THE REPCAN: CLEARFIELD, PA. ff KUNE8DAY MORNING, JUNE 2?, 1881. Terms of Subscription. f paid in advonoa.or within three months.,,!- M If pud after three ttd before lis months.,, 1 10 f,.ideftTtheexpiitionof six moohta... 1 DO R kmc: I ou g NOTICED. Hrtliodlat Uplaoopal t hurch-Rr. Gao, Liii'T, Pastor. Harvioti ovary Babbath t iu A. M., and M r. . Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Praver Meeting every Wednesday, at Tl P. II Communion Service, trit Sabbath of ovary sionlD, at n't a. wi. Mr( Clearfield M. E. Churrh. Rr OcoRt'i U. Am a, Pastor. Preaching avery iltcro at Sunday, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School at -a, r. aa.. ah ara invited to attend. Ireabterla Church Rev. B. B. Ddtlbb. -Sabbath services morning and evening tiab- -,ib School at v a. rraynr Moating Wednee. lev evening. HaplUt ChurchRev. , pftitor. Bl,haib School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening. M. Kraitcli C hurrh.-tathoUr RtT. P J, SniRiPAH. Divtna servioa at loft A. M., on the flrst.inira ana lourtn sumiavsor each montn Vespers and Benediction oftha Blessed Haoratnent at I o'clook, P. H. Sunday School every 6 on day iirernoon at o ojocb. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. TIMB OP IOLDIBS QVABTBB tBABlOBt WORT. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. First Monday af J una. Fourth Monday of September. TIMS OP SOLDI IT 0. COM BOB FLBAB. First Monday of Jan. Saoond Monday of November. re sue or pic I'nittit lels eaUore J. Donald Oamaroni Harrisburg, Dauphin county; John I. Mitchell Welltboro, Tioga oounty. Conrfmtman Ex -Governor Andrew 9.Curtla, Belietonte, Cantra county. Sotor Hon. Cyroe T. Alexander, BsUefonte, Centra aoanty. Awmbljt Hon. James Flynu, Smith's Mills, Ciearneie eouniy. 'rcttdeai Jmdg-Hon. Charles A. Mayer, Urk Haven. Auiitant tow Jmdf Hon. John II. Orris, of Hellclonte. Aitotiatt Arfyw Abram Ogden, Clearfield; Vtnrent d. Holt, uiearneia. prorAonolory Jamet Ken". Htgitttr and fteeordtr-Usorge M. Ferguson. Trtntunr Philip Dolts. Hiitritt Attorney J. F. McKonrtok. Sktrijf Jaroai MahatTey. h'Duiv Sheriff -V . I. Thompson. County itumyor Sanaa) If, McCloekoy, Cor- ensville. County ComniteioueroC. W. Kyler, Ora ham- ton r. v.; Alan ejonnstoo, u ran p inn jjuta r. u.j John Norrit, Br., uurwenevtiie. Cnmmiitinw' CtV Jacob A. Fan it. County Adtfttaro William V. Wright, Clenr fUl. ; Joseph (iilliland, Tbraa Rum J. 8. Nor ri, Woodland. County Coromir Janiea A. Moor, CIcarflald. Jar C'oi"ii'oara AndrawJ. Jackaon, Clear Bed. M m. K. Brown, Clearfield. Suptrinttndtnt o Pttbli SekooUA. I. Mo Qunwn, Claarfleld. Afllnn 'doiie Frank A. Fleming, Wns. Ra JpbaoKh. Cyrua Gordon, Claarflaldj Joaeph R. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curwemvilla j J. A. Living, tone, Uulloil Cit)N YK( OF COIIHUB I "Will tod tako wheat, oati or corn for nib. icription i" Wa ara often Inquired of in thin way br ktter Trt'in patrona who raaid at a diitanca from Clearfleld. Wa aiain tat roe. Tha raaahtta i of a responsible merchant or mill owoer la tha rirtnity, will anower ni jurt aa well aa tha oath. To illluatrate: If any of our patroni will delirer ui a bun of grain at tha mill of Juaaph II. Breth, in Cbeit townohip, iloraea Patahin. la Harnaida Thouiai 11. Porcey, In Urnhain, Wm. Porter or Hhaw'f, in Lawrence, or Brown A Seyler'i, at horkton, Union township, and forward their rerrirlt for tha amount, wa will aredit them on their arrooot fur tha lame. In tbta way all may io:. n pay what they owe, If they will punue tbta euune. u. Hoop skirts nd Bnnllci. at M. A. W.lth' UmrkMilratt, Clurt.ld. Mr. Sol. liider is about to open op a J.lrj .tor. in 8. J. Eow'i building , Bod ltrL A UrIt i,f. ,u pal lo on, dl; ,Hk Tbe CloarBeld Citizen limkinir l.ra. wuu hi honor, Judt. H.T.t. Blil.r eo.ldn't ilxp .,n f h, ,., wh,okinf ,om,. bd7.,(,. WalAman. A Livinci kkdle C'UBiiios. Forty- in arnllu hot bm atlrutid from th. bod; t jeu-old d.ugbt.r of Jobn Ilutltl, lllI it U.r,itMU, fmj eouniy. Oneof Ibonylindcr-bi-adsol Ibe Binall UfillH U lb. OlMrCId Fir. Brick Work. bl. tilt ob Hood.; nuiof, ud in it, i,bt e.m. nw ttriking lb. .nginMr. A HoustKEti'EB Wanted. Liberal waiu will b. paid for doing booork. No nblldran lo pl; with, nor sow, lo milk, or morn ing r.i to kiodl.. Apply nt lb, of tn. lubiorlber. G. B. Qoonnnni. Col. l)wlgbt Webb, prominent among -"J )inui.ivn IOl.r.,Ha in 10. O.VOlOp' of tba oil and eol ruonrau of Jeffarton ooonlj, di.d aoddml;, of hanrl dinaaa, in N.w lork City, on Ih. Id loil.. In U. 3d of oi ago. " . m Bitten by a loo. On lant Thura. d.j foranoon, aa Hula Alio. Larrlmar, dangbur ol Joaaph Urrlraar, wu paiaing along Bnood ilraal, abo iii ati.cktd bjr a loiooi dog and biiKn aavmljt on ot. of bar arm,. Tb. animal ba ongod to Mailar Boblm, of tbll plaoa, and an killed tba aania day. A Foiibtu or JuLr Oei.ibration. Mr. Jobn Soitb, proprietor of'U.rriira Woodi," in Waal Claarftald, baa made arrangement, to have a celebration on tba Foartb of Jul.. A good ipaaber will bo preient todelirar an appro priate addreu. Orooola will ba free for all. Tba parlllloo will ba open for dancing in tba aeoning after tba plonle. No game, of obanco or gambling will be allowed on tbe premli,,. Lot all go and anjoy n good tint.. FranciH Mumbv. the well-known Teinporanoe Erangeliat, having beoome a member of the U. K. Church' al Kaat Brady, by Liter from tba Firat M.I. Cbureb of Fraeport, IIMnoil, waa on Fiiday evening, June Sd, by tba offloial board nt Kaat Brady, duly recommended to tha Clarion Dlatrlat Conference for lieeoae to preach. Tha Diltriot Conference will meot at Reyoolda- Tilleon Monday evening, June I7ln. Mr. Murphy will addraeitba Conference on Tueaday evening, June ISth. IIUIIHAH FOR Gi.en IIopeI Tbe naw borough of Ulan Uope will celebrate tba comleg Fourth of July by a' grand picnic, with ita accompaniment of emuaemeota, via: laoelog, winging, Bark, foot, wbelbarrew and tub racae, catobing n greaaad pig, olimbing ngreaaed pole, Aa,Ae. Everybody il invited. TheOoumittee of Arrangement! are getting affaire in order, and It ia aapf eted lo have a day of real enjoyment in honor of tbe lOoth anniversary of American Inde pendence. A good band of muaic will be engaged for tbe oeoeeion. DECATUR TOWNSHIP'S OLDEST CITIZEN, From tbe Oacaoln Ravellle.l Within two ind one half m Ilea of Oeeeola, on tbe road lending tn Pblllpiburg.Wa of Centre School Uuneo, Decatur towmhlp, tbll onuntT, nrea Kllibe Roeee, now In bli eighty-third yenr, un monaay morning lalt, wa drove pait one of nil neldi, wbare be waa buir nt work, aulllvalln. bla corn with ai Ira tread and agile motion aa n an of thirty. Ilia intellect la aa bright aa II aver waa, lie Ulka of event, and inetdeota hap penlng llity-tve and levanly yeara ago, na If they were but tha arenti of yailerday, and an paara to eomaiaarate with tboaa with whom ha oonvenea, nt their lack of rooollectlon of tbeaa tblngi of long ago, ao Iraib to him. Ha haa lived on the ipot he now oecuploi ever Ifty yeara, corn log hero about tha aaae time that Uardmaa Philip, aaubllahad blmielf in Fhillniburl. and haa worked oonttantly all that time, naelating In trnniforming tbe bowling wlldernaaa into eulll rated lelde, and Interminable foreala to pleaaanl boin.i. Hero every one of bli children waa burn, and here la where be atood by tha bed-ilile to view the departure of bar who bad atood by him through all tha tribulation and triala Incident to n back woodi life, for "Ibe land of tba here after." To tbe lover, of the "olden time" there if nothing mora pleaiaot than nn hoor'a ohat with thin octogenarian. He will tell yon or tha time, when the wolvea need to make tbe night hijioui with their bowling, around their lonely cabin, having to keep all tbelr domeatio animate homed In auoh manner na to prevent there raven oui ereoturea Irom devouring tbem and bow their greeteit tear for their wheat crop wm from th ravage, of tha deer. Ha lire, with hli aingle aona and daugbtcra, tba youngest of whom ba long smoa passed tha majority, and directs, in person, tha nonduet ef the farm. Up early and late, never Idle and eeldom requiring the services of a pbyeioiao, he lakaacontrol over tboie "boyi1 oi btl, as be calls the gray-beaded men youi nrouni bina,ee ha did forty and Sfty years ago. , aw The commencement cxorcitioii of tbe Hollidaytburg Female Seminary were held lo Ihe Preibyterinn Cburcnln UollidayeburgouWadnes- day lait. Mm Beasis Uartswlck of this place wu one of Ibe grnduatea. She read nn enay on Braia. A correspondent of the Altcona 7W- oune refers to Ihe graduates aa follows : "As will be observed there were five graduates M lisess lleuie