THE CLKARFIKLD REPl'BLICAV CLEARFIELD, PA. DlTtBLIIIHEO IN 1SST. I lie largest Circulation of auy Newapapei In North Central Pennsylvania Terms of Subscription, ir paid la adtaBoe, or wlthla I montae....3 K( if paid after d before a months g 6(1 If uatd aftor the eiplralloa of aoDtha... 3 OO Batei ol Advertising, Trinttenl adrertleements, par fqaara of II llneeor I,.,,, 1 tlmee or loea H $1 so Knr eeob suheequant Ineortion.. 00 Vlinini.tmlore' and Exooulore'notloae- 1 40 AU'lilore' notice. M S IB Cutiou. and B.tray I 66 In. rotation notice! S 00 Pror.Mlonal Card, 6 tinaa or leai,l year.... i 00 Loral nollsei, par liao 10 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENT!!. 1 iiuar IS 00 I 1 aolomn. 50 00 I aiuarea... Mlft 00 I 4 solamn..,. 70 00 X .quare.... ..10 00 I 1 oolnmp 120 00 O. B. OOODI.ANDER, Poblleber. Xauiifrs' Cards. j j w. SMITD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, H:7J Clearfield. Pa. J J. LINGLE, A'i'TORNEY-AT - LAW, lll Pblllpabura;. Coutra Co., Pa. yipd JOLANP D. SWOOPE, ATTORNKY AT LAW, CurwenaTllle, CieuOeld oounly, Pa. oeu 0,'78-tf. QSCAU MITCHELL, ATT0RNBY AT LAW, CLEARriRLD, PA Ttf-OIUce In tba Open llouee. ootv, 78 tf. CI EARFIELD REPUBLICAN. 0E0. B. OOODUNR, Editor & Proprietor, Pm"rPi?ES, NOT MEN. . TERMS-S2 per annum in Advance. VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. 2,724. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1881. NEW SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. 22., Cards. WILLIAM M. HENKY, Jubtice or tb Pi a ci aid Sckitiwhii, LI! Ml! EH CITY. Collection! aiad and money promptly pam ov9T, Ariioioi ag ratine nt and dried, ol oouvayano Butt); x ecu ted ud warranted or- root or io obarg. i:ijy71 HENItY BRETII, (OITERD r. O.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ron bill towsaair. Ma, , lS7llye fAMES MITCHELL, DIALia IB Square Timber & Timber Lands, JeH'TJ CLKAKFTKI.D, PA. plJAEL TEST, ATTORNKY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. ay- Ofllee ona door eaet of Shaw Hoaaa. UJH."T yil. if. McCULLOUGn, ATTORNKY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Ofli.-a In Ma.onle buildiBg, Second etreet, op po,ite Ibe Court llouee. Je?S,'7S tf. C. ARNOLD, LAW & COLLECTION OFFICE, CCRWENCVILLE, f'Jri Clearfield CouDlr, Peoo'a. Toy V. UOYT, Land Survevor and Civil Engineer, PUILll'SBURfl, PA. JCST-AII will ba attende I to promptly. Deo. 15, 1S80 ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penn'a. 4,wlll eaeouto Joba IB hii liaa promptly and FRANK FIELDING AND WILLIAM D. BIGLER, Nor. ITth. CLEARFIELD, PA. 1S1 if. s T. BROCK BANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, oiVc in O'cra llou: It a A. tvi.i.aca.... II.Hkr P. WaLLiua CLEARFIELD, PA. ap Jj.TT-ly Pavin L Knaaa. Wa. K. Wai.L.ia. ALLAC'E & K RE HS, ATTORNEYS-AT-j al si ClearHold, Pa. LAW, gMlTlI V. WILSON, .Htornru-al-l.aie, CLEARFIELD, - PENN'A .T-fl-OnVe ta tba MaeoBie Building, oeer tba u,tiuiy A.llotial Hank. lHjerZ4-80. WEAVER 4, BETTS, DIALBHI IN Real Esta'.e, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LUMBER OP ALL KINDS. Offlnt od Bei.nd atret, in roar of tor tv-iiii of Uaorg Werer A Co. f Jantf. '78-tf. J. SNYDER, PA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, "(lint orsr tba Cnuntj Natloaal Bank. Jut. 28, 'TStf. pilANK G. HARRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ClBar riBLS, Paaa'a. l irat-pl..! Lira and Fito In.aranea Compaalra .MrOAVa In tbo 0ra Ui,Bit.-a Mar. lu,'(l l) tqur. it. HraaaT.. oraira aoanoa. JL'RRAY Si GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. ,MrOfioa la Pia'a Ojera Uotua, aaooad loor. w ILIJAM A. nAGERTY, . TTO U.YEf-t T- L1 If, nhflt E ovrr T. A. Plerk Co.'a Stora, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A -Will ,i,.od to all laal bu.lna.a witb and Sdelitj. 1,'afl-tf. M i a. N'LRALLr aaaiaL w. n'otraor. EN ALLY A iloCURDY ATTORN EYS-AT-LA W, l ltartlcld. Pa. lral baalBaa. attended to promptly witbj i.iiij. umci oa HeooBd alroet, above toe riret National Rank. Jan:l:70 J P. McKKNRICR, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All legal bu.laa.teotra.tad to bla eara will re eeir. pruinpt attention. "OIIImi la tba Court Ilouee. ugU, G. Kit A HER, V!'TORSKT-AT-LA ff, Ratala and Collaetloa Agent, Cl.tAltKIL:l.l, PA., H'lll prountlT attend to all legal bualoeae oa- Jan 170. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE IPttalur Tounnliip, Oaeeola Mill. P. O. II offiaial bo.lna. antra.ted to him will bo promptly attended to. moh29, '70. rjARRY SNYDER, IX BARDER AND HAIRDRESSER. Shop oa Market ctl., oppoalto Court Hoaaa. 4 aleaa towel for every eaatomer. Aliu dealer Id lleat flranda uf Tobarro and t'irara. ClaaHl.ld Pa. maT 10. 'e THOMAS A. SCOTT. Death of the Humble Mountain Boy . a 1 ta. ana me ureat Administrator ol the Land. EVENTS IN A MATCHLESS CAREER WONDERFUL RAILWAY YsTEM DEVIHED AND PERFECTED AN 1LLU8TR1UUS WORK. From the Pbiladelpbla Tim,,. Colonel ThomuB A. Scott died at hia country rrfitlenca, iifur Darhv, nt 9.10 ( ulnek on sulurduy evunitiif. Mnv 21eU mm, irura tmiaiyeiH, in luu Data year oi bis i be primary cause ol par alysis in liiti caxe waa a lall from a lfeomotivo when. Superintendent of the ivealern Divialnn ol tba t ennsylvania ittiiriau, more man thirty yearn atro. ty wtucn no sunerea a violent concui sum ol the urnin JAMES H. TURNER, JLSTICBOI' THK PKACB, WalUcrtoii, Pa. 11 dial prp4ud bimtolf with ll th aeoMrj furini unJer tbt l'ttoaiuo ud bounty Ititfi, u ntll m blink lltadi, 110. Al legul matitri ttuimtted to hn oar will reooivo prumpl atuntiun. May Tib, 187V-tf, Q. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLIAKF1ELD, PKNN'A, JpfaT-Puupi oJwftyi od band and mad to order on ibort ootid. Ftp bored on rttaonabla Urma, All work warranted to reodar iatif action, and ilWrd if dtired. BySd:lypd Iilverc -Stable. TUB andtraigoed bfi lear to In lorn thapnb lio tbat h ii bow fully prpr to aeoonnio- all la th way of famiiibing H.mi, bnfg, iladdUa and Hainan, od th aborUit ootlo and n roaaonablo Urrai. Kealdoneo oa Loenit itrt, twiwM Third and Fourth. UEO. W. GKARHART TlarfiId, Fb. 4, 1874. THOMAS H. FORCEE PIAL IB GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRAHAMTON, Pa. AIm, xtBiiva ntnufaetaror and dalr la ftqaar iimoar ana oawaa tvamoroi an ii&m. Ordra aolletud and all bltli nronntlr Biin. i"jyi 13 8. I. 8 N Y D E R, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ABB BBA1.BB IB Watches, Clocks and Jowclry, Broiaa.'. flew, Jforael Strut, rt.EARFIEI.I, PA. All hlndi of repairing la my line promptly at. enaea to. Jan. I.,. 1S7V. Hill promptly '.ruiteil to hi. oaro. tr-OOoe la Pi.'i Opera Hoaaa. J OUN h. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tiid Real Katale Afeut Clearfield, Pa Offlr on Third itrt. bt,Chrry A Walnat. jrtr Hfpotrnlly offert bta rfiooi In lltng aod buying landa in 01arflld and adjoining eonntUi 1 and with aa aprtafloi ovr twenty 7 vi m a aorvcyor. Sat ten bimtelf that h eaa render eatlefaetloa. I Feb. lS:itS:tf. D I'liysicinns' earii. R. E. M. SCHEURER, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Offiea la reaidenea oa Fir.t ft. April 14, 1171. Clearleld, Pa. Y)H. W. A. MEANS, I'lIYSICIAN A SURGEON, DI'BOIS CITT, PA. Will attend profeMloaal oalla promptly. augl0'70 CABBOU. L. BtrPLB Clearfield Insurance Agency RoprcMDt the follow in 1 ni othor fiint-elaaa Co'a Ciirananioa. AmcU. Liverpool Londoa A Glebe tT. ft. Br..