Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 29, 1881, Image 3

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Terms of SubscriDtlon.
I I.... m within thru mn.lki 1 Ail
Ji paid after thro Md before sii Bombs.. k 60
Methodist Eplaopal Church Rev. (Jio,
Ltinr, Pastor, Service vry babbath tt 10t
A.M., end 7 r.
.ablatb flnhool at 9 A. M.
I'raver Meetiag every Wednesday, tt T P. M
ComiiiunioQ Sarvle. first Babbath of avery
month, at 10ft A. M.
Yte.t Clearfleld M. E. Church Kt.
((mm; B. Aiua, Pastor, Preaching vry
alternate Sunday, st 4 o'clock, P. M. Sunday
School t 2i, r. M. All an in tiled to attend.
Prrahvterlnn Church Rr. II. B. Botlir.
-Sabbath arvlce morning and vnlng beb-
rath School at V A. rrayar Mooting wans-
jey evening.
1 1 ant 1st Church. Rav. , Pastor.
SaliUib School at S P. M. Prmytr Meeting every
Wednesday evening.
Hi. Fraud' Church Catholic Rit. P
J.SmiiiPii. Divin eervlo at 10t A. M., on
i lie first, third and fourth Hundaysof each month;
Vespers and Benediction of the Rlcssed Sacrament
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday Bchool vry Sunday
afternoon at I o clock.
Second Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Pint Monday af Juno,
t'uurth Monday of September.
vim or aobaiaa coaaoa tlbai.
Pint Monday of Jan.
Baoond Monday of Norember.
rcBLio arrioaaa.
Vnittd Statu Srnator$ J, Donald Cameron
llarrlsbnrg, Luupbin county; Jba I. Mitchell'
Wellsboro, Tioga county.
Vn$rman Kr-tJovaraor Andr fl.Ourtla,
De lief ante, Centra county.
Arioor Hon. Cyrus T. Aleiaader, Bellefonte,
Centra county.
Ammhly Hon. Jimei Flyna, Pmlth'e Mills,
Clearfield county.
Pretidtnt .wcp Hob. Cbarlea A. Mayer,
Loci HartQ.
Ati$tant Law Judga lion. John H. Orvle, af
tel efont.
Auaeiat Judy Abran Of don, Clearfield)
Vinrent B. Holt, Clearfield.
Protkonotary Jamte Kerr.
H-gitr and Rtcordtr (Jcerg M. Ferguson
Trtaaurtr Philip Dotta.
Dittrict Aiteraey J. P. McKnrlck.
Sktriff Jma Mahatfey.
ShiriFV. I. Tbompeoa.
County Sirwyor Samuel P. MoCloekey, Our
wensvtlle. Cnmmtf CommhionwC. W. Kylar, On ham-
Ion P. 'I Minniion, urniiiM im r. v.j
John Norril, Sr., uurwensviue.
.'toiiff-f' f?(er Jacob A. Fault.
County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
field ; Joseph Uilllland, Thro Rani J. 6. Nor-
rif, Woodland.
County Corontr James A. Moor, Clearfield.
Juru (joman'aaiaiitM Andre J. Jaklon,Ctaar
u' H Hrnwn. Clearfield.
Snptrinfntlent of Pmblit ifcAool M. L. Mc
Ounwn, uiaarnem.
Sotnrin 'aWie-Prank A. Fleining, m. Ra
drbnuRh, Cyrui Uordon, Cloarflld Joieph R.
rwin, N. B. Arnold, CurweniTilUj J. A. LUtng
itrne, UuBoit City. -
A'flrr o H titfAr aao! Jcatf Ibomai Mo
riaru, i.ffloa at UuBod, Pa.
"Will tuu tuk wheat, oati or ann fr tub
tcrf.iion 7" W arc often Inquired of in thtf way
ly Ivttcr frro patron who reiid at a diitano
lr.,u. Clearfield. W again aay yaa. Tb woalpti
ol a reFioPiH merchant or mill owner in the
f icinity, will aniwer ui jut ai well a the oeb.
To tllluttrat : If any of our patroni will deliver
or bg of grain at the mill of Joaepb H. Brtth,
to Cheat towmhip, Horace Pntehin. la Bornnde,
Thomaa H. Porcey, In Urafaun, Wm. Porter or
Shaw', In Lawrenoe, or Brown A Beyler'i, at
Kekton, t'niwn townehip, and forward their
rectlpia for the aount, we will credit them on
thrtr account for the lama. In tbi way all may
ion jay what they ow, if tby will pnriu thll
teir AdvortiBorrJ and othore will bear
lo mind that all article Intended for publication
In tb ia paper muit b banded la, not later tbaa
Tub Jay, at 9 A. M. Don't forget tt!
No itEPi-nr.iCAif next week.
More Sheriff's Bulea this week,
. m
Tho Pponling on the Court Uouee is
Ulog repaired. ' ' "
Plenty of curly vegctublcB in our
tuiiket at reaaonahle price.
All the utoros in town will bo closed
-n Men Jay next, July 4th.
Tbero is a villao in Alartio town
ilup, Lancaiter county, called "CIarfleld.M
'V under if tbe comet had anytbing
to lo h- 00,d wefttbr we had lar-t weekf
Kurly crrjC8 aro Baid to be ripe.
Thli kind of U,it leemi to ba tcaro In our
Frosts existed in I'-ces tbrotiybout
the county fur aereral morning sjt week. No
damage dona.
A (torero ruin storm visited tbis two.
tlon 00 Monday afternoon and laid the dmt
- m - -
Karmei-a have commeiced haying.
The oiialin of eipttlenocd farmer! it that early
rut gran makes the beat bay.
A statement of tho Itond, 1'oor and
School fund of Btady towmhip U publlibed la
another column of tbi paper
Smith V. Wilson, Ksq., wilf deliver
an oration at Burniida oa Monday ext, tb
Fourth of Juty. fiinttb can do It,
Mr. John Gulich of this place sue
ccMfuliy hired two large a war oil of baa on Prl
day and two more tb day following.
- -i e
A new porch with railiiiRsand a now
jiaretncnt are Improvement recently mad to Geo.
W. Khecm'e reildeoce, en Market I treat.
. i r
Jude Uarrott, James h. Leavy and
otdtri pure hi led tb driving park la Wait
Oarfleld lait Friday from 'Bqnlr Bhaw.
- . - im a
June days with Hcptemher nights
It rrry pUaiant weather for comfort, bat it will
not bate tadnny to haiten tbe growth or eora
Tho Mifllintown Democrat saye that
Col. Ilartihora, af Aoademia, formerly of tar
weoivllle, It xtmtirely wgaged In railing to-
The local freight on the T. & C.
Railroad ba beca doing beary work for om
time pait. Moct of the care are loaded with bark
and lumber.
A man named Jamea Kennedy fell
I row a freight trala white patting Trrona, oa
Monday of laat week, and wa Injured w badly
that he died that aight.
A valuable Aldernoy cow belonging
to Deputy 8hrhT Thompson dirt reeeauy at ir-
entrilt. She la anppoaed to bar been poiton
f. Rh waa valued at $109.
Tho attention of carpontors and
builders ia directed to proposal ad vert lied In
Bother column for th building of a aew school
houie In Bradford towmhip.
Tho Tyrone Herald of last week
itviihet partial from Philadelphia hav Just
concluded a coal tas on a large tract of land In
the vicinity of Ramey, la thla county.
"Jim," our devil, has been shorn of
beauty a well aa bla loeka. uaa. vougaeny
little alp mower don IU "Jim" doeta't rail
an hat any more whra a meets ladle.
Tho motlior of Mr. Wm. Heed,
formerly dry goods merchant la tbis pi, now
M llantingdoo, died la Chicago oa Friday, tbs
' lb Inst., at th advaoeed age of SO year.
urn '
Besides other amnsemonta at Cur
"on ilia oa the Fourth of July, a match gam
"( bas ball will be played la th afternoon b
teen the Peonrllle and Curwnvill elubf.
BuBois will have a celebration on
tth of July end Jnha Reblno'a big etreu
e hc Mb. The aporla la that regloa will bo
'"hi be satisfied for a eon pie af day at leaaU
Kev. II. H. Butler preached in the
pni drove school houit, la Lawrence towaeblp,
Sunday afternoon, and th evening services
the Praahyterian Church here wr emitted.
