Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 25, 1881, Image 3

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(.'LKAiirlKLU, l'A. '
Terms of Subscription.
if r"J In advenee.of within tbre months... t;t 00
t tmid After tbrM ud before at months,,. X 60
II laid eftertbeeipirnllon of ail uionhti... I 00
iu;m;ki noti(1i:m.
Mrtln'.llit i:pUcupal tburr h--Rr. flin,
I hi t, Pastor. Hervieei every Sabbath it 10J
isi., endT, P. M.
...hath Hnboot at 9 A. M.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, it TJ P. M.
in u union nervioo, urtt daddriu oi every
,,..nih, it 101 A. M.
c( t'lenrtlelit M, E Church. Ror.
Hi: jti.M It. Aui , Pastor, Preaching every
al'rrnftt Sunday, at 8 o'clonk, P. M. Sunday
School it H, P- M. All art in Tiled to attend.
I'rfabuerlan i'hurchRT. II. B.Brjftan.
-.,ratb services morning and telling Sab-
r,n!b School at V A. . r reyer Meeting Wednoi
liy evening.
Haptlftt I'lmrrh. Her. , Pastor.
al,tBth rk-houl at 3 P, M. Prayer MMtiog every
Wrdnesday evening.
st, I'raiiciV Church ttJiulk He?. P
J . h em i pah. Divine service at 10) A. M., on
i he first, third and fourth Hundaysof each month;
Vcpers and Benediction of the lilesced .Sacrament
ii 7 .'clock, P. M. tiuoday tiohool avery bun day
nfttrnoan at S o'clock.
Simmd Monday of Janaary.
Third Monday of March.
Pint Monday af J una,
Wurth Monday of Sop timber.
Kint Monday of Jane,
Second Monday of November.
foil to orricanu.
I'niuH StaU Senator J. Donald Cameron
Ilnrrlsburg, Ieuphin eonnly t John I. Mitchell"
Wellsboro, Tioga county,
foii(rOTn Ki-Goernir Andrew fl.Curtin,
llefinte, Centra eounty,
AViwfor Hnn. Cyrus T. Ax andir, Bellefoute,
t'entre county.
Attmbiy)oa. Jatnfl Flynn, Brultb'e Mills,
Ch-artield county.
I'reu'dent Jtdgt Hon. Charles A. Mayer,
I ni b Haven .
Anfitnt Lam Judge Uoti. John H. Orvll, of
t HWi nto.
Aiocnti Judge A Warn Ogden, Clearfield;
Vmwnt ll. Holt, Clearfield.
fiuthonotaryJimt Kerr.
Ht yiiltr and Recorder George M. FergUou.
'Vfii yrr Philip Dotts.
l)itirict AttorntuJ. . McKenrlok.
sheriff Jamei MahelTey.
lhtv Sheriff Y. I. Thomtunn.
County Surveyor Bamuel P. McCloikey, Cur-
i'nnaiv CommiionirC. W. Kyler, On ham
,n P. O.; Klah Johnston, Hrampien Hills P. O.j IWrii, or,, turwenavitie.
('.ynmiiiionrfi' VUrk Jacob A. Faust.
friHMly Auditor William V. Wright, Cleer
Hill: Ji.wph illlltland, Thret Runij J.8. Nor
r, Woodland.
CowiWy Co roner Jam el A. Moora, Clearfield.
Jury t'omiior Andrew J.J aekaoo, Clear
iic, I, Win. R. Brown, Clearfield.
S,ptrintrdt of Pubiit School M. L. Mc
yu'wn, Clenrflrld.
X.,tari 'ubiic John W. Wrigley, W m. Ra
iHiiftugh, Cyrui UnlB, Clearfield; Joieph R.
Irwin, N". K. Arnold, Curweoarilla ; J. A. Living-(it-m.
luIioia City.
v l.nt K cot'RK 1
Will vim take wueat, oata or eorn for auh
., r..tiii ?" We are oCtn inquired of In this way
i,v litlor fn'in patrona who rraiJa at a diitance
iri.m (.'WrftcM. Wo again ray yoi. .Tbereoeipti
cl a ret-ponnUe merchant or mill owner in the
vi-initv, will nriKwer ua Jut aa well aa the eaab.
T i!!lutratc: If any of our patroni will deliver
n h I.Mpr nf grain at the mill of Joieph II. Uretb,
in ( crt tuwntbip, Horace Patebin, in Rurniida,
Tl' iiiii II. Furcay, tn Graham, Wm. Porter or
M.nw'ii, in Lnwrence, or brown A Beyler'i, at
);. i btun, 1'nitin townihip, and forward their
rri.i.ti for the aaiount, we will oradit them on
their count for the lama. In tbia way all may
,,n whHt they owe, If thy will pursue thti
1 -rtv. f
fcir-AdvertiHurB and othors will bear
is mind that all articles Intended for publication
hi tLm paper must be handed In, not later than
Tuc'.hiy, at 9 A. M. Don't forget ttl
laud I-'leck's fifty locals in this paper.
- a mm -
The huM fishing Reason commences
u'i tbe 1st dny of June.
.Now hats and bonnets lor ladies and
triors at Fleck's.
Tho Citizen ollico was removed to
(-.urtcn on Second street last wok .
1 m a -
The bent and eheupeHt place to go
I r trimmed hats itnd bonnets if at Lehman a.
A very elegant lino of pocket eutlory,
ri tt, seizors and shears at Herder's. &-2A-tf
Thomas 11. il nrrav. Ken., will de
liver an oration nt I'hillpibu on Decoration
- mt e - -
Mountain pinks, or hnneynuckles, crah-aie blossoma are among the, .latest
tilings out.
- im m -
liiehurd ArthtirH, Kq., of J. rook -ille,
accompanied by Mrs. Arthurs, was tn town
eti Monday.
M "
"('utnieal" Conley mado luces at a
:iull nudienr'e In Pie's, Opera Uonseiasi inurs
ih) evening,
rvt rvliodv is enminir, to Clearfield
i.ext Monday to her Cl. John W. Forney, of
. - - mm -
f'urwensville is muking preparations
t oltrerve Decorallnn day. The orator bai noi
I'.n niinoiiDCi'd.
Trunk Fielding. Kan., has purchased
tlic Alexander property on First street, adjoining
In lot on tho south.
Tin-re was no preaching service in
the I'reihyterian Church lait Sabbath, Us v. Mr.
ttjthr being absent at Pen field and Dulloll.
.. mt mm 1 - -
Mr. Clark Wilson, a former publisher
! this paper, la now doing evangelistic work In
1 he llradford oil region. o It ia reported by
our txrhnngci,
Judge Orvis is presiding at I'ourt
tlii" ncik. The alteuduoce in the Court room Is
large. Ihe tipstaves are John Gulh-h and
'(."ige Oaans.
Some lour or live wagons were at
th curb-stone market on Saturday morning.
Tiny were loaded with Utter, epgi, rhuharb,
I etitoce, sale, cte.
A little aon of Mr. M. (i. liook, of
this borouak. died last Hatardity forenoon, of
diphtheria. His remains wsre taken to PMMpt
burg on Pundi morning for interment.
n -
Arguments in fivo murder cases will
be heard by tbe Supreme Court during the firit
week la June, three from Pnyder county, one
Nevlinr! (nm Clearfield county and one from
We have printed nve paper books
lor reuses to be argued be l ore tne Dupreme voun
n-w in session at Harriitmrg. Aid there are
RKjre to follow. Clearfield enuoty easel will be
tusrd during the wsek beginning Monday, June
Persons attending Court ibis week
11I next week are cordially invited to call In and
'ee Thanhauaer's stock Of clothing and gent f
1 iml..hing gooda at bis it ire, east room of tbe
0' "Ti lloue.
The viewers have finally located tho
tr dge south of town to take the place of the
" Uo'diellow " bridge. It wilt crose tbe river
brloe- the old lite abo ol VM or UO feet be
low the "Hoggs fording."
I he dxnot at this nlaco, as well as
the drpotaali along the main line and branches of
li e PeunnylvenU Railroad, and all the engine,
tre draped tn mourning for the death of Thomas
A.Krfttt, Thif nonrolng will worn for thirty
J1. by order of the Company,
liiv.'s I, 1. Campbell and Wm.