$M0I.Mj Lyoomlng nn mutual A oah plant.. ,M a.tftO.Ol Hbtrnis, f 11 in ford, Conn 2.424.0118 laeurano Co. of Norlb Atnerira 6,4S,A74 North Hrltt-h A Meroantil U. 8. BrH l,T"f.M3 8otrfih Coniniereial V. tt. B ranch. 471,146 Wfttrbwn 2rH,81a Traviitera (Lif A AMldent) 4,5wi,4fc4 OflWon Market St.(oj.p. Court IIomp, Clear- naif. ra. June i, 7-ir. F M TINWARB, IIAItnr) AKE, and J)R. T. J. IJO'iER, i-HYRICIAN ANDSUnOKON, Ollloa oa Market Street, Clearleld. Pa. 3-Otnoa hour. t I to II a. at., and I to I p. a J. KAY WRIGLKY, nOMEOPATHIO PUYSICIAM, 40fli adjolalng tba ro.idanea af Jamae "r,K'ey. r..e,., oa Second St., Clearftald, ra. )iyJi,'7 u. C. JKNKIN3, M. D., ''II VSIt'IAN AND SURGEON, eilRWXNSVILLC, PA., at re.idaaoo, aoraar of Stale and Plae ""' Jaa. Ota, USI-tf. H. B. VAN VALZAII, (I.BARKIICI.I), PENN'A. ',priCE IN RESIDENCE, CORNER OF FIRM AND UNI STKKKTH. - OBm koara-Fron li la I P. M. May II, lift. i. T. BURCHF1ELP, l" "arnoaef Ibe isd al.p.aar.1 'aieaieera, baelag rolaraod from tba Army, n.r. hi. tmfii...i .... i... .A.a..ti.. 'Cl.,,1,1. ,.,y. '""'atoaal aall. aramptly ataaaded aa. w laaaaa) .aiaot, formerly awaaaled by "Weada. laua.'ta.aj HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, and NEEDLES, ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS, and all kinds of SEWING MACHINES, OO TO O. B. MKRRELL, . Atront. CLEARFIELD, PA. June 1, '0 tf. Insurance Agency -or- WILLIAM 0. HELMBOLD, Vallon lllotk, Vurirtuirtllt, Pa. Companies Represented i Cammerelal l!ain Int. Co , Aeeot. t.0n..7nl S5 Firemen 'e Fand In.. Co., Ae.ela I.lan.oir 0,1 Tnioa In.areaee Co., A.f.ta M I 070.fl.17 90 Travolere' Aoeldent In. Co . Ah.u.. 0,110. 101 IX Northera Ina Ce.of New York A. la 4,o aa la.oraaea plaeed oa all kiad. of property at equitable ratea. i.arwa.riil., ra, rao. io, iaaiti. ruiLirsBUSs MARBLE WORKS! THI LARGEST STOCK OF Fine Ilullan Marble In IheSlnlc, Boik FINISHED ar t'NKINISIIED. Wa pat ap any work Ibat ran be doae la tba ally at maeh eheapar ratea. we will (at ap MONUMENTAL WORK, la Itallaa Marble or flranll ebeeper than II oaa be doae la any other part ol tba Slate. Any per ton buying monamealal wo'k toomnaataftTO aad apward.. will bate fare paid to and Irom Pbibpa. barg. Da aot be fnolrd with ebeop Aajerteaa maible wbea yea eaa bay lao Italiaa marble at lower prleea. OP-HEAD STONES a rpeelalty. Prodnea aad approved paper will ba takea la otbange for Cemetery weik. Alloaeb paymanu will be made ta tba faobaaooa lteokina Co., ao tboerodllef R. PliSCat. Paiupataarg, Jaa. It, lMI..ev AN EVENTFUL CAREER. i'hotnns Alexander Scutl was born in tbo vitiligo of Loudon, Franklin county, I'cnimvlvuuiia, on tho 28th ol Lieeenibcr, WIS. 'i bo linlj town w merely a leWHtrat?irinir bouaefl on botb Biues oi the lialtimoru and l'iitlurirh iiirni'iKo, iniii I ho great highway to the West, and cluto under tho shadows oi Covo Mountain. Tbo villuifo inn. sepi ny lis litiher, was almost daily niivelied ny tno trains ol Uonestoi-a en ins w i, ii n men ireighteu tho coin- merco between tho Eanl and tho West, und the younger Scott was tho utility lau oi llio riimic home lor tho wayfarer. Ilia only educational opportunities con- Mnled of tbo common school ot hia neighborhood, and tho nocessilv ol coiiKtant employment to support bira nell limited his schooling mainly to wnut he could obtain in early boy hood. Wben only ten yoais ol aire, be luu ml employment in a country sloro near Waynesboro, in bis nalivo county, und lie was :itmequontly employed in Bridgeport and Mercerahurg, near bis I'itlhpluce, until 1841, when Alojor Patton, bis brother-in-law, then Col lector ol Tolls on tbo Stnto Railroad at Columbia, promoted him to a clerk ship in tho Slato ollice. There was much complaint madu because Major I'utton had given what was then re garded as an important position to a hoy who bad not yet reached bis twentieth year, but tho young clerk oon disputed all pnjitdicus by bis kind manners, matked ability und faithful and courluoiia dischurgu of bin public uiiIiok. in IS17 Mr. A. ISoyd C'unimitigK, yet a resident of Philadel phia, who ( ulleelor on the Stale liuil road for this city, and bo called Scott to tbo chief poHition in the most Im porlant Collector' ollice in'the Stute. lie developed to broadly ao a man of keen perception and rapid and method ical execution that ho attracted the attention of Colonel Patterson, Presi iilnit of tbo Pennsylvania Railroad Company, und in 1851 ho was trans- let red to tbo railroad that ho has been mainly instrumental in making the hint railway corporation ol tho world and that has mado his name immortal among tho men of greatest achieve. menu in the material progress of tbo country, llis hist railroad assignment was the charge ot the J'ortugo Kail road on the Alleghenios, that had to be uecd by the Pennsylvania Company until its line could bo completed and the use ot inclined planes and station ary engines dispouncd with. Subse quently ho was givon the charge of the construction ol the Westorn Division, and on its completion ho was mado .Superintendent of the Division, with his oilieo at Pittsburgh. In 1858 ho was promoted to General Superintend out of the entire road, with his ollice at Altonna, and in 1KU0, when Ibe ollice of Vice President ol the company hot nmo vacant by thodealb ot William II. Foster, ho was unanimously chosen as Vico President, and ho thus became tho second executive olllccr ol the cor- poralion. Jn lMtil, although his serv ices were greatly ncoded by tho rail, road, bo was prevailed upon by Presi dent Lincoln and Secretary Cuinuron to accept tho position of Assistant Secretary of War, and it was bis won derful administrative qualities which nabled tbo transportation department of the Government to bo systematized. in iMz, as soon as bo could bo spared. bo rosignnl tho ollice ot Assistant Sec retary ol War; but that did not relieve him Irom repeated impressment into tho service of the- Government to aid in handling our vast armies. Wbon a gravo emergency aroao and largo nod teo oi troops bad to be trunslerred witu the utmost caution and celerity the man to whom tho President and Secretary of War turned was Thomas Soot I. Alter tho disastrous battle ot Clm knman:;a he was dispatched to Liouisviiio 10 Herniate the transfer ol the Eleventh and Twelfth Army Coma via iiusnviiiu to ineruiiuioi itusccraui at Chattanooga, and tbo country re- joiced, alter the most painlul appre hensions and suspense, when the uews was Hashed throughout the land that he Army of the Tenncsrce was rein- lorccd and sale. Concluding his labors as Assistant necrclary or ar, Colonel Scott ro'.urnod to the active sorvice ol the great, railroad corporation. Tbo ucorus ol the company, which Irom time