. m t e
The Presbyterian Woman's Foreign
!itonary Society of Clearfleld, which meett
fint Friday afKroooo of wy moatb,
'II ant la tb let lure reom at tb eburek acit
Friday tfteraeea. ' -
George Weaver & Co.'s store, in this
r1, will be e kited oa ihaFourth af July. Their
will plea raake not of tbll fart.
tkI iib at glri their alsrki as tporhtalty to
Iadepeadtaot lay.
Banks Holmes says he la going to
"arittoeraU" ait week.
T. W. Kin advertises a good article
f photpkat in tbit paper. Be advrUtmat for
Kamuol II. Tipton died at his home
la (ioltob towmhip, on Monday, tb JOih Ilii.,
la the fliMh year of bla age.
All the stores in town will bo closed
oa tb Ponrtb of July. If you want any mar
ch an J i parch oa Saturday aext.
Mr. Jl. C. Thompson, of Bower, this
oounty, offen torn valuable timber lead fur tale
la this lfu. B bis adrrtitmnt
- - -
The Philipsburg Water Works will
coit $14,138. Wm. P. Duncaa A Co., of Bella
ft'Bte, bar I he contract to do the work.
The New Sbakkr. Governor Uoyt
baa appointed Thomai Morlarty, of DuBoii, fur
Staler of Weight! and Meaiuros for Clearfied Co.
Prothonotury Kerr reooived a fine
black bird by xru from Oaceola on Monday.
It Is of lb genaa eorvNt, and ha U aow ready to
pick a orow with tome bed y.
The tender attached to local freight
was run off the turn-uble at Carwensrille, and,
ia eoaarquenc thereof, ih train which wat du
hereon Monday morning t T o'clock did not
arrlv until noun.
The brick pavemonton Second street
la front of Mr. Jon. Boyoton't realdenoe and tbe
Pint National Bank building has beta removed
and a aubttaatial new til pavement ba been
substituted therefor.
Commissioners' Meetino. The
County Commlseioaer will meet oa the 4th of
July and remain in seislon for a few day. Per
soni baring builnen with them will pleai take
notice, a they will not be In sestloa again for
ttrenl wowka.
W. C. PenU, student in Fiolding k
Bigler'alaw office, had one of the Sogers on bis
right hand put oat of joint the other day while
practicing with dumb -belli. The injury for
awhile was quit painful, and he yet oarrlci a
Tory aor digit.
Lati. The wreck of a freight train
on the Bald Hag la Valley road on Monday after
noon, Muted a detention of the Kxprest traia oa
the Tyrone i Clearfleld road. Tbe pattengers
did not reach Clearfleld until after 1 o'clock on
Tueiday morning..
There will be no paper issued from
thli office next week. The anniversary of Amer
ican Independence occur next Monday, and the
boys of tbe Rbpcbmcan offle, a has been cus
tomary for many years, deslr to be patriotlo
and bare soma out-door recreation.
Court. According to adjournment,
Court was railed at 9 o'olock oa Tuesday morn
tog, Judge Mayer and th Asioclat Judges on
the Bench. Tbla lesiion was called far tbe pur
poteof disposing of rase oa tb argument lilt,
and as we go to preii the Court is In full blast.
A man was arrosted in Houtzville
(adjoining Uoatidal) on Sunday evening a week
for striking bla wire with so ax. A gaib waa cut
OB bar bruit, but Ibc wound wa not oomidtrcd
dangeroaa. Horih wordi caused all thetroull.
The offender wat arretted, and the c ue will have
ta undergo an investigation in Court.
GrovkMeetinh. MoHsiah'n Church
will bold a Urove Meeting at Wallaietoo, com
mencing July Ttb, to continue over tb following
Sabbath July lUih). EldcrOiler, of Prorldeoee,
It hod Iiland, and Eldert Jackaon and Penney,
of Paow Shoe, will be preieut to conduot th
letting!. All are cordially Invited to attend.
The members of Larrimer Pont will
celebrate tbe Fourth r July by boldinga Petllval
ia th upper park (if tbe weather It favorable).
Col. Walter Barrett will deliver an eddreit at 10
o'olock A.M. Vhoold th weather urove to ba
unfavorable, the Fcttiral and xrolaa wilt be in
Pla's Opera House. Featival all day and In lb
The new Prenb'terian church at
uiea Slope, which cost S2,00, was dedicated on
Tuesday, th Slat Inst., free of debt. Th amount
raised at th dedication was IV 1 3. Rev. D, O
Campbell 1 th pastor, and be nod his congrega
tion are to be congratulated oa th favorable
protpeets f snooess la that vicinity, Mr. Camp
bell It also pastor of th Fruit Hill church, at
Aaaonvlll. - -
Who Would Have Thouoht It?
Snoring Is a noite made In tit p ulterior pert of
tb muuth and aaaal foitn during th moment
of lnvplratioa. It it due to a relaxation of the
Uvator palail motlii and tb pendulum pa
lati la sleep, by which tbe7iiM pendulum patati
is left free to vibrate or flap In tb two currents
of th air which inter at the is dm time through
the noatrils and the mouth, W are glad wt
found that out.
Did You See the Comet ? A comet
la said to bo visible In thli region to th Baked
eye at S o'clock A. M. Hiving seea th
oaleitial vlillor, w can vouch for tb truth of
this statement. It no doubt wilt require quit an
effort oa tb part of many of our readers to get
out at tb un seemly hour indicated ; but as omts
Jo not com around every month, or vn every
Tear, tt might be 1st resting t eiamine and
doi th movement or this star with it flaifay
tall of ire. Itt location is In the BortLeait.
A Hcnaway. morv C. Ilecd. of
m piece, woo is bow in nt tnsnranee borinais,
and Samuel F. MoCloskey, ot Carwensvllle, were
driving along th road la Pik towmhip. la tb
vicinity of Mr. John Porter' farm, last Saturday,
whi-a their bora became frightoaed at hoisting
an umbrella. They were just demanding a bill,
and tbe holding-back strap break log. th bora
became unmanageable and ran away. Both the
gentlemtq wera thrown out and eoortderably
braiied. Th buggy wa slightly damaged.
Another Graduate. We notice by
tb Williamirt papers that Miss Oarrl 8. TasL
of this place, graatad at Dlckinsoo Seminary
week beiort last. in. bulletin, ia Its report of
to commencement axereise, gay; " Mil
Oarrl B. Teat read ao eisay aubject i 'Hottev.
Woman may Chocs her Art, Art mast Cboos it
Woman.' Fair van i age ground can be gained
anywhere, If woman Is qualified to Stand. Good
ea (latent and practical tb ought abounded ia tbe
enay. Many valuable presents were received by
tbe young lady." It is "Miu Carrie B. Test, B.
8.," aow, sbe baring had tb honorary degree of
Bachelor of Science conferred upon ber. She Is
th deuglter of our rotund aad mutual friend,
lira) Teat, Esq.
The Ilohoa Chkstnut. The liar-
riaburg Patriot aaya; "It ia not generally known
that tb borse ehutnut tree bears a peculiar mark
upon Us breaches. By examining Isit year's
growth of wood oa tbe Ire jutt adjoining tb
fresh green sproattng, well delineated bore
shoe will be fmnd at intervals of a few laches,
th nails oa the shoes distinctly marked. Most
probably from these curious, natural formations,
th Bam of th Ire bat ite origin. This bit of
Information was picked np yesterday by a re pro
SMtativ of the Patriot while strolling through
tb Capitol park. A fltat official was pointing
tbe fact oat to torn frlendi, wbta a patting re
porter shared it 'the Information for the benefit
of th readen f thla paper."
Leu Opr. The Brookville Democrat
of laat week contain! th fallowing Item eonoera
fog tbe amp tat ion of Hob. Kennedy L, Blood's
leg : M Yesterday afternoon between four and flva
'lock, Dr. Wm. II. Panooaat, of Philadelphia,
lined by Dra. R. 8. Hunt, B. Sweeny, T C. Law
sob and A. F. B aimer f Brookville, amputated
th right leg of K. L. Blood. Tb limb waa
takaa off about four or fir lachts above the knee
joint, Mr. Blood stood th operation well. II
am from under tb sorgeon's hands In good
shape, and everything teems la bit fever. His
physicians xpot to have him oa our streets la
four week i. Wltk bis leg removed he will aa
doubtedty be one of tbe moat ragged men la th
oommaoity. Hit frlendi will all rejoleoto learn
that b bat pasted through Ibis ordeal so aac
Ptraihib Accident. The following
1 from tb Oioeol ArreWi af June ISlh i "Last
Friday, while th water wrat their blght, Mr.