"enn.ilt, and Colonel K. A. Irvln and wife, all
rd tins ci,uLiy, are In attendance at tbe timeral
Ateiahly of the Preehyterian Church la Ihe
I'.'t.d Mates of America, which convened at
Bur.lo, New York, on the t9tb Inst., and Is still
'D SeMjrjt),
Wo are requested to stato that tbe
numbers f the Floral Committee will eiwnjhle !
rooms above Dr. Bnyer'a drag store, formerly
occupied by the ('.ftwa, on Saturday morning and
ftcrtfun next, and elso en Monday morning,
' all dwatiena of fiowere and wreaths are to
is l-fl.
Atiy person contemplating the pur
(hiof uf t nniigaj iaitrumcnt fur the household
or kty akM inatitutioa should biII U eaaei
ia)ihe me riti of the h'stey Organ. It ll raid ta be
the best I nit re n sot ln use either In tone or '
faetaia. W. W. Prtne, Agrat, at fiirttsnilU,
U1 famish tlrls at aay attsar organ at piaaa In
Bee advertisement in this lee a.
Go and mm Flock' now goodo,wketh
ar you wlib to buy anything or not.
Fmhing Ucklo, wholusulo and retail
at Harder i. 4. J J. if
Our Block of Summer goodg cannot
oe aioaiiM im iai. v.4 and eea then,
II. Lxhai k Co
11)0 ludieV lurnisliin roodH at
Fleok'a "aia too lovely fur anything." Call and
e tbem.
JIull's Veiri'talito Riuillnn Iluir He-
newer li tba nioit roliaMe artiela In uaa for r
itoring gray hair to tU original eotor and pro
moting iti growth.
'Ksquiro Klctiul, 0110 of Clearfiuld
oounty old Uamooratio war bonei, wai tn town
on Monday. Ua li juit ni young ai ha ued U
be." PutxtHtuwnty Spirit.
Alexander H. liuad, a former Clear-
field county teacher, 1$ eondueling an adneational
department tn the Warren (Pa ) Udytr. He re
idei at Garland, Warren oeuoty.
a am .
Our millinery department wan novor
aocrowaea wun orderi ai tt ta at preieot, which
prorti that we oan do the bait work fur the leatt
mon-y. 11. Lbumai A Co.
m - -
A now paper, called the " Williams-
burg Idtpndrnt,"hmi from Williamiburg, Blair
eounty, the eoond nutuberof which ia before ua.
Her. W. W. Dunioirt aid K. O. Raker ire tbe
pn prleli.ri and aditoia.
ThunhauBer, the mundiaut tailor and
clothier, In Pio'a Opera llouae, ,'ii doing an Im
mtnie buiioea in the Hprlug and Summer trado.
The ronton U eaily aiplained. lie deal fairly,
ella at low price, and li pleaeant and gcneroui
with bit cuitotntrf.
Stop Trkhpahhino. I hereby givo
Kotioa to thora prfoni, who make a praetiua of
paning through my fleldi, to do their traveling
on the pub lie roadi. If tho offeoeo ta repeated I
wilt aertainly arrct thoie who continue thi habit,
and bare l ho law enluroed agalmt tbem.
6 26 Jtp Ri iiABD 8haw, Jr.
Attention, Ijariukr l'oTfNo,
G. A. R. Comradei, yua are earneitly rtquaeted
to attend the regular meeting of Iho Pott 00 Fri-
day avaninj, My 27th, to complete all arrange
nan 1 1 for Dcooratlun day. The uniform cop will
ha given at tliii meeting. Let every Comrade turn
out ai It li important that all thould be present.
By couiinatid, II. T. Kiko, I'oitCom.
W. A. 0ijrn, Adjutant.
Ming M. Welch hun just received a
very floe aiforttuant of new rooda from Phila
phia and New York at bar More on Market itreet,
near the 8haw Ilouie, cumpriving (bo rery lateit
fhapea In laditi' hall and bor.neti, lulM to all
taitei, u thf-y are both elaborate in afvle. Alio,
a fine lot of tiei, col Ian, flohui, la cat an J netting!,
rery Landioma for neck wear, Ladilf, pleaie
call, eiamine gooda and aeeure good bargaina.
Thomah Kkynoldh Ifad. On Mon
day of lart wrek, Mayltitb,thia aged and re-
ipaottd ciilicn of JetTerton county breathul hla
last, at bis home in Reynoldnville,after an illness '
01 three mon'ni, He was upwards of 70 Tears of '
age, and waa the Ust survivor of a nutnbor of
persons who came hum the Shadigee sttllomc!
in New York Statr,foity years ago. Thedeceaeed !
waa well-known to many of our redera in the I
. , , ... 1
western portion of this eounty.
Citizkns' Hanh Festival. The
members ot theClliiani' Hand of Clearfield will
bold a Festival in Pie's Opera lloue, commencing
on Monday, May 3th, and Continuing all weok.
Strawberries, Icecream, and other eatables of the
season, and in fact refreshments of all kindi will
he served. Music by the band tbe entire evening.
Th Alm ... .4 I. -I... ...I..
. . 1 '
ceiving donations It li hoped this organiiatiun
will be encouraged.
un. .M. Doherty and Kd. Leavy !
made a raid cna den of fnvepon Uugh Orr's frm, !
in Lawrence township, on Wednesday last, and
were quite auoeeseful, eapturing three Reynards
alive, and their bounds killed one. The old
nes and one ofisprlog made their escape. It
was a regular b:mania for the buys. These ani
mals have been feasting on Mr. Ori's chickens
for some time past, and were so bold aa to put in
an appearance and grab up a pallet In the day
time tn full view of the members of bis house
hold. i.i mm --
Leg Hboken. On Tuesday of last
week, white two men and a boy were taking a
truck from Wallaoeton to the saw-mill of Messrs.
Hoover, flushes A Co., some dUtance from Wai
laceton, whioh Is cmuectcd with the railroad by
a tram road, the truck jatuped the track, pitch
log Mr. Daniel Shunts off In front, and a saw (hat
was on the track struck blm on tbe leg between
the knee and thigh, fracturing it severely. The
others escaped uninjured. Mr. Shouts is a oar
penter, and resides at Phllipsborg. He bad been
working at the mill through the past Winter, aad
having finished his work , waa in the act of re
moving his toots whoa the accident happened.
He was taken to hi home at I'bilipshurg on a
hand-oar, where hla injur iei were attended to,
and although suffering some that from pain, ho
ll doing as well as can bo expected.
mt mt
Forging Money Order. A. It.
Coles, claiming to be tbe diibuning agent of
Cole's Circus, was arrested in Altonna last Thurs
day, at the instance of Postmaster Stirts, of East
Liverpool, Ohio, on a charge of forging postofBoe
money orders. Hi had been followed to Altoona
by Surls, who had dlscivercl hy some taotni
what the fellow waa at, and he waa arrest
ed while waiting to have six orders of f60 each
cashed. I'pon being searched blank orders to
tbe amount of tr.SUO were found in bis p-iisession,
a number of letters add rt lied to postmasten In
different parte of the country arking them to send
the moo for enclosed postal orders to him at
New Haven, Conn. Be had a route mapped out
fri'SJ Alt-ion to Maryeville, with the time of Ihe
arrivat and departure of trains no cd. The
prisoner was taken to Pittsburgh, where bis ease
will be investigated.
.. mt -
Meeting of Lutheran Conference.
T he Twenty-seventh regular Convention of
the Northeapt Conference of the Allegheny Synod
convened In St. James' Lvangrlical Lutheran
Cburtib, Huntingdon, Pa., Tuesday evening, May
loth, and remained In efon, until Thursday,
the 12th. Thr opening sermon, a wry practical
and edifying ducoitne, was preached by the
President of Conference, Rn. M. 0. Buyer, ol
Marklcslurg, Pa. , from tbe text, John 21:11 ,
theme -' The Church's Duty to the Children."
Ol Wednesday morning, Re r. 3. t. Gladhill, of
Lutherstmrg, prsached a very practical aermon
from Matthew, 10;S. Theme "Vineyard Work."