Uartawlck, A line Kule, Ella Fordyoa 11.11. r.tlerson end Linle Wall. Each read an eaiey which showed evldenoc of careful prepara tion, and eaoh read In a iairly dlatlnot tone, much lo the satisfaction of tbelr auditors. The young lady graduate who speaks in a clear and olstmot tone of Vol is ,o much of n novtlty that these ladies would daaarve commendation for thla Tery pleaiant surprise even had their productions been decidedly common place. But tbey are alio entitled to credit for Ihe akllllul manner tn which they disposed of their subjects.1 Tbey are all good girla. jaTAdrorlisers and others will bear la mind that ail nrticlea intendad for publication Id this paper must be handed In, not later than Tusidsy, at A. M. Don't forget it I Embossed velvet belts at M. A Welch's. Rhododendron, or mountain lanrol, li Id bloom. The interior of the jail has been neatly kaliomlnad. - . a, Win. It. IJrowo, of this boroui'li, is mnering at his b)me from n severe nttaek of rheumatism. - m . . Dr. Stewart, dentist, will be absent from bis offloa on tbe 2llt Inst, and fore few days following. e i m The new Lock-up bad two occu pati on Saturday night. Tba offence wns lru nhenneis. Tuesday of this week was the longest d,y of ids year. Tbe Sprin g months end and cummer brgins. awi A horse owned by A. W. Loo, of. IDii place, waa found dead tn bis stable laat Tbundey morning. The new law requiring Dractitioners of medicine and surgery to Uke their diptomea tn the Prothonotaries of thsir counties to be registered has beeo signed by tbe Governor nod has gone Into effect, and tbe penally for refusing to oomply with this law la a one or one hundred dollars, one-half to go to the prosecutor and tha other half to tba county, with imprisonment in tha eouniy Jail at the discretion of the Court. This U one or the methods by which It is pro posed to weed out bogus diplomaa. We will pub lish tha act in full neil week. . - Monuments were placed over the remains or Hon. A C. Tate and Mra. Jamee T. Laooard in tha eemetcry at thiaplaoe last Friday. Tha work was manufactured at Cumberland, Maryland, and Ihry are very bandsemo in design nnd material. Mr. Tele's is n column of while marble, about elereo or twelve feet high, sur mounted by n arose and crown. That placed at th grave of Mrs . Leonard is n large slab stand Ing erect. Is aSoul aavan feel high, and la intend ed for two persona, A beautiful Igure represent ing a flying angel atrewlng flowers over tha en tombed adorns It. Diatii of William Albert. Wm. Albert, rormerly a resident of Bradford township, this oounty, dlsj nt bis residence, No. 330 West Lemon street, In Lanoaatwr city, Pa., en Friday laat, agea it years. His disaaaa waa consump tion, nnd he wns confined to his house alooe be fore Christmaa. Mr. Albert wee, wa believe, a native or Clearfield county, and removed with bis family to Laooester ia January, 18'o, where ha engaged in Ibe lumbar buainsaa, and nt tha time of hie death waa a member of tbe firm of Baum gerdner, Ebeman A Co. beware and warn yonr lrionds against tbe evils of speculative, or "co-operative1 me Ineurance. A contemporary explains the affair well. Head : "No doubt our readers are largely aware that these so-called mutual assess ment oompanles, put no restriction upon tbelr agents in ins .election or risks, but tha older and mora feeble nnd InSnn, tbe bettor, end that kind furnlsbis espital and premium to the company ana Bolder or tbe pelloy sooner than tha long lived ones. Tha object Is to get some enterpris ing speculative person to select soma old Individ ual, whose days ara "necessarily abort and few," have n policy of 12,000, more or less, taken out on bis life io from one to ten or mora oompeBiee, pay tbe aeaessments made en the same during bla short span or life, and at his death (and he can't die loo socn lor Ibslr gocd) tha owners oi the policies reap tbe rich reward or 110,0011 to J20,- ime truly la ths price or blood." 000, A littlo "rcsnonaibilitv arrived in th, borne or George W . Oulioh laat Friday. Bho neighed eight pounds. a - M.isch R. Cowdrick ia building quite sb aiMinon thta Bummer to biB reuueooe on tba rait end of Reed street. Mr. H. II. Shaw's residence, on East alsrbet street, has been repainted reoeotly nnd prtsents a fine nppearnnco. m I am, i Mako preparations to attend the pio Bio and celebration in "MerreH'a Woods," In Waal Clearfield on Iba Fourth of July. . A luro boquot of peonies and rosea Bow accompany Ihe tboogbllul sobolnr to ecnool to gladden and aofian tha heart or tb teacher. The annual mooting of the Ponn lylvanta Editorial Association meets tni weak t Philadelphia. An excursion to Long Branch it on the programme. Iiov. J. B. lirier preached in the rretbytorlsn Churob lait Sabbath morning, nr. drier wai formerly peitor or the Corwenavilla Presbyterian Cbureb. Tho roof of M r. (joodl'ullow's kitchon eaught fire rrom an overheated atova-pipe laat Thursday morning. Tba Are was extinguished before doing any damage. Mr. George Thorn is buildings neat utile omoa near nta planing mill on f ourio sirens. We onientend II will have eommoaieatloa with bin realdsnee by telephone. A new building is being orovted on the mill Henry W, I'.re'e lot, en Third street, to be used by Joshun Flaherty, marble enltar. It will toon be ready for occupancy. Some small keys and a small amount of silver coin wns loet on day last week by Mr. John Galieh, uf Ihia borough. Any peraon find ing tb same nnd returning tba keys will confer a great favor. Samuel Stanley, of this borough, cut hit right foot very badly hast Tbnrsdny while peeling logs on Clearflsld creek. He is able to let about with tbe aid or orotches. Tba wound i' oa lbs Instep. I'ut Goodman was lodged in jail on Friiiey laat lor the larceny ef n watob and name money at DuBols. Ha wu urrcsted nt Bridge perl. Pat gained considerable notoriety In Ibis 'Icinity In April last, when he tlilted bis brother d . in the county prison. Go In I We are glad to learn that tbe omoera and members of Labhihbh rosr, rfo. 17, of tbe Grand Army ef Ibe Republic, have the grit to get up n Fourth ef July celebration. Wa endorse tbe enterprise. A little more Fourth of July would do noon of nanny harm. Boys, more to the front ! If the weather la favorable, tba celebration will com off in the Park gronnda, In Clearfield j If tho weather prove, unfa vorable, tba celebration will ba held In Pie'a Opcm House. Everybody la loviled U ntlend whether in tbe Park or the Opera House. The passenger train on the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad was throwa from tba track between Kegleville and Beech Creek on Tbnrsday afternoon, tb Stb Inst. Tbe tender, baggega car and two paaaengar eoncbes went down over an embankment, leaving tbe engine remaining on tbe track. One of the conches wu badly broken up. 8oott Plummer was conductor of the train, and was slightly Injured about tha body. Ed. A. Leavy, or this plaoc, waa one or the victims, nnd bad bis knee Injured. A number or other per sons from this county were pusenger on tbe treln. No body wu seriously burL A minor named Thomas Kvans, formerly n resident or Oscsola, but now of Mo- shannon station, Houtsdete Branch, met with n vary serious accident Tuesday evening of lut week. He attempted to board a coal train, nnd getting bis root caught It was crushed so badly that it bed to be amputated. The Osceola Aereife, in speaking or this nocideot, adds! "Meahannon station ia surely a hamlet ol cripplea. Two man ara lying there with broken backs, without tha slightest hupe of relief, cnueed by eooldeat they ictwilh In their avocations about Ihe mines, and now aaolbar eripple is added to tho list.' mm t m Meetino or the HrNTiNfinoN Pres- bvtbsi. Tbe Huntingdon Presbytery met nt Newton Hamilton on Tuesday of lut wsek. The object of the meeting wu for tbe purpose of bearing appUcationa far licensure. The appli cants (two In number) pnssed their examinations creditably nnd Barely. Tbe consideration or tbe petition for n third Presbyterian chnrob In AI toonu wu postponed until the October session. Tha Judicial cue from tb Heooad Presbytcriaa church ef Altooon wu partially reversed. Tbe difficulty between the Lost Creek nnd Miffliotowo ebnrcheB wu poetponed until tb Fall session, u wu some other busloees. Promoted. An Altoona cichuiuro uif,.uuui uon. rfoou iteilly, living in this county, will be pleaaad to learn of hie late handsome promotion. Mr. Rcllly In 1974 waa sleeted to represent this district in Congress, and served with credit for one term. At that time end since he held a position or trust in tbe employ of the Pennsylvenia Railroad, residing alAltoonn. In tha Into changes