Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 29, 1881, Image 2

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    Jtc publican.
Gioboi B. Goodlandir, Editor.
Header, If 70a want to know wbat Is (rolng on
Itt the baslnese world, just read our sdvsrtislng
aolauDi, the Nptial ooiutns In perlloular.
Silas C. Herring, the safe niunufao
turor, died luddonly in Plainfluld, K. J.,
one day last wock.
Col, ilct'luro, of tbo rhiladolphia
Time), arrived in town yesterday. Tbo
Colonel is taking recreation lroin the
arduous toil of tbo editorial room.
Tba Groonbaekors of thia State held
their Convention at Pottsvillo. on the
IStb inst., and nominated It. W. Jack
on, of Morccr county, for Slato Troas
Tbo Cambridge (N. J.) Tribune Bays
tbat Conkling isn't running as well at
Albany aa he did at Canonohot,
when Sprngue was aflor him with a
L - i
UaiiMitu Over. President Garfield
and Gonornl Grant have shaken hands
and made gome observations about tho
woathor. Tho safety of tho Republic
is now assured.
The Keitiilican will not bo issued
next wock. Our next paper will bo
July 1.1th. Tho ollice will be open for
the transaction ot business in tho mean
time and doing all kinds of job work.
Food for tiu Syndicate Orcian.-
Govornor Hoyt'a veto of tbo Judicial
Apportionment bill will enable District
Attorney McKonrick to assist Judges
Mayor and Orvia to run tbo Quarter
Sossions business of our county lor somo
time in tho future.
Vie publish threa new laws on tho
first page and one on the second page
of this issue, all enacted by the last
Legislature These will bo followed
by others from time to timo, ascircum
slauces will pormit. We will give tho
amondmonts to the game and fish law
in our next Issue.
Primary Election. Tho Demo
cralic Primary election will he hold
this yoar on Saturday, Septombor
17tb. It will, therefore, be in ordor
to publish tho names of candidates on
and after tho 10th ol August. All
candidates will please tuko notice.
It's the Way. Tbo way tho Half
breeds treat Conkling, now that bo is
down, roniinds ono of this story: A
Hebrew bad a man down and was
gouging and pounding him. Somo ono
came up and said: "You should not
gougo a man when ho is down." "Mine
front," replied the othor, "it ish the
time to gougo a man wen he ish down."
Hartford Times.
piito a number of counties tbat ex
pected to bo formed into separata Ju
dicial districts under the new Appor
tionment bill, went on and nominated
candidates for Law Judgos. Clarion,
and Jefferson aro among tho early
birds that expected to catch the worm.
But the Governor "got away with it"
in tho shape of a veto.
IIoiiRini.E ! While Mexico is behind
tbo Unitod States in somo respects,
sho has just outdone them in the mag
nitude of a railway accident. Two
hundred deaths at oneo by a train
breaking through a bridge is consider
ably beyond anything in the recent
record of railroad disasters in this
country. Exchange. Yes, but it was
a Yankoo who built it for Mexican
cash. Which sido is entitled to the
M issionary T
A thunder storm of nnprecodontod
fury swept ovor tho Federal Capital on
Monday night. Wbilo it continued
thore was a roar of wind, accompanied
by blinding torrents of rain. Ford'a
Opera House, City Hall and a numbor
of residences woro unroofed, Bhado
trees blown down, and othor proporty
damagod. The damage done in Wash
ington and Georgetown is estimated to
bo between $78,000 and $200,000.
Exmssivi C'imrcies. We notico by
tho last number that a mcmbor of tho
Syndicato, through tbo Citizen, up
braids us publicly for consurinir aomo-
body privately, for churging the tax
payers of the county two hundred por
com. extra for freight for delivering
a nan ton ol roeords for tho Prothono
tary'e and Recorder's ofllco. Parties
my Py just what thoy please in the
ehnpe of freight on their own goods
and merchandise, but wo do protoet
against tho payment of uliile ralua on
publio goods. Business seeks tho low
est ratos, and why triplicate ratoa aro
imposed on the taxpayers is not for us
to state, because we have no Informa
tion on that point Sow, step out
and vindicate the froighl bill in tho
Commissioner's ofllco. Why taxpay
er should advocate high ratos ol freight
is more than we can comprehend.
TnE Cart I'pskt. Governor Hoyt's
vetool the Judicial Apportionment bill
kills off a largo number of amatour
Law Judge and keeps in position a
regiment of Aasociato Jndgoa. Our
county ia, thorcforo, doubly saddle-bag-god
by this act ol the Governor. Ac
cording to the Constitution ol the Stnto,
it was tho duty of the Legislature to
croct our county into a Judicial Dis
trict, and to allow us to elect a Law
Judge of our own, and dispense with
tbe election of Associate Judges this
Fall. But this action of the Governor
will compol our citisena to elect two
Associate! this Fall who will remain on
the Beneh for five years no diflerenco
how much largor our population may
become In that time, or how toon the
Legislature may erect onr county into
a separate Judicial District after the
10th ol January, 1882. The veto has
proved rather disastrous to the schemes
ol persons who block out the result of
games belore they are played.
As was to bo expected, the Slur
ronto Investigations have been post-
poneil. (icneral llrarty, llin.ugh his dialiolirl in the cbarga of atlimiiled
counsel .Shellabarger and Wilson, on bribery preferred by the Stalwart
Thursday lust, mado upplirulinn bo- Hmdloy ajjoinst the Half breed Ses Court, Judge Cox presiding, lor'njoiis In tbo New Vork Legislature.
in Intn,lii,(it i i.i'bJ i i.ul.. I... ,UU
grand jury of the Star niiltt cbarg
It was stated on bvhall uS lirudy Ibat
he bus been subject to bitter assaults
from the press for months, tbat the
Government agents aro represented as
getting evidence against him, and that
the newspaper aro continually tilled
with charges against him ; that it was
stated tbat tho grand jury just impttn
nolod would take up and investigate
thoso cliargos, and now it is annnunc
that tho wholo mutter will be post
poned until September. Mr. Brady
claimed the privilege under tho law of
a prompt and speedy trial, and asked
tho Court to direct tbo grand jury to
investigate the charges immediately.
Colonel Cook, special counsel in tho
Star route cases, made a speech, say
ing tbat the ovidenco was not yet
roady for submission to the grand jury ;
that not a singjo case is yet comploto,
and tbat to' go before the grand jury
in the present condition of the caseB
would bo a completo failure. Ho said
that tho cases were being mado up and
the evidence collected as fust aa possi.
ble, but it will be several weeks, at
least, before any case Is complete.
Cook spoke ol the importance of the
cases and ( bargee, and said there was
intention of prosecution, but tho Gov
ernment means to clear itself of all re
sponsibility, if thero was wrong. If o
said tho charges of wrong extended to
Texas and up through Oregon and all
ovor tbo west, and it might be neces
sary to call witnesses from thoso far-
distant sections. Tho Court held that
it could not expedite matters by has
tening tbo grand jury investigation
before tho prosecution is ready, and so
all the Star route cases finally go over
until September, and our opinion is
that this will end the matter. The
investigation wilt not bo mado during
Garfield's administration.
The Harriuburg Patriot speaks as
follows ol a law passed by the last Leg
islature in reference to bribery and cor
ruption at primary elections, and which
wo published in full last week : "It is
un oxcellont'stutute, and will no doubt
tend to purify the nominating elections
Und conventions of political parties,
Such a law should have been placed on
tho statute book long ago. Hut wbilo
this act will go fur to prevent bribery
at primary elections, it sec ins to lack
one provision Duccssary to tho purifi
cation of such elections. It should have
proscribed the manner of choosing the
olection olliccrs, and fixed a penalty for
tho false counting of tickets and tho
fraudulent certification of returns by
such officers. In this it fails. The
Legislature evidently believod that
officers of primary elections will not
falsify the count or the return unless
tbey aro influenced to commit the fraud
by a bribe. This is a minlukon view.