The speaker represented theoharoh as the dresfcr
of tbe vineyard, the children an the tender plants,
which need the ingrafting thudding) of the Word,
care or dressing of the vines, end guarding or
the keeping up of tbe fi-ncet. Rev, Mr. Gladhill
took a very active part in all the visions of the
1 a - -1'ROGHAMMEOr
KxERCISER. Tbe ful
Ijwing has been determined upon ai the pro
gramme of cir relies for Mndcy nest, Decoration
day t-
oa:aa or ixenriftRi at run cm nt noi'i.
1, Musie by tbe Citfioai' Band.
X. Prayer hy tbe Rev. II. H. Butler.
.1, Muuo by IheOrpbeua Band.
4. Introduction of the speaker By IL'n. G. K.
5. Oration by Cot. J. W. Fornry.
0, Forming of Pnoeiiion.
oanr.R or kiiroinm at rKvaranr. j
1. Dee r March, hy Bultona' Drum Corps, while
entering Cemetery,
3. Music hy the Orpheus Btnd.
I. Prayer by Her. W. II, Dill.
4. Musie by theCitiseas' Band.
b. Address hy Rev. George Leidy.
5. Decoration of graves, Murio by the Orpheus
Band, "Strew Flowers."
f. Benediction by Rev. G. H. Ague.
Music hy the Citnena Ha-I
Proeeesion reform manh to the Cjurl Ho use
and disband.
That reader must bo hard to please
Indeed who In the diver'ified contents of the
A'orfA American titrittc tut Jnne should find
nothing to win hie n'tsntlon. First we hare an
article hy the Hon. Hugh McCullooh en "Our
Future Fiscal Policy," treating of tbe problem!
of refunding, the remonetltatioa af sirtr,and
tbe restoration of the t'nlted States to their Just
rank among the maritime nation a of tbe world.
George B. Lorlng writes af "The Patrician Ele
ment In American Society," but the reader may
apprehend no glorification of artificial rank, for
In the auihor'a estimation tbe patrician aliment
h em la limply the atrongeet popalar rlem at
that portion af the people, whatever their lineage
who are engaged In developing tbe mental, moral
and material wealth of the Republic Dorroaa
B. Baton makes a spirited d.fense of dvil service
reform ; Prof. W. O. flamner statee Tory clearly
the niguaentfot free ships ( Frederick Douglas!
wrltet of "Tbe Colo Line t " Desire Cbarnay, of
'The Rains ef Central America" Austin Flint
discusses Ike benefits of vaccination 1 J. M. Meson
asserts tbe lawful power of tbe Government to
rtgW rail war ehargst) aad finally , Prof. E.
8. Mors sets forth the evident of tht etittenee
Of tetn upon UH continent La prehistoric t.mei.
Tho flnt maellng for 1SH1 of tho Eiecntlva
Cotamlttct of tho Juniata Valley PrioUn' Alio
elation eonrened at Odd Fetlowi Hall, MuVay.
town, Pa., on Saturday, May 16th, for the purpoae
of taking preliminary action 'In relation (0 the
fonrtfe annual eicunloa of laid aaiooiation. Tba
following named meuheri pot In an appearance
at (he time and plaoa Indieatad 1 K, Conrad, Me
Veytown Journal Goo. ShroB, Newport Ltdytr ;
B. F. Scbweior, Miltlintown Snlinal; Hugh
Llndiay, Huntingdon Arm; H. n. Brainard,
Ourwenavllle TimtiJ. A.Irwln,Altoona Rndient;
H, A. MoPike, Ebeniburg Frttman,
On motion of Mr. l.tndaay, B. Conrad, Presi
dent of the E lenitive Committee, waa ealltd to
tbe Chair, and II. A. Mcl'ike anumed the datiea
ol Secretary. Mnin. E- B. Btaokpule, MoVey
towa Joamo.-W. K. McCarthy, Mount Union
Tim U.J, Foioot. Lewiatown I)moert. and
W. W. Trout, Lewiitown free Pre, being pros
ent, were on motion admitted aa advisory mein
ben of the Commit lea.
On motion of Mr. Irwin, the Preiideut wai in
vited to vacate the Chair temporarily ia favor of
Mr. Bhrom, after which Mr. Irwin moved that
tbe ainoereand heartfelt thankiof the Committee
to be tetdrrcd to Mra. Conrad and hor amiable
"worier half" fur the Tory kind treatment and
excellent banquet eitended to and prepared for
tbe members of the Committee. Adopted oninl
mouily by a rising vote.
A motion made by Mr. Brainard , to poiipone
tbe consideration of the time and plane for hold
ing the coming picnic, Ud to a geueral inter'
change of vlewi aa to whether Bedford or Belle
fonte should be selected ai tho place, they being
the only points of Interest suggested In that eon
nection. It was finally determined that when tbe
Committee adjourned. It should bo to meet at
Huntingdon on Wednesday, July ftth, lor the
purpose of visiting Bedford to aice Ualn what
arrangements can be made for reaching that place.
For reasons not necessary now to mention, the
following reeolutlon was oflercd by Mr. Lindsay,
and unanimously adapted:
Heohtdt That all railroad tickets isined, if
issued, for tbe coming picnic be endorsed by the
eultor or pubiutier ol tne paper to wnton they are
scat with the name of each applicant, and that any
editor, publisher or employer, who ahall sell, give
or otherwise uipoie in iiuaeis to parties not in
any way eonntiected with tba craft shall be 01-
pelled from the organisation, and all tickets so
diapoaed of will bo taken up by the conductor on
ins tram uaa lull lure collected.
On motion the thanks of the Committee
wire tendered to Bright Star Lodge, No. 70.r,
I. O. 0. P., for tbe use of their fine ball and to
the representative eltliens of McVeytown for
courtesies extended, and to tho Cornet Band fur
tendering tbe compliment of an escort to the
railway station, whioh, when received, wai highly
Small Pox X'rrventivk. Tho fol
lowing waa first published in 1873, during the
prevalence of atualt-pux. It la worth retnem bar
ing and trying la small pox cases :
Certain families In Iluntarille, Ala., during the
prevalence of small pox there, found tbe tea, of
uleck-tnake root, otherwise known as cohosh, to
be an euioient preventative of small-pox. Dr. G.
I). N niton stated, at a meeting of the Alabama
titato Medical Association, that iu the families
OMri the abiiro named root there occurred no
cases of aintll-px, though aotue were oxponed to
"1B "r. norris vaccinated me members,
without eflt-ot, ao long as they Continued to
the black-foike root tea. After ceasing to
use the tea he aain vaccinated tbem, when the
specific etlcet of tbe racino virus was produced
Th "hJ t l1 or'hy the atteotion of the
uiid'cul profesiion, as tho Impression is becoming
iM .ir,vnlent that Joes more
harm than good.
This same make-root, so common to our
woods its proper name la Virginia snake-root
Is an excellent preventive of billions and malarious
diseases, and la curallro of skin affections,
irruptiou, Ac, is strengthening and in all reopects
a valuable tonic. Its good effects are largely In
creased by tbe addition of cinchona in small
quantities. A quart of pure
hiskey, or of sherry
I wine, to an ounoe of snake root, with a little
a hone and aromatic feeds to modify tbe taste,
III about the proper preparation. One or two
titpw-sful to a dose, three titnoi a day,
bcforf ""i luffleieat. The liquor maybe
't'ntwsJ two r three tines. It la not necesa-y
to make it ao excuse for drinking whisky.
At Pie's Opera House, on Saturday evening,
Juoa lltb, a grand testimonial bsnefit will be
tendered to the Orpheus Band of Clearfield by
their friends, on which occasion Tony MoAlister'i
Combination will appear in a flrst-ctaia enter
lainment. Tbey will be mpported by the ever
popular comediaus, Mr. and Mra. John Cun
ningham, of Nsw York, professionally known as
now retired from the stage, after playing for the
past six years in all the first class Theatres in tbe
United States and Canada. He wai pronounced
hy the press and public to he the best Iriib
sketch artist and champion Irish jig and reel
dancer la America. They have also engaged
the great Negro oomuedian, Mr. Charles W,
Bryant, late of Charley Shay's Combination, be
sides a host of other first class people who will
appear In afirst-elasientertainmcnt, Flrst elasi
music will be In attendance. Come one ! Come
all ! ! Rorerved seat tickets for sale at the post
office. 1 -
It is surprising to most everybody what plies
and piles of clothing, boots and shoes are carried
away from the Boston Clothing Home, just opened
In Baxter'a building, Long street, at DuB ils, Pa.
