Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 08, 1881, Image 1

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I j,r largest Clrcalatloa ifuj Newspaper
In North Central Pannaylranla.
Terms of Sabsoription.
I( in adTnnoe, or wlthla I moatae....? OU
If ,,.id after 1 ud baton I month! 9 HI
: kiJ after the eiplrnlloa of t month.... a oo
Bates ot Advertising.
rrrtnient edrertLeoienti, por aquaraof 10 llneaor
& tune, or leae ! aa
'r each subsequent Ineertlon 00
imini.tralore' and Exeeutora'notiooa I to
U'litorl' notion 1 &0
C niti'in and B.treye. H 1 a0
lii.,lutlon nnlieoa t 00
I'rofeMlonal Card., linu or laea,l year...H 00
L-irel notioee, r lino 10
t ..(uare .M 00 1 solemn- 950 00
2 niuiroi.. la 00 I eolumn..,. TO 00
Sf iutroi 20 00 I 1 oolnmn ISO 00
puitM' Carflu.
Clearfield, Pa.
r j.
J a
V T T O B N E Y - A T - LAW,
1:18 Phillpaburc;, Contra Co., Pa. y:pd
GEO. B. Q00DLANDEB, Editor & Proprietor.
VOL. 55-WHOLE NO. 2,725.
TEBMS-J2 per annum in Advanoe.
CurweBrrllle, Clearfield Bounty, Pa.
oal. , '71-lf.
rVr-ODoa In tba Opara llouaa. oolll, T8 If.
Clearfield, Pa.
e4VOfne ono door aaat of Shaw Hosse.
lifli'a lo M..oole building, Beeond (treat, op-
,omt. tha uourt tlou.o.
or tbb Pbacb abb Scbivbbbb, LUM UER
CITY. Collection! mada and money promptly
paid OTor. Artlelal of agreement and dooda of
aonvoyanoa neatly axaaatad and warranted eor
raot or ao charge. eJy ia
roa bbll Towaaair.
Ma? I, WS-ly
dbalbb is
Square Timber k Timber Lands,
jairra clearfield, pa.
Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
ar-All bu.inra. will ba attanda I to promptly.
I)ao. 14, ISSO-ly.
House and Sign Paintor and Paper
Clearfield, Penn'a.
fetuWUI axaouto Joba la hit Una promptly and
In a workmanlike mannar. ayM,07
L'ltarfleld Countr, Penn'a. Ibj
iro In Opera lloufe, ip tiJT-ljr
..Datid L. Kit
,,Wh. K. Wallacr.
i.nlM Clearfield, Pa.
ToT-Offica la tha Ma.onlo Building, orer tba
t.-uDty national Hank. Imar.t.gQ,
Nor. 17th, 180 If.
Real Estate, Square Timber. Saw Logs,
ODm on Beeond atraet, In rear of atora
ruum of tiaorgt Weirtr A Co. '78-tf.
Iftcatur Township,
0ola Mill! P. O.
All official biuiriMi atriitJ to kim will b
promptlj tttcndcil to. mah2S, '71,
Shup on Utrkt St., oppoilU Court Hon.
A irua towtl for arirjr oiutomor.
Alio ileftlar in
Ileit Hriiidt of lubnrco mid CfRra.
rinrd.t4. P. mf It, 'H.
They ehaoio (Mr nook, th boot) It blrJi,
'Mid tbo ortb-troo'i pirfunicd mow:
And htr tbroa bluo ama tha hrnn kan Utrl
In bar warm toft noit ooath lb bloiiomi' ihadt
Ana pa ne oi ino kept br watch of lort.
nga paut-Di ntr maia to iNa nr ttrovt.
But it'a ob. and it'i ob, Tor tba bonoia bird,
Fra wun wait the ha.l.
Wbilo tha hourt danoad bj.'neatb tha iwatt Sprlnf
A ijd th Ulekata ranf what tba tbmihai ituf,
And tha Balda war with oowilipi olad.
Tbey batebad thair ai;t;, tha bonnla bird,
lly oo a, by two, by tbrte ;
And hour by hour eaob yollow bill
Gaped wida for tba parenta' toll to fill ;
And tha robin, on a if I on tiring wing,
Tended aaoh olatnorout naatiing.
Hot it'a ob. and it'a ob, fur tha bonaU birdi,
Pur a bcary taak waa tbairi,
Ai from morn 'a flrat light to tha fall of night
Still to and fro, on thair quail tbajr go,
Nor aver might eu from oarei.
Tbry landed their young, tba Sonni bird,
Till tba mud ted waeki war pait,
Till th down grow dark up(,n baok and era it,
And th red turned bright on each little brant
And with chirp and twitter and preen of feather,
i ne orooa noppeu out ot tnair neat together.
And it'a oh, and tt'a ob, fur tha bonolo blrda,
Who had watched and worked their day )
Worked hour by boor, through iuo and abower,
For their tatk waa dona; and than ona by on
The fledgelinga flew away I
Third Annual Report of M. L. Mc-
yuown. Superintendent of the Pub
11c Schools of Clearfield County,
for the year ending June 1,
Inhct er.r tha County Natiooal Bank.
Jana U, lilt.
CLBaartiM), Pibx'a.
1'irit-olai. Lifa and Fira lnauraaoo Coinpaoita
;-0ffioa la tha Opara Uouio.-feK
Mar. 10,'8I !
th').. n. Hcanar oraoi aoartoa.
.Olfiea In Pla'i Opera llouaa, aaoond floor.
.1 TTOiUTEl'l T-Ut If,
oi'fll'E orer T. A. Plark Co.'a Itora,
.V6Wil attead to all Ul bu.lna.. with
ptumptriaaa and tdallly. f.blllO-lf.
ciearneid. fi.
.Tf'Legiil boatnata attended to promptly wlthj
'ielitj. offlc on Second atraat, abor the Plrtt
.s.tionaJ Hank. Jan:l:7l
All lata! bu.loaa. tntraalad to hti oara will ra
eeiva prutapt attention.
yXar-OIIIra In tba Coart Home.
A T T 0 R N E Y - A T - L A W ,
Real E.tate and Collection Afoat,
Will promptly attend to all legal bu.lneti ea
tru.Mcl to hi. oara.
S4rOmoe la Ple'a Opera lloaaa. Janl'Tfl.
1. 1 Hal Katato Aprent, leartlfld, Pa.
Offloa oa Third atraet, bet. Cherry A Walnut.
AtirRe.peotfully offare hla aorTleeeln aelllng
and buying laada la Olaarfteld and adjoining
antiea, and wltbaaoaperienoeoloTortwentr
r.ara aa a aurroyor, lattara bimaelfthat he eaa
r.'na.r aatl.faotloa. Fab. 18:l:t:tf,
Jhusirinna' itntii.