Officers of primary elections are sub
joct to other temptations besides brib
ery. Personal friendship lor a candi
date or a factious interest in the result
p,f uch...olcctiuu y stQxii iudittio JJew
tray their trust. Still, tho act in ques
tion is a step in the right direction, and
we should be thankful for that."
A pamphlet copy of Col. A. K. Mo
C'l lire's address before the Alumni As
sociation of Lehigh University, on
Wcdnosdsy last, has boon received.
Tho Bubjcctof his remarks was, "Tako
tho Sunny Side," and its languago is
boautiful and inspiring. He advised
bis hearers to tuko tho sunny side of
tho present; tho sunny eido ol their
country; tho sunny side ol homo; tho
sunny side of toil; the sunny sido of
faith; tbo sunny Bido of religion, and
tho sunny side of death. Thoso who
were favored with tho hearing of this
address will doubtless bo hotter and
stronger men, and wo trust it will bavo
a wide circulation. Everybody who
reads it will bo benefitted by its cheer
ful spirit. Its length prevents its pub
lication In our columns.
Money in the Vnited States.
With all the exact information on tho
subject tbat It la possible to ascertain
and tho closost estimnted in tbe ccses
of exactness, the monoy in the United
States was computed and held Moy 1
lHl, os follows :
is TBS hands or till
Uo, - (UlT.Wi.eiW
Hilrerand eertifioates.. e4.077,ai3
reper currenry S3',lsjnU
Tots! bold by tho people ftS3S,gO l3t 0
is matte DRroSITOSIEH.
"old ..$:iol,904, m
Silvor sod oertificotoi H S.0SO.719
ropor eurrtuoj 1,S5J,S74
ToUl la public drpoiitorita $470,&3S,2B7
ToUl oil kMi of ourroDov
ooliUndlnj tl,!l,8,4
That tbe sum total now oxcoeds one
million throe hundred thousand dollars
thero can bo no doubt.
CUiksou N. roitcr, who succeeds
Jacobs as tho nominee of the Now York
Democrats for the Sonato in Piatt's
place, is tho member of Congress who
presided over tho famous electoral
frauds which showed that Hayes hold
bis titlo by perjury, bribery and tbe
destruction of ballots in the South.
Potter is said Lp be a man of ability
and good character. The dead lock at
Albany seems to havo settled down to
two daily ballots for each vacancy,
Mr. Kornan and Mr. Potter receive
tho united Domocratio vole.
Amalgamation. Next Winter tbo
publio schools will bo oblicred to receive
colored children, as well aa white, un
der the new law of tho Slato, which
has boon signed by the Governor, abol
ishing all distinction on account of
race or color, and repealing the old
law which provides lor the establish
ment ol separate schools for whites
ana blacks, i his will do away with
the necessity for the colored school
building in Bcllcfonte and also with
the necessity for a colored school teach
er. o don t believe our colored cill
rone will liko this a whit better than
the whitoa will. Bellrfontr Watchman.
Mr. Bcntley, Commissioner ol Pon
sions.rosigncd at Mr. Garfield's rcquost,
who wanted the place for ono of his
Indiana friends in the porson of Mar
shal Dudley. General Bentley has
mado a caroful and judicious Commis.
aioner of Pensions, but has had tbe
misfortune to array the large army of
olaim agents against him, and their In
fluence baa been sufficient to causo hits
to be removed. I
1 The bribery investigation at Albany
iM ended. Tbo administration joiirn-
,,H ,vjt, jKlur unanimity affect
'ri ...I .I.- .u. ..ti .: ..el
l UVY lliuilll't II, l Itlv llllt-KtUIUIIB I'll
.. ,' . , ..... I
uramey are simply pun ol a tout plot
concocted by tbe Conkling party to
defeat Mr. Dcpew. Hut they have
only the denial of Mr. Sessions belore
the Investigating Committee as proof
of the correctness of their theory. On
the other band they are confronted by
tho detailed statement of Mr. Iliudlcy,
by the fact that Mr. Sessions bus a
rather mal odorous reputation, that
Dcpew is tbo attorney ol the Now
York Central Railroad Company and
Is backed by Vanderbilt, that Sessions
himself corroborates everything in
Bradley's statement except that money
was ottered lor Bradley's voto. An
other witness, one William J. Trimble,
representative Irom the Twenty-first
Assembly district of Now York city,
bus testified beforo tho Investigating
Committee that bo was offered money
by a notorious lobbyist Conkling. This
witness confirms the general effect of
Bradley's statement which is to induce
tho belief that the opponents of Conk
ling have resorted to corrupt methods
to accomplish their purposes. It must
bo admitted that thus fur the adminis
tration munagcrsat Albany have been
thoroughly worsted in the bribery in-
i restitution. Both Bradley and Ses-
sions have shown themselves to be uu
reliablo und dishonest Tbe investiga
tion closed on Thursday.
The eighth annual tri-Stato picnic
and exhibition will be held at Williams'
Grovo, Cumberland comity, Pa., open
ing on Monday, August !!!, and clos
ing Friday, Septombor 2, 1881. This
will bo tho only agricultural rxbibi
tion of general importance in eastorn
or southern Pennsylvania this year, as
the Stuto Agricultural Socioty has de
cided to hold its fair at Pittsburgh, in
Septombor next, and thero is, there,
foro, overy reason to boliove that tho
eighth annual tri Slato picnic will bo
greater in every particular than any
i ...r. L-l.l T, .1.. , ,
uuretuiure num. it is euriiuiuiy uopeu
and contidently cxpocted tout mem
bers of Granges and Farmers' Clubs
in Pennsylvania, West irginia, Mary
land, Virginia, Delaware, Now jersey,
New York and Ohio will preparo lib
eral samples ol their agricultural prod
uets for exhibition at the tri State pic
nic, and also contributions aro expect
ed irom overy Olulo in ino L nion.
This will be tho largest meeting of
armors evor bold in tho United Stutos,
and it is important that the show oi
agricultural products shall be on
grand scale, commensurate with tbe
attendance of people
Manufacturers of and dealers in ma
chinery, implements, musical instru
ments, etc., dosiring prominent position
on the exhibition grounds, and persons
wanting restaurant and other business
privileges, will communicate, on or be-
foro July ID, with li. 11. Thomas,
Farmer' t Friend oflice, Mochanicsburg,
A Mermaid in tux Susoleuanna.-
Tho Mariotta Jtegister says: "One of
tho oldost lishermon ot tbat section re
port tho discovory of ono of thoso rare
nondescript, in the rivor about one mile
sue xugana run. lie has already
seen it hvo times: ulwavs either earlv
in the morning or late in tho evening.
"Ho says it comes to tbo surface,
looks about, then gradually sinks
down leaving its hair floating on top
of the water for a niomont or so and
finally disappears. It has the faco of
a woman and beautiful glossy black
buir, but as it only shows itself down
to tho shoulders, he cannot tell what
tho other end is liko.
"Ho says ho could shoot it but is
alraid he might bo arrested and tried
lor murder, and it would bring him
into trouble. On boinir asked if it hud
a comb or looking-glass with it, ho
said, 'It might have had, but ho didn't
soo it,' and supposes it has a cave seme-
wDoro in tho bottom ol tho river un
der the deep water.