People are to be seen at that House eupplying
themselves with men's, boys' and children's
clothing, boots and shoes from every part aad
direction, from most every town and village in
this and adjoining counties. DaBois hie never
seen eo many strangers coming Into town as now.
Since the opening of tbe Great Boston Clothing
House It won't he very long until moit everybody
for oft miles around will be convinced that n lDit
to that concern, even for an ordinary purchase,
will pay them well. The sales of that Houe tinea
the opening Is rery targe, and the low prices l?iey
are selling eiulhiug, hoots and shoes fr will
make the Boston Clothing House, In DuCols, tbe
lead ii'g plact for clothing, boots, shoes, and
sverything In tho lino of men and boys' wear, It
hts the facility of doing iU 5-I8-.L
mt mm
A Cure atJmht. Specifics without
number for the care of Catarrh have been exten
sively advertised, aad doubtless there ll some
virtue In all, but the evidence is overwhelming
that 1'ly's Cream Balm goes more directly than
any other tn the seat of the disease, and though it
Is a comparatively new discovery, It has resulted
In more cures, within the range of our observation
than all tbe others pat together. Wilkes-Baire,
Pa, Union Leader, December Itfth, )87.
We have sold Kty's Cream Balm for Catarrh for
tho past year ; have never had a complaint hut
have received praises. It gives satisfaction to
every one using It. Nat. Wolfe A Co., Druggist,
Wilkes-Barm, Pa., Jan. 18tb, 1M0.
How She Saved HerDaumno. "1
shall never again feel so awfully nervous about
my tablet teething," writ 01 n grateful mother.
We almost lost our little darling by a long attack
of cholera Infantum, buthapplly heard of Parker's
Ginger Tonic In time. I took a few spoonfuls
myself, which soon cured my nursing behy en
tirety, and an occasional dose has kept me and
baby In tueh perfect health, and made ua so
strong and comfortable that I would not be with
out this reliaMe medicine for worlds." -A Mother
of Brooklyn. M-4t
A Fact. An nnvortisemont inserted
In the RrM'Btiriff will reach more readers than
If puMiahed In all the other papers in the eoun
ty, and cost the adrertliei leu than one-half
In other words, an advertisement published In
our Jcurnal la worth double the prion of that
charged by aay other publisher In the oounty.
It If a fact." tr.
The tax-payers of Clearfield borough are here
by notified that the duplicate ot Borough Taxes
for 1SH has been placed In my hands lor eolleo
tton. All persons desiring the abatement allowed
bylaw , must pay their taxes within THIRTY
DAYS from tbis date.
J. C. Wnitwhim., Diet. Treat'r,
Clearfield, Pa., May U, ISiil-lt.
I-it-t of letters remaining unclaimed
In the Poatoms at Clearfield, Pa., for the week
ending May 2'd, IKS) 1 Askrmft, Irene Brown, F. V. Combe
George Emerlck, Edward L. Mam per, Mite Ella
O'Noil. P. A.OAIL1N.P. M.
Set-nets largo, medium and small,
twinee, oat It eea, lehing llaee, fish basket a, bait
boxes, tackle books, hooks, and ever description
of "porting tackle at narder's. t-34-tf
Silk, regina, zanclla, alpaca and
oomrnon covert, put on old umbrella and para
ails at J. E. Herder's store, Ckarfleld. e Ji-tf
Ladies, why do you shop in th city,
whoa yow oan get every th lag yon want cheaper
at homer Call ai Fleck's.
A large stock of IJruspels and In
grain earpcte at Fleck '1.
New Corset fat Fleck's. '
SVMLIUlT 4Kb SniltOW."
Ever tlaoe It became known that John B.Uougb
wis engaged in writing a new book, Its appear
ance hat been watched for wllb Intense Interest
It hae recently been published, and the enormoui
aalea afford a striking instance of the success that
la sura to bo awarded to a really good work. A
though only Jolt published, the twentj-sixth
thousand ll already printed ; and this fact aleaa
la worthy of notice, for a hook whioh aelli Ilka
this mutt be one of extraordinary Interest.
John B, Gough, tba author of "SvnuonT Ann
Shadow," )i too well known to require any eulogy
here. Thousands are familiar with the history of
hla life ; hit early poverty, the depth of the deg
radation to which he descended while a victim of
drink, hit wretched condition and terrible tuffer
Ingi, bit super hum an it niggles again it intemper
ance, hit reform, hit relapse, bit resigning of the
pledge and final victory, bit world-wide fame,
and bit extensive travel! and protracted labort In
thlt country and abroad. Thirty-five yeara ago
Mr, Gough first published hll Autobiography.
He had than Juat rteorered from a Hfe of unpar
alleled dissipation, and waa jott entering upon
that career which hat alnoe made him ao famous.
InlBbOanaw edition of that work, with addi
tion! and emendation!, wai given to tbe public.
It eontalned a history of hli early life, with seme
recollections of hit career ai a public speaker. It
did not embody the Intensely Interesting and ei
cltlog record of tbe many thrilling, pathetic, and
amusing scenes from human life,
" Fn m grave to gay, from lively to severe,"
whioh all tho world knew bad crowded themselves
iuto his long and varied career. Thete have now
been gathered for the flnt time, and tho new book,
"BvKLioBT asd Bhadow," it the medium and
tbe only one through whleh tbeae thrilling de
tail! hare aver been presented to the public.
" SrwuonT AMD Shadow " It Indeed a remark
able book hy a remarkable man, Mr. Gougb'a
recollections of his own experience! hare made
him ever ready to lend a belplnc hand to others,
and the very nature of hit life-work has brought
him into close contact with poverty, crime, desti
tution and vice, and be hat littened to life histo
ries of the moat thrilling nature, and witnessed
inei that testify anew to the truth of tbe adage,
11 Fact It ttranger than Fiction."
Same of the saddest and most pathetic Inci
dents ever told arc narrated in tbe present work,
and the reader's eyes will fill In spite of himself
at tbe power of Mr. Gougb'a pathos In describing
oenca that have come under hit personal obser
vation. But " SncLicnr An Boa now " It not altogeth
er a record of dark experience!. It baa a bright
and tunny tide. Mr. Gough'i itortet and de
scriptions of the humorom side ef life, aa bo baa
teen and experienced It, portray many amusing
acenei. Hit remarkable facility for teeing the
ludicrous tide of every thing, and hli talent for
humorom descriptions ere well known. No one
can tell more amusing things and In a more Irre-,
slatibly humorous way than John B. Gerna. !
The corned iei from life, absurd blunder!, laugha- I
ble mistakes, comical Incidents, embarrassing
situations, mostly drawn from hie own experi
ence on the platform and among the people, will
provoke tne mirth of the mutt serious. His ex-1
perlcncci with brazen-faced people ; with letter-
writers and their remarkable wants ; with aspir
ants for fame and seekers after "moid la" looturei;
with beggars without number and boret of all
kindt are given In "SrnLiflitT Att Shadow '
withont reserve.
In short, " St 'xhgit a no Shadow N li a mine
of extraordinary Interest. It can he truthfully
aid of it, that for thrilling Interest, touching
pathos and irresistaole nutnor, no book baa ever
equaled tt.
In pointof paper, printing, linding, and ahore
all, beautiful and cosily illustration!, we have
not seen Ita equal In many a day. It fa superbly
llurtratcd with magnificent full-page engraving!,
angreted in the highest ityle from original de
signs by F. 0. 0. Darley, Frederick Dial man,
and other famous arttsta. The magnificent steel-
plate portrait of Mr. Gougb wai engraved from
a photograph taken expressly fur this purpose,
and will be highly priicd by tens of thousands
ho hare IMened to hit eloquence.
We advite our readen to buy " St'uLiunT and
Shadow " at the flnt opportunity. They oan, in
our opinion, mncb better afford to dispense with
a doien other books than not posieif this.
