Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 13, 1881, Image 3

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(( paid In within thrM nosthi..,$ 0
II iail iMcr tbrM ad Latere atx Booibi.M 1 60
II j aid after ttiipirttnn ( til uonhta... S Oft
The mnn't in Kmw'"K dim, nnd tlif aiitijiTt
hi 'tiPiiM't in lftHiiiiiii a hUiW oni.
mm m - -
r. Stewart, lhiitittill tieulM-ul fnuu liin
utt'ur tin- renin, mler of thin wvk.
- m
A wvere hull atonu viniUfl J.utlu'rslmTK
:int virinily on Thunulity ttftt'riionii Itwt.
Hold Ofl.Tlie Mnlnvl (.hooting mwwa did
mil In-Kin with Ihr Ut of thin mouth, wntiitnl
hv niHny of our rxriunjtrii, It U not leipil to
morn inm-m until on ami nivr Hept. Int.
Mot a Fish Story.-Ulu tvifririgr cnptuiul
a wliuon in the river near Ut-k Kiin Milk,
on me 4tlt of July, that ninwnn-U thirty
j imhi in knjtfb and weighed term ponnda.
...... fi.rm. nr rit atitiionn-ti to
aunoiiwvtlmt a FwttviU will he given by thr
uuiy nu mlH'm of ll.c Climlleld 'rchyt riim
ponnn-jrittion tlurinn tlir-finrt wivkof Hfpt-m-hT
hnim Humplirvy, of Unmiw township,
with hi liiiiiily, him removed to the Htate nf
Went Virginia. I
rhi-Mtimt trrefture white with hliNtlHima.and
wv mil rxpfH a larjro prop now with nouie
ilcfini- ot Hucrew.
! mmu
r I talc, mi np il eitiwn of Hra.l.'onl
tiiMtifthip. and relict of John Ibile, dwiwd,
dii'il tin Snmliiy lswt.
The w nit Iht has Uen the rhirf 1pie Atr
ilisciiNHinn hy our ritirciw for the piwt few
:ivh, eispeeially on Sunday.
Will, r.riinnilienvof Huntingdon, a furuier
ricarlicld lmy, in vinitlnK in this vicinity
"Potty" h:iHime very warm frirml here.
- i mm - -
I'nif. A. It. Item I, who has been tench nig
wluwl in Wnnvn county for the piwt few
yearn returned home on Saturday hint.
The agent a of John KohiiiHon'aHhuwn, which
i-thihitt. in t'learlleld on July &"th, have put
up .VWl feet of bill IxNtrdH in thin vicinity.
Mr. I lmma 1 Jeers, of township.
it learlield itridge P.O.) han a No. ) I'mOi milk
citw for Ride, with or without the mi If. 'it.
thwnr Mitchell, Eq., ban lieen npjiointed a
mcnilper and SirnMnry of the School Itourd of
1 1n-. tfHoiih, vice William Jlrown, deivtuted.
- ia e . - . -
CockroiicheN arvreiftmuii-iHletl at IteitiKtl'Hxl
knt for Ihikh. After harvent ir over ome en
icrpriziiui youth iniirht make Niitnetliiutc out
..r thi-.
An excursion train wait run from Altnoua
in Co:iIiort, in thiHcounty, the pnttent tenni
ii us til' the IU-H'h (tap K;iilnil, on the Fourth
nf Julv.
t he show immopoliie the hill-harlH and
newspaper- of ( leartield this week and next.
M in not often that thexe inxt itiuinim follow
ii cli other ho elme.
.Miijor I)aid F. Kitxweih'r'n family haa ro
iu rued toClenrtield rtmnty from Virginia, nnd
ii.i oct itpv the Alinun Huniplirey fann in
(.in it-tice to unship.
i ur fiirnicrs are in the midst of an abund
ant liai et, and notw itliNtandinK the uuiver--:il
um of improved mtiehinery.hurvcMi tmndt
;nr sjiul o lie tteani.
m i - -
I he tliernioiiii'tcr fizz ted up ill the nine tie
iii-t week, rencliiiijj the liijhet JHiint on
i iIii"mI;iv at IK On Huuday it reititervd
m uhcre U-twceii !H and l(r.
The new hotel al t rcHHon waa opeiietl ftr
nuett! nn the 1st of Jul) . Anions otlierH w ho
iN-cnpy nitta(jea there thin Hcanou ia f'ol. Me
t line of the Philntlelphia 77i.
Both frnf. The feminine mind and heel
are treated elalxirutely on the tiwt me of the
KEIM Mi.u ax thia wk. The hiKh-heehd of
noth aeiea may learn omethinn to their ad
vitntHKe hy jieruaiim that puj-e,
m Mm i .
Th Fair Mext FalL he niaiumera of the
t hurtleld Aurieulturul Park Awtoeiation have
tlwitied to hold a Fair next Fall, on their
Krounda in AVewl ( leartield. ou Tniwtlav.
Vednendwy, Thuraday and Friday, Octoher
11th, l-.Mh. l.'lth and 14th.
Tht Quakw End Atwd. The Pennville Ixiya
defeated the Curwenaville nine two to one at
u pone of Ikw hull played at Cnrwi nsille
n the Ith. The actire waa 'io to Pi, and the
PenuTilliana had one inning to phiy, width
they declined on account of the jninie heitit
pndonued to a lntr hour.
money Found. v leant that a lare mini
of money kiw found ou the pavement in
Htaitxdale aoiue teu diiya ago. The Hnder
haa lep(wited the money with ltev. M earlier
of that Ixirough, who iaaotit iting a claimant,
who of rourw muM identify and fully ttnl-
linh hia or her claim to the name,
- - m mi
Tht Light Running "Domistic" Sawing Jfa-
Cflzit. In Ita construction the matter of
darnhililjf haa Imh-o oirefully cwiwidered. All
the working parta are made of the very font
material and eiw hardened. It ia the moat
dtiniLie( Family Sew ing Machine ever invent
ed, aud challengraefiniiariaoii w ith other,
thia reapeet. 7-l:it.
Take Ayer'a Clierry Fwtorul to itop your
Lonia, Lotigtia and BrunehuU Afftrtiona he
fore they run into t'onaumption that you can
not atop.
' mm
Fntiwtl for Btnthtof th9 Park. There w ill
he a Feat al iu the Park on Thunwlay evening,
July Hth. Hupia-rwill heTvedat7o'clock.
Piraona deai ring to eontrihutewill plenae re
port to Mm. O. U KtM-d. Mm J. li. M( r;nally,or
to Mr, Fnuik Fielding.
The Implicate fur Ihm-j will lie in the hands
of the Uiatrict Treaaurer until Saturday,
Auguat ituth. Vpon all taxe toid ireviuua
to that time there w ill he an alaitement of
Ave per cent. J. f. Wiiitkhh.l.
JtiMriri Trrannrrr,
Coming.Thv hill ear and pnate brigade of
Itateherier A lhri' I'ircna arrived (n our
iNirough ou Friday evening, and on Satitrday
the town waa iiaiaudaomclv mid attrat tivelv
deeomted in giimlv-it.lon tl noatera aa it wita
with hunting nuthe Ithof July. Theadvamv
agenta of John Kohinnn'a show follow ed auit
on Montlay mid Ttimlay. Itntcheller A Iori'
ahow will exhibit here on the ',Md lust., and
lohti Kohiuatin'a on the 'JTith.
Tin- Light Kiiitnmg l)oniestie Hewing Ma
thine, for aimplicity, dumbility, n-liahility,
strength and lieauty, haa nn etpial. II. A.
Krater ia agent for (Tenrftehl conntv.
The aaw mill of Jaeftb F. Steiner, in Ih-ru-itir
township, on the T. A C. Kailnmd, waa
iietroed by lire on Thursday night, tTie 3Hh
ult. We diil not learn the amount of the
- - am mi
I'lilieetnan htirvit looks na proud aa a
rirk in hia new blue auit, which he donned
Nit unlay e citing lat for the find. It was pur-
rh.ised with private contribution)! from a num-
Id r of our citiena.
- m i
old John Kohiiiann owna and exhibita the
I nvest KhintM-criw In the world. It weigha
liw-tniH anil coat rT.'i.Onn to iuiiairt. It ia a
it'itidi'iful animal nnd eun la'acin onlv with
iln- llig Show ou Monday, July '"( h.
. m mm -
l lic rciviptaof the Straw la-rry Featival hehl
mi the M. K. Church on the evenings of June
;f'tli and July 1st were over f !'-!, leaving a
Im1:iiii of alaait iu the h:Hlda of the
Tn iiMirer after paying all exM-nae.
We hani that S.I. Snyder will erect a
hiiilding on Market atreet, la-tweeu Wataon'a
iih:iet'o Htore and Mcrndl a tinware eatabliah
tiKiit. to la- occujiifd by himself aa a jewelrj
st i re. Work haa already lieen commenced.