"Mr. Henry Loucke, the fishorman
abovo alluded to, is well known in
town, and ho is considered as reliable
as any fisherman on tbo rivor. We
arc in hopes that the mermaid mny bo
captured alivo, if possible, or dead, if
it cannot bo had any other way. We
guarantee him a salo delivery out of
bis trouble if ho shoots it."
He OuhhttoKnow. Gen. Walker,
Superintendent of the Census, has re
ceived a doleful letter Irom an unmar
ried lady from ono of tho Sonthorn
Stntes. She said ber lovor left bor lif-
tocn years ago, taking with him, as a
loan from hor, a few hundred dollar
that her undo bad left her. Sho gavo
tho namo of her lover as also her own
and said her lovor possibly might bo
doad. Sho bad certainly not beard from
him since ho went away, although she
nuu uinon groat iron me to nnd out his
whoreabouts. Sho had been wailing
or i no names oi the uontus to be nub
lishod, but sho was gettinif tired of
waning, luerelore sho begged that
Gonoral Y alker would look ovor tho
names and toll bor where hor truant
lovor could bo found, or if be was doad
to loll her whore he was buried. Sho
enclosed a stamp.
Fatal Accident on the West Penn.
It Atr.ROAn. MAI-tnlia Ainltnl nwmr.
red at Freeport, Pa., on Tuesday after
noon of last wock. A west bound
freight train on the Wost Pennsylvania
itanroad ran over a cow near the Buf
falo Creek bridge, throwing the on.
gine off the track on tho bridge, caus
ing ine etructure to tall, and proem
tating the engine and ton cars into tho
creek. James K. Jiepine. the emrinoer
and James Dotrich, the fireman, wore
killed. Major Snowden, of Froenort,
a pasBongor, was also killed. The throe
bodies have since boen recovered. Tbat
oftbeongineer was found wedged in the
timbor. A brakoman named Gullaghor
made a narrow escape by jumping
rum a uox-car. jicpino ana Dotrich
lived at Blairsville, Pa.
President Garfield's Uncle Kill
ed. On Wednosdav afternoon. Ihn y'J,l
inst , an oast bound train on tho New
V ork, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad.
when about twelve miles from Clovo
land, struck a buggy in which woro
riding Thomas Garlield, uncle of Pros
ident Gnrfiold, and Mrs. AlonEO Ar
nold, sister of Dr. lloynton and cousin
of the President. Thomas Garfield
was instantly killed and Mrs. Arnold's
skull was so badly fractured that her
life ia despaired of. The bugrv was
dragged about two hundred feet before
the train waa stopped. Mr. Garfield
was 80 years old. Ho leavoa sevon chil
dren. President Garfield and Dr. Boyn-
ion were iciographcd to at Long
Still at Work. The quarrel be
tween tho Garfield and Conkling fac
tions in Now York ia still going on.
Tbe Legislature came no nearer elect
ing the United States Senators on
Saturday than It did month ago.
flappy lamily!
Mb. Emma : but Democrat docs
not to-day rejoico tbat in spito of the
most direful prophecies of ruin he cast
his bullot Inst Full lor that grand man
und peerless soldier, Winlield Scott
Hancock 7 And what lie .ublicun with
a grain of common seiifo but is asham
ed of the present deplorable plight of
bis iiartv 1 Last Summer, in whul
. w a . , , , ,1 I,
seemed a fit of suicidal despair, Ilia lie
.m)i(.H ,1(mijimt,,i or President Gen.
James A. Garfield, a man on whom
the most questionable transactions hud
been fastened by his own party. For
tho second highest ctllco in tho land
Gen. Chester A. Arthur was nominat
ed a man who had been removed
from oflice with a severe robuko for
improper conduct. This was the ticket
for which volos were asked, oven by
such papers as the Now lurk Inbune.
which, in 1873, declared that Garfield
cut a most distressing figuro.
But the Democrats nominated Hun
cock, and it was soon evident that ho
was tho people's choice.- Hence, tho
pure John elsh, the spotless Liorsey,
tbo immaculate Brady, and the olber
leading patriots made up a "purse
and boiiL'ht Indiana outright. Tin
l.athario Adonis Apollo Belvidero of
New York, Roscoo Conkling, who had
boen sulking in his tent, cuino forth,
and putting his manly shoulders to
the wheel of the Republican chariot,
pushed it out ol the slough of despair,
and Jamos A. liar held was landed in
tho White Houso.
Then the patriot prophets arose and
declared thut tbo "lietiel isngauiora
wore defeated ; that tho protective
turiff would bless our people, and that
an era of good feeling would como to
our land.
Well, four months have passed sinco
Mr. Garfield's inauguration, and these
prophecies have been fulfilled. Oh
yes! tbey have!?).
First, tho "Jtohol Brigudiers" havo
been bulked, havon't they f I seo tho
most unrepentant rebel of all (Mahone
of Virginia, who expressly declares
that ho is not sorry lor Ins rebellion)
controlling with his vote tho organiza
tion of the Sonalo, and presented with
compliments and bouquets by his ad
miring Republican co-workers.
Secondly, tbo protective tariff works
admirably, doesn't it? As an evi-
dence, Twenty blast furnaces have been
blown out in the Lubigb and nchuyl
kill Valleys during tho past few weeks,
bocause tho tarin bos kept out hngush
iron so well tbat tho country is flood
cd with it.
Thirdly, tho era ol good feeling has
como, hasn't it ? 1 see tbe two factions
of tbo Republicans fighting ovor tho
spoils liko two dogs lor a meat-covered
bune. I hear the illustrious tramp
(U. 8. Grant) culling by tbo pleasant
names ol liar and Migrate, leading pa
triots, from Garfield down to Governor
Young, oi Ohio. I am told that Cur
field is hounding to tho penitentiary
tho men who furnished the money to
elect him. All tins is proot ol tho
kindly feeling which pervades tho
Verily, great and inspired aro tho
JU'puniican prophets. A. li. It.
The State Board of Agriculture,
which has its correspondents in overy
county in tho State, bus recently been
making inquiry concerning tho gro
ing wheat crop and have received the
following information as to prospects
"The counties of Duller, Clarion, Klk,
Kranklin, Huntingdon, Lackawanna,
Montour. Miydcr, niisquebnnna, Ve
nango, Warron, Wayne, Westmoro-
hind and Wyoming report wheat in
better condition than at tho same time
last year. Beaver, Cambria, Craw
ford, Cumberland, Forest, Fulton, Law
rence, Lelmr.on, McKean, Philadelphia.
Pike, Schuylkill and Somerset report
its condition Jboul,.JlUef;s,oaf1WM
port a falling off varying Irom 21 per
cent, in AiiamB to z per cent, in to-
iiimuio, rayotto and Greene. Wh
the unusual condition ol tho crop of
Inst year ib taken into account, there
is no leason to look for less than a fair
avorago crop. Compared with tho av.
crago crop of five years past, the crop
of 1881 is reported as better in Beaver,
Bradlord, Butler, Cameron, Carbon,
Columbia, Cumberland, Klk,, Fay
otto, Forest, Lawrcnco, Montour, Sulli.
van, Susquehanna, Venango, Warron,
Washington, Westmoreland and Wyo
ming. Armstrong, Centre. Chester.
Clearfield,Crawford, Franklin, Indiana,
Jefferson, Lackawana. Mercer. Per-
ry, Philadelphia, Potter. Schuvlkill.
Snyder, Somerset and Wayne report
tne indication ol tho crop ol 1881 as
equal to tho average ot the past five
years. Other counties report a falling
off, varying from 20 percent, in AdamB
to 2 per cent, in Northumberland.
