready to dance and drink on account of the birth of tho nation, and to drink and dance over the graves ot our doad sob diers ; to swallow down, and revel out, its thanks (if any it has ) for tho divine goodness; and to turn even a day of humiliation into a scone ol low carousal. Now bear in mind tbat our population is being increased at tho rate of nearly six hundred thousand foreigners a year. Though many of these will make excellent citizens, a large pro portion of them have not had the edu cation which would qualify ttfem to govern themselves or properly to sus tain our tree institutions. W hut is tbo prospect, if thoso nurtured under thoso institutions shall set these an examplo of sensuality and lawlessness? We must by our tnniionce curb and ro. strain this mighty clement in the midst of us, instead of leading the way in exhibitions of soll-indulgonco and thus giving tho rein to passion nnd crimo, which would soon overwhelm us. I ho chief danger, I repeat, lies in tho fact that a largo proportion of thoso tcAo are growing vp seem to be preparing, by tbo indulgence of thoir wishes almost without restraint and by their inability to deny themsolvos whatover they may cravo, lor an in crease of this senseless and untimely rovolry which debases the national character and helps to separate tbo nation from the God who has preserv ed it hitherto. This want of boll-control and habit of self-indulgence will use any pretext and tbo leisure ot any holiday, howover sacred, to minister to Iho depraved appetites. 1 1 Beems.lo bo increasing; let it but increase sufli ciently and it precedes destruction I As this evil begins in the household, it may there most easily and most ef fectually be mot. O, parents I yours is a responsibility for God and for the nation. Teach and help your children to control themselves, instead ot mul tiplying opportunities for tho gratifi cation of their desires. Teach thorn to live according to rule, if for nothing else, that they may be accustomed to subject themselves to wholesomo law. Prepare them to be good citizons, as well as faithful children and servants of God, by a wholesomo discipline which shall malto appetite and passion their slaves instead of thoir masters. Wo to the household which has a momber with no self-control I Wo to the community or tbo nation which has many such, Iho boy or girl who has not boon trained to obedienro, or who cannot submit gracefully to a disappointment, is likely tn grow up a rong-hcaded, passionate-, uncontrolla ble troubler in society, il not an abso lute deflor of order and law I Tbodis- obodionce which begins in the family and progresses in contempt for the wholesomo restraints ol society is the root of that destructive philosophy which would destroy all government and murder all in authority, the edu cating force which nt length prompts the assassin to his work of blood, lint if this ovil ot self-indulgence bas passed beyond tho sphere of lumily must be dealt . with in tho community and the btate. INo community can afford to let itself bo imposed npon by a set of persons who caro nothing for thoir own reputation or the comlort of tbeir neighbors, but only lor their own beastly gratification or thoir unhal lowed gain. And no community which lias proper solf respect will toleruto tho orgies of such, even if they do call themsolvos "rospectable" and do con tribute to the revenue of certain in it and (with shame bo It said) of tho Government. A healthful public sen timent can do lnucb to control disor der before il blossoms into crime ; and that sentimont ought to be oxercised, frowning npon and restraining the evil. At least it may be expoetcd ol all right minded people to refrain Irom all im plication in the responsibility or tho gains resulting from such shameless noss, and to withdraw thoir counte nance from such as walk disorderly. If Ibis nation should at any time be "cast off" for forsaking God, tho responsi bility would largely lie at tho door ol thoso who, professedly at least, disap prove of thoso things. I havo source ly timo to glanco at a second evil whieu bus to do with our public life, but which tdroatons, more than almost any other, to separuto us from God and so promoto our ruin. I call it Ycnnlity, tho furm of ovil which implies that the uiHuunce and patron ago ol public mon may be bought and sold. Tbo oxistenco of this, hi any degree, furnishos the clearest evidence of wide- ly spread and deeply seated corruption consequently, the j roscnt condition of our politics is such as to call for well