I.ettt pH testamentary on the eatnte of Jumea
Hiigerty, deeenaed, late of Heocnria townhip,
ire pnhliKlied in another column of thia pajier.
I'lie I!eciitora are Ihivid II agerty, Jeremiah
Hagerty and W. H. Piitteraon, Faij., of HmiU-
W in. ('. Lytle, of thia plme, waa proatnitint
v. ith the heat while walking along the atreet
in the vicinity of 'Squire WHgley'a residence
ii the 1th of July. He waa taken home
"here he recovered, tt,t,1 the next day waa
:dle to go alaait aa uaiial.
The Light Kiinuiiig Ihimealic Sewing Ma
ihiiie hua a a lf-aetting needle which cannot
be set wrong, and which w ill lw reeogniaed
is an impnivement in the right riireetion.
The needle ia aclf-actting hi every aenae of
the word, and ia not dependent on a mark nn
tin- needle-bar, na in other machine.
mm) mm
The lairn on the tkrm of Kidiard Shaw in
Weat Clem Held w aa deatmyed hy Are on
Monday morning, July 4lh. A wagon and
oiin Imy wen' consumed. Ia about fl.lNMI.
Jlfiw the tire originated, although atrongly
'oiijeetured, La not exaetly known, Frejaini-
lions for building a new Imrn have laen com- j
Mr. Henry Cart" right, I'reaidcnt of the
Petin (iua Coal Ctimpoiiy. waa ho aeverely in
jured by an accident n the lit ll'a (iap liail-
Col. Copland Coming! We are glad to uii-
iiouneethat Ciuuty SutM i int ihIi-iH Mt tuown
haa aecured Col. J. F. Copelund, of the State
ol'Inttiaiia, to lecture Wlbre our County In
atitnteuext Winter. Col. Copeland lectured
in aetenil eitiea in thi State hwt year, ami by
the uotic4H he refived from the pnaa we are
led to believe that he nmka in the lecture
Hehl ctjiial with Col. San fold, whom our citi
zena hae lialciied to ao often. Mr. Metjuow n
ia fortiiuate in gi-tt ing able nnd gifted lecturers.
A Poastnt Enttrtainmont. Tin musical and
literary entertainment given in Pie'a opera
Houae on Thursday ew-ning hwt hy Miaa Ma
mie Irviu. of ltnrnsiile, thia county, and Miaa
Helena Heron, of Philadelphia, wiia an enjo
able aftiiir. The young latliea dcniotistnited
the fact hy their pcrformniicea that they )mm-
aeaa mnie than ordinary talent, and na elo
cutitniiata they may la- considered adejita in
that aiudy. Their aeht-tions were g(sni and
well read. It ia to la- regretted that they did
not have the hull tilled to hear them, aa their
entertainment fully merited. The soli
hy Miaa Irvin were delightful.
m - - -
Franci Murphy at DuBoii. Thia wonderful
orator will lie at Ihtlloi on the Kith, 1 tit h
and 17th daya of July, nnd will deliver hia
lecture on the cnnijHgmnnd from tlie fhet
that there la no hall or chun-h in the city
large enough to aecommiHlate the crowd that
will deaire to aee and hear him. There w ill
lie a special train from Driftwood and a no I Ik
front New Itcthlehem.each havingfourctaichea
for the aeoninmodation f paww-ngiTa.
Thia will be the laat time Frnneia Murphy
will apeak anywhere in thia part of the
country tie fore going to Kumpe, aa he aaila
from New York on the flth of August. He
will lecture Sunday at II o'clock a. m., nnd
at o'clock P. M.
- mm m
In Camp. A party of young ladiea and
gentlemen of thia place went into camp in a
shady dell along Clearfield creek, w here they
will remain for fl week or more, enjoying
the pleasure of camp-life In all It charms.
The ftdlowtng comprint the party : Ijidit
Clara Bcauaigncnr, Mary Kratzer, (iinnie
Itecd and her friend, Mia Wilson, of Wright
villc, Ph., Clara Shaw, llcrtha Hhaw, Mlttiiche
Flcgal nnd her friend, Miaa Hubley, of Alle
gheny, tientlemen Thou. V. Moore, W. A.
Hagerty, Ed. leitzinger, Fred Moaaop, A. V.
(irahain, Will P. ChamtM?ra,of Huntingdon.
We wiah that our young friend may have
tut enjoyable and plcnaant time, and In fn-e
tVom the annoyance nf guata anil nioMiiilo.
Our Normal. We notice hy our Clinton
itiunty exchange 1 hut the Board of Trnateea
of the Central Normal achonl, located at lock
Haven, at a aiecial meeting on Tueaday even
ing, June anth, re-eheted thepreacut Faculty
of the w-hool, to w it :
Alliert S. Kaub, A. M., Ph. I)., I'rinci(ial,
Mental and Moral Science, Theory and Prac
tice of Teaching.
John M. People, M.H..Matheiuatica, Book
keeping and Penmanship.
J. H. Hurton, A. M., M. I)., Natural Science
and Hiatory.
Mia Nancy Cora, Ancient ami Modem
Miaa Harriet R Swlnefonl, A. R, English
I.itenitun. hheturic nnd (inunniHr.
Mis. Ihira K. Merrill. M. E., Elocution, Or
thognipby and (ieograpby.
John"gorv, A. M.. Iatin, Matheiimtie
and Htstiir',
MisH M. K. Hiiniptou. otnl and Instru
mental Mnxic.
Misa Annie M. Snyder, Painting and Wax
work. Miw Kimc Mirgan,SiiH riutcndi tit of Miab I
School, and Teacher of Drawiuu.
In the grand atreet jmgennt which take
place on July 2oth,.the day fixed for the
coming of the old John Hobiuaon' Itig
Show to Clearfield can lie seen a drove of
twenty camels and dromedarie. Theae ani
mula ore all elegantly coiujauriaoned and an
the feature of the Hig Show.
Bun Off. County Coiniiiiaaiouerltr and
daughter were ou their way to attend the
Wnl lace ton CamiHiicctitigloat Sunday, when
the horae that Mr. Kyler waa driving gave
sudden jerk and threw both occniaiuta out of
the buggy buckwurda, Htuniiig them con-
aidemhly. The horae waa caught lad'ore going
lar or doing much damage to the vehicle.
Dedication. The Lutheran Church at N
MillHtrt, Clearfield county. Pu., which haa
been lately remodeled and beautified, will be
recinaerated ou Sunday July Illat, 11.
The coriMetTation aeniion will la- preached by
liev. J. H. William, of Hagerstow n, Mary
land, A former jiaator of the congregation.
There w ill also la? aervicca on Saturday nnd
Sunday evening. The eople in the icinity
of New Millport, and all other, are cordially
invitel to attend theae aervicca, which wc
tmat will prove Interesting aud itiatnu-tive.
The Fourth. Thr Ith of .lull, "". paawd
If ipiietly and pit aKinlty In ClcaruVld. 'Hie
naid. on the itHh ult., that hedietlafew hoiira ! atore and alt place of busine Here c loaed.
afterward. He waa mini at large physical
pruMirtiona, and Wtwecn .V) and (Kl year of
age. Hit reniaina were taken to Philadelphia,
f.r hiteniient. 1
IrOn Shuw'a blcyt le, the fi rat to make ita
.ippemaiice in (hi vicinity, excite the curH
ityofthe n chige Clearfieltler more than a
lion or nn elephant would, ora whole circua
and menagerie for that matter. While getting
"tl hia "meraheen" on Kulurday he got tripiml
nil. nnd nowcarrie the thumb of hia left hand
in n "ling aa the result.
Mu re isaoine talk of putting up a telephone
stween thia platf and Curwi-navilh, and
wiitimlly have telcphonie connection be
tween Clearfield and the Phlliburg Kx-
liange. which I attached Ut Oacetda, Hout
dale, Morriadale, and all around. There are
nlxiiit thirty tehphone couiie!ted with the
I.Mhnnge at Philipaburg, an jn'rin tended by
Mi Amelia Herman.
flie tnanuseript of an excellent Mention
l' ticn d by Kev. H. H. Butler In the Clear
li'ld Prvsbvtrinn Chun-h mi SablMth. July
"I. on the deplorable habit and cuatoni by
which the American people celebrate (or
hn.ii- proja-rly sjn aking. deaeerute) our Na-
ii"iial holiday, ha lan-n aecun-d, and, by re-'t'"-t
of numla-r of our reader, we will
Hilndilt in full next week.
mm mm -
w'e eidl attention to the new advertisement
,( ilie I.ight-Kuniiing Hitiu-atic St-wing Mo
''''iie in thia iaaue. The Domcaticia juat now
"luring Inrgely deacni'd jaipularity, relying
I'"H iiMin it merit. Harry A. KtntECT,
-UMit lor Churn. Id county, received twtnty
niiit liinc on Thtmlayi last, whit h U
i-TKer number of Mewing mathine lhan waa
t reeeied la fore at one time In thia place.