to time honored bitn with such sig. nal trusts, show ono steady .continuous advancement in position and power until he bocame its President on June I, 18T4. COLONEL SCOTT'S GREAT WORK. Born just about the time when the far-seeing sagacity of DoWitt Clinton had perltclvd in the Slate ol New I ork the canal system, which extended from tbo great lakes to the ocean, and thus secured for that Commonwealth the control of tbo through commerce of the country, it was reserved to 1 bomns A. Soolt to conoeivo and build p a far mightier system, whoso main termini were the ocean on one hand the Mississippi, the Ohio and the lakes on the othor, and whoso incidental ei tensions aloi.e were such as to have Inlly occupied tho brain ol almost anv timer man, emuracing, as tney aid, an extensive nolwork of railways through ii ins ooutnern ninlea on creat rtink lino to the Pacific Ocean. It is only when we reflect upon the magni- moo oi tne work that be accomplished that we ran realise the unity of pur- poso winch lor twonty years iiast guided his action and which concen trated ovory fibre of musclo and brain tin such intense vitality upon the object In view that, burtiinjr lile't can. die at both ends, he fell In tho primoof Ol. 1 -.. . . J ii,v anu alter a uriei airoggie nao uow nnappiiy passed away. ' EARLY RAILROAD WORK. We have grown ao accustomed in hese days to the projection and com- etion oi giganlio enterprises that wa (ail to realise the grandeur of tba ood- ceptiou which gave birth ovor thirty yearn ego to tue ronnsyivania liuil road, or the horoio luith and determi nation which inspired and dominated those connected with it. Besides the Erie Canal and Erie Railway on the north, tne commercial position ot Phil adelphia was most soriously threatened by the Baltimore and Ohio upon the south, and tbo danger was imminent, should the completion of the road be ueiayoa to rilisuurgh, that tbo West ern railways, then about to be con structed, would form unfriondly alli ances and divort tbeir truffle to its competitors. As quaintly staled in 1819 by Colonel Patterson, then Pres. idetit ol tbo road: "The Western trado attracted to Philadelphia wben tho puck-borse of tho primitive trans porter trod the route now chosen for llio Pennsylvania Railroad, a well bv the commanding advantages ot bur geographical position as oy tbo un sullied reputation ot her mea'bants lor probity and good faith, had been to mime extent withdrawn from her by tne protuse liberality witb which her Northern and Southern sisters had taxed their capital and credit tosur mount, by artificial means, the barriora with which nnuro bad environed them." It was absolutely necessary (ibe road having been built us tar aa Altoona) ibat a supremo effort should lie made to raise the lunds nouirtd to uvom tue rortage, wun Its Inclined planes, between llollidayaburg and Johnstown, and make prompt connec tion at rilisuurgh witb tbeubio river, tne great channel tor Western trade. Urgent appeals were mado to the city and the citirens of Philadelphia for auumunai sticsenpiions, and the noccs- ary amount having been thusobtatnoJ iu complete tue vt estcrn Division to a connection with tho Portage Road on Iho lUib of December. 1852. tbe work on tbe mountain division was steadily pressed forward, so that on tbo 15th of February, 1854, tbo planes were nspenscd with and trains ran through ii fifteen hours liom tbe Delaware to the Ohio. This result, attainod tbrnuitb oiirlil yoara of incessant labor, was but the rst victory in tho struggle for com petitive trullio. In the very first ro- tirt to the shareholders tbo question of extensions beyond Pittsburgh was fully discussed, and at each annual meeting thereafter the company In dorsed tho policy of aiding its Western connections and thereby establishing intimate relations witb thorn as feeders ol the main line. It was in this school nd with a firm faith in its toachinirs that Mr. Scott grew up, and no sooner had be become one of its executive olbcers than his influence was strenu ously exerted toward building up a iruita uno, wnose roots should draw hie and vigor from tho commercial centres ol the W est, anil whoso vip-or ous and healthy growth Bbould bring uver-iriereasing prosperity to tbo city so nooiy identified with its early devel opment. ADVANTAGES TO PQ1LAPEPIIIA. The history of tbe company faith fully reflects our national progress for thirty years past, and in watching its steauy growtn until tbegrosa revenue of acant $350,000, ot tho main line in 185U bad grown in ten years to nearly ti,ui)u,llli(, in twenty years to over ii.uiiu.uiiu, and In thirty years to SL'b.OOO.OllO, while the tonnage ol 1 oaw.uwu ions oi istiU bail grown to over io,uuu,uuu tons in 1880, we can appreciate tbe labors and resoonsibili ties that have accumulated upon its executive outcors and tne gravity of the questions with which ibcy have bad to grapple. The cardinal article ot tbeir tuuh has been to demand and preserve lor Philadelphia the advant age of her goographical position and insist upon an allowance in her favor by reason of her shorter distance to tho seaboard, as against Now Yoik and lioston. Thrice has this bailie boen lougbt, in 185S). 18U7 and 1876 and each time have bor competitor boon compelled to acknowledge tbe justice of her position and retire from the contest. 1 his has secured to our city the full fruits of the policy which Irom the earliest days of the road has stimulated tho construction of tributa ry railways, and which the stock hold. era havo approved from time to time, until the iron fingers of hor outstretch ed band reached Erio, Ashtabula, Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago on tbe Lakes, St. Louis on the Mississippi and Louisville, Cincinnati and Wheeling on the Ohio rivor. Tbo samo broad policy has secured additional termini on tbe seaboard and divided tho traf fic ot Bultimoro and Now York with the linoa'local to those cities, so that to-day thoro is no railroad in tho world1 which drains so largo a territory and eonitois in one ownership such an extensive system ol roods. It is to Mr. Seott more than to any other one man mat tno splendid conception is duo out of which has grown this impe rial domain, whose gloss revenues last year wore thirty -six millions ot dollars and tho net profit from which, alter mooting all expenses and charges, was over three millions uf dollars; and it was bis task to mould thoso Wostern lines into one harmonious whole nod mako them not only solfsupporting.bul a source of financial strength to tbe parent company. As early as 1852 the stockholders had authorised subscriptions in aid of ins i ennsjivania and the Ulno and Indiana Roads.allorwards consolidated into the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and i nicago llailway, the Sptingfield and Mt. Vornon and Marietta and Cincin nati Roads, with the view of securing connections with Chicago and Cincin nati. In 1854 they authorised the in dnrsemont nf tho bonds of tbo Sluben- villo and Indiana Railroad, in order to socuro the completion of the