of ottelala by taa rennsylvanin Railroad Company, Mr. Rellly has boon appointed Superintendent of Transpor tation nf tha Pannaylvnnin, Northern Central, Baltimore and Potomac, Alexandria and Freder- Ickeburg, nnd tba Wast Jerssy Railroads, with his omcenl Philadelphia. Tills appointment laooe.of great reapoualblllty and bubeen conferred upon n wormy gentleman in tha person or our ax-Con- grsssniaa. The belt wlibea or his friends all over tba district go with hits to the discharge of bis new and blghly honorable pos Ition." Talk about the recont eclipse of the Queen of Night j but the eondlticn of uffalrs In town on Thursday night Inst, u regards those who bad occasion to ba out, eclipsed the eclipse or the 1 lib nnd 11th init.nt completely. While Ibe darkneu was blacker than tba tnalda ef n pocket nnd the rain descended In torrents, no street lamps shed n eheering light to guide the wnry nnd groping pedestrtsn, nnd If be did not land In tba guitar it wu becnuaa there was no gutter to fall Into. The fact that lamp lighter Dorvltt wu Just recovering from n spell of sick ness, and fearing to expose himself in tha rain, and unable lo gel a snbsUtute, may become mill gallon for the negligence manifeited on that 00 oailon io his nue, hut neither ill-bealth, lore, money, or anything else in this world ana recall the anathema that were pronounoed that dark and dreadful night because of no light. More than inebriates wallowed In tbe ditch. "AT Ivest. Douth entorcd the nousebold or Rev. U. tj. Butler, of Ibis borough, Isst Tbnrsdny afternoon, taking u ita victim an Interesting little boy and a favorite, Joseph P., In tne 7tn year of bis age. He was attaobed with diphtheria a week previous, and suffered much until a short tlma before bis death. Little Joe wu n manly little fellow, of n pleasant disposi tion, and wu beloved by all with whom ho asso ciated. Ha will ba aadly mlsaed by bia compan ions nnd little playmates, Tba funeral took place on Friday afternoon, nnd tba remains were followed to the cemetery by a long Una otSe biclee. On the cukct ruled n beautiful wreath of wh lie Sowers and n cross made or roses. These floral offeriags ware arranged by Ernest Bock. and ware Tory beautiful. DEATH OF MRS. ALBERT F, DENNING. From tba Phlllpaburg Journal. 1 . Josephine Vlotorin, wife of Albert F. Denning, departed thla Ufa It Blcomlogton, Md., June I, 1881, aged thirly-sii years, a rlollm of oonsump- tinn. Mr. Denning, who wna formerly n rMldent of Phlllpaburg and Clearfield, n law years ago mored In Maryland, where he engaged In bnsl- nesc among strangara, yet soon new-made friends gathered uonnd them and ministered kindly to the afflicted nna. Mra. Wllbalm, n sister, nnd Miss Bertha Denning, n niece, devoted them- selves unemuiagly during the lut few weak! of her lire, while Ihe loving husband left aotblog undone to mitigate tbe sufferings of the patient who nna mother. The remains war brought to 1'nilipibnrg fur Interment j hut previous to leer ing tba bouse ef sorrow, nbundant floral testi monies were beautifully arranged by Mitsaa An nie Porter, of Froetburg, Jennie Spongier, of fiadmont, and Ada Mullen, or Bloomlngton, par ticular friends of Ibe deceased. On nrrlrnl nt Phillpsburg, tba remains were taken to the house or Mr. and Mra. L. M. Jones, njeee nnd nephew or Mr. Denning, where runeral services were held on Sunday afternoon, eendncted by Rev. A. M Crolghton, of the M. H. church. Tbe remains were followed to the cemetery by n large circle of relatives, friends nnd acquaintances. Tbe be reaved ratnily will ever boar U greatfnl remem brance tbe many tokens of kindness nnd !ove from friends during these days of Buffering nnd trial. Tbe dcacucd wu n lovely typo of n true ohria- tlnn ; a faithful, devoted wire, n loving, tender mother. Sbe leaves n husband and two children to mourn her depnrture. In early youth she oon- aecrated her being to the Master's asrvloe ; her walk wu consilient, and truly may It ba laid, bar life wis hid with Christ In God. Though long n sufferer, ber trust wu In Him who doeth all things well, end sbe waa willing lo depart nnd be with Christ. 8he hu gone I Join tbe aaint- ed mother nnd alster, and la meat bar little ooee on tba other shore. Tbe cross haa been ex changed for a crown, tbe battle is fought and tba victory won. God hu wiped all tears from ber eyes nnd sorrow nnd sighing are no more. Tbe broken family circle will mourn for the absent one, and Ibe stricken hutbnnd and bereft children will mil) the dear form at homo, yet God will temper their afniollon nnd draw lham by thin ohutlsement to a elder rclaUon with Him, ao that at the lut day, tbey may eoma up to be reunited into one unbroken band of fellow ship nt His right band forerermora. LUMBER CITY JOTTINGS. Although tba people of Lumber City, have not enough eoncelt to make them bo rain u to Imagine that in aducatlonal mattere their Tillage excels any other town In tbe county, they all unite In saying that tbe present term of tb Aoademy Is meeting with unprecedented success. The Normal department, conducted by Messrs. Moore nnd Wsber, numbers seventy-one, most of whom are preparing "lo teach the young Ideas how to thoet." A stranger cannot tall that there 1c n school in town, unless be Is bsra to aea thi atudsnts go tnor from school, which fact speaks well for students. Tbe primary school, taught by Miss Ad Spencer, numbers about twenty-fire. There will be n conteat for prisu In reading declamation, assay and original oration, on tbe evening of July 1st. It will be between the ctudents of Ihe Normal, and premlsea to be grand success. Miss Mamie Irvin made ber aiouj in tbe U. P. Church nn lut Friday night, after graduating at tba National School or Elocution and Oratory. Sbe wu aatlstad by Miss Helen R. Heron, Philadelphia. Tbe eiercises consisted of read tngs and recitations, intariperaed with beautiful solos by Miss Irvla. Tha ladies were greeted by an intelligent and appreciative audience. All went nway feeling thnt Ibsy had baaa well enter tained and instructed. Mr. Larry Farewell, sua ef 'Squire Farewell, want down tba river on a raft a weak ago, and laat Friday he returned with aooty more than gold and sliver. It la in tha form of n fair lady, whom ha calls bis wife. Msy tbey "leeve long nnd brother !" Mrs. Moore nnd Hiss Sue Reynolds, who have beeo teaching music here during tbe last thru months, will hold n Concert In Ibe O, P. Church, or thla place, on Saturday evening, June Sotb. Tbey will be u ill led by othera. It will eoniiit or vocal and Instrumental music. Tha ladlu mentioned are eacellenl players and singers, nnd the entertainment will be n rare-treat. AuATuun. THE CENSUS OK CLEARFIELD COUNTY. Census bulletin No. 101 exhibits Ibe malts or tbe first count or tbe population or Clearfield eoonly, according tn tba sehednla returned to tbe Census offlce by the ennmeratcn of tbe several distrlots concerned. It Is still subject to possible corrections by reason of tbe discovery of omla slona nnd duplication of names. Names of ril- lagu ara indented and placed under the township In wbleh thay are rcspsctrolly situated, nnd tba population or tha township includes, In every case, that or all villages within II. Tha sillagaa marked with an astsrlsk () are nnlnourporated, nnd their population is given only approximately. u tbelr limits cannot bs sharply defined. Tbe Mveral boroughs, towniblps nnd villsgM tn Clearfield county are returned sj follows t Bsoearla township, Inelodlng ths follow. ing villages m lllen Hope village Il Utabvllla village 101 Bell lownehip Bloom tnwnshlp Boggs township, including village or Blue Ball Blue Ball village;, 17D Bradford township, including tha follow. Ing villages Biglarrlllsgs . vtl 1,1(11 419 DOi 1,701 1,888 370 1,611 1,11118 1,908 730 TOO 3,449 Ut 679 601 846 162 1,099 , 99 ... .11 ...394 ,lo 141 ....