Slalhoaito. IViiiihj 1 vaniii Rnllroiul TYRONE A CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON ml afl.r Moodar, NOV. I, 1W-0, tha I'aMangor Train, wilt run dUy (aae.rt Sun daj,) balwean Tvronaaod Claarllald, aa fullowi: CLEARFIELD MAIL. LKAV1I BU1ITH. LKA VK NORTH." GurwnlTilU,..l.30l p. a. Tvrona,... .n.a.n. t.Iii, " V so, " in.oo, " Ion," Riv.rvi.w 1-30, anacojoo, l Summit,,.,. rowallon,.. I Oaooola,...,. RuDtOD, ... OI.are.ld, 1.40, Leonard 9.49, Sit, Woodland, 4. Ill, Bifl.r,... 4 04, .10.17," I' 10.22. Wallacaton, 4 17 Pbilipabarf,," I NraOara 10.28, " I Blun Hall 10.97, " Wua llall,... Orahatn, Pbiliniburgj Blainer'a Doyntoo 4 1.., ..AM, ..AM, ..AM, Wallacaton,... 10.44, " "if i.r I Woodland,.., ...10.92, ..,.4.411, ..10.911," ..11.07," ..11.12, " Oaoaola, .....4.51, Barrett ! Laonard... i Cloarflold, Powalton,. .... ...IS, Huminit, .)&, Vanaooyoo, S.Jii, Tyron., 9.00, 11.10, " i Rlrrrvl.w... -.11.29. : CurwauavUI,.ll.40A.H CLb'ARFIKLD EXPRKrJS. LKAV1! SOUIII. jLBAVII NOKTIir Ourwenirllle.. 9.30 a. h. Tyrone 7.20 p. ar. Hlreraiew.. . 9.3V i anaooyoo,.. Summit, I Powelton Oaoaola I Boynton , Hteiner'a, ..7.43 ClearSeld... , 9.47 , 9 91 , 9.97 . 9.03 , 9.118 . 0.19 . J! . 9.29 ..9.09 ..9.17 Leonard Ilarretl Woodland,... II I (tier Wallneetoo,. Blue Ball,... Oraham ..9 28 ..9.34 ..8.30 Pbilip,bur...S.4 Orabam 8.47 Blue Ball, 8.99 Wallaeeton, ...0.02 Bigler 0.10 Woodland, .I7 Darratt, 9.29 Leonard 0.30 Clearfield,.... 1 0.07 Rieerriaw,...ln.l9 Curwenirille 10.29 Pbilipaburg.. fl.2 Kleinor'a, 9.:t3 Boynton, 0.H7 Oaeeola, 0.43 Powellon 9.99 Nutnmit 7.09 Van,ooyoo,M.. 7.2S Tyrone 7.49 PH1L1PHIIIJRU A 91 O.SHANNON BRANCHES LniTM BOUTI. P. II. 1. a. A. . STATION.. 130 Morrlidala, J:40 7:30 Pbilip.l.urit. LRAVa HORTB. a. a. p. . p. a. 7:19 12:40 7:00 12:29 9:09 12:22 9:09 12:14 4:98 9:10 12:04 4:40 0.84 11:93 4 Jii 9:30 11:49 4 Is 9:13 11:40 4:1c 0:20 11:39 l:l0 0:19 11.30 4:09 9:10 11:29 4:ll 7:eo ntainer , 34 7:40 Uoyntnu. 1:95 10:20 T:S8 1:10 10:39 111 1:18 10:49 8:19 9:21 10:48 8:29 3:30 10:93 8:39 1:39 10:98 8:41 3:40 11:13 8:40 Oiioeola. Moabannon, Marline-, Houtadale, MoC'aulcy, Kendrioa',, Uemey. BALD llAULK VALLEY BRANCH. Ei. Mall, p. M. a. M. Hall. Exp. 7.0S 8.20 leav. Tyrone arrive 8.31 3 13 8.37 Bald Eajla 8.17 8.01 9.18 Julian 8.38 r. M. A. m. 7.99 7.43 t.05 8.43 9.33 8 28 8.110 9 29 8.34 9.43 SJilelburj 8.32 9.91 IIHI.font. 8.49 10.03 Milcburi U na ia a.. .. . 8.19 9.U9 4.65 4.31 leave 3.55 . iiowara 9 42 11.08 arrive L. Haven TYRONE STATION. "'. A. a. r.ilD. a.. Cincinnati Kxp., 9:i2Pltt.l.ur(rh Exp',,, 1.93 PaciSo Kxpreo, 8:57 Paolllo Expreu, 8:12 Jobnatown Kxprc,f,9:07 r,M. r. .V,'oy Paneniter, 1:19 I'bioairo Day Ex., 12:18 Cnioajo Exprei., 3:11 Mall Train, 3:03 Mail Train, 7 01 Iliintnpdon Ara'n, 8:2IMKit Lin., 7:3r) Oloae oonnoetlona made by all train, at Tyrone and Look Hav.n. S. 8. BLAIR, njll-tt. .Sup.rintendenl. STAI1E LINKS. A taa. leave, Curwanivilla daily for Remold, Till., at 1 o'eloek, p.m.. arriving at Raynnldiville at o o cioor, p. m. Kelurnlng, li'ave, Keynolda Tllle dally, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur- w.niville at 12 o'clock, m. Fare, eacb way, (2. A Itege leave, Curwenavllle dally, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for Dullola Cily, arriving at LuRni, City at 8 o'clock, p. m. helurning, leave, liuBoi, at 7 o'clock, a. m., daily, arriviiigat Curwcmvilleat aucioca, ui. rare, oacn way, 81.5U. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRAPH DIVISION. "V and after MnndiiT. Not IfttLi. 1880. V7 the pftMfnuer train i will run daily (except Sun dn) between Red Itnk niyl Driftwood, m loiiuwa KAS4TW A H I).Iny J!il Ifttrei Pittibarg 8 55 . m.; Had lUnk 11;; hligo .lauetif 1 1:61 1 New Bthlfhem 13;5i p. m.; Mayirill 1:10; '"7 urooKTii.e uller i 1:30 : Hj. nnldMTill2S; Uulloii ;.:06 ; Hutumit Tunnel 9 71 1 Penflrhi 8:12 ; Tjlri ;i:55, Ilenesette iM; rrivei t 1 rift wood at 6:20. W ICMT W A It !. Day Mail leave. Driftwood 12:20 p. m.; Unetrtt4 1:00; Tyler' 1:18 j Penfleld 1 :Jtf ; Summit Tunnel 2:00 ; DuRoU Mi; KejnoMomlle2;3S; Fuller'l 2:54; Urookrille 5:li; Troy .H::(2; Mnyivills .Vi;,; New Hethlebetn 4:09 ; Slitfo Junction 4:47 ; Ked Uank 6:0Jf arrtrei at Pitt. bur at 7:40 p. m. fir The RrynoldiTillo Atrcomtnodation learn HejnoldiTille dailj at 7:66 a. m. and arrivei it Kvd Rank at 10:60 a. m., I'ittiburgh it 1:40 p. m. Leavea PitUburh at 116 p. ta ; Bed Dank at 6:64 p. m.; arriving at Key tjoldiville at 11:06 p.m. Clou connection! made with tralna on P. A B Railroad at Jjriftfruod, and with tralm on tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad at Rod Rnnk. DAVID HcCARUO, Gen'l Kup't. A. A. Jackhow, Sup't L. U. Dir. FA UK FKOM CLEAKFIKLD, TO Bellefonte, Pa $3 Lock Haven 1 WillUminort. S Huntingdon.- 1 Lewiatown- 2 Maryi?ille. 4 Cnwennville Oiceola HAKRISDURO... 4 Middletown $6 00 .Marietta.. 6 66 Lancaster . 6 80 PU1LADELPUIA 1 V0 Altoona 1 16 Jnhnitfwn. 2 86 PhillpKuurit, 61 Tyrone 1 22 PITTSBURfl 6 16 UscrUaufoui MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARD0N & BRO., On Market fiL, one dnorweitof Mantloa Home, CLEARFIKLD, PA. Our arranitoment! are cf the mot enmplete character lor furniihinjr the public with 'rib Meats of all klud. and of tha very beit quality. Wealao deal In all kinds of Airricultural Iuiple ments, which we keep on exhibition for the ben efit of the public Call around when In town, and take a look at thing, or address ui . AI. CAKDON A RRO, Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 175-tf. CENTRAL 4ato Normal ttcliool. Eighth formal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Ta, A. y. KA VB, A. J., n. D., Principal Thti Rchnol as at prenent conitltuted, offem the Tery best facllitlei for Professional and Claiical learning. Buildings pcIou, tnritlng and commodious ; completely heated hy stenm, well Tentilated, and lurnienea win a bountllul supply ef pure, toft spripg water. Lotion healthful and eaty of aroeii. Surrounding ternary nniiirpti ned. iraeners experienced, efficient, and alive to meir won. Discipline, Arm but kind, an i form and thorough. Kipeneea moderate. Ffly cents a week deduction to (fade preparing to teach. r r tltudeats admitted at any time. Courpe of preacrihed by the State t I. Model Hchool. J f. Preparatory. III. Klemen tary, IV. Solentific. AnjuRCTCoraats: I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Maiie. IV. Art. Tha Klementary and Scientific onresare Pro. feaatflnal, and students graduating therein receive Btata Diplomaa, eonferriiif the following corres ponding degreee. W.Mer or the Klementl and Master of tba Hciencee. (Iraduatee la tha other eoursea receive Nntmal OertiBoates of their at tainment!, ilgned by tbe Faculty. The I'rofea.lnal onurt are I i Ural, and are la thoroughness net inferior te tbore of oar beit ol leges, Tue State req aires a higher eHer ef eltiien sbip. The tisues demand it. It Is eae of the firime objects of this school ta help to secare It by urniibing Intelligent and efficient teachers ror her schools. To this end ll Solicit young per. tensor good abilities and good porpoise those who desire ta ton prove their time- and their UI enU, as Under U. Te all such It promisee aid ia developing their powers and abundant opporta Bittae for well paid labor alter leaving school. Kr catalogue and terms address the Principal, ar the Secretary or the Board. BOARD OF TIU6TEKSi TKtn0Lrile'TBL-BTtI6. J.n, Barton, M. D., A. M. Best. Jaceb Brown, B. M. Birkford, Samuel Christ, A. N. Riuh. R . X V m'r' Kwl -U- K""tng, B. P. Mc Cormick, Esq., W. W. haakla, W. 11. Brow a. Hon. A. O. Cnrtln, flon. I?. L. Dleffenbwb, O-n.Jesee Merrill, lion. Wm. Bigler, J. 0. 0 Wbaley.S. Millar MeCenalck, Kiq. orrtciRRt WILLIAM blul.KH, Prenidenl. Olearfi eld. Pa. 0. JKfiSB MKUHILL, Vice Preeidenl, Lock Havaa, Ta. I. MlLLAH MoCOKMICK, "w,'7. Uawn, Pa. inOMAS YABULSY, , s . - Treaawm, Lek Uarea, Pa. . ltktHTea,Aaaet4,UMIy. I JUir di'trtlstmfiits. E". S. HENDERSON, ...... -i -MV'" CM .nu.tT.P.-..