TAB CLEARFIELD REPUBLIC!!!," CLEARFIELD, PA. ESTABLISHED I lottt. Tbr larft-eet Clreulatloa of any Newspaper In North Central Penneylranla. Term, of Sabsoription. If paid la adraaoa, or within I raonthe....9 (m If paid aftar I and bafora I montha 9 fto U paid aftar the eiptration of 6 mootae... 9 oo Rates ol Advertising, Tranileot adrartlieraonU, par iquara of 10 llnaior 'e.., 3 tlmoe orlaai U bq Kur each eubeequontlniertion.. 10 Vlmini.tratore' and Kxaeatora'notieaa. S at Auditor!' notieee H a &0 and E.traye I pi.aolutlon noticei j q0 Profe.ilonal Carda, I line, or leio,l year,.... I 00 Loral noticei, par lina an YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. I iuare S 00 f eolomn.. ISO 00 1 euuare... 11 00 eolomn.... TO 00 I ..ju.r.i.- 10 00 1 oolamn. ! 00 O. B. GOODLANDKR, Publisher, atryrrs' Carfls. jj w. SMITH, ATTOENET-AT-LAW, tl:l:7l Clearfield, Pa. J J. LINGLR, ATTOBNET -AT - LAW, I'hlllpibara;, Centre Co., Pa. y:pd JJOLAND D. SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CurweaiTille, Claarlold county, Pa. oet. I, 1-L QSCAK MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Office in "Old We.Wrnl building," (un ctalr). Oct. I). '78-tf. piiAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa, drOffice ooa door aait of Bhaw Hoeie. IJFjIM yM. M. McCULLOUGn, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. tlffije In Ifeionlo building, Second ctreet, op the Court llouta. je2fl,'78-tf. w C. A UN OLD. LAW & COLLECTION OFFICE, CUR WENS VILLE, e2 Clearfield County, Pena'e. 74j C T. BROCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA Oflirc In Opera Houh. ap M,TM7 W m. A. Wali.acb ll.fiHr F. Wallacb,,. Davio L. Krim,' Wa. K. Waliacs yAI.LACE & KREBS, A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W , jml HI Clearfield, Ha. g.UlTII V. WILSON,, CLEARFIELD, - . PENN'A. drOffice la the Maioale Building, over the C.unty National bank, iaer2-8Q. J. F. SNYDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oflife oyer tba County National Bank. June 20, 78tf. jRANH G. HARRIS, aiiunaai At l,aw, CLBaariaLB, Pbbn'a. r'irit-oUei Life lod Fita Ineurenoe Compaalea repretenred. Jsft-OIJoe In tba Opera Hc.a.e.-H Mar. If.'SI-ly tool, a. auaaar crane eoaDoa. jJ-UUHAV A GORDON, ATTOK-NHY8 AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. -Ollea la Ple'l Opera Iioaie, eaoond loot. ril-UAJI A. HAGKRTY, Ol'f ICE over T. A. Clerk it Co.'a (tore, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A J-P-WIH attend to all legal buiineil with piomptoeu and Oii.lllj. f.ull,'0-tf. i.Kra a. a'aitaLLr oANtab w. H'ouBor. NALLY & MoCUKDY ATTORNEYS-AT-IiAW. S0LKk baalntiiKttsnded to promptly wlthj i lemj. uiar on stoona nrt, abort lb Ftnt National Bank. Jan:l:76 J F. McKENRICK., DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All lflri buainsti t ntnutad. to hit car will r lr prompt auontton. vOfflc In tbc Conrt Hoai. ugH,l878-ly. Y G. KItAUER, VrTORNEY-AT-LAW, RhI Bilat and Oolloetloa Agent. CLEAHPIUM), PA., Will prornpilj attend to all U(al builon a truoled to hi ear. JtdrOfflo im Ple'l Opera IIoum. Janl'71. JOUN L. CUTTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. imI Keal Kittte A tent. Clearllrld, Pa. Offic on Third itreet, bet.Ohrrj Walnut. f4rHipetfall olTeri hli lerrleef In lolling nd bujlng land la GUarOeld and adjoining eonntlaa an l with an iprtnee ol ovartwentT jtari a a artror, flatter hlmaelf that be eaa rondr atltfaetion. ir. ibihaiu, ghustfians' (Cards. D !l E. M. SCHEUKER, HOMEOPATHIC PIIY8ICIAN, Offloa 1b realdeaflo oa Firit It April , 1.172. Clearfield, Pa. Fl. W. A. MEAN'S, I'll YSICIAN & SURGEON, DUBOIS CITT, PA. Will attend profeillonal o.lli promptly. au(IO'70 yn. T. J. llOTER, I'MYSICtAN ANDSURQKON. Odloe oa Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Mr-Office hourlt to 12 a. m., and I to I p. JJU. J. KAY W RIG LEY, HOMEOPATHIC PUYSIC1AM, Mr-Ofire adjolnlna the reeldenaa of H'Kl.7, K.q., oa baoond HU, Clearfiald, Pa. Jul,JI,'7 if. (J C. JENKINS, M. 1)., I'll YSICIAN AN I) SURG EON Cl HWKNSV1LLE, I'A., ' Bi?n at realdeaea, eoraer of Slelo and Plan ""li. J,n. ilk, looi-ir. I) U. U. B. VAN VALZAII, CI.F.AItPIUI.n, PICNN'A. ""ICE IN URHIDRNCK, CORNER OF FIRST AND PINK SIHEKTd. Oftee koora-Froai II to I P. U. y May II, 1171. )K. J. P. DURCII FIELD, Sariooa ef the 13d, Paiaiylranla Voliataen, katlnf returned froa the Army, ' hil prafelllanal lerrleel le theelUeaa. f Clearfield eoaaty. . 'rofeiiloBalealll promptly attaadad to. OfWaad.. CLEARFIELD GEO. B. G00DLANDEB, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance. VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. 2,728. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1881. NEW SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. 2(5. " " eBBawaBBBBBBeBBnani aaaaaBiaiaBMa aBBeaBWWBnrAeaeBBBBBaBemBWBBnBwaBBBBBBWBBm Cards. WILLIAM. M. HENRY. Jurtice OF TBI pBAGB aVRD Soiitinii, LUM1IER OITY. CoIIetion mad and money uromDtlv paid over. Artiele of agreement and deeda of oovyane neatly aiMDUd and warranted eor net or bo charge, IUjj'71 HENRY BRKTII, (OITKRD P. O.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOR BBLL TOWMIBII. May a, 1871-lye JAMES MITCHELL, DBALaa la Square Timber & Timber Lunik, Jell'7J CLEARFIELD, PA. V. I10YT, Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, PIlILIPSBCRfl, PA. "Al! hu.lnriR will be alteada I to promptly. Dee. I J, 1S80 ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penn'a. feajuWtll eiecuta lobe la hie line nrotni,t!v end in a wuremannia manner. arM,07 1? RANK FIELDING AND WILLIAM D. lilGLER, iTTonjt-Ers-jT-L.i n; CLEARFIELD, PA. Nor. 17th, I8S0 tf. WEAVER &. BETT&, DBALBai IN Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs, AND LI'MltKR OF ALL KINDS. ,fl-Offloe oa Heeond etreet, la roar of .tore room of Uoorga Wearer A Co. janll, '78-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE roa Itreatur Totrnithip, Oeoeola Mill. P. O. II offioial bu.lnaee antra.ted to him will be promptly attended to. mob29, '70. HAIiRY SNYDER, L'AltBL'R AND UAIRDKKSSKR Hltop on Market St., opposite Court Hogie. A eleao towel for every euttomer. Heat Hratida of Tobareo and Clgara. tll.a.a.ld. P. ra, i. -ji JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Wallacetoii, Pa. hi prepared bimielf with all Ilia neoe.ary blank forme under tbo Peniioa and Bounty lawi, aa well aa blank Doeda, eto. All legal matter! entrusted to hie oare will reoeire prompt attention. May 7tb, 167IMf. Q. H. HALL, PRACTICAL TUMP MAKER, wmd ni.UAitirTRl.n. PKNN'A- MPmmf ! w mutt um. v.aji n ibort notia. Pipe bored on reaionable term. All work warranted to render atliTaotion. and dellrered If deitred. rnvSoslyud rffIIB anderigni beg leareto Inform thepnb I, Ho that be la now fully prepare to accommo date all In the way of forniibing h .., Btijrgiaa, oaaaie ana narneai, on tn snorteat notloe and n roaaonabl term a. Keaideno on Loeust itreet, between Third and Fourth. OKO. W. OE AMI ART. Ittarfleld, Feb. 4, 1874. THOMAS H. FORCEE, niALaa M GENERAL MEKCII AND1HE, GRAHAMTON, Pa. Alio, xtnalv manufacturer and dealer tn Square itnioer ana oawa idumneror an kmua. jNTOrderi solloited and all billa promptly oiled. 