-400 Kobe Cold and IIat FavER-Messrs, While A Bardic,, Druggists, Ilhsca, N. V t I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to relieve all persona suffsrlng with Rosa Cold and Hay Fsvsr, I hare been n great sufferer rrom the same com plaints j hare bad great roller by using tbe Balm. I have recommended it to many or my Moods for Catarrh, nod In nil eases where they hare need tbe Belm freely hare been cured. T. Knaaxr, Dry Goods Merchant, Ithaca, New York, Septem ber fith, 1980, , Messrs. William Rnst A Boas, Druggists, New Brunswick, N. J.: Since boyhood I hare been troubled with Catarrh and Uay Ferer, nnd have been unable to obtain permanent reller until I used Ely's Cream Balm, which hu enrcd me. After n few dnys's use I could sleep nil night, which I could not do before. B. L. Ct-icnnann, New Bruniwick, N. J. Pries 60 cent. 9-11 21 Mr. Krank II. ItiUor, ol this placo, tk bit departare lor Altooanon Monday marn 'I hit, where he will reside In tbe future, be sating secured n elerkiblp In n Btor at tbnt P'ks. Mr. Hitter Is aa honest nnd deserving young nian, and wa heartily wish him success Is his at. borne ia Ibe "Mountain City." Tho new turnkey ol the Clearfield m a printer. It la to be supposed tnat ne an "'Unci well bow lo "lock up forms. "-Wueti., d'lete. And If any rooster nttempla to gel '"y with him hell bo apt to gel "planed down," 'ee-aw.,,!, iYrnutfiM. If any of Ibe craft ai4 be so fortunate u lo be placed la his care hr rale keeping, tbey will be furalibed nil the " aeeeesary te keep them from (citing "out el nn,," A Goon THiNd. We notice that tho Pennsylvanln Railroad hu lslu.d a fine :Uus- tretod Summer Excursion Route book fur 1991. For tbe first lime, Cleerfleld II msppvd cut nnd Is put down oo page 29 ucxcnrslon schedule No. 014, ns follows t rnaonon navas mow rLnanriiLn awn nnTiin. New Yoik 1 75 Altoona..'. 3 75 Philadelphia..... 19.16 Piltsbergh ( 80 Lancastsr S.74 llaltimore M 9.80 llrriibur......, Washl ngton 11.80 Normal School. L. E. Wulmr nnd J. T. Liddle will open n acbool nt Lutbersbursr on July 18th, 1881, to continue eight weeks. Special attention will be given In Theory of teacblng. This will offer rare Inducements to those who Intend lo teach tbe coming Winter. Lutborsburg Is beautifully located, with an ex cellent school building. Tbe people are Intelli gent nnd hospitable. Uoardiag and tuition will be very renaooeble. For further Information, ad drees L. E. Weber, Lumber Cily, Olearfield coun ty, or, J. T. Liddell, Dulloii, Cliarleld county, Pennaylvnnln. gt. List of lottors remaining unclaimed in Ibe Postofflce at Claarfleld, Pa., for tba week ending June 30, 1881 1 Jobn Blackmora (2), J. R. Balky, Charley Baker, Chal. A. Dickie (2), William Ferry, Mra. Mary E. Uoror, Frank Ualderman, Chei. A. Har low, C. B. Jewell, Mra. Evn Jonas, James Kylor, Mia Annie HughM(l), Herbert LaBaron, W. 8. Llngla, William Moore, William Meb'wen, Jnmu MoLuvllh (3) Joban Mondla, John McDonald, Henry Shock, Samuel Smith, David Way. P. A. QAUL1N, P. M. If you are going on a Pienio or Ex cursion don't make life n burden by over-heatlog yourself over n hot stove during ihe but weather trying to bake nice cakes, when yon ean go to most nny sure in ibe country nnd by nsking for a pound or Marvin's Lemon Imperlnl Welfare, Lady Fingers, Strawberry Jumbles, Sarah Bern hardt Jumble, Jamacla Snapa or Star nie-naos nnd get Just what yon want. Dealers will do well to order a cue or Marvin 's "4th or July assorlment" thereby getting the above named variety u tbey are gotten op ex pressly for tbe present eeuon. We have so many imlt.lors that wa feel obliged to ask our friends to be particular nnd see thnt our name Is on every package or Crackers, Cakes our Biscuit they buy. S. 8. Minna A Co., II and 03 Liberty 81, Pittsburgh, Pa Clearheld Coal Thade State moot or Ceal nnd other freights sent over tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennaylvnnln Rall- ond for tho week ending June llih, 1881, nnd tbe lame time last yenr : coal. For tho week Same time last year Hl Inorenae Previously durtnat rear , 8ame time lut year Increase Total in 1881 Same time last year 3,080 1,364 3,238 2,8 ,089 194 280 1,151 911 1,441 9,840 661 100 6,106 OLE A.E FIELD MASKET3. Oliarisld, Pa,, Juno II, 1681. Flour, pat ewt. Buckwheat Flour, par owt..., Com Meal, par awl Chop, rye, par ewt Chop, mixed, par awt Bran, par owt H , Wheat, per buihel Ryo, Pr buabel , OaU, par buahel Cora, eari, par buihel Buckwheat, par baihel Clorer aaad Timothy aaad Potatoes, per buihel Apples, par bushel Onions...... , Hams, per pound Shoulder, par pound Dried Beef, per pound. Chickens, par pair Butter, par pound EjCK't par dosen Salt, ier lack, large , Coal Oil, per gallon Lard, par pound , Dried Apples, per pound Dried Peaches, par pound.... Uoaua, par buihel $3 00 . 1 Bl I 00 1 40 1 00 1 10 au to 40 00 0 00 1 T6 1 00 60 S 00 13. 9 IV 60 Is 1 oo i IS 12 I .! I 60 A ' to Svfl r" dF it boBio. Samples worth Portland, Maine. free. Address Stinbon A Co. niob2.BI.Iy. 'WiTOTirC.-.Tha undersigned, residing la tba A! Tiiiaga oi nesiorer, ia UDest township, haj made tha aaeesiarr arranrementa and uro- poaea to open an KAT1NU liH SK for tba ao eommodatioo of tbe publio generally, and I faera- vj miiioii iioerai snare ol tba publio patronage. juu.i j. oi Untie nesurar, ra.t feb. 9, 18ttlf. TJIAKM IaANDH FOR Ilaiton X ana nna townships, Claarfleld oounty. . Reasonable timeglren for part of Dure ha money. 1 rices 16,00 to 910.00 par acre. Minerals reserved. Sept. 10, m-tf. L. BIRD, A rent, Penfield, Pa. or n all ic a Kbusi, Claarfleld, Pa, Woodland vlilaao....- Brady township Burnside borough ., Burn side township Cheat township. uiaaroeid oorougn CoTingtoa township M CnrweasTilla borough Deoatnr township , Perguson township Girard township Goshen township Graham township Greenwood township Oulioh township, Including tba following Tillages ... Alletnensvalle Tillage......... Centennialrille village........ Janesfille village - Kamey village "Sterlinc village partoOt..., (See Woodward township). Houtiilale borough , uuston the fo llowing TIllBgeS Hi...... Penfleld village- , 2UV Tylara Tillage jug Winterburn tlllare UI Jordan twp., including Ansonvila village "Ansonv.iieviiiege vv Kartbaus township nnox lownsDip, inoiutiiog village or new mi upon NewMilport vilUce 117 Lawrence townbip Lumber Ci.y borough Morris township, including tba fallowing Tillages H Decatur Mines viUairet.,.. Kylertown village Morrisdale Mine villag fettle Tiilaret Newburg borough , New Washington berouith isc sola Hills borougn Peon township .,, H Pike township Bandy twp., Including village of DuBois Dubois village 1,718 Union twp,, including village of Hook tan. Kockton village 100 Wall ace ton borough Woodward township, Including tba follow log villages HH M .ultra village UB North Ilum id els village 1,017 aShillingfurd village .. 61 Sterling vitlage (part of). ...,. 71 (See Gulieh tewnship). Wast Kouttdale village...... - 383 Notb. The part of Starling village which ia in Woodward township has bean separated, but tbui far tha enumerator of tiullcb township has failed U as.ka tba separation. tP.aoef marked with a dagger (t) war not separately returned by tha enumerators. Glen Hope and DuBols boroughs vert In corporated since June 1st. Denny McDonald And Misa Kit to Campbell, both of this ptaoa, warn married In tho Catholic church oa Monday evening, Rev, Fa ther Sheridan officiating. Hurry Kid or, of this place, who ban been spending a few weeki in Baltimore, returned bottie last Monday night Ayor's Tills contain no croton oilS'"'"' ,',uTil' oaiomoi.or minerals, loej ara eompoanaau oi i Oaioline. 88 pure vegetable extracts, which bavo positive virtues and always eura, whers cures are possible, FBODUCE MAEKET EEP0ET. Pbiladbli'bia, June 10. Flour waa steady, Wheat and eon options a shade lower. Cotton movas slowly, email sales at 1 1 c for middling uplands. Bark ia nominal at 127.00 per ton for Ho. I quercitron. (Seeds Tha transaotioa In oloversaed and flaxseed are unimportant. jr tour ana Meal 1- lour ts in lair local demand, and prices ara well sustained. Bales ef 1, hut) barrels, Minnesota extras at iijbftyi.vb for good ana cnoice ciesr.ana at o. fur stratglitj Pennsylvania family al ii.3d(ujo.75 : western do. at $o.7&(,6 0: LOilO barrels fit. Louis at $0.36. and paUnUat96.26tVu7.60. By flonr Is dull at Bata.i.) per barrel. Niw YoBK.Junt 30. Flour without ImnorUnt obanga; elosiog quiet. Bye flour dull and weak at $J.46rL6.B6. Wbaatoloted weak and a shade lnwer ; ungraded spring, $I.U(g, 1.11. ; No.S $1.14; $1.14; Mo. 2 Chioano and Milwaukee, $I.IV ; ungraded red, $1 ItH.iyl.U; No. I do., $1.28; No. 2 do., $1.2$. u,1.27; No. 1 red, llJOftti 1.27 ; No. t do.. $1.23; unrraded white, $1 ,20(oj 1.17 : No. 1, do., $133; No. I do $1.24(1.26 ; No. I, rwa,; July, 9l.aa( ; Au gust, $1. 2213 li; September, $1.22171,1.131; September, $l.2'Hg)l.m ; No. 1 while, June, 1.3vl.2U: July, $ Hye heavy and lower. Pennsylvania and Jersey, $1.10. Barter and barley malt dult and nominal. Cora .(tula better and more active; ungraded, 4n ble: No. S, nomioal: No. S.Jane. 66f fa.6fto : JulyKOe; Auguit, 66. tannic. Osts wilh- eui uecinea cnange. CnicAuo. June 20. Flour nominally unchanged. Arm. Wheat unsettled; No. I Chioaso. sunns:. $1.1001,1. 