-.. and.. dir.c.rd, thcr. ,. N- N- N- " , '; . ."h 1. .... to an .,,.,,....1 th. W.. ,r. Bael, ... a , .l", a . I . . ...... - 'ha .ro..d t. VI ULIO KALIS. at lb. Court : .raol.. . I.r, ,r..n. d.HI,r. ...,... .1,., b, L,t N.. 11 and n !h. b, I. ,t N. I . , ,ulh , ( .t; tha'. . .t .7"i n,. -f-,,r....,n 1 1- b..... .n.i.ih,,,.. ; ; ,b. iu. o( j..b m Iw iViVi UNDERTAKER Bl RNSIIIE, PKNN'A. TIIK ubacrlb.r nnw .Trra to Ilia oiliwoa of Burnaida and vialnilv. an unnrolded ,.eolallj. Herealter all kind, of Caikrl, and CoOd, will b. k.t on band, and ordrr, Dllad at onoa. M'tntera 1$ tttrnitd Anywhere I will furnlah the flneat aa well aj ibe eheaioit articlea dediuated to funerala All order! left at tbe atora of John C. Comta will receire prumpt attention. For fnrther partlculara, enll on or addreai K. 8. II UN L KKSON. Dee. 10, DIRECTIONS. n vs, CRFAMRALW For catarrh, hay lever, old id ttia brad, Aa, LATARRH.COi-o.r, miert with the Anger, i particle nr the lialrn nto the noitrll; draw Iron (breath through wall orj,vv ;c5, ibe none. It will M tbiorbed, oleanlnf, and heeling the dia- i-aied iDtlubrane. For eafneaa. Apply a particle Into tne car. ELY'S CREAM BALM IIAVINil calned an enviable local repute'lon. dirp'aciDg all other preparation! io tbe vicinity of dticovery, U, on It meriti alone, rccogniird aa a wonderful remedy wherever known. A fair trial will conduce the noit skeptical of it cure live power!. It effectually eteaneea the naaal paaiatfea or Catarrhal virm, cauiinc healthy revre tkona, allayi lnflaoimatin and irritation, protect! tbe mt mbranal hnibgi of the bead from additional ooldi, completely beali the aorea and reiturea tbe aenie of taite and imell. llcnullcial remit! are realised by a few application!. A thorough treat went aa directed will cure Catarrh. As a huuie bold remedy for eold In tbe bead it la unequaled. The Balm la cay to ne and agreeable. H jld by drutrgiiti at 60 cent. On receipt of 60 eeott will mail a package. Send for ciroular with full Information. KLY'8 CRBAM BALM C0.tOwejo, S. Y. For rale by the Clearfletd Drufr(i't OHd b)' Wholcnale Dnifclita (feiif rally. April oth, lHHI-t'iLu. Opens Monday, April 18th, 1881, to Continue 12 Weeks, THIS school oommendi Itself to public favor for tbe following reason : First. Boarding ean be bad in good families at from $2 to (2.60 per wee i. fcecond. Location li healthful and society re fined and cultured. Third. The onarie of study embodie the State Normal School features, and Is particularly adapted to the wants of those who eipect to teach. Fourth. The students bare the advautage of a well-conducted Literary Society, be lore which will be delivered aseiietof free lectures. Fifth The work uf tbe school is stimuUtrdby the enaoursgemeut and favor of an intelligent community. tilth. .Special attention wilt be giren tbe Normal clan by the Principal, who ia a graduate of a State Normal Schmt, and the imtruotion in Theory of Tenching, (inverumont, Ac, will be maile to accord with the mod era ideal of ad vanced educators. TI'ITIOX : NORMAL DHl'AKTMKNT. Common Branches with School Koonomv...ll DO Common itranchea and hchnol Konnotny with Algebra, t.cnmetry, Pbyiial tleng rapby, Natural l'hiloii,hy, Civil Gov ernment, Latin, etc II 00 (JKAMMAK DEPARTMENT. Highest class $6 00 Lower Clarpet 3 j0 For further luforwatinn aHiireis, W. A. AMHHtlSK, Onceola, Pa . MATT SAVAUL, ClearflelJ, I'a. Mar. B, IKI tf. i, E, W00L1SS & CO., DEALEIIH IN Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CL'FDCO., Vi. Uespeutfully solicit their putrons and the public generally to call and etam ine their new stock of Spring and Siiiiiiiipr Goods, of Cakhmtrcs, Velvotcenii, Dtluincs, Lnwns, Gingliams, Prints, Un blonolicd and Woachod Mtin li nn, fancy Skirls, Sheet- "K", Tickings, Carpets, i!"fT". Oil Cloths, HOSIERY, I.anndricJ, Whito, Cheviot and Pcrcnlo Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Men's and lioys' Clothing, Nats, Cups, Boots, Shoos, etc., clo. Groceries & Cen'I Merchandise Will bo found ol first quality, and satisfaction is guaranteed. The' fol lowing aro always kept on hand, (somo lew only in their season;: Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Syrups Confectioneries, Oranges, Lemons Bananas, Figs, Dates, ole., Hard ware, Qucenswaro, Cilosswnro, Tinwaro, Wood and Willow ware, Taints, Oils, Clocks, Trunks, Valises, iMirrors, Stationery, Furnituro, & Minors' S'ipplios, AL6U, OEALKI13 IN July 28, IHSO.if. TUB CmCA()0$XoRTH Wkstehx RAILWAY II tha OLDKST, nET CONSTRUCTED, BCST Egt'IPfKU, and th. LEADING RAILWAY Of TBI WEST AND NORTH-WEST I It U lha Bborlnt and but mat. bett,.ro Chief o and all pclnii la Norlh.ra Illlool., Palm,, Wromlait. Vab-aika, luwa, Callfnrnia, lr..,r, Ari,na, t'lah, Cnl- oraon, maao, aiooiaaa, N.vada, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, DKNVRH. m:ad SALT LAKE, SAX FUANCISCO, radwnod, Slom CitT. Cedar Hanfrfi. Tes Moines. Colnmhas, and ail points In tba Territories, and the Wast. Also, fr Milwankaa. Ureen Da. 0hkoth, 8bcroj)tn, Marqustte. Fond dn Lae, naienown, uouffnton, Acenah, JHenasna, Ht. Paul, Minneapolii, Huron. Vole. Parco. Ilii- snared. Winona, LaCrosse, Owatonna, and all points In Minnesota. Dakota, Wleooosia and the noria-weif. At Coiinrll DlutTt tha TfhIm t,f th. PhU.. a North. Western and the II. p. Railwava rum, arriTfj m sna nsa me same joint Union Depot . At ChiesfO, elose rsnoectloDf are made with the Lake hire. Mtohican Central, hililmnr. A Ohio, Ft. Warns Pennsetvania. and ckimn A lrand Tmnk Hailwa;s. and tba Kankake and ran nan me nonies, Cleea connections made at Tnnetloa Points. It Is tha ONLY LINK running riillmnn Hotel Dining Cars IITWIIN CHICAGO and C0DNCIL BLUFFS. -I'atisasa Sleepers aa all Might Tralas.-M Insist apos Ticket Agents selling yom Tickets via ibis road. Kiemfne jronr Tickets, and refase to tiny if me j do net reaa arer the Cbtisga m Notth-Weitern Railway. If eon wish tha best traveling aMotnamdatlons roa wait hue roar tirkrle he ibis roatt, JtVAND WILL TAKH NON8 OTHKH. All Ticket AgenU sell Tiekets he this I. ine. uarvi.n MiiOHirr, Id V. P. tad Oeoeral Manager, nnrtfl, 'IMj. Chleago, M 3f'i;, lS.s.iU "lf.,X L'iZc 'r P"71' srTTi; MiT1. "i r"ra Xcpl (lifrtisnnmts. SherilT's Sale. All of defendant', inlareat In all tboee two ear tain lot, aituated In tba rillafa ol Lewiavilla. Urernwooa luwoanip, fvlanrDrld eounly, Prnna, boundad and daioribrd aa Mlawa I lla;innin at a atone on tbe oorner ol Water and Main ureal ; feet to a post i tbenoe by land late of Wm. T. " 4w.u urm. iuhih aeKreca rm ijii Thorpe north 3 j degrees west l:t feet to aa alley, thence by said alley north 64 degree- ...I south 4M degrees east lili feet to la?e f beria ning. being kouwn In plan of said village at lota No. IU and .No. 14, having thereon erected a large two itury frame store hnune, frame bouse, smaj still and other outbuilding. ALSO, Alt of defendant's Interest In all that oertain tract or piece of land situated to tbe hurouirh of Aewhuig, Clear Ho I J Dunty, I , bounded follows, via. Brginning at an ash ; thence North nU degrees west IU perches to linn j thence south 40 degrees west 10 perches to j thence 6 degrees eait IB perotie to pott, south in decrees west 28 perches, south 7 degrees east 34 perches, i j mo u uotfreeseaai o percnos, sou in an aegrees east .14 porches o pine stump, south NV degrees last 60 perches to msple, north 1 degree east 74 perches to post, north it degrees west 'U pero be to piece ot beginning, conteiatog about ba a.ire and 43 perches, reserving out of tbe same a school nouse lot. Dat ing uereon erected a frame store house, alao a young orchard or apple trees, and bavlog about 40 acres cleared and under good coiiivntiua Belied, taken in execution, eud to bl stld as tbe properly of h iv Hse. ALSO. All that certain tract oT land situated In Bra-ly towniklp, Clcarfiold county, Pa., bound d and dtveribed aa follows : Beginning at a rH uk cor ner at the corner of lands of Jacob Hunts and lleorge Pcnti t tbenoe north 89 degress east 8 J7 pcrvbss to a postj thence aonth 440 S-1 0 perches to a post ; tbenoe west Mi 910 psrehes to a dead hemlock ; tbenne north 1 degrees lllO pr- ches to a service berry ; tbenoe south 81 degrcee west 167 perches to a hemlock ; thencs north 1 degree west 146 pero tee to a post ; thtne north SS degrees eart )-'& perch- to service berry; thence north I degree wet 60 perches to tbe place of be inn lug, containing u22 7-10 acres. Seised, taken In execution, and to be sold ss the property of (leorge Kramer and William E. Ue!I. ALSO, All of defendants interest tn thit erta:n me, suage or tract ol land aituated in Ferguson town ship, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded ss follows : licgintiing at a pod corner of land of Jaine s Fer guson ( thence by said Frrcus'.n's land south 08 degrees west 044 perobe to a line corner br an old rosd; thence by said road south 17 degree west Sfi perches to a hemlook.snuthsy degrees west 24 perebes U a post oorner on line of Knunh Straw; thence iy said btraw Innd south Dili degrees east C0 8-10 perches to a post In rublin road thence by said road and land of Oeo. Michaels north a7j degrees east .1 perches north lij de grees wet 20 perches to a pine Slump north 