most direct lino to Cincinnati, Indinnsnol and St. Louis. In 1858, to secure the completion of the l'orl Wavna Road to Chicago, tbey loanod that line tbo iron rails taken from the Portace Road. so thalon the 25th of Peremberof that year it was open to traffic for its entire length. In 18G4 the Sloubonville and Indiana Road was completed through to Columbus, and the profit realized npon the investment made on tbe Fort Wayne Road was inveslod in the Pittsburgh and Steuhenville Road and the llollidayeCovo Road into the Pitts burgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Rail way, and the following Tear, in ordor to prevent the fcne Railway from so curing tbe control of tho Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central Railway lines to Chicago and Indianapolis, a lease was perlecled of that system to the Pan Handle Road, under the uuar- antee of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company. SECTRtejO Till WESTERN TRAFFIC This lease practically reversed the policy heretofore pursued by tbe com pany, which had been to reach th tralHcof the Northwest and Southwest by assisting the construction of tribu tary line leading to th markets of tnoa awcuooa, but not to oonlru! their management beyond the State of Putin. sylvania. It was tbe first of a step in a new departure, and Inaugurated a noiuur und more aggressive campaign. The growing tralliu nf tbo West hud become too rich a prize to be allowed to pass into rival hands, and Mr. Seott was quick to discern tho favorable tnno lor aotion and secure the prise in a I canto of all competitors. The lease of tbe (J.C. and i. 0. line wa quickly I L .1 .1 . .. ... luooweu oy mai oi me ijittie oiiamt, tho Fort Way no and Chicago, tbe crieand fillsburgh.and Cleveland and Pittsburgh; and it I an incontestable proot ot the sound judgment which guided this course tbut the latter three leases have yielded a million of dollars prout annually to tho Pennsv vania Company, and that tho bonds of that- oonrpuny, bearing but lour and a-half per cunt. Interest and bav nir these leuses as their main security, ure now selling in the market above par. Tbe lease ot tbe Jttferaonville, Madison and Indianapolis Road in 1873 perfect ed '.he connection to Louisville and so- cured the control of the bridge at that point, tue ono al Cincinnati being also iinuer tue control ol the 1'ennsylvnma Road. The construction of tbe Van dulia Line gave to thut system the 0,'Bi line to St. l.ouis while a bull ownership in the Indianapolis and St. Louis Road and its control of the Alton and Terra liaute gavo it an equal voice in the direction ot the rival roulo. In addition to this ex tensive tietwoik of railways, the In dianapolis and Vincenncs, Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley, Grand Rapids and Indiana, Cincinnati, Richmond and Fort Wayne, Ashtabula and Pitts burgh, and Northwestern Ohio, are also under tbe special supervision, has an amount of labor and responsibility resting upon it K liicli practically knows neither rost nor limit. In 1871 Mr. Scott, as tbe President of ibe Pennsyl vania Company, and also as the Presi dent of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and at. Jjoun Hallway Company, assumod the direct executive management ol Iheao lines and from that tuno until his retirement in 1880 be was tbe nib ing spirit in tbeir counsels, llis re ports give a clear and graphic account oi me gradual steps by which they were moulded into compact and pow erlul organisations, wiih properties in admirable condition both as to the ellicieney and earning power. THE PERFECTED WORK. Tho struggling roads, with Impcr feet truck and equipment, havo been replaced by sttel-iuiled, stone ballasted highways, with abundant power and roiling stock, until they begin to chal lenge the main line to a Ineiidly con test for the front innk and move their traffic at rales thut justify Ihis seem ing presumption. When it is remem burud tbut two jealous an antagonistic systems had to ho harmonized and justly dealt with to secure the result, and Ibat, in addition to securing fuvor uoio returns to tue ronnsyivania Kail road, tbo locninlurusts and prejudices of the members of the Pennsylvania nauroau, me local interests and preju dices of the members of tbe Western family had to bo consulted and rec ognized, it can be easily understood how much sagacity, tact and firmness had to be exercised to accomplish the end desired. And perhaps no mora appropriate place man this could be lound to bear testimony to tho ing gentleness and courtesy which dis tinguished iir. Scott, both persona v and ofliciully, under tbe most trying circumstances, rrovocaiion mat would have justified harsh retort or even harsher action was met by such won derlul self-command and kindly speech inui anger melted away and tho tempo rary opponent often bocame oue of tho truest and warmest Iricnds. While none could be more keen or watchful n protecting tbo interests of tho com puny, ho was always perfectly square ana aoovo uoard in bis dealings with others, and whore the comlort ol another eould bo promoted by a sacri no oi oi own personal convenience, ne Dover no ji luted lor a moment. Many who read this will recall kind nessus which noneover knjw but them and himself, which were as delicato in bestowal as they wero opportune in ro copt ; and to tbe lislof public charities wnu wmca ois nntne is so intimately connected could bo added many thou sands ol privato one that came with out prompting from a generous heart. rvuiie tuts may seem to bo almost out of place in the recital of his rail way career no one can overestimate the effect ot such a temperament in dealing wilb tbo thousands of people witu wuom ne was necessarily brought into contact. In small as well as large negotiations ne added the charm ol gonial manner to tho fur Boeing sagaci ty, rips judgment and practical knowl edge which made him tbe loremosl railway man ol bis day, and especially at trunk line meetings, where the problems to be solved wero ofion per pluxing and the Interests to be concili ated hostile. Ho was ollcn able, by dear and dispassionalo statement and impartial uggestion, to bring about a friendly settlement, fair and just to all parties. DISPLAY OF BUSINESS SKILL. When he became Protident of the road, June 3d, 1874, filling the vacancy caused by tbe death of his la mnnlcl predecossor, Mr. J. Edgar Thomson, ono of his first efforts was to secure an agreement among tho trunk lines lor the preservation ot uniform rales. so thai all shippers would be placed on an equality and the roads receive a lair remuneration lor tho work done. Thoso efforts eventuated in tbe forma tion of the East and West bound pools, under which tbo competitive truflio is divided bolwecn the roads in propor tion to tbeir ability to secure it and carried at the lowest rates known in tba history of railways. This was followed by the establishment of a Board ol Arbitration for tho settle ment of any disputes that might arise. and under the influence of these meas ures the railway securities