David M illar and wife, who live a Treat ni,nar
Kill' milt, aMiat two mllt from Ososola, attempt
od deteand apoa a raft ta tbclr bom from a
point on th raa whir tbey had goi to look
after a gardea. Mrt. Miller wat oa lb rear and
f th raft, while her hasbaad wat direct lag It
course, A tree had falla ore tb tlream,
retting Jatt bigk aoogh above th water to allow
tb raft to past under, but sot the aeenpeBts.
As tby approached th tree at a rap Id rate, Millar
directed hi wife to jump as It and aa tb raft
agaia oa lb thr side; but la tb attempt to do
ta, bar foot waa taught In a bole oa th raft and
held tight, aad tb whole weight af th raft aa
tb aagry water wa hurkd agalatt It la thla
poaltloB, breaking both bo below thekoee.
Dr. Reed red need th fraetara, aad th U aa aa
comfortable as It rs -poirtbl for bar at aa aader
th alnui
DastBLcrioa er tbb CiBinntLB Fiaa Baics
Many of oar ottluni were compelled to tarn
out of their comfortable bods last Sunday morn
ing much earlier lhan usual oa account of th
alarm of Are being given, caused by tb Clearfleld
Fir Brick Works being all la ablaaa. Th alarm
waa given between I and 7 o'olock A. M., and
when we first notlaed It, th two itory building
at th west end of Ih yard waa alia mass of
flam, th beat from which was intent. It waa
at first thought ateUss to vn try to av th
beds and ih-p buildings near by j but aa organ
isation was effected, and with th earnest and
well directed efforts of tb backet brigade th
long sheUs adjolulogtb buildings were tared, and
ootbiog waa destroyed except tb mala bulldlog
aad coa toots.
Tb rasideao of Mrs. 8. 8. Liddall wa la im
minent danger, aad Bo doubt waa aaved by tb
favorabl dtrectioa In which tbe wind wa blow
ing at tb time. ThaSurdenof th heat seam
ed to go op and over th hill, la tb direction of
Uoyt A Co. 'a tannery, whloh wat la danger of
being set on fir by flying sparks and live coals.
W are informed that large piaoaa of charred
wood fell oa th roofs is that vlolalty, but felled
to ignite.
Th rapidity with which the fir aooompllshed
Its daatructioB waa astonishing. It wasMtlmated
by lotto that from the time tt fir waa first no
tieed until tb building felt in not mor than
thirty minutes had elapsed.
How the conflagration originated la not exactly
known. Th watobmaa bad just left ih yard
but a ahort time before, and no Indication af any
thing being wrong was noticed by him. It I
auppotS to bar caught from th flues under tb
drying -floor ia tb building at th west end
of tbe works. Tb loss Is estimated at $2,000.
There la an leaurano of $13,501 on tbe building
and eon ten tt, divided among aix different com
panies. Thla establishment gar employment to about
thirty men and boys, moat of whom will be gives
work at clearing away th rubbish, a it was de
termined at a meeting of tb director oa Monday
afternoon to rebuild at one. The new worka
will be superior in many iripect to those burned.
The old maehinery will It replaced by Improved
and a better arrangement of tbe same will be
They bar a large aew ugtne at tb machine
shops about completed. It was very fortunate
for tb Company that It was oot placed in posi
tion be for tb fir occurred.
Th Company bold policies In tb following
companies represented by tb agency of Messrs,
Kerr A Diddle, of this place i
rnaraatti. aoiit.
Liverpool and London and Olobo $ S.&OO
North Brltiih and Mercantile. . 1,600
Phaaix of Hartford H 2,000
(Jueeo 1,00
Inturanoe Company of North America.. 1,0U
ToUl $ 10,000
Beildei the abort tbey hold a policy ol $1,600
la tb Fir Aitcciatioa of Pbiladalpbis, of which
R. D Swoop af Corwentrille la th agoat.
Ex-Sheriff Miller bandied mere buckets with
on band than did many who were there aad had
George Weaver was an forte oa testing a pocket
book containing $ii in money and a $15 check.
Uetook off his aoat when he arrived at tbe fir
and handed It to his titter, saying nothing about
tbe money. The book was In a tide pocket and
fell to the ground nanetloed by her. It was
found afterwards minus tb contents. A re
ward of $10 will be paid for tbe retoru of th
money and bo questions will I aiked .
Several of the employe connected with the
establishment were slightly burned about tho
banda and arms.
Tho sound of that whittle Is beard ao mora la
Mrt. Wm, B. Taylor, who resided in close prox
imity to the fire, had three of her fingers badly
blistered by teaching tb gleet In tb wiadowtof
hor rctidenc.
Th general alarm oa Sunday morn Ing was
giranby th Foundry whlitl.
Sewino Machine Contest. Kenre-
aentatlr! of tb Domeitic and Singer tewing ma
chines met at Miu Little Ulisey's eewing room on
Third stmt last Saturday aftoraoon, to testth
merits of their respective machines la regard to
their facilities for doing light and heavy work.
Mlaa Glstcy waa to act as judge, aad her decision
was to determine which wa tb bose. After wit
nessing a fair and thorough trial, th axpreastd
herself drcidtdii ia favor of tU iJeaawtie. Tb
work don waa marvelous. Stlteblng waa done
through a half dotea thicknesses of heavy woolen
cloth, as well throagh sole leather, French kip,
a table-tpooa , a plee af board and various ether
article. Work wat also don on th fineat lac.
Th Singer used saddler's tewing silk, and the
Drmeatie uaed No. 60 spool cotton. A number
of prsBi wer present to witness th contest
Specimens of th work don by both machines can
be seea at th alor of Mr. H. A. K ratter. Miss
G. ha worn out on Singer machine, and is there
by mor competent to judg ia a transaction of
this character than if she had never bad any x
per'ence. This Is oertaioly a victory for the
Domestic, aad at it wat challenged to enter tbit
eoBteit, it is with bo tittle degre of prid that Its
operators carried off tbe laurels.
Death or Wm. It. Brown. One of
our mott promioent cltiiem, William R. Brown,
died at his home ia this Urougb about lOo'elock
on Monday nlght.aiUr ao illast of several weeks,
in the 47th yeer of his ge. Hit demls causes
a vacancy In th offlc of Jury Commlstlooor,
which will b filled by appointment of th Court
for anm on to servo ia bia stead antll January
next. Ha wa alio a member of the School Btard
of this borough and waa Secretary of tb tam.
He waa a aoldier ia the late wer, o longing loan
artillery organisation. A wife and tlx children
are left to mourn th lots of a faithful and daro.
ted hua band and a kind and indulgent parent.
Th funeral will tako ptac at 1 o'olock on
Wednesday, under tb ebnrg f Larrlmar Poit,
No. 179, O. A. R. Th interment will take pine
at Owens' cemetery.
Tho Cumberland Valley Sundny
school Association will aismbl aa th M. IS.
camp-meet ing grounds, at Oakrilla, on July 13th,
and b in tesilon for on week. The lecture
coat wi 0Ba 0f tb tajing attractions,
A mong tb -nfnrtit lecturers will be Rv. Thomas
Guard. Th eow,t of BOrmal Instruction will b
a sptcial attraction Buad.lchBOi work.ri.
Kxcuraioa tickets will t iflued and baggage
carneu iro over in tumie,j Vallev Rail
read. All th convenience dailr ntvt beea
mad la regard to ntertainmtot, nirfng
ana auiriouiing in oaggag.
A Man Killed. A man nnmod
eomor was killed at the water tank at th Big
Fill last Saturday afternoon He wa breaking
oa a loog coal traia, and aa tbey wer descending
th steep grade approaching th Fill, h leaned
over while holding en to a brake to look back and
sea If any of the wheels war ilipplag, when bis
bead struck th teak, knocking about ana-half of
U off, killing him Instantly, Woomar wat an
extra brekeman used oa tb mountain from th
Bumlt to Tyroa, and labia aagerna to keep
from being censured lit bia life.
List of letters romaining unclaimed
la th P.ito a ce at Clearfleld, l'a,, for th week
ending June 17, 1881 1
Mr. Harry Dunlap, Kiel Dlxn, P. II. Flcgal,
Philip Haag, Harriet Moore, William Moor, R.