1 2 J degrees west IU perches north I8f degrees east ll'-0-10 perches noitb 8 degrees west 7 perches north 001 divreM wat 11 nfirnhea mirth tn .U grees fl perches to a hemlock north 48 decrees east IV 7-IU perches north IV degrees emit tf 6 in uerches to the (Hen Hope and little Held Eagle turnpike road ; thence bjr sane north 3tiJ degrees west l.'i I ill perches to post and plaoe of ben in ning, containing acres and 37 perebes, baring thereon erected a log bouse, log barn, and being partly c.eareu. Htiitd taken In etrnution, and to he sold as the property of James J. Dillen. ALSO, All the interest of the dcl't-iiilant of in and to all Ihdia certain premises situated In JU7g' j township and Wallacclon, Clear field nsunty Pit , j oje o! them known as the llaughtnao farm. He I ginning at a post and tons ; thence east by land of lieiirge Shnnmrll IVft perches to pjst : Ihenee '"i cniin OI4CB uK ; ihenre north b'J p-rches to post by white pine; then-e south 7HJ tlrgferi west by lands of James II . Turner 178 perches to white oak ; Ihenee west 61 prchrs to post ; thence south by line of John Hall survey 112 perches to beginning, eintalniog 20:i acrei and 143 perches. ALSO, Another tract situated la 11 ggs township, be ginning st a "hue oak corner; thence north by land ol Dimn and old Iraot Una 1j7 perches to white oak ; thence west by Huuiberger land 02 perches to stones; tbenoe south by landi late of I. M. IShaw l.7 perches to stones on old line; then east lJ pot-eh h? Jsrhart and Sbimmcll lo white oak t.t)d plaoe of beginning, eontainiog acres an u allowance. ALSO, Another tract In Doggs towontilp, beginning at a white oak on the northeast oorner of (he tract ; thence south by James llilliiin survey 314 per. io post : ioenre wen oy u. trawiora survey o Jacob h in ears corner; thence north about Rl petrhsi to line of Whippey trant ; thence east by said land about Pit perches to his corner I thence ity bis line aortb attnat 111 perches to bis hen.' lock; thence west Kl porches to white oak oor ner ; thence north 1 li perches to chestnut ; ihenct by William liins;hsm surrey east 2.18 perches to beginning, containing about 80 acres part of joiej.n lien survey. ALSO, Another of them situated in liggs township part of John Tbnoias survey, bsginning at stnnei dy tilack onK ; thence soutb If degrees west 1 OB 4-10 perches to pine stump ; thence sooth TPl degrees east 117 7-10 perches to pitch pine ; thence north 1) degrees west 05 210 perches to birch; thence up same 20 perebes to white pine stump ; thence north Hi degrees oast 6(1 T-10 perch es to stake ; (hence north b'i degrees west 72-A-10 perches to beginning, eoDtainina 66 acres J8& perches and allowance, known as the Dnon lot, wnicn is mown aa me naiiaitoa properly, the interest of tbe defendants, supposed to be in the whole, aod tn the second and la-t described traet , but a nominal Interest, the first described tract having three dwelling bouses, one barn, stabl and other outbutMings thereon, with an orchard and 76 acres of cleared land, reserving all of the mis boiii in nanaceion wnen tney acquired an interest In the same, and the premises oonveyed to lb Railroad Com puny, aiid subject to the rijrhts of those parties who are Io actual Dossea- sion of any part of the premises, and hare writ lea eoniracis or ueeao ur in a same. ALSO, All that traot uf land situated in Lawrence towmhip, bounded by lands of Aleisnder Reed on tbe east, by William Speck in so on the north, ny lormeny ot j on tan need on the weit, and by lands of W. P. Herd and Leonard estate on the south, containing Id! acres and allowance, with a large frame houe. bam and other out bnlldiogi, a bearing orebard, and about l;td acres of cleared land thereon, and underlaid with two veins of bituminonsooal. He i led, taken In eieoutlon, and to be sold as Iho property of J. R. Heed and L. J. Morgan. ALSO, All uf defendant's Interest In all that certain tract or piece of land situated in Brady and IHuoin towosblpa, Clearfield county, I'a., hound ed and described as follows, vis: Beginning at post on the northea-t eornar thence Booth partly In lino of land of Irvin's heirs, aod partly in line of Unds of said liullopetor and Hru baknr Id?) perches, mora or less, to a hemlock ; thence west la lino of Nick Simpson 44 Drrchea. itiom or lest, to a post un tow nr. In p road ; thence son id te a pgr ees west in line ot said towonbip road .,1 4-lu perches, more or less, to a pist in said road; thence north In line of Drancker's land M .l it) perchrs, mora or less, to a post ; thence west la the south bonndarr line of war rant .No. HhTJ, lit 8-1 u perches, more or less, to a pout tn line or land or V. Pmith ; t hence north partly in line of land o said Paith and pirtly in line of land of John Reams, formerly belonging to J. W. Hays 112 perches, more or less, to a post in line of lati.l or II M, Thompson , formerly own ed by Peter Arnold; thenoo east psrtly in 'foe of laimoi raiti i nompson, and partly In line of land of said Hollopcter aod 11 ru baker, the rrantees hereto IVi 8-lu perch et, more or less, to a post; nience norm oy same ii perrncs, more or less, to a post ; tbrnce eat in Hoe of land of K. Parker. formerly owned bjr J. 11. Verier 74 9 10 perches, more or les. to a p"it and nlnca of bcirionine. eontaining 2IQ acres, more or less, being part of irwi iiirn'yo m wrfnti aai, and I V '. V . ami oonvcyc'i oy r. tjnice to others, having 2i acres cleared, and erected thereon a small frame nome, lor Darn and a voons? bearing orchard. above land being wrll timbered with oak, hem- loca ami cnestnut. ALSO. AH of defendants right, tit grid Interest ia Little Anderson Creek Navlgatl'in Company. Heiie.l, taken in elocution, and m da the property of J. II. Uruhaker and S. t). II ol loprter. ALSO, One other tract of land In t'nion townshln. J. acribed as follows: Reilnninff at a nest i thenp by land lata of Joseph Lines and land of H. Penti nonh 162 perches to a post; thsnce west .If) per ches to a stone j thenn sigth 07 perches to a poilj Ihenee west 28 perches to a pnit t thence norm percnej (0 pitt thence west 122 per ebes te a bemloek thence south 77 perches to a post; tbenoe oast M perebes o a post ; thrnce aouin io percuss io a cnettnut ; thence east 102 perches to a post and place of beginning, eon taioiiig ins acres 4V perches and allowance 1 acres e lea red and being well timbered with hem lock, ehestnat and oak timber. 6 cited, taken in elocution, and to bt sold as the property of Hollnpeter and UrabnW. ALSO, One other tract ar parcel of land situated In Brady township, Clearfleld Bounty, Pa.t bounded and descried as follows: Beginning al a oorner of l(. M. Thompson's land oa hoe of J. . tVler; (bonce sooth Mil perches, more or lets, to a pine; tbenoe ast by land of J. A W. Irwin 1.1ft perches, more or less, to a post thence north by land ol T. W. Dorr Park I HO perches to a post ) thence west by (and of J. II. Sevier 130 perc hes, tn ore or less, to a stone corner and place ol hegiDaiog.eon taming l(Ml acres, more or lesi, being part of larger traot or survey of Uad eonreved to Jnha ll.eeyler, and being well limbered with hem lock, ebestont and oak. Halted, taken In extcntioa, and to be sold ai the property of Hollopeter and Brahaker, ALSO, All of defsadaot'r, J. H. Brahaker. later. ! u all ibost fnarrertaia loissllaatel in tbe village of Rock ton, lnoa towaship, Clearfield aonaty, Pa., bounded as follows: Beginning at a ttooe oa the B(.rthsida and adjoining Packerl and Know, shoe taranlkoi tbeoee north 2 decrees eat alone alley ! perehee U stone oa atreot It loot, ranaiag east and west ; IheaotsttiUbo same boor, log north 10 perobes ta stones sot for a earner t theaeo north 19 degree west I porches to etnne on street SO feel la width ; thence to elk t degroea waft along said street 1 perebee ta atoae at street ruining aast and weal Id feet wide; tbenat stltl 1 v .1 .r - f J',. fWaa l.m.d ' raal prihn to plain of hrmnnlmt. tonlalulnf in ,n in tha nlaa ,.i ..1.1 viIIiki ai Lit Na. II.!...., ... . ... " . , ... .. . I U 1 1 .. r v.. :.,. . c pi... .v..,: i ... .... . .. .iu. .. m. ,,,,,, ., .,.. ,:., iu , -. ., ...,,; """":.-rr""." '"" Hnilfly,iiiiiif ii, imi, ..l. i i.i.i r i I., i.ii it, 1 1 . ... ! thfueti uurili lalf) drgrti)i liffu b out to ft ' dvfrtisnnrnts. by sarae hearing north 10 perohes to stone at Mid t urn (life above naniMl ; them? soutn tin degrees A1.SO. Allofdefen lant'i interrat In all that ecrtaia traot or piece wl land Itualed la Rtoearia towmhip, nitftft)id outiuty. I'a , bounded and dufortbed a! h;n0,rk 7. d Vo' filing o, fb. ; k. .k .1. k. . , ,i. l ui ..i. !'