'jjiru S. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAT, WATCHMAKER ABB BBALBB IB ,Watchc,' Clocks and Jowolry, ffroAaa.'. Rou, Jfariel Araet, CLEARFIELD, PA. All kindi of rapalrlng la my line promptly at ondod to, Jan. let, 17V. iAATBI BBRB. CABBOLL I.. BIDDLB. Clearfield Insurance Agency, Kuan v Hi it le, s-oim, Rppreteitt the following an I other firtt -claia Co'a Cmnania. Aaaet. Liverpool Undon A 1 lba tT. S. Ur..4,3(lt,Rir Lyeotnlng a untanl Aeaih plant.. 5,04)0,000 I'btvnil, of Hartford, Conn 1,624,0.. Inaiirano Co. of North America MX,074 North Uritlfh A Jrteroantlle II. B. Br 1,71-3,81.') Scottinh Commercial t. H. Branch...- 079,146 WaUrtown ; Tn4,8l4 TraveUra (Lif A Accident) x 4.&W5.4M ORlce oi Market tSl., opp. Court Ilouee, 'Jlar- fleld. 1'a. June i, '7V-ti. HOUSE FDENISHIN0 GOODS, and NEEDLES, ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS, nd nl' klnda of SEWING MACHINES, ao to O. B. M ERREI.L, Ajront, CLEARFIELD, PA. June 3, 'dO If. Insurance Agency OF ' WILLIAM 0. HELMB0LD, Pallon fork, fi(rirrrirlr, Pa. Companies EopreEontod t fommereial Union Ioi. Co., A Moll .,0l,70l 6 Firrmen'e Fond Ine. Co., Aeti i.wb.iht til 1 l. Inmr.nn. Co.. 1.020,0:17 OH Trareleri' Accident Ine. Co.. Anita. ,il.lJi Northern Ina. Co. of New York A.'te Ut.,HU 00 Ineonnoa plaeed oa all kind, of property at iqollalile ratei. Uorweoi.ine, ra, rw, i-, imi-u. rniLirsBTOO MARBLE TOR'S! the laroest stock OI FincItallnnMarblolnthrSlale, Both FINISHED or UNFINISHED. W. pat np any work that ran be done IB Iba ally at mueb (keeper ralae. We will pot ap MONUMENTAL WORK, la Itallaa Marble or flranlla, cheaper than It can bo dune la aay other part ot the Slate. Ant per bob baylair monnmentnl work toamoantcf I3 and apwaro., will here fare paid to and from 1'hillp. bor. Do not be fooled with cheap Amerlraa marble wboa yoa oaa bay Hoe Italia, marble at lower prleae. jej-IIKAD STONES a apeeietty. Produce and approfod paper will be Ukea la aiohanfefor Cemetery work. Alloaih p.; menu will be made to aba llabaaaoa Co, to Ike credit of R. PIERCE. Pklllpibarf, Pa, Jaa. t, llll.-Om. THE GOLDEN WEDDING. Wk up, wif !the blaok cloak of Night begioi to ladr, And far Id th cut the Morning bit kitchen flr And h 1 hut tc red-hot hti itnv of Ipnn vra. And atra are winking and blinking before Hi iigiu o aay, Mind yon what I waa doln'jmt fifty year agon T urutoia my ounaay raiment, an puttin my beat look on t Clothin' myasif la eourage, non my fright eouid Me : An my eoward heart within, tbt while, wai pouDumg to gi ira. Ten mil wood an 'bramble an' tbre mil Bold an aw, la the cold imile of morning I walked to marry you j Wo bora bad I but my wlabei no pilot but a tar Bat my boyUb heart it fancied It beard you from Bo through the woods I hurried, an' through th grata an' drw, Aa' little I tbougbl o' tiring, the whol vt my jDuroej inruujfn Think ne'er before nor after do ao a man rtioie. Aa un the day be marriea the woman of his cboio. And then our country wedding brimful o' grief an' glae, With trery on a-pettin' an' jokin' you an me ; The good ebcer went and eauie, wife, aa it tome lime i baa dune When cloud hava cbiacd each ether acron the eumuiar aun. There waa yotir good old father, dreaied up In weddin' abip, With all ibe burncipun finery that he could rake an' acrape; And your deer-hearted mother, the tun light of VTBUPI Bull I Shone throunb tbe abowera of tear drop that formed her I toe the while. Alio your elitera an' brother, who hardly ate mod to know How tbey could aoar up courage to let their ala ter go t An' eoutlua an' acbool-hoaa oomraJci, drciaad up in meclin' trim, With on of them a-eulkln' bceana It waia't bln. An' there wta lb good old paraon, hia neck all areaaeu in wnii. A bunch o' teita in hia left y, a hymn-book la hia right ; An' tb parson'a virgin daughter, plain and se verely pure. Who hoped wa ahuuld b hjppy, but wain't ex actly aure. And tbf r waa th TietuUa.ieaioned with kind jtardi an' lor, And holy wreath with breaatplna of rubiaa up above ; An' there waa my beatt awondrln aa how tuch thing- could be, An'tbrre waa tba world before ua, ao' there waa yon and me. Wake up, wtf In ni eh l that gold bird, the tun, haa oom And on a treelti prrchi totnke hia dailr fliht. He la not old end lestil, an' be wtll anil awyv Ai he hua done to olto aitice fifty yeara to-day. You know tbere'a company coming our daugh ter a an' ur aona ; Tbr'a John, and Jumua, aad Luay, an' all their Utile on ee; Aod.Jennie, ahe will b her, who Id her crav dtb li, Provided company ever can com from out th aky. And Pam I am not certain ai fa will some, or nut; Thty aay he ia a black abeep th wildcat ef the Defor a aon'a dlihoner, a father 'a lov ataada dumb ; But itill, aomvbow or other, I hop that 6am will come. Tba tr benda downita brancbea to itl oltll- drcn from above Tb bod ia lord of tb father, and lulea him with hia love : And be will e'er (b longed for, though far they b apart, For tbe drop of blood h carrla, that earn from tb latbar'a hoart. A'.A.'.iBI?.e hv baa rouid tbe Aod ah baa dreaied heraelf up In rej and yellow and whit t tih haa dreated beraelf for ui, wife for our wed din' day once more And my aoul to-day ia younger than ver It wa befor. Witt Cnrl'ton. XZWLAWS. Dclow will bo found thrco Acts pattsed by tbo General Assombly at tbo late session, and approved by tbo Govornor, which should bo studied by the pooplo and observed : Aa Act to proteat frnlt, ferdeiu, growing crope. gra.e, etc., ena pLnieo tre.paee. .Section I. That any person or per sons w ho shall willlully enter or break down, through or over any field, or chard, garden or yard, fence, botbed or greenhouse, or who shall wronglully club, slono, cut, break, bark or other wise mutilate or dumago any Hold, crop. nut, fruit or ornamental tree, shrub, ousn, plant or vino, trellis, arbor, bot bed or greenhouso, or who ahull tram ple, or in anywise injure any grain, grass, vines, vegetables or other grow ing crop, or who shall willlully tuko or carry away grain, corn, rye, wheat or other field crop,lruit,vcgcttthles, plonts, or ornamental trees, vines or shrubs, whether the same be attached to tho soil or not, shall subject said porson or persons to a penalty of not loss than live nor mora than fifty dollars for cacb and ovcry offenso. Heo. 2. Any J ustico of tho l'caco or Alderman, upon inlorniation or com plaint made before him by tho affidavit ol ono or moro persons of tho violation of said Ac t by uny'person or persons, shall insue his warrant, directed to any constable or police officer, to causo such porson or persons to bo arrested and brought bel'oro said Justice or Alder man, who shull hear and determine tho guilt or innocenco of such person or persons sochurgod, and, if