The most reliable place to get fint-olasi, fash
ionable mllioery goods, and fancy variety goods,
la at Mra. Watson's, Market itreet, nnxt door to
the postoffice. Mrs. W. baa juat returned from
Philadelphia, and li now receiving an elegant
itock of goods, which will surpass anything ever
before brought to Clearfield, Tbeae gooda are
the only reliable Summer styles for the soaion,
as goodi bought before May 1st are unreliable,
bulb as to quality and style. Ladelt visiting
town will do well by examining my goodi before
buying. My goods, considering the superior
quality and late stylet of trimming, will be sold
rery low, as I buy goods for cash only.
Mna. T. B. Wati.
Clearfield, Pa , May 4, 1311-31.
New Daily Stage Link, James L.
Leavy haa succeeded In having a dally mall estab
lished between Clearfield and Penn field, and will
hereafter run a daily stage between the two points.
Hlscontract began with April 1st, and the ttage
will leave Clearfield every morning (except Bun
day) at S o'clock, making connection! with all
traina on the Low Grade Railroad at Penn field, re
turning after the last train the same evening.
Paiaengeriend freight wilt becarriod at low ratei.
Orderi left at any of Ihe hotels will he attended
to. 16aprTVtr
(iiRi.s Wanted. Tho proprietor of
the Susquehanna House, Cnrwcmrille, detiret to
employ a cook and dining-room girl. Those
who are not otherwise engaged will please call or
address at once. Liwn C. Bi.oom,
5-18 2t Curwenivlllr, Pa.
To Sportsmen.! have fishing taeklo
of all kinds j alio, powder, shot, lead, ofcpi, car
tridges, etc. Fmn S.Ukbtt.
March 23, 2m.
Call at Merrill's hardware Rtoro and
ee the cheapest and best Sewing Machine for
tbe least money. Deo. 53 tf.
Fleck's Btore, in Clearfield, is tho
place for dty-goode, dress goods, faney-guodl,
notions, carpet! and oil cloth 1.
A beautiful assortment of children's
lace collars, and laaiea' lace ties and neckwear of
every description at Fleck's.
Fleck employs a millinor of experi
ence and taste to trim hats and bonnets to order,
on ibort notice.
See tho trimmed hata and bonnets in
Lehman' window t Hometbtng new every
Ladies' gossamer waterproof cloaks
and gentlemen's gossamer water-proof coatt at
A fino lot ot Ladies' new Spring
Coata of the lateit styles and patcrna Just received
at Lehman!.
Have you seen tho latest Sprinu; and
Summer stylet In millinery goods 1 If not, call
at Fleck's.
I have a fine line of bats and bon
nets for ladles the lateit styles. T. A. Flu k.
Fleck has enough poods in his line
ol bus ioest to supply every lady iu the eounty
If you don't believe Flec k has nice
cheap goods, call and see then for yourself.
T. A. Fleck's storo In filled with
handsome goods of evary description.
Now silk handkerchiefs at Fleck's,
for botb ladies and gentlemen.
Trunks! Trunks 11 Satchels 1 Satch
el ! t very cheap at Moore'l.
Now silk mitts, long, and In all the
new shades, at T. A. Fleck 'i.
New muslins, bleached and unbleaeb.
ed, all widths, at Fleck's.
Ladies' skirts and hosiery
itsei and colon at Fleck's.
-of all
Now Goods at It. A. Kralrer's.
New F'ancy Uooda at Fleck's.
Now Fancy (ioods at Flock's.
New table linen at Fleck's.
Now drosa goods at Fleck's.
New dross goods at Flock's.
Now carpets at Fleck's.
New carpets at rieek a.
TON. Mn. EniTon: Our merchant! have lately ar
rived from tba eastern cities, and many tons of
merchandise are now being transported from tbe
railroad to thia place by tne "wagoner! of the
Alleghenlea," Our business horses take nobody's
Mr. Jamei McMurray, the gentlemanly clerk of
toe vomer store, will recreate a lew day a before
entering upon the arduous dutiea of a busy Bum
mer. Adam Breth, Erl.,our skillfull mechanic, bai
juit completed bii patent Bolt and Rivet Clipper,
which lor eimpllelty and merit excels anything
of the kind we have ever teen. Mr. B. is a
practical- blacksmith, and we bespeak for him
abundant success. "There ll mUlioni In It," if
It ii introduced properly.
Her. Owen Hioka will lecture before tbe ftu
deute of the Normal upon "Tbe Battle of Gettys
burg" aome time in the future, date not Axed
Tbe dogs of this town gave a concert at 12
o'clock last night. Tbey gather around the rulue
and make nigbt hideous.
The Normal School at tbta place Ii in a flour
ishing condition, numbering above sixty itodenti.
Letter! have been received from a number of
teachers wbo are coming. We are proud of our
number and the altaiuinenta of (bote in attend
ance, considering that there Is a Normal School
at every eroaa roads.
u a conversation with our genial friend. Mr.
John D. Miller, of Cheat township, I gleaned the
following lingular faota regarding bit invalid
daughter. Shell about three feet tail; weighs
twenty-two pounds, and is nearly sixteen years
old. She baa never eaten anytbinf except lood
uitahle for a little eh Ud. She haa never walked
a ttep or spoken a word, jet the knowt theinem-1
hereof the family aad recognises certain neigh-,
horl with childish glee. Her acnue of hearing it
very abarp, aad any harshness or tiirna of anirer
oauaee her great mental agony, liar fxmtrles
seem to expaud slowly, yet no tmporLant develop,
meat oan be anticipated because she hae not tbe
physical strength to give vitality and activity.
In thia case there is certainly food tor the
scientist to dijreit. Tbe child It no doubt a
heavy charge upon hrr aged parents, yet if she
were to be called away from itietn ano would be
miased more than any other member of tbe family.
Niw Waihihoto, May 19th, 1881.
. SHIP.:n ;, ,
Editor RnrriLit'A ) Plena give me apace
for a few notea from Penn. The farmers have all
their crop! in the ground, with good prospects of
rlcn harvest, uur town trennviuef 11 neing
improved in the vay of new sidewalk.
1 be I'ennville normal (School la tn a nourlsntog
condition, receirlng new students every week.
The first lecture of tbe course waa delivered ty
S. T. Drockbank, Esq , of Cleariield. Tbe sub
ject was "General Culture." Tbe Hall was filled
to overflowing, and the lecture was pronounced
by all at the ht et they had over heard. The noxt
lecture will be by tbe President of the State
fennnllo boaiti of the best public library in
the county, aflnt-class school, two good Literary
Societies, and a g"d Debating Club. Where is
the town in the eounty that oan beat ua T
G itAMri A II ills, May 20, 1981.
Clearfield Coal Trade State
ment of Coal and other freights sent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
0 ad for the week ending May 14th, 1881, and
the tame time last year :
For the week 4.i6
Same time last year 23,708
Increase 22,SD8
Previously during year 1V9,4$
8ame time last year 4UV.48I
Total In 1881
Same time last year
Increase 41 J.loS
otbbb rait 1 OUTS,
Miscellaneous freights a A" "
Tins Way for Your Tumps! Tho
undersigned Is now sole agent for tbe sale of tbe
Celebrated Wooden Pumps manufactured by the
Toledo Pump Company. Tbey are without doubt
the best pump tn tbe world. Tbey throw more
water, work easier, and last longer than any pump
ever put on the market. Also, for aale, Iron
Force and Pitcher Pumps . Repairing dune
prompt I v. Fsxd Sackitt.
Clearfield, March 23d, leM-xto.
Coal Is. If any of our coal bank
men feel like trading tome of their product tor
aeries of numbers of eoplei of tbe Clbarfiild
RarrnLicAR, we will gladly show them when to
put two or three hundred bushels on account In
that way. We have a bin at our residence and
one at the office that will hold a load every now
and then. A hint to the wise Ii a very sige re
mark, and should be sufficient. tf
I hitvo a good assortment of ladies'
ttet. T. A. Flick.
Kid gloves in all tho bonutiful and
desirable shadsa at Fleck's.
Did you soo tho handsome goods in
Fleck's show window ?
A handsomo stock of ladies' dress
goodi cheap at Fleck 1.
Flock invites you to go there for
your millinery goods.
Now hats and bouneta for ladiea and
mines at Fleck'i '
If you don't seo what you want nt
Fleck's, ask for it.