of the country instead of being th foot-ball of speculators, have again become a legitimate and secure investment His Intimato Inmiltarity with the busi ness ot the Western line had early convinced him of the necessity for preventing tne recaioss competition and foolish strife tbat so often prevail ed in tbo past, and it was mainly through hia efforts that th long-continued differences between tho Penn sylvania Road and the Baltimore and Ohio were adjusted and harmonious relation ra-eslablisbed between them. A I way on th aleitto meet com pe tition and oecure the beat result for hi road, he was foremost in securing th establishment of the tat Ireiglil linos, which were essential to retain its share of tho through I raffle, threatened by the inauguration of that system by the northern line ; and when through lb leases of the Westorn roads the Pennsylvania Railroad controlled with- in herselt lb machinery to secure this business b wa aa prompt to absorb the Union and Empire Linos and ob tain for the parent company any profit thut might result from their operation. W hen the growing commerce of Phila delphia necessitated the establishment of steamship lines they received his hearty encourugomont ami support ; and, in tact, every measure which sorved to increase tho usof'tilness of the road and benefit Philadelphia bad in nun a arm and unwavering Iriond, Nor were his efforts con fined to the development of the Westorn system Not even second to that was his con vlction that tho local resourcos of Pennsylvania deserved the fullest en couragement, and every branch road mat promised a reasonable return upon tne investment enlisted bis active sup port. I bo Pittsburgh, Virginia and Chalestown, Southwest Pennsylvania, Hedlord and llriuVonort. Sunburv and Lewistown and a score of others owo much to bis generous and hearty co operation. Ho was keenly alivo, also to tho requirements of our great line in tho matter ol terminal facilities otid perfecting communications, and tlx Connecting Railway, junction Ruil road, River Front Railway, Delaware Extension, Elevated Road and other such projects were promoted by his sounu juugaient. FINANCIAL FORESIOUT. Tho lessons of 1873 and 1877 wore not lost upon him and after careful examination of tbe whole ground and a review of the obligations resting upon tne company, bo matured and bad approved by the stockholders tho trust lund which is now luirly under way and under tho provisions of which the liabilities of tbo road in tho shape of guarantees and indorsements will be surely and effectually provided for out of its surplus revenues. Having provided this grand sinking fund for the future, having seen the properly of thecompany put in superb pnysical condition, its n nances thor oughly established und Us stock paying regular and amplo dividends, Mr. seott could not have chosen a more titling time than ho did to retire from its services. And yet wo can realize, in the manly and touching language of his letter of resignation, the keen re grot with which he severed relations that had extended through nearly two thirds of his life and which hud as sociated with them the most gratify ing recollections of failhlul support and adherunco to tbo interests of the com pany on tbe part nf thoso in every de partment of tho service. And yet in this hasty resume of his railway career wo have omitted more than enough to bavo made tho tamo ot any ordinary man. In addition to tbo tremendous lubors connected with tho lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad he twice gave himself to tho service of bis country during the civil war, once opening the mad to the National Capitul when it was in sore peril and again transport ing two army corps to 1 he relief of the beleaguered garrison of Chattanooga and snatching from the enemy an al most certain victory, which would havo boen of fatal import to the cause of the Union. Again, when the Union Pacific Rail way was in sore financial trouble he tamo toita rescue, became its chief ex ecutive lor a yoar and restoVed it to its shareholders in admirable condition, and witb its securities greatly enhanced in value. Iloro wero ovor one thousand miles of rond added to his other cares, and yet tbe burden was assumed without doubt or shrinking. Again, when the Southorn Railway Security Company was formed to reconstruct tba Southern railways and put them on a sound fooling, be was tho ruling spirit in that enterprise and gave bis money and brains to tbo seemingly hopeless task, at tho expenso of mid night journeys and bard work wben ho should bavo had porfecled rest ; and now other men profit by bis labors. But next to the Pennsylvania Rail road his name isindissnlubly connected with the great Southern road across tho Continent, tho Texas and Pacific Railway, whose construction bo urged and whoso battles be fought with un wavering faitb and unremitting ardor lor nine years past. Succeeding the Into Marshall O. Roberts as its Presi dent in 1872, bo was quick to sco the national importance ot tho roulo and thofavorablegcngruphical and climatic advantages which it possessed, and al most devoted his Ufa and fortune to its successful completion. When in the full tide ol success the panic ot 187.1 gave an almost mortal blow to all uncom pleted enterprises and prevented tbe negotiation of American railway bonds abroad, be did not hcsitato to risk his personal fortuno in the undertaking, and became Us indorser to an amount that was only warranted by tho sound est faith in the future. Wbon Con gress waa called upon to aid the work by having the United States guarantee the interest on tho amount of bonds absolutely necessary to build it at the then minimum rates for material and labor, bo spent week after week at Washington during ouch session, pro scnling its advantages as a competing route and urging the Government not to let tho golden opportunity pass to secure a Transcontinental line in tho interest of the people and against the existing monopoly. Time nas snown tno wisdom ol the course ho then urged, and it is not bis fault that the entire through commerce be tween tho two oceans is now controlled by private capital and in a privato in terest. Time has also proved the sa gacity with which bo weighed the value ot this national highway, and tbo securities which could not be sold seven years ago aro now above par in me market. DURING THE RIOTS. Never, perhaps, did Mr. Scott appear to belter advantago than during the riots of 1877, and novcr was there moro need ol tbo personal and moral courage which animated his whole na ture. With tbo depot and miles of car and engines in names at Pitts burgh; with the rioters in force at evory prominent point betwoen New York and Baltimore on the cast and Chicago and St. Louis on tho west ; with tho ordinary police forco para lyzed, the Stnto militia inadequate, and the national government avers to in terfering until the local communities bad demonstrated their inability to suppress disorder; witb prossuro upon all sides to yit ld to tbo demands of the