founded alarm. Wbon ovon the most potty offices are assumed undor condi lions, and involvo a "consideration," either of money or somo prospective advantage; when n no olllces must be made to yield enough not only to Bupport tho incumbent but to make good the pledges under which thoy wero assumed : when "rings" can dom inate the public concorns, and "ring masters" can balk all legislation, and not only defraud the pcojfo but causo them to suffer in ninnv wavs. that their own personal ends cav bo ac complished and their personal ambi tion gratified, when tho highest and most dignified of our bodies can set the example, to bo speedily followed in tbo two largost States, of blocking the public business iy an un- seomingly contest over the ipoils of ofllco, it is not too soon to soind tho alarm. Tbo remedy in this cuso lies wuu the people who nnmintto and elect to ofliee. And if tbo poiplo do not interfere by dismissing leaders who can huy or bo nought, God will inter fere by tokens of his displeasure and will purge tho lund with hisjudgnonls; it may be, by handing over tho lation for a time to the clement winch is soeking to promoto its own greed and ambition at the expanse of tho gtneral weiiaro, until the domiuulion shill bo. como hateful. It is not at all likely that the reme dies for these and similar prevalent sins will be at all gonerully oil'ed until there shall first havo boon a re vival of "seeking God." It is only through tbo precepts of His wotd of truth that tho nation is likely to bo aroused to the danger, orconvinctd as to its antidote; only through ilefur ence to His word and will that tbo nation's prosperity and glory can be perpetuated. It bocomos us, then, to lake tho initiativo in this work of seek ing God: 1. liy studying that Word, each for himself, with a special view to its teachings as to our duty in being ourselves, and by our influence helping to make, good citizens; in our own livos, and in the lives of others whom wo control, restraining evil and pro moting excellence ; especially making self control and enlightened patriotism family virtuei, so tbut from the fount ain-head ot all society and govern ment they may flow forth to bless tho land. 2. Hy spreading that word, that its sacred principles oi morality and jus tice and social cquali y and neighborly interest may pervade every portion of our wine domain anil imoueour poople, old and young, with a holy dcsite to honor bod, whilo tbey consorve all thoso lofty interests, which, undor God s blessing, havo mado this a free, prosperous and happy pooplo. THE ASSASSIXS LIFE. (ltJITEAU IN PHILADELPHIA HOW WON HIS FIRST WIPE. CLERKS. How difficult it is to distinguish them from proprietors until you are used to it. Ilien it is easy. Proprie tors wear clothes that clerks wouldn't bo socn to silt ashes in. At tho start, hov. ovor, clerks always speak of themselves as "salesmon." Ihoy have a faint idea tbat tho latter is a dictionary word and means something. 1 bo king clork is tho "floor walker." Ho is a drum major without a bear- Bkin cap or baton, and fills an import ant position in an important manner. roor humanity always leels its knees quako whon before his nwlul presence, until ho says "show these ladies them hose," and it is proved that bo is but mortal , The active cletk shows all the goods in his department, talks a steady stream and wours a customor out. He mukes a tew sales, and doos not slay long In a place. Tho listless clerk, with drooping eyes and palo nccktio, drops his goods on the countur in a don t-caro-a live sort of a way, wearied by the exertion, and tue customer trader with him bo. cause bo is refreshingly lazv. Tho average clork comes uptown in uio morning the very Ideal ol spick spnn newness. Ho is fresh every day bis collar and shirt-front are nisi from tho smoothing iron, his clothes aro molded to bis form, and his hair looks as if bis good, kind grandmother had slicked it down with bear's oil. Ho is a daisy. Tbo poorly dressed clerk. Thoro aro no facts in regard to his nonentity Tho "masher" us a clerk. Ho is en gaged boeauso of bis superlulivo at traction to silly women, who call on him ovory day and buy somo little knick-knack, in order to bask in tho sunshino of bis radiant and charming smile. Tho genial clerk, a man who is al ways too good lor bis position, and a posilivo addition to a well regulated establishment. Ono clerk of this sort is worth a whole store full of averaeo clerks, jio sells goods beluro you know you have bought thorn. The genuino business man somo timcs