H. Mitchell, Jobs J. Heed, Joha F. Shaak, Cal.
Thurston, Choi. G. Willis, Mr. Amanda Woods,
The Fourth at Curwensville.
Carweasvlll will ommao oa tb Fourth at 8
o'clock A. M. to celebrate, and trill put la a full
day, concluding with fir -works la theevenlng.
Wm. 0. Arnold, Esq., will read th Dvclaratlua
of Independence, aad will b followed with aa
ad Jrea by Gen. Joha Pattoa. A program m of
amuoemantt hat beea Issued.
Festival. We are authorized to
tat that th lady members f tb M. K. Con
gregatloa af Clearfleld propose holding a Festi
val la lb rlur room of their obnrch daring
Thursday aad Friday ereaingi of tb current
week . Ic Cream, Strawberries, Sandwiches,
Ooffea, etc., will b trrd. Of ourt, vry
body la Invited to attend.
Comet Ho. 2. A comet in full view
b atea la tb northern iky la th aranlog
after doik. It la quit brilliant. Ar than two
comets, r ia tb oa viiiel at 9 'look P. M.
aad th aa vtiibl at S o'clock A. M. one aad the
tmr That It th question aow agitating tbe
mind of tha curious.
Hi T One Left. James A. Hagertr,
who for a aamber of year resided at JaaeavUI
la tbit county, aad well-kaowa loth aid awtltera
la Beaoarla, Oalloh aad Woodward townikip.
dled;ia Sinking Valley, Blair eonty, aa tb irtih
af Jea, 1MI, aged Tl year, Hwaanxellent
You can have any kind of an old
bal aaade sw, by Newkirk, tb hatter, avar
Brldgaa Taltoi sk op, Market street, Clearfield,
rM'a, a-l-tf
Pm Willi, Pa., Jon S&th, 1881
Mr. EniTOB: I agaia tend yoa a few Botes nf
Lb doiBga la feoa. farmers are busy wun tneir
eora and other farm work. Col. J as. M liter and
K I wood Wall hav erected for themielre aaoh a
rood barn.
Last aight Prof. Jordan, of th Pennsylvania
Btate College, lectured before tb Normal school
oa 'Th Needs of Agrioultura." Th lecture was
on of th moat loslruotir I vr beard. It is
seldom that the peopl of Pennvllle, or Indeed
tbe county, Lava the opportunity to bear as emi
nent aa agricultural chemist as Prof, Jordan, A
large audience greeted htm.
The oloiioKoxeroioa of tb Pannritl Normal
Bcboet will oooalit .f a ooatett for prliea la
declamatloB, reading, saay, original oratloa aad
vocal muiie. It will be held ia th Hall July
8th, in tb evening, Th admit lane 1 free to
all. Our school has beea a grand success, and
tb school will b abl to par the Library Asso
ciation enough to pure has eight volumes of
"Aigott History or England." jabki,
RiarxrrriaLT dbdicatbd to ait hothbb.
Do BOt grieve, dear friend, for Willi,
He it wi:h the angela now i
There h swells bis angel chorus,
With a crown apoa hi brow.
Though you lorsd your Mule Willie,
Surely Jesas loved him best;
Bo became with arras so loving
And bore him to bis home of rest.
Like a rose-bud to tb morning
Was this little life to thee ;
Bat, dear frieod, to sar auoh Ho a rets,
Jesua died upon tb tree.
Yield your darling thea to Jeans,
To his tender loving breast;
For to tbem he calls e early
He givetb vrlattiog rest. a. t,
Clearfield Coal Trade State
ment of Coal and othr freight sent over th
TyroB A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for lb week ndlng Jua 18th, 1881, and
tb tame Urn lastyvar
For tbe week
Same time last year
Previously during year
Same time last year
In areas
Total In 1881
Same time last year ...
Increase H 461,774
otbbb raaiaaTB.
Lumber 1&$ tart,
Miioellauaoua freights 165 "
Hat Fever. Messrs. Ely Bros.,
Druggists. 0 iv ego, N. Y. I hav beea afflicted
for twenty yeara, during the month of August and
September, with Hay Fever, and hav tried va
rious remedies for tt relief without suoecii, I
was Induced to try your Cream Balm j hav used
It with favorable results, and can confidently
recommend it to all similarly afflicted. Robert
W. Townley, (ex-Mayor) Elisabeth, N. J.
Messrs. Whit A Burdidk, Druggists, Ithaca,
N. Y. I recommend to those suffering (aa I bar
beea) with Hay Fever, Ely's Cram Balm hav
tried tearly all the remedial I oould find, and
find tbit a decided prafercnoa over tbm all. It
has given m Immediate Telief. C. T. Stephens,
Hardware Merchant, Ithaca, N. Y., IS SO.
Prio , loSO.
FnaecnviLi.B. June JOtb, 1881.
Mr. Goodlakdbb i You hare been informed
wrong about the drowned ebild of Charles Vin
cent. On Sunday, Jun 11th, th mother had
been watering ber cows in the yard about ft o'clock,
and there remained about fire inches of water In
th tub. While tbe mother was driving the cows
about twenty rods away, tbe child fell in tbe tub
and there was only tbe child's sitter present, too
young to assist ber. She called the mother, who
was not gone more than fire minutes. Whea she
returned, she found tbe child in the tub with life
sttnoL. It wa aged 15 months,
Cbablbs Vibcbxt.
Supreme Court Depihionb. Tho
Supreme Court, lilting for th Middle District of
Pennsylvania, adjourned at Ilarriiburg last
Wednesday. Befor adjourning, tb following
opinions concerning Clearfield county cauiti wr
entered i
Hoar VI. Flegal. Affirmed.
Wlltoavt. Irvia. Affirmed.
Kramer A Dell vs. Goodlaader (two taiee).
Park el va. Boynton. Reversed.
Tb opinion in a a umber of eat, tuoluding
Norllng'i, will probably aot b promulgated be
fore th loiiioa at Pittsburgh next Oatober.
Normal School. L. . Wooer and
J. T. Liddle will opea a lehool at Luihenburg
on July 18th, 1881, to coat ion eight week.
Special attentloo will b glren to Theory of
Teaching. Thla will offer rar inducements to
those who Intend to teach tb coming Winter.
Luthersburg it beautifully located, with an ex
cellent achool building. Th pcopl ar Intelli
gent and boapitabl. Board iag and tuitloa will
be very reasonabl. For further Information, ad
dress L. E. Weber, Lumber City, Clearfleld coun
ty, or, J. T. Liddell, DuUols, Clearfleld county,
I'enasylraaia. 2t.
New Daily Stage Line. James L.
Leavy bat succeeded In baying a daily mall estab
lished between Clearfield and Pennfield, and will
hereafter ma a daily stage between tb two points.
Hit contract began with April lit, and th stag
will tear Clearfield avary morning (except Sun
day) at 9 o'olock, making connections with all
train on the Low Grade Railroad at Pennfletd, re
turning after th last trala th earn evening.
Psengrsand freight will be carried at low rates.
Order! left at any of tb hotels will be attended
to. lBapr70-tf
EiGiiTT-riVE Dollars Lost! "You
do not tell m that your husband 1 up and about
agaia, and entirely cured by so simp! a medloln
as Parker's Gingr Tonic T" "Yet, Indeed, I do,"
said Mrs. Beojamio to her enquiring neighbor,
"and that too when w bad foolishly paid $8 In
doctor bill and prescript lour, and after be had
been given up by bit pbysleltnt to die. Now
my husband feels at well at rr, entirely cured
by tbit excellent Tonie." And many a tick man
might h well ta a week If they would only try U.
A Housekeeper Wanted. Liberal
wagea will be paid for doing homework. No
child ran to play with, aor cows to milk, or mora
Ing flra to kindle. Apply at th raideneof
th ubicrlbr. G. B. GooDLaanaa,
Buckingham's Dye for the wbUkers
ia an elegant, eafa and reliable article, eheap,
and convenient for at ; will not rub off. Try It !
Call at Merrill's hardware storo and
se tb cheapest aad best Sewing Mtehln tor
th least money. Dec, 22-tf.
'to to Hirtiner & Hook's (or straw
hate, amibrellaa and linen d asters, at bottom
PricM- 22-2t.