strikers, Mr. Seott, with bis head quarters at the West Philadelphia do pot, waa th central figure control ing the situation of over fivo thousand miles of road, and determined to yield noth ing and discuss nothing until the law. lea element had boon put down and the mon had returned to duty. Night anifday for ovor a week he issued his telegraphic orders look ing to the safety of tbo lines and tba property upon them, tbe movemont of tbe troops and lb forwarding- nl supplies, and tho books ol telegrams that passed to and fro show th tremendous strain im. posed upon biin by tbo extraordinary occurrences ol that period. Mr. Scott's peculiar strength in all emergencies lay in the rapidity wiih which bo reached a conclusion. Hardly would a case bo staled but bis reply was ready, and so aecutato was his judgment and intuitive his perception thai bo rarely erred. Work thus bo- catno easy to him and problems that Iierplcxed others wore as playthings to lis trained powers, lie thus transacted an almost incredible amount ol busi ness wilb pel feet case, and wben worn out be bad the rare (acuity of drop ping asleep instantly and snatching the needed rost with the minimum loss of lime. Uis enjoyment ol social and home pleasures was wonderfully koen, and allur leaving tho office or return ing from a long journey be would be among the loremosl to take part in pleasant recreation. This, no doubt, tempted him to draw still more heavily on bis wonderlul physique and to at- tempt fresh lubors when truo wisdom would bavo enjoinod perfect rest. Hut human strength has limits. Men cannot work bight and duy, oven though mado of sieol, and uller noarly thirty year ot unremitting toil the stiong man gave way and death has now given linn an eternal rest, few dio over whom such honest tears will bo shed as will moisten bis grave, and fewer still leave such a grand record to those wboremuin buhiud him. Not only will he bo remembered lor great achievements as a railway ( bid, but when these have been loi gotten ibo memory ot bis unfailing benevolence, generous friendship and keen sympa thy will bo fresh und green above the laurels that time may liuvo laded. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS. Vast as bnve been Colonel Scott's labors in conceiving, prosecuting and perfecting Ibo grandest railway sys loin of tho continent, aguinst powerltil rivals which had greatly tho start of him in the race, his pre-eminent quali ties wero not limited to railroads and speculation. Commodore Vundcrhilt is remembered as one who built up a colossal tbrluno by a railway combina tion that waa tho greatest ot its tune, but he was unfell outside of Iho circles which creuto nothing and profit only by tho creation of others. Ho died u n regret ted, and tho Vundcrhilt ol to day and his grout railway associate, Jay Gould, will pass away from their millions without heartfelt. Borrow to m ike tbeir memories sacred. But Col. Scott was one of the mist magnetic of men, and be possessed a oil do of do voted friends, bound to him by tho most sincere personal aftection, in every section of Ibe country, lie was respected by his great associates be- causo he was the more than peer of the greatest, but be was bo loved by tho mulliludo that had lieo access to him oven in tho midst ot the most ex acting duties. Ho lovod to promote everything tbat made mon bettor and happier, lie ever sought tho sunny side ol lilo, even when tbe gravest tribulations confronted him, and it was ono of bis chief pleasures to diffuse happiness among all about him. He was boundless in his benevolence and as ostentatious in bis generous deeds as he was liberal in tempering tbe mi.lortunos and Borrows cl other. Until bis great powers broke, when thoy could no longer bend under tho severe strain put upon them, he could dismiss his cares when labors ceased, and be was then tho life of the circle of friendship. He was penile as the child in bis intercourse with bis friends, and hn was ono of tho few men to bo found who are too gteat for mean re senlmonls. Desperuto as bavo been many of his struggles with grasping rivals and with the narrow prejudices whicb protested against what they now point to with unmixed pride, bis lil'd is unmarked by vinilii tivoncss. Even when his foes were helpless, bis magnanimity either proffered tho otll cos ol triondship or tbe charily of for geltulness. Tbe unwritten chsplors ol bis aid ip tho promotion of public men, ol bis beroic protection ol them wben Iloicoly assailed, and ot their in. gratitude wben ambition crossed the path ot personal integrity, would star llo the worl I. llis broad manhood respected and strengthened tho man hood of all associated with him and nono more freely forgave when mon wero faithless. Ever sinco ho became possessed of a competence no duy pass ed without witnossing his benefactions and often to tho humblost and feeblest of bis fellow-men; and much as is known ol his greater munificenco to prominent institutions of the country, tho world knows little of the extent of his assistant e to the struggling, llo did good because ho loved to do good, and there will be hundreds of sorrow ing hearts to-day, lumonling tho inex orable summons that has called him Irom the living, of which tbo world will have qe knowledge They will mourn in the same privacy tbst his generous deeds ever sought, and his memory will bo green in bumble homes wben the world of fashion, of specula tion at.d of pretension shall have fur gotten that Thomas A. Scott lived. A LEADER OF LEAPERS. Colonel Scott was emphatically a leader of lenders among men. Ho as pired to no fume as tho commander ol party or faction, and ho sought no dis tinction as tho moulder ol publio opin ion or tbe director of others. His wise counsels wore oftoj sought by the uignesi oi tno land, and Ireely and un ostentatiously givon. Although once seriously canvassed as a Presidential candidate at Cincinnati iirl872, wben the chaotic Liberal Republicans met to declare their independence, he was unadvisod and Inditleront about the contosl. W lib bis uncommon powers of conception and execution, ho would have guided an adminisiralion with consummate bkiii or wielded armies with matchless strategy and ewurago, but his ambition waa in his chosen calling and he never marred bis great ness by the aspirations whicb seek selfish advancement. Jlii services to the country during tbe war can now nevor be justly measured by tho his torian of that gigantic conflict, and it will nover be told how much of the lame of olhors is duo to bis counsels and aid. He was swift and heioio In all hi effort to oustain tho Republic during the war, and when pence came he waa not only among the first but also among tbe moat persistent and generous in seeking to aid lb desola ted South to retrieve her broken for tune and to bring her peopl back into fraternal relations. In our own Stat there baa not boen a groat move ment during tbe lust twenty years that has not been more or loss the ere ation of bis counsels and means, llo did more than any othor one man In