"e Eight hunnitig iNuneatie Sewing Ma
' !,lt' In the automatic tension When onee
't'-s-ilv regulated It will rarely need to lie
liuignl; mikI a geuend rule, the whole
m aire f fMmiiv jug nm be dne without
' 'lmnge of tenaion whatever The feed
Imi ji,.j, ,wrf an( ar.rrr fails to perform ita
duty win fw 1m, tlftlttrfrt Mid h.-Oet
"h with tipial preciaion, and will enw
J011 nd hard place withont rhanginn
h of atitch. or mtwinff atiiche '
and no tlemouat ion u as made outside of the
Festial of Iaiiuier Piwt, i. A. H.. iu llu Miik,
widt h wo enjoyed b nil win attended, imd
the atut-eaa of the lV-.ti.d w;i gmtif) ing to
the matuiger of the atj'.iir. During the after
iiiKin and evening the r-ceipta hailed up at
$,,,:t.V44, netting the Poat in the iieighlHirhia)d
of 17. Thia i a Nph-ml id tlay ' w oi k. The
grounds were ornamented with tlagaand aev
end army tent, which, with the uniform of
the memlM-ra of the Poat and the martial
music, gnve It the npiiearcnce of true army
life. The weather, nlthongh w arm. wn quite
favorable in other n-ia-t. The brief shower
at norm did not even Iny the dust, anil eonae
tuently did not Interfere materially with the
celebnitiort Col. Walter Barrett and Kev. II
S. Butler delivered addrcaaeaal noon from the
stand creeled at the north end of the park.
The fantoatic parade on horaelirtck along our
atreet in the afternoon wnaoneof the feature
of the day in which twenty-live or thirty Imy a
part icipn ted.
m mm
Leather, Beef and Bark. We learn that
Henry Hartafelt, jr., of Brady townhiv cut
and reeled hemlock tree, the hark of which.
iter dring for b month, wa loaded and put
on the Mtale, and weighed 3,(ri(-er ton
and a-half! If there la a bark-peeler in the
county w ho can beat thia one-tree lawk atory
we would like to lie put in poaHeaaion of the
facta. One of the trmthhwof imr time I, the
imitation of oar deatnictivene with that of
South America. There they kill on ox.
weighing I,' pound, take hia hide oiT and
allow the careaaa to mt the beef 1 woatert.
Here w take the hide off " atalwart" hem
lock, or rock oak, and in the majority of caaca
the atcm of the tree will he allowed to mt
where it fell without adding any virtue to
the anil. The aln committed by Im Pedro
algerlnw I not m rreat n the ofTcnae com
mitted hy onr Mtonr" civilian. Tlic con-na
of an ox wlda mteriolly to the prodmlive
nea of the wdl, while tho rotten hemlock
tree Imimreriahf It Tlien, the HHt-pnund
ox caii he replenished and raiaed In from three
to five yean, u kr flnT or R'xt7
yearn toeultlvatt ablK trea. The dtwtructlve
neB of Uie Tanke algerine 1 therefore more
deanemtr than that of Pom Pedro' mMerta.
Teachers Chosen. At a meeting of the
Schiad BtHii d of Clearfield borough ou Tuc
day evening of last week, the following ier
aon wen- apiaiinted to take charge of the
public aehools of the borough the npprojich
ing term, viz :
VfHeitProf. B. C. Youugimin.
Firitt Aintant Matt. Savage,
Nmuirf Aixfantl,. E. Weber.
lriHri)ntl I'rimnrw l)rjtrtmrnt.)inV9. Ia
vitlaon. i
Intrrmrtthitr Mian Kate Mitchell and Miaa
Carrie I legal. I
Academy Huildiay Mis Mary Powell. I
The achonl w ill oa u on the aecond Mon-i
day hi SepteinlHT, la-ing the I Jth day.
School Closed. Jv cloaingexereisea of the
EuiiiImt City Normal School tiak place in
the Prebyterian Chun h at that place on Fri
day evening, July 1st, the limine being crowded
to oerllowing. Very excellent prizea were
awarded to the following person, they hav
ing excelled in the department nasigned
them, to w it : Select Heading, Nettie Price;
Ksauv, Ella Way ; U t laniation, Hannah Tate ;
triginal t tration. F. W. Curry. Sue Key nobis,
of this place. pn-idcd al the organ tin ring
the eening. We are informed that Mcsara.
WelH-r and Mtaire conducted the in oat alic
ceMaful term ofaehofd rer taught in l.unilar
Death of Bishop,X Ifev. John
Barrett Kerttat, Bishop of the Epiacojial dio
ceaeof PittHburh, died on Sunday evening at
MeyerMlale. Somerset county, thiaState.w here,
in cniuHuiy with hia family, he had con tern
plated NMidiim the Summer. He waa in the
(("th year of hia age, nnd a native of Ireland.
He waa elected Bishop of the dioeee of Pitta
burgh fifteen year ago. He hit fnijueiith
visited Clearfield oil buainea connected with
the church. . He w ill not only lie mourned by
the i:picoiat church, but by all w ho came in
contact w ith him, nnd w ho learned to admire
him for hia true worth. The country 1om a
good man and the church nn abb- defender.
Sudden Dea th. Enoch Mahew, an old un
dent of fioahen township, died auddetily on
Monday June 27th, IhhI, aged alauit (17
year. He waa will-known to every up-river!
and Clearfield creek w hom he had .
for year furnished the ''milMtniitinl' for
pushing an oar. Although sometime "ahort
gruined" nnd apparently rule, he neer meant
it. He left hia home npjiarently in the en
joyment of good health, on an errand to hia
neigh lar, Mr. Livergood, on the day indicated,
and, after pnaaing in at the gate, he fell to the
ground. Hia preaence waa witneaaed by tin
family who went to hia relief, hut he died
before he could I removed to the house
Hia campaign on thia Continent is over and
he ia no doubt w ith "old Ew-h," wlui pre
ceded him year ago. Every Went Branch
mltman when he paaae Mnyhew'a landing
ni-xt Spring will think of him, if thev do
not drop a tear to hi memory.
A Gross Offence. We learn from the
County ConiniiKsiiinen, thnt it ia the habit of
Home ja-moiia driving teama to allow oa tnan,i
aa (he to ten wagons at one time, loadtd w ith
lank, cud, or lumla-r, etc., to congregate nnd
n-Ht on the bridge aeroaa the river at the foot
of Second atreet, and thereby compel the
bridge to Iwar a weight never contemplated
by Uw or common aeuae. Again we are told
that Nome jietwin make it a reaort, night nnd
day, a a place of loafing, smoking, etc. Thia
is also contrary to law nnd decency. We
arc glad thaHhe Cominiaaioneni have taken
at ena to breakup theae ofTence and legally
punish thf otfender who peraiat in thia
manner of tn-suuwiug and jeojuirdizing the
eounty pnMrty. It ia at ran go that thee
ofienci are freely eoinmitteil. Tin-law forbid
ding the (Time indicated wa paaaed oa far
lank aa Kid. Two-thirds of the preaent
driver have la-en born since and have gradu
ated at kcIiooIm of learning. They should
know la'ttr than to ofi'end the taxpayer in
Hud way. - j
A Big Thing. FVh atoriea and snake aturic
are all current Summer events nnd people are J
in the habit of ai-cepting Hu m aa audi. But !
the vicinity I Brady I in which we used to
play hide-itud-aeck, with the pretty girls
thirty years an, ia cultivating aome awful
big now mill tor it. Wo leant that old
Bnulv township proiaT, including HuBoia
bonuigh and the larger (mil ion of Sandy
township, contains nlamt twenty ateiuu aaw
and shingle mills embracing alan HuBoia' big
mill, the largcat in the world. A Euthe
tuirg ctrn-a indent informa na that nn Tlmm
day, June M, the employee at the mill of
t apt. ,. B. Carlih-cut. jnu ked and put on the
platform 4o,.Vki eightei-n-ineh ahiuglea, be
tween fl o'cha-k A. M. and U o'clock
Tlie latya claim that they did the biggeat
thing ever done, "in ainall wnv," in Clear
field eounty. The Captain claims thnt he
haa the la-at crew of mill handa In the tow n
ship. Here ia a giaai opening for ome other
"gang to put them into the "ide-pnckct," a
the akilled raftmwi would remark while
th mting down the Suatpichannn. Bring nn
your shingle Infonnntion.