10 for oasb; $l.ll((iil.llf for July; $1.12 (v 1.121 for August, $1.OK!.1.10ft lor September ; No. J do. 98 (0,1.030; reject ed, 73(j,76o. Corn ts strong and higher ; 4tlHgi 45 Jc for June ; 461o for July ; 46 for August ; 400 for BepUmbar; rejected, die. UaU dull aud weak ; 37io for canb ; .1(1 jc bid for July; 27U'i)29e for August j 3ft. fa 2 7o for Sep Umber; rejected, 31,0. Bye doll and lower at $1.02. Barley stronger and higher at $1.08. i Pork qutat and firm ; 910.10 for oath $10.12JOi, 1016 for July: $10.26 for August. Lard quiet and Arm; $IU.70 for oasb; $lU.724(Ttl0 .74 for July; $10.7i(ai 10.77 for August. Bulk active, Arm and big tier; shoulder, $6.96 ; short ribs, a.aa j jliort clear, 94.70. Whisky steady. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Corweurltla, Jan. 9, 7s-tf. B. O. BBAD ..,.. ,W. .1, BAGBBTT JEAD k 11AGERTV. FIRE, LIFB AND ACCIDENT I.XSt'RANCB AGENCY. wTOffloa in Graham Building, Market street Clearfield, pfl0n June 16, l&s I -If. THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC Bowing; Moliluor Improved to Perfection T?0R lightness of running, superiority of mann X faotuia, simplicity of management or range of wura, toe vomesuo surpassee an otoers. Mr. o. M. Jones will vtiit eitisens of tba count v in m merest, anu snaw mem wnat tais woaderfo! ma- obine la capable of doing. Parties at a distance wishing to aaa tbe finest and bandaomeatmaehiaa in tba world, ean do aa without any expense to tuoonirw, ay auaressing a. m. joib, Ulear- Biea, fa., or ll. A. KRATZBR, Agtnt for Claarfleld Co Claarfleld, June 16, Ual-tf. 3,dmtisfmfnt$. Oil Quotations ! CENTKAL1ENN'A0IL"DEP0T. UNDERHILL & CO., JLubrirtiriiir. Itr inert If .Iflnrrg' OILS, PHIMPSBUKG, PESU'A. Wa quote cur brands ot Pstroleam nnd other oils eurjeel fo marcel ehangtt) delivered tree on bonrd eera at aoy station on tbe Tyrone a Clearueld Railroad. Refined Oil, Slate Test..per gal. PrimcWhite, 110 ".... Water Wblle,l60 " .... Elaine, ISO .... " At lowest market ratos to cost. ..per gel $ Set-nots larrre, medium and small twines, out llnea, lihlng lines, tsh bukete, ball boiee, tackle books, hooka, and every deaerlptlon of snorting tackle at Harder'!. 6-36-tT You can have any kind of an old hal made naw, by Nawkirk, tbe hatter, over Brldge'a Tailor shop, Mri Itreet, ClanrOeld, Peon's. S-l-tr Silk, rug in a, zantjia, alpaca and ooverc, put on old umbrellu nnd para sols nt J. B. Harder 'l store, CliarBeld. 6-36-tT Call at Morrill's hardware store and see Ibe cbeaput and best Sewing Machine for the least money. Deo. 23-tf. Go to Htrliniror & Hook's for straw beta, umbrella and linen dusters, nt bottom prices. 6 32-2L A new line of cunts' neck-wear, shirts nnd white voile nt Hirlioger A Rooka. A vory elegant line of pocket cutlory, rasors, scissors and shears at Uardsr's. 6-36-tT Stocking aupnortors, and shoulder oraou ootnmnea at M. A. rtelca a. Tho very latost and cheapest, in holeery, at Mies M A. Welch's. Fishing tackle, wholesale and retail at Herder's. 6-li.lf Fans I Inns I all styles and prices at Miss M. A. Wsleh's. Increase , Lumber H., Mleeellanaous rrelgbts 118 ears. , 180 " A largo fly-wheel for tho Woodland Company's engine wu out nt Blglcr, 1 4 Co. 'a foundry In this placa lul Wedna- sftirnoon. It walghs 4,901 pounds nnd Is ,k '"lt aullegever made la that ealabllak " bile noaring the molten metal, AI Nov ''I, nba was Bselstlng, met with a painful eeel By Bomoeuucoer ether n norllen as the "7 liquid wu spilled, nnd name If It stra.k ""'I in the eye, , red eel eg a palaTal IT net wound. Jack Italian au alio allghUy Tickets Tor these pleou will be sold at tha depot la Ilia plua for tbe round trip Tram this date to the flrst ol October good to return until tbe 31st day oT Octt.ber, Inelusivn. Pnssen gers have all tba privilege oT flrst-olesB tlcketa, eioept when etharwise noted. Thou persons eontempleting an excursion trip this Summsr hnd belter order ao Escnrslon Route book through 8. II. Wnllnce, 13d and Market streets, Philadelphia. m - The July number of the A'orth Amtriemm irceisw neure Ihe usuel ebnracteristlo ol limellneBt. Carl Bcbors leads nff with n suggest- irn paper on "Preeent Aspeet T the Indiao Problem," in wbleh he discusses the Indlen ob. staele In tbe wey oT tbe couutry'e develcpoient. tb hnrmonlsing 9t the habits, eecnpetlons nnd Interests oT tbe red men, the necessity ot edu ontlog tbelr youth, tbe making ol tbe men them- ealvM small land proprletora, and tho offering of Inducameata to them la sell Tor a Tnlr eomponsn- lion the lands Ibay do not cullirnta. Neil n euuslie writer givu Ibe view, oT MA Ynnkae Former" on "The Religions Conflict! oT the Age," tn the dleeomltum oT the modern Agnostls, Moraliil and Svolutlonist. Alother trenebnnl nrtlcl Is "The Power oT Public Plunder," by Jama Partoa, which nppcnla to the eons eT ear oa oT character and wealth, na patriotic gronnda, tn enter Into nolltlea,na4 bMomotbe aareguuds of ILelr eonalry ngalaat ring and boll... Mr. Henry Oerge dwell, on "The Oom mea sense of Teiatloa." ''The Coat ef Cruelly" la preaeabad by 11 eery Bergh, nnd "A Study ef Tennyson" semes from the pea of Mr. Richard Stoddard. Annivessart Cei.iubation. Lari mer Post No. 170, Urnnd Army ef the Republic, wllloelebrate Its Srst anniversary with an out door restiral, on Jnly Fourth, day and evening. The HtUe park on Front street hu been scoured for the oooulvn, and suitable arrangements will be made for tha aooommodatioa tT the public An nble speaker, a good dinner nnd nil kind of rafrMhmanta. Master Claionce Stewart, son of Dr. J. M. SteworLor thin borough, wueo unrortunate u to ran n long hnt pin In bl eye week before laat, eauaing n serious nnd palaTal wound. It Is feared the orgaa oT tight will bo entirely de stroyed. Ilia father started with him Ibis morn ing tn Philadelphia, where he will eontnll with nn eapsricnoed optic physician. Goo. F. Boric, Koq., ol'Philadclphia, n prominent Odd Fellow, will d.llvee kll lecture on "American Odd Fellowship" la tha M. I. Church at Ol.n Ilnpi aelt Saturday ironing, under Ihe nuspiees of Olee Uope Lodge, No. log, I. O. 0. F. Tbe lecture Is Tree nnd everybody is Inrlled tn attend. Go to Iliilinger A Jtook's, and sco their Urge stock of olethlng. There yon nn get a Bobby anil Tor Ibe Fourth of Julyu chain u the eneapeet, u Ihey will not be undersold. Curwensvillo, Glen Hope, iloula dale nnd sev.rsl ether tewne in Iba eeaety will celebrate Ihe coming Fourth ef July la n aweem- Inf manner. A, C. Greon has been appointed Post- Mlar nt Mirron, la Ferguson uwnsbip, na the route from Ansenrlll tn Hew Waahlaglia. Tbe floral service at tho monthly mlasionary meeting in the Molhodiet eboroh lut Sundey evening wns well attended by tha little folks, nnd wu eajoyod greatly by all. A large wooden cross about four Teat high wu placed on the altar nnd eontalnsd u mnny holu In it ns there were elassu In Ihe Sabbath aohool. Aa each class wu nulled, a soholar wont forward with a boqnat of flowers which wea Inssrtad in the cross. The twentieth hoquet completed the crocs, whleh presented I benutirul uppeerenoe After the florei offerings there worn responsive rendinga, sieging, addrsssss, Ac. The service tbreugbout wu very bsautifu I. New Pailt Htaoi Line Jamua L. Leavy baa succeeded In having n daily mail Mtab- llibed between Clenrleld nnd Pennfleld, nnd will hereafter run n dally siege between tbe two points. Ills contract began with April 1st, nnd ths stage will leave llcnrflcld nrery morning (oieapt Bun day) nt I n'eloek, making eonneotlona with ail trains en the Low Undo Railroad at PennOeld, re. turning nner the last train the aami evening. Pnuengersand freight will be carried nt low rates. Orders left at any of tha hotels will be attended to. laprl-tf parried. BILtlER-FULLKRTON. At the M. I. oar- sonage, in; Clearfield,on Thursday, Juno 16th, iotll by Her. Ueo. Loldy, Mr. LantnLlliLoan, of Cur wensville borouah. and Mill Ana B. Pvlluitoi. of Lawranoe township. Fl'LLKR COX. In Knot towniblp, on Fri day, May tilth, 1881, by Jamas M. McKae, H.q., Mr. Dartn, or Knos towniblp, nnd Mies Manr Cox, or Coaiport, Baccaria town. hip. Ll.'CAS-ZONKS. At the M. E. parsonage, oy ner. a. m. uretgnton, on J ueeitay, J una 14tn, im, air. rniiir Lies and Miss K Zonaa, both or Kylsrtown, Clsarfleld county. DOTT8 NEVI.INtl. At tbe reildence of Dr. Cr.iw.ll, on Tuesday, June 141b, ll. by Rer, F. Adams, Mr, Willum Dottb, ol Ulen Hope, nnu ones aii mi. La j. navLinn, Ol Aosonvllle. M lucre' Lamp, 00 test " Car Alia Oil, (W. Va.) Extra. " " ' (W.Va.lMed m. " " " " (W.Va.)Bumm'r" Katural Lnbrionting " Franklin Bitre. " " Summer. " Blaek Diamond " Uroen Engine H " Oolden " " Amber " " XX.V ' No. 1 Spindle Metohlees Cylinder Oil ' No.l ' ' ..., Wool Oil, No. 1 Lard Oileatrn)Winler strnla'd " No! s"!!"!!"!!!"