liberalizing the whole policy ol the Commonwealth, and th remarkable progress made in tbe development of our wealth i lorgoly due to bis pro gressive conceptions and efforts, Nor did h limit hi labor to liberalising tba policy of th Slat in regard to in dustry and trade. Hoover pressed tho most liberal education ana the most generous Immunities. Our grout bos. pilals for the care of tho unfortunate ; our schools for the care of the orphans of our soldiers; our institutions ol learning; our churches; our Park ; ourl Centennial ; our streets ; our bridges everything, in short, that mado a free people greater and bcltui commanded the activo and aggressivo support of Colonel Scott. UIS FAMILY. Colonel Scott was first married in tho Fall of 1818 to Miss Mullisou. daughtor ol Mr. Reuben Mttllison, ol Columbia, Pennsylvania. Sho died some fivo years thereafter, and now sleeps in tbo churchyard of bcr early nomo on tne banks ol tbe Susque- uannu. iwo children survived ber, both of whom are vot living and well known in this city. Tho son Jumos bus for some years boen tbo active as sistant of hia father, especially in tbe direction of tho Texas Pacific, and the daughter is the wilo ot Mr. Rick ley, once prominent in Pbiladclhia bunk ing circles. In 1805 Colonol Scott murried Miss Anna D. Riddle, daugh ter ot a leading citizen and journalist oi ritisourgii, wuo survives him with a son and daughtor yet in childhood. An older brother, Mr. James I. Scott, is yet an activo and successful mer chant in Chamhersburg, tbo native county of tho Scotts, and two of his sisters murried well known gentlemen of this city Major Patton and Colo nel Stewart, but tbo wifd .of tba for mer preceded him to the City of the Silent. COLONEL KdcCLTJ R EON THOMAS A. SUOTT. Thomas Alexander Scott is dead. Horn in obscurity hard by tho shad ows of the North Mountain, a stranger lo lortuitous circumstances, and with no resources but bis own natural abili ties, bo bus curved bis way to tbe highest distinction among men. Thir ty yenrs ago he camo to Philadelphia as a clerk in the Collector s office ol tho Slato Railroad, and from thence may bo dated his activo participation in our system ol public improvement, llis keen business perceptions, bis tiro less energy and bis Adultly to every publio and private trust, speedily at tracted tbo attention of those who wero then struggling lo create great arteries of trade through our valleys and over our mountains. Col. Patter son, then President of the Pennsylva nia Railroad, sought the aid of Colonel Scott und transferred him to tho charge oi too construction ot oue ol the W est cm divisions of tbe line, llo speedily advanced nimseii, solely on bis merits. to Division Superintendent, thence lo General Superintendent, and thence to the Vice-Presidency vacated bv tho death ot William li. Foster in 1800. Ho thus completed tbe cirdo of rail way advancement from tbe construc tion train to the second executivo office of tbo corporation in less than a do- cade, and he never gained a promotion mat aid not seek bim because of bis pro-eminont fitness for tho position many outers navo climbed to power ano wcaiin in modern corporations by the fortuno ol potential friends, but ho novcr wore an bonor tbat was not freely conferred as publio necossity. Colonel Scotia immediate connec tion with tbe executive control of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, dated its great ueveiopement. it was then but a single track lino from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, had little or no pretensions beyond its local traffic, and tbo great railway system that now bos the Penn sylvania corporation as its parent, was undreamed of even by Ihe most san guine progrossivista ol tbat day. But vutr came and tho Intent powors of the Nation were called out to test Iheir magnitude, and our trunk rail way becumo one of the momentous factors ot tbe Republic's now depart uro. It was tbon that Colonel Scott roso above all others around bim in grasping and executing the startling advancement demanded by the Na lion's needs. The writor hereof ha seen him in tbe council of war, in the dark days of rebellion, when veteran soldiers hesitated to command; and while great military and civil leaders gravely counseled, he was the most undaunted ot all. llo moved vast bodies of troopi with tho utmost celer ity as plans woro matured, by tbo clicks of bis little battery, without schedule and without accident, and thus days and nights in succession were given to duly wiih a cbeorftilncse that seemed lo mock tbe want of rest. Nor was he permitted to relax his la bor oiler tbe war had been accepted uy me nation and us armies organ ir.ed. While others filled the positions of bonor, it was Colonol Scott, as As sistant Secretary of War, who brought order out oi chaos In the direction and handling of our soldiers. From Fort ress Monroe to Shtloh, his administra tive power was felt, and he relinquish ed his position alter having pcrlected the military system of transporting troops, only because the direction of his railway corporation iniporatively demanded his services. How he per lectt d Ibe groat railway system that is no' pride of the Nation and tho admiration ol the world, io too familiar to all to rcninro repetition. It was Colonel Scott whose ability conceived and whose courage executed the policy that made the Pennsylvania Railroad Iho greatest corporation of tbe New W orld. He pcrlected Us trunk line to lap tho Lakos of the Nortbwoat, to cross the Fathor of Waters and com pete for tho trade of the new-born States, and to reach the heart ol the! cotton belt and the commercial empo rium of tho Southwest, and countless tiibutarios followed to develop the weaun oi me neid, tne lorcst and Ihe mine and gather their riches for tho metropolis of his State. I'nhko his contemporaries ol to-day, who aro magnate In railway circles, he created and perfected the greatest railway system under any direction in tbe world, while they have had prodoccs sors nf another generation who laid broad foundations for other to build triotio. He wa conservative in coun sel, conciliatory in evory confliot, but Napoleonio in action, and his ofton controlling direction of tba great po litical movements of the last score of years, will nevor be fully written or appreciated. He studied nono ol lb an of the politician which look to mere party success, but In all bis po litical alms be cherished the single ness of purpose that sought tbo endur ing elevation of free government and the quickening of legitimate progress. Uis mind seemed to be boundless in it capacity for varied dul'es, and evory publio enterprise, looking to the ad vancement of the oity, Slato or Nation, enlisted hi warmest sympathies and commanded his generous enorgitsj. Everything that promoted the well being of society, church or Slato, made no vain appeals to bis effort or hi means. The Centennial, tho Park. education, benevolence, and all th throng of exaction which singe upon the able and willing, found him ever ready to respond ; and