Now black silk milts, porteotly beau
tiful, at Fleck'i.
Now ticking at Flock's storo, on
Market street.
Now goods received every week at
Now collardand eufid (or ladies, at T.
A. Fleck's.
now (,'oocls are ready for
nnd blaik Kid gloves at
Now goods received every week nt
(io to T. A. l'leck'n und nee, his new
good, I
Xow linen handkerchiefs at Fleck's.
Ncwoilclothsand maltings at Klwk'n.
Now fans and parasols at Fleck's.
New funs and jiarasnls at Fleck'i.
Now Yankee- notions nt Fleck's.
New Vankco notions at Fleck's.
Now gii)(,'lmiB at Fleck'i.
JI HT-M. l,loni.IN On tim Uj, M.y
22.1, ISSI. IT Um. M. Himtw, ,., Mr. Cuiirii
Jumt nj Kihtm MrLAroHLL, butt of (llrard
WomllAniJ, ! Thnrflnjr, Mnr I2lh, IBH, l,y Her.
1'. Coiil.?, Mr. H B. tiinntr mtid Him Mrrtik
Iloovmi, bolh.f Uradford townahip.
MAllfUlAt.1.-WOnt.At tbe M. R. minor,.
.ft. In kryonltlivills.on Tiled..,, Mi; 10th, 1881,
hy Her. u. v. ri.nrt, Mr. 1)A id MAn.HALt.
.nil Mill Carrir Wimid, butb. of CU.rDelil oodoij.
IUI(IIIK3-ARHCROFT.Allli. rc.Hrnr.of
Mr. llttfh', D.r 0,rnU, ttn Frl4ar, April
lil.lMl.b, lur.W.H. Wllx.n.Mr.J. H. lliiam,
n4 MIm IIkbkcca AiHcnnrr, .11 of Clrtrflald
Dl'NCAN FM0KY At th. M. R. p.rrona,,,
Olornlt, on KriilaT, May 2lllb, I8M, li; 11, r. W.
8. Wilxin, Mr. W. H. Hrn,, of Pnrliburr,
Franklia eounty, anil Mill Naiitiu Kmort, of
Parry eounty.
FI1KHTB HoKl.KV At lb, miilane. of
Ihe l.riaVl r,nt. on, May llllh, IBM,
be Bar. J. V. Tallbelm, Mr. Jon. KarnTR. ot
Clearfield eounty, and Miea Hour Morlrv, of
JulinD, Centre eounty.
I.ANSllEllRT-fANKKY-At'tbe re.llenee
ef John Bankey, Kq., In tlo.ben towa.bip. en
WednPldny, May 1 1 th, 1881, ny Her. W. II . Uill,
Mr. Wa.ll. I.A8.nRnt.Rr,of Lawrenoe ti.ernahii,
and Min Mart T- Bar a ir, of Uoahen townahip.
R HAD PRTTY8. At the Comxpolitan Motel,
The Dallii, Oreiron, en Th".... AnHt 14th,
1881, by Her. 1). B. tlray, Mr. L. C. Rntn, form
erly ef Lawrenee townahip, c le.rfleld eounty,
ra., and Mlaa An tLi.A 1'KTTTa, of Lm.tilla,
DOTTOHF-MOIIROW. Al the realde.eo of
the bride'a parent., In Kliawerllle.on Wedneailay ,
Mae 18th, 1881, hy Iter. u. u. A.ue, u. K. tloT-
T5nr, M. of philipiberg. Centre eounty, and
Mir. Ora7R A. morrow, .1 uoahea townihtp,
Clcerteld eounty.
ROOK. tn Clearfield borough, on Saturday,
ay 21st, 1HR1 of diih(heria, Onta K., son of M.
. and Nettle J. RooL, ag4 1 years, ft months
and 10 days.
RKNO. 1 fllrerd township, on vTedsesJay,
May ISih.lMl.of dropay, Mm it, wife Victor
Reno, aged c7 yeara.
Her funeral waa one of tbe largest that ever
wai teen In French ville. May the rest In peace.
TAYLOR. In Goshen township, on Wednes
day, May 17th 11. Maut I danabter ef
Thomas and MyraTayler, aged & years, months
ana ii aays.
One we loved hai left our aumher
For tbe dark and silent Mieab i
Closed her eyee la deaihlett alnmber,
Janen ia avt eawjj i
THOMPSON In Brady township, on Satur
day, May Uth, 1881, of consumption, CumaTiAMBT,
wile of Geo. M. Thompson, aged & yean and
20 dayt.
She was a daughter of tbe late Peter Arnold of
Brady township, and lister of F. K. Arnold, af
Reynolds Die j George nnd Manasaeh Arnold, of
Clarion eounty, and Samuel Arnold, of Cur-
wansvllle. She united with the Lutheran
church thirty-seven yeara ego, nadir tba pastoral
eare of Rev. J. Q. Donmeyer, and lived a eon
aiitent Christian life till her death. Her life wae
marked by her eelf-taorlflolng devotion to the
church, her family, and tba general good of the
community. Through a long Illness not a mur
mur escaped her llpt. Her trust in God contin
ued firm till the last, when the said, "Though lie
lay me, yet will I praiae Him." Her uhul
character waa womanly. He virtuee and graces
were such as become a true wife, mother, sister.
Her life waa a ministry of love, hope, peace,
help abd consolation. Aa we look back over her
life we are it ruck with her holy reserve, her
gentle and tender sympathy, beriereno and quiet
thoughtfulneii, her unfailing loviog kindness,
her uncomplaining and iuexhaustible patienoe.
Her husband and two daughters remain to mourn
her departure. Tbelr'e ta a lost, but she has
gained the home of the blessed. J. T. o.
Ohu HuRDann Pan Cbkt. Diicocmt on Old
Pricks. Hewing Machines oan now be purchased
at Merrell'i tin and variety store, from $Ji up
wards. All kinda of aewing machines repaired
on tue soonest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1877.
WARTnn. Delivered at the Rail Road.
100,0(10 26-inch shaved shinglet.
KiO, OiiO 24-lnch sawed shingles.
100,000 t'eetof pine boards.
600,000 14-fet shaved houpt.
6,0011 railroad ties.
60,000 feet of good hemlock boards.
For which I will pay the highest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on tbe
Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. lfl, 1879 tf.
el list lClH'4'iVCtf.
Just Rocnived by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Scotia TMuBlor!
Car Load pttro Corn, Ifyo nnd Oata
Chop I
Car Loud Denkeu Suit I
Cur Load of Choieo Family Flour!
Car Load Dry Gooda, Groceries, &c!
JkaTbhinttlos, liark. It. 11. Tics and
Grain will bo takon in exchnngo.
CurwonsvilU), Way 1, 1878.
Flour, per cwt
Buckwheat Flour, per cwt ,
Corn Meal, per cwt
Chop, rye, per cwt
Chop, mixed, per cwt
Bran, per cwt
Wheat, per bushel
Rye, per bushel
M.T 21, IMI
$ 00
3 00
1 SO
1 00
I 40
1 00
1 10
Corn, ears, per bushel
II to
1 00
Hunk wheal, per bushel ,
Clover seed
Timothy seed
Potatoes, per bushel
Apples, per bushel
Hams, per pound
Shoulder, per pound M.H
Dried Beet', per pound
Chickens, per pair
Butter, per pound
Eggf, per doien
Salt, per tack, large
Coat Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Apples, per pound
Dried Peaches, per pound ,
Beans, per bushel
1 00
2 011
i 50
PntLADKLi'niA, May 23. There It more doing
in flour, and price are better, but wheat ii a
shade easier, Cotton movei slowly; small sales
al lilac fot middling uplands. Bark In the
aUsen oe of sale! we quote No. 1 quercitron at
. I aeed. Flaxseed ii in request at $1.25, Floui
the better grades, which, meet with a fair local
consumptive demand, but patent and low grades
are very dull. Salea of 2,500 barrels ; Minnesota
extras at $5.&0rbSfor medium to fancy clear,
and at ntifriiO Za tor straisht: rennsylranta ram
ily at $9. 2d for (n-i-STi : western do. at to. Soft
0.12, end paten te at $.S0fii,7.75. Also, 8,000
barrelt Girard, Market street, Egypt, and Chelten
ham on private terms. Rye Hour leili at $4.60
per barrel.