Offlea la re.ldaao. oa Flrat at.
April 14, 1171. Clearfield, Pa.
vill attend profaialonal ealla promptly. auglO'70
Wallaceton, Pa.
erll bat prepared bimaalf with all
neoaaiary blank forma under tha Panaion and
Boanty iawi, bj wall aa blank Deda, ato. All
legal mattara en trotted to hia ear will ncalr
prompt attention. Jiay 7th, 187t'-t(.
pT Putnpa al way a on hand and mad to order
n abort notice. Pi pea bored on reaeonabl tenna.
All work warranted to render aatiafaotion, and
delivered If deal rod. tnyS(:lypd
II very Stable.
THE nndaralgnad baga lar to Inform th pub
lie that h ta now fully prepir1 to aoeommo
date all t tba way of furniahing llw.iea, Doggiaa,
oaaaiaa ana uarneaa, on in anontat notto and
an rvaaonabl tartna. Real dene on Loeaat atraet,
Miween inira ana rourtn.
Olearfleld, Fab. 4, 1874.
BBALaa in
Alao,axten.iya Btanufaotnrar and dealer In Square
limoorana aawea tiumneroi all kinae.
aOrderl aolloitod and all bill, nromrttlr
fllled. JyH72
Watchoa, Clocks and Jowelry,
Sraaaai'a Kou, Marlul Area!,
All kind, of repairing In my line promptly at-
anaeu to. Jan. l.t, 1B7V,
Clearflcld Insurance Agency.
KERK tf limit IF., Jrtntt,
Rfpreeent the following and otbor flrot-elaee Co'l
Compaalea. At.ta.
Llrcrpool London A Ol.ibe 0. 8. Dr..l,lol,
Lyeoiolng oa mutual A oah plan....n A.OflO.008
1'ha.nix, of Hartford. Coun 8.A24.0SA
Ia.uranoe Co. of North Amerira 6,49,074
North Dritl.h A Meroanllle U. 8. Br.. 1.7H.SI"
Sootli.h Comineroial U. B. Branch. n7r,14i
Walartown TIH.HI4
Trar.lere (Life Attidenll 1,111,111
OfCoo on Market bt., .pp. Court llouao, Clear
Held, Pa. J.o. 4, "ItK.
)R. T. J. liOYER,
Ollae ea Market Street, Claarfleld, Pa.
ser-Otflce boon: I to 12 a. m , and 1 to I p. m
rir-fiirire adjoining the ra.ldeni'a af Jamet
"j, r.iif., on Haeund HI., Ulaarflald, I'a.
"Sea at roaidcaea, aoroer of Slate and Plan
Jan. ih,
OBoa hoBra-Froai It ta I P. U.
May 11, 1ST.
t. aa..a ... If . , i.
J"""r; karlng returned from tha Array,
!,,',' Profeoiaaal eerrloe. la UaelU.eD.
M,rof.,.in..i .In. ,i. j
i? Wi '" it, lanaerly aaaaalad hy
" laaieV'M-U
and all klniie or
00 TO
O. B. J1KRRELL, . Agont,
CLEARFIELD, PA. June i, '0 If.
Insurance Agency
Pallon Block, CurtrentrHlr, I'a
Companies Roprosonted :
Cammerelal L'nioa loa. Co., Aaaet. .$ll,Ofl,7fl2 l&
Firemen'. Fund In. Co.,A..eta 1.11(1,017 00
llnioa Ineuraaea Co., A..ata M 1 .2fl.ort7 9K
Traralera'Aoeldent Ina. Co., Aatote.. a,t,ll,ISI :
Northern Ina. Co. of New York Aa'ta 4H,itvu
In.uranea plaoad oa all kinda or property at
equltemo ratoa.
burwoa.riiie, ra, reo, id, inai'ir.
Fine Italian Marble In UieSlnte,
Beth FINIsnKD or FNFINI8IIED. We pat
Bp any work that eaa ba dnaala tbaeity atBBok
ooeaper ratoa. Wa will put Bp
B Itallaa Marble or Granite, eheanar thao It aaa
ba doaa Ib aay atkar part of tha Stat. Any par
eon buylag monumental work to amount of tii and
upward., will hare fare paid to and from Philipa.
kurg. Da not bo fooled with abaap Aatorioaa
rble when yoa eaa buy Boa Italia, marble at
lower prteee.
eT-HEAD P TONES a .aMlally.
Produea and approred paper will b. takaa la
eaehaage for Cemetery work. All eaah aaymaata
will be made to the afeaaaaoa fiankiaa CaM to
the erwlll af H. PlEHUrn.
Pkillpikurg, fa, Jaa. la, 1111. -am.
iuo miiora 01 another school vear
uuvo ciueu anu in accordance with
tho law wo take ploaeuro in aubmit
tinrf a summary oi what has been ac
complished, togethor with such sug
gestions as ftoom neeeBHary lor the con
tinued improvement of our schools.
Thero have been In every department
of our school work encouroirinc evi.
dfiicosol progress. In the employment
of teachers moro than usual caro was
exercised by School Boards,and in most
cases teachers wero placed in charge
of schools adapted to their qualifications
and experience. Tho result wasfewur
luiluros in teaching than during any
preceding yeur oi my oflicial connec
tion with tho schools. The work of
tho earnest and successful toachers
who wore gruutly in tho majority
this year) wus rendered effoctive and
praiseworthy by tho eareful traininir
oi ineir pupils in morals, manners and
general culture, accompanied by ex
cellent mcinoas oi instruction and a
commendablo system of reviews and
examinations in tho branches studied
all of which aro characteristics in tho
work of the thoughtful and well diBci-
plincd teacher. In addition to tho
good work accomplished in tho school
room by this class of teachers, their
influence and holp wore given towards
sustaining good Literary Societies, In
Btitutesand other oducational mootings,
thus identifying thomsolvcs with all
tho agencies that have a tendency to
strongmen me proiession oi teaching
and educate the people to a hither
appreciation of the true intention of
Our public schools. I ho temporary
and dilatory olasa of teachers lormed
rather a small fraction of tho whole
number employed in tbecounty. Most
ot thorn manilestcd a desiro to ignore
the moro important duties of the teach
er, except that of draw'nir their salary.
It is to bo hoped that this class of
teachers will soon bocomo hopelessly
in tho minority ; vet (ears are enter
tained that wo will be compelled to
license moro of them tho coming year
than lormcny. Avenues ot trade and
business enterprises are offering such
excellent inducements to talented and
energotic young men that they become
disgusted with the economy of tbo
avorago School Board, and seek em
ployment more lucrative. Many ex
cellent female teachers aro leaving the
firolcssion evory year, boing pursuadod
iy tho suporior charma of matrimony.
