Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 15, 1881, Image 1

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KTAHLiaUep IK 181.
rur larireet Clrtulatloa of any Newepaper
la North Central Peuueylvaula.
Tormi of Subscription,
If rai3 Id advanee, or within t moBtht....)) (Ml
If f.aid after I and before month! 3 SO
if r
aid elver lu. xiriiwn h siuiiiue.., a, uu
Rates ot Advertising.
TruniicDt ftdTrtiimBti,r aqure of W 11 nee or
u 3 timea or Ieaa......H f 1 60
K r avrh aubaequent ineertiot) it
A limniitratorV and Eteeutra'notloei t 64
Vuditora' nnticei 3 60
Outinna and Entreji 1 60
Itnmolutlon notleea 1 00
Pr-ofeiiion. Cerde, 6 Hum or leii.l year.... $ 00
1,el nutiei, per lino 10
I iiuare $8 00 I oolamn.. $61 00
1 1 16 00 eolDtnnH TO 00
3 a 'uaree... .M 00 1 oolnmn- ISO 10
Pub! liber.
hauliers' Carfl.
ti l :TS rirarOrld, Pa.
1:18 Pblllpebura;, Centre Co. Pa. y:pd
Ctirwenaville, Clearflold ooautj, Pa.
ooL t, 'li lt.
oflU-e in "Old Waiteral buildiug," (up-itair).
si:ael test,
attorney at law,
Clearfield, Pa.
eV-Offlce ono door aaat of Shaw Iloaaa.
off). 'a In Me. onlo building, Second atreet, op.
lo,ite lha Court Iloaaa. jo2A,'78-tf.
Clearfield County, Penn'e. T5y
in Opera llouee. ap 26,f7-ly
A. W'ali.acr,..
Kr F. Wallaoi
..Pavin L. KRRBa,'
,..W. E. Wiuin.
A T T O R N E Y 8 - A T - L A W ,
JhbI'H Clearfield, Pa.
.afl-offlce la tha Maeonto Building, orer tha
Cntiotv National lianlt. tuar2A-80.
F. .f-XYDER,
Miica over ilia Couuty Natiooal Bank.
June 2, '7S(f.
Clb t R riKLD, Pkkii'a.
Fint-olaii Life and Fira Imoranra Compaolea
-irornoa In tba Opera Ilouie.-'aVft
M.r. l'-y
dr Office In Pie'i Opera Uouia, aeoond floor.
tH'I'lt'E over T. A. Klerk Co.'a more,
::rWill altaad to all legal burlneaa wltb
(.TumjitTirai and ndelity. febl 1,'80-tf.
l learueld, I" a.
RaLeRAl bnalnaaa attended to promptly wtthj
! llity. Ulline ob Haoond atroet, above tbe Flrat
X.lHin.l Uank. Jani:7t
All lea;! buiiaeu rntrueted to fall Sara will re
vive prompt attention.
.?-4r-Offire in the Coart lloneo.
Heal EtUte aod Collection Agent.
H'ill promptly attend to aJl UrbI bnilneaa
truUd to bia oaro.
f Office in Pie'i Opera Honae. Jan1'7ft.
ml Heal I'.etate Agent, Clearfield, P.
Ult.ce on Third atreet. bet. Cherry A Walnut
ft7Kepe0tfaUy effere hli eerTioealn aelling
and buying lan da in CUar&eld and Bdjototng
countlee ( and with an esperteneeol o?ertwentr
?ara aa aurveyor, flatten bloiaelf that be omi
rnnder aatlifafltloo. Feb. 38:S:tft
I'ltMsidaus' Card..
Offloa Ib realdaBoe OB Flrat at.
April J(, U71. Clearteld, Pa.
hli. W. A. MEANS,
Will attend profeaiioBa! eella promptly. aual070
jyt. T. J. ROTER,
Offioe an Matktt Street, Clearteld, Pa.
"ft't'lllca boon i I to 11 a. m., and I to p. aa.
?OIT!re adJolBlnir tha rellani .f Janet
""ly, K..., oa H-cond St., CloarQeld, Ta.
)'Jtl,'7a tf.
( ' C. JENKINS, M. P.,
''flfe at re.idaBea, eorner nf Stele and PIb.
" Jaa. tlb, 1881 If.
OBfe konra Proni 11 to I P. M.
May II, U7t.
J)R. J. 1'. 11URCUFIKLI),
f" Rorfaoa of tha lad Xajlmaal, Peontylvanla
v''aaiaara, karlnf ratataad from Ike Army,
an profaaal.nal lervloei lo taotiuaaaa
-'Orrefoiateaalaalla aroaaatlv alUadad aa.
baaaad atreet, formerly templed by
I Woed,.
lepra, -u
GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Editor
CITY. Colloetlona mad and money promptly
paid over. Artioloe of agreement and deed, of
eonveyanoe neatly executed and warrintad eor.
raot or ao aharra. Hiy'TI
(oaraRn r. o.)
May 8, l78-lv
Square Timber & Timber LandH,
Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
ftr-AII bmlneai will ba attaada I to promptly.
Daa. Ii, 1880-ly.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Peun'a.
feluWItl execute joba In bla Una promptly and
In a workmanlike mannar. apra.oj
iTTonjfErS'JT-i..i ir,
Nor. lTth, 1810 if.
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs,
jgt-OfRct on Sooond atreet, In rear of itore
room of Ueorft Wtivtr A Co. j.vtil, '78-tf.
Ifreatur TotrHhlpt
Oeeeola Milli P. O.
All oflleial liuttineaa entrusted to him will bo
prompt) j Attended to. tuob29, '78.
Bbop OB Market St., oppo.lta Court Houaa.
A elmo towal for .vary au'tosiar.
Alao dealer in
llet llramla of Tubarro and Clfrara.
n.rf.ld. Pa. mar 1". '
IVaiUcetou, Pau
He baa prepared hlmielf with mil the
neoary blank forini under the Penii'io and
Iluouty Uwi, aa well ai blank iieeda, ete. All
legal matteri eotruited to bia eare will receive
prompt attention. May 7tb, 1871'-tf,
t--Puuipa alwayi on hand and made to order
n abort notice. Pipes bored on reaaonable term a,
All work warranted to render aatlifaotion, and
delivered If dealred. tnyJ6:lypd
fpiIB underalgned bega leave to Inform thepub-
X lie that be it now tully prepare to accommo
date all lo tba way of furniihine; Hi., tea, lluciriea,
tieddlea end. ll&roeaa, on the ihorteit notice and
en reaaonable term a. Reiidenoe on Loeaat atreet,
between lntrd end ronrth.
lleRrAeld, Feb. 4, 1874.