Whisky Is steady at $1.1)3 for western with
alea of 2O0 barrels at tbia figure.
Kiw Yotiic, May 23. Flour, low grades, 5(i 10c
lower; high grades ateadily held. Rye flour
atrong and unchanged. Wheat opened ifaie
belter; subsequently the advances was Tost,
closed heavy at i (y 2c lower ; fair trade ; rejected
spring, vtic; no. j do., ; nr a do.,
l.22i(a12:t; No. S do. 91.25)1-21 i No. 1 red,
$1.30; mixed winter, f l.2:i(i. 1 .24 ; ungraded
wmter, ;, ai.ici ; no, 1 do.,
$l.22(,.,IMii No. 2 red, May, $1 .24 1 ( 1.261 ;
June, l 22(.$I2S1 ; July, H.lVMOj : Au
gust, $1 ; N 1 white, May, I.22JM)
1,2.'.; June, $121(1.211. Hy strong aad
quiet at fl.tor liar ley dull and nominal.
Corn fairly aotlva at the opening aal a shade
better, closing hearv at i (a, Jo lower; uograded,
MM.iHc; No.S. otic; steamer, 5ft( CL i?io ; No.
2, white, 02ie ; New York yellow, 5Hifiifa; No.
2, May, MW (. i7 io ; June.Mc; July,55iOti5fic;
August, &M(ufrHo. Oata less active and scarcely
o firm ; No. S, X4i(a,Uo ; do. white, 48c ; No.
I, 5Jo; do. white, 63c; mixed wettern, 43c;
Ne. 1, 45c ; white, do., 4ft7ojj;ic : white State,
5:ilc; No. I, June, 4.'i(!45jcj July.Sftje ; Au
gust, aejfgye.
Chicago, May 2.1. Flour steady. Wheat un
settled and generally higher; No. I Chicago
spring, $ 1.04 fri, 1.0 It fur cash ; $ 1.02 fqr August
No., do., tM(0tfle ; rejected, 74ri,78o. Corn
umettled and generally lower; 44o for eaah ;
43Jr&44o for May ; 42f421c for June ; 42tj,4:Jc
for July; 4Mo for Auirust; rejected, 8Ka. Oats
artire, firm and higher; 8"i('i('17B" for cash ;
3ri(o for June; Si&c tor July ; 2 7 1 r f 0 r August.
Rye firm at $1.17. Barley easier at UJJe. Pork
firmer, but not quotable higher ; $l:4i for cash
and June ; $IA:j0 for Julv and Auirust. Lard
stroni and higher ; $10.7 f-i( 10.771 f.-r cash and
June ; $10.80 for July and August. Bulk meats
active, Arm and higher; shoulders, $5.00 short
rip, Mfl; abort clear, 18.75.
Whisky, butter and cheese steady.
Hew cMmtisfmcnts.
Oil Quotations !
I.ubrtrnUng, lit lined If .Tfliiri-j
We quola oar brinila of Pelrolaum anil other oill
(,nj,rl fo MarA.1 rAnng.,) delivered free
en oara at any atati.m on
Ihe Tyrone A CteerttelJ
R.Onril Oil, Btat.Tot per gal.
Prime Wliite, HO " " '
Wat.rWhlte.150 " .... " "
Klainr, 150 " .... "
market ratca
enoe to ooit.
Benin,, VJllravltj
N.ptha, TS "
perjal $
Uaauline, IS "
Minora' Lamp, 300 teat "
Car Ai' Oil, (W. V.) Kjlre. "
" ' " (W.Va lM.d m. "
" " (V.V.)8tnni'r
Natural Lubrtratlnf "
Frenklin " Katra. "
" " Summer. "
lilaok Mamond "
llreen Engine "
Uolden "
Amber " "
No. I Pplndle '
Matebleia Ci Imdrr Oil "
No. 1
Wool Oil. No. 1 ...
LrdOil(extraH'inlerstrain'd" " 80
" No. 1 " 7i
" No. 2 " 58
Eclipse Ungine, No. I " " 60
' No. 2 4a
" " No. ..- aii
Mt"rs' Yellow, per gallon
" White j At loweat mar-
Llnseed, No. I ' I ket ratsa with.
" American " t out rer, to cost.
Turpentine, best M I
II V .l .f ll.f.r t fprirea and
tiirrf all compttition.
may 4, ! ly.
A(;ONH Kill fa.AI.KI Tbo anbierlber
for lale.
Will be leld ebeep. Call on or ad.lreia
riearfield, Pe., Mareh 2, 1881-tf.
Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs.
Oorwenivllle, Jan. 0, 'TS tf.
WILLIAM If. I) AX, Proprietor.
MrThll boose Ii pleasantly located on Fast
Market street, end convenient te the Court Home
and alt business places of the town. It has re
eeatly been refitted and refurnished tnm cellar
to elite. Rar supplied with eboieeat liquors.
Table famished with the heel the market afloroi.
Good stable ait ached. Rates moderate
Ajr-lll Iw, 5Sl-lX
griv dwti$rmtnt$.
tl tloa .wily umiIm .t tht, on...
QOA per day nt borne. Sample! worth
Vv ?
Address SriNaoM A Co.,
Portland, Maine.
"VroTK'li.Tlie nderslgued, residing In tba
i. Tillage or neatorer, in Ubeat township,
baa made the necesaary arrangements and pro
poses to open aa EATING llol SK for the ac
commodation of the public generally, and I here
by solicit a liberal ihara of the public patronage.
Wetiover, Pa., Feb. It, lSM-if.
N LANDH (H BA1.K. In Huston
id Pine township!, Clearfield oounty.
Reasonable time jrlven for part of purchase ,"
money. Prices $0.00 to $10.00 per acre.T
Hinerm. merveit.
Dili P. Acnt,
PctiO.ld, Vi.
or Wallaci A Kiikbn,
ClorO.IJ, Pi,
Sept. 10, lMTO-lf.
Prices of Shingles.
Curwensvllle, Jan. 9, '78 tf.
SllOi:MAKIN(;.-I hereby Inform my pa
trons, and mankind in general, that I have
removed my ihoetnaking shop to the room in
Graham's row, over S. I. Snyder's Jewelry store,
and that I am prepared to do all kinda of work
in my line cheaper than any other shop io town.
All work warranted at good as oan be done any
where else. Positively this ia the cheapest shop
in uieartseiu. jua. ii. Uhfaiitnu.
Deo. 11, 1878-tf.
Eight Farms forSale orRGnt!
The subscriber proposes to tell or rent a num
ber of larma located aa follow! i The first situate
in Rurnaide township, Centre oounty, containing
160 acres, having tbereon erected a frame dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent to a oburib, and known
as the Jamei Mulbolland farm.
ALSO, another farm situate In Graham town
ship, Cleartield oounty, containing 117 acres, with
the necesaary improvements. Thia farm is under
laid witu a GOOD VEIN OF COAL.
ALSO, six other farms in the vicinity of French -ville,
containing respectfully 1 12, 1 00, Vi, 05, 50
and 20 acres. These farms all have houses and
barns tbereon, good water, bearing orchards on
same, as well as mine good wood land. For
farther particulars call in person, or address the
undersigned hy letter. L. M. COt DKIKT.
Jan. lvtb, IbHl-tf. Frenobrillo, Pa.
Tbe undersigued has oome to the conclusion te
quit farming and follow bis occupation, a ear.
penter, and now ofleri for tale his farm, situate
one and abalf mile a north of Cloar field borough,
Most of which it cleared and under god cultiva
tion, and having thereon a guod
Large frame barn, and other necessary outbuild
ings, together with an orchard of all kinds of
fruit, and an excellent spring of water. The
Tbia property will be exchanged for smaller prop.
erty, or sold on easy terms in payments. For
further particulars can on mepreminei or address.
JOHN 0. RKKD, Cleartield, Pa.
March 10th, lOHI-tf.
Thomas A. Duckett,
1HKRKI1Y give notice to the cltiicm of Oar
field and the surrounding vicinity tbnt I am
prepared at all times to furniih families shd
manufacturing establishments with a superior
quality of
Coal, Wood t Coke,
Which I am prepared to dellrer In a few hoitra'
notice, l am alwaya ready to haul and deliver
Iron and to the depot, or anywhere elee, and
more lamillea and nourehold good, anywhere on
bort notice. 111(18. A. 1M.CK hTT.