Of tho tcachorsemploycd in the schools
during the past throe years, soventeon
of the gontiemcn are now either prac
ticing or studying a profession, fify
thrue havo engaged in pursuits more
remunerative than that of teaching,
wbilo thirty faithful lady teachers have
secured tboso permanent cortiflcatos
which guaruntco to them absolute
freedom from the cares of the school
room, making a total of ono hundred
whoso places have and will bo filled
with inexporiencod persons. It is ap
parent from -this that it will require
vory excollent inducements on tho
part of School Boards, and moro than
ordinary effort on tho part of tho
Superintendent to keep the schools
from falling into tho hands of an un
tried and untrained class of toachers.
Lot School Boards detormino at tho
beginning ot the prosont school year
to pay a premium on talent, aco and
successful oxpenenco. Domand tho
liest teachers regardlosa of tho cost
and accept no othora.
The past school yoar was marked by
tho unusual number of new buildings
erected anu the improvements mado in
senooi nouses, liirnilnro and apparatus.
aovenicen now school houses wero
erected during tho yoar (unsurpassed
in tho history of tho county), with
aufhVicnt capacity for tho accommoda
tion ot twenty schools, wbilo a crcd
itablo number woro improved creatly
in ineir internal and oxtcrnal appear
anco. 1 be now houses nro distributed
as follows: Bcccaria,! ; Ucll.t ; Hoggs.l;
nrany, i ; jteraiur, i ; r orguson, 1 ;
Graham, 1 ; Huston, 1 ; Lawrence, 1 ;
Lumber Uity, I ; Morris. 1 : l'enn. I :
Sandy, 2 : Union, 1 ; and Woodward. 2.
Spaco in this report will not admit of
a detailed description of thoso build
ings. Suffice it to say, that tboy all,
in architectural taste, boar the evi
dence of progress. In point of excel
lence, however, preference must be
given to those of Bcccaria, Brady, Fer
guson and Decatur. All have boon
supplied with the host patont furniture,
except thoso in Bell, Bogga, Union and
Woodward townships, which woro
seated with tho "old stylo" furniture.
Improvements of the grounds belong
ing to theso now buildings aro neces
sary, but, no don lit, they will be suita
bly Improved in duo time. In all
ttcrnty-icvrn bouses woro supplied with
improved patent furniture during the
year with an aggregato cost of tnoro
than l,r00. The Board of Girard
township supplied all of their houses
with the "Triumph Lock Desks"
at a cost of moro than l.'iOO. In addi
tion to the furniture placed in the new
buildings above tneutionod, old build
ings wore supplied as follows : Girard
township, 6; Lawrence township, 4 ;
I'ike township, 3; Brady townahiD. 8
Gulich township, 1. The Board of
Goshen township furnished each of
their school houses with a full sot of
Outline Maps, a new Wall Man of
Pennsylvania, and olhor useful articles
of apparatus. The Board of Gulich
township purchased a new American
Reading Chart for each of their schools.
The Board ol Graham township ex
pended a considerable sum of money
in repairing all tbolr houses and erect
ing the necessary outbuildings. We
fool confident that School Boards have
done nothing during the school yoar,
mat renocts more credit upon them
anu tuoir constituents tbun the im
provements made in the school prop
erty ; and we challenge any other
county in the mate, Having a compar
ative numbor of schools, to produce a
hotter report of work done in this
direction by School Boards during the
yeur isau. juay we not accomplish
more in mis direction during the com
ing yoarr
Not wishing to discriminatouniustlv
betwoen the suvoral townships of the
county aa regards thoir educational
standing, yot as an incontivo to others
l doBiro to specify wherein tho follow
ing townships havo exccllod :
Best provided with improved patent
iurniiuro dulieD, uovington, Ooshon,
Girard and Huston. (All their houses
Best salaries to toachers Brady.
oanuy, uusion, jjawrence and liulicb
Kent supplied with apparatus Jius-
ton, Bradford and Goshen.
Longest terra with hiirbest tirade of
eeriincaie Ji'jston ana liuucli.
Best financial standing Union and
Best voluntury District Institute
work Bradford. Goahen. Sandv and
.liest in school visitation by direc
tors Ponn. Gulich. Decatur. Ferguson
and Clearfield borough.
Tho borough schools are not includ
ed, aa thoy (especially Cloarfiold and
Curwonsvillo) excol tho rural districts
in avorago salarios, buildi ngs. furniture
and apparatus.
On the 10th day of August, we be
gan a scries ol oducational meetings
(which partook, of the naturo&f revival
meetings), in connection with the pub-
lio examinations. They wero hold at
eightoen different appointments, and
wore attended by ono hundred and
seventy five directors and three thou
sand teachers, pupils and parents. The
meetings were generally addressed by
resident ministers, school directors,
teachers, and tho County Superinten
dent. Essays woro frequently road by
the leading teachers. At nine of those
appointments, the meetings wore held
in churches, and in all places wero well
attended by the peoplo. Our acknowl
edgements aro especially due Allen
11. Rosenkrans, ol Huston, and Mat
thow Savago, of Cloarfiold, lor the as
sistance they rendored us in conduct
ing thoso mootings,
On tho 20th day of Dccombor, the
County Instituto convened according
to law. In point of excellence it sur-
Fassod any provious meeting of the
nstituto. It waa - attonded by 235
teachors, 60 directors, and hundreds of
spectators. 1 bo teachers ot the coun
ty, as usual, participated in the exer
cises, and gave tbo meeting their on
tiro tune and attention, i'rot. Job
J. l,add, of Staunton City, Virginia
I'rof. E. V. DoGrafT, of Patterson City,
N. J. : Wallaco Bruco. A. M.. of New
York, and Col. James 1'. Sanford, of
lowa, comprised tbo corps ot instruo
tors anu lecturors. iboir work was
woll dono and well roccived by the
On tho 4th day of i cbruary, a series
of Local Institutes was bogun. They
wero held at Luthcrsburg, Curwens
villo, Lumbor City, Osceola and Biglor.
Notwithstanding the very inclement
weatbor witb which wo bad to con
tend, tho meetings generally wore suc
cessful. Hon, Henry Uouek, Deputy
statu oupenniouont, came to our coun
ty and was present at all of tho Local
Institutes mentioned above. Thoverv
excellent instruction given by him Co
ino toacners and directors in addition
to his scholarly and ontertaining ovon
ing locturcs, won for birh the most
favorablo comment. I desiro to add
that I boliove no man ovor visited our
county on an oducational mission
whoso work rendered bottorsatisfaction
or who mado moro warm frionds than
Mr. Uouek. Tho teachors at tho aov
oral Local Instituto appointments do-
servo much praiso for the excellent
woric they did, and for tho arrange
employed who do not hold valid cer
tificates ; schools are allowed to be
kept open on Saturday ; and oftentimes
less than tho necessary number of
months aro taught. Thoso aro dis
crepancies from which tho oath, takon
by the Board at tbo ond of every
school year, allows no exoneration. I,
therefore, doom it my duty to call at
tention to those facts. Many teachors,
I am sorry to say, manifest a deplora
ble degree of ignoranco in this direc
tion also, and aro often responsible for
tbo mistakes that are mado by direc
tors, especially in the matter of keep
ing schools open on Saturday.