. ?T. . " i i. T". l 1. I -T--. j i . T J. -- -. . i . T 1 i . -- ; . ff . , . ... ,g . ' Seiisd taken in elocution and to be sold as tbe properly of (ieorge Pearce. ALSO, B writs of Wpki1! fioat A'sioani, at the same lime and place, will be sold the following :- Allofd-Tendant's interest in an undivUrd moiety or one-hall part ol a certain pieceor iraot ui land fituated in Uecalur township, t'learfleld county, Pa., bounded and dt scribed as lollows : Begin ning at a birch in a north weil corner ; theuoe by land of Ilurdiuan Philips west 131 perchm In a post ; thence hy land ot H Philips I trmerly anutb 32 degrees wet I2.t perehos to a hem look, corner of Crowd! surrey; thence south 17 perches to a post by a msple of A. Unas urvey ; i hence by' same wutb 43 degrees est 180 perches to a p-it by p maple by sail Uos survey thence by A. (Joes' new survey north 63 degree east I lOperohes to a post ; thence by stiuiO suUtb 40 degrees east 17 perches to a post oa west side of Muthannon creek; thence down the same north bU degrees eait 00 perches to a pst north degrees east 4.1 perches to John Sbiuimel upper corner on tbe creek ; 1 hence by same west "1 petches to a stone heap tbeiiea by same north 123 perches to the place of urginiilng.ooutaining two hundred end tbiny nine (2.1U) acrei and twenty four (Hjperob e. being out ol two larger surveys in tbe names of Thomas Edmunson aod John S. Kyler, bsing an uauariata un bituminous eoatana naviagone drtit open and in good running order. AL?0, Tbe undivided moiety or one half part of anoth er erttain piece of land in Beeatur towmhip, Clearfield county Pa., bounded and deieilbed as fidlnwsi Beginning at a hemlork sapling close to a white oak In tbe line of Thomas liiilingioa sur vey j thence hy land of A. Uos 62 degrees cent 160 perches tn a post by a small run ; thence 37 degrees east 17 perches to post on west bank of Moshannon creek thence south 6 la-100 degree west 6!t perches to pom ; thence north 84 6-100 degrees west I fiO perches to post south 7 16-100 degrees west IV 4 -H0 perches to pent; thence south ttl 16-100 drgree east 10 6-100 perebes to post on weft bank of Mohnoon creak i thence touth 6 2100 degree wert 7 Vfl 100 perches to post south r0 46 10(1 di-grei eat 10 perches to a post south 10 20-100 degrees east 13 perches to post south 10 10-100 degree west 6 4-10 perches to port suuth -18 46-l(u degrees west 6 tl-ldO perches to pot south II 31 -I Oil degrees oast 10 prche to south 10 degrees east 10 Peroh 10 I101' "wutI' S 65100 degrees east 8 '"r"" w I"" 'uul " ucgrere west o 8-1011 perches to a ptt south lit .10 100 degrees weit 11 c-l perches to post south 10 60-) HQ de grees west 8 perches to post south IV) ii-lUO de grees east 34 8.1-100 perches to post south 3 66 100 degrees eait 7 2-10 perch to a post nn weit side of tbe Mosh notion creok ; thence north 6'1 di grees west Vi I 6 10 perches to a hemlock sapltor nJ ,b l,lao of bejfiMjIng, ountainmg 7tf acres IM perches, and 0.1 rud, as per survey made in 1672, by A. . lloyt, It being part of a Isriror sur vey of land oonveyed by Dartd McKoluLt aqd Wm. W. 11a e, Adiuibiitrators of John M. Hale, to Leonard U. Kesxler, and being underlaid with bituminous coal, and haviog tbereun erected four double fiame dwelling bouses, two stories high. ALSO, All defco. hint's Interest in one ether piece of grim n a siiuetca in mo biroun ot ucs m, t;lear tleld county, Pi., bounded an I described as (ol lows : Beginning at a pott corner of V, R. (Jnod'a lot on line of Ling Is street ; thence by said street 02 led to post eorn r or lot or Ltvenght Com pany ; ihmee b said lut 75 fttt to line of D, T. Caldwell's lot ; thin. s by same 53 fuet to a pott on line of D. R. flood's lot ; Ihenee hr same 76 feet to pott and pU's of beginning, and known in plan of said borough as p rtsof lots No. 12 and IS. Krlird, taken in execution at,d to b told as the properly or Jimes r. Hale. ALSO, A II of defendant's interest in a certain rait of land situate In Bradford towmhip, Clearfield county, Pa., bnnnded south by lands formerly of Wm. Albert A Bro., now in possession of John A. tireen, north by land of Dsniel Stewart and aliio adjoining land sold to C. W. Ilergcr, U. W . Harder et el., containing SO acres, more or lis, wiib from 75 to 0 acres cleared ant under culti vation, having t heron a Urg orchird compris ing or a acres oi oetring iruii tr.-es, slvo a good coat awn a opened luereoa, anl wnics baa been worked about two ears past, furnishing a good and supori'ir quality of coal, with a giod demand therefor at Woodland, lees than tuila distant, with a largo two story dwelhr.g, plank bouse, and a large bank burn, and other outbuildings. Ni-ised taken in execution, and U be s ill ai the property of I, Q. Burger. ALSO, A certain tract of land sUuetw-l la B gg town ship, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and de scribed as follows, vis: Beginning at a large white pine; thence east by 'I'll em us Beers' land 111 perches ; theuoe north 151 perches to a post and a chestnut ; thence west III perches to post ; thence south 151 perches to plv of beginning, containing 10T acres and 57 perches, hsing part of a Isrger survey in the name of William Slew art, and being the same piece of Innd oonveyed by Jusiah W. Smith to Jesso Stone by deed tear ing data 21st of May, 1955, recorded among tba records of Clearfield eountjajn b tok R, pageeto., about 50 acres oleared, having a dwelling bouse, barn and other outbuildings erected thereon. Keliod taken in otroution and tube sold as tha property of the estate of Jee Stone deoeanel, with notice to the heirs of said deoeieat, to wit : Vincent Stone, bsinuel Stone, Jesso Stone, Elisa beth Stone, Thursa Jana Stone, an 1 6. V. Wiliun, their guardian ad litem, and Jacob It Parks tarre tenant. TiRua or Salb, The price or sum at which the property shall ba struck off must be paid at the time of sale, or such other arrangements made as will be approved, otherwise the proper ty will ba Immediately put up and sold again at tba expense and risk of the person to whom It was struok off, and who, in eajo of deficiency at uab re-sale, shall make good tba same, and In do instanoa will tbe Deed be presented Io Court for continuation unless the money Is actually paid to the (Sheriff. JAS. M.llAKFhV, ttWBRtrr'i Orrici, 1 (sheriff Clearfield, Pa.. May II, U9I I SherilTs Sale. 1T virlus of writs of V. "., Isiuod J I out of tha Court of Common Pleas of Clear Held eountv. and to ma directed, there will ho exposed to PUBLIC SALK, at the Court Hums, to tha borough or Clearfield, on Tlmradny, May 9(1, IHMl. At 1 o'clock P. M, tie following dcsorlbed real estate, to wit Une lot In tne vtllagn ot nest Clearnel I, Uaw. re nee trwnbln, Clearfield oeuntv. Pa, fronting on Hirer Street flu feet and evfendipg back li0 feet to an allrv, being about 1V0 feet br Rt) feet, bounded by Lot No, 2 on tba South, aod br ao alley ob the North, having the moo. ere" ted a lerjre trams bml. ling cnistlng of lour separate dwelling hnutes, and other outbnll lings. The dwelling houses being roofed with tin aud good cellars under each, and known io the plan of said village ae uoi io, a. ALSO, One lot In lha tillage of West ClenrfiiU, town ship and county afomuid, adjoining the above lot, and known In the plan of n,i 1 rillago as lot No. 2, fronting on River htreet (l feet; thence by lot No. .1, IHO feet (e Front Streer, thsnco by front Kiroft (in ti-et more or less, thence by Nioh ols Street about K0 feet to River Street, hevini thereon oreoied a frame sh ip, one story high, id oy .iv trot. ALSO, One lot in same village, township and county known in the plan of the village of West Clear field a Lot No. 27, fronting 50 feet on Merrell Street and eitenitlng bank I hi) fro t to aa alley. D'luniii'd on the wait ny weaver ntrest, and on the Knit ly Lot fin. 2ft. ALSO, Lot In same village, towmhip and county, and known In the plan of sii I villige as Lot No. fronting 50 feet on MerreM Street, and extending back 10 feet to an alley, bounded on the W est by Lot No, 27, and on tha Kast by Lot No. 25 ALSO, Lot In same village, tnwnhip anj county, and known In the plan or sai l village ai L it No. 25, fronting 5" feel on Merrell Street and extending back I mii teet to aa allev, bounded on tbe Weit by Lot No. 2ft, and on lha Kail hy Lot No. 24 ALSO, Lot In aame village, townnhlp and county, and known in tbe plan ot said village as Lit No. 34 , fronting frt' feet on Merrell Street, and eilenduig oaa inn i eet to an auey, Mtitnded oa tha West ny l.ot iso. 7j and on the hast hy aa alley. ALSO, Lot la s.ime