!.!!!!! " Eollpse Engine, No. 1 ' " " No. 3 " " Mo. 1... Miners' Yellow, per gallon.. " WhIU " I At lowest mar- Linseed, No. I .... I kct rate, with American " 1 out ref. to ooet. Turpentine, beet .. Ills t.P.IB.JTI.'E prlcrt aud men all competition. may 4, 'Sl-ly. .10 .14 .1.1 .32 .18 .16 .13 .22 .20 .18 .26 .30 .80 .30 .10 .40 .Ti .60 .10 .88 .76 .63 .60 .46 .88 Eight Farains forSals or Rent! The subscriber proposes to sell ar rent a am ber of (arms located as follows : The flrst situate tn Burnside township, Centra oounty, containing ww crva, osTiug luerwon ereeiea a irama dwell ing, frame barn, adjacent to a church, and known aa tne Jamas Slulbolland farm. ALSO, another farm situate tn (Iraham town ship, Clearfield oounty, containing 1 1 7 acres, with ine neoeseary improvements. This farm is under, laid wito a UOOD VEIN OF COAL. ALSO, sit other farmi In tha vicinitv of French ville, eonuining respectfully lit, 10(1, 96, 06, 60 ana id acres, inese farms all bava htuaaa and barns thereon, good water, baariag orchards on same, as well aa some good wood land. For lurtber particulars call la person, or addreM tha unaersignea ny letur. l,. H. CULUKIET. Jan. lvth, lSSUtf. Franohvllle, Pa. FARM FOR SALE I The undersigned haa come to tha conclusion te quit farming and follow bis occupation, a ear pen Ur, and now offers for sale his farm, sltuaU ooa and abalf miles north of Clearfield borough, bioiitt Aonma, Most of which It cleared and under good outlive tioo. and having t hereon a good TWO-STORY ''L'-HOUSE. jplAl TIOJI All per ions, aspaeiallv mer- Vcbanti, ara hsrebv warned against trusting or harboring my wife, KL1.AUKTU, who has left my bed and board without any Just causa or provooatioo, and 1 hereby give notice to tbe public boi io naroor or trust ner on my account, aa l am determined to pey no debts that she may con tract alter this date. CALVIN eTKKL. Grab amp ton, June 22, '81-3L HTRAY HORN Ei Came trespassing on the premises of tba subscriber in Decatur township, on or about tha 1.1th day of June last, a bright BAY HOHSB, with white bind feat and a small white star la forehnad, and supposed to ba about seven years old. Tha ownar la rtq nested to eoma forward, prova property, pay charges, and take him awiiy or be will he disposed of ac- eording to law. MILKS MKAtSK. Wast Decatur, June 22d, I8l-Jt. DlHMtLyTION NOTI;K.-NotiMls here by given that the partnership hereto fore eaistlng b-tw-an H. 8. Bumberger, D, B. Bum berger, Jobn M. Miller, and Joseph F. C res we 11, in tha general merchandise business at tbe Mo shannon Mines, In Woodward township, Clearfield county, Pa., under tha Arm name ol Bumberger, Creswell A Co., is mutually dissolved ibis Ptb day of June, A. D. I AMI, so far as relates to B. 6. Rumberger and D. 8. Kmnberger. All debts due Large frame barn, and other necessary outbuild ings, together with an orchard of all kinds of n-uit, and ao excellent spring of water. Tba whole is UNDERLAID WITH GOOD COAL. I bis properly will be exchanged for smaller prop erty, or sold oa eaiy terms In payments. For further particulars call oa tbe prem isas or address. JOHN 0. BLED, Claarfleld, Pa. March 16tb, lofJUf. Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN T HEREBY give notice to tha ottitani of Clear- l ieid and tha surroundms vicinitv that I am prepared at all times to furnish families and menu factoring tstablishmenti with a s a pari or 1 Coal, Wood g Coke, Which I am nrcnared In deliver In a Tew hour.' notion. I nm nlwny, ready lo haul and deliver Irom and to the depot, or anywhere else, and move lemuiea anu nouienoid goods anywhere on ahcrtnolice. TIIOS. A. DtCKaiTT. ClsarOeld, Pa., Mar. 31, lBHO-tf. jvjoi n.vr.n EXECUTORS' SALE Desirable Real Estate ! Estate of Bichard Shew, Sr., Dec'd. fTIHB nnder.lgned, Fxecutors of the estate of JL Klt-UAHll BIIAW, Sr., deceased, will offer at public sale at tbe COURT HOUSE, in tha bor ough of Claarfleld, Pa on Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1881, AT 1:.1( O'CLOCK P. M Ths following valuable real estate, vis : The Ihree-Blory BRICK HOTEL properly, corner or Market and First streets, ia the bor ough oT CIcarflald, known u 'The Shaw House Fronting with twolotsof ground thereto belonging dun ieet on Market street, and 00 II l a ,"""u wuu aiwo-siory . 1 'HP d"ling bouse attached. Tha bo- all conveniences for a flrst -class hotel. One of (he most desirable hotel properties m ventral rennpjivania. Tha abort will ba aold together with a two story frame dwelling housa on Market street, ad jacent to the Hotel, aod one other frame dwelling 2WW gidirrtlmfttts. JOB WORKAM kinds oT Job work executed in the beet manner nt Ibis offioe. C ft K w your .wa town. v vj oomia tree. Portland, Maine. Tame and AddraBB II. naLLirr A Co. THHTICEH ak COHKTARLBH FIE8 We hare prlated n luge number oT tbe new rant ntbl nun will en urn raeeipt eT twenty. h.i, a w.r w any TT- AOOKR FOR AI.KIThe eubscrlUr v f hu two Two-Horse Wagoes, nearly new, Tor aale. Will be sold aheap. Cailon or addrua JOHN A.STADLER. Claarfleld, Pa, March 3, 1881-tf, ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs Curwenirllle. Jan. I, TI-tT. blowers nnd Itoiiperia! E. W. BROWN, CLEAItFIELK, - - PA THEsnbsi'rlberhas tbe WALTER A. WOOD MOWERS and REAPERS for sale, besides naemne repaira Tor tne same. Alio HORSE HAY ba n an, anu all aiiMi ef farming itnplemente. may-Will axehaoaa abova roe linunvn CAXILE, or sell very low for ouh. FRESH MEAT I WILL also eontfnna tha butchering burtoeis. Meat market In tha nlaainin mill nftsa M now aireeu jjrasn maatavarv Hur,lai. day, Friday ud Saturday mornings. Your pat avuenajej u IVTpWQblUIIJ atUtlUUU. K. W.BROWN, . . . . " Per M. fj. Bnowa. Claarfleld, Pa., June 1st, 1881-lm. TOTJ Save moneY IN BUYINO YOUR Q00D3 FROM Geo. Weaver & Co., SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA,, DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Bootsf Shoes, Hatsf Caps, GROCERIES, Carpels, Oil Cloths, &c. Ac. ALSO, FLOUR, FISH, BACON, BAM, SALT, OATS, CORN, CHOP, ETC. Ibankful Tor past fevore. we inrlle the public call nod aaa our lare-o and new atoek of vnoj.. hleh we will dlenoee of nt reuonabla raturae wmmuf w .cumii ir ouuniry preauce. Pollte and attentive clerk, to wait nnnn nu nnd priou down low. GBORQE WEAVER CO. ClMrflald, Pa,Aprll 2l,lS(l-af. ' fiv ttvrrtijfrmrnfB. CAUTION All persons are hereby warned against purcbulag or ia nny way auudliag with the following described pereooal property now In the poaeeeitoa oT Alfred Biebop.of Fergu son township, rls : One yoke oT steers, 1 kogi, I barrow, 3 piowa, 3 log ehaina, 3 cent hooks, I grind stone, 1 wagon, 1 log slsd, I palra of grabs, 1 rope end tackle block. The foregoing property wu purohaud by me at private aale, nnd Is allowed to remain in tbe poeausloo of .aid Alfred Bishop en loan only, eubjeet u my order al nuy "" HARRUON WOOD. Uurd, Pa., June It, 1881-el Millinery I Millinery 1 1 I TAKE the pleuure of Informing tbe public , i P0'' lnduoem.els in Millinery Ooodi, seek u S.lbe, Betlne, Hlbbons, Flowere, Ac, Trimmed and Unlrlmmed HaUand Boanata. In tbe very I.I..I ,i,it Notions nod Made-up Clothing Tor children. I ai..n. n.i. n shnrc of your patronage. nuns at. a. WKLCtT, Apr.,0,,....,y,'""B''C""',li- FOR SALE1 . HOl SEJ.rO TWO LOTS! ALL thou two certain lota of ground with dwelling house thereon, situate nn Market street, oppoeite Ibe Allegheny House, in Ibe nor ouch ol Clearfield, havlan n front oa tut id street of 100 feat, and attending In depth 172 feat lo an '-7, ar.own in me plan or said borough as lots Nos. 166 and 174. bain Iba aetata af Jattaae Thompson, deceased. Apply to PKAIVK FIELDING, W. D. BIULKK, Attorneys for owner, Clearfield, Pa., May 4. 1881 41. Sid. ilara yon evor known Any pornon' to be seriously 111 without a weak stomach or ta native liver or kidneys I And whoa thsst organs ara la good aondltloa do you not And tbelr pot eeseor la good health f Parksr'i (linger Totta always rtgulataa these Important argent, and aevev falls to make tba blood rich and aura, and to etreogtbea ovary part af tba system. It hu onrad hundreds of despairing Invalids, Ask yoar neighbor about IL Baa other 001001. 