begins life as a clerk, but ho pushes out of tbo position in an amaz ing hurry. Iho lady clerk. Who would bo so ungallunt as to say she is not interest. ingf Sho is. Gentlemen always liko to trado nt tbo counter where she presides, and sho is usually assigned a department whore they are euro to como on little errands. Ladies, on tho contrary, do not like to purcbaso of her. and it is noticeable that sho is seldom in tho dry goods department. There aro a great many varieties of clerks drug clerks, grocery dorks, and ten thousand others. They aro tbo ornamental and aomonhat useful mile-posts on tho highways of business. They seem to bo a necessity, but why they should carry tbo world in its en tirety on their shsulders and superin tend the progress of the planets in their orbits, is a mystery. Hut they all do it, or at least they think they do. Xcw Jitivcn lirgister. Littlo Johnny had been caught by his aunt teasing a fly. "Johnny," said sho, "supposing somo great beast a thousand times bigger than yourself should teaso and perhaps oat you all up?" "I hope, said Johnny, "ho'd tool as bad as I do when I swallow a iy- , Mrs. Partington says that a man fell down the other day in an applejack fit and bis lifo was oxtirpated. Miss Lydia A. Noodles, of this city, who is spending the Summer at As bury Park, NowJorsov, is the IsVfy who brought up Annie Ilimn, the first wifb of Charles J. Guitcau. Tho Noo dles, a well-known Philadelphia fami ly, look Miss iiuun to raise wbon she was eloven years old and retained hor until she attained ber oightoentb vcar. whon she wont to Chicago, whoro sbo met ana subsequently married Guitoau. In conversation with a Timet reporter recontly Miss Woodlos gavo a historv of the martial life of tbo couple and the causes which led to thoir divorce. Annie was the eldost of two daughters, too motner oi whom was left a widow wbon the children wero young. Thoy wero English people and tho children wore both very bright. "Annio," said Miss Needles, "was takon bv mv father and sent to school. She was an amia ble child arid early became a momber of Nuzaroth Methodist Church, on Thirteenth stroot, above Vino. After a while she begun to study telegraphy and becamo a proficient operator. When sbo wag about eighteen she wont to Chicago and obluinod a situa tion a short distanco out of the citr. Somo time lator, in tho year 1807. she procured tho placo of librarian in the Woman s Christian Association rooms n Chicago, and whilo in tho place she formed tbo acquaintance of Guitcau, whom sho wroto to me was a lawyer and a Christain and ono not given to small vices. From all her accounts wo got an idea that ho was a model man and just tho kind that suitod ber. Sho used to toll us about his regularity in attending church. 1 think they were married in 18(i8. At this time Guitcau was in tbo law ofliee of his brother-in-law, Mr. Scovoll, who with his wife favored tbo match ami treated Annio very kindly after her marriage Mr. Scovell advised Guitcau to tako a littlo cottage and go to housekeeping, promising to buy a cottage for them and furnish il at his own expense. This oiler Guitcau rejected, intimating to Mr. Scovoll tbat bo was ablo to pay bis own wny and wont to boardini at an expensivo botul. "Hefore they had been married a year," continued the spoakor : "1 found from hor letters that they cliangod boarding ploco protty often and af ter wards found it was boeauso Guitoau would not pay bis bills. About a year beforo tho Chicago firo Guitoau came to Philadelphia on business and, at bis wiles Buggostion, called to see mo, Mv opinion of him was not favorablo, The nrst thing I said after seeing him was: 'You'ro nothing but a big lump of pomposity.' I felt all tho time like Baying to him : 'Ob sit down nnd bo- havo yourself.' 1 did not sco anything eriuiani or Binart about him. 1 dis covered that Annie was living unhap pily with him. Thoy camo F;ast with little money, ho leaving Annio at my house whilo he wont to Now York to open an ofliee. He was a man of bru tal passion and treated his wife badly. On one occasion ho pushed hor into a closet and shut tho door, keeping hor there until sbo was nearly smothered. After residing in New York a short timo ho sent her on to Philadelphia to find a situation, if possiblo, and make bor own living. Afterwards we found out that as soon as ho had got rid of hor he wont to boarding in tho most fashionable hotel, expending on him self what would have kept thorn both. His wife being unable to get a situa tion in this city, eventually was