convicted of suid offenso or offenses, shall bo sen tenced to pay tho said penalty afore said attached to said violations, with costs, one hull to go to the parly or purtics injured to pay for damages sus tained, and tbo remaining one-half to the school fund of thodistriet in which said ollense was committed : Provided, that tho Defendant or Dolcndunts, on refusing to pny nt onto said penulty, shall bo committed to the common juil of tbo said county for a period of not less than ono day lor each dollar of penalty imposed, unless the Delendant or Dolcndunts enter in a rccognir.anoo, with good security, to answor said com plaint on a chnrifu ol misdemeanor bo i'oro tho quarter sessions of the peace of tbo county in which the ollense is committed, which court, on conviction of the ollense so charged and failure to pay tho penalty imposed by this Act, with costs, shall commit tho said De fendant or Ucfemlants to tho common jail ol tho county lor a period of not less than ono day for each dollar of penalty imposed. Approvod tbo oightta day of Juno, A. D. 18H1. Henry 11. IIovt. Ab Acr to enable city, county, town. hip and borough tea collecton to oalloot teiee fjr tbe pej ment of which they hare bernrao per ei.oally liable without ba? ingoolleoted the ame, but by eipiratloD of tba authority of their re penti.e warrant., and to extend tho time for eollarlion of the aeme for a period ef one year from the pee.Age of tbli AeL That in all cases in which tho period of two years, tho limitation of tbo war rants in tho duplicalo of county, city, township, ward and borough tix col lectors have cxpirod, and said collector or collectors have become liable for the amount of tax on said duplicates with out having collected tbe same, tho said duplicates and warrants in all such cases are hereby revived and extended lor another period of ono year from the ptssogo of this Act, and said collector or collectors nro hereby authorised and empowered to proceed and collect said taxes from all persons who have not paid taxos assossod to them residing in said districts within which it may have boon assessed, as well as from all per son! who removed from said city, ward, township or townabipg or borouhg arnj have neglected to pay taxes bo m aforcBftid gnseflHed with like ellVct as il' said warranU had not expired by tbo limitation ot twoyoard. alurosaiu : 1 ro vided, that provisions of this Act shall not apply to warrants issued prior to too yuur one thousand eight hundred and sovonty-four : And provided fur ther, that the provisions of this Act shall not apply to cities of the first and second rlass. Approved the tenth day of June, A. D. 1881. Uenhy M. Uoyt. Aa Act making it a ml.demeanor for any minor to knowingly aod fal.ely repreeent kimeelf of full age for tbe porpoie of obtaioibg intoxl caliog liquori. Settion 1. That any person under Ihoage of twonty-one years who shull knowingly and falsely represent him self to bo twenty-one years of ago to uny licensed inn keeper, restaurant keeper or other persons, for the pur posool procuring or having furnished to him by sale, gift or othorwiso any intoxicating liquors, shall bo guilty of a misdomeunor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of quarter sossions shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not moro than twonty dollars or undorco an imprisonment in the county jail for poriou not exceeding tliirly days. Sio. 2. That any person who shall knowingly, willlully and falsely repre sent to any licensed inn koepor, res taurant Keeper or othor person any minor to be ol full age, for tbo purpose of inducing any such liconsed inn keep er, restaurant keepor or other porson tosellorfunish any intoxicating liquors to said minor, shall bo uuiltv ol a mis- domoanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a tine ot not more tunn twonty dollars or undorgo an imprisonment in the county juil for a period not exceeding thirty days. both or cilhor, at tho discretion of tho court- Approved the tenth day of May, A. 1'. 1HS1. ItKNKV M. IlOYT. SMART ME X. Tho valuo of a reputation for smart ncss is questionable A smart man is often successful, for it is necessary, in thoso keen competitive times, to be snarp-wittcd, and to possess sound business capabilities ; but though ho may acquire tho wealth ho covets, he Irequontly docs bo at tho Bacrilico of his solf respect and tho estoem ol his fellows. Tho word "smart," us we Americans uso it, implies moro than tho mere quality of briskness and pre cision. If smart mon woro thoso who by straightforward, honoBt dealing builded up a fortuno and a fuir lame, they would bo tho most desirablo of this world's citizens ; but we imply by tho term thoso selfish, unscrupulous individuals who never hesituto to tuko a mcun advantage in order to got tbo best of a bargain, and who will seldom hesitato at any trickery wheroby they cun reucn a uesirea end. now olton do we hear of a cruol and rascally ac tion described as "smart," and how olton is "a smart man" liltlo bettor p r,..,llt ynl-.rno. . iMIiarl. men know every wealc point in law, and thoy are very curelul not to com mit themselves to uny thing which would render thorn amenable tojusticc; yet thoy aro nono tho less blameworthy. In this very carefulness consists much ot their smartness. A litllo while sineo an author sub mitted to a London publishor a manu script, with ft view to publication. Tbe two were unublo to agreo as to terms, and tho publisher relusod to re turn the manuscripts. The author threatened legal proceedings, where upon tbo man of paper and of print replied, "It yon tulK ot proceedings and dumugos I'll send your manu scripts to America and have the book produced thuro, and then where will tho valuo of your copyright be t" This was, no doubt, an exceedingly smart suggestion, and tbo law gave him pow er to carry it out, but it would bo difficult to approve of its honesty. A theatrical managor, a low months ago, accepted and producod play which was praised by the critics, whoso ver dict was confirmed by tbo public. Un der an agreement, the author was to rocoivo so much per night for tbo first fifty nights and then a reduced nightly sum altorwards. After tho first wook, the managor heard that tbo author of tho pioco was in ill-health and was re lying on tho proceeds of this piece ; so ho thought ho would do a smart thing. 11 o threatened to withdraw-the pioco (although it was an acknowledged succuss) unless the author would con sent to tuko, from that timo lorward, tho reduced nightly feo. In order to put on further pressure ho detained tho money due fiir tho performances ol the past woek. Had thoro boon ft sign of "bud business" the author would have at onco .consonted, but there was nono, and ho replied' that ho must bold them to the agreement. Tho matter was referred to a third party, and tho would-ho smart mana ger overstepped himself by admitting, in correspondence, that he intended to bring tho poor author to bis torms, lor, wroto be, "ho is in hole ill, and hard up." Vet thoro aro mon who will pronounce this shameful proceed ing as a very "smart movo on tho part of ft manager. Tho cases cited bore aro not imaginary: tbey aro woll-known in literary circles and have been constantly discussed. Hap pily, in professional life such instances aro raro, but in the commercial world they aro of duily occurrence. Ilusi ness, which is now givon np to an al most incredible extent to speculative gambling, causes smart men to carry on theirsmart practices with impunity. 