A now lino, of penis' neckwear,
shirts and whit wits at Uirllnger A Rooks.
A very elcgatit lino of pocket cutlery,
rators, teiseors aad shear at Harder s. e-Ji-tf
Fiabing taohlo, wboUeeU) and mtaU
at Harder'. , 5-li-tf
Orb HfanuiD Pan Cbkt. Diicoiixt oh Old
Pbicbi. Sewing Machines can now be purchased
at Mem 11 's tin and variety store, from $3 un-
warda. All kinds of sewing machines repaired
oa me anorien none.
Clearfleld, Pa., July II, 1877.
Just Itecflvctl.
Just Keonived by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Scotia fluster!
Car Load puro Corn, I?ye and Oats
unop i
Car Load Deakcn Snltl
Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac.!
iarShtnitlos, Bark. K. K. Tics and
Groin will be taken In exchange.
Curwensville, May 1, 1878.
C.B.lirtlLD, PAn Job. II,
Floor, jimt .wt...
Buflkh.t Flour, p.r.wt ...
Cor. M..I, p.r owt..,
Chop, rjt rowt m
Cbnp, Bi..d, p.r
Bmo, ptt wl
Wh., pff aa.h.1 HM..HI.
R?., r
O.L, p,r buM
Oora, wi, pr baia.l..H M..HM.,4
BaokwhMl, pn ..ib.1. ..Hn.
Clorr mm,
Timothj ,m4.. .
PoUtoM, p ....I.,.M.HMM.......
ApplM,pM tt.b.l...,.,H...M
Hi, por pouBd
SbobI J,r, p.r poBBd
Dri-d Bmi, por poaad
CblrkoBi, p.r
Batt.r, p.r pound m
Krnrl, p.r doion
tl 01
I 10
1 00
I 40
I 00
t 10
0 00
1 Tt
1 00
I 00
1 1.
t to, ,.r Meh, lsrK..,.,.,H.
Cool Oil, por (olloo
Lord, por poood
Urlod Applo,, por poBBd
Orlod Fooehos, por potad ....
Boaao, por bv,b.l.,..nn,.
Phil dblpbia, Job IT. Thar waa a fair
movement In Boar, but not much doing 1b wheat,
corn and oats. Cotton is Steady j small sales it
lio for middling upland. eds Nothing do.
Ing la eloreneed. Timothy Is dull at $a.i&, and
(la i seed $1.39. Bark la quoted at $27. 00 per Ion
for No. 1 quercitron. Floor and Meal Thar la
some shipping demand for Pennsylvania families,
and a moderate Inquiry from th home trad for
choke Minnesota extra aad desirable wiattr
wheal. Prices are well sustained, Bale of
2,tttU barrels; Superfine at $3JHiiS.73 extras
at $4fu4.2ftj Minnesota xtras at" i.M.fft for
good to choice char, aad at $itd,6.26 for straight
Pennsylvania family at $i.Bi!(rvi.75 ( western$o.lUC43BI nd P" at $0.2&(g)7.60.
Rye flour tt dull at $..(0 2&,
Whisky ia aoaro aad active. Bales of 59 bar
rait western at $1.11.
Nbw Yonx, Jun 17. Flonr let actlv and
without decided.change. Ry flour ia ouiet and
steady. Wheat i(tilc better t winter Jo lower
and Iota active; ungraded aprlng, 90efl-li
No. 3 do., $1,14 j No. 2 do., $I.Hi((lt 2a ; un
graded red, $1.12(rul3I? N. 1 do., $.2il(u)
l.lHi No. 2 do., $l.2'o UOi ( No. 1 red $1.14;
mixed winter, $1.201(0, 1 27 ; ungraded white,
$1.21(1.29; No. 1 do.,$12Jlrf(jlu, N0. nii
June, $1.2i(ii)l.3t)i ; July, 8i.isifal.lVti Aa
guat,$l.2oil.27t; September, $Usj(u)1.2Ai i
No. I white, inly, $1.2ti. Rye Arm and quiet at
$1.0fl(rI.0il, Barley aad barley malt dull and
nominal. Cora opened stronger and closed
lower aad weak; ungraded, Mg,ay,e; Ho. 3 oAc;
No 2 68('ii6U,o j No. 1 white, ol fflljo ( white
western, OUio; yellow, tifi0j No. J June;
Hi(a,Ml July, 67f(bi7ia( August, 67ir68ie,
bepieuiker, 6Sd (,aj 5if c. Oats ,(iilc lower and
dull , No. I, 4J4(3o f do. white, 43140 No.
2, 43ira44c; No. 1,44c; do. whit, 4oj mtied
wenlern, 42(u,434o j white, do; 430,4 ntiied
Ui,4iiic; whit do., 4Jlf4(to; Mo. 1 Jun,
43j(a444o; July, 4:i(4JoJ Ht-ptembtr, 37. o.
Cuicauo.Jun 27. Floor It is good demand.
Wh..l .Al... A... mA kih . W a J
$1.17(l2(i No. Cbioagosuriog,$l.l2j(a,l.lS
v - , tur WHua, i,10 I OF alUiy f
Jl.Hi for August; $1,114 for Hepiember No. 8
do , $1.0V(oI.UVi; rejeoted, 11 96c. Cora un
seltled biiU lower; 47 ic tor eaao ; 4Ajiof'.t47a for
June; 4fl(.(j4tHic for July f 4Ot(iii40jcfor August;
48 ic fur September ( rejected, 44o, Oat tairly
acttv and a shad higher ; 2sjo fur cash ; 3tttjt
3fo for June; 881c for July; 26io tor Autust;
97 4n fnr K.n..k.. . 1-1- 1. .7
Barley eauer at title. Pork dull and a thade
Innr I Sln.9A fni ..k . lint t u . i.
1. 1(1 Ul. t... L. . '
ubuu vra-ivi , " IV I BotaiJ j f I V.Wi IUT tlUIJ ,
I0.W3KvIU.5 for August; $u.S0(4l0.o24 lor
wards; shoulders, $6.V0 , short ribs, 98. 5 ; ihoit
dibkt, ea.ou, naiaay eieauy an a unanangea.
hUOADS-PRVER At Troatrille, Pa., on
dni, tooi, vj utwii Dcnuou, ntq., nr voun
11. Rrioana and Miss Dou Prvib, all af Bell
THKB0D0N-Rh'0UX.-0n Tueiday, June
Jlit, 1031, by Daniel Connelly, Ktq , Mr. Josxra
Trie so bow and Mis Doxblda Rkoix, all of
union lowainip.
DIKHL-BELL. At tha Darla lloas. In
aw w acoington borough, on bumlay, Jute lutb,
1KM, by W. W. Barclay, K-q , Mr, Tbcmas P.
Diaui.and Mlts Mabtua A. Bell, both of Green
wood township.
BRKT1T 1IOLTKR. At the res Id mot of th
bride's lather, on Thursday. June lad. 1881. bv
Rev. J. A. Irvine, air. CnmiTu N. Banra, of
uaienu, vicarneia county, ana Misi uari M.
itoLTxa, ol Liberty, Ueotr county.
AMICH-RtFFNKR. At th bride's home,
en Thursday. June lrttb. 18U. br Kev. A. S.
8tnn, Mr. Andrxw Joiinio Antra, of New
Washington boroairh, aod Mitt Ribkcca Jkxb-
xkttb HtrriiBB, ot tturns.ds township.
MRRRV-MoCI.OSKEY.-At tbe Irrln House,
In Lock Haven. Pa., bv Rev. A. P. Hsllmaa. on
Thursday, Jone Iflth, 1H8I, Mr. Jamxs T. Manny,
ui nvaimir, hid ion enuniy, ann mm m.
McCLoaxar, of Three Runt, Clearfield oouoty.
FAREWKLL KING. At tbe reiidencof A.
U. King, In Woodward townthiii, Clinton ecuntr.
on Wednesday, Juu loth, IrtSI, by Rev. W. A.
iiuucR, nr. A. v. Pxrbwill, of Lumber City,
Clearfield eounty, and Miss Mabt U. Klio. ol
Qlea talon, Clintoo oounty.
BROWN. At his home In Clearfield borouth.
on Monday evening, June 37th, 181, William
nuasxLL jiaowa, aged 40 years aad 10 months.
DRAUCKER, In Pike town. bin. on Saturdev.