Alio.extenilve manufacturer and dealer In Sqnare
'limber ana eawea iiumneroLaii kinaa.
fOrderi aollelted and all bill promptly
Oiled. jyi0'7i
Watulios, Clocks and Jewelry,
Orakam'l o, Jfortal Arerf,
All kind, of repairing In Biy line promptly at
ended to. Jen. It, 1S7V.
Clenrfldd Insurance Agency.
K Ell it aV 1 1 1teett$t
He present tbe following and other Qnt-olaaa Co'a
Companies. AaaeU.
Liverpool London k (lloba U. R- Dr..$4,Sli,H9
Lyeoming on mulunl A cih plana.... A, 000,000
Phirnix, of Hartford, Coon 1,024,083
Inaiiranoe Co. of North America 6.4HM74
North llritlih Mercantile U. 8. Br l,7S2,fn,1
ppottih Commercial U. 6. Branch..., A70,14t
Watertown fn4,81l
Traveler! (Life A Accident) 4,M.',4&4
ilmce on Market ot., opp. t.ourt llouae, '-leaf
fleld, I'a. June 4, '7 tf.
and all kinds of
O. H. MERRELL, . Agent,
Insurance Agency
I'a II OH Ulatk, ( urtrrnirlllr. Pa.
Companies Represented i
Commereial I'ainn Ina. Co., Aaaria .l9,0Aa,J02 15
Firrmea'a Fund lna. Co.,Afaela I.lnn.01700
I'nioB Inauraaea Co., A..rta - 1,020,037 08
Traveler.' Aivi'l.nt Ina. Co.. Aaaet... .5I,IV1 J3
Nottbern Ina. Co. or New York Aa'ta 4H,ltllll 00
Inauranea plaeed ob all kinda of property at
rqnlfatile ralaa.
Curwenarllle, Pa, Fab. I A. lMI-tr.
l ine Ilnllun Marble In thoSlatr,
ap any work that ran ba draa IB tbetity at mueb
ahaaper ratea. Wt will pat Bp
la Ilellas Marble or flranite, eheaperthaa Iteaa
ba d,Be la any other part ot Ibe State. Any par.
aoa buylnB monumenlal work to amount of f 25 and
apaarila,will knee fare paid to and from Philipe
burff. Do Rot ba fooled with eheap America
methle abea yea eaa buy laa Italia, marble at
lower prleea.
tJ-llKAD STONEll a apMlalty.
Produra tad approved paper will ba takea la
tlekanee for Cemetery work. All eaah payment,
will be made to tba MobaanoB Benkine Co., aa
Ike tredll of R. PlERCa,
Pkllipabarf, Pa., Jaa. H, lHl. em.
L Proprietor.
W bo ill all 0 flmt to tbt ttiBdowy UnJ,
hij lor or I F
Wboi will It bo in frief to aUod
And prm tbt oold, umniwerinf hand,
Wipo from th brow th dew of Jtb,
Aod Oktcb tht loflly matttring breath,
Urcatho tha lored name nor hear rep),
In BDgulih WBfeb the glari aye ;
II U or oiioo?
Which aball becd ovr tha wotuded aod,
My loro or I f
Cnininrndini the preoloai foul to Ocd,
Till tho doleful fall of (be mufilod elod
Htartlei tha mind to oomoiouiueas,
Of U bitter anguiib aod life diitreii,
IMippin4 the pall over the lure-lit pait,
With a mournful murmur, "the taut, the lt."
My love or 1 1
Which hall return to the dnolato home.
My lore or I T
Aod lilt for a itep that aball nerrr come.
And bark fur a Toioe that muit etill be dumb,
While the hnlf-atuDQcd aeoaei wander baok
To the cheerleu life aod thorny traok,
Wbtre the etient room and iho vacnt chair
Have memttrlea tweet and hard to bear ;
My lure or If
Ah ! then, perchance to that mourner there I
My lov or 1 1
Wreitling with anguish and derp dupalr,
An an Re I hall oome thro' tha gatea of prayer.
And the burn in jr. eyea aball oeaae to weep,
And the eoba melt down in a tea of aleep.
While fancy, frcrd frum the ebaina of day.
Through the ihadowy dreamland fluata away ;
My love or H
And thee, moluinka, on that boundary laud,
Mr lore and I !
The mourn'd and the mourn en together ihall
Or walk by thoae riven of aliining land
Till the dreamer, awakened at dawn of day,
tin J i (be atune of hfi aepulobre rolled away,
Aod orer the cold, dull waite ef death
The warm, bright aanliithtof holr Faith.
My lore and I !
Corrcepoodence of Ilia Toronto (Canada) Oluba.
Wood Mountain, Northwest Terri
tory, April 2. Iu a recent iiitorvieer
with Major Crozior, Silling Hull said:
Purinie tito iimmor previous to ono
i n bieh Custer aitucked us, ho sunt
a letter tome telling me that ill did not
go to an agency ho would fight mo
and 1 sent word back to him by his
messenger llml I did not want lo light,
but only to be left alono. 1 told him
at the same that if he wanted to fight
that lie should go and fight ihoio In
dians who wanted to fight him. Cus
ter then sent mo word again (this was
in tho Winter). 'You would
not lake my former offer, now I am
going to fight you this Winter.' 1
I sent word back and said just what 1
hud said before, that 1 did not wont to
fight, and only wanted to bo lelt alono,
and that my camp was tho only ono
that had not fought against him. Cus
ter again sent a nicssago :
'I am fitting up wagons and soldiers,
and am determined to light against
you in tho Spring.' 1 thought that I
would try bun again, and sent him a
messugo saying I did not want to light;
that 1 wanted, first of all, to go to
lirilish territory ; al'tor 1 bad been thero
and came back, and il ho still wanted
to fight mo, thut I would fight thon.
Custer sent back and said : '1 will
fight you in eight days.' I thon
saw that it was no use, that I would
hnvo to fight, so 1 sent him word
hack: 'All right; get' all your men
mounted anil 1 will get nil my men
mounted; wo will have a fight) the
(ircat Spirit will look on, and the side
that is in the wrong will bo defeated.'