taken back by him, but it was not for long. He got rid ol bor again by sending ber off to Saratoga with a fumily witb whom sho was acquainted, and where she supported borself by doing houso work. His treatment of hor became so bad finally tbut her friends persuad- ea nor to suo lor a divorce, which she did and procured it without trouble" Ovor the morul or immoral side of Guitoau's conduct while in Now York Miss Needles draws a veil. It issulll- cicnt to slate that his wife at length became convinced ol his faithlessness, which rcaehod its worst stugo at tbo time whon he began to send ber away to make berown living. Mrs, Guiteau is now happily ro married and living in Colorado. Perhaps tho description in 1R78, for the purpnso of lecturing on "Tho Sooond Coming of Christ," in St. Goorgo'S Hull, ho mado arrange ments with tho printing firm of Allen, Lane k Scott to print for him a cortain number of copies of a pamphlet on the sulyect of "Is thoro a Hell ? A reply to Robert U. Ingorsoll." When part of tho number ordered bad bocn print ed Guitoau offered tho firm an unrea sonably small sum of money on account, whereupon thoy refused to deliver the pamphlets. A numbor ol them, how ever, were afterward sont to the news. paper offices. Tho work was not only without valuo but without intorest. It was immediately aflor this that Gui teau loclurod in various cities "in ro ply to Ingorsoll," and alwLys an nounced himself in the advertising columns ot tbo newspapers, as well in flaming hand-bills, as "A Chicago lawyor and orator ol grout power. Philadelphia Timet. "BELLE BOYD." A HISTORY WHICH READS LIKE A ROMANCE, THE EX-CONFKIIERATE AGENT WHO LIVES IN THIS CITY AND HAS "DOUBLES'1 IN EVERY PART OP THE COUNTRY. . of Guitoau's character in ono sense is given in an incident related by Miss Needles, which occurred a year or so uftor marriage. He took a notion to go to California, but bad not enough money. Miss Needles was at that time employed in tho ofllco ol George V. Lhilds, und Uiiiteuii, knowing Mr. Cbilds' reputation for liberulity, wroto to miss iconics, through his wile, ask ing ber to borrow a considerable sum of money from Mr. Cbilds, for which bo promised to givo his noto. Sho says sho always thought Guitoau a man ol rather unbalanced mind, though sho never considered him Insane. Not long after tbo marriugo of Miss Dunn to Guileau in Chicago she camo to this city, and among the persons whom sue visited hero was a lady who residod on Summor street. Whon sho was leaving this friend sho remarked : "If you evor have any business to bo dono for you in New York you might entrust it to my husband. 1 will givo you bis address." So saying Mrs. Guitcau handed to the lady a business card of ordinary Bizo, which was procurod by a Timet reporter. It bears npon its face the following: j CSARLRI J. 0 1'lTRAD, j j (Lata orCliloej.)), j I ArroRRRr aro Ooonbi.or, 1 l i t aad 111 Liberty nreel(ManUod Dulldinf), ! t Room Jf, New York. j i Special attention Rjeen to eolleetinf elaimi, i Iandaooounuprompilyreltled. Elevator j In lite building. ! I (o'RR)l The back of the csrd would seem to Indicate, that Guiteau was not sure that bis name alone would carry groat woight wilh It, for there the following appears : IlKIEUKNCES. is t-meieo. P. W. Oatri, Preildent Eaile Worka MmufM- torini Cnninaor. General J. S. Rr.TRot.rR, Deputy Colleetnr Port of Trbuo k Kbllooh, drain Shipper.. J. U. IiDa(-aRi.L A Co., Real k.t.te Dealer,. Shitr Rrhhrrr A Oo , Whoteealo tlrosera. MiTRRwunArr A Co., Wbolet.le Fruit Ditlera. L. O.RRITT, Whol.Mta CnnffMtinoer. Wtt.LMR NrwRRiRR A Soa!, Wholee.leCaa Fruit iseaiere. ih rrw roan. Oeaerel P. H. JosRa, Peatmaater. llARceca Fiaa KlTlRai'lanuse Ci.. 407 Broadway. Rrtart k Drrtirt, Wholeeale Jewelen, II aiaia.R lane. J. D. kt'RTl Croor, (late of llayward Smith k Co., chie.Ro, now ArobI Praoklla Coal Com pany), f I Broadway, Room CnANLRa T. BaoRR k Co., Wholeeale Tabaooo Biau, 10k Front rtreet. IB Roaroa. J. W. QrtTRlr, O.neral Afrnt I'nited Staler Life Inauranoe Company. When Guitcau was in Philadelphia, Sitting last evening on tho porch of a comfortablo residence in tho extreme nortbwcBlern section of tho city, with a sweet little miss of thrco and nnd another of suvon Summers playing hide-ami seek around ber chair, was a lady who a Bcore of years ago boro an international reputation. Few, if any, of llioso who knew hor once would now recognize in the handsome, well- preserved woman, of commanding presenco and high bred bearing, with a complexion liko a rose and lily com