June, 18, lttHl, ol scarlet fever, William Urant,
son of D. B. and Catharine Draucksr, aged Ifi
years, months and 18 days.
liADKKTY. On Thursday. Jun Ifith. 1881.
at hia residence ia Sulking Valley, Blair county,
Jam as A. Haobxtt, aged 71 year.
Th deceaied was for a aamber of yoan a resi
dent af JaaearilW, Clearfleld oounty.
Oil Quotations !
l.ubrltntlng, itt fined tl jninerM'
W. quot. oar broad, of P.lroleuu and oth.r oil,
(mbjttl to mart.1 tkoKgf),rd fro.
on board ear .t kaj itattoB OB
th. Tjron. Cl.arn.ld
R.tB.d 0U, Stal. Tit.....p.r gal. At low,.!
Prima Whlla, ISO " .... "1 B.rk.t rate.
Wat.rWhile.U0 ".... f wilboutrof.r.
Ilaino, lit ' .... " j aiioo to .oil
Danilna, 71 UraTilj.
N'.ptha, 74 "
U.aolin,, I) "
Min,ri Lamp, A00 u.t u.
Car All. Oil, (W. Va.) Eilra.
" " (W.Va.)Mid'B.
" " (W.V..)Bmm
Natural Lubrloatinf H
Franklin " Kttra.
" " Bunniar.
Blaek Diamond
Uold.B " ,...
Ambor " ,
No. 1 8plndl.
Matohliu Cylinder Oil
No.l '
Wool Oil, No. 1
Lard Oil (oxtra)iv inter .train'!
" No. 1 ,
" No. I
Bclipi. Bnirin., No, 1
no. 2
" No. I.
Miner,' Yellow, per galloo
White ..,.
Linieed, No. 1 "
At lownt
ket rate.
" American "
onl rer. to
Turpentioe, beet
Il'e Ul.ll.1.rTHV prUe and
inrrl nil coniprf if Ion.
may 4, 'al ly.
tlon neatly etatiuted at thli offlo.
Nam pies worth
ej v Bj'v ire,
Addrras Btikwn A Co.,
Portland, Maine.
rfAfJ()Na) POH HAI.EI-Th aubscrlber
IT hu (wo Two-Horse Wasons. Bear I r new.
for sale. Will be eeld cheap. Cslloo or addreis
Clearfleld, Pa., March S, lK8l-tf.
IARIM I.ANI)) POR tlAI.K In Huelon
and Pin townships, Clearfield oounty. jr-
KeatObable time riven lor nert of nurohate .Tlf
rnce a f la.up
(ier a
acr. 17
Ml ueralt
L. B
Penfleld, Pa.
or Wsutri A Kaaaa,
Clearfleld, Pa,
Sept. 10, 187B-tr.
T4TC)Tir K, The nndersigned, residing la tb
vnia; oi neiiover, la I'best towoehip,
baa mad th necesnary arranmenti and pro
poae to opea an KATINil llnlMi forth ac
commodation of tb public generally, aad I baro
ny annul a noerai snare 01 its public patronage.
Weitorer, P., Feb. 9,
1 .1HTRAY IIORMFCame trespassing oa
I J the premite of th lubsertber In lleoatur
township, on or about the tiUb day of Jun lent,
a briirbt BAY IIORHB, with white hind feet and
a amall whit atar la forehead, and supposed to
b about seven year old. The owner ia requested
to enme forward, prov pronartv. tav ebarcas.
and take him away or be will be disposed of ac
cording io law. aill.r.H HHAhK.
wt feeatur, Juu lid, Ifiel.St.
C1AlfTIN All persona, especially mer
Jehants, ar hereby warned arainst trattlnsrar
harboring my wile, KI.I.ABK TH, who ka left
my bed and board without any Just cans or
provocation, and I hereby give notice, to th fob Ho
aot to harbor r trust ker on my ceo ant, as I
am determined to pay B debts that the may aob
traet after tbis date. CALVIN TKKL.
Mrehamptoa, Job It, 8I -Jt
CAUTION All persona ar hereby warned
agalnMparvbaaiag r In any way meddling
with the following described personal property
bow in the possession of Alfred Biahon, of Perau
oa township, vit t Oo yoke of steer,! hugs, I
Barrow, I plnwa, I log aaalflt, ant kooki, 1
grind itea, 1 wagoa, 1 log tied, I pair of grabs,
I rope aad tackle block. The forego log property
waa purchased by m at private sale, and la
allowed to remala in tb poeoeisio of said Alfred
Hishop oa loaa only, eabject te my order at aay
Hard, Pa., Jan II, 1881-et
Millinery I Millinery 1 1
ITAKl thepleesot of faformlng th pabll
thai I shall ffer apeeial lariueements la
Millinery Goods, rack as Silks, Retina, Ribbons,
Flowers, Ae Trimmed aad t a trimmed Hate and
Bnaneta, la tbe very latest sty lee, Notluas and
Mad up Clothing for ebildrea. I kindly solieit
a thar af yoar patroaag.
Mix m. a- v Lv H ,
Market St Clearfield, Pa
Apr. 90, 1881. It.
OH WnttK. All kind, ofjob work aleoul.d
I la lb. beat maaB.r at thli ottoa.
a week In your owa town. Terms and $6
outfits free, Addra 11, II allbvt A Co.,
rortUBd, Maine. tmebx-iy
Mala Street,
Tabl alwaya lupplted with th beat th markt
)an.l,'7fl. ROB RUT LOYD.
dPIAfJTION-All nersona ar hereby warned
J againat trespassing on or meddling with tb
real and personal property now occupied and
owned bv Mr. Sarah WoolienorofL situated In
Boggs township, adjoining land owned oa the
south by Joel H, Woolsenerolt, on tbe weit by
anoi or i nomas ueers, oa to noits by in fielr
of Jess 8 tone, and on th att by land of Tho.
Plokl. oonlaioing fifty acres (60), mor or
Mia. This is therefor to notify the public that
the title to the land and tbe personal property la
Woodland, Jun 2v, IBHl St,
Clearfleld Nursery.
TUB undersigned, having established a Nur
sery on th 'Plk, about half way betweea
Clearfield and Carwenaville. Is prepared to fur
nish all kinds of PRUIT TRUES, (standard and
dwarf,) Kvergreens, Shrubbery, Grape Vint,
Gooseberry. Lawloa Blackberry, Strawberry,
and Raspberry Vines. Also, Siberian Crab Trees,
Qulnoe, and early acartet Rhubarb, Ac. Orders
promptly attended to. Address,
tepJO-fiS-y Curwensville, Pa.
Bowlni; XbXmclilxi.e,
Improved to Perfection I
TOR llghtnaas of running, superiority af menu
J. faotur, simplicity of maoagetuent or range of
work, (no vomeitie turpaates all otbers. Mr. H.
M. Jon will visit eltiiens of th county la my
interest, and show them what tbi wonder fn I ma
chine 1 oapable or doing. Parties at a dlstano
wishing to see the finest and handsomest machine
In the world, can do so without any expense to
memseives, oy addressing o. m . jonan, uiear
filed, Pa., or 11. A. KRAT.KR, ,
Agent for Clearfield Co.
Clearfleld, Jun IS, lSHl-tf.
pwlHHOMfTION NOTirEU-Nottetlsber.
XJ by given that tbe partnership hereto for
existing between B. B. Bamberger, D. B. Rum
berger, John II. Miller, and Jotoph P. Creiwell,
in the general merchandit business at tb Mo
shannon Mines, In Woodward towmhip, Clearfield
eounty, Pa., under the firm name of Ham berger,
Creiwell A Co., is mutually dissolved this Vth day
of Juno, A. D. far as ralates to B. S.
Bamberger and D. B. Romberger. All debts du
to the said partnership are to be paid, to and Ihote
due irom to same, dtscBargcd by Ureiwell t
Miller at the old ttand, where th aforesaid bus!
aets wilt be conducted by th said Joteoh P.
Creiwell and Joha H. Miller, under the nam of
Creiwell A Miller. B. B. RI'MHKRGKR,
John ii. milli:h.
HouUdale, Pa., Jun Utb, 1881-4t.
SIX hundred and ninety-two (8D2) aerea of land,
altuate ia Clearfleld oouaty, Pa,, will be sold
io a body, or lo three (1) separate parcel, to wit :
Five hundred (SHO) acres well timbered with
oak, pine and hemlock, and baring thereon a fint
clan water-power mill with circular taw.