It may be prudent to speak of tho
indifference that is generally manifest.
oo townrds tbo back-woods" schools,
which in our county form a fraction
of some magnitude. - In many instan
ces when tbe schools of certain town
ships are to be providod for, the seclu
ded temples of learning, situated, per
haps, in some vast wilderness, are oi.
thor wholly or partially ignored. Thcv
aro too frequently kopt in tho most
ruue and ungainly bousos, and years
are allowed to pass by the score almost,
without tho slightest effort being made
to wipe out the desolation and gloom
with such improvements as aro be
stowed upon the more prosperous and
enlightened districts. In selecting
teachors generally, the applications are
taken up and all tho well qualified and
experienced teachers aro honored with
schools in tho enlightened commtnitict
wuore now houses, with all the modorn
mprovemonts, have been built, and
whore everything possible hai been
dono to contribute to tho happhcaa of
monts thoy provided for holding these
meetings. The teachors of Goshen
Brady, Bradford and Sandy hold regu
lar District Instituto mootings during
tho Winter. Knox and Huston town
ship teachors held thoir District Insti
lutes under tho provisions of the school
The work of visiting schools began
early in November anu continued until
tho middlo ot March. In our moun.
tainous county, containing as it doos
1,1. jo square miles and 240 schools,
tins duty is, indeed, prolongod and
laborious, and yot some timos com
plaint is mado because evory school is
not reached. Tbo law onjoins upon
tho County Superintendent tbo duty
of visitng tho schools undor his care
"7.r o((m ai is practicable." To visit
all the schools in a poriod of five
months or 110 aehool days would re
quire an average of tbrno schools a
day, after deducting tho days necessar
ily spent in reaching the distant town
ships, in preparing for and holding the
county instituto and tor unusual
storms, which In our country so fre
quently occur. In viow of the lact
that scarcely all the aeboola can possi
bly bo reached, 1 havo always endeav
orod to reach, if possible thoso schools
in cnarge ot young and Inoxpenenccd
teachors first, and offer them such sug
gestions and advico as were prompted
by observations mado during my stay
in tno school.
ihero aro many teachers in our
county who bavo had long and suc
cessful experience, who are known to
be masters of their situation, and in
such cases visits from school officers
bocomo simply a matter of courtesy.
If the time spent in visiting this class
of schools was appliod to making a
second visit to tho schools in charge of
young teachers, more general good
would be accomplished. And In doing
this the law would certainly be coin-
neu wun, as the schools would have
eon visited "as ofton as waa practica
One of the first duties of a school
director, coming into office, should be
to acquaint himself with tho law which
he Is intended to obsorvo and enforce.
The office, bowevor ordinary It may
aeom, ia fraught with tha gravest re
sponsibilities, and has attached to it
the most exacting duties. Yet bow
often men aro found who proceed to
discharge those duties without the
slightest knowledge ol the law that is
intended to govern them in their
official actions. It often occurs that
directors adopt plans and measures
totally in opposition to both law and
reason. Dome times moetings aro held
and important buainoss transacted
when the Board- is not a legally con
stituted body ; teachers are frequently
the wealthy, cultured and refined. In
striking contrast with this, all appli
cants who aro yonng and have had no
special training for their work, and
wno noid i no. j cortinoato, perhaps,
aro assignod places in the "wilderness"
or among the "mines", whre they
toacn lor about ono halt as much por
montn as the teacher of the "model'
school, in the advancod oorsmunitv,
The result ot this is that thoscsccluded
schools continue to hang year alter year
as icaaen wo.ghta upon the districts in
which they are located, while tho moro
important schools, seemingly, tre mak
ing commendablo progress, the inferior
class, as it were, are standing still, or
retrograding. It ia a grave mistake
so ireqnentiy mado by School boards,
a mistako that has resultod in dwarf
ing the Intellectual powers of many I
child. Provide every district, if possi
ble, with the same facilities for learn
ing; employ the same clase of tcachora
tor the inferior schoola that is employ
od for tho superior ; and then if thoy
fail to gain a high degree of emincuco,
tno directors will not be hold responsi
With all tho ovidonccs of progress
us oxniuiicu oy this anu my statistical
report, much remains yot to be dono,
Numerous defects aro apparent in
our educational structure. Prominent
among the evils that are threatening
to weaken our systom of schools and
retard thoir progress, wo mention the
following :
1st The abaonco from school of so
many indigent and indolent children
of tho proper ago.
2d. A desiro on tho part of so many
pupils to ignore the most useful
branches of study, and quit the com
mon school at an early ago, totally
ignorant of ono-half the common school
3d. The dangor arising from the
habit so many toachers have of dis
counting gonuino idoaa, and the pre
mium they attach to tho free uttorance
of words, thus enslaving their pupils
in tho superficial and mechanical form
of teaching without developing thoir
thought, power and individuality.
4in. iho want ot a more intelligent
supervision of our schools by school
5th. Tho evil of selecting teachers
from a religious or political standpoint,
or bocauso of existing relationship,
regardless of mental or professional
bth. The want of a uniform course
of study rigidly enforced.
To remove the dofocts enumorated
above shall bo our aim during tbo
coming throo yoars. And wo therefore,
invoKo tho aid ot directors and teach
ors in carrying out our plana and pur
poses. We have prepared in pamphlet
iorm ianu winch win bo issued soon; a
iianu-itooK lor teachors containing
an outline of tbo work wo desire to
accomplish. Tho first and Important
moasure to bo adopted is that of re
ducing our work to a systom by the
mrouuction ot a courso ot study.
This courso, as I havo it arrangod, will
extend through a poriod of three yoars
and terminate in a graduating systom
lor mo common schools. At the ox
piration of the throo years, cxainina
tions will be held throughout tho coun
ty, and all tho Common School scholars
who can pass an examination in tho
course will be grantod a Common
School diploma. It is hoped that this
ncentivo may prove sullicicnt to in
duco pupils to study all tho branches
required by law. and. also to attend
tho public schools more regularly than
in cunvomary wun lite avorago pupil.
Ihankfiil for the courtosiesof the
School Dopnrtmontand tho prossof the
county, for tho generous hospitality of
iso peopio wun whom wo have
mingled, and for the confidence of tbe
school directors, wo invoke tho aid
and co operation of all in tbo work of
tbe coming year..