1 hey novor sluy to consider what ruin they aro bringing on othors, ao long us thoy carry their point. Their ar gument is that they must livo, and, in order to do so, they must be smart and cannot alford to havo conscien tious scruples. - lS'overthelesa thoro aro commercial qualities that In tho long run ure safer to trust to for the successful issue of enterprises. It is possible to make a profit without cheating your neighbor out of his just due ; and in tho end tho men who find themselves rich rind respectable are those who havo conducted thoir bnsi n oss upon tho rules of justico and of truth, ralhor than upon tho principle of smartness. Jn all relationships, po litical, professional, commercial, and social, tuir-dcnling mon consider tbe wishes and noccsKities of others; but such considerations, aa a rulo, are for eign to "smart" men. It is for tis to choose whether we shall bo honest or smart. If wo are smart, let u bo honestly so. Easy Jlnun. Tight lacing caused the liver ofnn Indiana woman to .grow fast to tho epigastrium, causing her death. Ladies cannot bo too card ill In guarding against auch calamity s this. When tight lacing must bo indulged in, the epigastrium should be removed and locked tip in the bureau drawer for salety. Women should remember this. THE WORKOFrlGEOJVCA TCIl Ilia DESC1HBED. An Associated I'ross dispatch brings tho intelligence that 7,000 wild pigoons from tho Indian Territory aro now in coops iu New York, and 8,001) more will soon arrive, for uso in the comintr tournament of the How York State Sportsmen's Association. Wing shots, tbe countrv over, will be InteriMted in knowing how those wild pigeons aro socured. Pigeon cutcbing hua grown to quito a business in tno Indian Ter ritory, and an iden of how il is con ducted is givon by an exchange : Ear ly in fcliruury Messrs. Ltugerty and Judy, ol St. Louis, put in an appear ance at Atoka, Indian Territory, and at once commenced iu work ot put ting up pens there an! at the roost, which is about 100 miles distant. The pens are sixteen feet rquare and about ten foot high. UirdB, as rapidly as captured, are housod in too woods un til the wagons arrivo to convoy them to Atoka, when they are transferred to tho pens at thut pluru. At Atoka thoy are well kopt and aro frosh for snipmoni when ordorcd. Thcie are twonty pens there and lorty-fvo at the roost As each will hold about 1,000 birds it will bo seen thcro are accommodations for a vast numier of tho feathered delicacies. Mcssri. Hug orty and J udy havo in addition I thou sand coops that will hold six dozen pigeons euch. Those aro used br con veying the birds from the roost to tho railway station for shipment. Sixtocn teams aro in constant uso, transferring ino oirus during the gathering leason. Hovontccn export nettcrs from Now York, Pennsylvuniu, Ohio, lidiana, Missouri, and other States are in tho employ of tho firm, and nro ktpt busy as boes during thcirengugemcrt. They till the pens luster than tho t.ams can haul tho birds away. Four tr fivo of tho mon coop and load tho pigoona, wnuo a iorcman keeps tally and sees that things run smoothly. 'Jhreo men attend to nothing but feeding and wa tering the little captives. Jn addition to tho regular employes thuro are five hundred Indians encumpid at tho roosts, who gather "squabr at a cer tain price per hundred. Tleso young pigeons aro taken just tie I ire tbey can tly. the smaller ones aro killed, put in ico and sent to tbo marcels ot tbo country, while tho lurgot ones aro carefully raised for tho trup AN EXPENSIVE BUSINESS. Not less than 100,000 feotoflumhor wus used in the constructim of Uiobo pens, the hauling of which cost about flvo times tho cost of the limber. It will thus bo seen that tho business is an exponsivo ono, and marksmen who aro charcod what thoy consider still' prices lor their birds will now know tho reason why. Tho lusiness is a revelation to the residcnU of tho Ter ritory, who have hithoro contontod thomselvos with sufficient pigeons for their own uso, never kill'ng moro than woro necooa lor necessary purposes. Now all bands are "squabbinir," and many mnko Irom JS IpJt l$n por day. miles find steady employment, flio business has proved a porfoct bonanza for the pooplo of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations. Even tho boys and tho girls of tho different tribes make big wages. ''Squabs" are gath ered in a novel manner. Tho leader of a collecting party takes an ax and strikos a troe in which thoro aro ncsUi so vigorously that tho httlo things be como frightened, jump out and full an easy prey to thoso who aro in quest of them. They are picked up as fast as they reach the ground. Wagons are ready, tho "squabs" are counted and taken to the pens. Euch night tho collectors aro paid for that day's work. The pigeons havo already raised throo clutches, and are now nesting for tho fourth time. Tho roost coverB an aroa of thirty square miles, and is heavily timbored with post oaks, every branch of which contains ono or moro nests. Mr. William Thomas, of Now York, altor surmounting many difficulties, succeeded in securing enough birds to satisfy the desires of Eastern sports men. After considerable rivalry be tween tho Now Yorker and tho St. Louis parties, matters were compro mised. A CURE FOR CAR-SICKNESS. Many persons, especially ladies, nro great sufferers Irom thut form of nau sea and headache known as "car sick ness." A journey by rail has for them all tho discomfort and suffering that an ocean voyage has to tho majority of travelers. A lady who had occasion to lako a short trip on tho Lowell road and she novor travels by rail for pleasure was, as usual wilh her, as thoroughly sick as a landsman is on tho "heaping deep" by tho fimo sho had ridden a dozen miles. The con ductor of tho paluco car, who was ap parently vory familiar with such cases, told tho sullercr's companion that a sheot ol writing paper, worn next to tho person, directly over tho chest, was a suro preventive of tho troublo in nino cases out ol ten. Ilo had recommend ed it to hundreds of travelers and rarely knew It to fail. The. prescrip tion seemod vory liko a "charm," a hoiso chestnut carried in tho pocket to ward oil' rhoumutism or a red string around tho neck tn prevent bleeding at the nose ; but It was simple, and could at least do no harm. For tho return trip a sheet of common writing nolo paper was fustcned insiilo tho clothing us directed. Kcsult : a perfectly com lortnhlo Journoy without ft hint of the old sickness that had for years mado trovel by rail a horror. It was so like a superstition or a happy accident, howevor, that tho lady would not ao, ccpt It as real nntil subjected to a moro severe test. This camo In a day jour noy to Now York, and that hardest triul of all a night trip in an "alleged" sleeping car. iSoth were tuken in tri umph. The "charm" worked. Tho lady writes : "Tho day journey was a porpetual wonder and delight to mo. I could sit np and read, and look at tho landscnpo through which wo whirled, and net as other pcoplo do. And still 1 didn't feel ready to confess to a euro until 1 had tried tho sleeping car, which has always boon a horror to mo. Hut oven here tho 'spell' worked. 