One hundred and twenty (120) ecrei cleared and
a good state of cultivation, and having tbereoo
erected a large and fin frame dwelling bouse, two
large frame barns and other neoeeiary outbuild
ing!, tDgetber with a large orchard, good water,
Ac, Ao.
Seventy acret cleared and under cultivation,
bat with no buildings.
The said lands are situate within 3 miles of
Clearfleld and the Pennsylvania Railroad, and an
underlaid with bituminous coal and fire-clay.
Reason for Belling. Declining health of owner.
For further particulars, inouir of tbe subscriber,
J. PRANK SNYDER, Att'y for Owner.
Clearfleld, Pa, June loth, lSDI-tr.
Newark, N. J.
Aaaara, Jan. 1, 1K8I, aa aecertalaed
by Uiaatninc Comiaieeionori
of MauaobuaetU,Ohio and Now
Jorae; .t!li,72,815 U
LuaiLiTina, a. elated by tb. una. 81,011,4:13 80
Hu.PLtil by Maaaehu'e Standard l,81&,382 08
Si arxi e by New York Standard... 1,088, 5 08
All polieioe nonforfeitable after Meood
year ; low ezpeaaea large diridanda do
elared and paid .very year alnoe organ
isation i ample enrpluj earreodar valoee
moat liberal ; Iobmo promptly adjualed
and paid.
Orpicaaa i
LEWIS 0. DROVER, !'B.M..r.
JAMBS B. PKARSllN, Vica-Paaamaxr.
En. L. Dnanixa, Sao'y. Tuao. MAciaaTT,Treaa.
POTTER KK1KH, ttate Agent,, 1.12 Wal
ant.treol, Philadelphia, Pa.
R. IM. M'ENAI.I.V, Special Agent. OOloa la
Moaaop'a bnilding, Market atreet, Clearfield, Pa.
Re-Union of Trade.
TIIR andenlgned wishing to Inform tbe public
that he opened a
At th old stand la Troutrllt. Clearfleld county,
Pa., on th 18th Inst, with a full slock of
Itoota, hoea, litr
Ia fact everything to b found In a first -eleii store,
all of which I am determined to sell at the lowest
cash price.
Will find It to their advantage to do tbelr dealing
with me, a th highest prices will It paid fur
Grain, Shingles, or Produce of any kind. Part
or one-half oath will be paid. Trading for
8li Ingles or Lumber of any kind a specialty. Also,
agent for
Singer Sewing Machines.
si log mane arranfrrRienie wun caiiera mer-
vhnw v ! B'lrvu lurnimoa ma, (iiereiore eau
and see, as I will be enabled to sell cheaper than
Troutville, Pa., Sept. X4, F7-Iy. Agent.
Notice to lleir.H
Ahat Rule,
Ib tb matter of the Ka
late of John Hancock,
1 Ib tbe Orpham' Court
of Clearfleld county,
j renna.
J. K. Hancock, I. W. Hanoook. John Hanoook
and Smith V. Wllion, his tiaardiaa ad Hum,
Margaret Ann Pessmor and Harvey Panmora,
her hutband, Mary Bell Fullington and A. L.
Fullington, ber husband, Hannah H. Mot' h ar
son and John H. McPhersoa, ber husband, 01
ira Brutoa aad II. V. B niton, ber husband,
Buiaa Stantoa and William Stanton, her hus
band, Uauoah MoPharion and John II. Mc
pherson, ber husband, and who claims to be
AHene of Mary Bell Kulllagton and A. L.
Fullington, and John II. Mrl'henon, Alienee
of Susan Stanton and William Stanton, her
Take notice, that at an Orphans' Court held at
Olnarfield, la and for said county, on the Id day
of Juu, a. 1. last, Mute was gramed, whereby
yoa and each of yon ar commanded to be aad
appear at an Orphans' Court te be held at Clear
field, la and for said cntinty, oa the FOURTH
30th day, at 2 o'olock P. M., hr and thea to ao
eeptor refuse the real itat of the said Joba
Hancock, late of Pik lownahlp, deceased, at the
Tiai ion inereoi, ana ib ease you neglect or re.
fuse to take the same t show cause, if anv von
hav, why th tarn should net be sold according
w mw. JANft.3 RAMAf rr.i,
Sheriff's Office, 1 Slier iff.
Clearfield, Pa., Jua 13, '8l-.1t. J
James Lib Leavy.
ITavIng porohased tb atlr stock of Fred.
Beckett, hereby gives Botic that be has moved
lalo tbe room lately occupied by Reed A Nagerty,
OB Second street, where b ia prepared to oiler to
iu pn 1110
of tb lateet Improved patterns, at low arlea.
Qaa Fixtures and Tinware.
Booting, Spouting, Plumbing, Oa Fitting, and
Hepalrlag Pump a epeeieuy. AH
work warranted.
Anything la my lia will be ordered smcIbJ If
air, AB. U. ti an V I,
Clrfied, P Jaauary 1, IITfi-tt
On the ist of this month our stock of Men's and
Boys' Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at Oak Hall
was seven hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred
ami seventy-five dollars and eighty-one cents.
Where is there another such stock to select from ?
The old house has been remodeled.
The old hands (most of them) are still there.
The old principles of just and right prices, sound
goods, fashionable styles, substantial linish, are strictly
ll, .1 ..
Who founded tin: business, is at Oak Wall every day look
ing after things, and in all the history of Oak I lall it was
to push up its high standards and drop down to lowest
old-time greeting to our friends nerywliere,
and another cordial invitation extended to come to Oak Hall.
Wanamaker & Brown,
Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia.
The Largeat Clothing House in America.
The last new thing we have done is to open a TEN
DOLLAR ROOM, where we have gathered a great lot
of full Suits, suitable for dress or business, which we shall
sell at $io.
You can judge of the cheapness of our stock by seeing
what we can do for $io. W. & B.
SIIOEMAKINO I hereby inform my pa
tron,, and mankind ia eeneral, that I hare
removed my abosmaking anon to tbo room in
Orabam'e row, over 8. 1. Snvuer'a Jewelry .tore,
and that I am prepared to do all kind, of work
IB my lln. cheaper than an other ahop In towa.
All work rood a, oan be dona an,.
wbere elae. Poaitirelj thia la th. eheape.t ahop
In Claarlield. JOS. II. UKKKIN'U.
Doe. II, 1871-lf.
TUB subscriber aow otTera to th eititeat of
Bnrntld aad vicinity, aa unprovided
specialty. Hereafter all kind of Caskets and
Coffins will b kept on hand, and orders filled at
Minerals lliendtd Anywhere.
I will furnish the finest as wait as th cheapest
articles dedicated to funerals. All order left at
the store of Joua C. Comb will receive prompt
attention. For further particulars, call on ar
addros I. a. llENDEHbOX.
Deo. 10, 1870-tf.
Fire-Proof Safes.
nil tfM
; It i:
(f:. I i 11 i i-J-
;v mm
yiapiuliaawejlaa, mJVfm
The only 8-Flange Safe in the World,
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as
More secure from Burglata than any
Fire Troof Safe, and no expin8
in repairing Bolta or Locki.
Patent Hinged Cap,
Four-Wheel Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
Solid Angle Corners.
These Knfcn are now being oM in
thin Rtate In
And give tho
Greatest Satisfaction,
Doing the Mont ITiglily Finished,
Scat Made, and Choapost First
Cl&st SAFE ovor froducol
Theae Celebrated Safes had tha
Champion Record
11 TUB
Great Boston Fire,
And since that time oriat and ini-or-taht
lMfRovEMMTa have
boon made.
Jleloro giving your order to any
othor concern, send for prices and
doscriptive Catalogue
Dm. It, 18W-1.
Inside Bolt Work,
Por catarrh, hay tever,
old in tue bead, .,
insert with the finrer,
particle of th Ualm
into toe nostma; araw
tnf breaths through
ib noee. It will be
kbeorbed, olvaalna,
land hcalina tb d le
ased mtmbran.
For cafitea
Ipply a parttel Into
HAVINO aained aa aatiable loeat reputatloa.
disntaeioc all other preparation In tbe vicinltv
of discovery, is, oa Its merits alone, recognised as
a wonan ui remedy waerever known. A fair
trial will ooarino the most skeptical of its eora
tlva powers. It effectually cleanses tbe nasal
passaifee ol iVaterrnal virus, ceasing healthy secre
tions, allays infiammatinn aad irritatioa, protect
th m subrenal Union of th head from additional
colds, Completely heels th sores and restores th
sense ot taste and smell. Henefioial result ar
realised by a tew applications. A thorough treat
ment as directed will cur Catarrh. A a house
hold remedy for cold in the head It is aaequaled.