village, township and county, and known in tbe plan ol said village aa L-t No. 2.1. fronting 60 feet on Merrell Street, and estenrl ins- back IM feet to aa allry, bounded on lha West ny an alley and oa tba Kast by Lot No, 21. ALSO, Lot in earns village, townnhln and eountv. and known In the plan of said village as Lit No. 22, imnung on teat oa Merrell Mrsel, and extending back InO lect to aa alley, bnanded ob the West by Lot No. 2.1 and an the Kast by Lot No. tl. ALSO, Lit 1b same illlsga. townhp and eonnly, and known la the plan of said lllaga as Lot Nv II. fronting 50 feet on Merrell Street and extending back Imii feel to an alley, bounded na the West by Lit No. 22 and on tha Kait by Lot No. 30. ALSO, lnt In same village. tewnhln aard emnt. and known ia the plan of said village as Lot No. 2ft, fronting 50 feet oa Merrell Street and extending back lnt feet to aa allev, bnanded on the West by Lot No. 21 and oa lha Kast by William St. ALSO, Lot In sams village, township and oountr, and known In the plan ot said viiUge as L it No. I If , fronting on Merrell Street ftO feet and extending back l0 feet to an alley, branded oa the West by William Stmt and on tbe Kast hy Lot No 1(1. ALSO. Lot la tama village, township and oounty, and known In lbs plan of said tillage as Lot No II, fronting fiat aa Merrell Street a ad extending back Iho fWt ia aa alley, boaadod oa tha Wast by Lot No, It and tba East by Let Na. IT. ajrflal fltfrUsfuifuta. A LSI I. I A I.SO. I Lot In aatna villairfl. tixaaihlu an 1 an.l ' . . r r.. ..... . . a routing a. leaioa raerren oiree. anu aliening bark IBOieet to an alley, boundad on the W.,l ALSO, '"': j r:u- t. known in th. plan of ,aid villaf. a. Lot No. 18, 1 fronting 66 feel on Merrell Street end extaadmc " I0 ft to aa alley, bounded on tha West b, an alley and on tbe by Lot No M, ALSO, Lot In same village, lownfblp and eounty, and known la tbe plan ot said village as Let No 14, (mining 65 feel on Merrs',1 Street and eitsnding back leil) feet to an alley, bounded on the West by Lot No. 15 and on the Kat by Lot No. 1.1. ALSO, Lai In same village, tewnrhip and oantv, and known In the plan of iald village as Lot No. IX, fronting 5ft feet on Merrell Street and extending back IN" feet to an alley, bounded on the West by Lot No. 14 and on tbe Last by Lot No. 12. AL--0, Lot In same village, township and eounty, and known In the plan of aid village as Lot No. 12, fronting Aft feet on Mrriell Street and extending back Isii feet to aa alley, bounded on the West by Lot No. IS tid oa the Kast by Front Street. All of tba before tnsntl'tnel sixteen Lots are bounded on the Somii by Merrrll Stroet. ALSO, Lot In same vi Nauru trwniMn and eounlv. anil Known in too plan of village as Lot No. 45, fronting to bulb Merrell Street and tbe I wodnp road, beiage Lot 50 hy l0 ieel, bounded on the North by Merrell Street, on tba test by Last Street, on tbe South by township road and on the n est oy .uoi no. 4-t. ALSO, Lot in same vltlane, towmhip and county, and known In tbe p'en ot said viilags ai Lji No. 44, ironiing ob ootn aierrell street and tha towmhip ruad, being a Lot ii by 180 fet, bounded by Merrell S trust on the North, by Lot No. 45 on the Ksst, the township roJ on the South aud Lot No. 4H on the Wesu ALSJ, Lot In same village, to wash ip and county, and knitwu ia tbii plan ot aaid village as L it No. 4:t, fionling on buth Merrcil S trout ued the lowu ship toad, beiog lot 5n by 150 feet bounded on (be North by Merrell Street, on the Kast by Lot No. 44, on the South by lownxbip road aod on the West by L it No. 42. ALSO. Lot in same village, townhip and countv, and known In the plan ol said rilUge as Lot No. 42, fronting on both Merrell Si rent and the towmhip, being a L t 50 by Hit Tee t, bounded by Merrell Street on the Narlh, Lit No 4.1 un tl.o Fast, the towaship tend on the South, and Lot No. 41 on the W est. A LSO, Lot In same village, township and oounty, and known U the plan ol said villi it Lot No. 41, (routing on both Merrell Street and tha town. ship r.'ad, bounded by Merrell Street on tha ISurth, l.'U no. 42 on tha best, township road on the South. Park Street un Ibe West, Wiaa a lot 5(1 by 1 20 feet. ALSO, AH of the Def. ndanl's interest in a ertain tract or pieco of land situate In Liwrence township, Clearfield county Pa, being the one undivided one fourth interest (suhji-ct to widow's dwur) in the tsid trnct.houmli'd a follows : Bounded by the turnpike road, lots of It. Now tun Shaw, Samml Bell, .Milton Nichols, trd of ib0 eit-tte f Rich- i ard Slia w, Sr., deceased, Murtio Nichols, deceased,1 and Munich, aunUining about 17 acres, more or less, being part of the rilate of Jonathan , Nichols, dect-,.ft, with ab'mt 12 acres oleitred , thereon and un Ii r cuhiVAtion. i A LSO, One other piece tr tra-'t of Und sftuiite n Law enoe townnhip, Cleartteld cauuty and Siftte o' Pet.O'.Tliania, and kuowo ae ".Vlerrell's Wood," boundi-d and described as fallows, vis : Beginning at a p t corner no the towahip road, thence 1-ourh T. West ill perehos to post oq a of Pair Ornind- ; tbt nee South 87 West along the line of tbe Fair ((rounds 2L 5 It) perches to a bo. I ; then '0 North 2 fee I 2tt 5-10 torches tn a post ; thaiiea .North H74 fl perches to a pwt . theoL-e Nonh 'i hast is .lti perches to post on ; , ,-n.h.p ra.a i Ibonc. -o., J.) I, ... 12 ,rch.. , ,. J ,M,p.,ri mtMn ,.,, lun.h,,, ,l upl..,., b-jrina,,,,, r.n. 01i . lmer, ,hlfl, ,,.d,,ull .,,,K.I.. , ''.;'"'' """lpal"'llua.b.r.l.d..m.,.in,Ui.1hin...ndr.rn,- ..b . ...r- b .1 ....! II. l,r. .r. e,M,ad , ,', B,.,tD, ..lh, doo,?.aJ .ind... fr..a... I,." . t",w Tr "V , , , clewed t.ff. Ibe whole having ! rthepurpoie of a p.c-nic ground I bet a nrratiged f. and the buildings m suitable for ibat purpofe ALSO, tne other piece of ground situate in tbe village of Went Cle atllIJ, and bounded and described a follows, via: llfginniog at the Kast side of the North end of Front S'reet in said village ; Ihenee along Front Street Mouth ti loot to Merrell St .; thence South 874 Kast Ii7 feet to a 24 foot alla ; t hence Nirtb 2-1 K.B.I teet to a post; thrnce North ft'ii Went 131 leettoapoit; thence North 2 Ks-t It'll feet tu a poitt tbeoco North 87, Weft S7 fet tu post and place of bsginniog. ALSO, All of the interest of tbe TefeDUnt of In and tu tbe following deuribod Lit or piece of land, situate in the village of West Clearfleld, Law reno towonhip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described as follow, vj Bsginning at a post, corner of land of R. Shaw, jr., at tho watars edge on the bank or the Bui(uehati na River; thence atonglineof Shaw's land N. NS West 2V 8 10 perches to a post ; thence 8. 25 W. ft 1-10 perches to a post ; thence S. ftj K 2H a-10 perches a post un the bank of tbe Sunruehaana River ; Thence down said River N. 21 K. 17 1-10 perches to plaoeof begiuoing, oouttining two acres mure or les, etrep'itig and rnserring out of same a lot conveyed to Francis Niohoti, an 1 alio part of id land conveyed to Wm. D. Big I or, baring thereon erected a large two-story frame house with kitchen, stable and other outbuilding. Seised lahm In execution and to ho sMd i tbe property ol 0ar B. Merrell. ALSO, All the right, title and lutereit of the Defend ants la and to all tbat portion of a traet of land, situated partly in tha tuwnrhlp of Rub, In the e-.nnty of Centre, and partly in the township of Morris, in the county of Clearfiel I, Pennsylva nia, lying and being in tbe loanr-hip of Morris aforesaid, the whole tract being bounded and de scribed as follows On the north by lands lata of Hepry Lnralna, derestrict, on tho east by lands ui vuay ton (trier, un toe sooth by a tract or land tn tbe waraoiee nntni of Andrew raff, and na tbe weit by lands lalo of Brown A Co., contain ing 4'7 acres arid 1 .17 retches, lurrtml iht III dy of April, 17U3. on a warrant In the name of luniiua Muster. ALSO, All lha right, title and Interest of the Defend. ants In and to ail that eertain traot of land situ ated in the township of Morrlx, ia tho oountr of i'l-....U -C : I L J , , .. iviTnni, uuunuea and orecrined as ioi lows : iteglnning at a stone-hoap, Turmerly a white oak corner t tbonce by land late of Lever and Loraine south 32"i penbes to a post ; tbenoe oust l;4 perches to a poit ; thrnce by lands iur rejed to Robert Hniney north 220 a-ltlttis per ohci to a white pine; tlince along Inn la sur veyed to Htepbiu Kingston l.'4 peirhes to the plat e of beginning, eeiiUining 2uu acres and .'17 perches and allowance, and was surveved In pur suance of a warrant, dated I3th of March, 1H.17, ifititd Io Le.narl Kylcr. ALSO, All I he