1 nto a heavy supper in tho dining cur and kept it I Slept soundly all night, got up as comfortably and dressed with as level a head and as steady a hand as though I had been in my own room. Head until breakfast timo a thing I never before done on tho cars and was hungry for my mornirig meal. It is really wonderful, almost too good to ho real. For tho first timo in my life 1 have experienced tho pleasure of traveling. 1 wish that conductor to be specially thanked. I wish, also, that 1 know his namo. I would like to rail the Lord's patticular attention to hia caso, and don't want to mako any mistake and have tho blessing do scend upon tho wrong man. Ilotton Herald. REPUBLICAN. WALXUT TIMBER. THE SUPPLY BECOllINO SCARCE AND FUR NITURE MANUFACTURERS TROUBLED. The Cincinnati Commercial says: "Walnut timber it becoming so scarco ns to give furniture manufacturers in all parts of tbe country much troublo. Tho Northwestern Lumberman slntes that in consequence of the rapid de crease in ine supply ol this wood some grades of it havo, in several of the lead ing markets of the country, advanced at least twelve dollars a thousand in the past year. Dealers, it says, are thick in tho walnut regions, eagerly, and evon ravenously, picking up the groon lumber, and in somo instances unscru pulous buyors have offered mill men an advance ot from five to ten dollars a thousand for their cut if they will ro pudiato tho contracts which hold it. Tho increasing scarcity of walnut sooms to have attracted the attention of tho dealers generally only within ayearor two. A few, howevor, moro toresiL'ht- od than their fellows, anticipated tho famine, and havo prepared for it. One concern for several years past bought freely, and to come into competition with it, other dealors who thought it wus uuying rocKicssiy, woro forced either to pay moro than current rates or lesvo tho field. Asa result this con cern has piles of walnut throughout tho Southern Central States, and it is holding them in reserve for tho lirao when tbe demand will bo so groat and tho supply so inadequate that tlicy will realizo handsomely on their invest ment. Thcro has boon somo tulk among furniture men of mahogany tak ing tho place of walnut, but this the Lumberman thinks is impossible, tho supply being not half sufficient. It says : "1 bo impossibility of procuring ma hogany in desirablo quantities may bo bcitor understood when it is known that it is bocoming moro difficult to got ovory year, as the logs havo to bo brought from further inland. Another drawback to tho business is that cvory vessol owner is not willing to put his vessels into tho mahogany carrying business. Many of tho coasts ot tho countries whence it comes are wanting in goou naroors, and as tho vessels are obliged to anchor a milo or so from shore and having the logs ruftod to thorn, tho cyclones that sweep over that latitudo aro liablo to destroy them, loiift year wo road of tho destruction ol soveral vessels ongaged in that trado, and as there are but comparatively few in it, it shows that the busiuess is a risky one." It is probable that when tho wulnul s all gone other nativo woods will tako ts place. Sovoral varieties, such as rod oak, birch, beech and ovon black ash, which hove heretofore rocoivod attention, are now being used to a con siderablo extent. Many pooplo who own lands that aro unfit for cultivation would do wisely to plant thorn in wal nut trees. Land so utilizod would, in few years, not only bo a sourco of much profit, but during tbo interron- uroaits and tend to induce a holler ITg ulatod rainfall. That walnut can bo successfully cultivated in this country there is no doubt. Near Onoidu, Mis souri, aro a numbor of thrifty walnut groves. The troos woro obtained Irom tho soed. The groves range from Ion to lifteon years old, and tho trcos are from twenty to lorty feet high and from four to eight inches in diumeter. n somo parts ol Kansas walnut troos iuvo grown filtcen feet high from tho seed in six years. In Wisconsin a gen tleman who had ft pioco of land unfit for ordinary cultivation planted it in walnut, and in twenty. thrco years tbo trocs were from sixtoen to twonty inchos in diamotor. Several hundred acres of such trocs would now bo worth a fortuno. -Many a landlord farmer might make his lund profitable by sot ting it out in walnut troos, which will novor oat thoir hoadsoff,and willyoarly incroaso in valuo. FREAKS OF LIGHTNING. Lightning struck a book in the pocket ot John li. Junek, of Hefugio, Texas, and tore ils pages in asingulurly irreg ular manner. Junek was knocked senseless. William Alslord and bis son-in law, Norton Orr, of East Uunnibal, Mo., woro struck by a bolt and tho former was killed. Orr will be totally deaf tho rest of his days. At Springfield, Muss., lightning rip ped np the floors of tho houso of Morris A. Looley, tore out the ceilings, put out the lights, and created a general shaking up. Nono of the inmates was hurt. Lightning struck a cherry treo in tbo court yard ot JN. U. JlcUracken, of Fulton, N. Y., and killed tho canary in tho cugo that Mrs. Mct'rackcn was holding in her hand. Mrs. McCraekon was not hurt. Tho homo of Mrs. Catharine Welch, of Kiltory, Me., wascomplatoly wreck ed oy lightning. Airs, vt eleh a son was hurled from his bed against the wall, and Mrs. Welch berself was stunned. At llurrcdsburg, Ky., lightning shut tered every window pnne In Ibe hntiar. of Isaac Torhunc, and demolished a tree measuring thirty inches so com pletely that lurgo pieces of wood wore thrown 100 foot and the trunk split into ordinary oord wood. A policeman in the Central polioo station of Philadelphia had just finish ed combing and dressing his hair in a recent thunder-storm wbon the elec tricity soon unmade it by drawing ovcry hair on end so that it looked as if milled by a rako, but his body suf fered no injury. in a recent storm in 1 hiladolphia n ball of whilo tiro resembling ft flicker ing oloctrio light was visible on tho very top ot a tall telegraph polo on Fourth stroot, below Chestnut. lnv few soconds it darted among ono of the wires and waa lost in tho darkness. Another