bined, a wealth of sunny, chestnut- brown huir, sparkling eyes, a sweet mobile mouth, and a lace capablo of mostvaryingexprossion-tho vivacious, daring girl who in war times bad but ono name, and that "Hello Boyd, tho Confederate spy." Tho story of Belle Boyd's life rends liko a romance, liorn in Virginia of good old cavalier slock, sbo bad barely graduated and mado ber debut ia Washington society when tho warcom mencod, und hor father, with Bovcral others of hor kindred, took up arms in trio Confederate causo. When General Ifobort Puttcrson with his troops en tered Murtinslmrg, ber native place, sho was acting the part of tbo minis. tering angel to the wonnded n the improvised hospital. While engaged in these duties many scraps ol informa tion concerning tbo movements of the Federal army came to her ears, and thus it was that, with an impulsiveness and ardor duo largely to ber youth, sbo entered upon the task with which hor namo became so prominently ident ified. Several ladies of the place, who bad also been picking up scraps ot news, held a mooting at her house, tbo items wero bunched together, put upon pa per and the document placed in tho hands of a trusty colored servant for transmission to General Jackson. This wont on safely for somo time, until one day the messenger was captured by the Federal pickets and compelled to disclose his mission. Thereupon "Belle Boyd" was arrested, taken beluro Gen eral Robert Patterson, enlightened as to the nature and penalities ot the ar ticles ot war, and finally placed under espionage during tho remainder of the Genorul's slay in town. From this time onward Bbo dovotcd herself to tbo task of furnishing infor mation to tho supporters ot the Lost Cause. Scores of limes she was placed under toinporury arrest, and on two occasions oho was incarcerated for months in the Old Capitol and Carroll prison at Washington, Oltcntimos she was found in tho middle of the hottest fights, but, although on many occasions ber clothing was literally riddled witb bullets, sbo invariably escaped personal injury. It is related of her that on ono occasion, when taken prisoner, sbo was taken before Generul Butler nt Fortress. Monroo. Observing her agi tation, Ben remarked : "Pray bo seated. But why do you tremble so. Aro you frightened ?" "No, ah that is, yes, General But ler; 1 must acknowledge that I do feel frightened in the presence of a man of Buch world wide reputation as your self," was hor roply. " hat do you mean Y remarked tho General, as ho rubbed his hands to gether and smiled bonignly. "1 mean, General Uuller, sho re plied, "thul you aro a man whose atrocious conduct and brutality, es pecially to Southern ladies, is so in famous tbat ovon the British l'arlia- meiitcommenteil npon it. 1 naturally leul alarmed al being in your presenco. nith rugo depicted upon every lineament of his features the Generul uroso from the tablo, and ordered ber to be taken lrom tbo room. Iinring her residence in Washington "Hello Boyd" formed an intimate ac- quuintanco with President Lincoln, and a friendly correspondence was kept up between tho two during the greater portion of the war. On ono occasion hor letter paper was adorned wilh the Confederate motto, a snake entwined around a Confederolo Hag, and the inscription: "Don't tread on us, or we will bite." t hen Lincoln replied to the missivo, ho sent back tbo motto with "bito" erased and the word "but" substituted." Broken down in health and bereaved by tho loss of her father, who bad died in tho endeavor to e licet her release from captivity, "Belle Hoyd" deter mined toleavo for foreign shores, and in May, 187-1, sho embarked on the Grey hound at North Carolina as the bearer of important dispatches from Jeffer son Davis andJuduhP. Benjamin to tho Iriends of tho cause in London. In endeavoring to run tho blockade, however, tho Greyhound was captured by a United Slntcs steamer. Belle Boyd was taken to Boston, kept a prisonor lor somo time, and finally banished to Canada. From there she wont to England, whero she passed tbo second epoch of hor life. Sbo was married at the aristocratic church of SL James, Pieadilly, received with open arms in tilled society, becamo a widow, and finally, having a natural talent lor the theatrical profession, took to the stage. Probably no person In the country has been afllictod wilh so many 'doubles' as this lady. Sinco her return to America nnd niarriagoto Colonel J. 8. Hammond, an Flnghab gontleman.onco a member ol tbo noted "Louisiana Tigers," she has completely sunk her identity