"I began to get ready and sent
twenty young men to watch for tho
soldiers. Five soon tamo back with
tho word that Custer was coming, Tho
other fifteen stopped to watch his
movements. When Custer was quite
eiosa ten young men camo in. When
ho had advanced still closer 'two nioro
of them rnmo in, leaving three still to
watch tho troops. Wo bad got up a
mcdicino danuo for war in tbe camp
and just as it was coming to an end,
two of tho young men who bad Btop.
ped out camo in with word that Custer
and tho troops wcro very closo and
would bo upon tho camp in tho morn
ing. That night wo all got ready lor
tho linttlo. My young men all buckled
on their ammunition belts, and we
wero busy putting strong slicks in our
'coup sticks.' Early at sunrise two
young men, who had been out a short
way on tho prairie, earao to me and
told mo that Iron) tho top of high
tiutto they had seen tho troops advano
ing in two divisions. 1 thon had all
the horses driven into the camp and
corulled between tho lodges. About
noon the troops camp up and ut once
ruxhod upon the camp. They charged
in two separate divisions, ono at the
upper end, wlnio tho other division
charged about tho middle of tho camp
in the ccntro ot the 250 lodges of tho
i nt apapa nioux and close to tho door
ot my own lodgo. At tho time the
troops charged I wbb making medicine
for tho Great Spirit to help us and
fight upon our side, and as I beard the
noiso and knew what it was 1
camo out. Whon I had got to the out
side of my lodgo I noticed that this
division had stopped suddenly close to
tho outer sidoof Uncapapa camp, and
then they sounded a buglo and the
troops fired into tho camp. Hero Sil
ting Hull niado a peculiar noiso with
his mouth and chipped his hands to
gether to imitttto tho firing of tho
"1 atoncosct my wile upon my host
horso, put my war honnot on her head
and told her to run away with tho rest
of the women, She did so, but in her
hurry forgot to take tho baby (a girl).
After she had gone aliltlo sho thought
of tho child and camo back for it. I
guvo the child to her and she went off
again. 1 now put a flag upon a lodgo-
pole, and lifting it as hiL'h as I could. 1
shoutod out as loud 1 was able to my
own men, '1 am Sitting Hull ; tollow
me I 1 thon rushed at tho head ol
them up to the place whero I thought
Custer was, anil Just as wo got closo
up lo tho troops they fired sirain.
liero Hull again imitated for some
length of time tho firing of tho troops.
When I saw that the soldiers firod
from their saddles and did but little
damage to us, I ordered all my men lo
rush through their rank) and break
them, which they did, but failed to
break tho ranks, although wo suiTcrod
as Httlo damago as before. 1 then
shouted to them lo try again, and put
ting myself at tho head of my men wo
worn at tnom again. J his time, al
though the soldiers wcro keeping
up a rapid firing (from their
horses), we knocked away a whole
corner and killed a great many, though
i dbu omy oDeman iciutd. Alter this
we charged the same way several
times and kept driving thorn back for
about half a milo, killing them very
fast. Alter forcing Ihetn back there
only remained five eoldiori of this
division and the Interpreter alive, and
1 told my men lo let them live.
"ibOD tho interpreter tbe man that
Ihejlndiuiiscallcd'Tbe White' shout
ed out in Sioux and said : 'Custer is
net in this division ; hois in tho other.'
1 thon ordered all my inon to como on
and attack tho other divinon. They
did so and followed mo. Tho soldiers
of this division fired upon us as soon as
wo got within range, but did us little
harm. When we had got quite closo
and wo wcro just going to charge them
when a great storm broke over us;
tho lightning was lcarlul and struck
a lot ol the soldiers and horses, killing
them instantly. 1 then called out to
my men to charge tho troops and
shouted out tho (ireat Spirit is on our
sido; look how bo is striking tho sol
diers down 1 My men saw this and
they all rushed upon tho troops, who
wero mixed up a good doal.
"About forty of tho soldiers had
been dismounted by tho lightning
killing and frightoning their horses,
and these men were soon trampled to
death. It wsb just at this time that
we charged them and we easily knock
ed them off their horses and then
killed them with our 'coup sticks.' In
this way we killed all this division
with tho exception of a few who tried
to get awny, but wero killed by tho
Sioux before thoy could got very fur.
All through the battle, the soldiers
fired very wild and only killed twenty
fivo Sioux. 1 did not rccognizo Gen.
Custer in tho fight, but only thought
1 did, but 1 would not ho certain about
it. I boliuvo Custor was killed in tho
first attack, as we found bis body or
wnat an the Indians thought was his
Dody, about tho place that it was mitdo.
I no not think thero is any truth in
tho report that ho shot himself. 1 saw
two sMdiors shoot themselves. Tho
Sioux wero following thorn and in a
low moments would have cauL'ht them.
but they shot thcmselvos with their
pistols in tho head. Tho body which
all the Indians said was Custer's, had
its hnir cut short. Thero wero 709
AVnoricans killed. We countod them
by putting a stick upon euchbodv.
and tnon luking tho sticks up again
and counting them. Wo counted 707
carbines. Two might huvo fallen into
tho creek.
Hero Sitting Hull was aaked by
Major Cronier if ho knew whero Reno
wbh. In answer to this question Hull
said ho had no idea ; that ho had never
seen anything of Reno at all. When
bull had concluded tho lorccoinir ac
count of tho battlo ho turned to Major
Oronicr and said : "Thero, I have
fought the battlo all over again to you,
and this 1 have novcr done since tlio
time I fought it out in earnest with
General Custer."
Aro you aillicted with iiicoinnia?
Perhaps you have too much timo for
sloop, l'erhaps you depend loo much
on sleep for rest and recuperation ; for
sleep is not tho sole rest of used-up
nerves, oociaiuuiy, congenially and
tho enjoyment ol good company rest
tho body quite as much as sleep. Tho
dreary monotony of lilo in many a
household involving this tumbling into
bed with tho mechanical regularity of
a machine at 1) or 10 o'clock in tho even-
ng does not always rest weary bodies.
"Early to bed and early to riso" doos
not always mako a man healthy,
wealthy or wise. Numbers of organi
sations aro only cnpablo of five or six
hours of sleep at a timo, and their early
lying down to rest is often succeeded
by an early .waking up and a conse
quent restless tossing for hours pro-
ceding daybreak. These practicors of
punctuality are otton surprised alter
breaking theirown cast-iron rules, aud
pnssing two or threo lator bours of
mirth and jollity past their usuul bed-
timo, to find themselves even more re
freshed in tho morning than usual.