4-1-41 Granoi Mkitino. The mora bo rt of tha Ulaaiflald oounty Pomona Orange ara request ed to meet In tba Mechanist' Hall la Pla't Opera Iloasa, oa Tuesday nait, Juna SSth , lfl, at X o'clock t. M. Thar will also ba aa avealag sassieB. Let there ba a good tnraent, as than la Importaal baetoMt to transact. I. M. Davit, President. U. J. Owait, Baorotary. Ayor'o Aao Cure nhnuld he In every hwaaehold la regions whera Favor aod Agwt art vail. Il shaaJd bo taksa asa provmtiva by every raaldsBt and monitor to Malarial iisbritU. ALBKRT. At Lancastsr. Pa., oa Frldav. Juno lftb, 1881, William Ai.bbbt, formerly of urtaiora towosmp, Vlearoeld oounty, aged AZ DRNNINU. At Bloominffton. Md.. on Thtira. day, June tftb, 1081, of ouamiuption , Johbpiidib victonia im-m-B, wife of Albert . Dennlna. aged aft years. CURRY. In Knaa townsbfn. on Wfldnaartav. March ISth, lab I. Ehiaar H, UiBBV.sradOvMrs. a mnnins ana a aays ; on Taesaay, March lal, Harrv A, Ctmar, aged I years and 1 mania ( onuaren ot vveityand Isabella Curry. BCTLER. Io CI nurds Id borough, on Thora- oay aiurnoon, juna into, issi,aitr a brier illness, JosBrn PiTTanaoB, third eon of Rev. U. 8. and Mrs. M. T. Butler, aged I years, II months and 14 days. BT7.ARD.At her home' in Bell township, neeLanreiana eouniy, rn., une iRto, ihI, Mrs, CaTHARina A. Bui a an,' mother of A. M. Buaard, who la well-known ia this oounty, aged years, Contra county papers, pi ean oopy THOMPSON. KtBf Hublanburg, Centra oounty, Pa., on Sunday, May 2Utb, I8hl, after an Illness of a few days, Hami;bl O. TiionraoB, aged 11 yoart, t monin ana 10 days. DuBols Oouritr and Bells fonts Wattkmm please Ona Hi'wnBBD Pbb Cbrt. Discount or Old Pniras. Hewing Maobinee oan now bapurchaeed at Merrall's tin and variety store, from $'Ab up wards. All kinds of tawing machines repaired oa idv soonant noiiooj. Claarflald, Pa., July 18, 1877. timn.-Delfvared at tha Rail Road 100,0110 SO-lneh shaved shingles, D0,0n0 14-inch tawed shingles. lOO.miO feat of nine boards. 600,UOO 4-fot shaved boopl. 6,000 railroad ties. 60,000 feet of good hemlock boards. ror which I will pay tno mguest market pMoe, delivered at Claarfleld, or at any point oa the Tyrone Claarfleld Hail road. J. W. A RAM BR. Claarfleld, Pa., Oct. 10, 1871-tf. Jllfii C?Ca4Iv?fl. Jut Reoiked br ARNOLD, at CUKWENSV1LLE: Car Load ori Sootia rianLorl Car I.oiid pure Corn, Ry Bad OaU Chop ! Car J.ood Deakon tiaitl Car Load of CholtB Family Flour I Car Load Dry Unod, Groceries, tto.l r8hiniile4K Bark. 11 11 Tioe and Grain will be taken in etohango, 1 vnrwensviiie, may i, 1070, to tha said partnership ara lo be paid, to aod thosa boose and a twe-slory store building, all fronting due from tha same, dlschanrnd by Creswell A Millar at tba old stand, where the aforesaid bust- aesa will be conducted by tha said Joseph K. Creswell and Jobn 11. Miller, under tha name of Creswell A Miller. B B. Rl'MHRRtiKK, I. R. KHMBKKllKR, JOHKPII V. CRKhWELL, JOHN H. MILLER. . Houiidale, Pa, Juna I Stb, lK81-4t. a. xiivnaAirJ. VALUABLE LMDS FOB SALE I SIX hundred and ninety-two (OIH) acres of land, slluala in CIcsrAeld oounty, Pa., will be aold la a body, or In three (8) separata paresis, to wit t Five hundred (600l acres well timbered with oak, pine and hemlock, and having thereon a Arst olaie water-power mill with circular saws. One hundred and twenty (120, aorta cleared and a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a largo and One Oarae dwelling bouse, two large frame barns and other neoassary outbuild ings, together with a large orchard, good water, Ao., Ac. Beventy acres cleared and under eultiialton, but with no build in rs. The said lands are situato within I, ilea of CI rar field and tbe Penn-jWunla Kail road, and are underlaid with bit ami nous ooal and Ara-olay. Reason for Bellinar. Declining health of owner. For further particulars, inquire of the subscriber, j. r Kami A. UfcH, a try rur Owner. Clearfield, Pa, Juna lath, lMHl-tf. IV, SherilT's Sale. vlrtut of writs af Venditioni Rrnona: Issued out of tha Court of Common Plant of Clearfield county, and to mo directed, I will ex pose to publio sale, at tha Coort Housa la tha through of Claarfleld, on Friday, July I A IHI, At 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to wu i All that certain tract or piece of land naar tha Village or 1 routville, llradv tow nib in. C tear field eouniy, ri., oouuaeii ana aeMrinea as rollews On tbe oast by land or Jacob Weaver, on the wast by land of Henry L. Weaver and part of land oi kuuis and Winter, oo tba north bv and of Frederick Kohler, and on tbe south by lands af Anarew nnarr,eontaintng one la mi red acree and allowanoa, and having about twenty-flva teres cleared, tba be Lao oa covered with timber. ALSO, Another piece of land In tama township, aaar vniage oi intuit i ne, nounaea on tno east ana tb by land af Chas. Korb, on tho west by nubile road and oa the north by lands of Andrew Miller and Henry (J inter, eon tain in f tit aorat all ol eared, , ALSO, Four Iota of ground la tha aforesaid vlllare of Trontvllle, bounded and described aa fol- owst All being on taa north of Carolina street. and being Ally feat front each oa Caraliaa straat, and running back XII feet to an alley, and known an a i saia village ar Trootviiia at lott Nos. I, 21 and Si), Beised. taken In eteullon and to ba sold as tho Into property of J. W. Carlisle. Tbrmb or liiaR. Tht price or sum at which tba property shall ba struck off mast be paid at the time of sale, or such Mher arrangements mad aa will ba approved, elberwise tba property will be Immediately put up and sold again at tha eipenee and risk of tba person to whom 11 waa atraok aff, and who, la ease of deflaleoey at sush re-tele, aball mako good tha tama, and In ao Instanae will tho Deed ba preeeaied la Court for onlraaa tioB unleet tha Honey Is acta ally paid to tho Ihsnff. JAMM1 MAHAFFRY, Baaatrr'B Omoa, I Bboruff. Claarfleld, Pa Juoe JJU8I. on Market street. ALSO. All 1hat certain lot, known In tha plait of Clearfield borough as Lot No ISO, ironting ou teat on Locust street, t, run- af"V an alley srv out- ning book 1 72 feat, mora or less, to with dwellinn bousa and all necessary out buildings thereon ireeted.end other improvement. TE S Or HALE I Ono-t hlrd oash at delivery of good dead, and the balance to be secured by bond and mortgage, payable in one and two years, with intirost, A. B. 8IIAW, JOB. HIIAW, Surviving Ki'rs of Richard Shaw, Sr., dee 'd, Claarfleld, I'a., JutteS, SH.. IE. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CL'FDCO,, P. BOROUGH ORDINANCES M KI1!N A( p. I RFLATIOM TO Ss.-rioi l. Bo It enacted and ordained bv tha nrras and Town Cauneil of tho boranarh nf cue rue id, and It ts hereby enarted and ordained y autnorityor tba samet From and after tba as sage of ibis ordinance, ft shall be anlawful for y person to permit any lumbar, ooal. wood. wagons, tlads. machinery or other nronertv of j hu ar naiuiw io eiana. na or remain on the streets or bighwaysoftbe borough, titbor outside or upon ma pavementa thtreor, without having flrst obtained permission from tha Burgest or vuuuou ; ana any person ar persona vio lins tho provisions of this ordinavnim on tin prooi uereoi, sBallbo noad by tha Burgoasorany riiciiovoi in reaoo oi tne oorougn, aol lass than two nor mora than five dollars, and tha eole ol the proceedings to be levied aod col looted as like noes ara now ooiiectad by law. Pre. . No person ownini or occunvlna? nroo. arty within the limits ol the borough, shall place or sutler to remain in front of his premises, and to me miuaie una oi tne si reel, any paper, shavings, straw, hay, boxes, barrels, Iba refuse of stores, shops, kitaheas, cellar, yards or garden , old stove plte, old boots or shoe brush or rubbish of any character for a Ion per period than ll hours; and any person ao ofleodingsbnll be fined aj ue jourgess, not less men one nor more than tbraa dollars, to ba recovered as debts of like amount ara by law recoverable. Provided, that this erdlnanoo shall not bs ao construed as to prevent any person from depositing building ma terials an the sides of said streets, so as to laava sumoient room for tho free passage of wagons and ether carriage. la testimony that the abova ordinance waa passu on the fltft day or June, 1881, I havehera unto aet my hand and afflied tba eenl of tha borough. 