right, titte aud tntereit of the Defend ant 1 in and In all that certain tract of land situated In the township of Morris, in the county of Clear ftt l I aforesaid, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a fallen hemlock t theme south 2) degrees weet 315 ptrrhee to a white pine; thence north S7) degrees wel .lift fl-1 dt hi perches to a ma ple tree; thence north 2k degrees ant Itti i-IOibs perches to a pai ( thence south H4 degrees west f.y 4-HI lbs perebes to a poll ; t belief 0 fth 2 de grees as'l u ,110th perches in a hemlock; th erica loutb HI dfgree at lit 0 tftih pareha to tbe place uf biginnlng, coniaiuing 411 acres and Mt per -hce, more or leis, it being a part "f a larger treat surveyed In the name of John lloua too. ALSO, All lha right, title an I Interest of the D-ft. ants in all tbat ecrlsin tract or land situated in ine iownnip oi ai orris, in (he eounty of Clear Held aforesaid, bounded and described as follows Brginntng at a spruce corner; thence by the Dsniel Mills purchase north a degreoe weit lflO perches to a pine i thenoe hy the John T-iylor and '" iiouaion aurvrya aa.i poritbes to a pine; thence south 14 degress wen corner, oa! led ia tboorigmnl survey souih); thence eatt 7 pero hes to a post ; tbenoe north ls degrees oast IUj per obe to sprung j thene sjuth MSl decrees eait Hi perches to a po-t j thenoo north 11 degree eal 12 perebes to tba plaoe of bsginning, eontaiaing 170 aorea, and being parts of two lorgor surveys n me warrantee names ot UsvlJ (leverage and Francis Johnston. Thrreupnn oroeted a two storied frame buutf, stable. t,d athor out build ings. Helied, taken In xesution, and to he soM as thepropertr of John II. Wagoner, Administrator, Ar, William C. Wagoner, deceased, Mrs. Kiita beta Wagoner, mother, John II . Waironer. bro lb- or and heirs of aaid deceased, and John II. W a oner, on-Dsfendant of said William C. Wagoner, uecvaiea. ALSO. All of Defendant's Intersil In all that cert in house and lot situated in the village of Alleman- vine.uuiicn township, t'karfl.ld county, I'enn sylvania, bounded and descrihed as follows ! Be. ginning oa Main street ; Ihenre scoth 20 degrees alongtbe road known a tne"aicna Koad" I Ta feel, thence along land of II Alleman north 5ftV derrees east iVi fet ; thence along alley enjoining lands ot junn uowmaBdVi aiegreeseail feet ; thence south b degrees west I .it feat to nlace of br in ning, having thereon are ted a 21-story frame dweling bouse, frame stable, and otter outbuild ings. ALSO. All of Defendant's Interest la four alhae lots, situated in Allemaurille, Clearfleld enuaiy. Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fallow. : Commencing on M .in street, theneo along tha alley of James Dow man north Vf degrees east 313 feet t hence South, Ml degroea aest along the lina of Daniel iSuenrla nronerl li tt thenca south .1V degrees wit 2V0 feet, or such as the ground may give to Main street thenca along Main street a .nb Mi, degrees west 12 feat and plaoa of beRaniag, exoepitng and reasrriag ibe water where It la as towing la pipes under lha ground, with Iho privilege ef repairing ibe same for tba ase ef Joseph Pry. Seised, takea la eteentioa tad ta bo sold ai lha properly of I moo J. Eeasaaa. Irpl fli'ftlisfmcnts. n.tiilock till 11 perouea to tbe pln-e .it beginning, i .ontainiog 200 aera, and 110 p-rcbei, wore or leas, w Ith acres cleared and under a good state of cultivation, and having thereon erected a large frme dwnlllng house, large frame bank barn, blacksmith sh ip, wagna shed, grain house, and other outbuildings also, a largi utctiard of ap ple trees. Seised, taken In execution and to bs lulda tbe property of Aus'ln Kime, ALSO, All of the Defendant's Interest In all thnt c-ir. tain lot of gmund situated In Chest t wnibiji, Clear (laid eounty, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows t Bginoing at a pust by Chest creek ; thence north hflj degrees west V perches by land of Joseph II. Brett, to a post ; thence by land of said Joseph . II ret h north ft degroes oast IV If 10 porches to a post thence by laud of said Brvlh south ttl degrees east 8 I III perches to a post thence bv laud of said Ursth south 1 dignes west IU 9-10 pero hes to a ptst aud place ol beginning, eontaining I acre and 4 iu percber, ail oloared aod having thereon erected a two-story frame bouse lOx-'fl fcot.kltihen aitacnod, uxl-t teet, and storeroom at La a bod Iflx2i ieel, also a wagootnaker shop, and a small iraute siaoie, iov loai. Seised, Uaen in execution and to bs a jIJ as the property ol O. 1'. 1'ieruo. Trrms or Salb. Tha price or sum at which the property shall ba struok off must be paid al tba time of aala, or such o: her arrangements maueas win be approved, otherwise tha property will ba Immediately put up and sold again at lha eipenso and risk of the person to wbota It was struck off, and who, ia case of defioionoy at such re-sala, shall make good the same, nd in no tnsunoe will tba Deed ba presented in Court ur connrmauoD unless tba money is actually hkllt Ia lha SkuiS TAJ UllliVL'L'V Suamrr'a Orrtca, Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., April 27, IMI A UMI MIHTHATOH'ib NflTICK. Notloe is hereby giveo that Litter of Adininli lrtiun on the estate of 1IKNRV 1IQOVKK, let' of llrudi township, Clearfield eountv, Pa., deo'J having been duly grants! to tha undersigned, all persons tndob'ej to said estate will please mike iu.uin.ll.ite payment, and those having claims or aemiMds against tne same win present them prop trly authenticated for sniilemoit, without delay A. M. DKAUCKKR, Adratnltlrator. Laihetslmrg, Pa , April 27th, lSIl 6t. TlVOni:iS NOTICIi In tho Conrt of'oa Plan of Clearfield oountr. Pa Kttrv r,. weiii'jui l vs. Sub. Sr. Divorce. I harloi Dcinont. ) 7o Vharht Ihmont, Defendant : You will tike notice that the undersigned has been ap pointed a Commissioner to take tattu, inr In the a'tovo case, ami that tbe evi Uaoa io support of the rieiutifTs Petition, will b t-kon at the office ol (i. K. W. Harrett, in the Boroufh of Clear field, Pa., oo FRIDAY, the 27th day of MAY, a. u. issi. ben and where you can attend. A. P M'LEOD, Commissioner Clearfield, May Iltb, 18dl St TIVORCK N()TII?F.-In the Court of M.J lommnn rtcas ol L'learneld county, Pa. J U VI . k L. -a O J. Myers. A'""-- Divoroa, To 0. B. Jycrs Yon are hereir notified to ba and appear at tbe uext term of Court as afire mentioned, and there defend In the above ean , or show osuse why a decree of divoroa winrulto Nafrimuaii should not be made. KitFB.rr's Omr-, J. MAHAKFEY, Clesrlield, Apr. 27 'Sl.t. Sheriff. 1)I.MN(; 1II.L VOW NAIJ-:!-.Tha Clearlield Planing Mill, well locate t in Its buincs part of the town, an. I eloieto the Station. The building is ailli feat, tw atiriee, good offhe, ware room and sheds' tha whole length of the let. with fint-elnss machinery. Ala., god engine boiler 4x1ft feel, with fifty-three 3-Inch tubes, line shaft beneath the lower fl mr. Largs ilray A Wood sarfacer, large sticker work four ,d .harper, scroll -hin- sidenonoo through, common sticker, double-head- saw, pinol raiser, mirtioa to- nn 7 All property on hand on May 2m, 11. will be dM-.d of at public sale at ,i pjMlng Mill. M O. BHOWN A BHO. Clerald, Pa, May II, ItHI-St. riiitiAl. I.IMT Tha following Is a list of X. causes set down for trial for Jnue Term, Ihol, oommeneiag May 2 td : A L tloliidey, for ne, vs. P. Flvnn. Oeorge UinghHm vs. P. Fhnn w. v. irvia M. Rankin, Asaineo, Oilhert Thorns! rhrisdan Lar ot al. vs. R, C. Thompson, vs. Wainright A Co. va. Jacob Bitgsr. va, Riohard Arthurs et al W tlham Weatover va. Jas. A Kason McKwen JUDillenASMcFarlnnvs. S. Cowan A J. Taylor ..iiqunri .luueri vs. ill. A- J. McHraoflT K. C. Ktiy A Co. vs. Jess W. Carlisle. Chester Muaaoa et al. vs. Robert Liti et al. B. D. i-choonovcr vs. D. W. A J. M. llult. Bigler, Young A d. vs. John Dull is. Mitohull Askey va. Emanuel Kuntx. ConManttne 8bigtey vs. Wm. A Louisa Irvin. K 11. Wilson ti. B. F. Douglas ot al. M. M. DuUree, Adm'i, va. Woodland Fir B Co. Co Nat Bank of Clf d vs. A. llomphrev. Co Nat Bank of Clfd i. W illiam A. Wallace. Stewart A Pearoe vs. William Luther. John P. Irrin va. James A. Bloom, liridjrot Baker va. A. V. Railroad Co. J R McFarlane ACo,ni va. William Westover. M. II lit. art vs. Christ. Uaag. Oeorge M. Brisbin vs. J. J. Lingle. Itbamcr Dale va. Thomas C. Kyler. Samuel Mtliikan va. W. S White A Sjo. K- R. Rosa va. J.T.IInrd. W II Armstrong, Kx'r vs. K. A. A W, D. Irvia. Win. lloffinin vs. Caspar Leipoldt et al. JAMES KhRK, Prothoootary. apr2T-te. QtUIHT PKOITA NATION. WnimiAN, Hon. C. A. MAYER, President Judg of tha