The relaxation of sociability has rested
them more than would sleep or at
tempt to sleep. Hut those are condi
tions not so ouBily realised iu tho avor-
ago family. In funhionablo life wo havo
a formal, exhausting and mochonical
oveningof moroor Ices dissipation. On
tho other hand, tho evenings of great
numucrs ol families are irenorally ot
monotonous bum-drum. They involve
an aHscmblago ot tho sumo people, tho
same surroundings, tho same pater
familial yawning over his paper, and
tho samo querulous mamma overladen
with family cares, Fresh people with
fresh thought, fresh atmosphere, any
thing to stir up and agitato tho pool
of domestic stagnation, aro,sadly need
ed and scarce. Thoro needs to be also
a constant succession of such peoploto
bring about theso results. The world
is full of men and women, and in a bet
ter regulated lifo it would bo thoir busi
ness alter tho day's work was dono to
entertain each other and givo each other
fresh life. As it is now, hundreds, if
not thousands, ol households are a httlo
better than colls for tho incarceration
of each family. Thousands aro thus
worn out prematurely Itom ultor lack
ofdomostio recreation. Thero might
oe written over tne craves of thou
sands "Hored to llealh by tho Slag
nation of Uomestio Lilo." Aew York
rurcnla aro too often slow lo see
tho motives of their children's kindest
actions. A little fellow bus been read
ing of some young hero who helped
his father and mother in all sorts of
ways; and aflcr racking bis brain to
think how ho too can belp, bo remem
bers that ho can fetch his father's
slippers, and take his boots away and
put them in tho proper pluco. Without
"nying a word to anybody, w hen even
ing comes he docs it; but tho father is
so occupied that ho notices not what
tho boy has dono. Tho little fellow
hopos on, thinking that when he goes
to bed, bis father will say how pleased
he was to sec Charley so willing to
help ; but not a word is uttered ; and
the boy goes to bod with a choking
feeling in his throat, and says bis
prayers by tho bedside, with a sadness
vory real in his heart, l'arents often
complain of children not being so
ready to help as they should be ; tho
fuulliswith tho parents, who have not
known bow to evoke feelings with
which the heart of every child is richly
stored. All words ol approval aro
helpful and encouraging. In a large
family thero have hoen daysol anxiety
and care. Tho oldest daughter by her
skill in teaching has earned a little ex
tra money and without a word to any
one sho lays nearly all of it out in
buying things that aro much needed in
tho house. What joy fills her heart
when a fond mother takes her aside,
and with emotion that cannot be con
cealed says how thankful sho is for
surh considerato kindness, and mur
murs : "I don't know what we should
do withoutyon, darling." My friends,
do not bo so chary of theso words of
An elephant drinks about lorty-flve
gallons of water day.
PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1881.
Rotor Cooper says : "I learned three
trades. I learned to be a brower,
a coachmakor and a machinist, all be
foro I was 21 years old. I
determined to givo tho world an equiva
lent in so"io form of useful labor for
all that I consumed in it. All tho
money 1 over made was in mechani
cal business, and not in speculation."
Mr. Murray Nelson, of Now York, in
a luto letter to tho Tribune, says :
"What is to become of our sons, who,
whatovor their opportunities for study,
havo none for work J We carry them
in luxury and idleness to Iho ago of 21,
and then expect them to understand
the uso and value of money, without
over having earned or saved a dollar,
or had any chance to learn its cost. 1
went to St. Louis and saw the f manual
training school which your paper do-
scnuou. Iho classes ol Hoys I saw
thero pursuing thoir trades at ono and
tho samo timo, with apparent interest
and enthusiasm, seemed to mo to solve
the problom what shall no do with
our boys?
Doubtless all parents woild dearly
lovo to make millionaires of llieir boys.
It is equally certain that wiie parents
would prefer that they should bocomo
millionaires by: tho 1'otcr Cooper pro
cess of giving tho world "an equiva
lent in somo lorm of useful labor lor
all thut they consume," rather than
Dy tho Vanderuilt and liould process
of speculation, by which Mr. Cooper
said he ncvor made a dollar, v ery
few of our boys can bocomo millionaires
in any event. The problom is : how
to fit thorn fur tho buttle of lilo, bow
to givo them a fair start in the race,
how to make thorn useful to themselves
and to their fellow-men, and honce
strong and self-reliant. Thero ought
to bo somo sequential relation between
our system of public education and tho
desired result. Hut il seems to bo
goneially conccdod that, in tho schools
of tho country, whether of high or low
grado, thero is voiy little adaptability
to this ond. Charles Francis Adams,
jr., culls our common school method
"a combination ot the cotton mill and
tho railroad with the modern Stale's
Prison peculiar to our own timo and
tountiy." He adds: "Under those
circumstances, education is reduced to
a mere procossof cramming answor
ing conundrums ami remembering
lormulas," and concludes : "Such a do
nial, in a Republic, of a science of gen-
orul education, is ono ot the inexplica
ble (acts ol the day."
Prof. Harbour, of yaloColleifo, says:
"Our schools aro suffering from con
gestion of tho brain ; too much thought
and too little putting into practice
An ooservant englishman Bays ot our
schools: "Thoy teach apparently for
inlormalion, almost regardless ot de
velopment." In repelling Richard
Grant White's assaults upon our pub
lio school system, Professor Swing is
constrained to admit that "our public
schools do, to somo degree, build up an
intellectual vanity more rapidly than
they Duild up wisdom.
Tho Detroit Free Press says: Wo
call our boys becdlees though wo havo
not taught them to bo observing. They
learn all about planetary systems, and
cannot tell tho sie of a brick." Says
tho Northwestern Lumberman : "Most
boys of middle class families aro ex
pected to be self-sustaining upon leav
ing school, though that school has not
taught thorn a single practical prepa
ration lor son-support. JUr. Uooriro
A. Walton's report of Inst year on Iho
common schools of Norfolk county.
Muss., which comprises certain sub
urbs of Hoston, contains startling rev
elations, which go far to support the
thoory of Richard Grant Whito. Says
Mr. Walton : "It is not too much to
say that thoro is not a sinirlo utlorly
oxplodod method ol teaching children
to road, write and cipher which was
not found flourishing in full vigor
within ten miles of Hoston Sluto
Uouso." Mr. Adams, from whose pa-
por in tho .November, 1880, number
of Harper's Magardnowo havo already
quoted, thus describes tho system
which has led to the results civen by
Mr. Walton: "From ono pointofviow
children are regarded as automatons ;
Irom another, as India-rubber bags ;
from a third, as so much raw material.