The remaiita of Mrs. Laura G. Criat, wife
of W. A. Criat, who died at her home in Os
ceola, on Tuemhiy afternoon, June 2th, iu
the 3-'kl year of herltge, were brought to
Clearfield for iiitcnm-nt outhe noon truin tlie
follow ing Thumlay, oettunpiuiied hy many
of her neighbor and actpiu inland f1"
Oaceola and Philipdmrg.
I'lMiu the urrmU of the train the cbaket
wiia taken to the Presbyterian Church, where
Mcnicea were held by Kev.'a H. 8. Butler, of
Clearfield, and N. H. Miller, of Oaceola.
The choir began the aervicca by aingmg the
:i.'tth hymn :
"Aaltp In Jcaoi! blemd mp.
From wbioh bob ttt wakate wsep (
A ealna and andiitarbad rpnte4,
l obrckea by tb hut of tot."
The ministers prem-ut laith made abort nd-dn-aat,
referring to tlie paat life of the de
eenaed in beautiful and pathetic wonia. At
the conclusion of their remark, the choir
ttitig the 7:t7tli h mii n :
'I'nTfll thy boiom, faitLfu) t'imb,
Taka tbi biw traar to thy trntt,
And (lv thrM larrait raliu room
To icek a iluaibr is tb thiit."
A it opportunity waagiveoto all whowUhed
to takealoat look at tlie remain, after width
the funeral cortege waa formed and pna-ecded
to the cemetery.
Ikautitui Uower were arranged in pro
ftision alsmt the altar, the color and fragrance
of which were truly cmblcmat ical of tlie purity
and ilitllieitce of the life of the deceased.
The subject of thi notice waa an eatimable
Imly, and well-known to our cilizena, having
becu lairn and ntiaed in thia vicinity. Her
maiden uantc waa I .aurn 0. Smith, daughter
of the late Henri' It. Smith, and aister of Mr.
Bit hard Shaw, of Weat Clearfield, Mr. John
II. Fulford and Mr. Jaimw Kerr. She wiiaa
inemlM r of the Freabyterian chun-h, iu the
communion and fellowship of which ahe
lived until u m muticd to leave the can of
thia world and go to dwell with Him 'in
whose fiatatcw he ao earnestly endeavored
to walk while sojourning here. In her social
habits she wua pleasant, agreeable and always
ready to take a leading jwirt in every move
ment ; and the Christian life he profeawed
wit manifeatcd in ptrfonuing many kind
acta to relieve the oppn-sacd and needy, and to
rheer those cant down never denying to
share with other her hospitality and bhaa-
inga. She wa (he life nnd inspiration of the
home, nnd, iu fact, in whatever anbere she
moved. A huslHind, mother (Mr. Jamea
Irw in, of thia Isiroughi, sinter, and a luwt of
friend are left to mourn for a wife, an affec
tionate daughter and sister, a faithful friend
and n noble w oman.
What the Press Says of Batchnller A
Doris' Great Circus.
HatehelliT & Ihiris'showa will pitch their
tent iu Weat Clearfield on Satunlay, July
V-hl. The ahow haa received a good name
wherever it haa been thia at-anon. Ifcad how
the New York pnn praiw-H their performance
in the following strain :
"Itntcheller & Oorria' tireat Inter-Otran
Show exhihited here yeatenhiy, afternoon
and evening, to immense audience; in fact,
ton large foreomlbrt. Tlw laTlbrmnneiw were
fully up to the highest standard, and gnve
un (vernal aatinl'action. One of the many com
mendable leaturea eon nee ted with the able
management of the concern ia that the usual
em us iilamiinntiona of peanut-venderh and
nuidy -but client, together with all like uui
aiinii" in the peddling line, ure atrictly pn-
inoiieo, nnd untiling ol tlie kind waa allowed
on the gmund. The atn-et-panide wan one of
tue inmt varied nnd atlnu'tive everaccn here.
The zoological collection ia extensive and in
good com i 1 1 ion, nnd coniiinscH, uniong nmn
erouNiioveltien.the Kgv ptian iMivalapiia. w hich
ia a qmutnr cnriositv, and attnicted great at
tention. B. It. left a tine iiupnwjnn, nnd
an-sure o large aitroiiuge on a return visit .
Itituihnmlnn iktily MrpuMimn, June 7th.
"Notwithatunding heavy raid all day. the
eanvaa waa ita kel to the rtng-lamk by the
moat thoniuifhly pleased audience wc ever
mow. J lie ilntfhf ih-r k Ikorta ia the most
complete ahow in all ita apMiiiitmentn and sys
tem of doing husincas nf all ahnwa thnt ever
visited thia sect ion. The lact that no neon ut
or lemomifle jn-ddliug iaalloweil in the eanvaa
ia aumcieiit to nimimend it. I liev are aun-
of a rousing nt-eption whenever they return."
llfiara Jtiitly Journal, June HMh.
iHm't forget the date July td !
Trimtviu e, Julv 2d, 1nh.
Mil. Editor : A few items from thia place
may la tolerated by your many reader; ao
1 snail jot a lew occurrence to keep on ltaittng
wiiii m igiirjonng viiiagea.
StrnvvlM-rrv pit king haa la-en the iirincipnl
employment for a few we-ka; tlo-v have been
more than nn ordinary crop laith in ouailitv
and i)iiantity thiaseanon. Fruit of all kinds
i haiking well ami promise a fair vicld
Owing to the cool weather for a few weeks
punt, the wheat wilt not In- as good oa Wita
anticipated mat Spring.
A fellow who came into town the other day,
nnd, John Bmwn-Iike, attempted to run
thing to suit himself, w:i called before our
'Stjutre for n hearing. He did not get nwny
until he paid dearly for hia good time.
Tnnttville now haa two good store which
for gotal una lily of giswls and low price are
not auriuned by any in the county. Mr. S,
(t. Kuntz ha procured n fine wife w hich adds
intieh to the apa'nrance of hi store, nnd I
judge to the aalety of hia "chink.'" Or. J. M.
I a die haa hia new store satiated with drug
and merchandise in general.
Our Justice, Iewia Schia-h, ia bit i hi ing
tine othee which wheu completed will add
much to the onjaH't of our village. The select
school in thia place ia prngn-aaiug inely ;
forty-lhn-e students are in at tendance.
Candidate of laith fuirtica are on (hewing.
After the Primary election some of them will
stair (sore) as if one wing were hmken.
I had the pleasure hint week of visiting
Mr. I E. Welatr'a school at I, timber City. I
waa pleased to nee the Prolcsnor hsking ao
well and the nchool ao pmafM-roua. I learned
while there thnt fpiite a ntimla-r of the atu
deuta from that plate contemplate ultcuding
the achonl at Euthemhurg. Mr. WcIkt'b
reputation in Lumber Citv oa a teacher ia oa
great aa in other place where he haa la-en. He
ia known to lie a faithful cducutinnid worker.
nnd we predict lor him a large and interest
ing school at EutherHbiirg. S
Mr. ErITo: I want the privilege nf stat
ing few fact that are of intcn-at toevery-
htalv. It ia, in short, thia: I am a heavy
txiaver, and la-sitb I pay a license aa a
men hiuit. J nnd men tn our borough fining
huaineaa who pay neither tnxeaor license, nnd
claim that thev are fining the biggest bust
nca in town. What do you know nlmut a
a enneof that kindr A Taxivv VKU.
III Ihna, July (Mil, H-l.
Our correapmalent 1 not a peraonal ne
inaintnnce, nnd he ho therefore committed
a blunder. He request u to answer leading
legal and moral question. Being neither a
lawyer or clergyman, wc run not ftilly anwer
him on the point alluded tn; hut we will
volunteer thi ad view : The man who make
a great deal of fuaa In any community, and
my nothing to support th State, neither
State, County, School, Knad or Poor taxe. or
license for a legitimate huainea,! not a very
good 'fel mi w-ri linen" or neighlair.
IV R No charge ftir thi ailvice. It may
lie against the Ten Commandment, or the Art
nf Assembly in snch cose mode and pro
vided. Think alawit It and wttlc the cae for
Toarwelf Sow, sutiaeTibf for the CI.KARF1 KM
ItKPt'Dl.H'AN and get same home ar domestic
In form at ion profitable to ronraelf
At a n-cent nut-ling of Earinu r Fnaf 1711.
(i. A. K., the fnllnwiug preamble nnd n-solu-
tinits werr panned :
WiiicitKiM. It haaplenst-d the Almighty to
remove from our midst in the prime of life
and ill the midst of uctulucw our beloved
comrade of ibe Pnat. (uartennnster illinui
ft. Ilrown ; then lnrc.-
Ittwhtti. That in his tb iitb we have lost a
luitriotic citizen, a faithful otneer, pntnm ol
fiiuciitioii, and a most worthy ami useful
comrade of Larimer Pint, No. 17!', Orand
Army of thr Republic.