Several counties report damngo dono
by ice, froaon snow and sleet early in
tho Winter; but littlo dumago from
fly iB reported, and this littlo mainly
in early sown wheat. Owing to tho
partial failure of tbo grass upon tho
wncui biuduics oi issu, many or them
woro plowed up again and resoeded
last Fall. This fact causes an increase
in tho noroago of I'orty-fivo counties.
varying from 11 por cont. in Forest to
z por cent, in Hradford, Carbon, Indi
ana, Lebanon, Susquehanna and Wnsh
ington. But four counties Ccntro,
Licarneni, I'hiladclphia nnd l'iko ro
port n falling off In the acrcaco of tho
crop ol 1881. hou compared with
mo average oi mo past tlvo years,
loriy-two counties show on increase in
acreage varying from 15 per cont. in
r-ik ana rorost to 1 in .Bradford, tv
the same mode of comparison Piko
alone shows a falling off, and all others
report the acrcago as stationary."
An interesting case was sent to a
jury in tho ( ommon Pleas Court at
hcronton week beforo last, which In
volved a point of iiniiiirtanco to mem.
hers ol secret societies. In October,
1871, John Vaughn loaned Cupouso
Lodgo, 1. O. ol O. F., of Hydo Park,
$1,0110 and felt secure In a judgment
note for tbe amount from tbe trustees
ol the Lodge, and obtained judgment
upon li in Luzerne county. Subse
quently the real estate ol the Lodgo
was sold, and the money raised thero
by was exhausted hoforo the Vaiiifhn
judgment was reached. Subsequently
espouse Lodgo surrendered its
charter, and Mr. Vaughn died, and his
administrator began suit in assumpsit
against sixteen members of tbe Lodgo.
The facta as stated above woro not
brought Into question, and tho point
at issuo tu mod solely upon tho rights
oi piainutls to collect Irom individual
members the debts owing by tbo Lodgo.
Tbo caso was given to tbe jury Satur
day allernoon, and in his charge J udgo
Hundley held that the Lodge waa a
co-partnership, and that tho mombcrs
wero liable lor its debts. That al
though a judgment had boon obtained
in LuKorne county, it bad not boon
saliBhod, nnd a suit against the ind
vidual mombcrs would lie. The jury
rourcu, ana, alter n oriel absence, re
turned with a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff, and against the mombcrs ol
the JOdgo, In the sum of $1,322.24,
being tho full claim of tho nlaintilT.
Several othor claims airainst the Lndire
ucpena upon tne vordict in (his caso.
Goinii Ahead. The comet is a
"bigger" traveler than General Grant.
A wock or two ago it was down in the
neighborhood of tho Patagonian heav
ens, cavorting about the Southern
Cross, and now it is far north of tbo
equator, and making at tho rale of
ever so many hundred miles t second
toward the Polar star. I
Philadelphia, June 24th At 10
o'clock yesterday morning M ra. Caro
line Frilr., a poor woman, residing wilb
her husband and fourchildren in a tone
mciit, which might by courtesy bo
culled a house, In thareurof Hull Brown
street, alter seeing two of ber children
off to school und consigning a third lol lu "" "' '' ' ' " '
tho care of a neighbor, Mrs. Wurs t,T Prul"OT k r''
loft ber five weeks old baby, Caroline, j .";""" shall make affidavit
i.. . . .... ......... a ... befuro the prothonotarv. alter which
asleep upon a bed in tho second story
and started to gather coal along tho
bermantown and IN ornstown liuili oud
tracks on Ninth street. Two hours
subsequently she returned wilb bur
loud, and barely a niinuto afterward,
when sbo went up stairs, sho was at a
window shrieking for help, her faco
convulsed with horror and agony, and
holding aioit in her arms to a neigh
bor's gaze the bloody, almost unreeog
niEablo features of hor infant. "My
God I Mrs. Rennelstein," tbo agonized
woman shrieked to her neighbor, whoso
houso is in the rear ot 305 Brown
street, "look ul that ; tho rats have
eaten my baby. Go for a doctor." Tbo
neighbors also ran in, attracted by the
screams. Tho return of Iho mother
had routed tho rats at their horrid feast.
When sbo entered tho lower room two
big gray fellows came clattering down
the stairs and disappeared in somo ol
tne numorous retreats nuingtho room
the baby's iiihit fob life.
When ebo reached tbo upper chum
bor tho bo called houso only having
two apartmonts ske bad louud more
than a doaon ot tho oreulurt-a devour-
ing the inlunt'B lace und arms raven
ously and the poor littlo thing trying
her best with bur puny and waning
Btrengtb to fight them off. Belore she
wont aflor tho coil sho had washed Ibe
child, dimsed it afresh und laid it asluei:
upon tho bed, covering it over with a
piuco of lino mosquito netting. On her
return tus netliug was torn and maw
od and dugged away partly from the
bubo and was red with its blood. Tbe
rats fled tp tbe chimney, in tbo holes
around tlu Uoor, into an old-liuhioucd
rubbish chset several foot above tbe
floor and Gown tbe stairs, some of them
cany ing vith Ibom in their jaws frag.
monts of Lho little one's flesh. One
dropped her noso upon tho bed, the
covering cf w hich was marked by tho
mood stained loot-prints ot tho vora
cious crow, Dr. Wittkamp, who had
boen called, mado an examination of
tbe littlo suTorcr and saw that Its life
would bo of a few moments duration
only. Ncarl overy ounce of blood bad
boen sucked from its veins by its de
stroyers, leading tho babe blcuubed ut
most white.
They had eaten its nose completely
on and part I the lips and cheeks,
leaving a greit holo similar to tbat
mudo often hycanccrs. Tbo forehead
and oars and tie throat woro spotted
like small pox, with the indentions left
by tho teeth ol tho rats. '1 he left arm
and hand, whirl the child had evidently
exposed while asleep, were torn and
eaten to tho oone in places. I ra:
hncnts of the flesh wero upon the coun
terpune close ay. In ten unnutes the
inlunt died, w.thout a SXrugglo, in the
urms ol tbo injlhor, tho other children
nnd a numbet of women neighbors
lorming a inssiinlul group around it,
Mrs. Rennelsein, who was lho first
to respond to Mrs. Fritz's appeal for a
doctor, said thai about a quarter beforo
1 jo clock sue acurd tho inlufit cry,
and remarked that somo of the chil
dren must havo been teasing ber, as
they sometimes did. Sho kept on cry
ing louder, then siddenly ceased. This
must novo buuu about tho tunc when
tbo vermin overpowered her and drain-
cd away her blood. '
it seems to no tneir piny ground, and
they had undermined the ground all
around. Mrs. Frits hcrecll said tho
rats had boen bo ravenous that she
could not kocp potatoes in tbo down
stairs room, and they oven jumped into
tho basket which was hanging on the
wan ana stole oread.
wretched dwellings or the poob
Tho houso in which tho tragedy oc
curred is a wretched two story frame,
tho last of lour similar rattlo- trans rel
ics of the daye beforo the war ; and for
mis particular two roomed shelter Mr.
iTitx paid $5 a month. The Frila
family had occupied it about a year
Binco they came from Germany. The
family are greatly impoverished, owing
to a spell of illness under which Fritx
had been sullenng for several months.
the neighbors started a collection five
ininutoo alter tho baby's death in order
to get monoy to provide for its burial.
the coroner's inquest.
Thero was abundant testimony ul
tho Coroner's inquest to confirm oven
lho worst stories about tho ral infostcd
den, in the roar of 309 Brown atroet,
in wnicn mo inlunt itosanna r ntE was
dovourod by tho four-footed horde.