Court of Common Plans of th Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of in eountiea oi utearoeid, Lentro and Cliotoa and Hon. Aiham Oonaa and Hon. Viucrmt B. Holt, Associate Judges of Clearfield eounty have Issued tbeir precept, to m directed, for tbe holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, Court of Quarter tiessioni, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Dsliv. ary, at the Court House at Clearfield, in and forth county of Clearfield, commencing oo th Fifth Muutlny of May, (3(lh day) A, I. IHMl, and to coulluuB tor one week NOTICK IS, therefore, hereby given to the Coroner, Justices ofthe Peace, and Constable!, in and for said eounty of Clearfield, to appear in their proper persons, with their Records, Rolls, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remem brances, to do those things which to their offioes, and in their behalf, pertain to ba done. By an Aet of Assembly, passed the 8th day of May, A. I. I&4, It is made tbe dutv nf the Jua. lices of I lie Peace of the several counties yf this Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk ofthe Court of Quarter Sessions of the respective counties, all the recognisances entered Into before thorn by any person or prsons charged with th eommissien ot any orime, exoept such eases as winy be ended before a Justice of th Peace, un der existing laws, a least ten days before tbe eomuic nee moot of th set i Ion ol th Court to which they ara mad rtornablerespctlrIy,and In all eases where any recognisances ar entered inlo less than ten days before tbe commencement of the session to which they are made returna uio, in said Justice! ar to return tha same in the same manner aa 11 said act bad not been passed. OIVBN at.der my hand at Clearf)-I,l, this ath day of April, In th year of our Lord, on iiiuwuiiMu ikui n ii n area anq eiirnty-orie. aprilfl te JAMBS MAHAFKKV, Sheriff. TI'RY I.IMT. Names and locution of thnt ? persons diawa as Jitrors to serve at Mj term, eouimenoing on tba fourth Monduj (t;td), aus vvuunilllig l 111 WMII I (.staan Ji rorsMohoa v, May lOra. A J llngfirty, Clearfleld, Wm Mnffat, Dsoatur 0 W liirkev, IInulsdaleiR H Ftegal, Onetiea, si rnnj, n nim giomaam i nines, Uulirh, J J Pie. Useenla A II TUsoiikranr,Hut-n A K Ureen, llecrrla, tl Id Henderson, Dell, Kd Hoover, Hoggs, .Irff ,lts,, Ohss Kelifer " W I l!urlfy, rred Hrown, j.lno Nrvan, Jr , Jordan, i Philip Rhard, Kno, J P .Mullen, Lawrenna. J W lloll.nb4ch,.M..rrls I ini It KvUr, fit, UurnsHe, w H Pr.iboro. Sndy, B (J (learhart, Prtilur. J uo, Woulward, Skl-od Wr.M Mosrur, Mar IAti. Harry Ross, Clearfleld, M W -Tohninn, (Ireen'd. W J Coorad, Uuliob. leo W Spioe, X. F Hrown, Huston, J Rorenkrans, " Wm Hottman, " Samuel Lee, ' Perer Mats, Knot, W M Caihoart, Was I,oektt, " R J HhslTner, LawreBe, HtiRh Mullen, Th is Unlet). " r.rnest nock, " .Us Moore, lloutidtle, lon Nt 11m Frasier " J"hn II Potter, L City, K B Cletnioa. Newbni. Wm Mats, Osceola, And Klear,Wallaeelrnf laaae l.rle, Ileroana. Hata l li.idle, Lftnnel hoot, ' Hamuel Well., llr-ll, W D Sbirey, liradltrd, J L Pearoe, " Sato 'I Lansherry " W A Hoover. " ! Wm heaunnnta J Uangieharger, Pike, ( Cor it (tardluok, " , Rohrl Porter, IK Kunit, Handy, Daniel Fislmr, ChfSt, Albert, Thomas Kills, " J CatberwotiJ, Dceatar.'Ueo (Utkin, la-emi Bfnaner. Han lr. r u aiaiura. J it Hums, John Hughes. !B Morgan, Woodw'd, W B Morgan, " Chas K Frt, Dan'l iloussr, Uraliaa, I Harry llartraan, " W th nndcrslgned, bershy eartlfy that lb foregoing lit of names of persons were drawn by as on tbe Id dty of April, A. D. 1KB I, In aeeord ao" with sat Issued by lb lit.. Chariot A Msyrr, President ludge of th Coons or Clear lield oonniy, bearing dat tba td day of April, A. 1). Ul. to Serve as Urand and Travails. Jurors ta the Mveral Courts to ba bald at Clear fleld, ooaameneing oa lb fourth Monday (rid) ia May, A, I), Ifel, tn eonttno two weeks. (JAMKn MAUAPf IV, Bboriff. A. sf. JACKROIV, WM. aVUHOWN, - Jmrf CaualMreaora. flUarl.ld, IV, Aar. iWl-ti. Holds. OYU JIOUSK, Main Street, P11IL1PM1URU, PKNN'A. Table always supplied with th best th tnarka affords, Tbe traveling public Is invited to ealL jab.1,'7. KOUKRT LOVD. VrASIIlG'roN HOUSK, TT NKW WAH1UNUTON. PA This and well furnished house ha been taken by the undersigned. II fli eon fl dent ol being able to render satisfaction to tboi who nay lavor mm wiib a pall. May S, 1873. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. JiKMPKRANCK HOUSK, NKW WASHINGTON, PA. II. D. ROSH, . . Propribtor. Jft4rThe bast of aoeommodatloni for man and beast. A dbsral ihari of publlo patronage is ulicitod. sp21f,'ti0. SHAW HOU.SK, Cl.RAJtPIfc.LD, PKNN'A. ASDHEW PESTZ, Jfl , Propria. This hutcl Is kept In flrst-olnss style at reason able rates. Brist ia town fir bieines men. Free bus to and from all trains. Uood sample rinms. Clearlield, Pa , Feb. If), 1911 if. WASHINGTON HOUSE, GLKN HOPE, PKNN'A. rpilK undersigned, having leased tbli eom X modious ll-ttel, la lb village of Olen Hop, is now prepared to acuomtuodet all wUo may call. My laid and bar shall b supplied with the best th market affords. OKOIWK W. D0TT3, Jr. Ulaa Uupe, Pa , March 2(5, U7B-tr. g USQ U KUAN N A 110 USB, CUBWZN8VILLE, PENN'A. J-Ibl, old ana ..U-aiLMi.h.J llcl.l ha, baea l.a.J bjr lb. uoj.raigna, an! ba ooa SU.Dt ul ranjeilna; ,.ti,faotioa to tho. wtij any patron... blip. Uoi.'l al.blinx alta)had. I.KWId C. DLUOM, Wopn.ior. April II, 'U tr. DREXEL & CO., . 31 Hutttli Third Htreet, Ptilla U lplils And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will reeetv prumpt atten tion, and all information cheerfully furnished Orders soliofed. April 11-tt r. K. iRWoLft. W. ARNOLD. i. a. 4RN'JlD F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Ranker mid IfiroLern, Reynoldaville, Jefl'raou Co., Pa Money received on deposit. Discounts at mo derate rates. Eastern and Voroirn K (change al wave on hand and oollrotions promptly mad. Keynolitsvill, Dee. 10, 1874. -Iy County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Oraham', Driok Bullilm,, twu J..u. ait of T A. riask'a 8t jr.. faBtair. Tiok.ta to and rrom Lirarpool.QaaaBi. town, tla,K., London, Pari, and Cnpenhar.n. Alto, Draft, for .al. on th. Hoyal Bank of Ireland ana tmp.rtai nana or London. JAMKS T. LKONARD, Praa't. W. M SHAW, Cbl.r. Janl.'bl Jcullslrj. J L. II. niilCUUOLI), 8 V H G E O X I) E N T I H.T, Qraduata of tha Ponoaylvanla CMI.r. of Daiital Sarrary. Offiiw in raiidonoa of Dr. 11.11.. nnnnalla toa oonw iiouaa. Daotila, '71,-tr, DR. E. M. THOMPSON, OBot In Bank Building,) CurweuaTllle, Clearlield Co., Pa. m?h 11 '7 tf. OPLH.ITII'E OE.mST, CI.SARFIKLU, PKNX'A. "Ortlo. In r.i!enc., oppoait. Sbaw lion,). jvw.m. v-ii J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CI.KARflKLD, PA (OOloa In w.atrrn HoIgI bull.llng ,pond floor ) Kitrou, Olid. Ila, adminUt.ra4 for lha nalo ,a, .itraation of taath; Cl.arll.ld, Pa., Hay I, lKTT-Iy. pisr(Uatt(ou9. Q fi (i ' we"K ,n yar w0 tftw0 T.rm, and 15 OUU ootnt, fr. Addro,, II. lUnaTT A Co., Portland, Main.. ( ir Rr.i POK MAI,!'" Thirln hires of Italian lieea which I will sell nheap for earn, or oxouang lor wneat, for further In formation call on or address tbe undersigned. J.F. K RAM KR, Nov 6,'79 tf. ClearBeld, Pa. r. apura. a. h'cohkli. i, l. waiat.iv GILIC1I, MiCORKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Hi reel, Clearfield, Pa, W maniifaeture all kinds of Fnniltar fur Chambers, IMoing hoems, Libraries and 111 Is, If jiiu want rurnitura of anv kind. dn t bav untu jou m our stoct. In all It, branch.,, promptly att.ndwj to. (il'I.ICII, MoCOKKLK A CO. Claarfl.ld, Pa., P.O. , '71. JOHN TROUTMAN, FURNITURE, JI.VTTKESSEH, Improved Spring Beds, MARKET PTREKT, KRAR t. 0. Tha nnd.raltfnad bre, U.v. to Inform th. altl. s.D, of UI.arA.ld, and tha pabllo fan.rally, that b. h.. on hand a tin. aaaortm.nt of Furniture, rerh a, Walnut, Ch.ilnut and Palntad Chambar Huitaa, Parlor Htiit.,, Harlliilns and Kitrnvloa Chair., Ladlaa' and Oanla' Kaay Cnalra, tha P.r fnrated Dioiog and Parlor Chair,. Cana Haat, and ntnd,..r t:ha.ra, Cloth. JInr., BUp and kitan .Ion l.add.r, Hat Rack,, Karubnlng BrnahM, Ao MOULUINQ AND PICTURII FKAMKH, ookin, Ola,..., Chroma., Ao., Trhloh aroald .Mital.l. for Holiday praavnta. datura jnim tri;tmam. The Doll's Run Woolen Factory tnwn.blp, CL.rt.ld C, Pa. II II R F. 1) lltltl BURNED UPI Th.aDb,rlb.r. hava, at araat axr,.nM. rebuilt a a.lahborhood a.e.a,ity, in th. areetlon of a Arai olaa, H'ool.n Manufaotory, with all tha bodara iraprovamonta atlaohad, and ara praparad to roak all klnda of Cloth., Caa.lm.r.,, HatlnatU, Ulan. k.U, Plannala, Ao. Plant