Jlitolrrd, That we join wil h the enmmunity
in niourniiig the It inn, nnd teiuhr his family
our hearttelt sympathy in this their great
la-renvement in It wing a kind husband and
indulgent father.
P M OAimnar,
Wamrs HjtaaBtT.
Joiix 1. pArraanna.
CHINES. pirrasi ati, July 9. 1881
Ma. 0 unci B. Auadlamkir, KbiroB Cliab-
riBLD Riri tLiCAM Ikmr Bin Plean allow n
to reply totbt on tidtJ slataMMit Btitltl, "Stw
injt Marbloa Coatcal," nubliibod ia roar Isnt adl
tlua. lropilfi laid ClrAalJ, and eallia it
th Slogr ofiios, I w inarmed that Jone, lat.
'j nfagvd in elhog tbe ioxxr, now Mlliojr.
ilia Domaititf, and bad KBl two oballeppti una
throojib W. B. Turkr and out through Mimhcll.
WhiD( t aooomtDudala bin, I had miobio
pat la at Mim UtiMy t, ana want na Saturday af
ternoon. Tber wa aunbar thara who htrd
tba aoBvarraiiua, sad heard ma oflr tf Jodm da
pliUd bbjt work to prcMnt btm oot Sioger ma
obi n imt. alio Mill tiiiity. Why dtdo't they,
la our paper, alto at Him tii ;' af(r ihaoua
taat waa ovar, clatsa tha two maablaoa. It waa
batanra thay auW to nak aeeaa difiernl hn
pi tbat ar ob ibihltton at th HiDKer offioo to
CltarBold. I ad emaaoD Htua wbaa tawing
through ipooni and tiB by uiiog hoavy naedltsa,
and did not break any. wbd Jooaa itarted on No.
tie tbrrad and too noedla sod broke one, and tbea
flniibd op with a eoarea nttdlm and coane Ikrtad.
Voqr paper is fa Miia Utaaiy waa toaet aa Judfra,
and io ending aaya: "It U with oo httlo dgr
of pride tbat ita optralor oarriod oB tba laureli."
Miia (liiaey waa one of tba uptraturt oa astnplo
of putting tbat Jonea failed on. bbs oporatod tba
Dumoatie and tried to do th muinio and both
failtd. Hh woj alio jud(; but talf-appointed,
aa BOtbiog waa said about JnJgea. Unm Die ft
ia to bav ibo jntlM who ia to dacida onoratioc
tht other maebioo. When I appoint judgea I
want oot that dun'! 9r tho vppotu warkinw.
On aeeing tbe pleoe la your paper. I Billed oa
Mr. Kritirrwith two wilneaiea and told him I
bould ataod no uc-b oulrageoaa liea. Jonea alio
waa preaent, I then anid : "1 will aw Mr. Jonea
ail day to-morrow, and the one doitg the moat
work shall be vh tor." Jodm raid tbrj ouuld
not aew for nothing I then aatd ; "Well, I bare
JjU.OU in my pocket tbat 1 wdl depiait with tbe
foalniaater In Clearfield, ani if yon oan do my
work I will make yoa a ( reaent of lit $.t0 0, aa
the Company would not allow ma to bet. Then bt
aaid he bad ordered aome aitra attachment!, I
aid t '1 wilt throw out all aitra attachment!, and
uae only the attachment! you have and make you
tbe tame offer." He laid ao, be did not ears to
aew now aome other time. Thia waa a torn pit te
back dova. Jfoping that Jonea, the next time I
get te Clearfield, will fl ii trying, and ex
tending my offer at any lime to present him with
$i)0.U to duplieatt mr aamplta on tht finger,
I remain, Youri traly,
Willi M. KieLKv.
P. S. I droy that Mm iii$trj' fe3ioger Ma
chine li worn oat. There are too many fiioirar
machine! IwtMlft yixire old, Hold btj'vrt Ikt Itu.
mriltt- wa iNNilrd, rnnntij to-day talttjartorifif ,
I will agree to take Miaa Uimev'a hinaer. repair
it uteelf, aud do tko work that June oanant do
on a New Domestic. K.
Here we hare the other aid. It lo k like a
et-ap job on the printer adrtrtiilng for noth
ing. Kn. KaptsLicAs.
At a meeting of the Clcnrtlehl Park Asso
ciation, held in the laintugh of ('b-iirlleld on
the 127 th of June, the following jina-eeflings
were had :
George H. Harrett wa dulv elcctetl I'rewi-
deut of suit! AsMN-iation, in. 1 'owe 11 TrroH-
un-r, and Kola-rt ngley .Secretary.
Jamea Ij. lAtivv. K. Newton fslmw ami jolin
Smith were elcctetl mi-mU-r of the Kxcctitivc
At nn ntljotirned meet ing, held on the .rlh
it Julv. (sl, pn-sent : ii. K. Harrett, William
I'owell. James MahatVey, Thomas li. Fon-ey,
HobtiTt Wngley, F. I. Thoinpson, It. N'.Miaw,
John Hniitb, .lame Mclaughlin, V. C. Car
don. Andrew iVnt. jr.. Jamea I,. Ieavy, Win.
A. Wtdliuv. John F. Weaver, it waa unani
mously resolved that nn Agricultural Fair be
held on the grounds of the f leartield Agricul
tural Turk .AsatN-iatinn on the 11th, l-Jth,
i:tth ami l tth tluyn ot ta-tola-r next, and that
all farmers, mechanics and matiufactiircrs Is
invited to prejaire for the fa-carinn and join1
in making it a Fair a sticcewa wnrthv of the
enmity. H. If. HMU.'IIIT, President.
Itntu.nT Witnii.KY, Keen tary.
The memla-rs of Lnrimer 1'oat 1 "71. fi. A. If.,
tender their tnoMt sincere thanks to the citi-
zens of ( leartield aud vicinity tor the mu
niticent donations, 1 1 U ral patronage and gen-
rnua aid, which iiimle their recent estiva! a
IlliItN. Near I.utbersburg on Humhiy,
July M, IkhI, Cami-kiki.ii lHu:t aged it-'
yeara, ? mouths and 5 days.
M A Y II F Y. In (ioNhen township, on Mon
day, June 'JTth, l4t Kmm-ii MAYlli:w,agcd
H year, 'i months and 'il days.
( HIST At her home in Oaeenln Immtigh.
on Tueaday atiernnnn, June h, 11, Mr.
I.At'KA (J. CKIKT, wile of W. A. ( rial, aged
yeara, 1 month and 5 daya,
MiXAIN. At the residence nf her aister,
Mr. Joseph Lucas, tn (lenrtield bnnmgh. on
Thurmlay, July ith, Mr. Maiiv A.
McCi.ain. daughter of John aud the late
Margaret Livingston, aged :tl years, J mouths
aim . daya.
(Oil Mxlt.
Oil Quotations !
LtibrlraHur, llrtlntd A .VinrrB'
l'lnursm-Rc, I'K.n.n'a.
Wt iiote our brandi of Peirob tin and otlitr oil!
(ewVel lo mutrkrt rAuiiyr) delivarrd trie
on hoard oara at any atatlon oa
the Tyrone 4s C lee rile Id
Ki-an.d Oil. Sli. Tf.(.....Vfrjl.
rnio. n nil., i.iu
Ellinr, IjO " .
BadiIo., TS liraviljr pergjl..
.Npth.t 74 " " " ..
(li.ulin., SS " ' .,
Mio.ra' Lamp. 00 t.,t " " ,.
C.r Ail. Oil, ( W. V. i Enr. " ..
" " " W.V..)M,Jb. ' ..
" " (W.V..)Bumi. r " " ..
Nalur.l Lubrtc.ting " 14 ,.
Fraokliu " E.lrfc " ..
" " HumDir. u " ..
nifh Diamond " ' ..
OrwB Kngip. " ..
Uuldf. - ...
Ambrr " ...
XXX ' "
No. I 8.MI. " " ..
M.lrhl,.., Cjlindi r Oil " " ..
No. 3 ' "
Wool Oil, No. 1 ' ..
L,rdOi(0itr.)Win!ortr.lBM" " .,
" No. 1 " " ..
" No. 1 " ..
Eollp.c Unftia.t No. 1 " " ..
No. 3 ' .
" " No. J ..
Mioer.' Y.llow, pwr :.lloD
Linwil, No. I "
' American "
Turpentin. b.,t "
At lowaat
taarli.l latea
.no. to eotL
At towf,l m.r.
k.t ratM with
out r.r. to coat.
m Mohn 5otitisou' ?tfl hpir dwtlscmtnt.
mt ?9E 0is bm muii
lV VV.tH.IJrTKK prim and
mrtt all competition.
may 4, 'tfl-ly.
Jlrw dmttsfmtnts.