8, I. bNVDKR, Burgtsa. Itieal.) Attest: J. F.SiTDin.Clek. otr patrona oall and exam Rospcctfully solicit tli and tha nnhlit mne rally to ino their naw stock of Spring and Snmincr Goods, CONSISTING OF Canhmcros, Volvoteena, Dolalncs, i.awna, uingnams, j'rlnts, Un bleached and lileachad Jlfua lins, Kancy Skirls, 8hot ings, Tickings, Camots, Jiorra, Oil Clollis, HOSIERY, I.auntlrictl, While, Clienot and Poroale Shirts, (lloTos, Neckwoar, Mcn't and Boys' Clothing, Itats, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, etc, eto. Crororlos & Gc n'l Merchandise Will bo found ot first quality, and satisfaction is guaranteed. The fol lowing ara always kept on hand, (soma few only in tliolr season): Sugars, Teas, Coffoos, Spioes, Hyropa Confcctionerios, Oranges, Lemons. Bananas, Figs, Dates, ato., Hard ware, (Juecnnwaro, Olamware, Tinware, Wood and Willow ware, I'ainls, Oils, Clocks, Trunks, Valises, Mirrors, Stationery, Furniture, & Miners' Supplies, ALSO, DBALKKS IN BAIir,E.E.TIE38cSIII2TaiJ:3. July 28, 1880 tf. AN ORniNANCB ISJ RKtATION TH THU MimiKCOAl,, SacTlon t. lie it enneted nnd ordained by tbe BariroBo and Town Uouneil of tbe borough of tlearneld. and ft Is herebr enacted and ordained by aulboritr ef tha setae : That from nnd nfter IbepaaiBfre and lawful promulgation or tbie or dinance, that all persons enraged in mlnlnn and Belling bituminous eon) wilbtn tbe borough or ueurneiu, cnou ecu cneu coal ny welgbt, and two thonaand pounds shnll beooo ton. Sac. 3. It shall ba the duty or all naraona aallinn or delireriog bituminous eoal leeiliieoBcf Ibe bor ougn, to eret nare the eama weighed by come enoj patent welgbmaeler, nnd praeoot th. oortllcnl. of sucn welgbmaster lo Ibe vendee, setting forth the amount of ooal delivered t aod any person violat ing tbe previsions of this ordinance, ehall rorfelt and pay lo the use eT tbe borough, the price oT each nnd every load oT aeal so onered Tor sale. Skc 3. Any person keeping eoales Tor weigh ing eoal sold wlthta tbe borougn, shall permit tba liurgees er Town Council, or nny one nulborised by them, to enter upoo his premises lo inspect said scales as often as may be deemed necessary ; end when Bald scales shall ba found delcicnt, tbe Burgeee shall nt once 'notify tbe person or persons owning tbo same, who ahall at once have aueb aeaioa made lo neign aeeamtely under a penalty of twenty dollers for every failure to repair the seme alter 34 hours notice, Bald penally ta be wunw u a.ui. 01 una amount are bv law re coverable. Tn teelimony that tbe above crdlnaace wae passed oo tbe nth day of Jnoe, 1811, 1 bava here unto set my nana nnd iliM tbe eenl ef tne boron, b. s. 1. SNVDKH, Cisrh. Seal.) Attest! J. K Serosa, Cisrh. A Bargain ! FARM FOR SALE 1 The undersigned offere nt nrirale eale that .. nable farm ailualad ia UUAI1AM TOWNSHIP, Clearfield county, known ns tha Containing 133 acrea, SO af which ar. I..,.J and having thereon .reeled n large frame dwell ing houec, l.rge frame barn, nnd tbe other neccc. aery oolbnildings, together with n large orchard, good water, eto. Tbe property will be aeld oa vory eaay terma. For further i, InnntM of the Subscriber, In person, or by letter. f ltANK rlKLDINO. Clearfield, Pa., Uarcb 34th, lSsOII. LIME ANDJPLASTERI llochanical aai Agricultural Zaimi of Uia Vory Best M&ki I Zaow Bates of Freight on Full Car Loada. I AND PLASTER. We sell IhsCayuga ground J plnster at low prices by tbe oar load. In iieakiog of this celebrated plaster aa compared ilh tke Novaecotia or while nlaet... th. ohm Judd Co., publishers or the American Agi-icuiror. (, eay, "Thar, ia no difference! tbe price ia tbe only uonsidemtion." Address, ALEXANDER 1 CO. April fith, lstl lm. Uellefonle, Pn. Agricultural I::!:: ! . TAKB this mttbod of notifying tboaa In need of a Mood Mower. Rea ner. Thraiker or that 1 have tbe agency of tha 1IVCKEYE Mower, Reaper and Thresher, Manufactured by AULTMAN A CO., Canton, 0. . am .no agent lor ma ceiebratec South Bend Chilled Mow ! t9- Persons In need of either or the abova bad better oall on or nddress me before purchasing ZACHARIAH MrNAL'L, Juna S, Curweniville, Pn. riie Estej Orgitn ! Prom Worth tn South, from East to Weat, lie inUey Orgaue ar tli lie at." WHEN I Company, by legitimate manufac ture and aotunl nroduelion. reachea lha aumner oT 100,000 proeeas eT eonsecutlv numberlor. It is an event which deservoB more than a passing men tion or casual remark. It manna very much In many wnya. It indlcatae Flmt. A high business stnndlng. nnd wood reputation Tor probity nnd fair dealing. Seeonttr A very high reputation Tor quality of work, ia TONE, WORKMANSHIP, DURABILITY. Third. A vary ettenetvo system oT manufac ture. We Turnlsk nny mnke ar Organs er Planoe. W. W. PRICK, Aganl. Curwenirllle, Pa, Hay 35, 1881-3m THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Newark, N. J. INCORPORATED 184A. PURELY MUTUAL. Assart, Jan. 1, 1981, as ascertained by F.xanlnlng Com missl oners of MaBiachuMtu,Obio and New Jarsey -.tM.TSw.Sla ftS LiABiLtrixa, as slated by the same, Jl.lll.sM Sft Subplvi by Mass oho's Standards l,filS,3SlOI 81 arms by Naw York Standard,.. ft,988,0ft IB All pel lelas nonforfeitable after second year, low expenses; large dividends de clared and paid every year since organ isation ; ample surplus ; surrender value most liberal ; losaat promptly adjusted and paid. OrrtraM r LBWIfl C. (1 ROVER, pRumaxt. JAMES B. PK ARSON, VlcB paaatDBT. Kn. L. Dmaint, Sec'y. Thbo. Macbbbtv, Treat. POTTKR A KRVKS, Hute A genu, 6 Wal aut street, Philadelphia, Pa. R. M.M'F.NALl.V.Bpaolal Agent. Offloa la Mossop's building, Market street. Claarfleld, Pa. i-i.'fli-tf. HARNESS I HARNESSII This Way for 1'our llarumt IF yon want to study your awn latareit, do not fail tocallat ANOKKW HARW1CK S II A R. KKSH SHOP, en Market street, Beit door te Jobs A. Stock's tebnosoetore, Clearfield Pann'a. THS FACTS ASK THA T A 11 first-class work ll done nt in. HAKWICK'S. XTeata foot ell end nale greae at IIARWICK'S. )oab!e a nd single bnrnaas r all kinds at HARWICI'S. I idlng ssddles oTall klods at V nARWICK'S. .ar nets and horae lorara oT all kinds at J IIARWICK'S. Vhlps oT allkiods and as low as li cents nt HARWICH'S. ada tn order at . IIARWICK'I. II k lads oT collars at bottom prices et HARWtCK'S. I emember an X L-N T Una of boree furnleh- X V Ing gooda al UARWICIi'g. Will beep and make all kinds of lomber hsr Bessat HARWICH'S. I vory and all other kinds of rlnglef allilni.t IIARWICK'S. Clorobs, bruabes, and tnlsrferlng boot, en band ut HARWICH'S. K. robee, knee dusters, nnd hthm of ell kinds at HARWICH'S. Jab work and repairiar promptly attended I. Remember Ibe shop in Shaw'a row, en Market street, between tbe Maasion House nnd the Shew House, Clcerfleli, Ponnu. May 10, IbSI-tm. TTrness of all kinds A AN tlRlUNANiR IN RELATION TO RliajiKINf.OKTHAIH ANI llHIV- IKUOF MtUtHlbM IM THJU ll(H(HJOII : Bait ton 1. Be It ordained by tha Bur rest and Twn Council of tbo borough of Clearfield, and It Is hereby enacted and erdaiaed by authority of tha name t 1 bat It shall ba ualawful for aoy par son or parsons to ma or cause to ba run on anv of tha streets ar highway of said borough, any angina or (railroad oar, at aoy faster or greater rats of spaed than & miles an hvur, and any poi son to oHeodlng, shall bo flood by tba bargees aot lass than Ira aor mora than twenty dollars as aosta for each and every offense, aad oa failure to pay said floe aod aosta, or give aacnrtty to pay tha saute within It) daya,aball ba committed to tba Bor ough Lock-up not mora than forty -eight hours. Ban. S. It shall ba unlawful far any person or persons to ride or drtva aay horae oa aay of tha streets or highways of said Bereugh al aay fkstar or greater rata of speed than a mtlee an hoar, and any pereoa ta offending ahall ba Inod not last tbaa Iter mora thaw a dollars and easts, and oa failure to pay tha aama er rive eerarit tn da mm withiB tan davt shall bo ommitlad to tba Bor ough Loch-np aot mm tbaa forty-eight bears. Ia testimony that tha abova ardlnaaeo was passed on tha fttb day of Job, 1RII, I bava ham-1 unto art my band and aflied tht teal of tho horoagh. 8. 1. bNYDEft, Bargees. S-elJ Attest: : J. F.MrrtBn, Clerk, ' NEW WASHINGTON NORMALINSTITUTE. Openi Monday, April 18th, 1881, to Continue 12 Weeks, rpilIS school commends itaeir la public Tare, JL fbr tba follaning raaaons t First. Boardiag eaa be had la good nmllles at from $1 lo V M pee weal. Second. Locntioa Is henllhful nnd aoeiety re ined and eultared. Third. The eourae ofetady embodiec th. Subs Normal School reataraa, and ia partisalarly adapted In the wanla of tboee who eipeet to beach. Fourth. The students bava tbe advantage of a wetl-eooduoted Literary Society, before whish will bedelirered laoiiolof Tnw lectures. Fifth. The work of the achnel ll lllmalated by the encouragement nnd mror eT na intelligent community. Hlitb. SpMial ntUntlen will be given the Normal class by the Principal, who Is n graduate of n Stat. Normal School, and tbe iastruetloa In Theory ef Teaeblug, (lorernmeut. -, will be mode lo Boeord with th modern Ideal of id. ranced eduonlora. TUITION: , NORMAL URPARTMRNT. Common Branchee with School Keonomy.fe' M Oommon b ranch ee nnd School Keenomy with Algebra, tieometry, Oeog rapby, Natural I'hllocophy, Civil Oev- rnment, Lntin, Ae.n...t...MRM mm. GRAMMAR DKPARTMKNT. Hlhwteleee...... . .(, Ot Lower elaseas S S For further loformutlon addnuw, W, A- AMBROSE, Oesoeta, Fa, MAII SAV AUf , Cbmrleld, Pa. Mir. 3, lOSI-lf.