One witness said tho rats had bosses -
sion of her houso one morning when
sho arose Tho jury found a vordict
in accordance with tho fuels and recom
mended the Board of Health to tako
somo action to abato the rat nuisance.
A bitter feeling exists in lho neigh
borhood against tho owners of those
miserable abodes, who equccr.o extrav
agant rentals from lho poverty stricken
tenants and suffer tho rattlo trops to
go to ruin. It is complained that tho
children of lho tenemonts aro in con
slant danger of a night attack by rati,
and that tho four-looted pests under
take an occasional exodus to better
houses in lho vicinity.
PRACTICING physicians and slbokons
The following is tho full text of un
l,iiKirioui nut vt tho Legisimuro ol
1881, providing for the rciiistraiirm ,i
physicians and surgeons:
section I. I hat tho ProthonoUrr
of each county shall purchaso a book
of suitable sizo to bo known u tlm
medicinal register of tbo county (if
ou-u uuua ims noi noon purchased al
ready) and shall set spurt ono full
pngo for tlio rt'Kistrnlion of oach pruo
titiunor and when any uractitinnnr
shall depart tins lifo or remove from
tno county, lio shrill mako a nolo of
tho samo at tlio bottom of the mum
uuu ntiau (Minorm sucn OlllOr Ullllus as
aro required by this act.
I I .1 , , .1 n-
FEC. 2. r.vcry person who shall
practico mcdicino or surccrv. or anv
of tbo brandies of mcdicino or suiunrv.
for gain, or shall rccoivo or accept for
bia or hor sorvices as a Draclitionur of
meuicino or surgery any Ice or rowunl,
! '..
uinruiiy or intiirccuy, shall no a grail
uato ol a legally 'chartorod medical
oollego or univorsity having authority
to confor lho degree of doctor of mod
Ioino (except as provided for In seo
lion five ol this act), and such porson
shall present lo the prothonotary of
the county in which ho or sho resides
or sojourns, hia or her medical, diploma
Including any endorsomonls thoreon,
and shall make aflidavit before him
that tbo diploma nnd endorsements aro
gonuino; thereupon the prothonotary
shall enter the lollowina in tho regis
ter, to wit: Tho name in lull ol tbo
practitioner, bis or her placo of nativi
ty, his or her placo of residonco, the
name of tho eollego or univorsity
that has conferred the degroo of doctor
of mcdicino, tho yoar When such do
groe was conferred, and in liko man.
nor any other degree or degroea tbat
tha practitioner may desire to dace
oo record, to all of which the practi
tioner shall likewise make affidavit
belore tba protbonotary, and the pro-
thonotury shall place tho cojiy of such
diploma, including the endorsements,
on file in his oflice for inspection by
tho public.
Skc. 3. Any person whoso medical
diploma has been destroyed or lost
shall present to the prothonolury of tho
county in which ho or sho resides or
sojourns a duly certified copy of his
or ber diploma, but if the same is not
Hltuinulilu, a statement uf the fact to
gether with the names of tbo profes
sors whoso lectures hu or sho Httended
1 : i . i - l . i . , . , , . ,
Ibe practitioner shall be allowed to
register in manner and Inrtn as indi
cated in Section 2 of this act, and the
prothenotury shall pluco such certified
siuicmont on hie in his omco lor in
spection by the public.
Sec 4. Any person who may desire
to eominenco the practice of medicine
or surgery in this State, alter tho pas
sago of this act, having a medical di
ploma issued, or purporting to have
been issued by any collogo, university,
society or association in another State
or foreign country, shall lay lho same
oeiore the lucully ot one ot the modi
cal colleges or universities of tins Com
monweullh for inspection, and tho lao
uity being salisllod as to the qualifica
tions of tbo applicant and lho genuintf-
ness of the diploma shall direct the
dean of lho faculty to endorse tho sumo,
aflor which such person shall bo al
lowed to register us required by Sec
tion 2 of this act.
Sec. 5. Any person who has boeu in
the continuous practice of medicine or
surgery in this Commonwealth since
lb7i without tho degroo ol doctor of
medicine shall be allowed to continue
such practice, but such person shall
nevertheless appear beforo the pro-
tbonotary of tho county in which ho or
sue resides and shall present to bim a
written Blutomont of these lads, to
wnich lho practitioner shall mako affi
davit. Thereupon tbe prothonotary
shall enter the lollowing in tho regis
ter, to wit: Tho namo in full of tbe
practitioner, his or ber placo ol resi
dence, tho timo of continuous practico
in this Commonwealth and tho place
or places whoro such practice was
pursued, to all of which the practition
er shall likewise mako aflidavit, and
tbe prothonotary shall placo tho certi
fied statement on tile in bis ollice for
inspection by tbe public.
Sec. C. Every practitioner who shall
be admitted to registration shall pay
to tho prothonotary ono dollar, which
shall be compensaion in full for regis
tration, and tho prothonotary shall
give u receipt lor luo same.
Sec 7. Any practitioner who shall
present to tho lucully ol an institution
for indorsement, or to a prothonotary,
a diploma which has been obtained
fraudulently, or is in whole or part a
lorgory, or shall mako affidavit to any
false statement to bo filed or registered,
or shall practice medicine or surgery
without conforming to tho require
ments of this act, or shall otherwise
violate or neglect to comply with any
of tho provisions of this act, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
un conviction shall bo punished lor
each and every oll'enco by a lino of
one hundred dollars, one-hall to be
paid lo tho prosecutor, and tho othor
half to bo paid to the county, or bo
imprisoned in tho county jail of the
proper county for a term not exceed
ing ono year, or both, or either, at tho
discretion of tho court.
Sec. 8. Nothing in this act shall bo
so construed as to prevent any pbysi
cian or Burgeon legally qualified to
practico medicine or surgery in the
Stuto in which ho or she resides from
practicing in this Commonwealth ; but
any person or persons opening an of
fice, or appointing any place whoro he
or sho may moot patients or receive
cans, shall bo deemed a sojourner and
"jiojlgConform to lho rcnuirnmnnl nf
Sec. 9. This act shall tako effect on
the first day of Juno, 1881.
fro. U. Ibat all nets or parts of
acts nerctoioro passed and inconsistent
with mis net be and tho snmo aro
hereby repealed.
Approved tho eighth day of Juno,
1881. Henry M. Hoyt.
The Emperor ot Russia is lho abso
lute master of nearly a hundred mill
ions ot people His vast dominions
extend from the marches of Poland to
the Chincso wall, Ho can mustor in
to tho field an army of two and a-half
minion soldiers. At his nod any sub
joct can benrrostcd and sent to Siberia
or immured in prmon without lho form
of trial. Yet this seemingly mighty
potentate Is a prisoner in his own Em
pire. In his dread of assassination ho
has immured himself in his palace on
I be Gull oi Finland at a considerable
distance from his capital. Ho receives
no visits except thoso of bis ministers
and family. Ho does not take a walk
in the grounds unless accompaniod by
an oscort of olliccrs. 1 1' ho ventures lo
rido out ho is in dread that dynamite
will oxplodo under tho imperial car
riago and subject him to tbo awful
falo of his predecessor. His palace is
Burroundod day and night by strong
dotaebmonts ot Lis Cossacks. Every
stranger that-approaches tbo gates is
soixed and soarched lest ho mny havo
concealed about his person somo infer
nal machino. Ho suspects tho guards
arounu nim and has them changed
every day. Tho domostics of the pal-
aeo aro mostly (iormans and French.
as ho cannot trust bis own subjects,
no cuts no IihhI that bus not been ni s
viiiuniy tusieu.