with that of ber husband, and with the exception of u few occasions, when she has appeared upon the plat form as the talented render and elocu tionist "Marie Isubello Hammond," her mind has bocn engrossed with domestic affairs. Yet every few months she is vexed and annoyed by coming across an announcement that "Hello Boyd," the ox-Confederate spy, has turned up in somo part of tho country. Now tho pretender is being ontortained by somo prominonl Southerner; again sho is In distress and soliciting aid. Several years ago ono ot these bogus "Belles" visited Atlanta on a lecturing tour and was denounced by Captain SL Clair Ahrams, oi the Jewt, as an Impostor. Next morning sho prooeedod to the omce and dotr.andcd satisfaction, which being refused sho prooeedod to draw a con plo of Derringers, but was seized beloro the weapons could be pointed Since that timo she has not turned up in Georgia. The latest pretender turn ed up in axabachio a lew woeks ago under tbe Mneotjnrs. Murphy, and, according j tbo Enterprise of that place, was engaged in writing a bis- tory of hor lifo ; but a brief and pointed opistlo to a prominent citizen of that place has probably by this time put a quietus on her pretentions. As long ago as ifli ti the Masons ol Alartinsburg, Va., found it Dcoossarv to send a cir cular to tho orail all ovor tho country warning them against persons pretend ing to bo the daughter of thoir do- ceased brnthor, H. it. Boyd, Esq. The genuino "Belle Boyd" has just com tcmpiatod a play which is highly spok on of, and contemplates making hor ontroo upon the stage in this city in tho coming Autumn. Philadelphia Jiecord. EDUCATIONAL. ' BT U. t. MoQCOWN. Clearfleld borongb was the first die. trict in the county to elect teacbors for the coming year. Nine now school honsoi are being built in the county this Summer one half ni many as were built last year, Tbe Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association will hold its next mooting at Washington, Pa., July 26, 27 and 2& We visited the publio sohools of Hus ton and I'nion townships last week, and found thorn doing fairly for Sum mor schools. ... HUNT THE JiASCAL DO)VX." When will thoy "hunt the rascal down f" Our readers romombcr that whon the famous "Morey letter" ap peared reflecting Garfield's real senti ments on Chineso cheap labor, tho whole Republican gang, including their sbain general, denounced it as a lorgery and he cried out "hunt tbo rascal down." FYom timo to time, we wero told by the Jiow lork papors, tb Tribune, Timet and other pap-sucking concerns, that soon startling develop ments would bo mado about the "for gery." Public curiosity was thus ex cited and the virtuous Republican office holders said "wait a littlo ; somo big fish will bo caught." But we have waited since last October. Not only is tbo "rascal who wroto the letter, not bunted down, but tbo prosecution of tho editor of the Truth for liblohaa miserably failed ; neithorbas James A Garfield appoarod in court to swear that ho was not the identical "rascal' who wroto that idontical letter on "Chinese cheup labor." But it transpires, that tho said Gar field has since bis inauguration been too busy at Washington in bunting down Republican "rascals,"who throve under the goody-goody, but no less fraudulent administration of Hayes, to givo any attention to that particular "rascal w ho wroto the Moroy lettor, And yot witb all the fuss and lumo at Washington, there is no more progress mado in tho Brady caso than tbero was in the Jruth case in rtow York. How awkward it would bo if tho wheels of justice wore stopped, when ovidence came home very closely to tho White House ? It would not bo without pre cedent bowovor; for we remember of a ruler of yore, who once said to bis Secretary "Let no guilty man esciio, and when it came to pass in thoso days that the meshes of tbo law closed around about the Whito House, the odict was mado void and tho guilty mon did escape as they had dono in times past. And thus beforo threo years are gone by, bow empty and vain will tho phraso sound : "Hunt tbo rascal down I ' Williamnport Banner. "JIO WLOSaJU 'ErTOLlYEr It is not ovory one who asks himself i this question, ticeauso.strangely enough, it is tho belief of most people that their livos will be exceptionally lengthy. However, lifo assurance companies aro aware of tho credulous weaknesses of tboso whoso lives they assure, and have, therefore, compiled nu morons tables of expectancy of life for thoir own guidance, which aro carefully re ferred to beloro a policy