ho planted and nourished and ripened about him wherever he waa known a degree of personal affection that tbe grave can not chill or time clfuce. He was not a stranger to tbe mutation of fortune, and only a few years before his crown ing triumph as President of tbe Penn sylvania Railroad Company, in direct ing it safely through protracted revul sion, temporary misfortune made him foci tho common ingratitude of men tbat even tbe lowliest had never known Irom him : but what feeble and faith less friends tben cast upon bim, bis vast resourcos and sleepless energy transformed into multiplied wealth. But wilb all his vast superiority over tbe great mass of men ; wilb bis colossal attainments in his profession, -spanning a continent In thoir reach and quickening the sinews of industry and trade from Ibe Eastern to tho Western sea ; witb administrative power single to himself in the first nation of tho earth, and wiih fortune lavishing her richest offerings as the reward of hia wisely directed energies with all these, ho was but mortal, and dust to dustbis heritage. Exactingcarcs which were too great for even bis wonderful physical powers, and too severe for a mental organization that waa uncom mon alike in grandeur and strength, halted him wben he should have been in the enjoyment of bis fullest vigor; and boemergod from bis great businoss trials, accoptcd rather for the protec tion of othors than for himself, with his work nobly consummated and his life the prico of bis success, ll can be justly said of bim that he leave none lo till tbo vast vacancy hi departure makes among the great of the land, but tho love hi noblo attributes crea ted will koep bis masnory groen when the namos and achievements of selfish tame shall have perished. EDUCATIONAL. BY M. U McQUOWN. School Boards mtisl setllo their ac counts on the first Monday of Jnqe or within ten day thereafter. Edgar L. McCloskey, one of Karl baus township's teacher's, has just completed a commercial course at williamsport, Pa. A. M. Buzard, who taught the Mir ier school, during tbe past Winter, is tonching a Summer term of school at Sinking Valley, Blair county, Pa. A Literary Soeiuty-is held at Pino Grovo in Lawrence township on Fri day evening of each week, under tho auspices of the Normal School at tbat place. Rov. Wm. II. Dill, of Clearfield, Pa., delivered a acbolarjy and instructiv locture before the Lumber City Nor mal school on Thursday evening last. The Presbyterian church was crowded, and Rov. Dill received tbe moat favor able criticism for tbo excellence of hi lecture. If School Boanls will notify ns of the placo the- desire their examina tions of teachers held, we will arrange our programme to conlotm with thoir wishes. We think it bost to change the place of holding examinations oc casionally, in order to reach all the people through this agency. Tho teachers of tho Lumber City Normal school expelled several pupils recently for immoral conduct, and have served notice on othors, defining tbeir position lo ail matter looking lo tbe moral of tbo school. Tho teachers have shown tbat thoy aro working for tbo publio good as well as for tbe tui tion, and should bo supported by all good citizens. We buve recoived the programme of tho ninth annual contest betwoen tho rinnklin and Pbilomathean Liter ary Societies of tbe Normal School at Ada, llbio. w e notico tho name of 8. P. Fisher, of Kurthaus townsphip, this county in connection with th debate. Mr. risber has the affirmative of the question, "Aro National Banks bene ficial r Petor i a logical rcasoner and a fluent speaker, and no doubt will get awny with Mr. Piler, his opponent. Newly elected school directors must be sworn in and the new board organ ized within ten days after June 1st, Ilunlingtlim Sewn. Tbo editor of the AVici evidently is not tbo owner of a copy of tbe Penn sylvania School Laws, or he wouldn't commit the error of staling "that School Directors must be sworn in." No oath is required of such official; and on tho first Monday or within ton day tberuallor, instead ot the 1st of Juno as stated above. ROLL Vt UOSOH. The following names have been sent lo us from Gulicb township: Oak Grove School, A. J. Fry teacher Claro Allcman and Carrio Fry at tended evory day ot tbo six month term. Ramoy School, A, L. Scoficld teach- er Vtuoie Chaplin and Wade White aide attended every day of th six months term. upon. To record the achievements of Col. Scott merely ss the master railway mind nf the continent would but im perfectly sum up the qualities of his groatness. He was the first adminis. trator of bis age in this or any other country, and no one man or his goner ation who was active in any of the ex ceptionally grand events of bis time, al home or abroad, bad so stamped his migiuy impress upon the policy of government ana people lie was tbe trusted counselor of evory President Irom Lincoln to Hayes, and there has not been a sore trial of a National ad ministration during that period in which be has not been a summoned adviser. Especially during the con vulsive epoch ot Internecine war did he shed lustra upon the statesmanship of the threatened Republic, and be was as unostentatious and nnexacling a h was wise, comprehensive and pa sciooi si'PKHiSTHsnExrr ksuvckd TO AN AHaL'HOITT. The educational column of the ang ina KciiuliUcan, edited by Deputy Stale Superintendent Smith, publishes th following samples ol loiter recoived from Township Superintendents of schools in Michigan. That Slate, It must be remembared, abolished th County Suporintendency a low yoar ago, and adopted Township Superin tendency a a substitute. Tho billowing are verbatim copiea of two lottors recoivod by the Superin tendent of Publio Instruction from Township Superintendents of schools. Tbey are specimens of many sucb that come lo baqd : Aprils the lllksa. D. Ilil SgperlatoadaBl ol Hub II. raMraetlene air ullli ImaoMibel for Me la Sad aaeer la Iba queecbaaa oe.t for epriog la.pefc.faaa I rite yea lee Ibo earn I am aot ejselllryd la aaaar tbo aueeohune aod Iheir la Be I thai I oaa gel la s..iat Ma laa taoe Ktemiaa.bua awaly ae laa are pade al A eerry hib roll aad le.yre la ael a Maaa la tewea ha la onay better aualliryd taaa I am II I da ..I . mlaelpk tbelr will be ae I la ibaCla. ba wil boo aatiiled ta aaaylklagg Biker Ibaa A Hka.d graid elrtifkat tkia spring aad I wants hat too aaaara aew tbar I aaa la! wkea they are'.an.ard nu I downl wenla deeeeay aaf weigh Maaeee Ibil year ar eaay etber lyme if I eea faeia ieaa fat aloag with llthmetlsk aad Ueog aad iib Rook keepiag ibo reel I da not saderetaa Youere witb reepeofct ' aap'l Beaaola. To the laperlateacleal Aprils (laa IS0I 1'ublie lo.traetlea Laaalng Mlehigaa Dear Sir 1 hara Ibl. baa feled eat Ihe Ut.ab. of aaaual atail.tleal Report all aaeetloaa tbat I Cold gel of my Record aad of Ibe Reaerd I Cold gM el Iowa Clark aa aatraa kaew taw ae I aauod ta la ikaemoa al tel. data only aaa aakoolii lcna.1 and 0 ta gawtag yea. oa will Ploaea seod aw Sum Stereaat R laa It.. V.Z. !'!!" " " 1 " Sterna paamiB.sjif JW0JTW ( ar Imi