A Janosvillo man instructed a ne
sorvant how to order meat from tho
markot through the telephone, and
then told her, aftor ordering the meat,
to put hor noso to the transmitter, to
see if tho meat was good. The next
lay she ordered meal and as she was
smelling at the transmitter, tho man's
ird dog passed through the room.
The dog bad boeo having a fight with
a skunk. Whon the servant got a
smell of tho dog, she yelled through
the telephone: "ricep ycr.o owld
strong male, and sind some fish. How
ly mother, that wad drive a Imssard
way from a dead horse. Whist I"
and alio left the instrument in disgust.
Reform. No soroons or slainod
windows are now allowed in Massa
chusetts saloons, and the nectar from
Kentucky must be sbot down in full
view of any. son of temperance who
may bappon to want to see how it is
A Queer Bot. The Duluth Courier
says: "A St. Paul boy hasa 'magnotio
band,' to which small motallio articles
attach themselves, and which imparts
burning sensation, lakes after his
mother, doubtless."
8ay for instance a dog losos bla paw
and a rooster lose his maw, doos It
make orphans of them T
Yoa cao tell dog wood by Its bark.
From tha Philadelphia Tim...
No ono who has a nose needs to be
told that cigaretto smoking is the most
uiiunsive iorm vol invented lor the
consumption of tobacco. Thoro is
something not altogothor unpleasant
even to dolicato olfactories about tho
fragruneo of a choice Havana cignr.
The pipe smoker afflicts his frionds
with nothing worso than a strong odor
oi vouacco, wnno tho sin ol tho chower
is principally that ho defiles himself.
But tho cignrrctto-smokcr. and ho is
generally a boy, pollutes the air wher
ever he moves with tho quintessence
of all nastincss in smells. He is a pub
lic nuisanoo. Whothor he ia smoking
or not j-ou can smell him. Tho sick
ening odor scorns to and in many casoe
actually docs exude from every pore
in hia enervated and listless body. In
tbe opera, the theatre, the church
and in the streot his baleful prosenco
maKca iiseu Known oiten colore be is
seen. This vioe is of very recent and
very rapid growth. Dealors who two
or three years ago did not sell a ciga
rette now sell millions a month, and
the evil ia constantly growing, so that
it is saiu a new Drand has been put on
tho market every day sinco the begin
ning of the year. The habit is con
fined almoet exclusively to boys and
young men, and the victim can bo
readily detected not only by the nau
soating odor which hangs about hirn
like a deadly miasma, but by hissunken
eyes, hollow chcoks, from which ovory
shade ot color, oxoopt a sickly yellow,
has departod ; by his puny limbs, flat
chest, stooping shoulders and languid
gait. Ho has, indood, onorgy enough
left to go out nfter the fall of tho cur
lain at tho thcalro and tuke a smoke
ot vile tobacco and doctored tinner.
botweun tho acts, but bovond that tho
enoris oi mo conhrmed cigaretto-smo-kor
aro gcnorally confined to lounging
around tho streets, whore he enn bo
socn by tho doion at any hour of the
day on any cornor sucking away at
iuo nasty nine roils, drawing tbe smoke
with a sort of gasp down into the air
passages of tbe lungs and forcing it out
through the noso, and so absorbing
nicotine and tho empyrcuraatic oil ot
paper and transforming himself into a
wanting accumulation ot filthy smells.
mora is a possibility that if tho
young man or boy addicted to this
habit know bow ho waa blighting hia
future lifo ho would atop it, and with
the viow of Riving him that informa
tion The Timet has, through its re
porters, gathorcd tho viows of quite a
numbor of tbo leading physicians of
me city regarding tho ellcct of ciga-
rciio smoKing on the young JSvory
ono of tbe physicians whose express
ions are reported bolow is a rooognised
authority on nervous, throat and lung
or heart diseases. Whilo it may startle
tho cigarotto smokor to find how
warmly and unanimously bis habit is
condemned, It will pay him to read tho
ntorviows which lollow.
"I am glad to hoar that The Timet
is going to tako up the sulijoct," said
Dr. Roberta Bartbolow, ofl509 Walnut
stroot, woll know aa a spocialist in all
nervous disorders. "It is high time
that somothing waa dono to put a stop
to this frightful evil, which is stunting
tho growth and ruining the health of
thousands of boys. It is just horriblo
to soo these boys littlo fellows, many
of them not moro than eight or ton
years old, not street boys, but well
dressed and carefully nurtured boys
gathered in knots in somo corner,
where thoy think tboy will not be ob
served, learning to amoke. Parents
Boo their sons getting thin and yollow
and irritable, the family doctor is sent
for and without going to the root of
the evil proscribes tonics which do no
porccptiblo good.
"Iho prodigious increase of ciga
rotto smoking boys in tho last few
years," continued Dr. Bartbolow, get
ting upfront his chair and walking nn
and down his handsome parlor in the
energy of his indignation, "ia an evil
which will tond to the dctoriorolion
of tho race if it is not chocked. But
it is not hard to account for. Boys
aro vory imitative Thoy follow the
fashion with promptness and teal.
Cigarrettos aro the rage at Harvard.
It ia the correct thing to amoke thoso
poisonous littlo rolls of tobacco and
paper. Whatovor ia fashionable ina
great school liko Harvard is sure in
very short time to bo fashionablo wilb
young mon and boys all ovor the coun
try. Another great causo of (his mis-
chiol is that boys aro vory fond of im
itating thoir eldors. Smoking in pub
lic places ought to bo discouraged.
Thoro ought to bo a sentiment created
against it, and the press is tho powor
to create snch a sentiment. Evory
man when ho smokes in public ought to
think that ho is encouraging somo boy
to smoko. Tho boy will smoke a ciga
rotto, imagining that ho will got less
tobacco in that way and ignorant of
the lact that cigarette-smoking is the
most pernicious lbrm in which tobacco
is used. Tobacco in any form is a
great injury to a growing boy, and tho
fashion of inhaling the smoke and then
forcing it out through the nostrils is
deadly in Us effects. It causes catarrh
in the air passages, throat and nose.
and makes tho smokor disgusting as
wcu as puny and stunted. You will
find that thoso cigarolto-smoking boys
have impaired digestions, small and
poor muscles, irritablo tempers and a
lack of capacity lor sustainod effort of
any Kind, and 1 bohevo you will find
that they do not succocd in lifo. Tho
men who win are the men of strong
physiquo. A cigarette-smoking boy
will not mako a strong man. These
aro some of the evils which the indi
vidual brings upon himsolf. But the
mischief doos not stop with the indi-
viauai, oui is transmitted to his off-
apring. ..Nervous peculiarities are just
as readily transmitted as Physical pe
culiarities. The acquired irritability.
mporfect developement and loss of
nervous force of the father is inherited
by the child, who in turn furthor im
pairs his health by the samo timceaa.
so that in the course ol three or four
generations there must be a great de
terioration in the race. The salo of
cigarettes to boys should be prohibited
by law." '
"About kali tho cases of nervous
break-down In men." said Dr. Horatio
C. Wood, of 1C31 Arch street, "are the
result ol the nse ot tobacco, and the
use of tobacco is much worse for boys
than it is fur mon. I have in my mind
now one of our best boating men, who
left off rowing and training and went
back to kin cigarettes, and now he is
all broken up with heart troubles.