JOH (IHK - All kind, of Job work tirrulril
la th. beat maDO.r .t tnia otfic&
. wattk in .our own town. Term, .nl (5
outtlta iraa. Adiir.,1 II. It, II.BTT k Co .
Portland, Main.. . Im.h: l
Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.;
Curwanavllte, Jan. V, '7S tf I
'VTOTIC K Tht undemiftned, raiding in iht ,
rillK of Wentnvtr, in Cbert tuwoiinp,
Uae wnim tbe necraary errenjrrmtit end tiro- I
noana lo open an fcATINtl HOt t, for tbe ac-i
oommndation of the uMic generally, and I here- :
iiy toiHUt a lit.oraJ anare ol tbe public patronage. I
J(lll J . r , i UK t. ,
WMtover, Pa., Fi-b. 9, latil-tf.
C U TIO All porauDP, specially mrr
obinta, are hereby warned acain! IruitiiiB or
narrmring my wne, t.iii.uh Hi, w&o haa h-ft
iplemhd ancceaa. rijacial tlmnkaarcretiirnrd nrofMation. and 1 hereby alve noiio. to th.
J,v,,vi. t.w -
.1 .1. . I.I'.' . J' .'. T-S'
' i 7 'a ' :'.-.'.! ' i...v, sfeV - -
to thr ladies, and their aida, m ho had charge
ot the taldetn, Htand, etc.
H. T. KlN(i,'wwirtn(fr,
W. A.tiiii:x. JMUrt.
11 AV I'kvf.h. .MewrH, Kly Bros.,
Druggiita, Owego, N. T. I have ben afflicted
for twenty yeara, during- tbe month of Ang at and
September, with Hay 4'ever, and have trifd re
rinui reioediea for ita relief aitboul aueoti. I
ta loduoed to try your Cream Baltn i bare atd
it with favorable rtiulta, and ran confidently
recommend it to all aimilarly eruiibd. lUbert
W. Townley,(ai-Mayor) tliaabeib, N.J.
Uoiira. White A llurdidk, Itrusictit, Iibaee,
N. V. I reoemmend to tbnae aaffennft (aa 1 bate
been) with Hay Fever, kly 'a Cream Halm ; bare
tried nearly all tht remidiea I eonld ftnd, and
find thia a drcided pre lerenoe oter them all. It
haa (Wen ma immediate relief. 0. T. Stepbena,
Hardware Merchant, Itheaa, N. Y. Jjcpt.fl, ISuO.
I'ricefi, IStiU. Price 50centa.
KuiiiTT-riVB Di'iXARs Lout! "You
do not tell me tbat joar buatund la up and about
again, and entirely enrrd by ao ilmple a mirdioint
at Parker'a Ginger Timiu V ' Yea, indeed, I do,"
aid Hra. Benjamin to her enquiring nelchbor,
"and that tot when we had fooilahly paid $85 in
doctor bills and preieriptlonr, and afttr bt Lad
been given up by hia phypieian lo die. Nuw
my bunband frela aa wll aa ever, entirely cured
hy thia excellent Tunic." And many a eir-k man
might b well In a wctt If tbey woul 1 onlr try It.
Vuu can bnvo any kind ol' un old
hat made new, tr wkirk, (he halfrr, ovrr
Briduc'a Tailor ah.p, .Mrk: itrttt , iliurOeld,
t'ron'a. U I tf Uiklo, wbohwulo and ruiiiil
at Uarder'i. i-JV-tf
A Giant 0m. (in .Monday, .Iidy iioth, the
citim'tta of Clearfield will liavcanoiHirtunity
of wifncaainK otie of tliej-reatcat natural enrt
oaitiea over on exhibition In America It ia
aiindy a wontlcrfnl freak ol nature and into
the animal kingdom what Chang, the won
derliitChinpM'fciunt.ia to the human rac' ex
cept that ip jinKniinnatc ratio It ia a greater
ftrak of nntitrc. Juat think of It, common
hrH'd of nxt having attained the miwtadon
pro)ortlona of lieing twenty handa high, and
weighing nearly twotona,nniurationaldy the
moat cohvwal N)MX'inifn of tlm hoviitc race in
the world. The ox la with John Kohiiwon'a
(ireat Show, and him critc4 the moat un
bounded excitement among all w ho have acco
it. The veteran manager haa rlaima that it
ia the grral feature of hia Dig (Show.
Uat of letter remaining unclaimed in the
I'oalnfllce at Clearlh Id, l a., for the week end
ing July 11, I") :
Miaa Adella lllonm, Miaa Isabella Ball, Frank
Frhl, Wallart Frunh, Her. 0. Ilil(hena, Porter
Km port, Miaa B. Uenarl, Jamai B. Mt-iiufh,
Wtlllata UeKwen, Mr. Mary Millar, Mandely
Mibaly, Jenalt Parlab, Miaa Ray ftetd.
"Hnnlight and Hhadow," written hy thnt
ctdelmiteil lecturer, John B. Oough, ia a laatk
to read at home or abroad, and every man that
ran auare $.1 ahotild proenre it for hi family.
It ia worth more than a hurtr! of floor, the
price of which yon all know. More food for
the brain and lea for the atonioch ia what all
The Light Uiinnlng INuneatie HewliiR Ma
chineall pnrta ore made twljnttahle, ao that
"Imt moli.m" from long naiige ran 1m- enally
taken np. Thu will aave the exuenae of
duplicating the pnrta. Tht machine oan not
he pnt ont of time unl-aa aome part ii broken.
oriCK (iltAV.-On Wedneadav, June
'iid, IhwI, hv Kev. J. It-Tkatn-aaer, ii.i.iam
.1. Ori k and 1 iKKii; (.hay, all of ( learlield
count v.
KKIMIAIiT-IHXttN-On Tluiisdnv-.Tune
td, 171, by liev. J. HerkatrrwHT. 1.KV1 T.
Kkviiakt and Jam: IHxmn, all ol ( leartield
Ill M V V. li KM IKK . ( n Thttralov, June
Mn. MH1, hy Kfv. J. ItiikatreatNT. W SI
HottVKH, of Centre count v. aud Lrv KiniiK,
of Clcartlcld count v.
MCAH WF.AVKIt. In Kvlertown, on
Hunday, June 'Joth, lKHl,bv John A. Schrcch,
Kmi., Jamkn J. Jjfi'AH and Hawaii Wkavkh.
all of ( leartield county.
Itl XO L A N S It K li I Y ( hi Mondav
Julv 4lh, ikm, UY l, Connellv, Kan., Jami
lixov nnd Mm. Many I.anhiifhky, all of
W omlland, ('learlield county.
H( ; AN lli:N N ETL On Wednea.lay
I tine MM. hv A. J. Krv, li., Jnnx in
(i.isr and Catii a it ink li. Hknmtt, laith of
CoalMirl, Iteccuria lovviiHliip.
KKA f MIMJIN InClenrfleld.onTlHira-
day, June :tth, 1-hI, hy liev. H. r. Hutlcr,
Jcniah li. liKAti. jr.. of Lawrence township,
and Kva J. M i l.i.KN, of I'ikc tomiliiji.
(it fliM AX NF.FF. At the home of the
bride in New iishinton, ou Mondnv. Julv
till. 11, by ltev. O, Htcka, iMVtKl IV (ioH
max and Kitik M. Nkkc, all of ( learlield
HKNrnitAlit.l'I. YUI Nd. At M. K.
Piironiiyc in ('learlield. on WrdncMltiv, June
-Kth.l-l.liy Kev.ti. lidv,VM. A. IIkni 11
n v miK.n and Kmn; A. Vol Xd.nll of Went
CA li H IX HiVlT. At tbe reaiilctice of J.
K. llottorf, Clcartlcld, Pa., on hiituiav Julv
:M, 11, by liev. A. J. Mean, K V (.. ('Altlt.
of Pike towTiliit, and F.MM I hiitviT, of
Lawrence township.
HKPIU'IiN Mll,LFIi.-At the nuiilcnee
of M. Ilreon In LutberHbitrg, on July Jtth
11. by Jobnlon Hamilton, F.i., Al.KX.
Hkimii ux.of It loom towiiMhip. and I'M i.ina
.1. Mit.l-KB, of Hill tmvtiNliip.
N II A X N N Mi i K K A t tlie home ot t he
bride, on VVediicadny, Jnn !j!rtli, 1-1, by
liev. U llickn, tirMtrttcd by Hev. Mr. Htone.
,Iami-j T. Hhannon. of Indiana county, and
I, l,lK II. MihK,o!' ( learlield county.
of Mr. Ldwnrd (iom, in llontrdnle, on Mon
day, .Inly 4th, l(cv. M'. H. W iUm.