Tb Balm la easy to as aad acreeable. hold bv
druggists at 0 cents. On receipt of 60 cents
will mail a package. Send for oiroular with fall
For aal by the Clearfleld Druggists, and by
Whole I lrvRs;iets frenerally.
April fith, 1881-6m.
John bin & Bros.,
All Kinds of Merchandise,
-81X11 AS
Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.
The Only Manufacturers in Clearfield
County of tho
xor , 1 hop jjrn
-"ifCasli paid for all kinds of
Oram Wheat, Eye, Outs, Etc.
Corw.o.Tlll.. Pa., Juae i, lSIO-lf. '
Cheap Cash Store
Clearfleld, Pa.,
Comprising Drsa Goods of the very latest atyl,
consisting In part of Cashmeres, Manchester
Fancies, Alpacas, and all maaaar of
Fancy Dress Goods,
Buck as Cretona, Mohair Luster, Plaids, Dross
Ginghams, Drees Faael of lb very lateet
style, and aa cheep as they ean be cnld
la this market.
Consisting nf Glove fur flats, Ladles aad
Ml uee. Hoe f all shades, Silk Fringes,
Laces, Fancy Dres Button, Ladles' 9
Ties of all shades and styles, Cuffs
end Collar, Ribbons of all kinds and
qaalitie. Merin Daderwear, Trimmtags, ate.
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
Cni-pcts, Oil Cloths
Wkl.k wlU Be Mid wkeleear. ar rataU. WIN Uke
Country Produce
Ib Eicbaaf (br Cateui at Market Prlcaa.
wm. J. Borris.
ClaarStld, ttpt. II, IMCMf.
Wa hara prlfltad a larn aambar ef lata Bev
rKI BILL, aad will OB tha reeelpt ar Iw.nlT
ea aaata. aaall a actpy I. aaj addraea. aaytS
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
Ourw.nirUle, Jaa. I, tl It
Thomas A. Duckett,
I1IKRKB give atle to the ettlaeas of Clear
field and tbe aurronnding rlolnity that I am
prepared at all time to furnish famlli aad
manufacturing establishments with a superior
quality of
Coal, WoodJ Coke,
Which I am prepared to deliver la a few hours'
aotioe. I am alwaya ready ta haul and deliver
Irom and to tb depot, or anywbor els, and
mov families and household goods anywhere oa
ahort nolle. T1108. A. DUCK KIT,
Clearfleld, pa., Mar. II, 18B-tf.
Eight Farms forSale or Rent!
Th subscriber propose to sell or rent a aam
ber of tarns located as follows i Tbs first si to at
la Burns id township, Centre county, containing
160 acres, having thereon erected a fram dwell
ing, frm barn, adjacent ta a church, aad knowa
as tbe Jamea Mulbollaud farm,
ALSO, another farm situate la O rah am town
ship, Clearfield oouaty, containing 1 17 aor, with
tbe necessary improvements. This farm isander
laid wito a UOOD VEIN OF GOAL.
A LSO, li i other farms in th vicinity of Frenoh
ville, containing rwpeot fa Mr 111, lfifi, 95, to,
aad 26 acres. These farms all hav hone aad
barns thereon, good water, bearing orohards oa
same, aa well as some good wood land. For
farther particulars eall ia person, or address th
undersigned by letter. L. nf. COLDR1KT.
Jan. lVth, ISBl-lf. FreaahvUl, Fa.
Th undersigned has eome to tb concluslea ta
quit farming aad follow his occupation, a car
penter, and now offer for aal hi farm, altuat
on and abalf miles aorth af Clearfield borough,
Mast of which 1 cleared and udr good cult Ira
tiua. aad having thereon a good
Large fram barn, and other necessary outbuild
ings, together with aa orchard of all kinds of
fruit, and aa excellent spring af water. Th
This property will be exchanged for smaller prop
erty, or sold oa easy terms ia payments. For .
farther particulars call on the premises or address.
JOHN 0. REED, Clearfield, l'a.
March lfitb, 1881-tf.
Opens Monday, April 18th, 1881,
to Continue 12 Weeks.
THW school eommends Itself to public favor
for the following reasons :
First. Boarding oan b had In goed families at
from $2 to $2. per wet.
6eood. Local ioa Is healthful and society re
fined and cultured.
Third. The eoun of study mbodls tb 8 tat
Normal Bchool features, and Is particularly
adapted to the wants of those who expect to teach.
Fourth. The students hav th ad v eat age of a
well con dun ted" Literary Society, be for which
will be delivered a seiiea of free lctura.
Fitth. Tb work of th school is stimulated by
the encouragement and faror of aa intelligent
SiiLh. 8peclat attention will be given tb
Normal olass by th Priaclpal, who Is a graduate
of a Stat Normal School, aad tha instruction la
Theory of Teaching, Jovrnmott At,, wttl h
mad to accord with tha modcra Ideas of ad
vanced adooatora.
Common Branches with School Kcoaomy.a.fifi 09
Oommon Braaobaa aad School Reonomy
with Algebra, Geometry, Physical Urog
raphy, Natural Philosophy, Civil Uov-
rnmnt, Latia, to 8 fit
Hlghsst elaaaM H $3 M
Lower alease H,H lit
For farther laformatloa address,
W. A. AMBROSK, Osceola, P. ,
MATT BAY AUK, Clearfleld, Fa.
Mar. 9, I8M-IX.
Desirable Real Estate !
Estate of Xticli&rd Shaw, Sr., See'd.
TIIR undersigned, Kxceutors of the estate of
RICHARD SUAW, Sr., deceased, will oiler
at public sale at the COI'RT HOUSE, in th bor
ough of Clearfield, Pa., on
Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1881,
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M.,
Th following valuabl real estate, vis t
Tb threa-story BRICK HOTEL property,
corner of Market and First streets, la the bor
ough of Clearfleld, known as
'The Shaw House,''
Fronting with twolots of ground thereto belonging
awo ieei on Market street, ana vv
feet oa First street, with a two-story
dwelling boose attached. Th ho
tel proper ha eilty bed-rooms aad
all conveniences for a flrst-elae
hotl. On af tb most desirable hotel prepertie
la Ceatral Peansylrania.
Th above will b sold together with a twa
sterv frame dwellinc house on Market street, ad-
jeeeat to tb Hotel, aad one ether fram dwelling
nous aad a tw-atory store eaiiaing, an irvsnn
on Market street.
ALSO. Alt that certain lot, knowa la tha
fleb of Clearfleld borough a Lot Ho 1SV,
routing 60 feet oa Locust street, ran- 4
ning back ITS feet, more or less, to aa alley I
with dwellina bouse end all necessary out-J
buildings thereon tree ted, and other imprcvementa.
One-third cash at delivery of good deed, aad
lb halane to b secured by bond and mortgage,
parable la on and two years, with Interest,
Surviving Bi'rs of Richard Shaw, Br,d'd.
Clearfield. P Jua a, IUUi.
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
T enpectfully solicit tholr patroni
XV and Ih. pabll. r.n.ralle ta .all an, ataaa.
lae ae aleak of .
Cahbmerca, Velrotoeni, DeUtneei,
I,wn, Ginxbiroa, I'rlnti, Vn
bleached nd llecbed Mm
Una, Fancy Skirts, Sbtot
inca, Ticltines, Carpet,
ltnga, Oil Cloths,
I.anndriod, Whits,
Cheviot and rorcalt
Shirts, Olovos, Neckwear,
Hen's and Dots' Clothing,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., ete.
Groceries & Gen'l Merchandise
Will ba found ot first quality, and
aalinfaction is guaranteed. Tha fol
lowing are always kept od band
(some few only in their season) :
Sugars, Teas, Coffees, 8pices, Syrups
Confectioneries, Oranges, Lenooa.
Bananas, Figs, Dates, eta., Hard
ware, (jueonsware, Glasewara,
Tinware, Wood and Willow
war, Paint, Oils, Clocks,
Tranks, Valises, Mirrors,
Stationery, Furniture,
ft Miners' Supplies,
July 28, 1880-tf.