is granted. Tho following is ono ol tbeso well au thenticated tables in use among the London assurance companies, showing tho average length of lifo at various ages. In tbo first column wo have the present ages ol persons of average health, and in tho second column wo aro onubled to peep, as it were, behind tho Bcenes of tho asauranco office, and Now Washington and Nawburg boroughs will each have sir months school tho comminir term, with an in. crease oi teaohora wages, Tho OsPoola Borough School Board has docided on a school term of seven months, with a handsome increase in the salary of the Principal.. Miss Annio L. Hull, teacher oi Mar ron school, in r'crguson township, sends us a list of students who attend ed ovory day of the school term, viz : Mattio Barrott.Nottie Wiloy.ldaSlraw and Clair Shoff. The programme for tho publio ex aminations will appoar in the next issue of this paper. The programme will contain only tbe places and datos, tbe manner in which these examinations will be conducted, and thoir require ments aro given in full on pages 67 and 58oftho"Teachor's Iland-Book." Thia book should be in tbo hands of ovory toacher previous to examination. The Philadelphia Item has this to say of Miss Mamie A. Irvin as a teacher: On tbo occasion of the teatival lor the benofit of tbo Methodist Episcopal Church.TwentyfiveandBrown streets, Miss Mamie Irvin, of Curwonsville, gave some delightful readings, show ing undoubted talent as an elocutionist. This young lady's ability, both as a reader and vocalist, would place hor in the Ibromost ranks of either profession." Tho toacher must know how to enter nto tho hidden recesses of tbe youth- lul mind, and from tbat point work outward and upward. The pupil is like a treasure in the sea, and the teacher like a diver who goes to tbe bottom to bring it up. Jl you do not descend and ascertain first exactly whore tho child's mind is, you will not bring him up where you aro. Tho do scent of tho teacher is essential to the ascent of the pupil, Tho follwing is a list of teachers who havo boon married since the close of tho publio schools last Winter : F'emalos Grace S. Morrow, Jjbaws villo ; Mary T. Sankcy, Lick Run M ills; Lizzio Ross, Ostond ; Lizzie R. Mc Ghee, Chest; Suo Fulkorson, Janes villo ; Carrie LaTouche,Penfield ; Annie Smith, Houlzdttlo; Mary Smith,Iiloom ington. Gontlemon W.A.Ambroso.Oseeola; 'i. W. Fullerton, Clearfield ; 1). E. Bot torf, Cloarfiold ; James E. Rorabaugh, Now Washington; William. J. Owens, Hloomington. Total, 13. souk causes ron BAD svuools. An Iowa Superintendent after ex amining studonts 19 years of age in spoiling and writing, gives some start ling facts to tbe publio through a Marshall county paper. Cbenp Direct ors should read it. Nino yoars is tbo average timo that tbeso nineteen pupils have been in school, and tbore is not one of thorn tbat can write a lettor without marr ing it with mistakes that would dis grace a boy nine years old, that had been properly trained, n hat have these nineteen pupils been doing that thoy can neither write, nor spell, nor construct simple sentences? What havo the teachers been doing? What has produced this astonishing condi tion f I think 1 can state some rea sons why this school bas beon so suc cessful in doing nothing ; but beforo doing this, in justice to tbo other schools, 1 will say that this is probably the poorest school in Marshall county. Tbero are plonty of just such schools in the State, produced by the same un happy combination til circumstances. Tbo reasons are : 1. It is a town school having be tween ono hundred and sixty and two hundred pupils or scbooi-gomg ago, therefore needs a man or woman ol moro than ordinary ability at its head. I. 1 here have been sixteen changos of principals in nine years. (State CcMro has mado but two changos in tho same time.) 8. f or nine years it bas boen the policy of the different boards controll ing tbe school to employ the cheapest material in tbe market. For nine years tbe different boards havo been waiting and watching lor a man who would do first clasajwork for less money than a second-ralo barber gets, and gather from their tablo the number ot fA("ir have just found him. years thoy will givo us to livo. This tublo has bocn tbo result of careful calculation, nnd seldom proves mis leading. Of course sudden und prema ture deaths, as well as lives unusually oxtended, occasionally occur, but this is a lablo ol the average expectancy of nn ontiiinry man or woman : Aro. More yeare to lire Aro. More ycara to lire. 1 .1 60 11 in il fill 14 2 41 70 a III 4S SO 4 4H IS Our readers will easily gather from tbo above tabular statement the mini bor of years to which thoir lives, so cording to tho law of averages, may reasonably too expected to exlcnd. A Great Mind Dktiironku. Tbo poet, John G. Saxo, lias such a confirmed hypochondriao that no one is ablo to convinco him he is not a hopoless invalid. Since tho dealb of his wifo no one can influonoo him, and accordingly he is a trnublosomo pa tient to his physician, Dr. Wandcrlich. "1 never encountered a moro obstinnto man," says tho Doctor ; "ho sits in his room all day long, grioving over tho loss of bis power as a poet, and imag ining be is tho greatest suffcter. I cannot detect that ho is physically any worso than one of his ago would natur ally bo supposed to be. His ailment is chiefly menial and his mind has as siimrd a most painful bypochondrical hue. Jio imagines bo cannot eat any thing, yet ho consumes any amount of food. 1 hen he thinks ho has wasted away in flesh, but I cannot deloet that bo is growing at.y thinner, and I somo limcs think that bo is gaining in flesh. Ho dots not go out of his mom, and ho cannot bo coaxed or driven to take exercise 1 think if ho would tako plenty of exercise, a change of scene of his daily life and seek companions who would divert his mina irom him self, bo would recovor his animal spirits and be mora like mo brilliant, witty man ho onco was. This melancholy which slolo upon him after the death of his daughter was greatly enhanced wbon he attempted to do somo litorary work, and found bis pen faltered and thai his thoughts wero weak. On the Hay of tho funeral of his daughter ftattie, Sunday, June b, many ot his friends attended the services expect. ii g to catch a glimpse of him, but bo did not Icavo his room and could not bo induced to ride to tho cemetery." Tho lorly five dsvs fast of Griscom, ol Chicago.sayslbe Philadelphia Times, has not shown that it is particularly to anybody's advantage to go without food solong as that. Griscom wasn't as handsomo a man when bo finished as be was when bo began, but ho bad a great deal more appetite. 4 Tbo only timo the patrons man ifest any particular interest, is at the annual elections ; then two parties are organized. Tbo following aro the principles of the two parlies as shown both by their actions and statements. These aro not tho principles of tbe en tiro community. Thoro are mon in this district who deprecate tbe manner in which tbe school intorosts aro man aged, but they aro powerless. Thoy rocognizo the groat wasto of time and money, and are fully alive to the fact that tbeir children are boing dofraudod. Tbo only issuo at the election is tbe teacher. Tho party favorablo to re taining him adopt tho following prin ciples: 1. Wo aguin pledgo ourselves to tho policy of a poor and choap school. 2. And, sinco it has pleased the Great Ordainer to give us such a school undor tho present management, wo pledgo ourselves snow to support the present economical (?) administration. I'ltiNciri.iB or the opposition. 1. Wo also lavor a cheap school. 2. We demand tho subordination of tho teachers to tho whims and caprices of our children. 3. The right of our children to do aa thoy please shall not bo questioned. 4. Wo execrate tho courso of the present principal in his efforts to con trol tbo school, as wo are opposed to a centralization of power, 5. We bclievo that anybody can teach school. (. Wo bolievo that tbo succoss of the school depends on tho frequency of the change of teachers. 7. o do not lavor any now-lan- gled notions. We think a knowledge of tho three R's enough for a boy, and too much lor a gin. 8. The opinion that a want of at tendance and punctuality retards the progress of tho pupil and injures tho school is a moro assumption. !i. We mutually pledge ourselves nover to visit the school. 10. We shall accopt with implicit faith and rel anco any statements made by our children. 11. W e shall denounce, as danger ous to tbo liborty of our children, any parent wbo shall visit tbe school, cither to encourage tbo toscher, or to ascertain as to the truth ol statements made by tbo children. 12. We believe that teacbors ran do just as good work without as with apparatus. 13. Wo congratulate ourselves on the success wilh which we have always boen ablo to maintain these principles. Men, actuated by principles like these, rob the children and waste the publio money. It la not necessary that tbey proclaim their views irom a house top , their actions speak. i I It 'I