and another followed in rapid succession until the wire resembled a string of dancing rod-hot balls. Lightning did terrible work at Cedar- town, Ua., recently. In a doublo log houso occupied hy ft lamily named 1'nneo and another named Brazier, tho bolt entered tho roof nnd struck doad Mrs. llrazior, who was standing hy tho lire masting colleo. Her neck was broken and her head split open by piece ol tho mantel that was torn off by the lightning and hurled at her with torrilio Itirce. JHr. 1'owell, who was holding Mra. Brazier's infant, was knockod senseless, Jeff Yancy, who was in tho same room, was struck dead Mrs. rrtnee, who stood in tho hallway botwocn the rooms, was instantly killed, and a bolo was made in the floor under her foot aa il a riflo ball bad pierced it. SttniorsLT Wounded. Miss I.illi White, who is about to marry , remark ed on Memorial Day that she could sympathize wilh the brave boys in bluo, having lost her hand in in on- gagement, notion Jmmcript. FRANCE AND GERMANY. Italy still clings to tho forlorn hopo of forming a combination which shall shake the boavy hand of tbo French Republic Irom the long-coveted bays and valleys of tho Tunis regency. Active intercession with tho Court ol St. James has been going on evor since the treaty extorted Irom the Hey was published, but licaconsflcld's action at Berlin readers any covenant of the two powers against Franco impossible. Tbo mischievous Italian Consul, whoso insolent aggression against French merchants invoked tbe French Gov ernment's interference, bus been re called, under form of vacation, not, however, bel'oro bo saw tbo iniquitous railroad grant that he had cheated the French out of taken from bis proteges and returned to tbo originators, the French company. The Sultan, proba bly inspired oy Italian influence, makes proclamation that ho reluses to recoir- nizo tho now ordur of things and that ho alone is sovoreign in tho lust resort ot lunis and its citizens. Gladstone gave the tone to tho En glish discussion of tho French seizure of Tunis so soon as tho caso could be brought before Parliament. Tho mad invoolivo which at first sulutod the publication of tho French treaty with tho boy was at onco turned to a diplo matic expression Of regret that the lio public Bbould have been so fatuous as to play tho vory game that Bismarck would havo chosen for bor above all others. The Liboral organs woro pro fuBO in warnings that for tho more temporary gain of the fino harbors of tbe liegency Franco had war of re venge, which is the first waking thought and the last before aleopingof tho Gaul. Wo may bo vory sure that if Franco had not taken caro to be armed with tho authorization of Glad stone's predecessor, the Hepublic would novcr have vonturcd nt this crisis to put in action bor long-sottlod policy ot strengthening hor colonial possessions in Alrica by tbo seizure ot Tunis. But oven it, as thesohcitous F.nghsb journ als assort, the Tunis ttction has post poncd the war of rcvengo, iho real menus oi r ranee cannot regard that as an unmitigated misfortune Every day that wans deferred makes Franco stronger and does not strengthen Gor- many. franco needs years to rocupcr ato tho waste of 1870. Germany, on tho contrary, to keep ils mastery on tbo continent must fight whilo tho men and armies of 1870 nro at hor disposal. In tho courso of nature it cannot bo long before Von Moltlto and his .com rades, who studied that campaign for twonty-live years before pulling it in execution, will havo pussod away, leaving only their traditions to a stuff that can bo Boon already to bo weaken ed by colossal and oasily won triumph of tho lust campaign. History shows that Germany haB a Iready gono th ro'gh tho same exporienco. Tbo battalions that tho groat Frederic trained, and with which he won such miraculous victories, woro but a generation re moved from the armies of tbo luckless Duko (of Brunswick, routed by the ulidorolliSf cTitrinfuild'mJIiirnin'RttK.or confldonco thoy woro annihilated at Jenu by the .Republican conscripts. In rovongo, ton or hlloon yenrs Inter, those troops, trained in a constant school of defeat, turned the tide of Napoloonic conquest at Loipsic, Baut zon and Waterloo. II the occupation of Tunis has therefore postponed tho war ol rovongo tho liopublio uidn l do a bad stroko ot business, lor the mcro necessity which Germany is under to keop up .tn onormous establishment is doing ft work to the nation quite as destructive as a French campaign end ing in tho tri-color flying over tho Urandonburgh gate and Alsaco and Lorraine restored. l'hila. 'Times. SUMMER SALADS. People who dine at hotels, and even aomclimos at gentlemen's tables, sel dom find a salad that is really excel lent. Generally spenking, it is a black green, bittor, and if it woro not for tho liboral appliance of mustard, eggs, oil and paper, it would be quito unlit for any human stomach, llow different this is from what a cool, delicious salad ought to bo. It seoms practically to bo forgotten by those who grow salad, that lettuce was never intended to be eaten unless blanchod. In ICurope they grow s long, broad leaved kind called the Koman or Cos lettuce, which, alter having retained considerable de velopment, bus tbo loaves drawn up and lied together at tbo top. Tho in terior continuing to grow, and of courso in tho dark, by tbe tying up of the outer leaves, makes a burd muss liko an elongated cabbage, which cuts np as white and crisp and swoet as a atick ol celery. This kind has never found place in American gardens, boaiiso our climate induces it to run to seed too quickly. Tho various kinds of cubbugo lettuce aro prelerred,bocauso thoy closo in their leaves naturally, and. are sup posed to blanch themselves. Hut this is, as wo havo shown, n pleasant fiction, as there is very litllo of tbo white about any that wo see, except where thcro is groat success in growing them into beads Ol'ennrao, our eottntry ia not so well nduplod to tho growth ot gooil lettuce as England is. It will not stand extreme cold, nor does it liko warm days and hot tuns. It wants to go to seed as soon as tho temperature goes over Co degroos, But we could havo much bettor than wo do. In tho Spring a tolerable arti cle is generally obtained. On our own premises we novor lail. Started by a litllo protection Irom frames, it brought to pcrloction before the warm weather comes. .To have it good later is not cii 111 fit It, by employing vory neb land and ns cool a spot as can be so cured. All vegetables that wo value tor their succulenco require a rich soil to their best development, but it is nn essential to good Summer lettuco. A'j'. Poor and Proud. Young men out ot business aro sometimes bumpored by pride. Many young mon whogo West take moro pride than money along. A young man that "works for his bouid," no mullor what honost work he does, has no reason for shame, A young man who oats the bread of idleness, no mattor how muck money