They must movo in step and exactly
alike. Thoy must receive the Bamo
mental nutriment in equal quantities
and at fixed limes. Its assimilation is
wholly immaterial, but tho motions
must bo gono through with. Finally,
as raw material, they aro emptied in
at tho primaries, and inarched out at
tho grammar grades, and it is well I"
What Mr. AdumB demands for our
common school system Is tho applica
tion of science to tho methods of in
struction, In a word, in school tho
boy should bo taught to read as ho
will be required to read, to writo as
ho will bo required lo write, and to
cipher as bo will want to know how
to cipher when he becomes a man, aud
so on. JJeing interpreted, this means
a practical, instead ol a finely theoreti
cal education. And it moans manual
as well as intellectual training. Tho
savago of Australia in Captain Cook'
timo could kill a pigeon with a spear
at thirty yards, but ho couldn't count
the fingers on bis rinht hand. Tho
Southern Esquimaux turns a somor-
saull in the water in his boat with
case. Hut his nioro Northern brother
has no canoo, and is ignorant of tho
existence of a boat, becauso tho sea in
tho lalitudo of his homo is frozon the
entire year. Tho savage Is taught
what ho needs to know in bis condi
tion, and is taught nothing elso ; benco
his skill in the tow avocations ho pur
sues. Tho civilized boy in school is
tnnght many thoories, hut is not re
quired to put any ot them into prac
tice ; henco ho enters upon the serious
duties of life unprepared to dischargo
any of them. 1 1 may be said that ho is
in real dangorol the Penitentiary until
he learns a profession or a trndo. "Of
IK7 convicts consigned to the State
Prison lor tho Eastern District of
Pennsylvania in 1H79, five-sixths had
attended public schools and wore with
out trades." It is noticeable, also,
that during the samo period "not fivo
were received who wero what aro
called mechanics." In tho Peniten
tiary of Now York lour out of five of
the convicts have no handicraft The
fact that tho skilled workman is far
more apt than the common laborer to
koep out of tho penitontiary is a pow
erful argument in favor of joining
manual training to tho mental exer
cises of our common schools.
Says a thinker and wiiter on tho
subject of manual training in tho
schools: "Tho boy leaving school
should carry with him moehanical,
business and seientiflo training, filling
In in lor whatever it may beooino neo-
ossary for him to do In the world. 1
ould secure tor society tho advantage
of all the brain capacity that is born,
and all tho training it run take. It Is
possible and practicable to let every
child of lair capacity start in life from
school a skilled worker with tho princi
pal tool of all tho moehanical employ
ments, and Uhleto with tho maximum
of health possible to him, and thor
oughly at homo in science and litera
ture. The child so trained would,
when grown, bo to tho ordinary of to
day what Rarus is to an ordinary
Tho gcnoritl adoption of a compre
hensive system of mechanical educa
tion in thopuhlioschools would quickly
dispel the unworthy prejudice against
labor which taints tho minds ol the
youth of tho country. Tho splendid
careor which this ago opens to tho ed
ucated mechnmo would become clear
to tha vision of cvory boy in the lund,
and ho would sea iu the tools ho was
taught to handle, tho key, not only to
fair success, but to wealth and fame.
Prof. Thurston, President of the Ainori
can Society af Mechanical Engineers,
thus depicts tho tremendous power
wioldcd by tho mechanic :
"This class of men from whoso
ranks tho mombcrtihip of this socioty
is principally drawn direct the labors
of nearly threo millions of people in
threo thousand mills, with twenty-five
hundred millions dollars capital ; they
direct tho payment of more than ono
thousand millions of dollars in annual
wages, tho consumption of threo
thousand millions dollars' worth ol
raw malorial ; and tho output of fivo
thousand millions dollars' worth of
manufactured products. Fifty thousand
steam cigincs, and more than as many
water wheels, at their command turn
tho machinery of theso hundreds ol
thousands ot workshops that every
where dotour land, giving tho strength
of threo millions of horses night and
day." 1'ittsbur.jh Critic.
President Garfield loves a fine horso.
Ho is also an excellent ridor, knowing
how to sit firmly and gracelully in the
saddle, and to keep his horse under
control. His life as a General in tho
army would havo accustomed him to
horseback riding, even had ho nut
como from a country where that ac
complishment is a common ono. Ho
has not as yet mado any changes in
in tho Presidential stables except to
add a saddle horse. Tho four horses
which wore used by Mr. Hayes wero
left by bun. They will, howover, be
sent to Fremont during next Fall. In
tho languago of the Presidential coach
mun,"T'hoy are worn out. Mr. Hayes,"
be continued, "never cared mueb for
horses not near as much as Mrs. 11.
did. So long as tho carriago was
ready when called for, bo did not
trouble himself, Grant, on tho con
trary, was passionately fond ol a good
horse, and was not afraid to spend
mono' lor one. Ho took them away
or gave them away when ho lelt. In
Washington, "continued tho coachman,
"a man who pays HMD or 8700 lor a
pair of coach-horses thinks ho is giving
a big price. Hut that is no money for
a pair of horses when they are good."
It follows, without saying, that tho
horses in the Presidential stables aro
not romarkablo for thoir speed, nor,
Indood, do thoy possess any qualifica
tions beyond thoso of tho ordinary an
imal. Tho Presidont is quietly look
ing for a span of horses a pair that
will do credit to thoir position. Ho
has had eoveral offers already, but
none of them suited him. He is in no
particular hurry, and will probably
wait until Fall before turning his at
tention to procuring throo or lour line
horses, and when theso are secured
Mr. Hnyos' stock will bo returned to
bim wilh thanks. Neither the Presi
dent nor his boys caro much for car
riage. driving, and leavo that to Mi's.
Garfield and the ladies.
Mrs. Garfield uses tho carriage a
good deal, and generally goes shopping
in the two horso closed carriage which
Mr. llayos used. Thero aro other
carriages in tho Presidential stables,
including single-seated and doublo
soalcd buggies, but theso aro compar
atively little used The President
goes out riding cvory ovening aftor
ofiice hours, unless tho weather inter
feres gcnorally without company.
Ho travels leisurely, and does not caro
to put his horso to its utmost speed.
His Privato Secretary, Ilrown, does
not go horsoback riding, although bo
has four Government horses in tho
stablo for his own uso. His carriages
are also kept hero. A Durham cow
has a largo, roomy stall in the stable,
and supplies the Whito House with
milk, tor tho Presidential family don t
caro for watored milk.
winsTLixa ox svxva y.
As they journeyed on, the sad pass
enger read tho morning papers to them,
and thero was one nows paragraph of
Ircadlul import. It seems that a stu
lent at Washington college, down at
'little Washington," had been arrested
and fined (2,50. Tho crimo which this
young outlaw committed was that of
whistling. iot only did ho whistle,
hut ho whistled on tho Sabbath day.
And what was worse, ho whistled a
marching tunc A marching tuno on
Sabbath cvo. And somo other students
who wcro wilh bim kept step to it.
Sunday ovening.
And all tho passengers wept over
u,o aepioraiuy Hardened slate and aw
fully certain fate of tho Washington
boy who whistles marching tunes Sun
day night. No wonder President Gar
field has such a hard time, when ho
allows such things to go on in tho lund.