i iuicbi accounts irom Kussiasnv
that this prison lile ia tolling on tbo
Critr and Hint ho looks "hatrgitrd." It
buucu mui tuo ur-arma "is quite
broken down." Yot this imneriiil
prisoner in his wretcbotlnoss tlio other
day porpotratcd a dismal joko. IJo
told one ol tho Ambassadors who via.
ited bim aH'otcrhorT "that his subjects
in tho mines of Siberia had no re'nson
tu complain seeing that ho shared their
captivity, antt was at tho moroy of
master moro bloodthirsty than a Cob.
sack." That master ia tho dendlv and
implacablo Nihilist who has devoted
himsell to the destruction ol tho impe
rial houso of Kussia and who will not
pormit the prcsontOar to breathe tho
air ol I'roedom in his dominions. This
is a torriblo revenge for tho millions
of lives that havo been sacrificed to
the ambition and cruelty of this Rus
sian dynasty, but in tho estimation of
thoso who sutler lho most from tho
galling despotism it is not adequate
In his Poterhofl' prison it miifjit bo
supposed that the reigning Umporor
would learn tho nceossity ol rolaxing
iu iiK,ir oi iuiRsian tyranny, in
stead of that he is pursuing a policy
far moro despotic and relentless than
mat oi bis predecessor. This will only
mako tbo pursuit of the Nihilist con
spirators more vigilant and implncnblo
than evor. Thero aro somo pooplo in
tbia country who lirofoss to admiro
that "strong" kind of government of
wnicn luissia just at this timo affords
tbo most striking examplo, with tho
Kmperor a prisoner and his lovini sub
jects gunning lor him with dynamite.
Wbatovcrvbodv wants is a nloannni
ruliablo mcdicino that never does anv
barm, and prevents and cures disoaso
ny aoeping tbo stomach in perfect or-
uer, toe oowcis rogniar, ami tbe kid
neys and livor activo. 8uch a mcdi
cino is i'arkor'a Ginger Tonio, it re
liovoa ovory case, and we have soon
stacks of letters from thousands who
have boea saved and curod by it. See
otlicrcolumn. Tnbunt. je. 29, it.
The Leyitlativi Record if atlll la let.
tion, and keepi coming right along,
mandamus or no mandamus.
2JW fimllsrituufs.
1)I10I'O.SAI.8 will ho r-lJ ol Iho I'n.tollW
I H'o.Mll.n.1 nil SATl'HDAY, J I I.Y I Ml,,
IsSI, at II ii'iWI M. fur thoorocllon of s tcb.,,!
hoofO Rt Woo,IUnl. I'loiii ifld ipor Iflmtionl
ooo bo toon on J. rl. Nurrtf, Wo"J.
land, I'cnn'a. u to 1ot lto, at vbloa litoo tlio
oontrott will bo orll.
Aiimii J.C. COWPKH,
W. K. Fonem , SVo'j. ProaUeot.
Woodland, Juoa 211, IS-l-ll.
SAVE money nn4 Incrctst yoar eropi y
I'll ATE, mftrnfaolurtxl b; the ChtpeaT Uuano
Coiuptny, Iiltirjiar, M 117 land. Tbia ia eta
I'lata Hit) pcrlcet farhlimr, containing ft high
peretntaga ol ftrtilitiujr material. Priaa, $U.uO
per ton. 8aDd Id your ordcra at onr. A tun U
lufftrtent fur ten or fifteen wrei. A lao agent for
tba ben
Fertilizer Grain Drill
!b tba uarkaU Call on or toldnw
T. W. KIND, Aral,
Ckirll.lJ, Ptuu'a.
ClaarloU, !'., Junt 19, IKBI.Jio.
rrIIB inWcrll'or wthai to dlinuas of iht undi
L Tided am half iotreat in ft lara truet of
vaiuftiJla lam), iituata ib Hell towoalup. Clear-
Daltl otmntj, r,, contain ing ifitiv aori, inure or
cm. and well oorarod with white hd, oak and
4, b cm look timber. Thailand li located uo
the waitre ot JIatlet and Laurel lluni.
not t meed ing three tuilea from tba rirer,
baa food ruadi and every thing ooac an
ient fur optrating. Ihla traot ti known ai .Num.
bf-r &7ftfl.
The undivided one-half Intereit in one other
traot lo the lain tow natiip, containing flOO
arree, Ijmg un the waters of Curry Hub, rC
and niceljr iltuittcd for lugging. It ii "f
alio well ti in mired with a lare (juantitjr -"'
of good liiu her.
The above Irarta of land will be aold to partial
wiiuing to purohaee on fair lertaa, and at any
time 1 an called upon, ,
lluwer, Pa-, June IV, 1851-tf.
Xolleo to Heirs I
In the matter of tbe par
a- U
tition onbeeitateof Jona
I Ulearlielu oouoly.
than Wiier, deoeaied
To Sarah Wiitr, widow, Jane Vernr and Wi
II. ernr. ber buibnnd, vi. Her.ry Wiser,
iftraei nuer. llano at, iiatu and williao Hatti,
ber buiband, Jonathan Wner. Lindaav Wieer.
Alexander Wiier, Jared A. Wiaer.Mary Yolberi
ana joiepu loiaeri, ner nuiuanu, .Margery H
Young and Henry Young, ber liuiband, Karah
Stone and Hmeaiey Stone, ber huaband, Kuvan-
nao ureen ana Ueorga (Jrten, ber buiband,
and Lewia Wiier.
The boTo named bafendanti and each of them
will take notice that a rule ha been grunted up
on ine neiri or Jonatnaa n iter deoeaaeJ, lo ap
pear, at tba next Orpbani Court la and for Clear
field county, te ha held In the borough of Clear
bKR NKXT, being tho2th day of laid month,
at 1 o'clock P. M. of laid day, to accept or refute
tba preiaiaea at the valuation fixed upon tbe aame
oy ioatn((ueat, ot all or wnich the paid Ueteml
ant will take ootid.
SHKKirK'a Omra, I
ClearHeld, Pa., June 28,ISSMt. J
Estate of Isaac Bloom, Jr.
IN the matter or the aitate ) In tba Orphana
i f I'unt HlootD, Jr., lata Court of Clearfield
of Pike towaibip, dee d. J county, Peou'a.
To Henfetta B. Kldsr and Robert Bldcr, ber hai
baod, reaidiog at or near Concord, Hancock
county, Iowa; Jennie S. Jonea and Warreu
Joncn, her huihand, rending at or near Alden,
Harden county, Iowa; Hannah K. I-cuiou and
John Letnoo, her buit.and, re tiding Drnr Ma
haflVy, Clearfield county, Penn'a. j Klorine
Pritobard and J. 6. PHtchard, her buihaod, re
aiding a or nrar Itelmond, Wright county,
Jowa; Maggie Hoorer and N. I.. Hoocr, ber
hmhand, rending at Hallo, j, Clearfield county,
Pean'a,: Hello Hunter and W. B. Hunter, bar
huxband, residing at or near North Lawrence,
Kaniaa; Waller R. Bloom, reiiding at
ur near Bel won a, Wright county, Iowa ; T.
Jeff, bloom, reeidiDg near Curwenaville, Clear
Held county, Penn'a. ; Annie Foreet and J. C.