Clearfield, Pa., Mar. II, 1881-tf.
Re-Union of Trade.
THE undersigned wishing to Inform the public
that he opened a
At the old itand in Troutvllle, Clearfield county,
Pa., on the lath Inst,, with a full stock of
dry uooiih,, notions,
Runte, Hhoea, Etc.,
In fact everything to be found in a first-class store,
all of which 1 am determined to sell at the lowest
cash prices.
Will find it to their advantage to do their dealing
with me, aa the highest prices will be paid for
drain, Hhingtea, or Prod nee of any hind. Part
or one-half cash will be paid. Trading for
Dinngiei or mmnerot any Kinu a specialty. Alto,
agent for
Singer Sewing Machines.
Having made arrangements with Esitrrn mer-
chsntt to sell goods furnished me, therefore call
and see, as I will be enabled to icll cheaper than
llie eheapest. J. W. CAM. I LIS,
Troutvllle, Pa., Sept. JI,'7My. Agent.
James Li. Lcavy,
Having purohaacd tbe entire stock of Fred.
Hack ett, hereby givea notice that he has moved
Into the room lately occupied by Reed A Hagerty,
on Second itreet, where lie it prepared to oiler to
the public
of the latest Improved patterns, at low prices.
Gas Fixtures and Tinware.
Roofing, spouting, Plumbing, On Fitting, and
Repairing Pump! n specialty. All
work warranted.
Anvtbing In my line will be ordered sperUl If
deiired. JAM. 1, i.KAVY,
OlearM, Pa., January I, 1a79-tf.
Desirable Ileal Estate
Estato of Richard Shaw, Sr., Dcc'4.
rllllll nnder.irned, Fieeutora of the eilate of
I Hll'HAKU Ml AH, Sr.. deee,aed. Kill ofler
at iml.llenleal tne CUCKT IllJUsK.ln the ho,.
ou,h of Clearfield, Pe, e.
Wednesday, June 1st, 1SS1.
AT 1:30 O'CI.Ot'K P. M
Tbe folloetinf, valnahle real eetete, rla :
The three alorr llHICK HOTEL Vionerl,.
eornor of Market and Firat itreeti, It Ihe bor
ongli ef Clearfield, hno.n aa
'The Shaw House
Fronting with twolnti of ground thereto belonging
.B K'u leet nn Market Itreet, and VU
lTTf m f"' first street, with a Iwo.atory
o l jw dwelling biiuae altarhed. The bo-
riytftCS floMmitncea for a II rit -class
hotel. One of tbe moat desirable hotel properties
in Central Pennsylvania.
The above will be aold together with a two
story frame dwelling bouse oa Market street, ad
jacent to the Hotel, and one other frame dwelling
house and a two-story store building, alt irootlng
oa Market Itreet,
ALSO. All that certain I'd, known In the
plan of Clearfield borough ai Lot No Mtf,
'rooting be) feet aa Loruat afreet, rua
Ding bark 171 feel, more or less, to an alley
wilh dwelling aouee ana all aeeweiary eat
buildings toereea erected, audotbef Improvement.
One-third cash at delivery of good deed, aad
the balance te be aeeured by bond and mortgage,
payable In one and two yeara, with interest
arriving Et'ra of Richard Bhaw, Brdee'd.
C!?4r4. Pa April , lftttl-ts.
3Jr.n di'rrtijrmrnts.
The Great CLOTHING Emporium!
IF YOU want to study your own interest, do-not fail to call nt
tlic above establishment nnd cxnmine
H-f ! .- .,.- I--! 4,,e, r,.,rM,4.4,f,e,Mt.H.
Hats, Genls' Furnishing Gds, &c-
Whether you wish Io make purchase or hoi
aior line ul of g-uis, which
Styles are the Best, and our Prices the Lowest,
ReatciuWr, aUo, that we have an elvgn&t assortment of PIECE GOODS, of tba latest noveltlei,
especially intended for
And wc ate prepand to MAKE SUITS TO OHDKU AT SHORTEST NOTICE, nnd ihall e.dearor
to mil the telle of the moat faitidiour.
Opera House Block, opposite postofBoe, CLEARFIELD, PA.
33-1881 tr.
The largest nnd best assortment of wagons ever brought to
One car load of CONKLIN wagons,
One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons,
Which wc will sell nt factory prices. We buy these wagons by
the car load and pay CAbll for them, therefore we are able
to sell cheaper than nny other dealer in the county.
We guarantee these wagons to be first-class
in every respect. Also, a lot of
Platform Spring Wagons Buggies.
One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaper
than ever before sold. Give us a call before buying elsewhere.
F. M. CAUD(1 & BUG., ClcarfuM, Pa.
February 23, 1881-tf.
Curwensvillc, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers and manufacturers, receive poods lit
car loud rates, hence can compete with New York and Philndel
phin houses.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs.
Give me a call.
Eepl. IV, l60-lf.
All kinds of Cntkola nnd Colllrn kcit on hand, and luniinlied to order on
ihort notico, including tho fincnt na well ns tlio clicupcst thnt can be mmn
fuoturcd. Our
conrBH niBBEnvBn
Ia the bnal in uhc, and will he fiirtiiflicil n hen required. Funcrnla Attended
in nny part of the county. Call nt my ollico, on Second atrect, or loavo
your onlera at Troutinnn'a l'nrnituro Store, adjoining the 1'oatofHce.
oct 1,79 If.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Cur,..ill. Pa. Jan. , 18! lf
1WKNTY llorKS and LOTS In CleudelJ
for .ale et reaewn.ele prlee. nnd on eaie
term,. Al.o, i.rer.l lAH.virt in lira-nora and
Urabatn lowiiabipl. Ait'l, to
naLi.Ai r n rt rn.,
Cleartield, Pa.
Dee. I, 'B0 If.)
l ino Italian Mnrbto In tlioStafc,
np en, work that een lie dotj. i. the eit, at much
eheer ralea. We will not p
In Italian Marble wr Granite, cheaper thaw It can
be done la aay ether part ef the Ntata, Any per
ton buviog monumental work to amount of 124 and
upwards, will have fare paid to and fr Philips
burg. lo net be fooled with cheap Anericsn
arnle when yon can bay fine Italian Marble at'
lower prices.
MIBAD PTONKH a specialty.
Produce and approved naper will be taken In
eihange for Cenetery werk . A II eeb par men te
will be made to tne it oh an aon Manama; (.0., t
tbe eredit ef II. PURCB.
Pblliptburg, Pa., Jan. S, HII..An.
Sew flwrtlsnufnts.
t-4fRt. .MA.4t
, we thill b pleased at all Hum to ihuw you our
'ill at on ne convince jnu that eur
Clonrfiold, r.
A WKFK. $12 a day at home easily made.
& Costly outfit free. Address Tri i Co.,
Augusta, Maine. mohJ -ly.
Curwanirllle, Pa., Jan. t, 'TS-lf.
OM-.Y TO l.OAU.-Oa iril elaae Ire-
proved farm pn.nertr, he lb. Mntoal Ltf.
Imuranoe Cotnine of New York, on Aral ajori.
.., In earn, from tl," p. for forlker la
formation apl'lj t. the nndereirned.
CleatieU Pa., Mae rth,
riDK auhscviher hereby glvet notice that ha
L I now delivering coal of an aiecl lent quality
and propose to operate bit miae
Botha! he will be en ah tad ta iwppty blienfteaaan
at all timet wllb good fuel. No Ha earner vaca
llun. Orderi by mail p rum pity I Med.
Clearfield, Pa., Mareh 1, I ML If.
Coal iCoal i i
TIIH undersigned, having proemred a leaea af
a Irst-elasa eaal rta, has opened a aaioe,
and ll now prepared to famish eustosaera wilfa
flrtt claee article ef eeal on ahnrt notice, and nt
the mftderate pHea ef Hl.X CKNT8 per buahei.
All vruM left at my tho will be aramptly at
Und" WM. g.BfcOH N.
Clearfleld, Pa., Teh. , 1J81 ly.