There is a peculiar action oi the heart
causod cy the excessive ubo of tobacco.
known as tbe 'tobacco hourt,' which
tho elder Dr. Pepper mado a special
Btudy of and used his lecture upon. I
havo no positivo information on tho
subject, but 1 boliove cigarotta aro the
worst iorm in which tobacco is used.
and I behevo that thoir sale to boys is
prohibited in Franco. In addition to
the poison in the tobacco theciguretto-
smokor absorbs a certain amount of
the ompyrcumatio oil of papor, which
is an irritant to'tho mucous membranes,
causing catarrh. But this is not the
worst effect. 1 he action of the heart
is depressed and the whole systom do
bilitatcd. Official investigation in the
schools of France proved that the
cigarette smoking students wero much
behind the others. These vital defects
aro sure to be transmitted to tho off
spring. Any IranBcicnt state can bo
transmitted. A child begot by a man
who is drunk is apt to be idiotic. Cut
ono of tho big nervos in the leg of
Guinea pig and he will develop epilep
sy, and Lis offspring will be epileptic
"Cigarette smoking by boys and
So little emoking is dono at a time
that tho frcquoncy and pornicioua
effects of the habits aro not noticed.
Ho was of tho opinion that it is an evil
and deleterious practice. OBnociallv
among young mon.
Of the effects of the habit upon the
eye, it. iMitnuoi i). insiey, whole noted
as a spocialist in eye affections, said :
1 have had two putionts within a
week who have been mado blind by
smoking. Tho cyos generally suffer
yonng mon is a great ovil, but I don
see bow you aro going to ston it. Tl
boys won't slop it, and the parents can
uaruiy make tnein. II they want
smoko they will find a way."
"There aro somo men." said D
Georga Morehouse, of 227 South Ninth
sireot, "whom tobacco doos not hurt
bit, some that it hurts a groat deal and
some whom it benofits. I think ono
of the great evils of the tobacco habit
is that it develops an appetite for
toxicating liquor. Whilo tobacco de
presses alcohol stimulates and tho ono
counteracts tho effect of the othor.
Smoko too much, until yonr cigar bo
gins to lose its pleasant effect, it don
tnsto right and you want a drink
Iow if tho effect of the whisky was
tho same as tobacco you would not
want any whisky, but the whisky re-
lioves the depression caused by tbo to
bacco, and when you havo had a drink
you want another cigar, and when you
have smoked that you want another
di-inx and so on.
"In tho young ar.d growing th
Btrength and integrity of the heart is
important to the full development of
uiu uuuy ana me maintenance ot lis
lunctioiis in health. In tho young tht
heart is taxed not ouly by the mainto
nance of daily lifo, but in tho oxten
sion or all the tissues of the body i
growth. It is especially nccossary,
therefore, in growth and during do
velopmont that tbe heart should not
lie restrained in its functions. Tobac
co dcprcsBcs the action of the heart
with disastrous results to the wholo
system. 1'boro is a strong tendoncy
to excess in tho young thoy think
tncy cannot dio and tho only limila-
i in u:. :.i..i .- ,
., w muii iiiuuiuucu ia HicKness,
The inhaling of cigarotto smoko is in-
jurious in two ways first, as a local
irritant to the mucous membranes, and
second, tho priociplo of tho tobacco is
ausoroco in largor quantities and pro-
uucos a more prominoni oiioct,
"I can do nothing bolter for you,"
said Dr. J. Solis Cohen, of 1431 Wal
nut stroot, who confines his practice
to me treatment ol throat and lung
diseases, "than to refer you to a little
book I have published on 'The Throat
and the Voico.' Horo 1 say," said the
doctor, taking up the book from his
"If a smoker is subjoct to attacks of
sore in roa t and is too wedded to his
weed to divorce himsolf from it, he
anouio smoke a long-stommcd pipe in
tiroferonco to any othor oontrivance,
iccauso it renders the smoke cooler by
the lime it reaches tho throat Tbe
next safest thing is to smoko a long
cigar, not much moro than half of
which should be used, because the re
maindor beeomcs warmor and more
loaded with the poisonous products of
the combustion. A short pipe is not
as safe as a cigar and a cigarette is tho
most injurious of all. The habits of
inbitling tho tobacco smoko, of swal
lowing it or of passing it out by the
noso are all likely to lead to the dis
oaso df the parts over which tbe smoke
is forced, indcod, there is a peculiar
condition ol tho throat produced by
tobacco smokoing which almost any
aiavo to tno practice can obsorvo in
himself. Jt consists in a scries of opal
escent or milky-looking passage at
iuo inside oi the corners ot tho mouth
and lips, and some othor localities, duo
to a raising of tho outermost layor of
tho mucous mombrano. Theso spots
aro known as the milkv patches of
smoKeri, anu are sometimes mistaken
for a very unfortunate constitutional
form of soro throat,
"The reason that cigarette smoking
is tho worst of all," added Dr. Cohen,
"is that it is smoked closer and thero
is nothing to held tho poisonous oils
and.alkaloida, which aro takon into the
mouth ahd so into tho system."
"There is no question," said Dr.
William Peppor, Provost of the Uni
versity of Ponnsy lvania,"about tobacco
being injurious to all growing bodies.
i ncre aro somo objections that apply
particularly to cigarettes. The first is
the facility with which thoy can be
used. Tbo studont going from bis
room to class, the clerk on tho way
from the store to the bank, will light
a cigarotto where bo would not think
of a cigar. Thus they smoko a groat
many more than thoy are awaro of.
Tbe tiso bocoraeeexcoasive. Loast ob-
jcctionablo for use in amoking is a well
mado pipe and next comes a good
cignr, but Dy lar the worst form in
which tobacco can be used is the
cigarette. Tho reason ia that in no
othor way Is the consumption so rapid,
and this, with the looseness of tho to
bacco, fulfills all the conditions for tho
easy absorption of tho poisonous prin
ciple. Tho smoko ia inhaled in largo
breaths and a great doal ia takon into
tho lungs. If tho tobacco la rank and
bad it makes it so much worse. The
effect is socn in the disordered action
of tbe heart, an impaired viaion.troublos
of indigoslion and somotimes ulcera
tion ol the throat. Tho effect of to
bacco tipon all persona under twenty-
one yoars of age is very bad. If they
use it a little they are somo what in
jured in their constitution ; if they use
livery much they are injured seriously.