II, P. W il KKt.KIt, oft lenrrlcld, Pa , nnd Tli.l.lK
liow i. km, of Woodland, 1 trad ford townahip.
HHOFF ADAMH. At the rmidenco of
the bride'a fiitlier, J. i). Adnma, K-m.. in Plain
Held, N. J., on Tueaday, June th, JhmI, by
Kev. F. Adnma, Jiinki'H A. Hhupf. of Hmitr
dale. Pa., and KirrtK Ahamm, of l'laiullild,
Ntw Jeracy.
ItKOWN (IIAPLIX In the Catholic
Church at Houtwbile. on M'eilnciulny, June
nth, hy liev. Father M. Mriwher, Al
liHowN, of Ijiwrenee towuxhiti, and Ni k
CM a n, nf liamey, (.tilich tow wdiip, Clear
Held county.
IIK K(K ItCNLAP At the tvaidenccof
A. L. Hiekok, in hnov towimhip, on Hnnday,
.lune lirlh, HM1, by Jiaw ph H. liow lea, Ym
Ha mi ki, li. HicKok, ol Knox towwdiip, and
Ki.izahktii T. 1M SI.AP, of Itwreme town
(.HAHAM-MOOVKR At the reaideiiee
of tbe bride'a mrenta, in Morria township, on
WMlneMlay, June win, IMhi, hy liev. W. it.
Whitnev, Al.ritrn it. Un if am, of Itmdford
townahip, and F.MMA Hinivkb of Morria
low nh t p.
We deaire to expreaa our gratitude for 1he
atipply of wedding eake that otvnnNinioed
the above notice. The attendant of the
groom and hridronthinmiwnhtn were Charles
Hoover and Nannie fi. Wilton, and of eoitme,
aa ia naually the cnae at weddlngo, a plcaaant
time waa enjoyed hy all preaent. The wiah
nf the printers ia thnt tlie future nf thr happy
conple may alwura be bright and pmaperout.
ot to harbor or Iruat her on my account, aa I
am determined to pay no debti that h may con
tract after thia date. CAI.Vl.N fTKF.L.
Urahampton, June 22, '81 -St.
T;XK.niTRH NOTICKU-Notloeia here.
J j by giren tlitt Lrttere Tratamantary on tbe
eriaie oi UAiir.r,jit late or lleeoaria
towmblp, Clearfield eounty, 1'aan'a, dtctaitd.
oaving iwen amy granici to mt unnertixncd, all
peraona indebted to aaid aetata will pieaie make
immediate paytneat, and tboae baring elaimi or
demanda atreinat tbt aamt will ttreaent tbem omit.
erly authenticated fur eoiiletnent, without delay.
Moatadale, Pa., Jaly nth, 181 fit.
pVlr4MOM;TION NOTICENotlflelthert-
X by giren that tbt partnership heretofore
exiatino; between H. H. Kuinberger, I. H. Hum
berser, John II. Miller, and Joaenb F. C re we II.
in the general merchandiet bnrineu al tbt Mo-
abannon All nee, in Woodward townahip.Clearfleld
eountr, Pa under the Arm name of Humharirer.
Creiwell A Co., ia mutually diaeolvrd thti lth day
of June, A. U. IHH1, ao lar aa relatea to B. 8.
Ramberjtr and l. fl. Kuiubenrer. Ail debta due
to the aaid partnership are lo be paid, to and tbuie
one irom tne name, titar&arjced by Ore well A
Miller at tht old aland, where tht aforenaid bui.
ne will be eundurted be (he aaid Joauoh K.
Cratwrll and John U. Miller, udr I he naino of
CreowDll Miller. n H. HI MUKUwKli,
Jii.-Kf'll K. CKrWKU.,
lloutttalfl, Vi , June 1Mb,
STX hundred and nlnetr-tw (W2) arre ufland
iltuata in C.erflild ftoonl.T, i'a,, will btaold
in a bidy, or ia three (.Si i.ardte narcela. to wit
Fira hundrftd (n)) arei well timbered with
oak, pint and bomlilt , and hario tbertun a Drut
claa water-power tail) with elreular aiwa.
line hundred and twenty ( 1 20 1 aero cleared and
a (ond atate of ruliivaliin, and having tbernon
ereottd a Urgo and One Ira me dwelling bouae, two
large frame barna and it her nr-itiary ontbuild
iatt, together with a large onburd, gtud water,
r ao.
Seventy aore Paired and under ciltivati tn,
but wi,v no build in ea.
The aaid land are elliutt withit li mi lea of
Clearfield and the Pennaylvaaia Railroad, and are
unieriaia wim hituainnua coal and Are clay.
rteaaoa for Helling. Declining healib of owner.
For further particular, inquire of the aubetrititr.
J. FKANK KNVDKK, Alt'y f.-r Owner.
Ctearfield, Pa, June 1 ; t h , Jribi tf.
Xollco lo I5?Irs.
Alma filth.
Jin th Orphant' Court
of Cleiriield eounty,
In tht mailer f tbe Ki
tate of John Hancock
T M-'t, Mary llaneoek (widow), 0. B. UaQroeh,
J. K. llancoek, I. W. Ilaneoek, J bn llancurk
and Hmiih V. Wilmn, hit Uuardian fi hirm,
Martaret Ann I'm more and llarrey I'aramirre,
ber hnihand, Mary Hell Fmliust'n aod A. L.
Fallin;oii, ber huibtml, lUnnah II. Mnl'her
an and Jt;n II MePhTfin, het biitand, ill
Ut lirnton and II. V. llrut.-n, her bualmnd,
lSua r'atfn and H'illiani hinnton, hr li.
f-mii, Hannah M"I'rterin and J-bt II. U.
I'her m, her husband, and who elaimn to be
Alienee ot Mary H-ll rnlUnfon and A. I.
I'ulhnjrtou, and .lihn M. Mri'nei.u, Ailenoe
of Kueaa Hanlitn and V.'illiam Mintcn. l"r
Take nidirt, that at an Onihana' Ctirt hi 1 1 tl
Clearfield, in and fr taid rouiitt , on the Id day
of June, A. U. a Itiile was Rrat led, wboreby
you and each of you ere e.iiiimsO'ti tl to br and
appear at an Orphan' ( nuttlo br h'td at Clear
Held, tn at'd l.,r id e-.nntT, the KM tifH
3fi(b dav, al 2 o'clock P. M ., 'here ami then to ac
cept r tefuaetbe real eviate t f the enel John
Hanenek, late of Pike Inwiiahip, deeeaed, al Ihr
valuation Ihereut, and iu eaie yu neglect i-r re
fuse to tak the aarae to ahow ontte, u any Jin
havt. Wl the aamt aliruld nnt be if. Id a-rfirdiL
to law. JAMK.-4 MAIIAFFKy,
FLrilfT'a 0Riie. Shir iff.
Clratfleld, I'a., June tl, KL j
James Li. Lcavy,
Ilarlna pnrcbated tba tntirt atock of Fred,
aokelt, hereby givea notlre that be baa moved
Into the room lately occupied bv Hewl a Harertr.
on rleaond atreet, wbart he il prepared to ofler to
Iht publla
of tbt Ittaat Improved pat tarn a, at low prleea,
Goj Fixtures and Tinware.
Hotting, Spouting, Mumking, Oat Flttlrg, and
Repainag Fumpi a tpoctaily, . All
Wtrk warranted.
Anything ! my Hat will be ordered anetlal tf
dealred. JA8, L LRAVV,
I tun the same Jolm Ilobinson that for 5o years lias catered to
please the people. I lmve been the ONLY owner of John Robin
son's Show during that entire period. From the very first day of.
iny career as a manager, tlie huow owned by me has never changed
its title. It has. always been known as the BIO Show, and it Las
always BtKN the Uijrj-'ext. It has been unproved and enlarged
JUST 55 TIMES, ONCE EVERY YEAR so as to keep pace
with tlie rapid progress ot the nge and is without ANY EXLEI
gup S&mUitmM.
W. har. printed Urg. nambw .f th.
VKI BILL, .nil will oi IB. rMlpl .f Iw.nly.
MBia, mall Mn, t. sny Bddr.H. ,!
TACiONH fOH AI.Kl-Th. tahmlb.r
baalwn To-llnrM WaconL ...rlr n..
foraal.. Will l.a.ld.b.ap. O.IIob or adilrafa
Julln A. 8TAULKH. .
Cl.irH.ld, Pa., Mirth I, ISM -11.
IAKM l.MI FOR kAI.B. Ib Halloa
and Pin. toWBRBipa, Cl..rB.ld oonntj. fffW
iia,onaoi. bi nr.n lur nart 01 Dure till, .T .
uunvj. fn.uu to ,i..u. p.r
L. 11 m 11, A(.BI,, I'a.
or Wallici A Kbbb.,
CUartald, Fa,
UlBera1. r.Mrr.d.