he baa, is disgraced. All young men starling in lifo ought to aim first ol all to find ft placo whore thoy can earn their broad and butter, with hoe, axe, spade, wheel barrow, currycomb, blacking brush no matter bow. Independence first. Tbo bread and buttor question settled, lot tho young man perlorm hia duly to faithfully as to atlraet attention, and lot him constantly keen bis eyes open tor ft chance to do boiler. About half the poor, proud vounu men, and two thirds of the poor, discouraged young mon, aro always oat of work, iho young man who pockets hit pride, and carriet an npper lip u Hiff at a cst iron door ttep-scrapor, need not starve, and tlandt ft good chance to becomo rich. ..Vifj i ork Journal of uimmeret, THE GROWTH OF THE G UN. Hunting for ganto was practiced wilh bow and arrow only, until tho sixteonth century tho Spaniards con trived tbo arquebutis or match lock. Hore tho match was fitted to a "ser pentine" or cock, hung upon a pivot, and brought inlo contact with the priming by a working substantially tue saiuu us mat oi the modern ham mer and trigger. This was lurther improved by tho German invention of a steel wheel with serrated odgc, fitted to spring, and made. to revolve rapidly, tho edge coming in contact with a pieco of pyrites, and by this iricuon producod tbe sparks, to ignile too pruning, ibe uso ot tho whoel lock lor sporting purposes was very general in the mid. Ilo ot the sixteenth century, and for long time was not improved upon. But necessity is tho mothor of in vention. A band ot Dutch chicken stoalors or of Spanish marauders it is disputod which boing too poor to provide thomselvos with the high priced whocl lock, and alraid to use tho match lock because its light re vealed their wheroabouta to the min ions of tho law abstained from thoir ovil practices long enough to doviso n weapon bolter adapted to the needs of roost robbers. Tho result was the flint lock ; and the pot-bunting fraternity scored a long credit mark. 'TheBports men of our grandfathers' eonoration owed tbe mechanism of their guns to a band of poultry tbioves ; thoro isyot nope ior tuo colored Drotbor. Tho flint-lock reached ils perfection in mo nanas oi "that king ol gun makers." Joseph Manton. in thooarlv part of the prosont contury, and it gave way only to ft worthy superior me modern gun exploded by per cussion. Tho discovery of fulminatinir pow ders and thoir application to eunnorv mark a most important epoch in tho uiuiiuiaciuro snu employment ol nro arms. The chargo in tho gun was at first placed above Ibe fulminating pow der which was ignited by tho concussion ot an iron plunger struck by a cock. Then the plunger was dispensed wilh, and the lulminato was simply placed in the flah pan, Tho successive steps are tamiliar to almost all gunners ; the priming was placod between two bits of paper and culled percussion pellets; the fulminate was affixed to the brooch of tho newly invented cartridgo and fired by a penolrating noodle; then camo tho copper cay; and then tho culminating improvement of tho cart ridge containing both the chargo and the priming, and ignited at first by tho pin anu aiiorward rim ure and central tiro principle. MOLLIES RAM. Mollio had a little ram, floeco as black as ft rubber shoo, and every where that Mollie went he emigrated too. lie went with her to church ono day tho folka hi la-rious grow, to too mm walk aomurciy into Deacon Al The worthy deacon quickly let his angry passion rise, nnd gnvo it nn un christian kick between the sad brown eyes. I his landod rammy in the aisle ; the deacon followed fust, and raised his foot again, nlnsl that first kick was tho last. For Mr. Shocn. walked slowlv back. about n rod, 'tis said, and era tho dea con could retreat, it stood him on bis bead. The congregation then arose and wont for that ero sheep, but tovoral well directed butts just piled them on a heap. Then rushed they straightway for the door, with curses long and loud, while rammy struck tho hindmost man and tent him through the crowd. Tho minister had often beard that kindness would subduo tho fiercest beast "Aha," says ho, "I'll try that game on you." And so bo kindly, gontly called : "Como, rummy, rammy, ram ; to see tho folka abuse you to, I grieved nnd torry am." ith kind and gcntlo words bo camo from that lull pulpit down, lay ing, "rammy, rammy, rammy ram best ehcepy in the town." Tbo rum looked meek, and on be came, with "rammy, rammy, ram ; ram, rammy, rammy, ram : tbo nice littlo ram." Tbe rum quito dropped ita humble air, and roso from oil his feet, and when tho parson lit he lay beneath the hindmost seat. As bo shot out tho open door, and closed, it with ft slam, he named a California town, I think 'twas "Yuba Dnm." TRAINING TOMATOES. Tho tomato crop has bocomo cno of tho most important in tho domestic as well as in tho market garden, and should be carefully looked after. There was a timo when tho eating of toma toes, raw ami cooked, was overdone hut they huvo becomo a Block fruit, to h eoton lor anlnd nr annco. and are still moro useful lor flavoring soups and othor dishes. In tho Cast they have boon used for a longporiod in tho lattor form, as an indispensable article ot diet. A liltlo caro in training tho plants and moderato trimming will greatly promote their fruitfulnosa, advanco tho timo of their ripening and improve their flavor. It is well to havo thorn sot out on the aunny aide of wall or fence against which they may Detrain ed on a slanting trellis, so as to afford a Iroo circulation of air behind and at tho same time expose, the fiuit con stunlly to tho sun. The sun is essen tial to the pcrloction ot the fruit as much as w ith cherries or apple. It is oltcn excluded from the tomatoes by tho rank growth of vinos and loaves, and to the fruit ia slow in coming to perfection. Indeed it novcr docs come to perfection without tho ripening in flticnco of tho sun's rayt. Another great advantage of training tomatoes in the manner suggested is that tbey are kept out of the dirt, are always clean and ready for use and are not liable to rot. The common modo of lotting tbo plants take care of them selves, and tho fruit lie on the ground, expoeoi the tomatoes to dirt and rot ind vormin, Irom which they miy easily be preserved by ft little extra pains. Where n trellis or frame cannot be mado it ii well to put brush on the ground before they have bad much growth, and allow the plant to rnn on the brush. This will koep tho fruit out of tho dirt, and an occasional moderate trimming ol the vines and leaves will expoto it to the sun. Hut ft good frame will pay well in the end. A fly is laid to have 10,000 eye. No wonder be is careless where he leaves hia speci. THE DERBY STAKES. Tho race won on June 1st, by P. Lorillard'i American Iroquit wot the 102d Derby, and is tbe first victory of tbe Dorby stakes. The Dorby wai first run in 1780, nnd since then rankod as one of the principal oven Is In En gland ; nnd