"Hut after all, "Iho jester said, "while
it is certainly an absurdity of 3110,000
years ago to fino a boy 2 50 for whis
tling marching tunes, on Sunday, yet
it is necessary that some pcaco Buould
keep up the general avorugo of our
Sabbath. If the good old Scotch Pros
byterianisin of Washington Is oxtrava
gant in its severity, and maintains tho
Covenantor's Sabbath, why Chicago
has no Sabbath at all alter the churches
closo in tho morning, and Cincinnati
lias less Nibbatu than Chicago, and St.
Louib only gets what Sabbath Chicago
and Cincinnati have leftover. If Chi
cago is lawful, Washington ia neces
sary. If ono cily has a luwf'ul right to
blow Iho Christian Sabbath into clam
orous tatters with blaring brass bands
and noisy concert halls and disgraceful
varioty theatres, Washington has an
unquestionable right lo sanctify its
Sabbath to perfect quiet and peace.
Everybody will poko fun at tha Wash,
inton burgher lor fining that student ;
and I think myself ho should hare fun
poked nt him it wasn't the way to
treat tho case, at all, but after all the
Washington Sabbath is better for law.
for morality, for socioty, for all man
kind, than is the Chicago or the Cin
cinnati Sabbath. Whore they fine ono
man 12.50 lor whistling marching tunes
on Sunday in Washinton, they line
twonly men for getting drunk on Sun
day in Cincinnati, and a man bad bet
tor bo lined for whistling than fur get
ling drunk." llurlmpon Hawkrye.
"The poor ye havo always with you,"
but the neb go away in Summer timo.
From tho Philadelphia Sunday Tlinea.
An enthusiastic crowd sail out ol this
port to-morrow, Juno Cth. They are
Captain Charles A. Jones and tho crew
of tho steamship "Fortuna." Mention
has already been made of tho Captain's
intentions, no goes out to tbe JUon
tovidian coast to search for lost gold
The story and tho circumstances ot tho
fitting out of the party remind ono of
tho mythical Argonauts and their ex
pedition for tho Goldon Fleece. Tho
Captain is a Now York boy. Fifteen
yoars ago ho sailed out of tho port
of Philadelphia on a vessel in cbargo
ot Captain i Hkio as a common bou-
man. In tho Inst fourteen years ho has
been ongagod in tho wrecking business
on tho South Amciicun coast. In that
timo he has made hundreds of thou
sands of dollars. Ho is regarded us ono
of tho most successful wreckers that
over braved tho sea. It is said ot him
that ho has never missod bringing up
any wreck that ho bus undertaken.
Among tho natives and others engaged
in tho business on the southern part of
mo coast ol oouln America be enjoys
tho titlo of "King of the Wreckers."
I lo monopolizes tho bulk of the trado,
having secured permission from tho
Uruguayan, Argenlino Republic and
Chilian Governments to operato upon
their coasts for threo yoars. Among
the most important and profitable work
ho has had to do was tho raising of
threo largo vessels in tho Straits of
Magellan some yoars ago,ono aGorman,
the other an English and the third an
American, all merchant ships. Alto
gether ho is said to have raised about
ono hundred and fifty vessels, largo
and small. Ho has also assisted nu
merous disabled ships and in some in
stances received heavy salvage. Ho it
was who Bomo months ago assisted tho
disabled "Georgia," of New York, into a
South American port, and afterward
instituted proceedings against the ves
sel on account, as it wus charged, of
her trying to getaway without paying
bim salvage money, Tho caso has
only recently been settled, Captain
Jonoj receiving a fair compensation for
his services on this oceuion.
THE lliniltM TREASt'Rg.
The Captain, althongh in possession
of a large fortune acquired in his busi
ness, is not yet satisfied. He has now
reached the culminating point of his
lilo. In his goings here and thero along
tho South Amorican coasts ho became
familiar with all tho wrecks that had
taken place along there wilbin tho last
century. itb a natural inclination
lor prying into tho secrets of tho deop
noeume to Know Dy ncart, irom search
ing old records and in some instances,
from tho talk of the inhabitants In
others and from his own discoveries in
more, all about the vessels that had
gono down at different times, their lo
cutions, nationality, what they wero
aod where bound for, what they wore
loaded witu, ana in short all the infor
mation that it was possihlo to obtain
about thorn.
Among them all there was ono that
loomed up in monumental proportions
over tho beads of tho others so tar as
valuo was concerned. This was a
Spanish man ol-war stink near the
moulh of the Rio do la Plata in tho
yoar 1800. It was a vessel sont out to
collect tribute from the different Span
ish possessions, and was returning to
spam with nino million dollars gold
whon a storm aroso. Altera brief bpoII
tho ship sprang a leak and wont to the
bottom with every one on board. The
money at tho timo was contained in a
strong iron tank or safe, and Is, it is
supposed, to this day lying at the bot
tom of the eca undisturbed. Caplain
Jones and bis crew, six months ago,
located the wreck and nut buoys around
it to mark the place, and, having mado
arrangements with tho Lruiruayan
Government toward Iho protoction of
the wreck during their absenco, sailed
lor A merica to prepare for tho work of I
rocovonng tho money. J. ho Captain s
first step was to como lu Philadelphia
and contract with Neafio & Levy to
construct bim a steamship for tho es
pecial business of wrecking, and the
vessel is now complctod. She is pro
nounced by experienced enginoors and
who havo boon ongagod in wreckage
all their lives as ono ut tho best vessels
for tho purpose ever turnod out on tho
United States coast. She has cost 875,
000. The deck house has boon con
structed of tho thickest plank, and is
calculated, as its chief engineer said
yesterday, to withstand "tho heaviest
sea that over was." Tho cruft is broad
and heavy about half as largo as tho
decks ol ono of the Amorican Lino
steamers. Hreadth is ono of her chief
points as it is calculated to give plenty
of leverage for all tho work connected
not only with tho raising of the trees
uro, but with tho clearing away of tho
enormous amount ol mud that lies on
tho top of it. This part of the work
will bo dono with heavy pumps. There
is every appliance for tho successtul
oporation of this part of tho machinery.
There are several largo enginos lor
working the pumps alone. Thoro are
other small engines for supplying air
to the divers,
To remove twcnlv feet of mud from
tho top of tho wreck would seem at a
casual glanco to bo an almost impossi
ble undertaking. Hut tbe engineer and
crow ol tho "Fortuna" laugh at tho
idea. "Why, my heavens I" said tho
Steward, an impulsive littlo French
man, "wo'vo got a pump hero 'at' II
pump uncKiiuis. n o vo got cm bo
strong of pressure that wo can raise
chunks o' coal with 'em on' clear out a
wbolo coal bin lo no timo. We've got
'em bo strong that ono pump'll pump a
hundred tons of water an hour."
Tho Chief Engineer, Charles J.