Cigarette smoking cannot but be re
garded as a very groat evil, if lor
nothing else because it loads persons
to smoko at times when they should
not do so under any circumstance.
After meals is the proper time to smoke,
it it is to be don at all."
Dr. J. M. DaCosta, whs is a very
high authority on all nerrons diseases,
Bald he had been called upon in bis
practice to stop cigarette smoking by
a (treat many boys who have indulgent
purente. He knew of one ease in
which a boy's growth bad actually
ben stunted by excessiv smoking.
Ono of the greatest dangorg comes
the roost, but not the eyes only.
consider cigarotto smoking a very
groat evil and have to stop boys con
stantly from doing it. I can smoko a
cigar myself occasionally, but a cigar
ette gives me a pain across the temples.
1 havo heard othors complain of tho
same symptom."
"Do you know anything about
Caporal ?" asked Dr. Hayes Agncw,
wuen ino subject was broached. "That
is tbe brand I smoke. I know it's bad
but I smoko them occasionally. I
think, perhaps, there is more to be
feared from the wrappings than tho
tobacco. Somo of tho papor contains
arsenic, iiut the use ol all tobacco is
bad very bad. Almost all tho troublca
of our young men now come eithor
from nervousness or dyspepsia, and I
think a vory groat doal of it iBowingto
their smoking. Of all smoking, cigar
ette smoking, especially lor boys, is the
Now that tho Summor season is on
us, it may not bo uninteresting to the
reador to learn something about tho
origin and manufacture of Panama
bats, ibis is given by Dr. Seoman
in an interesting article on the vegeta
Hon of tho Isthmus of Panama, in tho
Journal of Botany. An indigenous
production, ho says.desorving of special
notice, is tbe "Jipiiapa" (Carludovica
palmata), a palm like plant, ot whose
unoxpanued leaves tbo lar lamed 'Tan
ama hats" are plaited. This Bpecics of
Carludovica is distinguished from all
othors by boing terrestrial, never climb
ing, and bearing fan shaped leaves.
The leaves aro from six to fourteen
feet high, and their lamina about lour
loot across. The spatho appears to
ward the end of the dry season, in
February and March. In the Isthmus
the plant is eallod "Portorico." and
also "Jipijapa," but the latter appella
tion is tho moro common, and is diffus
ed all along tho coast as far as Poru
and Chili; while in Ecuador a whole
district derives its name Irom it. Tho
plant iscomrooninPanamaand Dancn,
especially in half shady places. Tbo
Jipiiapa, or Panama hats, are Dnnci
pally manufactured in Voraquas and
Western Panama. Not all, however,
Known in commerce by that name are
plaited in the lehmus ; by far a greater
proportion Doing made in juanta, Monte
Chrieti, and other parts of Ecuador.
Tbe bats are worn almost in tho whole
American continent and the West In
dies, and would probably be equally
used in Europe did not tbeir high price
(varying from (2 to 1150) provont
tuoir importation, ihoy are distin
guished from all others by consisting
only of a singlo pioce, and by their
lightness and flexibility. They may
be rolled up and put into the pocket
wuuoui, injury, in iuo rainy season
thoy are apt to got black, but by wash
ing with soap and water, besmearing
them with lime juice, or any other
acid, and exposing thorn to tho sun,
tbeir whiteness Is easily restored. So
little is known about theso hats, that
it will not bo out ot place to give an
account ot thoir manufacture. Tbe
straw (paia), previous to planting.
has to undorgo several processes. Tho
leaves are gathered before they are
nioiuoo, an their ribs and coarser
voins romovod, aud tbo rost, without
Doing separated Irom the baso of the
leaf, is reduced to shreds. After bav-
ng been exposed to the sun for a day.
and tied into a knot, tho straw is im
mersed into boiling water until it be
comes white. It is then hung up in a
shady place, and subsequently bleach
ed for two or three days. Tbo straw
is now ready for uso, and in this state
sent to different places, especially to
Poru, where tho Indians manufacture
from it thoso beautiful cigar casos,
which sometimes bring as high as 130
each. Tbo plaiting of the hats is vory
troublesome. It commences at the
crown and finishes at tho brim. The
hats are mado on a block, which is
placed upon the knees, and requires to
ds constantly pressed with the breast.
According to their quality, more or
loss time is occupied in their comple
tion the coarser ones may bo finished
in two or throe days, whilo the finest
may tako as many months. The best
mcs lor plaiting aro the morning
hours and the rainy season, when the
air is moist In tho middle of the day
and in dry clear weather, the straw is
apt to break, and this, when the hat
nnished, is betrayed by knots, and
mucn diminishes tbe value.
Ex-Senator Cameron presents th
old homestead at May town, Lancaster
county, to the Lutheran church. W
copy tho following from the Telegraph :
"A vory Intorosting proceeding took
place in the Lutheran church at May
town, on Tuesday ovening, which waa
attoudod by the lull conference of th
church, in aossion there, and by th
children and people of the village.
After tho transaction ol somo routine
business, and singing and praying, th
business Bpooially set apart for tho oc
casion was brought lorward. Rov.
Charles A. Hay, Professor of Gettys
burg Lutheran Seminary, arose and
said that ho bad been seloctod by Gen.
Simon Cameron to discharge a pleas
ing duty Involving on bis part a refor.
onto to one with whom be had rola
tiona as pastor of tho First Lutheran
church at Hurnsburg, of the most
pleasing and profitable cbaractor in a
spiritual sense, and the presentation ol
a property to the Lutherans of May
town, tho old Camoron homestead of
the village, to be need aa a parsonage
under the following conditions: 'As
long as it is dovoted to tho nsos of a
parsonage it was to remain in the pos
session ol the trustees of tbe Lutheran
church of Maytown. If the house is
not occupied for a period of twelve
months aa a parsonage then it is to be
come the property ot the East Penn
sylvania Synod of the Lutheran church.
Tbo other condition is that a portrait
of tho lato Mrs. Eliza Cameron remain
in tbo parlor of the parsonage tha
owner devising that the parsonage
shall constitute a memorial oi bis do
coascd wife.' Dr. Hay then said that
be had preachod the funeral sermon of
the deceased lady in whose memory
this magnificent gift was made. In
order to show those present what his
estimate of tbo dead lady was, Dr. Hay
read a portion of tho sermon from
manuscript which be had brought with
him, 'Sho had ever been faithful in all
her duties as a Christian woman. Her
faith brought forth many good works,
and these were exemplified by charity,
forgiveness and forbearance. I never,
said tho doctor, appealed to her in
vain in the name of charity, and she
always garo two-fold. What she did
was done without ostentation. Hon
was a hoart never closed to the suffer
ing and hers a hand always open to
mo nocoy. jior Christianity was
practical in ovory senso. The church
to her was a place to prepare for the
good which was to bo done in tho
world.' During my ministerial service
in llarrisburg she sustained evory
movement of the church for effort to
roliove the suffering. This waa hor
idea of a Christian life. Hor activity
never wearied whon suffering needed
succor. If aho woro in our midst now,
and had a word to say it would be one
of a practical character. She bad a
groat admiration for results. What
can you doT What are you doing?
constituted tho important question of
lifo with her. Sho cared little for what
people said. Mere words'had no weight
with her. Sho looked for works, deeds
of kindness and charity, works which
spread thoir benofits to all around hor.