6,.t- 10, lHTH-ir.
SIIOKMAKIKIiI a.,,1,, tft m, p..
Iron,, and mankind In tB.ral, lb.t I bav.
rtraovad my abocntaalns .bun to In. room la
Urahaia'a row, ovar A. 1. Uu.,ilar'i Je.alry Muro,
ftnd Ibat 1 am ptrparad to do all klnda ut work
in In, Hn. flbaa.r tbaa any blbar ,bup la towa.
All work warranted . food a. ... b. don. any.
ab.r. .!. tbia ia th. eh.apaat abop
In a.aru.1,1. IDS. II. DEKKINl).
1IH. II, l'7t ir.
Millinery I Millinery 1 1
I TAKE the pleaturt of Informinx tht publlt
tbat I ahell after f-pee ill Indvicemola la
Mil'lnefj- (loud, rueh e rtilaa, fatina, HlhhnnK,
Kbiwvrr, tie., Trimmed ant I atrlnmed Hati and
IWeriff. in 1 lie very latett '(.tiff. Nolle ni tud
M t up 1 lothitif :r children. I kindly a -licit
a lhre ul y.iur patronage.
Uarket bt., Clearfield, Pa.
Apr. 20, 3Uly.
CADTI01V)A1I peraona are hereby warned
airalnet treapuaina; oa gr meddling with tbt
rati and peraonal property now oooupitd and
owned by Mra. Sarah Woolatnerort, tituated ia
Uofft townahip, adoining landa twnad oa tbt
aoulb by Joel 8. Woolaenoroft, on tht weat by
landa of Ttaomae Iletra, tn tht noitb by the heirt
nf Stone, and on tht taat by landa of Tho.
I'lrkle, eon tain in a; fitly aorta (Ml), more or
km. Thia la therefore to notify tbt public that
the title to tbe tend and the oerional nrorert? ia
la me. WHS. t-AKAH Wool.S KNCUOr T.
Woodland, June 3V, ll-3l.
Thomas A. Duckett,
IIIKKKIlVj-ive notice to tbt eltlsana of Clear,
field and the aurroundinar virinit that 1 am
prepared at all timet to furnish fain I liea and
maniilaetunnc eatabllshmenti atth a aaperior
ciualily of
Coal, Wood f Coke,
Which I am prepared to deliver ft a faw houra'
notice. I am alwaya ready to haul and dtllrtr
Irom and to tbe depot, or anywhert tlae, tnd
tnoTt familiea and huuiehnld good a anywhere oa
ahort notine. TH08. A. DUCKETT.
Clearfield, I'a., Mar. II, UhO tf.
For Sale or Rent I
The iu bar rl ber rn)i.oaei to aetl or rent a num.
ber of larma loeatvd aa followa : The Arat aitual
la Burnaido townnbip, Centra tounty. eontaining
llii aurea, having thereon erected a frame dwell
ing, I'raue barn, adjacent to a church, and known
aa the Jamea Mulboiland farm.
AI.M, another farm aituatt in Hrabam town
hip, C leaf tie I J county, ooataining 117 aerea, wiib
the neeeraary Itnprovementa. Tliii farm ia otider.
laid witn a HOUU KIN OF COAL.
ALStf.aix olhtr ftrmaln tht vininity of French
.ille, containing refpectfuilv 1 11. -100. VS. 05. 61
and 3D acre. Theae farina all have bouiea and
turn a thereon, good water, bearing orobarda na
tame, aa well aa tome good wood land. For
further particulara call tk peraon, or addreia tht
underaigned by letter. L. M. CUlbhlKT.
Jan. IWtb, tasi-tf. Froaebvtlle.Fa.
Tbe undesigned haa tomt to tbt tooeloaton te
quit farming tnd follow hia tooupetioo, a tar
penter, and now eflen fr tale hia farm, eituate
oot tnd aha If mllea north tf Clearfield borough,
eighty Aonxia,
Moat of wbieb la cleared and under good oulti ra
tion, and having thereon a good
W fx
a- . m -
During all thin time I have avoided a change of name. I have
never searched for high sounding titles, never robbed the diction
ary for the purpose of having the MOST STUPENDOUS AGGRE
never called my show the GREAT KQUESCURRICULUM. or the
NATIONAL. It lias never been the PARIS HIPPODROME.
It has never been known as the GERMAN ALLIED SHOWS
My bills never read MASTODON CONFEDERATION, it is not
MENT. It is now, n it hn been in the past,
Lar(a frana barn, and tb.r BtMiaary votbaild
intra, toiMhar with aa orchard .1 all kind' of
fruit, and aa oxn.ll.nt aririnf, of w.t.r. Th.
Thia prop.rty will b.iehanf,d for amallar prop,
arty, or aold oa aaay tomt ia p.ynjMt,. tot
furthor partieularaoall aa,Mor addroaa.
JOHN 0. KKBU, CIatO,U, Pa.
March Htb, Uol-tf.
Clairiod; r Jattntry 1, I'll If.
Estate of UioLor4 Sh&w, Sr Doc'4.
fpilE unJ,r,linal, Fiwot. r, nf tb, aetata nf
1 HICI1AHU 8IIAW, Pr d-a...l, will oll.r
at p.Mlo lalaat th. CIII KI Hill f K In th. Ur.
ough of Cl.arflild, Pa., OB
Thurday, Sopt. lst, 181.
T 1:30 O'CI.IH k P. HI.,
The fallowing valuable nl eatale, tU i
The three atory PBI0K BOTEIj property,
corner of Mtrket and Firat MreeU, lo tbt bor
ougli of CltarAeld, known at
'The Shaw House,'1
Fronting with two loti of ground thereto belonging
uu iati oa Market atreet, and VP
llf Ul Tint aireei, witn a two -atory
! I l ot dwelltg bouae attached. Tbt ho
"1 UT Ul nrouer baa nil kdtd.Mhd.mi
all eonvealencea for a Irat-elana
hotel. Oct of tbt moat deairiblt hotel prnpertlet
lo Ceatral Pea n ay I van i a.
The above will bt told together with a two
atory frame dwelling hou't on Market etreat, ad
jacent to the Hotel, and one other frame dwelling
houre and a two-atery More building, all fronting
on II artel atreet.
ALSO. All that ret tain Int. known ll tht
clan tf Clearfield borough aa Lot No 130, . .
front ing 60 feet on Lwuat atreet, run- f1""
mug baek KJ feet, more or lata, to an alley lia
with dwelling houae andallnectaaery tut--LdU-
buildinga tboreon t reeled, and otbtr ImprortmtnU,
0ne-t hlrd tifh at delivery of good deed, and
Ibe balance te bt aecured by bond and mortgage,
pavable In ont and two yeara, with IntertaU
JOS. filMW.
Survli ing Ki'n nf Richard Bhaw, 6r..dt'd.
C learlield. I'a., Jute I, MJl-ta.
Old John Robinsoa's Big Show !
1 lmve always betn satisfied with ili original name The "BIG
SHOW" and I cling to the name with which I christened iny
venture over half a century ago because I love it, and because
it in purely an American Amusement Enterprise, with a common
name, that all can understand a simple, easy name THE RIG
You all know' nie, therefore iletailn concerning the riuKiiitudo
of iny Exhibition are Superllnoiis. My MENAGERIE has al
ways been THE LARGEST. My ClliCl'S lias alway been the
REST. My grand street display is bright, beautiful and brilliant.
I have to-day ft larger and better Show than ever, and I will ex
hibit it at '
Do not get it Confounded,
Respectfully, the Public's Servant,
E. IBE & CO.,
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
Uoapcrlfully Volicit their patrom
and the poUio generally to ttll and axaia
ine their nvw a.oek of
Spring and Summer Gds,
Cnkhmcrea, VelTten, Delaine,
Lawn,, Gingham., Print", Un
blon'ihpcl knd lllcnchfid Mui
linn, Kancy Skirt., Sh.ct
inR, Tickings, CsrpcU,
Jtup", Oil Clotln.
I.aunJried, While,
Chnviol and Porcale
Rhirta, ()loTe", Nerkwear,
Men's and Bora' Clothing,
Hat, ('apt, Uoot, Shoos, etc., eto.
Grorrrlrs & Cen'l Merchandise
Will be found 01 firat quality, and
satisfaction is guaranteed. Tbe fol
lowing are always kept on hand
(some few only in their season):
Sugars, Teas, Coffoes, Spices, Syrups
Confectioneries, Oranges, Lemon.
Iianana, Figs, Date, ele., Hard
ware, Cjucensware, Glassware,
Tinware, Wood and Willow,
ware, 1'aint, Oil, Clooke,
Trunks, Valiaci, Mirrors,
Stationery, Furniture,
A II mom' Sappliei,
July 28, 1880-tf.