Marsh, ol Now York, formerly in tho
employ of tho American Coast Wreck
ing Company, corroborated those state
ments. "Pumps I" said he, in answer
to a remark thut theobstuclo might bo
surmounted by human skill and ingen
uity, "why wo can pump a man a larin
up if necessary. Wo've got a pump
thoro that will pump an acre of land a
Tho engineer further illustrated the
power of tho pump used for such pur
poso by saying that bo himself had
somo gold coin pumped up from th"
wreck of a vessol destroyed by tiro, the
pump having forced, along with mud
and water, tho coins thronghlhe pipe.
Gngincor, male and crow are all san-
guino over the result of tho expedition
and have abundant faith Iu the "old
man" as they call tho Captain. The
Steward, who has been wilh Captain
Jones longer than any of tbe others,
says that if be tails in this it will be tho
first timo bo has failed since he has
been In the business. The crow alto
gether numbered III teen men, every
ono of thorn experienced divers. Tho
TEEMS-J2 per annum in Advanoe.
SERIES - V0L. 22, NO. 24
Captain himself, the Steward says, Is
"the boss diver." Tho Stoward also is
a good diver. Divers' suits form a con
siderable itom among the list of articles
stowed away In the vessel's bunkors.
Each bus a long section of rubber pipe
attachment for tho purpose of giving
air to tho aivor when at work on tho
wreck from an air tank on the vessel
above, which ia kept constantly sup
pliod by an air pump. How long they
will bo engaged in their work ot at
tempting to recover tho treasure is not
known, but tho erew has been engaged
lor two years.
From tba New York Timea.
The death in Jersey City of Mrs.
Sarah M. Hamilton recalls a touching
6tory ot wilcly devotion. Mrs. llamil
ton was connected with a highly ro
spoctable family. She was married to
Alexander D. Hamilton, whose family
connections wore equal to ber own.
Hamilton associated with politicians,
and eight or nine years ago was made
IroaBurer ol Jersey City. Jio bad
been in ofiice a trifle less than three
years when bo fled, and it was dis
covered that he had stolen (80,000 of
cily bonds. Ho was tracked through
the country till ho was finally ascer
tained lo bo in Mexico. Police Sergeant,
now Chief, Honjamin Murphy was sent
to that country lo capture him. Mur
phy found that Hamilton had placed
himself under thoprotoction of Cortina,
who was the leader of a poworful band
ot outlaws. Ho decided that this pro
tection would last only so long as
Mamilton's money, and bo patiently
wailed in Mexico till tho outlaws
should turn the fugitive out from
among them, penniless, lie did not
havo to wait many woeks. Cortina
robbed his ward of all be had, and
then abandoned him. Murphy brought
hiin back to Jersey City. Tbe first
person to meet bim was bis faithful
wile. Sho forgave him the disgrace
ho had brought upon her and their
children. When he wus arraigned he
pleaded guilty. More in response to
ber entreaties than to any circumstance
mitigating his offense, the Court
leniently imposed a sentence ol but
throo years imprisonment. Mrs. Ham
ilton went at onco to the Governor to
seek ber husband's pardon. When sho
found that ho could do nothing with
out the aid of a Court of Pardons, sho
importunod everybody in her large
circle ot friends to intercede wilh mom
bors of the Court in her husband's bo
balf. She sacrificed health and fortune
in her efforts to got him out. A year
before his term would nave expired ho
was releasod from his confinement.
Mrs. Hamilton thon placed the rem
nant of her littlo fortune iu his hands
and bado him mako a new man of him
self. His frionds beliovod that ho was
on a fair road to redomption, and all
gave him a lifting band. He estab
lished a milk routo that gave employ.
mcnt to throe men, andyieldod a hand
some income but be soon fell back into
evil company. Selling out bis milk
routo, bo purchased a saloon on Grovo
slrcot, Thoro he started a variety
show of tho very lowest character.
Ho practically desorted his wife for tho
lewd women that performed on bis
stage or gathered to witness tho plays.
Tho police raidod the place and ar
rested him. sirs. Hamilton sat in
Court at his trial, acting the part of
a faithful wile, notwithstanding his
treachery to her. During all this time
Mrs. Hamilton's family and friends
saw, with anxiety, that ber health was
fuiling last. They bogged hor to dis
card tho man and leavo him to his fate
She turned a deal car to them. Several
years ago Hamilton disappeared from
bis borne. Iho taitblul woman beard
nothing from him, and ber death Irom
a broken heart is ber reward for bor
lidolity. Her funeral took place from
urace r.piscopal l-nurcn, Jersey City.
From ono of these books, compiled
alter the manner of our modern cyclo
pedias, and tho compilation el whioh is
shown to havo been mado more than
2,000 H. C, it has been ascertained,
what has long been supposed, that
inaiuca was the parent landol astron
omy; for it is found, from tho comni
lation and from other bricks, that tbo
Babylonians catalogued tho stars, and
distinguished and named tho constella
lions ; that they arranged the twelve
constellations that form our present
zodiac to show the courso of tho sun's
path in the heavens; divided time into
woeks, months and yoars ; lhat thoy
uiviiieii mo ween, as wo now bavo it,
into sovon days, six being days of labor
and tho seventh adayol rest, to which
they gave a name Irom which wo have
derived our word"Sabbath," and which
day, as a day of rest from all labor of
ovory kind, they observed as rigorously
as tho Jow or tho Puritan. The mo
tion of the heavonly bodies and the
phenomena of the weather wore noted
down, and a connection, as I have be
fore stated, detected, as M. do Pervillo
claims to havo discovered, between the
weather and the changoB of flio moon,
they invorlcd tho sun dial to mark tho
movements of tbo heavonly bodies, Iho
watur-clock lo measure timo, and thoy
speak in this work of the spots on the
sun, a fact that could only have been
known by the aid of telescopes which
it is supposed they possessed, from ob
servations thut they have noted down
ofthoriBing of Venus, and tho fact
that Layard found a crystal lens in tho
ruins ol Nineveh. The "bricks" con
tain an accountof the Deluge, substan
tially the same as the narrative in tbe
lliblo, except that tho names aro differ
ent. Thoy discloso that bouses and
land wero then sold, lea'cd and mort
gaged, that money was loaned at In
terest, and that the markot gardeners,
to uso an Amorican phrase,"workod on
sbaros ;'' that tho farmer, whon plow
ing wilh his oxen, beguiled his labor
wilh short and homely songs, two of
which have been found ; and to con
nect this very rcmoto civilization with
tho usagoe ol to-day, 1 may, in conclu
sion, refer to one of tho bricks in this
library, in the form of a nolioe, which
it to the effect that visitors are re
quested to give the liberation the nnm-J
ber ol tbe book tbey wish to consult,
and that il will be brought lo thorn ;
at the perusal of which one ia disposed
to fall back upon the exclamation of
Solomon, that there is nothing now un
der the sun. Popular Science Monthly.