The living husband, who erects a me
morial out of his old homestead to his
doad wile, devoting it to practical uses
of tho church, understands precisely
what is proper to do as tribute to her
memory. The act exemplifies her lite.
It is what she would horsolf do if she
woro living, and therefore it is most
appropriate that hor portrait should
hang on these walls to consecrate tho
place to purity and good works. Dr.
Hay spoke at length and elaboratoly
of the traits of caractor in the deceas
ed, as he knew her, his remarks im
pressing all present, particularly tbe
children, who were greatly interested
in what he said ot the late Mrs. Cam
eron, many ol whom will doubtless
never lorgot the beautiful and tonder
manuor in which he spoke of the de
ceased as ho personally know hor.
"One of the trustees ot tbe church
received tho deed, with the conditions
annexod,of the house from Dr. Hay,
thanking him kindly for his remarks,
and through him, Gen. Cameron for
the gonerosity of the gift It would
bo the great pleasure of the truateea
and the Lutherans of Maytown to
preserve the gift in the spirit in which
it is mado, as a memorial of a deceased
lady, who, in life, was well-known and
highly respected by very many of the
older people of Maytown. Hor por
trait should evor remain whore it now
is, invested now with a double interest,
aftor what hor old pastor, Dr. Hay,
bad said of hor, words which would
endear hor memory to every Christian
who visited this spot, now consecrated
as hor shrine.
Tbe houso is situated in tbo central
part of Maytown, is a large two-story
brick house, substantially built and
surrounded by a ball to three quarters
of an acre ot ground, well filled with
fruitjtrecB, V ines, bushes and shru bbery.
ben. Cameron bad intended to bo
present to participate in the presenta
tion, but was prevented by urgent
business calling him from Uarrisburg
on Tuesday. As the house needs
painting, and a lew slight repairs a
subscription was taken which amount
ed to 1175 In cash to do this work."
A cornulotitealorpillar is stuffing his
iurrou or voivot ooublol with tho juicy
uip oi a young and tender oak leal.
lis thoughts at all events his sensa
tions aro complotely centered in the
Dusiposi which which be has in hand
moro properly in tbe mouth ; and he
reams as little of approaching danger
as on alderman at a city least imbibing
tno green rut oi turtle, wbilo a spark
ling chandelier bangs, perhaps sus
pended by an all but severed chain
ovor his dovotod head. No chandelior,
indeed, but destruction in a living form
as brilliant, hangs suspended ovor the
unconscious glutton ot tho oak loaf.
in ichneumon fly, poised in tho air
Dove nira, hor iridescont wings and
lack shining body glittering in the
sun, is fearfully vibrating ber tail liko
piercer, with intent to plunge it Into
tno HfBhy back of ber well-led victim.
She stoops her wenpon enters Is
itbdrawn, and leaves behind it in tbe
wound, a germ of nascent torture a
thousand timos more dreadful than a
drop of deadly poison a tiny egg de
dosilcd within the warm orifice pierced
for its reception. In a few hours this
egg becomes a gnawing worm, which
.hrivos and rattona on the juices, loav-
ng carefully untouched the vital or
gans of the holploss gonnandizer thus
oompcllcd to loster it lis growth
completed the parasite emerges, and
then, in completion ot iU murdorous
part spins a silken thread, with which
t proceeds to bind the noarly exhaust
ed body of its supporter fas Gulliver
by Lilliputian cords) Jo th surface of
he oak lear. Thus manacled, the
hrunkon remnant of th one nlnmo
erawier wxisui yoi a lew miserable
days, while the young ichneumon, hav.
g inclosed itself within a ahroud o'
k, undergoes it transformaliona.and
nally emerges into a perfect life, a
parking fly, like Its parent, close bt-
ue me toon aeau booy oi in creature
bv which It had been nnnriaharl trt ma
from breathing through tbe nostrils. turity. "Epitodet of Jntrct Lft."
It Is an honorable ambition for any
young woman to qualify herself to be
self-supporting. It is pleasant to han
dle money of ono'a own fair earning,
and purchases mado with such funds
are quite apt to havo a double value.
Thoro is an invisible wealth in such
possessions that the world does not
soo. To some these earnings are a
necossity. But there is a large class
of discontented girls in good homos of
filcnty, whore thoir eorviccs aro great
y needed by a toiling mother, who
long to push out into the great world
and earn money that shall buy the
cobwoba ol fashion, now boyono thoir
reach. Whon thoir motives are all
sittod down, this is the real reason.
Dress has tempted its thousands from
the safe, comfortable home to try thoir
chances in the groat city,
There was a picture a while ago in
one of the illustrated papers whh I
wish such tempted ones oould sea and
ponder. Two fair, trim girls, with
their small satchels in their bands,
were setting out from a lovely, pleas
ant home, with its shady trees and
orchard lands all about it, and a finger
post was guiding thorn "To the great
city." How full of hope wad each lace I
How light each heart and footstep I
Just before tbem stood a gulf, from
which wero pooring np such hideous,
looring faces, whilo greedy talons anu
dripping skeleton fingers were op
reaching to drag them down. Casketa
of paste jewels, flimsy finery, and all
manner of wiles, were hold out to lure
them on, and one light tripping foot
Btep was just poising on the brink.
J. bore was a whole sermon in the title
to the picture, which was simply
"Swoot Liberty and abyss."
Oh, if this waa but a fancy picture
we might banish it like a dream. But,
it holds a solemn, fearful truth.
11 you hav a good, safe home, doar
girts, prise it above rubies. Gladly do
your share to lighten Its burdens.
Take auch means as are within your
roach for self-improvement. Thoy
will rarely be mora when you are cast
on your own resourees among stran
gers. Oh, what numbers of homeless.
one, toiling for a crust and a shelter,
would think yonr lot an Eden f
Discontent is not so much a proof
of your ability to achieve a better suo
oess, aa real, bonost, earnest effort
where yoa now aro. Unless yoa bav
mad th utmost of youi chance at
boms, there is utile probability that
yon would do bettor away. Never
leave it oo uncertainties, and never,
like Jonah, run away from God's ap
pointed duties.