although its popularity it being throatenod by tho liberal stakes and added moneys tt other moetinga, it il not likely to cense to bo the grand ovont of the racing year. The reool loctions nttachod to the race have be como purt of tho history of England. Epsom, whore tbo Derby it run, it parish in tho county of Surrey, four- leeu miies irom London, on tbe turn pike from London to Dorking. About 1080 the town became known from one end of tbo kingdom to tho other by the discovery of tho springs from which tho colulirated I'.iisom salts ara derived, Pooplo wont from Loudon to drink of the waters, nnd in coarse of time a lashionnble town sprang up, with lodging housos, a ball-room, and othor accommodations. Kaeing was introduced thoro previous to 1077. for James I. lived there, and he wus fond of racing. In the reign of Charles 1, ruces were of frcquont occurrence, nt they were used to bring the gentry ogeiber, where so much plotting wns done tbut Cromwell forbade the sport, But n century luter the racing nt Ep som had becomo famous, nnd although more nro no records, nearly all of the old publications mako mention of tbe fact. Racing, howevor, soemt to have injured tho town nt ft fashionable re sort, and soon sothing was loft to Kp. som excopt its race course, which in duo timo came to bo the boot in En gland. Within the last few years the town has boon nearly rebuilt. A num ber of trainers, jockoys, and others identified wilh tho turt make it their homo, and Lord Kosoborry has a coun try rosidenoo thoro, the Durdana. Tbe beginning of tbo milo and a hall race ooursois wido enough for forty starters. Tho first ground covered in a stoop ascent, followed, when tho top ot the out is reacnea, Dy toioruDio nut ground for throe furlongs. Then comet the very sharp descent to Tottenham Corner a rather dangerous curve, and the straight run in of rather less than half a mile, the rise to tho sland boinir gradual and slight. With tho excep tion of Tottenham Cornor thoro is no dangoroue part of tho courso, and the running track all around it of ample width to afford elbow room toa practi cally unlimitod number of startors. GOUT AND DYSPEPSIA. It is well-known that gout is a com mon diseaBO in England. In this country it is so rare that little ia known about it outside the modical profession. It is, howover, an exceed ingly painful disease, and the intorvnlt botwocn tho attacks tend to grow less nnd loss as is illustrated in the caso of Spurgcon, who is now so frequently driven from his pulpit by thorn. At tho witty F'ronchman has do scribed it, rheumatism is your hand in tbo viso until you can stnnd it no longer ; gout is ono moro turn of the screw. Luxurious living, with insufficient exercise, is universally regarded as its cause, except that ono may inherit tendency to it, though ovon this, doubt less, connects with inherited luxurious habits. Dyspepsia., on the othor band. is. in this country, as common as gout ia raro. Thia, also, is Inrgoly due to im proper eating improper in quality or in quantity. Ono may have naturally weak powers of digestion ; or tho di gestive capacity may have bocomo weakened temporarily or permanently. by grief, caro, anxiety, pressure of business, unremitting brain work, or too little exorcise in the open air. At la to meeting ot tbe lioston So ciety for Modical Observation, Dr. Curtil pointed out the common ontl'tl Gout results where digestion is vigor ous. Tho blood bocomot overcharged wilh food, mainly nitrogenous. This, instead of beingeliminated in tbo form of urea, carbolic ncid, eto., remains in tho System imperfectly oxidizod, at the source of tho latter disease In tho United States, ovoroating, giving riso to dyspepsia, prevent! that excess of unassimilatod nutriment which ia the foundation of England's moro painful atlliction. HEALTH HINTS. Croup. A towel or flannel cloth wrung out of hot vinegar in which ft littlo salt bos been added, and placed upon tho chest and throat changing every ten minutes wilh a dry towel thoroughly covonng it, olton materi ally nssi'ts in relieving an atlnck of croup. CiBi for hoarseness. lano the whites of two eggs and beat them wilh two teuspoonfuli of while sugar, gralo in n little nutmeg, then add a pint of lukewarm wator ; stir well, drink often and it will euro tho most obstinate caso ol hoarseness in a short timo. Gaboi.i for Sore Throat. Take teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, one of salt, ono pint oi wator, and two tea spoonfuls of vinegar ; twoetoo to tasto with honey or loal sugor; mixtogoin or and bottle. Diphtheria. Dissolvo one tahle spoontul of sulphur in glass of cold wator; garglo tho throat six or eight times a day. Cook salt pork in vine gar and bind on tbo throat; when tbe paroxysms come on soak the hands and feet in just as hot water as tho patient will bear. with a tablcspoonful of baking soda thrown in. Rubbing tbe limbs and body will assist greatly in throwing off tho disease. The simple sulphur remedy is very oiToctual in common aoro throat. Relief for Burns. A quick euro it to apply a layor of common salt and saturate it wilh laudanum. Hold it in place an hour or so by simple band ago. Tbo smarting sensation will dis appear rapidly ami the burn got well. FoitSrBAiNS. Thcro is nothing hot ter than a strong decoction of worm wood and vinegar. A flannel cloth wrung out of the above just as hot tho paliont will bear and bonnd on tho affected part will give immcdinto relief. Glvcose. Glucose ii mndo from corn. A bushol of corn, oosting 2 contt to 30 cents, is, by the process of mnnnlacturo, turnod into dollar's worth of glucoao. Tbe oost of conver sion is said to be about 25 cents, to that it is not unreasonable to estimate tho profit at nearly one hundred per cent on cost. Tbe growth of this in dustry during tbo past fow yean bat boon something almost Incrcdibls. Twenty largo factories have been Blurt ed or nro rendy to go into operation, with n rapital of not less than 12,000,. Out). The consumption of corn this year will probably be 15,000,000 bush el, and tho valuo of tbe product, an tes price decline, will bo 110,000,000 to (12,000,000. The largest use of this product is In the manufacture of candy, nine tenths of tbe cheaper kinds ol con fectionery being mode of it, according to the reporli of those who have in vestigated the matter. It is also used to adulterate sugars and syrups, is con verted into irtiticial honey and enters largely into the composition of boor. Pure glucose Ii said to be harmless, but sulphuric acid, lime and the talt of coppor, used in ita preparation, are sometime found to an injurious extent in the article on sale. 1 1 should, at all event, b honoitly handled and dealt in for what it Is. "Here ' a fly in my loop, waiter." "Yes, sir, vory lorry, sir, but you can throw away the fly and eat the loop, can't yoa f" "Of eourw I can ) yon didn't expect me to throw away ll.i soup and eat the fly, did you T" lBrr4,t.M