of goad, aa hand ta aupply all our old and a thouaand aaw aa.tom.ra, whom wa aak to eom and .lanio. oar atoak. Tb ba,in. of CARDINd AND PI LLINO III car aipaolal attanlloa. Pr..aa arranf.rn.nt, will b. atada to rviv and d.livar Wool, to .ait en.tonara. A II work warranted aod dona upoa tha ahoru.t aotioa, aad by .trial attaa Hon to bualn... wa hope te reel!. a liberal aaere ef pobll palroaaia. lO.tXH) POUNDS WOOL WANTKDI W will pay tha hl.h.,1 market aria for WM and aall ear maauraotered feedaaaiaw aa almilar good. aa b ban, ht la tb aeaatj, aad ehanavar w. fall te render reeeoaeble aatiafaeltea w aaa alway, be feaad al batae ready te a a, proper atplaaatWa, allbt la paraan er by leUer. "a jwnamoa a siiki, priiistf tm r. a) (Dnr CDurn fliifrtiurmmt. THE REPUBLICAN, Published vrj Wednoeday by G. B. GOODLANDER, CLUARI'IKLO, PA.., Ha, tit Lareat llrculatlou of aujr paper In MorthwMlarii PtnnaylTaUia. Tbe lurga D(1 oonntantly Incroasing ciroulation or tba Ripubmoan, rendora it valuable to buaineu moo as a medium thro' which to reach tbe public Terms or Subioriptiom i If paid in advance, . . If paid after throe months, If paid alter six months, 12 00 2 60 S 00 Wbon papers are sent outside of the oouuty payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or loss, 8 times, . fl 60 Kaoh subsequent insertion, 50 2 60 2 60 2 50 Administrator' Notices, Executors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . . Cautions and Kxtrayi, . . Dissolution Notices, . . 1 60 2 50 Profosaional Cards, S linos, yoar, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: Ons squaro, 10 lines, Two squares, . . . tS 00 15 00 20 00 60 00 70 00 120 00 Three squares, . , One-fourth column, , One balf column, . Ons oolumD, . . . We have always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPCEXAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, to., Ac. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING seen as POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, J LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS. 4c, 4c, IN THE BUST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL . FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Cleo. 11. Ooodlander, Clearfleld, Clearfleld County, Pa. INlSttllatlfOUS. Gray's Spooifis Modicino. TRAOI MARK TRADE MARK uraai nnj.i,a Htmadv. An un. railing o.r. f..r raui.ual nrak nvaa, H..rn.a. turrata, lut,o. teopy, and all" ltiaaaa., that EfOETA.m..'oi" a. . AFTER TAIIK, ?ouoa bail Abu,.; u loaa of M.uiorv, Lairtr, ataitada, Pain in tba llatk, liina.,. ot Vl,i0B Proroatara old Ago, ami many ott.r liia,.. that laad to Inaaait or C.n.uojplioa aod a W.. aoatura tlrava. Jaff-Pull partipulara la aar pamiih'tt, ahirB daalr. ta .od fra. b, mall lo avarv ona. Tb, Hfiarilio Mrdiein. ia aold by all drox,.!, at p,r paokaga, or ail ..ok.R. l..r ti, or will a. lt IrM by on r.o.ii.t nf th. roonay, bv addr,,, it( Tlltt UKAY Ub'llICINK CO.. Boll.l., X, V Sold la Clr.rll.ld by C. D., a,tJ7, 'S i,. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS it- STATIONERY Market fit., Clearfield, (at the Foot tiu1) t.. Tim undersigned begs leav to annoon,- to tb eitisens of CIrarBeJd and vlciaitj, tint be baa fitted up a room and bat jut rtturted frim th eity witb ft larg amtiant et rvi-iirjf aiattr, eonsisting la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and I'asa Hooks or ever) tU seription j Paper and Envelopes, French prt'sed and plaint fens and Pencils; Blank Legal Papers, lJseds, Mortgages; Judgment, KtttLh. tion and I'romiserv notes; M bit and Pin b. meat lirief, Legal Cap, Hreord Ctp, and Hill (,'..,, Hbeet Music, for cither Piano, lute or Vi in,' eonstantlj on hand. Any books or stationer; desired tbat J naaj not have oa hand, will be oriier4 bj first eipress, and aold at wbolesale or retail to tuit uitomers. I will also kp pariodiral Hteratur, sucb ar Magasinec, Ncwspaiers, Ae. P. A. UAl'LlN Clearfield. Mav r, ISAl-if New Departure LUTIItaRSBURG! Hartnftrr, food, will ba aold tor CASH ...... or in rich. Bf. for produor. No booka will i. kept in tb. fular.. All old account, tnuat U acttled. Tho,. who e.nnot ca up. will pica aanu uvar lorir Dolca BLa CLOSE THE RECORD. I an determined ti sell my goods at riab prices, and at a disccoM far Ulow tbat ever utferd in this vicinity. Th discount I allow my euitnmer, will ms be them rich in twenty years U they fellow ny advice and buy tbeir fri od fr ra . I will ray earn for wbrat, oats and elurcr (wed. DA. NHL HODl.AMKK I.utVierrliurr. January IT, 1 ft 77 - FACTS WOffTH KNOW.; i. j Olarer.DarI.n,Mandmke,FtlllIarla-.:i - 'nany other of the Ix .t medicine, kn(,,i . , , killtully comtnncd in rAKb.Ks'sOis.r 'I t ( n uuka it preti Blood Puri isr a J i lb licst Ueallh and Klrcngth Ljitrtii tier fiod. 1 Sflprfirt hthernmrMti!ionof Ps.SKrjir.tN j .KM 1 ONic tKat notiesvcan Un eii,t v. -hei-1 i is ue.l. If you have Dytnoptia, Hcd.clic Rheumtliem, Neuralgia, Bowrcl, Kid.icr or" Liver Disorder, or if u nee .i 3 iui!J mtiui; ,r,t 1 r aciiier, the Tonic is ut !) r.r. i. i i J ffriiru, u it U hihlvcur&livcand invi ji.i-.i f j out never in ton ii it i iij. f If vou are slowiy waitinr iv.t C-. tump tion or any i kno,u ynu li.,vr . Pi im ) Cough ira bad Cold, I'AKKtN sliiv.. I j nil um itrip yull. i give. Rtw tile H i iajnr lo llie feehle and an it t -tt-i. 3 ure fr flheumstrsm and Chalcra t.r:r..un. ( It Has bavrd Uaadreds of Lives) U iloi , It ynu are teelm m miiciitiiir dof Are iiriwn ii-lt. L Ho milter whal your diM" vr lympt . i, u "in kivc iiromin reiM i. kemrmlrfi I 1'A.RkE "' tii vr.rr Tf-f i- mm dun it hm iha Bail imi Puni! f . . Medicine ever nude, cTroijnuc:'i by . i i !rocs, end eniircl' dirtcrmt fi"m i;.t t, .4 mincer vreiiaraiint and all other '1 .,iiir. T;,. PARKER'S HAia BALSAM The Ilest and Most rroaoulral 11 sir D;t ; SAqmnirly fkerfurncd nnil perfvctly l.:.n:ikv.. tTIII Always IWtnreGray nr Faded ::..! 10 its original youthful rolnr and arnci-ni . 11 w.irranirj m imp iu a.ut i;i , and prevent l-jltlnc, A a-wappljri,fn.ef tSrrn!.;M w;'l b.i-r, rlnn a I danHnit rtnd c lire .Lthii ;i , i -Biba.r,bf tUosca!;, tUa.ayi,.ltlrui;,kU..'" . ; April 6llt. ll-ly. HARTSW1CK & IRWIN, SECOND EIRE1, CLEARFIELD, PA., DiAtcns IN PURE DllUiiS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OILS, DYK Sll'FF VAKNISUE', BRUSHES, FANCY 800PS, PKHFVMERY, TtJlLET ARTICI.KS, or ALL KINDS, PURE WIA'SS AAD LIQUORS for uadietnal Tinrpo,.,, Truoaa, 8onportar,, School Book, and Stalioa- nj, and all othar artlclr, oiuallv fouad In a Drag fitora. PHTSloiANS' pnr.scRiPTinNs fAr.- Ft'LLT COW HOUNDED, llavit, a larfa aa- Earianoa la tha buainar, th.j aaa f iva .Mir. aat ifactloa. 1. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IHW1N. Claarflald. Darahr I A, 1K74. Sar vt! tt ii S ti. fl ''11' reIS ft !- ! 1 V .11 arsaDariiia A I. a ol ll.o vlrtitoa nl .arannatllla. allllliiKia, umiiiltak", v.lli.w dork, with ll. l.ali.ln of M,tn.i anil trim, all tv,w iTfnl lOrl tnahliifr, lilniNl-rlMinaliir, anil llfouat, alciiii'iiu. It ta tlm t.iiri'at, aati-at. ai. l i" rvi-ry nnv Ilia moat rffoi'tiial allrrativr-i li- rliin known or arnllahlti to Ilia .nl.llo. 1 ho acl.-ncoa of ini-.lii-.itii. an.l rlii'ioWrv lisv. .rnil.iml ao a n-ii.rilv. n'.r una ao poii-nt to ctlra nil uianim-a rwoiltinf li.ij.ura hlnrnl. It run Si-mfllla. aii.1 all ai-rifiiloi illvr-rtaoa, KryalrM-hta, llo-r, or HI. Anllinnv'a Klrr, l'lmli- an.l Ini-F-grtth., fiiatitlra, IIIoIcIiimi, Holla, littiiiira, Ti-tlrr, lliiinora. Unit Ithi uni. Ji-Hl.l.hi.iirl, Itlnitrtorm, I'lrrra, Hon Itliriiinnll.n, lllaa.r, Nrn rulpln, Ki'iii.ilo Hraklinm anil Irtrfii-l.trllli-a, .liiim.llra, Arliy-llona of ! l.lvw, l)yp..p.liS Kmadiitlon, ami I. i'iirrnl Kolilllty, T.r H inr.'l.ln; an.l cl.-ntulns r.inliHo. II pure... nt tl. rorr.i.ti. wln.h roitliiniiimtn thn l,oo.(, an.l rauaa lcm:.,-nii-ut an.l .Imir. It .timnlnl... an.l anllvrn. lo" vllnl funrtlona. ll prmnot.-a fiioruv an.l jtri-neth. It ri-atoroa an.l pri-aorvr.'h. It liilnai-a now III an.l rlfor ll. lioli- av.l,m. Nn ..(T.-r.r from anv ilira nlch ari.ra frnnt impitritr of tha ltlol nml II. "pnlr, who will flvo Ai rn'a HAR"Araili 'Mr trial. Komamliar, tl.o aarlw ll" Irial, tho aHi,llar tha cure. In nvlpa haa haan furnlri1 In plir.1. in avHrywhorr.; an.l thi-r. rarofnlrlnf Ita aiil" rlor ijnalltioa, It In tlirir prartH-a. For noarlr fortr yaara Artta'a flAMtra- - baa tern wlilly iianl, anil It now r aar tha ronllilanrw nl million, nf pronla rho har aipananrwl bautlta from Ita raar alloua ouraura virtu oa. Preparad by Dr. J. C. Ayar k Co., ViaaUaal aaal AajatrtaaaJ canjlial, Lwwall, Maas. " T Alt MWaUII ITtStTaBS