Foreii, ber but band, rending at or near Clear
field Bridge, Clearfield CDuoty, Penn'a.: B.J
W. Bloom, reaidiog at or near Garner, Hancock
county, Iowa, heira and legal npreamtttlrei of
Iaaae Bloom, Jr , late of Pike towmhip, Clear
field oouoty, dee'd, and alio beira of V. Cortai
Blootn, defl'd.aud aian belri of Blanch V. Bloom,
dot'd, who were heiri of raid leaao Jiloom, Jr.,
lAKR .Win, Tbat la punuanre of a writ of
ret m .on to meainMttHl, I will, oo SATUKHAY,
the 3Uik PAY OF Jl LV. ion).
of Inao Bloom, Jr., late of Pika laTOibip, Clear
field coualy, Pa, di-oeaied. The lnqueit will
aatembla at tba lata reiidrnca of aaiil decedent
in Pike townohip, Coaaty and SUia aJuroaaid, at
10 o'clock A. M. of aaid day.
Snaa.rr a Orri. a, I JAS.MAllAFKKY,
Clearfield, June 'ill, '81.31. J 8her.IT.
Sheriffs Sale.
r) Y tlrtaa of wrlta of . . Ex., Ii.o.d
oat of tba Court of Common Plaaa of Cloar
ll.ld oounti, and to mo dir. clod, tbara will ba
aipoaad lo PI, 111.10 8AI.E, st tho Court Uouao,
iu tha borough of Claarftald, oa
Friday, July aid, Iwl,
At I o'clock P. M , tha folloxiuf dcioriord roal
aitato, lo nit :
All tbat oartaln traot of laod ailuatod lo Chart
towmbip, I'learnald oouoty, Pa, traiuoitlK at a
dogwood i thonoa by laod of J. P. Pryaoutb.lJ
degree, wait UC purrhr, to noit ooar a bamloch ;
tauoa by laod ol Kaaos W. Kwcn aod II. Waat
orer north 801 df(rw wart 2&7 paroha. to at una
thanea by land ol UfDry Waitorar north .17j de
Sraaaaaat SUpcrehea toaebarry,n(,rth 7t degree,
waat at parobaa to port, sorlb .lit d.grM, weat
70 5-10 perches to a white pioe, north 6V degree,
well 75 percbee to pioe; tuence by land of tlin
iel Canon oorth ti drgreaieait lei nerrhea to a
while pin. thenoa by Und of riainuel Snyder I
toulh 1C1 degreea aait lui p.rchea to a poit ;
mence norm 7 drareoe eait 31 perchei to a post ;
thenoa by land of Jetoee McKw.n aouth 28 de
gree! eait 68 p.rchea to a fallen whltecalr ; tb.nee
aoalh 1ft degrveiaaat 11 percbea to a poit j tbence
aouth 8.1) degroea out 144 perohea to a dog
wood and plaoe of beginning, containing JJ1
acrel, Ml lot tneeiure, with about 15 acrra cleared,
a good arcbard of 50 ar-ple troea, and baring
...r.rcu Hw,a a iraioe Darn and Irame home
2Ax:lll feet, with kitehen attaohed, and other out-
Duiioingi, ana OD, ball Intirait In a no. II an
mill. .
batted, taken in execution, and tu ba aold ai
me property oi n imam naitorer.
Tins, or Bali Tha price or aunt at which
tha property ba itruck of aanat ba paid at
tba time of aale, or euob olber arrangement,
made aa will be approved, otherwiaa the properly
will be Immediately pat ap .and aold again at
tha axpanao and rlek of tha pereun to whom It
waa etruck off, aod who. is oaaa of d.Aci.nA. i
UL", enau maae gooa tua aaiae, aod lo
no inil.nca will the Deed ba preaentod In Court
for fnnurtnatlon unlea, tha money la actually
I u, DB.riH. IAB. HAIIArtht,
8nanirr'a Orrica, I sheriff
Clearlteld, Pa., June 2S, 1SHI. )
dlfr-rl ot llrady Uiwuihlp.
J. II. KIHK. nJvlnHn
abip, In amount witb the Head, School and Poi r
r unui
To laUooe due from former eettlemant.$l.555.1l5
lo ion aiut, ot tax I.Tled lor I8S0 S,2wn.5l
lo back ray from I8" ln;,u
To aoiouot from Counly Treaiur.r.... I,2tfl.ltt
..I1.S4I 34
By amount worked by elllieaa 2,0.ia,U
Fly beck tax worked out ll'7.Au
By back lax returned from 1880... 348 18
lly axonerationa a duplicate af 18S0.... 14 41
lly order, paid ,8Bj.n
By Treasurer's percentsg. 60.48
uy amount to iiuare account.
.. 1.1 14.60
.15.841 84
To amount from farmer ertll.romt
To amount of duplicate lor 1880m
To amount Irom County Treasury-
fits US
ToUl ..
By Tnncherirideemed
By exonerations on dupliosteof 1880
By abatement on dnpltoite of 1881
By Treasurer's nereentsea
1 1.0?
II 12
By amt. uacclleoled on duplioata of 8.M
By sol uncollected oa duplioaU of '70...
By amount to iquart account
I,ISJ 66
Toamtdaefrom .H. Braucker from 78 $ 14140
To amount from I87y.
io ciaia appropriation Iter 1870,.
To subscription unpaid
To whole amt, of duplicate for 188..
To Stale ..f,pnn.l.i... .... ,UUA
65 88
1.177 04
800 00
140 44
To unlisted draw for 1870 and issoil
To balanoe to aquare oceount...,
. $., 05
By Touchers psld f, ,
'ly amount due troea imm u, l. ... ..
By bnlanoa la bands of A. M. Drencher- So oo o, saoeeription unpaid So So
By balance unoolleotMl Imm
By balaoos nnoollaotad from 1880.'.'' "! 606 ill
T,,ul , .6.058.06
Wa, tbo Auditors of Brad. towhi. k..i..
examined tba Hraral amounts of said lowosbln.
lad them as aao.ajuud.
J. W. 0e, J.H.bBVlan.
Clerk. Q, 0. KIRK.
Ulhmbnrg, Jans t, lll-)e
Urtv .dwtisfmcutu.
a. c. mai
...... A. RAflRRTV.
je-0-COIeetn Or -thai Building, Market street.
Claat field, Penn'a.
June 16, Itttl-if .)
A Bargain 1
The underiigned often at private aale that ?al
uahla farm ailuated in UKAHAM TuH NalllP,
Clearfield auuniy, knows aa tba
Ct'MtLEV 1il.Jt,
Containing ISS aoraa, 60 of which are cleared,
and having thereon erected a large frame dwell
ing houae, large frame barn, and tba olber need
aaty outbuilding, together with a large orchard,
good water, ate. The property wtU be told on
very eaiy tartni. For further particular! .squire
oi tne aubaoriuer, IB permn, or by letter.
Clearfield, Pa., March 2ttb, 18H0.-tf
Koclianical and Agricultural Lime
of tho Very Scst Hako !
Low Ratos of Freight on
Full Car Loads.
I AND PI.ASTKR. Wa aell lbaCa;ua rround
J plaitar at low nrlra, by tha oar load. Io
.akiDf of this oalebratad plaatar aa aomparad
ith tha Nova.ftotta or whita plaatar, tha Oranga
Judd Co., pnbliibera of tba Aaianoaa Agrittttiur.
ill. aaf, 'Thar la so diflorflieo! tba priea ia
tba only aooiiJaratioa." Addraas,
April Sib, lSSI Sm. Hell. loot., P.
Agricultural Implements !
ITAKK thlf method of notifying thme in need
of a good Mower, He a per, Tbreher ar Plow,
tbat I have tbe agency of tha
Mower, Reaper nnd Thresher,
Manufactured by At'LTMAX A CO., Canton, 0.
I am alao agent for the oalebratad
South Iiend Chilled Plow !