A Hold Game. "What is your
wife's particular littlo game?" asked a
friendoi a henpecked husband. "Whon
the gets thoroughly mad," bo answor-
ed, "it's draw pokor."
A North Carolina convict escaped
from prison In a coflin. It was a clover
pieoe of undertaking.
Manners, wilh learning and good
character, make a gentleman.
M R. Porter, of Lawrence township,
has just returned from Criltulen'sCom
mercial Collego, Philadelphia, having
completed the entire course at that Institution.
Mr. R. S. Lovelace, who taught the
Pine Grove School, In Burnsido town
ship, during tbe past two years, is now
attending Eastman's Commercial Col
lege at Ponghkeepsio, New York.
Tho School Hoard of Bradford In
dopondent district havo made applica
tion to bo returned into tbo township.
The exporience of this district, we pre
sumo, is the experience of all independ
ent districts too oxponsive a luxury.
Districts in neod of "District Regis
ters and Hook ol Forms," can obtain
tho same through us, or by addressing
tbo "Keystone Church Furniture Com
pany," Arch street, Philadelphia. Tho
book costs (5. We have ordered a
number in order to supply those in neod
ol them.
The following are the now oOicors of
the School Hoards whose reports wore
received during the past week :
Lawrence township Presidont, W.
T. MeCorklo ; Secretary, A. G. Kramer.
New Washington Piosidont, Dr.
A. D. Bennett ; Scerotary.Adam Broth.
Union Presidont, L. R, Drosslor ;
Socrotary, U. i Stinell.
The first annual report and certifi
cate forwarded to the School Depart
ment from this county, was that of
Lawrence township. It was mailed
the first Monday ol June. Others have
been received as follows:
New Washington borough report
recoivod Juno 7th.
Union township report received
June 8th.
Docatur township report received
June !Hb.
A list ot tho reports recoivod will he
published each week.
Tho Legislature at Uarrishurg has
been doing something for the Common
Schools during its present session.
Among the most important measure
introduced, wo mention tho following :
A bill allowing School Directors to
purcbaso school books out of tho school
fund and allow the pupils to uso them
free of charge
A bill in relation to tho establishing
of joint schools for parts of districts ol
different counties adjoining each othor.
J he bill allowing teacuora 8'2.50 a
day and time wbilo attending tho
County Institute was defeated finally.
.Miss Mamie A. Irvin, of Burnside,
well-known as a teacher in this county.
seems to havo gainod distinction as a
student in tbe National School of Elo
cution and Oratory, 1416 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia. Sho 1b a member
of tho junior class which numbers 13
students, and has bocn honored with
an importantclass office thutof Treas
urer. At the closing exerciso, June
6th, Miss Irvin read two selections,
"Rock of Ages" and "Waiting." We
notice also a very high compliment
paid her by the editor of the Philadel
phia Sunday Times, for tho cxcollont
manner in which she sang "Beautiful
Venice" and other selections at tho an
nual supper given for the benefit of tbe
"Old Ladies' Homo," Philadelphia,
Juno 4th. Tho company consisted of
more than one hundred distinguished
guests, who united in bestowing upon
Miss Irvin rapturous applause for the
excellent m an nor in which she sang
several selections.
Tbo following article is from the pon
of Prof. A. R. Read, who edits an Ed
ucational column in the Warren (Pa.)
Ledger :
Some very fino distinctions are fre
quently drawn by teachers in advocat
ing their superior mothods of opening
school, calling tho roll, calling classes
out to recite, dismissing the samo, etc.,
ad infinitum. There is so much mod
ernized method in some of our schools,
that tbe ossontiul points of Bcbool teach
ing aro lost sight ot, in order to give
more prominonco to these unimportant
matters. Ono teacher claims thoro is
but one good way to test the presence
of Iho pupils in tbo morning, and that
is to have them run over their numbeis.
Another calls out their names in the
good old-lashionod way ; and still anoth
er marks thorn by sight without calling
either numbers or namos.
Any ono who thinks this matter
over a littlo will readily Beo that tbe
comparative merits of these methods
aro about as tweodlododeo, twoedlcd
cdo, and twcodlcdodum. Yet many
teachers who attend our Institutes will
mako two or three speeches at each
one, telling how they call the roll.
There aro some who open school in
the mornings by reading the lliblo, ac
companied by singing and prayer.
There aro somo who only havo sing
ing and prnycr, others who read a
chapter in the Bible, and still others
who don't do either.
Again: Thcroaresomoteacherswbo
call out their classes with a call-bell,
others by making motions, others by
snapping their fingers as you would at
a dog, or by rapping with a stick, and
others who call them out by letters or
the name of tho class.
Now, we have no objections to the
preference any singlo individual may
havo for any of these methods ; but we
do enter our uncompromising protest
against any attempt at coercion for the
sako of unilormity, becauso it destroys
individuality, and a teacher without
individuality or tact to adapt moans
according lo their fitness Is uo teacher
at all. Nor should old-time methods
be condemned unless it is plainly obvi
ous that their day of usefulness is past,
A theory is neither good or bad bo
causo it is old, but must be judged on
its own merits.
Wo would not bo understood to apeak
too lightly of the little things in a
school room ; lor bero as well as else-
wboro it is the littlo things that mako
up the great sum of lifo. They, there-
lore, should receive due altontion, as
the burrs and bolts ot a locomotive
should be well made and fitted ; but it
requires neither the skill or labor to
construct thorn that it doos to make
tho driving whoels, cylinders, and con
densers, nor does it matter whether
the burrs are screwed on with a monkey
wrench or blacksmith's tongs, so tbey
are well screwed on.
So it is in calling classes out to ro
cile or in opening school, il it is done
in order and with advantage to the
school il is well dono and the particular
way of doing it is of little moment.
The great central idea the intellec
tual and moral advancement of the
pupils should control all movements.
This is the great orb which should
attract all the lessor orbs and koep them
revolving in their proper places in har
mony with the entire system.
By giving more altontion to the es
sentials and loss to lorms a better work
would bo done in many of our schools. -Teachers
should get along wilh as lit
tle red tape as possible, study the dis
positions and mental calibre of their
pupils and learn how to apply the
means lo give them a proper under
standing ol the subjects before them.
Ourcommon schools mean education
mental and moral development and
preparation for usefulness in after life.
With this object steadily in view
and a determination to accomplish it
with his pupils, the conscientious and
able teacher will adapt tbe moans to
this end by wasting aa little time as
Soisible, and lot those of imallor calibre
ecide whether it shall be twoedlodedee
or tweedlodedum.