.Paraou, In n.ed of aitberof tba abovahad
hetur call on or addraia mo bafora purcbaain
jutia 8, ISSI. If Curoiilla, Pa
Slower nul Ilcaiier!
CT.EAUFir.LI), - - PA.
mint nl.rrrlber ba, II.. WALTKR A.WOOD
L MllWKKS aod IIKAPEKS for aala, hoaldaa
MarhlaarepiirarnrlbaHma. Alao IIUKSK HAY
KA K KH, aod all hindi of farming Inplrm.nta.
S4-Will oithaoga abo.a for llllH.SEa
CAITLB. or a.11 jtrj loar fur aaab.
1TILL alao oootinnetho buteharloa- buaibaia.
f T Moat markot lo tba plaloiog mill offioa, on
Pino ilraaL r'raftb mvataTar; Mutidaj, Wodiiaa.
day, Friday and Saturday morolofa. Your pat- ii roFpocimiiy aoiieiiej,
Par M. ii. Bsowl,
Claarlald, Pa., Jon, lit, Ilal-tm.
The Estc- Organ !
lil'niiu Norlb to Pouth. from
TIi- Or r air tlta IteU."
ATHRN Comptiir. br leffltim.U m.Bi,fa(.
T T turt ftod aelual prodrnjiioi, rhei tbi
namr.tjr ni
In process af aonsacutira nnmbaring, It ta aa
erant which mora than a passing men
tion or oaiuo! remark. It tu.ana rary much In
many waya. It indioata,
llrat. A high business standing, and good
reputation tor probity and fair dealing.
Herond -A yery high repnUtlou for quality
Third. A fery exunslra eystaoi of manufae-
Wa furnish nny uaks of Organs or i'lsnos.
W. W. PRICK, Agent.
Curwensrlllo, Pa., May 38, 1881-3m
Tif Way for four llarnmn!
T F you want to stndy yoor own Intereit, do not
-1 can at'llKiv HAHWICK'8 HAR.
NHSU SHOP, on Marks trtreot, next door to John
a. tuocs s looocoo store, L'learSeld Penn'a.
All first. dais work Is dona at
JtTesU foot oil and axle grease at
i; , HARwrcKg.
Rouble and single af all kinds at
a p luing s.uaies ot all kinds at
1 'ar sets and horse ooysrt of all kinds at
Tblpa all kinds and as low as 16 eenti at
T Tame. I of all kinds made to order at
All kinds of ooltsrs at bottom prices at
Krio.atoer an a-l-h-t of hone furnlih.
Injgoodaat HARWICH'S.
ITIII keep and make all kinds of lumber bar.
a Torynuu auotnarlndsorrlngiafallilieat
Jl 11 A Itw mva
(lombs, brnihes, and Interfering boot, on hand
Knee robee, knee dusters, aid eeresos of all
kinds at HARWICH'S.
Job work and repairing promptly attended te.
Krmembor the shop io Shaw's row, on Market
street, between the Mamiou Houia and tbe Shaw
i.iium., nearnei I, f enn a.
May IS, 1881. Sm.
you o-ajsr
Save moneY
Geo. Weaver & Co.,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Bools? Shoes, HatsfCaps,
Carpels, Oil Clolhs, &c, &c.
Thankful for peal farors. we larlte lb, nubile
to call and lee our large asd law stock of goodi
whlok wa will dispose of at reoaonehla rale. fa.
ooah, ar exchange for country arnduaa.
Pollu and etuntlr. .rkj to wall apoa ei.
sad dswn low. r ' '
otcAai turn oo.
Olearleld, Pa, April H,
3?r dwtlsrmtut.
Prices of Shingles,
Curw.mtlll., Ja. , 'IS If.
Sheriff's Sale.
)V rlrto
J) larotd
oa of writ, of
cd out of the Court of Coaimoa Pita ur
lluerDelil ooontv, en io me directed, will ti
poae lo puhlie aale, at tba Court Houae la ib6
borough of Clearfield, on
Friday, July IS, IMMI,
At I o'clock P. Mi tbe following described real
eat ate, to wit i
All that certain tract or lca ol land a far the
village of Troutvllle, Brady towoihiji, CleatQeld
county, Pa., bounded and described ai foliuwj :
On the aaat by land of Jacob Weaver, oa ibe
weat by land of Henry L. Weaver aod part of
land ol Kunli and ti inter, on tbe north by land of
Frederick -Kobler, and on the tooth by lands ef
Andrew knarr, containing one hundred arret and
ailowanoa, and having aboLt twenty-five acres
olearrd the balance) ooverei with liea'er.
Another piece of land in same township, neir
village of Trovlville, bounded on the aatl and
eouth by land of Chat. Korb, on tbe weal bj
Sablic road and on the north hy. lands of Andrea
lillerand Henry (inter, oontaiuing tlx acres
all cleared.
Faur loll of ground in tbe aforesaid village
ut Troutville, boundeu and deeorioed aa lol
lowe: All being on tha Lorlb of Caroline etreet,
and being fitly feet front each on Caroline street,
and running back 1 1V feet to an alley, and kaewn
in plan of i
3t, II, 22 at
laid village ef Troutville aa iota Not.
and 23. Baited, taken In ei cut ion and
to ba told aa tka late property of J. W. Carlisle,
TiAiia or 8al. Tha price or aunt at which
tba property ahall be at rue li off ap jet be paid at the
time of aale, or euob other arrangements made at
will ba approved, otberwiee tbo property will be
immediately put up and told again at tbe expense
and ritk of tba poraon to wbvm it waa etruca off,
and who, lo oaaa of deficiency at tueh re-ealo,
ahall make good tbe tame, an4 la no intance
will tha leod be preaented in Court for confirma
tion unleta tbe money U actual iv naid ta the
fiberitf. JAMM Id AHAFPKY,
Baaairr'k) Orrica, Sheriff
CIriiU. Pa., Juoe2J,l"M (
New Goods,
Come to Frenchville I
I HAVE just rucciTcd tlio lurgt
stock of goods ever brouirlit to
this section of tho county, which J
will aell lor cash or produce as chean
aa thoy can be bought elsewhere. My
stock consists or
Y)ry goodS,
Groceries. Boots S Shoes,
arNails a Specialty
Ready Made Clothing.
A full stock of FISH. Salt in lnrf;e
or small sacks, or by lho barrol.
stone or clav. QUE EX SWA RE, all
styles and quality. In short, I bavo
everything needed by the farmer, the
mechanic, the laborer, or anybody
else, which I will sell just as cheap as
tho goods can bo purchasod anywhere
else. Flcase cull and examine my
goods and prices bcloro investing
Frenchvillo. Pa. JUar. 2 'fil tf.
Tk News From
Boots and Shoes,
ps and m
Ms Furnishing kh
That Ever Came into the
Ci.GO. c. TOM w. anion E.
ClearSeM, Pa., Rant. II,
Live 3-Let Live
riMm ,bll la hereb; oolllej Iht oar anllra
X atoek of
Spring Summer Clo
Io fell IU Utrit itTloi. ftr MftrtilsiJ Ia h tnld
l lomtr prieti tlitn elnwhura, at
Clotliiiui Store,
Western Hotel Corner,
oiiBAn pi ra ZjX3,
Coro,,etliloi Is tha lire of boiloiss, and our faill-
lues tor nderaelliaj, otbera aauae as ta (var
aalee Ibe rart. Oar lon llidlns; la
lianoiii laallnas lo lla rellabllit.
Tbanalaa th. ul.ll. r. .... r. . anil
e aor best to ositlt a eostlaaaioaof tba sai.
Old Western Hotel Corner,
April It, lSII-lf.